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Name: Zhou

Nationality: China

Current residence: Shenzhen

Nationality: Han

Family membership: Shenzhen

Body material: 156 cm kg

Marital status: Single

Age: 24

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: Promoters / shopping guide, pharmaceutical sales personnel, secretarial / clerical staff:

Work Experience: 2

Job Title: No Title

Job type: Full-time

Date Available: Anytime

Salary requirements :2000 - 3500

I hope the working area: Shenzhen

Work Experience

Company Name: Guangdong Co., Ltd.

Beginning and ending date: 2011 - 2013

Company Type: Private

Industry: Medical / nursing / health / health

Positions: Regional Manager

Job Description: Responsible for national development and regional customer service, supervision and management of business development agents to guide and regulate the development of end-user agents to help agents to establish the right sales channels to promote their business. Marketing plan development and execution of timely collection of sales, expand customer base, expected to complete the sales target.

Educational Background

Graduate institutions: fiscal and taxation accounting schools

Highest Level of Education: secondary

Graduation date :2011 -07-01

The profession: Administration

Ability to work and other expertise

Have strong organizational skills and coordination ability, skills, receiving ability to quickly adapt and blend various work environments, not afraid of pressure. Serious and responsible work, work units before being unanimously praised for good behavior, he transferred to various important jobs; now looking for a promising enterprises to realize their full potential, career orientation in the sales business classes.

Language skills

Foreign Languages: Fluent in English

Mandarin level: Expert

Cantonese: proficient


I am enthusiastic, confident, self-motivated, serious and responsible, with a good team spirit and good personal affinity; elegant, friendly, energetic, things organized, strong sense of responsibility; has excellent thinking, communication and learning ability to love teamwork. For network culture has a strong interest in, good communication skills, be able to feel the avant-garde culture, technology trends fun. At the same time has a self-analysis and creative insight, willing to share with everyone thinking feelings.




Gender: Female Born: Sept.03, 1977

English: Proficient

Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet skills, basic Photoshop

Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu Major: Business English and Trade


Graduated: July, 1999


Excellent Health


1995.9----1999.7 English Major in Southwest University of Finance and Economics


Good command of English, effective written and oral communication


TEM 4----Band 4 certificate,


IELTS----7.5 (Speaking 7, Reading 7.5, Listening 7.5,

Writing 7)


Proficient in the operation of Excel, Word, PowerPoint,IE and such kind of office software effectively

WORK Capability (Photos please see below)

Well organized, implementing order with efficiency under orientation

Specific goal to tackle difficulties by flexible method, high persistency

Can master knowledge necessary for the position in the shortest time

More than 10 years’ experience to communicate with foreign colleagues, children and clients of different ethnical backgrounds

Fluent spoken and written English

No fear of difficulties and painstaking

Glad to commit myself to a full-time team player

Enthusiasm, good communication skill

Skilled in executing orders

Accuracy in handling details, organized work-habits

Energetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibility

Highly motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.

Salary Expectantion:14,000-16,000RMB


April 2011 till now, Baijia Infant and Women’s Hospital Management Group

Job title: Translator/Interpretor/Assistant to VP

Responsible for aiding day-to-day work and communication between VP(Canadian) and Native team, arranging all activities and events related with VP’s work

Conference translation for marketing events and opening ceremonies, as well as foreign experts training,

Travel to Local hospitals in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Hefei and Changsha to join marketing events and provide internal training.

Example of Routine Work-Work Report for April 2011.

April 8-12: Guangzhou ESLB: Branding meeting, stress management marketing lecture, Visit Dr Ghadiran in Shenzhen.

April 13-14: Hefei: judge in Anhui singing contest marketing event for LR Hospital.

April 15- 23 : Guangzhou ESLB: five marketing events on maternity fitness and stress management. Training classes on AIDET (service system for medical staff),

April 27-29: Changhsha for marketing event.

April 30- Guanghzou.

July 2009 – January 2011. IDFGlobal

Job title: Translator /Project Manager

Responsible for aiding communication in all production phases of animation in IDFGlobal,

Working with nationals and internationals (New Zealanders, Australians, Frenchman, Britons etc. ) to ensure that daily communication is smooth,

Responsible for executing workload of each project and managing schedule.

Other Administrative work

November, 2008 till July 2009. Digital Opportunity Trust

Job title: Administrative Assistant

Responsible for aiding the Program Manager in running daily matters smoothly.

Responsible for daily communication.

Working with bookkeeper to manage everyday finance and cash.

Seeking highlights of everyday work and Providing newsletters on DOT Global website, newspaper and other medias.

Keeping minutes and providing translation and interpretation when necessary.

May, 2008;Aug, 2008 Earthquake Relief

Job title: Translator and part-time office assistant

Responsible for training relief volunteers how to use Water-purification system,

Providing office assistance for American directors.

Oral and written translation of administrative and technical documents.

Dec, 2006;Apr, 2008 Sichuan Xilian Advertising & Media Co., Ltd

Job title: Account Manager

Responsible for costumer contacts such as those with Five Grain Liquor, Kingway Beer, Gildeer Lady Shoes Co., Ltd, Aiminer Leather Goods Co., Ltd

Signed two contracts with clients, securing RMB¥200,000 revenue for the company.

Sept, 2004;Jan, 2006 Sino-Australian Program, Sichuan Electricity Vocational College

Job title: teacher

Responsible for teaching management and economics courses bilingually; IELTS course.

Achievements: translation of a Psychology book

took part in editing of English Textbook for college students.

July, 2003/07;July, 2004 Chengdu Meishi International School

Job title: teacher

Responsible for teaching students from UK, USA, Pakistan and Korea Mathematics, Science and Chinese,

July, 2001;July, 2003 Free-lance

Industry: Tutoring

Responsible for providing tutoring in Chinese to American clients

Sept, 1999;July, 2001 Chengdu Pacific Investment Counseling Ltd,. Co.

Job title: Translator

Responsible for providing translation and interpretation as necessary,

occasional traveling and interpretation on field trips,

Mar, 1999-June, 1999 (Intern) Chengdu Ever-bright

(Guangda) Tourist Agency

Job title: office assistant

Responsible for collecting information and dealing with papers for Sales Manager.



If you are interested in my cv, can send photos at the following events.

Interprating for CEO& President of DOT-Global

At Dujiangyan Municipal Office

Feb, 2009

Interpreting for CEO& President of DOT-Global

At DOT-China Dujiangyan Middle School TeachUp! Program

Feb, 2009

Interpreting for New Zealand Embassador at event for Oscar Exhibition in Chengdu, Dec. 2009

Interpreting for Vice President Steve Gergely at Press Conference for Beauty contest, Dongguan, & interpreting for critics at beauty contest: left Hungarian Physiotherapist Norbert Csulik & VP Steve Gergely, August, 2011 Interpreting for QHA (Qualification for Health

careAccreditation) Trainer Elizabeth Brownhills from Trent, England, September 2011

Accompanying Elizabeth to QHA Launching Ceremony & Press Conference

September 2011

Translating for Board Member, OB/GYN & IVF Expert TC. Li at Press Conference September, 2011

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards


gentle, generous, cheerful, helpful and hard-working, able to withstand greater pressure.

To actively unite colleagues, it has a positive team spirit.

It has a strong and customers, suppliers and brothers departments communication and coordination skills, It has a wealth of experience in the structural design of small household electrical appliances,

Has a rich imagination and creativity, and has broad expertise to solve the project design, production and certification appears incurable diseases.







英语专业个人简历范文 一、基本信息 姓名:卢xx性别:女 出生日期:1984-06民族:汉 身份证:440981****身高:155 户口所在:广东茂名目前所在:广东广州 毕业院校:暨南大学政治面貌:团员 最高学历:本科所修专业:商务英语 人才类型:普通求职毕业日期:2021年6月 二、求职意向 求职类型:全职 应聘职位:外贸,英语客服 希望地点:广东 希望工资:月薪[2000以上] 三、教育培训经历 2002年9月至2021年6月暨南大学商务英语本科专业英语八级 主要课程: 英语应用文商务贸易文书写作、国际贸易实务、外贸单证实务、国际贸易谈判、翻译、口译、商务英语、管理学、计算机基础知识、公关学、会计学原理等,第二外语为日语。 培养目标: 培养全面掌握英语技能、熟悉国际贸易出口流程,能熟练地运用英语进行国际进出口 贸易活动、通晓计算机知识、并能从事商务管理的复合型人材,适于从事国际贸易,涉外 行政管理、其他涉外事务以及翻译等方面的工作。 四、参加社会实践经历 翔联国际航空商务有限公司实习2021.1~2021.3

翻译各大航空公司相关资料和前台文员,接待来宾,负责外籍上司与员工的沟通; 中国旅行社报单员2021.11~2021.12 接待海关进出关游客,帮助他们快速通关,并解答相关的问题; 私人英语信件翻译商业性质和私人普通邮件,并且通过电话与外宾交流; 菲律宾圣路易斯大学舞蹈队随从翻译2021.11 宣传学校的优良文化并带他们参观学校的景点; 暨南大学珠海学院图书馆工作人员2002.9~2021.4 图书馆的安全监督,管理学生进出图书馆情况和报纸、杂志和书籍整理与分类。 深圳市恒达五金厂2002.7-2021-2.8 车间工作人员 参与班级组织话剧比赛,学校的环保时装设计大赛,心理协会、青年志愿者协会举办 等社团组织活动,图书馆篮球赛等。 五、所获奖励 六、语言水平 国/粤语精通;通过大学专业英语八级,并具备良好的听、说、读、写能力;第二外语 为日语,能用日语简单会话。 七、计算机能力 能熟练操作word,excel,powerpoint等办公室软件;熟悉dreamwear,flash,firework,制作过简单的网站,有一定的网页制作知识。 八、自我评价 ¤具有扎实的商务贸易知识,英语听、说、读、写、译能力强,能流利地用英语进行 交流。有一定的翻译和工作经验。 ¤能熟练操作word,excel,powerpoint等办公室软件;熟悉 dreamwear,flash,firework,有一定的网页制作知识。 ¤有团队合作精神;工作沉稳踏实、细心负责;刻苦耐劳 九、联系方式


个人简历英文翻译 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Objective: To get a position as Administrative Assistant (Personnel) and to gain further experience in accounting field. Experience Summary: ?Handled various work processes with efficiency ?Introduce new work process methods to increase work productivity and received appreciation for improved results Professional Experience: Personnel Assistant, July 20XX to Present Harper Printing Services, Illinois ?Handled client printing request forms and their filing ?Managed archive storage tasks ?Managed request for staff for equipment needs ?Designed forms to expedite certain work tasks and improved work productivity Personal Assistant, July 20XX to August 20XX Jasper Fabrication Works, Illinois for important tasks ?Maintained file and carried out data entry ?Maintained various files and customer request forms Education 20XX to August 20XX Pristine College, Illinois ?Completed Secretarial Course Skills ?Fast typing


优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate



英文个人简历范本 Name: Melvin Gender: Male Date of Birth: May, 1982 Citizenship: Junan county, Linyi, Shandong Major: English (B.A) ⊿ Objective Assistant of your office or the manager; Interpreter of company or organization which concerns international business; College or vocational university‘s teacher. ⊿ Education Background September 2002 to July 2006, Shandong University of Architecture September 1998 to July 2002, Linyi No.1 Middle School ⊿ Main Skills About English Have past the Test for English Major -4; fluent oral English, and good pronunciation. Major target: ESP of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business. About German Have learned about 200 hours of Hochschuldeutsch 1, 2. Can do basic reading and writing. About Chinese Have got the Certificate of Chinese, the score is 86.2 About Computer Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software; Good sense of Visual Foxpro language.Intersted in web page design, and had mastered the MACROMEDIA, which including Dreamweaver,Flash and Firework. Skilled in Microsoft Office, including FrontPage. ⊿ Work Experience Have part time job in Shanghai Yaru Consulting Co.Ltd during 2004 and 2005 summer holiday. Did the market research for Shandong Shiguang Boiler Co.Ltd (shanghai branch) in shanghai. Experiences on be a tutor of junior, senior middle school students and college students. Many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life. ⊿ Activities From 2003.10 to2005.5, be the assistant of the director of Foreign Language Department. From 2004 to 2005, be the minister of the Network Department and Publicity Department of the Students Union. ⊿ Awards & Honors In the year of 2004, awarded the In the year of 2004, won the third level scholarship of our school. In the year of 2003, won the ⊿ Interests


应聘英语翻译个人简历 应聘英语翻译个人简历模板 姓名:性别:女年龄: 24岁学历:本科工作年限: 2年户口:广州市居住地:广东省广州市现任职位:英语翻译待遇要求: 3500--5000/月到岗时间: -- 希望地区:广州市深圳市东莞市希望岗位:英语翻译商务代表跟单员 自我评论英语八级,专业知识扎实,有良好的听说读写译能力,尤擅英语笔译。为人诚实守信、勤奋好学、大方开朗,可经常出差。曾多次前往越南胡志明市出差。 工作经验某公司 xx-02 - 至今公司性质:房地产、建筑、安装、装潢担任职位:英语翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译施工图纸、施工方案、施工规范、报批书、工期计划等文献资料;多次陪领带出差越南,担任陪同翻译。入职一个月后,便负责公司越南一大型国际集装箱码头项目的总翻译工作,深得领导好评(公司共三名翻译,其他两名均为老员工)建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-12 公司性质:计算机业担任职位:英语客服兼翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译上司交代的文件资料解决客户投诉问题客户来访时的接待工作浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司 xx-07 - xx-08 公司性质:五金矿产、金属制品担任职位:实习生工作职责和业绩:

xx年7月,我在浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司进行了为期一个月的实习。知晓了国际贸易的.一般流程,也加深了对“锁”的认识与了解。并且,自己的英语专长也在实际的环境中得以运用。比如说,曾运用英语跟一外国客户进行业务谈判,帮助一名外籍男子买到理想童鞋等。 教育经历兰州理工大学 xx-09 - xx-06 最高学历:本科专业名称:英语专业描述:主修课程:英语翻译理论、口译理论与实践、科技英语翻译、高级英语、高级口语、高级视听、高级英语写作、商务英语、旅游英语、英国文学、美国文学、英美概况等毕业设计:《一个女人的爱情---解析简.爱的个性特点与梦想》毕业论文答辩获一等奖 培训经历兰州市千圣小肥牛餐饮连锁有限公司 xx-05 - xx-05 培训课程:餐饮文化专业描述:了解肥牛文化以及餐饮服务礼仪 建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-03 培训课程:在职培训专业描述:了解公司的规章纪律、文化理念、产品类型及生产原理等等


2017英语简历模板范文 简历不是很多人认为的用来填写个人的“丰功伟绩”,或者仅仅是把工作经历,学习状况罗列一下。只要你的简历没有引起招聘单位的注意,那么你的这次应聘就是失败的。 2017英语简历模板范文篇一fwdq 女 24岁湖北人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:毕业生 自我描述 本人预备党员,本科英语专业应届毕业生,第二外语是韩语,普通话二级乙等,同时精通粤语。获得教师资格证与大学英语六级证书。在校期间获得多次奖学金和一次国家励志奖学金,同时长期担任学生干部,荣获“优秀学生干部”“优秀共青团干部”和校“十佳团员”称号。本人虚心好学,虽是应届毕业生,无工作经验,但在工作中将不断向同事学习提升自我,更好地完成自己的工作。 大学所获荣誉: 院团委第十一届宣传部部长,并荣获“优秀共青团干部”称号 第十六届校卫队队员,于2013年12月荣获“优秀校卫队员”称

号 获得乙等奖学金,荣获“优秀学生干部”称号 荣获“三好学生”称号 在湖北民族学院“青年马克思主义者培养工程”第三期大学生骨干培训班中顺利结业并有幸评为“优秀学员” 在湖北民族学院“星级文明寝室”创建活动中,被评为“优秀寝室长” 在大学生寒期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在湖北民族学院“携手朝阳青年心共筑美丽中国梦”暑期社会实践活动中评为校级“优秀个人” 在大学生暑期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在劳动周保卫工作中获得校级通报嘉奖 荣获年度国家励志奖学金 评为湖北民族学院科技学院学年度“十佳团员” 参加湖北民族学院举办的“敬畏生命”征文比赛,荣获校级三等奖 2017英语简历模板范文篇二fwdq 女 23岁湖南人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资: 5000-8000元 工作地点:广州 - 南沙


英文个人简历的格式和内容怎么写? 对于想求职500强外企和申请国外学校的同学们来说,有一份专业的英文个人简历非常重要,而求职一些国内的大型公司也需要英文简历。需要注意的是,英文简历并不仅仅是中文简历的翻译,要写出专业的英文简历,必须要注意格式和内容两方面。优化英文简历的格式和内容需要注意以下三点: 一、英文简历格式要注重排版 相比于中文简历,英文简历更重视排版的格式。一份排版优秀的英文简历的专业性更强,而且更易突出重点和优势内容,让英文简历含金量更高。英文简历的排版格式主要分为这几个大的模块:

顶部内容:英文简历中的基本信息放在顶部。需要注意的是,英文简历中个人信息只需要写姓名、联系方式就可以,姓名可以用稍大的字号。而头像、年龄、性别等等私人信息则不能出现在英文简历中,因为在西方的招聘文化中,这些信息可能会对招聘产生不客观的干扰,因此不推荐把私人信息写到简历中。 1姓名:如果没有常用英文名,写中文名就可以,不需要特意取英文名。 2邮箱:学生可以使用edu邮箱,海外推荐使用Gmail,不推荐使用QQ邮箱。邮箱的命名建议用自己的姓名命名,也可以增加前后缀数字。 3电话:建议加上区号(如+86),并且写成易于背诵拨打的形式。 模块内容:除基本信息以外,一般会有4个模块: 1教育经历模块EDUCATION 2工作经历模块 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 活动经历模块LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE 4 其他(技能和语言能力等) MISCELLANEOUS



大学生英文自我介绍(带 翻译) I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance. Have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things. I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairs. In school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge. After school hours, I actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor


销售类英文简历模板范文 erseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Chongqing Yuzhong District, Chongqing Jiangbei District Expect to engage in the industry: fast-moving consumer goods (grain, oil, food and drink of alcohol on ...) Consumer durable goods (furniture, textile and apparel ...) Financial sector (banks and insurance securities investment funds futures) Professional services (legal accounting audit consultancy) Expectations of job: Sales Class - staff Insurance / banking Advisory / consultancy category Administrative / Personnel category Salary expectations:到岗time: 1 week Self-evaluation / career goals Self-evaluation: I, outgoing, cheerful, and will actively work towards the use of office software such as WORDEXCEL. A serious and responsible work, communication and sales ability, good with customers to establish a good relationship, have a good professional and vigorous and resolute style of work, at the same time I work in the previous sales have been among the best. Respect for leadership, unity and colleagues, a strong sense of teamwork, courage in the face of setbacks and pressure to adapt to different working environments! Educational background School Name: Chongqing TV (June 2020 - 2020 9 months)


英语求职简历范文 Name: Sex: Male Birthdate: September, 30, 1986 Height: 174 cm Marital Status: Unmarried Phone:*********** E-mail:11178755@https://www.doczj.com/doc/261892759.html, Career Objective To work as a guide with Hangzhou International Travel Service. Work Experience 2020-Present Served as a guide for foreigners at Folk Custom and Culture Village in Shenzhen. Responsible for explaining China's various folk customs and cultures to foreign visitors. 2020-2020 Acted as a guide for foreigners at Splendid China in Shenzhen. Showed foreign toursits to all the miniature tourist attractions. 2008-2009

Worked as a guide for Hangzhou International Travel Service. Responsibilities included arranging, coordinating tourist activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment. Educational Background 2004-2008 Majored in Tourism at Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages for Tourism. Courses completed: Tourist Economics, Tourist Marketing, Toursit Psychology, Tourist Culture, Tourist Etiquette Study, Guiding Methods and Techniques, Vocational Ethics of Tourism, Chinese Cuisine, Tourist Attractions in China, Tourist Law, etc. Foreign Languages:Fluent English and adequate Japanese. Technical Qualification:Received a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate in 2008


求职简历英文翻译 随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的英文简历是非常重要的。以下是小编整理的求职简历英文翻译,以供大家参考。 求职简历英文翻译一: Name: Mr. nationality: China At present is located: the tianhe district national: the han nationality The registered permanent address locus: shantou figure: 175 cm, 74 kg Talent type: ordinary job Applied position: network engineer, system administrator/network administrators, Term: the title: no title Job type: full-time available date: at any time Monthly salary requirement: negotiable hope work areas: dongguan shenzhen guangzhou Work experience: Company name: guangzhou five of eight loses two clothing co., LTD Start-stop years: 2020-05 ~ The company properties: private enterprise by sector: trade/import and export In the position of: ERP system/network administrator Job description: responsible for the company and store (client) regent software system installation, data analysis, function module process set up and maintenance. I have a comprehensive analysis the marketing system each function module data ability. For the regent system account set of management, report forms system, POS (join and self-supporting) retail systems and


英文简历模板范文 Chinese Name: Responsible for the coordination and photography college major events, such as spring sports academic report of photography and video of some activities and news writing English Name: Eddy Zhang (外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。) Sex: FEMale Born: 6/12/86 University: zhongshan University Major: Marketing Address: 388#, zhongshan University Telephone: 1368****451 Email: (不论你是肥环瘦燕,还是鹤立鸡群,“身高体重”的话题都不要在简历中提及。在西方文化中,“身高体重”属于特别隐私性的话题。另外,政治色彩越少越好,老外一般没有兴趣知道你的政治隐私。)WenKu.BLL.KeyWordJob Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing. Education: 2000-2020 Bejing University, College Of Commerce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing. Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies. 1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xi


个人简历的英文翻译 George Mathew 25th Mainland, Near somokrith Bridge New Jersey Home: 00235-4587-03258 Cell: 00254-1258-9875 Email: Mathew.george@music world.co.in Career Profile: A skilled, creative and enthusiastic Disc Jockey with more than ten years of experience in the concerned field. Expertise in linking, playing and presenting records, interviewing guest on radios in three different stations and in hosting phone-ins. Looking for a challenging position to utilize my strengths and experience in a well reputed organization Core Competencies: ?Possess in-depth knowledge of developing community involvement programs ?Skills to adapt to a number of radio program formats ?In-depth knowledge of technical aspects of radio sound production ?Self -managing, self-motivated, positive, enthusiastic with can -do attitude ?Knowledge of basic operating systems ?Diverse knowledge of musical genre for different age groups ?Competent with audio equipment, hook-up and set up ?Strong interpersonal, communication and listening skills ?In-depth knowledge of audience taste ?Available 24 hour service Professional Experience: New Jersey radio music service, New Jersey 20XX till date Disc Jockey ?Handled the tasks of interviewing famous musical personalities ?Announced radio programs based on selected music ?Delivered comments on traffic condition, weather, time and music ?Updated latest movies and music releases to listening audiences ?Entertained radio audiences who called up with musical request


IT专业人士英文简历范文-英文简历模板-第一范文网 sep.xxxxjul.xxxx computer science dept. of computer college, northeast normal university. courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of compiling, principle of computers, operating systems, c , java, computer architecture, computer networks, https://www.doczj.com/doc/261892759.html,, photoshop sep.xxxxjul.xxxx no.1 middle school of qingyuan city, guangdong computer abilities a good understanding and working knowledge of computers. have hands-on experience in pc operation. database programming and (networking knowledge)or (knowledge of networks.) good at computer operation of windows. =? (computer operation of windows=? guess: good at computers operating with windows.) knowledge of php and asp programming. english skills have a good command on both spoken and written english; passed cet-4. scholarship and rewards xxxx-6 won the third place in jilin’s in challenge cup competition of scientifical and technological works ( competition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. jilin’s challenge


个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事


英语个人简历范文 郑涛所写的这份简历是一个通用模版,在突出个人实习经历的同时,面面俱到,不同人应根据自身特点和公司用人需求加以修改。郑涛说,在他拿到公司offer之前,修改简历不下30次,几乎每投新公司都要修改一次。对于他的简历,中国移动的沈先生给予如下建议和意见:这份简历整体感觉已经非常规整,很符合国际通用标准,但用在不同的人身上,仍有需要修改的地方。简历是你在职场老手面前的第一次亮相,它可能在10秒钟决定 你的命运,因此每年都被人大书特书,但仍然有成千上万的简历成为垃圾,为避免太多悲剧重演,我们邀请成功进入顶级投资银行的郑涛先生制作一份简历(偏重经济类专业),供大家参考。ZHENG TAO 5 section 40*B# Willow dormitory Top University, Beijing 1000** Zhengtal@https://www.doczj.com/doc/261892759.html, Work Experience 工作经历 Aug.2019-Sep.2019 Management Case Center of Top University, Beijing Project Manager (Part-time) As the main principal, taking active part in the project of the Survey of Brand Loyalty in China, including the layout of the forms, data collecting and information

analysis; Partly participating in further research in above project, including dealing with data and modeling. May.2019-Jun.2019 Harvest Fund Management Co., LTD Beijing Research Assistant (Internship) Business Development Dept. As the main principal, making the in-depth research and carrying out development of the brand-new product of open funds; participating the further evaluation of the performance of the Open Funds in China; Mar.200-Apr.2019 Top University Tarzan Center for Supply Chain System R&D Research Assistant (Part-time) Beijing Being a main project director, doing the Survey of Manufactures of Shoes in China; Taking part in the preparatory arrangements of the International Conference on the Supply-Chain in Top University. Extra-curriculum-Activities 社会工作 Feb.2000-sep.2000 Students Union, UC Leader of the Activity Section

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