Mx Component Mx Sheet&ACT教程
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三菱可编程控制器GX与MX系列软件介绍08/2004MELSOFT 产品列表产品名称 GX Developer GX Simulator GX Explorer Ver.2 CC AD DA SC CT GX Configurator PT QP AP TI TC AS DP GX Converter MX Component MX sheet 型号 SW8D5C-GPPW-E SW7D5C-GPPW-C SW6D5C-LLT-E SW6D5C-LLT-CL SW1D5C-EXP-E SW0D5C-J61P-E SW0D5C-QADU-E SW0D5C-QDAU-E SW2D5C-QSCU-E SW0D5C-QCTU-E SW1D5C-QPTU-E SW2D5C-QD75P-E SW0D5C-AD75P-E SW1D5C-QTIU-E SW0D5C-QTCU-E SW1D5C-QASU-E SW6D5C-PROFID-E SW0D5C-CNVW-E SW3D5C-ACT-E SW1D5C-SHEET-E 说明 MELSEC可编程序控制器编程软件(英文版) MELSEC可编程序控制器编程软件(中文版) MELSEC可编程序控制器仿真程软件(英文版) MELSEC可编程序控制器仿真程软件(中文版) 维护工具(英文版) 远程访问工具(英文版) MELSEC-A专用:CC-LINK单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:A/D转换单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:D/A转换单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:串行通信单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:高速计数器单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:QD70单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:QD75P/DM用的定位单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-A专用:AD75P/DM用的定位单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:温度输入器单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:温度调节器单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-Q专用:AS-i主控单元的设定·监控工具(英文版) MELSEC-PLC专用:PROFIBUS-DP模块的设定·监控工具(英文版) Excel/文本用的数据转换器(英文版) 通行用ActiveX库(英文版) 支持Excel通信的工具(英文版)GX Remote Service-I Ver.2 SW1D5C-RAS-EGX系列软件GX DeveloperGX Developer可编程控制器的编程、监控、调试和维护■支持所有三菱PLC系列编程 ■网络参数设定 ■梯形图、指令表、SFC、ST及FB、Label编程支持梯形图、指令表、SFC、FB、ST语言编程支持各种特殊模块的简单设定、监控、调试,可以适用在各 种不同的场合GX Developer强大的监控、调试 和维护工具■可方便地在现场进行程序的在线更改 ■丰富诊断功能(PLC、系统、网络等),迅速排除故障 ■多种监控及调试功能,并可通过网络完成通过错误帮助检查出错内容系统监控PLC诊断GX Developer结构化程序的编写■ 对过去冗长的程序进行分割操作,从而更容易理解 ■ 单个CPU中可编写28~124个程序, 可单独下载至PLC ■ 可制作成标准化程序, 在其它同类系统中使用调试容易等待执行 定周期执行 低速执行 扫描执行 初始执行 取出 装配 加工 投入 设计者D 设计者C 设计者B 设计者A按功能不同分割按工序不同分割按设计者不同分割GX SimulatorGX Simulator提供了PLC 的仿真调试环境, 支持三菱所有型号PLC(FX,AnU,QnA和Q系列)程序软件 程序软件GPPW启动虚拟PLC执行程序测试, 监控, 调试PLC虚拟PLC CPUI/O虚拟设备机器设备离线仿真 Ladder Logic Tester (LLT)Windows设计好后可以立即调试 调试部分程序 缩短调试时间当调试PLC程序时, 可以不需要实际设备GX SimulatorPLC 仿真和调试实际效果图 在同一个计算机上 GPPW编 GPPW编 制的程序 制的程序 操作状 态监控 装载程序 PLC仿真 PLC仿真 软件LLT 软件LLT RUNGX Simulator提供了PLC 的仿真调试环境GX SimulatorPLC 仿真和调试实际效果图GX Explorer Ver.2GX Explorer Ver.2GX Explorer Ver.2 提供了维护必要的功能GX Explorer Ver.2功能及特点项目文件管理 一样简单操作 项目管理 检索、排列等功能 通过名字管理 连接线路: 的连接线路 访问数据名:数据组化 用户名:设定操作环境 便利功能 简单安全功能 工具栏、格式、颜色 专用的菜单条 自动启动、操作登录GX Explorer Ver.2功能及特点网络确认简单 图形显示网络号, 号,数据内容 方便地进行程序的上传 下载 通过拖动进行程序的上传 下载 双击启动 通过网络诊断各种故障 丰富的维护功能 可以监控多 系统的数据 程序分割显示 时间表 故障诊断、动作分析 全系列 等各种网络兼容 不需要安装 配合GX RemoteService-I 使用因特网维护功能GX Explorer Ver.2监控GX Explorer Ver.2时间表数据监控GX Explorer Ver.2程序校验结果GX RemoteService I Ver.2GX RemoteService I Ver.2作为远程维护工具,安装在服务器上,通过因特网 局域网连接Web功能 将PLC的状态发EMAIL给手机或计算机 手机,计算机上,可以通过浏览器对软元件进行监控/测试 MELSOFT连接功能 在客户机上,可使用GXExplorer 丰富的运行环境 Windows计算机 PC CPU模块 Web模块 多种用途 通用电话,LAN,局域网 模拟ADSL,光纤,手机和客户Ver.2软件通过因特网/局域网进入PLCGX RemoteService I Ver.2功能数据 软元 件数据 电子MAIL通知异常标注显示 生产线停 机了GX RemoteService I Ver.2接线功能上 地址指定客户地址用户名/密码输入GX ConfiguratorGX ConfiguratorMELSEC可编程控制器的设定监控工具■ ■智能模块的初始设定 通过简单操作,完成设定、监控、设计及启动,减少大量的编程工作GX Configurator-CC用于A 系列CC-Link主站模块的CC-Link网络参数设定,无需再编制顺控程序来 设定参数 在软件图形输入屏幕中简单设定顺控程序参数设定 GX Configurator-CC窗口中设定1)CC-Link 站的状态 (主站/其它站) 可以被监控, 测试和诊断.站信息监控窗口 连接状态监控窗口2)可以设置 AJ65BT-R2的缓存寄存器GX Configurator-AD用于设置Q64AD、Q68ADV 和Q68ADI模数转换模块的初始化数据和自动刷新数据顺控程序初始化参数设定容易设定初始化数据设定屏幕允许/禁止模数转换 采样/平均 时间/计数平均选择 时间/计数监视/测试屏幕监视 测试自动刷新设置屏幕不需要知道地址模数转换模块 缓存中数据:各通道转换值 出错代码 最大和最小值自动刷新 设定对应的CPU软元件 CPU软元件GX Configurator-DA用于设置Q62DA、Q64DA、 Q68DAV和Q68DAI 数模转换模块的初始化及自动刷新数 据顺控程序初始化参数设定容易设定初始化数据设定屏幕数模转换允许/禁止监视/测试屏幕监视 测试自动刷新设置屏幕不需要知道地址数模转换模块 缓存中数据:数模转换值 范围检查代码 出错代码自动刷新 设定对应的CPU软元件 CPU软元件GX Configurator-SC用于设置串行通信模块QJ71C24(N)、QJ71C24(N)-R2(R4)的条件数据■ ■很容易检查串行通信模块的初始化配置、运行设置和运行状态 当需使用调制解调器功能和广播功能时尤为推荐 顺控程序参数设定容易设定监视屏幕设定1.传送控制 2.MC 协议通讯 3.无协议通讯 4.交互协议通讯 5.PLC 监视功能 6.调制解调器设置自动刷新设置屏幕 串行通信模块 缓存中数据:运行状态 出错代码 其它数据设定对应的 CPU软元件自动刷新 CPU软元件GX Configurator-CT用于设置QD62 、QD62E 或QD62D 高速计数模块的初始化数据和自动刷新数据顺控程序初始化参数设定容易设定初始化数据设定屏幕预设值 重合输出点设置 功能选择设置 采样/定时设置 环形计数器上限值 环形计数器下限值监视/测试屏幕监视 测试自动刷新设置屏幕不需要知道地址高速计数模块 缓存中数据:1 当前值 2 锁存计数值 3 采样计数值 4 溢出检测 5 其它自动刷新 设定对应的CPU软元件 CPU软元件GX Configurator-PT用来设定QD70P4 或QD70P8 定位模块的初始化数据■ ■省去了用于初始化数据设定的顺控程序 便于检查设置状态和运行状态初始化数据设置1 参数 2 OPR 数据 3 定位数据 初始化设置屏幕样例自动刷新设置1 出错状态 2 警告状态 5 轴运行状态 6 轴出错代码监视/测试功能1 轴监视/轴出错复位 2 OPR 监视 3 X/Y 监视 监视/测试屏幕样例3 当前进给值 7 轴警告代码 4 当前速度 8 执行定位数据GX Configurator-QP可以对QD75□□进行各种参数、定位数据的设置、监视控制状态并执行运行测试功能及特点 1.Windows. 兼容性保证了卓越的操作性可以复制并粘贴定位数据和组起动数据,包括用微软 Excel 创建的用作定位数据的数据 <采样监视例子>2.更容易检查接线连接该软件可以检查连接到QD75 的I/O 接线的状态 <仿真例子>3.大量帮助调试和维护的功能进行(离线)预设定位数据基础上的模拟和对调试和维护 有用的监视功能,即以时序图形式表示定位模块I/O 信号、 外部I/O 信号和缓冲存储器状态的采样监视4.与QD75M SSCNET-连接定位模块的兼容性软件与使用调整串行通讯的SSCNET 连接系统中的 QD75M1 QD75M2 和QD75M4 定位模块兼容<同时起动QP 和GPPW>5.顺控程序的同时监视与GX Developer 组合起来进行有效调试GX Configurator-TI用于设置Q64TD 或Q64RD 温度输入模块的初始化数据和自动刷新数据顺控程序初始化参数设定容易设定初始化数据设定屏幕1 转换允许/禁止设置 2 转换过程设置 3 温度传感器设置 4 警报功能设置 5 标度设置值监视/测试屏幕监视 测试自动刷新设置屏幕不需要知道地址温度输入模块 缓存中数据:1 转换完成标志 2 测量的温度值 3 出错代码 4 设置范围 5 报警发生的内容 6 其它自动刷新 设定对应的CPU软元件 CPU软元件GX Configurator-TC用于设置Q64TCTT、Q64TCTTBW、 Q64TCRT 或Q64TCRTBW 温度控制模块的初始 化数据和自动刷新数据顺控程序初始化参数设定容易设定初始化数据设定屏幕1. 输入范围 2. 控制参数设置 3..报警功能设置 4. CT 设置 5. 其它设置监视/测试屏幕监视 测试自动刷新设置屏幕不需要知道地址温度控制模块 缓存中数据:1 写数据的出错代码 2 温度过程值 3 处理值 4 设定值设置 5 其它自动刷新 设定对应的CPU软元件 CPU软元件GX Configurator-AS用于设置 AS-i 主模块 QJ71AS92自动读出 / 写入的通信数据、CPU软元件存储的自动刷 新设置、配置数据的注册/EEPROM保存等的软件工具。
•S tandard 100-sheet reversing single-pass document feeder scans documents at speeds up to 80 images per minute (ipm).• Flexible paper handling supports media up to 110 lb. cover (300 gsm) and feeds up to 12" x 18"through the paper trays, allowing users to print on a wide variety of media, including envelopes through the standard paper tray and bypass tray.•S harp’s new MFP Voice feature enables users to control the device with simple verbal commands.Experience a hands-free, voice-first interaction with Amazon Alexa , available for these Essentials Series models.•N etwork-ready PCL ® 6 and available Adobe ®PostScript ®3™ printing systems ensure your documents print with the clarity and formatting you expect.•W ith the available OCR Expansion Kit , you can easily convert documents to popular Microsoft fileformats as well as a variety of PDF formats . You can also add options to Direct Print these same file types from thumb drives, cloud applications and more.2•A ward-winning 10.1" (diagonally-measured)customizable touchscreen display with a clean design enables easy access to features and functions when setting up jobs.•P antone Licensing on these models offers unprecedented levels of color fidelity to the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM ®.•A ccess popular cloud services, such as Microsoft ®OneDrive™ for Business, SharePoint ® Online, Google Drive™, Dropbox and more with Sharp’s available Cloud Connect feature. Sharp’s new Application Portal enables administrators to easily add new apps or update existing apps right from the MFP.•Leading-edge security features provide enhanced protection. An End-of-Lease feature can erase all data and personal information at time of trade-in.A feature-rich multifunction document system that is also cost-effective.MX-6051 shown with available Sharp MFP Voice feature with Alexa.Sharp’s ImageSEND™ feature provides one-touch distribution to email, cloud applications and more.Feeds up to 50 envelopes from the standardpaper tray. 1MX-5051 MX-6051Designed for the technology-driven workplace.The Sharp MX-5051 and MX-6051 Essentials Series color document systems are built using the latest technology available to deliver the performance, features and reliability needed in today’s busy workplace environments. These new MFPs are also easy to use and offer enhanced productivity, all to provide customers with a seamless, intuitive experience, and the confidence in knowing their jobs will come out right the first time, every time. The new Color Essentials Series also offers leading-edge security features to help businesses protect their data and personal information.Key Features• E ase of Use – Award-winning touchscreen display offers a user-friendly graphical interface with simplified Easy Modes, integrated user guides and quick access to network services. With Sharp’s new MFP Voice feature available for these models, you can interact with the machine with the power of natural language.• Productive Features – Standard full multifunction capability out-of-box, including copying, network printing and color network scanning. Add the optional PostScript Kit to enable the Adobe Embedded Print Engine, which direct prints PDF files with greater performance and rendering accuracy.• Workplace Friendly – Integrates seamlessly with today’s complex network environments, and supports popular cloud services and mobile technologies. Sharp’s new Application Portal enables administrators to easily add new apps or update existing apps right from the MFP.1 See specifications for a list of supported envelopes.2This function is available via Qualcomm ® DirectOffice™ technology.Award-winning 10.1" (diagonally measured)customizable touchscreen display.Sharp, Sharp OSA, Sharpdesk, My Sharp, and all related trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of SharpCorporation and/or its affiliated companies. Microsoft, Office 365, Active Directory, Windows, Windows Server, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, and SharePoint are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Android, Chrome, Gmail, Google Drive, and Chromebook are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC. Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries. Qualcomm DirectOffice is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, I nc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. DirectOffice is a trademark of CSR Imaging US, LP, registered in the United States and other countries, used with permission. Amazon, Alexa, and all related logos and motion marks are trademarks of , Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Design and specifications subject to change without notice.©2021 Sharp Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 07/21SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 100 Paragon Drive, Montvale, NJ 076451-800-BE-SHARP • Qualcomm ® DirectOffice ™Main Specifications MX-5051/6051 B ase models include multitasking controller, 100-sheetRSPF and PCL 6 printing system, network scanning, auto duplexing, 1 x 550-sheet paper drawer, 100-sheet bypass tray. Black and color developer is included.Type Color multi-function digital document system Display 10.1" (diagonally-measured) color dot matrix high-resolutiontouch panel tilting display. 1,024 x 600 dots (W-SVGA)Functions C opy, print, network print, network scan, document filing and fax 1Copy System D ry electrostatic transfer/Dual component developer/Magneticbrush development/OPC drums/Belt fusing/white LED exposureOriginals Sheets and bound documents Max. Original Size 11" x 17"Output Size Min. 5½" x 8½", Max. 12" x 18"Copy Speed 50/60 ppm Mono/Color (8½" x 11")Multiple Copy Max. 9,999 copiesFirst Copy Time Platen Glass: Mono 3.7, Color 4.8 (In Seconds)2 RSPF: Mono 6.1, Color 7.5Warm Up Time 45 seconds (from main power switch on), 31 seconds(from [Power] button on)Magnification 25% to 400% in 1% increments (with RSPF 25%-200%)Original Feed 100-sheet RSPF with original size detection.Scan Speed C opy: Up to 80 ipm (Mono)/53 ipm (Color)Scan: Up to 80 ipm (Mono/Color)Original Sizes 5½" x 8½", 8½" x 11", 8½" x 11" R, 8½" x 14", 11" x 17"Paper Capacity Standard: 650 Sheets/Maximum: 6,300 Sheets Paper Feed Standard: (1) paper drawer 550 sheets (letter/legal/ledger/ s tmt. System s ize) or up to 50 envelopes (max. height: 25 mm), 100-sheet(or 20 envelope) bypass tray.Optional: Single, double, or triple paper drawer(s) (550, 1,100, or 1,650 sheets), split tandem paper drawers 2,100 sheets (letter) + (1) 550-sheet paper drawer (letter/legal/ledger/ statement size).Paper Weights Paper drawers: 18 lb. bond to 110 lb. cover. and Types D rawer 1: 20-24 lb. bond or Monarch/Com-9 envelopes.Split Tandem Drawers: 18 lb. bond to 28 lb. bond or plain, pre-printed, recycled, pre-punched, letterhead and color paper. Bypass tray: 16-28 lb. bond (plain paper), 13-16 lb. bond (thin paper), 28 lb. bond-110 lb. cover (heavy paper), tab paper (letter) and Monarch/Com-10 envelopes. Also label, gloss, preprinted, recycled, pre-punched, letterhead and color paper or OHP film.Duplexing Standard automatic duplex copying and printing CPU Up to 1.4 GHz multi-processor design Interfac e 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet, USB 2.0: 2 host ports (front &rear), 1 available device port (rear), opt. wireless 802.11 b/g/nMemory Standard 5 GB copy/print (shared)Hard Disk Drive 500 GB Copy Resolution S can: 600 x 600 dpi (Mono/Color)Output: Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi (Mono), up to 600 x 600 dpi (Color)Color Modes A uto Color Selection (ACS), Full Color Mode, Monochrome (B/W)Exposure Control Automatic, Text, Text/Photo, Text/Printed-Photo, Printed- Modes Photo, Photo, Map, Pale-Color Document Settings: Auto or 9step manualHalftone 256 gradations/2 levels (monochrome)Copy Features S can-Once Print-Many, electronic sorting, offset-stacking,Auto Color Selection (ACS), Auto Paper Selection (APS), Auto Magnification Selection (AMS), Auto Tray Switching (ATS), black-white reversal, blank page skip, book copy, book divide, card shot, center erase, centering, cover pages, dual page copy, edge erase, image edit, image preview, insert pages, job build, job programs, margin shift, mirror image, mixed size original, multi-page enlargement, original count, pamphlet style, proof copy, repeat layout, reserve copy, rotated copy, stamp, stamp custom image, suppress background, tab copy, tab-paper insertion, tandem copy, toner save mode, transparency inserts, watermark, 2-in-1 / 4-in-1 / 8-in-1 multi shotAccount Control U p to 1,000 users. Supports user-number authentication vialocal, LDAP, and Active Directory for copy, print, scan and document managementMain Specifications (continued)Output Tray Center Exit Tray (Main): 250 sheets (face down) Capacity J ob Separator (Upper Tray): 100 sheets (face down)Right Side Exit Tray: 100 sheets (face down)Cloud Supported Google Drive, Box, OneDrive for Services (Option) B usiness, SharePoint Online, Dropbox, Office 365, Gmail Network Protocols T CP/IP (IPv4, IPv6, IPsec), HTTP/HTTPS, IPP/IPP-SSL, FTP/FTPS, SNMPv3, SMTP/SMTP-SSL, POP3/POP3-SSL, LDAP/ LDAP-SSL, 802.1x for Windows and Unix.Network and Includes IP/MAC address filtering, protocol filtering, port Data Security c ontrol, user authentication (local/LDAP/Active Directory),TLS Encryption, Kerberos supportFirmware Flash ROM with local (USB), network update capability Management a nd firmware update 1 to N with SRDM (Sharp RemoteDevice Manager)Device Setup W eb-based management with user/admin level login Service/Functions R emote Front Panel, remote access to service logs andclick countsAccessibility Free stop tilting front panel, adjustment of key touch sound Features a nd speed, concave key, document feeder free stop, jobprograms, remote front panel, universal grip for paper trays, and disable screen timeoutEnvironmental International Energy Star Program Ver. 2.0, European RoHS, Standards Blue Angel (RAL-UZ205)Power Source 110-127 V AC, 60 HZ, 20 A Receptacle Power Consumption 1.92 kW or less Weight Approx. 181 lbs.Dimensions Approx. 24" (w) x 26" (d) 33" (h)Network Printing System PDL S tandard PCL 6, optional Adobe PostScript 3Resolution 1200 x 1200 dpi Print Speed 50/60 pages per minute (8½" x 11")Print Drivers W indows ® 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, WindowsServer ®2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows PPD, Mac ® OS X ® (including 10.6 to 10.14), all Mac PPD, UNIX ®, Linux ®, Universal Print (requires Microsoft connector)Mobile Printing 1 A ndroid printing framework (Sharp Print Service Plugin),Sharpdesk Mobile, Apple AirPrintPrint Features A uto configuration, serverless print release, chapter inserts,confidential print, continuous printing, custom image registration, document control, document filing, duplexprinting, electronic sorting, form overlay, hidden pattern print, image rotation, job bypass print, job retention, layout print, margin shift, multiple pamphlet, network tandem print, N-up printing, offset stacking, page interleave, pamphlet style, poster print, proof print, print and send, tab paper print, tab printing, transparency inserts, tray status, user authentication single sign-on, watermarks, zoom printDirect Printing F ile Types: TIFF, JPEG, PCL, PRN, TXT, and PNG. Optional: PDF,Compact PDF, Encrypted PDF, PS, DOCX, XLSX and PPTX. Methods: FTP, SMB, Web page, Email and USB memory. PDF file formats support the Adobe Embedded Print EngineResident Fonts 80 outline fonts (PCL), 139 fonts (PS) (Host)Interface RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T, USB 2.0, WirelessOperating Systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, and Environments W indows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Chrome ®,Mac OS X 10.6-10.14, Unix, Linux, Citrix ®, and SAP device types 1Printing Protocols L PR, IPP, IPPS, Raw TCP (port 9100), FTP, POP3, HTTP, andLPD and LPR for Unix Network Scanning System Scan Modes Standard: Color, monochrome, grayscale Max. Original Size 11" x 17"Optical Resolution 600 dpi Output Modes 600 dpi, 400 dpi, 300 dpi, 200 dpi, 150 dpi, 100 dpi Image Monochrome Scanning: Uncompressed, G3 (MH), G4 (MR/MMR) Compression C olor/Grayscale: JPEG (high, middle, low)Internet Fax mode: MH/MMR (option) 1Network Scanning System (continued)Image Formats 1 M onochrome: TIFF, PDF, PDF/A, Encrypted PDF, and XPSColor/Grayscale: TIFF, JPEG, PDF, PDF/A, Compact PDF, Encrypted PDF, and XPS.Internet Fax: TIFF-FX, TIFF-F, and TIFF-S (option)Scan Destinations E mail, Desktop, FTP, Folder (SMB), USB, Internet fax (option),Super G3 fax (option)One-touch Up to 2,000 (combined scan destinations) DestinationsGroup Destinations Up to 500Programs 48 (combined)Max. Jobs Up to 100Enhanced Email Standard Gmail connector, standard Exchange connector Integration Software 1S harpdesk personal document management software, NetworkScanner tool, Sharpdesk Mobile (download) Optional Equipment MX-60ABD Deluxe Copier Cabinet Base (with front door)MX-DE25N Stand/1 x 550-sheet Paper Drawer MX-DE26N Stand/2 x 550-sheet Paper Drawers MX-DE27N Stand/3 x 550-sheet Paper Drawers MX-DE28N S tand/1 x 550 + 2,100-sheet Split Tandem Paper Drawers MX-DE29N L ow Stand/1 x 550-sheet Paper Drawer MX-LC17N 3,000-sheet Large Capacity Cassette(letter, requires MX-DE25N/26N/27N/28N)MX-LT10 Long Paper Feeding Tray MX-FN27N 50-sheet Staple Inner Finisher MX-FN28 1K Stacking 50-sheet Staple Finisher MX-FN29 1K Stacking 50-sheet Staple/Saddle Stitch Finisher MX-FN30 3K Stacking 65-sheet Staple Finisher MX-FN31 3K Stacking 65-sheet Staple/Saddle Stitch Finisher MX-RB25N Paper Pass Unit (required for MX-FN28/29/30/31)MX-PN14B 3-Hole Punch Unit (requires MX-FN27N)MX-PN15B 3-Hole Punch Unit (requires MX-FN28/29)MX-PN16B 3-Hole Punch Unit (requires MX-FN30/31) MX-SCX1 Staple Cartridge for MX-FN27N/28AR-SC2 Saddle-stitch Staple Cartridge for MX-FN29MX-SC11 Staple Cartridge for MX-FN30/31MX-SC12 Saddle-stitch Staple Cartridge for MX-FN31MX-TR19N Right Side Exit Tray MX-TR20 Job Separator Tray MX-TU16Center Exit Tray MX-UT10Utility Table MX-EB18 Wireless LAN MX-EB19L Compact PDF Kit MX-EB20L OCR Expansion Kit MX-FX15 Fax Expansion Kit MX-FWX1L Internet Fax Kit MX-PF10 Bar Code Font Kit MX-PK13L Adobe PostScript 3 Expansion Kit MX-PU10L Direct Print Expansion Kit AR-SU1 Stamp Unit (requires AR-SV1 Stamp Cartridge)AR-SV1 Stamp Cartridge MX-AMX1L Application Integration Module MX-AMX2L Application Communication Module MX-AMX3L External Accounting Module MX-FR62U Data Security Kit DVENDFSV Generic Vendor Interface Kit Supplies MX-61NTBA Black Toner Cartridge MX-61NTCA Cyan Toner Cartridge MX-61NTMA Magenta Toner Cartridge MX-61NTYA Yellow Toner Cartridge MX-61NVBA Black DeveloperMX-61NVSA Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Developer MX-60NRSADrum1 Some features require optional equipment. See your local dealer.2M ay vary depending on product configuration, machine settings and operating and/or environmental conditions.。
Copyright 2021 © Embedded Artists ABDocument status: Preliminary1ZM M.2 ModuleDatasheetGet Up-and-Running Quickly andStart Developing Your Application On Day 1!Embedded Artists ABJörgen Ankersgatan 12211 45 MalmöSwedenhttps://Copyright 2021 © Embedded Artists AB. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Embedded Artists AB.DisclaimerEmbedded Artists AB makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate, however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.Information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Embedded Artists AB.FeedbackWe appreciate any feedback you may have for improvements on this document.TrademarksAll brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks, services marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks of their respective owners and should be treated as such.Table of Contents1Document Revision History4 2Introduction5 2.1Benefits of Using an M.2 Module to get Wi-Fi/BT Connectivity5 2.2More M.2 Related Information5 2.3ESD Precaution and Handling5 2.4Product Compliance5 3Specification6 3.1Power Up Sequence7 3.2Mechanical Dimensions7 3.3M.2 Pinning9 3.4Test Points12 3.5VDDIO Override Feature Does Not Exists12 4Antenna13 4.1Mounting and Clearance13 4.2Overriding PCB Trace Antenna14 4.3Current Consumption Measurements15 4.4On-board Trace Antenna Performance16 4.4.11ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier Board 17 4.4.21ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier Board 21 5Regulatory24 6Disclaimers25 6.1Definition of Document Status261 Document Revision History2 IntroductionThis document is a datasheet that specifies and describes the 1ZM M.2 module mainly from a hardware point of view. Software related issues, like the Linux and WICED drivers, are not addressed. There are separate documents for that.2.1 Benefits of Using an M.2 Module to get Wi-Fi/BT ConnectivityThere are several benefit to use an M.2 module to add connectivity to an embedded design:∙Drop-in, certified solution!∙Modular and flexible approach to evaluate different Wi-Fi/BT solutions - with different trade-offs around performance, cost, power consumption, longevity, etc.∙Access to maintained software drivers (Linux and WICED) with responsive support from Murata.∙Supported by Embedded Artists' Developer's Kits for i.MX RT/6/7/8 development, including advanced debugging support on carrier boards∙One component to buy, instead of 50+∙No RF expertise is required∙Developed in close collaboration with Murata and NXP∙M.2 pinning defined in close cooperation with Murata, NXP, Cypress+Infineon and Embedded Artists2.2 More M.2 Related InformationFor more information about the M.2 standard and Embedded Artists' adaptation, see: M.2 PrimerFor more general information about the M.2 standard, see: https:///wiki/M.2The official M.2 specification (PCI Express M.2 Specification) is available from: 2.3 ESD Precaution and HandlingPlease note that the M.2 module come without any case/box and allcomponents are exposed for finger touches – and therefore extra attention mustbe paid to ESD (electrostatic discharge) precaution, for example use of static-free workstation and grounding strap. Only qualified personnel shall handle theproduct.Make it a habit always to first touch the mounting hole (which is grounded)for a few seconds with both hands before touching any other parts of theboards. That way, you will have the same potential as the board and therefore minimize the risk for ESD.In general touch as little as possible on the boards in order to minimize the risk of ESD damage. The only reasons to touch the board are when mounting/unmounting it on a carrier board.Note that Embedded Artists does not replace modules that have been damaged by ESD.2.4 Product ComplianceVisit Embedded Artists' website at /product_compliance for up to date information about product compliances such as CE, RoHS2/3, Conflict Minerals, REACH, etc.3 SpecificationThis chapter lists some of the more important characteristics of the M.2 module, but it is not a full specification of performance and timing. The main component in the design is Murata's 1ZM module (full part number: LBEE5QD1ZM), which in turn is based around NXP/Marvell 88W8987 chipset. For a full specification, see on Murata's 1MW Module (LBEE5QD1ZM) see Murata’s 1ZM product page (url TBD) and the 1ZM datasheet (url TBD).3.1 Power Up SequenceThe supply voltage shall not rise (10 - 90%) faster than 40 microseconds and not slower than 100 milliseconds.Signals WL_REG_ON must be held low for at least 1 milliseconds after supply voltage has reached specification level before pulled high.External Sleep ClockThe sleep clock signals can be applied to a powered and unpowered M.2 module.3.2 Mechanical DimensionsThe M.2 module is of type: 2230-S3-E according to the M.2 nomenclature. This means width 22 mm, length 30mm (without trace antenna), top side component height 1.5 mm and key-E connector. The table below lists the different dimensions and weight.Embedded Artists has added a non-standard feature to the 2230 M.2 modules designed together with Murata. The pictures below illustrates the how the standard module size has been extended by 14 mm in the length direction in order to include a pcb trace antenna.Figure 1 – M.2 Module with, and without, PCB Trace AntennaThe picture below gives dimensions for the grounded center (half) hole and the u.fl. antenna connector.Figure 2 – M.2 Module, Antenna Connector Position22 mm30 m m44 m m22 mm1.5 mm11 mm,3.3 M.2 PinningThis section presents the pinning used for the M.2 module. It is M.2 Key-E compliant. The pin assignment for specific control and debug signals has been jointly defined by Embedded Artists, Murata, NXP and Infineon/Cypress.The picture below illustrates the edge pin numbering. It starts on the right edge and alternates between top and bottom side. The removed pads in the keying notch counts (but as obviously non-existing).Figure 3 – M.2 Module Pin NumberingThe Wi-Fi interface uses the SDIO interface. The Bluetooth interface uses the UART interface forcontrol and PCM interface for audio. The table below lists the pin usage for the 1ZM M.2 modules. The column "When is signal needed" signals four different categories:∙ Always: These signals shall always be connected.∙ Wi-Fi: These signals shall always be connected then the Wi-Fi interface is used.∙ Bluetooth: These signals shall always be connected then the Bluetooth interface is used. ∙ Optional: These signals are optional to connect.3.4 Test PointsThere are some test points that can be of interest to probe for debugging purposes, as illustrated in the picture below.Figure 4 – 1ZM M.2 Module Test Points3.5 VDDIO Override Feature Does Not ExistsThe M.2 standard specify 1.8V logic level on several of the data and control signals. Other M.2 modules in the Embedded Artists' family supports VDDIO override to 3.3V instead.Note that the 1ZM M.2 module does not support this feature because of limitations in the NXP88W8987 chipset. The control signals that are 1.8V according to the M.2 standard must be 1.8V. This is also true for the SDIO voltage level. It must be 1.8V.4 AntennaThis chapter address the antenna side of the module. There is an on-board, reference certified pcb trace antenna. This can be used for testing/evaluation purposes, but also for the final product. Also, for testing and evaluation purposes, it is possible to disconnect the on-board antenna and instead use an u.fl. connector to connect an external antenna.4.1 Mounting and ClearanceIdeally, arrange the M.2 module so that the antenna is located at a corner of the product. Keep plastic case (i.e., non-metallic) away from the antenna area with at least 5 mm clearance (in all directions). Also keep any metal elements (e.g., connectors, battery, etc.) away from the antenna area with at least 5 mm clearance (in all directions). Keep a clearance area under and above the antenna area of at least 7.5mm , both under and over the PCB.Human hands or body parts should be kept away (in the normal use case) from the antenna area. The ground hole in the middle shall be grounded. Use a metal stand-off according to M.2 standard (height suitable for selected M.2 connector) and use metal screw to create a proper ground connection.Figure 5 – M.2 Module Clearance Area4.2 Overriding PCB Trace AntennaThe antenna connection from the 1ZM module be redirected to the u.fl. connector by just moving one zero ohm 0201 series resistor, see illustration below. The on-board trace antenna can be left as-is, or the antenna can be snapped-off.Figure 6 – Rework to Connect U.FL. ConnectorSnap-off on-board antenna, if needed, else just leave as-is.4.3 Current Consumption MeasurementsIt is possible to measure the currents of the power supplies to the 1YM module, VBAT and VIO. VBAT is the 3.3V the is supplied to the M.2 interface and VIO is an on-board generated 1.8V. VIO isgenerated from the supplied 3.3V. If the supply voltage (3.3V) to the M.2 module is measured it will be both the VBAT and VIO currents that is measured. By measuring currents at the illustrated points blow it is possible to measure VBAT and VIO independently.Note that zero ohm resistors are mounted by default. Select a series resistor with as low resistance as possible to keep the voltage drop to a minimum. Keep the drop below 100mV. VBAT can be slightly above 1 Amp in peak which means that maximum series resistance is 100 milliOhm for the VBAT resistor.Figure 7 – Current Measurement4.4 On-board Trace Antenna PerformanceThe on-board pcb trace antenna type is monopole. The 1ZM M.2 module has been measured both standalone and mounted on the iMX OEM Carrier Board (which is a typical carrier board design). The table below lists total efficiency:The table below lists peak gain:4.4.1 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier BoardThe 3D directivity measurements are presented below for the 2 GHz and 5GHz bands when the 1ZM M.2 module is mounted on the iMX OEM Carrier Board.Figure 8 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 2 GHz BandFigure 9 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 5 GHz BandFigure 10 – 3D Directivity Measurements Plane OrientationsThe pictures below illustrates the return loss, efficiency and directivity when the 1ZM M.2 module ismounted on the iMX OEM Carrier Board.Figure 11 – Return Loss for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier BoardFigure 12 – Efficiency for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier BoardFigure 13 – Directivity for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier Board4.4.2 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier BoardThe 3D directivity measurements are presented below for the 2 GHz and 5GHz bands when the 1ZM M.2 module is mounted on the COM Carrier Board.Figure 14 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 2 GHz BandFigure 15 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 5 GHz BandThe pictures below illustrates the return loss, efficiency and directivity when the 1ZM M.2 module is mounted on the COM Carrier Board.Figure 16 – Return Loss for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier BoardFigure 17 – Efficiency for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier BoardFigure 18 – Directivity for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier Board5 Regulatory <TBC>6 DisclaimersEmbedded Artists reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including, without limitation, specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using Embedded Artists’ products, and Embedded Artists accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer prod uct design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the Embedded Artists’ product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. Customer is required to have expertise in electrical engineering and computer engineering for the installation a nd use of Embedded Artists’ products.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by custome r’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using Embedded Artists’ products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Embedded Artists does not accept any liability in this respect.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability for errata on individual components. Customer is responsible to make sure all errata published by the manufacturer of each component are taken note of. The manufacturer's advice should be followed.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability and no warranty is given for any unexpected software behavior due to deficient components.Customer is required to take note of manufacturer's specification of used components. Such specifications, if applicable, contains additional information that must be taken note of for the safe and reliable operation.All Embedded Artists’ products are sold pursuant to Embedded Artists’ terms and conditions of sale: /sites/default/files/docs/General_Terms_and_Conditions.pdfNo license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by Embedded Artists for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN EMBEDDED ARTISTS’ TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE EMBEDDED ARTISTS DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF EMBEDDED ARTISTS PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE CEO OF EMBEDDED ARTISTS, PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, NUCLEAR, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE.Resale of Embedded Artists’ products with provisions different from the statements and/or tec hnical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by Embedded Artistsfor the Embedded Artists’ product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of Embedded Artists.This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from national authorities.6.1 Definition of Document StatusPreliminary– The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Embedded Artists does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. The document is in this state until the product has passed Embedded Artists product qualification tests.Approved– The information and data provided define the specification of the product as agreed between Embedded Artists and its customer, unless Embedded Artists and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.。
MX960路由器操作手册目录1. 总体概述 (6)1.1.文档术语 (6)2.基本操作 (8)2.1.通过Console线缆连接路由器 (8)2.2.设备关闭 (9)2.3.设备重启 (10)2.4.JUNOS升级 (11)2.5.密码恢复 (14)3.MX960 (17)3.1.MX960结构 (17)设备描述 (17)MX960路由器主要组件 (18)MX960路由器技术规格 (19)可更换部件(FRU) (22)硬件组件结构 (23)机箱 (24)Craft面板 (26)背板 (27)交换控制板(SCB) (28)路由引擎(Routing Engine) (30)电源模块 (32)冷却系统 (36)线缆架 (37)DPC接口板 (38)FPC汇聚接口板 (40)PIC物理接口卡 (42)3.2.MX960安装流程 (43)安装前准备 (43)安装流程 (44)3.3.硬件组件故障检查 (49)使用故障检查资源 (49)冷却系统故障检查 (53)数据包转发引擎故障检查 (54)光纤故障检查 (55)电源系统故障检查 (55)3.4.常用故障诊断命令 (57)查看端口状态 (57)查看路由表 (58)查看OSPF邻居关系 (61)Ping (61)Traceroute (63)监控接口流量 (63)3.5.设备日常维护 (63)日常维护步骤 (64)风扇盘的维护 (64)路由引擎的维护 (65)电源模块的维护 (66)3.6.硬件组件更换 (67)更换组件需要的工具 (68)更换风扇盘 (68)更换DPC (72)更换电源系统部件 (75)更换交换控制板(SCB) (81)更换路由引擎(RE) (84)4.MX基本配置介绍 (88)4.1.路由器CLI (88)4.2.路由器基本配置 (91)4.3.端口配置 (96)4.4.VRRP配置 (106)4.5.MX Layer 2 Switching配置 (107)4.6.协议独立路由属性的配置 (109)4.7.配置OSPF路由及承载网配置 (113)4.8.配置BGP路由 (119)4.9.配置LDP协议 (125)4.10.配置流量工程(TE)/快速重路由(FRR) (130)4.11.配置Class-of-Service (139)4.12.配置路由策略(Policy) (172)4.13.TD-SCDMA CE典型拓扑 (178)1. 1. 总体概述本文档为Juniper公司编写。
第3期(总第208期)2018年6月机械工程与自动化M E C HA N I C A L ㊀E N G I N E E R I N G㊀&㊀A U T OMA T I O NN o .3J u n .文章编号:1672G6413(2018)03G0063G02基于M XC o m po n e n t 的P C 与P L C 以太网通讯方法研究刘瑞通(一汽解放汽车有限公司车桥分公司,吉林㊀长春㊀130011)摘要:介绍了一种基于M XC o m p o n e n t 的P C 与三菱P L C 以太网通讯的方法,详细地给出了M XC o m p o n e n t 设置㊁按位读写P L C ㊁按字读写P L C ㊁在P L C 上注册事件㊁处理事件等基于V B N E T 编程的方法.关键词:M XC o m p o n e n t ;三菱P L C ;注册事件;通讯方法中图分类号:T P 311 5㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A收稿日期:2017G10G23;修订日期:2018G03G29作者简介:刘瑞通(1984G),男,河北邯郸人,工程师,硕士,主要从事汽车制造方面的相关工作.0㊀引言M XC o m p o n e n t 是三菱电机自动化公司发布的第三方通信软件包,可以通过简单方法实现从计算机至可编程控制器的通信[1].M XC o m po n e n t 是一个工具,通过该工具无需在意协议,可简单实现从计算机到P L C ㊁运动控制器等通信处理的A c t i v eX 控件㊁.N E T 控件库.使用M XC o m po n e n t 后,串口通信和以太网通信的程序开发变得异常简单[2].M X C o m po n e n t 主要具有以下特点:①支持丰富的至可编程控制器的通信路径;②大幅度地提高用户的开发效率;③可以对通信设置的内容进行保存㊁读取;④具有软元件监视功能;⑤可以访问特殊功能模块的缓冲存储器;⑥可以多线程通信;⑦支持丰富多彩的编程语言(V i s u a l B a s i c ㊁V i s u a lC ++㊁V i s Gu a l C #㊁V B S c r i pt 及V B A ).本文主要对基于M X C o m po n e n t 的P C 与P L C 以太网通讯方法进行研究.1㊀M XC o m p o n e n t 设置1.1㊀设置逻辑站号逻辑站号可以设置的范围为0~1023,逻辑站号不可重复使用.打开C o m m u n i c a t i o nS e t u p U t i l i t y 软件,选择 T a r g e t S e t t i n g选项卡,点击 W i z a r d 按钮,设置L o gi c a l s t a t i o nn u m b e r .1.2㊀设置P C 侧I /F 在 P Cs i d e I /F 中选择 E t h e r n e t b o a r d,使用以太网通信㊁网关功能通信;在 C o n n e c tm o d u l e中选择 C P U m o d u l e ;在 P r o t o c o l 中选择 T C P.1.3㊀设置P L C 侧I /F首先为P L C 设定固定I P ,将P L C 通过网线连入P C 所在的局域网中,其次为P L C 接通电源,然后设置相关参数: P L Cs i d eI /F 中选择 C P U m o d u l e ,H o s t (I P A d d r e s s )通过 F i n dC P U (B u i t t Gi nE t h e r n e t po r t )o nn e t w o r k 按钮浏览能使用的终端I P ,如果没有浏览到可以直接写入为P L C 设置的固定I P .1.4㊀设置站类型S t a t i o n t y pe 选择 H o s t s t a t i o n .1.5㊀设置C P U 类型C P Ut y pe 选择 Q 03U D E (此C P U 类型可根据实际使用C P U 类型进行设置),M u l t i pl eC P U 选择 N o n e .1.6㊀设置目标注释在 C o m m e n t写入注释内容,完成设置,如图1所示.图1㊀参数设置1.7㊀测试完成设置后,测试连接,结果如图2所示.2㊀V B .N E T 相关函数本节主要介绍基于V B .N E T 的编程方法.2.1㊀编程前期准备(1)添加引用.在V B .N E T 程序工程引用中添加A c t U t l T y pe L i b .(2)定义全局变量:P u b l i c c o m U t l T y p eA sA c t U t l T y p e L i b .A c t U t l T y pe (3)实例化A c t U t l T y p e L i b .A c t U t l T y p e 对象,代码如下所示:c o m U t l T y p e=N e w A c t U t l T y p e L i b .A c t U t l T y pe A d d H a n d l e rc o m U t l T y pe .O n D e v i c e S t a t u s ,A d d r e s s Of c o m U t l GT y pe _O n D e v i c e S t a t u s (4)设置逻辑端口,此逻辑端口需要和本文1.1中设置的M XC o m p o n e n t逻辑站号保持一致,才能保证通信的顺利进行.设置逻辑端口代码如下所示:c o m U t l T y p e.A c t L o g i c a l S t a t i o n N u m b e r=m L o g i c a l S t a t i o n N u mGb e r(5)打开u l t服务:i R e t u r n C o d e=c o m U t l T y p e.O p e n()图2㊀测试结果2.2㊀软元件随机读取此功能通过指定所需读取的所有软元件名和读取的点数进行软元件值的随机读取.软元件随机读取代码如下:P r i v a t eF u n c t i o nB i t R e a d(B y V a l s z D e v i c e N a m eA sS t r i n g(),B y R e f i R e t u r n C o d eA s I n t e g e r)A s S h o r t()D i mi N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m eA s I n t e g e rD i ms t r D e v i c e N a m eA sS t r i n gi R e t u r n C d e=1s t r D e v i c e N a m e=S t r i n g.J o i n(v b L f,s z D e v i c e N a m e)i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e=s z D e v i c e N a m e.L e n g t hD i m s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e(i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e-1)A s S h o r t '软元件数i R e t u r n C o d e=c o m U t l T y p e.R e a d D e v i c e R a n d o m2(s t r D e v i c eGN a m e,i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e,s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e(0))R e t u r n s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u eE n dF u n c t i o n2.3㊀软元件随机写入此功能通过指定所需写入的软元件名㊁写入的点数及相应软元件的值进行软元件的随机写入.软元件随机写入代码如下:P r i v a t eF u n c t i o nB i t W r i t e(B y V a l s z D e v i c e N a m eA sS t r i n g(),B y V a l s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u eA s S h o r t())A s I n t e g e rD i mi R e t u r n C o d eA s I n t e g e r=1D i mi N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m eA s I n t e g e rD i ms t r D e v i c e N a m eA sS t r i n gi N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e=s z D e v i c e N a m e.L e n g t hs t r D e v i c e N a m e=S t r i n g.J o i n(v b L f,s z D e v i c e N a m e)i R e t u r n C o d e=c o m U t l T y p e.W r i t e D e v i c e R a n d o m2(s t r D e v i c eGN a m e,i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e,s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e(0))R e t u r n i R e t u r n C o d eE n dF u n c t i o n2.4㊀软元件批量读取此功能通过指定软元件名和读取的点数进行软元件值的批量读取.软元件批量读取代码如下:P r i v a t eF u n c t i o n D a t a R e a d(B y V a l s z D e v i c e N a m e A sS t r i n g,B y V a l i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m eA s I n t e g e r,B y R e f i R e t u r n C o d eA s I n t e g e r)A s S h o r t()D i m s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e(i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e-1)A s S h o r t '软元件数i R e t u r n C o d e=c o m U t l T y p e.R e a d D e v i c e B l o c k2(s z D e v i c e N a m e, i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e,s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e(0))R e t u r n s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u eE n dF u n c t i o n2.5㊀软元件批量写入此功能通过给出软元件名㊁写入的点数及相应软元件的值进行软元件的批量写入.软元件批量写入代码如下:P r i v a t eF u n c t i o nD a t a W r i t e(B y V a l s z D e v i c e N a m eA sS t r i n g,B y V a l s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u eA sS h o r t())A s I n t e g e rD i mi R e t u r n C o d eA s I n t e g e r=1D i mi N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m eA s I n t e g e ri N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e=h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e.L e n g t hi R e t u r n C o d e=c o m U t l T y p e.W r i t e D e v i c e B l o c k2(s z D e v i c e N a m e, i N u m b e r O f D e v i c e N a m e,s h a r r D e v i c e V a l u e(0))R e t u r n i R e t u r n C o d eE n dF u n c t i o n2.6㊀注册事件应用此功能可以利用软件在P L C上注册事件,然后调用事件对P L C软元件进行监控,当软元件的值发生变化时,自动调用事件处理函数进行事件处理.注册事件能够实现P L C主动上传信息㊁上位机及时捕捉到P L C状态变化信息并进行处理,减少P C机因采用轮询方式造成的C P U占用.注册事件代码如下所示:(1)打开u l t服务:c o m U t l T y p e.O p e n()(2)调用注册事件:D i ml D a t a(0)A s I n t e g e rl D a t a(0)=1c o m U t l T y p e.E n t r y D e v i c e S t a t u s("M0",1,1,l D a t a)上述设置中当 M0 状态发生变化时,将触发事件处理函数.(3)事件处理函数:P r i v a t e S u b c o m U t l T y p e_O n D e v i c e S t a t u s(B y V a ls z D e v i c e A s S t r i n g,B y V a l i D a t aA s I n t e g e r,B y V a l i R e t u r n C o d eA s I n t e g e r)H a n d l e F u n c t i o n()'自定义处理函数E n dS u b(4)关闭u l t服务:c o m U t l T y p e.C l o s e()2.7㊀特别说明在软元件随机读取㊁软元件随机写入㊁软元件批量读取㊁软元件批量写入的过程中返回代码i R e t u r nGC o d e为非0x0时,需要重新启动u l t服务.3㊀结语本文介绍了M X C o m p o n e n t在使用过程中的设置方法和几种基于V B.N E T编程软件的常用函数编程方法,为将P L C控制的生产设备连接到上位机提供了一种简单方法.参考文献:[1]㊀程晓鹏,刘园,任素利,等.基于M X C o m p o n e n t的P C P L C通讯设计[J].福建电脑,2014(3):34G35.[2]㊀三菱电机自动化(中国)有限公司.M X C o m p o n e n t软件介绍[C P/O L].2015G04G10/2016G09G02.h t t p://c n.m i tGs u b i s h i e l e c t r i c.c o m/f a/z h/d o w n l o a d/d w n_i d x_s o f t w a r eGD e t a i l.a s p?s i d=45.P C a n dP L CE t h e r n e t C o m m u n i c a t i o nM e t h o dR e s e a r c hB a s e d o nM XC o m p o n e n tL I UR u iGt o n g(F AWJ i e f a n g A u t o m o t i v eC o.,L t d.A x l eB r a n c h,C h a n g c h u n130011,C h i n a)A b s t r a c t:T h i s a r t i c l e i n t r o d u c e da nE t h e r n e t c o m m u n i c a t i o nm e t h o db e t w e e nP Ca n d M i t s u b i s h i P L Cb a s e do n M XC o m p o n e n t,i n w h i c hs e v e r a l c o r e e l e m e n t sh a sb e e n p r e s e n t e d i nd e t a i l s,s u c ha s M X C o m p o n e n t s e t t i n g,r e a d i n g/w r i t i n g P L Cb y b i t,r e a d i n g/ w r i t i n g P L Cb y b y t e,r e g i s t e r i n g e v e n t s o nP L C,a n dd e a l i n g e v e n t sb a s e do nV B.N E T p r o g r a m m i n g m e t h o d.K e y w o r d s:M XC o m p o n e n t;M i t s u b i s h i P L C;r e g i s t e r e de v e n t s;c o m m u n i c a t i o nm e t h o d46 机械工程与自动化㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2018年第3期㊀。
来自/s/blog_4d65c19e0100f4z7.html###一、flex与word协作:对于word,可将word文档模板文件存成xml格式,而此xml文档中的图片是以“base-64 encoded”,而flex3可以将生成的图片快照下来再转换成此格式,flex能够操作xml文件,从而可以修改word xml模板文件中的内容,从而与word协作。
将ImageSnapshot对象利用flex3的encodeImageAsBase64()方法转换为base-64 encoded格式的例子:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--/2007/12/07/converting-an-imagesnapshot-object-into-a-base-64-enc oded-string-in-flex-3/ --><mx:Application xmlns:mx="/2006/mxml"layout="vertical"verticalAlign="middle"backgroundColor="white"><mx:Script><![CDATA[import;import flash.system.System;import;private function button_click(evt:MouseEvent):void {var ohSnap:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage(img);textArea.text = ImageSnapshot.encodeImageAsBase64(ohSnap);}private function textArea_focusIn(evt:FocusEvent):void {textArea.setSelection(0, textArea.text.length);}]]></mx:Script><mx:ApplicationControlBar dock="true"><mx:Button label="Capture and encode"click="button_click(event);" /></mx:ApplicationControlBar><mx:Form><mx:FormItem label="source:"><mx:Image id="img"source="@Embed('images/flex_logo.jpg')" /> </mx:FormItem><mx:FormItem label="Base64:"><mx:TextArea id="textArea"editable="false"showScrollTips="true"width="320"height="160"focusIn="textArea_focusIn(event);" /> </mx:FormItem><mx:FormItem><mx:Button label="Copy to clipboard"enabled="{textArea.text.length > 0}"click="System.setClipboard(textArea.text);" /> </mx:FormItem></mx:Form></mx:Application>(本例来自:Flex Examples) 是一种帮助器类,用于捕获实现了flash.display.IBitmapDrawable的任何Flash 组件(包括Flex UIComponent)的快照。
MXview plugin for MGate Series Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2MGate W5108, MGate W5108-T, MGate W5208, MGate W5208-T, MGate 5109, MGate 5109-T, MGate 5118, MGate 5118-T, MGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270, MGate MB3270I, MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T,MGate MB3270I-T, MGate MB3170-M-SC, MGate MB3170-M-ST, MGate MB3170-S-SC, MGate MB3170I-M-SC, MGate MB3170I-S-SC, MGate MB3170-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170-M-ST-T, MGate MB3170-S-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-S-SC-T, MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC,MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC,MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2DC, MGate 5101-PBM-MN,MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T, MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5103, MGate 5103-T,MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270,MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T, MGate EIP3270-T, MGate 5111, MGate 5111-T, MGate 5114, MGate 5114-T• Supports MGate 5114.• Added security view for MB3170, MB3170I, MB3170 fiber series, MB3270, MB3270I, MB3180,MB3280, MB3480, MB3660, MGate 5114.New FeaturesN/A• This version supports MXview v2.9.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Supports MGate 5103, MGate 5111, MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC.• Added security view for MGate 5101-PBM-MN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate W5108, MGate W5208, MGate 5103, MGate 5111.N/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMGate W5108, MGate W5108-T, MGate W5208, MGate W5208-T, MGate 5109, MGate 5109-T, MGate 5118, MGate 5118-T, MGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270, MGate MB3270I, MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T,MGate MB3270I-T, MGate MB3170-M-SC, MGate MB3170-M-ST, MGate MB3170-S-SC, MGate MB3170I-M-SC, MGate MB3170I-S-SC, MGate MB3170-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170-M-ST-T, MGate MB3170-S-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-S-SC-T, MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC,MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC,MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate MB3660-16-2DC,MGate 5101-PBM-MN, MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T, MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T,MGate 5103, MGate 5103-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270, MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T, MGate EIP3270-T, MGate 5111,MGate 5111-TN/ANew FeaturesN/A• This version supports MXview v2.9.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Supports MGate 5118.• Added security view for MGate 5109, MGate 5118.• Added userid login for MGate 5109, MGate 5118.N/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC,MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2DC, MGate 5101-PBM-MN,MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T, MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270, MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T, MGate EIP3270-T, MGate W5108, MGate W5108-T, MGate W5208,MGate W5208-T, MGate 5109, MGate 5109-T, MGate 5118, MGate 5118-T, MGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270, MGate MB3270I,MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T, MGate MB3270I-T, MGate MB3170-M-SC,MGate MB3170-M-ST, MGate MB3170-S-SC, MGate MB3170I-M-SC, MGate MB3170I-S-SC, MGate MB3170-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170-M-ST-T, MGate MB3170-S-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-S-SC-T, MGate MB3660-8-J-2ACN/ANew FeaturesN/A• This version supports MXview v2.8.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Supports MGate 5109.N/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMGate W5108, MGate W5108-T, MGate W5208, MGate W5208-T, MGate 5109, MGate 5109-T, MGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270, MGate MB3270I, MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T, MGate MB3270I-T, MGate MB3170-M-SC, MGate MB3170-M-ST, MGate MB3170-S-SC, MGate MB3170I-M-SC, MGate MB3170I-S-SC, MGate MB3170-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170-M-ST-T, MGate MB3170-S-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-S-SC-T, MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660I-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2DC, MGate 5101-PBM-MN, MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T,MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270, MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T,MGate EIP3270-TN/ANew FeaturesN/A• This version supports MXview v2.7.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Supports MGate W5108/W5208, MGate MB3170 Fiber Series, MGate MB3660 Series.N/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMGate W5108, MGate W5108-T, MGate W5208, MGate W5208-T, MGate MB3180, MGate MB3280,MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270, MGate MB3270I, MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T, MGate MB3270I-T, MGate MB3170-M-SC, MGate MB3170-M-ST, MGate MB3170-S-SC, MGate MB3170I-M-SC, MGate MB3170I-S-SC, MGate MB3170-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170-M-ST-T, MGate MB3170-S-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-M-SC-T, MGate MB3170I-S-SC-T, MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC, MGate MB3660I-16-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC,MGate MB3660-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-8-2DC, MGate MB3660I-8-2AC, MGate MB3660-16-2AC,MGate MB3660-16-2DC, MGate 5101-PBM-MN, MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T, MGate 5105-MB-EIP,MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270, MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T, MGate EIP3270-T N/ANew FeaturesN/A• This version supports MXview v2.6.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270,MGate MB3270I, MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T, MGate MB3270I-T, MGate 5101-PBM-MN, MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T, MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270, MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T, MGate EIP3270-TN/ANew FeaturesN/A• This version supports MXview v2.4.Supported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3170I, MGate MB3270,MGate MB3270I, MGate MB3170-T, MGate MB3170I-T, MGate MB3270-T, MGate MB3270I-T, MGate 5101-PBM-MN, MGate 5101-PBM-MN-T, MGate 5105-MB-EIP, MGate 5105-MB-EIP-T, MGate 5102-PBM-PN, MGate 5102-PBM-PN-T, MGate EIP3170, MGate EIP3170I, MGate EIP3270, MGate EIP3270I, MGate EIP3170-T, MGate EIP3170I-T, MGate EIP3270-T• First release.New FeaturesN/AN/A。
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它的缺陷就是,看图的人可以随便拖动并修改cell中的内容,所以我要做的是,能单击事件但不要进行拖动其三:mxGraph的拖动效果与graph.setEnabled(false)这个方法是挂钩的,设置true就表示可拖拽修改,反之就不可以,需要说明的是,我们单击的时候肯定是要获取每个cell的内容的,然而,如果你在设置为false的情况下使用graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE,function(sender, evt){selectionChanged(graph);//显示属性面板});这个监听器就获取不到CELL的值,因为我的selectionChanged方法中使用到了cell,之前我在selectionChanged方法里面是通过var cell =graph.getSelectionCell()来获取cell的,这种情况下如果我利用了上面的那个监听器并且设置graph.setEnabled(false)那么肯定不会触发事件并显示表单,如果在这种情况下设置graph.setEnabled(true)那么一定可以触发得到表单,之后我有试了其他的监听器graph.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, function(sender, evt){selectionChanged(graph);});前提是graph.setEnabled(false)了也是不行的,后来这样试了双击的都不可以于是我就想这中间肯定是cell获取不对的问题,后来参考了script其他的两个例子如overlays的单击监听器中graph.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, function(sender, evt){var cell = evt.getProperty('cell');。