EPEC 控制器使用手册
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操作手册FOR THE120 GPM, 27.3 m3/hE-CELL SYSTEM TM注意:本手册含有对 E-Cell 公司所提供的水处理系统的操作和维护指导。
1. 人身安全注意事项E-CELL MK-2 STACK™1.1 电气1. 定期检查接线端子是否接触良好。
2. 如发现有损坏的电气元件,在修复或更换前要先隔离该元件。
3. 检查电器箱密封良好以防进水。
4. 只允许有资格的电气技术人员进行检修工作。
5. 整流器处于工作状态时不可切断E-Cell MK-2模块上的电源线。
1.2 机械E-Cell MK-2 模块含有电器元件,可能造成触电危险,故请勿将工具、螺丝等放置在E-Cell 模块上。
除专业人员外,不要调整E-Cell MK-2 模块上的螺丝。
1.2.1 泄漏MK-2 模块的最大操作压力是 100 psi (6.8 bar) ,在正常压力下模块不应泄漏。
若漏水无法解决,请立即联系E-Cell 公司。
1.2.2 离心泵1. 严禁在运转的离心泵上工作。
2. 确保水泵电机风扇的通风畅通。
1.2.3 水力E-Cell™ 系统通过不同管径的管道输送大量的水,如非正常的操作可能引起设备损坏、高压水泄漏以致人身伤害。
1. 确认所有的管道都有足够的固定和支撑。
2. 在开启系统进水阀门前,保证出口阀门已经开启。
1.3 停机必须遵守停机程序来保证工作人员的安全。
1.4 通道在 E-Cell™ 设备周围应有足够的通道和照明以便操作和维护的安全。
1.5 安全用具当可能暴露在酸碱环境中时,须穿戴橡胶手套、橡胶服、面罩和防护眼镜。
■概述EPEC 2024 通用模块是针对移动设备控制系统而设计的一个紧凑、多功能的嵌入式控制模块。
EPEC 2024通用模块已经针对众多的控制系统的各种应用要求优化了输入和输出针脚数目。
EPEC 2024通用模块共有52点的I/O针脚,包括开关量输入和输出、模拟量输入、脉冲输入、PWM输出和反馈输入。
EPEC 2024通用模块具有非常高的防护等级:IP67,可应用于非常恶劣的环境,能忍受严寒、高温、振动、湿气和冲击。
EPEC 2024通用模块使用的是镀金、密封的安普接插件,不管在工厂或者野外都能够方便安装。
除了开放的I/O接口,EPEC 2024通用模块具有两个CAN总线接口,一个用于连接CANOPEN设备,一个用户自定义接口用于连接SAEJ1939等通信协议。
■技术参数■控制器经过测试■ I/O配置I/O说明简介,详细请参考EPEC 2024用户手册内部电路原理图■ 电气特性■电气特性注释1 :超过最大值会导致输入点损坏内部电路原理图■ PWM频率控制分组■ DI/DO/PWMXM1.1 XM1.2 XM1.3 XM1.4 XM1.7 XM1.8 XM1.14 XM1.15 XM1.16 XM1.17 XM1.22 XM1.23 XM2.1 XM2.2 XM2.5 XM2.6 XM2.7 XM2.8 XM2.9 XM2.10 XM2.16 XM2.17 XM2.22 XM2.23■电气特性■电气特性■电气特性■ 电气特性地址:上海陆家嘴 浦东南路256号华夏银行大厦704室 电话:86-21-58871153 传真:86-21-58871140商务咨询E-MAIL :*****************技术咨询E-MAIL :****************网址:●2只M6螺钉(DIN912标准)●垂直或水平安装,如上图● 关于模块安装的详细信息请参考用户手册中模块的安装和接线说明。
Epec 2024 Control ModuleTechnical DocumentDocument: 2024G08Updated: 1.10.2008Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeDOCUMENT VERSION HISTORYDate Notes1.10.2008Document and layout updated 16.8.2006First released versionEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeTABLE OF CONTENTS1 GENERAL (4)1.1 Purpose of This Document (4)1.2 About Manufacturer (4)1.3 Epec CAN Module Family (4)1.4 Basic skills required (4)1.5 Safety guidelines (4)1.6 Warranty (5)1.7 Limited liability (6)1.8 Environmental statement (6)2 I/O MODULE GENERAL DESCRIPTION (7)2.1 Programming Environment (7)2.1.1 Codesys 2.1 (7)2.1.2 Codesys 2.3 (8)2.2 CANopen Indexes (8)3 INPUT / OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS (9)3.1 Configurable I/Os (9)3.2 Digital Input (10)3.3 Current Measuring Feedback (11)3.4 Digital Input / PWM Output / Digital Output (12)3.5 Digital Input / Analog Input (15)3.6 Digital Input / Digital Output (sinking) (17)3.7 Digital Input / Pulse Input (19)3.8 Specification for Internal Diagnostics (21)3.9 Closed Loops Wiring (21)3.10 I/O / IEC Map (22)3.11 AMPSEAL Connectors (23)3.12 AMPSEAL Cable Dimensions (23)4 POWER SUPPLY (24)4.1 Overvoltage Protection (24)4.2 Power Consumption (24)4.3 Power Supply Pins (24)5 BUS CONNECTION (25)5.1 Bus Connection Pins (25)5.2 CAN Interface (25)6 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERS (26)6.1 Protection (26)6.2 EMC Tests (26)6.3 Environmental Tests (30)7 HOUSING (32)7.1 Mounting (32)7.2 Unit Dimensions (33)8ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS (34)Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice1 GENERAL1.1 Purpose of This DocumentThis technical document is meant to be used in system development. This document containsnecessary data concerning the module in question, which system designer needs in systemdevelopment work.Copying of this document without permission is prohibited. All trademarks mentioned in thisdocument are owned by their manufacturers.1.2 About ManufacturerEpec Oy helps its customers to manufacture efficient, safe and environmental friendly mobileworking machines and special vehicles which help their customers to maximise theirproductivity.Epec is a solution provider specialized in embedded control systems, vehicle computers andinformation logistics systems for mobile machines. We believe that we know control systems forchallenging conditions and we are able to offer a total solution from control units to projectservices and designing.1.3 Epec CAN Module FamilyEpec CAN Module Family is designed to operate in extreme environments, where vibration,wide temperature changes and moisture are normal conditions. The requirements for thesystem’s reliability and safety have been the key words in module family development. A smalland protective module casing keeps inside high performance microcontroller with lots of controlcapabilities.1.4 Basic skills requiredThe user of this document must have professional skills on machine controlling, CANcommunication, PLCopen programming according to IEC61131-1 and should have skills to useCoDeSys 2.1/2.3 programming environment.Please refer CoDeSys 2.1/2.3 manual for further information on programming environment andrequired installations.Please refer CAN and CANopen documentation from CAN in Automation (CiA) for furtherinformation on communication issues.1.5 Safety guidelinesThe user of this documentation should follow general machine safety guidelines, directives andregulation appropriate to his/her country or market area.This product does not comply with SIL2 or SIL3 classifications and should not be used in suchapplications, e.g. lifting people, where SIL 2 or SIL3 are required by directives or otherregulations.A separate safety analysis is always recommended for the machine and its control system. Thefeatures of this product should be well documented in machine and control system documentsEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeso that the machine operator has the right information how to operate the machine correctly andsafely.This product is designed to be used only for machine controlling purposes. The manufacturerdoes not assume any responsibility for this product being fit for any particular application, unlessotherwise expressly stated in writing by the manufacturer.This product complies with those certifications and standards that are listed below. Themanufacturer does not guarantee that this product complies any other certification, standard ortest than listed below.This product is not field serviceable, so it should not be opened at any situation.An external fuse should be installed for the product or the system power supply.The system should be designed and constructed according to the Epec general mounting andcabling instruction document.Epec Oy reserves a right to improve its products without a further notice.1.6 WarrantyThe manufacturer does not assume any responsibility for the products being fit for any particularpurpose, unless otherwise expressly stated in writing by the manufacturer.The manufacturer gives the warranty of twelve (12) months to the products and thereto relatedfirmware from commissioning or eighteen (18) months from the date of delivery of the productswhich ever occurs firstThe manufacturer is during the warranty period responsible for defects in the products andthereto related firmware resulting from faults in material, design or workmanship. Themanufacturer’s only obligation under this warranty is to, at its sole discretion, either to replacethe products and/or thereto related firmware or to repair the defective products. Themanufacturer shall, at its sole option, repair the products at its manufactory in Seinäjoki,Finland.The warranty does not cover any costs related to removing or fastening of devices related to theproducts. Neither does the warranty cover the expenses of sending devices to or from themanufacturer for repairs. The warranty does not cover possible expenses relating to travelling,accommodation, daily benefits, etc. of installers.The warranty becomes null and void if the buyer and/or a third party alters the products or thefirmware in any way or if they are not used in accordance with the Manufacturer’s operatinginstructions.All claims with respect to defects in the products shall be made to the manufacturer withoutdelay and no later than on the seventh (7th) day after the defect has been or should have beendiscovered by the buyer. The manufacturer strives to reply to the claim in writing within two (2)weeks from the receipt of the claim. The buyer shall attach to the claim a possible error report orequivalent explanation of the grounds for the claim.The manufacturer gives no other warranties whatsoever for the products than the warranty setout in this section and thus the warranty given in this section sets forth the warranty given by themanufacturer in its entirety.Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice1.7 Limited liabilityThe manufacturer shall under no circumstances be liable for loss of production, loss of profit,loss of use or any other consequential damages and/or indirect losses, whatever their causemay be. In case claims based on product liability are brought against the Manufacturer for whichclaims the manufacturer may be liable, the manufacturer’s liability is limited to the extentnormally covered under normal product liability insurances.The buyer shall compensate the manufacturer to the extent that the manufacturer might beliable to pay damages as a result of claims based on product liability according to paragraphabove.1.8 Environmental statementThe manufacturer uses ISO14001 environmental certified processes and materials tomanufacture products. The manufacturer undertakes to arrange for the recycling and scrappingof the products that are returned to the manufacturer by the buyer and/or the products that arereceived by the Manufacturer in connection with maintenance services performed as a result ofthat repairing of the products is deemed by the manufacturer to be inappropriate.The manufacturer will charge a scrapping fee from the buyer according to the manufacturer'sprice list in force from time to time. No scrapping fee will, however, be charged for products thatare received by the manufacturer during the warranty period.Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice2 I/O MODULE GENERAL DESCRIPTIONI/O Module is part of the Epec CAN Module Family. I/O Module has large amount of digital andanalog inputs and digital outputs. Digital outputs can be configured to be used as digital inputs and vice versa. Module is used in a CAN control module system as a multifunction controller with different kinds of sensors and actuators, such as proportional valves, servo motors, andelectro-hydraulic components. This PLCopen programmable (with CoDeSys tool) module canalso be used as an independent controller because of digital and analog I/O capabilities. I/OModule has two CAN-busses.FeaturesApplications • ISO High Speed CAN1 interface• ISO High Speed CAN2 interface• Operating voltage 10 - 30 VDC• Recommended operating voltage 24 VDC• Overvoltage protection• Overheating protection• Short-circuit protection for outputs• Gold plated, locked and sealed connectors:8-pin AMPSEAL for module connection3 x 23-pin AMPSEAL for I/O• Small outline dimensions: 147 x 113 x 46• Weight 0,7 kg• Forest Machines • Road Maintenance • Construction Machines • Crushing Stations • Industrial Machines • Agricultural applications • Automation applications • Mining MachinesMonitoring FunctionsFollowing issues can be monitored by the application• Supply voltage• Firmware/application code corruption• Module temperatureSoftware deadlock is monitored by the hardware watchdog that reboots the moduleautomatically after 300 ms software deadlock.2.1 Programming EnvironmentThis product can be programmed with either CoDeSys 2.1 or CoDeSys 2.3 depending on themodule’s firmware. If the firmware’s runtime is older than 2.1x, the programming environment isCoDeSys 2.1 and if the runtime is 2.3.x or newer the programming environment is CoDeSys2.3.The runtime version can be checked from index with a CANopen tool, for example withCANmoon.2.1.1 Codesys 2.1• Flash• 248 x 16-bit flash saved parameters (Runtime older than 2.15)• 756 x 16-bit flash saved parameters (Runtime 2.15 or newer)• CAN buses• Supported baud rates 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 kbit/s.• CAN1• CANopen• CAN2• User programmable• J1939Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice• Pulse inputs• Maximum pulse input frequency 20 kHz.• Joint frequency for all pulse inputs. (e.g. four channel in use --> 5 kHz for each channel.)• Minimum PWM frequency• 40 Hz for 20 MHz module• 80 Hz for 40 MHz module2.1.2 Codesys 2.3• Flash• 6200 bytes flash saved parameters.• 10 separately saved sets.• Maximum code size 254 kb.• CAN-buses• User programmable CAN for all physical CAN-buses• Supported baud rates 50, 100, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 kbit/s.• Supported protocols• CANopen (for all physical buses)• J1939 (only for one bus in the same module)• ISOBUS (only for one bus in the same module)• Possible to add external c-programmed library• Minimum PWM frequency• 40 Hz for 20 MHz module• 80 Hz for 40 MHz module• Maximum pulse input frequency 40 kHz. Joint frequency for all pulse inputs. (e.g. fourchannel in use --> 10 kHz for each channel). Is dependable for the other interrupt load inmodule (for example heavy CAN-traffic can reduce maximum frequency).2.2 CANopen IndexesCANopen communication features can be installed through software, for example NodeIDs andCAN rates. For more information refer to programming manuals.Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3 INPUT / OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONSI/O module contains inputs and outputs or, in other words, I/O pins of many different types.There are, for example, outputs which source current and outputs which sink current.Furthermore, there are I/O pins which can be used as inputs or as outputs at the control of theapplication programmer.3.1 Configurable I/Os DI AI PI DO PWMMax Amount Digital Input Analog Input Current Measuring Feedback Pulse Input Digital Output (sourcing) Digital Output (sinking) Pulse Width Modulation Output4 x4 x24 x x x8 x x4 x x8 x x52 48 12 8 28 24The usage of each I/O pin is determined by the application.Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3.2 Digital InputPins X1.19, X1.20, X2.19, and X2.20 are ground referenced inputs (DI ).Pins are associated with a bit variable in the IX area in PLCopen programming environment.The application program will see there a logical zero when the pin is grounded or left open anda logical one when the pin is connected to a positive voltage source.Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Max Units V I Greater than 4,3 V (Note 1)9,0 11 k Ω R I Input Resistance Referenced to 1,3 V;V I Less than 4,3 V (Note 1)6,2 7,6 k Ω V IH Input High Voltage4,8 30 V V IL Input Low Voltage-0,5 4,2 V t C=10 ms (Note 2, 3, 4, 5) 12 Hz f I Input Frequency Variable t C (Note 2, 3, 5)1/8t CC I Input Capacitance 37 57 nFNote 1: With input voltages below 4,3 V it seems like the internal input resistance wasconnected to a 1,3 V voltage source.Note 2: t C denotes software cycle time.Note 3: Violating this rating may lead to system not recognizing all input state transitions.Note 4: These parameters depend on software cycle time.Note 5: Applies to inputs used as normal digital input. Violating this rating may lead toapplication program not noticing all input state transitions.Connection PrincipleEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3.3 Current Measuring FeedbackPins X1.5, X1.6, X2.3, and X2.4 are normally used as a return path for the loads of PWM outputs. These kinds of pins have a small shunt resistor connected to ground. The shunt resistor is used to measure the current flowing through the load. Nothing prevents using these pins to measure currents from other sources as well.In PLCopen programming environment, there is a word variable in IW area associated with each pin from where the software can read the actual current flowing into the pin.Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Max Units R I Input Resistance0,21 0,23 Ω Analog measuring range 0,0 1,0 A I I Input Current (Note 1) 1,7 A TIRETotal Input Referred Error55mANote 1: Exceeding the max value might cause damage to input.Connection PrincipleA pin where the upper wire of the load is connected is PWM output / digital output. This illustrates the normal way to connect loads when load current measurement is desired.Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3.4 Digital Input / PWM Output / Digital OutputThese pins are current sourcing outputs. In other words, pin connects the load to positive supply voltage. The application program can also simultaneously monitor the actual state of the pin. This feature makes it possible to detect short circuits to the ground. Open loads can not be detected because the internal load resistor is connected to the ground.Connector X1 Connector X2X1.1 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.7 X1.8 X1.14 X1.15 X1.16 X1.17 X1.22 X1.23 X2.1 X2.2 X2.5 X2.6 X2.7 X2.8 X2.9 X2.10 X2.16 X2.17 X2.22 X2.23These kind of outputs are also capable to generate pulse width modulated (PWM) output signals. This feature is useful when driving proportionally controlled loads, e.g. proportional hydraulic valves. Monitoring the state of the pin is generally not possible when the pin is used as a PWM signal output.PWM frequencies can be configured under software control in groups of outputs. The frequency is set by HW_SET_PWM_FREQ function call. The setting is done by a PWM channel but setting the frequency of one channel sets also the frequencies of all the other channels in the same groups.In very carefully selected applications a pin of this type can also be used as an input by using the output state monitoring feature. In those cases, the output functionality of the pin must of course be kept in off state. It must be taken care in system design that the output unintentionally switching to on state causes no harm to the system.Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticePWM Frequency Control Groups (PFCG)Group Channel Output pin 0 X1.231 X1.22 2 X1.173 X1.164 X1.15 X1.26 X1.47 X1.38 X2.29 X2.1 10 X2.9 A 11 X2.10B 12 X2.8C 13 X2.7D 14 X2.6E 15 X2.5 16 X1.717 X1.8 18 X1.15 19 X1.14 20 X2.17 21 X2.16 22 X2.22 F 23 X2.23Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Units R O Output Resistance Output On 0,2 Ω I O Output Current Output On 3 A f PWM PWM Frequency (Note 1)40 2550 Hz Group A and F (Note 1) 2,5 MHz/ f PWM Group B, C, D and E (Note 1)312,5 kHz/ f PWMGroup A and F;f PWM =100 Hz (Note 1) 25000PWM Resolution Group B, C, D and E; f PWM =100 Hz (Note 1)3125R I Input Resistance Output Off 2,8 7,5 K ΩV IH Input High Voltage 3 V IN V V IL Input Low Voltage Output Off-0,5 1 V t C =10 ms (Note 2, 3, 4)12 Hz f I Input frequencyVariable t C (Note 2, 4) 1/8t C t C =10 ms (Note 2, 3, 4)40 ms t I Input Pulse WidthVariable t C (Note 2, 4)4t CEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeConnection PrincipleA pin where the lower wire of the load is connected is current measuring feedback. This illustrates the normal way to connect loads when load current measurement is desired.Connection Principle (when used as an input)PWM capable outputs are divided into six groups.Note 1: All outputs in the same group shareizing all input state transitions oftware cycle time Note 4: t C denotes software cycle timethe same PWM frequency (default value 140 Hz) Note 2: Violating this rating may lead to system not recogn Note 3: These parameters depend on sEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3.5 Digital Input / Analog InputPins X1.12, X2.12, X3.5…X3.8, X3.13, and X3.14 are analog inputs. Some of the inputs are grouped: X3.5, X3.6 and X3.7 is defined as group one, and X3.13 and X3.14 is group two. Both groups can be configured either as a current input or as a voltage input. For example, if group two is configured as a current input, then both pins X3.13 and X3.14 can only be used as a current input.Pins of this kind are used to measure analog signals. They can be used as high impedance voltage inputs for signals from 0 to 5 volts or low impedance current inputs for signals from 0 to 22,7 milliamperes. Pins of this kind can be used as e.g. joystick connection when 41 k +2,5 V (voltage input) is selected.Inputs are divided into groups by the input impedance configuration. The input impedance of each group is controlled by a bit in an Input Impedance Configuration Register (IICR). This register is invisible to the programmer but it can be written by HW_SET_AI_TYPE function call.When an input like this is configured as a low impedance current input, it can’twithstand the normal maximum input voltage rating. The maximum rating is lowered in this case to 15 volts.In PLCopen programming environment, there is a word variable in IW area associated with each pin from where the software can read the actual signal magnitude at the pin.In carefully selected applications these pins can also be used as digital inputs. Generally, it is not recommended. In high impedance voltage input configuration they have low threshold voltage which is quite sensitive to interference signals. In low impedance current input configuration they are subject to damage if they are connected to for example 24 volt system voltage. There are bits in IX area associated with these inputs to support the DI functionality.Input Impedance Configuration Register (IICR) Bit Input Group IICR.0 X1.12 IICR.1 X2.12 IICR.2 X3: 5, 6, 7 IICR.3 X3.8 IICR.4 X3: 13, 14Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeElectrical CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Units V I Input Voltage Analog measuring range 0,0 5,0 V I I Input Current Analog measuring range 0,0 22,7 mA(Note 1) 2,0 30 VV IH Input High Voltage(Note 2) 2,0 15 VV IL Input Low Voltage -0,5 1,0 V I IH Input High Current (Note 2) 9,0 27 mA I IL Input Low Current (Note 2) -2,3 4,5 mAReferred to 2,5 V (Note 1) 40 42 k ΩR I Input Resistance(Note 2) 215 225 Ω0,25 VTIRETotal Input Referred Error (Note 2) 1,1 mA πI Time Constant of InputLow Pass Filter (Note 1) 3,1 4,7 msConnection Principle; High Impedance Voltage InputNote 1: Input Configured for Voltage Measurement (220 Ω Input Resistor Disconnected) Note 2: Input Configured for Current Measurement (220 Ω Input Resistor Connected)Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3.6 Digital Input / Digital Output (sinking)Pins X1.18, X1.21, X2.18, and X2.21 are current sinking outputs. In other words, pins connect the load to the ground. The application program can also simultaneously monitor the actual state of the pin. This feature makes it possible to detect open loads and short circuits to the supply voltage.In very carefully selected applications a pin of this type can also be used as an input by using the output state monitoring feature. In those cases, the output functionality of the pin must of course be kept in off state. It must be taken care in system design that the output unintentionally switching to on state causes no harm to system.There are two bit variables associated with each pin of this type in PLCopen programming environment. The first is one of the QX output bits for controlling the pin as an output. The second is one of the IX input bits for monitoring the actual state of the output or reading the pin as an input.Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Max Units R O Output Resistance Output On 0,12 Ω I O Output Current Output On 3 A R I Input Resistance Output Off 9 11 k Ω V IH Input High Voltage Output Off 3,0 30 V V IL Input Low Voltage-0,5 1,0 V t C=10 ms (Note 1, 2, 3)12 Hz f I Input frequency Variable t C (Note 1, 3) 1/8t C t C =10 ms (Note 1, 2, 3)40 ms t I Input Pulse WidthVariable t C (Note 1, 3)4t CConnection PrincipleEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeConnection Principle (when used as input)Note 1: Violating this rating may lead to system not recognizing all input state transitions Note 2: These parameters depend on software cycle time Note 3: t C denotes software cycle timeEpec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior notice3.7 Digital Input / Pulse InputPins X3.16…X3.23 are ground referenced inputs (DI ) including pulse counting (PI ) feature. These pins have 10 k Ω resistor connected to GND.The application program is provided with frequency and number of the pulses seen in the input in addition to the normal input state.There are three variables associated with each pin of this type in IEC programming environment. The first is a bit variable in the IX area just in the same way as with the pins without the PI features. The other two are word variables in the IW memory area which hold the frequency value and the number of pulses.After starting up the module measures only the pulse frequency. Pulse counting, if needed, must be enabled explicitly by the application program.The pulse counting competes with the application program and other processes for the CPU time. This makes it rather hard to estimate the actual maximum frequency of the pulses that the module is able to count reliably. The maximum frequencies given in the table below are such frequencies which make the module to freeze in practice if all inputs are connected to their maximum frequencies. It means that to be able to reach the maximum frequencies, there is no room for application program or any other processes like CAN traffic. So, the practical limits are lower but the maximum values of the table still give the basis for the estimation.Inputs of this type are also suitable for quadrature sensor position counting. Any of these inputs can be logically paired with another similar input. The result is a two channel pulse counter which is capable of detecting the direction of the movement of the sensor. The pairing is done in application program.The pulse count and pulse frequency can be read from the pulse input channels. The following table shows the IW-addresses where to read the wanted data (when using CoDeSys 2.1).Pulse Input channels ChannelPinPulse FrequencyPulse Count0 X3.23 %IW150 %IW160 1 X3.17 %IW151 %IW161 2 X3.16 %IW152 %IW162 3 X3.20 %IW153 %IW163 4 X3.19 %IW154 %IW164 5 X3.18 %IW155 %IW165 6 X3.22 %IW156 %IW166 7 X3.21%IW157%IW167For more information on pulse input channels refer to Hardware Library manual (HW lib).Epec Oy reserves all rights for improvements without prior noticeElectrical Characteristics Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Max Units V I greater than 4,3 V (Note 1)9,0 11 k Ω R I Input Resistance Referenced to 1,3 V;V I less than 4,3 V (Note 1)6,2 7,6 k Ω V IH Input High Voltage 4,8 30 V V IL Input Low Voltage-0,5 4,2VGroup A: X3.23, X3.17, X3.16, X3.20 (Note 2, 3, 6) 5 kHz Group B: X3.19, X3.18, X3.22, X3.21 (Note 2, 3, 6)2,5 kHz Input Frequency(frequency measurement and pulse counting) Sum of the frequencies of all theabove pins (Note 2, 3, 6)40 kHzt C =10 ms (Note 3, 4, 5, 7) 12 Hz f I Input Frequency (normal inputs) Variable t C (Note 3, 5, 7)1/8t C Note 3, 650 µs t C =10 ms (Note 3, 4, 5, 7)40 ms t I Input Pulse Width Variable t C (Note 3, 5, 7)4t CC I Input Capacitance0,8 47 nFConnection PrincipleNote 1: With input voltages below 4,3 V it seems like the internal input resistance wasconnected to a 1,3 V voltage source Note 2: All conditions must be respected. Even if some of the inputs were not used forfrequency measurement or pulse counting, these conditions must nevertheless be respected regarding those inputs too. Otherwise operation of other inputs may be interfered Note 3: Violating this rating may lead to system not recognizing all input state transitions Note 4: These parameters depend on software cycle time Note 5: t C denotes software cycle timeNote 6: Applies to inputs used for frequency measurement and pulse counting. Violating thisrating may lead to incorrect measurement or counting Note 7: Applies to inputs used as normal digital inputs. Violating this rating may lead toapplication program not noticing all input state transitions。
二、功能特点:1.功能描述1.1 系统状态的实时显示:当前使用的电源类型、泵状态、电压状态、电流状态以及后备电源类型;1.2 参数可设置:过压、欠压、系统密码、消防泵参数、ATSE自复延时时间、消防泵自动停止时间、消防泵类型、后备电源类型、时间日期、周测试时间等可以同过面板上的按键进行设置;1.3 系统故障报警:当出现过压、欠压、断相、错相、堵转、ATS切换失败、通信失败、泵状态异常等故障时,通过显示屏界面实时提示、蜂鸣器鸣叫、声光报警器以及led灯点亮的方式进行报警;1.4 周测试功能:设定好测试时间后,系统自动每周测试一次消防泵,并可自动判别消防泵能否正常启动;1.5 电源切换功能:当一路电源出现故障时,自动切换到另一路电源;1.6 实时采集、显示常用和备用电源的三相电压及干路电流;1.7 泵异常情况处理:能自动识别泵异常启动、异常停止;1.8 泵的紧急启动和紧急停止功能:出现紧急情况时,可对消防泵进行紧急启动和停止;1.9 泵的启动互锁:泵手动启动或紧急启动时,系统在软件和硬件上采用了互锁控制,保证任何时候只有一个泵运行;1.10当发生过载、堵转或短路情况时,系统会按照标准要求进行保护;1.11日历功能:显示当前的时间,并可随时修改;1.12 具有远程启动和远程报警功能。
1.13 具有软件复位功能;1.13 带有485通信接口,可通过该通信接口对各参数进行设定和修改,也可进行远程监测和控制(此功能有待完善)。
2.特点2.1通过高亮的LED灯显示故障,保证火灾发生时,人能在烟雾中清楚识别;2.2系统操作有A、B两种操作级别,手动和外部操作等A操作级别高于自动操作等B操作级别;2.3控制发电机的继电器与常用电源联锁,保证常用电源出现故障后,系统自动启动发电机;2.4控制器外部装有手柄和按钮,操作人员可以很方便的进行柜外操作;2.5自动定期检测消防泵和线路的好坏,可有效保证火灾发生时不出现泵不能启动的情况;2.6清晰迷离的人机界面,采用192*64大屏幕液晶中文显示,设置参数可以很方便的通过按键进行操作;2.7采用AC23级别的隔离开关,可在柜外进行带电操作;2.8各继电器的输出和开关的接线进行了互锁设计,保证不会同时启动两台消防泵;2.9控制器采用特种电线进行接线,使控制柜具有体积小、结构紧凑、安装方便、电线使用寿命长等特点;2.10采用电机保护型的断路器,对泵出现的短路故障能进行实时保护;2.11时间日期的设置能自动判断是否越界;2.12柜外装有模拟开关,可方便地演示控制器的电源切换功能;2.13火灾发生时,自动退出测试模式,保证了“消防优先”的原则;2.14大功率消防泵可以采用降压启动的方式,减小泵启动时对电网的冲击;2.15只需简单地更换直接启动或降压启动装置,就可实现消防泵控制器两种启动方式的转换三、主要技术指标:1.符合标准GB16806-2006 消防联动控制系统GB21208-2007 低压开关设备和控制设备-固定式消防泵驱动器的控制器2.设定技术参数说明:ATSE切换延时时间:两路电源均正常时,从备用电源切换到常用电源的延时时间;泵自动停止时间:泵自动运行后,自动停止所需的延时时间;3.主要器件参数4.其他参数工作电源:三相四线制,相电压AC220V MCU控制部分电源功耗:<1W工作温度/存储温度:-5℃~45℃液晶分辨率:192*64防护等级:IP31二次电流输入:5A/2mA四、安装接线:1、安装注意事项1.1电气环境■外部接线时,注意强电信号与弱电信号分开走线;■输入电源的电压波动围必须小于仪表的容限,尤其是在用户定制电源的情况下;1.2气候环境■周围环境没有滴水,气温不超过-5℃~45℃,且24h平均温度不超过+35℃;■安装地点海拔不超过2000米;■当水压驱动控制器用于户外时,管道中的水温不低于+4℃;■相对湿度<90%;1.3运输与存储环境■本产品运输时,需在包装条件下进行,运输和拆封过程中不应收到剧烈震动和冲击。
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PLC SET 1 (2023) 控制器PLC SET 1 (2023) 控制器硬件手册2023G01.doc2005-01-28简介Epec Oy建于1978年,位于芬兰的Seinajoki。
EPEC 4G模块家族Epec 4G是EPEC OY开发的第四代CAN控制系统模块。
Epec 4G是基于长期恶劣环境如高震动、大温度变化和潮湿等条件下仍能正常可靠的工作而开发的。
特性应用·ISO高速CAN1接口(CANopen)·伐木机械·ISO高/低速CAN2接口(CAN2.0B)·道路维护·供电10—30VDC,编程时要求大于11.5V ·建筑机械·建议24VDC供电·破碎设备·程序时钟周期默认10ms(可改)·工业设备·248个16bit参数·农业机械·高压和过载保护·自动化应用·过热保护·凿岩机械·输出短路保护·镀金接触、自锁、密封良好的连接器一个8针安普接插件(总线和供电)三个23针安普接插件(I/O)·小尺寸147χ113mmχ35mm总线连接外壳●全封闭轻铸铝外壳●喷丸涂漆安装●2只M6螺钉(DIN912标准)●如果使用Epec防冲击保护罩(E10801109),推荐用Epec E10701038紧固螺钉●垂直或水平安装,如下图接插件●镀金接触、自锁、密封良好的连接器●一个8针AMP接插件(总线和供电)XM4型号为:KX0187●三个23针AMP接插件,灰色XM1、蓝色XM2、黑色XM3各一个,型号分别为:KX0007,KX0009,KX0008●23*3+8*1=77根AMP镀金插针,型号为:KX0010安普电缆线尺寸重量0.7KG操作温度-40O C…+70O C储存温度-50O C…+85O C防护等级●IP67●只有按规定选择正确的电缆线、插头和工具方可保证高品质。
且该Hub控制器的CAN 总线端口内部在硬件电路上进行滤波降噪等抗干扰信号处理,以及信号恢复中继的作用。
Option #1 Sensor feedback signalInternal sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper on position #5Option #2 LCD display mode (controls LCD type only)a. psigJumper on position #4 b. bar Jumper off position #4N o t e :If using bar option, be careful not to lose jumper.Option #3 Control signala. 0-10 VDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper on position #1o rb. Internal control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper on position #2o rc. 4-20mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper on position #3N o t e :Only one control signal at a time can be used.Option #4 Pressure RangeEach control board has two pressure ranges available and can be selected by the Jumper on position #7The high range board can be configured for either:a. 0-90 psig (6 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper off position #7o rb. 0-60 psig (4 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper on position #7 The low range board can be configured for either:a. 0-30 psig (2 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper on position #7o rb. 0-15 psig (1 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumper off position #7 First feed the cable through the strain relief provided and remove the retaining nut for the strain relief. Now feed the wires through the hole in the control board housing, slide the retaining nut over the wires and secure the strain relief to the housing making sure to have the required amount of wire to connect them to the terminal block. Once this is completed you can connect the wires to the terminal block as the following describes.Now, with the unit configured to the desired options, the external electrical connection of the unit can be done. This is accomplished by securing the wires directly to the control board terminal block on the upper right hand side of the unit (figure 3). It is recommended that a shielded cable with the required number of wires for your application be used to connect the unit if using an external control and monitor signal. The shield should be con-nected to the supply ground and not to the unit. If using the internal control, only a supply voltage will be required, although the monitor signal can be used.If using an external control circuit, connect the wires to the appropriate terminals as follows: (Refer to figure 3)Control signal:- If using a 0–10 VDC control signal, connect the control wire to position #5.- If using a 4–20mA control signal, connect control wire to position #6.Monitor signal: (If used)- Connect the external monitor feedback to position #3, this outputs a 0–10 VDC that corresponds to a 1 VDC per 10% of range.Supply voltage and common ground:- Connect the supply voltage positive pole (+) to position #1.- Connect the common ground (-) for supply, control and monitor signals to position #2.If using the internal resistor control, wire the unit as follows:Monitor signal: If monitor signal is not required, no connection is required.- Connect the external monitor feedback to position #3, this outputs a 0–10 VDC that corresponds to a 1 VDC per 10% of range.Supply voltage and common ground:- Connect the supply voltage positive pole (+) to position #1.- Connect the common ground (-) for supply, and monitor signals to position #2.Caution: Reversing the polarity of the supply signal may result in damage to the board.Once the wires are properly located, secure the wires in the terminal block and tighten the strain relief to secure the wires and provide protection from the environment.ZERO AND SPAN ADJUSTMENT:The zero and span adjustment was set at the factory and should not require any further adjustment. If the zero and span do need to be adjusted, energize the unit. Input 0 VDC to the control signal and using a volt meter, measure the output on the position #3 of the ter-minal block. The output should be -.01 to 0 VDC. If not turn the zero potentiometer (figure 4) until the output is correct. To adjust the span, attach an external pressure gauge and apply 8 VDC to the control signal. Then adjust the span potentiometer (figure 4) until the P2 pressure is 80% of the range selected [i.e., 12 psig (,83 bar) for 0-15 psig (0-1 bar), 24psig (1,67 bar) for 0-30 psig (0-2 bar), 48 psig (3,3 bar) for 0-60 psig (0-4 bar), 72 psig (4,96 bar) for 0-90 psig (0-6 bar)]. This completes the zero and span adjustments.Now carefully replace the cover. It can be installed in two positions, 180 degrees apart from each other. Then replace the two cover screws.The unit is now ready for operation. Supply pressure and power to the unit can be turned on.POSITION #34-20mA CONTROL POSITION #2INTERNAL CONTROL POSITION #10-10 VDC CONTROLPOSITION #4ON PSIG/OFF BAR(FOR LCD UNITS ONLY)!IF INTERNALLY CONTROLLED:To adjust the pressure, pry the internal adjustment cap off. With power and pressure to the unit turn the adjustment screw (figure 5)until the desired pressure is achieved then replace the cap.POSITION #4(NOT USED)INTERNAL PRESSURE ADJUSTMENTSCREWFIGURE 5FIGURE 4DimensionsModels A B C D E F G EPV 3.28 1.69 2.35.79 2.35 1.20.45 83436020603011REPAIR KITS AND REPLACEMENT PARTSLCD Board and Ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E R P-95-787 Control Board LCD 15/30 psig (1,0/2,0 bar) . . . . . .E P P-95-782 Control Board LCD 60/90 psig (4,0/6,0 bar) . . . . . .E P P-95-782 Control Board STD 15/30 psig (1,0/2,0 bar) . . . . . .E P P-95-800 Control Board STD 60/90 psig (4,0/6,0 bar) . . . . . .E P P-95-801 Intake Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E R P-95-790 Exhaust Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E R P-95-791 120 VAC to 12 VDC Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E R P-95-796 Flat Bracket Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E P P-95-351 Angled Bracket Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E P P-95-352 S P E C I F I C A T I O N SM i n M a x N o m U n i t s Supply Voltage1228—V D C Supply Current—25080m A Control SignalV o l t a g e010—V D C I m p e d a n c e——200K O H M C u r r e n t420—m A I m p e d a n c e——600O H M I n t e r n a l————Monitor Output010—V D C Overall Accuracy0.6%1.0%0.8%S C A L E Supply Pressure—150 —p s i g—(10,3)—(b a r) Output Pressure015/30/60/90—psig(0,0)(1/2/4/6) —(b a r) C v——.02—TROUBLE SHOOTINGUnit fails to operate1) Verify supply voltage2) Verify control voltage3) Intake valve or controller failure4) Apply 12 VDC to valve and listen for slightclick indicating valve is working5) Replace control boardUnit remains pressurized1) Verify control voltage2) Exhaust valve or controller failure3) Apply 12 VDC to valve and listen forslight click indicating valve is working4) Replace control boardLCD fails to display pressure1) Verify supply voltage2) Verify that ribbon cable is secure on both ends3) Have dealer check LCD board and replace if necessary4) Replace control boardM A I N T E N A N C E1.DEPRESSURIZE THE AIR LINE PRIOR TOATTEMPTING ANY SERVICE TO THE UNIT!2.LCD Display:Remove the two screws from the LCD coverand carefully remove the cover. Turning the cover over,remove the two screws inside that retain the LCD board tothe cover and lift out the LCD board. Unplug the displayboard from the ribbon cable. If defective replace with a newLCD board and re-connect the ribbon cable. Making sure theLCD lens and seal are in place, replace the LCD board in thecap and secure with the two screws. Replace the cover backon the unit and secure with the two screws.3.Control Board:If the unit is an LCD type, remove the LCDdisplay board from the cap as described in step #2 andunplug the ribbon cable from the LCD board. Now unscrewthe three screws that retain the control board housing andunplug the valves from the back of the control board.Carefully lift the housing with the control board still inside.Remove the control board from the bottom of the housingand replace with the new control board. Reassemble inreverse order.4.Valve Replacement:The electronic valves cannot beserviced internally. If failure occurs, replace the valve. Toreplace the valves, remove the housing as described in #3above. Once the housing is removed, unscrew the defectivevalve from the cap. Making sure to replace with correct valve[3 position connector for intake valve and 2 position connec-tor for the exhaust valve (figure 6)], screw the valve downuntil it seals on the base of the valve seal. Reassemble thecontrol board and cap as described in steps #2 and #3.。
PLC SET 2 (2024) 控制器硬件手册2024G02.doc简介Epec Oy建于1978年,位于芬兰的Seinajoki。
EPEC 4G模块家族Epec 4G是EPEC OY开发的第四代CAN控制系统模块。
Epec 4G是基于长期恶劣环境如高震动、大温度变化和潮湿等条件下仍能正常可靠的工作而开发的。
特性应用·ISO高速CAN1接口(CANopen)·伐木机械·ISO高/低速CAN2接口(CAN2.0B)·道路维护·供电10—30VDC,编程时要求大于11.5V ·建筑机械·建议24VDC供电·破碎设备·程序时钟周期默认10ms(可改)·工业设备·248个16bit参数·农业机械·高压和过载保护·自动化应用·过热保护·凿岩机械·输出短路保护·镀金接触、自锁、密封良好的连接器一个8针安普接插件(总线和供电)三个23针安普接插件(I/O)·小尺寸147mmχ113mmχ35mm数量DI AI PI DO PWM4 X4 X (FB)8 X(负向)X8 X X24 X X X4 X X(负向)内容针号电势电源(+Ub)XM4.5 XM4.4 +24VDC(最大总电流13A)电源(地)XM4.1 XM4.3 GND (最大总电流13A)电源(逻辑)XM2.11 +24VDC(逻辑参考电源输入)参考电源+ XM1.13 +24VDC(最大电流3A)参考电源+(电位计、传感器)XM3.1 XM3.9 +12VDC(最大总电流200mA)(注意防止短路)参考电源+(电位计、传感器)XM3.2 XM3.10 +5VDC(最大总电流300mA)(注意防止短路)参考地(做模拟地、开关/脉冲传感地;也可用于负载回路)XM1.9 XM1.10 XM1.11XM2.13 XM2.14 XM2.15XM3.3 XM3.4 XM3.11XM3.12(注意此地一定要与电源地、车辆搭铁地隔离)(每一路最大负载5A)总线连接内容针号CAN1接口,CANOpen,下载连接、通讯用XM4.2(CANH)XM4.6(CANL)XM4.3(GND) XM4.1(GND) CAN2接口,CAN2.0B,用户自编程用XM4.7(CANH)XM4.8(CANL)此针必须悬空XM3.15外壳全封闭轻铸铝外壳●喷丸涂漆安装●2只M6螺钉(DIN912标准)●如果使用Epec防冲击保护罩(E10801109),推荐用Epec E10701038紧固螺钉●垂直或水平安装,如下图● 镀金接触、自锁、密封良好的连接器● 一个8针AMP 接插件(总线和供电)XM4型号为:KX0187● 三个23针AMP 接插件,灰色XM1、蓝色XM2、黑色XM3各一个,型号分别为:KX0007,KX0009,KX0008 ● 23*3+8*1=77根AMP 镀金插针,型号为:KX0010安普电缆线尺寸重量 0.7KG操作温度-40O C…+70O C储存温度-50O C…+85O C防护等级 ● IP67● 只有按规定选择正确的电缆线、插头和工具方可保证高品质。
二、EPEC控制器硬件组成EPEC控制器主要由以下几个部分组成:1. 中央处理器(CPU):负责接收传感器输入的信号,进行数据处理和逻辑运算,输出控制信号。
2. 存储器:用于存储程序和数据,包括RAM、ROM等。
3. 输入输出接口:用于连接传感器和执行器,实现信号的输入和输出。
4. 电源:为EPEC控制器提供电源,确保其正常工作。
四、EPEC控制器使用注意事项1. 在使用EPEC控制器前,应先了解其工作原理和操作方法,确保正确使用。
2. 在安装和使用过程中,应遵守相关规定和安全操作规程,确保人员和设备安全。
3. 在维护和保养过程中,应注意保护电路板和元件,避免损坏或老化。
4. 在更换电池或存储器时,应先关闭电源,并按照相关规定进行操作。
5. 在使用过程中,如遇到任何问题或故障,应及时联系专业人员进行维修和排除。
五、EPEC控制器常见故障及排除方法1. 电源故障:检查电源是否正常,如有问题应及时更换电源。
2. 传感器故障:检查传感器是否正常工作,如有问题应及时更换传感器。
3. 执行器故障:检查执行器是否正常工作,如有问题应及时更换执行器。
4. 编程错误:检查程序是否正确,如有问题应及时修改程序。
5. 其他故障:如遇到其他问题或故障,应及时联系专业人员进行维修和排除。
六、EPEC控制器维护保养建议1. 定期对EPEC控制器进行清洁和维护,保持其良好的工作环境和状态。
2. 定期检查电源、传感器、执行器等部件是否正常工作,如有异常应及时更换或维修。
epec 控制单元
1. 选择正确的EPEC控制单元
2. 连接交流电源
3. 连接交流电机
4. 配置EPEC控制单元
5. 开始操作电机
EPEC 2020手册一、概述EPEC(Energy Policy Education and Communication)是一项旨在推动能源政策研究、教育和交流的国际性活动。
EPEC 2020手册是为了方便参与EPEC会议和活动的与会者了解有关该活动的信息而编写的指南。
本手册将介绍EPEC 2020的背景、目标、主题和会议安排,以及与会者需要知道的相关事项。
三、主题EPEC 2020的主题是"能源转型与可持续发展"。
四、活动安排1. 主题发言:邀请国内外知名专家和学者,就能源转型和可持续发展的相关议题发表主题演讲,分享最新研究成果和经验。
2. 分论坛:将会议分为多个议题,组织分论坛以促进深入讨论和交流。
3. 研讨会和培训班:组织小规模的研讨会和培训班,为参与者提供更具实践性的交流机会和专业能力的提升。
4. 学术论文展示和海报展览:征集与能源政策相关的研究论文,并选择优秀论文进行展示。
5. 学术考察和实地参观:组织参与者进行实地观察和参观,深入了解能源转型和可持续发展的实践案例,促进学术研究与实际运营的结合。
五、参会须知1. 注册与缴费:参会者需提前完成在线注册,并按时缴纳注册费用。
2. 摘要提交与论文投稿:参会者可以提交摘要以参与学术论文展示和海报展览。