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1.If all the sky were parchment and all the sea were ink

按“青天做纸张”之语,西方各国诗人皆有之,常以“碧海化墨水”为对。P.19 2.New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres.


3.behind its attributes


4.“Not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”


5.To hold, as’t were, the mirror up to nature.


6.selective imitation


7.This is an art / Which does mend nature, change it rather, but/ That art itself is Nature (The Winter’s Tale, IV, iv. Polixenes)


8.In shape the perfection of the berry, in light the radiance of the dewdrop. (Lord Tennyson; A Memoir, by his son, Vol. I, P.211)


9.“A poem round and perfect as a star. ”(Alexander Smith: A Life Drama)“诗好比星圆。”P.114

10.“It used to be said of a famous cricketeer that he bowled or batted with his head. ”(S. Alexander: Beauty and Other Forms of Value, p.25)


11.A direct sensuous apprehension of thought.


12.Be thou thine own home, and in thy selfe dwell;/Inn any where, continuance maketh hell./ And seeing the snaile, which every where doth rome, /Carrying his owne house still, still is at home.(Complete Poetry and Selected Prose, ed. J. Hayward, pp.153-4)

万物皆备于身,方之蜗牛戴壳,随遇自足,著处为家。——约翰唐(John Donne)名篇: (To Sir Henry Wotton)P.232

13.“Poetry should strike the Reader as a working of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a Remembrance. ”(Letter to Taytor, 27 Feb. 1818, H. E. Rollins, ed., Letters I, 238)

“好诗当道人心中事,一若忆旧而得者。” ——济慈(Keats) 论诗第一要义(axiom)P.255

14.ear pleasure


15.mind pleasure


16.unreasonable or magical element


17.natural magic








21.All Arts aspire to the condition of music.


22.Most imitative of arts(S. H. Butcher: Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art, P.122)


23.committed fornication


24.mental fictions


25.“All emotion, Of thorough enough, would take one to heaven.”

“一切情感,充极至尽,皆可引人入天。” P.288

26.“This creative reason thinks eternally. Of this unceasing work of thought,

however, we retain no memory, because this reason is unaffected by its objects. ”(Aristotle’s Psychology, with Introduction and Notes, by E. Wallace, ” P.161, P.272)

“无时间性,变易不居,勿滞于物,不可记忆。” P.289

27.“None can care for literature in itself who do not take a special pleasure in the sound of names. ”

“凡不知人名地名声音之谐美者,不足以言文。”——史梯芬生《游美杂记》(Stevenson: Across the Plains Tuesday)P.295

28.“Silence and speech acting together”


29.“Leave something to the willing intelligence of the reader. ”


30.thinking intently of his own name


31.“and the earth looked black behind them, /as though turned up by plows. But it was gold,/All gold—a wonder of the artist’s craft. ”—Iliad, XVIII 630-32 “犁田发土,泥色俨如黑。然此盾固纯金铸也,盖艺妙入神矣。”P.318

32.“O! One glimpse of the human face, and shake of the human hand, is better than whole reams of this cold, thin correspondence, etc. ”—Works, ed. E. V. Lucas, VI, 175

“得与其人一瞥面、一握手,胜于此等枯寒笔墨百函千牍也。噫!” P.320 33.habitualization, automatization






36.“Grace of style comes from arrangement. ”


37.repose, perfect fitness


38.“I have such a sensitive ear that the repetition of a word irritates me three

pages away. ”—A. Rhodes, The Poet as Superman, 46


39.“We have had the brow and the eye of the moon before; but what have we reserved for human beings, if their features and organs are to be lavished on objects without feeling and intelligence? ”—Letters: Later Years, ed. E. de Selincourt, I, 436


40.“The first is physical. The second is intellectual and is much higher. The third signifies a nobler power of the soul which is so high and so noble that it apprehends God in His own naked being. ”—Sermon XIX, in James M. Clark, Meister Eckhart, 220, cf. 62

“学为有上中下三等:下学以身;中学以心知;上学以神,绝伦造极,对越上帝。” ——十四世纪德国神秘宗师爱克哈特(Meister Eckhart)P.366

41.Meister Eckhar t, Sermon, XII:“I take a basin full of water, place in it a mirror and put it below the sun’s disc. The reflection of the sun is the sun within the sun, and yet the mirror remains what it is.”


42.“If Galil eo had said in verse that the world moved, the Inquisition might have left him alone. —quoted in R. Gittings, The Older Hardy, Penguin, 1980, 120


43.To count chicken before they are hatched.


44.Edward Young, Conjectures on Original Composition: “A genius differs from a good understanding, as a magician from an architect; that raises his structure by means invisible, this by the skilful use of common tools.”—E. D. Jones, ed., English Critical Essays;16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, “The World’s Classics”, 279


45.E. H. Gombrich, Art and Illusion, 5th ed., 1977, 174-5,“screen”, “the power of expressing through absence of brush and ink.”


46.“The most beautiful figure is the sphere among solids and the circle among plane figures.”—Diogenes Laertes, VIII. 35, “Loeb”, II, 351


47.“Let it (the mind) once become a sphere, and sp herical it abides.”—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations VIII§41, tr. J. Jackson, 152


48.“On a Drop of Dew”

So the Soul, that Drop, that Ray,

Of the clear Fountain of Eternal Day,

Does, in its pure and circling thoughts express

The greater Heaven in an Heaven less

—Helen Gardner, ed., The Metaphysical Poets, Penguin, 1972, 241

露珠圆澄,能映白日,正如灵魂之圆转环行,显示天运也。——英国诗人马委尔(Andrew Marvell)《露珠》诗P.431

49.“Till rolling time is lost in round eternity.”—Dryden, The Hind and Panther, Pt III, 1.19


50.Why, at the height of desire and human pleasure—worldly, social, amorous, ambitious, or even avaricious—does there mingle a certain sense of doubt and sorrow?—L. A. Marchand, Byron, 1957, II, 900


51.I have thought some of nature’s journeymen had made men, and not made them well, they imitated humanity so abominably.— Hamlet, III. Ii


52.One may remember the lion of medieval bestiaries who, at every step forward, wiped out his footprints with his tail, in order to elude his pursuers.—L. Spitzer:“Linguistics and Literary History”, in D. C. Freeman, ed., Linguistics and Literary Style, 1970, 31


53.Why does a painting seem better in a mirror than outside it? —Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks, tr. E. Maecurdy, II, 272


54.Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of

flesh. —Ecclesiastes, xii. 12

“书籍无穷,多读徒疲精弊体。”——旧约全书P. 502

55.Wit, you know is the unexpected copulation of ideas, the discovery of some occult relation between images in appearance remote from each other.—Rambler, No. 194, Everyman’s Lib., 284;cf. R. Wellek, A His tory of Modern Criticism, I, 3


56.Foregrounding, the intentional violation of the norm of the standard, distortion


57.Normally every datum of sense is at once devoured by a hungry intellect and digested for the sake of its vital juices. Knowledge is not eating. —G. Santayana, The Life of Reason, I, 75, 77

当世论师以唯心论与为实论均常拟致知于饮食,遂嘲为“口腹哲学。” P.535 58.Everything is the same, but you are not here, and I still am. In separation the one who goes away suffers less than the one who stays behind. —Leslie A. Marchand, Byron, II 783


59.Poetry, like schoolboys, by too frequent and severe corrections, may be cowed into Dullness.—The Notebooks of S. T. Coleridge, ed. K. Coburn, I 35 诗苟多改痛改,犹学童常遭塾师扑责,积威之下,易成钝儿。——柯尔律治P.557 60.that particular kind of borrowing which thinks to disguise itself by inserting or extracting “notes”—G. Saintsbury, History of Criticism, III, 591

“取古人成说,是其所非,非其所是,颠倒衣裳,改换头面,乃假借之一法耳。”P.562 61.They are to me original: I have never seen the notions in any other place; yet be that reads them here persuades himself that he has always felt them. —Lives of the Poets, ed., B. Hill, III, 442

“创辟崭新,未见有人道过,然读之只觉心中向来宿有此意。”——葛雷(Thomas Gray)凭吊墟墓诗P.573

62.Now I never wrote a “good” line, in my life, but the moment after it was written it seemed a hundred years old. Very commonly I had a sudden conviction that I had seen it somewhere.—O. W. Holmes, The Autocrat of the Breakfast, Table, ii



63.History is philosophy teaching by or learned from examples.


64.Use of the description instead of the name of a thing—Rhetoric, VI. i, Loeb, 375


65.in peace—which is as much above joy as joy is above pleasure, and which can scarcely be called emotion, since it rests, as it were, in final good, the premium mobile, which is without motion—we find ourselves in the region of “great art”—C. Patmore,Principle in Art 1889, 29


66.I never can catch myself.


67.The passage is remarkably like a central tenet of Buddhism, a cult of which Hume could hardly have heard.—O. Elton, A Survey of English Literature: 1730—1780, 1928, II, 163


68.Shakespeare in composing had no I, but the I representative. —Biographia Literaria, ed. J. Shawcross, I, 213 note


69.When I am assailed with heavy tribulations, I rush out among my pigs, rather than remain alone by myself. The human heart is like a millstone in a mill: when you put wheat under it, it turns and grinds and bruises the wheat to flour; if you put no wheat, it still grinds on, but then’ tis itself it grinds and wears away. So the human heart, unless it be occupied with some employment, leaves space for the devil, who wriggles himself in, and brings with him a whole host of evil thoughts, temptations and tribulations, which grind our the heart. — Martin Luther, Table Talk, tr. W. Hazlitt, “Bohn’s Library”, 275


70.Peer Gynt, IV. Xiii, Begriffenfeldt:“Long live the Emperor of self; V. v, Peer:“There’s a surprising lot of layers (in the wild onion).

Are we never coming to the kernel?

There isn’t one!

To the innermost bit

It’s nothing but layers, smaller and smaller…”

—Everyman’s Library 171, 201-2


71.For one can only“interpret”a poem by reducing it to an allegory—Which is like eating an apple for its pips.—G. Orwell, Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, 1968, I, 72


72.The movement of love is circular, at one and the same impulse projecting creatures into independency and drawing them into harmony.—Collected Papers, ed. C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss, VI, 191




Random Thoughts on the Window

(题目中的这个窗字,包含的意思较为丰富,使人有多种联想,因此译成Random Thoughts

on the Window.)


It is spring again

中文是无主句,英文没有这样的句子结构,因此用It is……句型。原文里“又”用在句首,但是英文如果也把again放在句首,这个词就太突出,分量太重了。所以again一词在译文中放在句末和原文“又”放在句首分量相当。


and the window can be left open as often as one would like

用定冠词the 加单数名词window来代表所有的窗子。英语里表示“全部”可以有几种方法:1)复数名词,2)不定冠词a/an+名词,3)定冠词+名词。这里就是用的第三种,更侧重其一致性。“常开”不能译成can open often或can be opened often.因为原文是从人的角度说的,人们什么时候想开窗都行,所以用了one would like这样的说法。


As spring comes in through the windows

这句把春天拟人化了,英文也用同样的结构就行。窗外:out of the window.但是,如果把“从窗外进来”理解成一个过程,用through表示就比较好。


so people——unable to bear staying inside any longer——go outdoors

破折号之间的形容词短语说明人们在屋里坐不住的原因。bear:忍受,后面既可跟-ing 动词,也可跟不定式动词。


The spring outside, however, is much too cheap



for the sun shines on everything

这里和上一句是连接在一起的,所以用了连接词for来说明原因。最好不要译成the sunshine is everywhere.因为阳光并不是一种存在,而是说照耀在所有的一切上面,因此说shines.


and so does not seem as bright as that which shoots into the darkness of the house

用seem是指屋里屋外阳光是一样的,只是环境的反差使阳光显得不同罢了。as……as 是表示屋里屋外阳光的比较。that指the sun.


Outside the sun-slothed breeze blows everywhere



but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house 沉闷这个词在这里不是形容词,而是名词,所以用gloomy加上词尾-ness构成了表示状态的名词。


Even the chirping of the birds sounds so thin and broken that the quietness of the house is needed to set it off

说thin and broken而不说broken and thin只是因为语音的关系,音节少的词放在前面,多的放在后面,结构上显得平稳,不至于头重脚轻。只要把这几个词连在一起朗读一下就可体会出来。


It seems that spring was always meant to be put behind a windowpane for show, just like a picture in a frame

“我们因此明白”译成It seems……,因为这是一种比喻的说法,直译成英文会给人以突兀的感觉,所以用“似乎如此”的说法。be meant to be的意思是“原本为……”,加了always等于从语气上与原文更相符合,并没有特别具体的含义。中文说“窗子里”,而英文却不能说in a windowpane,windowpane指的是窗子上的玻璃,这就是用behind的原因。


At the same time it also becomes clear that the door has a different significance from the window

悟到和上一句中的“明白”是相同的意思,it become clear that 这一说法比it seems that 要肯定一些。


Of course, doors were made for people to pass through

出进可以译成to come out and go in,但译成to pass through就显得句子紧凑、精炼一些。


but a window can also sometimes serve as an entrance or as an exit



and is used as such by thieves and by lovers in novels

译文用了by thieves and by lovers,而不说by thieves and lovers,因为这本来就是两类人,不能放在一起混为一谈。


In fact the fundamental difference between a door and a window has nothing to do with them being either entrances or exits

比较一下different between和前文的different (from):说两者之间的区别,用different between A and B;而说A怎样不同于B则说A is different from B.


When it comes to the admiration of spring, it could be put this way

When it comes to是比较中庸的说法,不那么正式,但也不那么随意,意思是“说起赏春……”,让人们对下文有一个期待。


a door makes it possible for one to go out

“有了门”不能译成with a/the door,因为这里不是说有还是没有,而是有门存在,人们就可以进出房屋。


whereas a window makes it possible for one not to have to

Whereas而……。这是一个连接词,表示一种前后的比较或对照。这里的句型和上面是一样的,但是后面的not to have to 是不定式的否定形式,后面省略了go out.


A window helps to pull down the partition between man and nature

“由于有了窗子,人和大自然之间的隔膜才得以打破”,窗子起的是一种促进作用,其本身并不能去“打破”什么,因此用了helps to pull down.partition隔离墙。“隔膜”是解剖学词汇,这里用的是其引申意义,不能按字面译成diaphragm,那样意思就不对了。man and nature:man是指整个人类,所以不用任何冠词;nature则是不可数名词。


It leads breezes and sunlight in, and keeps part of the spring in the house Lead:引导,引领。keep……inthe house:使停留在屋里不能外出。


It allows one to sit and enjoy the spring in peace, and makes it unnecessary to go looking for it outside

原文是说“安坐”,而实际上“安”的意思也应当能涵盖“享受”,只是从词的节奏上感觉“安坐”和“享受”都是两个字的词,似乎是并列的。译文里译成了sit……in peace,等于将状语移了一个位。注意这句中几个it的含义,第一个it指代window,第二个it是形式宾语,引出后面的to go……,第三个it是指代the spring.


Random Thoughts on the Window


It is spring again and the window can be left open as often as one would like. As spring comes in through the windows, so people——unable to bear staying inside any longer——go outdoors. The spring outside, however, is much too cheap, for the sun shines on everything, and so does not seem as bright as that which shoots into the darkness of the house. Outside the sun-slothed breeze blows everywhere, but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house. Even the chirping of the birds sounds so thin and broken that the quietness of the house is needed to set it off. It seems that spring was always meant to be put behind a windowpane for show, just like a picture in a frame.



At the same time it also becomes clear that the door has a different significance from the window. Of course, doors were made for people to pass through; but a window can also sometimes serve as an entrance or as an exit, and is used as such by thieves and by lovers in novels. In fact the fundamental difference between a door and a window has nothing to do with them being either entrances or exits. When it comes to the admiration of spring, it could be put this way: a door makes it possible for one to go out, whereas a window makes it possible for one not to have to. A window helps to pull down the partition between man and nature. It leads breezes and sunlight in, and keeps part of the spring in the house. It allows one to sit and enjoy the spring in peace, and makes it unnecessary to go looking for it outside.

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