ASTM A312中文版
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ASTM美国材料标准中文版ASTM A488/A488-2007 钢铸件焊接工艺和人员资格评定的标准实施规程( Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures and Personnel )ASTMA 802/A 802M-1995(R2006重新审批) 视觉检测铸钢表面验收标准规程 (STANDARPDR ACTICEFOR STEEL CASTINGS, SURFACE ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS, VISUAL EXAM)INATIONASTM B108-2006 铝合金永久型铸件标准规范( STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINUM-ALLOY PERMANENT MOLD CAST)INGSASTM B179-2006 铸造用铝合金原锭及熔融锭在各铸造过程的标准技术规范( STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINUM ALLOYS IN INGOT AND MOLTEN FORMS FOR CASTINGS FROM ALL CASTING PROCESS)ESASTM B26/B26M-2005铝合金砂铸件标准规范( STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINUM-ALLOY SAND CASTING)SASTM D256-2006 测定塑料抗悬臂梁摆锤冲击性的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE IZOD PENDULUM IMPACT RESISTANCE OF PL)ASTICSASTM D2794-1993(R2004) 有机涂层抗快速形变(冲击)作用的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHOFDO RR ESISTANCOE FO RGANI C OATINGTSO T HEE FFECTSO FR APIDD EFORMATIO(INM PACT) )ASTM D3359-2008 胶带试验用测定粘合性的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR MEASURING ADHESION BY TAPE T)ESTASTM D3363-2005 铅笔试验法测定涂膜硬度的标准试验方法( STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR FILM HARDNESS BY PENCIL TE)STASTMD 4060-2007 用泰伯尔磨蚀机测定有机涂层耐磨性的标准试验方法 ( STANDARTDE STM ETHODFOR ABRASION RESISTANCE OF ORGANIC COATINGS BY THE TABER A)BRASERASTM D4674-2002A暴露在室内办公室环境下的塑料颜色稳定性加速试验的标准实施规范(STANDARTDE STM ETHOFDO RA CCELERATETDE STINGF ORC OLORS TABILITY OF PLASTICSE XPOSED TO INDOOR OFFICE ENVIRONME)NTSASTM D4752-2003 用溶剂擦试法测定硅酸乙酯( 无机)富锌底漆耐甲乙酮的标准试验方法(STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR MEASURING MEK RESISTANCE OF ETHYL SILICATE (INORGANIC) ZINC-RICH PRIMERS BY SOLVENT R)UBASTMD 4828-1994E1(R2003) 有机覆层实际可洗性的标准试验方法( STANDARTDE STM ETHODFSO R PRACTICAL WASHABILITY OF ORGANIC COAT)INGSASTMD 638-2003 塑料拉伸性能标准测试方法 (STANDARTDE STM ETHOFDO RT ENSILEP ROPERTIESOF PLASTICS)ASTM E1316-2007 无损检测标准术语( STANDARD TERMINOLOGY FOR NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION)SASTM E1444-2005 磁粉检测标准规程( STANDARD PRACTICE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE TE)STING ASTM E155-2005 铝、镁铸件检验用标准参考射线底片( STANDARD REFERENCE RADIOGRAPHS FOR INSPECTION OF ALUMINUM AND MAGNESIUM CAS)TINGSASTME 165-2002 液体渗透剂检查标准测试方法( STANDARTDE STM ETHOFDO RL IQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATIO)NASTM E165-2002 液体渗透检查的标准试验方法王倩译( STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINAT)IONASTME 192-2004 航天设备蜡模钢铸件的参考放射线照相( STANDARRDE FERENCREA DIOGRAPHOSF INVESTMENT STEEL CASTINGS FOR AEROSPACE APPLIC)ATIONSASTM E242-2001(2005年重新批准) 在某些参数变化时射线图像外观用标准参考射线底片(STANDARD REFERENCE RADIOGRAPHS FOR APPEARANCES OF RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGES AS CER PARAMETERS ARE CHAN)GEDASTM E385-2007 使用14 兆电子伏特的中子活化和直接计数技术测定含氧量的试验方法(STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR OXYGEN CONTENT USING A 14-MEV NEUTRON ACTIVATION AND DIRECT-COUNTING TECHNIQ)UEASTM E426-1998(2007重新审批) 无缝及焊接管产品、沃斯田不锈钢及类似合金的电磁(涡电流)检测操作规程( Standard Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys )ASTM E446-98(2004 年重新批准) 用于厚度在2in(51mm)以下钢铸件的标准参考射线底片(STANDARD REFERENCE RADIOGRAPHS FOR STEEL CASTINGS UP TO 2 IN. (51 MM) IN THICKNESS (ALSO SEE ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT SET, ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT V1, ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT V2. AND ASTM E 446 ADJUNCT V3))ASTME 466-2007 金属材料上进行的恒定振幅轴向疲劳试验 (STANDARPDR ACTICEF ORC ONDUCTING FORCE CONTROLLED CONSTANT AMPLITUDE AXIAL FATIGUE TESTS OF METALLICMA)TERIALSASTM F2357-2004 使用NORMA工N具"RCA"磨擦器测定薄膜开关上墨水和涂层抗磨性的标准试验方法( STANDARTDE STM ETHOFDO RD ETERMININTGH EA BRASIONR ESISTANCOE FI NKS ANDC OATINGS ON MEMBRANE SWITCHES USING THE NORMAN TOOL "RCA" A)BRADERASTM G154-2006 非金属材料暴露用荧光灯紫外暴露装置的操作规范标准( STANDARD PRACTICEFOR OPERATING FLUORESCENT LIGHT APPARATUS FOR UVEXPOSURE OF NONMETALLI)C MATERIA ISO,ASME,ASTM,DIN, JIS 国外管道法兰用密封垫片标准汇编ASTM F36-1995 测定垫片材料压缩率及回弹率的标准试验方法ASTM F37-1995 垫片材料密封性的标准试验方法ASTM F38-1995 垫片材料的蠕变松弛的标准试验方法ASTM F112-1995 包覆垫片密封性能的标准试验方法ASTM F146-1995A 垫片材料耐液体标准试验方法ASTM F363-1989(1994年重新确认)垫片腐蚀试验的标准方法ASTM F336-1992 用于腐蚀工况的非金属包覆垫片的设计与结构用标准方法ASTM F586-1979(1989年重新确认)测定垫片汇漏(泄漏率与应力y和系数m的关系)的标准试验方法ASTM A6/A6M-2004 a版结构用轧制钢板、型钢、板桩和棒钢通用要求ASTM A27/A27M-2005版一般用途碳钢铸件标准技术条件ASTM A29/A29M-2005版热锻碳素钢和合金钢棒材一般要求标准规范ASTM A36/A36M-2005版碳结构钢标准规范ASTM A36/A36M-2004碳结构钢标准规范ASTM A48/A48M-2003版灰铸铁铸件标准技术条件ASTM A53/A53M-2005版无镀层及热浸镀锌焊接与无缝公称钢管标准技术条件ASTM A105/A105M-2005版管道部件用碳钢锻件ASTM A106-2006版高温用无缝碳钢公称管规范ASTM A108-2003版冷精整的碳钢和合金钢棒材标准技术条件ASTM A123/A123M-2002版钢铁产品镀锌品层(热浸镀)标准规范ASTM A126-2004版阀门、法兰和管道附件用灰铁铸件ASTM A143-2003版热浸镀锌结构钢制品防脆化的标准实施规程和催化探测方法ASTM A153/A153M-2005版钢铁构件镀锌层(热浸镀)标准规范ASTM A179/A179M-1990(a R2001)版热交换器和冷凝器用无缝冷拉低碳钢管标准规范ASTM A192-2002版高压设备用无缝碳钢锅炉管标准规范ASTM A193/A193M-2006版高温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料ASTM A194/A194M-2006版高温或高压或高温高压螺栓用碳钢及合金钢螺母标准规范ASTM A209/A209M-2003版锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管标准规范ASTM A210/A210M-2002版无缝中碳钢锅炉管和过热器管标准规范ASTMA 213/A213Mb-2004版无缝铁素体和奥氏体合金钢锅炉管、过热器管和换热器管标准规范ASTM A216/A216M-2004版高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范ASTM A234/A234M-2004版中、高温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管道配件ASTM A240/A240M-2005版压力容器用耐热铬及铬-镍不锈钢钢板、薄板和钢带标准技术条件ASTM A250/A250M-2004版锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体碳合金钢管子标准技术条件ASTM A252-98(R2002)版焊接钢和无缝钢管桩的标准规范ASTM A262-2002a版探测奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感度的标准实施规范ASTM A269/A269-2004版通用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管标准规范ASTM A276-2006版不锈钢棒材和型材标准规范ASTM A283/A283M-2003版中、低抗拉强度碳素钢板标准技术条件ASTM A285/A285M-2003版压力容器用中、低抗拉强度碳素钢标准技术条件ASTM A307/A307M-2004版抗拉强度6000PSI 碳钢螺栓和螺柱标准技术条件ASTM A312/A312M-2005版无缝和焊接的以及重度冷加工奥氏体不锈钢公称管标准技术条件ASTM A320/A320M-2005版低温用合金钢栓接材料标准规范ASTM A333/A333M-2004版低温设备用无缝和焊接钢管的规范标准ASTM A334/A334M-2004版低温设备用无缝和焊接碳素和合金钢管的标准规范ASTM A335-2003版高温设备用无缝铁素体合金钢管标准规范ASTM A336/A336M-2005版高温承压件合金钢锻件标准技术条件ASTM A350/A350M-2004a版需切口韧性试验的管道部件用碳钢和低合金钢锻件标准规范ASTM A351/A351M-2006版承压件用奥氏体铸钢件标准规范ASTM A352/A352M-2006版低温承压用铁素体和马氏体铸钢件标准规范ASTM A356/A356M-2005版汽轮机用厚壁碳钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件标准技术条件ASTM A370-2005版钢制品力学性能试验方法和定义标准ASTM A387/A387M-2003版压力容器用铬钼合金钢板的标准规范ASTM A403/A403M-2004版锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件的标准规范ASTM A450/A450M-2004版碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管一般要求的标准规范ASTM A479/A479M-2005版锅炉和其他压力容器用不锈钢棒材和型材标准技术条件ASTM A484/A484M-2005版不锈钢棒材、钢坯及锻件通用要求标准技术条件ASTM A500-2003a版圆形与异型冷成型焊接与无缝碳素钢结构管标准规范ASTM A515-2003版中温及高温压力容器用碳素钢板的标准规范ASTM A516-2004a版中温及低温压力容器用碳素钢板的标准规范ASTM A519-2003版机械工程用碳素钢和铝合金钢无缝钢管ASTM A530-2003版特种碳素钢和合金钢管一般要求的标准规范ASTM A577/A577M-90(R200)1 版钢板超声斜射波检验ASTM A589/A589M-2006版打水井用碳素钢无缝钢管和焊接钢管ASTM A609/A609M-199(1 82002)版碳钢、低合金钢和马氏体不锈钢铸件超声波检验ASTM A615/A615M-2004a版混凝土配筋用异形钢筋和无节钢胚棒标准规范ASTM A703/A703M-2004版标准技术条件—承压件钢铸件通用要求ASTM A751-2001版钢制品化学分析方法,实验操作和术语ASTM A781/A781M-2004a版铸件、钢和合金的标准规范及通用工业的一般性要求ASTM A788/A788M-2004a版标准技术条件—钢锻件通用要求ASTM A965/A965M-2002版高温承压件用奥氏体钢锻件标准规范ASTM B16/B16M-2005版螺纹切削机用易车削黄铜棒、条和型材标准规范ASTM B62/B62M-2002版青铜或高铜黄铜铸件标准规范ASTM B209-2004版铝和铝合金薄板和中厚板标准规范ASTM B462-2004版高温耐腐蚀用锻制或轧制的UNS NO603、0 UNS NO602、2 UNS NO620、0 UNS NO8020、UNS NO802、4 UNS NO802、6 UNS NO836、7 UNS NO1027、6 UNS N10665、UNS N10675和UNS R20033合金管法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件标准规范ASTM B564-2004版镍合金锻件标准规范ASTM E6-2003版关于力学性能试验方法的标准术语ASTM E10-2001版金属材料布氏硬度的标准试验方法ASTM E18-2003版金属材料洛氏硬度和洛氏表面硬度的标准测试方法ASTM E29-2002版使用有效数字确定试验数据与规范符合性作法ASTM E8M-2004版金属材料拉伸试验的标准测试方法ASTM E94-2004版放射性检查的标准指南ASTM E125-1963(R2003)版铁铸件的磁粉检验用标准参考照片ASTM E164-2003版焊件的超声接触检验的标准操作规程ASTM E208-1995a(R2000)版用导向落锤试验测定铁素体钢无塑性转变温度的标准试验方法ASTM E213-2004版金属管超声检验方法ASTM E273-2001版焊接公称管和管子制品超声波检验用标准实用规程ASTM E709-2001版磁粉试验的推荐试验方法ASTM F36-1999(R2003)版测定垫片材料压缩率及回弹率的标准试验方法ASTM F37-2000版垫片材料密封性的标准试验方法ASTM F38-2000版垫片材料的蠕变松弛的标准试验方法ASTM F112-2000版包复垫片密封性能的标准试验方法ASTM F146-2004版垫片材料耐液体标准试验方法ASTM F1311-1990(R2001)版大口径组装式碳钢法兰标准规范ASTM G1-2003版腐蚀试样的制备、清洁处理和评定用标准实施规范ASTM G36-73(R1981) 参考资料标准实用规程:在沸的氯化镁溶液中进行的应力腐蚀裂纹试验ASTM G46-1976(R1986) 参考资料标准实用规程:麻点腐蚀的检验和评定ASTMG 48-2003 版使用三氯化铁溶液做不锈钢及其合金的耐麻点腐蚀和抗裂口腐蚀性试验的标准方法ASTM标准中译本丛书(一) 碳钢、铸铁、不锈钢及合金钢材料标准规范(含18个标准)1.ASTM A105/A105M-2002 版管道部件用碳钢锻件2.ASTM A126-1995(R2001)版阀门、法兰和管道附件用灰铁铸件3.ASTM A181/A181M-2001 版通用管路用碳钢锻件标准规范4.ASTM A193/A193M-2001 版高温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料5.ASTM A194/A194M-2001a版高温、高压或高温高压螺栓用碳钢及合金钢螺母标准规范6.ASTM A216/A216M-2001a版高温用可熔焊碳钢铸件标准规范7.ASTM A217/A217M-2002 版高温承压件用马氏体不锈钢和合金钢铸件标准规范8.ASTM A276-2002a 版不锈钢棒材和型材9.ASTM A278/A278M-2001 版高温不超过650°F(350℃)的承压部件用灰铸铁件10.ASTM A320/A320M-2002 版低温用合金钢栓接材料11.ASTM A350/A350M-2002 版要求冲击韧性试验的管件用碳钢及低合金钢锻件标准规范12.ASTM A351/A351M-2000 版承压件用奥氏体、奥氏体- 铁素体(双相)钢铸件规范13.ASTM A352/A352M-1993(R1998)版低温承压件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件标准规范14.ASTM A395/A395M-1999 版高温用铁素体球墨铸铁承压铸件15.ASTM A439-1983(R1999) 版奥氏体球墨铸铁件16.ASTM A536-1984(R1999) 版球墨铸铁件17.ASTM A694/A694M-2000 版高温输送用管法兰、管件、阀门及零件用碳钢和合金钢锻件标准规范18.ASTM A965/A965M-2002 版高温高压部件用奥氏体钢锻件ASTM标准中译本丛书(二) 法兰、管件、阀门及部件(含9 个标准)1.ASTM A182/A182M-2002版高温用锻制或轧制合金钢法兰、锻制管件、阀门和部件2.ASTM A961-2002 版管道用钢制法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件的通用要求标准规范3.ASTMB 462-2002 版高温耐腐蚀用锻制或轧制的UNSN O6030、UNSN O6022、UNSN O6200、UNS NO8020、UNS NO802、4 UNS NO802、6 UNS NO836、7 UNS NO1027、6 UNS N10665、UNS N10675和UNS R20033合金管法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件标准规范4.ASTM F885-1984(R2002)版公称管径为NPS 1/4~2的青铜截止阀外形尺寸标准规范5.ASTM F992-1986(R2001) 版阀门铭牌标准规范6.ASTM F993-1986(R2001) 版阀门锁紧装置标准规范7.ASTM F1030-1986(R1998) 版阀门操作装置的选择准则8.ASTM F1098-1987(R1998) 版公称管径有NPS2~24 的蝶阀外形尺寸标准规范9.ASTM F1565-2000 版蒸汽用减压阀规范。
Designation:A312/A312M–09Used in USDOE-NE standards Standard Specification forSeamless,Welded,and Heavily Cold Worked AusteniticStainless Steel Pipes1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A312/A312M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification2covers seamless,straight-seam welded,and heavily cold worked welded austenitic stainless steel pipe intended for high-temperature and general corrosive service.N OTE1—When the impact test criterion for a low-temperature service would be15ft·lbf[20J]energy absorption or15mils[0.38mm]lateral expansion,some of the austenitic stainless steel grades covered by this specification are accepted by certain pressure vessel or piping codes without the necessity of making the actual test.For example,Grades TP304,TP304L,and TP347are accepted by the ASME Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII Division1,and by the Chemical Plant and Refinery Piping Code,ANSI B31.3,for service at temperatures as low as−425°F [−250°C]without qualification by impact tests.Other AISI stainless steel grades are usually accepted for service temperatures as low as−325°F [−200°C]without impact testing.Impact testing may,under certain circumstances,be required.For example,materials with chromium or nickel content outside the AISI ranges,and for material with carbon content exceeding0.10%,are required to be impact tested under the rules of ASME Section VIII Division1when service temperatures are lower than−50°F[−45°C].1.2Grades TP304H,TP309H,TP309HCb,TP310H, TP310HCb,TP316H,TP321H,TP347H,and TP348H are modifications of Grades TP304,TP309Cb,TP309S,TP310Cb, TP310S,TP316,TP321,TP347,and TP348,and are intended for service at temperatures where creep and stress rupture properties are important.1.3Optional supplementary requirements are provided for pipe where a greater degree of testing is desired.These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made and,when desired,it is permitted to specify in the order one or more of these supplementary requirements.1.4Table X1.1lists the standardized dimensions of welded and seamless stainless steel pipe as shown in ANSI B36.19. These dimensions are also applicable to heavily cold worked pipe.Pipe having other dimensions is permitted to be ordered and furnished provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification.1.5Grades TP321and TP321H have lower strength require-ments for pipe manufactured by the seamless process in nominal wall thicknesses greater than3⁄8in.[9.5mm].1.6The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents;therefore,each system shall be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.The inch-pound units shall apply unless the“M”designation of this specification is specified in the order.N OTE2—The dimensionless designator NPS(nominal pipe size)has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as“nominal diameter,”“size,”and“nominal size.”2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:3A262Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless SteelsA370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA941Terminology Relating to Steel,Stainless Steel,Re-lated Alloys,and FerroalloysA999/A999M Specification for General Requirements for Alloy and Stainless Steel PipeA1016/A1016M Specification for General Requirements for Ferritic Alloy Steel,Austenitic Alloy Steel,and Stain-less Steel TubesE112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E381Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars,Billets, Blooms,and ForgingsE527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System(UNS)1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.10on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved May15,2009.Published June2009.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2008as A312/A312M–08a.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SA-312in Section II of that Code.3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.2.2ANSI Standards:4B1.20.1Pipe Threads,General PurposeB36.10Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe B36.19Stainless Steel Pipe 2.3ASME Standard:ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code :Section VIII 52.4AWS Standard:A5.9Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Electrodes 62.5Other Standard:SAE J1086Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)73.Terminology 3.1Definitions:3.1.1The definitions in Specification A 999/A 999M and Terminology A 941are applicable to this specification.4.Ordering Information4.1Orders for material to this specification shall conform to the requirements of the current edition of Specification A 999/A 999M .5.General Requirements5.1Material furnished under this specification shall con-form to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specification A 999/A 999M unless otherwise provided herein.5.2Heat Treatment :5.2.1All pipe shall be furnished in the heat—treated con-dition in accordance with the requirements of Table 2.Theheat—treatment procedure,except for “H”grades,S30815,S31035,S31272,S31254,S32654,N08367,N08904,N08925,and N08926shall consist of heating the pipe to a minimum temperature of 1900°F [1040°C]and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means.6.Materials and Manufacture6.1Manufacture :6.1.1The pipe shall be manufactured by one of the follow-ing processes:6.1.2Seamless (SML)pipe shall be made by a process that does not involve welding at any stage of production.6.1.3Welded (WLD)pipe shall be made using an automatic welding process with no addition of filler metal during the welding process.6.1.4Heavily cold-worked (HCW)pipe shall be made by applying cold working of not less than 35%reduction in thickness of both wall and weld to a welded pipe prior to the final anneal.No filler shall be used in making the weld.Prior to cold working,the weld shall be 100%radiographically inspected in accordance with the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII,Division 1,latest revision,Paragraph UW- pipe and HCW pipe of NPS 14and smaller shall have a single longitudinal weld.Welded pipe and HCW pipe of a size larger than NPS 14shall have a single longitudinal weld or shall be produced by forming and welding two longitudinal sections of flat stock when approved by the purchaser.All weld tests,examinations,inspections,or treat-ments shall be performed on each weld seam.6.1.6At the option of the manufacturer,pipe shall be either hot finished or cold finished.6.1.7The pipe shall be free of scale and contaminating exogenous iron particles.Pickling,blasting,or surface finish-ing is not mandatory when pipe is bright annealed.The purchaser is permitted to require that a passivating treatment be applied to the finished pipe.4Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI),25W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,.5Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),ASME International Headquarters,Three Park Ave.,New York,NY 10016-5990,.6Available from American Welding Society (AWS),550NW LeJeune Rd.,Miami,FL 33126,.7Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),400Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,PA 15096-0001,.A 312/A 312M –096.2Heat Treatment—All pipe shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition in accordance with the requirements of Table2.Alternatively,for seamless pipe,immediately follow-ing hot forming while the temperature of the pipes is not less than the minimum solution treatment temperature specified in Table2,pipes shall be individually quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means(direct quenched).6.3Grain Size:6.3.1The grain size of Grade UNS S32615,as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112,shall be No.3orfiner.6.3.2The grain size of grades TP309H,TP309HCb, TP310H and TP310HCb,as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112,shall be No.6or coarser.6.3.3The grain size of grades304H,316H,321H,347H, S31035,and348H,as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112,shall be No.7or coarser.7.Chemical Composition7.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table1.8.Product Analysis8.1At the request of the purchaser,an analysis of one billet or one length offlat-rolled stock from each heat,or two pipes from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer.A lot of pipe shall consist of the following number of lengths of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel:NPS Designator Lengths of Pipe in LotUnder2400or fraction thereof2to5200or fraction thereof6and over100or fraction thereof8.2The results of these analyses shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative,and shall conform to the requirements specified in Section7.8.3If the analysis of one of the tests specified in8.1does not conform to the requirements specified in Section7,an analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be made,and all billets or pipe conforming to the requirements shall be accepted.9.Permitted Variations in Wall Thickness9.1In addition to the implicit limitation of wall thickness for seamless pipe imposed by the limitation on weight in Specification A999/A999M,the wall thickness for seamless and welded pipe at any point shall be within the tolerances specified in Table3,except that for welded pipe the weld area shall not be limited by the“Over”tolerance.The wall thickness and outside diameter for inspection for compliance with this requirement for pipe ordered by NPS and schedule number is shown in Table X1.1.10.Tensile Requirements10.1The tensile properties of the material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table4.11.Mechanical Tests,Grain Size Determinations,andWeld Decay Tests Required11.1Mechanical Testing Lot Definition—The term lot for mechanical tests shall be as follows:11.1.1Where thefinal heat treated condition is obtained, consistent with the requirements of 6.2,in a continuous furnace,by quenching after hot forming or in a batch-type furnace equipped with recording pyrometers and automaticallyTABLE2Annealing RequirementsGrade or UNS Designation A Heat TreatingTemperature B Cooling/Testing RequirementsAll grades not individually listedbelow:1900°F[1040°C]CTP321H,TP347H,TP348HColdfinished2000°F[1100°C]D Hotfinished1925°F[1050°C]D TP304H,TP316HColdfinished1900°F[1040°C]D Hotfinished1900°F[1040°C]D TP309H,TP309HCb,TP310H,TP310HCb1900°F[1040°C]DS306002010–2140°F[1100–1170°C]DS30815,S312721920°F[1050°C]D S310352160–2280°F[1180–1250°C]DS31254,S326542100°F[1150°C]D S312772050°F[1120°C]D S31727,S320531975–2155°F[1080–1180°C]DS332282050–2160°F[1120–1180°C]DS345652050–2140°F[1120–1170°C]DS353152010°F[1100°C]D S388151950°F[1065°C]D N083672025°F[1110°C]D N089042000°F[1100°C]D N08925,N089262010–2100°F[1100–1150°C]DA New designation established in accordance with Practice E527and SAE J1086.B Minimum,unless otherwise stated.C Quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means,at a rate sufficient to prevent re-precipitation of carbides,as demonstrable by the capability of pipes, heat treated by either separate solution annealing or by direct quenching,of passing Practices A262,Practice E.The manufacturer is not required to run the test unless it is specified on the purchase order(see Supplementary Requirement S7).Note that Practices A262requires the test to be performed on sensitized specimens in the low-carbon and stabilized types and on specimens representa-tive of the as-shipped condition for other types.In the case of low-carbon types containing3%or more molybdenum,the applicability of the sensitizing treatment prior to testing shall be a matter for negotiation between the seller and the purchaser.D Quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means.TABLE3Permitted Variations in Wall ThicknessTolerance,%from Nominal NPS Designator Over Under 1⁄8to21⁄2incl.,all t/Dratios20.012.5 3to18incl.,t/D up to5%incl.22.512.5 3to18incl.,t/D>5%15.012.5 20and larger,welded,allt/D ratios17.512.5 20and larger,seamless,t/D up to5%incl.22.512.5 20and larger,seamless,t/D>5%15.012.5where:t=Nominal Wall ThicknessD=Ordered OutsideDiametercontrolled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,the term lot for mechanical tests shall apply to all pipes of the same specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness (or schedule)that are produced from the same heat of steel and subjected to the same finishing treatment within the same operating period.11.1.2Where the final heat treated condition is obtained,consistent with the requirements of 6.2,in a batch-type furnace not equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,the term lot shall apply to the larger of:(a)each 200ft [60m]or fraction thereof and (b)those pipes heat treated in the same furnace batch charge for pipes of the same specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness (or schedule)that are produced from the same heat of steel and are subjected to the same finishing temperature within the same operating period.11.2Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test —One tension test shall be made on a specimen for lots of not more than 100pipes.Tension tests shall be made on specimens from two tubes for lots of more than 100pipes.11.3Flattening Test —For material heat treated in a continu-ous furnace,by quenching after hot forming or in a batch-type furnace equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,flattening tests shall be made on a sufficient number of pipe to constitute 5%of the lot,but in no case less than 2lengths of pipe.For material heat treated in a batch-type furnace not equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,flattening tests shall be made on 5%of the pipe from each heat treated lot.11.3.1For welded pipe a transverse-guided face bend test of the weld may be conducted instead of a flattening test in accordance with the method outlined in the steel tubular product supplement of Test Methods and Definitions A 370.The ductility of the weld shall be considered acceptable when there is no evidence of cracks in the weld or between the weld and the base metal after bending.Test specimens from 5%of the lot shall be taken from the pipe or test plates of the same material as the pipe,the test plates being attached to the end of the cylinder and welded as a prolongation of the pipe longitu-dinal seam.11.4Grain Size —Grain size determinations on Grades TP309H,TP 309HCb,TP310H,TP310HCb,UNS S31035,andTABLE 4Tensile RequirementsGradeUNS DesignationTensile Strength,min ksi [MPa]Yield Strength,min ksi [MPa]...S2040095[635]48[330]TPXM-19S20910100[690]55[380]TPXM-10S2190090[620]50[345]TPXM-11S2190490[620]50[345]TPXM-29S24000100[690]55[380]TP201S2010075[515]38[260]TP201LN S2015395[655]45[310]TP304S3040075[515]30[205]TP304L S3040370[485]25[170]TP304H S3040975[515]30[205]...S3041587[600]42[290]TP304N S3045180[550]35[240]TP304LN S3045375[515]30[205]...S3060078[540]35[240]...S3061590[620]40[275]...S3081587[600]45[310]TP309S S3090875[515]30[205]TP309H S3090975[515]30[205]TP309Cb S3094075[515]30[205]TP309HCb S3094175[515]30[205]...S3100273[500]30[205]TP310S S3100875[515]30[205]TP310HS3100975[515]30[205]S3103595[655]45[310]TP310Cb S3104075[515]30[205]TP310HCb S3104175[515]30[205]...S31050:t #0.25in.84[580]39[270]t >0.25in.78[540]37[255]...S31254:t #0.187in.[5.00mm]98[675]45[310]t >0.187in.[5.00mm]95[655]45[310]...S3127265[450]29[200]...S3*******[770]52[360]TP316S3160075[515]30[205]TP316L S3160370[485]25[170]TP316H S3160975[515]30[205]...S3163575[515]30[205]TP316N S3165180[550]35[240]TP316LN S3165375[515]30[205]TP317S3170075[515]30[205]TP317L S3170375[515]30[205]...S3172575[515]30[205]...S3172680[550]35[240]...S3172780[550]36[245]...S3205393[640]43[295]TP321S32100:Welded Seamless:75[515]30[205]#3⁄8in.75[515]30[205]>3⁄8in.70[485]25[170]TP321H S32109:Welded Seamless:75[515]30[205]#3⁄16in.75[515]30[205]>3⁄16in.70[480]25[170]...S3261580[550]32[220]...S3*******[750]62[430]...S3322873[500]27[185]...S3*******[795]60[415]TP347S3470075[515]30[205]TP347H S3470975[515]30[205]TP347LN S3475175[515]30[205]TP348S3480075[515]30[205]TP348H S3480975[515]30[205]...S3504570[485]25[170]...S35315Welded 94[650]39[270]Seamless 87[600]38[260]TPXM-15S3810075[515]30[205]...S3881578[540]37[255]...N08367:TABLE 4ContinuedGradeUNS DesignationTensile Strength,min ksi [MPa]Yield Strength,min ksi [MPa]t #0.187100[690]45[310]t >0.18795[655]45[310]...N0890471[490]31[215]...N0892587[600]43[295]...N0892694[650]43[295]Elongation in 2in.or 50mm (or 4D ),min,%:Longi-tudinalTrans-verse All Grades except S31050and S326153525S32615,S3105025...S31277,N0892540...N0836730...UNS S32615shall be made on each heat treatment lot,as defined in11.1,for the same number of pipes as prescribed for theflattening test in11.3.11.5HCW pipe shall be capable of passing the weld decay tests listed in Supplementary S9with a weld metal to base metal loss ratio of0.90to1.1.The test is not required to be performed unless S9is specified in the purchase order.12.Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test12.1Each pipe shall be subjected to the nondestructive electric test or the hydrostatic test.The type of test to be used shall be at the option of the manufacturer,unless otherwise specified in the purchase order.12.2The hydrostatic test shall be in accordance with Speci-fication A999/A999M,unless specifically exempted under the provisions of12.3.12.3For pipe whose dimensions equal or exceed NPS10, the purchaser,with the agreement of the manufacturer,is permitted to waive the hydrostatic test requirement when in lieu of such test the purchaser performs a system test.Each length of pipe furnished without the completed manufacturer’s hydrostatic test shall include with the mandatory markings the letters“NH.”12.4The nondestructive electric test shall be in accordance with Specification A999/A999M.13.Lengths13.1Pipe lengths shall be in accordance with the following regular practice:13.1.1Unless otherwise agreed upon,all sizes from NPS1⁄8 to and including NPS8are available in a length up to24ft with the permitted range of15to24ft.Short lengths are acceptable and the number and minimum length shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 13.1.2If definite cut lengths are desired,the lengths re-quired shall be specified in the order.No pipe shall be under the specified length and no pipe shall be more than1⁄4in.[6mm] over the specified length.13.1.3No jointers are permitted unless otherwise specified.14.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance14.1Thefinished pipes shall be reasonably straight and shall have a workmanlikefinish.Removal of imperfections by grinding is permitted,provided the wall thicknesses are not decreased to less than that permitted in Section9of Specifi-cation A999/A999M.15.Repair by Welding15.1For welded pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds NPS6,and whose nominal wall thickness equals or exceeds 0.200,it is permitted to make weld repairs to the weld seam with the addition of compatiblefiller metal using the same procedures specified for plate defects in the section on Repair by Welding of Specification A999/A999M.15.2Weld repairs of the weld seam shall not exceed20%of the seam length.15.3Weld repairs shall be made only with the gas tungsten-arc welding process using the same classification of barefiller rod qualified to the most current AWS Specification A5.9as the grade of stainless steel pipe being repaired and as shown in Table5.Alternatively,subject to approval by the purchaser, weld repairs shall be made only with the gas tungsten-arc welding process using afiller metal more highly alloyed than the base metal when needed for corrosion resistance or other properties.15.4Pipes that have had weld seam repairs withfiller metal shall be uniquely identified and shall be so stated and identified on the certificate of tests.Whenfiller metal other than that listed in Table5is used,thefiller metal shall be identified on the certificate of tests.16.Certification16.1In addition to the information required by Specification A999/A999M,the certification shall state whether or not the material was hydrostatically tested.If the material was nonde-structively tested,the certification shall so state and shall state which standard practice was followed and what reference discontinuities were used.17.Marking17.1In addition to the marking specified in Specification A999/A999M,the marking shall include the NPS(nominal pipe size)or outside diameter and schedule number or average wall thickness,heat number,and NH when hydrotesting is not performed and ET when eddy-current testing is performed or UT when ultrasonic testing is performed.The marking shall also include the manufacturer’s private identifying mark,the marking requirement of12.3,if applicable,and whether seamless(SML),welded(WLD),or heavily cold-worked (HCW).For Grades TP304H,TP316H,TP321H,TP347H, TP348H,and S30815,the marking shall also include the heat TABLE5Pipe and Filler Metal SpecificationPipe Filler MetalGradeUNSDesignationAWS A5.9ClassUNS DesignationTP201S20100.........TP201LN S20153.........TP304S30400ER308S30800,W30840TP304L S30403ER308L S30883,W30843TP304N S30451ER308S30880,W30840TP304LN S30453ER308L S30883,W30843TP304H S30409ER308S30880,W30840TP309Cb S30940.........TP309S S30908.........TP310Cb S31040.........TP310S S31008.........S31272.........TP316S31600ER316S31680,W31640TP316L S31603ER316L S31683,W31643TP316N S31651ER316S31680,W31640TP316LN S31653ER316L S31683,W31643TP316H S31609ER316H S31680,W31640TP321S32100ER321ER347S32180,W32140S34780,W34740TP347S34700ER347S34780,W34740TP348S34800ER347S34780,W34740TPXM-19S22100ER209S20980,W32240TPXM-29S28300ER240S23980,W32440...N08367...N06625...S20400ER209S20980,W32240...N08925...N06625...N08926...N06625number and heat-treatment lot identification.If specified in thepurchase order,the marking for pipe larger than NPS4shall include the weight.ernment Procurement18.1Scale Free Pipe for Government Procurement:18.1.1When specified in the contract or order,the following requirements shall be considered in the inquiry,contract or order,for agencies of the ernment where scale free pipe or tube is required.These requirements shall take prece-dence if there is a conflict between these requirements and the product specifications.18.1.2The requirements of Specification A999/A999M for pipe and Specification A1016/A1016M for tubes shall be applicable when pipe or tube is ordered to this specification.18.1.3Pipe and tube shall be one of the following grades as specified herein:Grade UNS DesignationTP304S30400TP304L S30403TP304N S30451TP316S31600TP316L S31603TP316N S31651TP317S31700TP317L S31703TP321S32100TP347S3470018.1.4Part Number:Example:ASTM A312/A312M Pipe304NPS12SCH40S SMLSSpecification Number ASTM A312Pipe PGrade304NPS12Wall0.375SMLS OR WELDED SML18.1.4.1Specification Number ASTM A312Tube TGrade304Outside Diameter0.250Wall0.035SMLS OR WELDED WLD18.1.5Ordering Information—Orders for material under this specification shall include the following in addition to the requirements of Section4: or tube, number, inspection,if required, shear wave test is to be conducted in two opposite circumferential directions, corrosion test,and18.1.5.6Level of preservation and packing required.19.Keywords19.1austenitic stainless steel;seamless steel pipe;stainless steel pipe;steel pipe;welded steel pipeSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSOne or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order.The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided in the supplementary requirement.Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, retest and retreatment provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.S1.Product AnalysisS1.1For all pipe NPS5and larger in nominal size there shall be one product analysis made of a representative sample from one piece for each ten lengths or fraction thereof from each heat of steel.S1.2For pipe smaller than NPS5there shall be one product analysis made from ten lengths per heat of steel or from10% of the number of lengths per heat of steel,whichever number is smaller.S1.3Individual lengths failing to conform to the chemical requirements specified in Section7shall be rejected.S2.Transverse Tension TestsS2.1There shall be one transverse tension test made from one end of10%of the lengths furnished per heat of steel.This requirement is applicable only to pipe NPS8and larger.S2.2If a specimen from any length fails to conform to the tensile properties specified that length shall be rejected.S3.Flattening TestS3.1Theflattening test of Specification A999/A999M shall be made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each pipe. Crop ends may be used.If this supplementary requirement is specified,the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified. If a specimen from any length fails because of lack of ductility prior to satisfactory completion of thefirst step of theflattening test requirement,that pipe shall be rejected subject to retreat-ment in accordance with Specification A999/A999M and satisfactory retest.If a specimen from any length of pipe fails because of a lack of soundness that length shall be rejected, unless subsequent retesting indicates that the remaining length is sound.S4.Etching TestsS4.1The steel shall be homogeneous as shown by etching tests conducted in accordance with the appropriate portions of Method E381.Etching tests shall be made on a cross section from one end or both ends of each pipe and shall showsound。
ASTM: A 312/A 312M – 04b无缝焊接低温处理奥氏体不锈钢管标准该标准发布编号A312/A 312M,随后的编号表示初次发布的年份,在修订时,表示最后一次修订的年份。
1.1.范围2. 1.1 此标准覆盖高温和一般腐蚀性设备所用无缝、直缝焊接、低温焊接奥氏体不锈钢管。
注1:用于低温设备时的冲击值标准是15ft-lbf(20J)能量吸收功或者15mils(0.38mm)侧膨胀.此标准覆盖的部分不锈钢牌号可适用于某些不需要做现场测试的压力容器和管道系统.例如:TP304,TP304L和TP347被列入ASME第一章第八节的压力容器编号;在-425F(-250C)温度下工作,没有冲击测试要求时,被ANSI B31.3列入化工厂和精练厂的管道系统编号.其他AISI不锈钢牌号通常在没有冲击测试要求时可接受的工作温度为-325F(-200C).在某些特定环境中,可能会要求进行冲击测试。
例如,当工作温度低于-50F(-40C)时,对于铬或镍含量超出了AISI的范围和含C量超过0.10%的材料,被要求按照ASME第一章第八节的规则进行冲击测试.1.2 牌号TP304H, TP309H, TP309HCb, TP310H, TP310HCb, TP316H, TP321H,TP347H, 和TP348H是以下牌号的修改: TP304, TP309Cb, TP309S, TP310Cb, TP310S, TP316, TP321, TP347, 和TP348, .并且试图工作于蠕变和应力断名义壁厚裂的温度处的特性是重要的。
1.4 表X1.1列出了ANSI B36.19中显示的焊接和无缝不锈钢管的标准尺寸. 这些尺寸同样适用于低温处理的钢管。
ASTM A312/A 312M-07无缝、焊接和重度冷加工奥氏体不锈钢公称管标准规范本标准以固定的标准号A312/A312M出版;紧随标准号之后的号码表示原来采用的年代号或最新修订标准的年代号(在标准修订版情况下)。
1. 适用范围1.1本标准适用于高温和一般腐蚀用的无缝、焊接及重度冷加工奥氏体不锈钢公称管。
例如,用于温度低达-425o F(-250℃)的级别为TP304、TP304L和TP347的不锈钢已为ASME压力容器用规范第VⅢ卷第1册以及化工和炼油厂管道规范ANSI B31.3所接受,可不必进行冲击试验鉴定。
其它AISI 不锈钢级别通常在使用温度低至-325o F(-200℃)时,不进行冲击试验便可接受。
例如,铬或镍含量在AISI范围之外的材料,以及含碳量超过0.10%的材料,当使用温度低于-50o F(-45℃)时,需要根据ASME第VⅢ卷第1册的规定进行冲击试验。
1.4本标准附表X1.1列出了焊接与无缝奥氏体不锈钢管的尺寸,同ANSI B36.19。
ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差是指在钢管生产中,壁厚的公差范围。
一、ASTM A213标准ASTM A213标准是美国材料和试验协会制定的钢管标准,适用于供热、换热和其他高温、高压应用的不锈钢和合金钢管。
在钢管生产和使用过程中,壁厚是其中一个重要的参数,而ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差则规定了壁厚的允许范围。
ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差旨在规范钢管的生产,保证其壁厚在合理的范围内,从而满足不同工程和设备的需求。
三、ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差的具体要求根据ASTM A213标准中文版,钢管的壁厚公差应符合标准规定的要求,一般以正负公差表示。
钢管的壁厚公差受到生产工艺、材料特性、加工设备等多方面因素的影响,因此在ASTM A213标准中会对不同材料和规格的钢管壁厚公差进行详细的规定和说明,确保其在使用过程中能够达到设计要求。
四、个人观点和理解作为钢管生产领域的专家,我认为ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差的制定对于推动钢管行业的发展和规范化生产具有重要意义。
在国际贸易和工程项目中,ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差的采用也有利于促进国际间钢管产品的交流和合作。
总结回顾通过本文的阐述,您对ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差这一主题应该有了全面和深入的了解。
我们从ASTM A213标准的概述开始,介绍了壁厚公差的重要性,并详细说明了ASTM A213标准中文版壁厚公差的具体要求。
ASTM A105/A105M-2011a 中文版管道部件用碳钢锻件ASTM A123/A123M-2012 中文版钢铁产品镀锌层(热浸镀)标准规范ASTM A148/A148M-2008 中文版结构用高强度钢铸件标准ASTM A181/A181M-2012 中文版一般管道用碳钢锻件标准规范ASTM A217/A217M-2011 中文版高温承压件用马氏体不锈钢和合金钢铸件标准规范ASTM A240/A240M-2012 中文版压力容器和一般用途用铬及铬-镍不锈钢钢板、薄板和钢带标准技术条件ASTM A312/A312M-2009 中文版无缝和焊接的以及重度冷加工奥氏体不锈钢公称管标准技术条件ASTM A351/A351M-2012 中文版承压件用奥氏体铸钢件标准规范ASTM A370-2012 中文版钢制品力学性能试验的标准试验方法和定义ASTM A388/A388M-2011 中文版大型钢锻件超声检验标准操作方法ASTM A473-2001(R2009)中文版不锈钢锻件标准ASTM A48/A48M-2003(R2012)中文版灰铸铁铸件标准规范ASTM A494/A494M-2009e1 中文版镍和镍合金铸件ASTM A510/A510M-2011 中文版碳素钢盘条、粗圆钢丝和合金钢的一般要求的标准规范ASTM A579/A579M-2004a(R2009) 中文版超高强度合金钢锻件的标准规范ASTM A615/A615M-2012 中文版混凝土配筋用变形及光面碳素钢棒材的标准规范ASTM A706/A706M-2009b 中文版混凝土加固用低合金钢变形及光面钢筋规范ASTM A743/A743M-2006(R2010) 中文版一般用途的铁-铬、铁-铬-镍耐蚀钢铸件标准ASTM A745/A745M-2012 中文版奥氏体钢锻件超声波检验ASTM A781/A781M-2012b 中文版一般工业用钢和合金铸件通用要求标准规范ASTM A82/A82M-2007 中文版混凝土钢筋用普通钢丝的标准规范ASTM A820/A820M-2004 中文版钢钎维混凝土用钢纤维ASTM B111/B111M-2011 中文版铜和铜合金无缝冷凝器管子和压盖坯料ASTM B117-2011 中文版盐雾试验仪的标准操作规程ASTM B456-2011e1 中文版铜镍铬和镍铬电镀涂层的标准规范ASTM B564-2011 中文版镍合金锻件标准规范ASTM B575-2010 中文版低碳镍-铬-钼、低碳镍-铬-钼-铜、低碳镍-铬-钼-钽、低碳镍-铬-钼-钨和低碳镍-钼-铬的合金板材、薄板和带材的标准规范ASTM B841-1999(R2010) 中文版锌镍合金沉积物电镀层的标准规范ASTM C825-2006(R2011) 中文版预制混凝土删栏标准规范ASTM D1153-2006 中文版甲基异丁基酮的标准规范ASTM D1193-2006(R2011) 中文版试剂级纯水的标准规范ASTM D130-2010 中文版石油产品铜片腐蚀标准试验方法ASTM D1319-2010 中文版荧光指示剂吸附法测定液体石油产品中烃类标准方法ASTM D1321-2010 中文版石油蜡针入度测定的标准方法ASTM D1364-2002(R2012) 中文版挥发性溶剂中水分的试验方法(费歇尔试剂滴定法) ASTM D1401-2012 中文版石油和合成液的水分离性测定的标准方法ASTM D1403-2010 中文版全尺寸锥体的1/2或1/4比例锥体刺入润滑脂来测定稠度的标准方法ASTM D1465-2010 中文版石油蜡粘点和结点标准试验方法ASTM D1533-2012 中文版卡尔•费休电量滴定法测定绝缘液中水含量的标准方法ASTM D1603-2012 中文版烯烃塑料中炭黑含量测定的标准方法ASTM D1796-2011 中文版离心法测定燃油中水和沉淀物的标准方法ASTM D1840-2007 中文版紫外分光光度法测定航空涡轮燃料中萘系烃含量的标准方法ASTM D217-2010 中文版润滑脂锥入度测定的标准方法ASTM D2269-2010 中文版紫外吸光度评定白油的标准方法ASTM D2270-2010e1 中文版根据40℃和100℃下运动粘度计算粘度指数的标准规程ASTM D2272-2011 中文版润滑油氧化安定性的测定——旋转氧弹法标准试验方法ASTM D2274-2010 中文版馏分燃料油氧化安定性测定的标准方法(加速法)ASTM D240-2009 中文版用弹式量热计测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法ASTM D2425-2004(2009) 中文版质谱法测量中间馏分烃类组成的标准方法ASTM D2638-2010 中文版用氦气体密度仪测定煅烧石油焦真密度的标准方法ASTM D2887-2008 中文版用气相色谱分析法测定石油馏分沸程分布的标准试验方法ASTM D2896-2011 中文版用高氯酸电位滴定法测定石油产品碱值的试验方法ASTM D3237-2012 中文版原子吸收光谱法测定汽油中铅含量的试验方法ASTM D3242-2011 中文版航空涡轮燃料酸度标准试验方法ASTM D3329-2003(2009) 中文版用气相色谱法测定甲基异丁基酮纯度的试验方法ASTM D3606-2010 中文版气相色谱法测定车用汽油和航空汽油中苯和甲苯含量的标准方法ASTM D381-2012 中文版喷射蒸汽法测定燃料胶质含量的标准方法ASTM D3829-2002(2007) 中文版预测发动机油边界泵送温度的标准方法ASTM D4292-2010 中文版煅烧石油焦振动松密度的标准测试方法ASTM D4422-2003(2008) 中文版石油焦分析中灰分的测试标准方法ASTM D4530-2011 中文版微量法测定残炭的标准方法ASTM D473-2007 中文版抽提法测定燃油和原油中沉淀物的标准方法ASTM D4815-2009 中文版气相色谱法测定汽油中甲基叔丁基醚、乙基叔丁基醚、叔戊基甲基醚、二异丙基醚、叔戊醇及C1-C4醇类的标准方法ASTM D4931-2006(2011) 中文版生石油焦中总水分的标准测试方法ASTM D4952-2012 中文版定性分析燃料和溶剂中活性硫的标准试验方法(Doctor试验)ASTM D5116-2010 中文版通过小型环境室测定室内材料/产品的有机排放物的标准指南ASTM D524-2010 中文版石油产品兰氏法测定残炭标准方法ASTM D5293-2010e1 中文版用冷起动模拟装置测量-5至-30℃发动机油表观粘度的标准方法ASTM D5709-2009 中文版石油焦筛析的标准测试方法ASTM D5762-2012 中文版石油和石油产品中氮含量的测定舟进样化学发光法ASTM D6376-2010 中文版通过波长色散X射线荧光谱测定石油焦中痕量金属的试验方法ASTM D6584-2010ae1 中文版气相色谱法测定B-100生物柴油脂肪酸甲酯中游离甘油和总甘油含量的试验方法ASTM D892-2011a 中文版润滑油泡末特性标准试验方法ASTM D893-2012 中文版用过的润滑油不溶物测定法ASTM E10-2012 中文版金属材料布氏硬度的标准试验方法ASTM E1316-2011b 中文版无损检测的标准术语ASTM E140-2007 中文版金属的标准硬度转换表布氏硬度、维氏硬度、洛氏硬度、表面硬度、努氏硬度和肖氏硬度之间的关系ASTM E165/E165M-2012 中文版通用工业液体渗透检验的标准操作方法ASTM E1742/E1742M-2011 中文版射线照相检测标准规程ASTM E18-2011 中文版金属材料洛氏硬度标准测试方法ASTM E190-1992(R2008) 中文版焊缝塑性的导向弯曲试验的标准试验方法ASTM E290-2009 中文版金属材料延性弯曲试验的标准试验方法ASTM E317-2011 中文版不采用电子测量仪器评价脉冲回波式超声检测系统工作性能的方法ASTM E384-2011e1 中文版材料的努氏和维氏硬度标准试验方法ASTM E4-2010 中文版测试仪力验正标准规程ASTM E428-2008 中文版超声检测用钢质参考试块的制作与质量控制方法ASTM E587-2010 中文版接触式超声斜射检测方法ASTM E8/E8M-2011 中文版金属材料拉伸试验方法ASTM F136-2012 中文版外科植入用Ti-6Al-4V ELI(超低间隙)锻造合金标准(UNS R56401) ASTM F138-2008 中文版外科植入物用锻造18铬-14镍-2.5 钼不锈钢棒材和线材标准(UNS S31673)ASTM F1472-2008e1 中文版外科植入物用锻造Ti-6Al-4V钛合金标准ASTM F1537-2011 中文版外科植入物用锻造Co-28Cr-6Mo合金标准(UNS R31537,UNS R31538和UNS R31539)ASTM F1580-2012 中文版外科植入物涂层用钛和Ti-6AL-4V合金粉末标准ASTM F620-2011 中文版外科植入物用α+β态钛合金锻件标准ASTM F648-2010a 中文版外科植入物用超高分子量聚乙烯粉末和制成物的标准规范ASTM F75-2012 中文版外科植入物用Co-28Cr-6Mo合金铸件和铸造合金标准(UNS R30075) ASTM F799-2011 中文版外科植入物用Co-28Cr-6Mo合金锻件标准(UNS R31537,R31538,R31539)下面红色字体是赠送的精美网络散文欣赏,不需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除!!谢谢!!!一一条猎狗将兔子赶出了窝,一直追赶他,追了很久仍没有捉到。
316L代表了其不锈钢牌号,L表示低碳(Low Carbon),表明其具有较低的碳含量,使其更抗腐蚀。
以下是关于316L不锈钢无缝管的一些美国标准的概述:ASTM A312 / A312M -不锈钢管标准规范1. 材料和制造标准A312/A312M 标准范围:这个标准规定了从一些常用的不锈钢材料制造的无缝、焊接、冷拔和冷镶管的要求。
2. 尺寸和尺寸容差管子尺寸范围:标准规定了不同尺寸范围的管子,包括直径、壁厚等。
3. 化学成分和机械性能化学成分要求:标准明确规定了316L不锈钢管的化学成分,包括碳含量、铬含量、镍含量、硫含量等。
4. 检验和试验检验方法:标准规定了对316L管子进行化学分析、拉伸试验、硬度试验、冲击试验等检验方法。
5. 标记和包装管子标记:标准规定了在316L不锈钢管上应包括的标记信息,如材料等级、制造标志、尺寸等。
以上是关于316L不锈钢无缝管的ASTM A312/A312M标准的一般内容。
A S T M A312不锈钢管ASTM A312不锈钢管中文版发布时间:11-04-16 来源:浙江新同力管业有限公司点击量:1479 字段选择:大中小ASTM A213/A213M-95a锅炉、过热器、热交换器用铁素体和奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管1. 范围1.1 本标准适用于锅炉和过热器用的最小壁厚的铁素体,奥氏体无缝管以及热交换器用的奥氏体无缝钢管,其牌号为T5、TP304等。
1.2 牌号TP304H、TP309H、TP309HCb、TP310H、TP310HCb、TP310HCbN、TP316H、TP321H、TP347H、TP347HFG(细晶)、TP348H是牌号TP304、TP309S、TP30 9Cb、TP310S、TP310Cb、TP316、TP321、TP347和TP348的改进型,适用于在高温条件下使用,如用于过热器和再热器。
1.3 本标准提供的常用规格:内径1/8英寸(3.2mm)至外径5英寸(127毫米),最小壁厚≥0.015-0.500英寸(0.38-12.7mm).只要符合本标准其他所有要求,也可供应其他尺寸的钢管。
1.4 力学性能要求不适用于内径小于1/8英寸(3.2mm)或壁厚小于0.015英寸(0. 038mm)的钢管。
1.5 选择性补充要求,如有需要,应在订单中注明。
1.6 以英寸---磅单位制和SI单位制表示的数值应视为两种独立的值,本标准中SI单位写在括号内,每个系统表示的数值不完全相等.因此,每个单位制应单独使用.将两种体系的值混用将导致标准的不一致.若订单中未注明本标准的“M”符,则应使用英寸----磅单位制。
2. 引用标准2.1 ASTM标准A262 奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性的测定A 450/A450M 碳钢、铁素体合金、奥氏体合金钢管的一般要求E112 平均晶粒度的测定方法E527 金属与合金的编号法(UNS)2.2 其它标准SAE J1086 金属与合金的编号法(UNS)3. 订单内容3.1 按本标准订购材料的订单,应视需要包括以下内容,对所需材料作适当说明:3.1.1 数量(英尺、米或根数)3.1.2 材料名称(无缝钢管)3.1.3 牌号(表1、表2和表3)3.1.4 制造加工(热加工或冷加工)3.1.5 组织性能的控制(见6.2)3.1.6 尺寸(外径和最小壁厚)3.1.7 长度(定尺或不定尺)3.1.8 所需试验报告(见ASTM A450/A450M 有关证明书一节)3.1.9 标准名称3.1.10 特殊要求和选用的补充要求4. 一般要求4.1 除非另有规定,按本标准供应的材料,应符合A450/A450M最新版的规定。
ASTM A312标准是美国材料和试验协会(ASTM International)制定
sa-312对应国内标准概述说明1. 引言1.1 概述本文旨在对SA-312对应国内标准进行概述说明。
1.2 文章结构文章主要包括引言、正文、分析和讨论、结论以及总结五个部分。
1.3 目的本文的目的是为读者提供关于SA-312对应国内标准的深入了解。
2. 正文:2.1 SA-312简介SA-312是一种国际标准,用于规范管道系统中不锈钢焊接和无缝钢管的要求。
2.2 国内标准概述国内对于管道系统的生产和使用也采用了一系列的标准,其中包括GB/T 14976和GB/T 13296等。
ASTMA标准(中文)AA1000-99 弹簧专用碳钢和合金钢钢丝规范A1001-99 大型材高强度钢铸件规范A1002-99 镍铝类合金铸件规范A100-93(2000) 硅铁A101-93(2000) 铬铁A102-93(2000) 钒铁合金A105/A105M-01 管系部件用碳素钢锻件A106-999e1 高温用无缝碳素钢管A108-99 优质冷加工碳素钢棒材技术规范A109/A109M-00e1 冷轧碳素钢带技术规范A111-99a 电话和电报线路用镀锌"铁"丝规格A116-00 镀锌钢丝编织栏栅网A121-99 镀锌刺钢丝A123/A123M-00 钢铁产品的锌镀层(热浸镀锌)技术规范A125-96 热处理螺旋形钢弹簧A126-95(2001) 阀门、法兰和管配件用灰铁铸件A128/A128M-93(1998) 钢铸件,奥氏体锰A131/A131M-94 海船用结构钢A132-89(2000) 钼铁合金A134-96 电熔(电弧)焊钢管(NPS为16英寸和16英寸以上)A135-01 电阻焊钢管A139-00 电熔(电弧)焊钢管(4英寸以上的)A143-74(1999) 热浸镀锌结构钢制品防脆裂措施和探测脆裂的程序A146-64(2000) 氧化钼制品A148/A148M-01 结构用高强度钢铸件A153/A153M-00 钢铁制金属构件上镀锌层(热浸)A159-83(2001) 汽车用灰铁铸件A167-99 不锈钢和耐热铬镍钢板、薄板及带材A176-99 不锈钢和耐热铬钢板、薄板及带材A178/A178M-95(2000) 电阻焊接碳素钢钢管及碳锰钢锅炉和过热器管的技术规范A179/A179M-90a(1996)e1 热交换器和冷凝器用无缝冷拉低碳钢管A181/A181M-01 普通锻制碳素钢管的规格A182/A182M-01 高温设备用锻制或轧制的合金钢管法兰、锻制管件、阀门及零件A183-98 钢轨用碳素钢螺栓和螺母A184/A184M-01 混凝土加筋用变形钢筋编织网A185-97 钢筋混凝土用焊接钢丝结构A1-00 碳素钢丁字轨A192/A192M-91(1996)e1 高压用无缝碳素钢锅炉管A193/A193M-01 高温设备用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料A194/A194M-01 高温和高压设备用碳素钢与合金钢螺栓和螺母的规格A197/A197M-00 化铁炉用可锻铸铁A20/A20M-01 压力容器用钢板材通用要求A202/A202M-93(1999) 压力容器用铬锰硅合金钢板A203/A203M-97 压力容器用镍合金钢板A204/A204M-93(1999) 压力容器用钼合金钢板A209/A209M-98 锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管A210/A210M-96 锅炉和过热器用无缝中碳素管A213/A213M-01 无缝铁素体和奥氏体合金钢锅炉、过热器和换热器管A214/A214M-96 热交换器与冷凝器用电阻焊接碳素钢管A216/A216M-93(1998) 高温下使用的适合于熔焊的碳素钢铸件规格A217/A217M-01 适合高温受压零件用合金钢和马氏体不锈钢铸件A21-94(1999) 铁路用未经热处理和经热处理的碳素钢轴A220/A220M-99 珠光体可锻铁A225/A225M-93(1999) 压力容器用锰矾镍合金钢板A227/A227M-99 机械弹簧用冷拉钢丝A228/A228M-00 乐器用优质弹簧钢丝A229/A229M-99 机械弹簧用油回火的钢丝A230/A230M-99 阀门用油回火优质碳素钢弹簧丝A231/A231M-96 铬钒合金钢弹簧丝A232/A232M-99 阀门用优质铬钒合金钢弹簧丝A234/A234M-00a 中温与高温下使用的锻制碳素钢及合金钢管配件A239-95(1999) 用普力斯试验法(硫酸铜浸蚀)确定铁或钢制品上镀锌层最薄点的测试方法A240/A240M-01 压力容器用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄板及带材A242/A242M-00a 高强度低合金结构钢A247-67(1998) 铁铸件中石墨显微结构评定试验方法A249/A249M-01 锅炉、过热器、换热器和冷凝器用焊接奥氏体钢管A250/A250M-95(2001) 锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体合金钢管A252-98e1 焊接钢和无缝钢管桩A254-97 铜焊钢管规格A255-99 测定钢淬透性用末端淬火试验的标准试验方法A262-98 奥氏体不锈钢晶间浸蚀敏感性的检测A263-94a(1999) 耐腐蚀铬钢包覆板材,薄板材及带材技术规范A264-94a(1999) 包覆的不锈铬镍钢板,薄板及带材规格A265-94a(1999) 镍和镍基合金包覆钢板规格A266/A266M-99 压力容器部件用碳素钢锻件规格A268/A268M-01 一般设备用无缝和焊接铁素体与马氏体不锈钢管A269-01 一般设备用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管A27/A27M-95(2000) 通用碳素钢铸件A270-01 卫生设施用无缝钢和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管A275/A275M-98 钢锻件的磁粉检查试验方法A276-00a 不锈钢棒材和型材A278-93 适用于650F容压部件用灰铸铁件的技术规范A283/A283M-00 低和中等抗拉强度碳素钢板A285/A285M-90(2001) 压力容器用低和中等抗拉强度的碳素钢板A288-91(1998) 涡轮发电机磁性定位环用碳素钢和合金钢锻件A289/A289M-97 发电机非磁性定位环用合金钢锻件的技术规范A29/A29M-99e1 热锻及冷加工碳素钢和合金钢棒A2-90(1997) 普通型,带槽和防护型碳素工字钢轨A290-95(1999) 减速器环用碳素钢和合金钢锻件A291-95(1999) 减速器小齿轮、齿轮和心轴用碳素钢和合金钢锻件A295-98 高碳耐磨轴承钢技术规范A297/A297M-97(1998) 一般用耐热铬铁与镍铬铁合金钢铸件规格A299/A299M-97e1 压力容器用锰硅碳钢板A302/A302M-97e1 压力容器用锰钼和锰钼镍合金钢板A304-96 有末端淬火淬透性要求的合金钢棒材的技术规范A307-00 抗拉强度为60000psi的碳素钢螺栓和螺柱的技术规范A308-99 经热浸处理镀有铅锡合金的薄板材的技术规范A309-94a(1999) 用三点试验法测定长镀锌薄钢板镀层的重量成分的试验方法A311/A311M-95(2000) 有机械性能要求的消除应力的冷拉碳素钢棒A312/A312M-00c 无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管A313/A313M-98 不锈钢弹簧丝技术规范A314-97 锻造用不锈及耐热钢坯及钢棒规格A31-00 钢铆钉及铆钉和压力容器用棒材A319-71(2001) 高温无压部件用灰铁铸件A320/A320M-01 低温用合金钢螺栓材料规格A321-90(1995)e1 经淬火和回火的碳素钢棒A322-91(1996) 合金钢棒材.级别A323-93(2000) 硼铁规格A324-73(2000) 钛铁合金A325-00 经热处理最小抗拉强度为120/105ksi的钢结构螺栓A325M-00 结构钢连接件用高强度螺栓(米制)A327-91(1997) 铸铁冲击试验方法A327M-91(1997) 铸铁冲击试验方法(米制)A328/A328M-00 薄钢板桩A331-95(2000) 冷加工合金钢棒A333/A333M-99 低温用无缝与焊接钢管规格A334/A334M-99 低温设备用无缝与焊接碳素和合金钢管A335/A335M-01 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管A336/A336M-99e1 压力与高温部件用合金钢锻件规格A338-84(1998) 铁路,船舶和其他重型装备在温度达到650华氏度(345摄氏度)时使用的可锻铸铁法兰,管件和阀门零件A34/A34M-96 磁性材料的抽样和采购试验的标准惯例A340-99a 有关磁性试验用符号和定义的术语A341/A341M-00 用直流磁导计和冲击试验法测定材料的直流磁性能的试验方法A342/A342M-99 磁铁材料导磁率的试验方法A343-97 在电力频率下用瓦特计-安培计-伏特计法(100-1000赫兹)和25 厘米艾普斯亭(EPSTEIN) 机架测定材料的交流电磁性能的试验方法A345-98 磁设备用平轧电炉钢A348/A348M-00 用瓦特计--安培计--伏特计法(100-10000赫兹)和25厘米艾普斯亭框测定材料的交流磁性能的试验方法A350/A350M-00c 要求进行缺口韧性试验的管道部件用碳素钢与低合金钢锻件技术规范A351/A351M-00 容压零件用奥氏体及奥氏体铁素体铸铁的技术规范A352/A352M-93(1998) 低温受压零件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件规格A353/A353M-93(1999) 压力容器用经二次正火及回火处理的含9%镍的合金钢板A354-01 淬火与回火合金钢螺栓,双头螺栓及其他外螺纹紧固件规格A355-89(2000) 渗氮用合金钢棒A356/A356M-98e1 蒸汽轮机用厚壁碳素钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件A358/A358M-01 高温用电熔焊奥氏体铬镍合金钢管A36/A36M-00a 碳素结构钢技术规范A363-98 地面架空线用镀锌钢丝绳A367-60(1999) 铸铁的激冷试验方法A368-95a(2000) 不锈钢和耐热钢丝绳的标准A369/A369M-01 高温用锻制和镗孔碳素钢管和铁素体合金钢管A370-97a 钢制品机械测试的标准试验方法和定义A372/A372M-99 薄壁压力容器用碳素钢及合金钢锻件A376/A376M-01 高温中心站用无缝奥氏钢管A377-99 球墨铸铁压力管规范索引A380-99e1 不锈钢零件、设备和系统的清洗和除垢A381-96 高压输送用金属弧焊钢管A384-76(1996) 防止钢组件热浸镀锌时翘曲和扭曲用安全保护A385-00 提供高质量镀锌覆层(热浸)A3-01 低、中、高碳素钢鱼尾(连接)板A387/A387M-99e1 压力容器用铬钼合金钢板A388/A388M-95(2000)e1 重型钢锻件超声波检测A389/A389M-93(1998) 适合高温受压部件用经特殊热处理的合金钢铸件规格A390-95(2001) 饲养家禽用镀锌钢丝栏栅网(六角形和直线形)A391/A391M-98 80号合金钢链条A392-96 镀锌钢丝链环栏栅网A394-00 传动塔架用镀锌和裸露钢螺栓A395/A395M-99 高温用铁素体球墨铸铁受压铸件A400-69(2000) 钢棒的成分及机械性能选择指南A401/A401M-98 铬硅合金钢丝A403/A403M-00b 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件A407-93(1998) 盘簧用冷拉钢丝A409/A409M-01 腐蚀场所或高温下使用的焊接大口径奥氏体钢管A411-98 镀锌低碳钢铠装线A413/A413M-00 碳素钢链A414/A414M-00 压力容器用碳素薄钢板A416/A416M-99 预应力混凝土用无涂层七股钢铰线A417-93(1998) 之字型、方型和正弦型装垫弹簧元件用冷拉钢丝A418-99 涡轮机及发电机钢转子锻件的超声波检查方法A420/A420M-00b 低温下用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件A421/A421M-98a 预应力混凝土用无涂层消除应力钢丝的技术规范A423/A423M-95(2000) 无缝和电焊低合金钢管A424-00 搪瓷用钢薄板A426-92(1997) 高温用离心铸造的铁素体合金钢管A427-74(1996)e1 冷轧和热轧用锻制合金钢辊A428/A428M-01 钢铁制品上铝覆层重量的测试方法A434-90a(2000) 热轧与冷精轧经回火及淬火的合金钢棒A435/A435M-90(2001) 钢板的直射束纵向超声波检验A436-84(1997)e1 奥氏体灰口铁铸件A437/A437M-01 高温用经特殊处理的涡轮型合金钢螺栓材料A438-80(1997) 灰铸铁横向弯曲试验A439-83(1999) 奥氏体可锻铸铁铸件A447/A447M-93(1998) 高温用镍铬铁合金钢铸件(25-12级)A449-00 经淬火和回火的钢螺栓和螺柱A450/A450M-96a 碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管A451-93(1997) 高温用离心铸造的奥氏体钢管A453/A453M-00 具有同奥氏体钢相类似的膨胀系数、屈服强度为50-120Ksi(345-827MPa)的耐高温螺栓材料A455/A455M-90(2001) 压力容器用高强度碳锰钢板A456/A456M-99 大型曲轴锻件的磁粉检查A459-97 镀锌平轧扁钢铠装带A460-94(1999) 包铜钢丝绳标准A463/A463M-00 热浸镀铝薄钢板A466/A466M-98 非焊接碳素钢链A467/A467M-98 机器链和盘旋链A469-94a(1999) 用于发电机转子的真空处理钢锻件A470-01 涡轮机转子和轴用经真空处理的碳素钢和合金锻件A471-94(1999) 涡轮转子转盘和转轮用真空处理合金钢锻件技术规范A472-98 蒸汽涡轮机轴及转子锻件的热稳定性的试验方法A473-01 不锈和耐热钢锻件A474-98 包铝钢丝绳标准A475-98 镀锌钢丝绳A476/A476M-00 造纸厂干燥辊用球墨可锻铸铁件A478-97 铬镍不锈钢和耐热钢制编织钢丝A479/A479M-00 锅炉及压力容器用不锈钢和耐热钢棒与型材A47/A47M-99 铁素体可锻铁铸件A480/A480M-01 扁平轧制耐热不锈钢厚板材、薄板材和带材通用要求A481-94(2000) 金属铬A482-93(2000) 铬铁硅A483-64(2000) 硅锰合金A484/A484M-00 不锈及耐热锻钢棒,钢坯及锻件的规格A485-00 高淬透性耐磨轴承钢的技术规范A487/A487M-93(1998) 受压钢铸件A488/A488M-01 钢铸件焊接规程和工作人员的合格鉴定A48-94ae1 灰铁铸件A489-00 碳素钢吊耳A490-00 最小拉伸强度为150千磅/平方英寸热处理钢结构螺栓A491-96 镀铝钢链环栏栅结构。
ASTM A312/A312M-91b奥氏体不锈钢无缝和焊接钢管1.范围1.1 本标准适用于高温作业和一般腐蚀性作业用的奥氏体无缝和直缝焊钢管。
例如,牌号304,304L他、和347业已被ASME压力容器规范和ANSI B31.3化工设备和炼油设备管道规范所认可,在低温-425F(-250C)温度下使用时无须通过冲击试验来鉴定。
1.2 牌号TP304H, TP309H, TP309HCb, TP310H, TP310HCb, TP310H, TP310HCb, TP316H, TP321H, TP347H和TP348H 乃是牌号TP304, TP309Cb, TP309S, TP310Cb, TP310S, TP316, TP321, TP347 和TP348 的改进牌号,预定用于高温作业.1.3 本标准为需要更多试验的钢管规定了选择性的补充要求. 这些补充要求提出一些附加试验,如果需要, 可以在订单中规定其中的一项或几项.1.4 本标准在附表中, 根据ANSI B36.19 标准列举了不锈钢无缝钢管和焊接钢管和焊接钢管的尺寸,其他尺寸的钢管, 只要符合本标准的全部要求,变可供应.1.5 用英寸一磅单位和SI(公制)单位表示的数值分别视为标准值. 在正文和表格内单位用括号表示.每种单位制所表示的数值不是精确的等量值.因此,每种单位制必须单独使用.将两种单位制的数值相混同,就会与ASTM标准不相符合. 如果在订单中未指定带M 的标准号码, 则应按英寸一磅单位供货.注2: 在本标准中, 用无尺寸规格的代号NPS(钢管公称尺寸)已代替了诸如―公称直径‖, ―尺寸‖和―公称尺寸‖等传统术语.2. 适用文件2.1 ASTM 标准:A262 奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性的测试方法A370 钢材机械性能试验的方法和定义A530/A530M 特殊碳素钢和合金钢管一般要求]E112 平均晶粒度的测定方法E381 钢材(包括棒材, 方坯,大钢坯和锻钢) 低倍浸蚀试验,检查和评级的方法E527 金属和合金编号(UNS)的推荐方法2.2 ANSI标准:B1.20.1 一般用途的钢管螺纹B36.10 焊接和无缝的可锻钢钢管B36.19 不锈钢钢管2.3 AWS 标准A5.9 耐腐蚀的铬和铬一镍钢焊丝和焊条的一般要求3.1 按本标准供应的钢管应符合ASTM A450/A450M 标准现行版各项适用要求, 除非另有规定.4. 供货内容4.1 按本标准订购钢管的订单应按需要包括下列内容, 以梗对扬需的钢管作适当说明:4.1.1 数量(英尺, 米或根数)4.1.2 钢管名称(奥氏体钢钢管)4.1.3 工艺(无缝或焊接)4.1.4 牌号(表1)4.1.5 尺寸(NPS 或外径和系列号或平均)4.1.6 长度(定尺或不定尺) 第10节4.1.7 端部加工(ASTM A530/A530M 标准有关端部一节)4.1.8 选择性要求(第7节)4.1.9 所需的试验报告(ASTM A530/A530M标准有关合格证书一节)4.1.10 ASTM标准号码4.1.11 特殊要求或选定的任何补充要求,或者两者。
Designation:A312/A312M–08Used in USDOE-NE standards Standard Specification forSeamless,Welded,and Heavily Cold Worked AusteniticStainless Steel Pipes1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A312/A312M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification2covers seamless,straight-seam welded,and heavily cold worked welded austenitic stainless steel pipe intended for high-temperature and general corrosive service.N OTE1—When the impact test criterion for a low-temperature service would be15ft·lbf[20J]energy absorption or15mils[0.38mm]lateral expansion,some of the austenitic stainless steel grades covered by this specification are accepted by certain pressure vessel or piping codes without the necessity of making the actual test.For example,Grades TP304,TP304L,and TP347are accepted by the ASME Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII Division1,and by the Chemical Plant and Refinery Piping Code,ANSI B31.3,for service at temperatures as low as−425°F [−250°C]without qualification by impact tests.Other AISI stainless steel grades are usually accepted for service temperatures as low as−325°F [−200°C]without impact testing.Impact testing may,under certain circumstances,be required.For example,materials with chromium or nickel content outside the AISI ranges,and for material with carbon content exceeding0.10%,are required to be impact tested under the rules of ASME Section VIII Division1when service temperatures are lower than−50°F[−45°C].1.2Grades TP304H,TP309H,TP309HCb,TP310H, TP310HCb,TP316H,TP321H,TP347H,and TP348H are modifications of Grades TP304,TP309Cb,TP309S,TP310Cb, TP310S,TP316,TP321,TP347,and TP348,and are intended for service at temperatures where creep and stress rupture properties are important.1.3Optional supplementary requirements are provided for pipe where a greater degree of testing is desired.These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made and,when desired,it is permitted to specify in the order one or more of these supplementary requirements.1.4Table X1.1lists the standardized dimensions of welded and seamless stainless steel pipe as shown in ANSI B36.19.These dimensions are also applicable to heavily cold worked pipe.Pipe having other dimensions is permitted to be ordered and furnished provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification.1.5Grades TP321and TP321H have lower strength require-ments for pipe manufactured by the seamless process in nominal wall thicknesses greater than3⁄8in.[9.5mm].1.6The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi-cation.The inch-pound units shall apply unless the“M”designation of this specification is specified in the order.N OTE2—The dimensionless designator NPS(nominal pipe size)has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as“nominal diameter,”“size,”and“nominal size.”2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:3A262Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless SteelsA370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA941Terminology Relating to Steel,Stainless Steel,Re-lated Alloys,and FerroalloysA999/A999M Specification for General Requirements for Alloy and Stainless Steel PipeA1016/A1016M Specification for General Requirements for Ferritic Alloy Steel,Austenitic Alloy Steel,and Stain-less Steel TubesE112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E381Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars,Billets, Blooms,and Forgings1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.10on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved March1,2008.Published April2008.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2007as A312/A312M–07.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SA-312in Section II of that Code.3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.E 527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System (UNS)2.2ANSI Standards:4B1.20.1Pipe Threads,General PurposeB36.10Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe B36.19Stainless Steel Pipe 2.3ASME Standard:ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code :Section VIII 52.4AWS Standard:A5.9Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Electrodes 62.5Other Standard:SAE J1086Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)73.Terminology 3.1Definitions:3.1.1The definitions in Specification A 999/A 999M and Terminology A 941are applicable to this specification.4.Ordering Information4.1Orders for material to this specification shall conform to the requirements of the current edition of Specification A 999/A 999M .5.General Requirements5.1Material furnished under this specification shall con-form to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specification A 999/A 999M unless otherwise provided herein.5.2Heat Treatment :5.2.1All pipe shall be furnished in the heat—treated con-dition in accordance with the requirements of Table 2.The heat—treatment procedure,except for “H”grades,S30815,S31035,S31272,S31254,S32654,N08367,N08904,and N08926shall consist of heating the pipe to a minimum temperature of 1900°F [1040°C]and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means.6.Materials and Manufacture 6.1Manufacture :6.1.1The pipe shall be manufactured by one of the follow-ing processes:6.1.2Seamless (SML)pipe shall be made by a process that does not involve welding at any stage of production.6.1.3Welded (WLD)pipe shall be made using an automatic welding process with no addition of filler metal during the welding process.6.1.4Heavily cold-worked (HCW)pipe shall be made by applying cold working of not less than 35%reduction in thickness of both wall and weld to a welded pipe prior to the final anneal.No filler shall be used in making the weld.Prior to cold working,the weld shall be 100%radiographically inspected in accordance with the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII ,Division 1,latest revision,Paragraph UW- pipe and HCW pipe of NPS 14and smaller shall have a single longitudinal weld.Welded pipe and HCW pipe of a size larger than NPS 14shall have a single longitudinal weld or shall be produced by forming and welding two longitudinal sections of flat stock when approved by the purchaser.All weld tests,examinations,inspections,or treat-ments shall be performed on each weld seam.6.1.6At the option of the manufacturer,pipe shall be either hot finished or cold finished.6.1.7The pipe shall be free of scale and contaminating exogenous iron particles.Pickling,blasting,or surface finish-ing is not mandatory when pipe is bright annealed.The purchaser is permitted to require that a passivating treatment be applied to the finished pipe.4Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI),25W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,.5Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),ASME International Headquarters,Three Park Ave.,New York,NY 10016-5990,.6Available from American Welding Society (AWS),550NW LeJeune Rd.,Miami,FL 33126,.7Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),400Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,PA 15096-0001,.A 312/A 312M –082T A B L E 1C h e m i c a l R e q u i r e m e n t sG r a d eU N S D e s i g -n a t i o n AC o m p o s i t i o n ,%BC a r b o nM a n g a -n e s eP h o s -p h o r u s S u l f u r S i l i c o n C h r o m -i u m N i c k e lM o l y b -d e n u m T i t a -n i u m C o l u m -b i u mT a n t a -l u m ,m a x N i t r o -g e n C V a n a -d i u m C o p p e r C e r i u m B o r o n A l u m -i n u m O t h e r...S 204000.0307.0–9.00.0450.0301.0015.0–17.01.50–3.00............0.15–0.30...............T P X M -19S 209100.064.0–6.00.0450.0301.0020.5–23.511.5–13.51.50–3.00...0.10–0.30...0.20–0.400.10–0.30......T P X M -10S 219000.088.0–10.00.0450.0301.0019.0–21.55.5–7.5............0.15–0.40.........T P X M -11S 219040.048.0–10.00.0450.0301.0019.0–21.55.5–7.5............0.15–0.40.........T P X M -29S 240000.0811.5–14.50.0600.0301.0017.0–19.02.3–3.7............0.20–0.40.........T P 201S 201000.155.5–7.50.0600.0301.0016.0–18.03.5–5.5............0.25...............T P 201L N S 201530.036.4–7.50.0450.0150.7516.0–17.54.0–5.0............0.10–0.25...1.00.........T P 304S 304000.082.000.0450.0301.0018.0–20.08.0–11.0........................T P 304L S 304030.035D2.000.0450.0301.0018.0–20.08.0–13.0........................T P 304H S 304090.04––20.08.0–11.0...........................S 304150.04–0.060.800.0450.0301.00–2.0018.0–19.09.0–10.0............0.12–0.18......0.03–0.08T P 304N S 304510.082.000.0450.0301.0018.0–20.08.0–18.0............0.10–0.16.........T P 304L N S 304530.0352.000.0450.0301.0018.0–20.08.0–12.0............0.10–0.16............S 306000.0182.–4.317.0–18.514.0–15.50.20...............0.50m a x ......S 306150.16––4.017.0–19.513.5–16.0...........................0.80–1.50...S 308150.05–0.100.800.0400.0301.40–2.0020.0–22.010.0–12.0............0.14–0.20......0.03–0.08T P 309S S 309080.082.000.0450.0301.0022.0–24.012.0–15.00.75..................T P 309H S 309090.04––24.012.0–15.0.....................T P 309C b S 309400.082.000.0450.0301.0022.0–24.012.0–16.00.75...103C m i n ,1.10m a x ............T P 309H C b S 309410.04––24.012.0–16.00.75...103C m i n ,1.10m a x .........S 310020.0152.000.0200.0150.1524.0–26.019.0–22.00.10.........0.10...T P 310S S 310080.082.000.0450.0301.0024.0–26.019.0–22.00.75..................T P 310H S 310090.04––26.019.0–22.0.....................S 310350.04–0.100.600.0300.0150.4021.5–23.523.5–26.50.30–0.600.15–0.302.0–3.50.002–0.008W 2.0–3.0C o 1.0–2.A 312/A 312M –083T A B L E 1C o n t i n u e dG r a d eU N S D e s i g -n a t i o n AC o m p o s i t i o n ,%BC a r b o nM a n g a -n e s eP h o s -p h o r u s S u l f u r S i l i c o n C h r o m -i u m N i c k e lM o l y b -d e n u m T i t a -n i u m C o l u m -b i u m T a n t a -l u m ,m a x N i t r o -g e n C V a n a -d i u mC o p p e r C e r i u m B o r o nA l u m -i n u m O t h e rT P 310C b S 310400.082.000.0450.0301.0024.0–26.019.0–22.00.75...103C m i n ,1.10m a x ............T P 310H C b S 310410.04––26.019.0–22.00.75...103C m i n ,1.10m a x ............S 310500.0252.000.0200.0150.424.0–26.020.5–23.51.6–2.6.........0.09–0.15............S 312540.0201.000.0300.0100.8019.5–20.517.5–18.56.0–6.5.........0.18–0.22...0.50–1.00...S 312720.08–0121.5–2.000.0300.0150.25–0.7514.0–16.014.0–16.01.00–1.400.30–0.600.004–0.008S 312770.0203.000.0300.0100.5020.5–23.026.0–28.06.5–8.00.30–0.400.50–1.50T P 316S 316000.082.000.0450.0301.0016.0–18.011.0–14.0E2.00–3.00.....................T P 316L S 316030.035D2.000.0450.0301.0016.0–18.010.0–14.02.00–3.00.....................T P 316H S 316090.04––18.011.0–14.0E2.00–3.00.....................T P 316T i S 316350.082.000.0450.0300.7516.0–18.010.0–14.02.00–3.0053(C +N )–0.70......0.10...............T P 316NS 316510.082.000.0450.0301.0016.0–18.011.0–14.0E2.00–3.000.10–0.16.........T P 316L N S 316530.0352.000.0450.0301.0016.0–18.011.0–14.0E2.00–3.00.........0.10–0.16.........T P 317S 317000.082.000.0450.0301.0018.0–20.011.0–14.03.0–4.0.....................T P 317L S 317030.0352.000.0450.0301.0018.0–20.011.0–15.03.0–4.0........................S 317250.032.000.040F0.0301.0018.0–20.013.5–17.54.0–5.0.........0.10...0.75......S 317260.032.000.040F0.0301.0017.0–20.014.5–17.54.0–5.0.........0.10–0.20...0.75......S 317270.031.000.0300.0301.0017.5–19.014.5–16.53.8–4.5.........0.15–0.21...2.8–4.0............S 320530.031.000.0300.0101.0022.0–24.024.0–26.05.0–6.0.........0.17–0.22...............T P 321S 321000.082.000.0450.0301.0017.0–19.09.0–12.0...G......0.10.........T P 321H S 321090.04––19.09.0–12.0...H.....................S 326150.072.000.0450.0304.8–6.016.5–19.519.0–22.00.30–1.50...............1.50–2.50......S 326540.0202.0–4.00.0300.0050.5024.0–25.021.0–23.07.0–8.0.........0.45–0.55...0.30–0.60......S 332280.04––28.031.0–33.0......0.60–1.00............0.05–0.10...0.025...S 345650.035.0–7.00.0300.0101.0023.0–25.016.0–18.04.0–5.0...0.100.40–0.60............T P 347S 347000.082.000.0450.0301.0017.0–19.09.0–13.0......I...............A 312/A 312M –084T A B L E 1C o n t i n u e dG r a d e U N S D e s i g -n a t i o n AC o m p o s i t i o n ,%BC a r b o nM a n g a -n e s e P h o s -p h o r u s S u l f u r S i l i c o nC h r o m -i u m N i c k e lM o l y b -d e n u m T i t a -n i u m C o l u m -b i u m T a n t a -l u m ,m a xN i t r o -g e n C V a n a -d i u mC o p p e rC e r i u mB o r o nA l u m -i n u mO t h e rT P 347H S 347090.04––19.09.0–13.0......J...............T P 347L N S 347510.005–0.0202.000.0450.0301.0017.0–19.09.0–13.0......0.20–0.50F ,K ...0.06–0.10...............T P 348S 348000.082.000.0450.0301.0017.0–19.09.0–13.0......I0.10............T P 348H S 348090.04––19.09.0–13.0......J0.10...............S 350450.06–0.101.50...0.0151.0025.0–29.032.0–37.0...0.15–0.60............0.75......0.15–0.60...S 353150.04––2.0024.0–26.034.0–36.0............0.12–0.18......0.03–0.08......T P X M -15S 381000.082.000.0300.0301.50–2.5017.0–19.017.5–18.5...........................S 388150.0302.000.0400.0205.5–6.513.0–15.015.0–17.00.75–1.50...............0.75–1.50......0.30...N 083670.0302.000.0400.0301.0020.0–22.023.5–25.56.0–7.0.........0.18–0.25...0.75............N 089040.0202.000.0400.0301.0019.0–23.023.0–28.04.0–5.0.........0.10...1.00–2.00............N 089260.0202.000.0300.0100.5024.0–26.019.0–21.06.0–7.0.........0.15–0.25...0.50–1.50.........AN e w d e s i g n a t i o n e s t a b l i s h e d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h P r a c t i c e E 527a n d S A E J 1086.BM a x i m u m ,u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e i n d i c a t e d .C T h e m e t h o d o f a n a l y s i s f o r n i t r o g e n s h a l l b e a m a t t e r o f a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n t h e p u r c h a s e r a n d m a n u f a c t u r e r .D F o r s m a l l d i a m e t e r o r t h i n w a l l s o r b o t h ,w h e r e m a n y d r a w i n g p a s s e s a r e r e q u i r e d ,a c a r b o n m a x i m u m o f 0.040%i s n e c e s s a r y i n g r a d e s T P 304L a n d T P 316L .S m a l l o u t s i d e d i a m e t e r t u b e s a r e d e fin e d a s t h o s e l e s s t h a n 0.500i n .[12.7m m ]i n o u t s i d e d i a m e t e r a n d l i g h t w a l l t u b e s a s t h o s e l e s s t h a n 0.049i n .[1.20m m ]i n a v e r a g e w a l l t h i c k n e s s (0.044i n .[1.10m m ]i n m i n i m u m w a l l t h i c k n e s s ).E F o r w e l d e d T P 316,T P 316N ,T P 316L N ,a n d T P 316H p i p e ,t h e n i c k e l r a n g e s h a l l b e 10.0–14.0%.F F o r w e l d e d p i p e ,t h e p h o s p h o r u s m a x i m u m s h a l l b e 0.045%.G T h e t i t a n i u m c o n t e n t s h a l l b e n o t l e s s t h a n fiv e t i m e s t h e c a r b o n c o n t e n t a n d n o t m o r e t h a n 0.70%.H T h e t i t a n i u m c o n t e n t s h a l l b e n o t l e s s t h a n f o u r t i m e s t h e c a r b o n c o n t e n t a n d n o t m o r e t h a n 0.60%.I T h e c o l u m b i u m c o n t e n t s h a l l b e n o t l e s s t h a n t e n t i m e s t h e c a r b o n c o n t e n t a n d n o t m o r e t h a n 1.00%.J T h e c o l u m b i u m c o n t e n t s h a l l b e n o t l e s s t h a n e i g h t t i m e s t h e c a r b o n c o n t e n t a n d n o t m o r e t h a n 1.0%.K G r a d e S 34751s h a l l h a v e a c o l u m b i u m (n i o b i u m )p l u s t a n t a l u m c o n t e n t o f n o t l e s s t h a n 15t i m e s t h e c a r b o n c o n t e n t.A 312/A 312M –0856.2Heat Treatment—All pipe shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition in accordance with the requirements of Table2.Alternatively,for seamless pipe,immediately follow-ing hot forming while the temperature of the pipes is not less than the minimum solution treatment temperature specified in Table2,pipes shall be individually quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means(direct quenched).6.3Grain Size:6.3.1The grain size of Grade UNS S32615,as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112,shall be No.3orfiner.6.3.2The grain size of grades TP309H,TP309HCb, TP310H and TP310HCb,as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112,shall be No.6or coarser.6.3.3The grain size of grades304H,316H,321H,347H, S31035,and348H,as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112,shall be No.7or coarser.7.Chemical Composition7.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table1.8.Product Analysis8.1At the request of the purchaser,an analysis of one billet or one length offlat-rolled stock from each heat,or two pipes from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer.A lot of pipe shall consist of the following number of lengths of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel:NPS Designator Lengths of Pipe in LotUnder2400or fraction thereof2to5200or fraction thereof6and over100or fraction thereof8.2The results of these analyses shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative,and shall conform to the requirements specified in Section7.8.3If the analysis of one of the tests specified in8.1does not conform to the requirements specified in Section7,an analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be made,and all billets or pipe conforming to the requirements shall be accepted.9.Permitted Variations in Wall Thickness9.1In addition to the implicit limitation of wall thickness for seamless pipe imposed by the limitation on weight in Specification A999/A999M,the wall thickness for seamless and welded pipe at any point shall be within the tolerances specified in Table3,except that for welded pipe the weld area shall not be limited by the“Over”tolerance.The wall thickness and outside diameter for inspection for compliance with this requirement for pipe ordered by NPS and schedule number is shown in Table X1.1.10.Tensile Requirements10.1The tensile properties of the material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table4.11.Mechanical Tests,Grain Size Determinations,andWeld Decay Tests Required11.1Mechanical Testing Lot Definition—The term lot for mechanical tests shall be as follows:11.1.1Where thefinal heat treated condition is obtained, consistent with the requirements of 6.2,in a continuous furnace,by quenching after hot forming or in a batch-type furnace equipped with recording pyrometers and automaticallyTABLE2Annealing RequirementsGrade or UNS Designation A Heat TreatingTemperature B Cooling/Testing RequirementsAll grades not individually listedbelow:1900°F[1040°C]CTP321H,TP347H,TP348HColdfinished2000°F[1100°C]D Hotfinished1925°F[1050°C]D TP304H,TP316HColdfinished1900°F[1040°C]D Hotfinished1900°F[1040°C]D TP309H,TP309HCb,TP310H,TP310HCb1900°F[1040°C]DS306002010–2140°F[1100–1170°C]DS30815,S312721920°F[1050°C]D S310352160–2280°F[1180–1250°C]DS31254,S326542100°F[1150°C]D S312772050°F[1120°C]D S31727,S320531975–2155°F[1080–1180°C]DS332282050–2160°F[1120–1180°C]DS345652050–2140°F[1120–1170°C]DS353152010°F[1100°C]D S388151950°F[1065°C]D N083672025°F[1110°C]D N089042000°F[1100°C]D N089262010°F[1100°C]DA New designation established in accordance with Practice E527and SAE J1086.B Minimum,unless otherwise stated.C Quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means,at a rate sufficient to prevent re-precipitation of carbides,as demonstrable by the capability of pipes, heat treated by either separate solution annealing or by direct quenching,of passing Practices A262,Practice E.The manufacturer is not required to run the test unless it is specified on the purchase order(see Supplementary Requirement S7).Note that Practices A262requires the test to be performed on sensitized specimens in the low-carbon and stabilized types and on specimens representa-tive of the as-shipped condition for other types.In the case of low-carbon types containing3%or more molybdenum,the applicability of the sensitizing treatment prior to testing shall be a matter for negotiation between the seller and the purchaser.D Quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means.TABLE3Permitted Variations in Wall ThicknessTolerance,%from Nominal NPS Designator Over Under 1⁄8to21⁄2incl.,all t/Dratios20.012.5 3to18incl.,t/D up to5%incl.22.512.5 3to18incl.,t/D>5%15.012.5 20and larger,welded,allt/D ratios17.512.5 20and larger,seamless,t/D up to5%incl.22.512.5 20and larger,seamless,t/D>5%15.012.5where:t=Nominal Wall ThicknessD=Ordered OutsideDiameter A312/A312M–086controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,the term lot for mechanical tests shall apply to all pipes of the same specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness (or schedule)that are produced from the same heat of steel and subjected to the same finishing treatment within the same operating period.11.1.2Where the final heat treated condition is obtained,consistent with the requirements of 6.2,in a batch-type furnace not equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,the term lot shall apply to the larger of:(a)each 200ft [60m]or fraction thereof and (b)those pipes heat treated in the same furnace batch charge for pipes of the same specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness (or schedule)that are produced from the same heat of steel and are subjected to the same finishing temperature within the same operating period.11.2Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test —One tension test shall be made on a specimen for lots of not more than 100pipes.Tension tests shall be made on specimens from two tubes for lots of more than 100pipes.11.3Flattening Test —For material heat treated in a continu-ous furnace,by quenching after hot forming or in a batch-type furnace equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,flattening tests shall be made on a sufficient number of pipe to constitute 5%of the lot,but in no case less than 2lengths of pipe.For material heat treated in a batch-type furnace not equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50°F [30°C]or lesser range,flattening tests shall be made on 5%of the pipe from each heat treated lot.11.3.1For welded pipe a transverse-guided face bend test of the weld may be conducted instead of a flattening test in accordance with the method outlined in the steel tubular product supplement of Test Methods and Definitions A 370.The ductility of the weld shall be considered acceptable when there is no evidence of cracks in the weld or between the weld and the base metal after bending.Test specimens from 5%of the lot shall be taken from the pipe or test plates of the same material as the pipe,the test plates being attached to the end of the cylinder and welded as a prolongation of the pipe longitu-dinal seam.11.4Grain Size —Grain size determinations on Grades TP309H,TP 309HCb,TP310H,TP310HCb,UNS S31035,and UNS S32615shall be made on each heat treatment lot,asTABLE 4Tensile RequirementsGradeUNS DesignationTensile Strength,min ksi [MPa]Yield Strength,min ksi [MPa]...S2040095[635]48[330]TPXM-19S20910100[690]55[380]TPXM-10S2190090[620]50[345]TPXM-11S2190490[620]50[345]TPXM-29S24000100[690]55[380]TP201S2010075[515]38[260]TP201LN S2015395[655]45[310]TP304S3040075[515]30[205]TP304L S3040370[485]25[170]TP304H S3040975[515]30[205]...S3041587[600]42[290]TP304N S3045180[550]35[240]TP304LN S3045375[515]30[205]...S3060078[540]35[240]...S3061590[620]40[275]...S3081587[600]45[310]TP309S S3090875[515]30[205]TP309H S3090975[515]30[205]TP309Cb S3094075[515]30[205]TP309HCb S3094175[515]30[205]...S3100273[500]30[205]TP310S S3100875[515]30[205]TP310HS3100975[515]30[205]S3103595[655]45[310]TP310Cb S3104075[515]30[205]TP310HCb S3104175[515]30[205]...S31050:t #0.25in.84[580]39[270]t >0.25in.78[540]37[255]...S31254:t #0.187in.[5.00mm]98[675]45[310]t >0.187in.[5.00mm]95[655]45[310]...S3127265[450]29[200]...S3*******[770]52[360]TP316S3160075[515]30[205]TP316L S3160370[485]25[170]TP316H S3160975[515]30[205]...S3163575[515]30[205]TP316N S3165180[550]35[240]TP316LN S3165375[515]30[205]TP317S3170075[515]30[205]TP317L S3170375[515]30[205]...S3172575[515]30[205]...S3172680[550]35[240]...S3172780[550]36[245]...S3205393[640]43[295]TP321S32100:Welded Seamless:75[515]30[205]#3⁄8in.75[515]30[205]>3⁄8in.70[485]25[170]TP321H S32109:Welded Seamless:75[515]30[205]#3⁄16in.75[515]30[205]>3⁄16in.70[480]25[170]...S3261580[550]32[220]...S3*******[750]62[430]...S3322873[500]27[185]...S3*******[795]60[415]TP347S3470075[515]30[205]TP347H S3470975[515]30[205]TP347LN S3475175[515]30[205]TP348S3480075[515]30[205]TP348H S3480975[515]30[205]...S3504570[485]25[170]...S35315Welded 94[650]39[270]Seamless 87[600]38[260]TPXM-15S3810075[515]30[205]...S3881578[540]37[255]...N08367:TABLE 4ContinuedGradeUNS DesignationTensile Strength,min ksi [MPa]Yield Strength,min ksi [MPa]t #0.187100[690]45[310]t >0.18795[655]45[310]...N0890471[490]31[215]...N0892694[650]43[295]Elongation in 2in.or 50mm (or 4D ),min,%:Longi-tudinalTrans-verse All Grades except S31050and S326153525S32615,S3105025...S3127740...N0836730...A 312/A 312M –087。
ASTM A312不锈钢管中文版发布时间:11-04-16 来源:浙江新同力管业有限公司点击量:1479 字段选择:大中小ASTM A213/A213M-95a锅炉、过热器、热交换器用铁素体和奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管1. 范围1.1 本标准适用于锅炉和过热器用的最小壁厚的铁素体,奥氏体无缝管以及热交换器用的奥氏体无缝钢管,其牌号为T5、TP304等。
1.2 牌号TP304H、TP309H、TP309HCb、TP310H、TP310HCb、TP310HCbN、TP316H、TP321H、TP347H、TP347HFG(细晶)、TP348H是牌号TP304、TP309S、TP309Cb、TP310S、TP310Cb、TP316、TP321、TP347和TP348的改进型,适用于在高温条件下使用,如用于过热器和再热器。
1.3 本标准提供的常用规格:内径1/8英寸(3.2mm)至外径5英寸(127毫米),最小壁厚≥0.015-0.500英寸(0.38-12.7mm).只要符合本标准其他所有要求,也可供应其他尺寸的钢管。
1.4 力学性能要求不适用于内径小于1/8英寸(3.2mm)或壁厚小于0.015英寸(0. 038mm)的钢管。
1.5 选择性补充要求,如有需要,应在订单中注明。
1.6 以英寸---磅单位制和SI单位制表示的数值应视为两种独立的值,本标准中SI单位写在括号内,每个系统表示的数值不完全相等.因此,每个单位制应单独使用.将两种体系的值混用将导致标准的不一致.若订单中未注明本标准的“M”符,则应使用英寸----磅单位制。
2. 引用标准2.1 ASTM标准A262 奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性的测定A 450/A450M 碳钢、铁素体合金、奥氏体合金钢管的一般要求E112 平均晶粒度的测定方法E527 金属与合金的编号法(UNS)2.2 其它标准SAE J1086 金属与合金的编号法(UNS)3. 订单内容3.1 按本标准订购材料的订单,应视需要包括以下内容,对所需材料作适当说明:3.1.1 数量(英尺、米或根数)3.1.2 材料名称(无缝钢管)3.1.3 牌号(表1、表2和表3)3.1.4 制造加工(热加工或冷加工)3.1.5 组织性能的控制(见6.2)3.1.6 尺寸(外径和最小壁厚)3.1.7 长度(定尺或不定尺)3.1.8 所需试验报告(见ASTM A450/A450M 有关证明书一节)3.1.9 标准名称3.1.10 特殊要求和选用的补充要求4. 一般要求4.1 除非另有规定,按本标准供应的材料,应符合A450/A450M最新版的规定。