ASTM E505 图谱
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Designation:E155−10Standard Reference Radiographs forInspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings1This standard is issued under thefixed designation E155;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.These Reference Radiographs have been developed in cooperation with the Quality Control Committee and Aerospace Research and Testing Committee of the Aerospace Industries Association.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1These reference radiographs illustrate the types and degrees of discontinuities that may be found in aluminum-alloy and magnesium-alloy castings.The castings illustrated are in thicknesses of1⁄4in.(6.35mm)and3⁄4in.(19.1mm).The reference radiographfilms are an adjunct to this document and must be purchased separately from ASTM International if needed.1.2Thesefilm reference radiographs are not intended to illustrate the types and degrees of discontinuities found in aluminum-alloy castings when performing digital radiography. If performing digital radiography of aluminum-alloy castings, refer to Digital Reference Image Standard E2422.Magnesium-alloy digital reference images are not currently available from ASTM International.1.3This document may be used where no other applicable document exists,for other material thicknesses for which it has been found to be applicable and for which agreement has been reached between the purchaser and the manufacturer.1.4The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are mathemati-cal conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.1.5This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.N OTE1—V ol I:The set of reference radiographs consists of13plates covering discontinuities in aluminum-alloy castings and10plates cover-ing discontinuities in magnesium-alloy castings.Each plate is held in an 81⁄2by11-in.(216by279-mm)cardboard frame and each plate illustrates eight grades of severity for the discontinuity in approximately a2by2-in.(51by51-mm)area.The cardboard frames are contained in a101⁄2by 111⁄2-in.(267by292-mm)ring binder.The reference radiographs are not impacted by this revision.There have been no revisions to the adjunct reference radiographs since original issue.The adjunct reference radio-graphs of any issue remain valid and may be used to this standard.V ol.II:The set of reference radiographs consists of four plates covering discontinuities in magnesium-alloy castings only.Each plate is held in an 81⁄2by11-in.(216by279-mm)cardboard frame and illustrates eight grades of severity for the discontinuity(with the exception of discrete discontinuities,where only one example of each discontinuity is given).N OTE2—Reference radiographs applicable to aluminum and magne-sium die castings up to1in.(25mm)in thickness are contained in Reference Radiographs E505.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2E94Guide for Radiographic ExaminationE505Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die CastingsE1316Terminology for Nondestructive ExaminationsE2422Digital Reference Images for Inspection of Alumi-num Castings2.2ASTM Adjuncts:Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings:V olume I,Aluminum and Magnesium Castings3V olume II,Magnesium Castings43.Terminology3.1Definitions—Definitions of terms used in this standard may be found in Terminology E1316.3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1The terms relating to discontinuities used in these reference radiographs are described based upon radiographic appearance.1These reference radiographs are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07on Nondestructive Testing and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.02on Reference Radiological Images.Current edition approved Sept.1,2010.Published September2010.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2005as E155-05.DOI: 10.1520/E0155-10.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from ASTM International Headquarters.Order Reference Radio-graph No.ADJE015501.4Available from ASTM International Headquarters.Order Reference Radio-graph No.ADJE015502.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.United States3.2.2foreign materials—appear as isolated,irregular,or elongated variations offilm density,not corresponding to variations in thickness of material,nor to cavities.They may be due to the presence of sand,slag,oxide or dross,or metal of different density.3.2.3gas holes—appear as round or elongated,smooth-edged dark spots,occurring individually,in clusters,or distrib-uted throughout the casting.3.2.4gas porosity—represented by round or elongated dark spots corresponding to minute voids usually distributed through the entire casting.3.2.5microshrinkage(feathery type)—microshrinkage hav-ing an elongated appearance resembling feather-like streaks.3.2.6microshrinkage(sponge type)—microshrinkage hav-ing a spongelike appearance,and more massive and equiaxed than the feathery type.3.2.7reacted sand inclusions—appear on radiograph as “spotty segregation,”that is,sharply defined round light areas, about1mm in diameter,and often with the rim lighter than the center.They are entrapped sand particles that underwent reaction with molten magnesium alloys containing zirconium (Note3).3.2.8segregations—appear as variations infilm density which can be explained by segregation of elements of atomic numbers different from that of the matrix. segregation—appears white on radiograph and may range from a mottling-type effect through white-diffused spots blending with the matrix,to a cloud-like appearance in more severe cases.They are agglomerations of particles precipitated at temperatures above liquidus(Note3). segregation—type of segregation is gener-ally represented when a defect or discontinuity develops during solidification and is fed with a near eutectic residual liquid rich with alloying elements that have a high X-ray attenuation.One exception to this enrichment as illustrated in Reference Radio-graphs E155isflow line(or eutectic depletion),where there is a local impoverishment of the alloying elements that have a high X-ray attenuation(Note3).(1)eutectic segregation—microshrinkage type—type of seg-regation develops when a microshrinkage develops during solidification,and is fed with residual liquid rich in dense alloying elements such as thorium.The area will show light ona radiograph(Note3).(2)eutectic segregation—pipe-shrink type—type of segre-gation develops during solidification when a pipe shrink forms and is immediatelyfilled with eutectic liquid rich in high X-ray attenuation alloying elements.The area shows light on a radiograph as a feathery or dendritic feature(Note3).(3)eutectic segregation—hot-tear type—type of segregation develops during solidification when the hot tear that takes place is immediatelyfilled with liquid rich in alloying elements high in X-ray attenuation.The defect shows as white or light irregular defined lines(Note3).(4)eutectic depletion—flow line—type of segregation devel-ops when a section of a mold isfilled by liquid and solidifies at the front before liquid from another feed meets the solid front.A portion of the solid front then partially melts; otherwise,the discontinuity would be a cold shut.Solidifica-tion begins after this remelt and the initial crystals are of high purity and contain fewer high-density alloying elements than the melt average.Since the metal is stillflowing across these crystals,the composition ahead of this solidifying front is depleted.This depletion of the eutectic shows on the radio-graph as a dark diffused line(Note3).(5)oxide inclusions in magnesium alloys containing zirconium—show on a radiograph as well defined light area of irregular shape and size resembling a radiograph of a com-pactedfine steel wool.It is composed of complex magnesium oxidefilm with high zirconium content,and,if present,rare earths and thorium oxides also.It is often associated with zirconium-rich particles.N OTE3—More detailed descriptions of these discontinuities can be found in the article,“New Reference Radiographs for Magnesium Alloy Castings,”by gowski,published in the Journal of Testing and Evaluation,V ol2,No.4,July1974.3.2.9shrinkage cavity—appears as a dendritic,filamentary, or jagged darkened area.3.2.10shrinkage porosity or sponge(nonferrous alloys)—a localized lacy or honeycombed darkened area.4.Significance and Use4.1These radiographs are intended for reference only but are so designed that acceptance standards,which may be developed for particular requirements,can be specified in terms of these radiographs.The illustrations are radiographs of castings that were produced under conditions designed to develop the discontinuities.The radiographs of the1⁄4-in.(6.35-mm)castings are intended to be used in the thickness range up to and including1⁄2in.(12.7mm).The radiographs of the3⁄4-in.(19.1-mm)castings are intended to be used in the thickness range of over1⁄ and including2in.(51mm). The grouping and system of designations are based on consid-erations of the best practical means of making these reference radiographs of the greatest possible value.4.2Film Deterioration—Radiographicfilms are subject to wear and tear from handling and use.The extent to which the image deteriorates over time is a function of storage conditions,care in handling and amount of use.Reference radiographfilms are no exception and may exhibit a loss in image quality over time.The radiographs should therefore be periodically examined for signs of wear and tear,including scratches,abrasions,stains,and so forth.Any reference radio-graphs which show signs of excessive wear and tear which could influence the interpretation and use of the radiographs should be replaced.5.Basis for Application5.1The reference radiographs may be applied as acceptance standards tailored to the end use of the product.Application of these reference radiographs as acceptance standards should be based on the intended use of the product and the following considerations(see Note4).5.1.1Compare the production radiographs of the casting submitted for evaluation with the reference radiographs appli-cable to designated wall thickness in accordance with the written acceptance criteria.5.1.2An area of like size to that of the reference radiograph shall be the unit area by which the production radiograph is evaluated,and any such area shall meet the requirements as defined for acceptability.5.1.3Any combination or portion of these reference radio-graphs may be used as is relevant to the particular application. Different grades or acceptance limits may be specified for each discontinuity type.Furthermore,different grades may be speci-fied for different regions or zones of a component.5.1.4Special considerations may be required where more than one discontinuity type is present in the same area.Any modifications to the acceptance criteria required on the basis of multiple discontinuity types must be specified.5.1.5Where the reference radiographs provide only an ungraded illustration of a discontinuity,acceptance criteria may be specified by referencing a maximum discontinuity size, or percentage of the discontinuity size illustrated.5.1.6Production radiographs showing porosity,gas, shrinkage,or inclusions shall be evaluated by the overall condition with regard to size,number,and distribution.The aggregate size of discontinuities shall not exceed the total accumulation in area of the discontinuities of the reference radiograph.It is not the intent that the maximum size of the illustrated discontinuity shall be the limiting size for a single production radiographic discontinuity,or that the number of discontinuities shown on the reference radiograph shall be the limiting number for production radiographs.Also,caution should be exercised in judging a large discontinuity against a collection of small discontinuities on the basis of size alone. Each of the factors of size,number,and distribution must be considered in balance.The purchaser may provide documented specific methods of evaluation.5.1.7When the severity level of discontinuities per unit in the production radiograph being evaluated is equal to or better than the severity level in the specified reference radiograph, that part of the casting represented by the production radio-graph shall be acceptable.If the production radiograph showsdiscontinuities per unit area of greater severity than the reference radiograph,that part of the casting shall not be accepted.5.1.8As a minimum the acceptance criteria should contain information addressing:zoning of the part(if applicable),the acceptable severity level for each discontinuity type,and the specified area to which the reference radiographs are to be applied.N OTE4—Caution should be exercised in specifying the acceptance criteria to be met in a casting.Casting design coupled with foundry practice should be considered.It is advisable to consult with the manufacturer/foundry before establishing the acceptance criteria to ensure the desired quality level can be achieved.6.Description6.1The radiographs listed in Table1illustrate each type of discontinuity in eight grades.The radiographs listed in Table2 illustrate each type of discontinuity in eight grades,with the exception of pipe shrink,flow line,hot tear and oxide inclusion,where a single ungraded illustration is given for each.Although eight grades of each discontinuity are shown (with the above exceptions),a numerically smaller graded set of discontinuities based on these reference radiographs could be used for acceptance standards.Each grade is illustrated in approximately a2by2-in.(51by51-mm)area.The radio-graphic technique used is in agreement with Guide E94,and produced a desired density of2.0to2.25.6.2The alloys used to reproduce the various discontinuities were as listed in Table3.N OTE5—Misruns,core shift,cold shut,and surface irregularities are not illustrated,as they are readily identifiable by surface inspection or by other means of nondestructive testing.6.3All of these references are original radiographs;they should be viewed by transmitted light.TABLE1Reference Radiographs for Aluminum and MagnesiumCastings—Volume IDiscontinuityCastingThickness,in.AApplicableCastingThickness,in.AAluminum-Alloy CastingsGas holes1⁄4up to1⁄2,inclGas holes3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Gas porosity(round)1⁄4up to1⁄2,inclGas porosity(round)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Gas porosity(elongated)1⁄4up to1⁄2,inclGas porosity(elongated)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Shrinkage cavity1⁄4All thicknesses Shrinkage(sponge)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Shrinkage(sponge)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Foreign material(less dense)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Foreign material(less dense)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Foreign material(more dense)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Foreign material(more dense)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,inclMagnesium-Alloy CastingsGas holes1⁄4up to1⁄2,inclGas holes3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Microshrinkage(feathery)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Microshrinkage(feathery)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Microshrinkage(sponge)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Microshrinkage(sponge)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Foreign material(less dense)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Foreign material(less dense)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,incl Foreign material(more dense)1⁄4up to1⁄2,incl Foreign material(more dense)3⁄4over1⁄2to2,inclA1in.=25.4mm.TABLE2Reference Radiographs for Magnesium Castings—Volume IIDiscontinuityCastingThickness,in.AApplicableCastingThickness,in.A Eutectic segregation(discrete discontinui-ties)—pipeshrink,flow line,hot tears,oxideinclusions1⁄4all thicknesses Reacted sand inclusion1⁄4all thicknesses Eutectic segregation(microshrinkage type)1⁄4all thicknesses Gravity segregation1⁄4all thicknesses A1in.=25.4mm.7.Keywords7.1aluminum;castings;discontinuities;magnesium;refer-ence radiographs;X-rayASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.Individual reprints (single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@ (e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (/COPYRIGHT/).TABLE 3Actual Alloys Used to Reproduce DiscontinuitiesDiscontinuityAlloy UsedAluminumGas holes356Gas porosity (round)356Gas porosity (elongated)195Shrinkage cavity 356Shrinkage (sponge)356Foreign material (less dense)356Foreign material (more dense)356MagnesiumGas holesZK51A Eutectic segregation and flow line EZ33A Gravity segregationZK91Microshrinkage (feathery)AZ91C Microshrinkage (sponge)AZ91C Foreign material (less dense)AZ91C Foreign material (more dense)AZ91C Reacted sand inclusionsHK31A Oxide inclusion in magnesium alloys containing zirconiumHZ11。
1. 范围
2. 定义
冷隔 -- 由于金属的凝固速率不同,有时在压铸过程中产生的凝固金属的重叠。
穿透性缺陷不应大于零件特征或壁厚的50 %。
1. 范围
1.1 本《气孔和铸件质量要求》标准适用于压铸件。
1.2 所有的线性尺寸单位为英寸
2. 定义
3. 分类
3.1 表格1规定了本标准中所有的气孔等级
4. 铸件气孔及铸件质量的一般要求
4.1 不加工表面
若供应商和客户许可,允许有微小的可见的冷隔? 若无附加说明,不允许有不完整的零件特征
4.2 加工表面
1. 压铸参考:(参考ASTM E505)
1.1:铝合金 - A 极标准(气孔)- 产品厚度1/8’’(3.2mm 以内) a. 1极:最大气孔直径不超过0.6mm ,1.0mm 之内允许2个不是最大
1.2:铝合金 - A 极标准(气孔)- 产品厚度5/8’’(15.9mm 以内) a. 1极:最大气孔直径不超过1.0mm ,3.5mm 之内允许2个不是最大直径的气孔,气孔不能连续分布,详情分布如图5
astm-e505标准三级管控ASTM E505标准是由美国材料和试验协会(ASTM International)制定的一项测试方法标准,主要用于测量和描述非金属薄片制品的表面平整度。
ASTM E505标准的三级管控是指根据标准将被测试样品的表面平整度分为三个级别,从而对产品质量进行评估和管控。
三个级别分别是A 级、B级和C级,每个级别都有相应的指标和要求。
在ASTM E505标准中,A级是指最高标准的表面质量,要求非常严格,用于要求非常高的应用,如光学和电子设备。
根据ASTM E505标准的要求,进行表面平整度测试需要使用光学测量设备,如激光扫描仪或显微镜。
通过进行ASTM E505标准的三级管控,可以确保产品的表面质量符合特定的要求,并能够满足用户的需求。
ASTM E505标准的三级管控对于制造商和用户来说都非常重要。
总之,ASTM E505标准的三级管控是一种用于评估和管控非金属薄片制品表面平整度的方法。
E155(第一卷)铝镁铸件射线参考底片图谱第一卷铝镁铸件由ASTM E07委员会发布(无损探伤)本批图谱是在航空工业委员会下属质量操纵委员会及航空测试研究委员会指导合作下开发完成。
a (P1) ALUMINUM--GAS HOLES –1/4in铝-气孔-1/4英寸b(P8) ALUMINUM--GAS HOLES –3/4in铝-气孔-3/4英寸c(P7) ALUMINUM--GAS POROSITY (ROUND) –1/4in铝-气孔(圆形)-1/4英寸d(P13) ALUMINUM--GAS POROSITY (ROUND) –3/4in铝-气孔(圆形)-3/4英寸e(P6) ALUMINUM--GAS POROSITY (ELONGATED) –1/4in铝-气孔(小长气泡)-1/4英寸f(P12) ALUMINUM--GAS POROSITY (ELONGATED) –3/4in铝-气孔(小长气泡)-3/4英寸g(P4) ALUMINUM--SHRINKAGE--CA VITY--1/4in铝-缩孔-1/4英寸h(P5) ALUMINUM--SHRINKAGE--(SPONGE)--1/4in铝-缩孔(海绵)-1/4英寸i(P11) ALUMINUM--SHRINKAGE--(SPONGE)--3/4in铝-缩孔(海绵)-3/4英寸j(P3) ALUMINUM--FOREIGN MATERIAL (LESS DENSE)--1/4in 铝-外部材料-(较小密度)-1/4英寸k(P10) ALUMINUM--FOREIGN MATERIAL (LESS DENSE)--3/4in 铝-外部材料-(较小密度)-3/4英寸I(P2) ALUMINUM--FOREIGN MATERIAL (MORE DENSE)--1/4in 铝-外部材料-(较大密度)-1/4英寸m(P9) ALUMINUM--FOREIGN MATERIAL (MORE DENSE)--3/4in 铝-外部材料-(较大密度)-3/4英寸n(P14) MAGNESIUM—GAS HOLES—1/4in镁-气孔-1/4英寸o(P19) MAGNESIUM—GAS HOLES—3/4in镁-气孔-3/4英寸p(P17) MAGNESIUM—MICROSHRINKAGE (FEATHERY)—1/4in 镁-微缩孔(羽毛状)-1/4英寸q(P22) MAGNESIUM—MICROSHRINKAGE (FEATHERY)—3/4in 镁-微缩孔(羽毛状)-3/4英寸r(P18) MAGNESIUM—MICROSHRINKAGE (SPONGE)—1/4in镁-缩孔(海绵状)-1/4英寸s(P23) MAGNESIUM—MICROSHRINKAGE (SPONGE)—3/4in镁-缩孔(海绵状)-3/4英寸t(P16) MAGNESIUM—FOREIGN MATERIAL (LESS DENSE)—1/4in 镁-外部材料(较小密度)-1/4英寸u(P21) MAGNESIUM—FOREIGN MATERIAL (LESS DENSE)—3/4in 镁-外部材料(较小密度)-3/4英寸v(P15) MAGNESIUM—FOREIGN MATERIAL (MORE DENSE)—1/4in 镁-外部材料(较大密度)-1/4英寸w(P20) MAGNESIUM—FOREIGN MATERIAL (MORE DENSE)—3/4in 镁-外部材料(较大密度)-3/4英寸E155(第二卷)铝镁铸件射线参考底片图谱第二卷镁铸件由ASTM E07委员会发布(无损探伤)本批图谱是在航空工业委员会下属质量操纵委员会及航空测试研究委员会指导合作下开发完成。
1.1 本《气孔和铸件质量要求》标准适用于压铸件。
1.2 所有的线性尺寸单位为英寸
一. 标准图谱
1.A类图中标样厚度1/8 inch (3.2mm)共分为4个等级
2.A类图中标样厚度5/8 inch (15.9mm)共分为4个等级
3.B类图中标样厚度1/8 inch (3.2mm)共分为4个等级
4.C类图中标样厚度5/8 inch (15.9mm)共分为4个等级
5.D类图中标样厚度1/8 inch (3.2mm)共分为1个等级
测量结果一般以RMS 值或Ra值进行表示,对于表面缺陷的度量也有相应的要求。
1.1 本《⽓孔和铸件质量要求》标准适⽤于压铸件。
1.2 所有的线性尺⼨单位为英⼨
astm e505 标准好的,以下是一篇完整的《astm e505 标准》的文档,不含敏感信息:一、标准概述ASTM E505标准是建筑材料燃烧性能评估的重要标准,旨在保障火灾发生时人们的生命安全和财产安全。
二、建筑材料分类根据ASTM E505标准,建筑材料被分为A级、B级、C级等不同等级,反映了材料在火灾中的燃烧特性和蔓延速度。
三、测试方法ASTM E505标准规定了测试建筑材料燃烧性能的方法和程序,包括样品准备、测试设备、测试过程和结果评估等。
四、安全要求根据ASTM E505标准,为了确保建筑物的安全,建筑设计应考虑逃生和灭火措施。
五、实施与监督ASTM E505标准规定了各方的责任和义务,包括测试机构、生产厂家、销售商和使用者等。
六、参考文献本标准引用了以下文献:1. ASTM E162 建筑材料分类和标记标准2. ASTM E84 建筑制品及材料燃烧性能试验方法标准3. 其他相关标准和规范以上参考文献提供了本标准的背景和依据,确保标准的科学性和准确性。
Designation:E505–01Standard Reference Radiographs forInspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings1This standard is issued under thefixed designation E505;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1These reference radiographs illustrate the categories and severity levels of discontinuities that may occur in aluminum-alloy and magnesium-alloy die castings.They are intended to provide:1.1.1A guide enabling recognition of discontinuities and their differentiation both as to type and severity level through radiographic examination.1.1.2Example radiographic illustrations of discontinuities and a nomenclature for reference in acceptance standards, specifications,and drawings.1.1.3The values stated in inch-pounds are to be regarded as standard.N OTE1—The set of reference radiographs consists offive81⁄2by11-in. cardboard frames containing radiographs covering discontinuities in aluminum and magnesium alloy die castings.Thefirst four frames each contain two sets of four graded levels of increasing severity,while the last frame contains two ungraded radiographs.The5frames are contained in a101⁄2by111⁄2-in.ring binder.N OTE2—Reference radiographs applicable to aluminum and magne-sium castings up to2in.(50mm)in thickness are contained in ASTM Reference Radiographs E155,for Inspection of Aluminum and Magne-sium Castings,V olumes I and II.1.2Two kinds of illustration categories are covered as follows:1.2.1Graded—Three discontinuity categories for alumi-num die castings and three discontinuity categories for mag-nesium die castings,each illustrated in four levels of progres-sively increasing severity.Category A discontinuities are illustrated for aluminum and magnesium die castings having thicknesses of1⁄8in.(3.2mm)and5⁄8in.(15.9mm);Category B discontinuities are illustrated for1⁄8-in.thick aluminum and magnesium die castings;and Category C discontinuities are illustrated for5⁄8-in.thick aluminum and magnesium die castings.1.2.2Ungraded—One illustration of one discontinuity for 0.20-in.(5.1-mm)thickness aluminum die casting;and one illustration of one discontinuity for1⁄8-in.(3.2-mm)thickness magnesium die casting.1.3This document may be used for other materials,thick-nesses,or with other energy levels for which it has been found to be applicable and agreement has been reached between the purchaser and manufacturer.1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:E94Guide for Radiographic Examination2E155Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings2E1316Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations2 2.2ASTM Adjuncts:Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings33.Terminology3.1Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this docu-ment,see Terminology E1316.4.Appearance of Radiographic Indications4.1The following descriptions are for use in discontinuity identification and classification.These descriptions apply to these reference radiographs only.4.1.1Category A(Porosity)—Round or elongated,smooth-edged dark spots occurring individually distributed or in clusters.4.1.2Category B(Cold Fill)—A distinct darkened line or band of variable length and definite smooth outline,usually continuous or interconnected.4.1.3Category C(Shrinkage)—Filamentary or jagged dark-ened areas,usually continuous or interconnected.4.1.4Category D(Foreign Material)—Isolated irregular variation infilm density,either lighter or darker than surround-ing areas.They may indicate the inclusion of oxide or dross or metallic compounds of different density.Illustration shows a more dense material.1These reference radiographs are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07on Nondestructive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.02on Reference Radiological Images.Current edition approved June10,2001.Published August2001.Originally published as E505–st previous edition E505–96.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.03.3Available from ASTM Headquarters.Order RRE0505. 1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.5.Significance and Use5.1These radiographs are so designed that acceptance standards,which may be developed for particular require-ments,can be specified in terms of these radiographs.The radiographs are of castings that were produced under condi-tions designed to produce the discontinuities.These reference radiographs are intended to be used for casting thickness ranges in accordance with Table1.5.2The radiographic illustrations listed in Table1illustrate three types of discontinuities in four severity levels.Two ungraded illustrations have been included to establish the radiographic appearance of foreign material.5.3These reference radiographs were produced in accor-dance with Guide E94.All of the references are original radiographs.5.4Film Deterioration—Radiographicfilms are subject to wear and tear from handling and use.The extent to which the image deteriorates over time is a function of storage condi-tions,care in handling and amount of use.Reference radio-graphfilms are no exception and may exhibit a loss in image quality over time.The radiographs should therefore be peri-odically examined for signs of wear and tear,including scratches,abrasions,stains,and so forth.Any reference radio-graphs which show signs of excessive wear and tear which could influence the interpretation and use of the radiographs should be replaced.6.Basis for Application6.1These reference radiographs may be applied as accep-tance standards tailored to the end use of the product.Appli-cation of these reference radiographs as acceptance standards should be based on the intended use of the product and the following considerations(see Note3):6.1.1Unless otherwise specified,discontinuities of equal or lesser severity than that in the specified reference radiograph are acceptable in any specified unit area of the casting.The size of the unit area should be specified in the acceptance criteria. Discontinuities more severe than those in the specified refer-ence radiograph shall be considered rejectable.6.1.2Any combination or portion of these reference radio-graphs may be used as is relevant to the particular application. Different grades or acceptance limits may be specified for each discontinuity type.Further,different grades may be specified for various regions or zones of the component.6.1.3Special consideration may be required where more than one discontinuity type is present in the same area.Any modification of the acceptance criteria required on the basis of multiple discontinuity types must be specified.6.1.4Where the reference radiograph contains multiple discontinuities,as in that case of gas holes,acceptance may be based upon the aggregate area of the discontinuities,the maximum discontinuity size in the reference radiograph,the spacing between discontinuities,or a combination of these or other criteria,or both.6.1.5As a minimum the acceptance criteria should contain information addressing;zoning of the part(if applicable), acceptance severity level for each discontinuity type,and the specific area to which the reference radiographs are to be applied.N OTE3—Caution should be exercised in specifying the acceptance criteria to be met in the casting.Casting design coupled with foundry practice should be considered.It is advisable to consult with the manufacturer or foundry before establishing the acceptance criteria to ensure the desired quality level can be achieved.7.Keywords7.1aluminum;die castings;discontinuities;magnesium; reference radiographs;X-rayTABLE1Reference Radiographs for Aluminum and Magnesium Die CastingsDiscontinuityPlate Thickness,in.(mm)Applicable CastingThickness,in.(mm) Aluminum Die CastingsCategory A(Porosity)1⁄8(3.2)up to3⁄8(9.5),incl Category A(Porosity)5⁄8(15.9)over3⁄8to1(9.5to25.4),inclCategory B(Coldfill)1⁄8(3.2)up to3⁄8(9.5),incl Category C(Shrinkage)5⁄8(15.9)over3⁄8to1(9.5to25.4),inclCategory D(Foreignmaterial)0.200(5.08)up to1(25.4),inclMagnesium Die CastingsCategory A(Porosity)1⁄8(3.2)up to3⁄8(9.5),incl Category A(Porosity)5⁄8(15.9)over3⁄8to1(9.5to25.4),inclCategory B(Coldfill)1⁄8(3.2)up to3⁄8(9.5),incl Category C(Shrinkage)5⁄8(15.9)over3⁄8to1(9.5to25.4),inclCategory D(Foreign material)1⁄8(3.2)up to1(25.4),inclASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().。
一. 标准图谱
1.A类图中标样厚度1/8 inch (3.2mm)共分为4个等级
2.A类图中标样厚度5/8 inch (15.9mm)共分为4个等级
3.B类图中标样厚度1/8 inch (3.2mm)共分为4个等级
4.C类图中标样厚度5/8 inch (15.9mm)共分为4个等级
5.D类图中标样厚度1/8 inch (3.2mm)共分为1个等级