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Shape = to have great influence on sb;determine the nature of

sth. e.g.1.These events helped to shape her future career.这些事情对她的未来事业产生重大影响。 e.g.2.Her attitudes were shaped partly by her early experiences.她的想法一定程度上由她的早期经历决定。

一定程度上:partly, to an extent, to some extent, to some degree

conform 与……一致


off and on=from time to time=sometimes断断续续地,有时

e.g.It has been raining on and off for a week, that's why the

clothes feel damp(潮湿的).

Belleville=a city in a coal mining region,has diverse industry.

possibility=likelihood e.g.They haven't arrived yet. There's the

possibility that they've taken the wrong road.

take hold=become established生根,确立 e.g.Old habits die hard. (很难摆脱)That's why you should stop smoking before

the habit takes hold.

bored get/be bored by sth; grow bored with a crashing bore/a frightful bore/an insufferable bore/an utter bore讨厌之极的人/事

Assignment=a piece of work given to a particular person(分配的)工作,任务,作业~assign assign sth to sb=assign sb sth

[give] e.g. Some work to do on holiday was assigned.

turn out = (1) come out or gather as for a meeting, public event, etc. e.g.1.A large group of protester(抗议者)have turned out. e.g.2.Crowd turned out for the procession. (2) prove e.g. The plan turned out a failure/success. (3)shut off turn out the light (4)produce e.g. The school has turned

out some great scholars.


anticipate+gerund(动名词)/that e.g.1. They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2005. e.g.2. We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical

welfare reform.(医改) e.g.3. We anticipate hearing from you. cheerless ~cheering欢呼~cheerful~cheerleader拉拉队长

That most tedious of subjects=the most tedious subject of all


Have a reputation for 因……

be able to do,have the ability to do <=> be capable of

Inspire sb to do an inspired guess凭灵感做出的猜测e.g.1.Martin Luther King Jr's speeches inspired people to fight

for equal treatment of African Americans. e.g.2.The last leaf on

the tree that never fell off inspired the dying patient with the

will to live on. ~inspiration+to do e.g.Her work shows real inspiration.

Rigid=fixed in behavior, views or methods; strict e.g.If he had

been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age.

Hopeless be hopeless at对……一窍不通 a hopelessly ill patient绝症

Be/go out of date/old fashioned<=>be fashionable/up to date bring sth up to date

Prim=stiffly (too) formal or correct in behavior and showing a

dislike of anything rude and improper. A prim dress端庄prim appearance prim and proper[negative]过于古板和认真Severe=1朴素的:Hemingway is known for his severe writing style. 2 stern, strict: be severe on/with e.g. Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air

force. 3 剧烈的 e.g. The severe chest pain experienced by the

Vice-president proved to be a heart attack.

Glasses=spectacles, contact lens

Wavy 卷曲的有波纹的

He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar

buttons of his white shirts.


tackle e.g. The question set by the teacher was so difficult that

pupils did not know how to tackle it.

Distribute=divide and give out among people, places, etc. distribute sth among/to sb. {词根}tribute e.g. films tribute(n.)/dedicated to the national day; pay tribute to [contribute, attribute to把..归因于]

Simple-minded=showing very little intelligence narrow/open-minded; high-minded思想高尚; strong-minded


Due e.g.1. The book is due to publish in Nov. e.g.2. The train is

due in 15 minutes.

Face up to e.g. Now that your daughter was born, you’ll have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.

A sequence of一连串相关事物 a sequence of dance movements

Image an image ambassador of..[product]

In my mind’s eye~ mental images 脑海

定语后置 e.g.1. A list has been drawn up of words we have learned so far. E.g.2. All is not gold that glitters(闪闪发光). Scanner扫描仪

Spaghetti-not taste pulpy (多汁的) poke戳scoop舀prong叉子的尖头

Recall +n/gerund/that clause e.g.1.I don’t recall ever meeting her. E.g.2.She recalled that she had to see the doctor

again that afternoon. Remind sb. Of doing/to do/that clause

Drive sth home将…讲透彻

Argument ∶get into/break off(中止)/terminate(结束)/settle(解决)/put forward; offer(提出论点)/confute(驳倒)an argument Awake The letters awoke old fears.

Violate=act against e.g. Speeding downtown areas violates traffic regulations.<=>violet紫罗兰violent剧烈的

A failing/passing grade

Respectable=1 值得尊敬的:a respectable couple respectful尊敬的: talk to him at a respectful distance 2 decent/proper合乎礼仪的,礼貌的


The graded papers the corrected papers

Report to sb for sth: I was ordered to report for training to the

artillery officers.

Discipline: tighten discipline加强纪律;keep discipline维持纪

律learn discipline学会遵守纪律


Speak/talk/say/laugh out loud

Contempt 轻视,轻蔑

Ridicule=making or being made fun of. 1 In contempt of对……不屑一顾Do sth in contempt of heaven and hell天不怕,地不怕2 to hold sb up to ridicule嘲笑

Hold back =1 to prevent the expression of feelings, tears, etc.

e.g. Johnny cried bitterly in the classroom, not even attempting to hold back the tears. 2 make sb/sth stop moving forward e.g.The en built banks(堤)of earth to hold back the rising flood water. 3 to prevent the development of

e.g.You could become a good musician, but your lack of practise is holding you back. 4 keep secret. e.g.Tell me about

it, don't hold anything back.

Be pure delight at

Power=the faculty(能力,技能,功能)of the body or mind e.g.1 We'll have to use all of our powers of persuasion. e.g.2 He has lost the power of speech.失去说话能力

Career, profession, trade

At the eleventh hour

As it were=so to speak=as one might say

Put the final seal on my happiness. definite. A seal of approval

e.g.This project needs the government's seal of approval.正式批准。e.g.2 A last-minute goal set/put the seal on Tottenham's

victory. e.g.3 This award has set a seal on the successful stage




?Raining reflects on a visit to China.

Reflect=think,consider. e.g. When we feel sorry for ourselves,we should reflect that there are others less fortunate than we are.

Reflect on/upon=think deeply about. e.g. I must reflect on how

to answer the question. Please reflect on your action/ behavior.


Reflect well/badly on证明在某方面表现好/差 e.g.This scandal reflected badly on this party as a whole.丑闻对该党整体影响不好Bad manners often reflect on one's parents.粗鲁举止让父母丢脸


Can you read her thoughts?=can you guess what she is thinking


Don't keep your thoughts to yourself.不要闷在心里。

That woman has not got a thought in her head.没脑子

Thoughts [pl.]=ideas. e.g. My thoughts on this issue

?the bustling eastern Chinese city

Bustling=busy,full of noise/activities e.g. A bustling trade town.


Bustle vt/vi-in/transitive e.g. You have to bustle your roommate

to school.催促

bustle with e.g. The office bustled with people and activity.办公室挤满了人,十分忙碌。

?arts=the arts=the fine arts=art文科

An arts degree文科学位


?elementary school入门的

《=》primary school初等的,小学年龄的grade school grandma school

?the most telling lessons=

1 impressive=have a noticeable effect

Telling argument 有力的论据

2 流露感情的 a telling smile/remark


?be attached to=对。

e.g.I've never seen 2 people so attached to each other.

We've been so much attached to this campus that we don't

want to move.

Do you have a strong attachment to your family?

<=>affiliated hospital/school附属医院


My nose is blocked.鼻塞block the traffic妨碍交通

Your stubborn attitude is a block to the progress.强硬的

A block of marvel一块大理石


Don't position yourself too close to the fire.

Be in a/no position to do由于某些条件(不)可能……

In/out of position Be in position, players.各就各位

Put oneself in sb's( sb else's) position设身处地地着想


You are in your prime and full of vigor.年富力强,精力旺盛。Energetically

Music of tremendous vigor极大的,绝妙的


1 young, easy damaged or hurt.

e.g. Tender plants at/of a tender age

tender foot.[pl. Tender foots]=inexperienced

2 gentle, loving, 关心,爱护

a tender parent慈母/父

Be tender to/ towards..

A tender smile温柔

A tender glance含情脉脉地

?not in the least=not at all


He didn't even bother to say thank you.费心。他连谢谢都不说一声。Rudeness bothers me.讨厌粗鲁表现

Bother one's head/oneself about/with sth.为。。操心e.g. I've grown up so don't bother your head about me.

Can't be bothered 不愿出力/找麻烦 e.g.He behaved as if he couldn't be bothered.

It bothers that he is so sensitive/he couldn't finish it in time.让人不痛快

?bang=strike violently, to make a loud voice e.g. Strike with a fist


Bang goes sth破灭e.g. Bang goes his hope of promotion.提拔The idea hit him with a bang.突然产生的主意

?find its way into the slot=reach the destination

?initia l. n.首写字母Please sign your initials here.

a. The first/beginning

Initiative n.On one's own initiative主动,自发

Take the initiative in倡导,发起.....


?Any Chinese staff member nearby would come over to watch

him and, noting his lack of initial success, attempt to assist. =noticing/observing

?hold onto one's hand=not let go of抓住,握住

Hold onto your hat while walking on such a windy day.

[Rock climbing] Hold onto the rock to stop yourself slipping.


She's expecting a child=pregnant

An expectant mother/father孕妇/准爸爸

Turn expectant eyes on sb.投以期待目光

?await =wait for

?on occasion=now and then=sometimes

<=>on the occasion在。。场合/情况下


?incident-indicate things in international politics e.g. The 911 incident was not an accident.

Ordinary incident of daily life日常事务

?be (ir)relevant to 介词

Relevance bear/have relevance to


?shed/cast/throw (new) light on=to help explain/understand

Shed new light on cause of the disease医学新发现


An exception to the rule

With no exception


1 基本的the ultimate principles

2 最终的=final the ultimate outcome结局


This is the desirable solution to the problem.称心的,想要的

It's the most desirable that......再好不过了[+虚拟should]



accomplish成功做到 e.g. He's a man who hasn't accomplished anything.

An accomplished fact既定事实


Celerbrate the accomplishments of one's objective目标

?in due course=eventually

?accomplishments can be modeled for him.

Take sb. As an example for one's action.

Model on sth以。。为榜样 e.g. She modeled herself on her favorite novelist.

?matter to sb=be important to sb


n.中小学校长,主要领导,相关人<=>president 大学校长,大型企业/公司老总

?child rearing

1培养=raising rear poultry饲养家禽

2 后部at the rear of the plane

Rear lamp后车灯

?self-employed 个体户



Self-concious e.g.He's self-conscious about his appearance.在

?whether it be the subjunctive mood

?in retrospect=looking back sth/upon reflection

Retrospective show回顾展

Retrospective thoughts怀旧想法

?It pointed to important differences in...=suggest/indicate

e.g. All the evidence points to his guilt.




?come to sb's rescue=come to help

?with extreme fac ility熟练的,娴熟的

Facility =the ability to do things easily have a facility for sth/doing sth

?mode and shape one's performance塑造,影响=determine the nature of

?so much so that=to such a degree/an extent that

?continual repeated, going on all the time

<=>continuous flight飞机直飞不中转,nonstop

?a classroom/university setting 环境

?work on perfecting their craft=try hard to improve

Craft-skill in the use of hand

Crafty=cunning狡诈的 e.g. A crafty old fox

?in terms of=as we got


1 n. The reverse of

e.g.People often think that children's shoes are cheaper than adults', but the fact is the reverse of it.

2 adj. Reverse of/to与……相对

The reverse trend相反的趋势

3 v. Reverse the car=back the car......into the parking lot

~reversible a reversible coat可以翻过来穿

?priority 优先考虑的事

Give first/top priority to...

My first/top priority this semester is to pass CET4.=College English Test band 4

?departure n.=venture ;to act different from sth

Working on a farm is a departure/venture.大胆的尝试

This is a departure from the old customs.与传统习俗相违背

?inseparable~separate from

?evolve to/from

?value. v.=have a high opinion of sth

We value truth above anything else.

Do you value her as a friend?


1 to keep in mind secretly心怀……

Harbor suspicion 心存疑虑

Harbor the thoughts of revenge

2 窝藏(罪犯/赃品)

Harbor a wanted man

Harbor an escaped prisoner

?there is no comparable hurry to promote creativity

No comparable相比而言没有必要

?fearless of consequences不计后果的

Fearsome e.g.a fearsome look样子可怕的/让人触目惊心的情景 a fearsome task让人望而却步的


~overeat, oversleep, overact行为过激,overwork


?examine=study carefully

?develop a film

Develop a theory阐述某一理论

Develop illness 逐渐患上

?valid 有根据的,逻辑上行得通的

e.g. The ticket is valid in 24 hours. The ID card is a valid proof of your identity.


e.g. Foster the growth of local industries

?balance=to find the middle point between 2 things

It's difficult to strike a balance between justice and expediency.私利

?Are you superior to the 5 year program students?

?achievements accumulated by predecessors


?dinner jacke t=tuxedo/tuk'si:dou/

?franchise retail store特许经营零售店


?with a collective net worth of集体净资产


?wheel v. =drive=sit at the wheel

Wheel a patient into an operating room


?discount chain/shop/store/warehouse仓库

Discount-at a lower price/supplying cheaper things


?no palace=not luxurious<=>not a palace

No teacher不具备teaching skills,不够资格<=>Not a teacher[occupation]

Not a youngster=not young<=>no youngster=quite old

?sit=lie a truck sits in the garage

CSU sits at the bottom of Yuelu Mountain.

The book is still sitting on the shelf.书一直放在书架上没看。

?The furniture appeared a little worn.=old; used for a long time


1 鞋满泥muddy shoes

2 [color]土黄色muddy water混浊的水


He never spot any servants.认出

On the spot在现场

<=>put sb on the spot使难堪 e.g. You'll put him on the spot if

you tell everyone about it.

<=>He's running on the spot.原地踏步,没有进步。

Spot advertisement/announcement电视插播广告《=》prime time advertisement黄金时段广告

Hit the spot with sb=to one's taste e.g.This food hits the spot

with me.

?a bird dog到别的公司挖掘人才的人

Bird bird flu

Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚We're birds of a feather.志趣相投

A bird in the hand is worth two birds in the bush.有/没有定局的事情

?carry on=

1 behave in a specific way举止

He carries on like a millionaire=he spends money left, right and


2 vi.phr. 不守规矩The kid carried on in the swimming pool.

?folks usually pl. +谓语动词复数

Country folks towns folks

Fellow villagers fellow townsmen老乡

?plain folks = ordinary people

?travel these windy ba ck roads

Travel vt. Travel the whole world travel a long way to get to school

Windy= twisty

Back roads=by/minor roads


The treatment of some medical equipment

?struggle to do=make great effort to do


Corporate image企业形象

Multi-national corporation跨国公司

?by/from all accounts=according to what everyone says据说I've never seen him before, but he's by all accounts a nice person. Account for

Take sb into account

On account of由于

On all accounts/every account无论如何

On no account绝不


In a flashy立刻,马上

A flashy of突然出现 a flashy of understanding/inspiration顿悟华丽的,炫耀的, a flashy car

?blend in/into融入/与……融洽相处

What he said reinforced my determination to blend in the surroundings.

The style of the building does not blend in with the architecture.

I only blend in with cultured people/well-bred.有教养的人

?throw one's weight around/about盛气凌人

Because of his achievements/he is a boss/he is stronger than us,

he always throws his weights around/about. That's not much of a


?a set place固定

We have meals at a set time/set times.

The set procedure for doing固定程序

Do you have set hours of work?

?barber's shop小理发店<=>hair dresser美发师

?open up商店营业

?At a church supper the other night, he and his wife were in back

washing dishes.=at the back of the church.

?keep him off the front page

Keep your hands off me=don't touch me.

?bury=to hide sth from sight, cover sth with sth

He buried his face in his hands and wept.他掩面而泣

?reach/hit/make headlines

?hold firm to=keep to=stick to=hold on坚持《=》hold on to握住

Firm习语中ad. Stand firm坚定不移

?pronounce him America's richest man=announce

Even particular Mary/tongue pronounced him a nice boy.最挑剔的人

The doctor pronounced that he's recovering nicely.


Pronounced contrast between the past and the present明显对比

He speaks with pronounced local/Changsha/British/American accent.

?on the run

1 continuous moving about, busy

I've been on the run from morning till now and I am exhausted.

2 东躲西藏He's been on the run from the police.


a ranking world power世界头等强国

Poor ranking排名比较后

?steer clear of=keep/stay away from

Steer clear of controversial issues(controversy n.)有争议的话题Steer clear of the trouble makers

?the real story in his mind=what is always on his mind情况Another story/a different story另一回事

Only part of the story/not the whole story

The (same) old story老一套,常听借口,诉苦

Cut/make a long story长话短说,简而言之

?pep rally鼓舞士气(morale/mo'ra:l/)的会议

He had a pep talk with me.

?admit to...prep.

He would never admit to being wrong.

He refused to admit to breaking the window.

?get ideas into the system from the bottom up集思广益

Beat the system钻制度空子


?cut to the bone

Since their father is laid up(下岗),their living expenses had to be

cut to the bone.

?qualify for

?field面积大的football baseball cricket板球

《=》court面积小的volley badminton

?pu t sb. Off

1 干扰distract

The sudden noice of fire crackers(鞭炮) put me off my test paper.

2 使不快vi phr

The man's dirty condition put me off.穿得脏

?4 straight games =continuous

It's been sunny for 7 straight days.

Ten straight wins in a row

Straighten sth 摆平,解决

?the move toward settling the problem ?disaster relief fund救济金relief supplies救济品To my relief It's a great relief to learn that you arrived safely.

~relieve v. 解除责任He was relieved of his post/power.权力

?foster/cultivate one's interest in sth.



?come aboard=join the company New employees who came aboard in the last 6 months have not been tested.

?credit 学分,赏识

Do credit to sb.为某人争光

Take credit接受荣誉

?a lengt h of time=an amount of time

You've spent a ridiculous length of time in washing the clothes.

The length of service with the company decides the size of your


?come into contact with sb. 与……交往

?better off=wealthier/richer



?A long the way=following the train of thought, in the exploration

?a dimension to the problem问题的一个方面


?clip用力敲=knock sb. with force e.g. Clip sb. On the ear打耳光Clipped=quick and clear清脆clipped tone


1 refuse to accept

2 hard to accept

?flu id=不稳定的,改变的

Fluid arrangement可变的安排

The situation is still fluid.局势还不稳定


n.=most exciting/interesting part e.g.The highlight of the movie

高潮The highlight of my tour to Beijing was seeing the Summer


v.=强调,重视At the end of the year, some TV programs highlight problems migrant workers face.


1 to become longer, wider without breaking. e.g. My wool coat

stretches when I wash it.

2 你已使我忍无可忍You are stretching my patience to a limit.

3 延绵Nowadays it's rare for you to see forests stretching for

hundreds of miles.


精装书hard cover edition=de luxe edition

<=> 平装书paper back edition


?telecommuter远程工作者=I work at home communicating with

my colleagues through the Internet.

commute=go through one place to another


?su bmit articles 投稿[formal]=hand in

Submit sth to sb(供参考)提交,呈递 e.g.Submit an essay to my tutor,submit an application

<=>submit to sb=accept the control服从,屈从 e.g. Submit to discipline,submit to enemy投降

Submission n.

听任摆布in total submission to sb

百依百顺show complete submission to one's desire

?manage=to keep sth in order, keep control of sth

e.g. She knows how to manage him when hi is angry应对,对付to deal with

?feel/take an aversion to对。。厌恶,反感

e.g.1 My aversion to cruelty is strong.非常厌恶残酷行为

2 I always have an aversion to getting up early.

Averse a. Averse to sth

e.g.I'm not averse to a drop of whisky after dinner.喝点

Aveid.. to ..将。。转移到


There will be no socializing during business hours.



2019 大学英语四级备考笔记:翻译练习 1 中国烹 (Chinese cuisine) 文化是中国文化中相关烹和休的重要成部分。中国悠久的史、广袤的疆土、好客的俗孕育了个独特。中餐以其“色、香、味、形”俱全而著称。它究原料的配、食物的地、佐料(seasonings) 的制、切菜的刀功、适的烹以及装。最盛名的菜系有南方粤菜、北方菜、部淮菜和西部川菜,以“南淡北咸,甜西辣” 称。 句 1:中国烹 (Chinese cuisine) 文化是中国文化中相关烹和休的重要成部分。 思路点:“?是?” 构的句子能翻成使用be 的主系表构本句中然出的“相关?”,但仔揣摩其意思是 “在?方面”,故in the aspect of. Chinese cuisine culture is an important part of Chinese culture in the aspect of cooking and leisure. 句2:中国悠久的史、广袤的疆土、好客的俗孕育了个独 特。 思路点:本句的主是三个并列的偏正短,如果按照原有的序翻 成英文。主太,不符合英的表达。所以,本句翻将主和互,同 将“孕育了”意 owe?to ?( 将?因于,将?功于 ) ,三个并列的短作介 to 的。 This unique art owes itself to the long history, vast territory and hospitable tradition of China. 句 3:中餐以其“色、香、味、形”俱全而著称。

思路点:本句中“以?而著称”用be famous for来表 示;“形”不是“形状”,而是“外”,appearance; “俱全” perfect combination of. Chinese food is famous for its perfect combination of “color, aroma, taste and appearance”. 句4:它究原料的配、食物的地、佐料 (seasonings) 的制、切菜的 刀功、适的烹以及装。 思路点:本句中“ 究”即是“注重”,故 gives emphasis to; “ 地” 不是“ 量”,不可 quality, texture.“佐料的制”、“切菜的刀功”、“适的烹”和“装 ”依次 the blending of seasonings techniques 、the perfect timing of cooking out the food on the plate. 、slicing 和 the art of laying It gives emphasis to the selection of raw materials, the texture of food, the blending of seasonings, slicing techniques, the perfect timing of cooking and the art of laying out the food on the plate. 句5:最盛名的菜系有南方粤菜、北方菜、部淮菜和西部川菜, 以“南淡北咸,甜西辣” 称。 思路点:本句可用介 Among置于句首的倒装句型,表示众多最盛名的菜系“有?” ; 后半句是前半句内容的充明,能用去分短 noted as ?( 以?著称 ) 种非来取消句子的独 立性,同也增加了句子的奏感。“菜系”即是“派”,用school 合适,不能其他。原文中没有“味道”二字, 但稍微注意一下便可得知“南淡北咸,甜西辣” 的就是“味道”,所以翻 把“味道” (flavor) 翻出来。


大学英语四级听力技巧规律及常见词汇总结 四级听力的三个基本思路: 1. 学习——基于学生的角度,一定是抱怨学习 2. 生活——poor,很穷。 Student ID 学生证用于discount 打折,bargain 讨价还价 3. 学习vs 生活——忙,忙于学习 (就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题目说什么,就用这三个思路 往上套) Part I对话题 一.But 题型 形式:A:…… B:……,but ……. 重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but 后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。 e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的) A: I suppose you’ve bought some gifts for your family. B: Well, I’ve bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But I’ve not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels. Question: Who did the man buy the book for? Answer: His sister. 二. 场景题 1. 每一类场景,常考出题思路——用于解题 2. 线索词 场景题选项特点: (1) 介词结构in/at somewhere (2) To do开头的(问的是purpose目的) (3) Doing……/ They’re doing……/They’re …ing. (4) A and B(人之间的关系relationship) e.g. Students and teacher. 场景题提问方式: (1) what (过去,现在,将来) (2) Where is the conversation taking place? / Where does the conversation take place? (3) When is the conversation taking place? (4) Who——>where (location) 问人是谁,可以从他所在的地方来判断。


实用文档 文案大全 大学英语四级 复习资料 Mr.Cp

滴水渐累成沧海,拳石频移成泰山祝大家顺利过级 目录 第一部分.听力部分 (2) 第二部分.最新英语四级高频词汇 (23) 第三部分.四级阅读笔记 (31) 第四部分.完形填空做题技巧 (36) 第五部分.翻译经典练习 (38) . 第六部分.写作七类精彩句型 (40) 第七部分.写作必备模板和句型 (42) 第八部分.综合技能训练 (45) 第九部分.作文训练 (73) 第十部分.英语谚语警句 (85) 资料说明:本复习资料非教材用书。复习资料主要收集了四级听力、阅读、词汇、作文等一些英语四级相关的技巧、方法和内容,主要提供给有需要考四级的同学自己复习所用。 1

滴水渐累成沧海,拳石频移成泰山祝大家顺利过级 第一部分.听力部分 一、听力内容 1.Section A 对话 短对话 (5分02秒) 8个对话: 4分12秒 长对话 (5分58秒) Conversation 1 (4 questions):对话内容(1分45秒)+问题(1分25秒)Conversation 2 (3 questions):对话内容(1分45秒)+问题(1分02秒) 2.Section B 短文(10分05秒) Directions: 35秒 Passage 1 (3 questions):文章内容(1分25秒)+问题(1分10秒) Passage 2 (3 questions):文章内容(2分25秒)+问题(1分10秒) Passage 3 (4 questions):文章内容(1分45秒)+问题(1分55秒) 3.Section C 复合式听写 (11分20秒) Directions: 45秒 第一遍: 2分10秒 第二遍:第一句停顿:1分05秒 第二句停顿:1分35秒 第三句停顿:1分15秒 第三遍:2分10秒 (以上时间根据文章内容会有所变化) 二、听力技巧 四级听力一直困扰着我们每一位考生,听不懂磁带中的内容是什么,不知道该如何选择,而听力在英语四级考试中又占很大一部分比重,掌握好英语四级听力技巧才能快速提高英语成绩,以下总结出几点有关英语四级听力技巧。 听力技巧一:学会取舍,理解内容 听力考试中最忌讳的就是词词计较,力求听懂所有词。其实,听懂所有词首先没必要,其次也不可能。我们在日常生活中听中文时,无论听什么,注意力都不会在每一个字或词上面,而是对文段或对话内容的整体的理解上。何况我们听的是英文,在英文句子中,对不同的词本身就有弱读和重读。 听力技巧二:扫视材料,预测内容 当广播中朗读听力要求时,我们要充分利用这个时间,迅速扫视书面文字中的题干及选项,通过扫视联系上下文,有根据地预测文段发生的时间、场所、人物,并预测出谈话的大致内容。并且,在扫视中我们对提出的问题尤其要注意。这样做的结果是听录音时我们可以有的放矢,做到有备而来,心中有数。 听力技巧三:注重首句,抓住主旨 在听长文段时,由于信息多,而且听力不同于阅读,朗读速度非常快,需要我们快速做出反应,所以在听的时候就更应当注意主旨大意。在阅读中我们知道作者一般会在首句或首 2


大学英语四级专项训练——选词填空 (一) Americans are proud of their variety and individualty, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so __1__ in the United States Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more __2__ than civilian(百姓的)clothes. People have become conditioned to __3__ superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to __4__ more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the __5__ of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to __6__ professional identity(身份)than to step out of uniform Uniforms also have many __7__ benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of __8__ experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without __9__, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act __10__, on the job at least. [A]skill [B]popular [C]get [D]change [E]similarly 、[F]professional [G]character [H]individuality [I] inspire [J] differently [K]expect [L]practical [M] recall [N] lose [O] ordinary (二) 、 Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can __1__ performance at work and school. Cognitive( 认识派的) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on __2__ and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, __3__ among educators. But the careful use of small __4__ rewards speaks creativity in grade school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements( 刺激) indeed __5__inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. “If kids know they’re working f or a reward and can focus on a relatively __6__ task, they show the most creativity,” says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But it’s easy to __7__ creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.


2019四级考试听力备考笔记(20) Federal Express is a private airline service which expands the Postal Service in the United States. It is the only U. S. airline specializing in the transportation of small packages-35 kilos or less. Federal Express links 130 major U.S. cities and 10,000 surrounding communities. An urgent package picked up in one part of the country this afternoon can be delivered to any other part of the country tomorrow morning. All of the Federal Express jets fly into the International Airport at Memphis, Tennessee, because it is located in the center of the United States. The sorting facility for Federal Express is called "The Hub". Every night, from about 12 midnight to 3 a. m. , the packages are gathered and sorted into shipments for specific destinations. The main labor force is comprised of students working part-time. Since Federal Express started business in 1971, it has flown millions of air kilometers without fail. In the space of one hour, 39 jets will take off to destinations all across the United States. Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage yon have just heard. 17. What makes the Federal Express so unique in the U.S. airline service business? 18. How many major U.S. cities does Federal Express link?


英语四级复习资料 大学英语四级考试流程 8 :50---9 :00试音时间 - 9:00---9 :10播放考场指令,发作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 - 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做) 9:40---9 :55做快速阅读 - 9:55---10 :00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读) 9:55---10 :00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试- 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音- 听力结束后完成剩余考项。- 11:20全部考试结束。 - 标准分满分 710分=听力 248.5 +阅读 248.5 +综合测试 106.5 +写作106.5 。 一、 100 个高频词汇。 - 1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速- 【例】 accelerate the rate of economic growth - 加速经济增长- 【派】 acceleration n.加速accelerating a. 加速的- 2 account n.账户、考虑- 【考】 take sth. into account把考虑在内- 3 accustom vt.使习惯-

【考】 be accustomed to - 4 adapt vi.适应- 【考】 adapt to适应- 5 adjust vi. 适应- 【考】 adjust to... 适应- 6 advocate vt.宣扬- 7 affluent a.富裕的- 【派】 affluence n. 富裕- 8 annoy vt. 使烦恼 , 使恼怒- 【派】 annoying a.令人恼人的; - annoyance n.烦恼; - annoyed a. 颇为生气的- 9 ascribe vt. 把归咎于- 【考】 ascribe..to归因于- 10 assess vt. 评估- 【派】 assessment n.评估- 11 assign vt. 指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)-【派】 assignment作业- 12 assume vt. 假象、假定- 13 attain vt.获得- 【考】attain one's ideal达到理想- 14 attribute vt.把归因于- 【考】attribute sth.? to把 ... 归咎于- 15 attribute vt.归咎于 【考】 be attributed to? attribute sth. to- 16 automatically ad.自动地- 17 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长n.推动,增长-【例】boost the economy推动经济增长- 【派】booster n.支持者,推动器-


2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __47__ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) __48__ effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research. Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping __49__ straight through the night. More sleep in old age, however, is __50__ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more __51__ if they slept for longer periods, he said. “The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to __52__ well does not change,” Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego. “It's __53__ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were __54__. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from __55__ to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's __56__ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.” 答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) 47 N tend 48 L negative 49 H efficiently 50 B associated 51 A alert 52 J function/ 53 F definitely 54 O younger 55 E continuing56 G different 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间? 2010年12月英语四级考试真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology


2019英语四级考试听力备考笔记(4) 找工作的步骤: 1、搜集信工作息,来源如下:classified ad 分类广告 help and wanted section 供求关系版 bulletin board 公告板 flier 传单 2、打电话确认工作是否还available:make a phone call。 3、准备工作简历resume v. 重新开始;n. 个人简历。 4、面试interview:需携带证书certificates;需出示身份证明identification;判断你是否具有qualification;出示推荐信referrence letter。 注意发音: keys – kiss sheep – ship steel/ steal -- still break up 分手;下课 = let us out下课(meet 上课) make up 重归于好 old flame 旧情人 date 约会 a big date 玩通宵的约会 a blind date 被人介绍的第一次约会(相亲) stand sb. up 约会爽约,放鸽子注:must 表猜测。 语气题:重复反问型:第二个人用不可思议的语气重复第一个人话中的词,认为第一个人的表达的水准不恰当,然后进一步申述自己的意思。在四级考试中重复的多是形容词,认为水准不够。 例句1:A: It's a bit warm out today. B: Warm? You can fry an egg on the sidewalk. 例句2:A: Mary seems happy with her grades.


历年来英语四级考试格式 考试答题的顺序 1.作文分数106.5分 2.快速阅读71分 3.听力部分248.5分 4.是一篇篇章词汇理解和两篇传统的阅读理解,177.5分 5.是完形填空(极大可能考这个)71分 6.翻译,汉译英并且需译部分只是一般的短句翻译。35.5分 CET-4考试内容 一、试卷构成和成绩报道 就所测试的语言能力而言,试点阶段的四级考试由以下四个部分构成:1)听力理解;2)阅读理解;3)完型填空或改错;4)写作和翻译。 听力理解部分分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写。 阅读理解部分分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a)选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b)篇章层次的词汇理解(Banked Cloze)或短句问答(Short Answer Questions)。快速阅读理解部分测试的是浏览阅读和查读能力。 完型填空或改错部分分值比例为10%。完型填空部分采用多项选择题型,改错部分的要求是辨认错误并改正。

写作和翻译部分分值比例为20%;其中写作部分(Writing)15%,翻译部分(Translation)5%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等;翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。 具体比例搭配如下: 作文15%(有14分、12分、8分、6分、2分和0分四个档次,用时30分钟) 快速阅读10%(7个判断题每个1%,3个填空题也是1%,单词拼写错误不给分,用时15分钟) 听力35%(短对话8个,每个1%,长对话8个,每个1%,短文10个,每个1%,填词7个,每个0.5%,3个句子分别为2%,2%,2.5%。用时35分钟) 篇章阅读20%+词汇阅读5%(传统阅读10个,一个2%,选词阅读10%,一个0.5%。用时25分钟) 完型填空10%(20个小题,一题0.5%。用时15分钟) 翻译5%(一题1%。用时5分钟) 快速阅读的答题方式不一定 写作:30分钟, 107分(15%) 快速阅读 15分钟,70分(10%)


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6412668031.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转)around the earth. An 71 7% did not know which revolved around 72. I have no doubt that 73 all of these people were 74 in school that the earth revolves around the sun; 75 may even have written it 76 at test. But they never 77 their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的) 78 because their every day observations didn’t support 79 their teachers told them: People see the sun moving 80 the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary (静止的) 81 that is happening. Students can learn the right answers 82 heart in class,and yet never combined them 83 their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the 84 personal understanding of the world can 85 side by side,each unaffected by the other. Outside of class,the student continues to use the 86 model because it has always worked well 87 that circumstance. Unless professors address 88 errors in students’personal models of the world,students are not 89 to replace them with the 90 one. 71.A.excessive B. extraC. additionalD. added 72.A.what B. whichC. thatD. other 73.A.virtually B. remarkablyC. ideallyD. preferably 74.A.learned B. suggestedC. taughtD. advised 75.A.those B. theseC. whoD. they 76.A.on B. withC. underD. for 77.A.formed B. alteredC. believedD. thought 78.A.operation B. positionC. motionD. location 79.A.how B. whichC. thatD. what 80.A.around B. acrossC. onD. above 81.A.since B. soC. whileD. for 82.A.to B. byC. inD. with 83.A.with B. intoC. toD. along 84.A.adult’s B. teacher’sC. scientist’sD. student’s 85.A.exist B. occurC. surviveD. maintain 86.A.private B. individualC. personalD. own 87.A.in B. withC. onD. for 88.A.general B. naturalC. similarD. specific 89.A.obliged B. likelyC. probableD. partial 90.A.perfectB. betterC. reasonableD. correct 【答案】: 71.C72.B73.A74.C75.D76.A77.B78.C79.D80.B 81.C82.B 83.A84.D85.A86.C87.A88.D89.B90.D 【答案解析】: 71.C四个答案都有“额外”的意思,但各有偏重。A重在表达“过量、超过正常的部分”;B是“在一类事物之外的额外部分”;D是“外加的”。因此只有C答案符合本题要求:“另外有7%的人不知道是谁绕着谁转。”


英语四级备考笔记 Prepared on 22 November 2020

英语四级备考笔记 目录 一、英语四级写作高级替换词 1)good:好的 perfect, excellent, outstanding, superior 2)many:许多 a lot of, a host of, a sea of 3)some:一些 quite a few , several 4)think:认为 acknowledge, hold the view that 5)more and more:越来越多 increasing, increasingly, growing 6)helpful:有益的 beneficial, rewarding 7)bad:坏的wicked, dreadful, harmful 8)customer:顾客consumer, client 9)in my opinion:以我看来from my part, from my own perspective 10)very:非常 exceedingly, extremely 11)cause:引起 result in, be triggered by 12)want:想要 desire, be eager to 13)remember:记住 memorize, bear in mind that 14)have:拥有 own, possess

15)poor:穷的 needy, impoverished 16)rich:富的 wealthy, affluent 17)excellent:棒的 fabulous, marvelous 18)obvious:明显的 apparent, evident 19)healthy:健康的 robust, wholesome 20)surprising:惊人的 amazing, miraculous 21)beautiful:美的 attractive, gorgeous, eye-catching 22)popular:流行的 prevailing, prevalent 23)improve:提高 enhance, promote, boost 24)solve:解决 resolve, tackle, cope with, deal with 25)develop:培养 cultivate, foster, nurture 26)complete:完成 fulfill, accomplish, achieve 27)keep:保留 hold, preserve, retain 28)energetic:有活力的 dynamic, vigorous 29)destroy:破坏 damage, ruin 30)influence:影响impact, the effect of… 31)pollute:污染 taint, contaminate 二、英语四级写作必备词 1) 大多数人most people→the majority of the population 2) 经常often→frequently 3) 我相信I believe→from my standpoint, from my personal perspective


2019四级考试听力备考笔记(14) [P33-6] A) In Mexico. B) In New Mexico. C) In the city. D) In California. M: I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith tomorrow. W: I' m sorry. Dr. Smith went on a one-week vacation in Mexico, and on his way back he'll be staying in California for 5 days. Let me see. He'll probably be back the day after tomorrow. Q: Where is Dr. Smith now? [P34-9] A) The credit hours required for an M. A. degree. B) The requirements of an M. A. degree. C) Getting extra credits. D) Taking more optional courses. M: You'll need 36 credit hours to get an M. A. degree. Fifteen must be from the English Department and fifteen from the Education Department. For the remaining six credit hours, you can either write a thesis or take two more optional courses.


2015 年大学英语四级备考笔记:选词填空之解题步骤本题型出现在阅读部分(共40 分钟),在长篇阅读文章之前。所以本题型共10 道小题最佳完成时间应控制在7 分钟。 考试要求在7 分钟左右时间内将题目给出的15 个词汇填入10 个空格中。考试形式与传统考题的完形填空相似。 选词填空,当然是考词汇。但较之以往专门的词汇题,选词填空是对词汇更完全的更高层次的考察;因为它所考察的,是在篇章中对词汇的把握。 考核的主要目的是检查考生在上下文中猜测词义的能力以及单词词性识别能力。 遇到生词怎么办?时间不够怎么办?考前训练时注意培养以上两种能力,考试时加以运用,会大大提高答中率。 篇章词汇理解是大学英语四级考试中出现的一种老题型,这种题是在一篇长度为220 个单词的文章中留出10 个单词的空格,要求考生从15 个备选单词中选出10 个填入空格处,使文章语句通畅,表达正确。 测试重点:考生对连贯性一致性及逻辑关系等语篇语段的整体特征以及单词在实际语境中的理解。既考查宏观结构,又考查微观理解。 15 个单词中3 个名词正确答案+1 个名词干扰答案、3 个动词正确答案+1 个动词干扰答案、 3 个形容词正确答案+2 个形容词干扰答案、 1 个副词正确答案 +1 个副词干扰答案。 解题步骤: 通读全文,抓住中心(首段,首句原则) 阅读选项,词性分类(注意分析动词时态) 全盘考虑,灵活选择(根据所需词性缩小范围,每词只能用一次)复读全文,核查答案(快速复读,用语感判断是否通顺准确)大学英语四级备考笔记:选词填空之答题技巧一答题技巧一: 确定空白处词性以下情况,空白处为动词: 1 n./pron. vt. n./pron. 前有名后有名,中间谓动 2 n./pron. vi. 前名后无名,谓动不及物 3 n./pron. vi. adv./prep. 前名后介副,谓动不及物 4 n./pron. link v./be adj. 前名后形容,be 动或系动 5 to v. 前有to ,后原型注意:确定空白处为动词,还需根据上下文确定正确 形式以下情况,空白处为分词: 过去分词: 1has/have/had p.p(完成时态) 2be p.p(被动语态) 3p.p n. 或n. p.p(过去分词做形容词,表示被动或已发生)现在分词: 1be -ing(进行时态) 2-ing n. 或n.-ing(现在分词做形容词,表示主动或正在进行) 3prep. -ng(介词宾语) 以下情况,空白处为名词: (名词通常做主语或动词介词宾语) 1a/the n. 前有冠词

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