当前位置:文档之家› 幼儿园英语日常用语和教学用语



幼儿园英语日常用语和教学用语To begin a day. 晨间入园

1. Good morning. \Morning! 早上好!(幼儿:Good morning!)

2. How are you? 你好吗?(幼儿:

I am fine. Thank you.)

3. Nice to see you. 见到你很高兴。Nice to see you, too.

4. Hello, Jim! 你好,吉姆。

5. Hi, Jim! 你好,吉姆。

6. I miss you very much. 我真想你们呀。

7. How polite you are! 你真有礼貌!

8. Come in, please! 请进!

9. Are you happy today? 你今天高兴吗?

10. Where did you go yesterday?


11. How was you weekend? 你周末过的怎么样?

12. Why are you looking unhappy? 你怎么不开心?

13. Are you OK? 你还好吗?

14. Let me take your temperature. 我来量一下你的体温。

15. What is my temperature? 我的体温有多高?

16. It is 36.7°C. (thirty-six point seven degree Celsius. ) 你的体温是三十六度七。

17. Don’t worry. It will be OK right after applying some medicine. 别担心,上点药就好了。

18. It will be OK right after applying the bandage. 贴上创可贴就好了。

19. It will be OK right after giving an injection. 打一针就好。

20. Keep your wound dry when washing.


21. Say bye-bye to your Mummy\Daddy.


22. Please take off your coat. 请把外套脱掉。

23. Take a chair and sit there. 搬把椅子坐在那里。

24. Play with the toys, do you? 玩会儿玩具,好吗?

25. Read the book, do you? 看看书,好吗?

26. Please water the flowers. 请浇浇花。

27. Please help me clean the table. 请帮我擦擦桌子。

28. What a pretty dress you are wearing. 你的衣服真漂亮。

29. Who bought it for you?


30. Who has been to Beijing?


31. Who took you to Beijing?


32. Where else have you been?


33. Tom is on duty today. 汤姆今天值日。

34. Let’s call the roll. 我们来点一下名。

35. Louder, please. 请大点声。

l In classroom 教育活动

36. Let’s begin. 我们开始吧

37. Mary and Tom, please exchange your seats. 请玛丽和汤姆交换一下座位。

38. Listen carefully. 注意听。

39. Look at me. 注意看我这里。

40. Touch …摸一摸……

41. Point to …指一指……

42. Let’s play a game. 我们来做个游戏。

43. Let’s sing a song, together. 我们一


44. Follow me, please. 请跟我学。

45. Have a try, please. 请试一试。

46. Let’s draw it. 我们来画一画。

47. I am going to tell you a story. 我要给你们讲个故事。

48. Look, who are in the picture? 看,图片上都有什么人?

49. Who are they? 他们都是谁?

50. Where are they? 他们在哪?

51. Guess what they are talking about? 猜猜他们在说什么?

52. Why is the little boy crying?


53. What’s up with the little boy?


54. Who will retell the whole story? 谁能把故事完整的讲一遍?

55. Stand up, please. 请站起来。

56. Sit down, please. 请坐下。

57. Please raise you hand. 请举手。

58. Please come here. 请过来。

59. Please go back to you seat. 请回到你的座位上去。

60. Listen to me. 听我说。

61. Are you clear? 明白吗?

62. Understand? 明白吗?

63. Please repeat it after me. 请跟我重复。

64. Think it over. 再想一想。

65. Good, very good. 好,很好。

66. You are great! 你真棒!

67. Good job. 做的不错。

68. Well done. 干的好。

69. Wonderful. \ Excellent. \ Terrific. \ Amazing. 真好。

70. Good idea. 好注意。

71. You are so great \ clever \ smart. 你真聪明。

72. I believe you. 我相信你。

73. What a good memory. 记的真好。

74. Good boy \ girl. 好孩子。

75. The boy is so lively. 这个男孩真活跃。

76. You are right. 对了。

77. Clap your hands. 拍拍手。

78. Let’s clap for …让我们为……拍拍手

79. Just \ Wait a moment. 等一会。

80. Please be quiet. 请安静。

81. Please get your …ready. 请把你们的……准备好。

82. Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

83. Anything else? 还有什么吗?

84. Let’s count \ read \ dance \ act. 让我们来数一数\读一读\跳个舞\做个动作。

85. Music, please. 请,奏响音乐。

86. Who wants to play the big bad wolf? 谁想演大灰狼?

87. Face the class \ audience when speaking \ acting. 说话\表演时请面向大家\观众。

88. So much. 可以了。

89. Is that all? 结束了吗?

90. That’s all for the activity. 活动结束。

91. Turn over the picture. 把这幅画翻过来。

92. What a pity \ shame 多可惜啊!

93. Act with the music. 随着音乐做动作。

94. Group one first. Now group two. 第一组先做。现在第二组做。

95. Match two parts with a line. 用线把相配的两部分连起来。

l Area \ corner 区域活

96. Please find your area. 请选择你喜欢的活动去区。(幼儿:I like the …OK? 我想去……,好吗?)

97. Do you like the English corner \ area? 你喜欢英语角吗?

98. (Construction area \ performance area \ book area \ language area \ discovery area \ intelligence building area \ dolly home \ clinic \ restaurant \ McDonald’s \ KFC \ post office \ hair-dresser’s \ shop \ supermarket \ music area \ chess area \ art area \ number area)

99. (建构区、表演区、图书区、语言区、科学区、


100. Please get your area card. 请拿你的活动卡。

101. Need me help? 需要我帮忙吗?

102. What’s this? 这是什么?

103. Guess. 猜一猜

104. What’s inside? 里面有什么?

105. Let’s have a look. 让我们看一看。

106. Let’s talk about …让我们谈一谈……

107. I agree with you. 我同意你的想法。

108. What is your Mummy \ Daddy?


109. This is for you. 这是给你的。

110. Please put away your toys.


111. Please take good care of toys. 请爱护玩具。

112. Color your picture. 把你的图片涂上颜色。


1. Stick part 1 to part

2. 把第一部分贴到第二部分上。

2. Put up your artwork. 把你的美工作品挂起来。

3. Show your artwork to your friends. 把你的作品给小朋友看一看。

4. Let me write your name on your artwork. 我来把你的名字写在你的作品上。

5. Take your work home.


6. Pass it, one by one. 一个一个往下传。

l Outdoor 户外活

7. Downstairs. 下楼。

8. No hurry. We are waiting. 别着急,我们在等你。

9. Line up, please. 请站队。

10. Please make a circle. 站成一个圈。

11. Hand in hand. 手拉手。

12. At ease 稍息。

13. Attention. 立正。

14. Quick time, march. 齐步走。

15. Halt. 立定。

16. Turn left \ right. 向左\右转。

17. Let’s run around the circle. 围着这个圈跑。

18. Let’s run in a circle. 让我们跑成一个圈。

19. Turn round. 转身。

20. Be careful! 小心!

21. Come on. 加油。

22. Let’s go. 开始吧。

23. One, two, three. Go! 一、二、三。开始!

24. Touch …and come back. 摸摸……再回来。

25. Be brave! 勇敢点。

26. No pushing. 别推人。

27. No cutting in. 别插队。

28. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

29. What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了?

30. What happened? 发生了什么事?

31. Don’t be afraid. 别害怕。

32. Try it again. 再试一次。

33. Once more. \ One more time 再来一次。

34. Let’s form 2 teams. 让我们组成两个队。

35. Let’s have a match. 让我们来比赛吧。

36. You are the winner. 你赢了。

37. Who is the first? 谁得了第一?

38. Sorry. 对不起。

39. It’s OK. 没关系。

40. Hands up. 举手

41. Hands down. 手放下

42. Arms out. 两臂外伸

43. Arms in. 两臂放下。

44. Move forth. 向前走

45. Move back. 向后推

46. Turn round. 转身

47. Bend your body. 弯腰

48. Kick your leg. 踢腿

49. Step your feet. 踏步

50. Squat down. 蹲下

51. Run \ walk \ jump \ hop \ crawl

to …向…跑\ 走\ 跳\ 单脚跳\ 爬.

52. Bend your knees. 曲膝。

53. Shake your body. 摇动身体。

54. Buckle \ tie your shoes. 扣好\系好鞋带。

55. Go there. 到那边去。

56. Come here. 到这边来。

57. Let’s play together. 我们一起玩吧。

58. Let’s play with the ball \ hopper. 我们


59. Let’s walk on stilts. 我们一起走高跷吧。

60. Let’s play on the seesaw \ junglegym \ rocker \ swing \ merry-go-around \ slide. 我们一起玩跷跷板\ 攀登梯\ 摇床\ 秋千\ 转椅\ 滑梯吧。

61. Let’s play in the sand pool \ water area.

我们到沙池\ 水区去玩吧。

62. No throwing the sand up! 不要扬沙。

63. Be carefully! Keep your eyes away from the sand. 小心!别让沙子进到眼里。

64. No splashing. 不要互相撩水。

65. Keep your clothes dry. 保持衣服干爽。

66. Sands got in my eyes. 我迷眼了。

67. Let’s go to see the doctor. 我们去看医生吧。

68. Shake sand off your clothes and get sand out of your shoes. 抖抖衣服,把鞋里的沙子倒出来。

69. Jump up. 向上跳。

70. Bounce the ball when it goes high. 皮球跳起来你再拍。

71. Back to our classroom.


72. Take care, please. 请小心。

73. Go on. 继续吧。

74. Are you tired? 你们累了吗?

75. Join us, come on. 和我们一起来玩吧,来啊。

l Have a break


76. Let’s have a break \ rest.


77. Go there\ come here with your chair. 拿着椅子到那里去\ 到这里来。

78. Pass me…把…递给我。

79. You are lovely. 你真可爱。

80. Who wants washroom? 谁想上厕所。

81. Let’s drink some water. 我们喝点水吧。

82. Drink more, children. 孩子们多喝点水。

83. Wash your hands. 洗洗手。

84. Take down the towel and wipe your hands. 摘下毛巾擦擦手。

85. Shake your hands three times over the sink after washing. 洗完手甩三下。

86. Palm, finger, rub, rub, rub. Back, wrist, rub, rub, rub. 手心、手指、搓搓搓。手背、手腕、搓搓搓。

87. Save water, please. 请节约用水。

88. Soap your hands down. 在手上抹肥皂。

89. Put up your towel. 把你的手巾挂好。

90. Please use hand cream. 请涂护手霜。

91. Put your cup on the shelf. 把漱口杯放到架子上。

92. Turn on the tap, please. 请打开水龙


93. Turn off the tap tight. 关紧水龙头。

94. Speak in a low voice. 小声点说话。

95. Go to the toilet. \ Go pee pee \ Go poo poo. 上厕所\ 去小便\ 去大便。

96. Get some paper for…给…拿点纸来。

l Take a nap


97. It’s time to take a nap. 睡午觉的时间到了。

98. Take off your shoes. 脱鞋。

99. Take off your clothes. 脱衣服。

100. Fold your clothes \ quilt up. 把衣服\ 被子叠好。

101. Put your shoes in order. 把鞋子放好。

102. Cover yourself with the quilt. 盖好被子。

103. Cover your tummy with the coverlet. 用被单盖好肚子。

104. No nibbling nails. 别吃手。

105. No biting the quilt. 别咬被子。

106. Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。

107. Sweet dreams. 做个好梦。

108. Wake up, please. 请醒醒。

109. Get up. 起床。

110. Dress yourself, please. 请自己穿好衣服。

111. Put on your shoes. 穿上鞋。

112. Wake up the children beside you. 把旁边的孩子叫醒。

113. Do you need help? 需要帮助吗?

l Eat 用餐

114. Are you hungry? 饿了吧?

115. It’s time for breakfast \ lunch \ dinner \ supper \ snack. 该吃早饭\ 午饭\ 晚饭\ 午点了。

116. Clean the table, please. 请擦桌子。

117. Give out the tableware \ bowls \ chopsticks \ plates \ spoons, please. 请发餐具\ 碗\ 筷子\ 盘子\ 勺。


英语课堂教学用语集锦 一、评价学生的表现 1. That’s true.对。 2. You’ve done a good job. 太棒了。 3. It’s almost perfect. 几乎完美无暇。 4. I think your answer is very useful. 你的答案很有用。 5. What you said is meaningful. 你说的很有用。 6. Your answer is interesting. 你的答案很有趣。 7. This question is a bit difficult, try to think about it. 这个问题有点难,再想一想。 8.Don’t worry. You still have a chance. 别担心,还有机会。 9. Don’t be shy. I’m sure you can do it. 别害羞,你肯定行。 10. Don’t be afraid. Take it easy.别害怕,放松点。 11. Nearly. 差不多。 12. Not quite. 不完全。 13. Not really. 不太对。 14. Sorry, I don’t think you are right. 抱歉,我想这不太对。

15. I’m afraid this is wrong. 恐怕它错了。 16. I don’t think so.我不认为这样。 17. Could you talk about the story a detail 你能再详细说说吗 18. I can’t accept this point. 我不能接受这观点。 19. Your answer isn’t to the point. 你的观点不能切中要害。 20. I don’t agree.我不同意。 21. It’s much better this time.这次好多了。 22. I agree with your point. 我不同意你的观点。 23. I think so. 我认为也是如此。 24.This is to the point. 切中要害。 25. Well done. Congratulations. 太好了。祝贺你。 二、表达“正确”的短句 1. Right/Very good./Excellent./Terrific./Exactly./Good job. 2. Absolutely right./Completely correct. 绝对正确。 3. Sound good. 不错。 4. That’s correct.正确。 5. You did good. 很棒。 6. That’s funny.真有趣。 7. Good idea. 好想法。


家庭日常英语口语 Sleep and waking up(睡觉/起床) 1、It’s time to go sleepy-bye. (到睡觉的时间了。) 2、Sweat dreams. (做个好梦。) 3、It’s time to go to bed./Time for bed. (该上床了。) 4、It’s time to have a nap. (该午休了。) 5、Wake up! (起床。) 6、Did you sleep well? (睡好了吗?) 7、Time to get up. (该起床了。) Getting dressed(穿衣) ?1、It’s time to get dressed (该穿衣服了。) ?2、What do you want to wear today? (今天想穿什么?)?3、This shirt doesn’t go with those pants. (这件上衣和裤子不搭配。) ?4、Stand still. / sit still. (站好/坐好。) ?5、Now put on your sweater. (现在穿上毛衣。)

?6、Take your clothes off./ Take off your clothes. (脱衣服。) ?7、Pick up your socks, please. (请把袜子捡起来。)?8、Put on your trousers/shoes/coat/cap. 穿上你的裤子/鞋子/外套/帽子。 ?9、Take off your trousers/shoes/coat/cap.脱下你的裤子/鞋子/外套/帽子。 Meal time(吃饭) ?1、Come sit at the table.(过来坐在桌旁。) ?2、Stop playing with your food.(不要再玩食物了。)?3、Don’t talk with your mouth full.(嘴里吃着东西不要说话。) ?4、Help Daddy do the dishes.(帮助爸爸收盘子。)?5、Help Mommy to set the table.(帮助妈妈放桌子。)?6、Help us clear off the table.(帮我们收拾桌子。) Safty and injuries(安全和受伤)


《师生对语》——: 师:Good morning(afternoon、evening)everyone、boys and girl。 (早上好,同学们或男孩、女孩) 生:Good morning,Miss huang。(早上好,黄老师) 师:Stand up,please! (请起立)生:I stand up!(我起立) 师:Sit down ,please! (请坐下)生:I sit down!(我坐下) 师:How are you ?(你好吗) 生:I am fine,thank you! And you?(我很好,谢谢,你呢) 生:I am fine,too(我也很好) 师:Be quiet! (安静点)生:Listen!(听着) 师:Look at my eyes。(看我的眼睛) 师:Follow me! (跟我来)生:Follow you! (跟随你)师:Attention,please! (请注意) 师:Go back to your seat。(回到你的座位上) 师:Let’s play another game,OK?(我们我们玩另外一个游戏,好吗?)生:OK! (好) 师:Let’s sing a song,OK?(让我们来唱一首歌,好吗?) 生:OK! What song? (好的,是什么歌) 师生:Hands! Music,please! (跟着音乐说、唱、跳) 生:Goodbye,Miss huang。 师:Now I say,you do,O K?(我说你做,好吗)生:O K! 师:V ery good(非常好) 师:what is it ?(这是怎么回事) 生:It’s a tiger(它是一只老虎) 师:Look! Who’s coming?(看看,谁来啦) 师:What’s coming?(是什么) 师:Let’s play a game,OK?(让我们来玩个游戏,好吗)生:OK! (好)师:Who wants to try? (谁来试试) 生:Me me,Miss huang! (我我我,黄老师)


幼儿英语教师自我介绍 幼儿英语教师自我介绍 一般英语老师自我介绍都是用到英语,以下是WTT为大家收集的幼儿英语教师自我介绍。感兴趣的朋友一起来看看! 篇一:幼儿英语教师自我介绍 Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. I’m very happy to stand here to teach you. You know, this is the first time we meet each other, so let me introduce myself to you. My family name is Cheng, and my English name is Mark. So you can call me Mr. Cheng or Mark. This year is my animal year. I graduated from Hubei University of technology. Business English is my major. In my spare time I like listening to music and play ping-pong. In my class, I hope all of you study hard and cooperate with my teaching. I think you will have a happy time in my class. Otherwise you will encounter (meet) a lot of trouble.

In my opinion, it’s easy to study English well, but you must do it well in the following aspects. For example, Listen carefully and make notes in my class. Finish your homework on time. You should read, listen, speak and write English everyday. As we all know Practice make perfect 篇二:幼儿英语教师自我介绍 Good morning everyone: My name is Li Jing, the new English teacher of this class. Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you. I hope we can communicate happily and have a good day. Now, let me introduce myself briefly. I graduated from Zaozhuang University and I majored in biology. So I am not a professional English teacher, But I am very interested in English. And the knowledge and skills I learned in school are useful in teaching, although I have no experience in teaching and managing a class. Of course, I am so young that I might make some mistakes in the future, and I hope you can give me advice as possible as you can.


英语课堂教学用语 English classroom teaching language

英语课堂教学用语 前言:小泰温馨提醒,教学反思指教师对教育教学实践的再认识、再思考,并以此来总结经验教训,进一步提高教育教学水平,教师会从自己的教育实践中来反观自己的得失,通过教育案例、教育故事、或教育心得等来提高教学反思的质量。本教案根据英语教学反思设计标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 1.上课(Beginning a class) (1)Let’s start now./Let’s begin our class /lesson. (2)Stand up,please. (3)Sit down,Pease. 2.问候(Greeting) (4)Hello,boys and girls/children. (5)Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls. (6)Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls. (7)How are you today? 3.考勤(Checking attendance) (8)Who’s on duty today?/ Who’s helping this morning/today? (9)Is everyone/everybody here/present?

(10)Is anyone away?/Is anybody away? (11)Is anyone absent?/Is anybody absent? (12)Who’s absent?/Who’s away? (13)Where is he/she? (14)Try to be on time./ Don’t be late next time. (15)Go back to your seat,please. (16)What day is it today? (17)What’s the date today? (18)What’s the weather like today? (19)What’s it like outside? 4.宣布(Announcing) (20)Let’s start working./Let’s begin/start a new lesson./Let’s begin/ start our lesson. (21)First,let’s review/do some review. (22)What did we learn In the last lesson? (23)Who can tell/ remember what we did In the last lesson /yesterday? (24)Now we’re going to do something new/different./Now let’s learn something new.


幼儿园教师英语日常用语120句 晨间入园 1、Nice to meet(see) you!/Glad to meet you! 很高兴见到你! 2、How are you today? 你好吗? I’m OK! 我很好!/ Fine, Thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 3、Are you happy today?你今天高兴吗? Yes,I’m happy.是的,我很高兴。 4、Why are you looking unhappy?你怎么不高兴? 5、What’s wrong with you? You don’t look well. 你怎么了?你看起来不太好。 6、Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去了哪儿? 7、Please come in. 请进。 Please come here.请过来。 8、Say“Good morning ”to the teacher(s). 向老师(们)说早上好。 9、Say “Good-bye”to your daddy/mummy/grandpa/grandma. 跟爸爸/妈妈/爷爷/奶奶说再见。 10、Please put your schoolbag on the shelf. 请把书包放在架子上。 组织教学 1、It’s time for class. 到上课时间了。 2、Please look at me and listen carefully. 请看我这里,仔细听。 3、Now let’s learn something new. 现在,咱们学点新东西。 4、Are you ready? 准备好了吗? Yes, we’re ready. 是的,我们准备好了。 5、Do you understand?/Can you follow me?你明白了吗? 6、Follow me,please. 请跟我学。 7、Who wants to have a try?谁想试一试? Let me try! 让我试试。 8、Think it over and try again. 想一想,再试一次。 9、Try your best. /Do your best. 请尽力。 10、Don’ be afraid./ shy. 不要害怕/害羞。 11、All together. 大家一起做。 Girls (Boys) only. 只有女(男)生做. Practice in groups, please. 分组练习。In pairs. 两人一组。 12、Put up your hands, please./ Hands up. 请举手。 13、Repeat, please./ Repeat after me. 跟我重复。 14、Once more, please./ One more time, please. 请再来一遍。 15、Stop now, please./ Stop here, please. 请停下。 16、Be quick, please./Quickly, please. /Hurry up. 请快点。 17、Speak up./ Louder, please. 请大声点。 18、Be quiet, please. 请安静。 19、Help each other, please. 请互相帮助。 20、Please open your books. 请打开书。 Please close your books. 请合上书。


实用课堂教学用语(一) 1.上课 Class begin./ It’s time for class. Let’s have / start the lesson. Let’s begin our lesson. 2.起立Stand up. 3.同学们好Good morning./ afternoon, everyone/ everybody/ boys and girls. 4.请坐Sit down, please. Please be seated. 5.今天谁值日?Who is on duty today? 6.大家都来了吗?Is anyone absent? 7.出席多少人?How many students are present? 8.班级共有多少人?How many students are there in your class? 9.谁没来? Who is not here? Who isn’t at school today? Who doesn’t come to school today?

10.你知道他为什么没来吗?What’s the matter with him? Do you know? 11.今天几月几日?What’s the date today? 12.今天星期几?What day is it today? 13.今天天气怎么样?What’s the weather like today? / How is the weather? 14.今天很冷是吧?It’s very cold, isn’t it? / It’s a cold day, isn’t it? 15.李雷,去看看是谁?Go and see, Li Lei. 16.请进Come in, please. 17.请回,下次早点来 Go to your seat, please. But don’t be late next time. Go and sit down. Come earlier next time. 18.坐好了,请脱帽Sit straight, please. Take off your cap, please. 19.讲讲你星期天都做了些什么事好吗? What did you do last Sunday? Can you tell us? Would you please tell us what you did last Sunday?


幼儿园英语常用语 1、Good morning。早上好! 2、Good afternoon。下午好! 3、Good morning, class。同学们早上好! 4、Hello, everyone! 大家好! 5、It's time for class。上课的时间到了。 6、Let's begin our class。开始上课。 7、Let's start。开始。 8、Shall we begin? Yes,let's begin。我们开始吧?好,我们开始。 9、Please look at me。请看我。 10、Let's have a break。我们休息一下。

11、Let's have a rest。我们休息一下。 12、Break time。休息时间。 13、Time is up。时间到。 14、That's all for today! 今天就到这儿。 15、We stop here。我们到此结束。 16、Let's call it a day。今天就到这儿。 17、Class is over。下课。 18、Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 19、See you next time。下次见。 20、See you later。回头见 21、Goodbye。 / Bye-bye。再见。

22、Give me a hug。拥抱一下。 23、Let's sing the "goodbye" song together。我们一起来唱“再见歌”。 24、Is everyone here? 每个人都在吗? 25、When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say "Here。" 老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。 26、Do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名字吗? 27、Is ______ here? ______在吗? 28、Here! 到! 29、Who is not here? 谁没有到呢? 30、______ is not here。 _______没到。 31、Why do you late? 为什么迟到?


幼儿英语常用语 一、入园接待 Good morning.早上好。 Hello! 你好! Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 How are you?你好吗? Give me a hug! 拥抱一下。 Please come in. 请进。 Say good bye to your mommy/daddy/grandpa/grandma. 请跟妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶说再见 二、早操(户外活动) It’s time to do morning exercises.早操时间到了。 Let’s go out. 让我们到室外去。 Let’s go downstairs. 让我们到楼下去。

Let’s play on the ground. 让我们到操场上玩吧。 Line up one by one. 一个跟着一个排好队。 Let’s go. 我们走吧。 Stand in a line. 请站成一队。 Count off. 报数。 Stand in a circle, hand in hand.手拉手站成一个圈。 Look forward! At ease. Attention.向前看!稍息。立正。 One step backward/forward.向后(向前)一步走。 Follow me. 请跟我这样做。 Let’s go back to the classroom.我们回教室吧。 No pushing, no running. 不要推,不要跑。 三、进餐 It’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper/snack. 现在是早餐(午餐、晚餐、点心)时间。 Wash your hands, please. 请洗手。 Show me your hands, are they clean? 让我看看你的手干净了吗? Please sit by the table. 请坐在餐桌边。 Please have some more. 再吃一点。 Is it tasty? 好吃吗? Are you full? 吃饱了吗? Clean your mouth with the napkin. 用餐巾把嘴擦干净。 Finish everything in your bowls. 把碗里的饭菜吃完。 Wipe your mouth, please. 请擦嘴。 四、课堂活动


幼儿园英语教学方案 一、教学目标: 本学期我们将多组织富有趣味性的英语游戏,让小朋友在游戏中掌握了一些英语单词、对话、儿歌、歌曲等。以游戏的形式开展英语教学活动旨在培养孩子学习英语的积极主动性。 二、教学重点: 让幼儿对学习英语有初步兴趣,并对日常的用语有一定的了解和掌握,做到结合生活场景学以致用。我们将多采用生动有趣的教具,在班级中帮助学校布置英语角,采用游戏化的教学形式及利用现代化的工具,让孩子在多种感官刺激下增强学习英语的兴趣,使幼儿的英语教学真正落到实处。 1、继续培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣,并能注意英语的发音。 2、让孩子多说、多听,结合一日活动的各个环节,继续学习一些日常用语,礼貌用语,愿意在日常生活中加以运用。大胆地说。 3、继续学习单词(动作、玩具、生活用品、文具、食品、星期等),掌握一些简短的儿歌、歌曲、故事,并乐意和主动参加一些英语的情景和故事表演。 4、尝试欣赏一些有趣的故事,了解其中的内容。 5、愿意运用所学的对话、句型和同伴、老师进行交流。 6、对教师的常规用语可以快速准确的做出反应。 三、教学措施 1、在班中布置英语角,增加墙面也说话的作用,粘贴各种相关的英语单词,让孩子置身于学习英语的良好氛围中。 2、充分挖掘教材的作用,以游戏为基本组织形式,充分调动幼儿学习的积极性。

3、面向全体幼儿,注重个体差异,因人施教,使每位幼儿在原有水平上得到一定程度的提高。 四、课程设置 1、选用《幼儿英语点点通 0-3岁》作为本课程教材,根据幼儿的年龄特点及发展水平,科学有序的合理安排英语活动。 2、准备多种教学具,配合教材的图片、卡片、实物、木偶等灵活运用,以更好的让幼儿掌握教学内容。 3、课次:29次。课程时间:周二、周三,9:00-9:30 总之,在今后的工作中,我们必定努力将英语特色教学活动开展得更好。 Unit 1 Hello Unit 2 Goodbye Unit 3 Girls and boys Review 1 Unit 4 Numbers Unit 5 Fruits Unit 6 Toys Review 2 Word List 课次学习内容 第一课次学习单词nose、 mouth、 eye、 ear 感知单词one to five 与数字1-5的对应


英语课堂评价用语集锦 “ 教师的课堂教学用语从教学功能上可分为五大类:(招呼/问候语,提问语,反馈语,指示/演示语,告别语) ” 1 招呼/问候语 教师的课堂教学实际上从其走进教室的那一刻起就开始了。A good beginning makes a good ending. 一个好的开端对于一堂课来说非常重要。教师主动、友好地同学生打招呼,不仅可以唤起学生的注意力,使其为开始上课作好准备,还可以创造一个平等、和谐、愉快的学习氛围, 以保证课堂教学的顺利进行。 参考用语 Hi! Good morning/ afternoon. Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls. It’s so nice/I’m so happy to see you again. Good , you look great/ wonderful today. How are you doing? How’s it going? You look so happy, any good news? OK, class/ boys and girls , are you ready to have class/begin? (Instead of saying: “You”) May I know your name? (That’s a nice name.) Could you tell me your name, please? (You’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. ) Shall we begin our lesson now? Let’s start our class, shall we?


幼儿园英语常用语大全精编W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

来、离园(come to and leave the kindergarten) 1. 小朋友早。Good morning, Kids. 2. 小朋友早。Hello, kids. / Hi, kids. 3. 小朋友再见。Good-bye, kids. 4. 向……问早安。Say good morning to … 5. 和妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶再见。Say good-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy/Grandpa/Grandma. 6. 你好吗?How are you 7. 见到你很高兴。Nice to see you. 8. 你好。Hello!(Tim! Tim) 9. 我真想你们啊 I miss you very much. 10. 你真有礼貌 How polite you are! 11. 快请进Come in , please! 12. 你今天高兴吗?Are you happy today 13. 你昨天去了哪?Where did you go yesterday 14. 你周末过得怎么样?How was your weekend

15. 你怎么不高兴?Why are you looking unhappy 16. 你还好吗?Are you OK 17. 我来量一下你的体温。Let me take your temperature. 18. 我的体温有多高?What’s my temperature 19. 你的体温是三十六点七摄氏度。It is 36.7 (Thirty six point seven degree Celsius.) 20. 别担心,上点药就好了。Don’t worry; it will be OK right after applying some medicine. 21. 贴上创可贴就好了。It will be OK, right after applying the bandage. 22. 打一针就好了。It will be OK, right after giving an injection. 23. 洗手时别弄湿伤口。Keep your wound dry。 24. 和妈妈、爸爸说再见。Say bye-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy. 25. 请把外衣脱掉 Please take off your coat. 26. 搬把椅子坐在那里Take a chair and sit there. 27. 玩会儿玩具好吗?Play with the toys, will you 28. 请浇浇花 Please water the flowers.



幼儿园英语日常用语 Hello, Peter! Nice to see you. 你好,皮特!很高兴见到你。 Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。How are you today? 你好吗?How are you? 你好吗? I am fine, thank you. 谢谢,我很好。Come in please. 请进。 Li Li, say “Bye-Bye ”to your father. 李丽,跟爸爸说再见。 Li Li ,say “Bye-Bye ”to your mother.李丽,跟妈妈说再见。 Li Li ,say “Bye-Bye ”to your grandpa.李丽,跟爷爷说再见。 Please take off your coat, and fold it here. 请把外套脱下来,叠好放在这里。 Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。 Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗? Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗?

Did you have a good time on your holiday? 假期过得好吗? Are you fine? 你还好吧? You don’t look well. 你看起来不太好。Please sit here and play with the toys. 坐下玩一会玩具吧。 Please sit here and read the story. 坐下玩一会书吧。 Please water the flowers. 请你浇浇花吧。 Breakfast (早餐) It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。Please wash hands.请洗手。 Please wash your hands before you eat.吃东西前请洗手。 Did you wash your hands? Let me have a look/check. 你洗手了吗?让我看看。Please wash your hands with soap.打打肥皂。 Breakfast is ready. Please sit by the table.早餐好了,请坐到桌边来。 Would you like a little bit more?(Are you sure


英语课堂教学用语50句(初级) 1.上课(Beginning a class) (1)Let’s begin our class. 让我们开始上课吧。 (2)Stand up,please. 起立。 (3)Sit down,please. 请坐。 2.问候(Greetings) (4)Hello,boys and girls. 同学们,你们好。 (5)Good morning,class. 同学们,早上好。 (6)Good afternoon,class. 同学们,下午好。 (7)How are you today? 你(们)今天好吗? 3.宣布(Announcing) (8)Let’s begin our lesson. 让我们开始上课。 (9)First,let’s do some review. 首先,让我们来复习一下。 (10)What did we learn in the last lesson? 我们上节课学了些什么? (11)Now let’s learn something new. 现在,让我们学新的内容。 4.提起注意(Directing attention)(12)Ready?/Are you ready? 准备好了吗? (13)Do you understand? 理解了吗? (14)Is that clear? 清楚了吗? (15)Any volunteers? 有自愿回答的同学吗? (16)Listen carefully,please.

请认真听。 (17)Look carefully,please. 请认真看。 (18)Watch carefully, please. 请仔细观察。 (19)Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。 (20)Please look at the picture. 请看图。 5.课堂活动(Classroom activities)(21)All together. 全班一起来。 (22)Practise in groups,please. 按小组操练。 (23)Next,please. 下一个。 (24)One by one. 一个接一个。 (25)Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了? (26)It’s your turn, Li Lei. 李雷,轮到你了。 6.鼓励(Encouraging) (27)Can you try? 你能试一下吗? (28)Try again. 再试一试。 (29)Think it over. 认真思考。 (30)Don’t be shy. 别害羞。 7.指令(Issuing a command)(31)Read after me,please. 请跟我读。 (32)Follow me,please. 请跟我学(做)。 (33)Once again,please. 再一遍。


(一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈 / 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什麽名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful! 太棒了! 11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 12. I am the first! 我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 14. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 15. How beautiful! 多美呀! 16. How funny! 多有趣呀!17. Wow! It's so nice! 哇!它太好了。 18. It's a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It's so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了 / 太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩 / 男孩。 22. You are so sweet. 你是非常可爱的。 23. You look very smart. 你看起来非常聪明。 24. I wish you a Merry Christmas! 我祝你圣诞快乐! 25. I wish you a Happy New Year! 我祝你新年快乐! 26. Miss Li, you are very beautiful! 李老师你真漂亮! 27. I love you!我爱你! (三)道歉。 1. I am sorry. 对不起。 2. Never mind. 没关系


1. Beginning class开始上课 ●Stand up, please.起立! ●Sit down, please.请坐下! ●Let’s start now. / Let’s begin our class / lesson.让我们开始上课。 ●Let’s start a new lesson / Lesson 1.我们开始上新课/第一课。 ●Let’s get ready for class.准备上课。 ●Have you got everything ready for class?你(们)做好上课的准备了吗? 2. Greetings问候 ●Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好! ●Good morning / afternoon, class / everyone / boys and girls.早上好/下午好,同学们。 ●How are you today?你(们)今天好吗? 3. Checking attendance考勤 ●Is everyone / everybody here / present?所有人都到齐了吗? ●Is anyone / anybody away / absent?有人缺席吗? ●Who’s absent / away?谁缺席了? ●Why is he / she absent today?他/她为什么缺席? ●Try to be on time. / Don’t be late next time.下次别迟到。 4. Asking the student on duty向值日生提问 ●Who’s on duty today? Who’s helping this morning / today?今天(早上)谁值日? ●Could you clean the blackboard, please?请你擦一下黑板,好吗? ●What’s the date today?今天是几号? ●What day is it today?今天星期几? 5. Reviewing the lesson复习功课 ●Let’s review our lessons.让我们开始复习。 ●What did we learn last lesson?上一课我们学了什么? ●What did we talk about last time?上一次我们讨论了什么问题? ●Who can tell me what we learnt today?谁能告诉我,今天我们都学了些什么? ●What did you learn today?今天你们学了些什么? 不断更新中,Welcome back! 课堂教学用语(中华人民共和国教育部) 1.上课(Beginning a class) (1)Let’s start now./Let’s begin our class/lesson. (2)Stand up,please. (3)Sit down,Pease. 2.问候(Greeting) (4)Hello,boys and girls/children. (5)Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls. (6)Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls. (7)How are you today?

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