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Jefferson continued to insist that no republic could maintain itself in strength without the broad education of

its people, and he favored beginning at the bottom with elementary schools. He extolled the vital importance of education to republican government. In December 1778, he proposed the plan"for the more general diffusion of knowledge".

The plan that Jefferson offered called for each county to be divided into "hundreds" and a school built ineach hundred so conveniently located that all free boys and girls might attend daily. For three years all children would receive free schooling, and any child might attend longer at private expense. Pupils would be taught reading, writing, and common arithmetic and become acquainted with Greek, Roman, English, and American history through the books used for reading. From each group of about ten elementary schools one boy"of the best and most promising genius and disposition" whose parents were too poor to continue his schooling would be chosen each year to proceed to one of the grammar schools serving several counties. He would be boarded and his tuition paid by the state. Other qualified students whose parents could support their education also would be admitted to the grammar schools, where they would be taught Latin, Greek, English grammar, geography, and advanced arithmetic. After one year, the least promising third of the state-supported scholars would be cut, and after two years only one-"the best in genius and disposition"-would be allowed to continue at

public expense for another four years. With twenty grammar schools proposed, Jefferson envisioned "twenty of the best geniuses selected from the rubbish annually". From this

select group, each grammar school in alternate years would send the most promising scholar to the College of William and Mary to be educated, boarded, and clothed at state expense

for three years. In a system with twenty grammar schools, ten "public foundationers" would thus annually reach the peak of the educational pyramid.

The contribution of Jefferson's plan was not equal universal education but a system by which the most talented children from whatever condition of society could be given an opportunity for education. An "aristocracy of virtue and talent" thus could be recruited from all classes.

Jefferson's interest in education rested on his conviction that the only way of preserving republican government and preventing those entrusted with political power from resorting to tyranny was "to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of thepeople at large". Also, in order to have the best laws and well-administered government, it was important that those persons "whom nature has endowed with genius and virtue" be liberally educated and called to government service "without regard to wealth,birth or other accidental condition or circumstance".

1.Jefferson advised that broad education for the people should start from________________.

2.Jefferson's plan was intended to help the most promising boys from__________________families.

3.How long would "the best in genius and disposition" study at the grammar school?

4.The contribution of Jefferson's plan was to set up

a system to give all the most talented


5.Jefferson suggested that the only way to preserve republican government was to illuminate_________________.


1.elementary schools

定位依据题干中的broad education定位到第1段第l句。

解析:该句中的beginning at the bottom with与题目中的start from表意一致,因此答案为with后面的elementary schools.


定位依据题干中的most promising定位到第2段第4句。

解析:原文提到每年有一个资质、性情俱佳且最有前途的男生受到资助。定语从句whose parents were too poor...限定了获得关心的资格范围,故答案为poor。

3.Six years.

定位依据题干中的the best in genius and disposition定位到第2段第7句。


2016年12月CET6大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析【官方完整版】 Part I 写作Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 It is universally acknowledged that innovation refers to being creative, unique and different. In fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a 21st century without innovation. We should place a high value on innovation firstly because innovative spirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges. What’s more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by innovation in economic advancement. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, innovation to economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if innovation misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination. In order to encourage innovation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creative spirit and encourage the public to cultivate awareness of innovation. Besides, those who manage to innovate should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off. 【参考译文】 众所周知创新意味着有创造力,独一无二和不同。事实上,今天我们已经很难想想一个没有创新的21世纪。 我们应该重视创新首先是因为创新精神可以让一个人完善自身,这样他才能具备见他人所未见的能力,未来才有资格得到职业生涯的进步,才能做好准备迎接以后的挑战。另外,我们也应该重视创新在经济发展方面的作用。在这个多变的时代,创新对于经济增长就像水对于鱼一样重要。换言之,如果我们以任何可能的形式无视创新的重要性,我们将遭受非常巨大的损失。 为了鼓励创新,应该采取一些且行之有效的措施。例如,大众传媒应该大力宣传创新精神的重要性,并且鼓励公众养成创新的意识。此外,对于那些想法设法进行创新的人要给予丰厚的奖励。虽然还有很长的路要走,但是我坚信大家共同付出的努力会得到回报。


大学英语六级阅读理解专题训练 2016年下半年英语四六级迫在眉睫,同学们准备得如何了?下面是网提供给大家关于大学阅读理解专题训练,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。 What is it about Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 1 about it afterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food. We’re 2 with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemic of obesity(肥胖). Perhaps the 3 to this ambivalence(矛盾情结) lies in our history. The first Europeans came to this continent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(经济作物) wasn’t eaten but smoked. Then there was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouraging more 4 ways of doing it. The immigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmony. Do as Romans do means eating what “real Americans” eat, but our nation’s food has come to be 5 by imports—pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treasured cooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles. Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation’s defining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit ins at southern lunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even morality whether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat for political 6 . But strong opinions have not brought 7 . Americans are ambivalent about what they put in their mouths. We have become 8 of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain. The 9 in food is still prosperous in the American consciousness. It’s no coincidence, then, that the first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in such bondage(束缚). It’s w hat we eat—and how we 10 it with friends, family, and strangers—that help define America as a community today. A. answer I. creative B. result J. belief C. share K. suspicious D. guilty L. certainty E. constant M. obsessed F. defined N. identify

2019年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案:Passage One答案及解析

2019年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案:Passage One答案及解析 Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that the creation of powerful artificial intelligence (AI) will be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity”, and praised the creation of an academic institute dedicated to researching the fut ure of intelligence as “crucial to the future of our civilization and our species.” Hawking was speaking at the opening of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI) at Cambridge University, a multi-disciplinary institute that will attempt to tackle some of the open-ended questions raised by the rapid pace of development in AI research. “We spend a great deal of time studying history,” Hawking said, “which, let’s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity. So it’s a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence.” While the world-renowned physicist has often been cautious about AI, raising concerns that humanity could be the architect of its own destruction if it creates a super-intelligence with a will of its own, he was also quick to highlight the positives that AI research can bring. “The potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge,” he said. “We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AI. Perhaps with the tools of this new


2011年12月大学英语六级真题答案 快速阅读 1. Google claims its plan for the world’s biggest online library is _____ 【答案】B. to serve the interest of the general public【解析】该题问的是Google 所声称的自己图书馆计划的目的。根据顺序原则该题靠前,同时注意到第三段开头连续并列why,提示第三段很有可能提到原因或目的。用claim定位至第三段第三句,该句motive 引出后面Google声称的原因是“本质上被公众精神驱动”,三段末更提到是为了所有人的知识需求。核心名词public及句意都对应B选项。 2. According to Santiago de la Mora, Google’s book-scanning project will 【答案】B. broaden humanity’s intellectual horizons【解析】该题问的是Santiago de la Mora对Google图书扫面项目的看法。用人名可定位至四段中,之后该人提到Goo gle该项目能expand the frontiers of human knowledge,即拓广人类知识的范围。对应B选项。核心名词knowledge被改为同义词intellectual,frontier被同义替换为horizon,动词expand被同义替换为broaden。 3. Opponents of Google Books believe that digitally archiving the world's books should be controlledby_______. 【答案】C. non-profit organizations【解析】该题问的是反对Google的人对数字知识控制者的看法。用opponents可定位至第7段前后,control可进一步定位至第八段最后R obert Darnton的观点。该人认为只有public, not-for-profit bodies 可以有控制数字知识的权利,对应C选项。Bodies被同义替换为organization。 4.【答案】D. the copyright of the books it scanned【解析】该题问的是Google卷入官司的原因。由legal battle可定位至第9段前后,用之后第10段短首出现的however


2005 年-2012 年六级作文真题及范文 2012 年6 月英语六级作文题 题目:The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication 要求:commenting on "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad" The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication In contemporary society, our life is filled with a variety of anecdotes or stories, and the following is no exception: "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad." Funny as it seems, this conversation can be naturally associated with the impacts of Internet on our life: In an era of Internet, the time for interpersonal communication is impaired by online chats or blogs. Apparently, the impacts of the Internet on interpersonal communication are diverse. For one thing, as a vital invention, Internet brings great convenience to our communication, eliminates the barrier of distance, and helps humans to keep in touch wherever and whenever. For another, it is Internet that does not enables family members, friends or classmates to communicate more in a face-to-face way. One case in point is that youngsters may spend hours chatting with acquaintances through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face. Unfortunately, it we let this trend to continue as it is, the interpersonal relationship will, definitely, become alienated. To my understanding, it is advisable for people to communicate more with their families, friends and acquaintances in real life instead of merely through the Internet. Do bear in mind: Internet is just a tool. 2011 年12 月英语六级作文题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln s famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Way to Success What is success? In fact, success is a positive feeling, it is a state of confidence after we achieve our ideals So all of us will try our best to get success."If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z..Hardworking is x; y is good methods and z is stop talking and get down to work."It is said by Einstein, who is used to be a winner of the Nobel Prize. According to this Wisdom, we known that if we want to do everything successful, we must follow these ways. When we begin to study, our parents and teachers always told us to study hard. Hardworking, which is an useful way to success, is necessary for us. Hardworking, which means we should try our best to do the things. Besides, if you want to get success, we not only need hardworking, but also have some useful methods. If you have some useful methods, you will feel that it is easier to achieve your goals. What ' s more, we must stop talking and get down to work. Success is base on the actions. Actions, may not let we get success. But if we not action, it can never be successful. Regardless of the dream is big or small, the goal is high or low, from now on, swing it into action. In my opinion, if you follow these important ways to do every things, you will get success at last. 2011 年6 月英语六级作文题 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同


学习-----好资料 2006年12月英语六级真题(B卷) Part l Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A 1. A) The foggy weather has affected Mary's mood. B) They are puzzled about Mary's tow spirits. C) Mary is dissatisfied with her promotion. D) Mary cares too much about her looks. 2. A) Go to an art exhibition. B) Dine out with an old friend. C) Attend the opening night of a play. D) See his paintings on display. 3. A) Her mother was quite outstanding in academic work. B) She was not particularly interested in going to school. C) Her parents laid great emphasis on academic excellence. D) She helped upgrade the educational level of immigrants. 4. A) The machines there were ill maintained. B) Tickets for its members were cheaper. C) It was filled with people all the time. D) It had a reputation for good service. 5. A) Both Sarah and Tom have been awarded doctoral degrees. B) Tom has arranged to meet his bride Sarah in Hawaii. C) Tom was more excited than Sarah at the wedding. D) A double blessing has descended upon Tom. 6. A) There were too many questions in the examination. B) The examination was well beyond the course content. C) The examination questions were somewhat too difficult. D) The course prepared him adequately for the examination. 7. A) It's less time-consuming. B) His wife is tired of cooking. C) It's part of his job. D) He is sick of home-cooked meals. 8. A) He has just started to teach piano lessons. B) He seldom takes things seriously.


2014年12月大学英语六级考试备考资料《阅读理解》考前训练(21-30)及答案 考前训练(21) How to Deal With Difficult People In New York City one day, a businesswoman got into a taxi. Because it was rush hour and she was hurrying for a train, she suggested a route. "I've been a cabby(车夫) for 15 years!" the driver yelled. "You think I don't know the best way to go?" The woman tried to explain that she hadn't meant to offend him, but the driver kept yelling. She finally realized he was too upset to be reasonable. So she did the unexpected. "You know, you're right," she told him. "It must seem dumb for me to assume you don't know the best way through the city. " Taken aback, the driver flashed his rider a confused look in the rear-view mirror, turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time. "He didn't say another word the rest of the ride," she said, "until I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me. " When you encounter people like this cab driver, there's an irresistible urge to dig in your heels. This can lead to prolonged arguments, soured friendships, lost career opportunities and broken marriages. As a clinical psychiatrist, I've discovered one simple but extremely unlikely principle that can prevent virtually any conflict or other difficult situation from becoming a recipe for disaster. The key is to put yourself in the other person's shoes and look for the truth in what that person is saying. Find a way to agree. The result may surprise you. Sulkers Steve's 14-year-old son, Adam, had been irritable for several days. When Steve asked why, Adam snapped, "Nothing's wrong! Leave me alone!" and stalked off to his room. We all know people like this. When there's problem, they may sulk(生闷气) or act angry and refuse to talk. So what's the solution? First, Steve needs to ask himself why Adam won't talk. Maybe the boy is worried about something that happened at school. Or he might be


2010 年6 月六级真题 Passage One 发达国家中只有两个国家不能保证提供用于照料新生儿的带薪休假。去年春天,这两个国家中的一个——澳大利亚——放弃了这种令人质疑的殊荣,建立了自2011 年起开始实施的带薪家庭休假制。在美国这并没有成为新闻,我并不感到意外——现在我们是唯一没有这项政策的富有国家。 美国确实有一个明确的家庭政策,这就是于1993 年通过的《家庭和医疗休假法》。它规定要照料新生儿或处理家庭医疗问题的工人有资格享受时间长达12 个星期的不带薪休假。尽管此法案带来的利益不明显,但当时商务部和其他一些商业团体都极力反对,称其为“政府负责的人事管理”和“危险的先例”。事实上,民主党领袖一直都致力于将能促进工作与家庭关系平衡的措施形成法律条文,但每一次的努力都遭到了商业团体的强烈反对。 正如耶鲁大学法学教授Anne Alstott 所辩解的那样,要肯定父母关爱的作用就要将家庭定义为一种社会商品,从某种意义上讲,社会要为此埋单。在她的书《无路可走:父母对孩子的亏欠以及社会对家长的亏欠》中,她认为父母在生活的多个方面都肩负重担:在谈到孩子的话题时,父母们“无路可走”:“社会希望也需要家长们能不间断地照看好他们的孩子,而且是人类用以开发智力、培养情感和树立道德的那种深度的、亲密无间的照看。社会还希望并需要父母们能坚守这一角色,18 年如一日,如有必要,甚至还可以更长。” 大部分父母出于爱都会照顾孩子,不照顾孩子的父母则会受到公众的处罚。换句话说,父母们所做的一切都是这个国家所密切关注的问题,原因很明显,照顾孩子不仅从道德上来说是迫切的而且对这个社会的未来至关重要。国家在大多数保障儿童福利的家庭法律中都认可了这一点,而父母们在履行社会所强加给他们的、会改变其命运的义务时得到的帮助却甚少。把养育孩子视为个人选择、集体没有责任的做法不仅仅忽视了良好家庭教育所产生的社会效益,而且会抹杀这部分社会效益,因为当今天的孩子成为明天的具有生产力的公民时这部分社会效益会属于整个社会。实际上,据估计父母对孩子投入的价值,包括时间和金钱的投入(包括失去的薪水)相当于国内生产总值的20%—30%。如果这些投入能够产生巨大的社会效益——很明显能产生——那么为家庭提供更多的社会支持所带来的效益将会更加显而易见。 Passage Two 塔夫茨大学公民学习和参与信息研究中心(CIRCLE)一份新的调查显示,现在有比以前更多的年轻人参与投票选举,美国发展中心2008 年的一份调查也表明越来越多的年轻选民和活动家开始支持传统的自由事业。但要看出这些调查数字在现实生活中的意义并非易事。在总统竞选期间,巴拉克·奥巴马以希望和改变为宣传口号组成了不同种族之间和不同意识形态之间人们的联盟。当新一届政府执政下的现实生活步入正轨的时候,有些支持者可能会大失所望。随着国家进一步走入奥巴马执政时代,参与政治的年轻人是会继续支持奥巴马及其施政议程还是会渐行渐远? “O(奥巴马的简称)一代”是《新闻周刊》新开的一个博客,致力于记录那些支持奥巴马的年轻人的生活。“O 一代”的作者们想就上面的问题做出回答。未来的三个月,Michelle Kremer 和其他11 位年龄从19 岁到34 岁不等的奥巴马支持者将会用博客来记录美国社会的主流生活,一个不同之处在于:通过将他们所有的观点和经历与新任总统及其领导下的政府紧密结合,这些博客作者试图开启一场对话,探讨在当今美国,年轻并且在政治方面活跃到底意味着什么。24 岁的Malena Amusa 是该博客的一位作者,也是来自圣路易斯的一位舞者,她将这一项目看做是即时记录历史的一种方式。Amusa 今年春天为了完成其著作前往印度,后来又去塞内加尔教授英语,她和她的朋友一直在谈论奥巴马当政会如何改变他们的日常生活,她希望把其中的一些观点和她的全球性视角写到帖子里。她很兴奋,要看清楚世界,“我不必等上15 年”,她这样解释说。 Henry Flores 是圣玛丽大学的政治学教授,他将年轻一代的政治力量归因于他们对科技的拥护。“网络使他们接触到更多的思想,”他说,“不同地区想法相同的人们就会聚到一起。”这正是“O 一代”博主们所期待的事情。结果可能会出现一群年轻人,就像他们在二战后生育高峰期出生的父母一样,伴随一种强烈的目的感而成长,他们也会改变此前从“X 一代”人身上所继承下来的冷漠形象。由一群普通但有抱负的年轻人来管理博客是个不小的挑战,但“O 一代”的成员能胜任这项任务。


六级英语阅读理解提高技巧分享六级英语阅读理解提高技巧分享 (一)SectionA选词填空题 1、阅读过程中讯速浏览全文,了解文章主题; 2、阅读15个选项,将单词分为名词、动词、形容词、副词四种类型(按最原始的意思分,一般形容词和副词较多); 3、根据语法特征确定所填词性; 4、根据上下文逻辑确定所填词义。 (二)SectionB信息匹配题 1、阅读文后十道题,标记关键词; 2、含最优关键词(数词、时间、专有名词)的题先行匹配; 3、剩余题进行匹配,注意有时两题会对应同一段。 最理想的情况是:我们依靠所划的关键词迅速定位到信息所在的段落,从而得到答案。这就要求我们所划的关键词是独一无二的,它只出现在原文的某一个段落。那么什么样的词才有这个特点呢? 关键词通常分为两类:第一类是表时间、数字及首字母大写的人名地名等专有名词;第二类是比较长,比较复杂的名词;这里切记,不能用表达中心思想的主题词去定位,因为文章通篇讲的都是它。 由于问题顺序和文章行文顺序一致,所以先做第一小题,然后做第二小题,看一道,做一道。千万不要把文章全部看完后再做题,或者全部题目看完后再读文章。

在将题目和文章比对的同时,要善于学会精读重点信息。比如,文中举例处,引语及多个名词并列而不是完整句子的内容,均可略读。 此外,要多关注文中的逻辑关系词,对于这些词的把握,有助于我们精确把握重要信息。通常要注意下面三种逻辑关系: (1)并列、递进关系:and,or,besides,furthermore, what’smore,then,inaddition,moreover,inotherwords; (2)因果关系:asaresultof,onaccountof,asaresult,thanksto,therefore,hence,consequently,because,for,dueto,owingto; (3)转折关系:whereas,however,but,nevertheless,yet,infact; 最后,要学会运用特殊的标点符号,比如冒号,破折号,小括号。这些标点符号的出现就是对前面的内容作进一步的说明。所以,在 阅读文章时,可以跳读这些标点符号后面的信息,从而帮助我们节 省更多宝贵的时间并且更加快速地把握文章的主旨。 (二)SectionC仔细阅读题 1、利用文章主题或全文核心词提示答案; 2、利用定位句上下文重复描述的内容确定答案; 因为在仔细阅读题中主旨题与态度题经常会涉及到而且占了很大比重,所以现在重点介绍一下主旨题和态度题。 主旨题:阅读首末段以及各段首句,尤其注意首末段的转折句; 综合全文的核心名词词组,这种词也常在各段首句出现;第三种:阅 读五道题的题干,综合共同的名词词组。错误答案一般设计为文中 的细节,若仅仅是某一段的主题。正确答案一般具有模糊化、概括 化的特点,往往是最短的或者第二短的那个选项。 态度题:题中含有opinion,view,attitude或 consider,deem,thinkof等词;


Part I Writing Direction:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the harm caused by misleading information online. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. It seems to be a law in the technology industry that leading companies eventually lose their position, often quickly and brutally. Mobile phone champion Nokia, one of Europe's biggest technology success stories, was no _____(37), losing its market share in just a few years. PartⅢ Reading Comprehension In 2007, Nokia accounted for more than 40% of mobile phone sales _____(38). But consumers' preferences were already _____(39)toward touch-screen smartphone. With the introduction of Apple's iPhone in the middle of that year, Nokia's market share _____(40)rapidly and revenue plunged. By the end of 2013, Nokia had sold its phone business to Microsoft. What sealed Nokia's fate was a series of decisions made by Stephen Elop in his position as CEO, which he _____(41)in October 2010. Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia, the company's market value declined by $23 million, making him, by the numbers, one of the worst CEOs in history. But Elop was not the only person at _____(42). Nokia's board resisted change, making it impossible for the company to adapt to rapid shifts in the industry. Most _____(43), Jorma Ollila, who had led Nokia's transition from an industrial company to a technology giant, was too fascinated by the company's _____(44)success to recognize the change that was needed to sustain its competitiveness. The company also embarked on a _____(45)cost-cutting program, which included the elimination of thousands of jobs. This contributed to the _____(46)of the company's once-spirited culture, which had motivated employees to take risks and make miracles. Good leaders left the company, taking Nokia's sense of vision and direction with them. Not surprisingly, much of Nokia's most valuable design and programming talent left as well.


英语六级阅读专项练习题附答案讲解 英语阅读在六级考试中占有很大的分值,加强英语阅读的练习十分 重要。下面小编为大家带来英语六级阅读专项练习题附答案讲解,欢迎 同学们阅读练习。 英语六级阅读专项练习题原文 Sitting in a back room at London's Barbican ans center, which is hosting the Game OnExhibition,Henry Jenkins delivers a line that would have jaws dropping in any gathering of therich and famous. I think games are going to be the most significant art form of the 2lst century, he says. It is, you might think, exactly what would be expected of someone introduced as a professor ofgaming. But Jenkins is much more than that. He is the director of a graduate program in comparativemedia studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, which also covers film,television and other mass media. Games are a significant but not the primary focus of theprogram, he says. Our approach has been to integrate games more fully into the study of media, rather thanapply them in one specialized field. The problem is that video games have yet to achieve respectability. They are often seenroughly of equal status with pornography (色情资料),providing instant contentment for thesort of people no one would invite to a dinner party.Practically everyone plays video games,butyou may feel guilty if you are caught at it. But things did not go exactly to plan. Jenkins wrote:We were trying to

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