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考试日期________________ 阅卷教师__________________ 得分_______ 班级___________________ 姓名_____________________ 学号_________


Paper I

Part I Comprehensive Reading (20%)

I- 5. ____ , _____ , _____ ,_____ , _____ ; 6-10. ______ , _____ ,_____ , _____ ,_____ ;Part II Cloze (10%)

II-15 ____ ,_____ , _____ ,_____ ,______ , 16-20 _________ ,______ , _____ ,______ , _____ , 21-25_____ , _____ , _____ ,_____ , _____ ,26-30 ____ , _____ ,_____ , _____ ,_____ , Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

31-35. ______ , _____ ,_____ , _____ ,____ ; 36-40. ___ , _____ ,_____ , _____ ,_____ ;41-45 ---------- , -------- , -------- , -------- , -------- ;46-50 ----------- , -------- , -------- , -------- ,--------- .

Paper II

Part I Vocabulary (25 %)

A (15%)

51. 52. 53. 54

55. 56. 57. 58

59. 60. 61. 62.

63. 64. 65.

B (10%)

66. 67. 68. 69.

70. 71 72. 73.

74. 75.

Part II Part II Blank-filling (10%)

76. 77. 78. 79.


80. 81 82.

84. 85.

Part III Translations (15 %)

A (10%)

86. __________________________________________________________________________

87. __________________________________________________________________________ 87. __________________________________________________________________________

89. _________________________________________________________________________

90. _________________________________________________________________________

B (5%)

91. _________________________________________________________________________

Paper I

Part I Reading Comprehension (20 %)

Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questionsor unfinished statementsFor each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Co-operati on means work ing together for the ben efit of all. Without co-operati on moder n society could not exist. Co-operati on has bee n at its best among the farmers in the dry areas of certa in parts of Australia and Africa. The fields have to be watered in these areas because crops can not be grow n without water. For this purpose, can als and reservoirs (水库)have bee n built. The can als have bee n cut through the fields of not only one farmer. Those who live higher up the valley than the others have permitted canals to be built through their land in order to carry water to the fields of farmers lower down. When there is a long period without rain, all share the water. In stead of tak ing all the water for themselves, the farmers in the higher land leave eno ugh water for their n eighbors dow n the valley. Farm ing in the dry areas has bee n made possible by such co-operati on. By co-cooperati on farmers have lear ned to make eve n the desert produce crops.

1. Co-operati on means ______ .

A. working for others

B. work ing for on eself

C. working together for the interests of all

D. work ing together for the ben efit of the whole country

2. A reservoir is used _____

A. to keep the fields wet

B. to store water

C. to prevent farmers from getting water

D. to join canals

3. In dry weather the farmers who live higher up the valley _______ .

A. share the water with their n eighbors.

B. Keep all the water for themselves

C. Build canals across the fields of other farmers

D. Work hard to store water

4. Crops can be produced in the desert _____ .

A. by co-operati on

B. without being watered

C. by buildi ng can als

D. both A and B

5. Farmers have dug the can als through ______ .

A. the fields of more tha n one farmer

B. the fields of on ly one farmer

C. the desert

D. the valley

passage 2

—am on a diet. II IMy overweight is killing me. II Do these phrases sound familiar? They 'e said time and time again by young girls, who are constantly being pressured to look -perfect II.

But what makes a person -perfect I?

I dsay that a perfect pers on is some one who is happy and con fide nt, though our society and the media seem to thi nk differe ntly.

Everywhere you look, you see -perfect II images of what young girls should be. We 're shown images of perfect skin, perfect teeth, silky hair and a gorgeous (极好的)figure. And yet the same magaz ines and televisi on shows disagree with themselves by tell ing us that size 16 is no rmal.

The media put famous people un der even more pressure, expect ing far too much from them. Calista Flockhart, who plays Ally Mcbeal, is accused of being too thin, while Jennifer Lopez and Christi na Ricci are told they are overweight. The press makes impossible dema nds on famous people, and the n they attack them whe n they fail to live up to them.

They say that being thin will improve your self-esteem(自尊心),and suggest numerous diets. I wonder just how many people feel as though their self-esteem is actually being eaten away by hun dreds of smooth photographs they publish of perfect, air-brushed models.

None of us is perfect, and trying to be perfect just leaves you feeli ng bad about yourself.

6. What does the author think is the reason for young girls to try to look —erfect I?

A. They enjoy doing so.

B. They want to show off.

C. They are under pressure.

D. They are improving their life.

7. Which of the following has something to do with the statement -Size 16 is normal I?

A. Perfect sk in.

B. Perfect teeth.

C. Silky hair.

D. Gorgeous figure.

8. Why does the author think famous people are un der even more pressure?

A. Because they are expected too much by the public.

B. Because they are expect ing too much from life.

C. Because they are expect ing too much from people.

D. Because they are expected too much by the media.

9. Three famous people are men ti oned to show ________ .

A. how particular the media are about public figures for their image.

B. How in flue ntial they can be on the gen eral public.

C. How miserable they can be to the general public.

D. How important their image can be for the general public.

10. The expression —aten away II in para.5 is similar in meaning to which of the following?

A. in creased

B. reduced

C. ignored

D. emphasized

Part II Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C), D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or schools every day by trains or by bus, even though this ____________ 11 __ they have to go get

up earlier in the morning and ___ 12 __ h ome later in the evening.

One ben efit of livi ng outside London is that houses are _____ 13 __ . Even a small flat in

London ___ 14 __ a garde n costs quite a lot to rent. With the same __ 15 __ , one can get a little

house in the ___ 16 __ w ith a garde n of his __ 17 __ .

Then, in the country one can be free ___ 18 __ the no ise and hurry of the tow n. __ 19 ___

one has to get up earlier and spe nd more time in trains or buses, one can sleep _ 20 __ at ni ght, and, duri ng weeke nds and on summer evenin gs, one can enjoy the fresh clea n 21 __ of the country. If one likes gardening, one can spend one ' _____ 22 __ time digging, planting, watering

and doing a lot of other _____ 23 _ which are needed in the garden. Then, when flowers and

__ 24 __come up, one has the __ 25 ___ o f a pers on who has shared the secrets of __ 26 ___ .

Some people, however, take no __ 27 __ in country thin gs. For them, happ in ess 28 ___

in the town, with its cinemas and theaters, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance halls and restaura nts. Such people would feel that their life was n ot ____________ 29 ___ l ivi ng if they had to live it

outside London. A walk in one of the parks and a visit to the sea every summer is __ 30 __ the

country they want.

11. A. shows B. means C. needs D. proves

12. A. arrive B. leave C. go D. get to

13. A. clea ner B. bigger C.cheaper D. nicer

14. A. without B. with C. near D. i n

15. A. thi ng B. price C. money D. cost

16. A. city B. place C. country D. area

17. A. home B. own C. family D. pers on


18. A. out of B. from C. without D. beyond

19. A. Although B. After C. Because D. If

20. A. better

21. A. con ditio ns B. less

B. environment

C. Ion ger

C. air

D. more

D. water

22. A. idle B. spare C. rest D. free

23. A. works B. duties C. jobs D. tasks

24. A. vegetables B. trees C. leaves D. pla nts

25. A. prize B. reward C. earnings D. pay

26. A. others B. n ature C. garde ning D. worki


27. A. i nterest B. pride C. adva ntage D. joy

28. A. keeps B. comes C. goes D. lies

29. A. worthwhile B. worth C. useful D. sen


30. A. what B. that C. which D. all

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Directions: For each of the following incomplete sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

31. Israel is a country which is suffering a lot from lack of water resource. Therefore it decided

to __________ such unfavorable condition since the first day it was founded, trying to find a

soluti on to it relying on tech no logy developme nt.

A. work out

B. make the best of

C. get through

D. concen trate on

32. It took Tom a long time to ________ the fact that his son has been badly injured in a car

accide nt and has to spe nd the rest of his life in bed.

A. deal with

B. escape

C. come to terms with

D. overcome

33. It was feared that in fectious disease would _____ after the earthquake (地震),so a large

army of doctors was sent there immediately.

A. break into

B. break out

C. break dow n

D. break up

34. I thi nk health is ______ more importa nt tha n wealth. However people start to

realize its importanee only when they 're down with illness.

A. in some way

B. to some way

C. by the way

D. in the way

35. Last week she had her wallet stolen on bus. Yesterday she was laid off (裁员)by her compa ny for which she had worked for 10 years. Misfort unes n ever come si ngly. A

few minu tes she was told her son had bee n badly injured in a car accide nt, which was to her and she could n ever hold back her tears.

A. the last straw

B. shock ing

C. tragic

D. strik ing

36. A truck turned left so sharp that it ______ a tree at the road side.

A. ran dow n

B. ran over

C. ran into

D. kno cked dow n

37. Miraculously, they _______ the bomb ing.

A. survived from

B. kept out

C. survived

D. escaped in

38. She'sfai nted. Throw some water on her face and she may _______ .

A. come back

B. come to

C. come out

D. come dow n

39. The n ewly-discovered medici ne had its ______ o nly on ordi nary colds.

A. effect

B. affect

C. impressi on

D. i nflue nee

40. John'stupid, but it ' different _________ of Mary; she ' just lazy.

A. in spite

B. in the course

C. in the case

D. in case

41. It is not right simply to compare a peasa nts average annual (每年的)in come with a

worker 'sand jump to the __________ that one is too low and the other too high.

A. con seque nee

B. end

C. ending

D. con clusi on

42. You'd better not have the lights _____ all day long.

A. bur ning

B. burned

C. to bur n

D. being bur nt

43. I have got someth ing urge nt to do, Mr. Simps on. Can you excuse me ___ the meeti ng?

A. for

B. of

C. from

D. at

44. The expressway is still ____________ construction, which may well explain why we are

always trapped in the traffic jam.

A. for

B. on

C. at

D. un der

45. Government commits to _______ .

A. providi ng positi ons to low-i ncome people

B. suppl ying positi ons to low-i ncome people

C. providi ng low-i ncome people by positi ons.

D. suppl ying low-i ncome people by positi ons

46. If you ______ spe nding money like this, you will end up in debt.

A. carry out

B. carry on

C. carry away

D. keep to

47. He was brought up in America, which is a great _________ whe n competi ng with

others for the position provided by the multi-national (跨国的)company.

A. ben efit

B. in terest

C. adva ntage

D. usage

48. He is a pers on who n ever keeps time. She ______ late for everyth ing, which is

the most importa nt reas on he has bee n fired.

A. turns out

B. tur ns up

C. tur ns over

D. tur ns in

49.It is estimated that there will be as many as 200,000 __________going to watch

2009 NBA All-Star Game.

A. audie nces

B. spectators

C. audie nee

D. spectator

50. She was following the sig ns towards the toilet _____ a young man stepped in front

of her.

A. while

B. as

C. whe n

D. until

Paper II

Part I Vocabulary (20 %)

A. Directions:There are ten sentences in this section. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word beginning with the letter given in each sentence. Chinese equivalents of

words you are going to fill in have been given in the bracket$10%)

51 The principle —s_ ___ (存活n.) of the fittest II (适者生存)is one of the major findings of Charles Darwin.

52 It was very helpful of you to make all the necessary a ____ (安排n.) for us.

53 It shows his complete i ____ (无知n.) not to know who the prese nt preside nt of U.S.A...

54 Stephen Hawking is a great physicist. His research in the field of t _____ (理论上的)physics

has greatly enhance (提升)our un dersta nding of the uni verse.

55 We all want to find a job that pays well and offers us good chances of p ____ (晋升n.).

56 All the c ____ (罪犯n,.) should be considered innocent (无罪的)before the verdict (判决)

is give n.

57 He kept asking for p ____ (同意n.) to staying out late on the Christmas Eve.

58 After a series of physical exam in ati ons, he was told that he had caught AIDS ——Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is i ____ (不可治愈的)and infectious(传染的).

59 At the press conference (记者招待会),the film star was very afraid of being asked

e ____ (尴尬的adj.) things.

60 He was badly injured and was left u _______ (失去知觉的adj.) in the car accident.

61 Accord ing to the public opinion polls, most America ns are not o __ (乐观的adj) about the

future of the US economy.

62 The rapid pace of life keeps people in big cities occupied all day with kinds of different

things and they almost have no time to p ____ (追求v.) their favorite hobbies.

63 She r ____ (勉强地,不情愿地adv) agreed to give me a cha nee to be in terviewed because

was a fresh graduate and had no work experie nee at all.

64 He has put a lot of weight on after he got married because delicious foods are too strong a

t _____ (诱惑n.) to resist. I n additi on, he is no rmally in active in physical exercise.

65 The film is a c ____ (商业的adj) success. However, it is not as excellent as it was expected

in terms of art.

B. Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. (10%)

66. His _______ (disable) did not preve nt him from practici ng law.

67. If the economy gets worse, we shall have to (tight) ______ our belts.

68. She was not happy because he had kept her (wait)_____ for half an hour.

69. He looked at her with (curiously) _____ .

70. Do you know the (high)_____ o f St. Paul ' Cathedral?

71. He dema nded that we (take)__ up the matter at the meet ing.

72. We take (proud) _______ in our success.

73. His assista nt is busy (correct) ____ papers.

74. This is a very (da nger)____ r oad: there were at least five serious accide nts last year.

75. I did n 'see your boss at the meet in g, if he (come) ______ , I would have told him the

n ews.

Part II Blank-filling (10%)

Directions: There is a passage with some words missing in this section. You should fill in each blank with words given below.

treat suffer exhausti on

complai n determ ining effective

psychological prompti ng double-edged

seriously symbol in volves

sign available

Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular when older patie nts 76 ________ of pain, they were told it was a n atural part of agi ng and they would have to

learn to live with it.

Times have cha nged. Today, we take pain 48. In deed, pain is now con sidered the fifth vital

(重要的)__77 ___ , as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in _____ 78 ___ a person'well-being (健康).We know that chronic (慢性的)pain can disrupt (扰舌L ) a person ' life, causing problems that range from missed work to depression (抑有B).

That s why growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who specialize in pain medicine. Not only do we evaluate (评估)the cause of the pain, which can help us 79 the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive (全面的)therapy (治疗)for depressi on and other 80 and social issue related to chro nic pain. Such comprehe nsive

therapy often __ 81 ___ the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生)and psychologists

(心理学家),as well as specialists (医学专家)in pain medicine.

This modern treatment for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative (仓U新性的)treatments which are more ____ 82 __ a nd with fewer side effects (畐U作用)than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a limited nu mber of drugs ___ 83 __ a nd many of them caused

sig ni fica nt side effects in older people, in cludi ng dizz in ess ( ________ 头晕)and 84 . This created

__ 85 ___ sword (剑);the medications(药物)helped relieve (缓解)the pain but caused other problems that could be worse tha n the pain itself.

Part III Translations (15 %)

A. Directions: Put the following Chinese into English: (10%)

B. Directions: Put the following English into Chinese: (5%) 91. The problem of space and time are closely linked. If we could understand the one, we could probably

un dersta nd the other, but at the mome nt we are baffled

(难住) by both. We cannot

appreciate what is meant by a space which has no boundary( 边界),and it is equally helpless to try to imagi ne a space which goes on forever.

86?很多人因为船沉了而责怪船长。 87. 他在昨天的会上说的话毫无道理。

88. 他详尽的向经理解释了他的计划。

(blame ) (make sense ) (at len gth )

(reservoir ),给整个城市提供饮用90.让他高兴的是他从印度带回来的植物已经适应了这儿的寒冷的气候。 (provide with ) (adapt to)

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