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商务英语写作之complaint letter

商务英语写作之complaint letter
商务英语写作之complaint letter

1. under our Order No. 234 我方第234号订单项下

2. take delivery 提货

3. Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. 感谢贵方提出有关事项使我们注意。

4. the soonest possible 尽早

5. assure you that… 向你方保证……

6. draw your attention to 提请贵方注意

7. look into this matter 调查此事

8. await your favorable reply 静候佳音

9. pressing us for a timely delivery 敦促我方及时交货

10. caused us a great deal of inconvenience 给我方带来极大不便

11. In view of our friendly relationship 鉴于我们的友谊

12. provided that 倘若、假如

13. in good condition 完好无损

14. be acceptable to you 可以被你方所接受

4) Pick out the functional sentences from the sample complaints

1. On checking the machine, we discovered that it did not function.


2. We regret to tell you that on inspection we found a number of defects in your products.


3. On opening the outer packing we learned that some of the goods were missing.


4. We have received two hundred sets of dinner wares instead of two hundred tea sets.


5. The foods we received on May 15 were found not to match our order.


6. We have still not received the goods which we ordered on January 1.


7. We must complain about the quality of the goods that you recently sent us.


8. We regret to say that the quality of your soybeans is far low the standard stipulated in the contract.


9. We already have many advanced orders which we shall now have to postpone because of your inefficiency.


10. We should be obliged if you would replace the goods with the correct ones.


11. We should appreciate it if you would look into this matter and arrange for delivery as soon as possible.


12. We regret to say that unless you can arrange for delivery in three days, we shall be obliged to cancel the order..


13. We appreciate your bringing the matter to our attention.


14. Thank you very much for informing us of this matter.


15. We are making every effort to find the cause of the shortage.


16. We are investigating the incident and we will report back to you the result as soon as possible. 我们正在调查这一事件,并会尽快将调查结果反馈给贵方。

17. The delay was owing to the heavy weather.


18. We apologize for the inconvenience which has been caused by our carelessness.


19. Our records indicate that the goods left here in perfect condition.


20. We regret to inform you that we are not responsible for the damage which takes place at sea. 我方很遗憾,货物在海上受损,对此我方不承担任何责任。

21. We shall endeavor to make sure this does not happen again.


22. In order to compensate you for the inconvenience, we are prepared to offer a discount of 20% on your next order.


23. We will send you the replacement within the next three days.



商务英语写作复习题 1.建立业务关系的信函 ●信息来源(告知对方你是从何渠道了解到对方的) ●对你的公司做简单介绍(公司的业务范围,稍稍“宣传”一下你公司的 产品和服务。 ●写信的目的(你想与对方做什么生意,比如,想购买对方的产品,推 销你自己的产品,想与对方建立合资公司等)。 ●表达与对方合作和早日收到回复的愿望。 Sample Letter May 10, 2003 Dear Sirs, We have obtai ned the name and address of your corporation from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of your Embassy in our country, through whom we learned that you are the manufacturers and exporters of bamboo products. We are very pleased to communicate you for the possibility of trading together. We have been in business as importers of general merchandise since 1965 and can particularly boast of having vast and wide experience in the business line of bamboo products. Our bankers are Guarantee Trust bank, Holland, from whom you will be able to get any information you may require concerning our business character and financial standing. We should appreciate it if you would let us know your trade terms and forward us copy of your catalogue or helpful literature and your latest price list. We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully 2.订购函 你公司准备向某公司订购一批产品。请你写一封订购信,其内容应


商务英语写作试卷 (课程代码:5440) I. Multiple-choice: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (1 point each) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a pricelist for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6.This is a new product but it is gaining _______ popularity in the world market. A. many more B. better and better C. increasingly steady D. steadily increasing 7.Concerning the ________ L/C, we wish to inform you that there are several clauses that need amendment. A. subjective B. caption C. subjected D. captioned 8.We wish to make it clear to you that we shall not ______ the shipment if they arrive after December 19, 2005. A. arrange B. receive C. accept D. acknowledge 9.Following your order ______ 400 pieces of electronic toys last year, we are pleased to receive your order No. 456 _______ the same quantity. A. for, of B. of , of C. for, for D. with, for 10.As agreed upon in our negotiation, payment _______ L/C. A. by B. will C. are by D. is to be made by 11.We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 12.Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 13.For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 14.Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the period stipulated in the contract. A. make them be B. make it be C. make it D. make that be 15.The stipulations in your L/C _________ not in accordance with the contract, we have to request you to make an amendment. A. is B. being C. is to be D. would be 16.In _______ of quality, our make is superior. A. terms B. term C. connection D. connections 17.__________, the buyers have urged us to expedite shipment of their order. A. The season approaching B. The season is approaching C. As season approaching D. The season was approaching 18.We accept as an exception your order _________ business with you.


商务英语之订单最常用句子 我们想订你们的货,今天会寄上正式的订单。 1. We'd like to order your products. We'll send our official order today. 你是否收到了我们订电话机的订单? 2. Did you get our order for your telephones? 我们发现贵公司的订单最近逐渐减少了,对吗? 3. We've noticed that your orders have been falling off lately, haven't you? 那是因为我们转向成衣生意的缘故。 4. That's because we have switched to made-up goods market. 目前有什么我可以代您订购的吗? 5. Is there anything I can book for you now? 现在我们能向你订购的只有棉织品。 6. What we can order from you right now are cotton goods. 你可以告诉我货名和数量吗? 7. Can you let me have the name and quantities? 除非你方三月订货,否则我们无法6月送货。 8. Unless you order in March, we won't be able to deliver in June. 我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给芬兰的公司。

9. I'm ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Finland. 前寄样品必须在8月底以前到达伦敦,否则所订货物都将无效。 10. Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods are useless. 我们可以修改一下29734号订单吗? 11. Can we make a change on order No. 29734? 我们想增加99725号订单上AR-26的数量。 12. We want to increase the number of AR-26s on order No. 99725. 商务旅行必备48句经典句型 1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗? 2 Is there any earlier one? 3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please? 请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗? 4 Can I get a seat for today's 7:00 a.m train? 我可以买今天上午7点的火车票吗? 5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗? 6 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass?


欢迎各位员工及家人参与。 . , . 董事会将于月日星期五下午点在室召开会议。 . 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 ’. 这个星期三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 . 有关详情请联系张文,电话是。 . 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 . 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在月日那天见到你。 . . ’. 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 . 我们盛情邀请您和家人参加的周年舞会。 . 希望您能接受邀请,并在月日之前回复。 . . 晚宴开始前在室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 . 请于天内汇款以维持您的信用等级。 , , . 虽然公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提供人的会议室。 . 您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消息。 . 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 . 从您的来信得知,已发现五把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 . 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 , . 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 . 对于任何不便之处我们再次表示歉意。 . 如能尽早回复,不胜感激。 . 我们期待与你们的合作愉快而成功。 ’. 请注意公司周年舞会的日期变动。

下面我将罗列有关结果。 . 以下政策立即生效。 . 请于星期五告知你假期里的联系电话。 . 与的合作将对公司未来发展有帮助。 ’. 这份备忘录将展示与上海总公司会议的结果。 , . 我代表公司所有职员衷心祝贺你被委任为诺丁汉办公署的总经理。 . 祝你前程锦绣。 , , . 这是一个了不起的成就,我相信你的家人朋友还有你自己一定会引以为豪。 . 我们知道你为此付出了很多努力,你得奖是实至名归的。 . 祝你和你的事业继续走向辉煌。 . 这是董事会年五月份会议有关决策的报告。 . 目前调查的主要结果可总结为以下几点。 ’, . 这个建议是在我前三年研究的基础上提出的,我相信会行得通。 . 还有些其他方法可以降价。 , , ’. 目前我正在进行该项目的调查工作,已取得了下列成绩。 . 调查表明这类产品的市场正处于成长期。 “”. 我们希望能紧扣贵公司在广交会上展出的“象牙牌”照相机。 . 请告知您能给我们什么样的优惠。 , , . 我们公司希望能进口摩托车,如果贵公司能给我们寄上你们公司最新的产品目录、价格单和出后条款,我们将不胜感激。 . 我们有意采用贵公司现有的部分产品用于家具生产。 . 在此先感谢您对我们提供的帮助。 .


欢迎各位员工及家属参与。 All staff and their family members are welcome. 董事会将于8月4号星期五下午3点在1131室召开会议。 The board of directors will be conducting a meeting at 3 p.m on Friday ,august 4 in room 1131 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 There has been a change in our clinic sercice policy which we would like to bring to your attention. This Wednesday’s regular meeting announced the establishment of Research and Development Department. 这个周三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 Call zhang wen at 2397884 for more detailed information. 有关详情请联系张文,电话2397884 We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being coopertive. 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 We very much hope that you will be able to attend our wedding ceremony and look forward to meeting you on 22 november. 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在11月22号那天见到你。 Mr .and mrs michael garwood request the honor of your presence at an gardon party to celebrate their daughter’s graduation from college。michael garwood 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 You and your family members are cordially invited to attend the pwc annual ball. 盛情邀请您和家人参加pwc的周年舞会 希望您能接受邀请,并在7月23日之前回复. l hope you will accept the invitation and reply before 23rd july. 晚宴开始前在209室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 Tea and cakes will be served before the evening dinner in room 209.welcome to join us. Please remit payment withhin ten days so that you can maintain your credit rating 请于10天内汇款,以维持你的信用等级。 Althought abc company has reserved the clubhouse for saturay ,we can instead offer you our conference room,which seats 60. 虽然ABC公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提够60人的会议室。 You will be glad to know that your request for reimbursement for travel expense is granted. 您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消息。 Customers will be provided with the best service owing to our long experience in the catering business. 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 We have noticed in your letter that the damages to five chairs in shipment were found. 从您的来信得知,已发现5把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 We hope to receive the amount due by the end of this month. 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 We hope you are satisfied with our goods,and look forward to receiving your future orders. 对于任何不便之处我们再次表示感谢。 We apologize again for any inconvenience.


商务英语常用句型40句 大家在商务英语写作的时候一定会为用哪些句型烦恼吧,下面小编为你分享商务英语常用句型吧! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信是要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论… 8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… 10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 11.This is in response to your e-mail today.


Unit 2 1.(1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) b (7) d (8) c (9) b (10)b 2.(1) regards, say (2) specialized, with (3) with, by (4) If, interesting, enquiry (5) available (6)popularity (7) finances, to (8)compliance 3. (1) We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations. (2) We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. (3) We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. (4) We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients is in the market for cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. (5) For our credit standing please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. Unit 3 1.(1) b (2) b (3) b (4) b (5) a (6) d (7) d (8) c (9) b (10)a 2. (1) Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission. (2) Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place with an order you for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth. (3) One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country. Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April. (4) To enable you to have a better understanding of our products, we are sending you by air 2 sample books. (5) In reply to your enquiry dated April 28, we are now sending you our latest price list for your reference. 3. Dear Sirs, We learn from a friend in Shenzhen that you are exporting light industrial products, especially electric appliances. There is a steady demand here for the above-mention


BEC商务英语写作开头结尾常用句型 第一部分、BEC作文段首句常用句型: 一、对立观点命题形式的首句: 1. Many people do not doubt that A is superior to B , while others think quite differently on the issue of _____. Personally, I stand on the side of A . 2. Some people say A , other people argue B . In a word , _____. But I cannot agree this point of view for many reasons. 3. There are different views concerning this topic . Some people like to CHOOSE A , some prefer to CHOOSE B . Personally , I prefer B . I think B has more advantages. 4. From my point of view , it is more advisable to CHOOSE A than to CHOOSE B . 5. Despite the fact that most people prefer A , I would like to choose B because the following reasons . 6. In general , I prefer to _____ . 7. As far as I am concerned , I would like to prefer _____ . 8. When it comes to _____ , most people tend to believe A . But others consider B as _____ . 9. When asked about _____ , the vast majority of people would support that A . But others regard B as _____ . 10. At the risk of address the issue too direct , I prefer A because I think that _____ . 11. When asked about _____ , many people give their opinions that _____ , but other people may see _____ differently . 12. When faced with _____ , quite a few would claim that _____ , but others , in contrast , deem _____ as _____ .


教学 点 (函 授站 ): 专 业: 年级: 学 号 : 姓 名: 密 封 线 内 严 禁 答 题 试卷号: *********学院2015学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业 商务英语 科目 商务英语习作 出卷老师 ***** 商务英语写作 I. Complete the letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10points) popular , inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend, cooperation, responsible, branch (1) Dear Sir Owing to the large increase in the ___1___ of our trade with this country, we have decided to open a(n) ____2____here,with Mr. Jackie Black as manager. The new branch will open on 1st July and from that date all orders and ___3____ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, ___4___to our London office. We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your ____5____ in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Y ours faithfully (2) Dear Sir This letter is to ___6___ Tim Steven as an outstanding salesperson. I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7____ and creative individual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willingly undertook any task___8___ to him, whether it involved direct sales or not, and his enthusiastic manner made him____9___with all our customers. I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside our city . I believe anyone who____10___ him will be truly fortunate. Y ours sincerely II. Choose the best answer for each question. (10 points) 11. After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage ______ number. A. of B. in C. for 12. As soon as we receive the signed form, we will add your name to the list of people _______ snow shoveling. A. requiring B. require C. required 13. The report is to be _______ to the Directors as soon as possible. A. prepared B. promoted C. presented 14. I am glad that I feel quite _______ for the position you advertised.


商务英语写作常用句型 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 2)We have the pleasure of informing you that...... 兹欣告你方..... 3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that...... 续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方...... 5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that...... 我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告......

6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached. 我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本. 7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in ......business, and would like to establish business relationship with us. 我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有经验,意欲与我方建立业务关系. 8)Although no munication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business. 虽然久未通讯,谅你方生意兴隆. 9)Although we have not heard from you for quite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.


国贸1094班商务英语写作课后习题答案整理 考试题型: 1. 词汇(汉译英)15% 2. 介词填空 15% 3.选择题(课后) 15% 4. 句子翻译 25% 5. 写信 30% 第一单元:商务书信写作的基础知识 1.(1) Shaanxi Machinery & Equipment Imp. & Exp. Corporation (2) 29 ChangleZhong Road Xi’an, China (3) Tel: (86 29) 85332653 (4) Fax:(86 29)85335496 (5) Sept. 9, 20 (6) The Pakistan Trading Company (7) 15 Broad Street Karachi, Pakistan (8) Attebtion: Export Dept. (9) Dear Sirs, (10) Re: (Oil Tools) (11) We thank you for your letter dated……(message) (12) Yours Faithfully, (13) Shaanxi Machinery & Equipment Imp. & Exp. Corporation (Signature) Wang Wei Manager

第二单元:建立贸易关系及信用调查 1.(1)-(5) cdbbb (6)-(10) bdcbb 2.(1) regards, say (2)specialized,with(3)with,by (4) If,interesting,enquiry(5)available (6) popularity (7)finances, to (8) compliance 3. (1) We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations. (2) We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. (3) We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. (4) We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalogue and the price list of your products available at present. (5) For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch


在学习BEC商务英语写作时,常会感觉语法欠缺、不知道用什么句子来继续写下去有没有?请看本文为你整理的商务英语BEC初级写作中常用到的一些句子,多积累一些这样的语句,会让你的商务英语写作变得得心应手。 31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people. 这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。 32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society. 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡,然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。 33. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. 环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。 34. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before. 考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像自行车这样的环保型交通工具。 35. Using bicycle contributes greatly to people's physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。 36. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。 37. Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。 38. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.

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