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源代码: 生命在于死亡 《源代码》是由著名导演邓肯琼斯执导的一部科幻电影,影片主要讲述了: 在阿富汗执行任务的美国空军飞行员科特史蒂文斯上尉突然惊醒,发现自己在一 辆高速行驶的列车上,而他的身边坐着一个素不相识的女子克里斯蒂安正在与自己讲话。科尔不知自己为什么会在这辆车上,而且他发现自己居然是以另一个人的身份存在,正当他迷惑不解的时候,列车上忽然发生爆炸,, 科特又一次惊醒,发现自己身处一个密闭的太空仓里,有一位女军官古德温正在 通过视频和自己对话,并要求自己报告列车上发生的事情。一头雾水的科特还没搞明白是怎么回事时,他又一次被送上那辆列车。这次之后,科特终于明白自己在执行一件任务,负责调察芝加哥火车爆炸案找到恐怖份子并查出他的下一个目标。科特被一次又一次的送上那辆高速列车,每次只有八分钟的时间调察,调察过程中,科特发现自己已在两个月前去世,原来他正在参与是一项“脑波源代码”的秘密任务,这项任务通过已经死亡的科特尚未完全死亡的脑细胞影像来还原事件,调查事情的真相。最终,科特顺利完成了任务,但是他却决定再一次返回列车,拯救列车上那些无辜的生命,, 许多影迷执着于电影里“平行宇宙”的世界观,但我认为这大可不必深究,如 果这些什么“平行宇宙”,“量子力学”能被一个科幻片导演和一群影迷阐清道 明,那还要物理学家干什么,当然电影里的逻辑并不是无懈可击的,甚至还有一些致命的漏洞,但这些并不影响我们欣赏这部电影,发现它的魅力。所以我并不想讨论它的世界观,只想聊聊在这种情形下对于生命的思考。 设想一下,当我们的生命只剩下8分钟,而这8 分钟的生命并不会被记如现实,就好像这8 分钟从未存在过一样,好像我们已经死了一样,那么我们又会在这短短的8 分钟内做些什么,这又有什么意义?让我们回忆一下电影中那最后的8 分钟: 科特史蒂文斯上尉邀请了克里斯蒂安去喝咖啡,而这是她期待了几个星期的事情。之后科特离开了一会儿,去阻止炸弹犯,接着他以科特史蒂文斯上尉 同僚的身份打电话给自己的父亲,向他的父亲道歉。他把最后的几分钟留给了自己和克里斯蒂安。8 分钟后,古德温终止了源代码程序,时间定格在上尉和克里斯蒂安接吻


DF:造型冻结 (2) LF:起步生产认可 (2) NF:后继车型 (2) 0S:零批量 (2) SOP:批量投产 (3) PEP:产品开发流程 (3) B-Freigabe:采购认可 (3) VFF:预批量认可整车 (4) PVS :批量试生产 (4) ME :上市 (4)

DF:造型冻结 德文全称:Design-Freeze 中文全称(建议):造型冻结 DF是PEP中紧随DE后的环节。 此环节意味着产品造型不能再更改,与造型相关的零件的规划认可和供应商定点也需要在此前一月完成,并在DMU样车上确定产品的可制造性,确定质量目标,提供项目财务状态等。 LF:起步生产认可 德文全称:Launchfreigabe 中文全称(建议):起步生产认可 LF是PEP中产品投产SOP一年前需要完成的重要环节。 它是项目批准流程中的一个重要节点,是在项目正式开始试生产之前进行的一项认可工作,以检查是否具备起步试生产的条件。 LF要求从市场、产品和生产方面都为起步生产做好准备。前提条件列举如下: - 市场方面要准备好产品介绍; - 造型方面需要通过“配色委员会Farbkommission”确定车型颜色、内饰面料等; - 产品方面要完成细节构造、采购认可B-Freigaben、申请起步生产认可的车辆清单等。 NF:后继车型 德文全称:Nachfolger 中文全称:后继车型,也指继任者 后继车型一般是一款将替代目前某现生产车型的新车型。从报批流程看,需在项目的各个里程碑节点(例如:KE, BF, LF)多次上报PSK,获得批准后才能开展下一阶段工作。 0S:零批量 德文全称:Null-Serie 中文全称:零批量 0S是PEP中批量投产SOP前的最后一次总演习。它按照计划的批量投产的速度和节拍进行生产,以发现批量投产条件下可能出现的问题。 启动0S的前提条件列举如下: - PVS中发现的问题和产品审核发现的缺陷的整改措施得到落实; - 完成特殊零件外的零件的工程样件认可BMG;


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*俄语字符:А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ? ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я *汉语拼音:ā á ǎ à ō ó ǒ ò ē é ě è ī í ǐ ì ū ú ǔ ù ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ ü ê ɑ ń ň ɡ ?????ーヽヾ??????ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏㄐㄑㄒ ㄓㄔㄕㄖㄗㄘㄙㄚㄛ *中文字符: 偏旁部首:横起:夬丅乛竖起:丄丩乚撇起:夊亅亇厃?捺 起:丂 零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾佰仟万亿吉太拍艾 分厘毫微 卍卐卄巜弍弎弐朤氺曱甴囍兀?〆の〔?? ??????? *日语:〔〕〖〗?????〝〞??〡〢〣〤〥〦〧〨〩????????????????????にぬねのはばぱひびぴふぶぷへべぺほぼぽまみむめもゃやゅゆょよらりるれろゎわゐゑをん *注音码:???????゛゜ゝゞ??ァアィイゥウェエォオカガキギクグケゲコゴサザシジスズセゼソゾタダチヂッツヅテデトドナ

Black Swan英文影评

Black Swan In this winter vacation, I watched again and now, I’ll introduce this perfect movie to you, and I hope you’ll like it. About this movie, director Darren Aronofsky’s critical hit the Wrestler. Black Swan is his love-letter to the operatic world of ballet. I’ve no choice but to say, Black Swan gave me more than all sort of dance movie could in my life. The performances are excellent. Black Swan is a very well-made film with amazing senses of ballet, powerful acting and loose, confrontational camera-work, similar to that of the Wrestler. This film talk about the New York ballet troupe decided they’ll rephotograph , the chief Thomas wants to choose a new leader, and the leader must act white swan and black swan in the perform. In this time, the actress Nina comes, the girl lived


8.2 检测项目名称、代码及等级 8.2.1 本规程已规定的代码应采用两个汉字拼音首个字母组合表示, 未规定的代码应采用与此相同的确定原则,但不得与已规定的代码重名。 8.2.2管道缺陷等级应按表8.2.2规定分类。 表8.2.2 缺陷等级分类表 等级 缺陷性质 1 23 4 结构性缺陷程度轻微缺陷中等缺陷严重缺陷重大缺陷功能性缺陷程度轻微缺陷中等缺陷严重缺陷重大缺陷 8.2.3结构性缺陷的名称、代码、等级划分及分值应符合表8.2.3的 规定。 表8.2.3 结构性缺陷名称、代码、等级划分及分值 缺陷名称缺陷 代码 定义 等 级 缺陷描述分值 破裂PL 管道的外部压 力超过自身的承 受力致使管子发 生破裂。其形式 有纵向、环向和 复合3种 1 裂痕—当下列一个或多个情况存在时: 1)在管壁上可见细裂痕; 2)在管壁上由细裂缝处冒出少量沉积物; 3)轻度剥落。 0.5 2 裂口—破裂处已形成明显间隙,但管道的形状 未受影响且破裂无脱落。 2 3 破碎—管壁破裂或脱落处所剩碎片的环向覆盖 范围不大于弧长60 o。 5 4 坍塌—当下列一个或多个情况存在时: 1)管道材料裂痕、裂口或破碎处边缘环向覆盖 范围大于弧长60o; 2)管壁材料发生脱落的环向范围大于弧长60o。 10 变形BX 管道受外力挤 1 变形不大于管道直径的5%。 1

压造成形状变异 2 变形为管道直径的5%~15% 。 2 3 变形为管道直径的15%~25% 。 5 4 变形大于管道直径的25%。10 腐蚀FS 管道内壁受侵 蚀而流失或剥 落,出现麻面或 露出钢筋 1 轻度腐蚀—表面轻微剥落,管壁出现凹凸面。0.5 2 中度腐蚀—表面剥落显露粗骨料或钢筋。 2 3 重度腐蚀—粗骨料或钢筋完全显露。 5 错口CK 同一接口的两 个管口产生横向 偏差,未处于管 道的正确位置 1 轻度错口—相接的两个管口偏差不大于管壁厚 度的1/2 。 0.5 2 中度错口—相接的两个管口偏差为管壁厚度的 1/2~1之间。 2 3 重度错口—相接的两个管口偏差为管壁厚度的 1~2倍之间。 5 4 严重错口—相接的两个管口偏差为管壁厚度的 2倍以上。 10 起伏QF 接口位置偏 移,管道竖向位 置发生变化,在 低处形成洼水 1 起伏高/管径≤20% 。0.5 2 20%<起伏高/管径≤35% 。 2 3 35%<起伏高/管径≤50% 。 5 4 起伏高/管径>50% 。10 续表8.2.3 缺陷名称缺陷 代码 定义等级缺陷描述分值 脱节TJ 两根管道的端 部未充分接合或 接口脱离 1 轻度脱节—管道端部有少量泥土挤入。 1 2 中度脱节—脱节距离不大于20mm 。 3 3 重度脱节—脱节距离为20mm ~50mm 。 5 4 严重脱节—脱节距离为50mm以上。10 接口材料脱落TL 橡胶圈、沥青、 水泥等类似的接 口材料进入管道 1 接口材料在管道内水平方向中心线上部可 见。 1 2 接口材料在管道内水平方向中心线下部可 见。 3


英语影评 ——源代码 陈雨佳10080135

The film review of Source Code It is a kind of science fiction movie,which gets through the grief process with an comparatively subtle happy ending.When it comes from the light and the scene,the strange plot is expressed brazenly by the director. Capitan Colter Stevens ,a soldier waking up in Commuter Train in Chicago,found himself in another person's body. He knew his task,that find a dynamite and the offender in the train in 8 mins after dieing from explosion.If he can't ,go back to move in cycles. Finally he found the chief culprit ,at that time he wanted to get in bizarre world to rescue whole people in the train,but in the principle of Source Code,the reality can not be changed.Luckily, out of sympathy for him ,Goodwin said yes and put the button. I don't want to say more about the content of the movie,but the essence of the story must retain in your mind.What do you feel about just living in your thought ?You devote yourself to your nation without complete death.When everything clear appeared in front of your face,would you like to deliver another world,certainly, you have to bear the tolerance again and again ,over and over? Which side do you like to choose,nation pride or individual life and death . I am not a soldier, i can hardly touch the deeply spirit of humanity and the people. But Source Code is a perfect movie I think .There is no wellknowed actors ,no special actions,no sharp battles,but when you alone ,stay with your lover,or maybe together with your friends,it is valuable to see,I promise. Hope you all love it!


程序编写规范及约定 (仅供内部使用) 文档作者:_______________ 日期:___/___/___ 开发/测试经理:_______________ 日期:___/___/___ 项目经理:_______________ 日期:___/___/___ 请在这里输入公司名称 版权所有不得复制

目录 程序编写规范及约定 (3) 1编写目的 (3) 2代码编写风格 (3) 2.1单元风格 (3) 2.2语句风格 (3) 3命名规则 (3) 3.1命名约定 (3) 3.1.1标志符 (3) 3.1.2类class (3) 3.1.3枚举类型enum (4) 3.1.4委托delegate (4) 3.1.5常量const (4) 3.1.6接口interface (4) 3.1.7方法function (4) 3.1.8命名空间namespace (4) 3.1.9参数 (4) 3.1.10局部变量 (5) 3.1.11数据成员 (5) 3.1.12自定义异常类 (5) 3.1.13命名缩写 (5) 3.1.14数据库命名 (5) 3.2代码编写命名规范 (6) 3.3界面常用控件命名约定 (6) 3.4文件命名规范 (7) 3.4.1文档文件命名 (7) 3.4.2配置文件命名 (7) 3.4.3程序文件命名 (7)

程序编写规范及约定 1编写目的 为了使编写代码具有可读性、可理解性、可维护性,对程序编写人员代码实行统一风格,使得程序代码能够以名称反映含义、以形式反映结构。此文档可供程序代码编写人员及代码维护人员使用。 2代码编写风格 2.1单元风格 2.2语句风格 3命名规则 3.1命名约定 Pascal和Camel命名约定: 编程的命名方式主要有Pascal和Camel两种(Pascal:每个单词的首字母大写,例如ProductType;Camel:首个单词的首字母小写,其余单词的首字母大写,例如productType) 3.1.1标志符 规则:Pascal、Camel 实例与描述:例子说明 3.1.2类class 规则:Pascal 实例与描述:Application


修理店仿真报告 一.问题: ①修理店空闲的概率; ②店内有三个顾客的概率; ③店内至少有一个顾客的概率; ④在店内顾客的平均数; ⑤顾客在店内的平均逗留时间; ⑥顾客必须在店内消耗15分钟以上的概率。 二.求解问题的方法: ①修理店空闲的概率: (sim_time-area_server_status) / sim_time); ②店内有三个顾客的概率: area_3_in_q/sim_time); ③店内至少有一个顾客的概率: abv_1/sim_time); ④在店内顾客的平均数: area_num_in_h/sim_time); ⑤顾客在店内的平均逗留时间: (total_of_delays+total_of_server)/ num_custs_delayed ); ⑥顾客必须在店内消耗15分钟以上概率: abv_15/num_custs_delayed); 三。求解过程中计算统计量的方法: ①area_server_status += server_status * time_since_last_event;

②//店内有三个顾客的概率 if(server_status == BUSY) //服务台忙,则有队列中有两个顾客 if(num_in_q == 2) area_3_in_q += time_since_last_event; ③//店内至少有一个顾客的概率 if(server_status == BUSY) //服务台忙,则店内至少有一个顾客 abv_1 += time_since_last_event; ④//在店内顾客的平均数 if(server_status == BUSY) //服务台忙,总的顾客数为排队顾客数加一 area_num_in_h += (num_in_q+1) * time_since_last_event; ⑤total_of_server += time_next_event[2]-sim_time;//总的服务时间加一个服务时间为新的服务总时间 delay = sim_time - time_arrival[1];//排队时间=当前时间-这个人来的时间 total_of_delays += delay; ⑥//离开时总的消耗时间大于15,必须在店内消耗15分钟以上的顾客数加一 if((delay+time_next_event[2]-sim_time)>15)


Example 1: Schindler’s List The best Holocaust movie ever made is Life is Beautiful. However, since Life is Beautiful came out in 1997, there has to have been another film that held the title before Benigni‘s comic masterpiece came along and snatched it aw ay. That film is Schindler’s List. Schindler’s List is the true story of Oscar Schindler, a Nazi party member, a war profiteer, and a man responsible for saving the lives of over 2000 Jews in the Holocaust. As would be expected from the majority of Holocaust movies, Schindler’s List is a film that you cannot say you love without feeling like a total schmuck. However Schindler’s List is what you would call an endearing film. Schindler’s List utilizes a stark score by John Williams and a black & white photography by Janusz Kaminski in order to provide the full effect of the Holocaust: utter depression and hopelessness. The film is about as depressing to watch as Leaving Las Vegas. However, despite the desire to use a Smith & Wesson on yourself while watching this movie, the film manages to compel your interest. Zaillian‘s script is right on target: pulling us in at the beginning with the story of Oscar‘s brilliant (although narcissistic) formation of a business out of nothing. The business exploits the Jew so much that you begin to wonder if you are watching the wrong movie. However, after Schindler witnesses the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto (still the most touching bunch of celluloid I have ever watched), he begins to work subversively against the Germans and for the Jews. The one thing that weakens the film is the presence of humor. If a movie is going for the absolute drab, as Schindler’s List did, it would be a good idea to not try to lighten a moment by adding a joke that you would find in a second-rat e comedy. Humor has never been Zaillian‘s strongtpoint, and he shouldn‘t have tried to start. Regardless, Schindler’s List is still the best movie that Spielberg ever made, and the second-best film about the Holocaust, Schindler’s List is a true dramatic classic, capable of making anyone cry. Example 2: Brave Heart 1 Intoxicated by the melodious and plaintive tune on bagpipe, which is the characteristic musical instrument of Scotland, my heart cannot help floating up and down with the extremely tragic destiny and intense emotion of the valiant hero---William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson). Brave Heart is an outstanding epic movie in which lots of various complex emotions, including the permanent pursuit of freedom and the brutal oppression, the persistent patriotism and the despicable surrender to power and status, the gallant self-sacrifice and the mean act of betrayal, the most unforgettable and moving love and the most irreconcilable hatred and all the severe conflicts between them are displayed incisively, thoroughly and excellently. It is the innocent and romantic memory of first love full of fragrance of purple thistle that invokes William Wallace in returning homeland. The purple thistle that Murron gives William Wallace at his father‘s burial symboli zes the immortal love. Under the horrible shade of cruel oppression of England they struggle for their perfect love courageously. Unfortunately, Murron is seized and killed ruthlessly by an English official so that William Wallace‘s heart is stricken by great grief and pain. The moment he kills the wicked official to take his revenge he realizes the essential responsibility placed on his shoulders. He changes his individual anguish into enormous power of national spirit so as to devote himself to the innumerable and arduous combats for the great freedom of Scotland. During war, maybe the most fatal threat is not the formidable weapons but the confused and evil hearts. The Scottish aristocrats yield to England and betray William Wallace twice. It is in the second time William Wallace is arrested and killed inhumanly. The most touching and affecting scene is that at the last moment of his life, enduring inconceivable torture, William Wallace exhausts himself to shout out: ―Freedom!‖ to the boundless sky and the people. At the gate of paradise, his beloved wife---Murron is waiting for his coming. His brave heart wins the most na?ve heart of Murron, the most elegant heart of Princess of England (played by Sophie Marceau) and the countless people‘s hearts. Through the dignified ablution of blood, all the burden and hardship are released from his respectable and noble soul. Supported and encouraged by William Wallace‘s eternal spirit, at the great expense of countless precious lives, Scotland wins her freedom.


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电影英语影评范文写英文影评 一般先简要介绍一下电影内容,然后就剧情、导演、演员、摄影、音乐等某一方面进行分析评论,最后总结一下。 给你提供几篇英文影评供参考: My favourite movie When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help. If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble. Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will bee more and more warmth. People can make getting along well with each other。 译文: 当我看完电影“蜘蛛侠”,它给我留下了深刻印象。主演彼得英俊又勇敢。他帮助许多需要帮助的人。 如果我们是他,我们是否可以献出我们的爱和友谊,甚至我们的研究。在我们的生活中,人们害怕帮助别人,惹上麻烦。 虽然我们不能用像彼得一样的特殊能力,我们也可以尽力帮助别人。例如,如果我们看到一些盗贼偷人的钱包,我们可以叫喊来让小偷停下。 如果我们能够贡献我们的爱,我们的社会就会变得越来越温暖。人们可以相处的很好。 建议的写作内容:


过程塑造: (三)代码是最终目的 2003 年 4 月 01 日林星 (iamlinx@https://www.doczj.com/doc/e6701258.html,) 项目经理 过程的最终目的是代码,开发过程中的所有活动都围绕着这一目的而展开。如果没有最后的用于交付的代码,软件就无法成为软件。因此,必须保证过程能够产出代码,而且是优秀的代码。意图 无论哪一种过程,其最终目的都是为了产生出可执行、并且可用的软件。因此软件过程中的各种活动应该围绕着快速、准确的实现这一目的而展开的。 示例 维力亚软件公司是一家合资公司,由于有外资背景,公司内部很早就引入了软件工程,并严格的对人员角色进行分工。包括领域建模人员、架构设计师、高级程序员、程序员、界面设计师等等多种角色。每个人各司其职,充分发挥出了分工的特点。但是随着公司开发项目的逐渐增多,这种方式也显露出其弊端来。每个人的主要目标都是为了通过评审,而有时候,就算是通过评审的工件,依然可能存在问题。但这时候扯皮就出现了。项目中存在的一些中空地带。以及交错地带,常常发生无人问津的情况。开发过程的效率开始下降,开发成本开始上升。问题虽然不是一下子出现的,但是已经逐渐变得严重起来了。 上下文 我们在进行过程设计,或引入一个过程理论的时候,有没有思考过该过程的每一个阶段、每一个活动的目的是什么,它们对生成最后的软件有什么样的帮助,这些帮助对于我们所在的组织有意义吗。很多情况下,我们并没有这么做,或者随着软件过程的定型,就不再思考这类的问题。一开始并没有什么了不起的,但是当软件过程演变成了一种政治体系的时候,那么问题就会慢慢严重起来。 问题 如何让过程围绕着产出软件的核心目标而不断演进? 方法 从上一篇介绍的内容中,我们知道软件过程的每一个阶段都是知识转换的过程,知识转换的终点就是软件。问题在于,我们如何保证这种转换的效率呢? 现代软件的发展的趋势是重用。我们开发一个软件已经很少会从最底层开始编写了。我们使用各种各样的技术和平台。包括数据库、分布式体系、UI机制、业务元素等等。因此现在的软件编写往


经典电影英文影评 1.《Forrest Gump》 Forrest Gump grows up in the county of Greenbow, Alabama. He lives with his mom, who is a real smart and strong woman. Although Forrest’s IQ is only 75, his mom manages to let him have the finest education, and always tell him “You are no different”. In school, Forrest meets a girl named Jenny, and they become best friends. Under Jenny’s encouragement, Forrest discovers his ability to run like the wind blows. Fortunately, this ability gives him the chance to go to college where he becomes an all-star football player. After graduation, Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, and he finds new friends Bubba and Dan. In the war, Forrest rescues many comrades, but Bubba is seriously wounded and dies. Lieutenant Dan, the platoon's commanding officer, is also badly wounded and loses both legs. He chastises Forrest for saving him, insisting that he should die honorably on the battlefield instead of becoming a cripple. When Forrest gets back from Vietnam, he is awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions. During the next several decades, Forrest becomes a war hero, a famous ping-pang player, a national celebrity, a successful businessman, and something of an American idol. Forrest successfully realizes Bubba’s dream and help Dan discover his self-worth. Finally, Forrest marries Jenny, and has a happy life with his son after Jenny dies. “Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”When the first time Jenny asked Forrest to run away and the first time Forrest freed himself from the bondage, hope has been growing up in his mind. Though Forrest is surely a little stupid, he believes “stupid is as stupid does”, so he fears nothing and does his best. In his innocence, Forrest does what he feels he has to do, no matter the situations and the people around him, lead only by an inner sense of right. My heart is deeply shocked by this “stupid” man, and I think in recent times we surely need this spirit. So, let’s have a try now. 2.《2012》 The film 2012 tells a breathtaking story that everything on the earth is destroyed in the year 2012, only a small number of human beings survive from the doomsday. The hero Jackson takes his children to go camping in Yellowstone National Park, where they meet a man named Charlie. That night, Charlie plays a video of Charles Hapgood's theory that polar shifts and the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar predict that the 2012 phenomenon is going to occur. He has a map of the ark project in addition to information about government officials and scientists from around the world who were murdered after planning to alert the public about the project and the upcoming doomsday. After the family returns home, Jackson rents a plane to rescue his family. He

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