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目录第1章汽车动力性 (1)第2章汽车的燃油经济性 (9)第3章汽车动力装置参数的选择 (12)第4章汽车的制动性 (13)第5章汽车的操纵稳定性 (19)第6章汽车平顺性 (25)第7章汽车的通过性 (28)综合题 (29)第 1 章 汽车动力性第1章 汽车动力性1.1 简述汽车动力性及其评价指标。
1.2 汽车行驶阻力是怎样形成的?1.3 试说明轮胎滚动阻力的定义、产生机理和作用形式。
1.4 滚动阻力系数与哪些因素有关?1.5 汽车的滚动阻力可以分为哪几种?1.6 能否在汽车受力分析图上画出滚动阻力,为什么?1.7 某轿车总质量m =1200kg ,前轮载荷占整车载荷的60%;车轮侧向力系数k α=1800kg/rad ,前束角β=2°,该轿车两前轮互置前束角β后产生相应行驶阻力F v ,如图1-1所示。
(1)设轿车前进时侧向力与前束角的关系为F V =k αβ,试求因前束引起的行驶阻力;(2)若该轿车滚动阻力系数f =0.015,试求整车的滚动阻力F f ;(3)试比较前束引起的行驶阻力与滚动阻力。
1.8 转弯时滚动阻力的大小取决于行驶速度和转向半径R , 转弯时的滚动阻力系数f R =f +Δf 。
设转弯时在离心力F C 作用下,前、后轮均有侧偏角,分别是α1和α2,质心距前、后轮的距离分别是l a 和l b ,转向时用两轮模型分析侧向力引起的滚动阻力如图1-2所示。
试推导出附加滚动阻力系数()2a 1b 2sin sin ααl l gRLu W F f +=Δ=Δ的表达式(提示:先求出由F Y1和F Y2所引起的附加阻力ΔF )。
1.9 用受力图分析汽车从动轮在平路加速或减速行驶时的受力情况,并推导切向力方程式。
1.10 用受力图分析汽车驱动轮在平路加速或减速行驶时的受力情况,并推汽车理论习题集导切向力方程式。
此次参展,是沃尔沃卡车阔别上海车展六年之后的首次展出,不仅带来了旗下备受赞誉的两款旗舰车型—具有高燃油经济性的多重任务重载卡车FM ,以及具备卓越长途运输性能的沃尔沃重卡加速中国战略通过从品牌到产品及服务等方面的全面展示,沃尔沃卡车在上海车展上进一步表达了立足中国、服务中国、与中国市场共成长的发展战略。
严峻挑战下的沃尔沃中国战略近年来,随着沃尔沃卡车加重对亚洲市场尤其是中国市场的投入,凭借其一贯坚持的品V olvo C hina strategy卡车世界4902011.4005牌核心价值——品质、安全、环保,以及卓越的技术和服务理念,沃尔沃卡车赢得了众多消费者的信赖与支持。
1saej1939协议构成文件saej1939协议包括如下几部分内容:saej1939-11物理层, 250kbits/s, 屏蔽双绞线saej1939-13物理层, 离线诊断连接器saej1939-15简化的物理层, 250kbits/s, 非屏蔽双绞线saej1939-21数据链路层saej1939-31网络层saej1939-71车辆应用层saej1939-73应用层-诊断saej1939-81j1939网络管理协议-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2各层协议的功能2.1物理层saej1939的物理层规范包含saej1939-11(物理层, 250kbits/s, 屏蔽双绞线)、saej1939-15(简化的物理层, 250kbits/s, 非屏蔽双绞线)和saej1939-13(物理层, 离线诊断连接器)三部分。
而saej1939-13(物理层, 离线诊断连接器)则定义了离线诊断连接器的通用需求、性能需求和物理需求。
通过数据链路层的组织, 发送的can数据帧具有必需的同步、顺序控制、错误控制和流控制等功能。
沃尔沃新型稳健动力方向盘采用电动机来替代司机的肌肉力量,这样就算是Volvo FMX那么大型的卡车都能轻而易举地掌控方向。
坐在驾驶位上的是特技驾驶员Seon Rogers,他一面控制踏板,一面拿着一根新鲜的胡萝卜诱导查理往正确的方向跑。
上海车展上的专用汽车:身怀绝技各显神通作者:宁文祥来源:《专用汽车》 2011年第5期本刊记者宁文祥在上海车展上,专用汽车从来不是主角,然而在本届上海车展上,参展的专用车不仅数量多,而且不乏精品。
发动机采用OM906LA系列直列六缸发动机,排量为6.374 L,发动机功率为170 kW。
在1 200~1 600转速时,可以达到最大扭矩810 Nm。
对沃尔沃新FH系列卡车详细解读2012年10月15日14:33 来源:《商用汽车》作者:王培祥T|T作为新FH卡车发布系列活动之一,记者此次参观的沃尔沃卡车展示中心(Demo Center)并非很多朋友之前参观的老展示中心,由于发布了新FH卡车,沃尔沃卡车的展示中心也因此大变样。
对沃尔沃新FH系列卡车详细解读“新FH卡车相比上代产品燃油消耗节省10%;驾驶室空间增加1 m3;全新研发的IFS前独立悬架大大提升车辆性能;I-See技术可以记住行驶路况和相应的变速器挡位选择,优化车辆动力输出情况;I-Torque技术将发动机转矩再次提升,并将在2013年秋季装配于新FH 上……”带着沃尔沃卡车全球品牌高级副总裁Ricard Fritz的这段介绍,新FH卡车的神秘面纱被逐渐掀起。
尽管沃尔沃卡车在外形设计上采用了很多新思路,但从整体上看,新FH仍然明显地传承了沃尔沃卡车的主要元素:犀利的前大灯、倒梯形前格栅……对沃尔沃新FH系列卡车详细解读新FH车型的前风挡玻璃面积相比前代产品增加了17%,这样不仅增加了驾驶员的视野范围,也保证了驾驶室内空间增加1 m3成为可能。
2017 JettaDesignWe’ve reimagined contemporary with a clean, crisp design that makes it easy to show off your exceptionally good taste – and eye for value.TechnologyYou’ll enjoy a wonderful driving experience, and the fact that it’s packed with advanced technology to help keep you safe, comfortable and connected. Because that’s the way you roll.QualityJust wait till you sit in the driver’s seat. You’ll see, hear and feel the remarkable quality that will have you saying, “I know I made the right choice.”PerformanceWhether you measure performance by horsepower or fuel efficiency, it doesn’t matter. Because you can have both in one substantial package.If you want amazing value, look no further. The 2017 Jetta could very well be theperfect car. It offers an exceptionally refined driving experience and has features you wouldn’t expect in a vehicle of this class. It’s German engineering (and great value) done very, very well.From only $18,040.*Exceptional exists for less than you think.*Base MSRP of a new and unregistered 2017 Jetta 1.4 TSI® Trendline with 5-speed manual transmission is $18,040, $1,645 freight and PDI included. Licence, insurance, registration, options, any dealer or other charges and applicable taxes are extra. Dealer may sell for less. Higher trimlines of the 2017 Jetta are shown and some include optional equipment.Let technology take you places.The 2017 Jetta comes packed with a lot of technology – includingavailable App-Connect. So finding your favourite tune, next destination, the best place for BBQ and so much more is right at your fingertips.Available App-Connect*It’s intuitive and easy to use. With simple voice commands you can search for your favourite tunes, find an interesting new place to eat, and stay in touch with family and friends. You can also dictate text messages and have incoming texts read to you. Works via Android Auto™, Apple CarPlay™ and MirrorLink™.Standard rearview camera**Rearview mirrors and turning your head only tell you part of the story. Get a better view of what’s behind you so you can avoid otherwise unseen obstacles and reverse into parking spots with greater precision.Available KESSY keylessentry with push-start buttonAvoid searching for your keys in your pocket or purse. Simply walk within 1.5 metres of your vehicle and the door automatically unlocks when you pull the door handle. Then, the engine can be started by simply pushing the start button – no need to remove the key from your pocket.*Do not drive distracted.**Driver assistance feature. Drivers must continue to perform manual checks before proceeding and pay full attention to the road.This car’s got spunk.The 2017 Jetta offers two engine choices – and whichever you choose, you can look forward to a spirited drive on your daily commute or cross-country journey. 1.4 TSI® engineIts lighter weight and smaller size offer superior fuel efficiencywhile the turbocharger gives you plenty of power when calledupon with excellent throttle response and torque.Available 6-speed automatic transmissionEnjoy spirited starts from stop signs and smooth, quietcruising on the highway. With six speeds, the 2017 Jettaisn’t just fuel-efficient, it’s fun-efficient.* F uel consumption figures are estimates based on Natural Resources Canada’sapproved criteria and testing methods. Your fuel consumption will vary.Fuel Consumption*EngineCityL/100 kmHighwayL/100 kmManual 1.4 TSI®8.3 5.9Automatic 1.4 TSI®8.5 6.2Automatic 1.8 TSI®9.4 6.8Available side mirrors with integrated turn signalsTurn signals that turn your car into a sleek and modern ride that’s ready to take on modern traffic.Everything in its place. With perfect precision.Contemporary, modern and right at home at the lumberyard or a five-star restaurant, the 2017 Jetta has a host of special touches that put the “value” quotient at very high.Available Bi-Xenon headlights with Adaptive Front-light SystemThey’re brighter. They last longer. They consume less energy. And they’re smarter. In fact, the Bi-Xenon lights have an Adaptive Front-light System that turns up to 13 degrees around corners before you do. Smart indeed.Available LED signature daytime running lightsAside from looking really cool, they come to life quicker, use less energy and last a lot longer than conventional bulbs.Quality? This is an open-and-shut case.When it comes to quality, we like to think we go above and beyond. The only problem is that “quality” isn’t something you can always see. Take for instance our extremely tough and durable door hinges. You maynot notice them, but they will always give you that nice solid “thunk” sound.Forged-steel door hinges Forged-steel door hinges offer incredible strength and help ensure your doors will always open and close with precision as when they were new.Laser seam weldingThis superior welding technique fuses metal into a single piece along a continuous seam, instead of spot-welding. It helps make for a more stable, sturdier car. Just the way it should be.Available soft-touch dashboardEnjoy the premium look and feel of soft-touch materials throughout the dash.You belong here.Get in the zone. The sensationally comfortable, everything you could ever want at your fingertips, zone. The 2017 Jetta helps you stay warm, or cool, and always connected.Available Wolfsburg Edition Pentastripe interiorAdd a sporty flair to the interior of your 2017 Jetta with these distinctive seat coverings, which feature a unique five-stripe design down the middle of each seat. Available colourmultifunction status display*Get all the important information you needfront and centre and at a glance so you canpay close attention to the road ahead.Available Climatronicdual-zone electronicclimate controlBoth driver and passenger can adjust thetemperature in increments of 0.5 degreesto enjoy more than a 10-degree differencebetween the two. Because comfortablepassengers mean a comfortable driver.*Do not drive distracted.It’s like having an invisible sidekick who’s really, really safety conscious.The 2017 Jetta comes with an amazing suite of safety features built right in. Whether it’s distracted drivers ahead, messy truck spray or some of the other ways your safety can be compromised, you can depend on some very smart technology to help keep you safe.Available Blind Spot Detection with Rear Traffic Alert*Enjoy an extra level of safety with alerts to tell you when other vehicles are hiding in your blind spot. LED indicators in the side-view mirrors let you know when it’s safe to change lanes. Also, the Rear Traffic Alert beeps if something is in your way when backing up.* Driver assistance feature. Drivers must continue to perform manual checks before proceeding and pay full attention to the road.†Not all airbags will deploy, and if multiple airbags do deploy, they will be in various stages of inflating/deflating.‡In emergency situations, it is still necessary to apply the brakes manually.Available Front Assist with Autonomous Emergency Braking*It’s an added level of safety when cars ahead stop suddenly. The system starts with warning lights and sounds. If necessary, full braking is automatically applied.Available rain-sensing wipersWhether it’s just a few drops or a downpour, the sensor knows what’s happening on your windshield and automatically turns on the wipers at the correct speed or interval. It’s ideal when big rigs pass you and throw up spray.Available Adaptive Cruise Control*‡Your speed and distance from cars ahead is automatically regulated without you having to touch gas and brake pedals. You can also specify the distance between you and the car ahead. It’s the stress-free way to go for a ride.Dramatization.†Standard Wheels Exterior & Interior ColoursTitan Black Doryc cloth PentastripeclothTitan BlackVienna leatherCeramiqueVienna leatherPure White TL/TL+WOB HL HL Tornado Red TL+WOB HL HL Bottle Green Metallic TL+WOB HL HL Dark Bronze Metallic-WOB HL HL Platinum Grey Metallic TL/TL+WOB HL HL Ruby Red Metallic-WOB HL HL Silk Blue Metallic TL/TL+WOB HL HL White Silver Metallic TL/TL+WOB HL HL Deep Black Pearl TL/TL+WOB HLHL 15" steel wheelTL/TL+16" Estrade alloy wheelWOB17" Lancaster alloy wheelHLVolkswagen 07091115 1317081001021216030414180506Availability of accessories shown is subject to change. Accessories may not fit all models. †Separate attachments required to carry different types of items.††Number of items that can be carried will vary based on the size of each item.08Ski, snowboard andwakeboard attachmentCarries up to six pairs of skis or one wakeboard or four snowboards and installs on T-Slot base carrier bars (required and sold separately).††10Roof boxMaximize your Volkswagen’s storage capacity with anoptimized and aerodynamically designed roof box.12Door sill protection trimEnhances the entry area of your vehicle while protecting the painted door sill from scratches and scuffs.07Base carrier barsBring along your skis, snowboards, kayak, bikes or cargo boxes with the help of these base carrier bars.†09Bike holder attachmentRugged single-bike holder with built-in lock.11Kayak holder attachmentRubber-coated single-kayak holder with tie straps.13Sport pedal cap setAdd just the right touch of 151714FeaturesTrendline (TL)Engine:• 1.4 TSI® 150 HP, 5-speed manual transmission• Maximum torque: 184 lb-ft at 1,400–3,500 rpmTrendline includes:• 15" steel wheels with full wheel covers and all-season tires • 4-wheel ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)• 60/40 split folding rear seats• 6-way manually adjustable front seats• Auxiliary input• Bluetooth® mobile phone connectivitywith voice activation control• Body-coloured bumpers and door handles• Cardholder• Chrome grille• Composition Colour – 5" touchscreen radio with CD player and 1 SD card slot• Cruise control• Darkened tail lights• Diversity antenna• Driver & front passenger front & side airbags and front & rear Side Curtain Protection®• Electronic Stability Control (ESC)• Front and rear disc brakes• Front and rear floor mats• Glove box• Height-adjustable and telescopic steering column• Interior décor: Black Grained• LED rear licence plate illumination• Multi-link rear suspension• Plastic multifunction steering wheel with Piano Black accents • Power door locks• Power windows• Rear seat head restraints for all seating positions• Rearview camera• Sunglasses holder• Trip computer• Vehicle immobilizer Trendline+ (TL+)Engines:• 1.4 TSI® 150 HP, 5-speed manual transmission• 1.4 TSI® 150 HP, 6-speed automatic transmission with Tiptronic®• Maximum torque: 184 lb-ft at 1,400–3,500 rpmIncludes Trendline plus:• Alarm system• Front centre armrest• Heatable front seats and washer nozzles• Interior décor: Checkered Titanium• Manual climate control• Power adjustable, heatable, body-coloured exterior mirrors• Remote central locking system• USB audio inputOptional equipment:• Engine block heater• Front fog lightsConnectivity Package• App-Connect smartphone integration(Android Auto™, Apple CarPlay™, MirrorLink™)• Composition Media – 6.33" touchscreen infotainment systemwith proximity sensor, voice control, CD player and 1 SD card slot• SiriusXM® Satellite RadioWolfsburg Edition (WOB)Engines:• 1.4 TSI® 150 HP, 5-speed manual transmission• 1.4 TSI® 150 HP, 6-speed automatic transmission with Tiptronic®• Maximum torque: 184 lb-ft at 1,400–3,500 rpmIncludes Trendline+ plus:• 16" Estrade alloy wheels with all-season tires• 60/40 split folding rear seats with centre armrestand pass-through• 6-way power driver seat with manual lumbar support• Allstar concept seats• App-Connect smartphone integration(Android Auto™, Apple CarPlay™, MirrorLink™)• Automatic headlights with coming and leaving home function• Chrome window trim• Climatronic® dual-zone electronic climate control• Composition Media – 6.33" touchscreen infotainment systemwith proximity sensor, voice control, CD player, 6 speakers and1 SD card slot• Cooled glove box• Front and rear reading lights• Interior décor: Two-Tone Checkered Black with Chrome Accent• KESSY – keyless access with push-start button (replaces cardholder)• Leatherette door inserts• Leather-wrapped multifunction steering wheel, shift knob andhandbrake lever with Piano Black accents• LED signature daytime running lights• Multifunction trip computer• Power adjustable, heatable, body-coloured exterior mirrorswith turn signals• Power sunroof• Rain-sensing wipers• Rear spoiler• SiriusXM® Satellite Radio• Soft-touch dashboard• Wolfsburg Edition badgeOptional equipment:• Engine block heater• Front fog lightsHighline (HL)Engine:• 1.8 TSI® 170 HP, 6-speed automatic transmission with Tiptronic®• Maximum torque: 184 lb-ft at 1,500–4,750 rpmIncludes Wolfsburg Edition plus:• 17" Lancaster alloy wheels with all-season tires• Ambient interior lighting• Blind Spot Detection with Rear Traffic Alert• Front fog lights• HomeLink®• Interior décor: Iridium Brushed• Leather seating surfaces• Piano Black accent surrounds for instrument cluster,gear shifter and radioRemoves rear spoiler and Wolfsburg Edition badgeOptional equipment:• Engine block heaterTechnology Package• Adaptive Cruise Control• Bi-Xenon headlights with Adaptive Front-light System (AFS)• Discover Media – 6.33" touchscreen infotainment system withproximity sensor, voice control, CD player, satellite navigation and2 SD card slots• Fender® Premium Audio System – 8 speakers plus subwoofer• Front Assist with Autonomous Emergency Braking© 2016 Volkswagen Canada. Features noted as available are available in optional packages or on higher trimlines. Items, specifications, availability, standard features, options, fabrics and colours are subject to change without notice. Volkswagen Canada is not responsible for errors in typography or photography. Some features may be unavailable when your vehicle is built or available at extra cost. Although we endeavour to ensure that the information is accurate, as errors may occur from time to time, customers should contact their local Volkswagen dealer for details. Tires are supplied and warranted by their manufacturer. The vehicle is sold equipped with four all-season tires. However, please remember that the use of winter tires may be mandatory in your province or territory. Airbags are supplemental restraints only and will not deploy under all accident scenarios. Always use safety belts and seat children only in the rear seats, using restraint systems appropriate for their size and age. The navigation system depends upon signals from the GPS network and is designed to provide you with suggested routes only. Discrepancies may occur between the mapping and the actual location due to changes in street names, construction or other road system changes which are beyond the control of Volkswagen Canada. Please rely on your individual judgment in determining whether or not to follow a suggested navigation route. Fuel consumption ratings are estimates based on Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) fuel consumption criteria and testing methods for 2017 model year vehicles and are provided for comparison purposes only. Please note that comparisons to seemingly similar vehicles pre-2015 model year will show discrepancies due to the difference in NRCan approved calculation methods for 2014 model year and older vehicles. Please refer to NRCan’s Fuel Consumption Guide 2017 for estimated fuel consumption figures. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving conditions, driver habits and the vehicle’s condition, weight carried and additional equipment. “J etta”, “Climatronic”, “TSI”, “Trendline”, “Wolfsburg Edition”, “Highline”, “Volkswagen” and the Volkswagen logo are registered trademarks of Volkswagen AG. “Monster Mats” and “Side Curtain Protection” are registered trademarks of Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. “Fender” is a registered trademark of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. “Tiptronic” is a registered trademark of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. “HomeLink” is a registered trademark of Johnson Controls Technology Company. “Android Auto” and “Google” are trademarks of Google Inc. “CarPlay” and “Apple” are trademarks of Apple Inc. “MirrorLink” is a trademark of Car Connectivity Consortium LLC. For further information regarding any Volkswagen model, please call 1-800 DRIVE VW or just look us up at vw.ca. Before we sign off, drive responsibly and obey the rules of the road. Version date: April 1, 2017.。