How to study English well
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与同桌学好英语的英语作文How to Study English Well with My Deskmate。
English is an essential language for communication and plays a vital role in our daily lives. As a student, it is crucial to learn English well, and studying with my deskmate can be a great opportunity to improve our English skills together. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of studying English well, the benefits of studying with my deskmate, and effective strategies to make the most of our study sessions.First and foremost, studying English well is essential for several reasons. Firstly, English is a global language widely used in business, tourism, and academia. By mastering English, we can enhance our career prospects and broaden our horizons. Secondly, English proficiency is often a requirement for admission to prestigious universities and international study programs. Therefore, studying English well can open doors to better educationalopportunities. Lastly, learning English allows us toconnect with people from different cultures and backgrounds, fostering understanding and promoting intercultural communication.Studying with my deskmate provides numerous benefits. Firstly, we can motivate and support each other. When oneof us feels demotivated or struggles with a certain aspectof English, the other can provide encouragement and assistance. This mutual support creates a positive learning environment and helps us overcome challenges together. Secondly, studying with a deskmate allows us to practice English conversationally. We can engage in discussions, debates, and role-plays, which enhance our speaking and listening skills. Moreover, we can correct each other's mistakes and learn from them, improving our language accuracy. Lastly, studying with my deskmate enables us to share resources and study materials. We can exchange books, articles, and online resources, which expands our learning materials and exposes us to a variety of English sources.To make the most of our study sessions, we need toimplement effective strategies. Firstly, we shouldestablish a regular study schedule and stick to it. Consistency is key in language learning, and setting aside dedicated time for studying English will ensure progress. Secondly, we can create a study plan together, outliningthe specific areas we want to focus on, such as grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation. This plan will help us stay organized and track our progress. Additionally, we can incorporate various learning techniques, such as flashcards, language apps, and online exercises, to make our study sessions more engaging and interactive. Lastly, we should allocate time for reviewing and practicing what we have learned. Regular revision and application of knowledge are crucial for long-term retention.In conclusion, studying English well is of utmost importance, and studying with my deskmate can greatly enhance our language skills. By motivating and supporting each other, practicing conversationally, and sharing resources, we can maximize the benefits of studying together. Implementing effective strategies, such as establishing a study schedule, creating a study plan, andincorporating various learning techniques, will further optimize our study sessions. With dedication and perseverance, we can achieve fluency in English and reap the rewards of our efforts.。
怎样学好英语 How to Learn English Well1. Make a study plan. Set realistic goals for yourself and stick to them. Decide how much time you can spare each day or each week for English study. Divide your study into manageable chunks and focus on one area at a time.2. Get organized. Gather all the materials you need, such as textbooks, dictionaries, grammar books, and writing materials. Put them in a place where you can easily access them.3. Listen to native English speakers. Listen to the news, watch English movies, and listen to English songs. Listen to conversations between native English speakers and try to pick out words and phrases that you don’t know.4. Read a lot. Read books, magazines, and newspapers in English. Read out loud to practice pronunciation.5. Speak English. Find a language partner or join an English language club. Talk to native English speakers whenever you can.6. Practice writing. Write in a journal every day. Write emails and letters in English.7. Use technology. Use apps, websites, and online forums to practice English.8. Review regularly. Review the words, phrases, and grammar points that you have learned. This will help you to remember them better.。
把英语带到你的生活中去学习You seems that you always do not have enough time ,but you know time is endless .the problem is not that you have not enough time ,but that how you manage you time .Good habits lead to good results and bad habits lead to bad results .however our habits are acquired after birth ,It is very important to keep this fact in mind ,habits are changeable .你的时间好像永远不够用,可是你又有用不完的时间,问题不在于时间不够用,而在于你如何运用。
How to do your self-studyA word before you start the self-study I’m sure of one thing: By the time you complete using the Fluentzy books as a self-study course, you’ll notice that you’ve gained a priceless skill: The skill of fluency in spoken English —the skill that gets your words flow readily and easily when you speak English.Read aloud and silentlyAs you go through the Fluentzy books, you’ll notice one other thing: You’ll notice that I’ve written them in a conversational style, and not in a high-sounding written English style.Of course, one reason for this is plain enough: I want you to clearly understand what I say —quickly and without much effort. But you see, there’s one other reason: I want you to keep reading this sort of English for some time —English written in a conversational style. Why? Because that’ll help you pick up the ‘feel’of the real English speech —to a great extent. And that’ll help you to get out of the written English track and to get into the spoken English track.So it’s not enough if you read through the Fluentzy books silently. No. You should read them aloud as well. Aloud and silently. Not loudly or by producing a lot of noise, but just aloud in your normal voice, so that you can hear yourself. You’ll then get the ‘feel’of spoken English.Importance of theoryYou know, the Fluentzy books contain theory as well as practice materials. That is, the books in the Fluentzy system are made up not only of practice-materials. They’re made up of theory, too. By ‘theory’, I mean the detailed and basic practical aspects of the things you should know (in order to become fluent) —and not a set of abstract ideas. The theory parts teach you the nuts and bolts of fluency development, the rules and principles thatform the basis of the fluency skill.So the parts containing theory are very important. They tell you what you should practise, why you should practise those things, how you should practise those things, and all other details of principles. Understand the theory, and you’ll be half way through to your goal.Importance of oral practiceThe practice-materials should be said aloud, and that too, again and again. This is important. Why? Because, first of, you should get to know these materials well. Secondly (and this is very important), you have to train your tongue, lips and other organs of speech —train them to produce the sounds and groups of sounds of the English language in the right way. Thirdly, you have to train your ears to listen to these sounds and groups of sounds, and to get to know them closely.Do you know why you should train your ears? Because you see, no matter how often you’ve read a group of words, and no matter how often you’ve written it, there’s still a problem: Your tongue and mouth would hesitate to produce in speech the sound combinations it contains. Your mind will fight shy of the sound combinations, too.And when will you be able to break free of this hesitation? Notuntil those sound combinations have stopped sounding strange to your ears. And when will they stop sounding strange? Only when you’ve let your ears hear them said through your own mouth often enough. Yes, often enough, and not once in a while. And this is only possible if you do oral practice with word groups of different types: Not with just any word groups whatever, but with word groups that contain the kind of sound combinations that are essential.Mind you, your tongue, lips and other parts in your mouth and throat —these organs of speech have learnt certain habits. These are the habits of your mother-tongue. And the habits of our mother-tongue are different from the habits of the English language —not in one way, but in several ways. The way groups of sounds are produced in English, and the way idea units are produced in English —these ways are different from the way sound-groups and idea units are produced in your mother-tongue. So if you want to speak English well, do you know what you should do? You should train your organs of speech and your mind: You should train them to learn the habits of English. You should train your organs of speech and your mind to produce the sound-groups and idea units of spoken English.So give great importance to saying the practice-materials aloud. How to do your studyNow let me tell you how you can go about learning from the Fluentzy books.Non-detailed studyBefore starting detailed study, do a non-detailed study. That is, first you should spend some time trying to get a general understanding of everything in the Fluentzy system (or in the part of that system covered by the smaller sets of books you buy under the instalment scheme). Go through all the Fluentzy books —once or twice. Read through them quickly, without making any attempt to study any particular portion thoroughly. This would give you a general idea of all the fundamentals that the Fluentzy system is based on. A general idea. And whenever you take up a particular part for intensive study later, this general idea would act as a helpful background.First, go through Books 1 to 4 (in that order) and the other three books you buy along with them. Then, go through Books 5 to 8 (in that order) and the other two books you buy along with them. Then, go through Books 9 to 12 (in that order) and the other three books you buy along with them.When you do the non-detailed study, use a pen or pencil, and mark every part that strikes you as particularly helpful or interesting.Detailed studyOnce you’ve finished the non-detailed study, you can pick up each individual book for detailed study. Now, as far as possible, you should spend a definite length of time every day, reading and learning from the books, and doing drills and exercises. Can you spend two hours in the morning and at least an hour in the evening every day —six days a week? That’d be ideal. Ideally, you must aim to complete one Fluentzy book in about three days’time. Organize the periods you plan to spend on the books accordingly. You can then spend the remaining days on extra practice and revision.Am I asking too much of you? Perhaps many of you are already working hard on other things. For those learners, it may be a bit difficult to find much time every day for this sort of intensive study and practice. I’m sure they’ll work out on their own a different schedule that suits them. For example, even if they cannot devote sufficient time to their study for a few days at a stretch, they’ll find a way of compensating for the lost time onsome other day —by spending extra hours on that day. But the best plan would be to spend regular hours every day on the learning activities. Otherwise, for many learners, the progress would be a bit slow. But remember this: Slow progress is better than no progress at all. So feel free to work out your own timetable.Learning in burstsSome learners may not like to study at a regular pace, or may not be able to do that, because of the type of jobs they have. They may like to work in short bursts. That is, they may like to spend a few days at a stretch learning from several of the books at once and with great effort. Then they may like to relax their efforts for a few days or for a few weeks. Then they may again work with another burst of activity.As far as fluency training is concerned, this sort of learning in bursts is not a bad plan at all. You see, each burst of learning activity adds to your fluency skill, and a series of such bursts have a cumulative effect. Interim improvements are extremely important, you know.So, as far as fluency training is concerned, even during the periods when you’re not studying, you’re actually learning. You see, once you learn about a few stumbling blocks to fluencyfrom a book, this is what happens: From then on, you start becoming aware of their presence in every real-life speech situation that you come across. Till then, you haven’t been noticing them, but from then on, you start noticing them. And you start dealing with those stumbling blocks —by putting to practical use the fluency techniques that the book has taught you. From each of those situations, you’ll be learning about the nicer aspects of the fluency techniques. So you know, even during the periods when you’re not studying from the books, the things you’ve already learnt are working inside your mind —working hard to build fluency in you.You know, as far as the fluency skill is concerned, there’s no such performance as can be called a final performance. No. Your performance keeps on becoming better and better throughout the self-study period (and throughout your life) —through gradual additions to it.Books 1 to 4 and Books S1 to S3First, pick up Book 1 and read through all the pages in it slowly, carefully and seriously.Try and understand what the explanatory parts say. Make a conscious effort to get to know what they mean. Mark every part that you find especially helpful or interesting. These parts wouldbe in addition to the parts you had marked when you had done the non-detailed study.Go through the examples and find out how they illustrate the points in the explanatory parts. Practise the drills and work through the exercises. Whenever a book asks you to do your reading aloud, read aloud. And whenever a book asks you to repeat saying word groups several times, repeat them several times. (Repeat saying each word group 3 to 5 times at each sitting).When you’ve finished Book 1 in this way, you can pick up Book 2 and complete it in the same way. Then you can complete Books 3 and 4 also (in that order) in the same way.When you’ve finished Books 1 to 4, you can pick up and complete Books S1 to S3 (that you buy along with them) one after another in their serial order.Books 5 to 8 and Books S4 & S5When you’ve finished Books 1 to 4 and Books S1 to S3, you can pick up and complete Books 5 to 8 and S4 & S5 in the same detailed way.Revise Books 1 to 4 and S1 to S3 at least once a week. Pay particular attention to the parts you’ve marked as important in those books. Practise the “word group repetition drills”inBooks 1 to 4 and S1 to S3. Say each of those word groups at least two times.Books 9 to 12 and Books S6 to S8When you’ve finished Books 5 to 8 and S4 & S5, you can pick up and complete Books 9 to 12 and S6 to S8 in the same detailed way.Revise Books 1 to 4 and S1 to S3 as well as Books 5 to 8 and S4 & S5 at least once a week. Pay particular attention to the parts you’ve marked as important in those books. Practise the “word group repetition drills”that those books ask you to do. Say each of those word groups at least two times.All 20 books: B1 to B12 and S1 to S8Revise Books 1 to 12 and S1 to S8 at least twice. Pay particular attention to the “word group repetition drills”and other exercises. You can now follow any order you want. You can pick up any book or any part in any of it first or next. But do revise all the books at least twice.Do a lot of general readingEvery week, you should read at least one English novel (or play). Read a light one —one that’s enjoyable, entertaining and easily understood, rather than a serious one. This is because light novels and plays are normally written in everyday English.And that’s the kind of English that brings you fluency. Of course, books dealing with serious subjects would also help you —if they are in everyday English. My aim is just this: I want to get you exposed to a large amount of a particular type of English —the type of English that native speakers of English actually use in speech in today’s world.Ordinary novels suit fluency-building bestUnderstand this: In general, classics of English literature won’t suit our purpose. No, they won’t. In general, they won’t help you supplement your fluency efforts. No.Of course, classics of English literature are splendid when your aim is appreciation of literature. But not when your aim is to get help with your fluency efforts. The reason is this: Classics of English literature are generally written in a literary style, and not in an easy, conversational, everyday style. And they’re often full of literary words and expressions. Most of them even contain structures, words and expressions that are rare in speech or that are no longer used even in writing. And they may mislead you into thinking that the style of writing and vocabulary items used in them are appropriate for use in speech. And you may even unconsciously start copying them. That would be a disaster. An utter disaster.On the other hand, light novels and plays are normally written in an ordinary, everyday style, and not in a literary style. And they’re full of structures, words and expressions that are used every day in real-life speech. These structures, words and expressions are the power-house of the English that’s actually in use —of the living English. And these are the structures, words and expressions you need to have a mastery of. Light novels and light plays get you to come across these structures, words and expressions again and again in a variety of everyday contexts. This develops your familiarity with them remarkably well, and these structures, words and expressions begin to occur to you readily whenever you think of putting facts and thoughts into words.Ordinary crime stories, romances, humorous novels and plays may not be books of high literary merit. But they’ll give you a lot of exposure to these living structures, words and expressions. For a start, it’s better to confine yourself to one author. You’ll then be exposed repeatedly to the same language, style, expressions, etc. in a large number of situations. After you’ve read five or six books by the same author, turn to another author. Then you’ll come across a sizable amount of the same language,style, expressions, etc. in a variety of situations created by this other author. The cumulative effect of all this reading experience would be this: A bank of ready-to-use English phrases and expressions gets set up in your brain. And through association of ideas, this bank starts supplying you with ready-to-use phrases and expressions when you think of expressing your ideas. Recommended readingBooks by Erle Stanley Gardner, James Hadley Chase and John Grisham are ideal from this point of view. These authors would keep you soaked in the living part of modern-day English. This is the kind of English that you’ll find to be of the most general use.Of course, books even by these authors contain here and there vocabulary items and usages that are dated. Any book by any author is almost certain to contain a certain percentage of dated elements. But what these authors repeatedly expose you to is that part of the English language that has achieved some sort of permanence over the last 100 years or so, and not those parts that only had a short life or will only have a short life. These authors would get you immersed in English that is neither too old nor too modern.You need a good dictionaryYou must get into the habit of looking up words in a dictionary every now and then. Pick any word. From any page. Check their meanings, usage, pronunciation. Read all the example sentences under an entry. Don’t try to learn anything by heart. Neither the meanings nor the examples. Just pay attention to them. That’s all. Look at the meanings and examples. Listen to what the meanings and examples tell you. Just be with them for some time. Spend some time with them.You must do this dictionary work every day for some time —even if you think you know all the important words quite well. You must. This dictionary work is very important, because it helps you develop a feel for words and their collocations (= words that normally tend to occur with those words). And if you want to achieve a real mastery of the core vocabulary, this ‘feel’is essential.But there are two things you must be careful about:1. Avoid bilingual dictionariesYou should generally use only an English-English dictionary, and NOT a dictionary that gives ‘English meanings’for your ‘mother-tongue words’or a dictionary that gives your ‘mother-tongue meanings’for English words.You see, bilingual dictionaries can only help beginners startingto learn English, and not advanced learners like you. In fact, they’ll harm you. Yes. First of all, if you keep on using a bilingual dictionary, your mind will get into the habit of thinking in your mother-tongue and of trying to translate those thoughts into English —instead of getting into the habit of connecting your thoughts directly to English speech. This translation-instinct will stand as a barrier between your thought and speech, and you’ll find it difficult to become fluent in English. And secondly, the English you speak will be stilted and artificial, and not like the genuine English that native speakers of English speak —or even write.So you should avoid using a bilingual dictionary.2. Avoid high-sounding and rarely-used wordsWhen you run your eyes over the pages of a dictionary, your aim must not be to learn all sorts of high-sounding and rarely-used words. No. Your aim must be to learn how you can use frequently-occurring words. And even if you look up high-sounding words and rarely-used words, your aim must not be to actually use those words, but to find out how you can avoid them —by making use of simpler words in their place. The meanings of those words will give you a clear idea.You’ll get lists of frequently-occurring words in the variousFluentzy books. They’re the words you should pay all your attention to.What dictionary should you buy?Now, here’s a list (in alphabetical order) of some of the most helpful dictionaries on the market:Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.Collin’s COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of English. Chances are, you already have one of these dictionaries with you. But if you don’t, buy at least one of them now. Today. Don’t worry about which of them to buy. You can buy any of them blindly. You won’t go wrong. They’re all equally suitable for our purpose. Of course, each gives greater attention to one or two aspects, and the others don’t give as much attention to them. But this doesn’t take away the general usefulness of any of them for our purpose. So you should have at least one of these dictionaries with you. All the time, if possible. And you should make use of them every day.Of course, these are ‘British’dictionaries, and not ‘American’ones. But you should buy and use one of them,even if your sole interest is in ‘American’English. Yes. This is because these dictionaries deal with the common core of British, American, Australian and other varieties of English thoroughly. But if you’re very particular that you must have an ‘American’dictionary meant for advanced learners, you can also think of buying one of the following dictionaries —in addition to one of the five dictionaries listed earlier.NTC’s American English Learner’s DictionaryRandom House Webster’s Dictionary of American English But don’t forget to buy one of the five dictionaries listed earlier because the English language that has international acceptance is the common core of the British, American, Australian and other varieties of English. And that is the kind of English you should be fluent in.That’s it. Now you’re ready to start the self-study.你怎么做的自学吗一个词开始前,自学我肯定一件事:在你完成使用Fluentzy书本为自主学习的课程中,你将发现你已拥有了一个无价的技巧:的技巧,英语口语流利的技能使你的话很容易地流和容易地当你说英语静静地大声的读,在你通览本Fluentzy书,你会注意到另一件事情:你会注意到,我已经写完了他们交谈方式;而不是在夸张的书面英语风格。
英语作文如何学好英语的建议第三人称全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Learn English Well: Suggestions for English Composition in the Third PersonLearning English is a challenging but rewarding process. Many students struggle to master the language due to its complexity and nuances. However, with dedication and the right approach, anyone can improve their English skills significantly. In this article, we will provide some valuable suggestions for learning English well in the third person.One key aspect of learning English well is consistency in practice. It is essential for students to engage with the language regularly through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. By practicing all four language skills consistently, students can improve their proficiency in English over time. For example, students can set aside a specific time each day to read English books or articles, write in a journal or a diary, participate in English conversation groups, and listen to English podcasts or music.Another important suggestion for learning English well is to create a study plan or schedule. By setting specific goals and objectives, students can track their progress and stay motivated. For example, students can set a goal to learn a certain number of new vocabulary words each week, write a certain number of essays or compositions each month, or improve their pronunciation through daily practice. By creating a study plan and sticking to it, students can make steady progress in their English learning journey.Additionally, it is crucial for students to seek feedback from teachers, peers, or language partners. Constructive feedback can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses in English and make necessary improvements. For example, students can ask their teachers to review their essays or compositions and provide feedback on grammar, vocabulary, and organization. They can also practice speaking with classmates or language partners and ask for feedback on pronunciation and fluency. By receiving feedback regularly, students can make targeted improvements in their English skills.Furthermore, students can benefit greatly from using a variety of resources and materials to learn English. There are many excellent resources available, such as textbooks, onlinecourses, language apps, and language exchange websites. By exploring different resources and materials, students can find the ones that suit their learning style and preferences. For example, visual learners may prefer watching English videos or tutorials, while auditory learners may prefer listening to English podcasts or audio recordings. By using a variety of resources, students can enhance their English skills in a holistic way.In conclusion, learning English well requires dedication, consistency, and the right approach. By practicing all four language skills regularly, creating a study plan, seeking feedback, and using a variety of resources, students can make significant progress in their English learning journey. With perseverance and patience, anyone can improve their English skills and achieve fluency in the language. Remember, learning English is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep working hard, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of learning a new language. Good luck!篇2How to Learn English Well: Tips for SuccessLearning English can be a challenging task, but with dedication and the right strategies, anyone can become proficient in the language. In this article, we will discuss sometips and advice on how to learn English effectively in the third person.One of the most important things to do when learning English is to practice regularly. Consistent practice will help improve your language skills and build your confidence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. You can practice by speaking with native speakers, watching English movies and TV shows, reading English books and articles, and writing in English regularly.Another crucial aspect of learning English is to set specific goals for yourself. Whether it's improving your vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, or communication skills, having clear goals will help you stay motivated and on track with your learning. Make a study plan and set aside time each day to work towards your goals.In addition to practicing and setting goals, it's essential to make use of a variety of resources to enhance your English skills. There are many online courses, apps, websites, and books available that can help you learn English effectively. Take advantage of these resources to supplement your learning and expose yourself to different aspects of the language.Furthermore, it's important to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Surround yourself with English speakers, listen to English music, watch English news, and engage in conversations in English whenever you can. Immersing yourself in the language will help you improve your fluency and gain a better understanding of English culture.Lastly, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Learning a new language is a process, and errors are a natural part of the learning journey. Embrace your mistakes as opportunities for growth and improvement. Practice speaking, writing, and listening to English as much as you can, and don't be discouraged by setbacks.In conclusion, learning English well takes time, effort, and dedication. By practicing regularly, setting goals, using a variety of resources, immersing yourself in the language, and embracing mistakes, you can become proficient in English and achieve your language learning goals. Remember that learning a new language is a journey, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. Good luck!篇3How to Learn English Well: Suggestions for English CompositionLearning English is a fulfilling and rewarding journey that opens up a world of opportunities in terms of communication, education, and career advancement. However, mastering the language requires dedication, persistence, and effective strategies. In this essay, we will explore some suggestions on how to learn English well in the third person perspective.Firstly, it is important for individuals to create a conducive learning environment that is free from distractions. This can be achieved by setting aside a specific time each day dedicated to English language study, whether it is reading, writing, listening, or speaking. Establishing a routine helps develop consistency and discipline in learning, which are essential for progress.Secondly, immersing oneself in the language is crucial for language acquisition. This can be done by surrounding oneself with English media such as books, movies, music, and news. Additionally, engaging in conversations with native speakers or joining language exchange programs can greatly enhance one's language skills. By exposing oneself to English on a regular basis, learners can improve their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.Furthermore, practicing writing is an effective way to improve English proficiency. Keeping a journal, writing essays, or participating in online writing forums can help learners develop their writing skills. Feedback from teachers or peers can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Through consistent practice, learners can become more confident in expressing their thoughts and ideas in English.In addition to writing, speaking is another important aspect of language learning. Practicing speaking skills throughrole-plays, group discussions, or language clubs can help learners become more fluent and articulate. It is important to not be afraid of making mistakes, as they are a natural part of the learning process. By seeking opportunities to speak in English regularly, learners can overcome their fear of speaking and gain confidence in their communication skills.When it comes to listening, watching English videos, podcasts, or news broadcasts can help learners improve their listening comprehension. By listening to a variety of accents and speech patterns, learners can expand their understanding of the language and improve their pronunciation. It is also beneficial to practice listening to English speakers at different speeds todevelop one's ability to understand spoken English in various contexts.Lastly, seeking the guidance of a qualified English language teacher or tutor can provide learners with personalized feedback, guidance, and support. A teacher can help identify areas for improvement, tailor lessons to meet individual learning needs, and provide motivation and encouragement. Additionally, taking English language proficiency tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS can help learners track their progress and set goals for language improvement.In conclusion, learning English is a rewarding journey that requires dedication, persistence, and effective strategies. By creating a conducive learning environment, immersing oneself in the language, practicing writing and speaking, improving listening skills, and seeking guidance from teachers or tutors, learners can make significant progress in mastering the English language. With determination and hard work, anyone can learn English well and reap the benefits of proficiency in the language.。
How to study English wellAs we know, English is very important for us.众所周知,英语对我们很重要。
However, how to study English well is the biggestproblem for many students.然而,怎样学好英语对许多学生来说是最大的问题。
I’m happy to share my English learning methodwith you.我很开心与你们分享我的英语学习方法。
I often watch English programs and listen toEnglish songs.我经常看英语节目听英语歌。
I’ve also joined the English club at school toimprove my oral English.我也曾经参加了学校的英语俱乐部去提高我的口语。
And my favorite way to learn new words is to readEnglish magazines .我最喜欢的学习新单词的方法是阅读英语杂志。
I take lots of grammar notes in class.我在课堂上做了许多的语法笔记。
In order to practice my writing,I keep a diary.我写日记为了练习我的写作。
Last but not least, I keep on trying and nevergive up.最后,但并非最不重要的一点是,我一直努力从不放弃。
Le t’s Study English WellEnglish is widely used around the world. It’s used as the first/official language in many countries. It’s also used as a second language in many other countries in the world. It’s important for a businessman or a businesswoman to learn English well. English is a popular language of the world’s airlines and international business. And two thirds of the world’s scientists read and write in English. About 200 million users of the Internet communicate in English, too. What’s more, the 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing, and this calls for the whole nation to learn English. English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. We should study it well.Boys and girls,It’s my honor to come here to share my opinions of learning English with you. I began to learn English when I was ten. At that time I knew nothing about English. But now I enjoy English very much. I like it not only because it’s useful, but also because I have a lot of fun in learning it. I often take part in the English corner, and follow the English tapes to practice spoken English. Morning is the best time to remember words. Keeping a diary in English every day is a good way to improve my writing.That’s all. Thank you.How to Protect the EnvironmentThe earth is our home. But it has been polluted. In order to have a good environment, everyone should do their best to protect it.First, we should plant more trees and grass. And don’t step on the grass or pick flowers. Second, we mustn’t litter here and there. Thir d, we should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. Fourth, we should stop the factories pouring waste water into rivers and streams.If all of us can do our best to protect the environment, I think our home will be more and more beautiful.Changes in Our HometownIn the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our hometown. In the past, there used to be old houses. The river was very dirty. The roads were narrow and the living conditions were hard. People went to work on foot or by bike. But now, there are many tall buildings in my hometown. The river is clean and the water is clear. There are many ring roads and the living conditions are comfortable. People usually go to work by bus or by car.I am glad to see these great changes in my hometown. But I think it’s still important to remember the past. It tells that we should cherish the present life.。
英语作文:How to study English?如何学习英语(最新版)编制人:审核人:审批人:编制学校:编制时间:年月曰序言作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。
作文内容Study English, You do need to use English with speakerswho are not teachers of English. This isn t easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends withwhom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership where English is in use at least some of the time is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going.学习英语,你需要跟英语教师以外的人讲英语。
如何学好英语的英语作文写信格式How to Study English WellLearning English is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can improve your English skills and become fluent in the language. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies on how to study English well.1. Set clear goals: Before you start studying English, it is important to set clear and achievable goals. Whether you want to improve your speaking, listening, writing, or reading skills, having a clear goal in mind will help you stay motivated and focused.2. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to learning a new language. Make it a habit to practice English every day, whether it's through reading, writing, listening to podcasts, or speaking with native speakers. The more you practice, the faster you will improve.3. Use a variety of resources: There are plenty of resources available to help you study English, such as textbooks, online courses, language exchange apps, and language learningwebsites. Experiment with different resources to find what works best for you.4. Immerse yourself in the language: One of the best ways to improve your English skills is to immerse yourself in the language. Watch English movies and TV shows, listen to English music, read English books and newspapers, and try to think and speak in English as much as possible.5. Keep a vocabulary journal: To expand your vocabulary, start a vocabulary journal where you can write down new words and their meanings. Review your journal regularly and try to use these new words in your conversations and writing.6. Practice speaking with native speakers: Speaking with native speakers is one of the most effective ways to improve your English speaking skills. You can find language exchange partners online or join English conversation groups in your area.7. Get feedback: To improve your English skills, it is important to receive feedback on your language abilities. Ask a teacher, tutor, or language exchange partner to provide you with constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement.8. Be patient and persistent: Learning a new language takes time and effort, so it's important to be patient and persistent.Don't get discouraged by mistakes or setbacks, and keep working towards your goal of becoming fluent in English.In conclusion, studying English well requires dedication, practice, and a positive attitude. By following the tips and strategies mentioned in this article, you can improve your English skills and achieve fluency in the language. Good luck with your studies!。
How to Study English WellHow to Study English Well? 怎样学好英语?We all know that English is very useful. Many people in the world speak English. So more and more people in China study it.How to study English well? I think we must have a good way to study English. If you want to learn English well, listening, speaking, reading and writing are important. You should listen to tapes every day. You should often speakEnglish with your teachers and friends. You should read English every morning. And, you had better keep a diary every day. In this way, you can study English well.【参考译文】我们都知道英语很有用,世界上有许多人讲英语。
2022-09-14 18:38857276798|三级As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。
下面是由给大家整理的你怎样学习英语的英语作文,供大家参阅!【篇一】你怎样学习英语英语作文写作to study english well is a procedure of learning and self-proving.I have a coviction that english-learning is a general way to be a better man. first, you must take your time and patience to learn english. so this is the first step to be a successful man. it is said that dilligence is the procedual virture,that is what ever you do, you must work hard. second, if you want speak a quiet good oral english,it takes your courage and determiantion to speak it out either with a native speaker or just your class-mate. third,never just doing the exersices given by your teacher. language is a practical will never know your ability until you have try it in the practice. someday at the airport in U.S, you ask a native speaker a question and he can understand you, meanwhile you can understand him and then i can say you learn english well.学习英语是一个良好的学习和自我程序proving.I有coviction,英语学习是一个一般的方法是一个更好的人。
It is known to all that language learning is not only a kind of knowledge, but a kind of practice. Practice makes perfect. In learning a foreign language, Marx has set a good example. From the very beginning I spared no pains and paid as much attention as possible to listening, speaking, reading and writing.I read the English stories with GREat interest and learn to keep English diary every day. Now I am able to appreciate English poetry.To meet the demands of present situation I must learn English well How to study EnglishStudy English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn't easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership where English is in use at least some of the time is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something goingthere are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill.Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation. Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin,, it is a good way of reading.Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable proGREssHow to study English well is a very complicated question, especially for students.In china, as students we have not enough opportunities to communicate with native speaker. Usually we study English in classes from high school, obviously it is not enough. But nowadays it is a impossible work to change this situation, so how to study English well in this case I have some ideas though I am not a good student.Firstly we should try our best to grasp a great amount of new words ,which is the most important thing. Just like beginning our own language, we should have the words tool to build up the sentences and articles. There are many approaches to recite new words, while my advice is to find an excellent dictionary: English-English dictionary. From it you will learn and understand how to use these words well according to English habits.Secondly today we have many ways to get multi-media dates from TV show, movies, internet and radio. All of them will help us just our pronunciation and accent and make us speak more like a native speakers. Because these dates are the latest, we can learn and touch the most popular and local English. Last but not least class is still a important mean for us to study English. We have professional teachers to teach us not only how to speak, but also how to write, read and listen. These skills are so essential for us.Good luck to everyone .How to Learn English WellEnglish is one of the most important subjects in middle school.Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.How to Learn English WellSome people think that if we want to learn English well we must learn English grammar well first of all. Others believe we can't learn English well unless we keep in mind as many English words and phrases as possible.In my opinion, grammar rules, new words and phrases are very important, but they are not enough. Fox example, some of my classmates are quite good at grammar and have learned by heart a lot of English words and phrases, yet they can't express themselves in English when they meet foreign friends.The best way to learn English well, I think, is to learn and use English all the time. Don't be afraid of being laughed at. We'd better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you can form the habit of thinking and writing in English all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of English and will be able to read works in English within a short period of time.Only in this way that I suggest, can we learn English well. So I think this is the best way.The Importance of Learning English.Nowadays, more and more people are learning is gradually becoming a kind of trend. Why In my own point of view, I think that ,people have realized the importance of learning English for the following reasons:first of all,English is an internationnal countries in the world consider English as thier offical language.sencondly, the importance of learning English. as everyone knows that English works as the language of interntional confrences. A large number of books are printed by English. A better grasp of English can make you have a better understanding of the whole world.Last but not least, I hope everyone should pay more attention to English learning.I think it is important for everyone to learn English well.Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money.Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak English. That will bring you more happiness.Thirdly, you can get high scores in your English exams if you learn English well, which will please your parents and English teacher.Fourth, if you learn English well, you can g o to study abroad. Then you’ll be able to gain more knowledge and learn about Western cultures and customs, and absorb the best of both Western and Chinese education, which will be of benefit to you in the future.Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life.From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English.English is an international language, a lot of countries use English as their official language such as Hong Kong, England and Canada. There are many legal documents are written in English as well.It's very important to learn english because English is international working language and there are many books are written by English. Understanding English can help you understand the world much more. We can find that there are many authors and editors also use English to express their feeling in English; even though there may have some translation to your local language, but in order to fully understand the original message, we may still need to understand the original language, English.We would like everybody pay much more attention on English and makes it as your priority language to learn.Nowadays,the English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we have to make a hard decision to study English well and never give it up. Second we must do all the homework that the teachers told us on time. Third, we should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study. Then, we can ask our classmates or teachers when we come across some hard problems. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Finally, we must stick these everyday.。
怎么学好英语的英语作文How to Learn English Well。
English is a global language and it is used in many fields such as business, education, and entertainment. Itis important to learn English well in order to communicate effectively with people from different countries. Here are some tips on how to learn English well:1. Set realistic goals: It is important to set goals that are achievable. For example, if you want to improve your speaking skills, set a goal to speak for 10 minutes every day.2. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to learning English. Practice speaking, writing, reading, and listening every day.3. Use English in your daily life: Try to use Englishin your daily life as much as possible. This could be assimple as listening to English music or watching English movies.4. Find a language exchange partner: Find someone who speaks English as their first language and practice speaking with them. You can also help them with your native language.5. Join a language class: Joining a language class can be a great way to learn English. You will have a teacher who can guide you and classmates to practice with.6. Use online resources: There are many online resources available to help you learn English such as websites, apps, and podcasts.7. Read English books: Reading English books can help improve your vocabulary and grammar.8. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Making mistakes isa natural part of learning. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.In conclusion, learning English well takes time and effort. By setting realistic goals, practicing regularly, using English in your daily life, finding a language exchange partner, joining a language class, using online resources, reading English books, and not being afraid to make mistakes, you can improve your English skills.。
学好英语的英语作文【篇一:如何学习英语英语作文】1how to learn english welllearning english just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using english every day. besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. listen to englishradio programmes, read english stories and newspapers, watch english films and tv programmes ,keep a diary in english and attend english debbates and speech contests. if we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. whats more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. i believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning english, we will learn english well.学习英语就象学习其他语言一样是艰辛的。
博雅阅读高级英语unit5课后答案1、Mrs. Green has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. practiceB. newsC. messagesD. suggestions(正确答案)2、Kate has a cat _______ Mimi. [单选题] *A. called(正确答案)B. callC. to callD. calling3、I want something to eat. Please give me a _______. [单选题] *A. bookB. watchC. shirtD. cake(正确答案)4、I didn't hear _____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting. [单选题] *A. what did he sayB. what he had said(正确答案)C. what he was sayingD. what to say5、The little boy saved his money ______ he could buy his mother a gift on Mother’s Day.()[单选题] *A. butB. such thatC. in order toD. so that(正确答案)6、Bill Gates is often thought to be the richest man in the world. _____, his personal life seems not luxury. [单选题] *A. MoreoverB. ThereforeC. However(正确答案)D. Besides7、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any8、?I am good at schoolwork. I often help my classmates _______ English. [单选题] *A. atB. toC. inD. with(正确答案)9、The classmates can' t()Alice from her twin sister. [单选题] *A. speakB. tell(正确答案)C. talkD. say10、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)11、It’s very hot. Please _______ your coat. [单选题] *A. look afterB. take off(正确答案)C. take onD. put on12、I?have to?_______ my younger brother on Sunday. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look upC. take careD. look out13、There is something wrong with my teeth. I’ve had?a _______. [单选题] *A. toothache(正确答案)B. headacheC. stomachacheD. heartache14、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的15、Becky is having a great time ______ her aunt in Shanghai. ()[单选题] *A. to visitB. visitedC. visitsD. visiting(正确答案)16、John had planned to leave, but he decided to stay in the hotel for()two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. the otherC. another(正确答案)D. others17、Can you give her some ______ ? [单选题] *A. advice(正确答案)B. suggestionC. advicesD. suggest18、——Have you()your friend Bill recently? ———No, he doesnt often write to me. [单选题] *A. heard aboutB. heard ofC. heard from (正确答案)D. received from19、17.—When ________ they leave here?—Tomorrow morning. [单选题] *A.doB.will(正确答案)C.doesD.are20、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned21、11.________ big furniture shop it is! [单选题] *A.HowB.WhatC.What a (正确答案)D.What an22、While my mother _______ the supper, my father came back. [单选题] *A. cooksB. is cookingC. was cooking(正确答案)D. has cooked23、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)24、42.—________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *A.How much(正确答案)B.How manyC.WhatD.Which25、Bob used ______ on the right in China, but he soon got used ______ on the left in England.()[单选题] *A. to drive; to driveB. to drive; drivingC. to driving; to driveD. to drive; to driving(正确答案)26、66.—How much meat do you want?—________.[单选题] *A.Sorry, there isn't anyB.I can't give you anyC.Half a kilo, please(正确答案)D.Twelve yuan a kilo27、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect28、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none29、I _______ no idea of where the zoo is. [单选题] *A. thinkB. getC. have(正确答案)D. take30、I knocked on the door but _______ answered. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody。
刚上初中怎么学好英语作文How to Study English Well in the Beginning of Junior High School。
As a new junior high school student, learning English well is very important. Here are some tips on how to study English effectively.Firstly, it is essential to build a solid foundation in English grammar. Understanding the basic grammar rules will help you to form correct sentences and express yourself clearly. You can achieve this by studying grammar books, doing grammar exercises, and seeking help from your English teacher when you have doubts.Secondly, reading extensively is crucial for improving your English. Reading English books, newspapers, and magazines can help you to expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension. It is also beneficial to read aloud, as it can help you to improve yourpronunciation and intonation.In addition, practicing speaking and listening is equally important. You can practice speaking English with your classmates, watch English movies or TV shows, and listen to English songs or podcasts. This will help you to improve your speaking and listening skills, as well as your ability to understand different accents.Furthermore, writing regularly is essential for mastering English. You can start by writing short essays, diary entries, or even keeping a journal in English. This will help you to improve your writing skills, as well as your ability to express your thoughts and ideas in English.Moreover, using English in your daily life is crucial for enhancing your language skills. You can try to think in English, use English in your conversations with friends, and even change the language settings on your electronic devices to English. Immersing yourself in the language will help you to become more proficient in English.Lastly, seeking help from your English teacher or a tutor when you encounter difficulties is important. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification when you don't understand something. Your teacher or tutor can provide you with valuable guidance and support to help you improve your English.In conclusion, studying English well in the beginning of junior high school requires dedication, perseverance, and consistent effort. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can make significant progress in your English language skills. Remember, learning a language is a journey, so be patient and stay motivated. Good luck!。
关于学好英语的英语作文How to Learn English Well。
English has become a global language and it is widely used in many fields such as business, science, and education. Therefore, learning English well is essential for people who want to communicate with the world and achieve success in their careers. In this article, I will share some tips on how to learn English well.1. Set a clear goal。
Before starting to learn English, you need to set a clear goal. Ask yourself why you want to learn English and what you want to achieve. Do you want to improve your communication skills, pass an English test, or use English for your job? When you have a clear goal, you will be more motivated and focused in your learning.2. Create a study plan。
Once you have a clear goal, you need to create a study plan that suits your needs and schedule. Decide how much time you can devote to learning English each day or week, and plan your study accordingly. You can use textbooks, online resources, or attend English classes to learn English. It is important to have a balance between reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.3. Practice regularly。
How to study English well
How to improve your English in full detail (my experience)
To be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard either.
Before you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important st ep is the “pronunciation”.To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and practise. This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more difficult. If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right track.
After mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words an d useful expressions.Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, etc.... and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, etc..........It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so th at you remember them well.Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary school.
Now let me tell you how I learnt English in China. Speaking:
In China, you won’t have enough chances to speak English. What I did was in the morning I got up early and read aloud the texts in the textbooks.The initial aim was to achieve the same speed as the tape, and then being able to read aloud
the texts with the same style as the English announcer in the tape. By doing this, it helps you to consolidate your pronunciation and grammar.
Nowadays it is much easier to learn English in China because you can watch some TV channels in English.The more channels in English the better because you can choose your preferred programmes and it helps you to learn English with interests of your own, hence ideal for listening and expression/words accumulations.
It is also very useful to write diaries.On writing diaries, it is not useful if you just write it without the care of grammar and spelling.When you finish you should always read your diaries again to check for errors and refine your sentences (e.g. remove repetitive words, use better expressions, and sort out the structure of the sentences).
It is also very important to read story books in English, starting from thin ones with not many new words.Read as many thin books as you possibly can.Little by Little you will want to read thicker books, and your reading ability will get even better.
Putting four elements together:
I have to emphasise that when you do all these reading, listening, writing and speaking; you should join them together as a whole, apply the new words you learn from watching TV, reading books to your writing and speaking.
The enhancement of learning comes from getting hold of the possible opportunities to speak English (in China or abroad):
In China, you should try to go to local English corner to practise your oral English.If you are abroad then you should make a lot of English or international friends so you always have the opportunity to speak English.
On Spoken English, attitude is very important. You need to be very keen and you must not be shy. Never be afraid to make mistakes.Always think that a talk in English with some one will help you significantly.
You can think in this way: since my parents have paid so much to support me to study abroad, the money is partly spent on the international environment for learning English; therefore I ought to try my best to take every opportunity to practise my English.
My English has risen to a higher level in the last 2 years, because I talk in English most of the time.Having some international friends is particularly useful indeed.
Summing up the activities:
I have also been watching TV too.The real improvement lies in staying with international friends long enough and watching a lot of TV such as news, football, dramas, documentaries etc.... Writing diaries also helps me to remember good words, good expressions and practise sentence structuring.。