Journals of Knowledge Management and of Knowledge Management Practice,
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Knowledge Engineering and Managementis a crucial aspect of modern organizations, as it involves the creation, acquisition, organization, and sharing of knowledge to enhance decision-making and performance. In this article, we will delve into the concepts of knowledge engineering and management, discuss their importance, and explore effective strategies for their implementation in organizations.Knowledge engineering is the process of designing and developing knowledge-based systems that can use specialized knowledge to solve complex problems. It involves capturing and encoding knowledge from experts in a specific domain into a computer system, allowing the system to perform tasks that would typically require human expertise. This can include rule-based systems, machine learning algorithms, and expert systems that can analyze data, make predictions, and provide recommendations based on the knowledge they have been programmed with.Knowledge management, on the other hand, focuses on the processes used to create, store, share, and apply knowledge within an organization. It involves the creation of knowledge repositories, the development of knowledge sharing platforms, and the establishment of processes to ensure that knowledge is effectively utilized throughout the organization. Knowledge management also includes strategies for knowledge retention, knowledge transfer, and the development of a knowledge-sharing culture within the organization.The importance of knowledge engineering and management in organizations cannot be understated. In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations need to be able to adapt quickly to new technologies, market trends, and customer demands. By effectively managing and leveraging their knowledge assets, organizations can make better decisions, innovate more efficiently, and stay ahead of the competition.Effective knowledge engineering and management strategies require a multidisciplinary approach that combines expertise in information technology, cognitive science, organizational behavior, and business strategy. Organizations need to invest intools and technologies that facilitate knowledge capture, storage, retrieval, and sharing. They also need to develop processes and systems that encourage collaboration, creativity, and continuous learning among employees.One effective strategy for implementing knowledge engineering and management in organizations is the establishment of communities of practice. These are groups of employees who share a common interest or expertise and come together to learn from each other, share best practices, and develop new knowledge within their domain. By fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing, organizations can tap into the collective intelligence of their workforce and drive innovation and performance.Another important aspect of knowledge engineering and management is the use of knowledge management systems, such as document management systems, intranets, wikis, and social networking platforms. These systems enable organizations to capture, store, and share knowledge in a structured and accessible format, making it easier for employees to find the information they need, collaborate with their colleagues, and stay informed about the latest developments in their field.In conclusion, knowledge engineering and management are essential components of successful organizations in today's knowledge-based economy. By effectively capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge within the organization, companies can improve decision-making, drive innovation, and achieve a competitive advantage. It is crucial for organizations to invest in the tools, technologies, and processes that support knowledge engineering and management and to foster a culture of collaboration, learning, and continuous improvement.。
顶级会议第一KDD 第二SIAM ICDM中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(数据库、数据挖掘与内容检索)序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TODS ACM Transactions on Database Systems ACM /tods/2 TOIS ACM Transactions on Information andSystems ACM /pubs/tois/3 TKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society /tkde/4 VLDBJ VLDB Journal S pringer-Verlag/dblp/db/journals/vldb/index.html二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TKDD ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data ACM/pubs/tkdd/2 AEI Advanced Engineering Informatics Elsevier/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622240/3 DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering Elsevier/science/journal/0169023X4 DMKD Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySpringer/content/100254/5 EJIS European Journal of Information Systems The OR Society/ejis/6 GeoInformatica Springer /content/1573-7624/7 IPM Information Processing and Management Elsevier/locate/infoproman8 Information Sciences Elsevier /locate/issn/002002559 IS Information Systems Elsevier/information-systems/10 JASIST Journal of the American Society for Information Science and TechnologyAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology /Publications/JASIS/jasis.html11 JWS Journal of Web Semantics Elsevier /locate/inca/67132212 KIS Knowledge and Information Systems Springer /journal/1011513 TWEB ACM Transactions on the Web ACM /三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 DPD Distributed and Parallel Databases Springer/content/1573-7578/2 I&M Information and Management E lsevier /locate/im/3 IPL Information Processing Letters Elsevier /locate/ipl4 Information Retrieval Springer /issn/1386-45645 IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems World Scientific/ijcis6 IJGIS International Journal of Geographical Information Science Taylor & Francis/journals/tf/13658816.html7 IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley/jpages/0884-8173/8 IJKM International Journal of Knowledge Management IGI/journals/details.asp?id=42889 IJSWIS International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems IGI/10 JCIS J ournal of Computer Information Systems IACIS/web/journal.htm11 JDM Journal of Database Management IGI-Global/journals/details.asp?id=19812 JGITM Journal of Global Information Technology Management Ivy League Publishing/bae/jgitm/13 JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Springer/content/1573-7675/14 JSIS Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier/locate/jsis中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(数据库、数据挖掘与内容检索)一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TODS ACM Transactions on Database Systems ACM /tods/2 TOIS ACM Transactions on Information andSystems ACM /pubs/tois/3 TKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society /tkde/4 VLDBJ VLDB Journal S pringer-Verlag/dblp/db/journals/vldb/index.html二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 TKDD ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data ACM/pubs/tkdd/2 AEI Advanced Engineering Informatics Elsevier/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622240/3 DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering Elsevier/science/journal/0169023X4 DMKD Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySpringer/content/100254/5 EJIS European Journal of Information Systems The OR Society/ejis/6 GeoInformatica Springer /content/1573-7624/7 IPM Information Processing and Management Elsevier/locate/infoproman8 Information Sciences Elsevier /locate/issn/002002559 IS Information Systems Elsevier/information-systems/10 JASIST Journal of the American Society for Information Science and TechnologyAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology /Publications/JASIS/jasis.html11 JWS Journal of Web Semantics Elsevier /locate/inca/67132212 KIS Knowledge and Information Systems Springer /journal/1011513 TWEB ACM Transactions on the Web ACM /三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1 DPD Distributed and Parallel Databases Springer/content/1573-7578/2 I&M Information and Management E lsevier /locate/im/3 IPL Information Processing Letters Elsevier /locate/ipl4 Information Retrieval Springer /issn/1386-45645 IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems World Scientific/ijcis6 IJGIS International Journal of Geographical Information Science Taylor & Francis/journals/tf/13658816.html7 IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley/jpages/0884-8173/8 IJKM International Journal of Knowledge Management IGI/journals/details.asp?id=42889 IJSWIS International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems IGI/10 JCIS J ournal of Computer Information Systems IACIS/web/journal.htm11 JDM Journal of Database Management IGI-Global/journals/details.asp?id=19812 JGITM Journal of Global Information Technology Management Ivy League Publishing/bae/jgitm/13 JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Springer/content/1573-7675/14 JSIS Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier/locate/jsis一、以下是一些数据挖掘领域专家牛人的网站,有很多精华,能开阔研究者的思路,在此共享:1.Rakesh Agrawal主页:/en-us/people/rakesha/ 数据挖掘领域唯一独有的关联规则研究的创始人,其主要的Apriori算法开启了这一伟大的领域。
ISSN1750-9653,England,UKInternational Journal of Management Scienceand Engineering ManagementV ol.2(2007)No.4,pp.278-288A thoretical review of knowledge management and teamworking in theorganizations∗Juan A.Marin-Garcia1†,Elena Zarate-Martinez21School of Industrial Engineering and School of Management.Universidad Politcnica de Valencia.Spain2Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management(INGENIO/CSIC/UPV).Camino de Vera s/n.PolytechnicInnovation City(Received March62007,Accepted July82007)Abstract.Human Resource Management relevance in Knowledge M9anagement had been studied in the academic literature focuses mostly on recruitment,selection,wages and salaries and career development processes.We’ve found little publications taking in account the group of persons that generates,share and transfer that knowledge working in teams.The aim of this paper is to propose a framework that describes the relationship between knowledge management and teamworking,integrating proposals and to outline some considerations for further research.Keywords:knowledge management,team work,human resources management1IntroductionAs the literature shows,knowledge management(KM)is an important component for the maintenance of the organizations competitive advantage[8,10,19,24,48].Those KM programs should not be an isolated program supported by a particular individual,but should be regarded as an organizational initiative[9].For that,it must be consider the culture and the motivational practices as a successful keys.It seems that knowledge management without human resource management will not raise their objectives[22,23,43].On the other hand,human resources management(HRM)had been development since it was thought as an important matter within the organizations in the80’s,but begins to have relevance and be important for the strategic formulation and competitiveness.[3,13,16,36].If this is so and KM is important for the competitiveness too,the study of both disciplines is a growing actual matter.Another research in the literature analyses the relevance of HRM in KM,focuses mostly on recruitment, selection,wages and salaries and career development processes in specific organizations[11,15,34,39,42,45,50]. Oltra[34]bases his research in why KM initiatives are not so effectives as it is hoped and how human resources practices affects them successfully.The proposal of Tare[45]suggests that it’s important not only to convince the organization for lay the foundation for the success of a KM project,but also to consider other things about personal management that sometimes are ignored.We also found some references from the psychologist point of view which study individual’s and group’s capabilities and competences treating knowledge as an additional element of it performance[31].Any other references focuses,on one hand to the individual as a knowledge generating in a personal way(knowledge worker)[1,18,21,26,29,41,46]and on the other hand,to the group of individuals that generating,∗We would like to thank the R+D+i Linguistic Assistance Office at the Universidad Politecnica of Valencia for their help in translating this paper.†E-mail by World Academic Press,World Academic UnionInternational Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management,Vol.2(2007)No.4,pp.278-288279 sharing and transmit this knowledge by teamworking[12,40].This last matter related with KM has not so much references in the literature.All those reflections mentioned above takes us to a probably fertilefield for the study of the relationship among these disciplines.In this sense,we’ll base on knowledge management frameworks that include a human resource variable,mostly specific,teamworking,in order to know what kind of relationship is between both disciplines.2Knowledge management(KM)Considering that knowledge has been taken as one of the most valuated resources in the actual society[8,20,32,33]and constitutes an important partner in the efficiently of the production and organizational methods in order to achieve the improvement of products and services[48],it’s necessary to research its man-agement.Some authors recommend checking the assumptions about information and knowledge because it tends to use the terms interchangeably[19].In the literature we can found references that make a distinction between what is knowledge and what is not.Some argues that information is data and knowledge allows people assign significance to the information[47];others coincide in that information must have relevance and purpose,but only is knowledge if it can be interpreted and become in valuable for decision making[8,44].In addition, information must consist in data and messagesflow that are organized to describe a condition or special situation,while knowledge is concepts,beliefs,judgements,methodologies and know-how that have been processed by individuals previously[32,48].Table1.KM descriptive frameworksPillars framework (Karl Wiig,1993)It’s about knowledge exploration and adaptation;estimation and evaluation of the knowledge value,the related activities and the leading activity in the KM.Capabilities Framework (Leonard-Barton,1995)It considers activities and capacities.The referenced activities are:problems resolution on a shared and creative way;implementation and integration of new tools and methods;experimentation,adoption and absorption of technologies from organisation outsides.About the capacities,it defines it like competitive advantage which was developed by the company during his own life and that can not be easily dropped.Organizational KMFramework(Arthur Andersen and The American Productivity and Quality Center, 1996)They identified six KM processes:creation,identification,collecting, adaptation,application and knowledge sharing.It identified also four boosters whom make easier the work of this processes:leadership,evaluation,culture and technology.Intelligent Organization Framework (Choo,1996)The organisation uses the information in a strategic way to create and understand knowledge,and to take decisions.This model speak about “decision taking”like a process in which the organisation process information to resolve situation uncertainty moments.Four KM Steps Framework(van der Spek and Spijkervet, 1997)Establish four step:conceptualization,included research,classification and modelling of existent knowledge;reflexion(evaluation of conceptualized knowledge);action,when it makes better the acquired knowledge and the retrospection stage,in which they recognize the effect of the action step.Taking this into account,there is not a general approximation about KM commonly accepted,so dispersed and divergent notions are in progress.Some focus on the management of explicit knowledge using technical focus(knowledge shared and transferred from information systems,using networks,etc).Others have directed to intellectual capital(structural capital,human capital);and another approximation,includes issues about relevant knowledge that effects the success of any organization.This is a complementary vision from the two below of knowledge management[25,44].MSEM email for subscription:info@280J.A.Marin-Garcia&E.Zarate-Martinez:A thoretical review of knowledge management and KM have been defined as an art in which information and intellectual assets are transformed in permanent value for the organization and its partners and clients;as a process that using information technologies seeks a synergy combination between data and information treatment and the creative and innovative capacity of human beings in a complex groups of dynamic abilities and know how that are in a permanent change[5,14,48]; and as a management tool focuses in determine,organized,leading,encourages and supervising practises and activities related with knowledge(intangible assets)important to reach the strategy and objectives planned that are valuables to the organization in the way to develop core competences and capacities[37].There are different frameworks that have helped to understand KM[27,37].These frameworks have been identified as descriptive frameworks(characterizing a phenomena’s nature)and prescriptive or specialized frameworks(that shows the methodology follow in KM).Tab.1and2shows some frameworks from the literature,following the classification mentioned above.Those frameworks have in common that characterizes knowledge asset that must be managed,identifies and explain the knowledge activities acting in KM and recognises the factors that affect it[37].Table2.KM prescriptive frameworksIntangible Assets Framework(Sveiby,1997)It assumes tree components as:external structures(relationship between clients, providers,trademarks,company image,etc.),internal structures as patents,concepts, frameworks,administrative systems and organizational culture and employees’competences that point out their skills.Intellectual Capital Framework(Petrash,1996)Involve tree types of organizational resources referring to intellectual capital:human capital(knowledge each person is able to create);organizational capital(knowledge that had been captures and institutionalized within the organization as culture,structures,processes)and the client capital that is the value perception the client have to make business with a goods and services provider.Knowledge Creation Framework(Nonaka y Takeuchi,1995)It introduces two knowledge dimensions(tacit and explicit knowledge)and knowledge creation levels(individual,group,organizational or interorganizational).They Developer a four stages framework:socialization(conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge),externalization(knowledge linkage trough a dialogue or collectivereflection)combination(originating during information processing)and the internalization(organizational knowledge)Knowledge Transfer Framework (Szulanski,1996)It analyzing knowledge transfer barriers,pointed out the good practices.It identifies four stages in knowledge transfer:initiation,implementation,leverage and integration.These stages are affected by transfer ambiguity,lack of motivation or a false perception about irrelevant knowledge as a knowledge source;personal characteristics and context.Knowledge Management Process Framework (KPMG,1997).Includes six phases:knowledge acquisition,indexation,filtration,relation,distribution and application and emphasises tree main factors as top management commitment, assumes KM implications and apply KM to all the organization.Implies working on individual,team and organizational levels as a hole.So it is important to consider structure,strategy,leadership,human resources management,communication and information system and culture.Knowledge Management Participative Framework (Holsapple and Joshi,1998).It is about four phases:Acquisition:taking knowledge from outside the company and transform it in representations than can be use inside the organization.Selection:using organization own knowledge and present it in a right way.Internalization:Modifies organization knowledge assets to convert it in valuables e:manipulates existing knowledge to generate a new knowledge or the externalization of it.In Tab.3we summarize other recent frameworks[2,28]that show the importance of identify the relevant knowledge source and the assumption of KM as an strategy that comes from the company and goes beyond it..The frameworks described here,constitutes the context to facilitate the KM comprehension,showing their characteristic,elements and relationship between they[20].They may help help organizations in the im-plementation of programs that support the new knowledge parading’assumption as a main and very visible resource in the actual society.MSEM email for contribution:submit@International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management,Vol.2(2007)No.4,pp.278-288281Table3.KM prescriptive frameworksRastogi(2000) framework It assumes four stages:(I)identification and classified existing and available knowledge required for organizational strategy,including expert knowledge and employees competences.Storing existing acquired and created knowledge in knowledge repositories.(II)Share knowledge trough an easy access and distribution to the users.(III)Knowledge application to decision making and problem solving. (IV)Creating new knowledge trough R&D,learned lessons,creative thinking and innovation.Integer KM framework (Beijerse,2000).Includes tree main factors to encourage knowledge processes in organizations: strategy,structure and culture.Strategy matches with available and needed knowledge and the gap between them.Structure matches with the knowledge acquisition,development,and capture;and culture will determine how knowledge must be use and shared.Knowledge Flow framework (Heisig,2001)It is compound byfive processes(I)Identify important knowledge for organization strategy.(II)Create,that’s means the capability to learn and communicate making linkages with different matters(III)Store to seek in an right way the information needed and allows employees to access and shared their knowledge.(IV)Distribution by encourages a team spirit to that support knowledge sharing.(V)Application, creating new knowledge from existing and applied knowledge.Building Blocksof Knowledge Management framework(Probst,Raub y Romhardt,2002).This framework assumes two knowledge cycles:(I)Internal Cycle that includes knowledge goals(identification,acquisition and development)and External Cycle related with KM evaluation(distribution,use and preservation)Knowledge Cycle framework(Mc Elroy,2002).Knowledge exists after had been captured,codified and shared.Knowledge creation cycle in two major processes:(I)Knowledge production(individual and group learning, knowledge demand,codification and share)and Knowledge integration(diffusion, training,communication and share).However,as literature says,the application of KM or associated frameworks,are frequently presented in business context,particularly in major companies[17,37],where the focus is targeted to how KM is installed and what kind of tools and methodologies are used to encourage it.On the other hand and unless common its publication,there are an extended cases that shows the great effort major companies,universities and research centers at all levels have carried out to develop.For example,excellent portals(or intranet)as knowledge supporters,so that people share what they know.Also there are publications that resumes a literature review where frameworks,terms,technologies and methodologies of KM are explained[4,16,35];but there is not ref-erences that make a depth study or establish a relationship between KM and other strategic resources of the organization,like for example,the human resources and their management[38].3Team workingConsidering human element in organizations in general,and particularly in business context,had a strong evolution from the Taylor’s conception where people were only a factor that perform their functions according to economic incentive,to actual vision according to people is a major and strategic resource and like so,have an influence in the competitiveness[4,11,30].The economy based on knowledge is changing the view that companies performs their human resources practices.Technology advance,globalization and more specialised work force and awarded respecting time value and market forces,encourages organizations to do more with less[6,7,49]making them redirect their strategies in a permanent way.More organizations are responding to this fact with very new strategies like total quality programs,[49], lean production or involvement/participation management programmes[7,40,60,63]in order to maximize,in those cases,their human capital and adapting to the market demands throughout a group of people that ac-complish complex functions will be impossible to reach working alone[4,11,49,59].However,even there are arguments that try to get into the human resource innovation[65],they are not so extensive as other in manyMSEM email for subscription:info@282J.A.Marin-Garcia&E.Zarate-Martinez:A thoretical review of knowledge management and other organization areas[11,67].In this sense the nature of this change,as some author refers,[66,68]can appreciate in Tab.4:anizational change natureFrom ToEnvironment Variable out knowable Complex and changingStrategic corporate design An assembly of individual whoexecute instructions throughstructures and functionsA knowledge community that drawson the strength of a collective socialmindBoundaries Fixed:the organization has anidentity relationship with itselfFluid:the organization is networkedwith various others at differenttimes,for different purposes.Managerial Focus Functions ProcessesAuthority/Power Hierarchical position,commandand controlProfessional influence,communication,collegialityControl of work Vested n the supervisory process Vested in the individualControl of work outcomes Remains with centralmanagementNegotiated between supervisorsand groups of knowledge workers.Source:D.Hiltrop[11](1995),pp.13.These transition seems to encourage more collective working than those that were developed in an in-dividual way,because,the terms used now are different:collective mind,flow,process,group of workers, etc that support what literature says about organizations that allows teamworking to reach their strategic objectives[54,63,67].We canfind diverse definitions about teamworking in literature,,showing that it is a tool that assists orga-nizational changes,give themflexibility,workers integration,work speed and innovation[54,63,64,67].Never-theless,not all researchers in this area agree with teamworking kindness,saying that this is not a magic potion because their contribution to the organization major goals will depend on the context and the human resources policies have their meanings,[54,61,63,71]and they consider teamworking is more than a fashion and rep-resent a powerful tool for organizations to manage their resources,it is not the definitive way because it needs time,commitment and a specific culture.Sometime these factors in most cases make difficult its implantation.Well thought-out teamworking exists because a group of persons,and its definition may focus from two perspectives:the sociological one,individual centred and his work well-being(tasks execution improvement time and task conditions)or the organization paradigm that conceives teamworking as a management pro-cesses supporting tool and of improvement of the development of the organization.In this sense are very interest in very interesting work makes a review,not only about the sources of teamworking,but the concept evolution throughout time,from its postulation in early50’s to our time,so the organization vision of the concept[54,67].According to Salas et al.[63],teamworking characteristics are related with the member’s skills, aptitudes and attitudes.This can be appreciated in Tab.5.Tranfield et al[67]based on a literature review make a contribution to the teamworking definition,adding the use organizations make of different types of it,as those to support the self develop andflexibility in permanent work team(semi-autonomous or self directed teams);lean teams that are the core structure of companies that work with lean production processes and teams focused on projects,often used in consultancy. Thefinal conclusion they reach pointed out that there is not consistency in the use of these different types of teamworking and that each organization uses them according to its own context.4Relationship between knowledge management and teamworkingSapsed et al.[40],realized a literature review where they found KM and teamworking as a source of competitiveness.Trough teamworking it is possible to establish a mechanism to coordinate the specialized knowledge of a certain quantity of individuals within an organization[16,56];convert personal knowledge(tacit MSEM email for contribution:submit@International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management,Vol.2(2007)No.4,pp.278-288283Table5.Teamworking characteristicsCharacteristics Meaning/comprised skillsFlexible and adaptive behaviors,cognitions and attitudes.General team competencies(knowledge, skills,attitudesFeel free to provide and accept feedback based on monitoring behavior.Mutual performance monitoring,constructive and timely feedback and shared situational awarenessMembers being willing and able to back fellow members up during operations.Back-up behavior(compensatory behavior) and adaptabilityTeamwork involves clear and concisecommunicationClosed-loop communicationCo-ordination of collective interdependent action.Co-ordination,shared mental models and interpersonal relationsLeadership skill that enables the direction, planning and co-ordination of activities Development of shared problem models,clear direction,enabling performance environment,decision making/problem solving,maintaining team coherenceAs all teams are not created equal,contextualfactors as well as the task that is facing the team must be considered when deciding the importance of the various competencies needed within a particular team.Importance of particular team competencies will vary by the nature of the teamSource:Salas et al[63].(2000),pp.352.knowledge)in explicit knowledge that then is embowered in new products,process and services[32].When teamworking is used,organizations can improve their deployment cycle in quality and efficiency in production, mostly if is a complex one[55].The growing importance of complex systems and products we canfind actually requires the integration of disparate technical and professional knowledge.These means that individuals cannot possibly absorb all the requisite knowledge domains for their team’s activities[40].This has forced many organizations to use outsourcing.Teams with high cohesion tend to be more insular,closed to the knowledge and influences outside the team[40].Sometimes team knowledge is not more than the sum of their parts.When the team member’s knowledge is similar or very close,teamworking is more efficient,because a tacit understanding is shared and there is less necessity of explanations or demonstrations.While where the knowledge base of the individuals is different,teamworking becomes slow and complicated[40].On the other hand,there is little literature that establishes metrics about KM and teamworking and their relationship.However,separately we canfind research where they are measured and analyzed,as an isolated issues related to others,basically of economic type.There are a variety of tools for the KM evaluation,diagnosis and results used generally in major compa-nies.Public organizations,as the European Centre of Standardization has created a guide that concentrates the steps companies must follow if they want to have KM.That guide is based on a recommendations and ques-tionnaire based on Heissig[57].The American Productivity&Quality Centre(APQC)and Arthur Andersen developed the Knowledge Management Assessment Tool(KMAT)to help companies to evaluate which of their strengths and opportunities lays on KM.It measure the KM processes itself,the leadership,the cul-ture and technology.On the other hand,Ayestaran[52]analyses the organizational issues that can mediate in KM process within universities.The analysis includes the organizational culture,leadership,organizational structure,human resources management and the system of information and communication.Related to teamworking,Levi and Slem[58]carried out a research using a30items questionnaire and leaded interviews where they evaluated workers’attitudes and beliefs about teamworking in a R&D areas. The questionnaire studied teamworking success,the factors that promote it(from the overall organizations and form human resources)and the ideas about self management.Wright and Edwards[70]accomplished and study using quantitative and qualitative data(they made interviews to shopfloor workers and specialized supervisors and a questionnaire that measured skills,job knowledge and effort)to know if teamworking functions and what were the reasons of its success.Winter and McCalla[69]used Belbin’s taxonomy to determine the individual’MSEM email for subscription:info@284J.A.Marin-Garcia&E.Zarate-Martinez:A thoretical review of knowledge management and skills respecting teamworking when working by projects.Generally most of the research in this area use team types to determine the relationships between job characteristics and the outputs in an teamworking environment.It seems there is a potential researchfield.As we said before,some KM frameworks include teamwork-ing as an important element.So Leonard-Barton[22]framework assumes as an important activity to consider a knowledge based organization,share and creative problem solving;including as an organizational capac-ity,employees knowledge and skills as well as the human resource management system(incentives,training, recognition,etc).Nonaka and Takeguchi[32]in their knowledge creation framework make a distinction be-tween individual and group level in order to facilitate the conversion from tacit to explicit knowledge;and in one of the framework stages(externalization),it is necessary for the articulation of this knowledge throughout a collective reflection.And,Heisig[57]framework outlines that to create knowledge it is necessary to share information,so a team is build it very important.The linkages of these two concepts seem to be done by teamworking characteristic and KM frameworks considering as a processes/tools that supports organizations to obtain its goals.However,the relationship be-tween both terms has been little approached in an explicit way and it seems that there is a general assumption that one is a part of a natural manifestation of the other.Based on this,this paper is aimed to look into the rela-tionship between both tools,considering KM frameworks and teamworking characteristics.This relationship is shown in Fig.1,that leaves from the conceptualization of KM made by several authors[22,32,57]and it’s linked with the teamworking characteristics proposed by Salas et al.[63].Fig.1.Linkages of KM and teamwork frameworkOne way to knowledge transfer is trough share problem solving[22],but individual differences as spe-cialization,cognitive style and preferred tools and methods may states as a barriers to problem solving or as a big opportunity to encourages creativity,so at the same time it can provide a new knowledge.Attempting MSEM email for contribution:submit@International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management,Vol.2(2007)No.4,pp.278-288285 to this,the relationship with teamworking characteristics may be explained from the perspective of diverse knowledge and the team skills,methods and tools,in which it’s necessary to favour a context that encourage people to accept different points of view,even if it is not agreement,without favouring the division of the group.The specialization and the different cognitive styles found in a team need a strong leadership able to mediate over the interactions between opposites,not only to diminish the tension,but to lead the energies to make collaboration between specialities.For if we present the framework,and outlines that a team where problems are solve in a share way,there may exist the following characteristics:·Specific competences,according to context·Visible leadership that encourages a positive interaction environment·Clear communication·Adaptable andflexible attitudes and behaviours.Another part of the linkage we want to outline between KM and teamworking is Nonaka and Takeguchi knowledge creation framework[32].As we stated previously,to this author,knowledge is a dynamic element that is created trough social interactions between people and organization[62];and it is the collective reflection what facilitates knowledge,in it beginnings tacit becomes into explicit form supporting it transfer.The circle of knowledge creation proposed has four steps and according with Nonaka and Takeguchi[32]three of those have been studied from different organizational theory perspectives:socialization from group process theory; combination,from organization culture and internalization from organizational learning.However,external-ization has been little approached.In fact in this step,knowledge conversion(new explicit knowledge creation from existing tacit knowledge)is activated trough dialogue or collective reflection,because during people interaction process it may have perception and understanding differences.Likewise,the individualism is tran-scending to stables a commitment more general,making part of a group.The sum of particular intentions is now part of the team mind[62].Knowledge needs a context to be created,shared and used.Schermerhum et al.[64]argues that teamworking occurs when team members work together using their knowledge and skills to reach certain goals.So it may be said that those people,working together share a context where they interact to accomplish their goals,so our framework outlines that the following elements may be established:·Adaptable andflexible attitudes and behaviors.·Support to the team members during task development.·Clear communication·Interdependent coordination·Specific competences,according to the interaction contextThe European guide to good practices in KM[51]picks Heisig’s knowledgeflows framework[57]that is formed byfive main knowledge activities that must be aligned or integrated into the organization process and activities.The activities the framework refers are about knowledge identification,new knowledge creation, knowledge store,share and use.Each of this stages have to be balanced according with the organization specifications,so they cannot be treated on an isolated way or by pair of activities.New knowledge creation can exist at individual or group level(team)and it must be a social interaction result and it has to be integrated within the organization supported by other activities like sorting,organization, categorization,updating and beflexible to modify the knowledge companies has attending to the in-or-out circumstances.For our research,the step we analyzed is referred to knowledge exchange.When knowledge is shared by artifacts,it is name stock focus.But the major part of knowledge may be transfered from person to person by collaboration[57].This point of view may be supported by tools and methodologies that facilitate the knowl-edge transfer,like intranets/data bases,etc,but if it is not a personal bias to accept knowledge from others, it will be difficult to use/re-use.This may mean that some personal competences are required for knowledge exchange.So theseflow focus support our framework in sense of people that interact with others to knowledge transfer have a bias to·Adaptable andflexible attitudes and behaviors.·Support to the team members during task development·Clear communicationMSEM email for subscription:info@。
Abstract: Today is a global informatization age, the basic trend of which is reflected in the unceasing fusion of information andcommunication technology, the constant acceleration of the informatization process and the continuous growth of the information technologyindustry. Under this background, the knowledge managementis a new concept with the times development. Compared with the very matureinformation management before, knowledge management can promote the active service of library. This paper expounds the concept, thedifference analysis and the modern implementation significance of knowledge management and information management etc., with scientificand objective analysis and comparison, finally realizes the demand for social development innovation.关键词院知识管理;信息管理;图书馆;比较研究;概念Key words: knowledge mangement;information mangement;library;comparative study;concept中图分类号院TP315 文献标识码院A 文章编号院1006-4311(2014)25-0226-030 引言图书馆是负责搜集、整理、归档、开发,为人类提供知识信息来源的服务机构,主要任务是高效率地整合各类资源来实现预期目标。
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Knowledge Management Advances and ApplicationsKnowledge management (KM) has made significant advances and applications in various fields, revolutionizing the way organizations handle and leverage their knowledge assets. From the early days of simply managing documents and information, KM has evolved into a strategic tool for driving innovation, improving decision-making, and enhancing organizational performance. This essay will explore the advances and applications of knowledge management from multiple perspectives, including its impact on business, technology, and society.From a business perspective, knowledge management has become a critical component of organizational success. By effectively capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge, companies can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. For example, through the use of knowledge management systems, organizations can streamline their internal processes, improve collaboration among employees, and ultimately deliver better products and services to their customers. Additionally, knowledge management enables companies to avoid reinventing the wheel by leveraging existing knowledge and expertise, leading to cost savings and increased efficiency.On the technological front, knowledge management has seen significant advancements in recent years. The development of sophisticated knowledge management tools and platforms has made it easier for organizations to collect, store, and access vast amounts of information. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms have also been integrated into knowledge management systems, allowing for advanced data analysis and predictive insights. These technological advances have not only made knowledge management more efficient but have also opened up new possibilities for leveraging knowledge in innovative ways.Moreover, knowledge management has had a profound impact on society as a whole. By enabling the sharing of knowledge and expertise, KM has facilitated collaboration and learning across different communities and cultures. For instance, in the academic and research fields, knowledge management has played a crucial role in advancing scientific discoveries and sharing valuable insights with the broader global community. Furthermore,in the healthcare sector, knowledge management has contributed to improved patient care by enabling medical professionals to access the latest research and best practices.Despite these advances and applications, knowledge management still faces challenges and limitations. One of the key challenges is the difficulty of capturing and codifying tacit knowledge, which is often deeply rooted in personal experience and intuition. Additionally, the sheer volume of information available today can make it overwhelming for organizations to effectively manage and utilize their knowledge assets. Furthermore, there are concerns about the security and privacy of sensitive knowledge, especially in the era of big data and cyber threats.In conclusion, the advances and applications of knowledge management have had a profound impact on business, technology, and society. By enabling organizations to effectively capture, organize, and leverage their knowledge assets, KM has become a strategic tool for driving innovation and improving performance. However, challenges still exist, and it is essential for organizations to continue evolving their knowledge management strategies to stay competitive in the rapidly changing global landscape.。
SSCI收录图书情报类期刊(66种)SSCI—图书情报类期刊(66种), ANNUAL REVIEW OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Annual ISSN: 0066-4200INFORMATION TODAY INC, 143 OLD MARLTON PIKE, MEDFORD, USA, NJ, 08055-8750Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, ASLIB PROCEEDINGSBimonthly ISSN: 0001-253XEMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY, ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION ET DE BIBLIOTHECONOMIE Quarterly ISSN: 1195-096XCANADIAN ASSOC INFORMATION SCIENCE, PO BOX 6174, STATION J, OTTAWA, CANADA, ONTARIO, K2A 1T2Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIESBimonthly ISSN: 0010-0870ASSOC COLL RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 50 E HURON ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60611Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, ECONTENTMonthly ISSN: 1525-2531ONLINE INC, 213 DANBURY RD, WILTON, USA, CT, 06897-4007Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, ELECTRONIC LIBRARYBimonthly ISSN: 0264-0473EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY, ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, ETHICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Quarterly ISSN: 1388-1957SPRINGER, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Arts & Humanities Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso Current Contents - Arts & Humanities, GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY Quarterly ISSN: 0740-624XELSEVIER INC, 525 B STREET, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, USA, CA, 92101-4495 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, HEALTH INFORMATION AND LIBRARIES JOURNAL Quarterly ISSN: 1471-1834 WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION & MANAGEMENTBimonthly ISSN: 0378-7206ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AECoverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION DEVELOPMENTQuarterly ISSN: 1741-6469SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, EC1Y 1SPCoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT Bimonthly ISSN: 0306-4573PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX5 1GB Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology, INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNALQuarterly ISSN: 1368-1613UNIV SHEFFIELD DEPT INFORMATION STUDIES, UNIV SHEFFIELD, WESTERN BANK, SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND, S YORKS, S10 2TN Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION SOCIETYQuarterly ISSN: 0197-2243TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION SYSTEMS JOURNALQuarterly ISSN: 1350-1917WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCHQuarterly ISSN: 1047-7047INFORMS, 7240 PARKWAY DR, STE 310, HANOVER, USA, MD, 21076-1344Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Quarterly ISSN: 1385-951XSPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10013 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES Quarterly ISSN: 0730-9295AMER LIBRARY ASSOC, 50 E HURON ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60611Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INTERLENDING & DOCUMENT SUPPLYQuarterly ISSN: 0264-1615EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY, ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-SUPPORTED COLLABORATIVE LEARNINGQuarterly ISSN: 1556-1607SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10013 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE Bimonthly ISSN: 1365-8816TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND, OXON, OX14 4RNCoverageo Science Citation Indexo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Bimonthly ISSN: 0268-4012ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OXON, OX5 1GBCoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIPBimonthly ISSN: 0099-1333ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION Quarterly ISSN: 1083-6101WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATIONBimonthly ISSN: 0022-0418EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY,ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WA Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Quarterly ISSN: 1062-7375 IGI PUBL, 701 E CHOCOLATE AVE, STE 200, HERSHEY, USA, PA, 17033-1240 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION Quarterly ISSN: 1081-0730TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE Bimonthly ISSN: 0165-5515SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, EC1Y 1SPCoverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Quarterly ISSN: 0268-3962 PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD, BRUNEL RD BLDG, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE, ENGLAND, HANTS, RG21 6XSCoverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology, JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICSQuarterly ISSN: 1751-1577ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AECoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTBimonthly ISSN: 1367-3270EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY, ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Quarterly ISSN: 0961-0006SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, EC1Y 1SPCoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Quarterly ISSN: 0742-1222M E SHARPE INC, 80 BUSINESS PARK DR, ARMONK, USA, NY, 10504 Coverage o Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY PUBLISHINGQuarterly ISSN: 1198-9742UNIV TORONTO PRESS INC, JOURNALS DIVISION, 5201 DUFFERIN ST,DOWNSVIEW, TORONTO, CANADA, ON, M3H 5T8 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Arts & Humanities Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso Current Contents - Arts & Humanities, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION Bimonthly ISSN: 1067-5027B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, BRITISH MED ASSOC HOUSE, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1H 9JRCoverageo Science Citation Indexo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso Current Contents - Clinical Medicine, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMonthly ISSN: 1532-2882JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030 Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS Monthly ISSN: 1536-9323ASSOC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, GEORGIA STATE UNIV, 35 BROAD STREET, STE 916-917, ATLANTA, USA, GA, 30303Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Quarterly ISSN: 1536-5050MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOC, 65 EAST WACKER PLACE, STE 1900, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60601-7298Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATIONQuarterly ISSN: 0943-7444ERGON-VERLAG, GROMBUHLSTR 7, WURZBURG, GERMANY, 97080 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LAW LIBRARY JOURNALQuarterly ISSN: 0023-9283AMER ASSOC LAW LIBRARIES, SUITE 703 53 WEST JACKSON BLVD, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60604Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LEARNED PUBLISHINGQuarterly ISSN: 0953-1513ASSOC LEARNED PROFESSIONAL SOC PUBL, SOUTH HOUSE, THE STREET WORTHING, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, BN13 3UUCoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH Quarterly ISSN: 0740-8188 ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCEAnnual ISSN: 0373-4447MITA SOC LIBRARY INFORMATION SCIENCE, KEIO UNIV 2-15-45 MITA,SCHOOL LIBRARY INFO SCIENCE, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN, 108-8345Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ACQUISITIONS & TECHNICAL SERVICESQuarterly ISSN: 1464-9055PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX5 1GB Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY HI TECHQuarterly ISSN: 0737-8831EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY, ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY JOURNALSemimonthly ISSN: 0363-0277REED BUSINESS INFORMATION, 360 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA,NY, 10010Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY QUARTERLYQuarterly ISSN: 0024-2519UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60637-2954 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY RESOURCES & TECHNICAL SERVICES Quarterly ISSN: 0024-2527 AMER LIBRARY ASSOC, 50 E HURON ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60611 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRARY TRENDSQuarterly ISSN: 0024-2594JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV PRESS, JOURNALS PUBLISHING DIVISION, 2715 NORTH CHARLES ST, BALTIMORE, USA, MD, 21218-4363 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, LIBRIQuarterly ISSN: 0024-2667K G SAUR VERLAG KG, ORTLERSTR 8, MUNICH, GERMANY, D-81373 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, MIS QUARTERLYQuarterly ISSN: 0276-7783SOC INFORM MANAGE-MIS RES CENT, UNIV MINNESOTA-SCH MANAGEMENT 27119TH AVE SOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, USA, MN, 55455 Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, MIS QUARTERLY EXECUTIVEQuarterly ISSN: 1540-1960INDIANA UNIV, OPER & DECISION TECHNOL DEPT, KELLEY SCH BUS, E 10 ST, BLOOMINGTON, USA, IN, 47405-1701 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, ONLINEBimonthly ISSN: 0146-5422ONLINE INC, 213 DANBURY RD, WILTON, USA, CT, 06897-4007Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEWBimonthly ISSN: 1468-4527EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY,ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, PORTAL-LIBRARIES AND THE ACADEMYQuarterly ISSN: 1531-2542JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV PRESS, JOURNALS PUBLISHING DIVISION, 2715 NORTH CHARLES ST, BALTIMORE, USA, MD, 21218-4363 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, PROGRAM-ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Quarterly ISSN: 0033-0337EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY, ENGLAND, W YORKSHIRE, BD16 1WACoverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, REFERENCE & USER SERVICES QUARTERLYQuarterly ISSN: 1094-9054AMER LIBRARY ASSOC, 50 E HURON ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60611Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, RESEARCH EVALUATIONQuarterly ISSN: 0958-2029BEECH TREE PUBLISHING, 10 WATFORD CLOSE,, GUILDFORD, ENGLAND, SURREY, GU1 2EPCoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, RESTAURATOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY AND ARCHIVAL MATERIALQuarterly ISSN: 0034-5806K G SAUR VERLAG KG, ORTLERSTR 8, MUNICH, GERMANY, D-81373 Coverage o Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, SCIENTISTSemimonthly ISSN: 0890-3670SCIENTIST INC, 400 MARKET ST, STE 1250, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106 Coverage, SCIENTOMETRICSMonthly ISSN: 0138-9130SPRINGER, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso BIOSIS Previews, SERIALS REVIEWQuarterly ISSN: 0098-7913ELSEVIER INC, 525 B STREET, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, USA, CA, 92101-4495 Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEWQuarterly ISSN: 0894-4393SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, USA, CA, 91320 Coverageo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION SUR LES SCIENCES SOCIALES Quarterly ISSN: 0539-0184SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, EC1Y 1SPCoverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences, TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICYMonthly ISSN: 0308-5961ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OXON, OX5 1GBCoverageo Science Citation Indexo Science Citation Index Expandedo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Scienceso Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN UND BIBLIOGRAPHIEBimonthly ISSN: 0044-2380VITTORIO KLOSTERNAMM GMBH, POSTFACH 90 06 01, FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN, 60446 GERMANY, D-Coverageo Social Sciences Citation Indexo Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences。
journal of knowledge management 分区-回复[Journal of Knowledge Management 分区] - A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction:The Journal of Knowledge Management is a highly influential and widely respected academic publication that focuses on one of the most critical areas of organizational success - knowledge management. In this article, we will take a step-by-step approach to explore the different sections covered by the Journal of Knowledge Management.Section 1: Editorial ScopeThe Journal of Knowledge Management begins with an Editorial Scope, which provides an overview of the aims and objectives of the publication. It outlines the importance of knowledge management in the current business landscape and highlights the key areas of research and practice covered within the journal.Section 2: Research ArticlesThe core of the Journal of Knowledge Management is comprised of research articles contributed by renowned scholars andpractitioners in the field. These articles address various aspects of knowledge management, including knowledge acquisition, creation, storage, transfer, and application. They are based on rigorous methodologies and provide empirical evidence to support their findings. These articles explore both theoretical frameworks and practical implications for organizations.Section 3: Case StudiesCase studies provide a practical perspective on knowledge management by examining real-life examples from organizations. These stories highlight the strategies, challenges, and outcomes associated with implementing knowledge management initiatives. Case studies often provide valuable insights into best practices, lessons learned, and successful approaches to knowledge management.Section 4: Literature ReviewsKnowledge management is a constantly evolving field, and literature reviews play a crucial role in understanding the current state of knowledge in the area. This section of the journal provides comprehensive reviews of existing research, identifying trends, gaps, and areas for future exploration. Literature reviews arevaluable resources for researchers looking to understand the theoretical foundations of knowledge management and identify potential research directions.Section 5: Conceptual PapersConceptual papers contribute to the theoretical development and advancement of knowledge management. These articles propose new frameworks, models, or theories that explain the dynamics of knowledge within organizations. Conceptual papers encourage critical thinking and stimulate discussions on emerging concepts and paradigms in the field of knowledge management.Section 6: Practical InsightsKnowledge management is not solely an academic pursuit; it has practical implications for organizations seeking to leverage their intellectual capital. The practical insights section of the Journal of Knowledge Management provides practical guidance, toolkits, and techniques for implementing knowledge management initiatives within different organizational contexts. These insights aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice and offer tangible solutions to real-world knowledge management challenges.Section 7: Book ReviewsKnowledge management literature constantly expands, and book reviews help researchers and practitioners stay updated with the latest publications. This section provides critical reviews of recent books on knowledge management, assessing their contributions and relevance to the field. Book reviews serve as a guide for individuals interested in further exploring specific topics within knowledge management.Conclusion:The Journal of Knowledge Management encompasses a broad spectrum of topics and approaches within the field of knowledge management. From research articles and case studies to literature reviews and conceptual papers, this journal offers a comprehensive and multidimensional view of knowledge management's theoretical foundations and practical applications. By encompassing both academic rigor and practical relevance, the journal contributes to the continuous advancement and understanding of knowledge management as a critical discipline for organizational success.。
图书管理英语作文Libraries play a crucial role in our society, serving as hubs of knowledge, learning, and community engagement. Effective library management is essential to ensure these institutions continue to thrive and meet the evolving needs of their patrons. In this essay, we will explore the key aspects of library management and the strategies employed to create a well-functioning and user-friendly library environment.At the heart of library management lies the efficient organization and cataloging of the collection. Librarians must carefully curate and categorize the vast array of books, journals, digital resources, and other materials to ensure patrons can easily locate and access the information they require. This process involves the implementation of standardized classification systems, such as the Dewey Decimal System or the Library of Congress Classification, which provide a logical and intuitive framework for organizing the collection.Alongside the physical collection, modern libraries have also embraced the digital age, offering a wide range of electronicresources, including e-books, online databases, and digital archives. Effective library management in the digital era involves the seamless integration of these electronic resources into the overall collection, ensuring patrons can navigate and utilize them with ease. This may include the development of user-friendly search interfaces, the implementation of secure access protocols, and the provision of guidance and training for patrons to maximize the benefits of the digital resources.Another critical aspect of library management is the ongoing assessment and development of the collection. Librarians must continuously evaluate the needs and interests of their patrons, identifying gaps in the collection and acquiring new materials to meet evolving demands. This process may involve conducting surveys, analyzing circulation data, and engaging with the community to understand their informational needs. By maintaining a dynamic and responsive collection, libraries can ensure they remain relevant and valuable to their users.Efficient resource allocation and budgeting are also essential components of effective library management. Librarians must carefully allocate their limited financial resources to acquire new materials, maintain existing collections, and invest in technology and infrastructure. This requires strategic planning, forecasting, and the ability to navigate complex procurement processes. Effective budgetmanagement also involves seeking out alternative funding sources, such as grants, donations, and partnerships, to supplement the library's core funding and expand the scope of its services.The physical space and layout of the library also play a crucial role in its overall management. Librarians must design and maintain the library environment to be welcoming, accessible, and conducive to learning and research. This may involve considerations such as the arrangement of shelves and seating areas, the integration of technology-enabled workspaces, and the incorporation of collaborative and quiet zones to accommodate the diverse needs of patrons.In addition to the management of the collection and physical space, library management also encompasses the recruitment, training, and supervision of library staff. Librarians must build and lead a team of skilled professionals, including reference librarians, catalogers, and information technology specialists, to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the library. This involves developing comprehensive training programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and implementing performance management systems to ensure the staff is equipped to provide exceptional service to patrons.Finally, effective library management requires a strong focus on user experience and community engagement. Librarians must activelysolicit feedback from patrons, understand their evolving needs, and adapt the library's services and programs accordingly. This may involve the implementation of user surveys, the creation of advisory boards, and the organization of community events and outreach initiatives to strengthen the library's connection with its local population.In conclusion, library management is a multifaceted and dynamic field that requires a diverse set of skills and strategies. From the organization and development of the collection to the management of physical and digital resources, from budget allocation to staff development, and from user experience to community engagement, effective library management is essential to ensure these vital institutions continue to thrive and fulfill their role as centers of knowledge, learning, and community engagement. By embracing best practices and continuously adapting to the changing needs of their patrons, librarians can ensure that libraries remain indispensable assets in the 21st century.。
大学英语第六册Unit 1TextWriting research reports for college or work is often found far more difficult than it need so be. The following article offers some excellent advice on how to make the task easier and the report more impressive and effective. Whether you write a research report for a college professor or for a demanding boss in your profession, the author's advice will put you well on your way to becoming a skillful report writer.RESEARCH REPORTS FOR BUSINESS AND THECNICAL WRITINGWayne LosanoA surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients. Indeed, without basic research skills and the ability to present research results clearly and completely, an individual will encounter many obstacles in school and on the job. The need for some research-writing ability is felt nearly equally by college students in all fields, engineering and science as well as business and the humanities. Graduate study often makes great demands on the student's research-writing skills, and most professions continue the demand; education, advertising and marketing, economics and accounting, science and engineering, psychology, anthropology, the arts, and agriculture may all require regular reporting of research data.ELEMENTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPERThe standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections. These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.Problem Section. The first required section of a research report is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned. This section requires a precise statement of the underlying question which the researcher has set out to answer. In this same section there should be an explanation of the significance -- social, economic, medical, psychological, educational, etc. -- of the question; in other words, why the investigation was worth conducting. Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question "What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?" we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance to the health of this segment of the population and might lead to some sort of regulations on such foods.A frequent subsection of this problem section is a review of past research on the topic being investigated. This would consist of summaries of the contributions of previous researcher to thequestion under consideration with some assessment of the value of these contributions. This subsection has rhetorical usefulness in that it enhances the credibility of the researcher by indicating that the data presented is based on a thorough knowledge of what has been done in the field and, possibly, grows out of some investigative tradition.Procedures Section. The second major section of the research report details, with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out. This section includes description of any necessary equipment, how the subjects were selected if subjects were used, what statistical technique was used to evaluate the significance of the findings, how many observations were made and when, etc. An investigation of the relative effectiveness of various swim-strokes would have to detail the number of swimmers tested, the nature of the tests conducted, the experience of the swimmers, the weather conditions at the time of the test, and any other factors that contributed to the overall experiment. The goal of the procedures section is to allow the reader to duplicate the experiment if such were desired to confirm, or refute, your findings.Results Section. The third, and perhaps most important, section of the research report is the presentation of the results obtained from the investigation. The basic rule in this section is to give all data relevant to the research question initially asked. Although, of course, one's natural tendency might be to suppress any findings which do not in some way support one's hypothesis, such dishonesty is antithetical to good research reporting in any field. If the experiments undertaken fail to prove anything, if the data was inadequate or contrary to expectations, the report should be honestly written and as complete as possible, just as it would be if the hypothesis were totally proven by the research.Discussion Section. The final required section of a research report is a discussion of the results obtained and a statement of any conclusions which may be drawn from those results. Of primary interest in business and technical research reports is the validity of the results as the bases for company decisions: Will our planned construction project meet federal environmental guidelines and be approved for building? Will this new program attract skilled personnel to our company? Will this new oil recovery technique be financially feasible? Thus, the discussion section of the research report must evaluate the research results fully: were they validly obtained, are they complete or limited, are they applicable over a wide range of circumstances? The discussion section should also point out what question remain unanswered and perhaps suggest directions for further research.STYLE OF RESEARCH REPORTSResearch reports are considered formal professional communication. As such, there is little emphasis on a lively style, although, of course, there is no objection to writing that is pleasing and interesting. The primary goals of professional communication are accuracy, clarity, and completeness. The rough draft of any research report should be edited to ensure that all data is correctly presented, that all equipment is listed, that all results are properly detailed. As an aid to the reader, headings indicating at least the major section of the report should be used, and all data should be presented under the proper headings. In addition to their function of suggesting to the reader the contents of each section, headings enhance the formal appearance and professional quality of the report, increase to some degree the writer's credibility by reflecting a logical and methodical approach to the reporting process, and eliminate the need for wordy transitional devices between sections.Research data should be presented in a way that places proper emphasis on major aspect of the project. For different readers different aspects will take on different degrees of importance, and some consideration should be given to structuring research reports differently for different audiences. Management, for example, will be most concerned with the results of a research project, and thus the results section should be emphasized, probably by presenting it immediately after the problem section and before the procedures section. Other researchers would be most interested in the procedures section, and this should be highlighted in writing up research projects for publication in professional journals or for presentation at professional conferences. For non-technical readers and federal agencies, the implications of the results might be the most important consideration, and emphasis should be placed on the discussion of the report for this readership.For additional clarity and emphasis, major results should be presented in a visual format -- tables, charts, graphs, diagrams -- as well as in a verbal one.Beyond checking the report for clarity and accuracy in the presentation of technical data, the author of a research report should review for basic grammatical and mechanical accuracy. Short sentences are preferable to long in the presentation of complex information. Listings should be used to break up long passages of prose and to emphasize information. The research writer should try to use the simplest possible language without sacrificing the professional quality of the report. Although specialized terms can be used, pretentious jargon should be avoided. A finished research report should be readable and useful document prepared with the reader in mind.CONCLUSIONAlthough we struggle with research reports in high school, dread them in college, and are often burdened by them in our professional live, learning to live comfortably with them is a relatively easy task. A positive attitude (i.e. one that seem the oral or written presentation of research results as of equal importance to the data-gathering process); an orderly approach which includes prewriting (i.e., before any actual research is done, the researcher should try to get down on paper as much about the subject under investigation as possible) and a formal research report structure as the framework for the investigation; and a reasonable approach to the actual writing process including editing for accuracy and clarity, will help one to produce effective research reports efficiently.New Wordspresentationn. the act of presenting; a talk, usu. to a group of people 提出,呈递;介绍,报告clientn. a person who gets help or advice from a professional, e.g. a lawyer, an accountant, an architect, etc.; a person who buys goods or services 委托人,当事人,顾客obstaclen. sth. which prevents action, movement or successn. the branch of business concerned with advertising, publicity, etc. 营销economicsn. the science that deals with money, goods and services and how they are related to each other 经济学accountingn. the art, practice or system of keeping, analyzing and interpreting business accounts 会计学anthropologyn. the scientific study of man, including his physical characteristics, the origin and development of races, and the cultures, customs and beliefs of mankind 人类学datan. facts; informationelementn. a basic part of which sth. is made upintendvt. have in mind as a goal; planprecisea. clearly expressed; exact; accuratesignificancen. importance; meaningeconomica. connected with trade, industry and the management of money; of economicsconsumptionn. the act of consuming or an amount consumed 消费(量)teenagern. a young person of between 13 and 19 year oldrelevancen. importance or significance to the matter at handrelevanta.n. a part into which a whole is or can be divided; sectionregulationn. a law or a set of rules by which sth. is regulatedinvestigatev. examine carefully in a search for facts, knowledge, or informationinvestigativea.summaryn. a short statement of the main points of a report, etc.considerationn. careful thoughtassessmentn. the act of calculating or deciding the value or amount; the value or amount at which sth. is calculatedrhetoricala. in using a style designed to impress or persuade 修辞(学)的enhancevt. make greater; improve 增加,提高thorougha. complete in all respectstraditionn. ideas, customs, beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generationdescriptionn. the act of describing sth.; an account in words describing sth.subjectn. a person or thing that is an object of study or experiment 实验对象,试验品evaluatevt. judge the value ofstroken. a single complete movement that is repeated often, as in swimmingfactorn. sth. that helps bring about a result 因素overalla. including everything; containing allduplicatevt. make an exact copy oftendencyn. an inclination to think or behave in a certain wayhypothesisn. idea or suggestion put forward as a staring point for reasoning or explanation 假设antitheticala. opposite to and unable to exist together with 对立(面)的expectationn. the act of expecting sth. or sth. that is expectedvalidityn. truth or soundness; state of legally acceptable 正确(性);合法(性),有效valida.constructionn. the act of constructing sth. or sth. that is constructedfederala. of the central government of the USA(美国)联邦政府的guidelinen. (pl.) informal rules or instruction on how sth. should be doneapprovev. have a favorable opinion (of); give permission or consent (to)skilleda. having skill; requiring training and skillpersonneln. all the people who work for a company or organizationapplicablea. that can be applied (to)formala. (of words or style of writing or speaking) suitable for official occasions, serious writing, etc.emphasisn. special importance given to sth. 强调objectionn. disapproval or opposition; a reason for being against sth.pleasinga. likable; giving delight or enjoymentaccuracyn. the condition of being correct and exact.clarityn. clearnessdraftn. a rough sketch, plan or outline 草稿,草图,草案editvt. prepare for publication by checking, correcting and revising 编辑ensurevt. make sure or certain; guaranteeaidn. help; assistanceheadingn. a title at the top of a page, chapter, or lettermethodicala. arranged or done according to a clear plan or method; orderly and systematiceliminatevt. get rid of; removewordya. using too many wordstransitionala. of change from one condition, activity or topic to anothertransition n.publicationn. (the printing and selling of) books, newspapers and magazinesagencyn. (esp. AmE) department of a government or an international bodyreadershipn. the particular number or type of people who read a book, newspaper or magazinevisuala. of, relating to, or used in seeingformatn. the way or order in which sth. is arranged or presentedgraphn. a mathematical diagram which shows the relationship between two or more sets of numbers or measurement (曲线)图diagramn. a simple drawing consisting mainly of lines used, for example, to explain how a machine works 简图,图表mechanicala. concerned with small technical detail 技巧上的,细节上的preferablea. more desirable or suitablelistingn. an act or instance of making a listprosen. ordinary written language, in contrast to poetrysacrificevt. give up, usu. for obtaining sth. for oneself or for othersspecializeda. suitable or developed for one particular usespecializev. adapt for a particular purposepretentiousa. claming (in an unpleasant way) to have importance, artistic value or social rank that one does not really possess 矫饰的,做作的jargonn. technical words expert use to discuss their subjects 行话readablea. easy and enjoyable to readorderlya. arranged in good order, in a well organized and controlled wayframeworkn. a structure that shapes or supports sth. 框架Phrase & Expressionson the jobwhile working; at workbreak down intoseparate into different kinds; divide into typesa variety (of)a number or collection of different sorts of the same general typemake upform as a whole; constituteunder considerationbeing discussed; begin given thoughtful attentionas suchas being what is indicated or suggested; in itself or in themselvestake onbegin to have; assumewrite uprewrite in a fuller, better organized way; give a full written account ofget downwrite, record (usu. quickly or with difficulty)Proper NamesWayne Losano韦恩.洛桑诺Unit 2TextThere is something fascinating about reading other people's mail if you are allowed to. Here is your chance to read the letters of American writer Sylvia Plath, which she wrote home to her mother from a hotel where she had a summer job as a waitress. At the time, she was a college student and was still at the start of her writing career. Through the letter we learn of her changing thoughts and moods concerning, boys and writing.THE BEGINNING OF A CARREERSylvia PlathThe Belmont Hotel, cape CodJune 11, 1952Dear Mother,Your amazing telegram [telegram announcing $500 Mademoiselle prize for "Sunday at the Mintons," which I forwarded] came just as I was scrubbing tables in the shady interior of The Belmont dining room. I was so excited that I screamed and actually threw my arms around the head waitress who no doubt thinks I am rather insane! Anyhow, psychologically, the moment couldn't have been better. I felt tired -- one's first night's sleep in a new place never is peaceful -- and I didn't get much! To top it off, I was the only girl waitress here, and had been scrubbing furniture, washing dishes and silver, lifting tables, etc. since 8 a.m. Also, I just learned since I am completely inexperienced, I am not going to be working in the main dining room, but in the "sidehall" where the managers and top hotel brass eat. So, tips will no doubt net much less during the summer and the company be less interesting. So I was beginning to worry about money when your telegram came. God! To think "Sunday at the Mintons" is one of two prize stories to be put in a big national slick! Frankly, I can't believe it!The first thing I though of was: Mother can keep her intersession money and buy some pretty clothes and a special trip or something! At least I get a winter coat and extra special suit out of the Mintons. I think the prize is $500!ME! Of all people!…So it's really looking up around here, now that I don't have to be scared stiff about money … Oh, I say, even if my feet kill me after this first week, and I drop 20 trays, I will have the beach, boys to bring me beer, sun, and young gay companions. What a life.Love, your crazy old daughter.SivvyJune 12. 1952No doubt after I catch up on sleep, and learn to balance trays high on my left hand, I'll feel much happier. As it is now, I feel stuck in the midst of a lot of loud, brassy Irish Catholics, and the only way I can jolly myself is to say, "Oh, well, it's only for a summer, and I can maybe write about them all." At least I've got a new name for my next protagonist -- Marley, a gabby girl who knows her way around but good. The ration of boys to girls has gotten less and less, so I'll be lucky if I get tagged by the youngest kid here. Lots of the girls are really wise, drinking flirts. As for me, being the conservative, quiet, gracious type, I don't stand much chance of dating some of the cutest ones … If I can only get "in" as a pal with these girls, and never for a minute let them know I'm the gentle intellectual type, it'll be O.K.As for the Mlle news, I don't think it's really sunk in yet. I felt sure they made a mistake, or that you'd made it up to cheer me. The big advantage will be that I won't have to worry about earning barely $300 this summer. I would really have been sick otherwise. I can't wait till August when I can go casually down to the drug store and pick up a slick copy of Mlle, flip to the index, and see ME, one of two college girls in the U.S.!Really, when I think of how I started it over spring vacation, polished it at school, and sat up till midnight in the Haven House kitchen typing it amidst noise and chatter, I can't get over how the story soared to were it did…I get great pleasure out of sharing it [her feeling about the story] with you, who really understand how terribly much it means as a tangible testimony that I have got a germ of writing ability. The only thing, I probably won't have a chance to win Mlle again, so I'll try for a guest editorship maybe next or my senior year, and set my sights for the Atlantic. God, I'm glad I can talk about it with you -- probably you're the only outlet that I'll have that won't get tired of my talking about writing …Speaking again of Henry and Liz, it was a step for me to a story where the protagonist isn't always ME, and proved that I am beginning to use imagination to transform the actual incident. I was scared that would never happen, but I think it's an indication that my perspective is broadening.Sometime I think -- heck, I don't know why I didn't stay home all summer, writing, doingphysical science, and having a small part-time job. I could "afford" to now, but it doesn't do much good to yearn about that, I guess. Although it would have been nice. Oh well, I'll cheer up. I love you.Your own SivvyJune 15, 1952Dear Mother.… Do write me letters, Mommy, because I am in a very dangerous of feeling sorry for myself … Just at present, life is awful. Mademoiselle seems quite unreal, and I am exhausted, scared, incompetent, unenergetic and generally low is spirits … Working in side hall puts me part, and I feel completely uprooted and clumsy. The more I see the main hall girls expertly getting special dishes, fixing shaved ice and fruit, etc., the more I get an inferiority complex and feel that each day in side hall leaves me further behind … But as tempted as I am to be a coward and escape by crawling back home, I have resolved to give it a good month's trial -- till July 10 … Don't worry about me, but do send me little pellets of advice now and then.June 24, 1952… Last night I went on a "gang" birthday party at the "Sand Bar" where we sang and talked for a few hours. There were about forty of us kids from the hotel. I managed by some magic to get myself seated next to a fellow in his first year at Harvard Law -- and he was just a dear … The best part was when we came back. It was a beautiful clear starry night, and Clark went in to get me two of his sweaters to wear because it was cold, and brought out a book of T.S. Eliot's poems. So we sat on a bench where I could just barely read the print, and he put his head in my lap and I read aloud to him for a wile. Most nice. The only thing is I am so inclined to get fond of someone who will do things with me like that -- always inclined to be too metaphysical and serious conversationally -- that's my main trouble … So glad to hear the check from Mlle is real. I hardly could believe it. Just now I am mentally so disorganized that I can't retain knowledge or think at all. The work is still new enough to be tiring, what with three changes a day into uniforms, and I am so preoccupied by mechanics of living and people that I can't yet organize and assimilate all the chaos of experience pouring in on me. In spite of everything, I still have my good old sense of humor and manage to laugh a good deal of the time … I'll make the best of whatever comes my way.Much love to you,SivvyNew Wordsmademoisellen. French title equivalent to Miss, abbr. Mlleshadya. full of or providing shad; darkinteriorn. the inner part of sth; insideinsanea. seriously ill in the mind; madanyhowad. in any case; anywaybrassn. (sl.) high officials, executives, etc.netvt. gain as profit 净赚slickn. a popular magazine printed on heavy, glassy paper(用油光纸印制的)通俗杂志franklyad. in an open, honest and straightforward wayfranka.intersessionn. a period between two academic terms, sometime utilized for brief concentrated coursesbeern. a bitter alcoholic drink made from grain 啤酒companionn. one who is often with another person; friend 同伴brassya. loud and daring in a tasteless mannerjollyvt. make (sb.) feel good or agreeable, esp. to gain and endprotagonistn. the chief character in a play or novelgabbya. very talkativeration. the relationship in number, quantity or size between two different things 比率tagvt. follow closelyflirtn. a person who behaves with a member of the opposite sex in a way that attracts interest and attentiongraciousa. very well-mannered and pleasantcutea. sharp-witted, clever, charmingly attractivepaln. (infml) friendflipvi. turn over quicklyindexn. an alphabetical list of the names and subjects in a printed work 索引polishvt. improve; perfect 润色soarvi. fly high into the air; rise beyond what is common and ordinarytangiblea. real; clear or definite enough to be easily seen, felt or noticedtestimonyn. proof; evidencegermn. the beginning of anything; origin 萌芽,起源editorshipn. the position of an editora. of the final year at high school or collegen. student in the senior classoutletn. a way of releasing sth.perspectiven. view; outlook; way of thinking about things 观点,看法broadenv. make or become broaderheckint. (used mainly as a mild curse) hellyearnvi. have a strong desire; longuprootvt. tear up by the rootsinferiorityn. the state or condition of being not good or less good in quality or valueinferiority complexan abnormal feeling not as good as other people, sometimes resulting in avoidance of others or overly aggressive behavior 自卑情结inferiora.cowardn. a person who is afraid to face danger, pain or hardshippelletn. a little ball or similarly shaped object; piecegangn. a group of friends who frequently meetstarrya. filled with stars that are visiblen. a warm knitted piece of clothing, which covers the upper part of one's body and arms 毛线衫,厚运动衫fonda. having a great liking or love for sb. or sth.metaphysicala. highly abstract; philosophical 高度抽象的,哲理的disorganizeda. in a confused state; badly planned or managedpreoccupyvt. fill the thoughts of sb. almost completely, esp. so that not enough attention is given to other thingsmechanicsn. the way in which sth. works or is donemechanics of livingsimple routine matters of lifeassimilatevt. take into the body and digest; understand completely and be able to use properlychaosn. a state of complete and thorough disorder and confusionPhrases & Expressionsno doubtwithout doubt; certainlyto top it off(usu. introducing sth. undesirable) in addition to everything elsebe stuck inbe unable to escape from (a disadvantageous position)know one's way around/ aboutunderstand how things happen in the world; be experienced in the way of the worldas forin regard to; speaking of; concerningsink inget a firm place in the mind; become fully understoodget overbelieve; learn to live with the shock of (sth. Very surprising or shocking)set one's sight foraim for, wish to get or wincheer upbecome hopeful, joyous or glad; stop being sad or discouragedat presentat this time; nowwhat withas a result of (used to introduce the reasons for a particular situation, esp. an undesirable one)be preoccupied by/withhave the mind fixed on sth., esp. sth. worrying so that no attention is paid to anything elsemake the best ofdo as well as one can withcome one's wayhappen to oneProper NamesSylvia Plath西尔维亚.普拉斯Belmont贝尔蒙特Cape Cod科德角Mademoiselle《小姐》杂志Minton明顿Marley马莉the Atlantic《大西洋》月刊Henry亨利Liz莉兹Harvard Law (School)哈佛大学法学院Clark克拉克T.S. EliotT.S. 艾略特Unit 3TextAre we humans alone in the universe? Or is there intelligent life on other planets? These questions are not new. What is new, however, is the scientific attempt to discover whether or not other planets beyond our own have given birth to advanced civilizations. In the following article, the author describes the scientific means now available for investigating this possibility and discusses how probable it is that we are not alone in the universe.THE QUEST FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCECarl SaganThrough all of our history we have pondered the stars and mused whether humanity is unique or if, somewhere else in the dark of the night sky, there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do, fellow thinkers in the cosmos. Such beings might view themselves and the。
journal of knowledge management投稿经验作为知识管理领域的一位研究者,投稿到journal of knowledge management是我一直梦寐以求的事情。
第一步:了解JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT在投稿之前,我花了很多时间研究journal of knowledge management的投稿指南,包括投稿类型、格式要求、引用格式,以及其他提交要求。
Journal of knowledge management是行业内知名的期刊之一,它的审稿人非常严格和专业。
第三步:提交你的稿件当你准备好你的稿件之后,你需要进入JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT的网站,选择“提交文章”选项,进入在线稿件提交系统(online manuscript submission system)页面。
总结投稿jounal of knowledge management是一项需要仔细准备和执行的过程。
The Benefits of Students Accessing LibrariesIntroduction:Libraries have always been repositories of knowledge and wisdom, providing students with a vast array of resources for their academic pursuits. As the world progresses, libraries continue to evolve, yet their fundamental role in the lives of students remains unchanged. This essay explores the benefits that students derive from accessing libraries.Body Paragraph 1: Access to Diverse ResourcesOne of the most significant benefits of libraries for students is the access to a diverse range of resources. Libraries house an extensive collection of books, journals, newspapers, and magazines, covering virtually every subject imaginable. This allows students to delve into their areas of interest and explore new fields of knowledge. Additionally, libraries often provide access to digital resources, such as online databases and e-books, further expanding the scope of information available to students.Body Paragraph 2: Quiet Study EnvironmentAnother advantage of libraries for students is the provision of a quiet and conducive study environment. In today's fast-paced world, finding a place to focus and concentrate on studies can be challenging. Libraries offer a serene atmosphere, free from distractions, allowing students to immerse themselves in their studies and enhance their academic performance. The presence of other students engaged in study also creates a sense of camaraderie and motivation.Body Paragraph 3: Assistance from LibrariansLibrarians are another valuable resource in libraries. They are trained professionals who possess expertise in information retrieval and management. Students can seek the help of librarians in finding relevant books, articles, or resources for their research. Librarians can also guide students in using library databases and other technological tools effectively. Their assistance saves students time and effort, enabling them to focus more on their studies.Conclusion:In conclusion, libraries play a crucial role in the academic journey of students. They provide access to a wealth of resources, offer a conducive study environment, and offer assistance from knowledgeable librarians. As such, students should make it a point to visit libraries regularly and utilize the various benefits they offer. By doing so, students can enhance their learning experience and achieve greater success in their academic pursuits.。
IOS Press出版社电子期刊1.AI Communications(ISSN:1875-8452)《人工智能通讯》,欧洲人工智能协调委员会官方刊物。
2006年影响因子:0.738.2.Applied Ontology(ISSN:1875-8533)《应用存在论》,该期刊重点是最广阔范围内的信息内容,包括两类研究领域:本体论分析和概念模型。
n Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution(ISSN:1875-8568)《亚洲水,环境和污染期刊》,介绍亚洲水资源以及其他与环境相关的问题,如全球变暖及其带来的影响;土地使用紧张和农业轮歇种植模式;以及很多其他问题。
4.Asymptotic Analysis(ISSN:1875-8576)《渐近分析》,刊载受大、小参数影响问题的渐近理论方面数学研究成果及渐近理论在自然科学领域应用问题的研究论文,兼载书评。
5.Behavioral Neurology (ISSN:0953-4180)《行为神经病学》刊载有关人的行为失调,包括有机和生物精神病学、临床神经心理学、大脑皮质神经病症等方面的原始论文、评论及书评等。
7.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering(ISSN:1878-3619)《生物医学材料与工程》刊载生物医学材料的研究、开发和应用方面的论文、评论和札记。
图书馆信息管理与知识管理Information Management and K now ledge Management of Library裴世荷(西安建筑科技大学图书馆 西安 710055)摘 要 通过信息与知识、信息管理与知识管理之间概念的比较和分析,从产生的背景、内涵和管理方式等方面论述了信息管理与知识管理的区别与联系,认为用户的信息需求促进图书馆从信息管理向知识管理转化,提出了知识管理是图书馆存在价值的必然选择。
关键词 信息管理 知识管理 图书馆1 信息管理向知识管理转化对图书馆管理的启示在人类社会文明发展历史过程中积累了丰富的文献资源,同时也产生了管理和利用这些文献资源的经验与方法。
Introduction:The Journal Management System (JMS) is a comprehensive framework designed to streamline the operations of academic journals. Thistemplate outlines the key components and guidelines for establishing an effective JMS. By implementing this template, journal editors and administrators can ensure efficient publication processes, enhance the quality of peer-reviewed articles, and maintain high standards of academic integrity.1. Scope and Objectives:The JMS aims to facilitate the following objectives:- Efficient submission, review, and publication processes- High-quality peer-reviewed articles- Transparent and fair editorial decisions- Secure and confidential handling of manuscripts- Compliance with ethical guidelines and standards2. Journal Structure:The JMS should include the following components:2.1. Editorial Board:The editorial board is responsible for overseeing the journal's operations and maintaining its academic integrity. The board should consist of experts in the journal's field, including the editor-in-chief, associate editors, and editorial board members.2.2. Submission System:A user-friendly online submission system should be implemented to facilitate manuscript submission. The system should include featuressuch as:- Online submission and tracking of manuscripts- Secure login for authors, reviewers, and editorial staff- File format requirements and guidelines- Option to submit supplementary materials- Notifications and reminders for authors and reviewers2.3. Review Process:The JMS should have a clear and transparent review process, including: - Double-blind peer review (where possible)- Reviewer selection based on expertise and conflict of interest- Reviewer guidelines and instructions- Timely communication between authors and reviewers- Editor's decision based on reviewer reports and editorial board input 2.4. Publication Process:The publication process should include the following steps:- Copyediting and proofreading- Formatting and layout- Publication of accepted manuscripts- Indexing and archiving- Online access and distribution3. Ethical Guidelines:The JMS should adhere to the following ethical guidelines:- Plagiarism detection and prevention- Conflicts of interest- Duplicate submissions- Publication ethics and malpractice- Data sharing and reproducibility4. Data Security and Privacy:The JMS should ensure the security and privacy of all data, including:- Secure login credentials for authors, reviewers, and editorial staff- Encryption of sensitive data during transmission and storage- Regular backups and disaster recovery plans- Compliance with relevant data protection regulations5. Reporting and Monitoring:The JMS should include reporting and monitoring mechanisms to track the journal's performance and ensure compliance with objectives:- Submission, acceptance, and rejection rates- Reviewer turnaround time- Publication frequency and volume- Impact factor and citations- Editor and reviewer performanceConclusion:Implementing this Journal Management System template will help academic journals maintain high standards of quality and efficiency. By following these guidelines, journal editors and administrators can ensure a smooth publication process, enhance the reputation of the journal, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.。
This paper was presented at the 3rd Annual MIT/UCI Knowledge and Organizations Conference, Laguna Beach, CA, March 5-7, 2004.______________________________________________________________________________Center for Research on Information Technology and OrganizationsUniversity of California, Irvine | A Note on Making Use of Knowledge ManagementMarch 2004J. C. SPENDEROpen University Business SchoolA Note on Making Use of Knowledge ManagementJ.-C. Spender, Visiting Professor, Open University Business SchoolA tremendous amount of money and enthusiasm is going into ‘knowledge management’ (KM). Industry watchers tell us that perhaps 80% of businesses now have explicit KM projects, often expensive (Cabrera et al., 2002; Zack, 1999). Several new trade journals serve the KM practitioner community – including Knowledge Management, KM World, KM News, KM Review, the Journals of Knowledge Management and of Knowledge Management Practice, and the Journal of Intellectual Capital. The academic literature has exploded too – with new handbooks from a range of publishers (Choo et al., 2002; Dierkes et al., 2003; Easterby-Smith et al., 2003; Holsapple, 2003). Butterworth-Heinemann have an entire series devoted to KM e.g. (Despres et al., 2000). Many of the academic journals have produced helpful special KM issues – SMJ, Organization Science, Journal of Management, etc. IBM and the other major consulting firms have ‘knowledge management’ specialists and new KM marketing organizations (Prusak, 2001; Zack, 2003).Perhaps we are seeing a remarkable, even unique, convergence of academic and managerial interest, with both communities finding value in each others’ KM efforts? Loudly trumpeted KM conferences and much of the literature noted above seems to suggest that KM is a ‘silver bullet’, the crucial clue to competitive advantage in the 21st century. On the other hand, cynics assume KM is just the next management fad, entering a cycle in which it will go the way of expert systems, BPR, and many others (Marren, 2003). What are we to make of KM and the value it has delivered? As is generally the case, there is some truth in both these views, but scarcely enough to give managers a sense of how to prioritize their KM projects against the many others that compete for their attention and the company’s funds.What seems clear is that the literature and conference and consulting discussion is confused, fragmented, and sometimes contradictory. The handbooks mentioned above are remarkable for their heft, breadth, and diversity, positive features, but should probably be faulted for the absence of an overarching framework. Indeed knowledge itself is such a perplexing notion, having puzzled the finest minds for millennia, that the mere idea of some solid and novel definitions of, say, data, information, wisdom, or knowledge seems highly improbable.Nonetheless this paper seeks to diminish this confusion. The argument has three separate strands. First, I argue the whole concept of managing knowledge is implausible, for that would imply we know what ‘knowledge’ is. The frequent wholly unsubstantiated claims that it can be now suddenly understood as the‘most important’ aspect of the organization merely confuse. We do not really know enough about knowledge to manage it, if by that we imply something like managing our cash or oil resources. The fact that we have recently achieved nodding agreement among ourselves, and managers too, that we are in the Information Age and that knowledge is ‘the thing’, masks crushingly difficult issues about how to locate, measure, store and transfer this stuff. Indeed the asset metaphor may be the least informative. Thus the field’s name is unfortunate at best, at worst profoundly misleading.We have a ‘specification problem’ as philosophers would call it. My initial point is that the field would be easier to understand if it were called ‘knowledge problem management’, for once we get beyond the trivial insights of the K-as-asset metaphor the field is actually focused on the problems managers are having with the ways knowledge is being created or used in their firms.Second, we can see at once there are many different knowledge problems and they are of several fundamentally different types. We have no meta-theory or framework yet from which we can draw these types or in which we can place all the knowledge problems we are experiencing. The field is empirically rather thantheoretically driven. We rely on observation and practice to tell us where knowledge problems arise.We focus on the organizational correlates of market failure. Knowledge problems are organizational knowledge failures. It follows that to understand the literature’s fragmentation we would do well to focus on the specific knowledge problem (KP) or failure being addressed by the particular writer’s work. Third, if we can create a simple typology of the KPs, that might help us make the literature more useful to managers. It might also give us better insight into the parts of the field that offer value now, and those parts that should offer additional value after further developments have taken place. We might even be able to point out useful directions for KM research.To illustrate; one important and common knowledge problem (KP) is that the corporation’s existing body of knowledge is not sufficiently available to those that need it. Many KM projects focus on this particular KP e.g. (Marchand et al., 2000; Stone, 2003). Information technology offers increasingly cost-effective solutions here, provided the relevant knowledge can be collected, inventoried, and made available to those that need it. A rather different KP is that much of the corporation’s knowledge is un-labeled and un-inventoried, especially the‘human capital’ (Teece, 2000; Wick, 2001; Wiig, 2002). Discovering and inventorying such hidden knowledge is quite different to moving already codified and inventoried knowledge around. Other projects focus on innovation and creating knowledge in ways that maximize the benefits to the firm. Yet others focus on the problems of establishing ownership to the knowledge found or created, or on extracting value by sharing the knowledge with other firms. There are many KPs of this general type - defined by treating knowledge as ‘data’, an object which can be created, owned, transferred and possibly bought and sold.Quite different knowledge problems arise when employees do not know what to make of the data available. There are cries of “What does this mean to us?” or “We are drowning in data and it isn’t telling us what we want to know”. We see a problem with the data’s ‘meaning’. It turns out that meaning and its managementare major challenges for all organizations. Meanings generally differ between different organizations. The process of writing the mission statement is normally a major ‘meaning management’ project, consuming an enormous amount of time and often generating surprising friction. KM consultants often focus on the organization’s communications and the sharing of meaning, as in ‘shared goals and objectives’. This turns out to be a quite different process than sharing data, as in sharing knowledge about a specific event, production process, or customer.But much of the buzz about KM alludes to a third type of KP, one that concerns the human skills which cannot be readily inventoried or communicated. Many use the term ‘tacit’, a term that has generated considerable confusion, especially between those who use it to refer to poorly articulated knowledge (Nonaka et al., 1995) versus those who want to refer to unarticulated practical capabilities (Nelson et al., 1982). The first group is intent on bringing important knowledge under management’s control by making it explicit, much as the proponents of Scientific Management advised many decades ago. The second group searches for ways to identify and measure the impact of the organization’s un-codifiable knowledge, hoping thereby to foster its creation and application and avoid its inadvertent destruction.The classic illustration, taken from Polanyi, is that of riding a bicycle. No amount of explanation is sufficient to success, which can only be achieved through practice. Likewise it is not easy to describe how to be a super-salesman, bond-trader, or programmer. Some artistic or ‘craft’ ability seems required. Many managers believe that much of their organization’s most competitively important knowledge is of this practical type and inherently beyond being inventoried as data. As such it cannot be stored, communicated, or applied in the same way as data. The possibility of identifying ‘best practices’ and extracting further value by transferring them elsewhere raises this kind of KP.My presentation begins with a discussion of this three-level typology and of the way it can be used to categorize the different kinds of discussion now going on under KM’s umbrella. This leads us to the relations between the levels - already suggested above as a kind of ‘nesting’ in that problems with the data already available sometimes force us to reconsider its meaning. Likewise the notion of ‘tacit’ allows one to reconsider kinds of practical knowledge which lie forever beyond the realm of meaning as an aspect of cognition. This leads us to Figure 1:Figure 1 – Three levels of analysis in the KM fieldLinking the three ‘levels’ implies analyzable relations between them in spite of their evident epistemological differences. Yet the theories of the firm implied at each level are typically discussed without reference to those at the other levels – and this tendency adds significantly to the confusion in the literature.At the upper level, the firm can be reasonably described as a ‘bundle of resources’ or even a ‘nexus of contracts’. It presumes knowledge as data, resource-objects to be owned and made sources of value by being applied in a production function or traded across markets. Here we can consider the costs of acquiring knowledge, comparative costings in a transactions cost analysis, and even the non-rivalrous nature of knowledge. At the middle level, the firm is apattern or field of meaning, or the process of knowing. We presume shared meaning is what motivates and aligns the activity of the people within the firm towards its goals and so differentiating the firm from those around it – customers, suppliers, competitors and, especially, those in government institutions. At the lower level the firm is a body of practical knowledge or ‘organizational routines’ peculiar to the firm, the key to its identity (Nelson et al., 1982). The notion of‘communities of practice’ is also much bandied about (Wenger et al., 2002).At each level there is a different notion of the firm, and of what managers do for it. At the upper level management is about using data to make optimal decisions about the acquisition and disposition of the firm’s assets, both tangible and intangible. The answers lie in the data, objectively, to be teased out using the analytic techniques we teach in Business School. But at the middle level management is about (a) constructing or establishing the firm’s unique pattern of meaning, and (b) ensuring employees share it. These imply quite different, and more significant, managerial contributions. At the same time such meanings are often to be negotiated with other people, so that the intellectual vantage point is one of less than complete control. At the lower level managers are trying to create and select best practices, facilitate their generation, and sometimes spread their application. Here managers may be little more than observers, perhaps able to stifle some practices and support others through their resource allocation decisions. The confusion is that for most managers their firms comprise all of these notions and maybe more. Parsing the KM literature according to these three underlying notions of the firm and the KPs being addressed helps clarify the literature and resolve some of its apparent confusions.At the same time this we can now add to the range of managerial KPs – defined according to the three types in Figure 1 – by noting those arising in the relationships between the three levels. E.g. for practice to be managed it must be measured. Yet to be measured means to be given meaning – so linking backup from the lower level to the middle and upper levels. This is completely different matter from making the lower level knowledge explicit and thereby pulling the associated KPs back to the upper level. We know enormous efforts are made in every organization to measure the results of activity which are not well understood. Selling and software programming may be examples. Years of work on ‘structured programming’ have not adequately eliminated the craft aspects of such production. So managers often try to control programming by structuring its context and motivating the programmers to control their own work rather than by ‘deskilling’ it and requiring employees to stick to fixed standards and routines designed by production experts (Wood, 1989).There are many debates about whether corporate work is becoming more craft-like or more routinized, with the bulk of opinion suggesting that management must now find new and better ways of dealing with the ‘craft’ dimension that is increasingly typical of today’s ‘knowledge workers’ – who also ‘take the company’s assets home with them in the evening’ (Reich, 1992). At the same time we might do well to pay more attention to the debates among the accountants, in particular activity-based accounting and the contrast of ‘financial’ and ‘managerial’ accounting practices (Johnson, 1992; Johnson et al., 1987).The field of knowledge management covers all these topics and more, but has not evolved in a way that makes the differences between them at all clear. Perhaps the most important insight underlying the KM field, typically attributed to Simon, is that management’s scarcest resource is its attention. The principal contribution management academics can make to practitioners is not to tell them how to do their jobs - that would be unacceptably arrogant. Rather it is to help managers leverage their talents and competencies by minimizing wasted attention. The KM field is clearly important in this respect. For instance the notion of tacit knowledge is immediately useful even if we cannot be clear about the term for it helps managers appreciate the limits to what a structured data-centered approach can achieve and how certain kinds of delegation toprofessionals and those whose experience teaches them directly may be inevitable.The distinction between data and meaning is useful in helping managers appreciate the need to develop and share meaning, something that cannot be communicated in the way that data is communicated throughout the firm. To direct the organization it is crucial to share meaning, but it is also wasteful to communicate data to other than those whose functional responsibilities demand it. After all, the organization is designed around a division of labor, not around the idea that everyone should know everything. So a discussion of the three level model can help managers towards a better appreciation of (a) the nature and variety of the organization’s knowledge activities and problems, and (b) how their attention and priorities might be better allocated.All this is pretty pedestrian. Indeed it could be done, as it has been for years, without any mention of knowledge – a risky concept. So I believe that real value in the KM approach is that it enables us to see beyond the limits of the program implied above.The first additional dimension is toconsider the generation of organizational knowledge at the same time as its management. Managers need to manage their organizations’ learning processes as well as those of communicating, storing, measuring, inventorying and applying the knowledge produced. Note the assumption that knowledge, knowing, and learning differ. The handbooks mentioned above typically include some ‘organizational learning’ literature – though sometimes this is addressed and summarized separately e.g. (Cohen et al., 1996; Dodgson, 1993). Again it is useful to parse the learning literature along the lines of Figure 1. The formal innovation literature, and the debate about exploration versus exploitation, tends to lie at the knowledge-as-data level (Howard et al., 1992). Economists are naturally interested in sketching an abstract ‘economics of learning’. Only when it gets into the ‘human factors’ doesthe literature address the meanings and motivations of the employees (Dodgson et al., 1994; Dougherty, 1992; Leonard-Barton, 1995; Loveridge et al., 1990; Tushman et al., 1997). The management of such learning differs markedly at the three levels, just as does the management of the consequences of successful learning. Again, we can do something useful by clarifying the processes of linking the learning processes at the different levels.A second additional analytic dimension is that of power, both managerial and organizational, a reminder that we must attend to Francis Bacon’s dictum that‘knowledge is power’. The resource-based view is grounded in the perception that the possession of knowledge-as-data becomes strategic when it can be translated into economic power i.e. a rent-stream (or Marshallian quasi-monopoly) (Barney et al., 2001). At the second level power means something quite different, for it relates to management’s constrained ability to create, control, and impose meaning. The most fundamental aspect of the employment relation is the employee’s agreement to adopt the employer’s pattern of meaning – which it is the managers’ responsibility to produce. This is a fine concept but turns out to be remarkably contested in practice (Edwards, 1979). An entire sub-field of organizational theorizing deals with the need to exercise power in order to secure agreement over meanings, and with the dangers of revealing the power used to achieve this (March et al., 1958). Finally, at the level of implicit or collective practice, power implies direct control of action rather than of the thought that shapes action, again a quite different matter. Thus the notion of power and its exercise within the organization can be clarified by intelligent parsing using Figure 1.Managers are also vitally concerned with power relations between their firm and others beyond its boundaries. At the upper level we can see struggles over the possession of knowledge-as-data, firms’ reliance on the institutional arrangements for establishing and protecting intellectual property-rights (IPRs) and KPs of appropriation and application (Teece, 2000). Much of the impetusbehind industry lobbying in Washington is the need to influence the power relations at this level. Likewise the problems being addressed by the ‘new institutionalism in organizational analysis’ relate to power relations at the middle and lower levels as firms are obliged to interface their patterns of meaning and activity with those of power-holding outsiders (Powell et al., 1991). Only power produces ‘isomorphism’.In summary, I believe KM is far from being a fad, but it is in jeopardy because it is seriously mis-construed. It is better understood as a discussion about how managers might respond to a variety of knowledge-based problems or knowledge failures. Once these are parsed into three broad categories – data, meaning, and practice – the options are clearer.At the same time we can see what has attracted so much attention. Prusak, intimately involved in KM’s recent growth and IBM’s Knowledge Management Institute, argues that KM has come to the fore because of (a) advances in IT, (b) globalization, and (c) greater theoretical understanding of the economics of knowledge (Prusak, 2001). As we consider Figure 1 it might also be that today’s managers no longer accept the pre-suppositions that have shaped business school curricula for so long: that appropriate data is freely available, so that KPs at the upper level can be ignored, and that action is so effectively controlled by decisions at the middle level that implementation issues and KPs at the lower level can be ignored. This dismissal by assumption of the KPs at the top and bottom levels of Figure 1 pushed the bulk of the business school’s ‘analytic action’ into the decision-making activity at the middle level – and left many managers behind, wondering why their practice was so little supported by the academics’ theorizing. In spite of Simon’s well-appreciated critique of rationality, we have not been overly successful in moving the analysis to other levels and thereby paying appropriate attention to managers’ other responsibilities and modes of operation. KM gives us new leverage in this respect.Finally, as is argued centrally in one of the more insightful KM books (Amin et al., 2004), there is the growing need to address the dynamics within which firms, employees and markets all adapt and evolve. Managers know well that they are embedded in shifting fields of power, meaning, and activity. The whole impetus behind the organizational learning analysis is not merely that organizations learn, rather it is that the firm might be able to change itself. There is little in the management literature that moves us beyond direction (planned change) or equilibration as modes of change. Again, by parsing the literature of organizational change, we can get greater clarity. 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