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小学三年级的数学练习题10×2= 72-47= 20×5= 27+15=20÷2= 63÷3= 27×5= 510÷3=40×9= 23×30= 84÷4= 15÷3=12×4= 513×9= 4×815= 99÷9=75÷5= 205÷5= 46×10= 24×20=872-124= 27+127= 700÷5= 350+70=591÷3= 8×122= 178÷2= 30×80=800÷8= 265+85= 110×35= 901÷3=0÷245= 0×245= 0+245= 245÷5=3000-300= 605÷5= 50×50= 306÷3=702-199= 480÷3= 120×80= 27×8=62×15= 860÷4= 19×5= 40×20=520-430= 51×17= 15×61= 87÷3=91×31= 80÷10= 465÷5= 870÷8=400×20= 210÷7= 4500÷9= 5×80=300×30= 88+112= 380÷7= 36×8=86×7= 27×90= 33÷3= 880÷8=480÷8= 22×22= 16×50= 19×39=270÷30= 92×7= 38×60= 14×4=130×4= 810÷3= 72-24= 16×4=8×7+6= 6×7+6= 36÷3÷2= 5×5+4=50-24÷4= 9+9÷9= 800-800÷4= 8×9-7=72-72÷6= 8+2×10= 90-30÷3= 6×80-20=12×3÷3= 5×8-8= 57×3×0= 86-86÷2=8×2×7= 24+15+6= 18÷3-4= 50×6+0=45+55÷5= 70×(40-32)= 300÷2÷5= 960÷4÷2= 51-4×6÷3= 3000-6×408= 500-412÷4=(400-394)×706= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=1+11+111+1111+1111= 1+12+123+1234+12345=小学三年级学生暑假的学习计划1.早上6:30起床,花5至10分在家安静地做做幅度较小的运动,如蹲起扩胸等(这有利于大脑快速清醒)2.上课(因为我不知道楼主上课路上要多长时间所以就不写了),如果是周2.4.6那就写作业,连写3个小时(当然中间要休息一会),因为早上学习效率高。
教师招聘考试题库《教育理论综合知识》考点强化练习最新版(二)1、单选题材料题请点击右侧查看材料问题_____A : 高智能型B : 高创造型C : 场依存型D : 场独立型参考答案: C本题解释:参考答案:C。
美国心理学家赫尔曼? 威特金认为,有些人知觉时较多地受他所看到的环境信息的影响,有些人则较多地受身体内部线索的影响。
2、简答题幼儿园与社区合作的基本要求有哪些?参考答案:(1) 经常性; (2) 地方性; (3) 简便性; (4) 互利性; (5) 教育性; (6) 幼儿园、社区和家庭教育一体化的原则。
A : 社会文化B : 精神文化C : 人文文化D : 地方文化参考答案: B本题解释:参考答案:B。
故选 B。
A : 正强化B : 负强化C : 惩罚D : 消退参考答案: D本题解释:参考答案:D。
A : 政治与经济制度B : 生产力水平C : 科技水平D : 文化传统参考答案: A本题解释:参考答案:A。
A : 选择性B : 整体性C : 理解性D : 恒常性参考答案: B本题解释:参考答案:B。
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1. 恍然大悟(打一中草药名)——脑立清2. 威风扫地(打一中草药名)————虎力散3. 低头思故乡(打一中草药名)——怀熟地4. 三省吾身(打一中草药名)——防己5. 敲山震虎(打一中草药名)——驱风散6. 起宏图(打一中草药名)——远志7. 踏花归来蝶绕膝(打一中草药名)——香附8. 妇女节前夕(打一中草药)——三七9. 人间四月芳菲尽(打一中草药)——春不见10. 恍然大悟(打一中草药名)————脑立清11. 久别重逢(打一中草药名)————一见喜12. 第四季度经费(打一中草药名)——款冬花1. 偷梁换柱(打一中草药名)————木贼2. 两横一竖(打一中草药名)————半夏3. 不知道(打一中草药名)————生地4. 窗前江水泛春色(打一中草药名)————空青5. 忠诚老实(打一中草药)——厚朴6. 儿童节发假(打一中草药名)————六一散7. 古城姐妹(打一中草药名)————金银花8. 鲛人挥泪(打一中草药名)————珍珠散9. 老谋深算(打一中草药名)————苍术10. 方法论(打一中草药名)——白术11. 滔滔不绝(打一中草药名)——长流水12. 两个少女(打一中草药名)——二妙散1. 一江春水向东流(打一中草药名)——通大海2. 金钿遍野(打一中草药名)——地黄3. 百两银子买张皮(打一中草药名)——桂皮4. 牧童(打一中草药名)——牵牛子5. 石头生苔(打一中草药名)——滑石6. 九九归一(打一中草药名)——百合7. 穿群而过(打一中草药名)——贯众8. 寒冬腊月纸糊窗(打一中草药名)——防风9. 胸有大略(打一中草药名)——远志10. 药铺关门(打一中草药名)——没药11. 0÷5(打一中草药名)——商陆12. 举国同庆(打一中草药名)——合欢1. 月中神树(打一中草药名)——桂枝2. 红色顾问(打一中草药名)——丹参3. 五月初五(打一中草药名)——半夏4. 苦熬三九(打一中草药名)——忍冬5. 剧院灯熄(打一中草药名)——台乌6. 人工育珠(打一中草药名)——附子7. 警惕家人(打一中草药名)——防己8. 机构繁多(打一中草药名)——百部9. 大雪纷飞(打一中草药名)——天花10. 穿林而过(打一中草药名)——木通11. 骨科医生(打一中草药名)——续断12. 演讲技巧(打一中草药名)——白术1. 天府之宝(打一中草药名)——川贝2. 打开信来半字无(打一中草药名)——白芷3. 皇帝送客(打一中草药名)——王不留行4. 出类拔萃(打一中草药名)——珍珠5. 酸咸苦甘辛(打一中草药名)——五味子6. 冰碑(打一中草药名)——寒水石7. 故乡(打一中草药名)——熟地8. (打一中草药名)——川乌9. 十人九死(打一中草药名)——独活10. 红十字会(打一中草药名)——九一丹11. 大开绿灯(打一中草药名)——路路通12. 久别重逢(打一中草药名)——一见喜本文:模板,内容仅供参考。
COMPENDEX SOURCE LIST 2009TITLE SOURCE TYPE ISSN E ISSN PUBLISHER CNT COVERAGE Subject 1Subject 2Subject 3Subject 4Subject 5Subject 6Subject 7Subject 8Mechanics of Ma Metals and AlloysInternational Journal of Non-Equilibrium Processing Academic Journal13689290 A B Academic Publishers GBR CORE Industrial and Manufacturing EnginHangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica Academic Journal10006893 AAAS Press of Chinese Society of Aeronautics a CHN SELECTIVE Aerospace Engineering Space and Plane Applied Mathema Modeling and SimulationABB Review Academic Journal10133119 ABB Corporate Management Services AG CHE CORE Electrical and Electronic Engineer Mechanical EngineeringGrinding and Abrasives Academic Journal Abrasives Magazine A CORE Mechanics of Materials Industrial and Manufacturing EngineeringYanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engine Academic Journal10006915 Academia Sinica CHN SELECTIVE Geotechnical Engineering and EngGeology Civil and Structural EngineeringSoil Science Civil and Structural EngineeringYantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics Academic Journal10007598 Academia Sinica CHN SELECTIVE Geotechnical Engineering and EngJournal of Software Engineering Academic Journal18194311 Academic Journals USA CORE SoftwareSoil Science Control and Systems EngineeringBiosystems Engineering Academic Journal15375110 Academic Press GBR CORE Agronomy and Crop Science Food Science Animal Science aComputer Speech and Language Academic Journal08852308 10958363 Academic Press GBR CORE Software Human-Computer Theoretical Computer ScienceInternational Journal of Human Computer Studies Academic Journal10715819 10959300 Academic Press GBR CORE Hardware and Architecture Engineering (all)Software Human-Computer Human Factors a EducationMaterials Science (all)Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Academic Journal00219614 10963626 Academic Press GBR CORE Physical and Theoretical Chemistr Atomic and MolecJournal of Fluids and Structures Academic Journal08899746 10958622 Academic Press GBR CORE Mechanical EngineeringJournal of Network and Computer Applications Academic Journal10848045 10958592 Academic Press GBR CORE Computer Networks and Communi Computer Scienc Hardware and ArchitectureMechanics of MaterialsJournal of Sound and Vibration Academic Journal0022460X 10958568 Academic Press GBR CORE Acoustics and Ultrasonics Condensed Matte Mechanical EnginLWT - Food Science and Technology Academic Journal00236438 Academic Press GBR CORE Food ScienceComputer Scienc Signal ProcessingMechanical Systems and Signal Processing Academic Journal08883270 10961216 Academic Press GBR CORE Mechanical Engineering Civil and Structur Aerospace Engin Control and SysteSuperlattices and Microstructures Academic Journal07496036 10963677 Academic Press GBR CORE Electrical and Electronic Engineer Condensed Matte Materials Science (all)Advances in Applied Mathematics Academic Journal01968858 10902074 Academic Press A CORE Applied MathematicsApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Academic Journal10635203 1096603X Academic Press A CORE Applied MathematicsComputer Vision and Image Understanding Academic Journal10773142 1090235X Academic Press A CORE Software Computer Vision Signal ProcessingEngineering (all)Finite Fields and their Applications Academic Journal10715797 10902465 Academic Press A CORE Applied Mathematics Algebra and Num Theoretical CompJournal of Biomedical Informatics Academic Journal15320464 Academic Press A CORE Computer Science Applications Health InformaticsJournal of Catalysis Academic Journal00219517 10902694 Academic Press A CORE Catalysis Physical and Theoretical ChemistryBiomaterials Colloid and Surface ChemistryJournal of Colloid and Interface Science Academic Journal00219797 Academic Press A CORE Surfaces, Coatings and Films Electronic, OpticaStatistics and ProbabilityJournal of Complexity Academic Journal0885064X 10902708 Academic Press A CORE Applied Mathematics Numerical Analys Algebra and Num Control and OptimApplied MathematicsJournal of Computer and System Sciences Academic Journal00220000 10902724 Academic Press A CORE Computer Networks and Communi Computational Th Theoretical CompJournal of Environmental Economics and Management Academic Journal00950696 10960449 Academic Press A CORE Economics and Econometrics Management, Monitoring, Policy and LawJournal of Magnetic Resonance Academic Journal10907807 10960856 Academic Press A CORE Nuclear and High Energy Physics Biochemistry Biophysics Condensed Matter PhysicsJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy Academic Journal00222852 1096083X Academic Press A CORE Physical and Theoretical Chemistr Spectroscopy Atomic and Molecular Physics, and OpticsJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Academic Journal07437315 Academic Press A CORE Artificial Intelligence Computer Networ Hardware and Ar Software Theoretical Computer ScienceElectronic, OpticaMaterials ChemistryPhysical and The Ceramics and CoJournal of Solid State Chemistry Academic Journal00224596 1095726X Academic Press A CORE Condensed Matter Physics Inorganic ChemisJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Academic Journal10473203 10959076 Academic Press A CORE Electrical and Electronic Engineer Media Technolog Computer Vision Signal ProcessingMetabolic Engineering Academic Journal10967176 10967184 Academic Press A CORE Bioengineering Biotechnology Applied Microbiology and BiotechnologyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringOptical Fiber Technology Academic Journal10685200 Academic Press A CORE Electronic, Optical and Magnetic MActa Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved)Academic Journal00017043 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZE CORE Electrical and Electronic Engineer Mechanics of MaterialsJournal of Communications Academic Journal17962021 Academy Publisher FIN CORE Electrical and Electronic EngineeringJournal of Computers Academic Journal1796203X Academy Publisher FIN CORE Computer Science (all)Journal of Multimedia Academic Journal17962048 Academy Publisher FIN CORE Artificial Intelligence Electrical and Ele Media TechnologyJournal of Networks Academic Journal17962056 Academy Publisher FIN CORE Computer Networks and CommunicationsHuman-Computer InteractionJournal of Software Academic Journal1796217X Academy Publisher FIN CORE Software Artificial IntelligenEnvironmental Science (all)Rendiconti Lincei Academic Journal11206349 17200776 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei ITA CORE Earth and Planetary Sciences (all)Agricultural and BSound and Vibration Trade Journal15410161 Acoustical Publications A CORE Acoustics and Ultrasonics Safety, Risk, Reli Mechanical EngineeringJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Academic Journal00014966 Acoustical Society of America USA CORE Acoustics and UltrasonicsAcoustical Science and Technology Academic Journal13463969 13475177 Acoustical Society of Japan JPN CORE Acoustics and UltrasonicsControl and Intelligent Systems Academic Journal14801752 Acta Press CAN CORE Computer Science Applications Control and Systems EngineeringInternational Journal of Computers and Applications Academic Journal1206212X Acta Press CAN CORE Hardware and Architecture Software Computer Scienc Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided DesignInternational Journal of Modelling and Simulation Academic Journal02286203 Acta Press CAN CORE Hardware and Architecture Software Modeling and SimMechanics of Ma Electrical and Electronic EngineeringInternational Journal of Power and Energy Systems Academic Journal10783466 Acta Press CAN CORE Electrical and Electronic Engineer Energy Engineer Applied MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceMechanical EnginControl and SysteInternational Journal of Robotics and Automation Academic Journal08268185 Acta Press CAN CORE Software Electrical and Ele Modeling and SimAda User Journal Academic Journal13816551 Ada Language UK Ltd.GBR CORE SoftwareAdvanced Composites Letters Academic Journal09636935 Adcotec Ltd.GBR CORE Ceramics and Composites Industrial and Manufacturing EngineeringPharmaceutical Technology Academic Journal15432521 Advanstar Communications USA CORE Pharmaceutical Science BiophysicsAnalytical ChemistrySpectroscopy Academic Journal08876703 Advanstar Communications USA CORE Spectroscopy Atomic and MolecJournal of the Air and Waste Management Association Academic Journal10473289 Air and Waste Management Association USA CORE Management, Monitoring, Policy a Waste Management and DisposalActa Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica Academic Journal12178977 Akademiai Kiado Rt.HUN CORE Building and Construction Geology GeophysicsActa Physica Hungarica, Series A: Heavy Ion Physics Academic Journal12197580 15882675 Akademiai Kiado Rt.HUN CORE Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsActa Physica Hungarica, Series B: Quantum Electronics Academic Journal15899535 17863767 Akademiai Kiado Rt.HUN CORE Statistical and Nonlinear PhysicsAEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal Academic Journal11100168 Alexandria University EGY CORE Engineering (all)Wood and Fiber Science Academic Journal07356161 Allen Press A CORE Forestry Materials Science (all)Applied Solar Energy (English translation of Geliotekhnika)Academic Journal0003701X Allerton Press A CORE Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the EnvironmentAutomatic Control and Computer Sciences Academic Journal01464116 Allerton Press A CORE Signal Processing Software Control and Systems EngineeringBulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics Academic Journal10628738 Allerton Press A CORE Physics and Astronomy (all)Coke and Chemistry Academic Journal1068364X 19348398 Allerton Press A CORE Process Chemistry and Technolog Fuel Technology E nvironmental ChemistrySafety, Risk, Reliability and QualityMechanical EnginJournal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability Academic Journal10526188 19349394 Allerton Press A CORE Industrial and Manufacturing EnginOptical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics)Academic Journal1060992X 19347898 Allerton Press A CORE Computer Science (all)Electrical and Ele Electronic, Optical and Magnetic MaterialsRadioelectronics and Communications Systems Academic Journal07352727 Allerton Press A CORE Electrical and Electronic EngineeringRussian Aeronautics Academic Journal10687998 Allerton Press A CORE Aerospace EngineeringRussian Electrical Engineering Academic Journal10683712 Allerton Press A CORE Electrical and Electronic EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRussian Engineering Research Academic Journal1068798X 19348088 Allerton Press A CORE Industrial and Manufacturing EnginWater Science a Atmospheric ScienceRussian Meteorology and Hydrology Academic Journal10683739 Allerton Press A CORE Fluid Flow and Transfer ProcessesScientific and Technical Information Processing Academic Journal01476882 19348118 Allerton Press A CORE Computer Science (all)Solid Fuel Chemistry Academic Journal03615219 Allerton Press A CORE Fuel Technology Chemical Engine Chemistry (all)Steel in Translation Academic Journal09670912 Allerton Press Inc.GBR CORE Materials Science (all)Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry Academic Journal10683755 19348002 Allerton Press A CORE Industrial and Manufacturing EnginSurfaces, Coatin Surfaces and InterfacesJournal of Essential Oil Research Academic Journal10412905 Allured Publishing Company USA CORE Chemistry (all)ASHRAE Journal Academic Journal00012491 Amer. Soc. Heating, Ref. Air-Conditoning Eng. In USA CORE Mechanical Engineering Building and ConstructionASHRAE Standard Academic Journal10412336 Amer. Soc. Heating, Ref. Air-Conditoning Eng. In USA CORE Mechanical Engineering Building and ConstructionHVAC and R Research Academic Journal10789669 Amer. Soc. Heating, Ref. Air-Conditoning Eng. 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