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SCI论文写作引言SCI(Science Citation Index)是指科学引文索引,是世界上最重要的科学文献数据库之一。
Title:论文题目×××Zhang Qingke1,Yang Bo,Chen Yuehui,Wang lin(作者的隶属单位)Abstract:。
(约250words)Keywords:xxxx;xxxx;xxxx;xxxxxx;xxxxxxxx;xxx;xxxxxxxxxx; (6-7个)1 Introduction写完Results和Discussion,你会对这篇文章内容有着更深入的理解。
第一段:笼统的介绍该方向研究的意义第二段:综述前人的工作,提出目前的不足或相关的信息,引出该工作的工作动机第三段:根据分析提出某种假设第四段:简单介绍该工作开展的思路,方法,目标,和可能的结论2 Materials and Methods这部分中最好写的。
3 Result在写之前,先列几个subsections,把相对应的图表放进去。
SCI论文写作的材料与方法五篇范文第一篇:SCI论文写作的材料与方法SCI论文写作的材料与方法对于大多数 SSCI/EI/SCI论文作者而言,写作上与国内中文文章差别最大的部份就是材料与方法内容部分的写作。
科学研究的基本要求是研究结果能够被重复, 而快速判定结果能否被重复的途径就是作者所描述的材料与方法.因此, 如果材料与方法表述不清,就有可能导致审稿人或读者对作者是否采取了正确可行的研究方法或技术、或实验能否被重复高度怀疑, 而不管研究结果是如何的激动人心.1、材料与方法的基本内容与写作要点:对材料的描述应清楚、准确通常先对材料做概述, 然后再详细描述材料的结构、主要成份或重要特性、设备的功能等.材料描述中应该清楚地指出研究的对象(样品或产品、动物、植物、病人)的数量、来源和准备方法.如果采用具商标名的仪器、化学试剂或药品时, 还应包括对仪器进行精确的技术说明, 并列出试剂或药品的主要化学和物理性质;有些甚至要求仪器和样品制造商的名称及所在地, 如: lfex(Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ), Librium(Roche Products, Manati, Puerto Rico).对于实验材料, 应采用国际同行所熟悉的通用名, 尽量避免使用只有作者的本国同行才知道的专门名称.然而, 如果已知有不同特性的产品, 并且相互间的有重要差别, 如特定的微生物媒介(microbiological media), 就需要使用商标和制造商的名称(商标名的首字母应大写, 如: Teflon), 以示与通用名的区别, 并将通用的描述紧接在商标名之后, 如: Kleenex facial tissues.实验用的动物、植物和微组织应准确地标识出(通常按属、种和世系名列出), 并说明其来源和特殊性质(年龄、性别、遗传学和生理学状态)、抽样的要求或标准等.当需要描述多种微生物种属或化合物的来源和特性时, 可采用列表的形式;否则, 在正文、表注或图注中简单描述即可.如果研究对象是人(志愿者或病人), 则应特别注意拟投稿期刊的具体要求, 应交代研究对象的选择标准, 并根据情况兼顾一般性的重要统计特征(年龄、性别和身体状况), 以及其他与论文主题相关的统计信息(如体重、身高、种族等).2.对方法的描述要详略得当、重点突出方法即描述“研究是如何开展的?” 通常按研究步骤的时间顺序描述方法, 其内容包括: 实验环境或条件(如温度、电压、辐射、特殊的光线等);研究对象选择的方法;选用特定材料、设备或方法的理由;实验程序;所应用的统计分析方法;等等.如果没有时间顺序, 就按重要性程度描述实验步骤.在“方法”的描述中应给出足够的细节信息以便让同行能够重复实验, 避免混入有关结果或发现方面的内容.必要时, 应该完整地描述选择某种特定方法的理由.如果方法新颖、且不曾发表过, 应提供所有必需的细节;如果所采用的方法已经公开报道过, 引用相关的文献即可(如果报道该方法期刊的影响力很有限, 可稍加详细地描述);如果对已有方法进行了新的或实质性的改进,就要清楚地说明改进的理由.对数据统计分析方法的详细描述通常表明作者是新近设计或获得该方法, 并且作者相信读者需要这种解释;普通的统计方法无需评论或解释;先进或不常见的统计方法需要适当引用文献.如果要描述的内容较多, 可按层次使用子标题, 并尽可能创建与结论中内容相“对应”的子标题, 这种写法可保持文章内部的一致呼应, 并且读者也可很快了解某特定方法和与其相关的结果.3.阅读拟投稿期刊的“作者须知”, 了解相关的具体要求阅读拟投稿期刊的“作者须知”, 了解其对“材料与方法”的具体要求是十分必要的.例如, 有些在期刊的“作者须知”中要求作者提供研究对象(志愿者或病人)“授权同意”的声明和作者所在单位的同意函, 投稿时如果缺少这方面的材料, 稿件将不被受理.4.力求语法正确、表达简洁且合乎逻辑由于材料和方法部分通常需要描述很多的内容, 因此尤其需要准确、简洁、清楚地表述.例如: Blood samples were taken from 48 informed and consenting patients…the subjects ranged in age from 6 months to 22 years.(本句的语法没有错误, 但逻辑上显然有问题: 6 months的婴儿能informed and consenting?)又如…cells were broken by as previously described [9].(句子本身没有问题, 但在内容上显得不够准确、清楚, 如果有多种可供选择的方法能采用, 在引用文献时应提及一下具体的方法.因此, 最好将本句改为: “…cells were broken by ultrasonic treatment as previously described [9]”.)投稿前作者可请同行阅读定稿, 以了解对材料与方法的表述是否清楚或是否有明显的疏漏.第二篇:SCI论文的写作材料与方法之解析SCI论文的写作材料与方法之解析SCI论文的写作一般是以探讨科学技术为主的科技论文,因而在SCI论文的写作中实验的探究便是论文的重点。
sci附录格式范例1.引言1.1 概述在SCI论文中,概述部分是文章的开篇部分,用于引导读者了解研究的背景和目的。
1.2 文章结构文章结构是指文章的整体框架和组织方式,在写作过程中对整篇文章进行了合理的分章节和段落,使读者更易于理解和阅读。
本文旨在整理和总结200个SCI收录杂志的写作模板,帮助科研工作者更好地撰写SCI 论文,提高发表的机会和质量。
二、SCI收录杂志写作模板分类1. 自然科学类(1)化学、物理、生物等自然科学类的期刊写作模板(2)研究方法和实验设计的论文写作模板2. 工程技术类(1)电子工程、机械工程、材料工程等工程技术类的期刊写作模板(2)工程实践和案例分析的论文写作模板3. 医学健康类(1)临床医学、基础医学、药学等医学健康类的期刊写作模板(2)流行病学调查和医学统计分析的论文写作模板4. 社会科学类(1)经济学、管理学、社会学等社会科学类的期刊写作模板(2)问卷调查和统计分析的论文写作模板5. 跨学科类(1)环境科学、食品科学、生态学等跨学科类的期刊写作模板(2)跨学科研究和综合分析的论文写作模板三、写作模板的基本要素1. 标题(1)标题要精炼准确,能够准确反映论文的主题和内容(2)避免使用过于晦涩或难以理解的词语,以便读者快速理解论文主题2. 摘要(1)摘要要简明扼要地介绍论文的研究内容、方法、结果和结论(2)摘要要遵循SCI收录期刊的要求,不超过250字,并且包括关键词3. 概述(1)概述要清晰地阐述论文的研究背景和意义,引出研究问题和目的(2)概述要对前人的研究成果进行梳理和评述,指出论文的创新点和贡献4. 方法(1)方法要详细描述研究的设计、实验和数据分析等内容(2)方法要能够让读者清晰地了解研究过程和可重复性5. 结果(1)结果要以数据和实验结果为主,以图表和文字相结合的方式呈现(2)结果要客观呈现研究成果,避免主观评价和夸大宣传6. 讨论(1)讨论要对结果进行解释和分析,指出研究的局限性和未来发展方向(2)讨论要提供科学的推理过程和逻辑,避免片面主观的理解7. 结论(1)结论要简明扼要地总结研究的主要发现和意义(2)结论要直接回答研究问题,措辞要准确客观四、写作模板的特殊要求1. 化学、物理、生物等自然科学类(1)实验方法的详细描述和数据的准确呈现是重点(2)科学表达和专业术语的正确使用是关键2. 工程技术类(1)工程设计和实践案例要体现实用性和先进性(2)专业知识和行业标准要做到精准有效的传达3. 医学健康类(1)临床试验和医疗实践的伦理规范和安全性是关键(2)医学统计分析和数据可信度要求非常高4. 社会科学类(1)问卷设计和调查分析的科学性和客观性是要求(2)社会问题的深入思考和多角度讨论是重点5. 跨学科类(1)综合研究和跨学科合作的整合性和创新性是关键(2)跨学科交叉思维和交流交流的全面性和系统性是要求五、写作模板的常见问题及解决方法1. 结构混乱(1)问题:论文结构不清晰,逻辑跳跃,读者难以理解(2)解决方法:在写作前进行详细的大纲规划和逻辑推理,确保结构合理有序2. 数据造假(1)问题:实验结果和数据不真实,严重影响论文的可信度(2)解决方法:遵守科研伦理,严格按照实验设计和数据分析的规范进行3. 文献引用错误(1)问题:文献引用不全面、不准确,论文的知识基础不够扎实(2)解决方法:认真查找相关文献,确保引用的准确性和权威性六、结语撰写SCI收录期刊的论文是每一个科研工作者的重要任务,也是展示学术水平和科研能力的重要途径。
SCI科研论文写作中的文献引用常见格式与引用规则在SCI(Science Citation Index)科研论文写作中,准确、规范的文献引用是不可或缺的重要步骤。
1. 引用格式SCI论文中常见的文献引用格式有两种:作者-年份制(Author-Year)和数字制(Numerical)。
1.1 作者-年份制(Author-Year)作者-年份制是SCI论文中广泛使用的一种文献引用格式。
引用方式示例:(1)直接引用:根据Smith (2010) 的研究表明……(2)间接引用:在研究中得出的结论与Jones等人(2012)的研究结果相一致。
参考文献列表格式示例:Smith, J. (2010). Title of Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Numbers.1.2 数字制(Numerical)数字制是另一种常见的文献引用格式,它以数字标记文献引用,并在文末的参考文献列表中按顺序排列。
参考文献列表格式示例:[1] Author(s). (Year). Title of Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Numbers.2. 引用规则在SCI论文写作中,除了选择适合的引用格式外,还需要遵守一些引用规则,以确保引用的准确性和规范性。
以下是一些常见的引用规则:2.1 多作者引用规则当文献中存在多位作者时,可以根据作者人数的不同进行引用。
以下是不同人数作者的引用方式示例:(1)两位作者:Smith and Johnson (2015)研究表明……(2)三位以上作者:Smith等人(2015)研究表明……2.2 同一作者多篇文献引用规则如果需要引用同一作者的多篇文献,可以通过添加小写字母来区分。
1、书籍类[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.(1)书籍(印刷版)格式[1]WatkinsPJ.ABC of Diabetes.5thed.London:Blackwell Publishing.2003.(2)书籍(电子版)格式[2]Simons NE, Menzies B, Matthews M. A Short Course in Soil and Rock Slope Engineering. London: Thomas Telford Publishing; 2001.(填写网址).(3)书中章节[3]Partridge H, Hallam G. Evidence-based practice and information literacy. In: Lipu S, Williamson K, Lloyd A. (eds.) Exploring methods in information literacy research. Wagga Wagga, Australia: Centre for Information Studies; 2007. p. 149-170.(4)书籍:翻译[4]Aristotle.Physics.Trans Graham DW.Oxford:Clarendon;1999.(5)非英语的书籍[5]Garecia Sanchez JJ.Toponymical atlas of Spain.[Atlas toponimicode Espanna ] Madrid:Arco/Libros;2007.2、期刊类[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.(1)期刊文章(印刷版)[6]Chibber PK,Majumdar SK.Foreign ownership and profitability:Propertyrights,control,and the perfourmance of firms in Indian industry Journal of Law& Economics 1999;42(1):209-238.(2)期刊文章(电子版)[7]Arrami M, Garner H. A tale of two citations.Nature2008;455(7177):397-9.(填写网址)(accessed 20 January 2008).3、报纸类[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).[8]French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33).4、论文类(1)论文集[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.[9]Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.(2)学位论文[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.[10]Leckenby RJ. Dynamic characterization and fluid flow modelling offractured reservoirs.PHD thesis. Imperial College London;2005.5、报告[11]Leatherwood S. Whales,dolphins, and porpoises of the western NorthAtlantic.U.S.Dept.of Commerce Report number:63,2001.6、法律文件[12]The Public Contract Regulations 2006. SI 2006/5.London:TSO;2006实际引用文献中,不止这些,还有一些标准、官方文件、专利、地图、博客等等。
关于sci的英语作文模板Title: An Overview of Science (SCI)。
Science, also known as SCI (Science Citation Index), is a multidisciplinary citation database that covers thousands of scientific journals across various fields. It is an essential tool for researchers, scholars, and students in the scientific community to keep up with the latest developments and advancements in their respective fields. In this article, we will explore the significance of SCI, its impact on scientific research, and its role in shaping the future of science.Significance of SCI。
SCI plays a crucial role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge by providing a comprehensive and reliable platform for accessing scholarly articles,research papers, and scientific literature. It allows researchers to stay updated on the latest publications, breakthroughs, and discoveries in their fields of interest. Moreover, SCI's citation tracking feature enablesscientists to gauge the impact and influence of their work within the scientific community, as well as to identify potential collaborators and research opportunities.Impact on Scientific Research。
①Considering the impact of the×××risk potentially resulting from×××,a number of studies have explored the association between×××and×××. However,individual studies have yielded inconsistent or conflicting findings,possibly caused by limitation sassociated with an individual study.To shed light on these contradictory results and to more precisely evaluate the relationship among×××and×××,we performed a meta-analysis of published studies.②Even though several studies comparing×××and×××have been reported, most are small series with conflicting results.It is still uncertain whether the benefits of×××are restricted to improved×××.We therefore systemically searched and analyzed the available literature to evaluate the efficiency,safety,and potential advantages of×××compared with×××.③The aims of this study are to understand analytically the epidemiological links and association between×××and×××among×××.④There are numerous clinical trials regarding the use of×××for treatment of ×××,with positive results;however,to our knowledge,the potential benefits of ×××for patients with×××,to justify either their recommendation or their clinical role,have not been evaluated.In addition,a large number of studies could potentially be missed if literature searches are restricted to English-only sources. Therefore,we conducted a systematic review to assess the effect of×××on×××.⑤Although several research papers have suggested that×××may be associated with increased×××in×××with×××,no recent systematic review has synthetised the evidence in this regard.A previous systematic review dates back to year×××,while a significant amount of literature has been published after that date.The aim of this work was to systematically review and meta-analyses the evidence on the association between×××and×××in×××.。
If you need assistance with anything, let us knowDear Dr. Tiegang Li,This is to acknowledge receipt of the online form indicating that you have no further changes to your paper.We will contact you however should we have further clarifications.Thank you.Warm Regards,Letter beginningDear editorWe read the paper by perkins et al (2011) with great interest because it highlighted a very important issueabout …….. No surveys have been published yet demonstrating the ……. In an attempt to fill this gap, we would like to share our findings from a recent pilot survey investigating …….用来描述暴发疫情开头背景的In September 2001, CDC was notified of an increase in S. Javiana infections in Mississippi. Concurrentwith exceptionally high rainfall between June and September, 43 cases of S. Javiana were reportedto the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), a sevenfold increase over the previous year.The majority of cases occurred in the three counties that comprise the greater Jackson, Mississippi area (Hinds, Madison and Rankin). Initial interviews with patients did not reveal any common food exposures.We therefore conducted a case-control study to identify risk factors and sources for S. Javiana infection.常用词语/短句1.Quadirvalent HPV vaccine2.Several deaths of nurses who reportedly died of complications related to H1N1.3.Children with exemption are at increased risk of contracting and transmitting vaccine-preventable disease.4.The greatest perceived barriers to pa tient’s acceptance included concern about adverse effects(56.98%),perceived lack of risk for disease(45.78%), distrust of vaccines(45.78%), lack of disease awareness(43.99%) and vaccine cost (37.50%).5.The barriers to HPV immunization most commonly cited by parents were concern about HPV safety.6.The vaccine provides good protection against immunized strains, becoming effective 10-14 days afteradministration.7.Economic and social disadvantages may limit routine access to screening and treatment.8.Simultaneously infected, febrile cases, Clinical profile, clinical manifestation, clinical picture, clinicalcharacteristics, Simultaneous, morbidity and mortality, case-fatality, mobility, epidemiological perspective,co-infection of novel coronavirus with another pathogen, ongoing, higher prevalence of, optimize,exhibit, mitigate(减轻), previous two years9.Well-coordinated surveillance the most recent four with the HIV infection through the end of 2010.12.Be positive for , annually process < 100 samples.13.experienced upper-respiratory symptoms, sought medical care for fever, shortness of breath, and coughproductive of bloody sputum and died during their hospitalizations, infection with seasonal influenza A14.Extensive testing of upper- and lower-respiratory specimens did not reveal any other infectious agents.15.Cervical cancer rates vary by geographic regions within the U.S.,16.It was robust data generated by research specifically targeted to public health need.17.Two highly efficacious prophylactic (预防疾病的) vaccines that target HPV-16 and 18 are available.18.A large and increasing proportion of parents who……19.In accordance with CDC guidelines,20.Regarding/concerning /in terms of21.Link to, epidemiology link, been linked tomon exposure23.Over the last four decades, in the most recent years,24.Tuesday was the eighth consecutive day with temperatures above 100 in the city of Shanghai.25.Most of the 134 laboratory-confirmed cases of novel avian influenza A (H7N9) virus infection appear to beepidemiologically separate.26.Kentucky has consistently tested over 100 bats a year27.Female age 11-44 years.28.Relevant this regardIntroduction研究背景介绍1.In the ensuing years/months/days,(在随后的几年), efforts were made to …….2.There was considerable amount of literature on parents’ and women’s attitudes towards…; recent effortshave focused on factors associated with vaccine uptake.3.In recent years, sever al descriptive studies have examined…., but surprisingly few experimental studieshave examined ….in one of such studies,… contrast,……..more recently……however, neither studiespresented evidence of …….4.One possible method to overcome some of these problems is the graphic presentation of risk likelihood.Previous research suggested that graphic risk presentations are often easier to understand.5.Graphic risk presentation may be particularly helpful for those with less education, those with lownumerical fluency, and those whose first language is not English.6.Previous numerous studieshas reported/revealed that.7.There were 3302 confirmed human rabies cases in China, nearly 21 times the number found from theentire period between 1990 and 1996.8.Cervical cancer remains a significant public health problem for women worldwide, with an estimated529,409 new cases and 274,833 deaths in 2008.9.Worldwide, cervical cancer is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women. Eventhough women in developing countries accounted for approximately 85% of cervical cancer and deaths.10.Factors contributing to the elevated cervical cancer rates in South Africa may be due to the increased HPVprevalence among women with normal cytology in South Africa.11. Factors associated with cervical cancer disparities among women include lack of knowledge, culturalbeliefs, social environment, less education, increased poverty, limited healthcare access and insurance12.As HPV vaccination becomes available in an increasing number of countries, focus must now shifttoimplementation of vaccination, which is perhaps the most complex and challenging process in theadoption of a vaccine.13.Ongoing studies are also needed to identifyspecific potential barriers to HPV vaccine implementation,such as perceived risk of infection or socioeconomic status. Good acceptance of vaccine is essential toensure equity of access to protection from disease.14.Note that in n this report, the genetics of the flu strains and the epidemiology of the cases combine tosuggest the daughter caught the H7N9 flu from her father15.说本次研究的必要性1.There is a need to better understand the patient’s factors that are predictive of vaccination among youngadult, who have low rate of HPV vaccination.2.Understanding the predictors of acquiring the vaccine among adolescent and young women eligible forthe catch-up series is also important.3.Understanding the shift in public awareness caused by recent changes to cervical prevention is critical toaddressing cervical cancer disparities in Appalachia.4.Increasing health awareness and promoting preventive health behaviors, particularity among populationswith an excess burden of HPV- associated diseases, can prove beneficial in promoting healthy lifestylesthroughout life.5.Because college students are the next generation of parents, early intervention can facilitate preventivehealth knowledge and behaviors and HPV vaccine acceptance for future generations.6.Findings from both studies indicated that…..7.Recent strong upward trends in vaccine prices present barriers to vaccine purchase for individuals andpubic programs.8.Although enthusiasm for universal vaccination may initially be tempered by uncertainties about thevaccines’ safety, efficacy and duration of protection, many of these factors could very well change in the future.9.Concerns about quality of delivery, safety, adverse effects and the effect on fertility were raised.10.Failure to evaluate the successes and failures of this campaign for an adolescent audience would be amissed opportunity to better understand how to present health information via DTC advertising tosupport adolescents in health care decision making.11.Cervical cancer remains a significant public health problem for women+12.说以前研究的局限性1.Initiated a campaign to secure enactment of mandatory vaccination laws like those that require schoolchildren to be immunized against mumps, meals, rubella, and other children diseases2.Few studies have assessed the relationship between obesity-related behavioral factors, such as diet andexercise, and risk of acute respiratory infection.3.Little research had explored women’s questions and concern about HPV or their attitudes towards HPVtesting.4.Yet, Little is known about the precise extent of this parasitism5.Yet, little is known about adolescents’ awareness of HPV and HPV vaccination.6.7.Even less is known8.Universal varicella vaccination program is unavailable to public in previous China9.Despite the increasing rate of infection, risk factors and sources for S. Javiana infection remain largelyunknown.10.Although the relationship between malaria and meteorological variables has been assessed in manyregions, including Africa, Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia, few studies have been conductedand little is known about the impact of climate variation on malaria in temperate regions说本次研究的目的1.We propose to conduct a study in rural Kentucky in effort to determine if Strongyloides and STHtransmission is currently occurring in the United States.2.We undertook/conduct this study to evaluate/ detect/assess3.The study had two objectives, one was to explore, the other was to assess4.Rapid and effective response to5.To address the needs of6.This study is one of first directly examine …….7.The primary objective of this study was to examine and compare the awareness, knowledge, barriers tousage and acceptance of commonly recommended adult vaccines among a nationwide sample ofpracticing8.We conducted an investigation to determine the cause of the illnesses and identify additional relatedcases.9.We predicted that …… test this hypothesis,10.The goal of this study was to characterize scope of the outbreak, and encourage the early infectionrecognition and treatment.11.We also address how these barriers can be overcome through the coordination of outreach programs andwidespread prophylactic HPV vaccination to reduce cervical cancer disparities in Latinas.12.13.Material and methods1. A detailed description about this study design and recruitment are provided elsewhere [13-18]. Briefly,participants were recruited from a large survey study that sought to examine women’s knowledge, belief, and attitude towards HPV.2.After completing a survey, 24 women also agreed to participate in focus groups about cervical cancerprevention3.Study participants will be provided with an overview of the study prior to consenting. Health educationmaterials about Strongyloides and STH will be available for each participant (Appendix A)4.The cooperation rate was calculated by dividing completed interviews by the total number of householdswhere contact was made; divide (分子) by (分母)5.To capture all possible cases, we defined a case-patient as……6.The survey consisted of five sections: (1); (2); (3); and (4).7.We recruited a convenience sample of women aged 18-50 years living in Appalachia, who elected toparticipate in a sing le individual interview or focus group. Inclusion criterion were:……8.Participants were excluded if they self-reported cognitive impairment or an inability …..9.Although females at greatest risk of HPV infection include those aged 20-24 years, women older than 24years were enrolled as they are more likely to have daughters at the recommended age for convenience sample, young women attending health clinics and community college in Kentuckywere recruited to participate in a women’s health st standardized form, carriers were asked to provide information on ……..12.(病例定义)Cases in this outbreak are defined as laboratory-confirmed Cyclospora infection in a personwho became ill in June or July, 2013, and had no history of travel outside of the United States or Canada during the 14 days prior to onset of illness.13.Nine questions were used to assess perceived physician HPV educational efforts. For example, onequestion assessed the ……, these question was scored on a scale of 1-4, with 1 meaning the topic was not at all mentioned or discussed, 2,the the topic was mentioned, but no discussed, 3, the topic was discussed but with no opportunity for question, and 4, the topic was discussed with detail and opportunity for question.14.The survey is conducted in 2 phases.Data collection1.HFMD cases reported to the National Infectious Disease Information Management System databasebetween May 2008 and April 2009 were assessed2.Study participants will be asked to fill out a questionnaire; data variables include demographicinformation and risk factor assessment for Strongyloides and STH infection3.For participants who are unable to read and/or write, trained personal will assist them with completingthe questionnaire. There are no costs to participants to take part in the study. Study participants willhave the option to refuse to participate in the study at any point in time.4.Participants were given five dollars, a light meal, and travel vouchers in appreciated of their time.5.Participants were provided with a $25 gift card in appreciated of their time and a $5 gift card to a localgasoline station to cover travel expenses.6.Study participants will have the option to provide both a blood sample (for Strongyloides testing) andstool sample (for STH testing), only a blood sample, or only a stool sample.7.All female cases age 11-44 yrs.should be investigated. Those that are pregnant should be reported to theperinatal hepatitis B consultant, regardless of acute/chronic status.8.If you receive a report from a provider regarding one of these lab, flow up with him/her and investigate it.Laboratory testBlood:1. a blood sample will be collected from each participant.2.Approximately 200µl of blood will be collected via finger prick into a collection tube. A unique ID will berecorded on the collection tube that corresponds with the survey filled out by the participant.3.Collection of the blood sample will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Lab samples will be processedby the CDC. Follow-up for study participants who test positive will be completed through the KentuckyDepartment for Public Health and CDC.4.Dataanalysis软件1.All analyses were performed using SPSS version 14.0(SPSS, Chicago, IL).2.Epi Info TM3.5.1, a free statistical software package produced by the CDC, was used for data entry andanalysis.P值表达方法For all analysis,1.For all analysis, P values < 0.05 were regarded as significant.2.For all analysis, A P value < 0.05 was considered as significant.3.All statistical comparisons are reported as significant at the P<0.05 level in this report.统计方法1.Descriptive statistics for respondent characteristics were presented by vaccination status. The chi-squaretest was used to compare categorical data between groups, and the t-test was used for continuous data.2.The baseline demographic characteristics of the six groups were compared by using person chis-squaretests for categorical variables and one way ANOVA for continuous variables. A significance level of 0.05was used to assess significance3.We used fisher’s exact test to ascertain the statistical significance of bivariate analyses between benefitscoverage and carrier and plan types.4.The main and interactive effective of the experimental intervention on the outcome variables wereassessed by using an ANOVA.5.Multiple regression was used to analysis the association between age, family status, education andparental status, and HPV related knowledge, reporting adjusted odds ratios (OR) with their 95%confidential intervals (95%CI).Result描述一般情况如构成等(Demographic)1.27 percent of eligible patients received HPV vaccine and on average these patients were younger (17.0 vs.19.6 years)2.37 patients originally classified as non-vaccines from the health plan database were subsequentlyremoved from the analysis because they reported in the survey that they had been vaccinated againstHPV, leaving 185 surveys eligible for analysis.3. A total of 61,1955 women met the above criteria.4.As of December 31, 2010, a cumulative total of 5,246 cases of HIV infection, regardless of the stage ofdisease at diagnosis, have been reported among Kentucky residents. Of these cases, 2,500 people were…5.Of the 29 case-patients, 1 was hospitalized; there were no deaths6.Of the 29 case-patients, 27 (93%) worked7.Out of the 20 attendees, 13 became ill.8.Of 1220 eligible households,9.The median age of case-patients was 29 years (range 19–52 years); 28 (97%) were men.10.There were a total of 2,004 males (80%) and 496 females (20%) diagnosed with HIV infection (not AIDS)while there were a total of 2,253 (82%) and 493 females (18%) with AIDS.11.As of 2004, the prevalence of HPV infection was 26.8% among US women aged 14-59, with the highestprevalence (44.8%) in those aged 20-24.12.As of July 29, 2013 (5pm EDT), CDC has been notified of 372 cases of Cyclospora infection from thefollowing 16 health departments:13.According to U.S. census bureau reports, as of July 2006, Hispanics accounted for the second highestpopulation of U.S. females under the age of 18 (20%).14.62%(28/45) were attributed to influenza A (H1N1)15.“not recommended” was the most frequent reason, and “do not know” was the second most commonreason for not vaccinating for all years16.All but 3 case-patients were residents of a diversion centerPresumably17.The number of S. Javiana isolates reported to CDC increased from 700 in 1990,to over 1100 in 200018.Two participants did not report their exact ages but were in the mature participants group.19.three additional family members (patients D, E, and F) were identified with influenza virus infection20.Reasons given by parents for choosing not to have their child receive the vaccine included: A(85%),followed by B(10%) and C(5%)21.Most of the illness onset dates have ranged from mid-June through early July.22.At least 21 persons reportedly have been hospitalized in three states.23.It is not yet clear whether the cases from all of the states are part of the same outbreak.24.Additional cases are currently under investigation and will be included on this page as states confirm them.25.Previous outbreak investigations have implicated various types of fresh produce.26.Concurrent with exceptionally high rainfall between June and September, 43 cases of S. Javiana werereported to the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), a sevenfold increase over the previousyear.27.For cases and controls, respectively, 48.2% and 66.1% were female, 67.9% and 78.6% were farmers.1.描述病例组和对照组一般情况无差别1.Respondents and non-respondents to the survey did not differ significantly by region of residence ornumber of comorbidities, but differed slightly in age (mean age 21.6 for respondents versus 22.0 for non-respondents, P<0.01).描述多组构成或趋势2.The trend in percentage of persons living with HIV non-AIDS (PLWH) with unmet need increased from 28%in 2007, to 30% in 2008, to 41% in 2009 and 48% in 2010.3.Conversely, the trend for persons living with AIDS (PLWA) with unmet need reduced from 32% in 2007, to26% in 2008 and again in 2009 and increased to 30% in 2010. The percentage of PLWHA with unmet need fluctuated from 30% in 2007 to 28% in 2008 to 33% in 2009 and 38% in 2010. These fluctuations are描述发病高峰的1.Multiple peaks of visits for gastrointestinal illness were seen during summer 2010 and winter 2010–11,and a smaller peak occurred in summer 2011.描述OR/关联/回归的1.Thirty (55%) case patients reported exposure to amphibians, defined as owning, touching, or seeing anamphibian on one’s property, compared with 30 (29%) controls (matched odds ratio 2.8, P=0.006).Contact with amphibians and their environments may be a risk factor for human infection with S.Javiana.2.In this model, three variables remained: A, B and C.3.Students had an almost 3 times greater odds of vaccination than on-students4.Personal importance of vaccine increased the odds of vaccination more than 7-fold.5.The strength of the physicians’ recommendation was also significant predictors. Each i ncrease of 1point on the likert scale rating was associated with a 41% increase (OR=1.41, 95%CI 1.06-1.88) in theodds of vaccination (likert scale是那种等级资料,即问卷中设计的是非常同意同意一般同意非常不同意,分别代表1-4)6.Participants who had received influenza vaccine within recent three years were 2.18 times more likely(OR=2.18, 95%CI: 1.55-3.06) to accept H7N9 vaccine when compared with those who had not.7.The strength of the physicians’ recommendation played a significant role in the decision to bevaccinated, resulting a ~4-fold greater likelihood of vaccination when women received a strongrecommendation versus one that was “not strong”8.Belief in the importance of HPV vaccination at baseline correlated with 41-fold greater desire to bevaccinated.9.Neither marital status nor age remained in the multivariate analyses predicting HPV vaccination in thisstudy. Pre-vaccine studies suggested that …….10.Race/ethnicity was not associated with vaccination status in this study. Some pre-vaccine studies havereported a relationship between ethnic background and vaccine acceptability.11.Males were significantly less likely to have heard of HPV.12.There was no significant gender difference in perceived susceptibility to HPV infection13.Male were less likely to have herd of HPV and were significantly less knowledgeable about HPVcompared to females.14.Being a father was associated with an increased probability of not having heard of HPV (OR=, ), and notknowing of the causal link between A and B.15.Patients were more likely than controls to have private health insurance (mOR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1–5.5,P=0.03) with seasonal influenza A and B virus was associated with a significant increase in the riskof admission to ICU/death描述各组率的构成和差别的1.From January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2012, a total of 560 malaria confirmed cases werereported in Guangzhou, of which 83.39% (467) were male patients and 16.61% (93) were femalepatients. The age ranged from 1 to 83 years old (mean age was 37.64). The proportion ofconfirmed cases between <5, 6–19, 20–44, 45–64, and >65 was 0.36%, 3.57%, 71.07%, 21.96%,and 3.047%, respectively.2.23.7% of households reported that at least one family member evacuated the home during orbefore the tornado, which is significant different (P<0.05) between two counties, with 32.26% ofMagoffin’s households and 17.81% of Johnson's.3.This differed between the two counties surveyed, with 77.4% of Magoffin's households having asmoke alarm, which is significantly lower (P<0.05) than in Johnson County (90.4%).4.Among single-person households, the functioning Carbon Monoxide alarm use rate was 21.9%,which is significantly lower (P<0.05) than households with more than two members (47.6%)5.Overall, interviewees in Magoffin County seemed more likely to present physical or mental healthissues than those in Johnson County (35.5% vs 15.8%,P<0.05)6.Stratifying by gender, the proportion of feeling nervous, anxious or on edge after tornado issignificantly higher (P<0.05) in females (38.7%) than in males (24.5%).paring people living alone with households with more than two members, the resident livingalone is more likely to present or experience mental health problems (12.3% VS 27.8%, P<0.05).8.The proportion of residents having a functioning smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector wassignificantly lower in homes with a single dweller compared to those with two or more residentspared with plans offered by state-specific Blue Cross carriers, significantly higher proportionsof multi-state carriers and local independent carriers had pals with full benefits coverage forvaccines10.By sex, unmet need was higher among males than females for all three diagnosis groups.11.The proportions of AIDS cases reporting Injection drug use (IDU) and MSM/IDU were slightlyhigher among persons diagnosed in 2009, compared to those diagnosed in 2010.parison of 2012 data with the median approximated influenza positivity peaks and mean ofthe 3 week moving average of influenza positivity data for selected countries of the southernhemisphere13.unmet need was highest among persons aged 40 years or older. PLWHA in the 40-49 year agegroup accounted for the highest percentage of unmet need at 36% and those aged 50+ yearsaccounted for 30% of unmet need in 2010.14.The greatest number of cases was in the age group of 0–5, which accounted for 93.82% (162798)of total cases reported. The smallest number of cases was in the 59-69 year age group accounted for less than 1%15.Trends by age at time of HIV diagnosis show that the highest percentage of persons having unmetneed were aged 30-39 years old.stly, the pattern of unmet need by geographic region of residence at time of HIV diagnosis forall 1,971 PLWHA is similar to prevalence patterns, with the highest percentages in three particular Area Development Districts (ADDs). Collectively, data show that the majority (56%) of cases17.Residents served by the Bluegrass Care Clinic (BCC) had the second highest percentage of unmetneed (17%), followed by residents served by Northern Kentucky District Health Department at 10%. Residents served by Matthew25 AIDS18.Respondents and non-respondents to the survey did not differ significantly by region of residenceor number of comorbidities, but differed slightly in age (mean age 21.6 for responders versus 22.0 for non-respondents, p<0.01).pared to non-vaccines, vaccines were slightly younger (21.2 versus 22.4), and predominantlynot married (95.4% versus 74.6%)20.Chi-square analyses of demographics across ethnic groups revealed statistically significantdifference in insurance status (x2=, p=) and education level(x2=, p=). No significant difference on vaccination intentions emerged by ethnic group.21.As was hypothesized, Parents who …..reported significantly stronger intentions to have theirdaughters’ vaccinated.22.As was also hypothesized, Patents who answered rhetorical questions expressed significantlystronger intentions to vaccinated their daughter against HPV infection than did parents who had not been asked these rhetorical question.23.Persons aged 45-64 years accounted for the second highest percentage of living HIV cases for bothyears (43% in 2009 and 41% in 2010). Children (less than 13 years old) and persons aged 65+ years.accounted for the smallest percentage of living cases for both years at less than 5% each.24.The distribution of HIV (non-AIDS) infections by sex is comparable, with the majority of living casesdiagnosed among males: 80% for both years.pared to 2746 AIDS cases at the end of 2010. This represents an increase of 2.8%.26.Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) accounted for the majority of AIDS cases consecutively(about 47% each year). 连续地27.Whereas in 2010, 52 (31%) new cases were aged 30-39 years at diagnosis.28.Among this sample of Appalachian women, those engaging in behaviors that increase their risk forHPV infection were more likely to refuse the vaccine. Conversely, those women engaging inprotective health behaviors were more likely to accept the vaccine.29.Over two times the national average30.Notably, this increase was most remarkable in children age less than 10 year.变异地解释1.The total adjusted variance explained in the three models was 77%, 67%, and 49%, respectively.Discussion地理位置表达1.Kentucky is 40,395 square miles in size (ranking 37th in the nation), with a population based on the1970 census of about 3.2 million (ranking 23rd).首次研究1.To our knowledge,this is the first study to assess reactions to and impression of …..2.To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to ……3.To authors’ acknowledge, the relationship between atmospheric pressure and dengue fever has notbeen reported in subtropical area. The present reported is first to investigate the effect ofatmospheric pressure on DF incidence in southern China.4.This investigation provides the first epidemiological evidence that human infection with S. Javiana isassociated with direct and indirect exposure to amphibians.单纯表述其他研究结果1.The result of current study showed that2.By comparison,类似研究1.Our finding of illness in new employees is similar to findings from previous investigations of poultryworkers. For example,…….. Another study found that……….Those findings indicate that………。
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具体如下:1、单一作者著作的书籍姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.如:Sheril, R. D.(1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego:Halstead.2、两位作者以上合著的书籍姓,名字首字母., & 姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.如:Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992).Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON:McMaster University Press.3、文集中的文章如:Mcdonalds, A.(1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment ofsupernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies:Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.4、期刊中的文章(非连续页码)如:Crackton, P.(1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift tocolourful pocket change?Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.5、期刊中的文章(连续页码):姓,名字首字母.(年). 题目. 期刊名(斜体). 第几期,页码.如:Rottweiler, F. T.,& Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink ofdestruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.6、月刊杂志中的文章如:Henry, W. A., III.(1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.。
一、SCI参考文献的格式SCI的参考文献格式要求非常严格,一般参考文献应包括以下信息:作者、题名、期刊名、卷号、期号、页码、出版年份等,下面是示例:1.期刊文章作者.题名.期刊名,年份,卷(期):起止页码.例如:[1] Noroozi M, Oskooie P A, Ghannadi Maragheh M. Efficiency enhancement of bifacial DSSCs using dielectric scatterers[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(16): 165104.2.会议文章作者.题名.会议名称,年份,起止页码.例如:[2] Wu X, Deng Q. Serpentine robot simulation and experiment[J]. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, 2018: 269-272.3.学位论文作者.题名.学位论文.学位授予单位,年份.例如:[3] Xia H. Mafic and ultramafic rocks in Karamay ophiolitic mélange and its tectonic significance[D]. Xi’an: Chang’an University, 2018.4.图书作者.书名.版本.出版城市:出版社,出版年份.例如:[4] Deng X, Yin L. Statistical and mathematical methods in artificial intelligence[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2018.5.专利申请人.专利名称[P].国别及专利号,公开或公告日期.例如:[5] Lu A Y. Method and apparatus for controlling submarine [P]. US Patent, 9,787,249,2017.二、SCI参考文献的写作规范除了参考文献格式之外,SCI文章撰写时,还有一些写作规范和注意事项需要遵守:1.参考文献字数和数量SCI要求参考文献的数量和字数必须最小化,但是,参考文献的数量应满足阐明研究对象和研究方法的需求。
投稿信范例1Dear Editor,Enclosed for your consideration is an original research articl,entitled“××××”1. All authors of this research paper have direct Ly participated in the planning execution, or analysis of this study2. All authors of this paper have read and approved the final version submitted.3. The contents of this manu have not been copyrighted or published previously.4. The contents of this manuscri pt are not nowe under consideration for publication elsewhere.5. The contents of this manu will not be copyrighted, submitted,or published elsewhere while acce ptance by the Journal is under consideration.6. There are no directly related manus or abstracts,published or unplished, by any authors of this paper.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because the study reports that...Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to at the following address, phone and fax number, and e-mail adress:(your name and address here)Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours(your name here)投稿信范例-2Dear Dr.××××,I would like to submit the attached manu,“××××”for considerati on for possible publication in the Research Articles section of SCIMy two nominees for associate editor are Dr. Smith and Dr.××××,Dr.Smith is well versed in the topic of the paper while Dr.×××× has used a methodology in his own research that is related to the methodology in the paper being submitted.Regarding the option of nominating up tofour reviewers, my nominees are:Name-1, Email address-1Name-2, Email address-2Name-3, Email address-3Name-4, Email address-4The nominees for associate editor and reviewers have no conf lict of in terest with any of the authors of the paper being submitted.This paper(or closely related research) has not been published or accepted for publication. It is not under consideration at another journal.No other papers using the same data set have been published. ( Note: If other papers using the data set have been published, please indicate differences between the submitted paper and the other published papers.)Sincerelyyour name and address hereOK,大家是不是觉得还是有点无从下手的感觉?小编也是非常理解大家的,毕竟,英语对于咱们中国人来说,可不是短期内就能up up up的。
在科学学术写作中,参考文献的格式可以使用不同的引用样式,其中一个常用的样式是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association,APA)的引用格式。
以下是SCI论文中参考文献的APA格式示例:期刊文章:作者姓, 作者名字首字母. (发表年份). 文章标题. 期刊名称, 卷号(期号), 起始页码-结束页码. DOI或URL (如果适用)例子:Smith, J. D., & Johnson, A. B. (2020). The impact of climate change on biodiversity. Journal of Environmental Science, 15(2), 123-145. 网址书籍:作者姓, 作者名字首字母. (出版年份). 书名. 出版地点: 出版社.例子:Miller, R. L., & Spool, J. M. (2019). Designing the user interface: Strategies for effective human-computer interaction. Boston, MA: Pearson.学位论文:作者姓, 作者名字首字母. (年份). 论文标题(学位类型, 学位所在地: 学位授予机构).例子:Johnson, M. A. (2018). The impact of social media on political engagement (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles).会议论文集:作者姓, 作者名字首字母. (发表年份). 论文标题. 在编辑者名字首字母姓(Eds.), 会议论文集名称(起始页码-结束页码). 会议所在地点: 出版社.例子:Smith, J. D., & Johnson, A. B. (2019). The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare. In L. T. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 45-62). New York, NY: ACM Press.请注意,每个引用的具体格式可能会因来源类型(期刊文章、书籍、学位论文等)和具体需求而有所不同。
举一个简单的例子,若你作如下陈述“C–Hactivation has become increasingly important in recent years [1]”,然后在参考文献 1 给出 25 个不同的 C-H 活化的例子,这种做法并不是非常有用。
sci的参考文献格式在学术研究领域,SCI(Science Citation Index,科学引文索引)具有极高的权威性和影响力。
而在撰写 SCI 论文时,正确的参考文献格式至关重要,它不仅体现了作者的学术严谨性,还关系到论文能否被顺利发表和广泛认可。
SCI 参考文献格式通常要求遵循特定的规范和标准,以确保引用的准确性和一致性。
对于书籍,常见的格式如下:作者姓名书名M 出版地: 出版社, 出版年份: 起止页码例如:Smith J Biology 101M New York: Wiley, 2018:50-75、期刊文章的格式则较为复杂:作者姓名文章标题J 期刊名, 卷号(期号),出版年份, 起止页码比如:Johnson A The New Approach in PhysicsJ Science, 150(3697), 2019, 250-260、会议论文的引用格式为:作者姓名论文标题C//会议名称, 会议地点, 会议时间出版地: 出版社, 出版年份: 起止页码举例:Brown M Research on NanotechnologyC//International Conference on Materials Science, London, 2020、 New York: Elsevier, 2020: 120-135、专利的参考文献格式为:专利所有者专利名: 专利号P 公告日期像:_____ AntiGravity Device: US1234567P 2021-05-06、技术报告的格式通常是:作者姓名报告标题R 报告编号, 机构名称, 发布年份例如:Clark K Research on Climate ChangeR Report No 123, Institute of Environmental Studies, 2022、在引用参考文献时,还需要注意一些细节。
sci的参考文献格式SCI(Science Citation Index)是国际上公认的权威学术期刊引用数据库,它对于科研工作者来说具有重要的参考价值。
SCI的参考文献格式要求严格,一般遵循国际通用的APA (American Psychological Association)格式。
例如:Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, L.接下来是年份,用括号括起来,放在作者之后。
例如:Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, L. (2019)然后是文章题目,首字母大写,后面的单词首字母小写,用句号结尾。
例如:Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, L. (2019). The impact of climate change on biodiversity.接着是期刊名称,首字母大写,后面的单词首字母小写,用斜体表示。
例如:Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, L. (2019). The impact of climate change on biodiversity. *Journal of Environmental Science*,然后是卷号,用斜体表示,后面用括号括起来。
例如:Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, L. (2019). The impact of climate change on biodiversity. *Journal of Environmental Science*, (5),接下来是期号,用斜体表示,后面用括号括起来。