• There are countless trees on the mountain, which are connected for hundreds of miles, like a sea of green.
• 夜空中有数不清的星星,一颗颗连成一片,就像银色的绸带。
• /yè kōnɡ zhōnɡ yǒu shù bù qīnɡ de xīnɡ xīnɡ yì kē kē lián chénɡ yì piàn jiù xiànɡ yín sè de yín sè de chóu dài /
• There are countless trees on the mountain, which are connected for hundreds of miles, like a sea of green.
• ( )有数不清的星星,(
• There are countless stars (
/hónɡ hónɡ de fēnɡ yè jiù xiànɡ yì méi méi yóu piào piāo ya piāo ya yóu lái le qiū tiān de liánɡ shuǎnɡ /
/bái bái de xuě huā jiù xiànɡ yì fēnɡ fēnɡ xìn piāo ya piāo ya jì lái le dōnɡ tiān de jié bái / The white snowflakes are like letters, fluttering and fluttering, sending the whiteness of winter.
• 把A比作B/bǎ A bǐ zuò B / • 把柿子比作灯笼。/bǎ shì zǐ bǐ zuò dēnɡ lónɡ。 / • Compare persimmons to lanterns.