Unit 3 When Ancient Artifacts Become Political Pawns 2020/12/11 1 Structure of the Text I. [P1-7] Egypt’s demand to return the bust of Nefertiti and five fresco fragments triggered off another skirmish in the culture wars . II. [P8-14] The reason behind is that Farouk Hosny’s failure to win a bid to become director general of Unesco. III. [P15-18] The real issue behind the Egyptian and Iraqi claims is nationalism. IV. [P19-26] The looting of antiquities is nothing new in history. However, in Egypt’s case, antiquities become the country’s only potent weapon. friends. ★ I was dubious about his ability to help. ★ I am dubious of his chances of passing the examination because he has not worked hard enough. 2020/12/11 2020/12/11 10 Words and Expressions stagnant adj. lacking vitality or briskness; sluggish or dull Examples ★ The seaside resort becomes stagnant when the tourists leave. ★ This country is suffering from a stagnant economy. ★ Trade with other countries was stagnant. 2020/12/11 9 Words and Expressions ambivalence n. the coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings toward sb. or sth. Examples ★ All the negotiators have expressed considerable ambivalence about the prospects of war. ★ Her ambivalence towards marriage prevented her from making the commitment that he so desperately sought. Examples ★ You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. ★ Their properties can be exploited for entirely new applications. ★ They exploited its rich resources in wheat 2020/12/11 12 Words and Expressions loot vt. vi. to steal things from houses or shops during a war or after a disaster Examples ★ During the riot shops were looted and cars damaged or set on fire. ★ Discipline quickly broke down after the city fell, and the invading soldiers were found to be looting and sometimes killing. Explanation That claim was highlighted by the Egypt government as it was eager to lessen its embarrassment after putting down a stake on him. Explanation But the more important fact is that whether an argument concerning inheritance is sound or not finally depends on global relations which are morally obscure. 2020/12/11 15 Words and Expressions clamor for… demand (sth) loudly Examples ★ The workers clamored for higher wages. ★ They were always clamoring for war. ★ They made a clamor for reform. 2020/12/11 2 Words and Expressions spirit vt. to carry off mysteriously or secretly Examples ★ I left my bike outside and someone spirited it away during the night. ★ Somehow the prisoners managed to spirit 2020/12/11 5 Words and Expressions pit…against… (formal) set somebody or something in competition against; oppose sth. to sth. Examples ★ The game pits two of the best basketball teams in the North against each other. ★ The little man pitted his brains against the man twice his size. ★ John was pitted against an opponent just as smart as he was. 14 Explanation of Difficult Sentences P19 But the larger truth is that all patrimony arguments ultimately live or die in the morally murky realm of global relations. 2020/12/11 16 Words and Expressions or…for that matter (spoken) used to say that what you are saying about one thing is also true about something else Examples ★ Ben never touched beer, or any kind of alcohol for that matter. and oil. 2020/12/11 4 Words and Expressions couch (一般作 be couched in) express (something) in language of a specified style Examples ★ He couched his request in very polite terms. ★ She couched criticisms in tactful language. 2020/12/11 13 Words and Expressions dubious adj. thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted, or feeling doubt or uncertainty Examples ★ She spends too much time with dubious 2020/12/11 7 Words and Expressions bank on… to be sure of something that one can trust it as one might trust a bank with one’s money.信赖,指望 Examples ★ He knew he would bank on the public opinion to influence the parliament’s resolution. ★ You can bank on that woolen cloth. ★ I will be there on time. You can bank on it. 2020/12/11 11 Words and Expressions ponder vt. to weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care Examples ★ He pondered the problem for many hours. ★ Each chess player will have five minutes to ponder his next move. ★ The prisoner pondered how to escape. 2020/12/11 6 Words and Expressions get the message (informal) infer an implication from a remark or action(非正式)理解(话或行动 的)暗含之意, 明白, 领会 Examples ★ I want this work finished before you go home—got the message? 2020/12/11 8 Words and Expresபைடு நூலகம்ions blame…on… : to name somebody as the cause of something; to say that something is somebody’s fault Examples ★ I blamed it all on someone else. ★ The farmers blamed the failure of the crops on the weather. ★ The players blamed the defeat on their coach. 2020/12/11 17 Explanation of Difficult Sentences P22 That argument was “amplified by a government eager to limit its embarrassment after having staked its credibility” on him. news out to the world outside. ★ He was spirited away and probably murdered. 2020/12/11 3 Words and Expressions exploit vt. to make use of selfishly or unethically