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April 22, 2010Rapid Improvement at ShuntatAssessment of Opportunities and Execution RoadmapBackground• The Shenzhen based ShuntatElectric Accessories Co has been a long time partner of Volex in plug and electric accessory products• The company has been contracted by Volex to provide plug components for the new Apple products for all key markets• Ramping-up of production started about a month ago and has encountered many technical and process challenges given the new specifications that Apple has envisioned• The biggest issue so far has been the unstable yield for the UK standard plugs since the surface finishing has a set of new requirements, which are not common in this industry• The challenge, therefore, facing Volex and its supplier is to quickly bring the yield to a stable level with right quantityYield is a result of many factorsWe will look into all three drivers with different prioritiesRTY- Current Process ViewMachining CopperMachining PolishingHand Surface Polishing MachinePolishing Surface Polishing Sand Blasting NE Plating Molding Assembly FixtureAssembly Huge improvement potentials for both process technologiesRTY Calculation Needs Good MSA• As the process output involves both quantitative (size and geometric measures of the pins) and qualitative CTQs (surface quality), it is very important to have a reliable measurement system before we can do a trustworthy RTY calculation• Due to the time constraint, we couldn’t conduct a through MSA for each key step, but this is something we have to do before we are engaged in any quick fix or longer term process changes• We feel Shuntat, its copper rod supplier and Volex final assembly needs to develop coherent and agreeable measurements for key dimensional and surface quality CTQs since many CTQs are based on human judgment and hence subjective, which may create problems for the Gage R&RHuge Bottleneck in Capacity UtilizationMachiningCopper Machining CuttingCleansing Polishing ChamferingCleansing Polishing TrimmingCleansingPolishingCurrent designed capacity should be able to handle 8k daily outputHowever, Surface Grinding is Very ProblematicFurther Discussion of HSP and MSPAll agreed MSP ought to be made better to replace HSP ASAP!TAKT Opportunities• TAKT is a function of many factors• Currently, Shuntat is employing a two-shift work day with each shift lasting about 12 hours• Considering Shuntat is confident to deliver 3000 sets daily, TAKT, therefore, is easily calculated as 28.8 Seconds/set (24x60x60/3000)• We need the TAKT to be at least 7.2 Seconds/set (16x60x60/8000)- We assume a two-shift work day with 8 hours each- Suppose 8000 sets stable demand from Volex• From Volex standpoint, TAKT is more of an indicator for internal process efficiency and operating cost, as long as the process reaches a steady state (8k daily delivery). It is more an issue that Shuntat management ought to be concernedThe Rough Estimation of VSM• We did an elementary exercise to find out the VSM of the UK Duckhead manufacturingChange Opportunities and PrioritiesDiscussion of the Opportunities• All the proposed changes are closely related to each other; the priority is decided based on Volex’s immediate needs of satisfying Apple’s delivery requirements• A sound measure system is the foundation for effective process change and control activities and during our assessment we could not find solid evidence to demonstrate the measure system is already well established and propagated• Even though the Hand Surface Polishing/Machine Surface Polishing step is only a workaround to guarantee the surface quality, elimination of it requires thorough study of the copper machining procedure and alternative ways to ensure the surface quality CTQ, which is both time consuming and risky. We, therefore, propose a high priority action to make the machine polishing better• No doubt, current process is push in nature with large amount of WIP inventories among the steps and since some of them are of batch processing while others are single flow. This creates serious waiting, transportation and other wastes in the process. All the cleansing, polishing, quality check, etc. slow down the flow dramatically and they don’t add value at all. We feel there is big opportunity to streamline the process by introducing pull principals (with some sort of Kanban/Supermarket mechanism implemented) and a good raw material planning practice• The last suggestion mounts to a Lean exercise, which can be done while we sort out the quality issues firstImprovement roadmapThe following are trademarks and service marks of Six Sigma Academy International, LLC: Breakthrough Lean ®, Breakthrough Strategy ®, Breakthrough Value Services ®, Breakthrough Change Strategy SM , Breakthrough Design SM , Breakthrough Diagnosis SM , Breakthrough Execution SM , Breakthrough Sigma Lean SM , Breakthrough Six Sigma SM , Breakthrough Software Design SM , FASTART SM , Six Sigma Gold Belt TM , SOLVING YOUR BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR THE LAST TIME SM . Six Sigma is a federally registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. MINITAB is a federally registered trademark of Minitab, Inc. SigmaFlow is a federally registered trademark of Compass Partners, Inc. VarTran is a federally registered trademark of Taylor Enterprises.SSA & Company 630 Fifth Ave., Suite 1900New York, NY 10111Tel. (212) SSA & Company 09D2招商局大厦建国路118号朝阳区,北京1000220106566 。