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” 《邓稼先》(3)鲁迅先生走路很轻捷,尤其使人记得清楚的,是他刚抓起帽子来往头上一,同时左腿就伸出去了,仿佛不顾一切地走去。
Unit 1同步测试卷(测试时间90分钟,满分100分)卷I (选择题,共55分)Ⅰ.单项选择。
()1.———_______ is your pen pal _____?—--She is from Beijing.A. Where; fromB. When; for C。
How; to D. What; at()2.There are three_______。
Chinses B. American C。
Japanese D。
Australian ()3._______ is the capital of Britain。
A. ParisB. London C。
Washington D。
Sydney ( )4。
Which book is _________, this one or that one ?A. betterB. best C。
the better D. good()5。
Which is your favourite after you have seen so many houses?A. the biggest oneB. the bigger one C。
the big one D。
thebiggest ones()6。
The teacher asked us to listen to her_______。
carefully B。
careful C。
more careful D。
I want to buy this pair of jeans。
Can I_______?A. try on them B .try them on C. try it on D。
try onit( )8.Sandy scored_______ points , and she came _____on the billboard.A. ninety-eighth,fifthB. ninety—eight, fifthC. ninety-eight,fiveD. ninety—eighth,five( )9。
单元测试平面直角坐标系(时间:45分钟满分:100分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共24分)1.如果点P(5,y)在第四象限,则y的取值范围是( )A.y<0B.y>0C.y≤0D.y≥02.小敏的家在学校正南方向150 m,正东方向200 m处,如果以学校位置为原点,以正北、正东为正方向,那么小敏家的位置用有序数对表示为( )A.(-200,-150)B.(200,150)C.(200,-150)D.(-200,150)3.在直角坐标系中,第四象限的点M到横轴的距离为28,到纵轴的距离为6,则点M的坐标为( )A.(6,-28)B.(-6,28)C.(28,-6)D.(-28,-6)4.将点A(3,2)沿x轴先向左平移4个单位长度,再沿y轴向下平移2个单位长度得到点A′,则点A′的坐标是( )A.(-3,2)B.(-1,0)C.(-1,2)D.(1,-2)5.如图是株洲市的行政区域平面地图,下列关于方位的说法明显错误的是( )A.炎陵位于株洲市区南偏东约35°的方向上B.醴陵位于攸县的北偏东约16°的方向上C.株洲县位于茶陵的南偏东约40°的方向上D.株洲市区位于攸县的北偏西约21°的方向上6.若以A(-0.5,0),B(2,0),C(0,1)三点为顶点画平行四边形,则第四个顶点不可能在( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限7.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,△ABC的三个顶点的坐标分别为A(-1,0),B(-2,3),C(-3,1).将△ABC向下平移5个单位,得到△AB′C′,则点B′的坐标为( )A.(-7,0)B.(-2,-2)C.(4,1)D.(-5,-2)8.定义:平面内的直线l1与l2相交于点O,对于该平面内任意一点M,点M到直线l1,l2的距离分别为a,b,则称有序非负实数对(a,b)是点M的“距离坐标”.根据上述定义,距离坐标为(2,3)的点的个数是( )A.2B.1C.4D.3二、填空题(每小题4分,共16分)9.如图,在直角坐标系中,右边的图案是由左边的图案经过平移以后得到的.左图中左,右眼睛的坐标分别是(-4,2),(-2,2),右图中左眼的坐标是(3,4),则右图中右眼的坐标是__________.10.在平面直角坐标系中,将点P(-1,4)向右平移2个单位长度后,再向下平移3个单位长度,得到点P1,则点P1的坐标为__________.11.如图所示,把图1中的⊙A经过平移得到⊙O(如图2),如果图1中⊙A上一点P的坐标为(m,n),那么平移后在图2中的对应点P′的坐标为__________.12.在直角坐标系中,我们把横、纵坐标都是整数的点叫做整点.且规定,正方形的内部不包含边界上的点.观察如图所示的中心在原点、一边平行于x轴的正方形:边长为1的正方形内部有1个整点,边长为2的正方形内部有1个整点,边长为3的正方形内部有9个整点,…,则边长为8的正方形内部的整点的个数为__________.三、解答题(共60分)13.(8分)如图所示,点A表示3街与5大道的十字路口,点B表示5街与3大道的十字路口,如果用(3,5)→(4,5)→(5,5)→(5,4)→(5,3)表示由A到B的一条路径,那么你能用同样的方法写出由A到B的其他几条路径吗?请至少给出3种不同的路径.14.(8分)如图,我们给中国象棋棋盘建立一个平面直角坐标系(每个小正方形的边长均为1),根据象棋中“马”走“日”的规定,若“马”的位置在图中的点P.写出下一步“马”可能到达的点的坐标.15.(10分)(1)写出如图1所示的平面直角坐标系中A,B,C,D点的坐标,并分别指出它们所在的象限;(2)如图2,是小明家(图中点O)和学校所在地的简单地图,已知OA=2 cm,OB=2.5 cm,OP=4 cm,C为OP的中点.①请用距离和方位角表示图中商场、学校、公园、停车场分别相对小明家的位置;②若学校距离小明家400 m,那么商场和停车场分别距离小明家多少米?16.(10分)如图,下列网格中,每个小正方形的边长都是1,图中“鱼”的各个顶点都在格点上.(1)把“鱼”向右平移5个单位长度,并画出平移后的图形;(2)写出A,B,C三点平移后的对应点A′,B′,C′的坐标.17.(12分)小明给右图建立平面直角坐标系,使医院的坐标为(0,0),火车站的坐标为(2,2).(1)写出体育场、文化宫、超市、宾馆、市场的坐标;(2)分别指出(1)中场所在第几象限?(3)同学小丽针对这幅图也建立了一个直角坐标系,可是她得到的同一场所的坐标和小明的不一样,是小丽做错了吗?18.(12分)如图,△DEF是△ABC经过某种变换得到的图形,点A与点D,点B与点E,点C与点F分别是对应点,观察点与点的坐标之间的关系,解答下列问题:(1)分别写出点A与点D,点B与点E,点C与点F的坐标,并说说对应点的坐标有哪些特征;(2)若点P(a+3,4-b)与点Q(2a,2b-3)也是通过上述变换得到的对应点,求a,b的值.参考答案1.A2.C3.A4.B5.C6.C7.B8.C9.(5,4) 10.(1,1) 11.(m+2,n-1) 12.4913.答案不唯一,如:(1)(3,5)→(4,5)→(4,4)→(5,4)→(5,3);(2)(3,5)→(4,5)→(4,4)→(4,3)→(5,3);(3)(3,5)→(3,4)→(4,4)→(5,4)→(5,3);(4)(3,5)→(3,4)→(4,4)→(4,3)→(5,3);(5)(3,5)→(3,4)→(3,3)→(4,3)→(5,3)等.14.(0,0),(0,2),(1,3),(3,3),(4,2),(4,0).15.(1)A(2,2),在第一象限内;B(0,-4),在y轴上;C(-4,3),在第二象限内;D(-3,-4),在第三象限内. (2)①商场:北偏西30°,2.5 cm;学校:北偏东45°,2 cm;公园:南偏东60°,2 cm;停车场:南偏东60°,4 cm.②商场距小明家500米,停车场距小明家800米.16.(1)图略.(2)A′(5,2),B′(0,6),C′(1,0).17.(1)体育场的坐标为(-2,5),文化宫的坐标为(-1,3),超市的坐标为(4,-1),宾馆的坐标为(4,4),市场的坐标为(6,5);(2)体育场、文化宫在第二象限,市场、宾馆在第一象限,超市在第四象限;(3)不是,因为对于同一幅图,直角坐标系的原点、坐标轴方向不同,得到的点的坐标也就不一样.18.(1)A(2,3)与D(-2,-3);B(1,2)与E(-1,-2);C(3,1)与F(-3,-1);对应点的坐标的特征:横坐标互为相反数,纵坐标互为相反数;(2)由(1)可得a+3=-2a,4-b=-(2b-3).解得a=-1,b=-1.。
七年级语文下册人教部编版第一单元考察题(含答案)一、选择题1. 下面哪个词语的读音与其他三个不同?A. 书法B. 数学C. 收音机D. 语文答案:B2. 下面哪个词语的写法不正确?A. 高兴B. 学习C. 专心D. 學校答案:D3. 下面哪个词语意义相反?A. 快乐B. 高兴C. 伤心D. 悲哀答案:C4. 下面哪个词语是动词?A. 医生B. 听写C. 南方D. 优美答案:B5. 下面哪个句子中没有语病?A. 我和我的朋友们昨天去了公园。
B. 弟弟的书包非常重,他勉强背了回家。
C. 我们每天都要读书,因为它对我们的成长很重要。
D. 在放学的时候,我买了一些水果回家。
答案:C二、填空题1. 今天的天气真______,阳光明媚。
答案:好2. 我们应该______积极参加体育锻炼,保持健康。
答案:经常3. 他是一个______的人,总是乐于帮助别人。
答案:善良4. 小明的字写得很______,老师表扬了他。
答案:漂亮5. 爸爸把妹妹______在怀里,温暖的感觉让她安心入睡。
答案:抱住三、简答题1. 请你谈谈自己对友谊的理解。
2. 请你描述一下你最喜欢的一本书,并说明为什么喜欢它。
七年级下册英语Unit1单元综合测试题-人教版(含答案)Class__________Name____________Number___________总分:100分一、单项选择(20分)( )1.We want to ________the school swimming club. And we talk to Mr.Zhang______school.A.joining, onB.join, forC.to join, forD.to join, after( )2. I can________a little English, but I can’t ________stories in English.A.say, talkB.say, writeC.speak, tellD.speak, say( )3. ---What can you do, sing_________dance?---I can sing.A.andB.orC.butD.so( )4. ---It’s an English class. Please don’t________Chinese.---Sorry. MR. Brown.A.sayB.talkC.tellD.speak( )5.---Are you good_______children?---Yes, I think I can help them______English.A.with, atB.with, withC.at, withD.at, in( )6. ---Will you stay here for dinner with us?---Sorry, I___. My mother is waiting for me at home.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’tD.couldn’t( )7. My friend eats________dinner at 7:30 in the evening.A.aB.anC.theD./( )8. ---Helen, who________fix up the computer in our class?---I think Jeff can.A.shouldB.wouldC.mustD.can( )9. We all like to _______with Lucy because she’s a nice girl.A.make a friendB.making friendsC.make friendsD.maiking a friend( )10.________your new photos ______me, please.A.Show, withB.show, toC.Show, forD.Show, about二、完形填空(10分)Do you love music? Yes? Some boys and girls in Jing’an Middle School love music too.1 also have dreams (梦想) of being musicians. But their dreams are difficult to achieve (实现) ,2 they have no money (钱) to3 a piano a guitar or a violin.Do you want 4 them? If you do come and 5 us. We’ll have a great sale at Students’ Home in o ur school. 6 watches, clothes, schoolbags and many other things will be 7 sale here. We’ll use the money to help the8 in Jing’an Middle School. We 9 buy pianos guitars or violins for them or give the money to them and they can have music 10 .Our sale is from next Monday to Wednesday. We welcome all of you.( ) 1. A. We B. They C. You D. I( ) 2. A. and B. or C. because D. so( ) 3. A. play B. find C. buy D. show( ) 4. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( ) 5. A. join B. teach C. thank D. see( ) 6. A. Busy B. Big C. Bad D. Nice( ) 7. A. in B. at C. on D. with( ) 8. A. teachers B. students C. boys D. girls( ) 9. A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. can't( ) 10. A. stories B. libraries C. parties D. lessons三、阅读理解(20分)AThis is Scott. He has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. His radio show is from twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning. He sings well. He usually gets up at seven thirty at night. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower at ten past eight. Then he eats breakfast at nine. That’s a funny time for breakfast! After that , he usually exercise at about ten twenty. He goes to work by car at eleve n o’clock. It takes ten minutes to get the radio station. So he is never late for work.( )1.Where does Scott work?A. train stationB. bus stationC. radio stationD. police station( )2.Scott often ________ to the radio station.A. takes the subwayB. by busC. takes the carD. by subway( )3.His radio show is _______________.A. from8:00 to 12:00 in the morning.B. from 12:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning.C. from 13:15 to 18:25 in the afternoonD. from 12:00 at noon to 6:oo in the afternoon( )4.It takes Scott __________ minutes to get to the radio station.A..50B.10C.15D.20( )5.He takes a shower at______________.A. half past nineB. a quarter past eight.C. eight tenD. ten to eightBThere are many clubs in our school.Do you like playing pingpong?Mr.Wu can teach you. Come and join the pingpongclub!You can have lessons on Friday and Saturday. Our school has a pingpong game every year. What about joining in it next year?Do you want to dance?Dancing is great. It helps you look good and be healthy. Join the dancing club and dance for the school art festival on May 27th.You can have lessons on Monday and Wednesday. Our beautiful art teachers,Ms.Li and Ms.Wu,will teach you.Everyone loves delicious food. I think you love it,too. How about joining the cooking club?Here Mrs. Ma can teach you to develop(养成)healthy eating habits,and make delicious and healthy food. There are lessons on the weekend. You can ask your mom or dad to take the lessons,too.( )1.The underlined word "it" refers to(指的是)_____.A.the pingpong ballB.the pingpong clubC.the pingpong gameD.the pingpong lesson( )2.The dancing lessons are on ______.A.Friday and SaturdayB.Monday and WednesdayC.Wednesday and FridayD.Saturday and Sunday( )3.The underlined phrase "the cooking club" means " ______ " in Chinese.A.烹饪俱乐部B.旅游俱乐部C.生活俱乐部D.家庭俱乐部( )4.What can we know from the passage?______A.Mr.Wu is good at playing basketball.B.Ms.Li is a math teacher.C.There is a school art festival every year.D.Parents can join the cooking club.( )5.What is the best title (最佳标题)for the passage?______A.Clubs are boringB.Clubs want youC.My favorite clubsD.Clubs help us a lot四、任务型阅读(10分)根据短文内容,从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。
人教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 综合检测卷限时:60分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1 分, 共10 分)1. [2023 绥化改编] Bob is my brother. He likes playing _________ basketball, buthe doesn’t like playing _________ piano.A. the; aB. /; theC. an; theD. the; the2. I can swim well. I want to join the _________ club.A. musicB. chessC. swimmingD. swim3. — Who is _________ English teacher?—Mrs. Li. She teaches _________ wellA. your; weB. yours; weC. your; usD. yours; us4. Our English teacher is good _________ music, and she is good _________students.A. at; atB. at; withC. with; atD. with; with5. —Can your brother sing _________ draw?—He can draw.A. andB. butC. orD. so6. [2023 菏泽开发区多校联考] He wants _________ the music club.A. joinB. joiningC. joinD. to join7. [2023 无锡锡山区月考] My father ________ the violin and he plays it ________.A. can plays; goodB. can’t play; goodC. can play; wellD. doesn’t play; well8. —_________ do you want to join?—The chess club. I often play chess with my friends.A. What clubB. WhenC. WhatD. Who9. He often _________ his friends _________ their English.A. help; inB. helps; withC. help; withD. helps; in10. —_________? —He can do Chinese kung fu well.A. Can he do Chinese kung fuB. Why does he like Chinese kung fuC. Does he want to join the Chinese kung fu clubD. What can he do二、完形填空(每小题1 分, 共10 分)I have a cousin. 11 name is Eric. He is 12 . He likes music and he can play13 very well. But he 14 want to join the music club. He wants 15 the art club. He wants to learn 16 pictures. I don’t like music 17 art, but I like sports. I can play tennis. I can 18 swim, but I can’t swim 19 . I want to join the sports club. My friends are in that club. I want to play sports with 20 .11. A. My B. Your C. His D. Her12. A. 15 B. 15th C. 15-years-old D. 15 year old13. A. piano B. the chess C. the guitar D. drum14. A. don’t B. can’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t15. A. to join B. join in C. joins in D. join16. A. draw B. draws C. to drawing D. to draw17. A. and B. or C. so D. but18. A. also B. too C. either D. as well19. A. good B. well C. nice D. fine20. A. him B. them C. they D. it三、阅读理解(每小题2 分, 共20 分)ATom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. ◆One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hear(听说) this.Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet(小号), the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computersvery much. Can they join the Summer Camp?21. 【新考法】Which sentence can be put in the ◆?A. They want to play the guitar.B. They want to help with homework.C. They want to make friends.D. They want to find summer jobs.22. What does the Summer Camp need help with?A. Flying kites.B. Sports, music and computers.C. Making cakes.D. Drawing pictures.23. Tom is good at playing ________.A. sportsB. computer gamesC. musicD. the violin24. Mike can play ________.A. the drumsB. volleyballC. basketballD. football25. What do Tom and Mike both like?A. Football.B. Computers.C. Swimming.D. Sports.B26. Mark is interested in the first job. To get the job, he should ________ .①be good at math ②be good with kids③be able to play an instrument(乐器) ④be able to get kids interested in mathA. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①③④27. The music teacher starts to work at ________ on the weekend.A. 3:30 p.m.B. 3:40 p.m.C. 8:00 a.m.D. 9:00 a.m.28. You can get ________ every week if you can be a math teacher at Hope MiddleSchool.A. 150 yuanB. 120 yuanC. 750 yuanD. 720 yuan29. The music teacher works ________ hours a week.A. 4B. 5C. 8D. 1230. If Joan wants to be a music teacher, she can ________.A. get 150 yuan an hourB. call them at 826-4523C. go to No. 13 Hope StreetD. send an e-mail to ******************四、词汇运用(每小题1 分, 共10 分)A) 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。
七年级语文下册各单元测试题含答案(全册)第一单元检测题时间:120分钟满分:120分一、积累与运用(22分)1.下列各组词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项是( A )(2分)A.元勋.(xūn)含蓄.(xù)调羹.(ɡēnɡ)鲜.(xiǎn)为人知B.选聘.(pìng) 筹.(chóu)划赫.(shè)然兀兀.(wù)穷年C.彷.(pánɡ)徨署.(shǔ)名绞.(jiǎo)肉深恶.(è)痛绝D.涉.(shè)猎通宵.(xiāo) 澎湃.(bài) 迥.(jiǒnɡ)乎不同2.下列词语中书写无误的一项是( D )(2分)A.潜心惯注心会神凝一反既往家喻户晓B.慷慨淋漓锲而不舍历尽心血刮目相待C.搏学多识一拍既合锋芒毕露可歌可泣D.妇孺皆知马革裹尸杂乱无章不以为然3.下列句子中加点成语使用恰当的一项是( C )(2分)A.“趵突腾空”为“济南八景”之首,泉水日夜喷涌,络绎不绝....。
4.(2016,天津)下列各句中没有语病的一项是( B )(2分)A.有关领导在会议上明确要求,各部门必须尽快提高传染病防控工作。
5.下列标点符号使用有误的一项是( D )(2分)A.中国自古倡导“强不执弱,富不侮贫”。
人教部编版七年级下册语文单元一考试题(附答案)一、填空题1. 人们常说:“[书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。
]”(填入括号内的成语)2. 他是一个爱读书的人,[书架上]堆满了各种各样的书。
(填入括号内的词语)3. 这个故事告诉我们要有[信心],勇敢面对困难。
(填入括号内的词语)4. 他的发言激起了大家的[兴趣],大家都非常认真地听着。
(填入括号内的词语)5. 她的表演[精彩纷呈],赢得了观众们的热烈掌声。
(填入括号内的成语)二、选择题1. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的是:A. 她说:“我明天要去北京”。
B. 他说:“这是我的书。
”C. 妈妈说:“你好好研究,不要玩。
”D. 弟弟说:“要去公园玩吗?”答案:C2. 请选出下列词语中含有同音字的一组:A. 钢笔、铃铛、鼠标B. 池塘、花园、大门C. 毛巾、眼镜、钢琴D. 哥哥、姐姐、妹妹答案:C3. 下列词语中,哪一个是合成词?A. 月亮B. 桌子C. 小狗D. 风筝答案:D4. 下列句子中,哪一个句子的标点符号使用错误?A. 他问:“你喜欢吃苹果吗?”B. 我们去游泳,带上游泳圈。
C. 他们在公园里踢足球。
D. 你看,那边有一只小猫!答案:B5. 下列词语中,哪一个是近义词?A. 喜欢、讨厌B. 大、小C. 高兴、伤心D. 爸爸、妈妈答案:C三、简答题1. 请简述你心目中的好朋友应该具备的品质。
2. 请用自己的话解释什么是“人山人海”。
最新人教版七年级英语下册第一单元测试题及答案3套Unit 1过关测试限时:60分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. My friend can play________ violin, but she can't play ________chess.A. the; theB. / ; theC. the; /D. / ; /2. Our English teacher is good ________ music, and she is good ________ students.A. at; atB. at; withC. with; atD. with; with3. Mr.Black is a teacher and he ________ English.A. asksB. callsC. watchesD. teaches4. Wang Feng sings many nice songs. He ________ many of them by himself.A. readsB. writesC. tellsD. talks5. The ________ are listening to the speech carefully.A. workerB. personC. peopleD. visitor6. —Can your brother sing ________ draw?—He can draw.A. andB. butC. orD. so7. —Can you help me ________ my math?—Sure. We can meet ________ the weekend.A. with; onB. in; inC. at; atD. on; at8. Lily ________ English very well ________ she doesn't know Chinese.A. speaks; butB. talks; butC. speaks; andD. talks; and9. You draw so well, so you can ________ the art club.A. take part inB. join inC. joinD. take10. —Can your sister ________?—Yes. These are her pictures.A. swimB. singC. danceD. draw11. Li Ming can ________, so he wants to join the ________ club.A. swim; swimsB. swim; swimmingC. swimming; swimsD. swimming; swimming12. —What club do you want to join?—I can play the violin, so I want to join the________club.A. sportsB. computerC. EnglishD. music13. My brother ________ the piano and he plays it________.A. can play; goodB. can't play; goodC. can play; wellD. can't play; well14. —Can Linda sing?—________. She often sings at school.A. Yes, she doesB. Yes, she canC. No, she can'tD. No, she doesn't15. —What can Jim do, Jack?—________.A. He likes sportsB. He can do kung fuC. He can't singD. He wants to be in the club二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Hello, I'm Abel. We have some ________16in our school—the music club, the chess club and so on. Many boys want to ________17 the sports club. What sports can they________18? Basketball, volleyball and tennis. They ________19 basketball best(最). They think it's interesting and ________20. They ________21 to be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao. Some girls ________22 like playing basketball.Can you play basketball? If not, I can ________23 you how to play it. I'm in the basketball club. I can play it ________24. It's not ________25 to be a good player. But you should work hard and often play it.16. A. classes B. clubs C. computers D. subjects17. A. see B. help C. join D. sell18. A. play B. buy C. draw D. write19. A. thank B. need C. watch D. love20. A. boring B. relaxing C. busy D. fat21. A. sound B. want C. get D. come22. A. also B. too C. only D. very23. A. learn B. teach C. talk D. sing24. A. good B. bad C. well D. nice25. A. small B. difficult C. big D. easy三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AAs we all know, there are all kinds of clubs in the US middle schools, such as the music club, the sports club, the chess club, the swimming club...But do you know the homework club? It is a popular club in many US middle schools. More and more students spend their afternoons in these clubs. The US middle school students need a quiet place to study. But games, computers and TVs are all around kids at home. Sothe homework club is just for them to do their homework. The club is quiet and it's good for students to study. Some teachers are there, too. They can answer students' questions and help with their work.After the students finish their homework, they can go home. Then they can play games or watch TV happily.26. What is the best title (题目)of the passage?A. Clubs in US middle schoolsB. Students and homeworkC. The homework clubD. Study and hobbies27. The students in the US middle schools can go to the homework club________.A. in the morningB. at noonC. in the afternoonD. at night28. The underlined word “spend” in Chinese means ________.A. 提供B. 度过C. 节约D. 讨论29. What can the students do in the homework club?A. Learn to swim.B. Play the guitar.C. Watch TV.D. Do their homework.30. Which is NOT true about the homework club?A. The homework club is popular in the US middle schools.B. It's good for students to study in the homework club.C. The teachers in the homework club can help the students study.D. All the US middle school students like the homework club.BI'm Kate from the UK. I'm in the Chinese club in our school. I like Chinese and I think it's interesting. My Chinese is very good.(A)I can tell and write stories in Chinese. My favorite writer (作家) is Mo Yan from China. Now let me tell you something about my favorite writer and his family. Mo Yan's real(真的) name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan is his pen name. Mo's birthday is on February 17th.Mo writes stories very well. (B)He can also write with his left hand 左手). Mo has a daughter. Her name is Guan Xiaoxiao. The girl can write stories (C)________ she can't write with her left hand.31. 请将(A)处的画线句子翻译成汉语:________________________________________________________32. 请写出(B)处画线句子的一个同义句:________________________________________________________33. 请在(C)填入一个适当的连词,将两个句子连接起来:________________________________________________________34. What club is Kate in?________________________________________________________35. How many people in the passage can write stories?________________________________________________________四、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)(一)根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。
第一单元测试Test for Unit One一、单项选择(30’)( )1 .His parents _______ from England.A. is B. comes C. live D .are ( )2. Does Jim _______ Chinese? A. speak B. speaks C. say D .tell ( )3. There are many _______ in America.A. citysB. citiesC. city( ) her favourite teacher?A. who’sB. WhoC. Who’s( ) birthday is _______ November.A. inB. on( ) can speak _______ English and French.A. a fewB. manyC. a little( ) like _______ to the movie _______ my friends.A .to go; with B. goes; with C. going; from D. goes; and( ) write _______ me soon! A. for B. with D. to( )’s _______ very interesting movie. A. an B. / C. the( )10..My grandmother often tells me _______ my grandfather.A. forB. toC. about( )11. do you come from? A. When B. How C. Where D. Why ( ) lives Sydney. A. at B. on C. in D. behind( ) she ? ---In China.A. do; liveB. does; livesC. do; livesD. does; live( ) you want French?A. learnB. learningC. learnsD. to learn( )15. you have sisters?A. Are; someB. Does; anyC. Do; anyD. Do; some( you are tired, you can have a rest ______ an hour.A.forB. at( ) is my pen pal. He can speak well.A. CanadaB. CanadianC. ParisD. Japanese( ) you know ? --- Yes, it’s a beautiful country.A. ParisB. LondonC. AustraliaD. Chinese( ) ’t forget to ________ “Thank you!” when someone helps you.( )’s ________ milk at home. We have to buy some this evening.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few( )21. John is from _____________. A. Japan B. Japanese C. French D.English( )22. Does Jim ___________ Chinese? A. speak B. speaks C. say D. talk( )23. I like _______ to the movie _______ my friends.A. to go; andB. going; withC. going; andD. to going; with ( )24. I don’t have _______ brothers _______ sisters.A. some; andB. any; orC. any; andD. some; and( )25. ---Can the boy speak Chinese? ---Yes, he can speak ____ .A. littleB. a littleC. smallD. many( )26..Jim lives _______ London,but his brother lives _______ here.A. in;/B. in; inC. /; inD. / ; /( )27. This is my new friend. He _______ from Singapore.A. amB. isC. areD. come( 28. _______ your cousin have _______ pen pals?A. Do; someB. Do; anyC. Does; anyD. Does; a( )29. This story is _______ interesting. A. an B. real C. really D. some( )30. November is _______ month of a year.A. elevenB. eleventhC. the elevenD. the eleventh二、完型填空(10’)We love our class. We 1 two new students in our class. 2 names are Tom Jackson 3 Mike Smith. Tom is from America. Mike is 4 Australia. Their fathers 5 in China now. They live 6 their fathers in Beijing . 7 weekends, they play foothall with 8 . They usually help us with 9 English. We help them with their Chinese. We are good 10 .We help each other.( )1. A. has B. have ' t ' t( )2. A. They B. Them C. Their D. They' re( )3. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )4. A. in B. on C. at D. from( )5. A. work B. works C. to work D. working( )6. A. in B. with C. from D. on( )7. A. In B. With C. From D. On( )8. A. we B. our C. us D. they( )9. A. we B. our C. us D. they( )10. A. brother B. sisters C. friends D. student三.阅读理解(20’)AJohn is an American boy. His family is in China now. John likes chocolate(巧克力)very much. But his mother doesn’t give him. Chocolate is not good for him,she thinks. But John has a very nice uncle. The old man loves him very much, and sometimes he buys John some chocolate. Then his mother lets him eat she wants to make the old man happy. One Sunday evening, John says in his room,“ Please, God (上帝) makes them give me a big box of chocolate tomorrow(明天),it’s my eighth birthday!” His mother says to him , “God can’t hear(听到) you, my boy.” “I know, but my uncle is in the next(隔壁) room, and he can hear.” John says to his mother.( )1. John is .A. American boyB. ChineseC. AmericanD. China( )’s family is in now.A. AmericaB. UKC. ParisD. China( )3. What day is John’s birthday according to the passage(根据文章)?A. SundayB. MondayC. TuesdayD. Saturday( )4. Does John’s uncle love him?A. Yes, he is.B. No.C. Yes, he does.D. No, he isn’t.( ) is John’s uncle on that Sunday evening?A.In his school.B. In a park.C. In the next room.D. In Joh n’s room.BMy name is Mariko. I’m from Tokyo. I can speak a little English. But I can’t speak Chinese. I usually get up at 6 o’clock and go to school at 7:30 in the morning.I think art is interesting. I don’t like sci ence. I think it is boring. I want to come to China and Canada very much. I think they are very interesting.My name is Mario. I am 12 years old. I go to school at seven fifty and I go home at four twenty. I have lunch at school. I usually eat fish(鱼), French fries, potatoes and carrots for lunch. My favorite subject is music, because it’s fun.I want to join a music club. I don’t like .. I usually do my homework at 5 o’clock and I go to bed at 10 o’clock.I am Boris. I am from Canada. I like science and art. I want to join the art club. Swimming club is not interesting. I don’t like math. I think it is boring.I get up at six thirty and then I run on the playground(操场). My good friend is Sam. He doesn’t know Chinese. He doesn’t like Chinese food. He wants to join our Chinese club.( ) 6. Which subject does Mario like best?A. musicB. artC. mathD. science( ) 7. Who goes to school at 7:30?A. MarioB. MarikoC. SamD. Boris( ) 8. Why doesn’t Mariko like science? Because it is _____.A. interestingB. relaxingC. boringD. fun( ) 9. Who is from Japan?A. MarioB. MarikoC. SamD. Boris( ) 10. What club does Boris want to join?A. Swimming club.B. Music club.C. Art club.D. Chinese club四.用所给词的正确形式填空。
人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 1 综合测试卷一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。
()1. What can't Peter do?A. Play the guitar.B. Play the violin.C. Play the piano.()2. What is David's sister good at?A. Swimming.B. Writing stories.C. Playing tennis.()3. Where is Steve now?A. At the art club.B. At the birthday party.C. At the school music festival.()4. Who can play tennis?A. Diana.B. Gina.C. Tina.()5. What can they do in the old people's home?A. Talk to the old people and play with them.B. Dance with the old people and talk to them.C. Play cards with the old people and talk to them.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。
()6. What does the boy want to do?A. Join the art club.B. Join the music club.C. Join in the school show.()7. What can the boy do?A. He can draw.B. He can sing.C. He can tell stories.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。
Unit 1单元过关检测( 100分)(时间:45分钟)第I卷(60分)Ⅰ. 单项选择。
(20分)()1. —Can you play the piano ________ the violin?—The piano.A. orB. andC. butD. so()2. Can you ________?A. show your watch to us lookB. show your watch to usC. show us look your watchD. show us your watch to look()3. Lisa is good ________ old people.A. withB. forC. atD. about()4. Kate dances well, so she can be ________ the school show.A. atB. onC. inD. of()5. Mrs. Brown often tells us interesting ________.A. swimB. dancesC. talksD. stories()6. Does she like ________?A. make friendB. make friendsC. to make friendD. to make friends ()7. —Can your daughter play the guitar?—________. And she can sing very well , too.A. Yes, she canB. No, she can’tC. Yes, she doesD. No, she doesn’t()8. Do you have a ________ club in your school?A. swimB. swimsC. to swimD. swimming()9. We need musicians ________ our School Day.A. forB. withC. onD. at()10. The old people need some help ________ English.A. learnB. learnsC. to learnD. learning()11. Peter can play ________ tennis but he can’t play ________ guitar.A. the; theB. /; /C. /; theD. the; /()12. Jill, can you help ________ my English?A. I learnB. me onC. me withD. my with()13. Come and ________.A. join usB. to join usC. join in usD. to join in us()14. Are you a musician? Then you can ________ in our music club.A. areB. amC. isD. be()15. Li Na ________ English.A. can speakB. can speaksC. can tellD. can talk()16. —Let’s watch TV. — _______.A. OK, I will notB. No, thanksC. That sounds goodD. OK, I’d love to()17. Dashan is _____ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _____.A. good; goodB. well; wellC. good; wellD. well; good()18. Please call me _____ 8989766.A. inB. atC. aboutD. with()19.Do you have a pen? I want to _____ a letter.A. writeB. buyC. workD. tell()20. We are from China and we _____ Chinese.A. sayB. talkC. speakD. tellⅡ. 完形填空。
人教版七年级下册英语第一单元测试卷七年级英语(下)第一单元测试卷一.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)1.My sister can’t swim in a river.2.Can you play the piano well?3.The girl is good at dancing.4.Can you play football。
I can't。
It's hard.5.What sports can you play。
I can play volleyball.6.We want two good musicians for our rock band.7.Let’s join the chess club。
Sounds good.8.What can you do。
Lin Tao。
I can do Chinese lung fu.9.Can you play the drums or play chess。
10.We need you to help with sports!一.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)1.My sister is unable to swim in a river.2.Are you skilled at playing the piano?3.The girl excels in dancing.4.Can you play football。
I cannot。
It's challenging.5.What sports are you capable of playing。
I can play volleyball.6.We require two talented musicians for our rock band.7.Shall we consider joining the chess club。
七年级英语下册Unit 1单元测试题-人教版(含答案)一、单项选择题:1. Please help me ______ my math. It’s difficult.A. toB. forC. onD. with2. My sister likes playing the guitar, but she can’t play ______.A. niceB. goodC. well D,OK3.Tom wants _______ the swimming club.A. to join B .joins C. joining D. join4. —Where do you want to go, Beijing ______ Shanghai?—Shanghai.A. andB. orC. soD. but5.Can you help me _______ my English?A. withB. ofC. learningD. about6. —Are you good ______ swimming?—Yes, and I think I can help kids ______ it.A. with; inB. with; withC. at; withD. with, at7. My brother Peter is good at ______ model planes.A. makeB. makesC. to makeD. making8.—Can your sister sing? —_________.A. Yes, he canB. Yes, he doesC. No, she doesn’tD. Yes, she can9. Miss Li is from China, so she ______ Chinese well.A. saysB. speaksC. talksD. tells10.Bob can play ________ tennis but can’t play _______ violin.A. the; the B ./;/ C. the;/ D./;the11. He wants ______ the English club.A. to joinB. to beC. be inD. join12. Cindy can’t ______ basketball, but she ______ volleyball well.A. play; playsB. plays; playsC. plays; playD. play; play13.—Can you paint or sing? —_______.A. Yes, I canB. No, I can’tC.I can singD.I like singing14. My sister can _____ very well, so she wants to join the______ club.A. swim; swimmingB. swims; swimmingC. swim; swims D swims; swim15. —Why do you want to ______ the English club?—Because Mr Li in the club is good ______ us.A. be; withB. join; withC. join; atD. be, at二、完形填空:Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister 1 a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can 2 . Ann can sing and play 3 well, but Helen 4 . Helen doesn’t like playing the instruments(乐器). She 5 chess, but she doesn’t play chess 6 Ann. Ann can’t play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays 7 very well. Paul can 8 play basketball well. And he is 9 the school basketball club. He often 10 other students with basketball.1. A. or B. but C. so D. and2. A. speak B. show C. dance D. plays chess3. A. the guitar B. guitars C. guitar D. a guitar4. A. can B. doesn’t C. don’t D. can’t5. A. has B. does C. likes D. can6. A. with B. for C. on D. and7. A. basketball B. chess C. games D. the violin8. A. also B. too C. only D. either9. A. of B. to C. in D .on10. A. plays B. joins C. teach D. helps三、阅读理解:AThere are many clubs in our school. My English is not good. I want to join the English club. Wang Ying wants to learn to paint. So he wants to join the art club. Zhang Ping likes running. He wants to join the running club. Li Nan is good at singing and she wants to join the music club. What club does Han Mei join? Oh,she likes eating and she joins the cooking (烹饪)club.1.My _______ is not good.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. MathsD. Art2.What club does Wang Ying want to join?A. The music club.B. The sports club.C. The art club.D. The swimming club.3.Who wants to join the running club?A. Zhang Ping.B.I.C. Wang Ying.D. Li Nan.4.Li Nan _______ very well.A. dances B .paints C. sings D. plays tennis5.Why does Han Mei want to join the cooking club?A. She likes cooking.B. She likes eating.C. She can cook.D. She wants to be a cook.BDear Mr. Brown,My name is Tom. I’m not famous now. But maybe I can be famous someday! I can’t sing or dance or act in movies, but I do many other things. I can play three instruments: the guitar, the violin and the drums. I think I can be in the music club. Maybe I can be a famous musician.I like to read story books and I can write stories. Maybe I can be a famous writer. I like sports, too, but I am not good at sports. Can I join you?6. What’s the underlined word “instruments”in Chinese? It means ___________.A. 乐谱B. 乐器C. 乐章D. 琴7. What can’t Tom do? He can’t ___________.A. readB. write storiesC. play the violinD. act in movies8. Tom thinks he can be a famous ___________ or a famous writer.A. musicianB. actorC. singerD. sports man9. What club can Tom join?A. Art club.B. Movie Club.C. Chess club.D. Music club.10. Why doesn’t Tom be in sports club? ___________.A. He doesn’t like sportsB. He doesn’t do well in sportsC. He is not strong enoughD. He thinks sports are boring四、词汇运用:A)首字母填空1. Mr Wang wants to t______ to Peter after school.2.Gina wants to j ________ the music club.3.I can play the guitar but can’t play the p ________.4. We want students for the school s______ on October first.5. James likes to dance and sing, so he can join two c_______.B) 根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空:6. The boy is good at ___________(run).7.Mr Zhang ______ (teach)us two subjects---English and art.8.Please come and _____ (show)me your pictures.9. Every student in my class __________(like) English very much.10. Do you know the boys’___________(age) ?五、完成句子:1 我可以参加艺术节吗?Can I _______ ______ the Art Festival?2. 他哥哥小提琴拉得好。
七年级下第一单元测试题时间:120分钟满分:120分一、积累与运用(27分)1.下列各组词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项是( A )(2分)A.元勋.(xūn)含蓄.(xù)调羹.(ɡēnɡ)鲜.(xiǎn)为人知B.选聘.(pìng) 筹.(chóu)划赫.(shè)然兀兀.(wù)穷年C.彷.(pánɡ)徨署.(shǔ)名绞.(jiǎo)肉深恶.(è)痛绝D.涉.(shè)猎通宵.(xiāo) 澎湃.(bài) 迥.(jiǒnɡ)乎不同【解析】B项,“聘”应读“pìn”,“赫”应读“hè”;C项,“恶”应读“wù”;D项,“湃”应读“pài”。
2.下列词语中书写无误的一项是( D )(2分)A.潜心惯注心会神凝一反既往家喻户晓B.慷慨淋漓锲而不舍历尽心血刮目相待C.搏学多识一拍既合锋芒毕露可歌可泣D.妇孺皆知马革裹尸杂乱无章不以为然【解析】A项,“潜心惯注”应写为“潜心贯注”;B项,“历尽心血”应写为“沥尽心血”;C项,“搏学多识”应写为“博学多识”,“一拍既合”应写为“一拍即合”。
3.下列句子加点词语使用不正确的一项是( C )(2分)A.许多的科学家为了人类科技的进步而鞠躬尽瘁....、无私奉献。
4.下列句子没有语病的一项是( D )(2分)A.只要经过不懈的努力,才会收获精彩的人生。
人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)一、选择填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
1.When we arrived____________the airport,the plane had already taken off. So we had to give up the trip to Shanghai.A.forB.atC.inD.on2.-Can Li Ming ____________ an English song?-No,I don't think he____________.A.sing:canB. to sing;canC.sings;can'tD.sing;can't3.-You play the guitar very well.-____________.A.No,not reallyB.Thank youC.Don't say thatD.All right4.-What can Ou Hao do?-____________.A.He wants to join our clubC. He plays basketball wellB. He can sing and danceD.He likes soccer very much5.Please come and_____________our volleyball games.A.watchesB.watchingC.watchD. to watch6.-Can you play soccer?-____________.But I can play ping-pong.A.Yes,IcanB.Yes.IdoC.No.I can'tD.No.Idon't7. My mother tells me____________i n the new school.A.make friendsB. making friendsC. to make friendsD.makes friends8.He is only five,but he can____________English very well.A.sayB.tellC.talkD. speak9.-____________club do you want to join?-I want to join the music club.A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.Where10. Can you help me with____________?A. danceC.dancesB.to danceD.dancing11.-Can your parents_____________English?-Yes,they can.A.sayB.talkC.tellD.speak12.-____________do you want to join the music club?-Because music is relaxing for me.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhyD.How13.--You speak very good English.--____________.A. No,I can't.B.Yes,I can.C.Of course.D.Thanks.14.The school needs help____________music.A.writingB.to playingC.to teachD.make a15. I ____________t he dancing club and Mr.Lee in the club is good____________m e.A.go;withB.join;withC.join;atD.take;for二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
1、下面对隋朝特点的简短总结中,哪个最为全面且符合实际?( )
2.隋朝统一全国是在( )
3.历史上把唐太宗统治时期称为( )
A. 长孙无忌
B. 杜如晦
C. 狄仁杰
B. 唐太宗
A. ①②
10. 用分科考试的办法来选拔官员始于()
25. 唐朝赴日本的使者和僧人中最有影响的是()
题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
题号14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
答案B C A D D A C A D A C D D
题号14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
答案B B C C B D A A C D C C