soda bottle
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How to make a VolcanoMaterials:10 ml of dish soap100 ml of cold water400 ml of white vinegarFood coloringBaking soda slurry (fill a cup about ½ with baking soda, then fill the rest of the way with water)Empty 2 liter soda bottleInstructions:NOTE: This should be done outside due to the mess.Combine the vinegar, water, dish soap and 2 drops of food coloring into the empty soda bottle.Use a spoon to mix the baking soda slurry until it is all a liquid.Eruption time! … Pour the baking soda slurry into the soda bottle quickly and step back!How it Works:A chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda creates a gas called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the same type of gas used to make the carbonation in sodas. What happens if you shake up a soda? The gas gets very excited and tries to spread out. There is not enough room in the bottle for the gas to spread out so it leaves through the opening very quickly, causing an eruption!Extra Experiments:1. Does the amount of vinegar change the eruption?2. Does the amount of water change the eruption?3. Does the amount of baking sodachange the eruption?Materials:An Orange or Clementine1/2 Teaspoon Baking SodaInstructions:Cut the orange into slices or peel separate into sectionsDip a slice or section into the baking sodaTake a bite! As you chew, it should start to bubble in your mouthHow does it work?When acids and bases mix, you get some exciting chemistry! Oranges and other citrus fruits are filled with citric acid. It is a saf e acid, and it’s what gives oranges, lemons, and limes their sourness. Baking soda is a base, the opposite of an acid. It’s also safe, but doesn’t taste very good on it’s own, and will give you a tummy ache if you eat a lot of it. As the citric acid and baking soda mix, it makes millions of carbon dioxide bubbles, the same gas you breathe out, and the same one that makes soda so fizzy.。
酒吧常用英文词汇调酒学 Mixology 点叫品牌 Call Brand 调酒师 Bartender女调酒师Barmaid 饮料 Drinks 酒吧 Pub、Lounge、Bar 饮料单Beverage Menu小酒馆 Bistro 健康意识 Health-Conscious 收银机Cash Register Machine非酒精性饮料 Non-Alcoholic Drinks 葡萄酒酒吧Wine Bar 浸润、清洗Rinse钢琴酒吧Piano Bar 杀菌Sanitize 冰柜Ice Bin 快速取放酒井 Speed Wells酒吧工作站 Bar Station 酒吧枪 Bar(Speed) Gun 不锈钢流理台滴水台面Drain Board冰槽里的小柜 Jockey Box 溅溢之轨道 Spill Rail 溅撒软胶垫 Spill Mat酒吧置酒架 Bar Rail(Shelf) 切成长条状柠檬皮 Lemon Twist 酒吧工作站之后面区域 Back Bar 橄榄 Olive 搅碎用之果汁机 Blender 置瓶井Bottle Inserts 拌机、混合机 Mixer 制冰机Ice Machine 快速取酒架 Speed Rack 酒吧前面区域 Front Bar酒吧台前之轨道或沟槽 Rail 主要水槽Main Sink 装饰物Garnish 杀菌剂 Disinfectant 盛放装饰物之盒子Garnish Tray 自动洗杯机 Automatic Glass washer 吸管 Straw清洁剂 Detergent 冰箱 Refrigerator 柜台Counter 步入式冷冻柜 Walk-In Freezer 快速倒酒之酒嘴 Speed Pourer 伸手可取式冷藏柜 Reach-In Cooler 烈酒枪 Liquor Gun 莱姆汁Lime Juice 盐糖容器 S&S Container 红石榴汁 Grenadine 削皮刀Paring Knife 砧板 Cutting Board 酸苦艾酒 Dry V ermouth 冰块 Rocks、Ice Cubes 甜苦艾酒 Sweet V ermouth 橙皮酒 Triple Sec 碎冰 Crushed Ice 苏打水枪Soda Gun 刨冰 Shaves Ice七喜汽水 Seven Up、7Up 冰铲 Ice Scoop 不胖可乐Diet Coke 冰夹Ice Tongs 姜汁汽水Gingle Ale 纸巾Napkins 雪碧汽水 Sprite 鸡尾酒用正方形纸垫 Cocktail Napkins 通宁水Tonic Water 搅拌杆Stir Rods 软性饮料Soft Drinks 牙签Picks 服务员工作站 Service Station 塑胶剑签Plastics Swords 挤汁用的小水果块Squeezer 鸡尾酒杯Cocktail Glass 调拌杯Mixing Glass(Cup) 服务员用软木开瓶器Waiter‘s Corkscrew 摇酒器Shaker 木制搅拌棒 Wooden Muddler 过滤器Strainer 水壶Pitcher 厚质杯垫Coaster 棉毛巾Cotton Towels 酒吧长匙Bar Spoon 水果挤压器 Fruit Extractor 软木起子 Corkscrew 量酒器Jigger 酒嘴Pour Spout 量匙Measuring Spoons 快速倒酒Speed Pouring 波本威士忌Bourbon Whiskey 预算控制倒酒Budget Pours 苏格兰威士忌Scotch Whisky 甜酸汁Sweet&Sour Juice 伏特加酒V odka 鸡尾酒签Cocktail Spears 杜松子酒、琴酒Gin 打蛋器 Egg Beater 兰姆酒Rum 装混合酒之大缸Punch Bowls 龙舌兰酒、特奇拉酒 Tequila柠檬挤汁器Lemon Squeezer 白兰地Brandy 香甜酒 Liqueurs,Cordials 老时髦酒杯Old Fashioned Glass 玻璃杯皿Glass wares 冰冻甜点酒杯Parfait 高脚酒杯Goblet 伟大的波可酒杯Poco Grande 白兰地狭口酒杯Brandy Snifter 缸形大酒杯Pots 微风酒杯Breeze 彩虹酒杯Pousse Cafe 马克杯Mug 吞饮酒杯 Shot Glass 笛状香槟酒杯 Flute Champagne伟大的乾杯酒杯 Salud Grande 碟状香槟酒杯Saucer Champagne 大圆球形的啤酒杯 Schooner 香甜酒杯Cordial Glass 爱尔兰国花咖啡酒杯 Shamrock Cafe 僵尸酒杯Zombie Glass 雪莉酒杯 Sherry Glass 蓟花形酒杯Thistle 果酸味Sour Glass 有把手及杯盖大啤酒杯Tankard 陶制啤酒壶 Stein 郁金香花形香槟酒杯Tulip Champagne 短矮杯裏先加入冰块 On the Rocks 置酒器盛酒器 Decanter 雾:短杯裏加入碎冰 Mist 双层大圆形酒杯Coupette 法佩:高脚杯加碎冰 Frappe 伟大祭典酒杯Fiesta Grande 酒不冷却直接入杯内 Neat 牵牛花形啤酒杯Flare 先摇晃过滤再入杯内 On and Over 有脚啤酒杯 Footed Ale 盛放冰块的大矮酒杯 Rock Glass 加菲猫形有脚啤酒杯Garfield Goblet 洗碗盘工人(洗盘员) Dishwasher 高球酒杯Highball 倒掉冰块 Dump Ice 沉重底部啤酒杯Heavy Base Pilsner 杯子预先温热Pre-heat the Glass 大风酒杯Squall 甘草 Licorice 飓风酒杯Hurricane 杏仁 Almond 爱尔兰咖啡杯 Irish Coffee Cup 伦敦辛辣杜松子酒London Dry Gin 花束 Bouquet 荷兰杜松子酒 Dutch Gin 扁平之刀*餐具Flatware 野莓杜松子酒 Sloe Gin 磁制之餐具Chinaware 干邑白兰地 Cognac Brandy 酒精饮料Alcoholic Beverages 加味白兰地 Flavored Brandy 酿造酒Fermented 纯浓白兰地 Straight Brandy 开胃酒Aperitif 调制威士忌Blended Whiskey 甜点酒Dessert Wine 保税威士忌 Bonded Whiskey 起泡酒Sparkling Wine玉米制之威士忌Corn Whiskey 葡萄酒Wine 田纳西威士忌Tennessee Whiskey 麦酒Ale 加拿大威士忌 Canadian Whisky 黑啤酒Porter 爱尔兰威士忌 Irish Whiskey 啤酒Beer 裸麦威士忌 Rye Whiskey 黑麦酒Stout 糖浆Sugar Syrup 日本米酒Sake 香甜酒 Liqueurs Cordials 苹果西打Cider 义大利杏仁香甜酒 Amaretto 柑橘酒Citrus 香栗子香甜酒 Aquavit 梨子酒Perry 甘草香甜酒Anisette 乳酒 Koumiss or Kumiss 杏仁白兰地 Apricot Brandy 棕榈树酒Palm 混合葡萄酒 Blended Wine 不起泡葡萄酒Still Wine 甘蔗 Sugar Cane 起泡葡萄酒 Sparkling Wine 杜松莓 Juniper Berry 强化酒精葡萄酒 Fortified Wine 胡荽子Coriander 贝利斯爱尔兰奶酒Bailey‘s Irish Cream柠檬皮 Lemon Peel 内桂斯内普香甜酒 Cinnamon Schanpps 白兰地加班尼迪克丁酒B & B 法国柑橘香甜酒Cointreau 蜂蜜香甜酒 Chartreuse 杏仁香甜酒Creme de Almond 樱桃白兰地 Cherry Brandy 香焦香甜酒Creme de Banana 美国蜜桃香甜酒Southern Comfort 可可香甜酒Creme de Cacao 薄荷斯内普香甜酒 Spearmint Schnapps 黑醋栗香甜酒Creme de Cassis 草莓斯内普香甜酒 Strawberry Schnapps 薄荷香甜酒Creme de Menth 牙买加咖啡香甜酒Tia Maria 草莓香甜酒Creme de Strawberry 义大利椰子香甜酒 Tuaca 柑橘香甜酒Curacao 荷兰薄荷香甜酒 V andermint 蜂蜜香甜酒Drambuie 咖啡香甜酒 Creme de Cafe 义大利榛果香甜酒Frangeliceo 凤梨香酒 Creme de Ananas 甘草香甜酒Galliano 美国蔓越橘果香甜酒 Cranberria 姜汁斯内普香甜酒Ginger Schnapps 雄鸡Cock 柑橘干邑香甜酒 Grand Marnier 故事Tale 爱尔兰之雾香甜酒Irish Mist 喷火的火山 Flaming V olcano墨西哥咖啡香甜酒Kahlua 基酒基本原材料 Base 苏格兰威士忌香甜酒 Lochan Ora 改变物 Modifier 樱桃香甜酒Maraschino 颜色媒介物Coloring Agent 日本翠绿香瓜香甜酒 Midori 风味味道媒介物 Flavoring Agent 希腊茴香香甜酒Ouzo 伴随饮料Chaser 桃子白兰地Peach Brandy 怪异新奇饮料 Exortic Drinks 梨子白兰地Pear Brandy 独特、特异 Unique 法国甘草香甜酒Pernod 调酒方法Methods of Mixology 薄荷斯内普香甜酒Peppermint Schnapps 搅碎法搅成雪泥状 Blending 丹麦樱桃香甜酒Peter Heering轻轻搅匀法 Stirring 胡桃香甜酒Praline 摇荡法Shaking 以色列柑橘香甜酒Sabra 漂浮法 Floating 义大利甘草香甜酒Sambuca 层层倒入建筑法 Building 美国山楂香甜酒Sloe Gin 直接倒入法 Pouring 甜化柠檬汁Sweetened Lemon Juice 挤碎法Muddling 蕃茄汁 Tomato Juice 搅拌法Mixing 橘子汁Orange Juice 调拌原材料Mixes 葡萄柚汁Grapefruit Juice 各类香料Spices 班尼迪克丁香甜酒 Benedictine 草莓水果浓汁Strawberry Purees 黑莓白兰地Blackberry Brandy 蔓越橘果汁 Cranberry Juice凤梨汁Pineapple Juice 杏子片Sliced Apricot 血腥玛丽预伴汁Bloody Mary Mix 芹菜杆 Celery Stalk 鲜奶油Cream 楔形凤梨块 Pineapple Wedge 浓鲜奶油Half & Half Cream 青葱 Scallions 可口可乐汽水Coca Cola 马拉斯奇诺樱桃 Maraschino Cherry 奎宁水Quinine Water 刨削物 Shavings 苏打水Soda Water 打到起泡之鲜奶油 Whipped Cream 塞尔兹碳酸水Seltzer Water 喷鲜奶油罐Aerosol WhippedCream 百香果汁Passion Fruit Juice 义大利卡布奇诺咖啡 Cuppucino 椰味饮料预伴汁Pina Colada Mix 穿刺的橄榄 Speared Olive 苦精Bitters 独特装饰物Unique Garnish 柑橘风味水Orange Flavored Water散撒及装饰用巧克力Chocolate Sprinkles 塔贝斯可辣椒汁Tabasco Sauce乾椰子碎片Coconut Flakes 乌斯特喜儿辣酱酒 Worcestershire Sauce 咖啡豆 Coffee Bean 肉桂棒Cinnamon Sticks 饼乾Cookies 豆蔻粉Nutmeg 切片的大黄瓜Sliced Cucumber 芹菜盐Celery Salt 橘子水果旗 Orange Flag 柠檬胡椒粉Lemon Pepper 凤梨水果旗 Pineapple Flag 珍珠洋葱Pearl Onion 哈拉皮纽鲜辣椒 Jalapeno Pepper 薄荷叶Mint Leave 切片的奇异果 Sliced Kiwi 法国杏仁糖浆Orgeat 烈酒Liquor 义大利杏仁糖浆Orzata 公升、1000cc Litre、Liter 杏仁糖浆Almond Syrup 无酒精的鸡尾酒饮料Mocktail 绿色橄榄 Green Olive 基本存量Par 蒲桃树乾果Pimento 酒精度数Proof 新鲜薄荷小枝Mint Sprigs 1 oz的小型酒杯Pony 可可粉Powdered Cocoa 碳酸饮料之总称 Pop调制好的姜粉Preserved Gingerroot 补货请求单 Requisition Sheet 盐和胡椒 Salt & Pepper 龙虾Lobster 边缘Rim 螺旋状的橘子皮 Spiral Citrus Peels 杯缘沾湿的 Rimmed Glass 八角Star Anise 德国沾盐的纽结状饼干 Salted Pretzels 切片的青翠香瓜 Sliced Honeydew 楔形莱姆Lime Wedges 水果切割Fruit Cutting 橘子圈 Orange Wheels 果雕Fruit Carving 带杆的樱桃 Stemmed Cherries 牙签装饰 Garnish on Picks 辅助水或其他软性饮料Back Up Drinks 矿泉水 Mineral Water 最辛辣的香槟Brut 粗盐 Coarse Salt收费之饮用水品 Charged Water 岩盐Rock Salt 怪异之玻里尼西亚饮料马克杯Exotic Polynesian Mugs 山葵根所调制之辣葱调味汁 Horseradish 清淡饮料 Cooler 加香料调味后温热酒Mulled Wine 倾倒水槽Dump Slink 椰子奶 Coconut Milk 来宾帐单 Guest Check 木瓜汁Papaya Juice 苹果汁Apple Juice 覆盆子果浆Respberry Syrup 品牌缩写Brand Abbreviation 覆盆子饮料 Raspberry V inegar 水果旗Set-Up of Flag 雪盐杯Salt Rimmer 简易糖浆Simple Syrup 雪糖杯Sugar Rimmer 添加少量的调拌料Splash 佐餐酒Dinner wines 酒加冰处理后喝纯酒法Straight-Up 装满Filled with 剑*或水果牙签Sword of Fruit Pick 滴入Drop into 客人帐单Tab 倒入Pour into 无酒精之纯饮料V irgin漂浮在上端Float on Top 店选之酒类品牌House Brands 俱乐部苏打水Club Soda 圆圈状之饰物 Wheel 悬挂Drape 调酒用量酒器Measuring Jigger 安哥斯突拉苦精 Angostura Bitters 过滤Strain 点心Snacks 过滤器Strainer 生啤酒Draft Beer 开瓶器 Bottle Opener 冷藏温度Cooling Temperatures 2 oz 小瓶样品酒 Miniature 挤碎、压碎Muddle 商业酒吧Commercial Bar 几滴A Few Drops 缩写Abbreviation 特细砂糖Superfine Sugar 葡萄汁Grape Juice 细砂糖Fine Sugarice bucket 小冰桶ice tongs 冰勺夹ice scoop 冰勺cherry 樱桃lemon 柠檬clove 丁香pineapple 菠萝onion 洋葱strawberry 草莓olive 橄榄cucumber 黄瓜mint 薄荷grapefruit 西柚grape 葡萄soda water 苏打水rice wine 黄酒appetizer 餐前葡萄酒Martini Rosso, Blanco, Dry 马丁尼红/干/白Gin 金酒Gordon's 哥顿Rum 郎姆酒Bacardi 百家得V odka 伏特加Smirnoff 皇冠Whisky 威士忌Calvados 苹果酒Glenfiddich 格兰菲迪Bailey's 比利酒Budweiser 百威啤Foster's 福士啤Beck's 贝克啤Carlsbery 加士伯啤Guinness 健力士啤mineral water 矿泉水orange juice 桔子原汁orangeade, orange squash 桔子水lemon juice 柠檬原汁lemonade 柠檬水beer 啤酒white wine 白葡萄酒red wine 红葡萄酒claret 波尔多红葡萄酒cider 苹果酒champagne 香槟酒cocktai l鸡尾酒liqueur 白酒,烧酒shaohsing wine 绍兴酒yellow wine 黄酒Kaoliang spirits 高粱酒Wu Chia Pee 五加皮vodka 伏特加whisky 威士忌brandy 白兰地cognac 法国白兰地gin 琴酒gin flzz 杜松子酒martini 马提尼酒coke, coca cola 可口可乐pepsi cola 百事可乐sprite 雪碧常见茶名的英译(中英文对照版):White tipped oolong 白毫乌龙wuyi rock武夷岩茶Green blade 煎茶yellow mountain fuzz tip 黄山毛峰Dragon well 龙井green spiral 碧螺春Gunpower 珠茶age cake puer 青沱Pile cake puer 青饼jun mountain silver needle 君山银针White tip silver needle 银针白毫white peony 白牡丹Long brow jade dew 玉露Robe tea 大红袍cassia tea 肉桂Narcissus 水仙finger citron 佛手Iron mercy goddess 铁观音osmanthus oolong桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong 人参乌龙茶jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Rose bulb 玫瑰绣球gongfu black 功夫红茶Smoke black 烟熏红茶roast oolong 熟火乌龙Light oolong 清茶anji white leaf 安吉白茶Liu’an leaf 六安瓜片fenghuang unique bush 凤凰单从Tea powder 茶粉fine powder tea 抹茶四、茶具名称(中英文对照版):Tea pot 茶壶tea pad 壶垫tea plate 茶船From tea pitcher茶盅Lid saucer盖置tea serving tray奉茶盘tea cup 茶杯cup saucer杯托Tea towel tray茶巾盘tea holder茶荷tea towel 茶巾tea brush 茶拂Timer 定时器water heater煮水器water kettle 水壶heating base 煮水器底坐Tea cart 茶车seat cushion 座垫cup cover 杯套packing wrap包壶巾Tea ware bag 茶具袋ground pad 地衣tea ware tray 茶托strainer cup 同心杯Personal tea set 个人品茗组(茶具)tea basin 水盂brewing vessel 冲泡盅covered bowl 盖碗Tea spoon 茶匙tea ware 茶器thermos 热水瓶tea canister 茶罐tea urn 茶瓮tea table 茶桌side table侧柜Tea bowl 茶碗spout bowl有流茶碗1. 绿茶Green Tea2. 太平猴魁Taiping Houkui Tea (Green Tea)3. 西湖龙井Xihu Longjing Tea (Green Tea)4. 信阳毛尖Xinyang Maojian Tea (Green Tea)5. 碧螺春Biluochun Tea (Green Tea)6. 毛尖茶Maojian Tea (Green Tea)7. 日本煎茶Japanese Green Tea8. 大红袍Dahongpao Tea(Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea)9. 安溪铁观音Anxi Tieguanyin Tea (Oolong Tea)10. 台湾阿里山乌龙Taiwan Alishan Oolong Tea11. 台湾冻顶乌龙Taiwan Dongding Oolong Tea12. 台湾金萱乌龙Taiwan Jinxuan Oolong Tea13. 台湾人参乌龙Taiwan Ginsen Oolong Tea14. 君山银针Junshan Silver Needle Tea15. 大白毫White Milli- Silver Needle Tea16. 茉莉花茶Jasmine Tea17. 茉莉大白毫Jasmine Silver Needle Tea18. 牡丹绣球Peony Jasmine Tea19. 台湾桂花乌龙Taiwan Cassia Oolong Tea20. 普洱Pu 'er Tea21. 陈年普洱Aged Pu 'er Tea22. 陈年普洱(31年)31-Y ear Pu 'er Tea23. 红茶Black Tea24. 祁门红茶Keemun Black Tea25. 立顿红茶Lipton Black Tea26. 大吉岭茶Darjeeling Tea27. 伯爵茶Earl Grey Tea28. 薄荷锡兰茶Mint Tea29. 冻顶乌龙Dongding Oolong Tea30. 绿毛峰Lvmaofeng Tea31. 八宝茶Assorted Chinese Herbal Tea32. 薰衣草茶Lavender Tea33. 意大利桔茶Italian Orange Tea34. 俄罗斯红茶Russian Black Tea35. 梅子红茶Greengage Black Tea36. 菊花茶Chrysanthemum Tea茶饮料(Tea Drinks)1. 冰茶Iced Tea2. 冰红(绿)茶Iced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea3. 冰奶茶Iced Milk Tea4. 港式奶茶Hot Tea, HK Style5. 巧克力奶茶Chocolate Milk Tea6. 冰巧克力奶茶Iced Chocolate Milk Tea7. 草莓奶茶Strawberry Milk Tea8. 花生奶茶Peanut Milk Tea9. 哈密瓜奶茶Hami Melon Milk Tea10. 椰香奶茶Coconut Milk Tea11. 芋香奶茶Taro Milk Tea12. 热柠檬茶Hot Lemon Tea13. 冰柠檬茶Iced Lemon Tea14. 菠萝果茶Pineapple Tea15. 菠萝冰茶Iced Pineapple Tea16. 黑莓冰茶Iced Blackberry Tea17. 草莓冰茶Iced Strawberry Tea18. 蓝莓冰茶Iced Blueberry Tea19. 芒果冰茶Iced Mango Tea20. 蜜桃冰茶Iced Peach Tea21. 香蕉冰茶Iced Banana Tea22. 奇异果冰茶Iced Kiwi Tea各种冰品,冰淇淋的英文表达冰品(Ice)1. 刨冰(红豆、绿豆、芋头、情人果、草莓、百香果、巧克力、乌梅、蓝莓、芒果、花生、凤梨)Water-Ice(with red bean/ green bean/ taro/green mango/strawberry/passion fruit/chocolate/black plum/blueberry/mango/peanut/pineapple)2. 香蕉柳橙搅滑冰Banana and Orange Blended with Ice3. 芒果牛奶搅滑冰Mango and Milk Blended with Ice4. 柠檬搅滑冰Lemon Blended with Ice5. 西瓜牛奶搅滑冰Watermelon and Milk Blended with Ice6. 苹果椰奶搅滑冰Apple, Coconut and Milk Blended with Ice7. 木瓜牛奶搅滑冰Papaya and Milk Blended with Ice8. 香橙搅滑冰Orange Blended with Ice9. 水蜜桃鲜橙搅滑冰Peach and Orange Blended with Ice10. 水红参营养蜜Red Ginseng Honey11. 香蕉牛乳汁Banana Milk12. 木瓜牛奶蛋黄汁Papaya Milk with Egg Y olk13. 凤梨酸奶Pineapple Y oghurt14. 墨西哥日落咖啡Mexico Ice Coffee15. 胡萝卜蛋奶Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk16. 雪利教堂Mint Julep Mixed with Sprite17. 鲜奶煮蛋Boiled Eggs with Fresh Milk18. 凤梨雪泡Pineapple Snow19. 牛奶雪泡Milk Snow20. 咖啡雪泡Coffee Snow21. 冰沙Sorbet22. 柠檬冰淇淋苏打Lemon Ice Cream Soda23. 蓝柑冰淇淋苏打Blue Curacao Ice Cream Soda24. 薄荷冰淇淋苏打Mint Ice Cream Soda各类碳酸饮料和混合饮料的英文翻译碳酸饮料(Sodas)1. 可口可乐Coca-Cola/ Coke2. 健怡可乐Diet Coke3. 姜汁汽水Ginger Ale4. 芬达Fanta5. 托尼克水Tonic Water6. 雪碧Sprite7. 意大利苏打Italian Soda8. 大可乐/雪碧Coke/Sprite (large)混合饮料Mixed Drinks各种咖啡的中英文对照1. 百加得可乐Bacardi Coke2. 百加地郎姆酒,菠萝汁Bacardi Rum, Pineapple Juice3. 百加地郎姆酒,柠檬汁Bacardi Rum, Lemon Juice4. 青柠汁Lemon Juice5. 伏特加橙汁V odka Orange6. 伏特加苏打V odka Soda7. 伏特加汤力V odka Tonic8. 伏特加雪碧V odka Sprite9. 伏特可乐V odka Coke10. 金巴利橙汁Campari & Orange11. 马利宾菠萝汁Malibu Pineapple12. 绿薄荷橙汁Peppermint Orange13. 果汁宾汁Fruit Punch1. 哥伦比亚咖啡Colombian Coffee2. 牙买加咖啡Jamaican Coffee3. 蓝山咖啡Blue Mountain Coffee4. 巴西山度士咖啡Brazil Santos Coffee5. 曼特林咖啡Brazilian Coffee6. 意大利咖啡Italian Coffee7. 意大利浓咖啡Espresso8. 意大利泡沫咖啡Cappuccino9. 拿铁咖啡Café Latté (Coffee Latte)10. 美式咖啡Café Americano11. 法式滴滤咖啡French Coffee12. 冰法式滴滤Iced French Coffee13. 低因咖啡Decaffeinated Coffee14. 曼巴咖啡Special Coffee (Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee)15. 速溶咖啡Instant Coffee16. 现磨咖啡Fresh Ground Coffee17. 冰咖啡Iced Coffee18. 浓缩冰咖啡Iced Espresso19. 冰薄荷咖啡Iced Mint Coffee20. 冰卡布奇诺Iced Cappuccino21. 冰焦糖卡布奇诺Iced Caramel Cappuccino22. 冰香草卡布奇诺Iced V anilla Cappuccino23. 冰榛子卡布奇诺Iced Hazelnut Cappuccino24. 果味冰卡布奇诺Iced Fruit Cappuccino25. 果味卡布奇诺Fruit Cappuccino26. 薰衣草卡布奇诺Lavender Cappuccino27. 香草卡布奇诺V anilla Cappuccino28. 榛子卡布奇诺Hazelnut Cappuccino29. 冰拿铁咖啡Iced Café Latté30. 冰焦糖咖啡拿铁Iced Caramel Latté31. 冰香草咖啡拿铁Iced V anilla Latté32. 冰榛子咖啡拿铁Iced Hazelnut Latté33. 冰菠萝咖啡拿铁Iced Pineapple Latté34. 冰草莓咖啡拿铁Iced Strawberry Latté35. 冰果味咖啡拿铁Iced Fruit Latté36. 黑莓咖啡拿铁Blackberry Latté37. 拿铁香草V anilla Bean Latté38. 薰衣草咖啡拿铁Lavender Latté39. 椰子冰咖啡拿铁Iced Coconut Latté40. 黑莓冰咖啡拿铁Iced Blackberry Latté41. 芒果冰咖啡拿铁Iced Mango Latté42. 蜜桃冰咖啡拿铁Iced Peach Latté43. 蜜桃咖啡拿铁Peach Latté44. 樱桃咖啡拿铁Cherry Latté45. 樱桃冰咖啡拿铁Iced Cherry Latté46. 榛子咖啡拿铁Hazelnut Latté47. 香蕉咖啡拿铁Banana Latté48. 浓缩咖啡康保蓝Espresso Con Panna49. 浓缩咖啡玛奇朵Espresso Macchiato50. 冰美式咖啡Iced Café Americano51. 菠萝冰美式Iced Pineapple Americano52. 芒果冰美式咖啡Iced Mango Americano53. 蜜桃冰美式咖啡Iced Peach Americano54. 香蕉冰美式Iced Banana Americano55. 冰摩卡Iced Mochaccino56. 草莓摩卡咖啡Iced Strawberry Mocha57. 樱桃摩卡咖啡Cherry Mocha58. 椰子摩卡咖啡Coconut Mocha59. 芒果摩卡咖啡Mango Mocha60. 香蕉摩卡咖啡Banana Mocha61. 冰水果咖啡Iced Fruit Coffee62. 法国香草咖啡French V anilla Coffee63. 漂浮冰咖啡Iced Coffee Float64. 巧克力冰咖啡Iced Chocolate Coffee65. 巧克力咖啡Chocolate Coffee66. 塔拉珠高山咖啡Tarrazu Coffee67. 碳烧咖啡Charcoal Coffee68. 特雷里奥咖啡Tres Rios Coffee69. 维也!哈罗!网纳咖啡V ienna Coffee70. 杏香咖啡Saronno Coffee71. 夏威夷可!哈罗!网娜咖啡Hawaiian Kona Coffee72. 玫瑰夫人咖啡Rose Lady Coffee73. 墨西哥冰咖啡Iced Mexican Coffee74. 瑞士冰咖啡Iced Swiss Coffee75. 巴西咖啡Brazil Coffee76. 皇家咖啡Royal Coffee77. 君度咖啡Cointreau Coffee78. 爱尔咖啡Irish Coffee79. 生姜咖啡Ginger Juice Coffee80. 贵妇人咖啡Dame Coffee81. 椰香咖啡Coconut Coffee。
一般认为,英国人布朗明哥(William Brownrigg,1712—1800)是往水里加气造“汽水”的第一人。
小学三年级下册英语刷题卷(答案和题解)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.They _______ (help/helps) their parents with the chores.2.This afternoon, we __________ (1) a science project in the classroom. Our teacher __________ (2) explain how to make a volcano. We __________ (3) need some materials like baking soda, vinegar, and a plastic bottle. First, we __________ (4) put the baking soda into the bottle. Then, we __________ (5) pour the vinegar, and the volcano __________ (6) erupt! It __________ (7) a very fun experiment, and we __________ (8) all learn a lot about chemical reactions.3.She _______ (be) very kind.4.We _______ (go) to the library tomorrow.5.I _______ (go) to bed at 9 o’clock.6.I __________ (enjoy) playing basketball with my friends. We __________ (play) every weekend. Yesterday, we __________ (have) a game, and my team __________ (win).7.Which one is a vegetable?A. PotatoB. MangoC. StrawberryD. Banana8.Which one is used for writing?A. KnifeB. ForkC. PenD. Plate9.I _______ (watch) TV after dinner every day.10.They _______ (not/play) basketball on Sundays.11.Which one is used to drink?A. ForkB. SpoonC. CupD. Plate12.We _______ (not/finish) our homework yet.13.We _______ (study) English every day.14.Yesterday, my family __________ (go) to a new restaurant for dinner. The food was delicious, and the service __________ (be) very good. I __________ (order) a pizza, and my sister __________ (choose) pasta. My parents __________ (enjoy) their meals too. After dinner, we __________ (take) a walk around the neighborhood. It __________ (be) a wonderful evening.15.We _______ (take) the bus to school every day.16.My father __________ (be) a teacher. He __________ (teach) math at a local school. Every morning, he __________ (leave) the house at 7:30. After work, he__________ (come) home and __________ (rest) for a while.17.Which of these is a month of the year?A. TuesdayB. JanuaryC. SummerD. Car18.I __________ (1) my best friend at school today. She __________ (2) a new dress, and she __________ (3) very pretty. We __________ (4) to play a game after class, but we __________ (5) to finish our homework first.19.How many months are there in a year?A. 12B. 10C. 11D. 1320.My mother loves cooking. Every Sunday, she prepares a big meal for our family. Sometimes she makes spaghetti, and other times, she cooks a delicious roast chicken. After dinner, we all sit together and talk about our week.21.Which of these is used to cut things?A. ScissorsB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate22.They _______ (be) very happy to see the movie.23.I love reading books, especially stories about ______. My favorite character is a______ who always faces challenges and overcomes them. I also like reading ______ stories because they make me laugh. After finishing a book, I often talk to my friends about the ______.24.Which one is a kind of bird?A. EagleB. DogC. ElephantD. Lion25.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. AppleC. CucumberD. Onion26.Next year, I __________ (take) a trip to Japan with my friends. We __________ (visit) famous places like Mount Fuji and Kyoto. We __________ (eat) traditional Japanese food and __________ (learn) about the culture.27.He _______ (not/speak) English very well.28.They _______ (go) to the library every Monday.29.Which of these is used to eat rice?A. ForkB. SpoonC. KnifeD. Plate30.I _______ (am / is / are) excited about the party tomorrow.31.What do we call the person who helps us when we are sick?A. TeacherB. DoctorC. FarmerD. Engineer32.Tom and his family are traveling to a new city. They visit famous __________ like museums and parks. Tom enjoys learning about __________, so he is excited to visit the __________ museum. After exploring, they have dinner at a local __________.33.Which of these is a tree?A. PineB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair34.He _______ (not/wear) glasses.35.I _______ (help) my mom with the housework.36.I _______ (be) a student.37.They _______ (have) a party next Saturday.38.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. ColdC. CoolD. Lukewarm39.We _______ (like) to play soccer on Sundays.40.Which of the following is a fruit?A. CarrotB. LettuceC. TomatoD. Onion41.They _______ (take) a bus to school every day.42.We _______ (not/like) to wake up early.43.She _______ (not/like) running in the morning.44.Which of these is a holiday?A. ChristmasB. MondayC. JanuaryD. Summer45.Where do we sleep?A. KitchenB. Living roomC. BedroomD. Bathroom46.I _______ my grandmother this afternoon.47.Which of these is used to drink?A. SpoonB. PlateC. CupD. Knifest summer, we __________ (travel) to the beach. The weather __________ (be) very hot, so we __________ (spend) most of our time swimming. We __________ (make) sandcastles and __________ (collect) seashells. It __________ (be) a perfect holiday!49.Where _______ you live?A. doB. doesC. amD. is50.I _______ (go) to school by bus every day.(答案及解释)。
食品及药品(仅包括常用药品及配方材料)15E5CC Ant EggEACA4 Banana Yucca Fruit 大土焦EC01D Barrel Cactus Fruit 仙人掌果实15197 Beer 啤酒16D5BA Bighorner Meat 大角羊肉8C556 Blamco Mac & Cheese 食物7C10D Bloatfly Meat 肿头蛾肉34051 Blood Pack 血浆袋1613BF Brahmin Meat 双头牛肉15198 Brahmin Steak 双头牛排13B2BA Broc Flower 锦缎花15F0E9 Buffalo Gourd Seed 野牛瓜种子15163 Buffout 壮大灵7EA1B Cateye 猫眼38E0C Cave Fungus 洞穴菇15E5CD Cazador Egg 大杜峰蛋157FFB Coyote Meat 土狼肉EACA3 Coyote Tobacco Chew 土狼嚼烟8C552 Cram 速食食品1519C Crunchy Mutfruit 变异水果酥151A4 Dirty Water 污水122B49 Dixon's Jet XXX的杰特122B4A Dixon's Whiskey XXX的威士忌CB05C Doctor's Bag 医疗包34050 Dog Meat 狗肉15D9B2 Fire Ant Meat 火蚁肉CB5A9 Fixer 抗瘾剂15196 Fresh Apple 新鲜苹果15199 Fresh Carrot 新鲜胡萝卜1519F Fresh Pear 新鲜的梨151A0 Fres Potato 马铃薯11B9AE Gecko Meat 蜥蜴肉8C564 Gum Drops 橡皮糖136A1D Healing Powder 治疗粉EACA1 Honey Mesquite Pod 木豆加15EACF Human Remains 人类遗骸13B2C3 Hydra 许德拉药水40DCB Ice Cold Nuka-Cola 冰镇核子可乐8C558 InstaMash 食物15F0E7 Jalape?o Pepper 小绿椒15164 Jet 杰特136E13 Lakelurk Meat 湖沼蟹E9AD1 Maize 玉米50F8F Med-X 注射剂X15165 Mentats 曼他特3404C Mole Rat Meat 鼹鼠肉34049 Mutfruit 变异水果1519E Nuka-Cola 核子可乐E2F6D Nuka-Cola Quartz 石英核子可乐E2F6C Nuka-Cola Victory 胜利核子可乐15F0E8 Pinto Bean Pod 班豆荚E2F67 Pinyon Nuts 松子8C55E Pork N' Beans 豌豆猪肉EC01E Prickly Pear Fruit 仙人掌果实15166 Psycho 疯狂药15168 Rad-X 抗辐射挤X15167 RadAway 福特宁CEA5F Rebound 恢复剂146CCD Rocket 火箭A29D6 Ruby's Casserole 露比的腊味煲146CCA Slasher 狂暴神油CED8C Steady 稳定剂43E94 Stealth Boy 隐身小子15169 Stimpak 治疗真8C551 Sugar Bombs 食物120D81 Turbo 增压计C9CF4 Ultrajet 超级杰特32C74 Vodka 酒140A68 Weapon Repair Kit 超级杰特32C75 Whiskey 威士忌13B2B4 White Horsenettle 小白茄3404A Wine 酒13B2B9 Xander Root 山德根其他杂物(仅包括常用物品、配方材料、部分任务所需物品)13B2AF Bark Scorpion Poison Gland 变种木蝎毒腺A Bobby Pin 发夹(开锁器)F Bottle Cap 瓶盖(钱)3406F Box of Detergent 盒装洗涤剂13B2B0 Cazador Poison Gland 大毒蜂毒腺22108 Cherry Bomb 摔炮F81BF Cook-Cook's Head 头104174 Cook-Cook's Mangled Head 头E6627 Deathclaw Egg 死亡爪蛋15C62A Drained Electron Charge Pack 用光的电荷能量块15C631 Drained Flamer Fuel Tank 用光的15C629 Drained Microfusion Cell 用光的12115E Drained Small Enercy Cell 用光的F81C0 Driver Nephi's Head 头104175 Driver Nephi's Mangled Head 头13B2B2 Duct Tape 胶带13B2B3 Egg Timer 煮蛋计时器9AA4E Empty Soda Bottle 空的汽水瓶250A8 Empty Syringe 空的注射器13B2B7 Fire Gecko Hide 火蜥蜴皮33BC6 Fission Battery 裂变电池74EE1 Flour 面粉250A7 Forceps 钳子13B2B5 Gecko Hide 蜥蜴皮5B636 Glass Pitcher 玻璃水壶13B2B6 Golden Gecko Hide 金蜥蜴皮2210C Leather Belt 皮带22107 Lunchbox 午餐盒EE6CC Mantis Foreleg 螳螂前腿2210D Medical Brace 医用绷带123054 NCR Dogtag ncr狗牌13B2B8 Night Stalker Blood 夜枭的血15E5C1 Nightstalker Egg 夜枭的蛋1378E7 Pile of Night Stalker Eggs 夜枭蛋堆22113 Pressure Cooker 压力锅2210F Radscorpion Poison Gland 变种蝎毒腺250A5 Scalpel 手术刀13B2B1 Scrap Electronics 电子废料31944 Scrap Metal 废金属22109 Sensor Module 感应器模组103B1C Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Cap 五角星瓶盖22111 Surgical Tubing 医用橡皮膏管22104 Tin Can 锡罐22105 Turpentine 松节油F81BE Violet's Head 头104173 Violet's Mangled Head 头2210A Wonderglue 万能胶5B6D0 Wrench 扳手16163C Yeast 酵母。
制作塑料花瓶英语作文英文回答:Materials:Empty plastic bottle (e.g., soda bottle, water bottle)。
Scissors.Ruler or measuring tape.Pen or pencil.Yarn or string.Beads or other decorations (optional)。
Paint or fabric dye (optional)。
Instructions:1. Determine the desired height and shape of your flower vase. Use the ruler or measuring tape to mark the cutting lines on the plastic bottle.2. Cut the plastic bottle along the marked lines using scissors. This will create the base and opening of your flower vase.3. Trim any rough edges or unevenness on the cut lines to ensure a smooth finish.4. To add embellishments, wrap yarn or string around the neck of the vase. You can create intricate patterns or leave it simple.5. If desired, add beads or other decorative elements to the vase. You can glue them on or weave them through the yarn.6. For a more personalized touch, consider painting or dyeing the vase with acrylic paint or fabric dye. Allow itto dry completely before use.中文回答:材料:空的塑料瓶(例如,汽水瓶,水瓶)。
三级水火箭安装流程英文回答:Materials:Empty 2-liter plastic soda bottle.Plastic tubing (3/8 inch diameter x 8 feet long)。
3 empty plastic water bottles (16.9 ounces each)。
Duct tape.Scissors.Mini bike pump or bicycle pump with needle.Water.Launch pad or open area.Instructions:Step 1: Prepare the Body.Cut the bottom off the 2-liter soda bottle.Cut the plastic tubing in half, resulting in two 4-foot lengths.Make three small holes, evenly spaced, around the circumference of the soda bottle, about 2 inches from the top.Insert one end of each plastic tube into each hole and secure with duct tape.Step 2: Create the Fins.Cut the three water bottles in half, making six cone-shaped fins.Fold each fin in half lengthwise and tape the two sides together.Attach the fins to the bottom of the soda bottle using duct tape, spacing them evenly apart.Step 3: Install the Launch Nozzle.Place the needle from the bike pump or bicycle pump inside the soda bottle.Secure the needle with duct tape around the bottle's neck.Step 4: Fill with Water.Fill the soda bottle with water to about one-third of its capacity.Leave some air space at the top for expansion.Step 5: Pressurize and Launch.Connect the bike pump or bicycle pump to the needle.Pump air into the bottle until it feels firm, but not too hard.Hold the rocket upright on the launch pad or in an open area.Release the needle to launch the rocket.中文回答:材料:2 升可乐的空塑料瓶。
科学小实验火山爆发的英语作文One of the most fascinating natural phenomena is a volcanic eruption. The power and unpredictability of a volcanic eruption have captured the imagination of scientists and ordinary people alike for centuries. In this experiment, we will create a model of a volcanic eruption using simple household items.Materials:- Small empty soda bottle- Baking soda- Vinegar- Dish soap- Red food coloring- PlaydoughProcedure:1. Set the soda bottle on a flat surface and use the playdough to build up a mound around the bottle, leaving the top open.2. Add a few drops of red food coloring into the bottle to create the appearance of lava.3. Pour a small amount of dish soap into the bottle.4. In a separate container, mix together some vinegar and baking soda.5. Quickly pour the vinegar and baking soda mixture into the bottle and step back to observe the eruption.Observations:As the vinegar and baking soda mix with the dish soap and food coloring, a foamy, red "lava" will begin to overflow from the bottle, resembling a volcanic eruption. The chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda creates carbondioxide gas, which builds up pressure inside the bottle and causes the "eruption."Explanation:This experiment models a volcanic eruption by simulating the build-up of pressure and the release of lava. Theaddition of the dish soap and food coloring enhances the visual effect and makes the experiment more engaging. By conducting this experiment, we can better understand the basic mechanics of a volcanic eruption and appreciate the forces at work beneath the Earth's surface.Conclusion:Through this simple experiment, we have recreated the awe-inspiring phenomenon of a volcanic eruption in a safe and controlled environment. The power and beauty of a volcanic eruption continue to captivate us, and by studying and simulating this natural disaster, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the forces that shape our planet.。
小学生英语作文《一次科学实验》Title: A Scientific ExperimentYesterday, our class conducted a scientific experiment.It was a fun and exciting experience for all of us.The experiment was about making a volcano.First, we gathered all the necessary materials, including vinegar, baking soda, and a plastic bottle.Then, we divided into groups and each group was responsible for making their own volcano.We started by filling the plastic bottle with vinegar.Next, we carefully added the baking soda to the bottle.As soon as we did that, we saw a lot of bubbles coming out of the bottle.It was really interesting to watch.After the experiment, our teacher explained that the bubbles were formed because of a chemical reaction between the vinegar and the baking soda.This reaction released carbon dioxide gas, which caused the bubbles to form.We all had a great time during the experiment.It was not only fun, but also educational.We learned about chemical reactions and how they can create interesting effects.We also learned the importance of following instructions and working together as a team.Overall, it was a successful experiment.We can't wait to conduct more scientific experiments in the future!。
用橘子汽水写夏天的作文英文版:Orange Soda and SummerIn the hot summer, the sun shines brightly and vigorously. In such a season, orange soda seems to be the best choice for beating the heat.Every time I open a bottle of orange soda, the refreshing bubbles dance on my tongue, bringing waves of coolness. The taste of orange soda is fresh and sweet, as if it instantly takes me into a cool summer world.I love sitting under the tree in the afternoon, holding a bottle of orange soda in my hand, feeling the breeze brush my cheek, listening to the chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves. At that moment, I can almost feel the breath of nature and the vitality of life.The color of orange soda also boosts one's mood. The bright orange is like the sunshine in summer, bringing warmth and hope. Whenever I see that bottle of orange soda, I am reminded of that hot summer day and that wonderful afternoon.In this summer, orange soda is not just a drink, but a mood, an experience. It makes me feel the coolness and beauty of summer, and also makes me cherish every moment in life.中文版:夏日炎炎,阳光热烈而灿烂。
「干杯」的西班牙语叫沙鲁(salud)、意大利语叫金金、英语叫C heers。
一次有趣的实验小学英语作文Title: An Exciting ExperimentYesterday, our class conducted an interesting experiment.It was a fun and educational experience for all of us.The experiment was about making a simple volcano.We gathered all the necessary materials, such as baking soda, vinegar, and a plastic bottle.First, we filled the plastic bottle with baking soda.Then, we carefully added the vinegar into the bottle.All of a sudden, we saw a big bubble coming out of the bottle.The room was filled with a funny smell.We were all excited and surprised to see the volcano eruption.Some of us even made volcanoes with different shapes and sizes.Our teacher explained that the vinegar and baking soda reacted with each other, producing carbon dioxide gas, which caused the bubble and the eruption.This experiment helped us understand the concept of chemical reactions.We all had a great time during the experiment.It was not only fun, but also educational.We learned about the reaction between vinegar and baking soda, and how gases are produced during chemical reactions.I really enjoyed this exciting experiment, and I hope we can do more of these in the future.。
矿泉水瓶喷气式火箭的原理矿泉水瓶喷气式火箭(soda bottle rocket)是一种简单而有趣的科学实验,通过利用压力和推力原理来产生运动力。
小学英语作文一次科学实验Title: A Fun Science ExperimentYesterday, our class conducted a fascinating science experiment.It was a thrilling experience that taught us many interesting things.The experiment was about making a volcano erupt.First, we gathered all the necessary materials.We needed baking soda, vinegar, a plastic bottle, and a funnel.Our teacher explained that the baking soda and vinegar would react together to create a chemical reaction, which would cause the volcano to erupt.ext, we filled the plastic bottle with baking soda and placed a funnel in the top.We were careful to make sure the funnel was steady so that the baking soda wouldn't fall out.Then, we carefully poured the vinegar into the bottle through the funnel.Almost immediately, we saw a big bubble forming in the bottle.The bubble was so big that it looked like the bottle would burst! Then, a loud noise filled the classroom, and a cloud of smoke emerged from the bottle.It was like a real volcano eruption!We were all amazed by the result of the experiment.Our teacher explained that the vinegar and baking soda reacted to produce carbon dioxide gas, which caused the bottle to burst and created the smoke.Through this experiment, we learned about chemical reactions and how different substances can interact with each other.It was a fun andeducational experience that we will never forget.We can't wait to conduct more science experiments in the future!。
苏打气泡水(Soda water)是一种含有二氧化碳气泡的碳酸饮料。