电气自动化专业外文文献 (2)
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1、外文原文A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerTh e si ng le -c hi p m ic ro co mp ut er i s t he c ul mi na ti on of both t h e de ve lo pm en t of the dig it al com pu te r an d th e in te gr at ed c i rc ui t arg ua bl y t h e tow m os t s ig ni f ic an t i nv en ti on s o f t he 20th c e nt ur y [1].Th es e tow type s of arch it ec tu re are foun d in sin g le -ch i p m i cr oc om pu te r. Som e empl oy the spli t prog ra m/da ta me mo ry of the H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re , sh ow n in Fig.3-5A -1, oth ers fo ll ow the p h il os op hy , wi del y ada pt ed for gen er al -p ur po se com pu te rs and m i cr op ro ce ss o r s, o f ma ki ng no log i ca l di st in ct ion be tw ee n p r og ra m and dat a me mo ry as in the Pr in ce to n arch ite c tu re , show n i n Fig.3-5A-2.In gen er al ter ms a sin gl e -chi p mic ro co mp ut er i sc h ar ac te ri zed b y t he i nc or po ra ti on of a ll t he un it s of a co mp uter i n to a sin gl e d ev i ce , as sho wn inFi g3-5A -3.Fig.3-5A-1 A Harvard typeFig.3-5A-2. A conventional Princeton computerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM.R OM is usua ll y for the pe rm an ent,n o n-vo la ti le stor a ge of an app lic a ti on s pr og ra m .M an ym i cr oc om pu te rs and m are inte nd e d for high -v ol um e ap pl ic at ions a n d he nc e t h e eco n om ic al man uf act u re of th e de vic e s re qu ir es t h at t he cont en t s o f t he prog ra m me m or y be co mm it t ed perm a ne ntly d u ri ng the man ufa c tu re of ch ip s .Cl ea rl y, thi s im pl ie s a r i go ro us app ro ach to ROM cod e deve l op me nt sin ce cha ng es can not b e mad e afte r manu f a c tu re .Th is dev e lo pm en t proc ess may invo lv e e m ul at io n us in g aso ph is ti ca te d de ve lo pm en t sy ste m wit h a h a rd wa re emu la tio n cap ab il it y as w el l as the use o f po we rf ul s o ft wa re too ls.So me man uf act u re rs pro vi de add it io na l RO M opt i on s by i n cl ud in g in their ra n ge dev ic es wit h (or int en de d fo r use wit h u s er pro gr am ma ble me mo ry. Th e sim p le st of th es e is usu al ly d e vi ce whi ch can op er at e in a micro p ro ce ssor mod e by usi ng som e o f the inp ut /outp u t li ne s as an ad dr es s an d da ta b us fora c ce ss in g ex te rna l mem or y. Thi s t y pe of de vi ce can beh av ef u nc ti on al ly as th e sing le chip mi cr oc om pu te r from whi ch it is d e ri ve d al be it wit h re st ri ct ed I/O and a mod if ied ex te rn al c i rc ui t. The use of thes e d ev ic es is com mo n eve n in prod uc ti on c i rc ui ts wher e t he vo lu me does no tj us ti f y t h e d ev el o pm en t c osts o f c us to m o n -ch i p R OM [2];t he re c a n s ti ll bea s ignif i ca nt saving i n I /O and o th er c h ip s com pa re d to a conv en ti on al mi c ro pr oc es sor b a se d ci rc ui t. Mor e ex ac t re pl ace m en t fo r RO M dev i ce s ca n be o b ta in ed in th e fo rm of va ri an ts w it h 'p ig gy -b ack 'E P RO M(Er as ab le pro gr am ma bl e ROM s oc ke ts or dev ic e s with EPROM i n st ea d o f RO M 。
电气工程与自动化毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译The Transformer on load ﹠Introduction to DC MachinesIt has been shown that a primary input voltage 1V can be transformed to any desired open-circuit secondary voltage 2E by a suitable choice of turns ratio. 2E is available for circulating a load current impedance. For the moment, a lagging power factor will be considered. The secondary current and the resulting ampere-turns 22N I will change the flux, tending to demagnetize the core, reduce m Φ and with it 1E . Because the primary leakage impedance drop is so low, a small alteration to 1Ewill cause an appreciable increase of primary current from 0I to a new value of 1Iequal to ()()i jX R E V ++111/. The extra primary current and ampere-turns nearly cancel the whole of the secondary ampere-turns. This being so , the mutual flux suffers only a slight modification and requires practically the same net ampere-turns 10N I as on no load. The total primary ampere-turns are increased by an amount 22N I necessary to neutralize the same amount of secondary ampere-turns. In thevector equation , 102211N I N I N I =+; alternatively, 221011N I N I N I -=. At full load,the current 0I is only about 5% of the full-load current and so 1I is nearly equalto 122/N N I . Because in mind that 2121/N N E E =, the input kV A which is approximately 11I E is also approximately equal to the output kV A, 22I E .The physical current has increased, and with in the primary leakage flux towhich it is proportional. The total flux linking the primary ,111Φ=Φ+Φ=Φm p , isshown unchanged because the total back e.m.f.,(dt d N E /111Φ-)is still equal and opposite to 1V . However, there has been a redistribution of flux and the mutual component has fallen due to the increase of 1Φ with 1I . Although the change is small, the secondary demand could not be met without a mutual flux and e.m.f.alteration to permit primary current to change. The net flux s Φlinking thesecondary winding has been further reduced by the establishment of secondaryleakage flux due to 2I , and this opposes m Φ. Although m Φ and 2Φ are indicatedseparately , they combine to one resultant in the core which will be downwards at theinstant shown. Thus the secondary terminal voltage is reduced to dt d N V S /22Φ-=which can be considered in two components, i.e. dt d N dt d N V m //2222Φ-Φ-=orvectorially 2222I jX E V -=. As for the primary, 2Φ is responsible for a substantiallyconstant secondary leakage inductance222222/Λ=ΦN i N . It will be noticed that the primary leakage flux is responsible for part of the change in the secondary terminal voltage due to its effects on the mutual flux. The two leakage fluxes are closely related; 2Φ, for example, by its demagnetizing action on m Φ has caused the changes on the primary side which led to the establishment of primary leakage flux.If a low enough leading power factor is considered, the total secondary flux and the mutual flux are increased causing the secondary terminal voltage to rise with load. p Φ is unchanged in magnitude from the no load condition since, neglecting resistance, it still has to provide a total back e.m.f. equal to 1V . It is virtually the same as 11Φ, though now produced by the combined effect of primary and secondary ampere-turns. The mutual flux must still change with load to give a change of 1E and permit more primary current to flow. 1E has increased this time but due to the vector combination with 1V there is still an increase of primary current.Two more points should be made about the figures. Firstly, a unity turns ratio has been assumed for convenience so that '21E E =. Secondly, the physical picture is drawn for a different instant of time from the vector diagrams which show 0=Φm , if the horizontal axis is taken as usual, to be the zero time reference. There are instants in the cycle when primary leakage flux is zero, when the secondary leakage flux is zero, and when primary and secondary leakage flux is zero, and when primary and secondary leakage fluxes are in the same sense.The equivalent circuit already derived for the transformer with the secondary terminals open, can easily be extended to cover the loaded secondary by the addition of the secondary resistance and leakage reactance.Practically all transformers have a turns ratio different from unity although such an arrangement is sometimes employed for the purposes of electrically isolating one circuit from another operating at the same voltage. To explain the case where 21N N ≠ the reaction of the secondary will be viewed from the primary winding. The reaction is experienced only in terms of the magnetizing force due to the secondary ampere-turns. There is no way of detecting from the primary side whether 2I is large and 2N small or vice versa, it is the product of current and turns which causesthe reaction. Consequently, a secondary winding can be replaced by any number of different equivalent windings and load circuits which will give rise to an identical reaction on the primary .It is clearly convenient to change the secondary winding to an equivalent winding having the same number of turns 1N as the primary.With 2N changes to 1N , since the e.m.f.s are proportional to turns, 2212)/('E N N E = which is the same as 1E .For current, since the reaction ampere turns must be unchanged 1222'''N I N I = must be equal to 22N I .i.e. 2122)/(I N N I =.For impedance , since any secondary voltage V becomes V N N )/(21, and secondary current I becomes I N N )/(12, then any secondary impedance, including load impedance, must becomeI V N N I V /)/('/'221=. Consequently,22212)/('R N N R = and 22212)/('X N N X = . If the primary turns are taken as reference turns, the process is called referring to the primary side.There are a few checks which can be made to see if the procedure outlined is valid.For example, the copper loss in the referred secondary winding must be the same as in the original secondary otherwise the primary would have to supply a differentloss power. ''222R I must be equal to 222R I . )222122122/()/(N N R N N I •• does infact reduce to 222R I .Similarly the stored magnetic energy in the leakage field)2/1(2LI which is proportional to 22'X I will be found to check as ''22X I . The referred secondary 2212221222)/()/(''I E N N I N N E I E kVA =•==.The argument is sound, though at first it may have seemed suspect. In fact, if the actual secondary winding was removed physically from the core and replaced by the equivalent winding and load circuit designed to give the parameters 1N ,'2R ,'2X and '2I , measurements from the primary terminals would be unable to detect any difference in secondary ampere-turns, kVA demand or copper loss, under normal power frequency operation.There is no point in choosing any basis other than equal turns on primary andreferred secondary, but it is sometimes convenient to refer the primary to the secondary winding. In this case, if all the subscript 1’s are interchanged for the subscript 2’s, the necessary referring constants are easily found; e.g. 2'1R R ≈,21'X X ≈; similarly 1'2R R ≈ and 12'X X ≈.The equivalent circuit for the general case where 21N N ≠ except that m r hasbeen added to allow for iron loss and an ideal lossless transformation has been included before the secondary terminals to return '2V to 2V .All calculations of internal voltage and power losses are made before this ideal transformation is applied. The behaviour of a transformer as detected at both sets of terminals is the same as the behaviour detected at the corresponding terminals of this circuit when the appropriate parameters are inserted. The slightly different representation showing the coils 1N and 2N side by side with a core in between is only used for convenience. On the transformer itself, the coils are , of course , wound round the same core.Very little error is introduced if the magnetising branch is transferred to the primary terminals, but a few anomalies will arise. For example ,the current shown flowing through the primary impedance is no longer the whole of the primary current.The error is quite small since 0I is usually such a small fraction of 1I . Slightlydifferent answers may be obtained to a particular problem depending on whether or not allowance is made for this error. With this simplified circuit, the primary and referred secondary impedances can be added to give:221211)/(Re N N R R += and 221211)/(N N X X Xe +=It should be pointed out that the equivalent circuit as derived here is only valid for normal operation at power frequencies; capacitance effects must be taken into account whenever the rate of change of voltage would give rise to appreciablecapacitance currents, dt CdV I c /=. They are important at high voltages and atfrequencies much beyond 100 cycles/sec. A further point is not the only possible equivalent circuit even for power frequencies .An alternative , treating the transformer as a three-or four-terminal network, gives rise to a representation which is just as accurate and has some advantages for the circuit engineer who treats all devices as circuit elements with certain transfer properties. The circuit on this basiswould have a turns ratio having a phase shift as well as a magnitude change, and the impedances would not be the same as those of the windings. The circuit would not explain the phenomena within the device like the effects of saturation, so for an understanding of internal behaviour .There are two ways of looking at the equivalent circuit:(a) viewed from the primary as a sink but the referred load impedance connected across '2V ,or(b) viewed from the secondary as a source of constant voltage 1V with internal drops due to 1Re and 1Xe . The magnetizing branch is sometimes omitted in this representation and so the circuit reduces to a generator producing a constant voltage 1E (actually equal to 1V ) and having an internal impedance jX R + (actually equal to 11Re jXe +).In either case, the parameters could be referred to the secondary winding and this may save calculation time .The resistances and reactances can be obtained from two simple light load tests. Introduction to DC MachinesDC machines are characterized by their versatility. By means of various combination of shunt, series, and separately excited field windings they can be designed to display a wide variety of volt-ampere or speed-torque characteristics for both dynamic and steadystate operation. Because of the ease with which they can be controlled , systems of DC machines are often used in applications requiring a wide range of motor speeds or precise control of motor output.The essential features of a DC machine are shown schematically. The stator has salient poles and is excited by one or more field coils. The air-gap flux distribution created by the field winding is symmetrical about the centerline of the field poles. This axis is called the field axis or direct axis.As we know , the AC voltage generated in each rotating armature coil is converted to DC in the external armature terminals by means of a rotating commutator and stationary brushes to which the armature leads are connected. The commutator-brush combination forms a mechanical rectifier, resulting in a DCarmature voltage as well as an armature m.m.f. wave which is fixed in space. The brushes are located so that commutation occurs when the coil sides are in the neutral zone , midway between the field poles. The axis of the armature m.m.f. wave then in 90 electrical degrees from the axis of the field poles, i.e., in the quadrature axis. In the schematic representation the brushes are shown in quarature axis because this is the position of the coils to which they are connected. The armature m.m.f. wave then is along the brush axis as shown.. (The geometrical position of the brushes in an actual machine is approximately 90 electrical degrees from their position in the schematic diagram because of the shape of the end connections to the commutator.)The magnetic torque and the speed voltage appearing at the brushes are independent of the spatial waveform of the flux distribution; for convenience we shall continue to assume a sinusoidal flux-density wave in the air gap. The torque can then be found from the magnetic field viewpoint.The torque can be expressed in terms of the interaction of the direct-axis air-gapflux per pole d Φ and the space-fundamental component 1a F of the armature m.m.f.wave . With the brushes in the quadrature axis, the angle between these fields is 90 electrical degrees, and its sine equals unity. For a P pole machine 12)2(2a d F P T ϕπ=In which the minus sign has been dropped because the positive direction of thetorque can be determined from physical reasoning. The space fundamental 1a F ofthe sawtooth armature m.m.f. wave is 8/2π times its peak. Substitution in above equation then givesa d a a d a i K i m PC T ϕϕπ==2 Where a i =current in external armature circuit;a C =total number of conductors in armature winding;m =number of parallel paths through winding;Andm PC K aa π2=Is a constant fixed by the design of the winding.The rectified voltage generated in the armature has already been discussedbefore for an elementary single-coil armature. The effect of distributing the winding in several slots is shown in figure ,in which each of the rectified sine waves is the voltage generated in one of the coils, commutation taking place at the moment when the coil sides are in the neutral zone. The generated voltage as observed from the brushes is the sum of the rectified voltages of all the coils in series between brushesand is shown by the rippling line labeled a e in figure. With a dozen or socommutator segments per pole, the ripple becomes very small and the average generated voltage observed from the brushes equals the sum of the average values ofthe rectified coil voltages. The rectified voltage a e between brushes, known also asthe speed voltage, ism d a m d a a W K W m PC e ϕϕπ==2 Where a K is the design constant. The rectified voltage of a distributed winding has the same average value as that of a concentrated coil. The difference is that the ripple is greatly reduced.From the above equations, with all variable expressed in SI units:m a a Tw i e =This equation simply says that the instantaneous electric power associated with the speed voltage equals the instantaneous mechanical power associated with the magnetic torque , the direction of power flow being determined by whether the machine is acting as a motor or generator.The direct-axis air-gap flux is produced by the combined m.m.f. f f i N ∑ of the field windings, the flux-m.m.f. characteristic being the magnetization curve for the particular iron geometry of the machine. In the magnetization curve, it is assumed that the armature m.m.f. wave is perpendicular to the field axis. It will be necessary to reexamine this assumption later in this chapter, where the effects of saturation are investigated more thoroughly. Because the armature e.m.f. is proportional to flux times speed, it is usually more convenient to express the magnetization curve in termsof the armature e.m.f. 0a e at a constant speed 0m w . The voltage a e for a given fluxat any other speed m w is proportional to the speed,i.e. 00a m m a e w w e =Figure shows the magnetization curve with only one field winding excited. This curve can easily be obtained by test methods, no knowledge of any design details being required.Over a fairly wide range of excitation the reluctance of the iron is negligible compared with that of the air gap. In this region the flux is linearly proportional to the total m.m.f. of the field windings, the constant of proportionality being the direct-axis air-gap permeance.The outstanding advantages of DC machines arise from the wide variety of operating characteristics which can be obtained by selection of the method of excitation of the field windings. The field windings may be separately excited from an external DC source, or they may be self-excited; i.e., the machine may supply its own excitation. The method of excitation profoundly influences not only the steady-state characteristics, but also the dynamic behavior of the machine in control systems.The connection diagram of a separately excited generator is given. The required field current is a very small fraction of the rated armature current. A small amount of power in the field circuit may control a relatively large amount of power in the armature circuit; i.e., the generator is a power amplifier. Separately excited generators are often used in feedback control systems when control of the armature voltage over a wide range is required. The field windings of self-excited generators may be supplied in three different ways. The field may be connected in series with the armature, resulting in a shunt generator, or the field may be in two sections, one of which is connected in series and the other in shunt with the armature, resulting in a compound generator. With self-excited generators residual magnetism must be present in the machine iron to get the self-excitation process started.In the typical steady-state volt-ampere characteristics, constant-speed primemovers being assumed. The relation between the steady-state generated e.m.f. a Eand the terminal voltage t V isa a a t R I E V -=Where a I is the armature current output and a R is the armature circuitresistance. In a generator, a E is large than t V ; and the electromagnetic torque T is acountertorque opposing rotation.The terminal voltage of a separately excited generator decreases slightly with increase in the load current, principally because of the voltage drop in the armature resistance. The field current of a series generator is the same as the load current, so that the air-gap flux and hence the voltage vary widely with load. As a consequence, series generators are not often used. The voltage of shunt generators drops off somewhat with load. Compound generators are normally connected so that the m.m.f. of the series winding aids that of the shunt winding. The advantage is that through the action of the series winding the flux per pole can increase with load, resulting in a voltage output which is nearly constant. Usually, shunt winding contains many turns of comparatively heavy conductor because it must carry the full armature current of the machine. The voltage of both shunt and compound generators can be controlled over reasonable limits by means of rheostats in the shunt field. Any of the methods of excitation used for generators can also be used for motors. In the typical steady-state speed-torque characteristics, it is assumed that the motor terminals are supplied froma constant-voltage source. In a motor the relation between the e.m.f. a E generated inthe armature and the terminal voltage t V isa a a t R I E V +=Where a I is now the armature current input. The generated e.m.f. a E is nowsmaller than the terminal voltage t V , the armature current is in the oppositedirection to that in a motor, and the electromagnetic torque is in the direction to sustain rotation of the armature.In shunt and separately excited motors the field flux is nearly constant. Consequently, increased torque must be accompanied by a very nearly proportional increase in armature current and hence by a small decrease in counter e.m.f. to allow this increased current through the small armature resistance. Since counter e.m.f. is determined by flux and speed, the speed must drop slightly. Like the squirrel-cage induction motor ,the shunt motor is substantially a constant-speed motor having about 5 percent drop in speed from no load to full load. Starting torque and maximum torque are limited by the armature current that can be commutatedsuccessfully.An outstanding advantage of the shunt motor is ease of speed control. With a rheostat in the shunt-field circuit, the field current and flux per pole can be varied at will, and variation of flux causes the inverse variation of speed to maintain counter e.m.f. approximately equal to the impressed terminal voltage. A maximum speed range of about 4 or 5 to 1 can be obtained by this method, the limitation again being commutating conditions. By variation of the impressed armature voltage, very wide speed ranges can be obtained.In the series motor, increase in load is accompanied by increase in the armature current and m.m.f. and the stator field flux (provided the iron is not completely saturated). Because flux increases with load, speed must drop in order to maintain the balance between impressed voltage and counter e.m.f.; moreover, the increase in armature current caused by increased torque is smaller than in the shunt motor because of the increased flux. The series motor is therefore a varying-speed motor with a markedly drooping speed-load characteristic. For applications requiring heavy torque overloads, this characteristic is particularly advantageous because the corresponding power overloads are held to more reasonable values by the associated speed drops. Very favorable starting characteristics also result from the increase in flux with increased armature current.In the compound motor the series field may be connected either cumulatively, so that its.m.m.f.adds to that of the shunt field, or differentially, so that it opposes. The differential connection is very rarely used. A cumulatively compounded motor has speed-load characteristic intermediate between those of a shunt and a series motor, the drop of speed with load depending on the relative number of ampere-turns in the shunt and series fields. It does not have the disadvantage of very high light-load speed associated with a series motor, but it retains to a considerable degree the advantages of series excitation.The application advantages of DC machines lie in the variety of performance characteristics offered by the possibilities of shunt, series, and compound excitation. Some of these characteristics have been touched upon briefly in this article. Stillgreater possibilities exist if additional sets of brushes are added so that other voltages can be obtained from the commutator. Thus the versatility of DC machine systems and their adaptability to control, both manual and automatic, are their outstanding features.中文翻译负载运行的变压器及直流电机导论通过选择合适的匝数比,一次侧输入电压1V 可任意转换成所希望的二次侧开路电压2E 。
1、外文原文(复印件)A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerTh e si ng le-ch i p mi cr oc om pu ter is t he c ul mi nat i on o f bo th t h e d ev el op me nt o f th e d ig it al com p ut er an d t he int e gr at ed ci rc ui ta r gu ab ly th e t ow m os t s i gn if ic ant i nv en ti on s o f t h e 20t h c en tu ry[1].Th es e to w typ e s of a rc hi te ctu r e ar e fo un d i n s in gl e-ch ip m i cr oc om pu te r. So m e em pl oy t he sp l it p ro gr am/d ata me mo ry o f th e H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re, sh ow n i n -5A, ot he rs fo ll ow th e ph i lo so ph y, w i de ly a da pt ed fo r g en er al-p ur pos e c om pu te rs an d m i cr op ro ce ss or s, o f m a ki ng no lo gi c al di st in ct io n b e tw ee n p ro gr am a n d da t a m em ory a s i n th e Pr in cet o n ar ch it ec tu re,sh ow n in-5A.In g en er al te r ms a s in gl e-chi p m ic ro co mp ut er i sc h ar ac te ri zed b y the i nc or po ra tio n of al l t he uni t s o f a co mp ut er i n to a s in gl e dev i ce, as s ho wn in Fi g3-5A-3.-5A-1 A Harvard type-5A. A conventional Princeton computerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM).R OM i s u su al ly f or th e p er ma ne nt, n o n-vo la ti le s tor a ge o f an a pp lic a ti on s pr og ra m .M an ym i cr oc om pu te rs an d mi cr oc on tr ol le r s a re in t en de d fo r h ig h-v ol ume a p pl ic at io ns a nd h en ce t he e co nom i ca l ma nu fa ct ure of t he d ev ic es r e qu ir es t ha t the co nt en ts o f the pr og ra m me mo ry b e co mm it te dp e rm an en tl y d ur in g th e m an uf ac tu re o f c hi ps . Cl ear l y, th is im pl ie sa ri g or ou s a pp roa c h t o R OM co de d e ve lo pm en t s in ce c ha ng es ca nn otb e m ad e af te r man u fa ct ur e .T hi s d e ve lo pm en t pr oce s s ma y in vo lv e e m ul at io n us in g a s op hi st ic at ed deve lo pm en t sy st em w i th a ha rd wa re e m ul at io n ca pa bil i ty a s we ll a s th e u se of po we rf ul so ft wa re t oo ls.So me m an uf act u re rs p ro vi de ad d it io na l RO M opt i on s byi n cl ud in g i n th ei r ra ng e de vi ce s wi th (or i nt en de d fo r us e wi th) u s er pr og ra mm ab le m em or y. Th e s im p le st of th es e i s us ua ll y d ev ice w h ic h ca n op er ate in a m ic ro pr oce s so r mo de b y usi n g so me o f th e i n pu t/ou tp ut li ne s as a n ad dr es s an d da ta b us f or acc e ss in g e xt er na l m e mo ry. T hi s t ype o f d ev ic e c an b e ha ve fu nc ti on al l y a s t he si ng le c h ip mi cr oc om pu te r fr om wh ic h i t i s de ri ve d a lb eit w it h r es tr ic ted I/O an d a mo di fie d e xt er na l ci rcu i t. T he u se o f t h es e RO Ml es sd e vi ce s is c om mo n e ve n in p ro du ct io n c ir cu it s wh er e t he v ol um e do es n o t ju st if y th e d e ve lo pm en t co sts of c us to m on-ch i p RO M[2];t he re c a n st il l b e a si g ni fi ca nt s a vi ng in I/O a nd ot he r c hi ps co mp ar ed t o a c on ve nt io nal mi cr op ro ce ss or b as ed c ir cu it. M o re e xa ctr e pl ac em en t fo r RO M d ev ic es c an b e o bt ai ne d in t he f o rm o f va ri an ts w i th 'pi gg y-ba ck'EP RO M(Er as ab le p ro gr am ma bl e ROM)s oc ke ts o rd e vi ce s w it h EP ROM i ns te ad o f R OM 。
电气专业毕业设计英文文献电气专业毕业设计英文文献外文资料与中文翻译外文资料:Relay protection present situation anddevelopment一、Relay protection development present situationElectrical power system's swift development to the relay protection proposed unceasingly the new request, the electronic technology, the computer technology and communication's swift development unceasingly has infused the new vigor for the relay protection technology's development, therefore, the relay protection technology is advantageous, has completed the development 4 historical stage in 40 remaining years of time.After the founding of the nation, our country relay protection discipline, the relay protection design, the relay factory industry and the relay protection technical team grows out of nothing, has passed through the path which in about 10 year the advanced countries half century pass through. In the 50s, our country engineers and technicians creatively absorption, the digestion, have grasped the overseas advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement technology [1], completed one to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich service experience's relay protection technical team, and grew the instruction function to the national relay protection technical team's establishment. The Achengrelay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay technique of manufacture, has established our country own relay manufacturing industry.Therefore our country has completed the relay protection research, the design, the manufacture, the movement and the teaching complete system in the 60s. This is the mechanical and electrical -like relay protection prosperous time, was our country relay protection technology development has laid the solid foundation.From the late 50s, the transistor relay protection was starting to study. In the 60s to the 80s in is the time which the transistor relay protection vigorous development and widely uses. And the Tianjin University and the Nanjing Electric power Automation Plant cooperation research's 500kv transistor direction high frequency protection develops with the Nanjing Electric power Automation Research institute the transistor high frequency block system is away from the protection, moves on the Gezhou Dam 500 kv lines [2], finished the 500kv line protection to depend upon completely from the overseas import time.From the 70s, started based on the integration operational amplifier's integrated circuit protection to study. Has formed the complete series to the late 80s integrated circuit protection, substitutes for the transistor protection gradually. The development which, the production, the application protected to the early 90s integrated circuit were still in the dominant position, this was theintegrated circuit protection time. The integrated circuit power frequency change quantity direction which develops in this aspect Nanjing Electric power Automation Research institute high frequency protected the influential role [3], the Tianjin University and the Nanjing Electric power Automation Plant cooperation development's integrated circuit phase voltage compensation type direction high frequency protection alsomoved in many 220kv and on the 500kv line.Our country namely started the computer relay protection research from the late 70s [4], the institutions of higher learning and the scientific research courtyard institute forerunner's function. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the Southeast University, the North China electric power institute, Xi'an Jiaotong University, the Tianjin University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Chongqing University and the Nanjing Electric power Automation Research institute one after another has developed the different principle, the different pattern microcomputer protective device. in 1984 the original North China electric power institute developed the transmission line microcomputer protective device first through the appraisal, and obtained the application in the system [5], has opened in our country relay protection history the new page, protected the promotion for the microcomputer to pave the way. In the main equipment protection aspect, the generator which the Southeast University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology develops loses magnetism protection, the generator protection and the generator? Bank of transformers protectionalso one after another in 1989, in 1994 through appraisal, investment movement. The Nanjing Electric power Automation Research institute develops microcomputer line protective device alsoin 1991 through appraisal. Tianjin University and Nanjing Electric power Automation Plant cooperation development microcomputer phase voltage compensation type direction high frequency protection, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Xuchang relay factory cooperation development positive sequence breakdown component direction high frequencyprotection also one after another in 1993, in 1996 through appraisal. Hence, the different principle, the different type's microcomputer line and the main equipment protect unique, provided one group of new generation performance for the electrical power system to be fine, the function was complete, operation reliable relay protection installment. Along with the microcomputer protective device's research, in microcomputer aspects and so on protection software, algorithm has also made many theory progresses. May say that started our country relay protection technology from the 90s to enter the time which the microcomputer protected.二、future development of Relay protectionThe future trend of relay protection technology is to computerization, networking is intelligent, protect, control, measure and data communication developing by integration. The principles of protection of electric power circuits are quite independent of the relay designs which may be applied. For example, if the current to an electriccircuit or a machine is greater than that which can be tolerated, it is necessary to take remedial action. The device for recognizing the condition and initiating corrective measures would be termed as an over-current relay regardless of the mechanists by whichthe function would be accomplished. Because the functions of electromechanical devices are easily described, their performance wills ever as a basis for presenting a description of relays and relay systemsin general.Relays must have the following characteristics: Reliability---The nature of the problem is that the relay may be idle for periods extending into years and then be required tooperatewith fast responds, as intended, the first time. The penalty for failure to operate properly may run into millions of dollars.Selectivity---The relay must not respond to abnormal, but harmless, system conditions such as switching transients or sudden changes in load.Sensitivity---The relay must not fail to operate, even in borderline situations, when operation was planned.Speed---The relay should make the decision to act as close to instantaneously as possible. If intentional time delay is available, it should be predictable and precisely adjustable.Instantaneous---The term means no intentional time delay.There are several possible ways to classify relays: by function, by construction, by application. Relays are one of two basic types of construction: electromagnetic or solid-state. The electromagnetic type relies on the development of electromagnetic forces on movable members,which provide switching action by physically opening or closing sets of contacts. The solid state variety provides switching action with no physical motion by changing the state of serially connected solid state component from no conducting to conducting(or vice versa). Electromagnetic relays are older and more widely used; solid state relays are more versatile, potentially more reliable, and fast.1)ComputerizationWith swift and violent development of computer hardware, computer protect hardware develop constantly even. The power system is improving to the demand that the computer protects constantly, besides basic function protected, should with trouble information of the large capacity and data the long-term parkingspace also, fast data processing function, strong communication capacity, network in order to share the whole system data , information , ability , network of resource with other protection , control device , dispatcher, high-level language programming ,etc.. This requires computer protector to have function which is equivalent to a pc machine. In computer is it develop initial stage to protect, is it make with one minicom relay protection install to imagine. Because the small-scale organism was accumulated greatly, with high costs at that time, dependability was bad, this imagined it was unrealistic . Now, exceed the minicomputer of those years greatly with computer protector size similar worker function , speed , memory capacity of accusing of machine, so make with complete sets of worker person who accuse of opportunity of relay protection already ripe, this will be one of the developing direction that a computer is protected . Tianjin university is it spend whom transformation act as continue the electric protector with computer protector structure self-same one worker person whoaccuse of to develop into already. The advantage of this kind of device is as follows, (1)it have functions of 486pc,it can meet to at present and it is various kinds of function demand where computerprotect future. (2)The size and structure are similar to present computer protector , the craft is superior, takes precautions against earthquakes , defends overheatedly and defending the electromagnetic ability of interfering strongly, can operate it in very abominable working environment , the cost is acceptable.(3)Adopting std bus or pc bus, hardware module , can select different module for use to different protection wantonly , it is flexible , easy to expand to dispose.It is an irreversible development trend to continue the computer , computerization of the electric protector. But to how better meet power system demand, how about raise the dependability of relay protection further, how make heavy economic benefits and social benefit, need carry on concrete deep research.2) NetworkedComputer network become the technological pillar of information age as message and data communication tool, made the mankind producing , basic change has taken place in the appearance with social life. It isinfluencing each industrial field deeply, has offered the powerful communication means for each industrial field too. Up till now, except that protect differentially and unite protecting vertically, all continue electric protector can only react that protect the electric quantity of installing office. The function of relay protection is only limited to excising the trouble component too , narrow the accident coverage. This mainly lack the powerful data communication means. Having already put forward the concept protected systematically abroad, this meant the safe automatics mainly at that time. Because the function of relay protection is not only limited to excising the trouble component and restriction accident coverage (this is primary task), the peace and steadiness that will be guaranteed the whole system run . This require each protect unit can share the whole operation and data , trouble of information of system, each protect unit and coincident floodgate device coordination on the basis of analysing the information and data, guarantee systematic peace and steadiness run . Obviously , realize the primary condition that system protect the whole system every protector of capitalequipment link with the computer network, namely the one that realized the computer protector is networked. This is totally possible under present technological condition .To general protecting systematically , realize the computer networking of the protector has a very great advantage too. It continue electric trouble not the less many in information not systematic can receiving protector ,for trouble nature , judgement and the trouble,trouble of position from measuring the less accurate. Protect to self-adaptation research of principle pass long time very already , make certain achievement too, but should really realize protecting the self-adaptation to the operation way of the system and trouble state, must obtain more system operating and trouble information , the computer that only realizes protecting is networked, could accomplish this . As to the thing that some protectors realize computer networking , can improve the dependability protected . Tianjin Sanxia vltrahigh voltage many return circuit bus bar , 500kv of power station , put forward one distributed principle that bus bar protected to future 1993 such as university, succeed in developing this kind of device tentatively. Principle its bus bar is it disperse several (with protect into bus bar back to way the same ) bus bar protect Entrance to protect traditional concentration type, disperse and install it in every return circuit is protected and rejected , each protect the unit to link with the computer network, each one protects the electric current amount that the unit only inputs a return circuit , after changing it into figure amount, convey to the protection units of other return circuits through the computer network, each protect the unit according to the electric current amount of this return circuit and electric current amount of other return circuits gotfrom computer network, carry on bus bar differential calculation that protect, if result of calculation prove bus bar trouble jump format return circuit circuit breaker only, isolate the bus bar of the trouble. At the time of the trouble outside the bus bar district , each protect the unit and calculate for movements of the external trouble. This kind protect principle by distributed bus barthat network realize with computer, bus bar protect principle have higher dependability than traditional concentration type. Because if one protect unit interfere or mistake in computation and when working up by mistake, can only jump format return circuit , can is it make bus bar to be whole of malignant accident that excise to cause wrong, this is very important to systematic pivot with supervoltage bus bar of hydropower station like SanxiaCan know computer protector networked to can raise and protect the performance and dependability greatly while being above-mentioned, this is an inexorable trend that a computer protects development 3) Protect , control , measure , data communication integratesOn terms that realize computerization of relay protection and networked, the protector is a high performance , multi-functional computer in fact, it is a intelligent terminal on the computer network of whole power system. It can obtain any information and data of operating and trouble of the power system from network , can convey network control centre or any terminal function , and can also finish the measurement , control , data communication function in there is no normal running of trouble cases, namely realize protecting ,controlling , measuring , data communication integrates.At present, for measurement, need that protects and controlling, all equipment of the outdoor transformer substation, two voltage, electric current of voltage transformer, circuit,etc. must with control cable guide to the top management room for instance. Lay control cable take a large amount of investment, make the very much complicated returncircuit 2 times in a large amount. But if above-mentioned protection, control, measure, data communication integrated computer device, install in to is it by the equipment , protect into voltage , electric current amount of equipment in device this after changing into the figure amount to protect outdoor transformer substation on the spot, send to the top management room through the computer network, can avoid a large number of controlcables . If use optic fibre as the transmission medium of the network , can avoid and interfere electromagnetically. The photocurrent mutual inductor of now (ota ) and photovoltage mutual inductor (otv ) have been already during the course of studying and testing, must get application in the power system in the future. In case of adopting ota and otv, namely should be putting and is being protected near the equipment.After the optical signals of ota and otv are input in the integrated device here and changes into an electric signal, what is on one hand uses as being protected calculation is judged ; As measurement amount on the other hand, send to the top management room through the network. Can to protect operation of equipment control order send this integrated device to through network from top management room, therefore the integrated device carries out the operation of the circuit breaker. The university of Tianjin put forward protecting,controlled , measured , communication integration in 1992, develop based on tms320c25 digital signal processor (dsp ) first protecting , control , measure , the integrated device of data communication.4)IntelligentIn recent years, if artificial intelligence technology neural network, hereditary algorithm, evolve plan , fuzzy logic ,etc. get application in power system all field, the research that is used in the field of relay protection has already begun too. Neural network one non-linear method that shine upon, a lot of difficult to list equation or difficult in order to the complicated non-linear question that is solved, use the method of the neural network to be very easily solved .For example the short circuit of crossing the resistance of courseof emergence is a non-linear problem in transmit electricity in the systematic electric potential angle of both sides of line and lay cases, it is very difficult to make discrimination , trouble of position while being correct for distance to protect, is it work up or is it work up to refuse by mistake to lead to the fact; If use neural network method, through a large number of trouble training of sample, so long as sample centralized to fully consider various kinds of situations, can differentiate correctly while any trouble takes place. Other if hereditary algorithm , is it is it have is it solve complicated abilityof problem to asking unique their too to plan to evolve. Artificial intelligence the being method proper to is it can make it solve speed to be fast not to ask to combine. Can predict , the artificial intelligence technology must get application in the field of relay protection, in order to solve the problem difficult to solvewith the routine method.中文翻译:继电保护的现状与发展一、继电保护发展现状电力系统的飞速发展对继电保护不断提出新的要求,电子技术、计算机技术与通信技术的飞速发展又为继电保护技术的发展不断地注入了新的活力,因此,继电保护技术得天独厚,在40余年的时间里完成了发展的4个历史阶段。
Power Supply and Distribution SystemABSTRACT: The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towardscustomers..The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricityusing on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off.KEYWORDS:power supply and distribution, power distribution reliability,reactive compensation, load distributionThe revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electricknowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg. weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by example and made to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply to the distribution network under considering the situation in such factors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, over-voltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by reactance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed through the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using auto-tracking compensate device and using the line protection with the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of all kind of grounding modesabout l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and international technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security, security of equipment and interference of communication. The application of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not only in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system..The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network con-struction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. The thesis analyses on the economic and the reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line modes existed in the electric distribution net in foshan..First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribution net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on the line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsection, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building up the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces different power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation and analyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it makes analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different line modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, the thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guideline for the programming design of the lOkV electricdistribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficiently-worked electric distribution net.References[1] Wencheng Su. Factories power supply [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House. 1999.9[2] Jiecai Liu. Factories power supply design guidance [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House.1999.12[3] Power supply and distribution system design specifications[S].China plans Press. 1996[4] Low-voltage distribution design specifications [S].China plans Press. 1996.6Relay protection development present situationInstitution:Tianjin Electric Power Association[Abstract]reviewed our country electrical power system relay protec tion technological development process,has outlined the microcomputer re lay protection technology achievement,proposed the future relay prote ction technological development tendency will be: Computerizes, networked, protects, the control, the survey, the data comm unication integration and the artificial intellectualization.[ Key word ] relay protection present situation developme nt,relay protections future development1 relay protection development present situationThe electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection proposed unceasingly the new request, the electr onic technology, computer technology and the communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology development, therefore, the relay protection technology is advantageous, has completed the development 4 historical stage in more than 40 years time.After the founding of the nation, our country relay prot ection discipline, the relay protection design, the relay man ufacture industry and the relay protection technical team gro ws out of nothing, has passed through the path in about 10 years which advanced countries half century passes through. The 50's, our country engineers and technicians creatively absorption, the digestion, have grasped the overseas advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement tech nology , completed to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich movement experience relay protectio n technical team, and grew the instruction function to the national relay protection technical team's establishment. The acheng relay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay manufacture technology, has establ ished our country relay manufacturing industry. Thus our coun try has completed the relay protection research, the design, the manufacture, the movement and the teaching complete sys tem in the 60's. This is a time which the mechanical and electrical relay protection prospers, was our country relay p rotection technology development has laid the solid foundation .From the end of the 50's, the transistor relay protectio n was starting to study. In the 60's to the 80's in arethe times which the transistor relay protection vigorous deve lopment and widely uses. Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation research 500kv tra nsistor direction high frequency protection the transistor hig h frequency block system which develops with the Nanjing ele ctric power automation research institute is away from the p rotection, moves on the Gezhou Dam 500 kv line , finished the 500kv line protection to depend upon completely from the overseas import time.From the 70's, started based on the integration operation al amplifier integrated circuit protection to study. Has form ed the complete series to at the end of 80's integrated ci rcuit protection,substitutes for the transistor protection grad ually. The development, the production, the application the i ntegrated circuit protects which to the beginning of the 90' s still were in the dominant position, this was the integrated circuit protection ti me. The integrated electricity road work frequency conversion quantity direction develops which in this aspect Nanjing el ectric power automation research institute high frequency prot ected the vital role , the Tianjin University and the Nanji ng electric power automation plant cooperation development int egrated circuit phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection also moves in multi- strip 220kv a nd on the 500kv line.Our country namely started the computer relay protection research from the end of the 70's , the institutions of hi gher learning and the scientific research courtyard instituteforerunner's function. Huazhong University of Science and Te chnology, southeast the university, the North China electric power institute, the Xian Jiaotong University, the Tianjin Un iversity, Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Chongqing Universit y and the Nanjing electric power automation research institut e one after another has all developed the different principl e, the different pattern microcomputer protective device. In 1984 the original North China electric power institute develo ped the transmission line microcomputer protective device firs t through the appraisal, and in the system the find applica tion, had opened in our country relay protection history the new page, protected the promotion for the microcomputer to pave the way. In the host equipment protection aspect, the generator which southeast the university and Huazhong Univer sity of Science and Technology develops loses magnetism prote ction, the generator protection and the generator?Bank of tra nsformers protection also one after another in 1989, in 1994 through appraisal, investment movement. The Nanjing electric power automation research institute develops microcomputer li ne protective device also in 1991 through appraisal. The Tia njin University and the Nanjing electric power automation pla nt cooperation development microcomputer phase voltage compensa ted the type direction high frequency protection, the Xian J iaotong University and the Xu Chang relay factory cooperation development positive sequence breakdown component direction h igh frequency protection also one after another in 1993, in 1996 through the appraisal. Heres, the different principle, the different type microcomputer line and the host equipmen t protect unique, provided one batch of new generation ofperformance for the electrical power system fine, the funct ion has been complete, the work reliable relay protection in stallment. Along with the microcomputer protective device rese arch, in microcomputer aspect and so on protection software, algorithm has also yielded the very many theories result. May say started our country relay protection technology from the 90's to enter the time which the microcomputer protect ed.2 relay protections future developmentThe relay protection technology future the tendency will be to computerizes, networked, the intellectualization, will p rotect, the control, the survey and the data communication i ntegration development. 2.1 computerizesAlong with the computer hardware swift and violent develo pment, the microcomputer protection hardware also unceasingly is developing. The original North China electric power instit ute develops the microcomputer line protection hardware has e xperienced 3 development phases: Ispublished from 8 lists cpu structure microcomputer prote ction, does not develop to 5 years time to the multi- cpu structure, latter developed to the main line does not leav e the module the big modular structure, the performance enha nces greatly, obtained the widespread application. Huazhong Un iversity of Science and Technology develops the microcomputer protection also is from 8 cpu, develops to take the labor controlling machine core partially as the foundation 32 mic rocomputers protection.The Nanjing electric power automation research institute f rom the very beginning has developed 16 cpu is the foundati on microcomputer line protection, obtained the big area promo tion, at present also is studying 32 protections hardware sy stem. Southeast the university develops the microcomputer host equipment protects the hardware also passed through improved and the enhancement many times. The Tianjin University from the very beginning is the development take more than 16 c pu as the foundation microcomputer line protection, in 1988 namely started to study take 32 digital signals processor (d sp) as the foundation protection, the control, the survey in tegration microcomputer installment, at present cooperated with the Zhuhai Jin automatic equipment company develops one kin d of function complete 32 big modules, a module was a mini computer. Uses 32 microcomputers chips only to focus by no means on the precision, because of the precision the a/d sw itch resolution limit, is surpassed time 16 all is accepts with difficulty in the conversion rate and the cost aspect;32 microcomputers chips have the very high integration rate more importantly, very high operating frequency and computat ion speed, very big addressing space, rich command system an d many inputs outlet. The cpu register, the data bus, the address bus all are 32, has the memory management function, the memory protection function and the duty transformation function, and (cache) and the floating number part all integ rates the high speed buffer in cpu.The electrical power system the request which protects to the microcomputer enhances unceasingly, besides protection ba sic function, but also should have the large capacity breakdown information and the data long-term storage space, the fa st data processing function, the formidable traffic capacity, with other protections, the control device and dispatches t he networking by to share the entire system data, the infor mation and the network resources ability, the higher order l anguage programming and so on. This requests the microcompute r protective device to have is equal to a pc machine funct ion. In the computer protection development initial period, o nce conceived has made the relay protection installment with a minicomputer. At that time because the small machine vol ume big, the cost high, the reliability was bad, this tenta tive plan was not realistic. Now, with the microcomputer pro tective device size similar labor controlling machine function , the speed, the storage capacity greatly has surpassed the same year small machine, therefore, made the relay protecti on with complete set labor controlling machine the opportunit y already to be mature, this will be one of development di rections which the microcomputer protected. The Tianjin Univer sity has developed the relay protection installment which Che ng Yongtong microcomputer protective device structure quite sa me not less than one kind of labor controlling machine perf orms to change artificially becomes. This kind of equipment merit includes: has the 486pc machine complete function, ca n satisfy each kind of function request which will protect to current and the future microcomputer. size and structure and present microcomputer protective device similar, the cra ft excellent, quakeproof, guards against has been hot, guards against electronmagetic interference ability, may move in th e very severe working conditions, the cost may accept. uses the std main line or the pc main line,the hardware modulation, may select the different module wilfully regarding the different protection, the disposition nimble, is easy to expand.Relay protection installment , computerizes is the irrever sible development tendency. How but to satisfies the electric al power system request well, how further enhances the relay protection the reliability, how obtains the bigger economic efficiency and the social efficiency, still must conduct sp ecifically the thorough research. 2.2 networkedThe computer network has become the information age as t he information and the data communication tool the technical prop, caused the human production and the social life appe arance has had the radical change. It profoundly is affectin g each industry domain, also has provided the powerful means of communication for each industry domain. So far, besides the differential motion protection and the vertical associat ion protection, all relay protections installment all only ca n respond the protection installment place electricity spirit. The relay protection function also only is restricted in t he excision breakdown part, reduces the accident to affect t he scope. This mainly is because lacks the powerful data co mmunication method. Overseas already had proposed the system protection concept, this in mainly referred to the safe auto matic device at that time. Because the relay protection func tion not only is restricted in the excision breakdown part and the limit accident affects the scope (this is most impo rtant task), but also must guarantee the entire system thesecurity stable movement. This requests each protection unit all to be able to share the entire system the movement and the breakdown information data, each protection unit and th e superposition brake gear in analyze these information and in the data foundation the synchronized action, guarantees th e system the security stable movement. Obviously, realizes th is kind of system protection basic condition is joins the e ntire system each main equipment protective device with the computer network, that is realization microcomputer protective device networked. This under the current engineering factor is completely possible.Regarding the general non- system protection, the realizat ion protective device computer networking also has the very big advantage. The relay protection equipment can obtain syst em failure information more, then to the breakdown nature, t he breakdown position judgment and the breakdown distance exa mination is more accurate. Passed through the very long time to the auto-adapted protection principle research, also has yielded the certain result, but must realize truly protects to the system movement way and the malfunction auto-adapted , must obtain the more systems movement and the breakdown i nformation, only then realization protection computer networked , can achieve this point.Regarding certain protective device realization computer ne tworkings, also can enhance the protection the reliability. T he Tianjin University in 1993 proposed in view of the futur e Three Gorges hydroelectric power station 500kv ultrahigh vo ltage multi- return routes generatrix one kind of distributional generatrix protection principle, developed successfully thi s kind of equipment initially. Its principle is disperses th e traditional central generatrix protection certain (with to protect generatrix to return way to be same) the generatrix protection unit, the dispersible attire is located in on v arious return routes protection screen, each protection unit joins with the computer network, each protection unit only i nputs this return route the amperage, after transforms it the digital quantity, transmits through the comput er network for other all return routes protection unit, each protection unit acts according to this return route the am perage and other all return routes amperage which obtains fr om the computer network, carries on the generatrix differenti al motion protection the computation, if the computed result proof is the generatrix interior breakdown then only jumps the book size return route circuit breaker, Breakdown gener atrix isolation. When generatrix area breakdown, each protecti on unit all calculates for exterior breakdown does not act. This kind the distributional generatrix protection principle which realizes with the computer network, has the high rel iability compared to the traditional central generatrix protec tion principle. Because if a protection unit receives the di sturbance or the miscalculation when moves by mistake, only can wrongly jump the book size return route, cannot create causes the generatrix entire the malignant accident which exc ises, this regarding looks like the Three Gorges power plant to have the ultrahigh voltage generatrix the system key po sition to be extremely important.By above may know, microcomputer protective device may enhance the protection performance and the reliability greatly , this is the microcomputer protection development inevitable trend. 2.3 protections, control, survey, data communication integrationsIn realization relay protection computerizing with under the condition, the protective device is in fact a high pe rformance, the multi-purpose computer, is in an entire electr ical power system computer network intelligent terminal. It m ay gain the electrical power system movement and breakdown a ny information and the data from the net, also may protect the part which obtains it any information and the data tr ansfer for the network control center or no matter what a terminal. Therefore, each microcomputer protective device not only may complete the relay protection function, moreover in does not have in the breakdown normal operation situation also to be possible to complete the survey, the control, th e data communication function, that is realization protection, control, survey, data communication integration.At present, in order to survey, the protection and the control need, outdoor transformer substation all equipment, li ke the transformer, the line and so on the secondary voltag e, the electric current all must use the control cable to direct to . Lays the massive control cable not only must m assively invest, moreover makes the secondary circuit to be extremely complex. But if the above protection, the control, the survey, the data communication integration computer inst allation, will install in outdoor transformer substation by t。
An Expert System for Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Dissolved Gas Analysis1. INTRODUCTIONThe power transformer is a major apparatus in a power system, and its correct functioning its vital to minimize system outages, many devices have evolved to monitor the serviceability of power transformers. These devices, such as, Buchholz relays or differential relays, respond only to a severe power failure requiring immediate removal of the transformer from service, in which case, outages are inevitable. Thus, preventive techniques for early detection faults to avoid outages would be valuable. In this way, analysis of the mixture of the faulty gases dissolved in insulation oil of power transformer has received worldwide recognition as an effective method for the detection of oncipient faults. Many researchers and electrical utilities have reported on their experience and developed interpretative criteria on the basis of DGA. However, criteria tend to vary from utility to utility. Therefore, transformer diagnosis is still in the heuristic stage. For this reason, knowledge-based programming is a suitable approach to implement in such a diagnostic problem.Based on the interpretation of DGA, a prototype of an expert system for diagnosis of suspected transformer faults and their maintenance procedures is proposed. The significant source in this knowledge base is the gas ratio method. Some limitations of this approach are overcome by incorporating the diagnostic procedure and the synthetic expertise method. Furthermore, data bases adopted from TPC'S gas records of transformers are incorporated into the expert system to increase the practical performance. Uncertainty of diagnosis is managed by using fuzzy set concepts. This expert system is constructed with rule based knowledge representation, since it can be expressed by experts. The expert system building tool,knowledge Engineering System(KES), is used in the development of the knowledge system because, it has excellent man-machine interface that provides suggestions. Moreover,its inference strategy is similar to the MYCIN. A famous rule-based expert system used for medical diagnosis. The uncertainty of human qualitative diagnostic expertise, e.g., key gasanalysis, and another quantitative imprecision, such as, norms threshold and gas ratio boundaries etc., are smoothed by appropriate fuzzy models. With the results of such implementation, different certainty factors will be assigned to the corresponding expertise variables. Both event-driven(forward chaining) and goal-driven (backward chaining) inferences are used in the inference engine to improve the inference efficiency. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed expert system, around hundreds of TPC historical gas records have been tested. It is found that more appropriate faulty types and maintenance suggestions can support the maintenance personals to increase the performance of transformer diagnosis.2. DEVELOPMENT OF DIAGNOSIS AND INTERPRETATIONLike many diagnostic problems, diagnosis of oil-immersed power transformer is a skilled task. A transformer may function well externally with monitors, while some incipient deterioration may occur internally to cause a fatal problem in the latter development. According to a Japanese experience, nearly 80% of all faults result from incipient deteriorations. Therefore, faults should be identified and avoided at the earliest possible stage by some predictive maintenance technique. DGA is one of the most popular techniques for this problem. Fault gases in transformers are generally produced by oil degradation and other insulating material, e.g., cellulose and paper. Theoretically, if an incipient or active fault is present, the individual dissolved gas concentration, gassing rate, total combustible gas(TCG) and cellulose degradation are all significantly increased. By using gas chromatography to analyse the gas dissolved in a transformer's insulating oil, it becomes feasible to judge the incipient fault types. This study is concerned with the following representative combustible gases; hydrogen(H2), methane(C2H2), ethane(C2H6), ethylene(C2H2) and carbon monoxide(C0).Many interpretative methods based on DGA to the nature of incipient deterioration have been reported. Even under normal transformer operational conditions, some of these gases may be formed inside. Thus, it is necessary to build concentration norms from a sufficiently large sampling to assess the statistics. TPC investigated gas data from power transformers to construct its criteria. The developedknowledge base in this paper is partially based on these data. On the hand, Dornerburg developed a method to judge different faults by rating pairs of concentrations of gases, e.g., CH/H, GH/C3H4, with approximately equal solubility and fusion coefficients. Rogers established mare comprehensive ratio codes to interpret the thermal fault types with theoretical thermodynamic assessments. This gas ratio method was promising because it eliminated the effect of oil volume and simplified the choice of units. Moreover, it systematically classified the diagnosis expertise in a table form. Table 1 displays the ratio method as proposed by Rogers. The dissolved gas may vary with the nature and severity of different faults. By analyzing the energy density of faults, it's possible to distinguish three basic fault processes:overheating(pyrolysis), corona(partial dischatge) and arcing discharge. Corona and arcing arise from electrical faults, while overheating is a thermal fault. Both types of faults my lead to deterioration, while damage from overheating is typically less than that from electrical stress. Infect, different gas trends lead to different faulty types, the key gas method is identified. For example, large amounts of CH and H are produced with minor arcing fault 4 quantities of CH 2aid C2H2 may bea symptom of an arcing fault.3.THE PROPOSED DIAGNOSTIC EXPERT SYSTEMThis study is aimed at developing a rule-based expert system to perform transformer diagnosis similar to a human expert. The details of system processing are described below.3.1 The Proposed Diagnostic MethodDiagnosis is a task that requires experience. It is unwise to determine an approach from only a few investigations. Therefore, this study uses the synthetic expertise method with the experienced procedure to assist the popular gas ratio method and complete practical performance.3.1.1 Experienced Diagnostic ProcedureThe overall procedure of routine maintenance for transformers is listed. The core of this procedure is based on the implementation of the DGA technique. The gas ratio method is the significant knowledge source. Some operational limitations of the gasratio method exist. The ratio table is unable to cover all possible cases. Minimum levels of gases must be present. The solid insulation involving CO and CO are handled separately and the gas ratio codes have been developed mainly from a free-breathing transformer. Other diagnostic expertise should be used to assist this method. Norms, synthetic expertise method and data base records have been incorporated to complete these limitations. The first step of this diagnostic procedure begins by asking DGA for an oil sample to be tested. More important relevant information about the transformer's condition, such as the voltage level, the preservative type, the on-line-tap-changer(OLTC) state, the operating period and degassed time must be known for further inference. Norms(criteria) Set up by TPC power transformers' gas characteristic data are then used to judge the transformers' condition. For the abnormal cases, the gas ratio method is used to diagnose transformer fault type. If different or unknown diagnosis results are found from these ratio methods, a further synthetic expertise method is adopted. After these procedures, different severity degrees are assigned to allow appropriate corresponding maintenance suggestions.3.1.2 Synthetic Expertise MethodThe ratio trend, norms threshold, key gas analysis and some expertise are considered as different evidences to confirm some special fault types. In other words, more significant evidences have been collected for some special fault type, better assessment of the transformer status is obtained.The ratio trend can be seen as a modification of the conventional gas ratio and key gas method.Obviously, the above gas trends should be incorporated with other evidences under the experienced procedure for practical use. Norms threshold, the gassing rate, the quantity of total combustible gas(TCG), the TPC maintenance expertise and the fuzzy set assignment are all important evidences considered in the synthetic diagnosis.Other expertise based on a transformer historical data base is also used to analyse the characteristics of a case transformer. Section 3.4 gives some details of these rules.3.2 Expert System StructureThe proposed diagnostic expert system is composed of components, working memory, a knowledge base, an inference engine and a man-machine interface. Working memory (global data base) contains the current data relevant to solve the present problem. In this study, most of the diagnostic variables stored in the data base are current gas concentration, some are from the user, others are retrieved from the transformer's historical data base. Note that the fuzzy set concept is incorporated to create fuzzy variables on the request of system reasoning. A knowledge relationship, which uses these facts, as the basis for decision making. The production rule used in this system is expressed in IF-THEN forms. A successful expert system depends on a high quality knowledge base. For this transformer diagnostic system, the knowledge base incorporates some popular interpretative methods of DGA, synthetic expertise method and heuristic maintenance rules. Section 3.4 will describe this knowledge base. Another special consideration in the expert system is its inference engine. The inference engine controls the strategies of reasoning and searching for appropriate knowledge. The reasoning strategy employs both forward chaining(data-driven) and backward chaining(goal-driven). Fuzzy rules, norms rules, gas ratio rules, synthetic expertise rules and some of the maintenance rules and some maintenance rules, use forward chaining.As for the searching strategy in KES, the depth first searching and short-circuit evaluation are adopted. The former can improve the search efficiency by properly arranging the location of significant rules in the inference procedures. The latter strategy only searches the key conditional statements in the antecedent that are responsible for establishing whether the entire rule is true or false. Taking the advantages of these two approaches in the building and structuring of a knowledge base improves inference efficiency significantly.As for man-machine interface. KES has an effective interface which is better than typical knowledge programming languages, such as, PROLOG or LISP. With the help of this interface, the capability of tracing, explaining and training in an expert system is greatly simplified.4.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED EXPERT SYSTEMAn expert system is developed based on the proposed interpretative rules and diagnostic procedures of the overall system. To demonstrate the feasibility of this expert system in diagnosis, the gas data supported by MTL of TPC have been tested. In Taiwan, the MTL of TPC performs the DGA and sends the results to all acting divisions relating to power transformers. In return, these acting divisions are requested to collect and supply their transformer oil samples periodically.After analysing oil samples, more than ten years' worthy gas records are collected and classified into three voltage level, 69KV, 16KV and 345KV. Thus, gas records for one transformer are composed of several groups of data. In the process of DGA interpretation, all of these data may be considered, but only the recent data which have significant effects on diagnosis are listed in the later demonstration. In MTL, all gas concentrations are expressed by pm in volume concentration. 100 pm is equal to 0.01 ml(gas)/100ml(oil).From the expertise of diagnosis, the normal state can be confirmed only by inspection of the transformer's norms level. In practice, most of the transformer oil samples are normal, and this can be inferred successfully on the early execution of this expert system. However, the Success of an expert system is mainly dependent on the capability of diagnosis for the transformers in question. In the implementation, many gas records which are in abnormal condition are chosen to test the Justification of this diagnostic system. A total of 101 transformer records have been executed and the results are summarized in Table 5. Among those implemented, three are listed and demonstrated.Shown in Table 5 are the results of 101 units of transformers in three types of remedy: normal, thermal fault and arc fault. After comparing them with the actual state and expert judgement, a summary of results was obtained. As previously stated, one unit of transformer may include many groups of gas data. In evaluation, we depicted some key groups in one unit to justify because some transformers may have different incipient faults during different operational stages. Some mistakes implemented from testing are caused by the remaining oil in the oil sampling container, unstable gas characteristics of the new degassing sample and some obscuregas types. If more information or new techniques support other uncertain membership functions, they can be added into the knowledge has to enlarge the the performance of this prototype expert system. Furthermore, the parameters described in table 2,3 and 4 are suitable for TPC power transformer. Different regions may be modified the maintenance personnel find more suitable system parameters.5.CONCLUSIONSA prototype expert system is developed on a personal computer using KES. It can diagnose the incipient faults of the suspected transformers and suggest proper maintenance actions. Fuzzy set concept is used to handle uncertain norms thresholds, gas ratio boundaries and key gas analysis. The synthetic method and diagnostic procedure are proposed to assist the situation which can not be handled properly by the gas ratio methods. Results from the implementation of the expert system shows that the expert system is a useful tool to assist human expert and maintenance engineers.The knowledge base of this expert system is incorporated within the popular interpretative method of DGA, synthetic expertise and heuristic maintenance rules. The data base supported by TPC MTL for about 10 year collection of transformer inspection data is also used to improve the interpretation of diagnosis. Through the development of the proposed expert system, the expertise of TPC MTL can be reserved. In addition, this work can be continued to expand the knowledge base by adding any new experience, measurement and analysis techniques.。
电气工程的外文文献(及翻译)文献一:Electric power consumption prediction model based on grey theory optimized by genetic algorithms本文介绍了一种基于混合灰色理论与遗传算法优化的电力消耗预测模型。
文献二:Intelligent control for energy-efficient operation of electric motors本文研究了一种智能控制方法,用于电动机的节能运行。
文献三:Fault diagnosis system for power transformers based on dissolved gas analysis本文介绍了一种基于溶解气体分析的电力变压器故障诊断系统。
文献四:Power quality improvement using series active filter based on iterative learning control technique本文研究了一种基于迭代研究控制技术的串联有源滤波器用于电能质量改善的方法。
中英文对照外文翻译Automation of professional developmentAutomation in the history of professional development, "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional development of the two main line, "industrial automation" professional from the first "industrial enterprises electrified" professional.In the 1950s, the New China was just founded, the 100-waste question, study the Soviet Union established system of higher education, Subdivision professional. Corresponding to the country in the construction of industrial automation and defense, military construction in automatic control, successively set up the "electrification of industrial enterprises" professional and "control" professional (at that time in many schools, "Control" professional secrecy is professional) . After several former professional name of evolution (see below), and gradually develop into a "biased towards applications, biased towards strong," Automation, and the latter to maintain professional name of "control" basically unchanged (in the early days also known as the "automatic learning And remote learning, "" Automatic Control System "professional), and gradually develop into a" biased towards theory, biased towards weak, "the automation professional, and come together in 1995, merged into aunified" automatic "professional . In 1998, according to the Ministry of Education announced the latest professional undergraduate colleges and universities directory, adjusted, the merger of the new "automated" professional include not only the original "automatic" professional (including "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional ), Also increased the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part), "electrical technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and control of" professional (part).Clearly, one of China's automation professional history of the development of China's higher education actually is a new development of the cause of a microcosm of the history, but also the history of New China industrial development of a miniature. Below "industrial automation" professional development of the main line of this example, a detailed review of its development process in the many professional name change (in real terms in the professional content changes) and its industrial building at the time of the close relationship.First a brief look at the world and China's professional division history. We know that now use the professional division is largely from the 19th century to the beginning of the second half of the first half of the 20th century stereotypes of the engineering, is basically industry (products) for the objects to the division, they have been the image of people Known as the "industry professionals" or "trade associations." At present the international education system in two categories, with Britain and the United States as the representative of the education system not yet out of "industry professionals" system, but has taken the "generalist" the road of education and the former Soviet Union for Europe (close to the Soviet Union) as the representative The education system, at the beginning of theimplementation of "professionals" education, professional-very small, although reforms repeatedly, but to the current "industry professionals" are still very obvious characteristics.In the 1950s, just after the founding of New China, a comprehensive study and the Soviet Union and sub-professional very small; Since reform and opening up, only to Britain and the United States to gradually as the representative of the education system to move closer, and gradually reduce the professional, the implementation of "generalist" education through a number of professional Restructuring and merger (the total number of professionals from the maximum of 1,343 kinds of gradually reducing the current 249 kinds), although not out of "industry professionals" and "Mei Ming," but many of the colleges and universities, mostly only one of a Professional, rather than the past more than a professional.Before that, China's first professional automation from the National University in 1952 when the first major readjustment of the establishment of professional - electrified professional industrial enterprises. At that time, the Soviet Union assistance to the construction of China's 156 large industrial enterprises, automation of much-needed electrical engineering and technical personnel, and such professional and technical personnel training, and then was very consistent with China's industrial construction. By the 1960s, professional name changed to "industrial electric and automation," the late 1970s when to resume enrollment "Electric Industrial Automation" professional. This is not only professional name changes, but has its profound meaning, it reflects China's industries from "electrified" step by step to the "automatic" into the real history and that part of the development trend of China's automation professional reflects how urgent countries Urgent for the country'seconomic construction services that period of history and development of real direction.1993, after four years of the third revision of the undergraduate professional directories, the State Education Commission issued a call "system integrity, more scientific and reasonable, the harmonization of norms," the "ordinary professional directory of undergraduate colleges and universities." "Electric Industrial Automation" and "production process automation" merger of the two professional electrician to set up a kind of "industrial automation" professional, by the then Ministry of Industry Machinery centralized management colleges and universities to set up industrial automation teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the "Industrial Automation "professional teaching and guiding work at the same time," Control "was attributable to the professional category of electronic information, the then Ministry of Industry of electronic centralized management control to set up colleges and universities teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the" control " Professional teaching guide our work. After the professional adjustment, further defined the "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional "- both strong and weak, hardware and software into consideration and control theory and practical system integration, and the movement control, process control and other targets of control "The common characteristics with the training objectives, but also the basic set of" industrial automation "biased towards strong, professional, biased towards applications," Control "professional biased towards weak, biased towards the theory of professional characteristics and pattern of division of labor. 1995, the State Education Commission promulgated the "(University) undergraduate engineering leading professional directory", the electrical category "industrialautomation" professional and the original electronic information such as "control" of professional electronic information into a new category of "automatic" professional . As this is the leading professional directory, are not enforced, coupled with general "industrial automation" strong or weak, both professional "into" a weak professional category of electronic information is not conducive to professional development and thus many Schools remain "industrial automation" professional and "control" the situation of professional co-exist. Since 1996 more, again commissioned by the Ministry of National Education Ministry of Industry and electronic machinery industries of other parts of the establishment of the new session (second session) centralized management guidance at the University Teaching Commission, making the leading professionals have not been effective Implemented.1998, to meet the country's economic construction of Kuan Koujing personnel training needs, further consolidation of professional and international "generalist" education track by the Ministry of Education announced a fourth revision of the latest "Universities Undergraduate Catalog." So far in the use of the directory, the total number of professionals from the third amendments to the 504 kinds of substantially reduced to 249 species, the original directory is strong, professional electrician and a weak professional category such as electronics and information into categories Electric power, the unity of Information, a former electrician at the same time kind of "industrial automation" professional and the type of electronic information "control" professional formal merger, together with the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part) , "Electric technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and controlof" professional (part), the composition of the new (enforcement) are electrical information such as "automatic" professional. According to statistics, so far the country has more than 200 colleges and universities set up this kind of "automatic" professional. If the name of automation as part of their professional expertise (such as "electrical engineering and automation," "mechanical design and manufacturing automation," "agricultural mechanization and automation" and other professionals) included Automation has undoubtedly is the largest in China A professional.Of the characteristics of China's automation professional:Recalling China's professional history of the development of automation, combined with the corresponding period of the construction of China's national economy to the demand for automation and automated the development of the cause, it is not difficult to sum up following professional characteristics:(1) China's automation professional is not only a relatively long history (since 1952 have been more than 50 years), and from the first day of the establishment of professional automation, has been a professional one of the countries in urgent need, therefore the number of students has also been The largest and most employers welcome the allocation of the professional one.(2) China's automation is accompanied by a professional from the electrification of China's industrial automation step by step to the development of stable development, professional direction and the main content from the first prominent electrified "the electrification of industrial enterprises" step by step for the development of both the electric and automation " Industrial electric and automation ", highlighting the electrical automation" Electric Industrial Automation "and prominent automation" industrial automation ", then the merger of professional education reform in1995 and" control "of professional content into a broader" automated " Professional. From which we can see that China's automation professional Although the initial study in the Soviet education system established under the general environment, but in their development and the Soviet Union or the United States and Britain did not copy the mode, but with China's national conditions (to meet national needs for The main goal) from the innovation and development of "cross-industry professionals," features the professional.自动化专业的发展自动化专业的发展历史中,有“工业自动化”专业与“自动控制”专业两条发展主线,其中“工业自动化”专业最早源于“工业企业电气化”专业。
Brief Introduction to The Electric Power SystemPart 1 Minimum electric power systemA minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1-1, the system consists of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator, and a load.The energy source may be coal, gas, or oil burned in a furnace to heat water and generate steam in a boiler; it may be fissionable material which, in a nuclear reactor, will heat water to produce steam; it may be water in a pond at an elevation above the generating station; or it may be oil or gas burned in an internal combustion engine.The prime mover may be a steam-driven turbine, a hydraulic turbine or water wheel, or an internal combustion engine. Each one of these prime movers has the ability to convert energy in the form of heat, falling water, or fuel into rotation of a shaft, which in turn will drive the generator.The electrical load on the generator may be lights, motors, heaters, or other devices, alone or in combination. Probably the load will vary from minute to minute as different demands occur.The control system functions (are)to keep the speed of the machines substantially constant and the voltage within prescribed limits, even though the load may change. To meet these load conditions, it is necessary for fuel input to change, for the prime mover input to vary, and for torque on the shaft from the prime mover to change in order that the generator may be kept at constant speed. In addition, the field current to the generator must be adjusted to maintain constant output voltage. Thecontrol system may include a man stationed in the power plant who watches a set of meters on the generator output terminals and makes the necessary adjustments manually. In a modern station, the control system is a servomechanism that senses generator-output conditions and automatically makes the necessary changes in energy input and field current to hold the electrical output within certain specifications..Part 2 More Complicated SystemsIn most situations the load is not directly connected to the generator terminals. More commonly the load is some distance from the generator, requiring a power line connecting them. It is desirable to keep the electric power supply at the load within specifications. However, the controls are near the generator, which may be in another building, perhaps several miles away.If the distance from the generator to the load is considerable, it may be desirable to install transformers at the generator and at the load end, and to transmit the power over a high-voltage line (Fig.1-2). For the same power, the higher-voltage line carries less current, has lower losses for the same wire size, and provides more stable voltage.In some cases an overhead line may be unacceptable. Instead it may be advantageous to use an underground cable. With the power systems talked above, the power supply to the load must be interrupted if, for any reason, any component of the system must be moved from service for maintenance or repair. Additional system load may require more power than the generator can supply. Another generator with its associated transformers and high-voltage line might be added.It can be shown that there are some advantages in making ties between the generators (1) and at the end of the high-voltage lines (2 and 3), as shown in Fig.1-3. This system will operate satisfactorily as long as no trouble develops or no equipmentneeds to be taken out of service.The above system may be vastly improved by the introduction of circuit breakers, which may be opened and closed as needed. Circuit breakers added to the system, Fig.1-4, permit selected piece of equipment to switch out of service without disturbing the remainder of system. With this arrangement any element of the system may be deenergized for maintenance or repair by operation of circuit breakers.Of course, if any piece of equipment is taken out of service, then the total load must be carried by the remaining equipment. Attention must be given to avoid overloads during such circumstances. If possible, outages of equipment are scheduled at times when load requirements are below normal.Fig.1-5 shows a system in which three generators and three loads are tied together by three transmission lines. No circuit breakers are shown in this diagram, although many would be required in such a system.Part 3 Typical System LayoutThe generators, lines, and other equipment which form an electric system are arranged depending on the manner in which load grows in the area and may be rearranged from time to time.However, there are certain plans into which a particular system design may be classified. Three types are illustrated: the radial system, the loop system, and the network system. All of these are shown without the necessary circuit breakers. In each of these systems, a single generator serves four loads.The radial system is shown in Fig.1-6. Here the lines form a “tree” spreading out from the generator. Opening any line results in interruption of power to one or more of the loads.The loop system is illustrated in Fig.1-7. With this arrangement all loads may be served even though one line section is removed from service. In some instances during normal operation, the loop may be open at some point, such as A. In case a line section is to be taken out, the loop is first closed at A and then the line section removed. In this manner no service interruptions occur.Fig.1-8 shows the same loads being served by a network. With this arrangement each load has two or more circuits over which it is fed.Distribution circuits are commonly designed so that they may be classified as radial or loop circuits. The high-voltage transmission lines of most power systems are arranged as network. The interconnection of major power system results in networks made up by many line sections.Part 4 Auxiliary EquipmentCircuit breakers are necessary to deenergize equipment either for normal operation or on the occurrence of short circuits. Circuit breakers must be designed to carry normal-load currents continuously, to withstand the extremely high currents that occur during faults, and to separate contacts and clear a circuit in the presence of fault. Circuit breakers are rated in terms of these duties.When a circuit breaker opens to deenergize a piece of equipment, one side of the circuit breaker usually remains energized, as it is connected to operating equipment. Since it is sometimes necessary to work on the circuit breaker itself, it is also necessary to have means by which the circuit breaker may be completely disconnected from other energized equipment. For this purpose disconnect switches are placed in series with the circuit breakers. By opening these disconnectors, thecircuit breaker may be completely deenergized, permitting work to be carried on in safety.Various instruments are necessary to monitor the operation of the electric power system. Usually each generator, each transformer bank, and each line has its own set of instruments, frequently consisting of voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, and varmeters.When a fault occurs on a system, conditions on the system undergo a sudden change. V oltages usually drop and currents increase. These changes are most noticeable in the immediate vicinity of fault. On-line analog computers, commonly called relays, monitor these changes of conditions, make a determination of which breaker should be opened to clear the fault, and energize the trip circuits of those appropriate breakers. With modern equipment, the relay action and breaker opening causes removal of fault within three or four cycles after its initiation.The instruments that show circuit conditions and the relays that protect the circuits are not mounted directly on the power lines but are placed on switchboards in a control house. Instrument transformers are installed on the high-voltage equipment, by means of which it is possible to pass on to the meters and relays representative samples of the conditions on the operating equipment. The primary of a potential transformer is connected directly to the high-voltage equipment. The secondary provides for the instruments and relays a voltage which is a constant fraction of voltage on the operating equipment and is in phase with it;similarly, a current transformer is connected with its primary in the high-current circuit. The secondary winding provides a current that is a known fraction of the power-equipment current and is in phase with it.Bushing potential devices and capacitor potential devices serve the same purpose as potential transformers but usually with less accuracy in regard to ratio and phase angle.中文翻译:电力系统的简介第一部分:最小电力系统一个最小电力系统如图1-1所示,系统包含动力源,原动机,发电机和负载。
外文出处:Farhadi, A. (2008). Modeling, simulation, and reduction of conducted electromagnetic interference due to a pwm buck type switching power supply. Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2008. ICHQP 2008. 13th International Conference on, 1 - 6.Modeling, Simulation, and Reduction of Conducted Electromagnetic Interference Due to a PWM Buck Type Switching Power Supply IA. FarhadiAbstract:Undesired generation of radiated or conducted energy in electrical systems is called Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). High speed switching frequency in power electronics converters especially in switching power supplies improves efficiency but leads to EMI. Different kind of conducted interference, EMI regulations and conducted EMI measurement are introduced in this paper. Compliancy with national or international regulation is called Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Power electronic systems producers must regard EMC. Modeling and simulation is the first step of EMC evaluation. EMI simulation results due to a PWM Buck type switching power supply are presented in this paper. To improve EMC, some techniques are introduced and their effectiveness proved by simulation.Index Terms:Conducted, EMC, EMI, LISN, Switching SupplyI. INTRODUCTIONFAST semiconductors make it possible to have high speed and high frequency switching in power electronics []1. High speed switching causes weight and volume reduction of equipment, but some unwanted effects such as radio frequency interference appeared []2. Compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations is necessary for producers to present their products to the markets. It is important to take EMC aspects already in design phase []3. Modeling and simulation is the most effective tool to analyze EMC consideration before developing the products. A lot of the previous studies concerned the low frequency analysis of power electronics components []4[]5. Different types of power electronics converters are capable to be considered as source of EMI. They could propagate the EMI in both radiated and conducted forms. Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) is required for measurement and calculation of conducted interference level []6. Interference spectrum at the output of LISN is introduced as the EMC evaluation criterion []7[]8. National or international regulations are the references forthe evaluation of equipment in point of view of EMC []7[]8.II. SOURCE, PATH AND VICTIM OF EMIUndesired voltage or current is called interference and their cause is called interference source. In this paper a high-speed switching power supply is the source of interference.Interference propagated by radiation in area around of an interference source or by conduction through common cabling or wiring connections. In this study conducted emission is considered only. Equipment such as computers, receivers, amplifiers, industrial controllers, etc that are exposed to interference corruption are called victims. The common connections of elements, source lines and cabling provide paths for conducted noise or interference. Electromagnetic conducted interference has two components as differential mode and common mode []9.A. Differential mode conducted interferenceThis mode is related to the noise that is imposed between different lines of a test circuit by a noise source. Related current path is shown in Fig. 1 []9. The interference source, path impedances, differential mode current and load impedance are also shown in Fig. 1.B. Common mode conducted interferenceCommon mode noise or interference could appear and impose between the lines, cables or connections and common ground. Any leakage current between load and common ground couldbe modeled by interference voltage source.Fig. 2 demonstrates the common mode interference source, common mode currents Iandcm1 and the related current paths[]9.The power electronics converters perform as noise source Icm2between lines of the supply network. In this study differential mode of conducted interference is particularly important and discussion will be continued considering this mode only.III. ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY REGULATIONS Application of electrical equipment especially static power electronic converters in different equipment is increasing more and more. As mentioned before, power electronics converters are considered as an important source of electromagnetic interference and have corrupting effects on the electric networks []2. High level of pollution resulting from various disturbances reduces the quality of power in electric networks. On the other side some residential, commercial and especially medical consumers are so sensitive to power system disturbances including voltage and frequency variations. The best solution to reduce corruption and improve power quality is complying national or international EMC regulations. CISPR, IEC, FCC and VDE are among the most famous organizations from Europe, USA and Germany who are responsible for determining and publishing the most important EMC regulations. IEC and VDE requirement and limitations on conducted emission are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 []7[]9.For different groups of consumers different classes of regulations could be complied. Class Afor common consumers and class B with more hard limitations for special consumers are separated in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Frequency range of limitation is different for IEC and VDE that are 150 kHz up to 30 MHz and 10 kHz up to 30 MHz respectively. Compliance of regulations is evaluated by comparison of measured or calculated conducted interference level in the mentioned frequency range with the stated requirements in regulations. In united European community compliance of regulation is mandatory and products must have certified label to show covering of requirements []8.IV. ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDUCTED INTERFERENCE MEASUREMENTA. Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)1-Providing a low impedance path to transfer power from source to power electronics converter and load.2-Providing a low impedance path from interference source, here power electronics converter, to measurement port.Variation of LISN impedance versus frequency with the mentioned topology is presented inFig. 7. LISN has stabilized impedance in the range of conducted EMI measurement []7.Variation of level of signal at the output of LISN versus frequency is the spectrum of interference. The electromagnetic compatibility of a system can be evaluated by comparison of its interference spectrum with the standard limitations. The level of signal at the output of LISN in frequency range 10 kHz up to 30 MHz or 150 kHz up to 30 MHz is criterion of compatibility and should be under the standard limitations. In practical situations, the LISN output is connected to a spectrum analyzer and interference measurement is carried out. But for modeling and simulation purposes, the LISN output spectrum is calculated using appropriate software.基于压降型PWM开关电源的建模、仿真和减少传导性电磁干扰摘要:电子设备之中杂乱的辐射或者能量叫做电磁干扰(EMI)。
外文翻译Linear Matrix Inequality-Based Fuzzy Control for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with integral sliding mode controlFaGuang Wang, Seung Kyu Park, Ho Kyun Ahn Department of Electrical Engineering, Changwon National University, Korea Abstract--Recently, interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) is widely used in various applications, such as electric vehicles and compressors. It has a high requirement in wide load variations, high speed condition, stability, providing a fast response and most important thing is that it can be applied easily and efficiently. However, the control of IPMSM is more difficult than surface permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) because its nonlinearity due to the non-zero daxis current which can be zero in SPSM but not IPMSM. In this paper, the IPMSM is controlled very efficient algorithm by using the combination of linear control and fuzzy control with linear models depending on certain operating points. The H linear matrix inequality (LMI) based integral sliding mode control is also used to ensure the robustness. The membership functions of this paper are easy to be determined and implemented easily. Index Terms--Fuzzy control, H control, integral sliding mode control, interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM), linear matrix inequality.I. INTRODUCTIONFrom 1980s’, with the development of semiconductor, IPMSM supplied by converter source has been widely studied [1] [2]. The development of microcomputer made the vector control system of IPMSM well controlled by single chip. IPMSM possesses special features for adjustable-speed drives which distinguish it from otherclasses of ac machines, especially surface permanent magnet synchronous motor. The main criteria of high performance drives are fast and accurate speed response, quick recovery of speed from any disturbances and insensitivity to parameter variations [3]. In order to achieve high performances, the vector control of IPMSM drive is employed [4]-[6]. Control techniques become complicated due to the nonlinearities of the developed torque for non-zero value of d-axis current. Many researchers have focused their attention on forcing the daxis current equals to zero in the vector control of IPMSM drive, which essentially makes the motor model linear [4],[7]. However, in real-time the electromagnetic torque is non-linear in nature. In order to incorporate the nonlinearity in a practical IPMSM drive, acontrol technique known as maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) is devised which provides maximum torque with minimum stator current [3]. This MTPA strategy is very important from the limitation of IPMSM and inverter rating points of view, which optimizes the drive efficiency. The problem associated MTPA control technique is that its implementation in real time becomes complicated because there existsa complex relationship between d-axis and q-axis currents. Thus, oneof the main objectives of this paper is to make a new efficientcontrol method for IPMSM and its calculation easy and efficient. The LMI fuzzy H control has been applied and solved the nonlinearity of the IPMSM model to a set of linear model. To increase the robustness for disturbances, an ISMC technique is added to the H controller. By ISMC, the proposed controller gives performances of the H control system without disturbances which satisfy the matching condition. It has a good compatible with linear controllers. T-S fuzzy control [8]is based on the mathematical model which is the combination of local linear models depending on the operating points. Linear controllers are designed for each linear model and they are combined as a controller and make it possible to use linear control theories for nonlinear systems. Linear controls via parallel distributed compensation (PDC) and linear matrix inequality (LMI) is a most popular method considering the stability of the system with PDC [9].H LMI T-S fuzzy controller is considered as a practicalH controller which eliminates the effects of external disturbance below a prescribed level, so that a desired H control performancecan be guaranteed [10-12]. In this paper, the robustness of SMC [13]is added to the H LMI T-S fuzzy controller for the control of IPMSM. We can divide the disturbances in the IPMSM into two parts. Firstpart is that SMC can deal with and other part is dealt by H LMIfuzzy controller. By using ISMC, the robustness of SMC andH performance can be combined. Integral sliding mode control (ISMC) is a kind of SMC which has sliding mode dynamics with the same orderof the controlled system and can have the properties of the other control method.II. H T-S FUZZY CONTROL AND ISMCA. H T-S fuzzy controlConsider a nonlinear system as follows.x(t)=f (x)+g(x)u(t)+w(t) (1)where ||w(t)||≤Wb and Wb is the boundary of disturbance. Dependingon the operating points, the nonlinear system can be expressed as follows.The i-th model is that in the case z1(t) is Mi1 and …and z p(t) isMip ,(2)And H T-S fuzzy feedback controller is ui= -kiX(t) (3)where i=1,2, … ,r and Mij is the fuzzy set and r is the number of model rulesGiven a pair of (x(t),u(t)), the fuzzy systems are inferred as follows:where and μi(z(t)) is themembership for every fuzzy rule.From (1) we get(7)Take (6) into (7), we can get the closed loop systemequations.If we set A present the error boundary of every ruleand satisfy the following condition:In the same way we get:(9)Based on these, the approximation error can bebounded by matrix Ap and Bp . H control performance is:(10)where is the prescribed H norm. If we get theminimized for(10) we can make the effect of w(t) of (1) on x(t) is minimized.If consider the initial condition, the H norm (10) canbe modified as the following form:where P is some symmetric positive definite weighting matrix.The following result is given in [14]:Theorem 1: If system (1) is controlled by T-S fuzzy controller (6), and there is a positive definite matrix P such that(12)then the closed loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) and H control performance (11) is guaranteed.It is not easy to obtain P and, fortunately, after small change of (12), it can be solved by LMI toolbox. So we need to do some changes.Assume Utilize the Schur complements for (12), we can get:(13)whereNow the problem changes to find the positive definite matrix L and F to satisfy the condition (13) and we can obtain k j at last. The (13) can be solved by LMI toolbox on computer easily.B. Sliding mode controlThe system (1) with input signal noise or disturbance d(t) is:(14)In the system (14), it can be considered that the disturbance is the summation of two different kinds of disturbancesw(t)=w1(t)+w2(t) (15)where w1(t) satisfies the following matching condition:(16)For the disturbance w1(t) , ISMC gives the desired response of the following system:(17)where x0 represents the state trajectory of the system with the disturbance w2(t) only under H T-S fuzzy control uo . Assume thatw(t) is bounded and that an upper bound can be found as(18)where wmax is a known positive scalar.For system (14), first redesign the control law to beu(t)=u0(t)+u1(t) (19)where is the ideal control defined in (6) and is designed to reject the perturbation term w1(t) .A sliding manifold is defined ass=s0 (x)+z(x) (20)where s,s0 (x), , which consists of two parts: the first part s0(x)is designed as a linear combination of the system states; the second part z introduces the integral term and will be determined below.(21)where initial condition z(0) is determined based on the requirements(0)=0. Different from the conventional design approach, the order of the motion equation in ISMC is equal to the order of the original system, rather than reduced by the dimension of the control input. As a result, robustness of the system can be guaranteed starting from the initial time instance.III. COMBINATION H T-S FUZZY CONTROL ANDINTEGRAL SMCThe mathematic model of an IPMSM in the d-q synchronously rotating reference frame for assumed sinusoidal stator excitation is given as [3]:(22)where p is the differential operator.The overall scheme of the H LMI T-S fuzzy control system is as follows.H LMI T-S fuzzy based ISMC controller designed as following steps. Step.1. utilize the equilibrium point to calculate the error system. System (22) can be presented by state form as:(23)where x1(t) =iq , x2(t) =id , x3(t) =wr ,u10(t) =vq andu20(t) =vd .Based on (23), a reference system can be given as:(24)where f means the required value.Then the following error dynamic system is derived.(25)where e(t)=x(t)-xf (t)Step.2. determine for membership function.For x1 minimum case:For x1 maximum case:For x2 minimum case:For x2 maximum case:The fuzzy rules are as the follows:Rule.1 x1 is minimal and x2 is minimal:M1(t) =E1(t)G1(t) (26)Rule.2 x1 is minimal and x2 is maximal:M2(t) =E1(t)G2(t) (27)Rule.3 x1 is maximal and x2 is minimal:M3(t) =E2(t)G1(t) (28)Rule.4 x1 is maximal and x2 is maximal:M4(t) =E2(t)G2(t) (29)Step.3. obtain the matrixes A and B.Equation (25) can be of the following form:and the value of ( x1lim , x2lim )is based on the rule1 to rule 4, it gets to be x1min,x1max,x2min and x2max .Step.4. calculate controller parameters K using LMI toolbox based on Theorem 1.By LMI, the error systemcontrol input is defined by (6) as(31)where k j is a 1by 3 matrix. Use inequality (13) and Matlab LMI toolbox to calculate out the parameters k j . So that, H T-S fuzzycontroller of the system is where u1 f and u2 fare reference inputs.Step.5. Design ISMC for system.Based on the SMC matching condition the system with disturbance is asfollows: (32)where d(t) is the noise or disturbance.The sliding surface is defined as:(33)x1r and x2r are required output values, x1n and x2n are states of nominalsystem: (34)Assume u1(t)=u10(t)+u1s(t) and u2(t)=u20(t)+u2s(t) .Derivate of slidingsurfaces are:(35)where e1n(t)=x1(t)x1n(t) , e2n(t)=x2(t)x2n(t) , un(t) is the nominalcontrol input and us1 and us2 are sliding control inputs.The sliding controller finally is given out as:(36)where d1max and d1max are the maximal absolute values of disturbance.IV. SIMULATION RESULTSUse the controller design process in above sections with the parameters of Tab.1. Simulation results are:TAB.1. IPMSM PARAMETERS.Fig.2. result of iq with parameter uncertainty and disturbance.Fig.3.result of id with parameter uncertainty and disturbance.Required output values are From the result of Fig.2and Fig.3, we can see that some kind of disturbance can not be solved only by H LMI T-S fuzzy. Combination with ISMC solves this perfectively.V. CONCLUSIONSThe Fuzzy LMI controller is used for IPMSM. It uses the linear models for each operating points. It is shown that only four operating points are enough for the proposed control method. The controller of this paper gives good control performance with only four membership functions which are determined easily. H fuzzy LMI solved theinitial big input for IPMSM from ISMC, while ISMC solved the problem of H fuzzy which is so dependent on fuzzy rules. The final results show that the combination control is efficient and perfect.具有积分滑模控制的内埋式永磁同步电动机基于线性矩阵不等式的模糊控制王发光, Seung Kyu Park, Ho Kyun Ahn韩国昌原国立大学电机工程学系近期摘要,内埋式永磁同步电动机被广泛的用于各种各样的应用中,例如电动汽车和压缩机。
中英文对照外文翻译Automation of professional developmentAutomation in the history of professional development, "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional development of the two main line, "industrial automation" professional from the first "industrial enterprises electrified" professional.In the 1950s, the New China was just founded, the 100-waste question, study the Soviet Union established system of higher education, Subdivision professional. Corresponding to the country in the construction of industrial automation and defense, military construction in automatic control, successively set up the "electrification of industrial enterprises" professional and "control" professional (at that time in many schools, "Control" professional secrecy is professional) . After several former professional name of evolution (see below), and gradually develop into a "biased towards applications, biased towards strong," Automation, and the latter to maintain professional name of "control" basically unchanged (in the early days also known as the "automatic learning And remote learning, "" Automatic Control System "professional), and gradually develop into a" biased towards theory, biased towards weak, "the automation professional, and come together in 1995, merged into aunified" automatic "professional . In 1998, according to the Ministry of Education announced the latest professional undergraduate colleges and universities directory, adjusted, the merger of the new "automated" professional include not only the original "automatic" professional (including "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional ), Also increased the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part), "electrical technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and control of" professional (part).Clearly, one of China's automation professional history of the development of China's higher education actually is a new development of the cause of a microcosm of the history, but also the history of New China industrial development of a miniature. Below "industrial automation" professional development of the main line of this example, a detailed review of its development process in the many professional name change (in real terms in the professional content changes) and its industrial building at the time of the close relationship.First a brief look at the world and China's professional division history. We know that now use the professional division is largely from the 19th century to the beginning of the second half of the first half of the 20th century stereotypes of the engineering, is basically industry (products) for the objects to the division, they have been the image of people Known as the "industry professionals" or "trade associations." At present the international education system in two categories, with Britain and the United States as the representative of the education system not yet out of "industry professionals" system, but has taken the "generalist" the road of education and the former Soviet Union for Europe (close to the Soviet Union) as the representative The education system, at the beginning of theimplementation of "professionals" education, professional-very small, although reforms repeatedly, but to the current "industry professionals" are still very obvious characteristics.In the 1950s, just after the founding of New China, a comprehensive study and the Soviet Union and sub-professional very small; Since reform and opening up, only to Britain and the United States to gradually as the representative of the education system to move closer, and gradually reduce the professional, the implementation of "generalist" education through a number of professional Restructuring and merger (the total number of professionals from the maximum of 1,343 kinds of gradually reducing the current 249 kinds), although not out of "industry professionals" and "Mei Ming," but many of the colleges and universities, mostly only one of a Professional, rather than the past more than a professional.Before that, China's first professional automation from the National University in 1952 when the first major readjustment of the establishment of professional - electrified professional industrial enterprises. At that time, the Soviet Union assistance to the construction of China's 156 large industrial enterprises, automation of much-needed electrical engineering and technical personnel, and such professional and technical personnel training, and then was very consistent with China's industrial construction. By the 1960s, professional name changed to "industrial electric and automation," the late 1970s when to resume enrollment "Electric Industrial Automation" professional. This is not only professional name changes, but has its profound meaning, it reflects China's industries from "electrified" step by step to the "automatic" into the real history and that part of the development trend of China's automation professional reflects how urgent countries Urgent for the country'seconomic construction services that period of history and development of real direction.1993, after four years of the third revision of the undergraduate professional directories, the State Education Commission issued a call "system integrity, more scientific and reasonable, the harmonization of norms," the "ordinary professional directory of undergraduate colleges and universities." "Electric Industrial Automation" and "production process automation" merger of the two professional electrician to set up a kind of "industrial automation" professional, by the then Ministry of Industry Machinery centralized management colleges and universities to set up industrial automation teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the "Industrial Automation "professional teaching and guiding work at the same time," Control "was attributable to the professional category of electronic information, the then Ministry of Industry of electronic centralized management control to set up colleges and universities teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the" control " Professional teaching guide our work. After the professional adjustment, further defined the "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional "- both strong and weak, hardware and software into consideration and control theory and practical system integration, and the movement control, process control and other targets of control "The common characteristics with the training objectives, but also the basic set of" industrial automation "biased towards strong, professional, biased towards applications," Control "professional biased towards weak, biased towards the theory of professional characteristics and pattern of division of labor. 1995, the State Education Commission promulgated the "(University) undergraduate engineering leading professional directory", the electrical category "industrialautomation" professional and the original electronic information such as "control" of professional electronic information into a new category of "automatic" professional . As this is the leading professional directory, are not enforced, coupled with general "industrial automation" strong or weak, both professional "into" a weak professional category of electronic information is not conducive to professional development and thus many Schools remain "industrial automation" professional and "control" the situation of professional co-exist. Since 1996 more, again commissioned by the Ministry of National Education Ministry of Industry and electronic machinery industries of other parts of the establishment of the new session (second session) centralized management guidance at the University Teaching Commission, making the leading professionals have not been effective Implemented.1998, to meet the country's economic construction of Kuan Koujing personnel training needs, further consolidation of professional and international "generalist" education track by the Ministry of Education announced a fourth revision of the latest "Universities Undergraduate Catalog." So far in the use of the directory, the total number of professionals from the third amendments to the 504 kinds of substantially reduced to 249 species, the original directory is strong, professional electrician and a weak professional category such as electronics and information into categories Electric power, the unity of Information, a former electrician at the same time kind of "industrial automation" professional and the type of electronic information "control" professional formal merger, together with the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part) , "Electric technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and controlof" professional (part), the composition of the new (enforcement) are electrical information such as "automatic" professional. According to statistics, so far the country has more than 200 colleges and universities set up this kind of "automatic" professional. If the name of automation as part of their professional expertise (such as "electrical engineering and automation," "mechanical design and manufacturing automation," "agricultural mechanization and automation" and other professionals) included Automation has undoubtedly is the largest in China A professional.Of the characteristics of China's automation professional:Recalling China's professional history of the development of automation, combined with the corresponding period of the construction of China's national economy to the demand for automation and automated the development of the cause, it is not difficult to sum up following professional characteristics:(1) China's automation professional is not only a relatively long history (since 1952 have been more than 50 years), and from the first day of the establishment of professional automation, has been a professional one of the countries in urgent need, therefore the number of students has also been The largest and most employers welcome the allocation of the professional one.(2) China's automation is accompanied by a professional from the electrification of China's industrial automation step by step to the development of stable development, professional direction and the main content from the first prominent electrified "the electrification of industrial enterprises" step by step for the development of both the electric and automation " Industrial electric and automation ", highlighting the electrical automation" Electric Industrial Automation "and prominent automation" industrial automation ", then the merger of professional education reform in1995 and" control "of professional content into a broader" automated " Professional. From which we can see that China's automation professional Although the initial study in the Soviet education system established under the general environment, but in their development and the Soviet Union or the United States and Britain did not copy the mode, but with China's national conditions (to meet national needs for The main goal) from the innovation and development of "cross-industry professionals," features the professional.自动化专业的发展自动化专业的发展历史中,有“工业自动化”专业与“自动控制”专业两条发展主线,其中“工业自动化”专业最早源于“工业企业电气化”专业。
An Expert System for Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Dissolved Gas Analysis1.INTRODUCTIONThe power transformer is a major apparatus in a power system, and its correct functioning its vital to minimize system outages, many devices have evolved to monitor the serviceability of power transformers. These devices, such as, Buchholz relays or differential relays, respond only to a severe power failure requiring immediate removal of the transformer from service, in which case, outages are inevitable. Thus, preventive techniques for early detection faults to avoid outages would be valuable. In this way, analysis of the mixture of the faulty gases dissolved in insulation oil of power transformer has received worldwide recognition as an effective method for the detection of oncipient faults. Many researchers and electrical utilities have reported on their experience and developed interpretative criteria on the basis of DGA. However, criteria tend to vary from utility to utility. Therefore, transformer diagnosis is still in the heuristic stage. For this reason, knowledge-based programming is a suitable approach to implement in such a diagnostic problem.Based on the interpretation of DGA, a prototype of an expert system for diagnosis of suspected transformer faults and their maintenance procedures is proposed. The significant source in this knowledge base is the gas ratio method. Some limitations of this approach are overcome by incorporating the diagnostic procedure and the synthetic expertise method. Furthermore, data bases adopted from TPC'S gas records of transformers are incorporated into the expert system to increase the practical performance. Uncertainty of diagnosis is managed by using fuzzy set concepts. This expert system is constructed with rule based knowledge representation, since it can be expressed by experts. The expert system building tool,knowledge Engineering System(KES), is used in the development of the knowledge system because, it has excellent man-machine interface that provides suggestions. Moreover,its inference strategy is similar to the MYCIN. A famous rule-based expert system used for medical diagnosis. The uncertainty of human qualitative diagnostic expertise, e.g.,key gas analysis, and another quantitative imprecision, such as, norms threshold and gas ratio boundaries etc., are smoothed by appropriate fuzzy models. With the results of such implementation, different certainty factors will be assigned to the corresponding expertise variables. Both event-driven(forward chaining) and goal- driven (backward chaining) inferences are used in the inference engine to improve the inference efficiency. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed expert system, around hundreds of TPC historical gas records have been tested. It is found that more appropriate faulty types and maintenance suggestions can support the maintenance personals to increase the performance of transformer diagnosis.2.DEVELOPMENT OF DIAGNOSIS AND INTERPRETATIONLike many diagnostic problems, diagnosis of oil-immersed power transformer is a skilled task. A transformer may function well externally with monitors, while some incipient deterioration may occur internally to cause a fatal problem in the latter development. According to a Japanese experience, nearly 80% of all faults result from incipient deteriorations. Therefore, faults should be identified and avoided at the earliest possible stage by some predictive maintenance technique. DGA is one of the most popular techniques for this problem. Fault gases in transformers are generally produced by oil degradation and other insulating material, e.g., cellulose and paper. Theoretically, if an incipient or active fault is present, the individual dissolved gas concentration, gassing rate, total combustible gas(TCG) and cellulose degradation are all significantly increased. By using gas chromatography to analyse the gas dissolved in a transformer's insulating oil, it becomes feasible to judge the incipient fault types. This study is concerned with the following representative combustible gases; hydrogen(H2), methane(C2H2), ethane(C2H6), ethylene(C2H2) and carbon monoxide(C0).Many interpretative methods based on DGA to the nature of incipient deterioration have been reported. Even under normal transformer operational conditions, some of these gases may be formed inside. Thus, it is necessary to build concentration norms from a sufficiently large sampling to assess the statistics. TPC investigated gas data from power transformers to construct its criteria. The developedknowledge base in this paper is partially based on these data. On the hand, Dornerburg developed a method to judge different faults by rating pairs of concentrations of gases, e.g., CH/H, GH/C3H4, with approximately equal solubility and fusion coefficients. Rogers established mare comprehensive ratio codes to interpret the thermal fault types with theoretical thermodynamic assessments. This gas ratio method was promising because it eliminated the effect of oil volume and simplified the choice of units. Moreover, it systematically classified the diagnosis expertise in a table form. Table 1 displays the ratio method as proposed by Rogers. The dissolved gas may vary with the nature and severity of different faults. By analyzing the energy density of faults, it's possible to distinguish three basic fault processes:overheating(pyrolysis), corona(partial dischatge) and arcing discharge. Corona and arcing arise from electrical faults, while overheating is a thermal fault. Both types of faults my lead to deterioration, while damage from overheating is typically less than that from electrical stress. Infect, different gas trends lead to different faulty types, the key gas method is identified. For example, large amounts of CH and H are produced with minor arcing fault 4 quantities of CH 2aid C2H2 may bea symptom of an arcing fault.3.THE PROPOSED DIAGNOSTIC EXPERT SYSTEMThis study is aimed at developing a rule-based expert system to perform transformer diagnosis similar to a human expert. The details of system processing are described below.3.1The Proposed Diagnostic MethodDiagnosis is a task that requires experience. It is unwise to determine an approach from only a few investigations. Therefore, this study uses the synthetic expertise method with the experienced procedure to assist the popular gas ratio method and complete practical performance.3.1.1Experienced Diagnostic ProcedureThe overall procedure of routine maintenance for transformers is listed. The core of this procedure is based on the implementation of the DGA technique. The gas ratio method is the significant knowledge source. Some operational limitations of the gasratio method exist. The ratio table is unable to cover all possible cases. Minimum levels of gases must be present. The solid insulation involving CO and CO are handled separately and the gas ratio codes have been developed mainly from a free- breathing transformer. Other diagnostic expertise should be used to assist this method. Norms, synthetic expertise method and data base records have been incorporated to complete these limitations. The first step of this diagnostic procedure begins by asking DGA for an oil sample to be tested. More important relevant information about the transformer's condition, such as the voltage level, the preservative type, the on- line-tap-changer(OLTC) state, the operating period and degassed time must be known for further inference. Norms(criteria) Set up by TPC power transformers' gas characteristic data are then used to judge the transformers' condition. For the abnormal cases, the gas ratio method is used to diagnose transformer fault type. If different or unknown diagnosis results are found from these ratio methods, a further synthetic expertise method is adopted. After these procedures, different severity degrees are assigned to allow appropriate corresponding maintenance suggestions.3.1.2Synthetic Expertise MethodThe ratio trend, norms threshold, key gas analysis and some expertise are considered as different evidences to confirm some special fault types. In other words, more significant evidences have been collected for some special fault type, better assessment of the transformer status is obtained.The ratio trend can be seen as a modification of the conventional gas ratio and key gas method.Obviously, the above gas trends should be incorporated with other evidences under the experienced procedure for practical use. Norms threshold, the gassing rate, the quantity of total combustible gas(TCG), the TPC maintenance expertise and the fuzzy set assignment are all important evidences considered in the synthetic diagnosis.Other expertise based on a transformer historical data base is also used to analyse the characteristics of a case transformer. Section 3.4 gives some details of these rules.3.2Expert System StructureThe proposed diagnostic expert system is composed of components, workingmemory, a knowledge base, an inference engine and a man-machine interface. Working memory (global data base) contains the current data relevant to solve the present problem. In this study, most of the diagnostic variables stored in the data base are current gas concentration, some are from the user, others are retrieved from the transformer's historical data base. Note that the fuzzy set concept is incorporated to create fuzzy variables on the request of system reasoning. A knowledge relationship, which uses these facts, as the basis for decision making. The production rule used in this system is expressed in IF-THEN forms. A successful expert system depends on a high quality knowledge base. For this transformer diagnostic system, the knowledge base incorporates some popular interpretative methods of DGA, synthetic expertise method and heuristic maintenance rules. Section 3.4 will describe this knowledge base. Another special consideration in the expert system is its inference engine. The inference engine controls the strategies of reasoning and searching for appropriate knowledge. The reasoning strategy employs both forward chaining(data-driven) and backward chaining(goal-driven). Fuzzy rules, norms rules, gas ratio rules, synthetic expertise rules and some of the maintenance rules and some maintenance rules, use forward chaining.As for the searching strategy in KES, the depth first searching and short-circuit evaluation are adopted. The former can improve the search efficiency by properly arranging the location of significant rules in the inference procedures. The latter strategy only searches the key conditional statements in the antecedent that are responsible for establishing whether the entire rule is true or false. Taking the advantages of these two approaches in the building and structuring of a knowledge base improves inference efficiency significantly.As for man-machine interface. KES has an effective interface which is better than typical knowledge programming languages, such as, PROLOG or LISP. With the help of this interface, the capability of tracing, explaining and training in an expert system is greatly simplified.4.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED EXPERT SYSTEMAn expert system is developed based on the proposed interpretative rules anddiagnostic procedures of the overall system. To demonstrate the feasibility of this expert system in diagnosis, the gas data supported by MTL of TPC have been tested. In Taiwan, the MTL of TPC performs the DGA and sends the results to all acting divisions relating to power transformers. In return, these acting divisions are requested to collect and supply their transformer oil samples periodically.After analysing oil samples, more than ten years' worthy gas records are collected and classified into three voltage level, 69KV, 16KV and 345KV. Thus, gas records for one transformer are composed of several groups of data. In the process of DGA interpretation, all of these data may be considered, but only the recent data which have significant effects on diagnosis are listed in the later demonstration. In MTL, all gas concentrations are expressed by pm in volume concentration. 100 pm is equal to 0.01 ml(gas)/100ml(oil).From the expertise of diagnosis, the normal state can be confirmed only by inspection of the transformer's norms level. In practice, most of the transformer oil samples are normal, and this can be inferred successfully on the early execution of this expert system. However, the Success of an expert system is mainly dependent on the capability of diagnosis for the transformers in question. In the implementation, many gas records which are in abnormal condition are chosen to test the Justification of this diagnostic system. A total of 101 transformer records have been executed and the results are summarized in Table 5. Among those implemented, three are listed and demonstrated.Shown in Table 5 are the results of 101 units of transformers in three types of remedy: normal, thermal fault and arc fault. After comparing them with the actual state and expert judgement, a summary of results was obtained. As previously stated, one unit of transformer may include many groups of gas data. In evaluation, we depicted some key groups in one unit to justify because some transformers may have different incipient faults during different operational stages. Some mistakes implemented from testing are caused by the remaining oil in the oil sampling container, unstable gas characteristics of the new degassing sample and some obscure gas types. If more information or new techniques support other uncertain membershipfunctions, they can be added into the knowledge has to enlarge the the performance of this prototype expert system. Furthermore, the parameters described in table 2,3 and 4 are suitable for TPC power transformer. Different regions may be modified the maintenance personnel find more suitable system parameters.5.CONCLUSIONSA prototype expert system is developed on a personal computer using KES. It can diagnose the incipient faults of the suspected transformers and suggest proper maintenance actions. Fuzzy set concept is used to handle uncertain norms thresholds, gas ratio boundaries and key gas analysis. The synthetic method and diagnostic procedure are proposed to assist the situation which can not be handled properly by the gas ratio methods. Results from the implementation of the expert system shows that the expert system is a useful tool to assist human expert and maintenance engineers.The knowledge base of this expert system is incorporated within the popular interpretative method of DGA, synthetic expertise and heuristic maintenance rules. The data base supported by TPC MTL for about 10 year collection of transformer inspection data is also used to improve the interpretation of diagnosis. Through the development of the proposed expert system, the expertise of TPC MTL can be reserved. In addition, this work can be continued to expand the knowledge base by adding any new experience, measurement and analysis techniques.。
3-电气工程及其自动化专业外文文献英文文献外文翻译1、外文原文(复印件)A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerThe single-chip microcomputer is the culmination of both the development of the digital computer and the integrated circuit arguably the tow most significant inventions of the 20th century [1].These tow types of architecture are found in single-chip microcomputer. Some employ the split program/data memory of the Harvard architecture, shown in Fig.3-5A-1, others follow the philosophy, widely adapted for general-purpose computers and microprocessors, of making no logical distinction between program and data memory as in the Princeton architecture, shown in Fig.3-5A-2.In general terms a single-chip microcomputer is characterized by the incorporation of all the units of a computer into a single device, as shown in Fig3-5A-3.ProgramInput& memoryOutputCPU unitDatamemoryFig.3-5A-1 A Harvard typeInput&Output CPU memoryunitFig.3-5A-2. A conventional Princeton computerExternal Timer/ System Timing Counter clock componentsSerial I/OReset ROMPrarallelI/OInterrupts RAMCPUPowerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM).ROM is usually for the permanent,non-volatile storage of an applications program .Many microcomputers and microcontrollers are intended for high-volume applications and hence the economical manufacture of the devices requires that the contents of the program memory be committed permanently during the manufacture of chips . Clearly, this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development since changes cannot be made after manufacture .This development process may involve emulation using a sophisticated development system with a hardware emulation capability as well as the use of powerful software tools.Some manufacturers provide additional ROM options by including in their range devices with (or intended for use with) user programmablememory. The simplest of these is usually device which can operate in a microprocessor mode by using some of the input/output lines as an address and data bus for accessing external memory. This type of device can behave functionally as the single chip microcomputer from which itis derived albeit with restricted I/O and a modified external circuit. The use of these ROMlessdevices is common even in production circuits where the volume does not justify the development costs of custom on-chip ROM[2];there canstill be a significant saving in I/O and other chips compared to a conventional microprocessor based circuit. More exact replacement for ROM devices can be obtained in the form of variants with 'piggy-back' EPROM(Erasable programmable ROM )sockets or devices with EPROM instead of ROM 。
An Expert System for Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Dissolved Gas Analysis1. INTRODUCTIONThe power transformer is a major apparatus in a power system, and its correct functioning its vital to minimize system outages, many devices have evolved to monitor the serviceability of power transformers. These devices, such as, Buchholz relays or differential relays, respond only to a severe power failure requiring immediate removal of the transformer from service, in which case, outages are inevitable. Thus, preventive techniques for early detection faults to avoid outages would be valuable. In this way, analysis of the mixture of the faulty gases dissolved in insulation oil of power transformer has received worldwide recognition as an effective method for the detection of oncipient faults. Many researchers and electrical utilities have reported on their experience and developed interpretative criteria on the basis of DGA. However, criteria tend to vary from utility to utility. Therefore, transformer diagnosis is still in the heuristic stage. For this reason, knowledge-based programming is a suitable approach to implement in such a diagnostic problem.Based on the interpretation of DGA, a prototype of an expert system for diagnosis of suspected transformer faults and their maintenance procedures is proposed. The significant source in this knowledge base is the gas ratio method. Some limitations of this approach are overcome by incorporating the diagnostic procedure and the synthetic expertise method. Furthermore, data bases adopted from TPC'S gas records of transformers are incorporated into the expert system to increase the practical performance. Uncertainty of diagnosis is managed by using fuzzy set concepts. This expert system is constructed with rule based knowledge representation, since it can be expressed by experts. The expert system building tool,knowledge Engineering System(KES), is used in the development of the knowledge system because, it has excellent man-machine interface that provides suggestions. Moreover,its inference strategy is similar to the MYCIN. A famous rule-based expert system used for medical diagnosis. The uncertainty of human qualitative diagnostic expertise, e.g., key gasanalysis, and another quantitative imprecision, such as, norms threshold and gas ratio boundaries etc., are smoothed by appropriate fuzzy models. With the results of such implementation, different certainty factors will be assigned to the corresponding expertise variables. Both event-driven(forward chaining) and goal-driven (backward chaining) inferences are used in the inference engine to improve the inference efficiency. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed expert system, around hundreds of TPC historical gas records have been tested. It is found that more appropriate faulty types and maintenance suggestions can support the maintenance personals to increase the performance of transformer diagnosis.2. DEVELOPMENT OF DIAGNOSIS AND INTERPRETATIONLike many diagnostic problems, diagnosis of oil-immersed power transformer is a skilled task. A transformer may function well externally with monitors, while some incipient deterioration may occur internally to cause a fatal problem in the latter development. According to a Japanese experience, nearly 80% of all faults result from incipient deteriorations. Therefore, faults should be identified and avoided at the earliest possible stage by some predictive maintenance technique. DGA is one of the most popular techniques for this problem. Fault gases in transformers are generally produced by oil degradation and other insulating material, e.g., cellulose and paper. Theoretically, if an incipient or active fault is present, the individual dissolved gas concentration, gassing rate, total combustible gas(TCG) and cellulose degradation are all significantly increased. By using gas chromatography to analyse the gas dissolved in a transformer's insulating oil, it becomes feasible to judge the incipient fault types. This study is concerned with the following representative combustible gases; hydrogen(H2), methane(C2H2), ethane(C2H6), ethylene(C2H2) and carbon monoxide(C0).Many interpretative methods based on DGA to the nature of incipient deterioration have been reported. Even under normal transformer operational conditions, some of these gases may be formed inside. Thus, it is necessary to build concentration norms from a sufficiently large sampling to assess the statistics. TPC investigated gas data from power transformers to construct its criteria. The developedknowledge base in this paper is partially based on these data. On the hand, Dornerburg developed a method to judge different faults by rating pairs of concentrations of gases, e.g., CH/H, GH/C3H4, with approximately equal solubility and fusion coefficients. Rogers established mare comprehensive ratio codes to interpret the thermal fault types with theoretical thermodynamic assessments. This gas ratio method was promising because it eliminated the effect of oil volume and simplified the choice of units. Moreover, it systematically classified the diagnosis expertise in a table form. Table 1 displays the ratio method as proposed by Rogers. The dissolved gas may vary with the nature and severity of different faults. By analyzing the energy density of faults, it's possible to distinguish three basic fault processes:overheating(pyrolysis), corona(partial dischatge) and arcing discharge. Corona and arcing arise from electrical faults, while overheating is a thermal fault. Both types of faults my lead to deterioration, while damage from overheating is typically less than that from electrical stress. Infect, different gas trends lead to different faulty types, the key gas method is identified. For example, large amounts of CH and H are produced with minor arcing fault 4 quantities of CH 2aid C2H2 may bea symptom of an arcing fault.3.THE PROPOSED DIAGNOSTIC EXPERT SYSTEMThis study is aimed at developing a rule-based expert system to perform transformer diagnosis similar to a human expert. The details of system processing are described below.3.1 The Proposed Diagnostic MethodDiagnosis is a task that requires experience. It is unwise to determine an approach from only a few investigations. Therefore, this study uses the synthetic expertise method with the experienced procedure to assist the popular gas ratio method and complete practical performance.3.1.1 Experienced Diagnostic ProcedureThe overall procedure of routine maintenance for transformers is listed. The core of this procedure is based on the implementation of the DGA technique. The gas ratio method is the significant knowledge source. Some operational limitations of the gasratio method exist. The ratio table is unable to cover all possible cases. Minimum levels of gases must be present. The solid insulation involving CO and CO are handled separately and the gas ratio codes have been developed mainly from a free-breathing transformer. Other diagnostic expertise should be used to assist this method. Norms, synthetic expertise method and data base records have been incorporated to complete these limitations. The first step of this diagnostic procedure begins by asking DGA for an oil sample to be tested. More important relevant information about the transformer's condition, such as the voltage level, the preservative type, the on-line-tap-changer(OLTC) state, the operating period and degassed time must be known for further inference. Norms(criteria) Set up by TPC power transformers' gas characteristic data are then used to judge the transformers' condition. For the abnormal cases, the gas ratio method is used to diagnose transformer fault type. If different or unknown diagnosis results are found from these ratio methods, a further synthetic expertise method is adopted. After these procedures, different severity degrees are assigned to allow appropriate corresponding maintenance suggestions.3.1.2 Synthetic Expertise MethodThe ratio trend, norms threshold, key gas analysis and some expertise are considered as different evidences to confirm some special fault types. In other words, more significant evidences have been collected for some special fault type, better assessment of the transformer status is obtained.The ratio trend can be seen as a modification of the conventional gas ratio and key gas method.Obviously, the above gas trends should be incorporated with other evidences under the experienced procedure for practical use. Norms threshold, the gassing rate, the quantity of total combustible gas(TCG), the TPC maintenance expertise and the fuzzy set assignment are all important evidences considered in the synthetic diagnosis.Other expertise based on a transformer historical data base is also used to analyse the characteristics of a case transformer. Section 3.4 gives some details of these rules.3.2 Expert System StructureThe proposed diagnostic expert system is composed of components, working memory, a knowledge base, an inference engine and a man-machine interface. Working memory (global data base) contains the current data relevant to solve the present problem. In this study, most of the diagnostic variables stored in the data base are current gas concentration, some are from the user, others are retrieved from the transformer's historical data base. Note that the fuzzy set concept is incorporated to create fuzzy variables on the request of system reasoning. A knowledge relationship, which uses these facts, as the basis for decision making. The production rule used in this system is expressed in IF-THEN forms. A successful expert system depends on a high quality knowledge base. For this transformer diagnostic system, the knowledge base incorporates some popular interpretative methods of DGA, synthetic expertise method and heuristic maintenance rules. Section 3.4 will describe this knowledge base. Another special consideration in the expert system is its inference engine. The inference engine controls the strategies of reasoning and searching for appropriate knowledge. The reasoning strategy employs both forward chaining(data-driven) and backward chaining(goal-driven). Fuzzy rules, norms rules, gas ratio rules, synthetic expertise rules and some of the maintenance rules and some maintenance rules, use forward chaining.As for the searching strategy in KES, the depth first searching and short-circuit evaluation are adopted. The former can improve the search efficiency by properly arranging the location of significant rules in the inference procedures. The latter strategy only searches the key conditional statements in the antecedent that are responsible for establishing whether the entire rule is true or false. Taking the advantages of these two approaches in the building and structuring of a knowledge base improves inference efficiency significantly.As for man-machine interface. KES has an effective interface which is better than typical knowledge programming languages, such as, PROLOG or LISP. With the help of this interface, the capability of tracing, explaining and training in an expert system is greatly simplified.4.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED EXPERT SYSTEMAn expert system is developed based on the proposed interpretative rules and diagnostic procedures of the overall system. To demonstrate the feasibility of this expert system in diagnosis, the gas data supported by MTL of TPC have been tested. In Taiwan, the MTL of TPC performs the DGA and sends the results to all acting divisions relating to power transformers. In return, these acting divisions are requested to collect and supply their transformer oil samples periodically.After analysing oil samples, more than ten years' worthy gas records are collected and classified into three voltage level, 69KV, 16KV and 345KV. Thus, gas records for one transformer are composed of several groups of data. In the process of DGA interpretation, all of these data may be considered, but only the recent data which have significant effects on diagnosis are listed in the later demonstration. In MTL, all gas concentrations are expressed by pm in volume concentration. 100 pm is equal to 0.01 ml(gas)/100ml(oil).From the expertise of diagnosis, the normal state can be confirmed only by inspection of the transformer's norms level. In practice, most of the transformer oil samples are normal, and this can be inferred successfully on the early execution of this expert system. However, the Success of an expert system is mainly dependent on the capability of diagnosis for the transformers in question. In the implementation, many gas records which are in abnormal condition are chosen to test the Justification of this diagnostic system. A total of 101 transformer records have been executed and the results are summarized in Table 5. Among those implemented, three are listed and demonstrated.Shown in Table 5 are the results of 101 units of transformers in three types of remedy: normal, thermal fault and arc fault. After comparing them with the actual state and expert judgement, a summary of results was obtained. As previously stated, one unit of transformer may include many groups of gas data. In evaluation, we depicted some key groups in one unit to justify because some transformers may have different incipient faults during different operational stages. Some mistakes implemented from testing are caused by the remaining oil in the oil sampling container, unstable gas characteristics of the new degassing sample and some obscuregas types. If more information or new techniques support other uncertain membership functions, they can be added into the knowledge has to enlarge the the performance of this prototype expert system. Furthermore, the parameters described in table 2,3 and 4 are suitable for TPC power transformer. Different regions may be modified the maintenance personnel find more suitable system parameters.5.CONCLUSIONSA prototype expert system is developed on a personal computer using KES. It can diagnose the incipient faults of the suspected transformers and suggest proper maintenance actions. Fuzzy set concept is used to handle uncertain norms thresholds, gas ratio boundaries and key gas analysis. The synthetic method and diagnostic procedure are proposed to assist the situation which can not be handled properly by the gas ratio methods. Results from the implementation of the expert system shows that the expert system is a useful tool to assist human expert and maintenance engineers.The knowledge base of this expert system is incorporated within the popular interpretative method of DGA, synthetic expertise and heuristic maintenance rules. The data base supported by TPC MTL for about 10 year collection of transformer inspection data is also used to improve the interpretation of diagnosis. Through the development of the proposed expert system, the expertise of TPC MTL can be reserved. In addition, this work can be continued to expand the knowledge base by adding any new experience, measurement and analysis techniques.。
An Expert System for Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Dissolved Gas Analysis1. INTRODUCTIONThe power transformer is a major apparatus in a power system, and its correct functioning its vital to minimize system outages, many devices have evolved to monitor the serviceability of power transformers. These devices, such as, Buchholz relays or differential relays, respond only to a severe power failure requiring immediate removal of the transformer from service, in which case, outages are inevitable. Thus, preventive techniques for early detection faults to avoid outages would be valuable. In this way, analysis of the mixture of the faulty gases dissolved in insulation oil of power transformer has received worldwide recognition as an effective method for the detection of oncipient faults. Many researchers and electrical utilities have reported on their experience and developed interpretative criteria on the basis of DGA. However, criteria tend to vary from utility to utility. Therefore, transformer diagnosis is still in the heuristic stage. For this reason, knowledge-based programming is a suitable approach to implement in such a diagnostic problem.Based on the interpretation of DGA, a prototype of an expert system for diagnosis of suspected transformer faults and their maintenance procedures is proposed. The significant source in this knowledge base is the gas ratio method. Some limitations of this approach are overcome by incorporating the diagnostic procedure and the synthetic expertise method. Furthermore, data bases adopted from TPC'S gas records of transformers are incorporated into the expert system to increase the practical performance. Uncertainty of diagnosis is managed by using fuzzy set concepts. This expert system is constructed with rule based knowledge representation, since it can be expressed by experts. The expert system building tool,knowledge Engineering System(KES), is used in the development of the knowledge system because, it has excellent man-machine interface that provides suggestions. Moreover,its inference strategy is similar to the MYCIN. A famous rule-based expert system used for medical diagnosis. The uncertainty of human qualitative diagnostic expertise, e.g., key gasanalysis, and another quantitative imprecision, such as, norms threshold and gas ratio boundaries etc., are smoothed by appropriate fuzzy models. With the results of such implementation, different certainty factors will be assigned to the corresponding expertise variables. Both event-driven(forward chaining) and goal-driven (backward chaining) inferences are used in the inference engine to improve the inference efficiency. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed expert system, around hundreds of TPC historical gas records have been tested. It is found that more appropriate faulty types and maintenance suggestions can support the maintenance personals to increase the performance of transformer diagnosis.2. DEVELOPMENT OF DIAGNOSIS AND INTERPRETATIONLike many diagnostic problems, diagnosis of oil-immersed power transformer is a skilled task. A transformer may function well externally with monitors, while some incipient deterioration may occur internally to cause a fatal problem in the latter development. According to a Japanese experience, nearly 80% of all faults result from incipient deteriorations. Therefore, faults should be identified and avoided at the earliest possible stage by some predictive maintenance technique. DGA is one of the most popular techniques for this problem. Fault gases in transformers are generally produced by oil degradation and other insulating material, e.g., cellulose and paper. Theoretically, if an incipient or active fault is present, the individual dissolved gas concentration, gassing rate, total combustible gas(TCG) and cellulose degradation are all significantly increased. By using gas chromatography to analyse the gas dissolved in a transformer's insulating oil, it becomes feasible to judge the incipient fault types. This study is concerned with the following representative combustible gases; hydrogen(H2), methane(C2H2), ethane(C2H6), ethylene(C2H2) and carbon monoxide(C0).Many interpretative methods based on DGA to the nature of incipient deterioration have been reported. Even under normal transformer operational conditions, some of these gases may be formed inside. Thus, it is necessary to build concentration norms from a sufficiently large sampling to assess the statistics. TPC investigated gas data from power transformers to construct its criteria. The developedknowledge base in this paper is partially based on these data. On the hand, Dornerburg developed a method to judge different faults by rating pairs of concentrations of gases, e.g., CH/H, GH/C3H4, with approximately equal solubility and fusion coefficients. Rogers established mare comprehensive ratio codes to interpret the thermal fault types with theoretical thermodynamic assessments. This gas ratio method was promising because it eliminated the effect of oil volume and simplified the choice of units. Moreover, it systematically classified the diagnosis expertise in a table form. Table 1 displays the ratio method as proposed by Rogers. The dissolved gas may vary with the nature and severity of different faults. By analyzing the energy density of faults, it's possible to distinguish three basic fault processes:overheating(pyrolysis), corona(partial dischatge) and arcing discharge. Corona and arcing arise from electrical faults, while overheating is a thermal fault. Both types of faults my lead to deterioration, while damage from overheating is typically less than that from electrical stress. Infect, different gas trends lead to different faulty types, the key gas method is identified. For example, large amounts of CH and H are produced with minor arcing fault 4 quantities of CH 2aid C2H2 may bea symptom of an arcing fault.3.THE PROPOSED DIAGNOSTIC EXPERT SYSTEMThis study is aimed at developing a rule-based expert system to perform transformer diagnosis similar to a human expert. The details of system processing are described below.3.1 The Proposed Diagnostic MethodDiagnosis is a task that requires experience. It is unwise to determine an approach from only a few investigations. Therefore, this study uses the synthetic expertise method with the experienced procedure to assist the popular gas ratio method and complete practical performance.3.1.1 Experienced Diagnostic ProcedureThe overall procedure of routine maintenance for transformers is listed. The core of this procedure is based on the implementation of the DGA technique. The gas ratio method is the significant knowledge source. Some operational limitations of the gasratio method exist. The ratio table is unable to cover all possible cases. Minimum levels of gases must be present. The solid insulation involving CO and CO are handled separately and the gas ratio codes have been developed mainly from a free-breathing transformer. Other diagnostic expertise should be used to assist this method. Norms, synthetic expertise method and data base records have been incorporated to complete these limitations. The first step of this diagnostic procedure begins by asking DGA for an oil sample to be tested. More important relevant information about the transformer's condition, such as the voltage level, the preservative type, the on-line-tap-changer(OLTC) state, the operating period and degassed time must be known for further inference. Norms(criteria) Set up by TPC power transformers' gas characteristic data are then used to judge the transformers' condition. For the abnormal cases, the gas ratio method is used to diagnose transformer fault type. If different or unknown diagnosis results are found from these ratio methods, a further synthetic expertise method is adopted. After these procedures, different severity degrees are assigned to allow appropriate corresponding maintenance suggestions.3.1.2 Synthetic Expertise MethodThe ratio trend, norms threshold, key gas analysis and some expertise are considered as different evidences to confirm some special fault types. In other words, more significant evidences have been collected for some special fault type, better assessment of the transformer status is obtained.The ratio trend can be seen as a modification of the conventional gas ratio and key gas method.Obviously, the above gas trends should be incorporated with other evidences under the experienced procedure for practical use. Norms threshold, the gassing rate, the quantity of total combustible gas(TCG), the TPC maintenance expertise and the fuzzy set assignment are all important evidences considered in the synthetic diagnosis.Other expertise based on a transformer historical data base is also used to analyse the characteristics of a case transformer. Section 3.4 gives some details of these rules.3.2 Expert System StructureThe proposed diagnostic expert system is composed of components, working memory, a knowledge base, an inference engine and a man-machine interface. Working memory (global data base) contains the current data relevant to solve the present problem. In this study, most of the diagnostic variables stored in the data base are current gas concentration, some are from the user, others are retrieved from the transformer's historical data base. Note that the fuzzy set concept is incorporated to create fuzzy variables on the request of system reasoning. A knowledge relationship, which uses these facts, as the basis for decision making. The production rule used in this system is expressed in IF-THEN forms. A successful expert system depends on a high quality knowledge base. For this transformer diagnostic system, the knowledge base incorporates some popular interpretative methods of DGA, synthetic expertise method and heuristic maintenance rules. Section 3.4 will describe this knowledge base. Another special consideration in the expert system is its inference engine. The inference engine controls the strategies of reasoning and searching for appropriate knowledge. The reasoning strategy employs both forward chaining(data-driven) and backward chaining(goal-driven). Fuzzy rules, norms rules, gas ratio rules, synthetic expertise rules and some of the maintenance rules and some maintenance rules, use forward chaining.As for the searching strategy in KES, the depth first searching and short-circuit evaluation are adopted. The former can improve the search efficiency by properly arranging the location of significant rules in the inference procedures. The latter strategy only searches the key conditional statements in the antecedent that are responsible for establishing whether the entire rule is true or false. Taking the advantages of these two approaches in the building and structuring of a knowledge base improves inference efficiency significantly.As for man-machine interface. KES has an effective interface which is better than typical knowledge programming languages, such as, PROLOG or LISP. With the help of this interface, the capability of tracing, explaining and training in an expert system is greatly simplified.4.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED EXPERT SYSTEMAn expert system is developed based on the proposed interpretative rules and diagnostic procedures of the overall system. To demonstrate the feasibility of this expert system in diagnosis, the gas data supported by MTL of TPC have been tested. In Taiwan, the MTL of TPC performs the DGA and sends the results to all acting divisions relating to power transformers. In return, these acting divisions are requested to collect and supply their transformer oil samples periodically.After analysing oil samples, more than ten years' worthy gas records are collected and classified into three voltage level, 69KV, 16KV and 345KV. Thus, gas records for one transformer are composed of several groups of data. In the process of DGA interpretation, all of these data may be considered, but only the recent data which have significant effects on diagnosis are listed in the later demonstration. In MTL, all gas concentrations are expressed by pm in volume concentration. 100 pm is equal to 0.01 ml(gas)/100ml(oil).From the expertise of diagnosis, the normal state can be confirmed only by inspection of the transformer's norms level. In practice, most of the transformer oil samples are normal, and this can be inferred successfully on the early execution of this expert system. However, the Success of an expert system is mainly dependent on the capability of diagnosis for the transformers in question. In the implementation, many gas records which are in abnormal condition are chosen to test the Justification of this diagnostic system. A total of 101 transformer records have been executed and the results are summarized in Table 5. Among those implemented, three are listed and demonstrated.Shown in Table 5 are the results of 101 units of transformers in three types of remedy: normal, thermal fault and arc fault. After comparing them with the actual state and expert judgement, a summary of results was obtained. As previously stated, one unit of transformer may include many groups of gas data. In evaluation, we depicted some key groups in one unit to justify because some transformers may have different incipient faults during different operational stages. Some mistakes implemented from testing are caused by the remaining oil in the oil sampling container, unstable gas characteristics of the new degassing sample and some obscuregas types. If more information or new techniques support other uncertain membership functions, they can be added into the knowledge has to enlarge the the performance of this prototype expert system. Furthermore, the parameters described in table 2,3 and 4 are suitable for TPC power transformer. Different regions may be modified the maintenance personnel find more suitable system parameters.5.CONCLUSIONSA prototype expert system is developed on a personal computer using KES. It can diagnose the incipient faults of the suspected transformers and suggest proper maintenance actions. Fuzzy set concept is used to handle uncertain norms thresholds, gas ratio boundaries and key gas analysis. The synthetic method and diagnostic procedure are proposed to assist the situation which can not be handled properly by the gas ratio methods. Results from the implementation of the expert system shows that the expert system is a useful tool to assist human expert and maintenance engineers.The knowledge base of this expert system is incorporated within the popular interpretative method of DGA, synthetic expertise and heuristic maintenance rules. The data base supported by TPC MTL for about 10 year collection of transformer inspection data is also used to improve the interpretation of diagnosis. Through the development of the proposed expert system, the expertise of TPC MTL can be reserved. In addition, this work can be continued to expand the knowledge base by adding any new experience, measurement and analysis techniques.。
电气专业本科毕业设计英文翻译学院(部):电气与信息工程学院专业班级:电气08-6班学生姓名:**指导教师:胡业林教授年月日POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMABSTRACTThe basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off.KEYWARDS:power supply and distribution,power distribution reliability,reactive compensation,load distributionTEXTThe revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg.weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by example and made to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply tothe distribution network under considering the situation in such factors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, over-voltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by reactance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed through the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using auto-tracking compensate device and using the line protection with the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of all kind of grounding modes about l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and international technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security, security of equipment and interference of communication. The application of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not only in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system..The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network con- struction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the networkconstruction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. The thesis analyses on the economic and the reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line modes existed in the electric distribution net in foshan..First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribution net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on the line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsection, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building up the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces different power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation and analyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it makes analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different line modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, the thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guideline for the programming design of the lOkV electric distribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficiently-worked electric distribution net.References[1] Wencheng Su. Factories power supply [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House. 1999.9[2] Jiecai Liu. Factories power supply design guidance [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House.1999.12[3] Power supply and distribution system design specifications[S].China plans Press. 1996[4] Low-voltage distribution design specifications [S].China plans Press. 1996.6供配电系统摘要电力系统的基本功能是向用户输送电能。
电气自动化英文文献Electrical Automation: A Comprehensive Analysis.Introduction.Electrical automation is the use of automated systems to control electrical processes in various industries. It encompasses the design, implementation, and maintenance of automated systems to enhance efficiency, safety, and productivity. This technology finds applications in numerous sectors, including manufacturing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and residential settings.Components of Electrical Automation Systems.1. Sensors: Detects and measures various physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, and position.2. Controllers: Analyzes sensor data, makes decisions,and activates actuators based on programmed instructions.3. Actuators: Physical devices that perform actions in response to controller commands, such as opening valves, starting motors, or moving conveyors.4. Communication Network: Connects sensors, controllers, and actuators, enabling data exchange and coordination.5. Human-Machine Interface (HMI): Provides an interface for operators to interact with the automated system and monitor its performance.Benefits of Electrical Automation.1. Increased Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks, reducing human errors and improving productivity.2. Enhanced Safety: Eliminates the need for manual intervention in hazardous environments, reducing the riskof accidents.3. Improved Quality: Ensures consistent and accurate control of processes, leading to higher quality products.4. Reduced Costs: Optimizes energy usage, reduces maintenance expenses, and eliminates labor costs associated with manual operations.5. Increased Flexibility: Allows for rapid reconfiguration of automated systems to adapt to changing requirements or product specifications.Applications of Electrical Automation.1. Manufacturing: Automated assembly lines, robotic workstations, and inventory management systems.2. Energy: Smart grids, renewable energy systems, and energy efficiency management.3. Healthcare: Automated medical devices, patient monitoring systems, and hospital automation.4. Transportation: Vehicle control systems, traffic management systems, and automated logistics.5. Residential Settings: Home automation systems for lighting, temperature control, and security.Challenges in Electrical Automation.1. Complexity: Designing and integrating complex automated systems requires advanced engineering skills and specialized software.2. Cybersecurity: Automated systems can be vulnerable to cyberattacks, requiring robust security measures.3. Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Regular maintenance and skilled technicians are crucial to ensure thereliability and uptime of automated systems.4. Initial Investment: Implementing electrical automation systems can involve significant upfront costs, requiring careful planning and justification of theinvestment.5. Displacement of Workforce: Automation can lead to job displacement, necessitating training and upskilling programs for displaced workers.Future Trends in Electrical Automation.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Enabling predictive analytics, self-optimization, and autonomous decision-making.2. Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting automated systems to the internet for remote monitoring, data analytics, and cloud-based services.3. Digital Twins: Creating virtual models of automated systems for simulation, testing, and real-time monitoring.4. Edge Computing: Processing data on-site to reduce latency and improve system responsiveness.5. Increased Adoption in Emerging Industries: Expanding applications in sectors such as agriculture, mining, and construction.Conclusion.Electrical automation is a transformative technology that has revolutionized various industries, driving efficiency, safety, quality, and cost savings. As technology continues to advance, the applications and possibilities of electrical automation are bound to grow exponentially, contributing to further innovation and progress across numerous sectors.。