pET-41Ek LIC使用说明
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耐候且本质安全:PXS 系列; 隔爆: 隔爆:系列标签§不适用于标签系列A=护套连接 B=电缆入口X=有效长度 Y=插入长度 K=毛细管长度 表面安装时,使用M6螺钉重量2.1kg尺寸单位:mm重量2.9 kg尺寸单位:mm注意:尺寸和重量不是强制性的,除非在认证图纸上标注。
注意• 在安装、使用或维护仪表之前,有必要阅读并理解随附说明手册中给出的说明。
• 仪表必须由合有资质人员安装和维护。
• 只有在检查并确认仪表特性符合工艺和设备要求后,才能进行安装。
内容1 - 一般说明2 - 工作原理3 - 型号代码4 - 标识牌和标记5 - 设定值调节6 - 设定值校准7 - 安装和连接8 - 仪表管道9 - 投入运行 10 - 目视检查 11 - 功能验证 12 - 停止和拆卸 13 - 处置14 - 温度开关,用于安全回路执行(SIL 执行) 15 - 故障排除在危险环境中使用的安全说明。
1 - 一般说明1.1 前言系列或型号的错误选择以及不正确的安装会导致故障并缩短仪器寿命。
1.2 允许的超量程工作温度可偶尔超过工作范围,前提是温度保持在仪表特性(设计温度)中规定的范围内。
1.3 机械振动一般会导致仪器某些部件的磨损或造成误跳闸。
1.1 应贮存在通风、阴凉、干燥处,禁止放于太阳光下暴晒;
1.2 贮存环境要求必须为温度≤35℃、相对湿度RH≤70%的环境。
1.3 严禁与润滑剂、润滑油或其它化学品及有害、有毒物品存放在一起,防
2.1 运输PET瓶的车辆必须为货柜车或加盖帆布隔热、防潮、防雨,严禁放
2.2 严禁重压、侧压摔跌及与坚硬物体碰撞,防止PET瓶变形、破损;
2.3 碳酸瓶应避免在高温下运输;热灌装瓶应保证运输工具清洁干燥,严禁
CODE 50071ASSEMBLY M a c h i n e A s s e m b l y a s s e m b l y (r e a r s i d e )PAGE NAMECODE NO.: K NO.: FIGURE NO.:A B 50068 K14013-1 POWERTEC 280C PRO 1 1 50069 K14014-1 POWERTEC 350C PRO 2 1 50070 K14015-1A POWERTEC 420C PRO 3 2 50071K14015-1WPOWERTEC 420C PRO W43FIGURE A: Machine assemblyItem Description part numberQTY1 2 3 4 1 MAIN TRANSFORMER T1 B-4247-486-2R 1 X - - - 2 MAIN TRANSFORMER T1 B-4247-484-2R 1 - X - - 3 MAIN TRANSFORMER T1 B-4247-485-2R 1 - - X X 4 CHOKE L1 C-4244-383-2R 1 X - - - 5 CHOKE L1 C-4244-383-4R 1 - X X X 6 RECTIFIER SET V1 1156-112-069R 1 X - - - 7 RECTIFIER SET V1 1156-112-070R 1 - X - - 8RECTIFIER SET V1 1156-112-071R1--XX9 FAN M1 1111-311-081R 1 X X - -10 FAN M1 0874-111-002R 1 - - X X11 AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER T2 C-4244-384-1R 1 X X X X12 CONTROL P.C BOARD G4560 C-3731-399-2R 1 X X X X13 CONTROL P.C BOARD US-67 0918-432-068R 1 X X X X14 CONTROL P.C BOARD PD-5 0918-432-073R 1 X X X X15 RECTIFIER SET V2 1156-112-044R 1 X X X X16 CONTACTOR K1 1115-212-177R 1 X - - -17 CONTACTOR K1 1115-212-178R 1 - X - -18 CONTACTOR K1 1115-212-179R 1 - - X X19 GAS VALVE K2 0972-423-012R 1 X X X X20 CAPACITORS C1,C2,C3 1158-121-010R 3 X X X X21 CAPACITOR C4 1158-121-045R 1 X X - -22 CAPACITOR C4 1158-121-001R 1 - - X X23 VOLTAGE SWITCH S2 1115-260-166R 1 X - - -24 VOLTAGE SWITCH S2 1115-260-073R 1 - X X X25 VOLTAGE SWITCH S1 1115-260-167R 1 X - - -26 VOLTAGE SWITCH S1 1115-260-074R 1 - X - -27 MAIN SWITCH S3 1115-270-019R 1 X X X X28 SWITCH S7 1158-650-021R 1 X X X X29 SWITCH S6 1158-650-022R 1 X X X X30 LAMP H1 0917-421-024R 1 X X X X31 SWITCH S4,S5 1115-299-052R 2 X X X X32 POTENTIOMETERS R11,R12 1158-113-304R 2 X X X X33 KNOB 9ET10491R 1 X X X X34 KNOB 9ET13639-3R 4 X X X X35 FEEDING UNIT (complete) C-6713-007-1R 1 X X X X36 EURO SOCKET (outlet guide) C-2985-006-1R 1 X X X X37 SLEEVE 0744-000-192R 1 X X X X38 SOCKET X2,X3 C-2986-001-2R 2 X X X X39 SHUNT B1 0941-712-026R 1 X X X X40 FERRITE TUBE 1158-290-036R 1 X X X X41 FUSE F1 1158-660-006R 1 X X X X42 TURNING WHEEL 1029-660-127R 2 X X X X43 WHEEL 1029-660-250R 2 X X X X44 HINGE 0654-610-004R 5 X X X X45 EDGE SHIELD 1362-212-010R 1 X X X X46 LEFT HOLDER 1362-212-002R 1 X X X X47 RIGHT HOLDER 1362-212-003R 1 X X X X48 EURO SOCKET (insulator) 1362-212-009R 1 X X X X49 CAP 1362-212-004R 2 X X X X50 LEFT SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY 1362-212-006R 1 X X X X51 RIGHT SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY 1362-212-007R 1 X X X X52 SMALL FLAP 1362-212-001R 1 X X X X53 GAS HOSE -2m D-5578-174-1R 1 X X X X54 GROUND CABLE with WORK CLAMP -3m K14011-1 1 X - - -55 GROUND CABLE with WORK CLAMP -3m K14018-1 1 - X - -56 GROUND CABLE with WORK CLAMP -3m K14019-1 1 - - X X57 QUICK CONNECT COUPLING (ONLYWATER)0744-000-151R 4 - - - X58 FRONT PANEL C-3721-828-1/08R 1 - X X X59 FRONT PANEL C-3721-828-2/08R 1 X - - -60 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-1R 1 X - - -61 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-2R 1 - X - -62 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-3R 1 - - X -63 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-4R 1 - - - X64 RIGHT SIDE PANEL WITH LABEL D-3721-392-4R 1 X - - -65 RIGHT SIDE PANEL WITH LABEL D-3721-392-5R 1 - X - -66 RIGHT SIDE PANEL WITH LABEL D-3721-392-6R 1 - - X X67 LEFT SIDE PANEL D-3721-401-1/33R 1 X X X X68 RIGHT SIDE PANEL C-3721-814-2/33R 1 X X X X69 REAR PANEL C-3721-827-1/08R 1 X X X X70 TOP PANEL D-3773-044-2R 1 X X X X71 FRONT LABEL 2719-107-086R 1 X - - -72 FRONT LABEL 2719-107-087R - X X X73 POWER RESISTOR R1 1158-112-012R X - - -74 POWER RESISTOR R1 1158-112-008R - X X XFIGURE B: Machine assembly (rear side)Item Description part number QTY 1 2 31 HANDLE 0562-230-005R 1 X X X2 GAS INLET SOCKET D-1891-135-1R 1 X X X3 MAINS CORD whitout PLUG -5m (4x4mm²) D-5578-171-2R 1 X - -3 MAINS CORD whitout PLUG -5m (4x6mm²) D-5578-171-3R 1 - X X4 CIRCUIT BREAKER Q1 (ONLY WATER) 1115-299-027R 1 - - X5 SOCKET X16 (ONLY WATER) 1131-222-004R 1 - - X6 WATER COOLER (ONLY WATER) K10329 1 - - X7 COOLER BRACKET (ONLY WATER) D-2632-641-1/33R 1 - - XFigure C: Feeding Unit AssemblyItem Description part number QTY 1 WIRE FEEDER COMPL. 0744-000-165R 1 X1 FEED PLATE 0646-233-002R 1 X2 FIXING ARM COMPL. 0646-233-015R 2 X3 INLET GUIDE 0646-233-025R 1 X4 AXIS PRESSURE ARM 0646-233-003R 2 X5 SPRING PRESSURE ARM 0646-233-013R 2 X6 PRESSURE ARM COMPL.L 0646-233-007R 1 X7 INTERMEDIATE GUIDE 0646-233-023R 1 X8 AXIS DRIVE ROLL 0646-233-020R 2 X9 GEAR WHEEL ROLL 0646-231-090R 2 X10 GEAR WHEEL MOTOR 0646-233-028R 1 X11 FIXING CAP 0744-000-190R 2 X12 METAL COVER 0646-233-027R 1 X13 PRESSURE ARM COMPL.R 0646-233-005R 1 X14 MOTOR -28V 1111-722-047R 1 X15 WOODRUFF KEY 0646-231-102R 1 X。
热收缩薄膜包装机-使用说明热收缩薄膜包装机由科时敏(中国)有限公司研制开发,采用贝加莱公司的可编程计算机控制器(B&R PCC PP41)作为主控制部分,伺服控制系统(B&R ACOPOS)作为运动控制部分。
主控系统还集成了人机操作面板(B&R PANELWARE)的系统参数输入、伺服同步控制参数的下载、报警显示和命令传输等功能。
每一个CAN ID值都可以通过各个站的拨码设置。
二.面板的按键布局12 34567 8 90 回车 退格缺瓶清空←确认→↓↑F1 F2 F3F4F5 F6分瓶启动分瓶寻参图5.三.系统的图形示意说明各个页面的操作使用为了便于操作者能够形象的记住各个页面下的各个按键的功能,本系统采用了大量的图形来示意。
E411MP Bullet with D/N, IR, Basic WDR, Vari-focal lensHardware User’s Manual(PoE)Ver. 2013/01/18Table of Contents0.Precautions 31.Introduction 4Package Contents (4)Features and Benefits (5)Safety Instructions (6)Physical description (8)Basic Connections (9)Product Specification (10)2.Installation 10How to Do the Waterproof with Conduit Installation (11)How to replace pre-installed network cable with cable gland (14)3.Accessing Camera 17If you have DHCP server / router in your network: (17)If you do NOT have DHCP server / router in your network: (17)2Read these instructionsY ou should read all the safety and operating instructions before using this product.Heed all warningsY ou must adhere to all the warnings on the product and in the instruction manual. Failure to follow the safety instruction given may directly endanger people, cause damage to the system or to other equipment.ServicingDo not attempt to service this video device yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.TrademarksAll names used in this manual are probably registered trademarks of respective companies.LiabilityEvery reasonable care has been taken during the writing of this manual. Please inform your local office if you find any inaccuracies or omissions. We cannot be held responsible for any typographical or technical errors and reserve the right to make changes to the product and manuals without prior notice.FCC/CE RegulationNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.34Package ContentsE41 (Included camera stand/sun shield)AccessoriesConduit GlandWarranty Card QIGFeatures and BenefitsThis is a cutting-edge digital video surveillance camera. It can compress and transmit real time images with outstanding image quality through a standard TCP/IP network. This camera is your best choice to build an intelligent IP surveillance system.H.264 High Profile/MJPEG Multi-Codec Dual StreamingThis device supports 2 compression formats, H.264 High Profile and MJPEG. It brings superior image quality at 30 frames per second up to a resolution of 720p (1280 x 720) pixels and VGA (640 x 480) pixels.Built-in Hardware Motion DetectionNo more external motion sensors are required. Y ou may assign up to 3 video motion detection areas. By tuning the object size and sensitivity, it will reliably detect objects passing though is view. Hardware motion detection also offers better sensitivity and faster response time than software motion detection.Powerful Bundled Surveillance SoftwareTo extend the capabilities of the IP Camera series, a powerful surveillance video management software can be downloaded from ACTi website for free. Users can easily use an existing PC as a digital video recorder. Scheduled recording and manual recording keep every important video recorded in the local hard disk. Reliable and accurate motion detection with instant warning enables immediate response in every condition. Quick and simple search and playback function lets you easily find the images and video you want. To experience ACTi NVR3, please go to: /nvr3.Software Development Kit SupportThis IP Camera can be integrated or controlled by applications from third party software developers. Software developers can save considerable efforts by using our Streaming Library or ActiveX control. Please contact us for details on integration support.5Safety InstructionsDon’t open the housing of the productCleaningDisconnect this video product from the power supply before cleaning.AttachmentsDo not use attachments not recommended by the video product manufacturer as they may cause hazards.Water and MoistureDo not use this video product near water, for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool and the like.Don’t use accessories not recommended by the manufacturerOnly install this device in a dry place protected from weatherServicingDo not attempt to service this video product yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.Damage Requiring serviceDisconnect this video product from the power supply immediately and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions.1) When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged2) If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the video product.3) If the video product has been directly exposed to rain or water.4) If the video product does not operate normally by following the operating Instructions inthis manual. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the instruction manual, as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage, and will often requireextensive work by a qualified technician to restore the video product to its normaloperation.6Safety CheckUpon completion of any service or repairs to this video product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine if the video product is in proper operating condition.7Physical description1) Reset ButtonStep 1: Press and continue to hold the Reset Button for 15 seconds (with a sharp tipped object, like a pen.) after the unit has successfully completed the boot process.Step 2: The Ethernet LED light will turn off for about 1~2 seconds and flash on for another second. By this time the reset to default operation is already completed. Y ou may then releasethe reset button. This length of time fluctuates slightly with the environment. The unit will come back on and stay on after a few more seconds. The unit will start up with factory defaultsettings automatically.2) Power LEDLED light will light up while the power is on. LED light will light off after the unit has successfully completed the boot process.3) Ethernet PortThe IP device connects to the Ethernet via a standard RJ45 connector. Supporting NWAY, thisIP device can auto detect the speed of local network segment (10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet).8Basic ConnectionsFollow the procedures below to connect the IP device to the respective apparatuses.Please use a PoE (Power over Ethernet) supported switch or injector:1) Connect your IP Camera to the PoE Switch / Injector by CA T5 or CA T6 cables with RJ45connector.2) Connect your PoE Switch / Injector to PC with another CA T5 / CA T6 network cable.910All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please check Data Sheet on our website for latest specifications.112. InstallationHow to Do the Waterproof with Conduit InstallationBeside the bundled network cable, you also can use conduit and follow the installation procedure to make the camera be water-resistant even for the situations where the camera can easily be flooded by pouring rain.The important part to focus on during the installation: The protection of the cabling has to be done by a proper flex conduit. The size of the flex conduit that matches with the conduit gland is 1/2”. Please note that the conduit gland is included to the package of the bullet camera.The following images show the step-by-step procedure of completing the water-proof installation.Disassemble the conduit gland as shown on the photo. 1.Pull the network cable through the flex conduit.Please note that the size of the conduit and the gland is big enough to let the RJ-45 connector pass through all the way. 2.Two pieces from the conduit gland set will beattached to flex conduit first.123.Remove the bundled network cable andconnector from back side cover of the camera. 4.The third piece of conduit gland goes throughthe back side cover of the camera. 5.The fourth piece (locking nut) is used to lockthe gland firmly from the inside of the back side cover. 6.Pull the network cable through the back sidecover of the camera. 7.Connect the flex conduit to the back side coverof the camera.138. Tighten the domed sealing nut.9.Plug the network cable into the camera ’s RJ-45 connector before closing the back side of the camera. If you are not using PoE and need an additional power cord then please connect it at this stage, too.10. Tighten the screws of the back side of the camera properly.11. Finally, the bullet camera with properly mounted flex conduit as well as with proper outdoor bracket would look like this. The camera is now ready to withstand even the most severe rain storms.14How to replace pre-installed network cable with cable glandThe camera bundled cable gland with pre-installed network cable is M20 X 1.5 Matric thread. It is resistant to salt water, weak acid, alcohol, oil, grease and common solvency.The cable gland consists of five parts: Lock Nut, Body, Seal, Claw and Sealing Nut as shown below.The cable gland can hold cable firmly and have a wide range of network cable sizes, you can change suitable network cable quickly and easily to fulfil the installation environment. It is not necessary to dismantle the cable gland any further than illustrated below.The naked length of pre-installed network cable is around 14 cm.14 cmSealing NutClawSeal15The following images show the step-by-step procedure of replacing network cable and completing the water-proof installation.1.Open the back side cover from camera, and remove the network cable, and loosen the sealing nut to release the network cable from camera.2.Separate the seal from the claw.3.Squeeze the seal and then pull out the bundled network cable.4.Pull the new network cable through Sealing Nut, Claw, Seal and cable gland on the back side cover of camera sequentially.12165.Assemble the Seal and Claw, and then Insert thenetwork cable to RJ-45 PoE connector.6. Tighten the screws of the back side cover on the camera properly7.Tighten the sealing nut as far as possible.8.Finally, the bullet camera is now properly mounted with waterproof cabling and is ready to attach to the proper outdoor bracket.213.Accessing CameraIf you have DHCP server / router in your network:Many network server / routers are able to automatically provide IP addresses through DHCP. If you are using such a network, just plug in your computer and IP Camera into the network and your IP device will acquire network address by itself. Find and access the device with our IP Utility program. Y ou may download it at:/UtilityIf you do NOT have DHCP server / router in your network:1. Configure your PC to use the same subnet by changing your PC’s IP address to thesubnet with prefix 192.168.0.XXX. The last number should be anything from 1 to 254except 100 and other occupied IP addresses. Subnet mask should be 255.555.255.0.2. The default IP used by this device is Please make sure your PC isNOT using this address and that no two equipments use the same IP address in the network.3. Change your IP address by going to Control Panel ->Manage Network Connections ->Right click on the connection to change -> Option -> TCP/IP IPv4 Properties.174. Open Internet Explorer (Version 6.0 or above) , and type in the Default IP: When you see the login window, please input default user and password:Default User: Admin Password: 123456Please set the settings as below.●IP address: 192.168.●Subnet mask: 255.255.255. 0(NOTE: xxx should be a numberfrom 1 to 254 except 100, which isused by the IP device. Please alsomake sure that no two equipmentsuse the same IP address in thesame network.) 18196. After logging in, you will see the video from camera. To go to the main menu, click the“Setup” button on the top left.If you are using a single camera, this is enough to access the device.If you are using multiple devices, you need to change the current device to another unused IP address, so that when the next device is connected to the network, no two devices use the same IP . Please perform the following steps.7. Go to IP Settings -> Connection Type8. Change the IP mode to Static.9. Change the IP to or any other unused IPs. Do NOT use the PC ’s IPaddress or If this is not the first device you add to the network, please also avoid other devices ’IPs.2010. Click “Apply ”11. Please go to System -> Save & Reboot, and click “Apply ”. Internet Explorer will closeafter a few seconds. This is normal.12. Wait for 30 seconds, and open IE again to connect to the new IP . (In this example, For the second device or more you add into the network, please type the correct IP .13. Adjust the default Video setting by going to Video -> VideoPlease refer the firmware manual for the detail information.。
Important: This manual contains information for the safetyof persons and property. Read it carefully before assembly and operation of the equipment!Visit us on the web! OWNER'S MANUALINDRODUCTION================================================================================================REQUIRED TOOLS FOR ASSEMBLY• 7/16” Wrench• 7/16” Socket & Ratchet • 9/16” Wrench• 9/16” Socket & Ratchet •1/2” Socket & Ratchet • Pliers •GlovesSAFETY LABELS AND NOTATIONThe safety labels shown in this section are placed in important areas on your product to draw attention to potential safety hazards.On your product safety labels, the words DANGER , WARNING and CAUTION are used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards.The operator’s manual also explains any potential safety hazards whenever necessary in special safety messages that are identified with the word, CAUTION, and the safety-alert symbol.GENERAL NOTES (OPERATION)Caution should be taken when towing and/or using any attachment. This attachment combined with the weight distribution, turning radius, and speed of towing vehicle can result in severe injury or death to operator, damage to towing vehicle, and/or attachment if not used properly. Follow all towing safety precautions noted in the towing vehicle owner’s manual, including the following precautions:• Ensure the combined weight of the towing vehicle (tow vehicle weight +operator weight) is greater than the maximum towed weight of attachment (empty attachment weight + weight of load).• Do not exceed maximum towing capacity of towing vehicle.CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES- Please read & retain this manual. The instructions will enable to assemble and maintain your product properly. - Please carefully read and observe the SAFETY SEcTION of this manual.- Follow a regular schedule in maintaining and caring for your Brinly-Hardy product.CONGRATULATIONS on the purchase of your new Brinly-Hardy Plug Aerator! This accessory has been designed, engineered and manufactured to give you the best possible dependability and performance.Should you experience any problem you cannot easily remedy, please do not hesitate to contact our knowledgeable customer service department toll-free at 1-877-728-8224. We have competent, well trained technicians to help you with the assembly and use of your Plug Aerator.TABLE OF CONTENTS============================Safety .................2-3Specifications .............4Hardware Identifier .......5-6PA-403BHAssembly ............7-14PA-482BHAssembly ...........15-22Operation, Maintenanceand Service ..........23-25Parts List ............26-27Limited Warranty .. (28)RECORD PURCHASE INFORMATION===============================================================Record your purchase information in the spaces provided below:DATE OFPURCHASE ��������������������������������������������������COMPANY NAME ���������������������������������������������SERIAL NUMBER ���������������������������������������������CO. PHONE �������������������������������������������������SAFETY================================================================================================• Do not exceed the maximum drawbar pull rating of the towingvehicle. Drawbar pull is the horizontal force required to pull the attachment (including weight of load).• Only tow this product in the vehicle’s tow mode/speed setting orless than 5 mph. Do not exceed 5 mph.• Towing speed should always be slow enough to maintain control.Travel slowly and use caution when traveling over rough terrain. Avoid holes, rocks and roots.• Slow down before you turn and do not turn sharply.• Use wide turning angles to ensure the attachment follows the pathof the towing vehicle.• Do not use attachment on steep slopes. A heavy load could causeloss of control or overturn attachment and towing vehicle. Additional weights may need to be added to your vehicle; check with towing vehicle manufacturer for recommendations.• Reduce towed weight when operating on slopes.• Keep all movement on slopes slow and gradual. Do not makesudden changes in speed, directions, or turning.• If you start and stop suddenly on hills, you may lose steering controlor the towing vehicle may tip.• Do not start or stop suddenly when going uphill or downhill. Avoiduphill starts.• Slow down and use extra care on hillsides. Turf conditions canaffect vehicle stability. Use extreme caution while operating near drop-offs.• Do not drive close to creeks, ditches and public highways.• Watch out for traffic when crossing near roadways.• Use care when loading or unloading the vehicle into a trailer ortruck.• The attachment can obstruct the view to the rear. Use extra carewhen operating in reverse.• When reversing, carefully back-up straight to avoid jackknifing. Donot allow towing vehicle wheels to contact attachment draw bar. Damage could result.• Stop on level ground, disengage drives, set the parking brake, andshut off engine before leaving the operator’s position for any reason including emptying the attachment.• Use this attachment for intended purpose only.• This attachment is intended for use in lawn care and homeapplications. Do not tow behind a vehicle on a highway or in any high speed applications.• Do not tow at speeds higher than the maximum recommendedtowing speed.• Do not tow this product behind a motor vehicle such as a car ortruck.• Always wear substantial footwear. Do not wear loose fitting clothingthat can get caught in moving parts.• Keep your eyes and mind on your towing vehicle, attachment andarea being covered. Do not let other interests distract you.• Stay alert for holes and other hidden hazards in the terrain• Keep the towing vehicle and attachment in good operating conditionand keep safety devices in place.• The towing vehicle and attachment should be stopped andinspected for damage after striking a foreign object. Any damage should be repaired before restarting and operating the equipment.• Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed. Fix damagedparts immediately. Replace worn or broken parts. Replace all worn or damaged safety and instruction decals. Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight.• Do not modify the attachment or safety devices. Unauthorizedmodifications to the towing vehicle or attachment may impair its function, safety and void the warranty.TOWING VEHICLE AND TOWING SAFELY• Know your towing vehicle controls and how to stop safely. READYOUR TOWING VEHICLE OWNER’S MANUAL before operating.• Check the towing vehicle brake action before you operate. Adjust orservice brakes as necessary.• Stopping distance increases with speed and weight of towed load.Travel slowly and allow extra time and distance to stop.• Use only approved hitches. Tow this attachment only with a towingvehicle that has a hitch designed for towing. Do not connect this attachment except at the approved hitch point.• Follow the tow vehicle manufacture’s recommendations forweight limits for towed equipment and towing on slopes. Use counterweights or wheel weights as described in the towing vehicle operator’s manual.• Do not shift to neutral and coast downhill.• Do not allow children to operate the towing vehicle. Do not allowadults to operate the towing vehicle without proper instruction or without having read the owner’s manual.PROTECT THOSE AROUND YOU• Before you operate any feature of this attachment or towing vehicle,observe your surroundings and look for bystanders.• Keep children, bystanders and pets at a safe distance away whileoperating this or any attachment.• Use care when reversing. Before you back up, look carefully behindfor bystanders.KEEP RIDERS OFF TOWED ATTACHMENT & TOWING VEHICLE• Do not carry passengers.• Do not let anyone, especially children, ride in/on this attachment,the towing vehicle or hitch bracket. Riders are subject to injury such as being struck by foreign object and/or being thrown off during sudden starts, stops and turns. Riders may also obstruct the operator’s view resulting in this attachment being operated in an unsafe manner.KEEP BODY PARTS FROM UNDER TOWBARBefore disconnecting this machine from towing vehicle hitch plate:• Stop on level ground.• Stop towing vehicle engine• Lock towing vehicle park brake.• Block wheels of the machine.• Make sure body parts are not under towbar.================================================================================================SPECIFICATIONSMODELS: PA -403B H & PA -403B H -AAssembly steps begin on page 7Assembly steps begin on page 16Online Info + Video LinksOnline Info + Video LinksMODELS:PA -482B H & PA -482B H -AHARDWARE IDENTIFIERNot sure which model you have? Page 4 will clear up any confusion.ASSEMBLY : 40” Plug Aerator (PA-403BH)---------REQUIRED TOOLS FOR ASSEMBLY• 7/16” Wrench• 7/16” Socket & Ratchet • 9/16” Wrench• 9/16” Socket & Ratchet • 1/2” Socket & Ratchet • Pliers •Gloves0000000000000000000000000P A R T I D E N T I F I E RH A R D w A R E I D E N T IF IE RAdditional info and videos are available on our website:(OR scan this QR code)STEP 2-B-------------------------Align the Mounting Brackets (31) to the outside of T ow Bars (7). Find this hardware:- x4 Hex Bolts (8) - 5/16” x 1” - x4 Flat Washers (24) - 5/16” - x4 Nylon Lock Nuts (32) - 5/16”the hex bolts (8). Insert the Bolt and Washer Assembly from outside of the Mount Bracket.Start to add Nylon Lock Nuts (32) to the end of each hex bolt, however, DO NOT tighten fully (yet).Add a flat washer (24) to each of---C . D .STEP 5----------------Find this hardware:- x24 Lock Nuts (28assemblies (12 & 13).shown.assembly (12 and 13(28STEP 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSEMBLYIS COMPLETE!-----------------To find replacement parts, an index / breakdown of all the parts for this pages 26-27.Operation, Maintenance and Service information availableNot sure which model you have? Page 4 will clear up any confusion.ASSEMBLY : 48” Plug Aerator (PA-482BH)---------REQUIRED TOOLS FOR ASSEMBLY• 7/16” Wrench• 7/16” Socket & Ratchet • 9/16” Wrench• 9/16” Socket & Ratchet • 1/2” Socket & Ratchet • Pliers •GlovesAdditional info and videos are available on our website:(OR scan this QR code)0000000000000000000000000P A R T I D E N T I F I E RH A R D w A R E I D E N T IF IE RAlign the Mounting Brackets (31) to the outside of T ow Bars (7). Find this hardware:- x4 Hex Bolts (8) - 5/16” x 1”- x4 Flat Washers (24) - 5/16”- x4 Nylon Lock Nuts (32) - 5/16”STEP 2-B-----------------------------hex bolts (8). Insert the Bolt and Washer Assembly from outside of the Mount Bracket.Start to add Nylon Lock Nuts (32) to the end of each hex bolt, however, DO NOT tighten fully (yet).Add a flat washer (24) to each of the---C . STEP 5------------------Find this hardware:- x32 Hex Head Bolts (20- x32 Flat Washers (24- x32 Lock Nuts (28assemblies (12 & 13).Align Plugging Spoons (9all the Tube Assemblies (shown.assembly (12 and 13(28) as illustrated here.D.STEP 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSEMBLYIS COMPLETE!-----------------To find replacement parts, an index / breakdown of all the parts for this pages 26-27.Operation, Maintenance and Service information availableOPERATIONWHEN TO AERATE------------------------------------------------------Your Aerator should nOT be used when lawn conditions are too wet or too dry.USE OF ADDITIONAL WEIGHT---------------------------------------------The weight required to give a recommended penetration of approximately two to three inches will vary according to soil type and conditions. Concrete blocks, patio blocks, sand bags, or any other type of weight can be added to Aerator Tray as required. Weight can be secured by using tie downs through holes in Tray Flanges. Tie downs are not furnished with your unit. Usually three Concrete Blocks will be sufficient, but more or less weight may be required.• Drive your tractor to location to be Aerated.• Lower Aerator to Operating Position.• Drive the Tractor FORWARD approximately ten feet & stop.•Observe the operation- there should be a Plug hole approximately every ten to twelve inches and not more than three inches deep.• Add or remove weight to obtain this condition.--INFO & VIDEOS------------------Additional info and videos are available on our website:(OR scan the QR codes below)MAINTENANCESharping the spoons may provide improved performance.1. Using a metal file or grinding wheel, sharpen the outer edge of the end at a 30° angle for each spoon.2. After sharpening all the spoons, spray paint the exposed metal to prevent rust. NOTE: Use a rust-preventive spray paint on the exposed metal after sharping all of the spoons.3. Allow the paint to fully dry based on the paint’s recommended drying time.SHARPENING GUIDE---------------------------------OPERATIONMOUNTINGAND TRANSPORTING-------------------------------Attach aerator to your rider or lawn/garden tractor using pin and hairpin cotter (supplied).TO PLACE INTRANSPORT POSITION:• Push REARWARD on Lift Handle (11) towards Transport Lock Pin in Side Plate. Pull Handle OUT and move over the Lock Pin. Aerator now rests on wheels.TO PLACE INOPERATING POSITION:• Pull OUT on Lift Handle (releasing from Transport Lock Pin) and move FORWARD. Aerator now rests on Plugging Spoons.• The key to years of trouble-free service is to keep your Aerator clean and dry.• Never allow wet material to remain in tray for extended periods of time.• Occasionally check all moving parts for free movement and, if necessary, lubricate with oil.• Should rust develop, sand lightly & then paint area with enamel.• Periodically check all fasteners for tightness.QUALITY CONTINUES WITH QUALITY SERVICE--------------------------We provide a process to remedyyour questions or problems. Follow the steps below to get answers to any questions you may have about your product, or to order replacement parts:1. Refer to your attachment andmachine operator manuals.2. In North America and canada, call1-877-728-8224 and provide product serial number and model number.SERVICETo prevent rust on plugging spoons, apply a light coat of oil on the working areas of spoons after each use. Should rust appear on any other part of your Aerator, Plugging spoons are manufactured with special steels and are heat treated to resist wear of abrasive soil. Striking sub-surface objects can cause spoon MAINTENANCEMHPK-12BHThis quick-connect magnetic hitch pin can replace a regular cotter pin for an extra-strong, convenient upgrade. - Diameter: 1/2” - Pin Length: 3”OPTIONAL ACCESSORYMAGNETIC HITCH PIN ---------------NOTE: Additional accesoriesare also available in our Parts Store online: INSTALLATION QUESTIONS? MISSING PARTS? NEED REPLACEMENT PARTS?DON’T GO BACK TO THE STORE!Please call Customer Service Department Toll Free 877-728-8224 OR Email:**************************Brinly-Hardy company warrants the products listed below against defects in material and workmanship, and will at its option, repair or replace, free of charge, any part found to be defective in materials or workmanship. This limited warranty shall only apply if this prod -uct has been assembled, operated, and maintained in accordance with the Operator’s manual furnished with the product, and has not been subject to misuse, abuse, commercial use, neglect, accident, improper maintenance, alteration, vandalism, theft, fire, water, or damage because of other peril or natural disaster.Parts found to be defective within the warranty period will be re -placed at our expense. Our obligation under this warranty is ex-pressly limited to the replacement or repair, at our option, of parts found to be defective in material and workmanship.HOw TO OBTAIn ServIce: Warranty parts replacements are available, only with proof of purchase, through our Customer Ser -vice Department. Call 877-728-8224.No implied warranty, including any implied warranty of mer-chantability of fitness for a particular purpose, applies after the applicable period of express written warranty above as to the part as identified below. No other express warranty whether written or oral, except as mentioned above, given by any per-son or entity, including a dealer or retailer, with respect to any product, shall bind Brinly-Hardy Co. During the period of the warranty, the exclusive remedy is repair or replacement of the product as set forth above.The provisions as set forth in this warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. Brinly-Hardy Co. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential loss or dam-age including, without limitation, expenses incurred for substi-tute or replacement lawn care services or for rental expenses to temporarily replace a warranted product.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warran-ty lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.During the warranty period, the exclusive remedy is replacement of the part. In no event shall recovery of any kind be greater that the amount of the purchase price of the product sold. Alteration of safety features of the product shall void this warranty. You assume the risk and liability for loss, damage, or injury to you and your property and/or to others and their property arising out of the misuse or inabilityto use this product. NOTE: This limited warranty shall not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser or to the person for whom it was purchased as a gift.This limited warranty lasts as long you own your product purchased from an authorized seller. Coverage terminates once you sell or otherwise transfer the product.This limited warranty does not cover any purchaser other than the original purchaser of the product, nor does it cover any product pur -chased from an unauthorized third-party. If you are not the original purchaser of this product, your product is not covered by our limited warranty and you take the product “AS IS” and “with all faults.”We may require proof of purchase from you demonstrating that you are the original purchaser of the product, purchased the product from an authorized dealer, and are eligible to make a valid claim under this limited warranty.How state law relates to this warranty: This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.IMPOrTAnT:The Warranty period stated below begins with the proof of purchase. Without the proof of purchase, the Warranty period begins from the date of manufacture determined by the serial number manufacturing date. All parts replaced under warranty will be considered as part of the original product, and any warranty on the replaced parts will expire coincident with the original product warranty.The limited warranty set forth below is given by Brinly-Hardy Company with respect to new merchandise purchased and used in the United States (its possessions and territories) and Canada.This limited warranty does not provide coverage in the following cases:a. Routine maintenance items such as lubricants & filters.b. Normal deterioration of exterior finish due to use or exposure.c. Transportation and/or labor charges.d.The warranty does not include commercial and/or rental use.MANUFACTURER’S LIMITED WARRANTYAERATORSwArrAnTY PerIOd:See applicable parts listed below. Standard / Residential Use:Steel Frame & Steel Parts ............. 2 years Stars & Plugs ...................... 90 days Tires / Wheels .................... 90 daysDrive: Chain & Sprocket ............. 90 daysAll other normal wear parts or component failures will be covered on this product for a period of 90 days.。
Biogas, originating from biomass, sew-age plants and landfill sites is gaining increasing worldwide importance as a recognised renewable energy source. Generally, biogas is saturated with water vapour and contains other impurities which, when used as fuel, must be re-moved to prevent corrosion and damage to equipment and systems and improve cogeneration unit efficiency.Biogas is primarily composed of meth-ane and carbon dioxide with smaller amounts of hydrogen sulphide and am-monia. Trace amounts of other gases like hydrogen, nitrogen or carbon monoxide are also present in the biogas. Usually the mixed gas is saturated with water vapour and may contain dirt particles.The selection of effective biogas treat-ment equipment is therefore particu-larly important, both in optimising the cogeneration of electrical and thermal energy, making the most of the avail-able renewable energy, and reducing energy consumption and operating costs to a minimum.Parker’s solution is to dry the gas, firstly by cooling using a water-cooled heat ex-changer working with an air-cooled water chiller and secondly, by removing the condensed water with a cyclonic water separator. The cooled gas can then be reheated to reduce the relative humidity and thus meet the technical demands of gas engines, turbines and other down-stream equipment such as the Parker PpTek Siloxane Removal System and Biogas Upgrading System componentsSkid-Mounted Packages for Biogas andLandfill Gas Cooling ApplicationsProduct Description• The Parker Biogas Dehumidification System is a compact, robust and easy to handle plug & play gas conditioning package ensuring significant cost savings in investment, management and opera-tion• Available in a wide range of sizes from 50 Nm 3/h to 1500 Nm 3/h, the Parker system has performances and flow rates aligned with typical biogas plant designs and CHP capacities• All gas-side components are constructed from stainless steel (AISI304 or AISI316L) with additional pickling and passivation treatment in order to ensure highly reli-able and continuous operation even in the harshest site conditions• Designed using thermodynamic and fluid dynamic principles to ensure a high efficiency heat exchange and separation whilst maintaining low pressure drop • Flexibility to use a wide range of cooler/chiller combinations ensures the closestmatch to customer requirements thus de-livering constant dewpoint performance regardless of fluctuations in operatingconditions.Biogas Dehumidification SystemThe standard Biogas Dehumidification Systemcools biogas to a user defined dew point, using aHypercool BioEnergy heat exchanger working withHyperchill BioEnergy chiller and removing the con-densed water with the Hypersep BioEnergy separa-tor. Insulation, Hyperfilter BioEnergy and HyperdrainBioEnergy can be provided as options.Biogas Dehumidification SystemThis configuration is designed for installationswhere a blower is installed downstream of the De-humidification System, taking advantage of its posi-tion to increase the temperature of the biogas andthus decrease its Relative Humidity.Performances refer to operation with clean cooler and separator, gas flow rate at 20 °C/1 barg. Nominal working conditions: 60 % CH4, 40 % CO2, gas inlet temperature 40 °C saturated, refrigerant inlet water temperature 1 °C, ambient temperature 35 °C, gas outlet temperature at nominal conditions8 °C (from model skd60-007 to model skd265-024) and 4 °C (from model skd240-029 to model skd1620-116). Average pressure drop without filter 11 mbar +/-2 for all models, average pressure drops with filter 14 mbar +/- 2 for all models.*Data refer to skid without filter.B C DABiogas Dehumidification Systemwith ‘Gas2Gas’ Recuperator The Biogas Dehumidification System with ‘Gas-2Gas’ Recuperator BioEnergy cools biogas to auser-defined dew point and reheats the gas to aRelative Humidity lower than 50%. Insulation, Hy-perfilter BioEnergy and Hyperdrain BioEnergy canbe provided as options.This configuration is designed for installationswhere a blower is installed upstream of the De-humidification System with the ‘Gas2Gas’ Recu-perator providing free-cooling to save energy andfree-heating to reduce the Relative Humidity of thebiogas - without the need for auxiliary heating.Performances refer to operation with clean cooler and separator, gas flow rate at 20 °C/1 barg. Nominal working conditions: 55 % CH4, 45 % CO2,gas inlet temperature 50 °C (40 °C saturated), gas inlet pressure 75 mbarg, refrigerant inlet water temperature 1 °C, ambient temperature 35 °C, gasdew point at nominal conditions 8 °C (from model skd60-007 to model skd265-024) and 4 °C (from model skd240-029 to model skd1620-116), gasoutlet relative humidity below 50 %.*Data refer to skid without filter.B DABULBIOSKID-00-EN© 2016 Parker Hannifi n Corporation. All rights reserved.EMEA Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537/hzfdThe Key Components of the Parker Biogas Dehumidifi cation SystemHyperchill BioEnergy (ICE series)• Chiller Output 5 – 360 kW;• Special coating for corrosive environment;• Pump & tank installed in casing;• Microprocessor controlled;• Ambient range -20 °C to +45 °C • Compliant scroll refrigerant compressor;• IP54 protection as standard.Hypercool BioEnergy (WFB Series)• High cooling effi ciency with low pressure drop design;• Material: Parts in contact with biogas in AISI304 or AISI316L, parts not in contact with biogas in AISI304;• Max. working pressure: 0,5 barHypersep BioEnergy (CSB Series)• Cyclonic separator optimized for biogas applications • High separation effi ciency with very low pressure drop;• Material: Parts in contact with biogas in AISI304 or AISI316L, • Max. working pressure: 0,5 bar g.Optional Additions to Standard Skid PackageInstalled on a hot-galvanized steel frame, the water-chiller (Hyperchill BioEnergy), cooler (Hypercool Bio-Energy) and centrifugal separator (Hypersep BioEnergy) are the key components of the Biogas De-humidifi cation System: they havebeen specifi cally designed forbiogas applications and provide safe and reliable operation in the harsh environments typically found at AD and Landfi ll biogas produc-tion sites.Furthermore, the standard biogasThe standard Biogas Dehumidifi cation System can be extended to include additional components such as a particulate fi lter, condensate drain and/or energy-saving, 'Gas2Gas’ recuperator.Hyperfi lter BioEnergy (FFB)• Particle removal size 5 • or 20 μm • Filtration Effi ciency 99,999 % • Differential pressure 2 mbar • Material: AISI304 or AISI316L, with additional pickling and passivation treatment• Max. working pressure: 0,5 bar g .Gas2Gas Recuperator BioEnergy (RBB)• Free-cools incoming biogas to reduce chiller cooling load• Free-heats outgoing biogas to reduce relative humidity thus eliminating the need for auxiliary heating• High thermal transfer effi ciency with very low pressure drop • Material: AISI304 or AISI316L, with additional pickling andHyperdrain BioEnergy (HDF220BE)• Designed to work with dirtycondensate and for low pressureoperation• No electrical wiring• No gas loss• Parts in contact with condensate in stainless steel and reinforced polyamide, body treated with special Hiroshield treatmentfor optimal operation in harsh environmentspassivation treatmentdehumidifi cation package includes water connections between Hy-perchill and Hypercool, water isolating valves, water expansion tank, and counterfl anges kit with gaskets for easier connection of the system to the customer pipes.。
9. WARRANTYThis product carries a 24 month warranty from date of original purchase from Tekelek against any deficiency or fault in manufacture. This does not affect your statutory rights or any warranty offered by the seller if different to Tekelek.This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, damage cause by negligence, accident, improper use or incorrect installation. Any change or modification made by the purchaser or user to the appliance will invalidate the guarantee, as would any attempted repair.The warranty applies only when the appliance has been operated in accordance with the instructions and connected to an electricity supply which matches that shown in the manual.The warranty will be rendered invalid if the product is resold by the end user. The product must be used solely for domestic purposes. Tekelek Europe Ltd’s obligations are limited to the repair, or at its sole discretion, replacement of the unit.The unit should only be returned to Tekelek upon receiving confirmation from Tekelek that the return will be accepted. Tekelek distributors should get in touch in this regard with their normal sales contact at Tekelek. Other parties should only return the product for warranty assessment via the point of original purchase.8. TROUBLESHOOTINGIf the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor does not receive or cannot under-stand the RF signal from the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter, an error message will be displayed on the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor . The error message appears as an alternating screen showing ‘Err’ and ‘E:0?’ where ? is a number.Error codes are listed on a label on the rear of your Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor.10. CONTACT INFORMATIONShould you have any queries, please fill in our online enquiry form found under contacts on our website:Tel: +353 (0)61 471511| Fax: +353 (0)61 471685 | E -mail: ***************/****************The technical specifications of the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor, the contents of this manual, and the images herein are subject tochange without notice.The contents and images in this manual are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of TekelekEurope Ltd.89-####-00Error DescriptionTo RectifyE01Received reading is inconsistent- Check that the transmitter is vertical on the tank.- Check positioning of the transmitter (ensure that the transmitter is not too close to the tank sides or internal obstructions.- Ensure that the transmitter is not tightly attached to the tank.- Ensure that the tank is not overfilled and that the bottom of the transmitter is clean.E02Reading not received after 6 hours - Check that the transmitter is within range of the monitor. Try and relocate the monitor to a positionthat is nearer a window. Remember that the transmitter communicates with the monitor using an FM signal and moving the monitor plug from possible metal obstructions can improve the signal. - Ensure the monitor is not too close to, or obstructed by, other electrical appliances.Reading received but void- Check positioning of the transmitter (ensure that the transmitter is not too close to the tank sides or internal obstructions). - Ensure that the transmitter is not too tightly attached to the tank.- Ensure that the tank is not overfilled i.e. there is a minimum of 120mm/5ins free space between the transmitter and water level.- Ensure that the bottom of sensor is clean.- If a bund tank, ensure that the transmitter is located on the inner tank. E04Received Reading greater thantank height- Check the tank height and ensure that this information is correct on the monitor, press the ˄ and ˅ keys together to view your tank configuration. If height is incorrect, enter the SETUP mode by pressing SETUP for 3 secs, press ENTER until you reach screen 5 and adjust the height using ˄ and ˅ keys. Press ENTER to save. Press SETUP to exit Setup mode. Wait 3 hours for updated readings. - Check the transmitter is vertical and the positioning of the transmitter (ensure the transmitter is not too close to the tank sides or internal obstructions. E05 Contact Vendor - This is a hardware fault and requires contact with the vendor. E06Contact Vendor- This is a hardware fault and requires contact with the vendor.1. INTRODUCTIONThank you for selecting the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor. This revolutionary monitoring system allows consumers to monitor and track their water consumption on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.The Tekelek Eco -Water product from Tekelek Europe Ltd consists of the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter and Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor. The Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter is easily installed on your storage tank to measure the level water in your tank. It transmits the water level information wirelessly to the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor which may be located in a convenient location inside your home/office etc.The Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter uses ultrasonic technology to measure the distance from the Transmitter on top of the tank to the surface of the liquid in your water tank. As the amount of water in your tank decreases the distance measured increases accordingly. The distance information is transmitted wirelessly to the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor.Litres\Gallons and % waterOnce programmed with information about your water tank’s shape and size, the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor calculates and displays the amount of water remaining in your tank in litres\Gallons or as a percentage of the tank capacity. In addition (as water is consumed over time) the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor calculates and displays usage information in-cluding the average amount of litres\gallons used per day, per week, over the last 30 days, and over the last 365 days. Days to Empty (DTE)As the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter continuously measures and transmits the water level, the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor retains this information allowing it to ‘learn’ histori-cal water system usage patterns and so predict the ‘Days to Empty ’ for your tank. With this information you can ensure that you fill your water tank at the correct time – not too soon, and more importantly, not too late. InstallationThe Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter fits into the standard 32mm/1.25inchs aperture found on most modern water storage tanks and is suitable for use with almost any plastic or metal tank up to 3m/9.8feet tall, including Bunded and Single Skin Water tanks. If your tank is a bunded tank, ensure that you mount the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter on the inner tank.As part of the installation the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter and Monitor are ‘synchronised’ together to ensure there is no interference from other nearby transmitters.1Eco -Water Monitor Product Manual2. TEKELEK Eco -Water – FEATURES AND FUNCTIONSLEDThe red light above the ENTER key flashes when there is an Alarm condition (see section 6) and on receiving an RF signal from the Tekelek Eco -Water TransmitterDISPLAY - SYMBOLS & INDICATORSThe Tekelek Eco -Water contains a display that conveys a variety of infor-mation during normal use and during its initial setup and configuration for use with your water tank. The display contains three sections (1, 2, & 3) as indicated in the diagram.2 1 LCD Display 11 Error code information 2 MODE key 12 Power/data cable3 DOWN key 13 Manufacturing information4 ENTER key 14 Location feature (see STEP 3 of this installation guide)5 UP key 15 USB connector6 SETUP key 16 Mains power plug7 Alarm Red LED 17 Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter 8 Wall mount feature 18 Self -tapping screws x 2 9 Beeper aperture 19 Weather seal (Gasket)10RESET button access20Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter water Level displayTekelek Eco -Water features7. TEKELEK Eco -Water TRANSMITTER BATTERY CHANGEIf the battery in the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter needs to be changed the display will provide advance warning by showing the ‘TANK LOW BATTERY’ text below the bar -graph.- Remove the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter from the tank and move to a safe location- The battery can be accessed by removing the 4 self -tapping screws from the base of the unit.- Remove the old battery noting the orientation (‘+’ mark facing outwards) and replace it with a new battery, 3V CR2450- Re -assemble, ensuring the O -ring is undamaged and secured in position.- Re -locate the transmitter on the tank.There is no need to re -synchronise the transmitter with the monitor when the transmitter battery is changed.DisposalThe crossed out dustbin on the packaging indicates that this product and its battery shall not be treated as household waste. Proper disposal will help prevent potentially negative consequences for the environment and human health. Formore detailed information about recycling of this product or battery, please contact your local recycling centre or the shop where you purchased the product.6. TEKELEK Eco -Water ALARMS/ INDICATIONSLow Level IndicationsWhen the tank level falls to within 14cm of the bottom of the tank the ‘re -fill’ symbol will flash. When the tank level is such that there is below 10% of the usable volume of water left in the tank, the CURRENT information screen alternates between showing the ‘Ltr.’ (or % or DTE) and ‘Lo’. If the level then drops such that there is below 5% of usable water left:∙ ‘Lo’ is displayed constantly on the CURRENT information screens. ∙ The monitor beeps 5 times, repeating every hour, i.e. 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00... ∙ The RED light flashes.Full IndicationWhen the level in your tank reaches 12 cm from the top of the tank, i.e. from the bottom of the Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter, the main display will show ‘FULL’.To calculate the volume in your tank the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor needs to know the shape of your tank. There are three basic shapes as illustrat-ed. Identify the shape that is closest to the shape of your tank. Each Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor is supplied with the default settings as shown. The Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor must then be config-ured to your own tank’s dimensions (see installa-tion guide). Minimum and maximum allowable values for tank dimensions are shown in this table.5. TEKELEK Eco -Water - TANK SETUP74. DISPLAY SCREENS There are two types of information displayed on the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor:CURRENT information screens – used in normal mode to show the current status of the water level in yourtank. Change between the ‘Ltr.’, ‘%’, ‘Days to empty’, and Clock screens using the ❒ and ♦ keys.For approximately 1 week after the Tekelek Eco -Water is installed, it collects data so that the ‘Average per day’ value may be calculated. During this period the screen will flash ‘---‘ when showing ‘Days to empty’. (In the picture, ‘flashing’ is indicated in red).After this period, the display may continue to show ‘---‘ (but not flashing). This indicates that a meaningful value could not be calculated. This may occur in periods when there is no (or extremely low) usage. The ‘---‘ may be displayed in any of the HISTORICAL infor-mation screens under these conditions.This may also happen if the Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor is been unplugged for some time. When sufficient data has been gathered, the screen will revert to normal after a period from a few hours up to a maximum of 1 week.HISTORICAL information screens showing ‘Water usage – Litres\Gals’. Pressing MODE and ❒/♦ accesses these screens.The Tekelek Eco -Water Monitor will automatically return to the CURRENT information screen after 30s with no keypresses within the HISTORICAL information screens. The maximum value displayed is 19999.61 - Used for SETUP and displays SETUP number, and in normal use displays room temperature.2 - Tank information including a visual bar -graph of the water level in the tank.3 - Information about the remaining usable water in litres\Gals or as a %, the ‘Days to Empty’, and the averageand cumulative use of water in litres\Gals. Time is also displayed here.3TANK TYPEIndicates the tank type being selected.A,B,CA, B, C are types of tank shapes (see diagrams in section 5).ROOM TEMPERATURE The value displayed is the room temperature.20 Numeric display - shows the room temperature in normal mode e.g 20. 3 Shows the SETUP mode number when in SETUP mode, e.g. SETUP mode 3 ˚C & ˚F The value displayed is temperature in degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit. cm\inch The value displayed is in centimetres/inches. SETUPSETUP mode is active.H The value displayed is the tank height. WThe value displayed is the tank width.Monitor Display:Bar graph indicator of liquid level - each bar represents 10% of tank height. .Tekelek Eco -Water Transmitter Display:Tanks 1m/3.3ft. in height or greater - each bar represents 1/10th of the top 1m/3.3ft of the tank. Tanks less than 1m/3.3ft. in height - each bar represents 1/10th of 1m/3.3ftFull Indicates the ‘Full’ level of the bar graph indicator. Liquid Level Indicates the bar graph is showing the liquid level. EMPTYIndicates the ‘Empty’ level of the bar graph indicator.BUND ALARMWhen flashing, there has been a leak into the ‘Bund’ (double skinned tanks). The 10 bars and the RED LED will also be flashing at the same time.TANK LOW BATTERY The transmitter battery needs to be changed.Flashing - The remaining water level in the tank is at 10% or below of tank height Flashing - There is a problem with the RF signal from the transmitter.The temperature is close to or below the limit of operation of the transmitter - the information accuracy may be affected.% The value displayed is the % of usable water remaining in the tank. cm\inchs The value displayed is in centimetres/inches Ltr\GalThe value displayed is in litres/gallons.USB data activity.AVERAGE PER DAY The value displayed is the average per day based on the last 7 days' usage. AVERAGE PER WEEK The value displayed is the average per week based on the last 14 days' usage. DAYS TO EMPTY The value displayed is the estimated number of days of water remaining in the tank. It is computed by dividing the volume of usable water left in the tank LAST 30 DAYS The value displayed is the estimated usage over the last 30 days. LAST 365 DAYSThe value displayed is the estimated usage over the last 365 days.3.PRODUCT INFORMATIONa)DEFINITIONS/GLOSSARY4Tank SizeMin. Depth : 0.5m/1.64feet Max. Depth:3m/9.8feetMax. Tank Volume: 19999L/GalDisplaysMulti-function LCD display including:∙ 10 bar-graph level indication on both Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor and Transmitter*∙ Display of various current and historical values(Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor only)∙ Display control with five control buttons∙ Red LED for low level indication at 5% or less ofusable water remainingAudible Alarm∙ Audible alarm sounds every hour on the hourwhen the tank level is lowMax communication distanceTypically 150m\492feet in normal ‘line of sight’conditionsWireless Communications433MHz FM transmission (EN300-220)Power Supply- Tekelek Eco-Water Transmitter—3V LiMn cell, CR2450- Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor:- Receiver: 5V DC (40mA)- Backup battery: 3V LiMn cell, CR2450Mains Power Supply (incl.) for Tekelek Eco-Water Moni-tor150V-240V, 50-60 Hz, meets EN60950-1 (Eco-WaterMonitor use only—not for use with any other device)Battery LifeTekelek Eco-Water Transmitter: 5 years (estimated life)Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor – Receiver memory back-upbattery: 3yr if device is not plugged in**DimensionsTekelek Eco-Water Transmitter: 140m x 70mm x 40mm55.1inch x 27.5inch x 15.7 inchTekelek Eco-Water Monitor: 120mm x 90mm x 50mm47.2 inch x 35.4inch x 19.6incMax and Min Operation (Transmitter)Operating temperature range: -10°C/50˚F to +60°C/140˚F. C/Operating Humidity : 0 - 95% non-condensingHole size for fitting transmitter: 32mm/1.25inch diameterb)TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:∙Please retain this product manual and the installationguide. It contains practical instructions, technicalspecifications and safety precaution warnings youshould know about.∙The maximum displayed value for all measurements andcomputed values is 19999. If a measurement exceedsthis value, the display will flash. This does not affect datacalculations or alarm functions.∙When used according to recommendations, the TekelekEco-Water monitors the water level in your tank andcalculates and presents figures relating to the remainingwater and the historical usage. The Tekelek Eco-Watermust not be used as verification of a ‘Weights andMeasures’ certified dispensing meter.∙Patents pending or covered by one of the followingpatents: S2003/0882, EP2131164(A1),US2006261966(A1), US7277020(B2), IE20030882(A2) ,S2008/0466, US2009/0303059 A1∙For correct usage calculation, a minimum of 7 daysbetween tank fills is required.∙The Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor is intended to beconnected to a power source continuously. It contains asmall battery to keep time during power cuts. If theTekelek Eco-Water Monitor is left unpowered for anextended period then the battery will deplete andinformation may be lost. When you are not using watersystem, you may unplug the Tekelek Eco-Water andstore it until you wish to use your water system again. Itsback-up battery and internal clock keep track of the daysas they pass. (Cont’d across…)When you next use it, on starting to use your systemagain, the Tekelek Eco-Water will continue monitoringyour water usage.∙When the Tekelek Eco-Water has been unpluggedand is plugged in again, it will start up in ‘Lrn’ mode.Simply press any key to exit.∙When you are receiving a water fill, the Tekelek Eco-Water Transmitter cannot receive a reliable echodue to turbulence within the tank and may cause theTekelek Eco-Water Monitor to temporarily displaysome error messages. Should the tank be filledabove the recommended 95% this will obstruct thetransmitter signal until the water level drops below120mm\4.7inchs from the transmitter. Thetransmitter will be unable to send accurate readingsduring this period.∙The Tekelek Eco-Water owner should note that thefirst fill amount of water into a tank will differ fromthe amount shown on the display. This is due to thefact that the Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor displays thevolume of Usable water available. The Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor in its calculations makes an allow-ance of 8cm\3.1inchs of unusable water in thebottom of the tank due to the location of the bottomoutlet.∙Not suitable for pressurised containers. Only use ontanks vented to the atmosphere.∙Only access the Reset Switch if instructed byTekelek.∙Changes in temperature can result in contractionand expansion of the tank and hence can affect thetank capacity. Such changes may affect your read-ings.c)NOTES:d)GENERAL PRODUCT SAFETY, CARE AND USE GUIDE LINES∙To ensure that you use your product correctly andsafely, please read the warnings, safety precautionsand notes below regarding use of and caring for yourTekelek Eco-Water Monitor and Transmitter.∙Do not use this product where the use of radiofrequency products can cause malfunction in the con-trol devices of other equipment i.e. hospitals, aircraft,etc.∙Do not subject the product to excessive force, shock,dust, temperature or humidity.∙The LCD panel behind the display lens is made of glass,and may break if the unit is dropped, impacted orsubjected to shock.∙Take special care when handling a damaged display, asthe liquid crystals can be harmful to your health.∙ Keep the product away from heat sources i.e.radiators, stoves, heaters, etc.∙ Do not use the Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor in or nearwater or in high moisture areas i.e. Bathroom∙ Do not tamper with the Tekelek Eco-Water Monitor’sinternal components. This will invalidate the warranty.∙ Do not attempt to repair the product yourself. Contactthe retailer or our Customer Service Department.∙ Do not dispose of old batteries as unsorted municipalwaste, do so in accordance with your local wastedisposal regulations.∙ When disposing of this product do so in accordancewith your local waste disposal regulations∙ Do not scratch hard objects against the Tekelek Eco-Water display as this may cause damage5。
智 享 养 宠 生 活We embrace a scientific way of pet raising.宠物饮水机使用说明书P E T F O U N T A I N M A N U A L*产品图片与实物略有不同时,请以实物为准请知悉阅读操作说明本产品经萤石公司认证,符合萤石互联产品技术规范和要求,可放心安全使用。
产品简介滤芯托盘饮水盘滤芯按键指示灯出水管主机产品展开图产品俯视图静音水泵清洗时盖回,避免弄湿接口防水软胶塞插入电源线,电源保护接口配件清单饮水盘×1出水管×1滤芯托盘×1主机×1滤芯×1适配器×13. 将所有组件依次组装(从上到下为饮水盘,滤芯托盘与滤芯,主机)。
4. 将适配器接口插入防水软胶塞中的电源接口,安装完成,开始使用。
2. 将滤芯从滤芯托盘底部卡扣处插入。
1. 将出水管用橡胶套连接由上至下插入经营水泵上端接口。
安装说明1. 将组装好的饮水盘、滤芯托盘和滤芯取出。
2. 往主机中倒入适量的宠物饮水(请不要超出最高水位线)。
3. 注入宠物饮水之后,重新组装饮水器。
4. 将电源适配器插入插座,产品通电即可使用。
使用说明A P P功能说明本产品已接入萤石云视频APP,使用手机扫描左侧二维码,下载并安装“萤石云视频”APP(或通过应用商城搜索“萤石云视频”)。
指示灯与按键说明指示灯1. 常亮白光:正常出水,产品正常工作。
2. 常亮红光:缺水状态,水泵停止工作,需要添加宠物饮水;加水高出水泵低水位后,水泵自动重启。
热收缩薄膜包装机-使用说明热收缩薄膜包装机由科时敏(中国)有限公司研制开发,采用贝加莱公司的可编程计算机控制器(B&R PCC PP41)作为主控制部分,伺服控制系统(B&R ACOPOS)作为运动控制部分。
主控系统还集成了人机操作面板(B&R PANELWARE)的系统参数输入、伺服同步控制参数的下载、报警显示和命令传输等功能。
每一个CAN ID值都可以通过各个站的拨码设置。
二.面板的按键布局图5.分瓶启动 分瓶寻参三.系统的图形示意说明各个页面的操作使用为了便于操作者能够形象的记住各个页面下的各个按键的功能,本系统采用了大量的图形来示意。
.V .V 204 R • • 104 RSUMMARYWARRANTYIMPORTANT WARNINGINTRODUCTION TO YOUR NEWR 401 • R 402 • R 402V.V.BOWL CUTTER/VEGETABLE PREPARATIONSWITCHING ON THE MACHINE•Advice on electrical connections•Control panelASSEMBLY•Bowl cutter attachment•Vegetable preparation attachmentUSES AND EXAMPLES•Bowl cutter attachment•Vegetable preparation attachmentOPTIONS• Serrated blade•Slightly serrated blade CLEANING•Motor base•Bowl cutter attachment•Vegetable preparation attachment•BladeMAINTENANCE•Blade•Motor seal•Bowl locating platesTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS•Weight•Dimensions•Working height•Noise level•Electrical dataSAFETYSTANDARDSTECHNICAL DATA•Exploded views•Electric diagram13ROBOT-COUPE S.N.C.,LIMITED WARRANTY14IMPORTANT WARNINGUNPACKING • Carefully remove the equipment from the packa-ging and take out all the boxes or packets containing attachments or specific items.• WARNING - some of the tools are very sharp e.g. blade, discs... etc.INSTALLATION • We recommend you install your machine on a per-fectly stable solid base.CONNECTION • Always check that your mains supply corresponds to that indicated on the rating plate on the motor unit and that it can take the amperage.• The machine must be earthed.• With the three-phased version, always check that the blade rotates in an anti-clockwise direction.HANDLING •Always take care when handling the blades or discs - they are very sharp.ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES•Follow the various assembly procedures carefully(see page 17) and make sure that all the attachmentsare correctly positioned.USE• Never try to override the locking and safety sys-tems.• Never introduce any object into the containerwhere the food is being processed.• Never push the ingredients down with your hand.• Do not overload the appliance.• Never switch the appliance on while it is empty.CLEANING• As a precaution, always unplung your appliancebefore cleaning it.• Always clean the appliance and its attachments atthe end of each cycle.• Never place the motor unit in water.• For parts made of aluminum alloys, use cleaningfluids suitable for aluminum.• For plastic parts , do not use detergents that aretoo alkaline (i.e., containing too much caustic sodaor ammonia...)• Robot-Coupe can in no way be held responsiblefor the user’s failure to follow the basic rules ofcleaning and hygiene.MAINTENANCE• Before opening the motor housing, it is absolutelyvital unplung the appliance.• Check the seals and washers regularly andensure that the safety devices are in good workingorder.• It is particularly important to maintain and checkthe attachments since certain ingredients containcorrosive agents e.g. citric acid.• Never operate the appliance if the power cordor plug has been damaged in any way or if theappliance fails to work properly or has been dama-ged in any way.• Do not hesitate to contact your local MaintenanceDepartment if something appears to be wrong.15INTRODUCTION TO YOUR NEW R 401 • R 402 •R 402 V.V. BOWL CUTTER/ VEGETABLE PREPARATION ATTACHMENTThe food processor is perfectly geared to professional needs. It can perform any number of tasks, which you will gradually discover as you use it.The food processor consists of a bowl cutter and vegetable preparation attachment. In cutter mode, it can be used to process meat, vegetables, fine stuffing, mousse, grinding, kneading,… in less than 5 minutes for even the longest tasks. In the vegetable preparation version, the device has a wide range of discs for thin slicing, grating and julienne vegetables. The R 402 / R 402 V.V. allows more functions : dicing and French fries.Its numerous functions will open the door to a whole new culinary world.Thanks to its simple design, all components requi-ring frequent handling for maintenance or cleaning can be fitted and removed in a triceThis manual contains important information designed to help the user get the most out of his or her R 401 / R 402 / R 402 V.V. bowl cutter/vegetable prepara-tion device.We therefore recommend that you read it carefully before using your machine.We have also included a few examples to help you get the feel of your new machine and appreciate its numerous advantages.•ADVICE ON ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSBefore plugging in, check that your power supplycorresponds to that indicated on the machine’sidentification plate.THREE PHASE R 402The R 402 comes with different types of motor:400 V / 50 Hz /3220 V /60 Hz /3380 V / 60 Hz /3This machine is supplied with a cable to which yousimply attach the appropriate electrical plug or iso-lator for your system. The cable has four wires, oneearth wire, plus three phase wires.If you have a 4-pin plug :1) Connect the green and yellow earth wire to theearth pin.2) Connect the three other wires to the remainingpins.If you have more than 4 pins in the plug,pleasenote the ROBOT-COUPE does not require a neutralwire.Switch on the empty machine, making sure thatthe blade is rotating properly in an anti-clockwisedirection.On the motor unit, a red arrow marks the blade ro-tation direction.If the blade turns in a clokwise direction, swap overtwo wires.SWIT CHING ONTHE MACHINEGREEN / YELLOW is the earth,DO NOT DISCONNECTSwap either : the and thethe andtheor the and theSINGLE PHASE R 401The R 401 are fitted with various types of motors:230 V / 50 Hz /1115 V / 60 Hz /1220 V / 60 Hz /1The machine comes with a single phase plugconnected to a power cord.SINGLE PHASE R 402 V.V. (Variable speed)The R 402 V.V. is available with a single phase motor+ variable speed: 230 V / 50 - 60 Hz /1The standardized plug must be calibrated to aminimum of 10 amps and preferably 16 amps, ifthe appliance is used intensively.•CONTROL PANELR 401Red switch= Off switchGreen switch=On switchBlack switch= Pulse controlR 402Red switch= Off switchGreen switch=On switchBlack switch= Pulse controlSpeed selector= 750 or 1500 rpm.R 402 V.V. :Speed variation for cutter bowl from300 to 3.000 rpm.for vegetable preparation from300 to 1.000 rpm.32312116ASSEMBLY •CUTTER BOWL ATTACHMENT1) With the motor base fa-cing you, make sure that thebowl is straight in relation tothe motor shaft, with themagnetic bar moved slightlyto the left.2) Turn the bowl to the rightuntil the motor base connec-tors are securely positionedin their sockets.The handle is now in frontof you.3) Engage the blade on themotor shaft and lower itright to the bottom of thebowl.Make sure that it is correctlypositioned, by rotating it inthe bowl.3) Engage the white plasticsling plate on the motorshaft and check that it isproperly positioned at thebottom of the bowl.Depending on type of use(Side A or B), disengage theplate from the ejecting dischub, return it and engageit back.SIDE A facing upwards (ejection ribdownwards) for any vegetables orcitrus fruit which require careful handling(tomatoes, mushrooms...).SIDE B facing upwards (ejection rib up-wards) for all other types of fruit orvegetables.4)Choice of disc:a)If you have opted for aslicing, grating or juliennedisc:Position the disc on the slingplate.Only for the R 402 / R 402 V.V. models:b)If you have chosen thedicing equipment:i.e. a grid and slicing disc.Only the 8 mm and 10 mmdiscs can be fitted with adicing grid.Position the dicing grid inthe vegetable preparationbowl4) Place the lid on the bowland rotate to the right untilit clicks.The device is now ready for use. The green lightshould therefore be illuminated.•VEGETABLE PREPARATION ATTACHMENTThe vegetable preparation attachment consists oftwo detachable parts: the stainless steel vegetablepreparation bowl and the lid.1) With the motor basefacing you, fit the bowl ontothe motor base; the ejectionchute should be on yourright.2) Turn the bowl to the rightuntil the motor base connec-tors are securely positionedin their sockets.17Next fit the appropriate sli-cing disc and screw the sli-cer on the motor shaft with the butterfly nut.USE EXAMPLES• BOWL CUTTER ATTACHMENTThe cutter will enable you to perform all your cutting tasks in minimum time; we recommend therefore, that you keep a close eye on the mixture in order to obtain the desired results.The pulse control allows you to stop and start the machine for high-precision control when working with certain types of ingredients.In this case, thealigned with theblades when looking into the hopper.)cylindrical hopper.c)If you want to use theFrench fries potatoes cut-ting equipment:This equipment comprises aFrench fries grid and aspecial French fries slicingdisc.Position the French fries gridin the vegetable preparationbowl. Check that it iscorrectly positioned with theFrench fries plate positionedat the outlet.Next fit the appropriateslicing disc and screw theslicer on the motor shaftwith the butterfly nut.For both R 401, R402 and R 402 V.V. models:5) Place the lid on the bowl and rotate to theright until the lid clicks, to form an extension of thebowl.18The cutter version of the R 401 / R 402 / R 402V.V. has numerous other applications. The above quanti-ties and times are approximate and may vary according to the quality of the ingredients and recipes.• VEGETABLE PREPARATION ATTACHMENTThe vegetable preparation attachment consists of two hoppers:- one large hopper for cutting vegetables such as cabbage, celeriac, etc…- a cylindrical hopper for long vegetables and high-precision cutting.For optimum cutting, use this section as a guide. HOW TO USE THE LARGE HOPPER- Raise the lever and release the hopper opening.- Fill hopper with vegetables.- Replace the lever at the base of the hopper.- Start to press the lever, switch on machine and maintain pressure until there are no vegetables left in the hopper.HOW TO USE THE CYLINDRICAL HOPPER- Fill hopper with vegetables.- Start to press the button and switch on machine.- Maintain pressure until all the vegetables havebeen processed.For R 401, R 402 and R 402 V.V. modelsFor R 402 and R 402 V.V. onlyOPTIONSA serrated blade is avai-lable as an option and ismainly intended for knea-ding and grinding.A slightly serrated blade isalso available. This bladehas the same function as astraight blade. It has beenconceived for a longerlasting cut performancebut with no sharpeningpossibility.We advise you to usethis blade mainly to chopparsley.CLEANING• MOTOR BASENever immerse the motor base in water. Cleanusing a damp cloth or sponge.1920MAINTENANCE• BLADEWe strongly recommend that the blades (smooth ones) are sharpened daily using sharpening stone supplied with machine.The quality of the cut depends mainly on the sharp-ness of your blades and the degree of wear.The blades are actually wearing parts, which should be replaced occasionally to ensure consistent quality in the final product.•MOTOR SEALThe motor seal on the shaft should be lubricated re-gularly using a food safe lubricant.In order to keep the motor completely watertight, it is advisable to check the motor seal regularly for wear and tear and replace if necessary.The motor seal can be easily replaced without ha-ving to remove the motor, so we strongly advise you to ensure that is in good condition.•BOWL LOCATING PLATESIf these plates wear out, the bowl will no longer besecurely attached to the motor base.This makes it awkward to use since the bowl can come loose during processing.There is no risk to the user however, because the safety system will automatically stop the machine.It is advisable therefore to change these plates in order to ensure maximum ease of use.TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS•WEIGHTnet weight gross weightR 401 (without disc)13 kg 16 kg R 402 (without disc)15 kg 18 kg R 402 V .V . (without disc)15 kg18 kg• BOWL CUTTER ATTACHMENTAfter removing the lid, remove the bowl from the motor base by rotating it to the left. Pull up to disengage, leaving the blade in the bowl in order to prevent any spillage when working with liquids. If the food has a solid consistency, remove the blade and empty the bowl.Replace the bowl, place the blade back on the shaft and switch on the machine in order to remove any mixture which may have stuck to the blade.If you wish, you can rinse the bowl by filling it with hot water and switching on for a few minutes.• VEGETABLE PREPARATION ATTACHMENTRemove each of the parts, i.e.: the lid, disc, sling plate and bowl and clean.Diswashers are best avoided. Instead we recommend that you clean the machine by hand, using washing-up liquid.• BLADEAfter cleaning the blade, always dry the blades well to prevent rusting.• DIMENSIONS (in mm)• WORKING HEIGHTWe recommend that you position the food processor on a stable worktop so that the upper edge of the large feed hopper is at a height of between 1.20 m and 1.30 m.• NOISE LEVELThe equivalent continuous sound level when the food processor is operating on no-load is less than 70 dB(A).• ELECTRICAL DATAR 401 single-phase machineSpeed Power Intensity Motor(Rpm)(Watts)(Amp.)230 V/50 Hz 15007005,7115 V/60 Hz 180070012,0220 V/60 Hz18007005,7R 402R 402 V.V.A 224B 304C 226D 590E 320F 745G 530H 440I 190J 235R 401A 204B 304C 226D 570E 320F 725G 530H 440I 190J 235ECBHJG21The R 401, R 402 and R 402 V .V . are fitted with a thermal cut-out which automatically stops the motor if the machine is left on for too long or overloaded.If this happens, allow the machine to cool completely before restarting.STANDARDSMACHINES IN COMPLIANCE WITH:• The following European directives and related national legislation:- Modified "machinery" directive 98/37/EEC,- "Low voltage" directive 73/23/EEC,- "EMC" directive 89/336/EEC,- "Materials and parts in food contact" directive 89/109/EEC,- "Plastic materials and parts in food contact" direc-tive 90/128/EEC.• The following European harmonized standards and standards setting out health and safety rules:- EN 292 - 1 and - 2,- EN 60204 -1 (1992),- For Food Processors and blenders : EN 12852,- For Vegetable cutting machine : EN 1678.R 402 three-phase machine Vegetable Cutter Power Intensity MotorAttachment speed (Watts)(Amp.)Speed (Rpm)(Rpm)400V/50 Hz7504001,315007501,6220V/60 Hz9004002,318007503,0R 402 V .V . single-phase machineVegetable Cutter Power Intensity MotorAttachment speed (Watts)(Amp.)Speed (Rpm)(Rpm)230V/50-60 Hz 300 to 1000300 to 3000100010SAFETYThe R 401 / R 402 / R 402 V .V . are fitted with a magnetic safety device and motor braking system.As soon as you open the cutter lid, the motor stops.To restart the machine, simply close the lid and press the green switch.As soon as you open the lever of the vegetable preparation attachment, the motor stops. As soon as you close the lever, the machine restarts. Beyond 4 or 5 seconds opening time, simply close the lever and press the green switch.In order to avoid splash when processing liquid preparation in the cutter bowl, we recommend you to stop the machine before opening the lid.747880848587R éf.407 729 - 09/2003 - R 401 • R 402 • R 402 V .V.Administration Commerciale France &Service Après-Vente Tél. : 03 85 69 50 00 - Fax : 03 85 69 50 0712, avenue du Maréchal Leclerc - BP 134 71305 Montceau-en-Bourgogne Cedex email:*********************Agence de Service Après-Vente pour la Région Parisienne Tél. : 01 43 98 88 15 - Fax : 01 43 74 36 26 13, rue Clément Viénot 94305 Vincennes Cedex FABRIQUÉ EN FRANCE PAR ROBOT-COUPE S .N .C .Export Department Tel. : + 33 1 43 98 88 33 - Fax : + 33 1 43 74 36 2618, rue Clément Viénot - BP 15794305 Vincennes Cedex - France -email:*****************************W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o a l t e r a t a n y t i m e w i t h o u t n o t i c e t h e t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s o f t h i s a p p l i a n c e . © A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d f o r a l l c o u n t r i e s b y : R O B O T -C O U P E S .N .C .。