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2019年易制爆化学品专项安全培训考试姓名分数一、填空题:(每空2 分,共100 分)1. 我公司涉及易制爆危险化学品为、和。
2. 我公司的易制爆化学品储存在内。
3. 生产车间负责按照进行操作,确保易制爆危险化学品的使用安全,负责对本车间粉尘使用场所的及日常安全检查。
4. 保卫值班室应由治安保卫人员h 值守。
值守及值班人员每h 对储存场所进行巡查,巡查时应携带。
保卫值班室应配备并保持h 畅通。
5. 保管员应每天核对易制爆危险化学品存放情况,登记资料至少保存年,发现易制爆危险化学品的、、标识等不符合安全要求的,应及时整改;发现账物不符的,应及时查找,查找不到下落的,应立即报告所在地公安机关。
6. 易制爆危险化学品从业单位应定期对治安保卫人员、保管员开展以、为主要内容的培训教育,每月至少召开次安全会议并有记录。
7. 易制爆危险化学品从业单位应建立易制爆危险化学品、、及发生故障等状态下的应急处置预案,并每年开展次针对性的应急演练。
8. 我公司易制爆化学品技术防范系统包括、及。
9. 保卫值班人员要做好班技术防范系统交接班运行状态的记录,如故障立即通知安环部。
10. 易制爆化学品应执行“五双”管理,即、、、、。
11. 人员、人员、人员等操作人员应使用的工具,取样后要采取有效措施,防止物料泄露及抛洒,如有抛洒,必须马上。
12. 易制爆化学品管理,保管员每日进行库内安全检查,特别确认。
13. 仓库内要保持、、低温,要有防止阳光直射措施。
14. 库内使用照明、降温及除湿等电气设备设施必须是防爆设备,开关设置在。
15. 车间领用易制爆化学品必须两个操作工同时验料,领用量为一昼夜的使用量,不得多领。
16. 在送料过程中,必须将易制爆化学品送至使用车间交,中途不得将易制爆化学品堆放。
17. 硝化棉储存温度不应超过℃,故夏季在上午10 点之前完成送料,并做好措施。
18. 锌粉为物品,原则不得在雨天送料,如确需雨天送料,必须做好措施。
一、单选题(题数50,共50.0 分)1 下列电影中,属于德国表现主义电影的是()。
0 分
? A、
? ? B、
? ? C、
? ? D、
0 分
? A、
? ? B、
? ? C、
? ? D、
我的答案D 3
0 分
? A、
? ? B、
? C、
? ? D、
我的答案C 4
0 分
? A、
? ? B、
? ? C、
? D、
0 分。
公需科目:2019 人工智能与健康试题及答案(90 分) 1.《“健康中国2030 ”规划纲要》中提到,健康是经济社会发展的()。
( 2.0 分)A.必然要求B.基础条件C.核心要义D.根本目的我的答案: B √答对2.对于神经退行性疾病,()将成为主要的检测手段。
( 2.0 分)A.X 光B.计算机断层扫描C.核磁共振成像D.内窥镜我的答案: C √答对3.在中国现有的心血管病患中,患病人数最多的是()。
( 2.0 分)A.脑卒中B.冠心病C.高血压D.肺原性心脏病我的答案: C √答对4.()是用电脑对文本集按照一定的标准进行自动分类标记。
( 2.0 分)A.文本识别B.机器翻译C.文本分类D.问答系统我的答案: C √答对5.古代把计量叫“度量衡”,其中,“度”是测量()的过程。
( 2.0 分)A.长度B.容积C.温度D.轻重我的答案: A √答对6.瓦普尼克&泽范兰杰斯理论( VC 理论)的目标是很好地()事件。
( 2.0 分)A.预测B.统计C.分析D.回顾我的答案: A √答对7.“计算机器能够思维”的观点是由()提出来的。
( 2.0 分)A.冯·诺依曼B.图灵C.诸葛亮D.公输班我的答案: A ×答错8.据清华原副校长施一公教授研究,中国每年有265 万人死于(),占死亡人数的28% 。
(2.0 分)A.癌症B.心脑血管疾病C.神经退行性疾病D.交通事故我的答案: A √答对9.关于专用人工智能与通用人工智能,下列表述不当的是()。
( 2.0 分)A.人工智能的近期进展主要集中在专用智能领域B.专用人工智能形成了人工智能领域的单点突破,在局部智能水平的单项测试中可以超越人类智能C.通用人工智能可处理视觉、听觉、判断、推理、学习、思考、规划、设计等各类问题D.真正意义上完备的人工智能系统应该是一个专用的智能系统我的答案: D √答对10.50年前,人工智能之父们说服了每一个人:“()是智能的钥匙。
2019 年青岛市初中学业水平考试英语试题(考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分)说明:1.本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共六大题。
第I 卷包含单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解,共40 小题;第II 卷包含词汇运用A、B,阅读表达A、B 和书面表达。
第I 卷(满分40 分)I. 单项选择(本题10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
1. — Lucy, how about going to the ?— Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.A. libraryB. cinemaC. museumD. concert2. Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in east of China.A. anB. /C. theD. a3. As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go.A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. couldQingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only 4. The high-speed trainabout three hours.A. fromB. amongC. inD. between5. My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird.A. usuallyB. hardlyC. oftenD. always6. The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now.A. checked outB. tried outC. left outD. brought out7. special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting.A. WhatB. What aC. How aD. How8. Friends are like books. You don’t need a lot of them they are good.A. orB. andC. as long asD. as soon as9. To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them.A. dirtyB. dirtierC. cleanD. cleaner10. — Could you tell me tomorrow?— It will be sunny.A. what will the weather be likeB. what the weather will be likeC. when will the weather be sunnyD. when the weather will be sunnyII. 完形填空(本题10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
现将一小球放在弹簧上端,再用力向下把小球压至图中A位置后由静止释放,小球将竖直向上运动并脱离弹簧,不计空气阻力,则小球()A.运动至最高点时,受平衡力作用B.被释放瞬间,所受重力大于弹簧弹力C.从A点向上运动过程中,速度先增大后减小D.从O点向上运动过程中,重力势能转化为动能9.小红坐在匀速行驶的小汽车内,发现前方路旁停着一辆普通大客车,观测到自己经过大客车的时间约为1s,则小汽车的速度最接近于()A.10km/h B.40km/h C.70km/h D.100km/h10.图示电路中,电源为恒功率电源,工作时输出的总功率大小恒定,R1为定值电阻。
(单选题2分)得分:2分A.100 , 10000B.100 , 15000C.300 , 15000D.300 , 100003.推进富川花山、大青山、崇左稀土()吨金属项目。
(单选题2分)得分:2分A.3000B.1000C.2000D.500• 4.配合组建国家海洋局第()海洋研究所,依托北海海洋产业科技园区,大力引进国内外有影响力的海洋科研力量。
(单选题2分)得分:2分A.2018 年4 月B.2018 年5 月C.2018 年6 月D.2018 年7 月6.下列不属于实施城镇生活垃圾处理设施建设工程的是()。
哈尔滨市第六中学2019-2020学年度上学期期末考试试卷高二生物试题时间:90分钟满分:90分第Ⅰ卷选择题部分一、选择题(共60道试题,1-30每小题0.5分,31-60每小题1分,共计45分)1. 叶绿体是植物进行光合作用的细胞器,光能的吸收发生在叶绿体的()A.内膜上B.基质中C.类囊体膜上D.各部位上2. 光合作用暗反应阶段中直接利用的物质是()A.02和C3化合物B.叶绿体色素C.H20和02D.[ H ]和ATP3. 在光合作用的暗反应中发生的反应过程有()A.C02的固定,O2的释放B.C02的固定,C3的还原C.H20的分解,02的释放D.C02的固定,C5的还原4. 晚上在密闭的居室内放置大型绿色植物,可能影响人体健康。
主要原因是其()A.光合作用吸收02,放出C02B.光合作用吸收C02,放出02C.呼吸作用吸收02,放出C02D.呼吸作用吸收C02,放出025. 在日光下,植物叶片中的叶绿素()A.大量吸收绿光B.等量吸收不同波长的光C.主要吸收蓝紫光和绿光D.主要吸收蓝紫光和红光6.下图表示在不同光照强度下某植物的氧气释放速率,该植物在2 000 lx光照强度下,每小时光合作用所产生的氧气量(mL)是()A.17B.12C.18D.237. 下列过程存在无氧呼吸的是()A.植物叶片在光下放出O2B.动物细胞内的糖分解为H2O和CO2C.酵母细胞不产酒精的呼吸过程D.苹果贮藏期间果肉积累酒精8. 若在酵母菌酒精发酵后期通入氧气,与不通氧气相比,酒精的产生量会()A.增加B.减少C.不变D.先增加后减少9. 在上海种植的新疆哈密瓜往往没有原产地的甜,其主要原因是上海地区()A.空气质量差,光合作用强B.土壤肥力足,呼吸作用弱C.昼夜温差小,糖分积累少D.海拔高度低,水分散失多10. 右图表示呼吸作用过程中葡萄糖分解的两个途径。
酶1、酶2和酶3依次分别存在于()A.线粒体、线粒体和细胞质基质B.线粒体、细胞质基质和线粒体C.细胞质基质、线粒体和细胞质基质D.细胞质基质、细胞质基质和线粒体11. 细胞质基质是细胞结构重要组成部分,下列生化反应一定在细胞质基质中进行的是()A.葡萄糖的无氧分解B.丙酮酸的氧化分解C.各种消化酶的合成D.RNA的合成12. 在自然条件下,有关植物呼吸作用的叙述中,正确的是()A.有氧呼吸过程中,中间产物丙酮酸必须进入线粒体B.高等植物只能进行有氧呼吸,不能进行无氧呼吸C.有氧呼吸产生二氧化碳,无氧呼吸不产生二氧化碳D.有氧呼吸的强度晚上比白天强13. 经测定豌豆种子在发芽的早期,CO2释放量比O2的吸收量大3~4倍,这说明此时豌豆()A.只进行有氧呼吸B.只进行无氧呼吸C.有氧呼吸占优势D.无氧呼吸占优势14. 南方橙产区测得果实生长和呼吸量之间的关系如下图所示(曲线A和曲线B),在果实成熟后,若要得到高产,理论上应在什么时候进行采摘()A.E~HB.H~PC.P~DD.D~C15. 一分子CO2从叶肉细胞的线粒体中扩散出来直接进入同一个细胞的叶绿体中,共穿过的生物膜层数是()A.4 B.5 C.6 D.716. 1928年,格里菲思做的肺炎双球菌转化实验,成功地表明了()A.DNA是遗传物质B.DNA是主要的遗传物质C.已经加热杀死的S型细菌,其中的DNA已失去活性而蛋白质仍具有活性D.已经加热杀死的S型细菌中,含有能促成R型细菌发生转化的活性物质17. 决定T2噬菌体性状的物质是()A.T2噬菌体的蛋白质外壳B.T2噬菌体的DNA分子C.寄生有T2噬菌体的细菌的DNAD.寄生有T2噬菌体的细菌的蛋白质18. 噬菌体外壳的合成场所是()A.细菌的核糖体B.噬菌体的核糖体C.噬菌体基质D.细菌的核区19. DNA是控制遗传性状的主要物质,在绿色植物的绿色区域细胞内,它分布在()A.细胞核、线粒体、叶绿体B.细胞核、细胞质基质C.细胞核、核糖体D.细胞核、内质网20. 在DNA分子中,能与鸟嘌呤互补配对的含氮碱基是()A.腺嘌呤B.胞嘧啶C.胸腺嘧啶D.胞嘧啶或胸腺嘧啶21. 已知在某DNA分子的一条链中有(T+A)/(C+G)= 4/5,那么,在这个DNA分子的两条链中(T+A)/(C+G)的值等于()A.4/5B.5/4C.1D.无法计算22. 若DNA分子中一条链的碱基比为A :C :G :T = 1 :1.5 :2 :2.5 ,则其互补链中嘌呤碱基与嘧啶碱基的比为()A.5 :4B.4 : 3C.3 : 2D.5 :223. 以下哪个不是DNA自我复制的条件()A.DNA模板和能量B.DNA水解酶C.解旋酶、DNA聚合酶D.游离的脱氧核苷酸24. 1个DNA分子经过4次复制,形成16个DNA分子,其中含有最初DNA分子链的DNA分子有()A.2个B.8个C.16个D.32个25. DNA分子的解旋发生在()A.复制和转录过程中B.转录和翻译过程中C.复制和翻译过程中D.逆转录和翻译过程中26. 遗传密码子是指()A.DNA上特定的碱基排列顺序B.信使RNA上决定一个氨基酸的三个相邻的碱基C.蛋白质上氨基酸的排列顺序D.转移RNA上三个特定碱基排列顺序27. 转运RNA的功能是()A.决定信使RNA的碱基排列顺序B.完全取代DNAC.运输氨基酸,识别信使RNA的密码子D.合成特定的氨基酸28. 在蛋白质合成的翻译过程中, 碱基互补配对发生在哪两者之间()A.氨基酸与tRNAB.mRNA与tRNAC.DNA与mRNAD.核糖体与mRNA29. 基因控制性状表现的主要途径是()A.RNA→蛋白质(性状)B.DNA→蛋白质(性状)C.RNA→DNA→蛋白质(性状)D.DNA→RNA→蛋白质(性状)30. 在健康人体细胞中,遗传信息的流动过程不包括()①DNA复制②RNA复制③转录④逆转录⑤翻译A.①②B.②④C.③⑤D.③④31. 化学诱变剂能在下列哪项过程中导致基因突变()A.DNA复制期B.有丝分裂前期 B.转录和翻译期 D.减数第二次分裂32. 下列关于突变的叙述不正确的是()A.基因突变在生物界普遍存在B.在自然情况下,基因突变是不定向的C.诱发突变能够定向改变物种D.在自然情况下,基因突变是随机发生的33. 多倍体育种中,常使用一定浓度的秋水仙素处理刚萌发的种子,它的作用是()A.促进细胞分裂B.抑制纺锤体形成C.促进染色体复制D.抑制高尔基体活动34. 下列情况中不属于染色体变异的是()A.第5号染色体短臂缺失引起的遗传病B.多一条第21号染色体的21三体综合征C.同源染色体之间交换了对应部分的结构D.用花药培育出的单倍体植株35. 引起生物可遗传变异的原因有三种,即基因重组、基因突变和染色体变异。
2019年毕节市初中毕业、升学考试物理(满分90分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.1.(2019毕节市,题号9,分值3)9.下列物体重力最接近1 N 的是A.一枚大头针B.一头奶牛C.两个鸡蛋D.一张书桌【答案】C【解析】一枚大头针的的重力0.01N,故A错误;一头奶牛的重力约6000N,故B错误;两个鸡蛋的重力约1N,故C正确;一张书桌的重力约200N,故D错误。
【知识点】重力2.(2019毕节市,题号10,分值3)10.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是A.声音在15℃空气中传播速度是340m/s B.在教室周围植树可以从声源处防止噪声产生C.座机电话间的导线传递的是声波信号D.区分钢琴和二胡的声音是根据响度来判断的【答案】A【解析】声音在15℃空气中传播的速度是340m/s,故A正确;在教室周围植树可以在传播过程中防止噪声,故B错误;座机电话间的导线传递信息的是电磁波信号,故C错误;区分钢琴和二胡的声音是根据音色,故D错误。
【知识点】声速、噪声的防治、电磁波、音色3.(2019毕节市,题号11,分值3)11.下列现象中,利用热传递使物体的内能减小的是A.来回弯折的铁丝温度会升高B. 冬季用热水袋取暖C. 冬天手接触冰块会觉得很冷D.自行车轮胎放气时,气门嘴处温度会降低【答案】C【解析】来回弯折的铁丝温度升高,是通过做功的方式增加了内能,故A错误;冬季用热水袋取暖是利用热传递的方式增加内能,故B错误;冬天接触冰块会觉得冷,是因为手的温度高于冰块的温度,热量从手传递到冰块,手的内能减少,故C正确;自行车轮胎放气时,气门嘴处温度降低是通过做功的方式减少了内能,故D错误。
【知识点】改变内能的方式4.(2019毕节市,题号12,分值3)【答案】B【解析】比赛中以树木为参照物,选手的位置发生了变化,因此是运动的,故A错误;轮椅的坐垫做的比较宽大是通过增大受力面积减小压强,故B正确;轮椅由于受到地面的摩擦而减速,用手推轮椅是为了提高轮椅的速度,说明力是改变物体运动状态的原因,故C错误;轮椅上的花纹是通过12增加接触面的粗糙程度增大摩擦,故D 错误。
2019年无锡市初中学业水平考试英语试题(考试时间为100分钟,试卷满分为90分)第Ⅰ卷(客观题共50分)一、单项选择在A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(本大题共14 小题,每小题1 分,共14 分)1.Let's take a walk ___________ the river after diner,shall we?()A.along B.through C.upon D.over2.If something is wrong,fix it if you can.Do not worry.Worry never fixes ___________.()A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing3.---Uncle Sam said he ____________ my birthday party,but he never showed up.--- That's Uncle Sam.He forgets everything!()A.will attend B.would attend C.has attended D.had attended4.With their new lock,you __________ search for keys in your bag any more.Isn't it cool?()A.needn't B.can't C.mustn't D.shouldn't5.---Guess what?The university has accepted my application!---Wow! That's __________ new I've heard this year,Boris! Let's celebrate.()A.a worse B.the worst C.a better D.the best6.On April 15,a fire ___________ in Notre Dame,an 850-year-old cathedral in the heart of Paris.()A.ran out B.broke out C.turned out D.carried out7.---Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will be allowed to fly again,sir?--- I'm afraid it's still _________to talk about that.We'll see.()A.later enough B.early enough C.too late D.too early8.___________ I do,I do it for you.Do not ever doubt that,my boy.()A.Whatever B.Wherever C.Whenever D.Whoever9.---The local food may taste a bit strange.--- Well,__________we are here,why not give it a try?()A.though B.unless C.since D.because10.---You haven't said a ___________word since last Friday.What's wrong?---Nothing.Just leave me alone.()A.simple B.single C.similar D.silent11.You've no idea ___________to build a new airport.Let me tell you,young man.That's billions of dollars!()A.how much it will cost.B.how long it will take usC.how much will it cost D.how long will it take us12.---Why can't you trust me?Not everything you heard is true?--- Maybe not.But __________________.()A.out of sight,out of mind B.there is no smoke without fireC.a miss is as good as a mile D.actions speak louder than words13.---I'm going to add some tomato sauce to the salad,if you don't ___________.---Not at all.Go head.()A.care B.agree C.mind D.insist14.---The actor says he'll celebrate his 28th birthday next week.His fans…--- ____________.That can't be right.I'm pretty sure he was born in 1985.()A.No kidding B.Sure he will C.Never mind D.Wait a minute二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)The teacher sent me home with a note for my mother that said I needed to visit the eye doctor because I failed the vision test.The trip home that day was very slow.My mother said it would all be just fine."It wouldn't hurt a bit," she said.But I wasn't worried about pain-I was worried about looking 15 .The next day,my mother pulled me to the eye doctor's office.I 16 a set of frames (镜框)and tried to believe my mother when she said they looked really 17 on me.The doctor said the glasses would be ready soon.But I wasn't ready at all,and I didn't think I ever would be.When the glasses arrived,the eye doctor put them on my face and walked me out onto the sidewalk in front of his office.When I looked 18 from my shoes,I found myself in a whole new world - a world filled with 19 pictures,bright colours,and fine detail everywhere I looked.Suddenly I 20 the beautiful outline of red leaves on trees.I could see the details of people's faces long before they were standing in front of me.I could see my mother 21 as she watched me see the world in a whole new way."Glasses aren't so bad,are they?" Mom asked."Not at all," I though to myself.On that first day,they were a 22 .The Monday morning came,and I had to 23 the kids in my classroom.And it happened,just like I feared it would be.A mean kid pointed at me in the middle of the maths class and shouted,"Four 24 ! " But at the same moment,looking through my new glasses,I could see all the way across the room that the kid who had said it had an awfully big nose.15.A.smart B.old C.funny D.blind16.A.chose B.made C.fixed D.owned17.A.silly B.good C.huge D.strange18.A.around B.back C.down D.up19.A.pale B.dark C.clever D.rare20.A.noticed B.recorded C.developed D.imagined21.A.crying B.worrying C.dreaming D.smiling22.A.present B.wonder C.beauty D.fashion23.A.impress B.visit C.face D.avoid24.A.noses B.eyes C.glasses D.frames三、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(本大题共13 小题,每小题 2 分,共26 分)A25.The pictures above are .A.a news report B.a comic strip C.a poster D.a notice26.What are the kids mainly talking about?A.The direction B.The seasons.C.The map.D.The leaves.27.In the pictures,it is now most probably .A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winterBHobbies let you explore interests outside of your line of work.They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things.Picking a different one can get your creative juices flowing again.Look at what interests you.Check what you love doing in your spare time.Do you enjoy reading books?Maybe you want to try your hand at writing your own.Do you like a hot coffee at theend of the day?Maybe your hobby could be trying to make it at home.Turn whatyou already love into a hobby.Think about what you value mostDo you value wisdom or courage?Do you admire artists?Let such question guide you when choosing a hobby.For example,maybe you could volunteer at a library as a hobby because you value education or maybe you could try painting because you admire people whocan express themselves with art.Examine your skills and personality.Certain hobbies require certain skillIf you don't have much patience,then maybe going fishing isn't something you'd enjoy.However.if you love building things,maybe you should considera hobby like working on older cars or building furniture.Play to your strengths.Pay attention to what excites your ①.The way you talk about things can also show what you really like and itcan be developed into a hobby.Think about the topics you go on endlessly about.Ask your friends andfamily what you seem to talk about all the time.Now think about the subjectthat you enjoy so much and decide how it can be turned into yourhobby.28.This passage is most probably taken from .A.a magazine for old people B.a magazine for young peopleC.a picture book for children D.a picture book for hobbies29.This passage mainly shows us .A.how to find a new hobby B.how to give up old hobbiesC.why you must find a new hobby D.why you must give up old hobbies30.Which is the most suitable word for ①?A.hobbies B.skills C.topics D.interestsCGarrison had been treasuring his last piece.All he had left now was a sheet of the beautiful brown paper Pa had brought back from his last sailing trip."You've been quiet," Pa said,"Could I see your picture?"Garrison handed over his sketch.Pa studied it,then looked at his son."You're ten now,eh?" Garrison nodded,hoping Pa wouldn't say that he was too old to be fooling around with pencils and paper."When I was ten,I wanted to work on my father's ship," Pa said,"When Thomas was ten,he asked me to let him plant the corn."Garrison's throat (嗓子)tightened."I know I'm not like either of you." Pa looked at the drawing again."No,you are like both of us.You work hard,like Thomas.And you're like me,too.I have wandering feet,but you have a wandering mind.We need to see things differently.Garrison frowned."I'd rather love the land,like Thomas,or the sea…"Pa patted his hand."Thomas cares about our family very much-that's why he's worked so hard to bring us food.And my love for the sea makes good money.But there's more in life than food and money.There's happiness,for one.Does it make you happy to draw?"Garrison nodded."And it makes me happy to look at your drawings.Not many folks can catch happiness on a piece of paper.Some might say drawing's a waste of time,but they don't understand how things are.Why,asking you to stop drawing like asking Thomas to stop farming,or me to stop going to sea.It would be like asking us to stop breathing,wouldn't it?"Garrison considered this,then replied,"No,sir.Not quite like breathing.If I couldn't draw any more,it would be…like someone took away my voice." He hung his head.In his mind he could hear Thomas laughing,"It's not like you ever speak up,anyway."But Pa patted his shoulder and said,"That would be a pure shame.Your voice is important,Garrison,whether it's out loud or on paper.And speaking of paper…" Pa smiled."Take a look in my bag." Garrison reached into the bag and found a sketchbook.For a moment he was speechless happiness seemed to fill his body and stick in his throat.Then he managed to find his voice."Oh,Pa-thank you." 31.Why did Garrison's throat tighten?A.Because he felt thirsty.B.Because he felt very scared.C.Because he knew he was not like Pa or Thomas.D.Because he thought Pa would stop him drawing.32.When Garrison frowned,he most probably felt .A.unhappy B.worried C.afraid D.ashamed33.What can we infer from the passage about Garrison?A.He lived in a big wealthy family.B.He was his father's favourite son.C.He would go on with his drawing.D.He would learn to work on the farm.DIn 1845,a deadly disease struck the farms of Ireland,killing all the Lumper potato plants.In another place or time,the death of single crop species (物种)might not have been so important.But in Ireland,in 1845,people depended almost solely on the patato for food.The death of one species caused a terrible famine(饥荒).Now,some scientists are worried that such a famine could happen again,but on a much wider scale.Over the centuries,farmers have discovered thousands of different species of food crops.Each species has special qualities.Some can be grown in very hot or cold climates.Others are not affected by certain diseases.However,you won't find many of these species in your local supermarket.To feed the seven billion people on Earth,most farmers today are growing only species of plants and farming only species of animals that are easy to produce in large numbers.For example,in the Philippines,there were once thousands of varieties of rice:now fewer than 100 are grown there.In China,90 percent of the wheat varieties grown just a century ago have disappeared.Scientists believe that over the past century,we have allowed more than half of the world's food varieties to disappear.One solution to this problem is to collect and store the seeds (种子)as many different plant varieties as we can before they disappear.The idea was first suggested by Russian scientist Nikolay Vavilov.In the 1920s and 1930s,he collected around 400,000 seeds from five contients.More recently,others are continuing the work he began.In the U.S.state of Iowa,Diane Ott Whealy wanted to protect historicplant varieties,like the seeds her great -grandfather brought to theU.S.from Germany more than a hundred years ago.She and her husbandstarted a place called Heritage Farm,where people can store and trade seeds.More importantly,the people at Heritage Farm don't just store the seeds;they plant them.By doing this,they are reintroducing foods into the marketplace that haven't been grown for years.These food species are not just special in terms of appearance or taste.They also offer farmers food solutions for the future,from the past.34.What is this passage mainly about?A.The need to protect different food species.B.How to increase the number of food species.C.The fact that many food species are dying out.D.How to prevent food species from disappearing.35.Why are some scientists worried that such a famine could happen again?A.Because people depend on certain species of food crops.B.Because the same deadly disease may attack crops again.C.Because the world's population is larger than that in 1845.D.Because farmers grow the same potatoes as those in the past.36.The following sentence would best be placed at the end of .Meanwhile,thousands of other species are dying out.A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraph 2 C.Paragraph 3 D.Paragraph 437.What can we learn from the passage?A.The disease spread very quickly and killed thousands of people in Ireland.B.Around 80 percent of the rice varieties in the Philippines have disappeared.C.People have been storing seeds to save plane varieties for less than 100 years.D.Heritage Farm is the first place in the U.S.for people to store and trade seeds.第Ⅱ卷(主观题共40分)四、词汇运用(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)(A)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式.38.Don't worry.The storm won't (持续)long.39.I've had a lone (累人的)day.I need a good rest.40.Please put all the books back in the right (顺序)before you leave.41.This is not the first time for the two teams to play (对抗)each other.(B)根据句意,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式.42.You told me you had (deal)with these letters.Why are they still here?43.The mother said goodbye with a smile,but her eyes couldn't hide her (sad).44.Look at you! You're breathing so (heavy).We're not even halfway there yet.45.If you don't have a deep love for something,don't be (satisfy)until you find one.五、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上.(本大题共6 小题,每小题1 分,共6 分)46.It's said that 5G network (bring)into use at the end of this year in Wu Xi.47.---Can you pour me some tea,please,Jenny?---Are you sure?I (think)you preferred coffee.48.(realize)his lifelong dream,the young man went to the Hollywood by himself,with only a few dollars in his pocket.49."I (fail)over and over again in my life and there is why I succeed," said Michael Jordan,a famous basketball player.50.---How did you fall in love with my dad,Mum?--- He (make)a speech when I first saw him.He was so handsome and got a very attractive voice,you know,back then.51.We've all got both light and dark inside us.What (matter)is the part we choose act on.That's who we really are.六、阅读填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词.所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上.每个空格只能填一个单词.(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)Britons are well known for drinking tea.The average (典型的)person in the UK drinks around 1.9 kg of tea every year.That's around 876 cups of tea.Tea is drunk by all levels of society.But tea does not grow in Britain.Most tea grows in India and China.So,how did it become an important part of British culture?Tea arrived in London in the 1600s.At this time,British ships were exploring the world and came across the drink in China.It was not long before green tea could be bought from the market.However,it was only for the rich people.At the beginning of the 1700s,the amount(数量)of tea arriving in Britain increased rapidly.Black tea arrived at this time.At first this tea served exactly as it was in China.They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar,giving the drink a special British colour.In the 1800s,tea was still a product enjoyed only by people with money.At this time they began to have "afternoon tea".They drank tea with a snack around 4 pm to avoid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner.It is a still going today but has become less popular in recent times.Title:52 and Britain-a short history七、完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上.(本大题共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)57.事关重大,你得三思而行.It's very important and .58.赫本在《罗马假日》中扮演一位公主,堪称经典.Hepburn a princess in Roman Holiday and it is a classic.59.警方报告显示该事故与天气无关.The police report shows that the accident the weather.60.写作占去了我四分之三的假期,但我乐在其中.Writing my holiday,but I enjoyed myself.61.出于安全原因,这次年终特价优惠最终被取消了.The end-of-year at last.62.如果你能告诉我机器人已失控多久,那就太好了.It would be great if you can tell me .八、书面表达(本大题共15 分)假设你叫李文,是无锡阳光中学(Wuxi Sunshine Middle School)的一名学生.今天暑期,你将代表你校赴瑞士参加"模拟联合国"会议并发言,此次会议的主题是A Green World.你草拟了发言流程图,请根据下图写一篇英文发言稿.注意事项:1.发言稿须根据流程图自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意;2.流程图中包括部分非限定性内容,仅供参考;3.词数在90 个左右,发言稿的首尾已在答题卡上给出,不计入总数.4.发言稿中不得使用真实的个人及学校信息.5.发言稿必须写在答题卡指定的位置上.参考答案与解析第Ⅰ卷(客观题共50分)一、单项选择在A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(本大题共14 小题,每小题1 分,共14 分)1.Let's take a walk ___________ the river after diner,shall we?()A.along B.through C.upon D.over【知识考点】运动方向介词.【思路分析】饭后我们沿着河边散步,好吗?【解题过程】along"沿着";through"通过、穿过(从中央穿过)";upon"在…上面、在…时候";over"越过,在…上面",四者都是介词.由题干"饭后我们沿着河边散步,好吗?郑渊洁以儿童作品闻名."可知,空格是"沿着",用along,因此答案应是along.故选:A.【总结归纳】本题考查时间介词的用法,在熟知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答.2.If something is wrong,fix it if you can.Do not worry.Worry never fixes ___________.()A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing【知识考点】不定代词.【思路分析】如果有什么问题,如果可以的话就解决它.别担心.担心永远不会解决任何问题.【解题过程】something某事,用于肯定句中;everything每个事;anything任何事,用于否定句疑问句中.;nothing没有事,根据意思:如果有什么问题,如果可以的话就解决它.别担心.担心永远不会解决任何问题.故选:C.【总结归纳】此题考查不定代词,熟知不定代词意思用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.3.---Uncle Sam said he ____________ my birthday party,but he never showed up.--- That's Uncle Sam.He forgets everything!()A.will attend B.would attend C.has attended D.had attended【知识考点】过去将来时.【思路分析】山姆大叔说他将会参加我的生日聚会,但他没来.那就是山姆叔叔,他什么都忘!【解题过程】根据句意"山姆大叔说他将会参加我的生日聚会,但他没来"可知,要用过去将来时,其构成为would do.故选:B.【总结归纳】对时态和语态的考查,要求牢记各种时态和语态的构成形式,结合时间状语和上下文的关系,找出正确答案.4.With their new lock,you __________ search for keys in your bag any more.Isn't it cool?()A.needn't B.can't C.mustn't D.shouldn't【知识考点】情态动词.【思路分析】有他们的新锁,你没必要在包里找钥匙了.很酷吧?【解题过程】A表示不必,B表示不能,C表示不能,表禁止,D表示不应该.根据题干可知有他们的新锁,你没必要在包里找钥匙.故选:A.【总结归纳】本题考查情态动词辨析,基础题,掌握常见情态动词的含义及用法,再根据题干即可作出选择.其次注意need作实义动词和情态动词用法的区别.5.---Guess what?The university has accepted my application!---Wow! That's __________ new I've heard this year,Boris! Let's celebrate.()A.a worse B.the worst C.a better D.the best【知识考点】形容词的比较级和最高级.【思路分析】-你猜怎么着?这所大学已经接受了我的申请! -哇,这是今年我听到的最好的消息.Boris!我们庆祝一下吧.【解题过程】根据句意:-你猜怎么着?这所大学已经接受了我的申请! -哇,这是今年我听到的最好的消息.Boris!我们庆祝一下吧.由I've heard this year可知是最高级,结合句意可知此处表示最好.故选:D.【总结归纳】熟悉形容词比较级和最高级的用法,结合题意,给出答案.6.On April 15,a fire ___________ in Notre Dame,an 850-year-old cathedral in the heart of Paris.()A.ran out B.broke out C.turned out D.carried out【知识考点】动词短语.【思路分析】4月15日,巴黎市中心一座有850年历史的大教堂巴黎圣母院发生火灾.【解题过程】A表示用完、耗尽,B表示突然爆发,C表示证明是,D表示实施、执行.根据题干可知4月15日,巴黎市中心一座有850年历史的大教堂巴黎圣母院突然发生火灾.故选:B.【总结归纳】本题考查动词短语辨析,基础题,熟悉四个短语的含义,再根据题干即可作出选择.7.---Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will be allowed to fly again,sir?--- I'm afraid it's still _________to talk about that.We'll see.()A.later enough B.early enough C.too late D.too early【知识考点】形容词词义辨析;固定句式.【思路分析】先生,你能告诉我波音737MAX飞机何时再被允许飞行吗?恐怕谈论这个问题还早.我们要再观察.【解题过程】本题考查的是固定句式.分析:(1)答案中涉及到的单词意思:late 晚了的,enough 足够的,early 早的,too 太(2)本题考查的语法点是too…to 的用法,该结构的意思是"太…而不能…";too early to do sth.干某事为时过早.因此,在所给的答案中,只有D符合要求.故选:D.【总结归纳】解答此类问题时,要首先分析题干所要考查的知识,再根据所给答案作答.8.___________ I do,I do it for you.Do not ever doubt that,my boy.()A.Whatever B.Wherever C.Whenever D.Whoever【知识考点】连接副词.【思路分析】不管我做什么,我都是为你做的.别怀疑,孩子.【解题过程】whatever无论什么;wherever无论哪里;whenever无论何时;whoever无论谁,根据意思:不管我做什么,我都是为你做的.别怀疑,孩子.故选:A.【总结归纳】此题考查连接副词,首先熟知选项中单词意思,再结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.9.---The local food may taste a bit strange.--- Well,__________we are here,why not give it a try?()A.though B.unless C.since D.because【知识考点】从属连词.【思路分析】-当地的食物可能尝起来有一点奇怪.-好吧.既然我们在这里,为什么不尝试下呢?【解题过程】A表示虽然、即使,B表示除非,C表示自从,既然.D表示因为.根据题干中why not give it a try?可知说话人觉得既然已经到这里了,为什么不尝试下当地的食物,本句是since引导的原因状语从句(该原因都是说话双方所知道的).故选:C.【总结归纳】本题考查连词辨析,基础题,熟悉四个选项的含义,注意since即可引导时间状语从句,也可引导原因状语从句,再根据题干即可作出选择.10.---You haven't said a ___________word since last Friday.What's wrong?---Nothing.Just leave me alone.()A.simple B.single C.similar D.silent【知识考点】形容词词义辨析.【思路分析】-你从上周五就没说过一句话.你怎么了?-没什么.让我一个人静静.【解题过程】A表示简单的,B表达单独的、单个的,C表示相似的,D表示安静的.根据题干中What's wrong?及nothing可知说话人自从上周五就没说过一句话,则应用single.故选:B.【总结归纳】本题考查形容词辨析,基础题,熟悉四个选项的含义,再根据题干即可作出选择.11.You've no idea ___________to build a new airport.Let me tell you,young man.That's billions of dollars!()A.how much it will cost.B.how long it will take usC.how much will it cost D.how long will it take us【知识考点】同位语从句.【思路分析】你不知道建一座新机场要花多少钱.我告诉你吧,年轻人.那是数以百万美元.【解题过程】考查同位语从句.同位语从句要用陈述句语序,由此可排除C,D两项.how much多少;how long多久.根据That's billions of dollars那是数以百万美元.可知是问多少钱,因此用howmuch.故选:A.【总结归纳】同位语从句要用陈述句语序,考生一定要注意.12.---Why can't you trust me?Not everything you heard is true?--- Maybe not.But __________________.()A.out of sight,out of mind B.there is no smoke without fireC.a miss is as good as a mile D.actions speak louder than words【知识考点】谚语.【思路分析】为什么你不相信我?你听到的都是不真实的吗?或许不是.但无风不起浪.【解题过程】考查谚语.out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦;there is no smoke without fire无风不起浪;a miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘,谬以千里;action speaks louder than words事实胜于雄辩.根据为什么你不相信我?并不是所有你听到的都是真实的.可知事出有因.故选:B.【总结归纳】谚语类的题一般要熟悉每条谚语的意义,根据意义和语境才能做出选择.13.---I'm going to add some tomato sauce to the salad,if you don't ___________.---Not at all.Go head.()A.care B.agree C.mind D.insist【知识考点】动词词义辨析.【思路分析】---如果你不介意,我想在沙拉里加入一些番茄酱…---一点儿也不介意,请加吧.【解题过程】本题考查的是动词词义的辨析.分析:根据上下语境可知,问的是否介意在沙拉里加入番茄酱.所给的四个答案分析:care 关注,在意;agree 同意;mind 介意;insist 坚持;因此只有答案C符合本题意思要求.故选:C.【总结归纳】解答本题时,首先要分析题干句的意思和要求,再根据所给答案做出正确选择.14.---The actor says he'll celebrate his 28th birthday next week.His fans…--- ____________.That can't be right.I'm pretty sure he was born in 1985.()A.No kidding B.Sure he will C.Never mind D.Wait a minute【知识考点】情境对话.【思路分析】这位演员说他下周要庆祝28岁生日.他的粉丝们--不要开玩笑.这不可能是真的.我很确定他出生于1985年.【解题过程】考查情境对话.A.No kidding不要开玩笑;B.Sure he will相信他一定会;C.Never mind不介意;D.Wait a minute等一会;根据That can't be right.I'm pretty sure he was born in 1985.可知应说不要开玩笑.故选:A.【总结归纳】首先迅速的浏览一遍对话,根据对话的情境,That can't be right.I'm pretty sure he wasborn in 1985.结合选项作答.二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)The teacher sent me home with a note for my mother that said I needed to visit the eye doctor because I failed the vision test.The trip home that day was very slow.My mother said it would all be just fine."It wouldn't hurt a bit," she said.But I wasn't worried about pain-I was worried about looking 15 .The next day,my mother pulled me to the eye doctor's office.I 16 a set of frames (镜框)and tried to believe my mother when she said they looked really 17 on me.The doctor said the glasses would be ready soon.But I wasn't ready at all,and I didn't think I ever would be.When the glasses arrived,the eye doctor put them on my face and walked me out onto the sidewalk in front of his office.When I looked 18 from my shoes,I found myself in a whole new world - a world filled with 19 pictures,bright colours,and fine detail everywhere I looked.Suddenly I 20 the beautiful outline of red leaves on trees.I could see the details of people's faces long before they were standing in front of me.I could see my mother 21 as she watched me see the world in a whole new way."Glasses aren't so bad,are they?" Mom asked."Not at all," I though to myself.On that first day,they were a 22 .The Monday morning came,and I had to 23 the kids in my classroom.And it happened,just like I feared it would be.A mean kid pointed at me in the middle of the maths class and shouted,"Four 24 ! " But at the same moment,looking through my new glasses,I could see all the way across the room that the kid who had said it had an awfully big nose.15.A.smart B.old C.funny D.blind16.A.chose B.made C.fixed D.owned17.A.silly B.good C.huge D.strange18.A.around B.back C.down D.up19.A.pale B.dark C.clever D.rare20.A.noticed B.recorded C.developed D.imagined21.A.crying B.worrying C.dreaming D.smiling22.A.present B.wonder C.beauty D.fashion23.A.impress B.visit C.face D.avoid24.A.noses B.eyes C.glasses D.frames【知识考点】记叙文.【思路分析】文章主要讲述了作者因为视力问题,在妈妈的陪伴下不得不配眼镜的经历,后来惊喜地发现戴眼镜给自己带来了不一样的感受.【解题过程】15.C 考查形容词辨析.A.smart 聪明的B.old 年迈的C.funny 有趣的D.blind 盲目的.根据最后一段A mean kid pointed at me in the middle of the maths class and shouted,"Four____! "可知,此处指的是我担心看起来很可笑.故选C.16.A 考查动词辨析.A.chose 选择B.made 使C.fixed 固定D.owned 拥有.根据下文a set of frames (镜框)及常识可知,我选了一副镜框.故选A.17.B 考查形容词辨析.A.silly 愚蠢的B.good 好的C.huge 巨大的D.strange 奇怪的.根据上文tried to believe my mother when she said they looked really 可知,我尽力相信妈妈说的我戴眼镜看起来不错.故选B.18.D 考查副词辨析.A.around 周围B.back 回来C.down 下来D.up 向上.根据下文from my shoes可知,我从脚往上看,故选D.19.C 考查形容词辨析.A.pale苍白的B.dark 黑暗的C.clever 聪明的,巧妙的D.rare 罕见的.根据下文pictures,bright colours,and fine detail everywhere I looked可知,此处指的是我可以看到巧妙的图画.故选C.20.A 考查动词辨析.A.noticed注意到B.recorded 记录C.developed 发达的D.imagined 想象.根据下文the beautiful outline of red leaves on trees可知,此处指我突然注意到树上红叶的漂亮的轮廓.故选A.21.D 考查动词辨析.A.crying 哭泣B.worrying 担心C.dreaming 梦D.smiling微笑.根据上文my mother可知,妈妈微笑地看着我.故选D.22.A 考查名词辨析.A.present礼物B.wonder 奇迹C.beauty 美丽D.fashion 时尚.根据上文"Glasses aren't so bad,are they?" Mom asked."Not at all," I though to myself.可知,我从一开始不喜欢戴眼镜,到现在的认为这是个礼物了.故选A.23.C 考查动词辨析.A.impress 印象B.visit 参观C.face 面对D.avoid 避免.根据下文the kids in my classroom可知,我不得不面对教室里的孩子们,故选C.24.B 考查名词辨析.A.noses 鼻子B.eyes 眼睛C.glasses 眼镜D.frames 框架.根据常识可知,此处指我被孩子们叫四只眼睛.故选B.【总结归纳】完形填空题型,建议同学们一定注意联系上下文语境,认真思考判断,得出正确的答案.三、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(本大题共13 小题,每小题 2 分,共26 分)A25.The pictures above are .A.a news report B.a comic strip C.a poster D.a notice26.What are the kids mainly talking about?A.The direction B.The seasons.C.The map.D.The leaves.27.In the pictures,it is now most probably .A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter【知识考点】人物故事类阅读.【思路分析】本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,主要介绍了一组连环漫画,树叶落下就是因为要去冬天要去南方,因为看地图时候南方就是往下看的.【解题过程】(25)B.文体选择题,根据原文图例以及相关内容,可知是连环漫画,故选B.(26)A.细节理解题,根据原文,See these leaves,they are flying south for the winter.看这些叶子,他们冬天要飞去南方.而男孩问是什么让你这样认为时候,露西说,When you look at a map,North is up and South is down.isn't it?当你看一幅地图时候,北方在上面,南方在下面,不是吗?可知孩子们主要讨论的是方向问题,directions.故选A.(27)C.细节理解题,根据原文,See these leaves,they are flying south for the winter.看这些叶子,结合对话信息,他们冬天要飞去南方.可知树叶正在掉落,且提到它们冬天要飞去南方,可知现在是秋天.故选C.【总结归纳】考查英语知识的综合运用,答题前一定要弄懂全文,然后再动手解答问题.答题过程中,注意联系前后文,结合短文内容,完成各小题的解答.BHobbies let you explore interests outside of your line of work.They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things.Picking a different one can get your creative juices flowing again.Look at what interests you.Check what you love doing in your spare time.Do you enjoy reading books?Maybe you want to try your hand at writing your own.Do you like a hot coffee at theend of the day?Maybe your hobby could be trying to make it at home.Turn what。
A1.The poster gives information about .A.the man teacher B.English coursesC.language schools in London D.different activities in Lanleygate 2.How much do you have to pay for both Speaking and Writing ?A.£95 B.£125 C.£155 D.£2203.If Leo is free on Sunday afternoon,he can .A.improve his listening ability B.join the possible smallest class C.have a native teacher D.Learn how to write in EnglishBWhen he was a teenager,Hunter Adams was very unhappy,and hespent many years in the 1960s and 1970s hospital for people with mental(精神的)health problems.When he left hospital,Adams decided to become a doctor,so he wentto Medical School in Virginia,USA.But when he was there he did things ina different way.For example,he didn't like the doctor's white coats.hepreferred to wear shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients,and he tried to make them laugh.The doctors at the medical school didn't like Adams very much because he was too different.But Adams believed that people in hospital need more than medicine.He saw unhappy and lonely people,and he tried to help them as patients,but as people too.He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital,and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh.When he finished medical school and became a doctor,Adams opened his own hospital,called "the Gesundheit Institute",together with some other doctors.They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working with sick people.Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s,and in 1998,Universal Pictures made a film about his life.It was very successful.In the film(called Patch Adams),Robin Williams played Adams.Williams said,"Hunter is a really warm person,who believes that patients need a doctor who's friend.I enjoyed playing him."4.What probably made Hunter decide to be a doctor ?A.His interest in medicine.B.His idea to open a hospital.C.His early experience as a teenager.D.His love for the lonely children around.5.How was Hunter different from other doctors ?A.He was famous before working in hospital.B.He liked to wear shirts with flowers in them every day.C.He treated his patients as friends in every way possible.D.He was good at dealing with people who were mentally ill.6.What does the underlined word "clown" in paragraph 3 probable mean ?A.木偶B.小丑C.外星人D.蜘蛛侠7.What can we know from Robin Williams words ?A.He thought highly of Hunter.B.Every doctor needs a patient friend.C.He became a warm person ever after.D.A good actor makes a successful film.CA recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggeststhat eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor foodchoices.Specifically,the study found that men who ate alone more thantwice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure,highcholesterol and diabetes.For children,eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes(结果)-it is also about developing good ones.In 2014,the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)looked at data from nearly three-quarters of the world's countries.Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip school.Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol(吸毒酗酒).In the report,titled "The Importance of Family Dinners (VIII)",researchers say that "teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about what's going on in their lives ".They also claim that when teens say they feel closer to their parents,they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol.Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long -term physical and mental health benefits(好处).These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks.These children also seemed to have better social skills and they were less aggressive(好斗的).Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents "likely provide young children with first-hand social interactions,discussions of social issues(事件)and day-to-day concerns ".She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others.8.What can be the best title for the text ?A.Benefits of eating together B.Advantages of eating aloneC.Ways of developing social skills D.Risks of using drugs and alcohol9.Children eating with their families are more likely to .A.drink more sugary soft drinks B.do well in their studies at schoolC.be more socially active and aggressive D.have a closer relationship with their parents10.Why is Professor Pagani mentioned in the last paragraph ?A.To introduce her B.To add a new pointC.To explain further D.To provide background information11.From which is the text probably taken ?A.A travel guide B.A biology textbook C.A cooking instruction D.A science magazineDNo one wakes up feeling happy every day.Very happy people are not different.They never stop trying to be happy.Here are some of the habits of happy people.◆They slow down.Sometimes we think too much.12 Happy people know how to enjoy the taste of their meal,enjoy the world's colors,even just step outside to enjoy fresh air.◆13Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes can make you happy.Happy people exerciseregularly and follow through on it because they know it will help them get in good mood (情绪)and stay in good mood.◆They spend money on other people.Research shows that spending money on others makes you much happier than spending it on yourself.This is especially true of small things that show effort,such as going out of your way to buy your friend a book that you know he or she will like.◆They get enough sleep.14 Your energy,attention and memory all go down when you don't sleep well.Happy people make sleep a first thing of all.◆They have deep conversations.Happy people know that happiness and depth go hand-in-hand.They avoid saying mean things about people.15 They talk with others on a deeper level,because they know doing it feels good and is an interesting way to learn.根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项.A.They exercise.B.Happiness makes you creative.C.We don't have time to look around.D.Instead,they focus on meaningful relationships.E.When you sleep,your brain restarts and cleans itself.二、语言知识运用(共20小题;满分25分)A阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满15分)16.A.prepare B.continue C.regret D.forget17.A.sad B.good C.angry D.terrible18.A.bill B.diary C.score D.promise19.A.all B.each C.both D.neither20.A.how B.when C.what D.where21.A.always B.never C.seldom D.sometimes22.A.making up B.tidying up C.putting up D.setting up23.A.real B.similar C.correct D.natural24.A.exams B.holidays C.meetings D.parties25.A.after B.until C.since D.asB阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)She used to sleep on the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office.I could smell her before I came close.She 26 (wear)dirty clothes and her mouth was nearly toothless.If she was not asleep,she talked to 27 (she).What a poor old lady !One Thanksgiving,we had lots of food 28 (leave)over.I thought about the old lady.She might be still hungry.So I packed the food up and rode over to the Fifth Street.It was a cold night.There was hardly anyone out.But I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find her 29 (easy).There she was,sitting against a tree near the post office.She 30 (dress)as she always was.I went to her and said,"I've brought you some food.Would you like some turkey and apple pie ?"However,the old woman didn't seem to be very 31 (excite)about this.She looked at me and said,"Oh,thank you very much,but someone 32 (give)me food earlier and I'm quite full now.Why don't you take it to someone else who 33 (need)it ?"Her manners were gracious(亲切的).I was the person who didn't know what 34 (say).An old lady whose life was 35 (bad)than most of us still thought others.Why don't more of us do that ?三、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)用括号所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。
1. 20世纪80年代2. 20世纪70年代3. 20世纪60年代4. 20世纪50年代6、下列哪个水利工程是李冰父子主持建筑的呢?1.都江堰2.灵渠3.京杭大运河4.坎儿井7、下列属于人造景观(主题公园等)等主要集中地是()。
公需科目: 2019 人工智能与健康试题及答案 (90 分)1.《“健康中国 2030 ”规划纲要》中提到,健康是经济社会发展的()。
(2.0 分)A.必然要求B.基础条件C.核心要义D.根本目的我的答案: B √答对2.对于神经退行性疾病,()将成为主要的检测手段。
( 2.0 分)A.X 光B.计算机断层扫描C.核磁共振成像D.内窥镜我的答案: C √答对3.在中国现有的心血管病患中,患病人数最多的是()。
( 2.0 分)A.脑卒中B.冠心病C.高血压D.肺原性心脏病我的答案: C √答对4.()是用电脑对文本集按照一定的标准进行自动分类标记。
( 2.0 分)A.文本识别B.机器翻译C.文本分类D.问答系统我的答案: C √答对5.古代把计量叫“度量衡”,其中,“度”是测量()的过程。
( 2.0 分)A.长度B.容积C.温度D.轻重我的答案: A √答对6.瓦普尼克 & 泽范兰杰斯理论( VC 理论)的目标是很好地()事件。
( 2.0 分)A.预测B.统计C.分析D.回顾我的答案: A √答对7.“计算机器能够思维”的观点是由()提出来的。
( 2.0 分)A.冯·诺依曼B.图灵C.诸葛亮D.公输班我的答案: A ×答错8.据清华原副校长施一公教授研究,中国每年有 265 万人死于(),占死亡人数的28% 。
( 2.0 分)A.癌症B.心脑血管疾病C.神经退行性疾病D.交通事故我的答案: A √答对9.关于专用人工智能与通用人工智能,下列表述不当的是()。
( 2.0 分)A.人工智能的近期进展主要集中在专用智能领域B.专用人工智能形成了人工智能领域的单点突破,在局部智能水平的单项测试中可以超越人类智能C.通用人工智能可处理视觉、听觉、判断、推理、学习、思考、规划、设计等各类问题D.真正意义上完备的人工智能系统应该是一个专用的智能系统我的答案: D √答对10.50 年前,人工智能之父们说服了每一个人:“()是智能的钥匙。
每小题3分)1.下列各项中,加点字的读音完全正确....的一项是()A.强劲.(jìn) 挫.折(cuò) 解.甲归田(jiě)B.似.的(shì) 瞭.(liào)望久假.不归(jiǎ)C.模.(mó)样渐.染(jiān)一塌.糊涂(tā)D.给.(jǐ)予靓.妆(jìng)情不自禁.(jìn)2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字.....的一项是()A.照像影碟意气用事B.竣工更迭一愁莫展C.宣泄磨砺出人头地D.俯瞰沿续班师回朝3.依次填入下列横线上的词语,最恰当...的一项是()①著名科学家杨振宁、李政道曾获得诺贝尔物理奖,他们在瑞典皇家科学院参加了仪式。
②报名时限过半,据有关部门介绍, 3月20日,全国已有12万人报名参加这项活动。
A.受奖截止况且B.授奖截止何况C.授奖截至况且D.受奖截至何况4.下列各项中,没有语病....的一项是()A. 通过志愿者示范来引导市民排队,实在是个不错的活动形式,可以避免减少等候过程中出现的拥挤。
B. 目前房价与消费者预期差距较大,八成消费者认为,每平方米6000元以下较为合理。
C. 随着交通事故数量的激增,有关专家呼吁,对酒后驾车、违章开车、无照驾驶的现象一定要严加管理。
D. 听了你的一番话,使我一下子感到天空开阔了起来,信心也增强了。
英语试卷 第1页(共18页) 英语试卷 第2页(共18页)绝密★启用前山东省淄博市2019年初中学业水平考试英 语(满分:90分,考试时间:100分钟)第I 卷(选择题,满分42分)一、完形填空(共10小题,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A 、B 、C 、D 中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。
For thousands of years ,people farmed the land. They grew fruits and vegetables. They hunted and fished for meat. They 1 cloth dyes (染料) and paper from plants. They used stone and metal for weapons and tools.People progressed to making machines powered 2 water and steam (蒸汽), and even later, by coal, oil, and petrol. Large cities were built. Factories 3 of machines created jobs in the cities for thousands of people. The Industrial Revolution (工业革命) changed the lives of many people because, for the first time, more people lived in cities than on 4 .Companies built power plants (工厂) to make 5 to run the machines, factories and cities.People did not realize these activities were 6 the Earth. They didn't realize oil, gas, coal and minerals were being used up 7 . 8 cities grew bigger and spread across the land, plants and animals began to disappear. Their nature homes were destroyed (破坏) as people moved into new places.As time passed, people began to 9 the need to protect the Earth and its natural resources (资源). They saw that plants and animals needed protection ,so they wouldn't disappear forever. People joined together to tell 10 around the world to conserve (节约) our natural resources and care for the Earth. And so. Earth Day was born. Each year ,more and more people take part in Earth Day. What can you do to help? 1. A. separated B. washed C. made D. mixed 2. A. as B. forC. withD. by 3. A. full B. proud C. sickD. short 4. A. mountains B. rivers C. grasslands D. farms 5. A. metalB. waterC. electricityD. oil6. A. helping B. harming C. wasting D. losing7. A. clearly B. hardly C. quickly D. slowly8. A. Before B. If C. AsD. Though 9. A. forget B. seeC. rememberD. get 10. A. themB. otherC. anotherD. others二、阅读理解(共16小题,满分32分)阅读短文A 、B ,并做每篇后面的题目,从每题所给的(A 、B 、C 、D)四个选项中选出能完成所给句子或问题的最佳答案。
28.护理健康教育的主体是( )
41.节食对青少年的危害有哪些( )
42.如何预防溺水( )