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直放机:Repeater近端机:Master Block,为主控单元远端机:Slave Block ,为受控单元/从属单元/覆盖单元1、近端机的输入信号实际上有多种获取方式,比如施主天线、耦合基站、RRU等等;2、近端机一般装在基站机房里,远端机则装在覆盖区域边缘或者里面的某个适当位置(看覆盖室内还是室外),远端机旁边通常要装一个ODB(光纤配线盒)。
地铁常用术语一、地铁专业术语AFC Auto Fare Collection /自动售检票系统ATC Automatic Train Control /列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation /列车自动运行ATP Automatic Train Protection /列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision /列车自动监控BAS Building Automation System /建筑设备自动化系统BCC Backup Control Center /备用控制中心FAS Fire Alarm System /防灾报警系统ISCS Integrated Supervision and Control System /综合监控系统HMI Human Machine Interface /人机接口OCC Operated Control Center /控制中心PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System /旅客向导系统PIS Passenger Information System /乘客信息系统(有的也叫旅客资讯系统)SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database /供电系统管理自动化ISDS Scan Control Alarm Database /供电系统管理自动化SSS Subway Station Subsystem /车站子系统TIMS Train Integrated Management System /列车综合管理系统TCMS Train Control & Monitoring System /列车控制和监控系统EOD Equipment Operating Data /设备运行参数二、车辆专业系统APU Audio Power Unit /放大器单元AW0 空载AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 每平方米6人AW3 每平方米9人DVA Digital and Audio Announcements /数字语音广播器FDU Frontal Display Unit /前部显示单元IDU Internal Display Unit /内部显示单元LRU Line Replaceable Unit /线路可替换单元M(C)Motor Car /动车Mp(B)Motor Car With Pantograph /带受电弓的动车MPU Main Processor Unit /主控单元PB Powered Bogie /动车转向架RIOM Remote Input Output Module /远程输入输出模块TBD To be Defined /待定义,待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie -External /拖车外转向架TBIn Train Bogie -Intermediate /拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Unit /踏面制动单元Tc(A)Trailer Car /拖车VPI Visual Passenger Information /可视乘客信息VVVF Variable voltage Variable Frequency /变压变频WSP Wheel Speed Sensor /轮速传感器三、信号专业系统ADM Administrator Workstation /系统工作管理站AR Automatic Reversal /自动折返ARS Automatic Route Setting /列车自动进路排列ATR Automatic Train Regulation /列车自动调整ATT Automatic Train Tracking /列车自动跟踪DTI Departure Time Indicator /发车计时器LCP Local Control Panel /局部控制台PTI Positive Train Identification /列车自动识别RM Restricted Manual Mode /ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶SIC Station Interface Case /车站接口箱SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling /西门子计算机辅助信号四、通信专业系统CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server /配置及数字分配服务器DDF Digital Distribution Frame /数字配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA /TETRA数字交换机MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame /综合配线架NCC Network Control Center /网络控制中心ODF Optical Distribution Frame /光配线架OMS OTN Management System /OTN管理系统PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange /专用自动小交换机PCM Pulse Code Modulation /脉冲编码调制TBS TETRA Base Station /TETRA基站TDM Time Division Multiplexing /时分复用TETRA Terrestial trunked Radio /欧洲数字集群标准VDF Audio Distribution Frame /音频配线架五、自动售检票专业系统CPS Central Processing System /中央计算机系统CSC Contactless Smart Card /非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token /非接触智能筹码IDC Intermodality Data Center /清结算数据中心SPS Station Processing System /车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number /个人身份号码TVM Ticket Vending Machine /自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine /半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit /便携式验票机GATE 闸机六、火灾报警专业系统FAC 消防专项合格证书GCC Graphic Control Computer /图形监视计算机七、环境监控专业系统EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System /车站设备监控系统ECS Environment Control System /环境控制系统DDC Dircct Digital Controller /数字直接控制器PLC Programmable Logic Controller /可编程逻辑控制器八、综合监控专业系统BISCS Backup ISCS /备用综合监控系统CISCS Central ISCS /中央综合监控系统FEP Front End Processor /前端处理器HMI Human Machine Interface /人机界面SISCS Station ISCS /车站综合监控系统九、技术术语API Application Programming interfac /应用程序接口EMC Electro Magnetic Compliance /电磁兼容性FTP File Transfer Protocol /文件传输协议ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network /综合业务数字网LAN Local Area Network /局域网MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failure /运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTBF Mean Time Between Failures /平均无故障运行时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair /维修耗时平均值OTN Open Transport Network /开放传输网络PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network /公用电话交换网TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol /传输控制/网络协议UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply /不间断电源供给WAN Wide Area Network /广域网十、其他术语NTCS NanJing Transportation Card System /南京一卡通系统MOC Ministry Of construction /建设部NMC NanJing Metro Corporation /南京地铁公司缩写词英文解释中文解释ACS Access Control System 门禁系统AFC Automatic Fare Collection 自动售检票系统AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图形端口AI/AO Analogue lnput/Analogue Output 模拟输入/模拟输出ANSI American National Standard lnstitute 美国国家标准委员全ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 自动列车保护系统ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控AV Audio Vi deo 音像ASD Airtight separate Door 人防门BAS Building Automation System 环境与设备监控系统C/S C1ient/Server 客户机/服务器CCTV Closed Circuit Television 闭路电视监控系统CISCS Central Integrated Supervisory Control System 中央级综合监控系统CLK Clock 时钟系统CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理体系结构CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元DC Direct Current 直流DCC Depot Control Center 车辆段控制中心DI/DO Digital lnput/Digital Output 数字输入/数字输出DISCS Depot Integrated Supervisory Control System 车辆段综合监控系统DLP Digital Light Processing 数字光处理DVD-ROM Digital Video Disk-Read only Memory 数字视盘—只读存储器EED Emergency Egress Door 应急门EL&ES Elevator and Escalator 电梯和自动扶梯EPS Emergency Power System 应急电源系统FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FC Fiber Chatlnel 光纤通道FEP Front End Processor 前端处理器FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议GUI Graphic User lnterface 图形用户接口HMI Human Machine lnterface 人机界面HVAC Heat Ventilation and Air-Condition 通风空调系统I/O Input/Output 输入/输出IBP Intergrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘IEEE Institute of Electrlcal &E1ectronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师协会ISCS Integrated Supervisory Control System 综合监控系统ISDS Integrated Supervisory Defend System 综合安防系统ITU-R International Telecom Union- Radio 国际电信联盟—无线ITU-T Irlternational Telecom Union-Telecom 国际电信联盟—通信JPEG Joint Photogragh Coding Experts Group 联合图像专家组规范LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD Liquid Crystal Di splay 液晶显示屏LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LTO LirlearTape Open 开放的线性磁带协议MBN ISCS Backbone Network 综合监控骨干网MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group 运动图像专家组规范MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair 平均修复时间NFS Network File System 网络文件系统NMS Network Management System 网络管理系统OCC Operating Control Center 运营控制中心OPS Overview Projector System 大屏幕系统PA Public Address 广播系统PCI Periptleral Component Interconnect 外设互联接口PDP Plasma Display Panel 等离子显示屏PIS Passenger Information System 乘客资讯系统PSD Platform Screen Door 屏蔽门系统P&L Power and lighting 低压配电QoS Quality of Service 服务等级RAID Redundant Array of lndependent Disks 冗余磁盘阵列RISC Reduced lnstruction Set Computer 精简指令集SCADA Supervision Contro1 And Data Acquisitio 电力监控系统SCSI Small Computer Serial Interface 小型计算机接口SDI Serial Digital Interface 串行数字接口SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字序列传输SI Standard International 国际单位SIG SIGnalling 信号系统SISCS Station Integrated Superiory Control System 车站综合监控系统SMP Symmetrical Mutli-Processor 对称多处理器SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络协议SOE Sequence of Event 事件序列STP Simulation &Test Platform 系统仿真测试平台TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网络互联协议TFT Thin Film Transistor 薄膜晶体管TMS Training Management System 培训管理系统UCS Ultra Contrast Screen 超高对比度屏幕UPS Untierrupted Power System 不间断电源USB Universial Serial Bus 通用串行总线VGA Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网VME Versa mModule Eurocard 多模块接口总线WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WSD Water Supply and Drainge 给排水。
2.四不放过原则:是指事故调查分析和处理的基本原则,具体包括事故原因没有查清不放过,事故责任者没有严肃处理不放过, 防范措施没有落实不放过,广大员工没有受到教育不放过。
(现阶段包括600 型内燃机车、380 型内燃机车、210 型轨道车、架线车、磨轨车、网轨检测车等,根据总部增加的设备而增加。
地铁常用术语一、地铁专业术语AFC Auto Fare Collection /自动售检票系统ATC Automatic Train Control /列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation /列车自动运行ATP Automatic Train Protection /列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision /列车自动监控BAS Building Automation System /建筑设备自动化系统BCC Backup Control Center /备用控制中心FAS Fire Alarm System /防灾报警系统ISCS Integrated Supervision and Control System /综合监控系统HMI Human Machine Interface /人机接口OCC Operated Control Center /控制中心PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System /旅客向导系统PIS Passenger Information System /乘客信息系统(有的也叫旅客资讯系统)SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database /供电系统管理自动化ISDS Scan Control Alarm Database /供电系统管理自动化SSS Subway Station Subsystem /车站子系统TIMS Train Integrated Management System /列车综合管理系统TCMS Train Control & Monitoring System /列车控制和监控系统EOD Equipment Operating Data /设备运行参数VVVF Variable voltage Variable Frequency /变压变频WSP Wheel Speed Sensor /轮速传感器三、信号专业系统ADM Administrator Workstation /系统工作管理站AR Automatic Reversal /自动折返ARS Automatic Route Setting /列车自动进路排列ATR Automatic Train Regulation /列车自动调整ATT Automatic Train Tracking /列车自动跟踪DTI Departure Time Indicator /发车计时器LCP Local Control Panel /局部控制台PTI Positive Train Identification /列车自动识别RM Restricted Manual Mode /ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶SIC Station Interface Case /车站接口箱SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling /西门子计算机辅助信号四、通信专业系统CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server /配置及数字分配服务器DDF Digital Distribution Frame /数字配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA /TETRA数字交换机MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame /综合配线架NCC Network Control Center /网络控制中心ODF Optical Distribution Frame /光配线架OMS OTN Management System /OTN管理系统PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange /专用自动小交换机PCM Pulse Code Modulation /脉冲编码调制TBS TETRA Base Station /TETRA基站TDM Time Division Multiplexing /时分复用TETRA Terrestial trunked Radio /欧洲数字集群标准VDF Audio Distribution Frame /音频配线架五、自动售检票专业系统CPS Central Processing System /中央计算机系统CSC Contactless Smart Card /非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token /非接触智能筹码IDC Intermodality Data Center /清结算数据中心SPS Station Processing System /车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number /个人身份号码TVM Ticket Vending Machine /自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine /半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit /便携式验票机GATE 闸机六、火灾报警专业系统FAC 消防专项合格证书GCC Graphic Control Computer /图形监视计算机七、环境监控专业系统EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System /车站设备监控系统ECS Environment Control System /环境控制系统DDC Dircct Digital Controller /数字直接控制器PLC Programmable Logic Controller /可编程逻辑控制器八、综合监控专业系统BISCS Backup ISCS /备用综合监控系统CISCS Central ISCS /中央综合监控系统FEP Front End Processor /前端处理器HMI Human Machine Interface /人机界面SISCS Station ISCS /车站综合监控系统九、技术术语API Application Programming interfac /应用程序接口EMC Electro Magnetic Compliance /电磁兼容性FTP File Transfer Protocol /文件传输协议ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network /综合业务数字网LAN Local Area Network /局域网MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failure /运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTBF Mean Time Between Failures /平均无故障运行时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair /维修耗时平均值OTN Open Transport Network /开放传输网络PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network /公用电话交换网TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol /传输控制/网络协议UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply /不间断电源供给WAN Wide Area Network /广域网十、其他术语NTCS NanJing Transportation Card System /南京一卡通系统MOC Ministry Of construction /建设部NMC NanJing Metro Corporation /南京地铁公司缩写词英文解释中文解释ACS Access Control System 门禁系统AFC Automatic Fare Collection 自动售检票系统AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图形端口AI/AO Analogue lnput/Analogue Output 模拟输入/模拟输出ANSI American National Standard lnstitute 美国国家标准委员全ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 自动列车保护系统ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控AV Audio Vi deo 音像ASD Airtight separate Door 人防门BAS Building Automation System 环境与设备监控系统C/S C1ient/Server 客户机/服务器CCTV Closed Circuit Television 闭路电视监控系统CISCS Central Integrated Supervisory Control System 中央级综合监控系统CLK Clock 时钟系统CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理体系结构CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元DC Direct Current 直流DCC Depot Control Center 车辆段控制中心DI/DO Digital lnput/Digital Output 数字输入/数字输出DISCS Depot Integrated Supervisory Control System 车辆段综合监控系统DLP Digital Light Processing 数字光处理DVD-ROM Digital Video Disk-Read only Memory 数字视盘—只读存储器EED Emergency Egress Door 应急门EL&ES Elevator and Escalator 电梯和自动扶梯EPS Emergency Power System 应急电源系统FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FC Fiber Chatlnel 光纤通道FEP Front End Processor 前端处理器FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议GUI Graphic User lnterface 图形用户接口HMI Human Machine lnterface 人机界面HVAC Heat Ventilation and Air-Condition 通风空调系统I/O Input/Output 输入/输出IBP Intergrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘IEEE Institute of Electrlcal &E1ectronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师协会ISCS Integrated Supervisory Control System 综合监控系统ISDS Integrated Supervisory Defend System 综合安防系统ITU-R International Telecom Union- Radio 国际电信联盟—无线ITU-T Irlternational Telecom Union-Telecom 国际电信联盟—通信JPEG Joint Photogragh Coding Experts Group 联合图像专家组规范LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD Liquid Crystal Di splay 液晶显示屏LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LTO LirlearTape Open 开放的线性磁带协议MBN ISCS Backbone Network 综合监控骨干网MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group 运动图像专家组规范MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair 平均修复时间NFS Network File System 网络文件系统NMS Network Management System 网络管理系统OCC Operating Control Center 运营控制中心OPS Overview Projector System 大屏幕系统PA Public Address 广播系统PCI Periptleral Component Interconnect 外设互联接口PDP Plasma Display Panel 等离子显示屏PIS Passenger Information System 乘客资讯系统PSD Platform Screen Door 屏蔽门系统P&L Power and lighting 低压配电QoS Quality of Service 服务等级RAID Redundant Array of lndependent Disks 冗余磁盘阵列RISC Reduced lnstruction Set Computer 精简指令集SCADA Supervision Contro1 And Data Acquisitio 电力监控系统SCSI Small Computer Serial Interface 小型计算机接口SDI Serial Digital Interface 串行数字接口SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字序列传输SI Standard International 国际单位SIG SIGnalling 信号系统SISCS Station Integrated Superiory Control System 车站综合监控系统SMP Symmetrical Mutli-Processor 对称多处理器SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络协议SOE Sequence of Event 事件序列STP Simulation &Test Platform 系统仿真测试平台TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网络互联协议TFT Thin Film Transistor 薄膜晶体管TMS Training Management System 培训管理系统UCS Ultra Contrast Screen 超高对比度屏幕UPS Untierrupted Power System 不间断电源USB Universial Serial Bus 通用串行总线VGA Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网VME Versa mModule Eurocard 多模块接口总线WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WSD Water Supply and Drainge 给排水。
地铁专业术语100条非常有用!地铁专业术语1、联锁站: 正线有道岔并配有联锁设备的车站为联锁集中站,简称联锁站。
2、非联锁站: 相对与联锁站,未设置信号联锁系统设备受联锁站集中控制的非集中车站。
3、列车驾驶模式:地铁4号线电客车共有五种驾驶模式:ATO模式、ATP模式、iATP模式、RM模式、NRM模式4、刚性接触网: 将传统断面的接触网导线镶嵌在铝合金汇流排上,再悬挂于轨道上方给列车传输电能的架空线路,一般设于地下线路。
5、柔性接触网: 在轨道上方由接触线、承力索、馈线、架空地线等组成并向列车传输电能的架空线路,一般设于地面及高架线路。
6、列车: 按地铁规定编组的并有车次号的电客车、工程列车、单机。
7、电客车: 指以运送乘客为目的由4动2拖共6节车厢编组而成的列车;在地铁车辆分类解释时,相对工程车,为载客运行的地铁电动客车的统称,包括动车和拖车。
8、车辆: 泛指所有的地铁车;或特指没有运行动力的车,如平板车等。
9、机车: 指除电客车外,自带动力能独立行驶的车辆,如内燃机车等。
10、工程车: 指由机车和车辆编组而成,用于轨道上施工、运输货物的列车(含内燃机车、接触网检修车等单机编组);在地铁车辆分类解释时,相对电客车,机车和工程车辆的统称,如内燃机车、平板车等。
11、使用车: 按《列车运行图》上线运行的列车。
12、备用车: 准备上线替换故障列车或需要加开列车时使用的列车。
13、运用车: 使用车和备用车总称运用车。
14、检修车: 在停车场内计划修及临修的车辆统称为检修车。
15、全高屏蔽门: 由滑动门、应急门、端门、固定门组成,设于地下车站,将车站站台与站台轨道间分隔开,使站台成为封闭式,当列车进站开门时,开门上下乘客,列车关门时关门。
16、列车运行图: 是行车组织工作的基础,列车运行时间与空间关系的图解,表示各次列车在各区间运行及在各车站停车或通过状态的二维线条图。
17、列车时刻表: 根据《列车运行图》生成,反映各次列车在各站到发时刻。
地铁行业专有名词、专业词汇中英文对照表1目录2地铁专有名词3Section 1 Electric 3Section 2 Mechanical 9Section 3 Electric pneumatic brake system 11 Section 4 Bogie 15机械加工专业词汇18焊接专业词汇28表面处理专业词汇35地铁专有名词Section 1 Electric序号英文中文1 “door unlocked” indi cators 门未闭锁指示器2 AC contactor 交流接触器3 Air conditioner 空调4 Air gap 气隙5 Amplifier 放大器、扩音机6 Amplitude 振幅幅度7 Anemo relay 风道继电器8 Antenna 天线9 Antenna for ATC ATC用天线10 Arc extinguish chamber 灭弧室11 Armature 电枢12 ATC (automatic train control) 自动列车控制13 ATO (automatic train operation) 自动列车运行14 Auto circuit breaker 自动开关15 Automatic coupler 自动车钩16 Automatic reversing drive 自动折返驾驶17 Aux contact 辅助触头18 Aux. Circuit socket for shed use 辅助电路库用插座19 Aux. Converter blower motor 辅助变流器风机电机20 Aux. Head light 辅助灯21 Auxiliary box 辅助箱22 Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路23 Auxiliary converter 辅助变流器24 Auxiliary power supply 辅助电源25 Battery 蓄电池26 Battery charger 蓄电池充电器27 Battery voltmeter 蓄电池电压表28 bogie frame 转向架构架29 Brake shoe force 闸瓦力30 Brake shoe holder 闸瓦托31 Braking distance 制动距离32 Braking effort 制动力33 Braking flat 踏面擦伤34 Braking ratio 制动率35 braking resistor 制动电阻36 Broadcast 广播37 Cab light 司机室灯38 Cabin light 客室灯39 Cable 电缆40 capacitor 电容41 capacity of train 列车载员42 carbody exterior 车体外部43 catenary 接触网44 CCTV 闭路电视45 CCU (center control unit) 中央控制单元46 ceiling lamp 顶灯47 Changeover switch 转换开关48 chopper 斩波器49 Commutation pole coil 换向极线圈50 Compensation coil 补偿线圈51 Computer screen 微机显示器52 contactor 接触器53 Control circuit 控制电路54 Control circuit socket for shed use 控制回路库用插座55 Controller 控制盒56 Converter water pump motor 变流器水泵电机57 cook 塞门58 Corridor light 走廊灯59 Cubicle for signaling 信号柜60 current transducer 电流传感器61 Current transducer 电流传感器62 daily check 日常检查63 DC link capacitor 支撑电容64 DC-AC inverter 直交逆变器65 DC-DC converter 直直变流器66 DCU (drive control unit) 牵引控制单元67 Deadman’s device 警惕装置68 depot 车库69 derailment 脱轨70 digital announcement device 数字报站设备71 Diode 二极管72 door close 关门73 door closing acoustic signal 关门声音信号74 door open 开门75 door reopen 再开门76 drain valve 排水阀77 Driver seat 司机座椅78 driver’s desk 司机台79 Duplex speedometer 双针速度表80 Earthing brush 接地电刷81 Earthing switch 接地开关82 ECU (electronic brake control unit) 电子制动控制单元83 Effective grade brake 有效坡道制动84 Electric control with air brake 电控空气制动85 Electric drive 电力驱动、电力传动86 Electric equipment 电气设备87 Electric heating 电炉88 Electric heating film 电热膜89 Electric heating glass 电热玻璃90 Electric locomotive 电力机车91 Electric part 电气部分92 Electric transmission 电力传动93 Electrification 电气化94 electromagnetic compatibility 电磁兼容95 Electro-pneumatic contactor 电空接触器96 Emergency button 紧急按钮97 emergency magnet valve 紧急电磁阀98 emergency operation 紧急操作99 end light 尾灯100 evaporator 蒸发器101 exterior cover 外盖102 fail-safe design 故障导向安全设计103 failure indication 故障指示104 Fault indicator 故障显示器105 foot pump 脚泵106 four-pole three phase traction motor 三相四极牵引电动机107 Four-quadrant converter 4象限变流器108 Fuse 熔断器109 GTO 门极可关断晶闸管110 head light 头灯111 Head light 头灯112 High voltage coupler 高压连接器113 high voltage equipment 高压设备114 HMI (human machine interface) 人机界面115 HSCB (high speed circuit breaker) 高速断路器116 HV connect bus 高压连接母线117 HV current transformer 高压电流互感器118 HV disconnector 高压隔离开关119 HV potential transformer 高压电压互感器120 IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)国际电工联合会121 IGBT 绝缘门极双极型晶体管122 Indicator light 指示灯123 Induction coil 感应器124 Insulator 绝缘子125 interior lighting 车内照明126 Intermediate relay 中间继电器127 Inverter 逆变器128 Isolating switch 隔离开关129 Key switch 按键开关130 kilometer indicator 里程指示器131 Kilowatt-hour meter 电度表132 Knife switch 刀开关133 lighting 照明134 Lighting arrester 避雷器135 line circuit contactor 线路接触器136 load correction 负载校正137 Low voltage cubicle 低压柜138 LRT (light rail train) 轻轨列车139 Main circuit 主电路140 Main circuit breaker 主断路器141 Main circuit socket for shed use 主电路库用插座142 Main compressor motor 压缩机电机143 Main converter 主变流器144 Main pole coil 主机线圈145 maintenance 检修146 Marker light 标志灯147 master controller 司机控制器148 Master controller 主司机控制器149 menu screen 菜单屏150 Microcomputer control system 微机控制系统151 Microphone 话筒152 microprocessor-controlled pneumatic single pipe friction system 微机控制单管空气制动系统153 Monitor 监控154 Monitor indicator 监控显示屏155 monitoring and information system 监控及信息系统156 monorail 单轨铁路157 Motor ammeter 电机电流表158 Motor starting 电动机起动159 Motor voltmeter 电机电压表160 MVB 多功能车辆总线161 nominal power 额定功率162 Non-linear resistor 非线性电阻163 Oil/water cooler blower motor 油水冷却风机电机164 operation screen 操作屏165 Panto 弓头166 Pantograph 受电弓167 passenger loudspeaker 旅客扬声器168 pipe connector 管接头169 plug 插头170 Position switch 行程开关171 Potentiometer 电位器172 Primary voltage 原边电压173 Protection module 保护模块174 push button 按钮175 PWM (pulse width modulated)脉宽调制176 radio equipment 无线电设备177 Radio telephone set 无线电台主机178 reading lamp 阅读灯179 Rectifier 整流器180 relay valve 中继阀181 Release button 解锁按钮182 repair and overhaul manual 检修手册183 Resistor 电阻184 Roof-bushing with HV cable 车顶穿墙套管185 roof-mounted compact A/C unit 车顶布置紧凑型空调单元186 Second voltage 次边电压187 Semaphore 信号机188 set-up screen 设置屏189 shunt 调车190 Shunting controller 调车控制器191 Signal indicator 信号显示器192 Signal light 信号灯193 Slide 滑板194 Smoothing reactor 平波电抗器195 socket 插座196 Socket for inspection lamp 行灯插座197 Speed transducer / speed sensor 速度传感器198 starting-up procedure 启动过程199 Stator 定子200 supply unit 电源单元201 surge arrester 避雷器202 Synchronous transformer 同步变压器203 TCN (train communication norm) 列车通讯标准204 TCU(traction control unit)牵引控制单元205 Terminal bar 端子排206 Thyristor 晶闸管207 Time delay relay 时间继电器208 timetable holder 时刻表夹209 Toggle switch 钮子开关210 tractiive effort 牵引力211 Traction motor 牵引电机212 Traction motor blower motor 牵引电机风机电机213 traction unit 牵引单元214 traction VVVF inverter 牵引变压变频逆变器215 tractive characteristics 牵引特性216 Train bus 列车总线217 train bus interface 列车总线接口218 train public address 列车广播219 transducer 传感器220 Transformer 主变压器221 Transformer oil pump motor 变压器油泵电机222 transmission antenna 发送天线223 UIC(International Union of Railways)国际铁路联盟224 uncoupling 摘挂225 Vacuum switch 真空开关226 Varistor 压敏电阻227 Varistor rectifier 变阻整流器228 ventilation fan 通风机229 V oltage snubber 电压抑制器230 voltage transducer 电压传感器231 V oltage transducer 电压传感器232 V oltmeter for catenary 网压表233 VVVF (Variable V oltage Variable Frequency) 变频变压234 water filter 油水滤尘器235 windshield heater 前窗玻璃加热器236 windshield wiper 前窗刮雨器237 workshop supply 库内电源238 WTB 列车总线Section 2 Mechanical序号英文中文1 air compressor 空压机2 air conditioning unit 空调单元3 Air duct 风道4 Ash-tray 烟灰盒5 automatic coupler 自动车钩6 axle 轴7 axle load 轴重8 bellow 风挡9 bogie 转向架10 cab door 司机室门11 cable distribution duct 线缆布置槽12 cable duct 线槽13 Carbody 车体14 compartment 车厢15 Control desk in cab 司机台16 corbel 枕梁17 Corridor 走道18 Corridor floor 走道地板19 Coupler 车钩20 Coverboard 顶盖21 Cow-catcher 排障器22 Door grab handle 门扶手23 Draft gear 缓冲器24 drawbar 牵引杆25 drive 驱动26 driver’s cab 司机室27 Driver’s seat 司机座椅28 EMU (electric multiple unit) 电动车组29 end beam 端梁30 Filters of side wall 侧墙过滤器31 Fire extinguisher 灭火器32 Floor of the cab 司机室地板33 Front window glass 前窗玻璃34 gangway 车间过道35 gauge 限界36 Hook hole 吊销孔37 interval 间隔38 Ladder of roof 登顶楼梯39 maximum gradient 最大坡道40 metro 地铁41 motor car 动车42 motor car with cab 带司机室动车43 Name plate 铭牌44 overhead line 接触网45 passenger 旅客46 Pedal 踏板47 permanent drawbar 永久性牵引杆48 pocket sliding door 内藏式滑动门49 push pull train 推挽式列车50 rail type 轨道类型51 Rear wall 后墙52 Rerailer 复轨器53 rolling stock 机车车辆54 Roof 车顶55 Roof hatch 车顶门56 seat 坐席57 semi-permanent drawbar 半永久性牵引杆58 side sill 边梁59 side wall 侧墙60 smallest curve radius 最小曲线半径61 sunshade 遮阳帘62 track gauge 轨距63 traction beam 牵引梁64 trailer car 拖车65 trailer car with cab 带司机室拖车66 train arrangement 列车组成67 trainset 列车68 underfloor equipment 车底设备69 underframe 底架70 wheelset 轮对Section 3 Electric pneumatic brake system序号英文中文1 adhesion 粘着2 Air brake hose 制动软管3 Air brake hose clamp 制动软管卡子4 Air brake hose coupling 制动软管连接器5 Air brake hose gasket 制动软管连接器垫圈6 Air brake hose label 制动软管标记7 Air brake hose nipple 制动软管管接8 Air brake pos. 空气制动位9 Air brake valve 空气制动阀(小闸)10 Air compressor set 空气压缩机11 Air drier 空气干燥器12 air reservoir 风缸13 Air reservoir for brake 制动风缸14 Air reservoir for doors 车门用风缸15 Air spring leveling valve linkage 空气弹簧水平阀连接16 Air system 空气系统17 Altitude 海拔18 Ambient temperature 环境温度19 Angle cock 折角塞门20 Application pipe 作用管21 Application reservoir 工作风缸22 Atmosphere 电气23 Automatic brake 自动制动24 Auxiliary compressor 辅助压缩机25 Auxiliary reservoir 辅助风缸26 Backward 向后27 Balance pipe 平均管28 Ball-cock 球阀(塞门)29 Brake 制动30 Brake characteristics 制动特性31 Brake cylinder 制动缸32 Brake distance 制动距离33 brake effort 制动力34 Brake pos. 制动位35 Brake shoe 闸瓦36 Braking resistor 制动电阻37 Brass pipe 铜管38 Catenary voltage 网压39 Check value 单向(止回)阀40 Coach 客车41 Command 指令42 Conductor value 车长阀43 Contactor 接触器44 Control reservoir 控制风缸45 Copper pipe 铜管46 Dead loco. 无火机车47 Diameter 直径48 Diesel locomotive 内燃机车49 Diode 二极管50 Distributor valve 分配阀51 Double heading 重联52 Double point air meter 双针压力表53 Drain valve 排水阀54 Dynamic brake 动力制动55 Electric pneumatic brake controller 电空制动控制器(无闸)56 EM discharge valve 紧急放风阀57 EM pos. 紧急位58 Emergency brake 紧急制动59 Emergency magnet valve 紧急电磁阀60 Emergency valve 紧急阀61 E-P brake cubicle 电空制动柜62 E-P brake pos. 电空制动位63 E-P interlock 电空连锁64 Equalizing reservoir 均衡风缸65 feedback signal 反馈信号66 Filter bobbin 滤清筒67 Forward 向前68 Framework 骨架69 Gradually brake 阶段制动70 Gradually release 阶段缓解71 High pitch horn 高音喇叭72 Horn 喇叭73 Humidity 湿度74 Independent brake 单独制动75 Initial reservoir 初制动风缸76 Intake 进口77 Interface 接口78 Leakage 泄漏79 Locomotive depot 机务段80 Low pitch horn 低音喇叭81 Main pipe 总风管82 Main reservoir 主风缸83 Malfunction 故障84 Manual handle 手柄85 Master position 本务位86 Mid-relay valve 中继阀87 Ministry of railway 铁道部88 Multiple changeover valve 重联转换阀89 Multiple pos. 重联位90 Neutral pos. 中立位91 Noise 噪音92 Outlet 出口93 Overcharge pos. 过充位94 Overcharge reservoir 过充风缸95 Parking brake 停车制动96 Pedal switch 脚踏开关97 Pipage (bend) 管道98 Pipe connector 管接头99 Pipe strap 管卡100 Pipe supporter 管座101 Pipe thread 管螺纹102 Pipe tongs 管钳103 Piston 活塞104 Plate cock 模板塞门105 Plug 插头106 Pneumatic 气动的107 pneumatic panel 空气制动屏108 Pressure 压力109 Pressure controller 压力控制器110 Pressure meter 压力表111 Pressure reduction 减压量112 Pressure relay 压力继电器113 Pressure sensor 压力传感器114 Pressure switch 压力开关115 Push button 按钮116 Radius 半径117 regenerative braking 再生制动118 Regulator valve 调节阀119 Relative humidity 相对湿度120 Release 缓解121 Release pos. 缓解位122 reservoir for air spring 空气弹簧风缸123 Rotary screw compressor 螺杆压缩机124 Run pos. 运转位125 Safety value 安全阀126 Sea level 海平面127 Seam pipe 有缝钢管128 Seamless pipe 无缝钢管129 seamless steel tube 无缝钢管130 Service after sailing 售后服务131 Service brake 常用制动132 Shell of pipe 管壁133 Single point air meter 单针压力表134 Slave position 补机位135 Socket 插座136 Solenoid valve 电空阀137 Stainless pipe 不锈钢管138 Steel pipe 钢管139 Toggle switch 钮子开关140 Train pipe 列车管141 Tread 踏面142 triplet 三通143 Triplet 三通144 V olume 音量145 Wagon 货车146 Water filter 分水滤尘器147 Wheel flange lubrication 轮缘润滑148 Wiper 刮雨器Section 4 Bogie序号英文中文1 Anti-hunting damper 抗蛇行减震器2 Assistant 辅助装置3 ATO 列车自动运行4 ATP 列车自动保护5 ATS 列车自动监控6 Axle 轴7 Axle box 轴箱8 Axle box body 轴箱体9 Axle box complete 轴箱组成10 Axle box pull rod 轴箱拉杆11 Axle bush 轴套12 Axle ring 轴圈13 Bearing 轴承14 Bogie 转向架15 Bogie frame 构架16 Brake installation seat 制动器安装座17 center pivot plate 中心销盘18 Damper bracket 减震器支座19 Damper upper seat 减震器上座20 Design cross section 设计断面21 Distance between bogies 转向架之间的距离22 Earthing brushes 接地电刷23 Earthing device 接地装置24 Electrical machine suspension 电机悬挂装置25 End beam 端梁26 Exterior cover 外盖27 FAS 火灾报警系统28 Gear 齿轮29 Gear box 齿轮箱30 Gearbox hanger seat 齿轮箱吊座31 Grounding desk 接地台32 Guard 挡环33 Hanging pedestal 吊座34 Helical spring pull rod base 圆弹簧拉杆座35 Intermediate car 中间车36 Kinematic envelop 动态包络线37 Kinematic load gauge 动态负荷轮廓限界38 Lifting casing 吊销套39 Master wheel center 主轮芯40 Max distance between Center bogie and car end 转向架中心到车端的最大距离41 Maximal height of car 车体最大高度42 mechanical lock 机械联锁43 motor bogie 动力转向架44 Nameplate 铭牌45 piping of bogie 转向架布管46 Primary suspension 一系悬挂47 Prototype train 样车48 Pull rod base 拉杆座49 Rear cover 后盖50 Retaining ring 扣环51 Rolling Stock 车辆52 Rubber pad 橡胶垫53 Sand box 砂箱54 Seamless steel tube 无缝钢管55 Secondary suspension 二系悬挂56 Shackle 吊环57 Shock absorber 减震器58 Side frame 侧构59 Side sill 侧梁60 Side sill body 侧梁体61 Side wall 侧墙62 Side window glass 侧窗玻璃63 slip-slide control 空转滑行控制64 Spacer ring 隔环65 Spacing seat 限位座66 Speed sensor 速度传感器67 Spring 弹簧68 Spring seat 弹簧座69 Spring upper cover 弹簧上压盖70 Static load gauge 静止负荷轮廓限界71 Sun-shade 遮阳帘72 Support of motor 电机支座73 Swept envelope 摆动包络线74 Top of floor 地板面75 Top of rail 轨面76 torsion bar 扭力杆77 Total length over Couplers 车钩端面的总长78 Traction beam 牵引梁79 Traction bracket 牵引座80 Traction rod 牵引杆81 Tractive device 牵引装置82 trailer bogie 非动力转向架83 Transducer 传感器84 Transverse damper seat 横向减震器座85 Under frame 底架86 Wheel set 轮对87 Wheel tyre 轮箍机械加工专业词汇序号英文中文1 Machine Tools 机床2 horizontal 卧式的3 vertical 立式的4 gantry 龙门5 machining center 加工中心6 lathe 车床7 drilling machine 钻床8 shaper 牛头刨9 planer 刨床10 milling machine 铣床11 boring machine 镗床12 grinding machine 磨床13 broaching machine 拉床14 slotting machine 插床15 unit machine 组合机床1617 Parts and Attachments 部件和附件18 workbench、table 工作台19 table travel 工作台行程20 X axis X轴21 AC servo motor 交流伺服电机22 NC-servomotor 数控伺服电机23 lathe bed 车身24 head stock 车头25 carriage 车架26 leading screw 丝杠27 tool post 刀架28 lathe spindle 车床轴29 gear box 齿轮箱30 transmission gear box 变速箱31 spindle 主轴32 axle 车轴33 shaft 轴34 crank shaft 曲轴35 ball bearings 滚珠轴承36 the speed change lever 变速杆37 the feed gear box 走刀齿轮箱38 the lathe base 床座39 the sliding handwheel 滑动手轮40 cross slide 横向溜板41 tailstock 尾座、尾架42 face plate 花盘、划线平台43 three-jaw chuck 三爪外径卡盘44 driving plate 拔盘45 tension join 反卡盘爪46 hydraulic 液压的47 lubrication 润滑48 precision / accuracy 精度4950 Working Process 加工方法51 workpiece 工件52 technics 工艺53 process chart / operation card 工艺卡片54 technological parameter 工艺参数55 procedure 工序56 workstep 工步57 operating mode 工况58 man-hour 工时59 machined surface 加工面60 working reference plane 工作基准面61 workpiece revolution 工件旋转62 table setting 工作台紧固63 spindle speeds 主轴转速64 feed speed / feed-rate 进给速度65 amount of feed 进给量/ 进刀量66 turning 车削67 teaming 绞孔68 tapping 攻丝69 sawing 锯70 shaping, planing 刨71 polishing 打磨72 chamfering 倒角73 burring 打毛刺74 thread cutting 螺纹切削75 knurling 滚花、压螺纹76 grinding 磨光77 cutting 切削78 channelling 铣槽79 riveting 铆接80 punching 冲孔81 stamping 冲压82 quenching 淬火83 cold working 冷加工84 heat working 热加工85 heat treatment 热处理86 frequency quenching 工频淬火87 electric spark processing 电火花加工88 cold drawn 冷拉89 cold pressing 冷压90 fusing 熔化91 paint spray 喷漆92 annealing 退火93 hardening 硬化9495 Milling 铣96 angular milling 斜面铣削、面铣97 chemical milling 化学蚀刻[抛光, 铣削, 加工]98 circular milling 圆铣, 铣圆99 climb milling 同向(向下)铣削, 顺铣100 continuous milling / string milling 连续铣削101 contour milling 等高走刀曲面仿形法; 成形[外形]铣削102 conventional milling 逆铣103 dive milling 径向(横向)快速滚铣104 down(-cut) milling 向下铣切, 同向铣切, 顺铣105 electron-controlled profile milling 电子控制靠模铣106 end milling 端铣削107 face milling / surface milling 端(面)铣(削)108 face and side milling 平侧铣法109 finish milling 精(细)铣110 form milling 成形铣削111 formed cutter milling 面形铣刀铣削112 gang milling 排(式)铣(削), 多刀铣削113 gear milling 铣齿114 generating milling 滚齿铣115 helical milling / spiral milling 螺旋铣116 horizontal milling 水平铣117 length-ways milling / longitudinal milling 纵铣118 peripheral milling 圆周铣削119 plain milling 平铣120 plunge-cut milling 插进式铣削121 screw-thread milling 铣螺纹122 scroll milling 铣螺旋线123 side milling 边铣124 slab milling 平面铣法, 阔面铣法, 阔面铣削125 station milling (在带有)转台(的)铣(床上加工)126 straddle milling 用两把铣刀片同时加工, 跨铣(法) 127 stroke milling 行切, 直线走刀曲面仿形铣128 templet milling 靠模铣, 仿形铣129 three-dimensional milling 立体铣削130 through milling 轴向(纵向)滚铣131 universal milling 万能铣削132 up milling 仰铣, 对向铣, 逆铣133 milling of groove 铣槽134135 Drilling 钻孔136 auger drilling 螺旋钻孔137 center drilling 中心钻削, 中心钻孔138 churn drilling 冲钻, 舂钻139 countersunk drilling 沉头钻140 cross drilling 横向钻孔141 cutting drilling 切削钻142 development drilling 开拓钻孔143 diamond drilling (用)金刚石(钻头)钻孔144 directional drilling 定向钻孔145 dry drilling 干钻孔146 electric drilling 电钻孔147 gun drilling 深钻孔148 hollow-rod drilling 空心钻杆钻进149 horizontal drilling 水平钻孔; 水平钻法150 jump drilling 撞钻151 ladder drilling 梯式钻眼法152 laser(hole) drilling 激光打孔153 mechanical drilling 机械钻眼154 off-angle drilling 钻斜孔法155 percussion drilling 冲击钻156 precision drilling 精密钻孔157 primary drilling 初步打眼158 radial drilling 辐射状钻孔159 smooth drilling 平稳钻眼160 solid drilling 实心钻法161 step drilling (深孔)分段钻削162 step-by-step drilling 逐步钻法163 test drilling 钻屑试样164 test-hole drilling 试孔钻探165 vibration drilling 振动钻眼166167 Boring 镗孔168 auger boring 螺旋钻孔169 conical boring 镗圆锥孔, 锥孔镗削170 cylindrical boring 镗圆筒孔171 diamond boring 金刚(石)镗孔(用金刚石刀镗孔) 172 fan boring 扩孔173 fine boring 精密镗孔174 heavy boring 粗镗175 horizontal boring 水平镗孔176 internal boring 镗孔177 internal straight boring 内直线镗孔178 jig boring 座标镗削179 line boring 共轴孔一次装夹成叠镗孔, 直线镗孔180 precision boring 精镗181 probe boring 试钻, 钻探182 pull boring 拉式镗孔(镗杆向主轴方向进刀) 183 push boring 推式镗孔(镗杆背主轴方向进刀) 184 right boring 精镗185 rotary boring 旋转钻探186 semi-jig boring 半坐标镗削187 solid boring 钻孔188 taking boring 试钻189 taper boring 镗圆锥形孔190191 Cutting Tools 切削工具192 diameter 直径193 radius 半径194 tool magazine 刀库195 cutter 刀具196 toolbar 刀杆、镗杆197 tool shank / tool holder 刀柄198 tool clamp 刀夹199 tool post 刀架、刀座200 revolving tool post 回转刀架201 tool bit 刀头,刀刃202 universal tool head 多功能切削刀203 cutting edge 切削刃204 automatic feed 自动进刀205 chuck 卡盘206 clamp 夹具207 jig 钻模,夹具208 die 模具209 spindle 心轴210 arbor 柄轴211212 Milling cutter / milling tool 铣刀213 adjustable hollow mill 可调(整)空心铣刀214 butt mill / end mill 端铣刀, 立铣刀215 hollow mill 空心铣刀216 left-hand end mill 左旋端铣刀217 multiple-thread mill 多头螺纹铣刀218 right-hand end mill 右旋端铣刀219 side mill 边铣刀220 slot mill 槽铣刀221 slotting end mill 键槽(立)铣刀222 spiral mill / thread mills 螺旋铣刀223 straddle mill 跨式铣刀224 two-lip end mill 双刃端面铣刀225226 Lathe Tool 车刀227 tool holder 刀杆228 roughing tool 粗车刀229 screw tool 螺纹刀具230 cutting off tool 截刀231 finishing tool 光车刀、精车刀232 high-speed turning tool 高速车刀233 formed turning tool 成型车刀234 inside turning tool 内车刀235 taper turning tool 斜车刀236 steps 梯形237 ellipse 椭圆238 taper 锥形239240 Lathe 车床241 geared head engine lathe 齿轮箱车床242 engine lathe 机动车床243 pulley lathe 皮带车床244 car wheel lathe 车轮车床245 hand lathe 手摇车床246 automatic lathe 自动车床247 cylinder lathe 气缸车床248 high speed lathe 高速车床249 copying lathe 仿形车床250 precision lathe 精密车床251 leading screw lathe 丝杠车床252 universal lathe 万能车床253 eccentric lathe 偏心车床254 vertical lathe 立式车床255 horizontal lathe 卧式车床256 screw cutting lathe 螺纹车床257 crank shaft lathe 曲轴车床258 tap cutting 锥车床259260 Drilling Machine 钻床261 drill 钻头262 twist drill 麻花钻263 deep hole drill 深孔钻264 single cutting drill 单刃钻265 double cutting drill 双刃钻266 straight shank drill 直柄钻头267 spindle 钻轴268 flute 出屑槽269 standard drilling machine 标准钻床270 multi-spindle drilling machine 多轴钻床271 geared drill 齿轮钻床272 vertical drilling machine 立式钻床273 rotary drilling machine 回转式钻床274 bench type drilling machine 台式钻床275 universal radial drilling machine 万能摇臂钻床276 gang drill 排钻床277 sensitive drill 高速手摇钻床278 horizontal boring and drilling machine 卧式镗钻床279280 Milling Machine 铣床281 single spindle milling machine 单轴铣床282 planer type milling machine 龙门铣床283 universal milling machine 万能铣床284 plain milling machine 普通铣床285 thread milling machine 螺纹铣床286 gear milling machine 齿轮铣床287 vertical milling machine 立式铣床288 bench miller 台铣床289 circular milling machine 圆铣床290 three-dimension copy milling machine 立体仿形铣床291292 Planer, Planing Machine 刨床293 roughing planning tool 粗刨刀294 shaper 牛头刨295 knife shaping tool 刀头刨刀296 side planning machine 边刨床297 vertical planning machine 立式刨床298 table planing machine 龙门刨床299 wood planing machine 木刨床300 duplex plate planer 复式板刨床301 double face planer 双面刨床302 vertical rotary planning machine 立式转刨床303 hydraulic planer 液压刨床304 double shaping machine 复式牛头刨305306 Slotting Machine 插床307 slotting tool 插刀308 slotting cutter 铣槽刀309 roughing slotting tool 粗插刀310 finishing slotting tool 细铡刀311 die slotting tool 冲模插刀312313 Broaching Machine 拉床314 broach 拉刀,剥刀315 pull type broach 拉式剥刀316 solid broach 整体剥刀317 surface broach 表面剥刀318 push type broach 推式剥刀319320 Grinding Machine, Grinder 磨床321 grinding wheel 砂轮,磨轮322 wheel spindle 轮轴323 emery 金刚砂324 planer type grinder 刨式磨床325 tool grinding machine 工具磨床326 plain grinding machine 普通磨床327 universal internal grinder 万能内磨床328 internal grinding machine 内圆磨床329 external grinding machine 外圆磨床330 surface grinding machine 平面磨床331 ball grinder 球磨床332333 Boring Machine 镗床334 boring cutter 镗刀335 vertical boring machine 立式镗床336 universal boring machine 万能镗床337 two spindle boring machine 双轴镗床338 hole boring cutter 镗孔刀339 horizontal boring machine 卧式镗床340 jig borer 座标镗床341342 toolbox 工具箱343 Bench Work 钳工344 chisel 凿子345 file 锉刀346 hammer 锤子347 pliers, pincers 钳子348 universal pliers 万能手钳349 tongs 火钳350 spanner / wrench 扳手351 bench type vice 台虎钳352 surface plate 平板353 screw drive 螺丝起子354 screw tap 螺丝攻,丝锥355 reamer 绞刀356 hand vice 手钳357 scraper 刮刀358 calipers 卡尺,卡钳359 vernier calipers 游标卡尺360 micrometer 千分尺361 screw pitch gauge 螺距规362 compasses 圆规363 protractor 量角器364 divider 分线规365 center gauge 中心规366 gear tooth gauge 齿轮规367 steel rule, scale 钢尺368 tape measure 卷尺369 square 直角规370 depth gauge 深度规371 external limit gauge 外径规372 plug gauge, (圆柱)塞规373 caliber gauge 外径卡规, 厚薄规374 caliper gauge 测径规, 内卡规, 内量规375 check(ing) gauge 校对测规[量规] 376 chock gauge 塞规焊接专业词汇序号英文中文1 AC(alternating current) 交流2 Aluminium alloy 铝合金3 Aluminium profile 铝型材4 Anode 阳极5 Anode spot 阳极斑点6 Arc blow effect 电弧偏移7 Arc characteristic 电弧特性8 Arc column 弧柱9 Arc core 弧心10 Arc force 弧压11 Arc length 弧长12 Arc stiffness 电弧挺度13 Arc welding silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅弧焊整流器14 Argon 氩气15 Background-current 基值电流16 Branching crack 支状裂纹17 Buried arc 下潜电弧18 Burn through 烧穿19 Butt weld 对接焊20 Carbody assembly and welding system 车体组焊系统21 Cathode 阴极22 Cathode spot 阴极斑点23 Cavities 孔穴24 Chipping mark 凿痕25 Closed-loop control 闭环控制26 Clustered(localized) porosity 局部密集气孔27 Coarse-droplet metal transfer 大颗粒熔滴过渡28 Coating 药皮29 Cold cracking 冷裂纹30 Column 立柱31 Connection cable 连接电缆32 Constant-voltage characteristic 恒压特性33 Contact plug 接头栓34 Contact tips adapter 导电嘴适配器35 Contact tips/nozzle 导电嘴36 Contact tube 导电管37 Control cabinet 控制箱38 Core rod 焊芯39 Corrosion cracking 腐蚀裂纹40 Cracks/fissure 裂纹41 Crater crack 弧坑裂纹42 Cross slides 十字滑块43 Current 电流44 DC power source 直流电源45 DC(direct current) 直流46 Deep penetration 熔深47 Degree of protection 保护等级48 Delayed crack 延迟裂纹49 Deposition efficiency 熔敷系数50 Deposition rates 熔敷率51 Digitally controlled 数字控制52 Dip- transfer arc (short circuiting arc) 短路过渡电弧53 Droplet transfer 熔滴过渡54 Dry extension of electrodes 焊丝干伸长55 Duty cycle 暂载率、负载持续率56 Ear protection 护耳器57 Earth clamps 接地钳58 Electric arc-air gouging 电弧气割59 Electric-arc welding 电弧焊60 Electrode 电极61 Electrode shield 电极保护套62 Elongated cavity 条形气孔63 Embrittlement cracking 脆裂64 Energy input 线能量65 Excess penetration 下榻66 Excess weld thickness 焊缝超高67 Excess weld with 焊缝超宽68 Excessive asymmetry of fillet weld 焊角不对称69 Excessive throat thickness 焊颈厚度过大70 External characteristic 电源外特性71 External dimensions 外观尺寸72 Face shield 面罩73 Falling characteristic 下降特性74 Fatigue cracking 疲劳裂纹75 Filler metal 填充金属76 Filler wires Φ送丝直径77 Fillet weld 角焊78 Flat position welding 平焊79 Flux inclusion 焊剂或熔济夹渣80 Flux residue 残余焊剂81 Flux-cored wire electrodes 药芯焊丝82 Forehand/foreword welding 前倾焊83 Fusion welding 熔化焊84 Gas cavities 气孔85 Gas cylinder 气瓶86 Gas nozzle 气嘴87 Gas pore 气道88 Gas-cooled 空冷89 Gas-shielded arc welding 气体保护焊90 Globular- transfer arc 大颗粒过渡电弧91 GMAW(gas metal-arc welding) 熔化极气体保护焊92 GMMA(gas-mixture metal-arc welding) 混合气体保护焊93 Grinding mark 磨痕94 Groove angle 坡口角度95 Groove depth 坡口深度96 Group of disconnected cracks 间断裂纹97 GTAW(gas tungsten-arc welding) 钨极气体保护焊98 Gun connector 焊枪连接器99 HAZ(heat affect zone) 热影响区100 Hot Cracking 热裂纹101 hydraulic control system 液压控制系统102 I(ampere) 电流(强度)103 Ignite 引弧104 Imperfect shape and dimension 形状缺陷和尺寸偏离105 Incomplete inter-run penetration 层间未焊透106 Incompletely filled groove 未焊满107 Incorrect root gap for fillet welds 角焊缝间隙太大/太小108 Incorrect weld toe 焊角太小109 Insufficient throat thickness 焊颈厚度不够110 Insulating bush for gas nozzle 气嘴绝缘套111 Insulating ring 绝缘环112 Intermediate arc 中间(过渡)电弧113 International Institute Welding(IIW) 国际焊接协会114 Inverter power source 逆变电源115 Irregular surface 焊缝表面粗糙,不平滑116 Irregular width 焊缝宽度不齐117 Lack of penetration 未焊透118 Lack of fusion and penetration 未熔合和未焊透119 Lack of/ Incomplete fusion 未熔合120 Lamellar tearing 层状撕裂121 Lap welding 搭接焊122 Large component welding system 大部件焊接系统123 Laser sensor 激光传感器124 Linear misalignment 错边125 Linear porosity 线状气孔126 Local stress relieving 局部消除应力127 Locking spring 锁紧环128 Longitudinal crack 纵向裂纹129 MAG(metal active gas welding) 熔化极活性气体保护焊130 Magnetic blow 磁偏吹131 Manual arc welding with covered electrode 手工电弧焊132 Mechanical cleaning 机械式焊枪清理装置133 Metal transfer 金属过渡134 Metallic inclusion 金属夹渣135 Microcrack 微裂纹136 MIG(metal inert gas welding) 熔化极惰性气体保护焊137 misalignment of opposite runs 定位焊缺陷138 Miscellaneous imperfections 其它缺陷139 Multilayer welding 多层焊140 Narrow-gap welding 窄间隙焊141 Nondestructive examination 无损检测142 Nondestructive inspection 无损探伤143 Notch bend test 缺口弯曲试验144 Open circuit voltage 空载电压145 Overhead position welding 仰焊146 Overlap 焊瘤147 Oxide inclusion 氧化物夹渣。
一、地铁专业术语AFC Auto Fare Collection /自动售检票系统ATC Automatic Train Control /列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation /列车自动运行ATP Automatic Train Protection /列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision /列车自动监控BAS Building Automation System /建筑设备自动化系统BCC Backup Control Center /备用控制中心FAS Fire Alarm System /防灾报警系统ISCS Integrated Supervision and Control System /综合监控系统HMI Human Machine Interface /人机接口OCC Operated Control Center /控制中心PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System /旅客向导系统PIS Passenger Information System /乘客信息系统(有的也叫旅客资讯系统)SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database /供电系统管理自动化ISDS Scan Control Alarm Database /供电系统管理自动化SSS Subway Station Subsystem /车站子系统TIMS Train Integrated Management System /列车综合管理系统TCMS Train Control & Monitoring System /列车控制和监控系统EOD Equipment Operating Data /设备运行参数二、车辆专业系统APU Audio Power Unit /放大器单元AW0 空载AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 每平方米 6人AW3 每平方米 9人DVA Digital and Audio Announcements /数字语音广播器FDU Frontal Display Unit /前部显示单元IDU Internal Display Unit /内部显示单元LRU Line Replaceable Unit /线路可替换单元M(C)Motor Car /动车Mp(B)Motor Car With Pantograph /带受电弓的动车MPU Main Processor Unit /主控单元PB Powered Bogie /动车转向架RIOM Remote Input Output Module /远程输入输出模块TBD To be Defined /待定义,待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie -External /拖车外转向架TBIn Train Bogie -Intermediate /拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Unit /踏面制动单元Tc(A)Trailer Car /拖车VPI Visual Passenger Information /可视乘客信息VVVF Variable voltage Variable Frequency /变压变频WSP Wheel Speed Sensor /轮速传感器三、信号专业系统ADM Administrator Workstation /系统工作管理站AR Automatic Reversal /自动折返ARS Automatic Route Setting /列车自动进路排列ATR Automatic Train Regulation /列车自动调整ATT Automatic Train Tracking /列车自动跟踪DTI Departure Time Indicator /发车计时器LCP Local Control Panel /局部控制台PTI Positive Train Identification /列车自动识别RM Restricted Manual Mode /ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶SIC Station Interface Case /车站接口箱SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling /西门子计算机辅助信号四、通信专业系统CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server /配置及数字分配服务器DDF Digital Distribution Frame /数字配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA /TETRA数字交换机MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame /综合配线架NCC Network Control Center /网络控制中心ODF Optical Distribution Frame /光配线架OMS OTN Management System /OTN管理系统PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange /专用自动小交换机PCM Pulse Code Modulation /脉冲编码调制TBS TETRA Base Station /TETRA基站TDM Time Division Multiplexing /时分复用TETRA Terrestial trunked Radio /欧洲数字集群标准VDF Audio Distribution Frame /音频配线架五、自动售检票专业系统CPS Central Processing System /中央计算机系统CSC Contactless Smart Card /非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token /非接触智能筹码IDC Intermodality Data Center /清结算数据中心SPS Station Processing System /车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number /个人身份号码TVM Ticket Vending Machine /自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine /半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit /便携式验票机GATE 闸机六、火灾报警专业系统FAC 消防专项合格证书GCC Graphic Control Computer /图形监视计算机七、环境监控专业系统EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System /车站设备监控系统ECS Environment Control System /环境控制系统DDC Dircct Digital Controller /数字直接控制器PLC Programmable Logic Controller /可编程逻辑控制器八、综合监控专业系统BISCS Backup ISCS /备用综合监控系统CISCS Central ISCS /中央综合监控系统FEP Front End Processor /前端处理器HMI Human Machine Interface /人机界面SISCS Station ISCS /车站综合监控系统九、技术术语API Application Programming interfac /应用程序接口EMC Electro Magnetic Compliance /电磁兼容性FTP File Transfer Protocol /文件传输协议ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network /综合业务数字网LAN Local Area Network /局域网MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failure /运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTBF Mean Time Between Failures /平均无故障运行时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair /维修耗时平均值OTN Open Transport Network /开放传输网络PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network /公用电话交换网TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol /传输控制/网络协议UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply /不间断电源供给WAN Wide Area Network /广域网十、其他术语NTCS NanJing Transportation Card System /南京一卡通系统MOC Ministry Of construction /建设部NMC NanJing Metro Corporation /南京地铁公司缩写词英文解释中文解释ACS Access Control System 门禁系统AFC Automatic Fare Collection 自动售检票系统AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图形端口AI/AO Analogue lnput/Analogue Output 模拟输入/模拟输出ANSI American National Standard lnstitute 美国国家标准委员全ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 自动列车保护系统ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控AV Audio Vi deo 音像ASD Airtight separate Door 人防门BAS Building Automation System 环境与设备监控系统C/S C1ient/Server 客户机/服务器CCTV Closed Circuit Television 闭路电视监控系统CISCS Central Integrated Supervisory Control System 中央级综合监控系统CLK Clock 时钟系统CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理体系结构CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元DC Direct Current 直流DCC Depot Control Center 车辆段控制中心DI/DO Digital lnput/Digital Output 数字输入/数字输出DISCS Depot Integrated Supervisory Control System 车辆段综合监控系统DLP Digital Light Processing 数字光处理DVD-ROM Digital Video Disk-Read only Memory 数字视盘—只读存储器EED Emergency Egress Door 应急门EL&ES Elevator and Escalator 电梯和自动扶梯EPS Emergency Power System 应急电源系统FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FC Fiber Chatlnel 光纤通道FEP Front End Processor 前端处理器FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议GUI Graphic User lnterface 图形用户接口HMI Human Machine lnterface 人机界面HVAC Heat Ventilation and Air-Condition 通风空调系统I/O Input/Output 输入/输出IBP Intergrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘IEEE Institute of Electrlcal & E1ectronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师协会ISCS Integrated Supervisory Control System 综合监控系统ISDS Integrated Supervisory Defend System 综合安防系统ITU-R International Telecom Union- Radio 国际电信联盟—无线ITU-T Irlternational Telecom Union-Telecom 国际电信联盟—通信JPEG Joint Photogragh Coding Experts Group 联合图像专家组规范LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD Liquid Crystal Di splay 液晶显示屏LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LTO LirlearTape Open 开放的线性磁带协议MBN ISCS Backbone Network 综合监控骨干网MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group 运动图像专家组规范MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair 平均修复时间NFS Network File System 网络文件系统NMS Network Management System 网络管理系统OCC Operating Control Center 运营控制中心OPS Overview Projector System 大屏幕系统PA Public Address 广播系统PCI Periptleral Component Interconnect 外设互联接口PDP Plasma Display Panel 等离子显示屏PIS Passenger Information System 乘客资讯系统PSD Platform Screen Door 屏蔽门系统P&L Power and lighting 低压配电QoS Quality of Service 服务等级RAID Redundant Array of lndependent Disks 冗余磁盘阵列RISC Reduced lnstruction Set Computer 精简指令集SCADA Supervision Contro1 And Data Acquisitio 电力监控系统SCSI Small Computer Serial Interface 小型计算机接口SDI Serial Digital Interface 串行数字接口SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字序列传输SI Standard International 国际单位SIG SIGnalling 信号系统SISCS Station Integrated Superiory Control System 车站综合监控系统SMP Symmetrical Mutli-Processor 对称多处理器SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络协议SOE Sequence of Event 事件序列STP Simulation &Test Platform 系统仿真测试平台TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网络互联协议TFT Thin Film Transistor 薄膜晶体管TMS Training Management System 培训管理系统UCS Ultra Contrast Screen 超高对比度屏幕UPS Untierrupted Power System 不间断电源USB Universial Serial Bus 通用串行总线VGA Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网VME Versa mModule Eurocard 多模块接口总线WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WSD Water Supply and Drainge 给排水欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
地铁(轨道交通)专用术语序号缩写解释1ACC清分中心系统( AFC Clearing Center )2AFC自动售检票( Automatic Fare Collection)3AGM自动检票机( Automatic Gate Machine )4API应用程序接口( Application Program Interface )5BOM票房售票机 /半自动售票机( Booking Office Machine )6CRC循环冗余校验( Cyclic Redundancy Check )7CSC非接触式 IC 卡( Contactless Smart Card )8CT纪念票( Commemorative Ticket )9DES数据交换系统( Data Exchange System)10E/S车票编码分拣机( Encoder/Sorter)11EB紧急按钮( Emergency Button )12EFT电子资金转账(Electronic Fund Transfer)13EMC电磁兼容性(Electromagnetic Compatibility)14EnG进闸机(Entry Gate)15ET员工票(Employee Ticket)16ExG出闸机(Exit Gate)17ExT出站票( Exit Ticket )18FCS财务现金管理工作站(Finance & Cash Station )19FCSW 光纤通道交换机(Fibre Channel Switch)20GUI图形画用户界面(Graphics User Interface )序号缩写解释21HSM安全管理模块(加密机)( Host Security Module )22IAFC智联售检票系统 Intelligence Automatic Fare Collection或互联网 + 售检票系统 Internet+ Automatic Fare Collection23ISAM充值 SAM卡( Issuing SAM )24KMS密钥管理系统(Key Management System)25LCC线路中央计算机( Line Central Computer )26MaxTTR完成 1 项维修作业所允许的最长时间(Max Time To Repair )27MCBF 平均无故障次数( Mean-Cycles Between Failure ),即两次总成件拆 /装维修之间的平均使用次数,而对运营设备而言是指两次损坏之间的平均使用次数。
地铁车辆工程术语解释地铁车辆工程中的术语解释如下:1. 地铁:在城市中修建的快速、大运量、长距离用电力牵引的轨道交通。
2. 设计使用年限:在一般维护条件下,保证工程正常使用的最低时限。
3. 主体结构:车站与区间保障列车安全运营和结构体系稳定的主要受力结构。
4. 旅行速度:正常运营情况下,列车从起点站发车至终点站停车的平均运行速度。
5. 最高运行速度:列车在正常运营状态下所达到的最高速度。
6. 限界:限定车辆运行及轨道区周围构筑物超越的轮廓线,分车辆限界、设备限界和建筑限界。
7. 车辆轮廓线:设定车辆所有横断面的包络线。
8. 车辆限界:车辆在平直线上正常运行状态下所形成的最大动态包络线,用以控制车辆制造,以及制定站台和站台门的定位尺寸。
9. 设备限界:车辆在故障运行状态下所形成的最大动态包络线,用以限制行车区的设备安装。
10. 建筑限界:在设备限界基础上,满足设备和管线安装尺寸后的最小有效断面。
11. 正线:载客列车运营的贯穿全程的线路。
12. 配线:地铁线路中除正线外,在运行过程中为列车提供收发车、折返、联络、安全保障、临时停车等功能服务,通过道岔与正线或相互联络的轨道线路。
13. 试车线:专门用于车辆动态性能试验的线路。
14. 轨道结构:路基面或结构面以上的线路部分,由钢轨、扣件、轨枕、道床等组成。
15. 无缝线路:钢轨连续焊接或胶结超过两个伸缩区长度的轨道。
16. 伸缩调节器:调节钢轨伸缩量大于构造轨缝的装置。
17. 基床:路基上部承受轨道、列车动力作用,并受水文、气候变化影响而具有一定厚度的土工结构,并有表层与底层之分。
18. 全高屏蔽门:由滑动门、应急门、端门、固定门组成,设于地下车站,将车站站台与站台轨道间分隔开,使站台成为封闭式,当列车进站开门时,开门上下乘客,列车关门时关门。
一、地铁 (Subway)地铁,亦称为地下铁路,是一种位于地下或地面上,独立于其他交通方式的快速城市铁路系统。
二、轻轨 (Light Rail)轻轨是一种介于传统有轨电车和地铁之间的城市交通系统。
三、单轨列车 (Monorail)单轨列车是一种特殊类型的轨道交通系统,它的车辆只有一条轨道底盘,并在顶部由悬挂轨道支撑。
四、高速铁路 (High-Speed Rail)高速铁路是指设计用于运行高速列车的铁路系统。
五、自动驾驶 (Automatic Train Operation, ATO)自动驾驶是一种采用计算机系统控制列车运行的技术。
一、地铁专业术语AFCAuto Fare Collection/自动售检票系统ATCAutomatic Train Control/列车自动控制ATOAutomatic Train Operation/列车自动运行ATPAutomatic Train Protection/列车自动防护ATSAutomatic Train Supervision/列车自动监控BASBuilding Automation System/建筑设备自动化系统BCCBackup Control Center/备用控制中心FASFire Alarm System/防灾报警系统ISCSIntegrated Supervision and Control System/综合监控系统MMIMan Machine Interface/人机接口OCCOperated Control Center/控制中心PIISPassenger Information and Indication System/旅客向导系统PISPassenger Information System/乘客信息系统(有的也叫旅客资讯系统)SCADAScan Control Alarm Database/供电系统管理自动化SSubway Station Subsystem/车站子系统TIMSTrain Integrated Management System/列车综合管理系统TCMSTrain Control & Monitoring System/列车控制和监控系统EODEquipment Operating Data /设备运行参数二、车辆专业系统APUAudio Power Unit/放大器单元AW0空载AW1每位乘客都有座位AW2每平方米6人AW3每平方米9人DVADigital and Audio Announcements/数字语音广播器FDUFrontal Display Unit/前部显示单元IDUInternal Display Unit/内部显示单元LRULine Replaceable Unit/线路可替换单元M(C)Motor Car/动车Mp(B)Motor Car With Pantograph/带受电弓的动车MPUMain Processor Unit/主控单元PBPowered Bogie/动车转向架RIOMRemote Input Output Module/远程输入输出模块TBDTo be Defined/待定义,待规定TBExTrailer Bogie -External/拖车外转向架TBInTrain Bogie -Intermediate/拖车中间转向架TBUTread Brake Unit/踏面制动单元Tc(A)Trailer Car/拖车VPIVisual Passenger Information/可视乘客信息VVVFVariable voltage Variable Frequency/变压变频WSPWheel Speed Sensor/轮速传感器MVB Multiple function vehicle bus三、信号专业系统ADM Administrator Workstation/系统工作管理站ARAutomatic Reversal/自动折返ARSAutomatic Route Setting/列车自动进路排列ATRAutomatic Train Regulation/列车自动调整ATTAutomatic Train Tracking/列车自动跟踪DTIDeparture Time Indicator/发车计时器LCPLocal Control Panel/局部控制台PTIPositive Train Identification/列车自动识别RMRestricted Manual Mode/ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶SICStation Interface Case/车站接口箱SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling/西门子计算机辅助信号四、通信专业系统CDDConfiguration and Data Distribution Server/配置及数字分配服务器DDFDigital Distribution Frame/数字配线架DxTiPDigital Exchange for TETRA/TETRA数字交换机MDFMultiplex Distribution Frame/综合配线架NCCNetwork Control Center/网络控制中心ODFOptical Distribution Frame/光配线架OMSOTN Management System/OTN管理系统PABXPrivate Automatic Branch Exchange/专用自动小交换机PCMPulse Code Modulation/脉冲编码调制TBSTETRA Base Station/TETRA基站TDMTime Division Multiplexing/时分复用TETRATerrestial trunked Radio/欧洲数字集群标准VDFAudio Distribution Frame/音频配线架五、自动售检票专业系统CPSCentral Processing System/中央计算机系统CSCContactless Smart Card/非接触智能卡CSTContactless Smart Token/非接触智能筹码IDCIntermodality Data Center/清结算数据中心SPSStation Processing System/车站计算机系统PINPersonal Identification Number/个人身份号码TVMTicket Vending Machine/自动售票机SEMI-TVMManually Operated Ticket Vending Machine/半自动售票机PVUPortable Verifying Unit/便携式验票机GATE闸机六、火灾报警专业系统FAC消防专项合格证书GCCGraphic Control Computer/图形监视计算机七、环境监控专业系统EMCSElectrical and Mechanical Control System/车站设备监控系统ECSEnvironment Control System/环境控制系统DDCDircct Digital Controller/数字直接控制器PLCProgrammable Logic Controller/可编程逻辑控制器八、综合监控专业系统BISCSBackup ISCS/备用综合监控系统CISCentral ISCS/中央综合监控系统FEPFront End Processor/前端处理器HMIHuman Machine Interface/人机界面SISCSStation ISCS/车站综合监控系统九、技术术语APIApplication Programming interfac/应用程序接口FTPFile Transfer Protocol/文件传输协议ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network/综合业务数字网LANLocal Area Network/局域网MCBFMean Cycles Between Failure/运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTBFMean Time Between Failures/平均无故障运行时间MTTRMean Time To Repair/维修耗时平均值OTNOpen Transport Network/开放传输网络PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network/公用电话交换网WANWide Area Network/广域网。
2.四不放过原则:是指事故调查分析和处理的基本原则,具体包括事故原因没有查清不放过,事故责任者没有严肃处理不放过, 防范措施没有落实不放过,广大员工没有受到教育不放过。
8. 工程列车:系指因运营生产的需要开行的由机车与按规定编组的车辆(包括客车、单元车、单节车、平板车等)连挂而成的列车。
9. 调试列车:系指因对运营设备进行调整、试验需开行的列车。
10. 救援列车:系指因需处理运营生产中发生的事件,担任救援任务而开行的列车。
、地铁专业术语AFC Auto Fare Collecti on / /自动售检票系统ATC Automatic Train Con trol / 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operati on / 列车自动运行ATP Automatic Train Protectio n / 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervisi on / 列车自动监控BAS Buildi ng Automati on System / 建筑设备自动化系统BCC Backup Con trol Cen ter / 备用控制中心FAS Fire Alarm System / 防灾报警系统ISCS In tegrated Supervisio n and Con trol System / 综合监控系统HMI Huma n Mach ine In terface / 人机接口OCC Operated Con trol Cen ter / 控制中心PIIS Passe nger In formati on and In dicati on System / 旅客向导系统PIS Passe nger In formation System / 乘客信息系统(有的也叫旅客资讯系统)SCADA Sca n Con trol Alarm Database / 供电系统管理自动化ISDS Scan Con trol Alarm Database / 供电系统管理自动化SSS Subway Stati on Subsystem / 车站子系统TIMS Train In tegrated Man ageme nt System / 列车综合管理系统TCMS Train Con trol & Mon itori ng System / 列车控制和监控系统EOD Equipme nt Operati ng Data / 设备运行参数|二、车辆专业系统APU Audio Power Unit / 放大器单元VPI Visual Passe nger In formati on /可视乘客信息AW0 空载AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 每平方米6人AW3 每平方米9人DVA Digital and Audio Announ ceme nts / 数字语音广播器FDU Frontal Display Un it / 前部显示单元内部显示单元IDU Internal Display Un it /1LRU Line Replaceable Un it / 线路可替换单元M (C) Motor Car / 动车Mp ( B) Motor Car With Pa ntograph / 带受电弓的动车MPU Main Processor Un it / 主控单元PB Powered Bogie / 动车转向架RIOM Remote In put Output Module / 远程输入输出模块TBD To be Defined / 待定义, 待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie -Exter nal / 拖车外转向架TBI n Train Bogie -In termediate / 拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Un it / 踏面制动单元Tc(A)Trailer Car / 拖车VVVF Variable voltage Variable Freque ncy/ 变压变频WSP Wheel Speed Sen sor / 轮速传感器三、信号专业系统ADM Admi nistrator Workstatio n / 系统工作管理站AR Automatic Reversal / 自动折返ARS Automatic Route Sett ing / 列车自动进路排列ATR Automatic Train Regulati on / 列车自动调整ATT Automatic Train Track ing / 列车自动跟踪DTI Departure Time In dicator / 发车计时器LCP Local Co ntrol Pan el / 局部控制台PTI Positive Train Ide ntificati on / 列车自动识别RM Restricted Manual Mode / ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶SIC Statio n In terface Case / 车站接口箱SICAS Sieme ns Computer Aided Sig nali ng / 西门子计算机辅助信号四、通信专业系统CDD Con figurati on and Data Distributi on Server / 配置及数字分配服务器DDF Digital Distribution Frame / 数字配线架DxTiP Digital Excha nge for TETRA / TETRA数字交换机MDF Multiplex Distributi on Frame / 综合配线架NCC Network Con trol Ce nter / 网络控制中心ODF Optical Distribution Frame / 光配线架OMS OTN Ma nageme nt System / OTN管理系统PABX Private Automatic Bra nch Excha nge / 专用自动小交换机PCM Pulse Code Modulation / 脉冲编码调制TBS TETRA Base Station / TETRA基站TDM Time Division Multiplexing / 时分复用TETRA Terrestial trun ked Radio / 欧洲数字集群标准VDF Audio Distribution Frame / 音频配线架五、自动售检票专业系统CPS Cen tral Processi ng System / 中央计算机系统CSC Con tactless Smart Card / 非接触智能卡CST Con tactless Smart Toke n / 非接触智能筹码IDC In termodality Data Cen ter / 清结算数据中心SPS Stati on Process ing System / 车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number / 个人身份号码TVM Ticket Vending Mach ine / 自动售票机SEMI-TVMMan ually Operated Ticket Ven di ng Mach ine / 半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifyi ng Un it GATE 闸机六、火灾报警专业系统FAC 消防专项合格证书GCC Graphic Control Computer七、环境监控专业系统EMCS Electrical and Mecha ni cal Control System/ 车站设备监控系统 ECS En viro nment Con trol System/ 环境控制系统 DDC Dircct Digital Co ntroller/ 数字直接控制器 PLC Programmable Logic Co ntroller/ 可编程逻辑控制器八、综合监控专业系统 /便携式验票机/ 图形监视计算机SEMI-TVM Man ually Operated Ticket Ven di ng Mach ine / 半自动售票机BISCS Backup ISCS / 备用综合监控系统CISCS Cen tral ISCS / 中央综合监控系统FEP Front End Processor / 前端处理器HMI Huma n Mach ine In terface / 人机界面SISCS Stati on ISCS / 车站综合监控系统九、技术术语API Applicati on Program ming in terfac / 应用程序接口EMC Electro Magn etic Complia nee / 电磁兼容性FTP File Tran sfer Protocol / 文件传输协议ISDN In tegrated Services Digital Network / 综合业务数字网LAN Local Area Network / 局域网MCBF Mean Cycles Betwee n Failure / 运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTBF Mean Time Betwee n Failures / 平均无故障运行时间MTTR Mea n Time To Repair / 维修耗时平均值OTN Ope n Tran sport Network / 开放传输网络PSTN Public Switched Telepho ne Network / 公用电话交换网TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol / 传输控制/ 网络协议UPS Unin terrupted Power Supply / 不间断电源供给WAN Wide Area Network / 广域网十、其他术语NTCS Nan Ji ng Tran sportati on Card System /南京一卡通系统MOC Mi nistry Of con struction / 建设部NMC Nan Ji ng Metro Corporation / 南京地铁公司缩写词英文解释中文解释ACS Access Con trol System 门禁系统AFC Automatic Fare Collectio n 自动售检票系统AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图形端口AI / AO An alogue ln put / An alogue Output 模拟输入/模拟输岀ANSI American Natio nal Sta ndard ln stitute 美国国家标准委员全ATO Automatic Train Operati on 自动列车驾驶系统ATP Automatic Train Protectio n 自动列车保护系统ATS Automatic Train Supervisi on 列车自动监控AV Audio Vi deo 音像ASD Airtight separate Door 人防门BAS Buildi ng Automation System 环境与设备监控系统C / S C1ie nt/Server 客户机/服务器CCTV Closed Circuit Televisi on 闭路电视监控系统CISCS Cen tral In tegrated Supervisory Co ntrol System 中央级综合监控系统CLK Clock 时钟系统CORBA Com mon Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理体系结构CPU Cen tral Process ing Un it 中央处理单元DC Direct Curre nt 直流DCC Depot Control Cen ter 车辆段控制中心DI / DO Digital lnput / Digital Output 数字输入/数字输岀DISCS Depot In tegrated Supervisory Con trol System 车辆段综合监控系统DLP Digital Light Process ing 数字光处理DVD-ROM Digital Video Disk-Read only Memory 数字视盘一只读存储器EED Emerge ncy Egress Door 应急门EL&ES Elevator and Escalator 电梯和自动扶梯EPS Emerge ncy Power System 应急电源系统FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统GUI Graphic User ln terface 图形用户接口ASD Airtight separate Door 人防门FC Fiber Chatl nel 光纤通道FEP Fro nt End Processor 前端处理器FTP File Tra nsfer Protocol 文件传送协议GUI Graphic User ln terface 图形用户接口HMI Human Machine lnterface 人机界面HVAC Heat Ven tilation and Air-Co ndition 通风空调系统I / O In put / Output 输入/输岀IBP In tergrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘IEEE In stitute of Electrlcal & E1ectronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师协会ISCS In tegrated Supervisory Control System 综合监控系统ISDS In tegrated Supervisory Defe nd System 综合安防系统ITU-R In ternatio nal Telecom Union- Radio 国际电信联盟一无线ITU-T Irlter natio nal Telecom Un io n- Telecom 国际电信联盟一通信JPEG Joi nt Photogragh Codi ng Experts Group 联合图像专家组规范LAN Local Area Network 局域网LCD Liquid Crystal Di splay 液晶显示屏LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LTO LirlearTape Ope n 开放的线性磁带协议MBN ISCS Backb one Network 综合监控骨干网MPEG Mov ing Pictures Experts Group 运动图像专家组规范MTBF Mea n Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mea n Time To Repair 平均修复时间NFS Network File System 网络文件系统NMS Network Man ageme nt System 网络管理系统OPS Overview Projector System 大屏幕系统OCC Operat ing Con trol Center 运营控制中心OPS Overview Projector System 大屏幕系统PA Public Address 广播系统PCI Peripheral Compo nent In terc onn ect 外设互联接口PDP Plasma Display Pan el 等离子显示屏PIS Passe nger In formation System 乘客资讯系统PSD Platform Screen Door 屏蔽门系统P&L Power and lighti ng 低压配电QoS Quality of Service 服务等级RAID Redu nda nt Array of ln depe nde nt Disks 冗余磁盘阵列RISC Reduced ln structio n Set Computer 精简指令集SCADA Supervisio n Con tro1 And Data Acquisitio 电力监控系统SCSI Small Computer Serial In terface 小型计算机接口SDI Serial Digital In terface 串行数字接口SDH Sy nchro nous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字序列传输SI Sta ndard In ternati on al 国际单位SIG SIG nalli ng 信号系统SISCS Statio n In tegrated Superiory Co ntrol System 车站综合监控系统SMP Symmetrical Mutli-Processor 对称多处理器SNMP Simple Network Ma nageme nt Protocol 简单网络协议SOE Seque nee of Event 事件序列STP Simulation &Test Platform 系统仿真测试平台TCP/IP Tran smissio n Con trol Protocol/In ternet Protocol 传输控制协议/ 网络互联协议TFT Thin Film Tran sistor 薄膜晶体管TMS Trai ning Man ageme nt System培训管理系统UCS Ultra Con trast Screen 超高对比度屏幕UPS Un tierrupted Power System 不间断电源USB Un iversial Serial Bus 通用串行总线VGA Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网VME Versa mModule Eurocard 多模块接口总线WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WSD Water Supply and Dra in ge 给排水。