Iterative sine-wave frequency estimation by generalized Fourier interpolation algorithms
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关键词复正弦信号,频率估计,信噪比门限,相位加权平均算法,迭代算法,matlabAbstract:Frequency estimation is an important part of digital signal processing and submerged inthe noise of the sine wave signal of frequency estimation is a classic signal processingtasks.Currently high-precision frequency estimation has been successfully applied to radar sonarseismic monitoring bridge vibration testing and electronic communications therefore of highaccuracy frequency estimation algorithm has important theoretical significance and applicationvalue. This white Gaussian noise for a single complex sinusoid of frequency estimation frequencyestimation of several commonly used methods were reviewed a pair of complex additive whiteGaussian noise environment of the complex sinusoidal signal to estimate the frequency of iterativemethod. The method proposed phase-weighted average Kay WPA method based on theintroduction of iterative thinking only a few times through the iteration method can overcome theWPA with the estimated signal to noise ratio threshold of the complex sinusoidal signal frequencyincreases increased shortcomings which greatly enhance the estimation performance. Newiteration method for the entire range of the estimated range and estimates in the context of thewhole the new iteration method can be basically the same low signal to noise ratio threshold.Simulation results verify the new method and iterative method WPA performance WNLP methodshows the superiority of the method.Kaywords:Complex sinusoidFrequency estimationSNR thresholdPhase weighted averagealgorithm,Iterative algorithm,matlab 目录1. 引言............................................................................................................................................ .. 12. 频率估计的研究综述相关算法回顾.......................................................................................... 3 2.1 最大似然估计法................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 双线幅度法Rife 法......................................................................................................... 4 2.3M-Rife 算法修正Rife 算法............................................................................................6 2.4 Quinn 频率估计方法....................................................................................................... 10 2.5 分段FFT法测频............................................................................................................. 14 2.6 相关结论.......................................................................................................................... 163. 频率估计的相位加权平均算法及其迭代方法........................................................................ 17 3.1 相位加权平均法.............................................................................................................. 17 3.2 迭代方法.......................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.1信号模型............................................................................................................... 19 3.2.2 WPA 方法及其问题........................................................................................... 20 3.3.3 频率估计的迭代方法........................................................................................... 214. 性能对比及计算机模拟结果.................................................................................................... 255. 结论............................................................................................................................................29 致谢......................................................................................................................................... 30 参考文献: (31)附录......................................................................................................................................... 331. 引言频率是参量估计中的一个重要物理量。
M32面板中英文对照表1、CONFIG/PREAMP:配置/前置放大2、Home :首页3、GAIN :前置放大器4、Meters :音量输出栏5、FREQUENCY :频率6、ROUTING :路由配比7、VIEW :视图8、EFFECTS :效果器9、GATE :门10、MUTE GRP:静音编组11、THresh :阈值12、UTILITY :通用程序13、Dymanica :动态压缩14、MONITOR :监听15、EQUALISER :均衡16、MONITOR LEVEL:监听音量17、WIDTH :宽度18、STEUP :设置19、HIGH :高频20、LIBRARY :预设21、HI MID:中高频22、Phones LEVEL:话筒音量23、LO MID:中低频24、DIM :监听内部放大25、LOW :低频26、TALK BACK:对讲话筒27、MODE :模式28、EXT MIC:话筒插口29、HCUT :高切30、TALK LEVEL:话筒音量31、HSHV :水平增加,衰减32、TALK A:话筒A 33、PEQ :Q 值大小34、TALK B:话筒 B 35、LSGV :水平增加衰减36、DAW REMORE:声卡配比37、LCUT :低切38、SEL :锁定39、BUS SENDS:总线输出40、SOLO :单独41、RWCORDER :录音机42、INPORT :输入43、ACCESS :访问44、AUX IN:辅线输出45、MAIN BUS:总线46、BUS MAST:总线输出47、M/C LEVEL:单声道/中置音量48、FADER MAINC:推子组设置49、PAN/BAL:声向50、GROUP DCA:编组51、MONO CENTRE:单声道52、BUS :总线53、MAIN STEREO:主立体声54、MTX MAINC:输出阻拦55、SHOW CONTRL:线视控件56、LAST :上一个57、NEXT :下一个58、UNDO :撤销59、ASSIGN :分配60、SET :集合M32系统界面中英文对照表HOME 键一、Home :1、IN :进2、48:48伏供电3、Φ:4、Delay :延时5、Locat :低切6、Link :线路输入7、Gain :增益8、Gate :噪声门9、Thersh :阈值10、E Q:均衡11、Dymanica :动态压缩12、Comp :压缩比13、INS :直进直出14、OUT :出15、MONO :单声道16、MUTE :静音17、L R:左右总输出19、SAFE :安全模式20、DCA :编组模式21、MUTE GROUP:静音编组22、POST :在、、、之后23、COMD EXP:24、CHANNEL :通道25、ASSIGN :分配26、Fader :推子二、config :配置1、input Level:输出电平2、LINK :线路输入3、LO CUT:低切4、DELAY :延时5、INSERT :直进直出6、LINK :线路输入7、LO CUT:低切8、SOURCE :源9、INS POS:插入点10、CONNECT :链接三、gate :噪声门1、RANGE :范围2、ATTACK :开启时间3、HOLD :持续时间4、RELEASE :恢复时间5、KEY FILTER:滤波器6、FRAQ :阈值7、SLOPE/Q:Q 值8、THEWSHOLD :9、MODE :模式10、ATTACK :开启时间11、HOLD :持续时间12、RELEASE :恢复时间13、RANGE :范围14、ACTIVE :15、KEY SOURCE:信号来源16、FILT FREQ:滤波频率17、SELECT :选择18、KEY SOLO:独奏四、dyn :限幅1、RATIO :比值2、KNEE :拐点3、ATTACK :开启时间4、MIX :混合5、COMP :压缩器6、EXP :口7、PEAK :峰值8、RMS :比值9、LIN :锁定10、LOG :退出11、AUTO :12、PRO EQ:EQ 前五、EQ :均衡1、LOW CUT:低切2、LOW :低频3、LOW MID:中低频4、HIGH MID:中高频5、HIGH :高频6、FREQ :频率7、MODE :模式8、BAR :9、SPEC :规格10、RTA PRE:预设置11、RESTE :选择12、RESTE ALL:全部选择六、SENDS :发送1、POST FADER:推子后2、IN\LC:插入点3、PRO EQ:EQ 前4、POST EQ:EQ 后5、PRO :在,,, 之前6、SCROLL :从上到下移动7、JUMP+4:8、MODE1\2:七、MAIN :主输出1、LR+MONO:左右+单声道2、LCR :左中右3、LEFT :左4、MONO :单声道5、RIGHT :右6、MONO LVI:单声道METERS 键一、CHANNEL :通道1、INPUT CHANNEL:输入通道2、GAIN REDUCTION GATE:增益降低门3、GAIN REDUCTION DYN:增益衰减动力学三、AUX\FX:辅线\效果二、MIX BUS:混合总线1、MATRIX :矩阵2、MAIN BUS:主要的总线3、M\C:1、AUX SENDS:辅线输出2、AUX RETURNS:辅线返回3、ST FX RETURNS:总线效果返回四、IN\OUT:进\出1、INPUTS :输入2、AES\EBU:3、MONITOR :监控4、P16 UITRANET OUYPUTS:五、RTA :1、PRE EQ:预均衡2、SPECTROGRAPH :摄谱仪3、USE RTA SOURCE:使用RTA 源4、POST GEQ:均衡后5、SOLO PRIORITY:优先6、SELECTED CH:选择通道7、MONITOR :监控8、PEAK HOLD:峰值保持9、BAR :10、SPEC :规格11、DECAY :衰减12、PEAK :峰值13、RMS :表14、AUTO GAIN:自动增益15、EQ OVERTAY:均衡叠加16、PRE :在,,,之前17、SOURCE :信号18、SET :集ROUTING 键一、HOME :菜单1、CHANNEL PROCESSING BIOCK PATCH :通道处理2、INPUTS 1-8:输入1-83、INPUTS 9-16:输入6-164、INPUTS 17-24:输入17-245、INPUTS 25-32:输入25-326、AUX IN REMAP:辅线映射7、AES50 A:8、AES50 B:9、CONNECTED DEVICES:链接的设备10、CONNECT :链接一、AUX 1-161、ANALOG OUTPUT:模拟输出2、EDIT OUTPUT ASSIGNMENT:输出分配3、CURRENT SETTING:当前设置4、MAIN L:主要5、POST FADER:推子后6、CATEGORY :类别7、DIRECT OUT:直接输出8、OUTPUT SIGNAL:输出信号9、TAP :阀门10、IN\LC:插入11、PRE EQ:EQ 之前12、POST EQ:EQ 之后13、PRE FDR:推子之前二、AUX OUT :辅线输出三、P16 OUT1、DIROUT CH 01:2、IQ SPEAKER:扬声器3、NONE :没有4、LIVE :音量大小5、SPEECH :演讲6、PLAY BACK:播放7、USER :用户8、MODEL :模式9、SPERKER GROUP:编组四、CARD OUT:1、EXPANSION CARD OUTPUTS 1-8:扩展卡的输出1-82、EXTERNAL CONNECTION STATUS:外部的连接状态五、AES50-A :六、AES50-B :七、XIR OUT:SETUP 键一、GLOBAL :全球1、FIRMWARE :固件2、SYSTEM CONTROL:系统控制3、SHUT DOWN:关闭4、REBOOT :重新启动5、UPDATE FW:更新固件6、SAMPLE RATE:采样率7、SYNCHRONIZATION :同步8、INITIALIZATION :初始化9、CONSOLE :操控台10、SHOW DATA:数据显示11、LIBRARIES :图书馆12、FACTORY RST:原厂设置13、TIME\DATA:时间数据14、MAIN LCD BRIGHTNESS:主屏亮度15、LED BRIGHTNESS:LED 亮度16、CHANNEL LCD CONTRAST:通道液晶17、BRIGHE :亮度一、CONFIG :配置1、CONFIRM POP-UPS:确认pop-ups2、GENERAL :一般3、OVERWRITE :覆盖4、SCENE LOAD:现场负荷5、GENERAL PREFS:一般参数6、SCENE GO NEXT:下一个场景7、SAFE MAIN LEVEIS:推子保护8、12G CLOCK MODE:12G 时钟模式9、SHOW CONTROL:显示控制10、CUES :线索11、SCENES :场景12、SNIPPETS :片段13、VIEW PREFERENCES:个人偏好14、RETURN TO LAST:回到上级15、SEF FOLLOWS BANK:16、AUTO SELECT:自动选择17、MUTE SYSTEM:静音系统18、HARD MUTES:强制静音19、DCA GUOUPS:DCA 编组20、INVERT LEDS:转化LED21、LINK PREFERENCES:输入的偏好22、DELAY+HALINK:延时+ 23、EQLINK :EQ 输入24、DYNAMICS LINK :压缩输入25、MUTE\FADER LINK :静音\推子输入26、M\C DEPENDS ON MAIN L\R:27、PANNING MODE:全景模式28、LR+MONO:左右+中置29、LCR+ENABLE:30、BUS PRE-CONFIGURATION:BUS 输出配置三、REMOTE :远程1、REMOTE SECTION:远程部分2、REMOTE BUTTON:遥控按钮3、ENADLE :4、REMOTE PROTOCOL:远程协议5、MACKIE MCU:6、MACKIE HUI:7、GENETIC CC:8、REMOTE INTERFACE:远程接口9、MIDI IN\OUT:10、CARD MIDI:11、RTP MIDI:12、MIDI CONTROL INTERFACE:13、MIDI RECELVE:14、PEOG CHANGE:15、FADER POS CC:16、CH MUTE CC:17、CH PAN CC:18、MIDI TRANSMIT:19、MIDI SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE:20、OSC OVER MIDI SYSEX:四、NETWORK :网络1、IP ADDRESS:IP 地址2、SUBNET MASK:子网掩码3、GATEWAY :网关五、SCRIBBLE STRIP:自定义1、CHANNEL :通道2、COLOR :颜色3、LCON :图标4、SNIPPETS :片段5、NAME :名字六、PREAMPS :前置放大器1、PREAMP BLOCKS:前置放大器模块2、PREAMP CONTROLS:前置放大器控制3、SELECTED DEVICS:选择器件4、GLOBAL OPTIONS:全局选项5、LOCK STAGEBOX:锁定6、HA GAIN SPLIT:增益分裂7、HA REMOTE:遥控8、AES50 PORT A aes50协议A 口9、AES50 PORT B aes50协议b 口七、CARD :1、DN32-USB 32IN\32OUT USB CARD:录音信号32进32出2、CONFIGURATION :配置LIBRARY 键一、CHANNEL :通道1、RECALL SCOPE:召回范围2、HEAD AMP:前置放大器3、CONFIGURATION :配置4、GATE :门5、COMPRESSOR :压缩6、EQUALIZER :均衡器7、SENDS\MAIN:发送\主8、PRESET LIBRARY:预置库一、EFFECTS :效果1、SELECT FX SLOT:选择FX 槽2、EFFECT 1:效果1通道3、VINTAGE ROOM:老式的房间4、BIG CONCERT:大型演唱会5、VOCAL PLATE:发声板6、CATHEDRAL :大教堂7、ECHO HANGAR:回声库8、DRUM TREAT:老式的混响9、SOUND STAGE:舞台音响10、PHIL ’S DRUMS:11、ACK WATDS:12、MEMORY MAN:立体声延迟13、THIRD GEOOVE:14、CANYON :峡谷15、DANISH CHOR:立体声合唱一、ROUTING :路由1、RECALL PATCHING SCOPE:2、CHANNEL IN:通道3、ANAIOG OUT:模拟输出4、AUX OUT:辅线输出5、P16 OUT:p16输出6、CARD OUT:声卡输出7、AES50 OUT:aes50协议输出8、XLR OUT:主输出EFFECTS 键一、HOME :菜单1、FX1-4(SIFE-CHAIN\INSERT) :FX1-42、FX5-8(INSERT) :FX5-8插入MUTE GRP键1、MUTE GROUP:静音编组UTILITY 键一、PRESET :预设1、RECALL SCOPE:召回范围2、HEAD AMP:前置放大器3、CONFIGURATION :配置4、GATE :门5、COMPRESSOR :压缩6、EQUALIZER :均衡器7、SENDS\MAIN:发送\主8、SCROLL :从上到下移动9、LOAD PRESET:载入预设10、SAVE PRESET:保存预置11、DELETE :删除12、COPY :复制13、PASTE :粘贴MONITOR 键一、MINITOR :监测1、SOLO OPTIONS:监听选项2、EXCLUSIVE(LAST) :单独3、SOLO FOLLOWS SELECT:监听如下选择4、SELECT FOLLOWS SOLO:选择如下监听5、CHANNEL SOLO AFL:通道监听6、MIXBUS SOLO AFL:总线监听7、DCA SOLO AFL:编组监听8、USE DIM FOR PFL:放大电路预监听9、USE MASTER FADER:主音量调节10、MID ATTEN:11、SOURCE :信号源二、TALKBACK A:对讲A1、TALK SIGNAL A\B:通话信号2、TALKBACK A\B:对讲3、ENABLE :使用4、ENABLE TALKBACK:使用对讲5、TALK DESTINATION A:通话目的地6、MONITOR DIM MODE A:监控待机模式7、AUTO :自动8、BUTTON MODE A:按键模式9、LATCH :门闩10、LAMP DIM:11、LAMP :灯12、12V DC:12v 自流电三、TALKBACK B:对讲B四、OSCILLATOR :振荡器1、TONE :音2、FREQUENCY :频率3、OSCILLATOR TYPE:振荡器类型4、SINE WAVE:正弦波5、PINK NOISE:粉红噪声6、WHITE NOISE:白噪声7、DESTINATION :目的地8、GENERATE :生成9、FREQ :频率。
双控电梯 PLC控制外文翻译AbstractMicroelectronic technology's development, elevator's dragging way and the control method has had the very big change, the exchange velocity modulation is the current elevator dragging main development direction. At present the lift control system mainly has three control modes: Following electric circuit control system (“early installment elevator many black-white control system), PLC control system, microcomputer control system. Because the black-white control system the failure rate is high, the reliability is bad, control mode not nimble as well as consumed power big and so on shortcomings, at present has been eliminated gradually. Although the microcomputer control system has the strong function in the intelligent control aspect, but also has the interference rejection to be bad, the system design is complex, generally the servicemen master flaws with difficulty and so on its service technology. But PLC control system, because moves the reliability to be high, the use service is convenient, anti-jamming, the design and the debugging cycle is short and so on merits, time is taken seriously the people and so on merits, have become present use most control modes in the lift control system, at present also widely use in the tradition black-white control system's technological transformations.The origin and development of the elevatorElevator in the Chinese dictionary explanation: building electricity powered lift, instead of walking up and down the stairs.When it comes to lift from the origin of the 2600 BC Egyptians built in Pyramid using the original lifting system to start, but this kind of crane energy are human. By 1203, two French monastery installed a crane, the difference is just the machine is the use of donkey as power, load by around a large drum rope for hoisting. This method has been used to modern until Watt invented the steam engine, in about1800, mine owners can use the crane to mine in coal transportation.For hundreds of years, people made various types of elevators, they all have a common defect: as long as the lifting rope snaps, lifting ladder he rapidly hit bottom layer. 1854 Otis design a brake: in the lift platform mounted on top of a truck with a spring and a brake lever and Lift Wells Road on bothsides of the guide rail is connected with the lifting rope, wagon springs, this is only the lifting platform weight is sufficient to pull spring, avoid contact with the brake lever. If the rope breaks, truck spring will pull the ends of vertical weakened, and the brake lever occlusal, can be firmly fixed without in situ platform continues to fall. " Safe lifting ladder" invention success! For a time, Otis has become the center of attention. The first lift not Otis invented, but he was the first" safe" lift the inventor. " Security" this concept not only create lift industry, but also for those who want to build more tall buildings to add more available space design are open thoroughfare.However it can be called the elevator ( electric energy to drive the elevator ) of the product should be at the beginning of the twentieth Century emerged.Elevator technology development trend(1): green environmental protection concept is the development trend of elevator. Have expert prophecy" who first introduced green products and market of race to control, who will grasp the market competition initiative". Development trend to basically have : the continuous improvement of product design, production of environmental protection type low power consumption, low noise, no leakage, no water leakage, no electromagnetic interference, no oil pollution of the elevator hoistway guide. Elevator traction with nylon synthetic fiber rope, steel belt without lubricating oil pollution traction mode. Elevator decoration will use no (little ) environmental pollution material. Elevator no-load rise and full of descending motor power regeneration recycling technology. The installation of lifts will be installed without scaffolding. Elevator parts in the production and use of the process has no effect on the environment ( such as brake pads must not use asbestos ) and materials can be recycled. (2) the application of Bluetooth technology in elevator. Installation of elevators knows line, on line is time-consuming, laborious, easy wrong job. If the control screen and calling system through the Bluetooth wireless call will be connected to the elevator control another revolution at the same time bring us enormous benefits. A installation period will be reduced by more than 30%, the direct benefits of reduced installation costs, customers from booking to use lift cycle cost reduce the ladder and improve cash flow rate. B on the elevator using Bluetooth technology will make the elevator control system using a large amount of the latest and fastest computer, which will further improve the elevator machine reliability, fault rate is greatly reduced, the control precision is further increased, theresult is the elevator more comfortable, more accurate flat layer. C is a good solution to the elevator control and peripherals compatible and contact. In particular can take the elevator and escalator induction to the building management system or intelligent management district system.Elevator System Based on PLCComposed by the order of relay control system is a realization of the first elevator control method. However, to enter the nineties, with the development of science and technology and the widespread application of computer technology, the safety of elevators, reliability of the increasingly high demand on the relay control weaknesses are becoming evident.Elevator control system relays the failure rate high, greatly reduces the reliability and safety of elevators, and escalators stopped often to take with the staff about the inconvenience and fear. And the event rather than taking the lift or squat at the end of the lift will not only cause damage to mechanical components, but also personal accident may occur.Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the first order logic control in accordance with the needs of developed specifically for industrial environment applications to operate the electronic digital computing device. Given its advantages, at present, the relay control the lift has been gradually replaced by PLC control. At the same time, AC variable frequency motor speed control technology, the way the lift drag speed has been a gradual transition form DC to AC frequency converter. Thus, PLC control technology increases VVVF Elevator modern technology has become a hot industry.1. PLC elevator control advantages:(1) Used in elevator control PLC, with so ware for automatic control of lift operation, reliability greatly increased.(2) Layer was removed and majority of the relay, the control system structure is simple, simplify the external circuit.(3) PLC can be a variety of complex control system, easy to add or change control functions.(4) PLC can be automated fault detection and alarm display to improve the operation of security and ease of maintenance.(5) For the group control the allocation and management, and improve the efficiency of elevator operation.(6)Do not need to change the control scheme changes when the hardware connection.2. VVVF elevator control characteristics.With the power electronics, microelectronics and computer technology to control the rapid development of technology, communication technology VVVF also a very rapid rate. AC variable frequency motor speed control technology is the power to improve the process in order to improve product quality and improving the environment and promoting technological progress as a primary means. Frequency of its excellent performance and the speed brake from a smooth performance, high efficiency, high power factor and power-saving of a broad scope of application and many other advantages of being at home and abroad recognized as the most promising approach speed.Exchange characteristics of VVVF Elevator:(1) low energy consumption.(2) low load circuit, the re emergency power supply device of small.In the acceleration stage, the required start-up current of less than 2.5 times the rated current. Peak starting current and time is short. Since the starting current is drastically reduced, so power consumption and power supply cable diameter can be reduced a lot. Required for emergency power supply devices are also relatively small size.(3) high reliability and long service life.(4) good comfort.Elevator operation is best to follow the speed curve of a given operation. Their characteristics can be adapted to human feelings, and to ensure that noise operation, smooth brake Ping layer and high precision.(5) stable noise-free.(6) In the car, the engine room and adjacent areas to ensure that noise. Because their systems use a high clock frequency. Always produce a true sine wave power supply current yet. Motor torque ripple does not appear. Therefore, to eliminate vibration and noise.3. Elevator control technology.The so-called elevator control technology refers to the elevator drive system and electrical control system of automatic control. 70 as the 20th century in China’s elevator were marked by the exchange of two-speed elevator. Its speed is used to change the elevator traction motor of the very few, two or mute-level approach to the number of windings, very few of them as high-speed winding of the winding, a very few number of windings as the low-speed winding. Windings for high-speed elevator-speed start-up and running, low-speed windings for braking and the maintenance of elevators.The early 80s, VVVF inverter controlled variable lift system available. It uses AC motor drivers, are able to reach the level of DC motor, control the speed of the current has reached 6 m/sec. Its small size, light weight, high efficiency, energy saving, inc1uding the past almost all the advantages of the lift. Is the latest elevator drive systemOperation in vertical lift, there is also the starting point of the terminus station. For more than three-story elevator buildings, the starting point of the terminal stations and stops between the had not, the starting point for these stations at the first floor of the terminal located at the highest floor. Starting point in the first floor of the station known as base stations, known as the starting point at both ends of the terminal stations and stations at both ends of intermediate stops between stations.Outside the station has a call box, box set are used by staff for elevator call button or touch the call button, the general ends of the lift stations in the call box on the Settings button or touch of a button. 1iddle layer of the station set up the call box button or touch button 2. No drivers for the control of elevators, at various stations are set up calls me on a button or touch button. Elevator car and the internal settings (except for debris elevator) to manipulate me. Control box switch on the handle or set up stations and the corresponding layer of buttons or touch-button control box on the touch-control button or command button or touch the city button. Outside the command button or touch-button issue as the signal outside the command signal, within the command button or touch-button issue within the signal as a command signal. 80 In the mid-20th century, the touch button has been replaced by micro-button.As the elevator call box outside the base station, in addition to set up a call button or touch button, but a1so set a key switch in order to work the elevator clearance. Drivers or management staff to open the elevator to the base station can wriggle through a dedicated key to the key switch. Close the elevator in place to autocratically cut off the elevator control power supply or power supply.4. PLC Control Elevator Design.With the continuous development of urban construction, the increasing high-rise buildings, elevators and life in the national economy has a broad application. Elevator high-rise buildings as a means of transport in the vertical run of daily life have been inextricably linked with people. In fact the lift is based on external call control signals, as well as the laws of their own, such as running, and the cal1 is random, the lift is actually a man-machineinteractive control system, simple to use control or logic control order can not meet the control requirement, and therefore, elevator control system uses a random control logic. Elevator control is current1y generally used in two ways, first, the use of computer as a signal control unit, the completion of the lift signal acquisition, operation and function of the se, to achieve the lift and set the autocratic scheduling function to run the election, drag the control from inverter to complete; the second control mode with programmable logic controller (PLC) to replace the computer control signal sets the election. From the control and performance, these two types of methods and there is no significant difference. Most of the domestic manufacturers to choose the second approach, because the smaller scale of production there design and manufacture of high cost of computer control devices; and PLC high reliabi1ity, convenient and flexible program design, anti-interference ability, stable and reliable operation of the characteristics of Therefore, the elevator control system is now widely used to realize programmable control.5. Lift control system.Lift control system is used to manipulate each control process by managing such commands as running direction, car call, landing call, load signal, landing indication, safety protection.Lifts in different applications have different load, speed and drive / control modes. Lifts in same application may also have different control mode. Whatever control mode is adopted, the objective is the same, to be specific, according to car call and landing call, lift control system will execute automatic logic judgment to determine which lift will receive signal, which direction lift will run towards and complete programmed control objective through electrical automatic system based on command.Types of lift control system.Control system development chronicle indicates that there has appeared many control modes, such as such as relay control, PLC, single computer control, multiple-computer control. Prevailing in different era, these control modes are still employed in lifts now due to massive integrated circuit and computer technology development.PLC control system.As abbreviation of programmable logic controller, PLC is an electronic system featuring digital computation. It adopts programmable EPROM to execute logic computation, order control, timing, number counting, arithmetic computation, besides, it can input and output through digital or analogy modes.The mechanism of PLC control is as follows: input of PLC includes such command signals, as power key to home landing, car call, landing call, various safety switches, position signal, while output of PLC includes contactor, relay, indicators of car / landings and communication unitary, indicators inside car and switch, position signal, are input to PC, while other executing com.Programming principle is determined by lift control mode. Programming can either be made according to relay logic control circuit or individually in different phases according to lift control functions after completely separating from relay control circuit. Based on the ready made control circuit, the former is simple and easy to master, while the latter involves less programs by integrating programs of small function.Used in lift control system, PLC has such advantages, as high reliability, stability, easy programming, user-friendliness, convenient maintenance & inspection.Nowadays, there is a wide range and series of programmable logic controllers. Input / output points range from 30 to 8000 or above, so as to meet lift control requirements with different landing number.。
目录实验一典型环节模拟研究 (4)一、实验目的二、实验要求三、实验原理四、实验内容及步骤五、实验报告要求实验二典型系统动态性能和稳定性分析 (7)一、实验目的二、实验要求三、实验原理四、实验内容及步骤五、实验报告要求实验三控制系统的频率特性分析 (9)一、实验目的二、实验要求三、实验原理四、实验内容及步骤五、实验报告要求实验四调节器参数对系统调节质量的影响 (11)一、实验目的二、实验要求三、实验原理四、实验内容及步骤五、实验报告要求附录一:MATLAB6.5的使用 (13)实验一典型环节模拟研究一、实验目的1.熟悉各种典型环节的阶跃响应曲线2.了解参数变化对典型环节动态特性的影响。
(a) 只观测输出曲线(b) 可观测输入、输出两条曲线图1-1 惯性环节原理图2.二阶环节,如图1-2所示。
或图1-2 二阶环节原理图3.积分环节,如图1-3所示。
电子产品常用英文词汇一、常见电子电气类英文单词1. 功率power2. 电压voltage3. 电流current4. 频率frequency5. 效率efficiency6. 波形waveform7. 交流alternating-current8. 直流direct-current9. 适配器adaptor10. 转换器converter11. 逆变器inverter12. 充电器charger13. 控制器controller14. 启动器jump starter15. 器件device16. 元件component17. 电容器capacitor18. 电阻resistor19. 电感inductor20. 二极管diode21. 稳压二极管zener22. 三极管audion23. 场效应管MOSFEET(Metel-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor)24. 变压器transformer25. 光藕optical coupler26. 保险丝fuse27. 半导体semiconductor28. 瓷片电容ceramic capacitor29. 电解电容electrolytic C30. 电感inductance31. 电容capacitance32. 电阻resistance33. 感性的inductive34. 容性的capacitive35. 阻性的resistive36. 阻抗impedance37. 纯正弦波pure sine wave38. 修正正弦波modified sine wave 39. 方波square wave40. 恒流源constant current source41. 恒压源constant voltage source42. 纹波电流ripple current43. 涌入电流inrush current44. 空载电流no-load current45. 电网power system46. 死区时间dead time47. 浮充电压float charge voltage48. 正向电压forward voltage drop49. 续流二极管freewheel diode50. 肖特基二极管schottky51. 整流桥bridge rectifier52. 超快速整流器ultra fast rectifier53. 检测电阻sense resistor54. 振荡电阻timing resistor55. 散热片thermal slug/heat sink/ radiator56. 断路器breaker57. 过流保护器circuit breaker58. 自由运行free running59. 满负载full load60. 过载overload61. 轻载light load62. 加载upload63. 静态static (state)64. 动态dynamic (state)65. 稳态的steady66. 静电static electricity67. 电源调整率line regulation68. 负载调整率load regulation69. 满载效率full load efficiency70. 最佳效率optimum efficiency71. 输出效率output efficiency72. 峰值效率peak efficiency73. 标称效率declared efficiency74. 视在功率apparent power75. 有功功率active power76. 无功功率reactive power77. 功率因数power-factor78. 耗散功率power dissipation79. 空载损耗no-load loss80. 关断状态off state81. 电源工作电压operating supplyvoltage82. 电压参考 voltage reference 83. 参考值 reference value 84. 反馈 feedback 85. 产品型号 part number 86. 掉电 power down 87. 上电power up88. 电源正常 power good 89. 欠压锁定 under voltage (UVLO ) 90. 上拉 pull up 91. 下拉 pull down二、常用电源类英文缩写SPS switching power supply PWM: pulse widthmodulation ZCS zero current switching ZVT: PFC: RMS: THD:OVP: OCP: OTP: MCU: TVS: PCB: 92. 上升沿 rising edge 93. 下降沿 falling edge 94. 上限 upper limit 95. 下限 lower limit 96. 极性 polarity 97. 藕合 coupling 98. 故障 malfunction99. 原理图 schematic diagramlock out100.圭寸装 footprint101.设计流程 design cycle102.设计余量 design margin脉冲宽度调制SMT: surface moun ti ng tech no logy ECR: Engineering Change Request ECN: Engineering Change notice FMEA: Failure Mode Efficiency Analysis circuitEngin eeri ng tech no logyIC: in tegrated IE: In dustrial IT: in formation AQL: Acceptable Quality Level QA: Quality AssuraneeQC:Qualty ControlIQC: IPQC:Incoming Quality control In- process Quality control三绕组变压器: three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor母线:Busbar并联电容器: shunt capacitor 输电线: Transmission Line 电抗器:Reactor发电厂:power plantZero Voltage Transition Power Factor Correction Root mean square (均方根)Total Harmonic Distortion (总谐波失真) Over Voltage Protect ion Over Current Protection Over Temperature Protection Micro Controller unit Transient voltage suppressor Printed circuit board断路器: Breaker 刀闸 (隔离开关 ): Isolator 分接头: tap 电动机: motor 2、状态参数 有功: active power 无功: reactive power 电流: current 容量: capacity 电压: voltage 档位: tap position 正序阻抗: positivesequence impedance 负序阻抗: negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗: zero sequence impedance 电阻: resistor 电抗: reactance 电导: conductance 电纳: susceptance 无功负载: reactive load 或者 QLoad 有功负载 : active load Load 励磁电流 (转子电流 ): magnetizing current 定子: stator 上限 :upper limit 下限: lower limit 并列的: apposable 固定串联电容补偿无功损耗: reactive loss 有功损耗: activeloss 功率因数:power-factor 功率: power 功角: power-angle 电压等级: voltage grade 空载损耗: no-load loss 铁损: iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流: no-load current 阻抗: impedance电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 升压变压器 step-uptransformer 高压侧 high side输电系统 power transmission system 输电线 transmission line稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability 功角稳定 angle stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer 双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the 交流 AC 装机容量 installed capacity 电网 power system 落点 drop point开关站 switch stationsame tower变电站 transformer substation 补偿度degree of compensation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 无功补偿 reactive power compensation 故障 fault 调节 regulation 裕度 magin 三相故障 three phase fault 故障切除时间 fault clearing time 单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity 机端电压控制 AVRfixed series capacitor compensation极限切除时间 critical clearing time 切机generator triping 高顶值 high limited value 强行励磁 reinforced excitation 线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation) 机端 generator terminal 静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (state)bus system电抗 reactance电阻resistance 有功(功率) active power 无功(功率) reactive power 功率因数power factor 无功电流reactive current 下降特性droop characteristics 斜率slope 额定rating 变比ratio 参考值reference value 分接头tap 仿真分析simulation analysis 传递函数transfer function 框图block diagram 受端receive-side 同步synchronization 失去同步loss of synchronization 阻尼damping摇摆swing保护断路器circuit breaker 电阻:resistance 电抗:reactance 阻抗:impedance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 导纳:admittance 电感:inductance 电容: capacitanceComponent 零件Bobbin 线轴tape 胶带Bridge 桥式整流tapping screw 自攻螺丝Cable tie 束带terminal 端子Capacitor 电容transformer(XFMR) 变压器Case 外壳transistor 电晶体Ceramic capacitor 陶瓷电容tube 套管Chip capacitor 芯片电容varistor 突波吸收器Chip resistor 芯片电阻VR (variable resistance) 可变电阻Choke 线圈washer 垫片Connector 连接器zener 齐纳Control board 基板Diode(dio) 二极管process ( 制程)Epoxy 脂assembly 组立Fan 风扇burn-in (B/I) 崩应FET 埸效晶体管component 零件Filter 滤波器flux 助焊剂Fuse clip 保险丝座function test 功能测试Fuse holder 保险丝座gravity 比重Glue 胶Hi-pot test 耐高压测试Heatsink 散热片insertion 插件Fuse 保险丝ORT 可靠度测试IC 集成电路packing 包装Inductor 电感solder machine 锡炉Insulator 绝缘片station 站别Jumper wire 跳线supplier/vender 厂商Label 标签temperature 温度Lock washer 接地星形垫片torque 扭距NTC 热敏电阻touch-up(T/U) 补焊Nut 螺丝帽Output cable 输出线Output wire 输出线PCB 电路板Photo couple 光藕合二极管Regulator 稳压器Resistor 电阻Rivet 柳钉Screw 螺丝Socket 插座Solder bar 锡棒Spring washer 弹簧垫片Stand-off 支柱Star washer 星形垫片Switch 开关CRT (cathode-ray tube) 示波器Anode 阳(正,板)极PROCESS( 制程) Resistor(res) 电阻pre-forming 加工成型VR(variable) 可变电阻component 零件Chip resistor 芯片电阻Capacitor(cap) 电容insertion 插件Ceramic capacitor 陶磁电容solder machine 锡炉Transformer(X ' FNR压器assembly 组立Fuse holder 保险丝座Bridge diode 桥式整流Transistor 电晶体input(I/P) 输入output(O/P) 输出regulation 调整pecification 规格Regulation 稳压器ripple 涟波noise 噪声Control board 小基板noise buzz 无音protection 保护OVP 过电压保护OCP 过电流保护OPP 过功率保护no output(NOP) 无输出Tapping screw 自动螺丝broken/blow out (BRO) 烧机Nut 螺帽short 短路open 开路Spring washer 弹簧垫片voltage 电压Star washer 星形垫片Lock washer 接地星形垫片frequency 频率Output wire 输出线load 负载Output cable 输出线full load 满载Cable tie 束带low load 轻载Connector 连接器damage 损坏Rivet 铆钉oscilloscope 示波器Terminal 端子test 测试Stand-off 支柱adjust 调整Heatsink 散热片inspection 检验Insulator 绝缘体hi-pot test 高压测试Tape 胶带grounding 接地Tube 套管Label caution 标签(警告标签) Jumper wire 跳线Solder bar 锡棒。
Pure Sine Wave InverterUser ManualTP10K/TP10KBContentsImportant Safety Instructions (1)1. Product Overview (5)1.1 Information & Features (5)1.2 Structure (6)1.3 Name definition (9)1.4 Connection schematic diagram (9)1.5 Electrical schematic diagram (10)2. Installation (11)2.1 Warning (11)2.2 Wire & breaker selection (11)2.3 Instructions (12)2.4 Output voltage/frequency grade switch (17)3. Interface (18)3.1 Indicator (18)3.2 Buzzer (19)3.3 Buttons (19)3.3 LCD Display (19)3.4 Icon (20)3.5 Operation (20)4. Protection (22)5. Troubleshooting (25)6. Maintenance (27)7. Specifications (28)AnnexⅠ Disclaimer (32)AnnexⅡ Mechanical Dimension Diagram (33)Important Safety InstructionsPlease reserve this manual for future review.This manual contains all the instructions about safety, installation, and operation for TPower series pure sine wave inverter (hereinafter referred to as the inverter).Explanation of symbolsTo enable the user to use the product efficiently, as well as to ensure personal and property safety, this manual provides related information and emphasize the following symbols.Please read the related words carefully when you encounter the following symbols in the manual.TIP:Indicates any practical advice for reference.IMPORTANT:Indicates a critical tip during the operation, if ignored, may cause the device to run in error.CAUTION:Indicates potential hazards, if not avoided, may cause the device damaged.WARNING:Indicates the danger of electric shock, if not avoided, would cause casualties.WARNING HOT SURFACE:Indicates the risk of high temperature, if not avoided, would cause scalds.Read the user manual carefully before any operation.Symbols of inverterWARNING: The entire system should be installed by professional and technical personnel.2. Requirements for professional and technical personnel:•Professionally trained;•Familiar with related safety specification for the electrical system;•Read this manual carefully, and master related safety cautions.3. Professional and technical personnel is allowed to do:•Install the inverter to the specified location;•Conduct trial operations for the inverter;•Operate and maintain the inverter.4. Safety cautions before installation:IMPORTANT: When receiving the inverter, please firstly check if there is any damage occurred in transportation, if find any problem, please contact the transportation company or our company in time.CAUTION: When place or move the inverter, must follow the instructions in the manual.CAUTION: When install the inverter, must evaluate whether the operation area exists any arc danger.WARNING: Do not place the inverter in places where children can touch.WARNING: The inverter is off-grid type, and it is strictly prohibited to be connected to the grid; otherwise the inverter would be damaged.WARNING: The inverter is only allowed for stand-alone operation, and it is prohibited to connect multiple units’ output in p arallel or in series; otherwise the inverter would be damaged.5. Safety cautions for mechanical installation:WARNING: Before installation, must make sure the inverter has no electrical connection.WARNING: Ensure the heat dissipation space for the inverter installation, and do not install the inverter in humid, greasy, flammable, explosive, dust accumulative or other severe environments.6. Safety cautions for electrical connection:CAUTION: Check if all the wiring connections are tight, to avoid the danger of heat accumulation due to a loose connection.WARNING: Both utility input and AC output are of high voltage, do not touch the wiring connection to avoid electric shock.7. Safety cautions for inverter operation:WARNING HOT SURFACE: When the inverter is working, its heat sink and casing will generate a lot of heat, the temperature would be very high, please do not touch it.CAUTION: When the inverter is working, please do not open the inverter cabinet to operate.8. The dangerous operations which would cause electric arc, fire or explosion: •Hot plug the high voltage fuse on the inverter DC side.•Touch the wire end which hasn’t been insulation treated and maybe electriferous.•Touch the wiring copper row, terminals or internal devices which may be electriferous.•Power cable connection is loose.•Screw or other spare parts inadvertently falls into the inverter.•Incorrect operation by untrained non-professional or technical personnel.WARNING: Once an accident occurs, must be handled by professional and technical personnel. Any incorrect operation would cause a more severe accident.9. Safety cautions for stopping the inverter:•Firstly turn off the breakers on the utility input side and AC output side, then turn off the DC switch;•After the inverter stop working for five minutes, the internal conductive devices could be touched;•The inverter can be restarted after removing the faults which may affect its safety performance;•No maintenance parts in the inverter, if any maintenance service is required, please contact our after-sales service personnel.10. Safety cautions for inverter maintenance:•Testing equipment is recommended to check the inverter, to make sure there is no voltage or current;•When conducting electrical connection and maintenance work, must post temporary warning sign or put up barriers, to prevent unrelated personnel from entering the electrical connection or maintenance area;•Improper maintenance operation to the inverter may cause personal injury or equipment damage;•To prevent electrostatic damage, recommend to ware antistatic wrist strap or avoid unnecessary contact with the circuit board.CAUTION: The safety mark, warning label and nameplate on the inverter should be clearly visible, not removed or covered.1.Product Overview1.1Information & FeaturesTPower series is designed aspure sine wave power frequency inverter, whichconverts 110/220VDC to220/230VAC.Thisdevice consists of a DC-AC inverting module and AC-AC bypass module in parallel, also featuredwithhigh reliability, high efficiency, concise appearance, full protection, easy installation and operationfunctions.DC-AC inverting module is anintelligent and full digital designed component with advanced SPWM technology. The module is designed with the pure sine wave output toconvert 110/220VDC to220/230VAC for multiple types of AC loads, such as home appliances, electric tools, industrial devices, audio equipment and solar photovoltaic system.AC-AC bypass module used advanced control algorithm to ensure the stability of output voltage and achieve the fast switching feature. Also the high reliability and high-performance semiconductor inside the module reduce the size and prolong the service life.The 4.2 inches segment type of LCD displays the system operation data and statesin real time.The case in sheet-metal design is featured with high intensity and shielding electromagnetic interference. Also, the universal rotary caster is optional for the system, which contains lifting support feet to fix or move the inverter at anytime and improve product mobility and flexibility.Features:•Advanced SPWM technology and pure sine wave output•Fully digitalized voltage and current double closed-loop control•Low output harmonic distortion(THD≤3%)•Mode selection of bypass priority and inverter priority•Output voltage 220/230VAC and frequency 50/60Hz selectable•Real-time power queryand output power statistics function•Automatic protection featuresof the short circuit, overheating and overload.• 4.2 inches LCD display the system operation data and state dynamically with friendly AI interface•Multiple LED indicators show the operating status of the system in real-time •Designed with soft boot control to avoid the battery be damaged by high current impact when turning on the system•AC OUT button controls the AC output individually•Smart fan control reduces energy consumption and noise•Use popular semiconductor modules with high reliability and low power consumption•Designed with remote switch & RS485 communication interface to achieve the features of remote monitoring and hardware Stop&Start, also the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communication modules are selectable•Universal rotary caster is optional for free movement and fixation.•Modular design, easy maintenance and repair1.2 Structure(1) FOOT MASTER caster(Optional accessory)Rotate clockwise to raise the supporting feet, then tomove the inverter.Rotate counterclockwise to lower the supporting feet,then to fix the inverter.⑵Terminals and breakers★Interface connection method :(3)DC fan and AC fanDC fan 2 pieces:When the radiator temperature rises to 45℃ above, the DC fans will start; when the radiator temperature declines to 35℃ below, the DC fans will stop .IMPORTANT: DC fans have the self-checking function when the inverter is powered on, the DC fans would run for three seconds automatically.AC fan 3 pieces:Inverter priority:When the internal temperature rises to 35℃ above, and with inverter output, the AC fans will start.When internal temperature declines to 30℃ below, or with no inverter output, the AC fans will stop.1.3Name definition1.4Connection schematic diagramWARNING: The AC equipment must be determined according to the output power of the inverter. Do not connect the load in excess of the inverter’s maximum input power, otherwise, the inverter may be damaged.2. Installation2.1 Warning•Please read the manual carefully to get familiar with the installation steps before installation.•Be very careful when installing the batteries, especially flooded lead-acid battery.Please wear eye protection, and have fresh water available to rinse if any contact with battery acid.•Keep the battery away from any metal objects, which may cause a short circuit of the battery.•Loose connections and corroded wires may result in high heat that can melt wire insulation, burn surrounding materials, or even cause a fire. Ensure tight connections and use cable clamps to secure cables and prevent them from swaying in motion.•Select the system connection cables according to the current density no higher than 5A/mm2.(In accordance with the National Electrical Code Article 690, NFPA70).•For outdoor installation, keep out of the direct sunshine and rain infiltration.•High voltage still exists inside the inverter after turning off the switch, do not open or touch the internal devices, wait five minutes before conducting related operations.•Please do not install the inverter in humid, greasy, flammable, explosive, dust accumulative or other severe environments.•Prohibit reverse connection at the battery input end; otherwise it will easily damage the equipment or cause unpredictable danger.•Both utility input and AC output are of high voltage;please do not touch the wiring connection.• When the fan is working, please do not touch it to avoid injury.2.2 Wire& breaker selectionWiring and installation mode should comply with national and local electrical code requirements.••TP30KBIMPORTANT: The wire size is for reference only, use thicker wires to lower the voltage drop and improve the system performance when the distance between utility and inverter or between inverter and batter is far.IMPORTANT: The above wire size and circuit breaker size are for recommendation only, please choose suitable wire and circuit breaker according to the practical situation.2.3InstructionsInstallation steps:Step1:Professional personnel read this manual carefully.Step2:Determine the installation location and heat dissipation space.Move the equipment: as the equipment is relatively large, it is recommended to use forklift or crane; if the ground is flat, it can be moved by wheels.Place to the location: As the equipment is heavy, it is recommended to be placed on flat ground, with 300mm space reserved all around, to ensure heat dissipation.Fix the equipment: If choose the optional caster, rotate counterclockwise to fix and rotate clockwise to move.WARNING: Risk of explosion!Never install the inverter with flooded batteries in a sealed enclosure! Do not install the device in a confined area where battery gas can accumulate.Step3:Take down the junction box cover plate with special tools.Step4:WiringWiring order:❶Ground——❷Battery——❸Utility——❹AC loadsWARNING: Never connect the utility to the inverter output; otherwise the inverter may be damaged.•GroundingThe voltage of the whole system exceeds the safety voltage level. Thus reliable grounding is needed. The grounding wire shall be the thicker wire(no less than 35mm2), and shall be as short as possible. The grounding point shall be as close as possible to the inverter.CAUTION: When wiring, follow the order ❶❷❸❹ to connect the cables to the equipment, then follow the order ❶❷❸❹ to connect ground, battery, utility and load.WARNING: Make sure all the wiring connections are reliable, otherwise massive heat would accumulate at the connection points to damage the terminals, or even cause a fire.WARNING: Danger, high voltage! Utility input, AC output and DC input will produce high voltage, do not close the breakers during wiring, and make sure the correct polarity of each component.Step5:Connect accessories•Mobile APP(For Android only)Download software:—EPEVER(TP)Communication cable: M12-6-male pin + crystal head-1000mm-v1.0Modules: eBox-WIFI-01 and eBox-BLE-01•PC SoftwareDownload software:—Inverter Monitor(TP)Communication cable: 1.M12-6-male pin + crystal head-1000mm-v1.02.RJ45 Coupler3. CC-USB-RS485-0.3mm2-3m-V1.1Step6:Double check the reliability of wiring connections.Step7:Put on the cover plate.Indicator:Inverter indicator on solidLCD:Step8:Close the bypass circuit breakerThe indicator:utility indicator on solidLCD:Step9:Close the load circuit breakerLCD:Step10:Inverter outputMethod 1: Press the “AC output” button for 3 seconds, the inverter would start the output.Method 2: Connect the remote switch, short-circuit the cable 1(red) and cable 2(white) of the remote switch and RS485 communication interface, the inverter would start the output.Indicator:Inverter indicator slowly flashing and load indicator on solid.LCD:Step11:Turn on the loadLED indicators: Inverter and load indicators are slowly flashing.CAUTION: In case the power is supplied to the different AC loads, it is suggested to turn on the loads with larger surge current first, till the load working well, then turn on the loads with smaller surge current. Especially for inductive loads, should be turned on one by one. Do not turn on the loads at the same time, so as not to cause excessive impact to the inverter, to shorten its life span.CAUTION: In case the inverter is not in regular operation, or LCD or indicator displays abnormal, refer to Section 5 to clear the fault or contact the after-sale service personnel of our company.Step12:Power off the equipmentOpen the AC load circuit breaker—long press “AC output” button to turn off the inverter output—open the bypass circuit breaker—open the battery circuit breaker.WARNING: As electricity exists in the capacitance, the LCD screen would be off after 30 seconds; wait 5 minutes before opening the equipment to repair.WARNING: After the inverter is disconnected from utility and battery bank, need to wait 5 minutes before touching the internal conductive devices.WARNING: As the inverter has soft stat design and only takes effect when the first time it starts, do not frequently switch the input circuit breaker when the inverter is incompletely powered off, otherwise the input battery would undergo high current impact. That is, the input circuit breaker can be closed again after the LCD screen is off.2.4Output voltage/frequency grade switchWhen the dial switch 1 is placed to the ON side, the outputfrequency is 60Hz, otherwise it is 50Hz,When the dial switch 2 is placed to the ON side, the outputvoltage is 230VAC, otherwise it is 220VAC.Operating steps:Open the cover plate on the inverter right side, find the dial switches on the control board which is located on the top left corner, see above picture. Set the outputvoltage/frequency according to demand, then restart the inverter to take effect.IMPORTANT: The factory default output voltage is 220VAC, the output frequency is 50Hz.IMPORTANT: The accessories can refer to the Packing list.3. Interface3.1Indicator3.2 Buzzer3.3 Buttons3.3LCDDisplay3.4 IconIcon Icon3.5 Operation1) Turn on the load:Operation:P ress the “AC output” button for 3seconds, load indicator changes from off to solid on.•Switch from inverter mode to bypass modeOperation:P ress “inverter/bypass” button for 3seconds, bypass indicator changes from off to solid on, inverter indicator changes from on solid to off.3)Clear electricity modeOperation:P ress“inverter/bypass” and “browse” button for 3seconds together to clear the accumulated consumed electricity.•Clear faultOperation:Under failure state, short press any button, the buzzer would stop sounding, but the failure code would still be displayed.IMPORTANT: In case of a non-recoverable failure state, if confirmed the fault is cleared, long press “browser” and “AC output” buttons together to clear the fault, the inverter would recover the output.Press the “Browse + AC output” buttons to clear the faults, the inverter recover output.6.MaintenanceThe following inspections and maintenance tasks are recommended at least two times per year for the best performance.•Make sure no block on air-flow around the inverter. Clear up any dirt and fragments on the radiator.•Check all the naked wires to make sure insulation is not damaged for serious solarization. Frictional wear, dryness, insects or rats, etc. Repair or replacesome wires if necessary.•Check and confirm that indicator and display is consistent with required. Pay attention to any troubleshooting or error indication .Take corrective action ifnecessary.•Confirm that all the terminals have no corrosion, insulation damaged, high temperature or burnt/discolored sign, tighten terminal screws to the suggested torque.•Check for dirt, nesting insects and corrosion. If so, clear up in time.•Check and confirm that lightning arrester is in good condition. Replace a new one in time to avoid damaging the inverter/charger and even other equipment.WARNING:Risk of electric shock!Risk of electric shock! Before the above operations, make sure that all the power is turned off, and the electricity in the capacitances is completely discharged, then follow the corresponding inspections and operations.★Instruction for inverter derating1. Temperature derating:When the temperature is over 45℃(113℉), the output power shouldbe reduced by 1KW (Kilowatts) for each 1℃ (Celsius) increase•TP10K,TP10KB•TP20K,TP20KB•TP30K,TP30KB302.Altitude derating:When the altitude is over 1500m, the output power should be reduced by 1KW (Kilowatts) for each 500m (Meter) increase•TP10K,TP10KB•TP20K,TP20KB•TP30K,TP30KB31Mechanical ParametersAnnexⅠDisclaimerThis warranty does not apply under the following conditions:•Damage from improper use or use in an unsuitable environment.•Load or utility current, voltage or power exceeds the rated value of the inverter. •Damage caused by the ambient temperature exceeds the limit working environment temperature.•The accident caused by disobeying the marks or manuals of the inverter, such as electric arc, fire and explosion.•User disassembly or attempted to repair the inverter without permission. •Damage caused by force majeure.•Damage caused during transportation orloading/unloading.32AnnexⅡ Mechanical Dimension Diagram 1.TP10K,TP10KB332.TP20K/TP20KB343.TP30K/TP30KBAny changes without prior notice! Version number: V1.135HUIZHOU EPEVER TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Beijing Tel: +86-10-82894896/82894112 Huizhou Tel: +86-752-3889706E-mail:******************Website: 。
Understanding FFTsand WindowingOverviewLearn about the time and frequency domain, fast Fourier transforms (FFTs), and windowing as well as how you can use them to improve your understanding of a signal. This tutorial is part of the Instrument Fundamentals series.Contentsw Understanding the Time Domain, Frequency Domain, and FFTwa. All Signals Are the Sum of Sinesb. Deconstructing Signals Using the FFTw Windowingwa. What Is Windowingb. Windowing Functionsw SummarywUnderstanding the Time Domain, Frequency Domain, and FFTThe Fourier transform can be powerful in understanding everyday signals and troubleshootingerrors in signals. Although the Fourier transform is a complicated mathematical function, itisn’t a complicated concept to understand and relate to your measured signals. Essentially, ittakes a signal and breaks it down into sine waves of different amplitudes andfrequencies. Let’s take a deeper look at what this means and why it is useful.a. All Signals Are the Sum of SinesWhen looking at real-world signals, you usually view them as a voltage changing over time.This is referred to as the time domain. Fourier’s theorem states that any waveform in thetime domain can be represented by the weighted sum of sines and cosines. For example,take two sine waves, where one is three times as fast as the other–or the frequency is 1/3the first signal. When you add them, you can see you get a different signal.Figure 1. When you add two signals, you get a new signal.Now imagine if that second wave was also 1/3 the amplitude. This time, just the peaksare affected.Figure 2. Adjusting the amplitude when adding signals affects the peaks.Imagine you added a third signal that was 1/5 the amplitude and frequency of the original signal. If you continued in this fashion until you hit the noise floor, you might recognize the resulting waveform.Figure 3. A square wave is the sum of sines.Y ou have now created a square wave. In this way, all signals in the time domain can berepresented by a series of sines.Although it is pretty neat that you can construct signals in this fashion, why do you actuallycare? Because if you can construct a signal using sines, you can also deconstruct signals into sines. Once a signal is deconstructed, you can then see and analyze the different frequencies that are present in the original signal. Take a look at a few examples where being able todeconstruct a signal has proven useful:If you deconstruct radio waves, you can choose which particular frequency–or station–youwant to listen to.If you deconstruct audio waves into different frequencies such as bass and treble, you canalter the tones or frequencies to boost certain sounds to remove unwanted noise.If you deconstruct earthquake vibrations of varying speeds and strengths, you can optimize building designs to avoid the strongest vibrations.If you deconstruct computer data, you can ignore the least important frequencies and leadto more compact representations in memory, otherwise known as file compression.b. Deconstructing Signals Using the FFTThe Fourier transform deconstructs a time domain representation of a signal into thefrequency domain representation. The frequency domain shows the voltages present atvarying frequencies. It is a different way to look at the same signal.A digitizer samples a waveform and transforms it into discrete values. Because of thistransformation, the Fourier transform will not work on this data. Instead, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is used, which produces as its result the frequency domain components in discrete values, or bins. The fast Fourier (FFT) is an optimized implementation of a DFT that takes less computation to perform but essentially just deconstructs a signal.Take a look at the signal from Figure 1 above. There are two signals at two differentfrequencies; in this case, the signal has two spikes in the frequency domain–one at each of the two frequencies of the sines that composed the signal in the first place.Figure 4. When two sine waves of equal amplitude are added, they result in twospikes in the frequency domain.The amplitude of the original signal is represented on the vertical axis. If you look at the signal from Figure 2 above where there are two different signals at different amplitudes, you can see that the most prominent spike corresponds to the frequency of the highest voltage sine signal. Looking at a signal in the time domain, you can get a good idea of the original signal by knowing at what frequencies the largest voltage signals occur.Figure 5. The highest spike is the frequency of the largest amplitude.It can also be helpful to look at the shape of the signal in the frequency domain. For instance, let’s take a look at the square wave in the frequency domain. We created the square wave using many sine waves at varying frequencies; as such, you would expect many spikes in the signal in the frequency domain—one for each signal added. If you see a nice ramp in the frequency domain, you know the original signal was a square wave.Figure 6. The frequency domain of a sine wave looks like a ramp.So what does this look like in the real world? Many mixed-signal oscilloscopes (MSO) have an FFT function. Below, you can see what an FFT of a square wave looks like on a mixed-signal graph. If you zoom in, you can actually see the individual spikes in the frequency domain.ABFigure 7. The original sine wave and its corresponding FFT are displayed in A, while B is azoomed in portion of the FFT where you can see the individual spikes.Looking at signals in the frequency domain can help when validating and troubleshooting signals. For instance, say you have a circuit that is supposed to output a sine wave. Y ou can view the output signal on the oscilloscope in the time domain in Figure 8 below. It looks pretty good!Figure 8. If these two waves were added, they would look like a perfect sine wavebecause they are so similar.However, when you view the signal in the frequency domain, you expect only one spike because you are expecting to output a single sine wave at only one frequency. However, you can see that there is a smaller spike at a higher frequency; this is telling you that the sine wave isn’t as good as you thought. Y ou can work with the circuit to eliminate the cause of the noise added at that particular frequency. The frequency domain is great at showing if a clean signal in the time domain actually contains cross talk, noise, or jitter.Figure 9. Looking at the seemingly perfect sine wave from Figure 8, you can seehere that there is actually a glitch.WindowingAlthough performing an FFT on a signal can provide great insight, it is important to know the limitations of the FFT and how to improve the signal clarity using windowing.a. What Is WindowingWhen you use the FFT to measure the frequency component of a signal, you are basing the analysis on a finite set of data. The actual FFT transform assumes that it is a finite data set, a continuous spectrum that is one period of a periodic signal. For the FFT , both the time domain and the frequency domain are circular topologies, so the two endpoints of the time waveform are interpreted as though they were connected together. When the measured signal is periodic and an integer number of periods fill the acquisition time interval, the FFT turns out fine as it matches this assumption.Figure 10. Measuring an integer number of periods (A) gives an ideal FFT (B).ABHowever, many times, the measured signal isn’t an integer number of periods. Therefore, the finiteness of the measured signal may result in a truncated waveform with differentcharacteristics from the original continuous-time signal, and the finiteness can introduce sharp transition changes into the measured signal. The sharp transitions are discontinuities.When the number of periods in the acquisition is not an integer, the endpoints arediscontinuous. These artificial discontinuities show up in the FFT as high-frequencycomponents not present in the original signal. These frequencies can be much higher than the Nyquist frequency and are aliased between 0 and half of your sampling rate. The spectrum you get by using a FFT , therefore, is not the actual spectrum of the original signal, but a smeared version. It appears as if energy at one frequency leaks into other frequencies. Thisphenomenon is known as spectral leakage, which causes the fine spectral lines to spread into wider signals.Figure 11. Measuring a noninteger number of periods (A) adds spectral leakage to the FFT (B).ABY ou can minimize the effects of performing an FFT over a noninteger number of cycles by usinga technique called windowing. Windowing reduces the amplitude of the discontinuities at theboundaries of each finite sequence acquired by the digitizer. Windowing consists of multiplying the time record by a finite-length window with an amplitude that varies smoothly and gradually toward zero at the edges. This makes the endpoints of the waveform meet and, therefore,results in a continuous waveform without sharp transitions. This technique is also referred to as applying a window.Figure 12. Applying a window minimizes the effect of spectral leakage.b. Windowing FunctionsThere are several different types of window functions that you can apply depending on thesignal. T o understand how a given window affects the frequency spectrum, you need tounderstand more about the frequency characteristics of windows.An actual plot of a window shows that the frequency characteristic of a window is a continuous spectrum with a main lobe and several side lobes. The main lobe is centered at each frequencycomponent of the time-domain signal, and the side lobes approach zero. The height of the sidelobes indicates the affect the windowing function has on frequencies around main lobes. The sidelobe response of a strong sinusoidal signal can overpower the main lobe response of a nearby weak sinusoidal signal. T ypically, lower side lobes reduce leakage in the measured FFT but increase the bandwidth of the major lobe. The side lobe roll-off rate is the asymptotic decay rate of the side lobe peaks. By increasing the side lobe roll-off rate, you can reduce spectral leakage.Selecting a window function is not a simple task. Each window function has its own characteristics and suitability for different applications. T o choose a window function, you must estimate the frequency content of the signal.If the signal contains strong interfering frequency components distant from the frequency of interest, choose a smoothing window with a high side lobe roll-off rate.If the signal contains strong interfering signals near the frequency of interest, choose a window function with a low maximum side lobe level.If the frequency of interest contains two or more signals very near to each other, spectral resolution is important. In this case, it is best to choose a smoothing window with a very narrow main lobe.If the amplitude accuracy of a single frequency component is more important than the exact location of the component in a given frequency bin, choose a window with a wide main lobe.If the signal spectrum is rather flat or broadband in frequency content, use the uniform window, or no window.In general, the Hanning (Hann) window is satisfactory in 95 percent of cases. It has good frequency resolution and reduced spectral leakage. If you do not know the nature of the signal but you want to apply a smoothing window, start with the Hann window.Even if you use no window, the signal is convolved with a rectangular-shaped window of uniform height, by the nature of taking a snapshot in time of the input signal and working with a discrete signal. This convolution has a sine function characteristic spectrum. For this reason, no window is often called the uniform or rectangular window because there is still a windowing effect.The Hamming and Hann window functions both have a sinusoidal shape. Both windows result in a wide peak but low side lobes. However, the Hann window touches zero at both ends eliminating all discontinuity. The Hamming window doesn’t quite reach zero and thus still has a slight discontinuity in the signal. Because of this difference, the Hamming window does a better job of cancelling the nearest side lobe but a poorer job of canceling any others. These window functions are useful for noise measurements where better frequency resolution than some of the other windows is wanted but moderate side lobes do not present a problem.Figure 13. Hamming and Hann windowing result in a wide peak but nice low side lobes.The Blackman-Harris window is similar to Hamming and Hann windows. The resulting spectrum has a wide peak, but good side lobe compression. There are two main types of this window. The 4-term Blackman-Harris is a good general-purpose window, having side lobe rejection in the high 90s dB and a moderately wide main lobe. The 7-term Blackman-Harris window function has all the dynamic range you should ever need, but it comes with a wide main lobe.Figure 14. The Blackman-Harris results in a wide peak, but good side lobe compression.A Kaiser-Bessel window strikes a balance among the various conflicting goals of amplitude accuracy, side lobe distance, and side lobe height. It compares roughly to the Blackman-Harris window functions, but for the same main lobe width, the near side lobes tend to be higher, but the further out side lobes are lower. Choosing this window often reveals signals close to the noise floor.The flat top window is sinusoidal as well, but it actually crosses the zero line. This causes a much broader peak in the frequency domain, which is closer to the true amplitude of the signal than with other windows.Figure 15. The flat top window results in more accurate amplitude information.These are just a few of the possible window functions. There is no universal approach for selecting a window function. However, the table below can help you in your initial choice. Always compare the performance of different window functions to find the best one for the application.SummaryAll signals in the time domain can be represented by a series of sines.An FFT transform deconstructs a time domain representation of a signal into thefrequency domain representation to analyze the different frequencies in a signal.The frequency domain is great at showing you if a clean signal in the time domain actuallycontains cross talk, noise, or jitter.Spectral leakage is caused by discontinuities in the original, noninteger number of periodsin a signal and can be improved using windowing.Windowing reduces the amplitude of the discontinuities at the boundaries of each finitesequence acquired by the digitizer.No window is often called the uniform or rectangular window because there is still awindowing effect.In general, the Hanning window is satisfactory in 95 percent of cases. It has goodfrequency resolution and reduced spectral leakage.Y ou should compare the performance of different window functions to find the best onefor the application.。
摘要在电子技术中, 频率是最基本的参数之一, 在数字电路中,数字频率计属于时序电路,它主要由具有记忆功能的触发器构成。
在CMOS电路系列产品中,数字频率计是用量最大、品种很多的产品,是计算机、通讯设备、音频视频等科研生产领域不可缺少的测量仪器,并且与许多电参量的测量方案、测量结果都有十分密切的关系, 频率是反映信号特性的基本参量之一,频率测量在应用电子技术领域有着重要的地位。
关键词:频率,集成电路,Protel99se软件IAbstractIn electronic technology, the frequency is one of the most basic parameters, in digital circuits, digital frequency meter are sequential circuit, it has a memory function by the composition of the flip-flop. In the computer and various digital instruments, they are widely used. CMOS products in the circuit, the digital frequency meter is the amount of the largest varieties of many products, computers, communications equipment, audio, video and other essential areas of research and production of measuring instruments, and with a number of electrical parameters of the measurement program, the measurement results are very closely related to the frequency characteristics of reflected signals, one of the basic parameters, This article is a digital frequency meter with digital display of the equipment under test signal frequency, the measured signal can be sine wave, square wave or other periodic signal change. Such as with the appropriate sensors, can test a wide range of physical quantities, such as the frequency of mechanical vibration, speed, sound frequency, as well as piece-rate products and so on.The design of the main choice of integrated chips as the core devices, we designed a simple digital frequency meter 7 to flip-flop and counters at the core, by the signal input, amplification, shaping, counting, data processing and data display function module group into. Cosmetic surgery to enlarge the circuit: The pre-processing of measured signals; gate circuit: read per unit time the number of pulses into the counter; time base signal: 1 seconds generated signal; Counter Decoder: Decoding count on a single chip integrated , recording the number of pulses per unit time,Count the results of the decimal counter to BCD code; show: the BCD code decoding in the digital tube display. Protel99se use of schematic and PCB drawing maps for the details.Keywords: Frequency, Intergrated circuit, software Protel99II目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)目录 (III)第一章引言 (1)1.1课题的目的及意义 (1)1.2国内外发展现状及研究概况 (1)1.3设计的主要技术指标与参数 (2)1.4设计的主要内容 (2)第二章方案的比较与论证 (3)2.1测量方法分析 (3)2.2误差分析 (4)2.3方案的选择与确立 (5)第三章总体电路设计 (6)3.1电路的组成及工作原理 (6)3.1.1电路的组成 (6)3.1.2频率计的工作原理 (6)3.2原理方框图 (8)3.3电路工作各部分原理 (9)3.3.1计数显示电路 (9)3.3.2放大分频整形电路 (10)3.3.3秒脉冲发生电路和控制电路 (11)3.3.4 测晶振电路 (13)3.3.5电源供电电路 (14)3.4整体电路原理图 (15)第四章各部分芯片介绍 (16)4.1MC14543的介绍 (16)4.2 MC14553的介绍 (18)III4.3 HCF4033的介绍 (20)4.4 CD4060的介绍 (21)4.5 CD4017的介绍 (22)4.6 AD829的介绍 (24)第五章Protel99SE的介绍 (26)5.1 Prote l的发展 (26)5.2 Protel99SE的简介 (26)5.3原理图设计步骤 (27)5.4 PCB板图的设计 (28)5.5 PCB版图 (31)结论 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢 (34)附录原件明细表 (35)IV第一章引言1.1课题的目的及意义数字频率计是用数字显示被测信号频率的仪器,是一些科研生产领域不可缺少的测量仪器,被测信号可以是正弦波,方波,三角波或其它周期性变化的信号。
3continuous range from 1 mHz to 20 MHz.Triggered and manual sweep operations also can be performed. Seven sweepmodes, with linear and logarithmic sweep spacing, a TTL level sweep marker, and a ramp output give you the flexibility you need. There’s even a pen lift function for use with chart recorders.Modulation Source . If you do communi-cation or audio design and test, Model 395offers internally generated amplitude modulation and frequency modulation, as well as externally controlled amplitude modulation in two modes.Convenience and Versatility . Wavetekdesigned Model 395 for user convenience.The user screens are tailored to theparticular jobs you want to perform, such as setting up a pulse generator or a noise function.From any screen, you can access help screens that guide you in using theinstrument’s extensive capabilities. And you can store at least 10 instrument set-ups so you don’t have to spend valuable time duplicating past effort.Low cost of ownership is assured by the high reliability and ease of calibration of the Model 395. Calibration is performed with covers on in less than 15 minutes,under front panel or remote control.SpecificationsSpecifications apply within the specified environmental conditions after a 20 minute warm-up.AmplitudeRange: 10 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p into 50 Ω.Resolution: 3.0 digits.Accuracy: 25 ± 10° C: ± (1% + 2 mVp-p).OffsetRange: ± 5 V into 50 Ω.Resolution: 3 digits.Accuracy: 25 ± 10° C: ± (1% + 20 mV).Standard WaveformsSine, square, triangle, pulse, pulse trains, DC,positive/negative ramp, positive/negative haversine,(sin x)/x, and five noise functions.Frequency (Sine and Haversine)Range: 1 µHz to 40 MHz.Resolution: (Resolution limited by 1 µHz.).≤ 20 MHz: 10 digits; ± 30 ppm.> 20 MHz: 4 digits; ± 100 ppm.Frequency (Square)Range: 1 µHz to 50 MHz.Resolution: 4 digits; ± 100 ppm.Frequency (Triangle)Range: 1 µHz to 10 MHz.Resolution:≤ 100 kHz: 10 digits; ± 30 ppm.> 100 kHz: 4 digits; ± 100 ppm.Frequency (Ramp)Range: 1 µHz to 2 MHz.Resolution:≤ 100 kHz: 10 digits; ± 30 ppm.> 100 kHz: 4 digits; ± 100 ppm.Frequency (Sin (x)/x)Range: 1 µHz to 1 MHz Resolution:≤ 100 kHz: 10 digits; ± 30 ppm > 100 kHz: 4 digits; ± 100 ppm Waveform QualitySquare Transition Time: < 8 ns.Square Aberrations: < (5% + 20 mV).Sine Distortion:< 100 kHz: 0.15% (-56 dBc).< 5 MHz: No harmonic > -35 dBc.Arbitrary WaveformsSampling FrequencyRange: 100 mS/s to 100 MS/s.Resolution: 4 digits.Accuracy: ± 100 ppm.Waveform Memory Size64 k points; 256 k points optional.Minimum Waveform Size: 10 points.Vertical Resolution : 12 bits.Output Filters (Selectable): 20 MHz Elliptic (8pole), 40 MHz Elliptic (8 pole), 10 MHz Bessel (2pole), no filter.Waveform Sequencing : Up to 4 waveforms can be linked. Each waveform can have a repeat (loop)count of up to 65,535 or run continuously,conditional upon an external trigger event (repeat until event true). Additionally, a sequence ofwaveforms can be repeated up to 524,287 times or run continuously.Pulse WaveformsUp to 10 pulses may be independently programmed in a pulse pattern. Parameters that can beindependently programmed for each pulse are rise time, fall time, width, delay, and amplitude.For Periods ≤ 655 µs:Range: 100 ns to 655 µs.Resolution: 20 ns.Accuracy: ± 100 ppm.Rise/Fall:Fixed: 8 ns.Variable: 50 ns to 500 µs.Resolution: 8 ns.Accuracy: ± 0.1% ± 5 ns (< 8 ns for fixed rise/fall).Delay:Range: -600 to +600 µs.Resolution: 10 ns.Accuracy: ± 0.1% ± 5 ns.Width:Range: 10 ns to 655 µs.Resolution: 10 ns.Accuracy: ± 0.1% ± 5 ns.For Periods > 655 µs:Range: 655 µs to 10 s.Resolution: 4 digits.Accuracy: ± 100 ppm.Rise/Fall: 0.1% to 79% of period (or < 8 ns).Delay: -99.9% to +99.9% of period.Width: 0.002% to 99.9% of period.NoiseWhite (Analog) Noise:Uniform frequency distribution with programmable noise bandwidth.Noise BW Range: 10 mHz to 10 MHz.Sequence Length:Standard: 2n - 1, n = 6 to 16.With Option 002: 2n - 1, n = 6 to 17.Model 395Digital Noise:Digital noise provides a random 0,1 pattern with programmable sequence length.Clock Range: 10 mHz to 100 MHz.Sequence Length:Standard: 2n - 1, n = 6 to 16.With Option 002: 2n - 1, n = 6 to 17.Comb:Uniformly distributed frequency spectra within a well-defined frequency band.Start/Stop Range: 1 Hz to 10 MHz.Number of Lobes: 3 to 256.Signal-Plus-Noise, Signal-Plus-Comb: Adds analog noise or comb to any standard or arbitrary waveform with precise, controlled noise-to-signal ratio.N/S Ratio: 1% to 99% Vp-p.Resolution: 1%.Operational ModesContinuous: The selected waveform is output continuously at the programmed frequency. Gated: The selected waveform is output continuously at the programmed frequencywhile the selected trigger signal is true. Triggered: Upon transition of the selected trigger from false to true, the number of cycles specified by the count is output at the specified frequency. Burst count is programmable from 1 to 1,048,575. (One to 524,287 for waveform sequence operation.) Sweep: Frequency sweep.TriggeringTrigger Sources: 4 trigger sources: External TRIG IN BNC, internal trigger generator, front panel manual trigger key, and remote trigger command. Trigger Level: The trigger level at the TRIG IN BNC is programmable.Range: -10 V to +10 V.Trigger Slope: Positive or negative.Internal Trigger SourceRange: 200 ns to 1000 s.Resolution: 100 ns limited by 6 digits.Sync OutputSync output can be selected from among the following 7 sources: waveform sync, trigger signal, burst done, loop done, sweep marker,position marker, pen lift.ModulationFor both standard and arbitrary waveforms. Internal Frequency ModulationCarrier SignalSource: Sine Wave Center Frequency Range: 0.01 Hz to 40 MHzDeviation Frequency Range: 0.01 Hz to 40 MHz.Note: Center frequency plus deviation frequencymust be ≤ 40 MHz.Modulating SignalSource: Any waveform except noise, AM, FM, orpulse.Modulation Frequency Range: 0.01 Hz to 40 MHz.Internal Amplitude ModulationModesAM: 0 to 200% modulationSCM: 200% modulationCarrier SignalSource: Sine waveCarrier Frequency Range: 0.01 Hz to 40 MHzModulating SignalSource: Any waveform except noise, AM, FM, orpulse.Modulation Frequency Range: 0.01 Hz to 40 MHz.External Amplitude ModulationNormal AM: 0 to 100% modulation.Suppressed Carrier Modulation (SCM):± 100% modulation.Signal SummingExternal signals can be summed directly to theModel 395 output through the SUM IN BNC.SweepStandard and arbitrary waveforms can be swept.Sweep Start/StopRange: 1 mHz to 20 MHz.Resolution: 4 digits limited by 1 mHz.Sweep TimeRange: 30 ms to 1000 s.Resolution: 1 ms.Sweep Types:Sweep off, continuous, continuous with reverse,triggered, triggered with reverse, triggered withhold, triggered with hold and reverse, and manual.Sweep Spacing:Linear and logarithmic.OutputsReference Output (50 Ω):TTL level into open circuit; > 1.2 Vp-p .Main Output (50 Ω):Output may be selected on or off.A M Input (2.5 kΩ): ± 2.5 V.Sweep Output (1 kΩ): 0 to 10 V rampproportional to completion of sweep.Sync Output (50 Ω)Low Level: < 0.4 V into 50 Ω.High Level: > 2.0 V into 50 Ω.Rise/Fall Time: < 7 ns.InputsTrigger Input (2 kΩ)Level: ± 10 V (programmable).Maximum Frequency: 10 MHz.Sum Input (600 Ω)Level: ± 5 Vp-p max.Bandwidth: > 30 MHz.Protection: Over-voltage to ± 10 V.Reference Input (5 kΩ)Level: 1 Vp-p minimum, 10 Vp-p maximum;50 Vdc maximum.Frequency: 10 MHz ± 5%.GeneralRemote OperationRS-232 interface is standard. IEEE-488.2 (SCPIcompatible) GPIB interface is optional.EnvironmentDesigned to MIL-T-28800C Class 5.Temperature Range: Operates from 0° to+50°C: -20° to +70°C for storage.Dimensions: 35.6 cm (14.00 in) wide,13.3 cm (5.22 in) high, and 39.4 cm (15.5 in) deep.Weight: Approximately 7.7 kg (17 lb) net;10.0 kg (22 lb) shipping.Power: 90 to 132, 198 to 252 volts rms;48 to 440 Hz; 1 phase; < 80 VA.Ordering InformationModel 395: 100 MHz synthesized ArbitraryWaveform Generator with serial cable and QuickStart Demo Disk.Option 001: IEEE-488 Interface/Direct DSOWaveform TransferOption 002: 256k Extended MemoryOption 004: Rack Mount KitModel 485: WaveForm DSP, Windows-basedsoftware for creating and editing complex waveforms.Model 3954。
midas-调音台中英对照表M32面板中英文对照表1、CONFIG/PREAMP:配置/前置放大2、Home :首页3、GAIN :前置放大器4、Meters :音量输出栏5、FREQUENCY :频率6、ROUTING :路由配比7、VIEW :视图8、EFFECTS :效果器9、GATE :门10、MUTE GRP:静音编组11、THresh :阈值12、UTILITY :通用程序13、Dymanica :动态压缩14、MONITOR :监听15、EQUALISER :均衡16、MONITOR LEVEL:监听音量17、WIDTH :宽度18、STEUP :设置19、HIGH :高频20、LIBRARY :预设21、HI MID:中高频22、Phones LEVEL:话筒音量23、LO MID:中低频24、DIM :监听内部放大25、LOW :低频26、TALK BACK:对讲话筒27、MODE :模式28、EXT MIC:话筒插口29、HCUT :高切30、TALK LEVEL:话筒音量31、HSHV :水平增加,衰减32、TALK A:话筒A 33、PEQ :Q 值大小34、TALK B:话筒 B 35、LSGV :水平增加衰减36、DAW REMORE:声卡配比37、LCUT :低切38、SEL :锁定39、BUS SENDS:总线输出40、SOLO :单独41、RWCORDER :录音机42、INPORT :输入43、ACCESS :访问44、AUX IN:辅线输出45、MAIN BUS:总线46、BUS MAST:总线输出47、M/C LEVEL:单声道/中置音量48、FADER MAINC:推子组设置49、PAN/BAL:声向50、GROUP DCA:编组51、MONO CENTRE:单声道52、BUS :总线53、MAIN STEREO:主立体声54、MTX MAINC:输出阻拦55、SHOW CONTRL:线视控件56、LAST :上一个57、NEXT :下一个58、UNDO :撤销59、ASSIGN :分配60、SET :集合M32系统界面中英文对照表HOME 键一、Home :1、IN :进2、48:48伏供电3、Φ:4、Delay :延时5、Locat :低切6、Link :线路输入7、Gain :增益8、Gate :噪声门9、Thersh :阈值10、E Q:均衡11、Dymanica :动态压缩12、Comp :压缩比13、INS :直进直出14、OUT :出15、MONO :单声道16、MUTE :静音17、L R:左右总输出19、SAFE :安全模式20、DCA :编组模式21、MUTE GROUP:静音编组22、POST :在、、、之后23、COMD EXP:24、CHANNEL :通道25、ASSIGN :分配26、Fader :推子二、config :配置1、input Level:输出电平2、LINK :线路输入3、LO CUT:低切4、DELAY :延时5、INSERT :直进直出6、LINK :线路输入7、LO CUT:低切8、SOURCE :源9、INS POS:插入点10、CONNECT :链接三、gate :噪声门1、RANGE :范围2、ATTACK :开启时间3、HOLD :持续时间4、RELEASE :恢复时间5、KEY FILTER:滤波器6、FRAQ :阈值7、SLOPE/Q:Q 值8、THEWSHOLD :9、MODE :模式10、ATTACK :开启时间11、HOLD :持续时间12、RELEASE :恢复时间13、RANGE :范围14、ACTIVE :15、KEY SOURCE:信号来源16、FILT FREQ:滤波频率17、SELECT :选择18、KEY SOLO:独奏四、dyn :限幅1、RATIO :比值2、KNEE :拐点3、ATTACK :开启时间4、MIX :混合5、COMP :压缩器6、EXP :口7、PEAK :峰值8、RMS :比值9、LIN :锁定10、LOG :退出11、AUTO :12、PRO EQ:EQ 前五、EQ :均衡1、LOW CUT:低切2、LOW :低频3、LOW MID:中低频4、HIGH MID:中高频5、HIGH :高频6、FREQ :频率7、MODE :模式8、BAR :9、SPEC :规格10、RTA PRE:预设置11、RESTE :选择12、RESTE ALL:全部选择六、SENDS :发送1、POST FADER:推子后2、IN\LC:插入点3、PRO EQ:EQ 前4、POST EQ:EQ 后5、PRO :在,,, 之前6、SCROLL :从上到下移动7、JUMP+4:8、MODE1\2:七、MAIN :主输出1、LR+MONO:左右+单声道2、LCR :左中右3、LEFT :左4、MONO :单声道5、RIGHT :右6、MONO LVI:单声道METERS 键一、CHANNEL :通道1、INPUT CHANNEL:输入通道2、GAIN REDUCTION GATE:增益降低门3、GAIN REDUCTION DYN:增益衰减动力学三、AUX\FX:辅线\效果二、MIX BUS:混合总线1、MATRIX :矩阵2、MAIN BUS:主要的总线3、M\C:1、AUX SENDS:辅线输出2、AUX RETURNS:辅线返回3、ST FX RETURNS:总线效果返回四、IN\OUT:进\出1、INPUTS :输入2、AES\EBU:3、MONITOR :监控4、P16 UITRANET OUYPUTS:五、RTA :1、PRE EQ:预均衡2、SPECTROGRAPH :摄谱仪3、USE RTA SOURCE:使用RTA 源4、POST GEQ:均衡后5、SOLO PRIORITY:优先6、SELECTED CH:选择通道7、MONITOR :监控8、PEAK HOLD:峰值保持9、BAR :10、SPEC :规格11、DECAY :衰减12、PEAK :峰值13、RMS :表14、AUTO GAIN:自动增益15、EQ OVERTAY:均衡叠加16、PRE :在,,,之前17、SOURCE :信号18、SET :集ROUTING 键一、HOME :菜单1、CHANNEL PROCESSING BIOCK PATCH :通道处理2、INPUTS 1-8:输入1-83、INPUTS 9-16:输入6-164、INPUTS 17-24:输入17-245、INPUTS 25-32:输入25-326、AUX IN REMAP:辅线映射7、AES50 A:8、AES50 B:9、CONNECTED DEVICES:链接的设备10、CONNECT :链接一、AUX 1-161、ANALOG OUTPUT:模拟输出2、EDIT OUTPUT ASSIGNMENT:输出分配3、CURRENT SETTING:当前设置4、MAIN L:主要5、POST FADER:推子后6、CATEGORY :类别7、DIRECT OUT:直接输出8、OUTPUT SIGNAL:输出信号9、TAP :阀门10、IN\LC:插入11、PRE EQ:EQ 之前12、POST EQ:EQ 之后13、PRE FDR:推子之前二、AUX OUT :辅线输出三、P16 OUT1、DIROUT CH 01:2、IQ SPEAKER:扬声器3、NONE :没有4、LIVE :音量大小5、SPEECH :演讲6、PLAY BACK:播放7、USER :用户8、MODEL :模式9、SPERKER GROUP:编组四、CARD OUT:1、EXPANSION CARD OUTPUTS 1-8:扩展卡的输出1-82、EXTERNAL CONNECTION STATUS:外部的连接状态五、AES50-A :六、AES50-B :七、XIR OUT:SETUP 键一、GLOBAL :全球1、FIRMWARE :固件2、SYSTEM CONTROL:系统控制3、SHUT DOWN:关闭4、REBOOT :重新启动5、UPDATE FW:更新固件6、SAMPLE RATE:采样率7、SYNCHRONIZATION :同步8、INITIALIZATION :初始化9、CONSOLE :操控台10、SHOW DATA:数据显示11、LIBRARIES :图书馆12、FACTORY RST:原厂设置13、TIME\DATA:时间数据14、MAIN LCD BRIGHTNESS:主屏亮度15、LEDBRIGHTNESS:LED 亮度16、CHANNEL LCD CONTRAST:通道液晶17、BRIGHE :亮度一、CONFIG :配置1、CONFIRM POP-UPS:确认pop-ups2、GENERAL :一般3、OVERWRITE :覆盖4、SCENE LOAD:现场负荷5、GENERAL PREFS:一般参数6、SCENE GO NEXT:下一个场景7、SAFE MAIN LEVEIS:推子保护8、12G CLOCK MODE:12G 时钟模式9、SHOW CONTROL:显示控制10、CUES :线索11、SCENES :场景12、SNIPPETS :片段13、VIEW PREFERENCES:个人偏好14、RETURN TO LAST:回到上级15、SEF FOLLOWS BANK:16、AUTO SELECT:自动选择17、MUTE SYSTEM:静音系统18、HARD MUTES:强制静音19、DCA GUOUPS:DCA 编组20、INVERT LEDS:转化LED21、LINK PREFERENCES:输入的偏好22、DELAY+HALINK:延时+ 23、EQLINK :EQ 输入24、DYNAMICS LINK :压缩输入25、MUTE\FADER LINK :静音\推子输入26、M\C DEPENDS ON MAIN L\R:27、PANNING MODE:全景模式28、LR+MONO:左右+中置29、LCR+ENABLE:30、BUS PRE-CONFIGURATION:BUS 输出配置三、REMOTE :远程1、REMOTE SECTION:远程部分2、REMOTE BUTTON:遥控按钮3、ENADLE :4、REMOTE PROTOCOL:远程协议5、MACKIE MCU:6、MACKIE HUI:7、GENETIC CC:8、REMOTE INTERFACE:远程接口9、MIDI IN\OUT:10、CARD MIDI:11、RTP MIDI:12、MIDI CONTROL INTERFACE:13、MIDI RECELVE:14、PEOG CHANGE:15、FADER POS CC:16、CH MUTE CC:17、CH PAN CC:18、MIDI TRANSMIT:19、MIDI SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE:20、OSC OVER MIDI SYSEX:四、NETWORK :网络1、IP ADDRESS:IP 地址2、SUBNET MASK:子网掩码3、GATEWAY :网关五、SCRIBBLE STRIP:自定义1、CHANNEL :通道2、COLOR :颜色3、LCON :图标4、SNIPPETS :片段5、NAME :名字六、PREAMPS :前置放大器1、PREAMP BLOCKS:前置放大器模块2、PREAMP CONTROLS:前置放大器控制3、SELECTED DEVICS:选择器件4、GLOBAL OPTIONS:全局选项5、LOCK STAGEBOX:锁定6、HA GAIN SPLIT:增益分裂7、HA REMOTE:遥控8、AES50 PORT A aes50协议A 口9、AES50 PORT B aes50协议b 口七、CARD :1、DN32-USB 32IN\32OUT USB CARD:录音信号32进32出2、CONFIGURATION :配置LIBRARY 键一、CHANNEL :通道1、RECALL SCOPE:召回范围2、HEAD AMP:前置放大器3、CONFIGURATION :配置4、GATE :门5、COMPRESSOR :压缩6、EQUALIZER :均衡器7、SENDS\MAIN:发送\主8、PRESET LIBRARY:预置库一、EFFECTS :效果1、SELECT FX SLOT:选择FX 槽2、EFFECT 1:效果1通道3、VINTAGE ROOM:老式的房间4、BIG CONCERT:大型演唱会5、VOCAL PLATE:发声板6、CATHEDRAL :大教堂7、ECHO HANGAR:回声库8、DRUM TREAT:老式的混响9、SOUND STAGE:舞台音响10、PHIL ’S DRUMS:11、ACK WATDS:12、MEMORY MAN:立体声延迟13、THIRD GEOOVE:14、CANYON :峡谷15、DANISH CHOR:立体声合唱一、ROUTING :路由1、RECALL PATCHING SCOPE:2、CHANNEL IN:通道3、ANAIOG OUT:模拟输出4、AUX OUT:辅线输出5、P16 OUT:p16输出6、CARD OUT:声卡输出7、AES50 OUT:aes50协议输出8、XLR OUT:主输出EFFECTS 键一、HOME :菜单1、FX1-4(SIFE-CHAIN\INSERT) :FX1-42、FX5-8(INSERT) :FX5-8插入MUTE GRP键1、MUTE GROUP:静音编组UTILITY 键一、PRESET :预设1、RECALL SCOPE:召回范围2、HEAD AMP:前置放大器3、CONFIGURATION :配置4、GATE :门5、COMPRESSOR :压缩6、EQUALIZER :均衡器7、SENDS\MAIN:发送\主8、SCROLL :从上到下移动9、LOAD PRESET:载入预设10、SAVE PRESET:保存预置11、DELETE :删除12、COPY :复制13、PASTE :粘贴MONITOR 键一、MINITOR :监测1、SOLO OPTIONS:监听选项2、EXCLUSIVE(LAST) :单独3、SOLO FOLLOWS SELECT:监听如下选择4、SELECT FOLLOWS SOLO:选择如下监听5、CHANNEL SOLO AFL:通道监听6、MIXBUS SOLO AFL:总线监听7、DCA SOLO AFL:编组监听8、USE DIM FOR PFL:放大电路预监听9、USE MASTERFADER:主音量调节10、MID ATTEN:11、SOURCE :信号源二、TALKBACK A:对讲A1、TALK SIGNAL A\B:通话信号2、TALKBACK A\B:对讲3、ENABLE :使用4、ENABLE TALKBACK:使用对讲5、TALK DESTINATION A:通话目的地6、MONITOR DIM MODE A:监控待机模式7、AUTO :自动8、BUTTON MODE A:按键模式9、LATCH :门闩10、LAMP DIM:11、LAMP :灯12、12V DC:12v 自流电三、TALKBACK B:对讲B四、OSCILLATOR :振荡器1、TONE :音2、FREQUENCY :频率3、OSCILLATOR TYPE:振荡器类型4、SINE WAVE:正弦波5、PINK NOISE:粉红噪声6、WHITE NOISE:白噪声7、DESTINATION :目的地8、GENERATE :生成9、FREQ :频率。
SIA 的基本操作攻略进几年,在现场的SR 作业里,总是会携带一些各人的装备,如手提电脑或者是一些处理器啦,或是一些你善用的效果器。
早期,一般条件好些的硬件系统在架设完后,都会有一些校准的动作,当然会使用到一些仪测的设备,通常有的就是Gold Line,或是audio control 这类的频谱分析仪,这些工具虽然只是简单的LED 灯光排列显示信息,不过却能给人信赖与放心。
频谱分析工具,它们的单位离不开分贝dB、音压值SPL、等响加权,为何要介绍它呢?使用的环境国际化嘛,支持的厂商多嘛,还有它的前身就是JBL 那一套软件,然后老板们买得起。
SmaartLive 5 是一套双信道,采用FFT 数学运算转换为基础的量测软件,它可以实时分析音场频谱设备,或是声音档案的相位、时间等工具,也可遥控调整有支持软件的喇叭处理器,算是在数字软件仪表里,属于便宜又准确的东东。
批注:FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅立叶转换or 傅氏转换),法国数学、物理学家。
17岁(1785 ) 回乡教数学,1794到巴黎,成为高等师范学校的首批学员,次年到巴黎综合工科学校执教。
In mathematical terms, sine waves are represented using a trigonometric function, known as a sine wave or sinusoidal function. The most basic form of a sine wave is defined by the following equation which shows the relationship between an angle θ and the a mplitude A of the wave at any given moment in time t:y=A sin((2πft)+θ)在数学上,正弦波使用三角函数进行表示,也称之为正弦波函数。
正弦波的最基本形式可以用下面的方程来进行定义,该方程显示了时间t 内角度θ与波形振幅A之间的关系:y=A sin((2πft)+θ)Function representations of sine waves can also be shown graphically. When graphed, the wave will have an oscillatory shape, with a smooth and continuous curve that has a constant amplitude, or height, and a constant period, or time elapsed between two points on the wave.正弦波也可以通过函数形式来进行图形表示。
三极管高频振荡器电路英文回答:High-Frequency Transistor Oscillator Circuit.Introduction.Transistor oscillators are electronic circuits that generate periodic waveforms. They are used in a widevariety of applications, such as radio transmitters, clocks, and frequency synthesizers. High-frequency transistor oscillators are capable of generating waveforms with frequencies in the megahertz (MHz) or even gigahertz (GHz) range.Circuit Design.The basic design of a high-frequency transistoroscillator is shown in Figure 1. The circuit consists of a transistor, a resonant circuit (L1 and C1), and a feedbackresistor (R1). The transistor is connected in a common-emitter configuration, and the resonant circuit is connected between the collector and emitter terminals. The feedback resistor is connected between the base and collector terminals.Operation.When the circuit is powered on, the transistor begins to conduct. This causes current to flow through the resonant circuit, which causes the voltage across the resonant circuit to oscillate. The oscillating voltage is then fed back to the base of the transistor through the feedback resistor, which causes the transistor to continue conducting. This process continues, resulting in a continuous oscillation.The frequency of the oscillation is determined by the resonant frequency of the resonant circuit. The resonant frequency is given by the following equation:f = 1 / (2π√LC)。
下面是一个简单的C语言程序,用于生成正弦波数据:```c#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>void generateSineWave(float frequency, float sampleRate,float duration)int numSamples = (int)(duration * sampleRate);float dt = 1.0 / sampleRate;for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)float t = i * dt;float value = sin(2 * PI * frequency * t);printf("%f\n", value);}int maifloat frequency = 440.0; // 正弦波频率为440Hz,即音符A4 float duration = 1.0; // 时长为1秒generateSineWave(frequency, sampleRate, duration);return 0;```在上面的代码中,`generateSineWave`函数接受频率、采样率和时长作为参数,并计算出样本数量`numSamples`以及每个样本的时间间隔`dt`。
第52卷第7期电力系统保护与控制Vol.52 No.7 2024年4月1日Power System Protection and Control Apr. 1, 2024 DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.231305基于ISGMD-DHT的电压暂降特征提取方法研究郭 成1,代剑波1,杨灵睿1,何 觅2,杨发宇2(1.昆明理工大学电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500;2.云南电网有限责任公司昆明供电局,云南 昆明 650000)摘要:针对电压暂降特征信号在谐波、噪声环境下的准确提取问题,提出了一种基于迭代辛几何模态分解-差值希尔伯特变换(iteration symplectic geometry mode decomposition-difference Hilbert transform, ISGMD-DHT)的提取方法。
关键词:辛几何模态分解;电压暂降;特征提取;差值希尔伯特变换;辛几何分量A voltage sag feature extraction method based on ISGMD-DHTGUO Cheng1, DAI Jianbo1, YANG Lingrui1, HE Mi2, YANG Fayu2(1. Faculty of Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;2. Kunming Power Supply Bureau, Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd., Kunming 650000, China)Abstract: Aiming at the accurate extraction of voltage sag characteristic signals in harmonic and noisy environments, an extraction method based on iteration symplectic geometry mode decomposition-difference Hilbert transform (ISGMD-DHT) is proposed. First, the reconstruction trajectory matrix is constructed based on the Hamiltonian matrix and symplectic QR decomposition, and the initial symplectic geometric component is obtained by combining with the symplectic geometric similarity transformation. Secondly, the initial symplectic geometric component is fitted according to the similarity criterion and the residual component is calculated, and then the trajectory matrix is constructed according to the residual component. Next, the above operations are repeated until the iteration termination condition is satisfied to obtain the final independent symplectic geometric components. Finally, the sag characteristic quantities are extracted by the difference Hilbert transform. The analysis of simulation and measured data show that the proposed method can accurately extract the sag feature quantity under severe noise and harmonic disturbance.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52367002).Key words: symplectic geometric mode decomposition; voltage sag; feature extraction; difference Hilbert transform;symplectic geometric components0 引言随着社会经济水平的发展,电压暂降已成为最严重的电能质量问题之一[1-2],相较于其他电能质量问题,电压暂降发生频繁,极易造成电子工业用户的敏感设备故障、导致工业用户巨大的经济损失[3-4]。