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2如何在家自学好英语口语一、创造英语环境我们必须看到,语言归根结底是人们交流思想以进行社会交往的工具.其本身的属性,就决定了它最好是能在一定形式的共同使用中来学习.特别是当我们想要全面地学习一种语言,即从听、说、读、写以至于译五个方面来学习并掌握它,即达到“五会〞时,假设只是一书(教科书)在手,毫无外界的条件,那是会很困难的.所谓外界条件,包括老师(或比自己先走几步的人)间或的指点(口头或书面)、英语电视广播节目、〔电脑〕网络资料、录音机及磁带、收音机、参照书、工具书以及一定的阅读材料等.我们知道,马克思时常把自己用英语写的文章寄给恩格斯请他改正(当然也包括内容方面);列宁和克鲁普斯卡娅虽经过一段认真的自学,但初到伦敦时却发现自己所说的英语无人能懂,而当地人讲的话他们也如闻天书,因而不得不通过各种途径从头学习口语.可以想象,要学习英语发音和朗诵,却从来没有听到过任何人或人们通过机器(电脑、电视、磁带或收音机等)发出这些声音,单凭文字上对发音器官位置的描述,怎能正确地学好语音呢?没有听到英语的机会,如何学会听懂英语?至于只以培养阅读能力为目的者,至少要把自己所阅读的东西在心里念出声音来吧(哪怕念得不准确).否则,即使阅读也是很困难、很缓慢的.因为所谓“看书〞,即阅读,其实就是不出声地“念〞.因此,关于如何自学外语,我的第一个看法就是:假设要以“五会〞为目标,就必须想方设法获得或创造一定的外界条件,尤其是听外语的条件.二、创造英语听说机会对自学英语者来说,倘还可以利用电视、广播、磁带、网络等得到一定的“听〞的机会,则“说〞英语的机会就更少了.在这种状况下,无妨试一试下述这些方法:(一) 尽量将听和说的学习结合起来.在我们听磁带时,首先要把内容听懂,切忌对意思还不太理解,就单纯从学习语音语调的角度去模仿.一遍不懂,可以多听几遍.在听懂以后,就可以进行模仿.先是听一句,说一句;然后听一段,说一段,最后达到复述全文.倘我们对语音要求比较高,就可以一句一句地来模仿,直到惟妙惟肖.我们在听一段对话或一段文章或故事时,要“身临其境〞地听,一边听,一边头脑里有一幅所听内容的图画或人物的形象.这样,所听的东西,就会在头脑里留下深入的印象,也就有助于把听到的东西更好地转化为自己口头掌握的东西.(二) 利用背诵提升口语实在没有他人一起来学习会话时,要想培养口语能力,就只好多用背诵的办法.背课文,背对话(一个人充当几个角色),背得滚瓜烂熟.但不能停留在背诵上,而要逐渐转为“说〞,即在背诵的基础上有所发展,逐渐由少而多地加入一些自己的话.内容和语言都可以有所变化,从“照本宣科〞发展到灵活运用.这样,就可以将课文或会话材料从书本和磁带上的“死〞的东西,逐步转化为自己的“活〞的语言.(三) 选择适用的口语教材自学英语会话,就要选择一本适用的口语会话课本.目前不少英语自学者选择各种国外教材.这些教材,各有其特色及优缺点,都可以用.但对初学英语会话者来说,还是先用国内出版的、结合我们自己日常生活的会话课本为好.这种日常生活题材还可以包括我们在工作中接触外国友人的场景等.这样,题材内容比较熟悉,学到的语言也可以在实际生活和工作中加以运用,能够获得较好的学习效果.当然,我们决不排斥使用国外教材.相反,在我们学习外语的过程中,还应该尽可能早地接触国外编写的教材,由浅入深,逐步过渡到以原文教材为主.就培养听、说能力而言,更必须通过磁带等方式多听到外国人的声音,熟悉他们地道的英语语调及说话习惯.3英语口语怎么学好从简单句型开始学好英语口语必须从简单句型开始学起,也就是我们常说的基础。
以下是⽆忧考整理的常⽤的交际英语⼝语短句,欢迎阅读!1.常⽤的交际英语⼝语短句 1、I‘m home.我回来了。
2、I quit! 我不⼲了! 3、Let go! 放⼿! 4、Me too.我也是。
5、My god! 天哪! 6、No way! 不⾏! 7、Come on.来吧。
8、Hold on.等⼀等。
9、I agree。
10、Not bad.还不错。
11、Not yet.还没。
12、See you.再见。
13、Shut up! 闭嘴! 14、So long.再见。
15、Why not? 为什么不呢? 16、Allow me.让我来。
17、Be quiet! 安静点! 18、Cheer up! 振作起来! 19、Good job! 做得好! 20、Have fun! 玩得开⼼!2.英语⼝语如何进⾏⾃学 ⼀、练习听⼒,并模仿发⾳ 想要⾃学英语⼝语和掌握⼝语学习的技巧,就必须学好听⼒。
⼆、坚持每天朗读 朗读对于练习英语⼝语还是有很⼤的好处的。
三、积累词汇量 在英语⼝语学习中,最重要的就是词汇量。
Elite 515Open Your Mouth …Recite Powerful Sentences •…Maximize Your Effort •…Extremely Con fide ntial —For Your Eyes Only 在你手中的是我从来也没有想到要公开的东西。
它们在这儿……It's already 8:00. 都已经8点了!Morning, Joh n. 早晨好,约翰。
rm still sleepy. 我还困着呢!It's a nice day! 今天是个好天!It sure is. 是不错啊。
How late were you up last night? 昨晚你熬夜了? *stay up late 睡得晚” 熬夜”You left the light on. *left (leave) 是保持某种样子”、保持某种状态”的意思,表达电灯一直开着” 发动机一直开着” 窗户一直开着”也可以用这种句型。
I'm a night person. 我是个夜猫子。
Coffee gets me goi ng. 我是用咖啡来提神的。
I'll see you whe n I get back. 我回来后去见你。
It's upside dow n. 底儿朝天了。
It's your turn to take out the garbage. 今天该你扔垃圾了。
*garbage 也可以用trash和rubbish替代。
What are you doing today? Hurry up or we'll be late. What time is it? 现在几点?今天你干什么?快点儿, 我们该迟到了。
1. [ai][si]I see.我明白了。
2.[ai][kwit]I quit!我不干了!3. [let][ɡəu]Let go!放手!4. [mi][tu:]Me too.我也是。
5. [mai][ɡɔd]My god!天哪!6. [nəu][wei]No way!不行!7. [kʌm][ɔn]Come on.来吧(赶快)8. [həuld][ɔn]Hold on.等一等。
9. [ai][əɡri:]I agree。
10. [nɔt][bæd]Not bad.还不错。
11.[nɔt][jet]Not yet.还没。
12.[si] [ju:]See you.再见。
13.[ʃʌt] [ʌp]Shut up!闭嘴!14.[səu][lɔŋ]So long.再见。
15. [hwai][nɔt]Why not?好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. [ə’lau][mi]Allow me.让我来。
17. [bi:][kwaiət]Be quiet!安静点!18. [tʃɪə(r)][ʌp]Cheer up!振作起来! 19.[ɡud][dʒɔb]Good job!做得好!20. [hæv][fʌn]Have fun!玩得开心!21. [hau][mʌtʃ]How much?多少钱?22. [aim][ful]I’m full.我饱了。
23. [aim][həum]I’m home.我回来了。
24. [aim][lɔ:st]I’m lost.我迷路了。
25.[mai][tri:t]My treat.我请客。
26. [səu][du][ai]So do I.我也一样。
27. [ðis][wei]This way。
28. [ɑ:ftə][ju:]After you.您先。
29. [bles][ju:]Bless you! 祝福你!30.[fɔləu][mi]Follow me.跟我来。
记熟这些句⼦旅游英语轻松⾃由⾏!转载⾃:英语⼝语达⼈!如有版权问题,请联系我们!特此感谢!记住:有趣的灵魂万⾥挑⼀ ! (点击关注)过关、住宿、换外币、打车、问路、购物、点菜......出境旅游免不了要说英语就怕临时憋不出⼀个完整的句⼦出国英语渣Don't worry⼝语君为你整理了出国必备英语句⼦让你放⼼出国玩!交通篇1.Excuse me,where is boarding gate one? 请问1号登机⼝在哪?2.Hi,where can I get the boarding pass for flight CA982? 问航请班CA982(航班号)在哪换登机牌?3.Where can I get my baggage/luggage? 我在何处可取得⾏李?4.Is there an airport bus to center city? 这⾥有从机场去市中⼼的巴⼠吗?5.Where is the bus stop? 巴⼠车站在哪⾥?6.How much does it cost to take a taxi to center city? 乘计程车到市中⼼需要多少钱?7.Keep the change.不⽤找钱了。
8.Take me to this address,please.请拉我去这个地址。
9.How long does it take to go to center city?到市中⼼需要多长时间?10.Stop here,please.请停在这⾥。
11.What time is the departure?⼏点发车?12.Where can I get a ticket?在哪⾥买票?13.Where can I catch a taxi?哪⾥我可以叫到出租车?14.I'd like to cancle my reservation to London.我想取消我预定的去伦敦的航班。
1. I[ai] see[si].我明白了。
2. I[ai] quit[kwit]!我不干了!3. Let[let] go[ɡəu]!放手!4. Me[mi] too[tu:].我也是。
5. My[mai] god[ɡɔd]!天哪!6. No[nəu] way[wei]!不行!7. Come[kʌm] on[ɔn].来吧(赶快)8. Hold[həuld] on[ɔn].等一等。
9. I[ai] agree[əɡri:]。
10. Not[nɔt] bad[bæd].还不错。
11. Not[nɔt] yet[jet].还没。
12. See[si] you[ju:].再见。
13. Shut[ʃʌt] up[ʌp]!闭嘴!14. So[səu] long[lɔŋ].再见。
15. Why[hwai] not[nɔt]?好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow[ə’lau] me[mi].让我来。
17. Be[bi:] quiet[kwaiət]!安静点!18. Cheer[tʃɪə(r)] up[ʌp]!振作起来!19. Good[ɡud] job[dʒɔb]!做得好!20. Have[hæv] fun[fʌn]!玩得开心!21. How[hau] much[mʌtʃ]?多少钱?22. I’m[aim] full[ful].我饱了。
23. I’m[aim] home[həum].我回来了。
24. I’m[aim] lost[lɔ:st].我迷路了。
25. My[mai] treat[tri:t].我请客。
26. So[səu] do[du] I[ai].我也一样。
27. This[ðis] way[wei]。
28. After[ɑ:ftə] you[ju:].您先。
现在也把他教给我的一些经验和技巧,以及自己摸索出来的一些注意事项,分享给各位亲哈~我们首先看一下口语的四大评分标准:a) 流利和连贯:•你停顿和犹豫的情况,•你重复自己语句的情况•你怎么整合自己的观点,•你说的是否有道理b) 词汇:•用的是普遍的低级词汇还是高级词汇,还是特殊的词汇•用的俚语的情况(口语化用词)•用的惯用搭配和谚语成语的情况c)语法:•你的语句犯了多少错误•你犯的错误的种类•你用的句子全是一样的简单句,还是有更复杂一些的句子d) 发音:•你发音的“英语味”•节奏及强调•发音是否清楚•吞音情况作为我们中国考生,很多烤鸭都是太注重句子的语法,在说话的时候,为了使句子语法没错,而牺牲词汇和流利度,而事实上,一般来说口语的评分标准流利大于词汇大于语法大于发音。
那么你可以准备一个套句,well, I believe a variety of reasons lead to this situation.2.记住,语法最多只占25%的分数。
800句最常用英语口语1. Ice-cream is popular among children.冰淇淋深受孩子们的欢迎。
2. I'd like to get this film developed.我要冲洗这卷胶卷。
3. In a word,I am tired of everything.总之,我对一切都很厌倦。
4. Let us do it by ourselves,will you?我们自己做这件事,可以吗?5. May I know the quantity you require?请问你们需要多少数量的货物?6. Nobody has ever solved this problem.没有人曾解决过这个问题。
7. Our school covers 100 square meters.我们学校占地面积100平方米。
8. People enjoyed the stamps very much.人们非常喜爱这些邮票。
9. The editor over looked a print error.这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。
10. The sudden barking frightened Clara.突然的狗叫声吓坏了克拉拉。
11. The teams are coming onto the field.队员们都进场了。
12. There is a mark of ink on his shirt.他的衬衣上有一块墨迹。
13. There isn't any water in the bottle.瓶子里一点水也没有。
14. This joke has gone a little too far.这个玩笑开得有点过分了。
15. We arrived in London this afternoon。
16. We can't go out because of the rain.我们不能出去因为下雨了。
1. troubleshoot ['trʌblʃu:t]vt. 寻找故障;故障排解vi. 充当故障检修员troubleshoot: 故障寻找2. sleep late睡懒觉3. pottery ['pɔtəri]n. 陶器;陶器厂;陶器制造术4. unlimited [,ʌn'limitid]adj. 无限制的;无限量的;无条件的5. miss out错过;遗漏;省略miss out: 遗漏| 错过| 省略6. delegate ['deliɡət, -ɡeit, 'deliɡeit]vt. 委派…为代表n. 代表7. dedicated ['dedikeitid]adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的v. 以…奉献;把…用于(dedicate的过去式和过去分词)8. extinguish [ik'stiŋɡwiʃ]vt. 熄灭;压制;偿清9. decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv]adj. 决定性的;果断的,坚定的Decisive: 决定性的| 果断| 确定10. squeeze into挤入…;硬塞进…11. fabulous ['fæbjʊləs]adj. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的12. quote [kwəʊt]vt. 报价;引述;举证vi. 报价;引用;引证n. 引用13. hedgehog ['hedʒ(h)ɒg]n. 刺猬14. embroider [ɪm'brɒɪdə; em-]vt. 刺绣;装饰;镶边vi. 绣花;刺绣15. auction ['ɔ:kʃən]vt. 拍卖;竞卖n. 拍卖16. alliance [ə'laiəns]n. 联盟,联合;联姻Alliance: 联盟美国通用智联17. evict [i'vikt]vt. 驱逐;逐出18. incentive [in'sentiv]n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的19. to the limit []到顶点;到最大限度to the limit: 到顶点惊爆死亡线直到尽头20. yearn for []渴望yearn for: 渴望,向往|渴望|渴思,想望。
背完,你的英语口语绝对不成问题了1. I see.我明白了。
2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too.我也是。
5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on.来吧(赶快)8. Hold on.等一等。
9. I agree。
10. Not bad.还不错。
11. Not yet.还没。
12. See you.再见。
13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long.再见。
15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow me.让我来。
17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I'm full.我饱了。
23. I'm home.我回来了。
24. I'm lost.我迷路了。
25. My treat.我请客。
26. So do I.我也一样。
27. This way。
28. After you.您先。
29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me.跟我来。
31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise.我保证。
35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. Take care! 保重!38. They hurt.(伤口)疼。
39. Try again.再试试。
40. Watch out! 当心。
41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 44. Don't move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。
日常简单实用英语口语1. I’m looking forward to a prompt reply.盼迅速答复。
2. It is an excellent novel in every way.无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。
3. It is clear that the cat has eaten it!很明显,是猫偷吃的!4. Nothing but death can part the couple.除了死之外,什么也拆不散这一对。
5. Now she looks pale as if she were ill.现在她脸色难看,好像病了一样。
6. She was injured badly in the accident.她在这次意外中受到重伤。
7. The secret was spread among the crowd.秘密在人群当中传播开来。
8. The two brothers look very much alike.这兄弟俩看上去很相像。
9. Their interest is listening to others.他们的兴趣是听别人说话。
10. There was a notice in the supermarket.超市里有一个布告。
11. This one cannot compare with that one.这个与那个无法比较。
12. To know everything is to know nothing.样样通,样样松。
13. To tell the truth, I don’t like disco.说实话,我不喜欢迪斯科。
14. True and False have opposite meanings. 真与假含义完全相反。
测试句1. 事情已经到这一步了,那也只好这样了。
测试句2. 我不忍心告诉她真相。
测试句3. 不是我不想这么做,而是我不能这么做。
根据我的抽样调查和统计,我们90%的大学生、职场白领都难以用英语正确流利地表达这3个普通的汉语句子:1. If it has come to this, then so be it.2. I don’t have the heart to tell her the truth.3. (It’s) not that I don’t want to do it, (it’s that) I can’t.为什么? 让我们来分析一下上面这三个句子。
我们大部分人不会说If it has come to this, then so be it,是因为我们虽然早在小学或初中就学过了这句话中的10个单词, 却不清楚或不熟悉come to this和so be it这两个短语,而这条短语却是美国、英国人家喻户晓的;我们之所以说不出I don’t have the heart to tell her the truth, 是因为我们虽然早就学过了have和heart, 却不清楚或不熟悉don’t have the heart to do sth这个短语,而这句话在英语国家却相当于我们中文里的“您吃了吗”那么普通;我们之所以说不出It’s not that I don’t want to do it, it’s that I can’t.,是因为我们虽然在学校里学过了表语从句,我们知道它是什么东西,见了这样的句子或许能辨认得出来,在考卷上看到空格或许会填,可是一但碰到白皮肤蓝眼睛的老外,我们的大脑却一片空白,什么从句也说不出来了。
七年级英语口语交际问答训练材料(田庄中学宿秋玲供稿)1.A: Hello! Nice to meet you!B: Hi! Nice to meet you, too.2.A: Do you love playing basketball? Why? / Why not?`B: Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Because it's interesting. / Because it's difficult.3.A: What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?B: I like..., but I don't like...4.A: Your sweater/ trousers is/are so beautiful. How much is it/are they?B: It's/They're ... Yuan/dollars.5.A: How old are you?B: I'm...years old.6.A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is on...7.A: When is your mother's / father's birthday?B: Her/ His birthday is on...8.A: When is Mother's Day?B: It's on the second Sunday in May.A: When is Father's Day?B: It's on the third Sunday in June.9.A: When is National Day?B: It's on October 1st.10.A: When is Children's Day?B: It's on June 1st.11.A: When is Women's Day?B: It's on March 8rd.12.A: When is New Year's Day?B: It's on January 1st.13.A: When is Christmas Day?B: It's on December 25th.14.A: When is Teachers' Day?B: It's on September 10th.15.A: What's your favorite subject? Why?B: It's... Because I think it's interesting/important...16.A: Who is your English/math/Chinese teacher?B: Mr / Mis Zhang.17.A: Do you like sports?B: Yes.18.A: What time do you usually go to school?B: I usually go to school at 7:30.19.A: How do you usually go to school?B: I usually go to school by bike/ on foot...20.A: How long does it take you to go to school?B: It takes me about... Minutes.21.A: Do you have any rules in your school?B: Yes.22.A: Do you like pandas?B: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.23.A: Where are lions from?B: They're from South Africa.24.A: What animals do you like?B: I like elephants.25.A: What time is it now?B: It's ...26.A: What's the weather like in your hometown in spring/summer/autumn/winter?B: It's warm/hot/cool/cold.27.A: How's it going?B: Not bad./ Great./Terrible/Pretty good.28.A: What do you look like?B: I'm of medium height, and I have long straight hair.29.A: What does your father/mother look like?B: He/She is tall...30.A: What did you do last weekend?B: I did my homework...31.A: How was your weekend?B: It was great.32.A: Why do you like playing football / basketball?B: Because it’s interesting.33.A: What do you do for your mother on Mother's Day / on her birthday?B: I give her some flowers.34.A: What do you do for your father on Father's Day?B: I often make meals for him.35.A: Do you like your Chinese teacher?B: Yes, I do.36.A: What sports can you play?B: I can play basketball.37.A: What do you have to do at school according to your school rules ?B: I have to wear uniforms and be quiet in the library. / I can't eat in class,38.A: Why do you like pandas? / Why do you not like pandas?B: Because they're cute. / Because they're lazy.39.A: Why do you like animals?B: Because they're cute. / Because they’re our friends.40.A: What day is it today?B: It’s …(据实回答)41.A: What date is it today?B: It’s …(据实回答)42.A: What’s the weather like today ? / How is the weather today?B: It’s …(据实回答)注:黑体为本单元重点句型,带图片的为看图提问题八年级英语口语交际问答训练材料(田庄中学侯亚萍供稿)八年级上册Unit11. Q: Where did you go on vacation?A: I went to the mountains.2. Q: Who did you go with?A: I went with my family.3. Q: Did you buy anything special?A: Yes, I bought something for my family. /No, I bought nothing. 4. Q:How was your vacation?A: Great! /Not bad …5. Q: What activities do you find enjoyable?A: Go to beach and visit museums.Unit21. Q: What do you usually do on weekends?A: I always exercise.2. Q: How often do you watch TV?A: I watch TV every day/twice a week…3. Q: What’s your favorite program?A: Animal World.4.Q: How many hours do you sleep every night?A: Nine.Unit31.Q: Who’s more hard-working in your class?A:×××2.Q: Are you as friendly as your sister?A: No, I’m not.Unit41.Q: What’s the best movie theater in your hometown?A: Moon Theater.2.Q: Why do you think so?A: Because I have the biggest screens.Unit51.Q: Do you want to watch a game show?A: Yes, I do.2.Q: What do think of game shows?A: They are OK, I don’t mind them./I like them.3.Q: What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?A: I can learn some great jokes.Unit 61Q: What do you want to be when you grow up ?A: I want to be a basketball player.2.Q: How are you going to do that?A: I’m going to practice basketball.3.Q: Where are you going to work?A: I’m going to work in Shanghai.4.Q: When are you going to start?A: I’m going to start when I finish high school and collage.5.Q: When do people usually make resolutions?A: The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. Unit 7:1. Q: Will people use money in 100 year?A: No, they won’t. / Yes, they will.2. Q: What’s your prediction about the future?A:I think there will be more pollution.3.Q: What will the future be like?A: Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees. Unit 8:1.Q: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich?A: Yes, I do.2.Q: Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?A: In the United States.3.Q: When do people celebrate Thanksgiving?A: On the fourth Thursday in November.Unit 9:1.Q: Can you come to my party?A: Sure, I’d love to.\ Sorry, I can’t.2.Q: What are you going to do on Sunday?A: I’m going to go to the movies.3.Q: What are you planning to do after school?A: I’m planning to play basketball.4.Q: What’s the date today?A: It’s June 15th.5.Q: What day is it today ?A: It’s Monday.6.Q: What’s today?A: It’s Monday the 15th.Unit 101.Q: What will happen if you don’t finish your homework?A: My teacher will be angry.2. Q: What problems do you have with schoolwork?A:八年级下册Unit11.Q:What’s the matter with July?A:She has a cold.2.Q:What should she do?A:She should go to the doctor.3.Q:Did nyou hurt yourself piaying soccer?A:No,I didn’tUnit31.Q:Could I use your computer?A:Yes,you can.\Sorry,I’m goin g to work on it now.2.Q:Could you please sweep the floor?A:Yes,sure.\ Sorry,I have to do my homework.Unit51. Q:What were you doing when the rainstorm came? A:I was on the street.2.Q:What was the girl doing?A:She was doing her homework.3.Q:What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? A:It was sunny.Unit71.Q:What’s the highest mountain in the world?A:Qomolangma2.Q:Which is the deepest salt lake in the world?A:The Caspian sea.Unit81.Q:Have you read Little Woman yet?A:No,I haven’t.2.Q:What’s it like?A:It’s fa ntasticUnit91.Q:Have you ever been to a museum?A:Yes, I have.九年级英语口语交际问答训练材料(田庄中学孙春英供稿)1. —How can you become a good learner ?—By studying harder.2.—How do you study for an English test ?—By working with a group.3.—What can we do to improve our English ?—We can listen to the teacher carefully in class and speak English with classmates after class.4. —What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?—I like the races best. / I like Zongzi best.5. —What did you do on your vacation ?—I visited my uncle.6. —How do people celebrate the Mid-Autum Festival?—They admire the moon and eat mooncakes.7. —When do people celebrate Halloween?—On October 31.8. —What do you often do on Mother's Day?—Buy some flowers for my mother.9. —Can you receive any money from your relatives on Spring Festival?—Yes.10. —Could you please tell me how to get to the library?—Go along this street ,it's on your right.11. —Where did you go on vacation ?—Qingdao.12. —What kind of food do you like?—I like seafood.13. —What did you use to be like?—I used to have long hair.14. —You used to be shy, didn't you?—Yes, I did.15. —What did you use to do?—Play soccer.16. —Which class did you use to like?—Music class.17. —What kind of music do you like?—The pop songs.18. —What is a computer used for?—It is used for learning more about the world.19. —What is the paper made of ?—Wood.20. —Who invented the paper?—Cai Lun.21. —Where is tea produced in Chain?—It's produced in many different areas.22. —Which art form would you like to learn ?—Paper cutting.23. —When was the telephone invented?—In 1876.24. —When was tea first drunk?—About 5,000 years ago.25. —How were potato chips invented?—By mistakes.26. —What should students be allowed to do after class?—They should be allowed to do the things they'd like to do.27. —What rules do you have at your school?—Don't run in the hallway. Don't eat in the classroom.28. —What do you think of your school?—It's beautiful.29. —Do you ever get to class late?—Yes, I do.30. —What is your dream job?—It's to be a teacher.31. —What's your hobby?—My hobby is running.32. —What do you want to be when you grow up?—I want to be an actor.33. —Do your parents support your dream?—No, they don't.34. —What are you doing to achieve your dream?—I'm studying hard at school.35. —Whose book is this?—It must be Mary's.36. —What kind of music do like?—I like music that I can dance to.37. —What are you doing this weekend?—I am going to travel.38. —What kind of movies do you like?—Action movies.39. —What kind of the most popular musical instrument did Abing play?—Erhu.40. —Why do you like Erquan Yingyue?—Because it's beautiful.41. —What are you supposed to do when we meet for the first time in Chain?—Shake hands.42. —Is it important to be on time in Switzerland?—Yes.43. —How do you feel about making mistakes when you speak English?—I feel uncomfortable.44. —Which restaurant would you like to go to?—I'd like to go to Blue Ocean restaurant.45. —What do you think of loud music?—It makes me nervous.46. —What makes you angry?—When people throw rubbish on the street.47. —What happened this morning?—I overslept.48. —Why were you late for class today?—Because my alarm clock didn't go off.49. —Were you fooled by anyone?—Yes.50. —What did you do on April Fool's Day?—I played jokes on my friends.51. —What kind of pollution do you know?—I know air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and so on.52. —What should we do to protect the earth?—We should plant more trees, clean up the street.53. —What is paper made from?—Wood.54. —What is paper used for?—It's used for writing.55. —Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school?—Mr. Li56. —What are your plans for next year?—I'm going to join the English club.57. —What are you looking forward to?—I'm looking forward to going to senior high school.58. —What do you hope to do in the future?—I hope to be a teacher.59. —Who has helped you most?—Mrs. Liu60. —What did you use to do?—I used to take dance lesson, but I don't do any more.。
日常英语口语900句:每天读2~4遍每天记5句一天2个小时学英文!我敢保证零基础的你!可以和老外们聊天和日常交流!建议要读对音标!可以用有道词典来配合!相信你自己!其实英语是们很好玩的游戏!不要怕丢人,大胆的读!游戏而已嘛,等你熟了,说明你的游戏玩的不错!一样的道理!我们开始吧就现在开始!1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。
4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。
6. How are you?你好吗?7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。
8. How is Helen?海伦好吗?9. She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。
10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。
11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。
12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?13. Good night,John.晚安,约翰。
14. Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。
15. See you tomorrow.明天见。
16. Come in,please. 请进!17. Sit down. 坐下!18. Stand up,please. 请站起来。
19. Open your book,please. 请把书打开。
20. Close your book,please. 请把书合上。
21. Don’t open your book. 别打开书。
22. Do you understand?你明白了吗?23. Yes,I understand. 是的,我明白了。
24. No,I don’t understand. 不,我不明白。
25. Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。
1. Could you please in troduce yourself briefly in 3 minu tes?My name is YinShuqi, I graduated from Liaoning Technical University in2011. My major is information and computing scienee. I passed College English Test band6 in the third year of my college. And after I got my bachelor of scienee degree, I came back to my hometown- Shenyang. Now I ' m working in Shenyang Liming Turbocharger as manager assistant and sales representative. My responsibilities can be briefly described as play a connecting role in the team, assist man ager in deali ng with daily works, and also com muni cate withour customers.I ' m a positive person and a good team player. I have a strong work ethic, can adapt to a new environment very quickly.That ' s all. Thanks2. Give me a summary of your curre nt job descripti on/What is your job resp on sibility?My curre nt job can be described as three main parts.First, I'm man ager's assista nt, I'm in charge with arranging orders ' product ion, delivery and after-sale service, Besides, I'm also in charge with arranging manager S daily schedule, preparing conferences and making conferen ces records, Updat ing customer files, play ing the connecting role in the team and do some other thi ngs that man agern eed me to do.Secon d, I S also resp on sible for develop ing pote ntial customers and maintaining old customers relati on ships, promoti ng compa ny S bra nd and products, receivi ng customers whe n they come to visit our factory.Third, I also prepare my company S auto parts exhibitions and attend these exhibitions.3. How much do you know about BBA (BMW Brillia nee Automotive)?BMW Brillia nee was foun ded in 2003 in Shenyang Dadong district. And with its rapidly developme nt, now it S one of the most known luxury car manufacturers in China. Its main produced cars are BMW 3series, BMW 5series Li and BMW X1.This year there S a new brand called Zinoro designed by BBA.Also, with the in creased dema nd, BBA has set up a new factory and an engine factory in Tiexi district. Theengine casting factory is also the second engine casting factory for BMW in the world.4. Please tell me something about your family.My family members are my father, my mother, my pet dog and myself. My parents run a small store in Shenyang, sell clothes, shoes and hats. We live in a first floor house in Shenhe district. And there s a small garde n for us to pla nt some vegetables and flowers.5. What is your pers on ality?I'm an en durable pers on, which means I can persist in trying un til I reach my goals. Also I 'm positive anden ergetic. So eve n in the dark days I can keep thi nking ways to get through.6. How do you spe nd your leisure time?In my leisure time, I could spend some time with my parents, reading some novels that interest me, surfingon the internet or hav ing some fun with my frie nds.7. Why do you want to work for BBA?First of all. Because BBA is one of the most famous luxury car manu facturers. Its cars, man age system and company culture attract me a lot.Secondly, my current job experience is related to this position. All the training and experience have made me well-prepared for it.Thirdly, BBA offers me everything I 've been looking for, both this position and its overall environment. Those are all the reasons I want to be part of BBA.8. Why do you want to leave your last/ previous job?My current company is nice, they teach me a lot and I really appreciate that. But after all, it 'sa small family company. And I couldn 't break through myself any more. So I want to look for a job that keeps me updating myself.9. What did you learn from your job?My job makes me learn how does a team work, and everything you do should think of the team first. I also learned how to manage things, how to make a program and how to communicate with different people.10. What did you contribute to your present company?I play a connecting role in my department. My job makes this team work more efficient and saves a lot of inner cost. And my job also saves more time for manager to do something more important. I also successfully maintain the relationships with our old customers and develop many potential customers.11. What is important to you in a new job?Keep updating, that means in my job I can keep updating myself and moving forward with company together.12. What is your greatest strength/weakness?I think my greatest strength is I have a good work ethic, I will try my best to do my job better.About my greatest weakness, because I 'm a perfectionist, so sometimes I maybe a little bit too strict to something or someone, include myself.13. How would your friends or colleagues describe you?I used to ask my friends or colleagues before. In their eyes, I 'm a girl like a sunflower, always positive, warm-hearted, smile a lot and diligent.14. How are you getting along with your colleagues/leader?Colleagues: Generally, we 're like a family. Even though sometimes we have different opinions in work. But we always like to help each other.Leader: When we are in work time, our relationship is manager and assistant, we both try to do our jobs better. But when we are out of work, we 're more like normal friends, talk about social news, our troubles.15. Could you describe a project that you ever led?Sure, managing exhibitions is part of my job. Like this year I 'm in charge with a Holland exhibition. First Ineed to contact with different exhibition companies. Take booth position, quotation, services, their strengths and weaknesses into consider, then choose the most competitive one. After that, I need to prepare for this fair. Contacting with oversea agency, choosing our exhibition products, designing how todecorate our stand, making previous promotion, also arranging our trips to Holland.When after this exhibition, I need to file out visitors information, making notes correspondingly. And then try to contact with them by emails.16. Have you met any difficulty in your job? How did you overcome it?Yes, actually I think part of my job is deal with difficulties. Because turbocharger is a very precise and complicated product. And assistant 'sjob is very comprehensive. So difficulties are inevitable. And I think the key to overcome difficulties is to catch the core of the difficulties, then work on the core, think of all the methods you could to solve the core.17. What is your understanding of the importance of your present job?My job plays a connecting role in the department. From the inside, my job makes our team work more efficient, saves a lot of inner cost; from the outside, my job also promotes our brand and our products.18. Can you work under pressure?Yes, one of my advantages is endurance. And in my opinion, pressure can also motivates you to do your job better. 19. Are you a good team player? And give me an example.Yes, when I arrange orders 'production and delivery, I need to work with all the staffs very well. Because all the steps are connected closely. First I need to check with stock department to see which raw materials we need to purchase.Then tell this result to purchase department. Also I need to communicate with produce department to rank all the orders according to their priority, then estimate when can we complete.At last, I need to inform the forwarder to pick up the goods on time.20. How do you handle failure?If I fail on something, first I want to see whether I can do something to make up. To minimize the lose.Then reflect the whole process, to see why am I fail? Then learn from this failure, avoid it happens again.21. How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues/leader in your work?When we have different opinions in work, first I need to calm down. Even though sometimes the others couldn 't. Then think on their points, why they think like that? To see whether I can adjust some to achieve a better result. Then try to let them understand my opinion.22. When you are in charge, how do you communicate and motive your colleagues?When I am in charge, we can talk on meetings regularly. Like where we are now or what are the problems? How can we handle? And I think a little praise can motivate people. Like good job, you really surprise me. I think this can create more wonderful ideas.23. How long would you like to stay with our company?BBA is my dream company, so I want to stay with it as long as the company need me to contribute to its growth and I can keep updating from my job.24. What is career objective?My career objective are to be more professional and maximize my value.25. What is your plan for the next five years if you joined in our company?In general, first I need to adapt to the new environment and familiar with my responsibilities as soon as学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。
英语口语考试问题及答案英语口语考试题目及答案1.Introduce yourself or your partner.I’ll introduce myself briefly to all of you. My name is Jia Caixia, and my English name is Jelena. I come from YULIN and I love my hometown very much. My family has five people, including my parents, my sister, my brother and I. But both of them have married last year and have their own baby now, I love them very much. In my spare time, I am fond of playing tennis, listening to music. In fact, I like playing basketball too, but I can’t play it well. My advantage is I can control myself well,and my disadvantage is I’m not very confident. But now I’m trying to overcome it. I am easygoing and I want to make friends with all of you. That’s on, thank you.2.Does it matter if a wife earns more money than a husband?As for this question, I’ll declare myself briefly. In modern society, women are equal to men, and women become more and more independent. Many women are competent to high-paying job. And husband also can do housework. So I think who earns more money is doesn’t matter. As long as we have a good division of labor, we’ll have a wonderful life.3.If you were given 100000 RMB to save, spend or invest, what would you do?I’ll buy a big house and go to the country I like. I’ll also donate some money to hope project. For the rest I’ll give it to my parents, then they can do what they want to do and invest to earn more money.plete the sentences to make them true for you:If I'd been born in a different country, I would like to born inIreland .It’s a beautiful country .Known as the garden of Europe. I would have different friends and communicate in English .IF so, I think I would come to China,traveling more city,tasting Chinese food and get to know the Chinese culture.5.Talk about the movie you have seen recently.I have watched Shawshank Redemption yesterday. And I have watched it many times, every time watching, there be a different feeling. The movie tells us that though our lives are very cruel, we should believein ourselves, don’t give up efforts, patiently waiting for the life of yourown brilliant. I like this movie very much.6. What’s your zodiac sign? Say some personal features describing the sign .My zodiac sign is Virgo. And the person who is Virgo is obsessive-compulsive and perfectionistic. And because of these feature,They are always criticized by others.7.Explain the meaning of the saying“Blood is thicker than water ”.Give an example."Blood is thicker than water" is used to imply that family ties (blood ) are always more important (thicker) than the ties you make among frien ds (water). It generally means that the bonds of family and common ances try are stronger than the bonds between unrelated people (such as friends hip.For example, when you are in trouble, your parents always give you help in the first place.8.Explain the meaning of the saying “Home is where the heart is”.Give an example.More generally, "home" may be considered to be a geographic area, such as a town, village. Home is not only a place where you live but also means your family. Really a place can make you feel relax.For example, if you have a lot of friends in the school, you will think of school as you home.9.Imagine someone is going to meet their girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s parents for the first time. What advice would you give?Never be late.Buy some gifts to them.Wear formally, because good impression is first10.What do you notice most about a person when you meet them for the first time? Do you go by first impressions when you meet new people?When I meet a person for the first time, I will notice if his shoes are clean. I will go by my first impressions about a new people, because I think my first impressions of him represented his importance to our relationship.11.Who is your favorite female singer/male singer/band? Why do you like him/her?My favorite ban is a American pop rock band, called maroon 5 , I like them because the theme in all of their songs is love, frequently lost love; songs like "This Love", "Makes Me Wonder", and "Misery" have a very cynical tone, often expressing dissatisfaction with a relationship, while their more heartfelt and emotional songs such as "She Will Be Loved", "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" express a longing for a romantic relationship.12.Note down items of clothing that have the following parts.A) a belt(腰带) trousers skirt dress coat jeansB) a buckle() jeans trouser belt dressC) buttons(扣子) shirt overcoatD) sleeves(袖子) waistcoat sweater cotton padded coatE) zip(拉链) jacket dress13、Explain the meanings of the phrases: calm down,you are so annoying,easy to wind up,it can't be her.“calm down”:become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation;become quiet or less intensive. I think you are angry. “you are so annoying”:Someone or something that is annoying makes you feel fairly angry and impatient. You make me angry.“easy to wind up”:I think you believe things too easily.“it can't be her”:sure that he or she is mistake to recognized someone .I am sure it isn’t her.14.What kind of image do you find most/least appealing?I prefer people who are confident.Confident people are the most attractive. Not all beautiful women are confident,but confident women are all to be beautiful.It is the same for all people.15.Think of important life events associated with each stage in lifeIn the stage of infancy,we might learn to drink milk and speak the first words.In childhood,we might learn to swim and ride a bike .In adulthood,we might leave home.In middle age,we might buy a car and a baby.In old age,we might retire and have a trip.16.Decide which is the best age or stage to learn a foreign languageI think the age to learn a foreign language is the earlier thebetter .Because children have good memory and strong ability in study. But there's an old saying means that it's never too late to start.So I think if we want to learn a foreign language,just do it and any time is the best age.17、What is “Generation Gap”? Give some examplesThe generational gap is differences between people of younger generations and their elders, especially between children and their parents.Generations can be distinguished by the differences in their language use,attitude to politics and marriage.For example,children want to be free to choose their ownfriends,plan their own future,and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow.Children usually have modern ideas,parents have traditional beliefs.Therefore,misunderstanding often arise between parents and children.In my opinion,most problems between parents and children could be solved through Communication.18、Which points do you think parents would consider important/not important in their son or daughter’s future partner?As far as I see, like my parents. Their daughter’s future partner should:be kind,have a good job, be clean and smartly dressed, be from a good family background, be good looking, and so on. It can’t be a real person who has such good points ,It’s a prince in the story.Because parents believe their daughter is a fairy.19.Describe an embarrassing situation that you or others have experiencedI had a very embarrassed time six months ago when I was asked to draw a report for the thesis defense. I got stage fright. I can’t say any word under so many people’s watching.20. When is Christmas, Thanksgiving ?In the United States, Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated the 2nd Monday in October.Christmas is on December the 25th.21. Say some words related with ChristmasSanta Claus圣诞老人 JesusChrist耶稣基督 Christmas tree圣诞树Christmas stocking圣诞袜 reindeer驯鹿 chimney烟囱fireplace壁炉 candle stick烛台22. What phrases can you use to welcome someone to your home?23. Explain the meaning of the saying "Charity begins at home" Give an exampleThe explanation being we need to take care of ourselves, family and those close to us before others.Parents love children is not asking for anything and selfless dedication, which taught the child to love their family before everything24. Explain the meaning of the saying " One good turn deserves another " said when you do a helpful or kind act for someone who has done something good for youIn China many people help others without any deserving. There arequite a lot of volunteers like Guo MIngyi. He saved many,many people in trouble. He saved them by blood transportation. He is so kind to people that we are moved by what he has done.He sets a good example to us. 25.Explain the meaning of the saying “birds of a feather flock together”People of a similar type often spend time with each other26.say some phrases about people’s appearance.Slim , beautiful, pretty, thin , handsome, strong, smart short tall overweight lovely good-looking27.say some words related with thanksgiving.roast turkey pumpkin pie propose a toast CornBread blackFriday28.What are the advantages and disadvantages of school exchanges or s tudy trips abroad?The advantages are as follows. First, it can widen the vision aswell we can have a better understanding of other country’s culture and c ustoms. Second, we can improve our abilities of academic research. Third, we can make more friends who have different education back ground with us.However, it also has some disadvantages. For example,it will spend lots of money ,far away from hometown, we will feel lonely andhelpless,what’s more, we may need to experience the culture shock.29.what is your new year resolution?a.study hard and get a scholarshipb.exercise everyday to lose weightc.find a good boyfriendd.learn a musical instrument30.what is your dream christmas gift ?A scaf: it’s very practical ,it can bring me warnth。
I agree。
I am a football fan.我是个足球迷。
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家。
I beg your pardon.请你原谅。
I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。
I can't follow you.我不懂你说的。
I can't make both ends meet. 我上个月接不到下个月,缺钱。
I decline! 我拒绝!
I don't care. 我不在乎。
I don't have anywhere to be. 没地方可去。
I don't mean it. 我不是故意的。
I doubt it 我怀疑。
I felt sort of ill. 我感觉有点不适。
I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意。
I have no choice.我别无选择。
I have no idea.我没有头绪。
I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。
I just made it! 我做到了!
I know all about it.我知道有关它的一切。
I like ice-cream.我喜欢吃冰淇淋。
I lost my way. 我迷路了。
I love this game.我钟爱这项运动。
I love you! 我爱你!
I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。
I promise.我保证。
I quit! 我不干了!
I see.我明白了。
I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家里。
I swear by the god. 我对天发誓。
I think so.我也这么想。
I wonder if you can give me a lift?能让我搭一程吗?
If only I could fly.要是我能飞就好了。
I'll be back soon.我马上回来。
I'll be right there.我马上就到。
I'll be seeing you. 再见。
I'll check it out.我去查查看。
I'll fix you Up.我会帮你打点的。
I'll get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平
I'll kick you ***. 我将炒你鱿鱼。
I'll see to it 我会留意的。
I'll see you at six.我六点钟见你。
I'll try my best.我尽力而为。
I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。
I'm bored to death. 我无聊死了。
I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。
I'm full.我饱了。
I'm going to go. 我這就去。
I'm his fan。
I'm home.我回来了。
I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间!
I'm lost.我迷路了。
I'm not going. 我不去了。
I'm not it a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。
I'm on a diet.我在节食。
I'm On your side.我全力支持你。
I'm single.我是单身贵族。
IS it true or false? 这是对的还是错的?
Is it yours? 这是你的吗?
Is that so?是这样吗?
It can be a killer. 这是个伤脑筋的问题。
It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。
It doesn't take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。
It doesn't work. 不管用。
It is a deal!一言为定!
It is a long story. 一言难尽。
It is a small world! 世界真是小!
It is growing cool.天气渐渐凉爽起来。
It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!
It is of high quality. 它质量上乘。
It is raining. 要下雨了。
It is urgent. 有急事。
It really takes time.这样太耽误时间了。
It seems all right.看来这没问题。
It sounds great!.听起来很不错。
It was something that happens once in the blue moon. 这是千载难逢的事。
It’s along story.说来话长。
It’s Sunday today.今天是星期天。
It's a fine day。
It's against the law.这是违法的。
It's going too far.太离谱了。
It's her field.这是她的本行。
It's up in the air. 尚未确定。
It's up to you. 由你决定。
It's up to you.由你决定。
Just read it for me.就读给我听好了。
Just wait and see! 等着瞧!
Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!
Keep in Touch.保持联络。
Keep it up! 坚持下去!
Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
Leave me alone. 别理我。
Let go! 放手!
Let me see.让我想想。
Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。
Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至。
Long time no see! 好久不见!
Lose head. 丧失理智。
Love me,love my dog.(谚语)爱屋及乌。
Make it up! 不记前嫌!
Make it. 达到目的,获得成功。
Make up your mind.做个决定吧。
May I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?
Me too.我也是。
Move out of my way! 让开!
My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。
My god! 天哪!
My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。
My mouth is watering.我要流口水了。
My treat.我请客。
Never mind. 不要緊。
Never mind.不要紧。
No one knows . 没有人知道。
No pain,no gain.不劳无获。
No problem! 没问题!
No way! 不可能!
No way! 不行!
None of my business. 不关我事。
None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。
Not at all. 根本就不(用)。
Not bad.还不错。
Not in the long run. 从长远来说不是这样的。
Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!
Not so bad. 不错。
Not yet.还没。
Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。
Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋!。