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A本地区对其他地区劳动力的吸引力B未来的国家经济形势C本地区的高等教育发展水平D组织变革7、下列关于人力资源规划的意义描述错误的是( )。
A.人力资源规划有利于组织战略目标的实现B.人力资源规划有利于组织整体人力资源管理系统的稳定性、一致性和有效性C.人力资源规划有利于组织对人工成本的合理控制D.人力资源规划有利于加强管理层对外界信息的控制8、德尔菲法具有一些明显的优点,其中不包括( )。
A.花费时间较短B.避免了从众的行为C.具有较高的准确性D.能吸取和综合众多专家的意见9、一般情况下,组织所能获得的外部人力资源供给来源不包括( )。
A.失业人员B.本组织中准备离职换工作的人C.转退伍军人D.本地求职的外国人10、在人力资源供给预测方法中,主要强调从组织内部选拔合适的候选人担任相关职位尤其是更高一级职位的做法的是( )。
A.回归分析法B.比率分析法C.人员替换分析法D.马尔科夫分析法11、基于多种职位以及人员流动状况进行人力资源供给预测的方法是( )。
第四章绩效管理一、本章教材结构第一节绩效管理系统的设计、运行与开发第二节绩效管理的考评方法与应用二、工作流程三、本章鉴定点要求(知识要求占10%,能力要求占15%,合计25%)四、本章考情分析1.历年考题题型及分值状况2. 真题分布区域第一节绩效管理系统的设计、运行与开发第一单元绩效管理系统的设计1. 简答题:(2003 年11 月)、(2007年11月)2. 案例分析题:(2005年5月:1/2题)第二单元绩效管理系统的运行1. 简答题:(2007年5月)第三单元绩效管理系统的开发第二节绩效管理的考评方法与应用注意:这是贯穿本节的考题。
简答题:(2003 年11 月)第一单元行为导向型主观考评方法1. 简答题:(2006年11月)2. 案例分析题:(2003年6月)、(2005年5月:1/2题)、(2008年11月)3. 综合题(本1/2题实质为简答题):(2008年5月:1/2题)第二单元行为导向型客观考评方法1. 综合题(本1/2题实质为方案设计题):(2008年5月:1/2题)第三单元结果导向型考评方法本章内容讲解五、本章内容讲解第一节绩效管理系统的设计、运行与开发第一单元绩效管理程序的设计【知识要求】一、绩效管理系统设计的基本内容(教材第168页)绩效管理的设计包括绩效管理制度的设计与绩效管理程序的设计两个部分。
内源性动机(又称内在动机),为了行为本身,如成就感,认为行为有价值外源性动机),为了行为的结果,如工资、表扬、社会地位,或避(又称外在动机免惩罚⎧⎨⎩ 二、激励就是通过满足员工的需要而使其努力工作,从而实现组织目标的过程。
第2节激励理论一、需要层次理论(马斯洛)(一)需要层次美国社会心理学家马斯洛认为人类需要的强度并不都是相等的,他将人的需要由低到高分为五种类型(后来又增加了认知和审美两种需求,但并未得到广泛的应用,所以仍然以早期理论思路为主):基本需要(靠外部因素)生理需要安全需要(身体安全和经济安全)归属和爱的需要⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩高级需要(靠内部因素)尊重的需要自我实现的需要⎧⎨⎩ (二)主要观点(1)需要层次理论认为人均有这五种需要,只是在不同时期表现出来的各种需要的强烈程度不同而已。
Chapter 5: Personnel Planning and Recruiting1.________ is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have tofill. Personnel planning2.Jane must decide what positions the firm should fill in the next six months.What activity is Jane working on? personnel planning3.When a company decides on how to fill top executive positions, theprocess is called ________. succession planning4.When planning for employment requirements, what must be forecasted?a.personnel needsb.supply of inside candidatesc.supply of outside candidates5.Which term below means studying variations in a firm’s employmentlevels over time?trend analysis6.Trend analysis is limited in its usefulness, because ________.it considers time but not other changes such as productivity7.The process of making forecasts based on the ration between some causalfactor like sales volume and the number of employees required is called________.ratio analysis8.Suppose a salesperson traditionally generates $500,000 in sales and thecompany wishes to increase sales by $4 million dollars per year. Usingratio analysis, how many new salespeople are required? 89. A ________ shows graphically how two variables are related.scatter plot10.What type of data is needed to use computerized forecasts for estimatingfuture personnel requirements?bor hours required to produce one unit of productb.minimum sales projectionc.maximum sales projectiond.probable sales projection11.________ contain data on employees’ performance records, educationalbackground, and promotion recommendations.Qualifications inventories12.When managers need to determine which employees are available forpromotion or transfer, they will use ________.qualifications inventories13.Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using________.a.personnel inventoriesb.replacement chartsc.position replacement cardsputerized information systems14.Which tool below can be used in databases to protect the information?access matrices15.Recruiting is necessary to ________.develop an applicant pool16.Which of the following is not a reason to recruit through a central office?autonomous divisions16.Why are large applicant pools considered desirable?allow the firm the chance to be more selective17.Which of the following methods can be used to assess quality ofapplicants?a.work sample testsb.structured interviewsc.grade point averaged.job knowledge tests18.Which method listed below has the highest level of validity for predictingjob performance?work sample tests19. A ________ can be used to calculate the number of applicants necessaryto result in hiring the required number of new employees.recruiting yield pyramid20. What is a recruiting yield pyramid used for?to calculate the number of applicants necessary to result in hiring therequired number of new employees21.Which of the following is a disadvantage of using internal sources ofcandidates to fill vacant positions?potential to upset or lose employees who aren’t promoted22.Job posting refers to all of the following except ________.listing the number of desired applicants23.The first step in succession planning is to ________.identify and analyze key jobs24.The second step in succession planning is to ________.calculate the yield pyramid25. The third step in succession planning is to ________.select who will fill key positions26.How can high potential employees be developed for future positions?a.internal trainingb.cross-functional experiencec.job rotationd.external training27.Which of the following methods is not used to recruit outside candidates?job postings28.The effectiveness of advertising for recruiting qualified applicants dependsupon ________.ad construction29.When constructing the ad, it is important to consider how to best________.a.attract attention to the adb.develop interest in the jobc.create desire for the jobd.prompt action30. The I in AIDA stands for ________.interest31.The D in AIDA stands for ________.desire for the position32.Which of the following statements from a hypothetical job advertisementis intended to develop interest in a job?“You’ll thrive on challenging work.”33.Which of the following states has its own public, state-run employmentservice agency?a.North Carolinab.New Yorkc.Californiad.Wisconsin34.The U.S. Department of Labor operates a nationwide computerized jobbank called ________.The National Job Bank35.Counselors in state-run employment agencies conduct all of the followingactivities except ________.counselors perform all of these activities36.State-run employment agencies provide ________ to employers.a.recruitment servicesb.tax credit informationc.training programsd.review employer job requirements37.Who is typically responsible for paying the fees charged by privateemployment agencies when they place qualified individuals in jobs?the employer38.Which of the following is not an advantage of using a private employmentagency?Screening may not be as thorough.39.Which of the following is not another term for contingent workers?collateral40. Contingent workers are used in ________ occupations.a.clericalb.engineeringc.medicald.management support41.Jackie works as a nurse on temporary assignment for hospitals throughoutthe region on an as-needed basis. Jackie is ________.a contingent worker42.All of the following are disadvantages of using contingent workers excepthigher productivity43.________ are special employment agencies retained by employers to seekout top management talent for their clients.Executive recruiters44.Executive recruiters are also called ________.headhunters45. Recruiting services that provide short-term specialized recruiting tosupport specific projects without the expense of retaining traditionalsearch firms are called ________.on demand46.What is the typical compensation structure for on demand recruitingservices?hourly rate47.What percentage of a new hire’s salary do traditional firms typicallycharge for recruitment services?30%48.Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an executive recruiter?unfamiliar with company perceptions of ideal candidate49.Pamlico River Productions is seeking a top-level executive to serve in itsfinance division. Qualified candidates can be difficult to find becausethere is more demand than supply. Pamlico River Productions shouldconsider using a(n) ________ for recruitment.executive recruiter50. A small biotech firm is seeking several employees with experience inpharmaceuticals and advanced degrees in life sciences. The firm is a small one and cannot afford to pay a traditional recruiting firm the expected feeof 30% of salary per hire. This firm should consider using a(n) ________.on demand recruiting service51.KPG Industries has hired an executive recruiter to recruit qualifiedapplicants for its Chief Financial Officer position. The position pays asalary of $175,000 and KPG has agreed to pay the fee whether the personhired is found via the executive recruiter or through some other method.KPG is using a(n) ________.retained executive search service52.Which of the following is an advantage of college recruiting?access to a source of management trainees53.College recruiters typically seek to ________.determine whether a candidate is worthy of further consideration 54. Besides determining whether a candidate is worth further consideration,college recruiters also seek to ________.attract good candidates55.When it comes to on campus recruiting, which of the items listed below isrecommended for “selling” the employer to the interviewee?informal attitude56.SB&A Consulting plans to do some college recruiting to fill entry-levelmanagement positions this year. In choosing the colleges to visit, it should consider ________.school reputation57.One of the biggest challenges facing single parents in the job market is________.balancing work and family life58.The fastest growing labor force segment in the United States over the nextfew years will be those from ________ years old.45-6459.People aged 25 to 34 will ________ in the next few years.decrease60.Which of the following is a main motivator for employees over 65?schedule flexibility61.All of the following are characteristics of older employees except________.higher absenteeism62.Smith Industries has set a goal of recruiting minority applicants. Whichmethod listed below is likely to be the least successful for SmithIndustries?executive recruiters63.The Federal Personal Responsibility and Welfare Reconciliation Act of1996 prompted many employers to ________implement welfare-to-work programsOnce a firm has a pool of applicants, the first step in pre-screening is the________.application form64.Which of the following is not a type of information that should beprovided by application forms?applicant’s age65.Which of the following could be perceived as discriminatory when askedon an employment application form?a.housing statusb.memberships in organizationsc.marital statusd.arrest record66.When requesting information from applicants on an in-case of emergencycontact person, employers can ask all of the following except ________.relationship to applicant67.When an employee signs his or her employment application, he or she iscertifying that ________.a. falsified statements may be cause for dismissalb. credit history may be checkedc. employment history may be verifiedd. medical examinations may be required68. Mandatory alternative dispute resolution agreements require ________.applicants to agree to arbitrate certain legal disputes related toemployment or dismissalTrue/ False69.Employment planning should be an integral part of a firm’s strategic andHR planning process. (T; easy; p. 166)70.Personnel planning rarely utilizes techniques like ratio analysis or trendanalysis to estimate staffing needs. (F; moderate; p. 167)71.When it refers to filling jobs like that of a maintenance clerk, personnelplanning is called succession planning. (F; easy; p. 166)72.Trend analysis assumes the productivity increases over time. (F; difficult;73.The assumption shared by both trend analysis and ratio analysis is thatproductivity remains about the same from year to year. (T; moderate; p.74.Access matrices are used to define the rights of users to various kinds ofaccess for each element in a database. (T; moderate; p. 171)75.The lower the rate of unemployment, the easier it is to recruit personnel.(F; moderate; p. 171)76.The HR manager who recruits for a vacant job is typically the one who isresponsible for supervising the performance of that position. (F; difficult;77.Effective recruiting results in a large number of applicants. (F; difficult; p.78.General mental ability tests show higher validity for predicting jobperformance than tests of individuals’ level of conscientiousness. (T;moderate; p. 175)79.Rehiring former employees could signal current employees that the bestway to get ahead is to leave the company. (T; moderate; p. 177)80.The best medium for advertising vacant positions is the Internet. (F;difficult; p. 178)81.Local newspapers are the best source for blue-collar help and clericalemployees. (T; easy; p. 182)82.Every state has a public, state-run employment service agency. (T;moderate; p. 183)83.The U.S. Department of Labor maintains a nationwide computerized jobbank called the National Job Bank. (T; easy; p. 183)84.Contingent workers are primarily clerical positions filled with temps. (F;difficult; p. 185)85.Some firms use contingent workers as short-term chief financial officers.(T; moderate; p. 185)86.Contingent workers are paid less than comparable permanent workers. (F;difficult; p. 185)87.Retained executive recruiters are paid whether or not they eventually fillthe client’s v acant position. (T; easy; p. 188)88.Contingency-based recruiters focus on top management job searches withsalaries in the $150,000+ range. (F; moderate; p. 188)89.The typical percentage fee charged by traditional recruiting firms for anexecutive search is 10% of the new hir e’s salary. (F; moderate; p. 188) 90.Single mothers prefer a work environment they perceive as supportive oftheir challenge to balance work and family requirements. (T; easy; p. 194) 91.People’s occupational needs and preferences change as t hey grow older.(T; easy; p. 195)92.Older workers usually have higher absenteeism rates compared to youngerworkers due to illness. (F; difficult; p. 195)93. A question on an employment application form that requests the dates ofattendance and graduation from various schools may be illegal as it couldreflect an applic ant’s age. (T; difficult; p. 198)94.The EEOC is generally opposed to the use of mandatory alternativedispute resolution agreements which are required by many employers. (T;moderate; p. 200)95.The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the use of mandatory arbitrationagreements but individual agreements can be struck down by the courtsdepending upon their merits. (T; difficult; p. 200)96.For a mandatory alternative dispute resolution agreement to be binding, itsimply needs to be a clause in the employment application. (F; moderate;97.Firms can predict job performance of applicants by modeling therelationship between success on the job and responses on the applicationform. (T; difficult; p. 200)98.When firms use the information on job application forms as a predictor ofjob performance, they are allowed to request more information (such asage and tendency to attend religious services) on application forms. (F;。