World Famous Diamonds (世界名钻)
– 世界最大的钻石—库利南Cullinan
• 1905年1月25日发现于PREMIER矿,3106ct • 1907年12月9日,英国皇室 • 1908年初在阿姆斯特丹加工,加工费8万英镑 • 加工了9颗大钻石和96颗小钻石 • ct, 梨型,英王权杖上 • ct,方型,英王冠下方正中.
• The Cullinan Diamond
One of the largest diamonds ever found was in South Africa and named for the owner of the mining company. The Cullinan diamond was 3106 carats. It was cut into 105 beautiful diamonds. The largest is the Star of Africa, a 530 carat diamond. In 1907 this diamond was given to King Edward VII of England and set into the Royal Scepter. It is kept, along with the other British Crown Jewels, in the Tower of London.
– 塞拉里昂之星被精工设计琢磨成了17块钻石, 总重量为238.48克拉,占总重的24.6%,这17 块钻石分别命名为Sierra Leone-1-Sierra Leone-17,分别琢为梨形、祖母绿形及卵形、 圆钻形。
– Star of Sierra Leone-2于1988年10月在纽约 钻石市场被一大富豪以352万美圆的高价买走, 其重为32.52克拉,祖母绿琢形。