Nick Wooster.
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【乱码人生】老模Aiden Shaw的世界
如果你中意老绅士的韵味格调,那么你应该对Aiden Shaw这个名字不陌生。
尽管他没有Nick Wooster等人有名,但对于他在时尚界的地位,也许只有这一句话可以形容他:若不是曾经乱码,绝不会老的如此优雅。
1966年Aiden Shaw出生于英国伦敦,有着身高185公分及强健体魄,尤其一双忧郁的眼神更是浑身魅力,让他受到时尚品牌与杂志的青睐成为新一代熟男嫩模,同时兼具电影明星、
Aiden Shaw以同志情色影星活跃于90年代初,30岁时毅然决然转换跑道投入文学领域,次年勇敢宣布自己的爱滋病检测为阳性反映,之后仍不畏旁人眼光持续从事创作及投身爱滋病预防工作。
现在的Aiden Shaw有着一脸浓密胡须,以及一头彷彿随时都有人拿电扇在旁边吹的飘逸长发,不羁的外型带着宛若艺术家
的气质,但其实Aiden Shaw将头发梳干净或早前短发的样子也是非常迷人的。
Aiden Shaw私下也有可爱俏皮的一面。
相信大家看了Aiden Shaw的简历后,都会跟K大一样由衷地佩服这位才华洋溢的大叔,也看到了他面对生活的勇气,发自内心的成熟魅力,相信这才是大家应该学习的!。
虽说要看脸,但男人的确不去夏威夷也能穿印花Gucci 的新创意总监 Alessandro Michele 似乎给整个时尚界带来了一股强烈的复古潮流,虽然那些东西大多数男人这辈子可能都不会考虑(不过有很多女生喜欢),但我们相信印花的潮流还是会热一阵子。
这款衬衫就很 70 年代,扣子开到哪里有讲究,下摆也要系进去。
oversize 是一回事,印花就是另一回事。
如果是衬衫,长下摆一定要塞进裤子里,如果内搭了 T 恤,当成外套穿,肩膀的缝合线也要贴合,并记得把袖子挽起来。
1963年五岁便显露其在歌唱及舞蹈方面才华,在父母有心的促成下与四位兄长Jackie, Tito, Jermaine及Marlon共同组成了The Jackson 5 (杰克森五兄弟)乐团,并在接下来的几年,随着年龄的增长,益发不断地展现出表演的技巧,褪去组团初期的稚嫩,无形中脱颖成为团中的灵魂人物。
1979年后是迈克尔·杰克逊的年代,专辑「Off The Wall」在Epic旗下发行,首支冠军单曲「Don't stop 'til you get enough」,并为他得到格莱美奖的「最佳蓝调男歌手奖」(Best R&B V ocal Performance,Male);此专辑仅在美国一地便销售超过七百万张,在Billboard榜上待到1984年才下榜。
63支经典摇滚乐队代表曲目63支经典摇滚乐队No.1 Led zeppelin如雷贯耳的齐柏林飞艇乐队相信大家都是太熟悉不过了,这里就不多介绍。
1,这里列出他非常经典的摇滚歌曲:1,stairway to heaven 第一名就是这首被很多摇滚迷称为自己圣经的歌曲,来自同名专集Led Zeppelin IV,很多人称赞齐柏林是个多面手,硬摇滚或者柔情的都表演的很到位,但无疑这首是最出名和最动人的一首,我见过对这首歌争论的最多的是他到底能不能排在经典摇滚歌曲第一名,尤其是主唱的那一声---WOO,WOO。
2,Kashmir 国外摇滚论坛对齐柏林评价较高的第二歌曲,相当不错,风格和stairway to heave 截然不同。
但是大师的作品魅力还是令人着迷,加上以下的歌曲相信你对齐柏林的风格有个全新的认识:硬摇滚:Achilles Last Stand, Whole Lotta Love, Heartbreaker, The Lemon Song,松弛的No Quarter, When The Levee Breaks, In The Light。
迷人的情歌系列Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Since I've Been Loving You, All My Love black dog,Rock N roll等等。
No.2 Queen无论哪个摇滚乐队排行榜,Queen经常是前三甲,否之,肯定有人认为这个名单不公平,没办法,皇后的主唱太TMD牛了,有段时间我就天天听着他们的歌,沉醉在他们华丽的歌声中,也许纯正的摇滚魅力会一直永恒的,不过可惜,天妒英才,流下的只是这些经典的不能再经典的王者之歌1,Bohimian Rhapsody,这首歌不排第一名真怕人骂。
无法让人拒绝的成熟魅力让衣橱向轻熟男进阶Light mature male Style是否你的男友还在夏天穿T恤,冬天穿棉袄的阶段。
为了应付用主要的场合,或者为了让你男友看上去更加认真严肃,不妨将他的衣橱升级,向轻熟男进阶吧!9个你不能错过的Instagram账号@Matthew ZorpasMatthew Zorpas/时尚博主被英国列为最佳男装搭配的第二名,什么是Dandy Style,关注了Matthew Zorpas你就知道@nicksullivanesqNick Sullivan / Esquire 美国时尚总监姜还是得辣,不同于年轻人的刻意装饰。
@marianodivaioMariano Di Vaio / MDV Style 时尚博主Mariano Di Vaio来自意大利米兰,细数近年来米兰时装周街拍出镜率极高,穿搭各种颜色绅士西装,手帕、腕表、袖口等配饰都格外讲究,可以说是意式风格代表。
@Marcel FlorussMarcel Floruss /时尚博主博主Marcel Floruss才不过23岁,却偏偏最爱穿西装。
@iamgallaAdam Gallagher / I AM GALLA时尚博主从年少都开始走红的Adam,以前还会有偏孩子气的街头打扮,现在则全部偏向轻熟装扮,具有极高借鉴性。
@Frank GallucciFrank Gallucci/时尚博主Frank Gallucci是来自意大利米兰的男装时尚博主,同时也是频繁混迹于Pitti Uomo的街拍常客,其穿衣水准自然有保证。
打倒男孩《The Phoenix》的中英文歌词是什么《The Phoenix》是美国摇滚乐队Fall out boy演唱的歌曲,由帕特里克·斯特普、皮特·温兹、乔·特洛曼、安迪·赫里作词作曲,收录在打倒男孩第五张录音室专辑《Save Rock and Roll》中,于2013年7月16日作为专辑的第二支单曲发布。
《The Phoenix》创作背景打倒男孩主唱帕特里克·斯特普受到了前苏联作曲家肖斯塔科维奇的启发。
歌曲对肖斯塔科维奇1941年发行的作品《Allegro Non Troppo》进行了采样;歌曲中的管弦乐片段对德国嘻哈艺人彼得·福克斯2008年发行的作品《Alles Neu》进行的采样。
《The Phoenix》歌曲歌词英文Put on your war paintYou are a brick tied to me that's dragging me downStrike a match and I'll burn you to the groundWe are the jack-o-lanterns in JulySetting fire to the skyHere, here comes this rising tideSo come onPut on your war paintCross walks and crossed heartsAnd hope-to-diesSilver clouds with grey liningsSo we can take the world backFrom the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it back You know time crawls on when you're Waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heart Hey young bloodDoesn't it feelLike our time is running outI'm gonna change you like a remixThen I'll raise you like a phoenixYou're wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI'm gonna change you like a remixThen I'll raise you like a phoenixBring home the boys andScrap scrap metal the tanksGet hitched and make a career out of Robbing banksBecause the world is just a teller andWe are wearing black masks"You broke our spirit," says the note we pass So we can take the world backFrom the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it back You know time crawls on when you're Waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heart Hey young bloodDoesn't it feelLike our time is running outI'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenixYou're wearing our vintage misery No, I think it looked a little better on me I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe war is wonBefore it's begunRelease the dovesSurrender loveThe war is wonBefore it's begunRelease the dovesSurrender loveThe war is wonBefore it's begunRelease the dovesSurrender loveThe war is wonBefore it's begunRelease the dovesSurrender loveHey young bloodDoesn't it feelLike our time is running outI'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenixYou're wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI'm gonna change you like a remixThen I'll raise you like a phoenixHey young bloodDoesn't it feelLike our time is running outI'm gonna change you like a remixThen I'll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paint中文化上战妆你就是我身上的那块砖,把我一点点地往下拽点燃一根火柴我会将你烧成灰烬我们是七月的南瓜灯点亮了整个天空在这次潮起的时候来吧来吧化上战妆带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场灰霾的天空掩盖了白云我们能够拯救世界疯狂的将它拯救回来你知道在我们等待歌曲开始的时候时间已经悄然流逝所以随着你的心跳起舞吧嘿!热血青年难道没感觉到时间正在流逝吗?我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃沉浸在忧郁之中不,我想我也染上了你的忧伤我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃与热血男孩和战争的碎片一起回家吧结婚后以抢劫银行为业因为世界只是一个诉说者而我们却蒙上黑布她将我们的灵魂消然击碎所以我们能够拯救世界疯狂的将它拯救回来你知道在我们等待歌曲开始的时候时间已经悄然流逝所以随着你的心跳起舞吧嘿!热血青年难道没感觉到时间正在流逝吗?我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃你沉浸在忧郁之中现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃化上战妆战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了放飞白鸽让爱投降吧战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了放飞白鸽让爱投降吧战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了放飞白鸽让爱投降吧战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了放飞白鸽让爱投降吧嘿!热血青年难道没感觉到时间正在流逝吗?我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃沉浸在忧郁之中现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃嘿!热血青年难道没感觉到时间正在流逝吗我要将你重新塑造如凤凰涅槃化上战妆《The Phoenix》歌曲鉴赏《The Phoenix》的音调为E中调,拥有每分钟132次的快节拍,帕特里克·斯特普的声音控制在G5到D6之间。
HK Superstar(电影《速度与激情6》插曲)歌词-欧阳靖/吴彦祖这首《HK Superstar》的名字也叫香港Superstar,是电影《速度与激情6》里面的一首插曲,由欧阳靖和吴彦祖一起合作演唱。
下面是小编整理的HK Superstar歌词,分享给大家!HK Superstar歌词HK Superstar (《速度与激情6》电影插曲) - 欧阳靖/吴彦祖词:欧阳靖曲:Allen Sung/Kevin Nishimura/James Roh/Jae Choung/Stefon Taylor靖:ABCABCABC各位观众有请Hong Kong Superstar做明星我真系想最受欢迎新人奖畀我攞多谢晒未算到至高境界影相签名有我份海报广告等等狗仔队实唔放过越出名是非越多经理人都四五个签合同包冇搞错有咁巧得咁巧我个Friend系明星等佢自己介绍我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系欧阳靖理想做明星冇错冇错我想做个Hong Kong Superstar好朋友就要珍惜唔理系旧定系新识睇清楚慢慢分析欧阳震华系我亲戚错佢大把剧集做我得个小小知名度Fans见到都围住晒逢系靓仔就偶像派我靠实力你捧我场咪当我系孔庆祥虽然好话唔好听发噩梦都梦见到She Bang She Bang我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系欧阳靖理想做明星冇错冇错我想做个Hong Kong Superstar做明星好食好住就算刀仔锯大树点都系要搏一舖但系唔好太风骚无论男女高矮肥瘦都可以就只要你有信心爆棚冇错唔系我就系你唔系你就系我每人个目的唔同佢话你发紧白日梦你就笑哈哈大声跟佢哋讲我系Hong Kong Superstar祖:我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool 我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool 靖:我系欧阳靖理想做明星冇错冇错我想做个Hong Kong Superstar呢位同学你贵姓吴彦祖同欧阳靖呢个实验最紧要系记性最紧要系记性呢位同学你贵姓吴彦祖同欧阳靖呢个实验最紧要系记性最紧要系记性合:竹昇仔ABCThat's you and meHong Kong SuperstarDaniel Wu靖:喂你系有戏拍记住揾我呀剧集戏广告电视电玩底裤底横你你总之就揾我啦我唔介意我真系唔介意啊你想我卖乜都得女人的胸围我都唔介意我可以做我可以做帮女朋友买胸围喺广告里面我真的想做呀Hong Kong Superstar欧阳靖歌手简介外文名:MC Jin,Jin tha MC,Jin The Emcee100,Grand Jin ABC Jin国籍:美国出生地:美国生日:1982年6月4日职业:演员,歌手代表作:《依家有喜》,《潜行狙击》,《雷霆扫毒》简介:欧阳靖(Mcjin),1982年6月4日出生于美国,演员、歌手。
尼古拉斯温顿英文作文Nicholas WinstonNicholas Winton was a British stockbroker who organized the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II in an operation later known as the Czech Kindertransport. Winton's actions saved the lives of these children, who would most likely have been killed in the Nazi death camps had they not been evacuated.Winton was born on May 19, 1909, in Hampstead, London, to a German-Jewish family. His parents, Rudolph and Barbara Winton, had converted to Christianity and changed their surname from Wertheim to Winton. Winton grew up in a comfortable middle-class family and attended Stowe School, a prestigious boarding school in Buckinghamshire.In 1938, Winton was a 29-year-old stockbroker working in London when he decided to cancel a skiing trip to Switzerland and instead travel to Prague, Czechoslovakia, to help his friend Martin Blake, who was working to assist refugees fleeing the Nazi occupation. Winton was deeply moved by the plight of the refugees, especially thechildren, and decided to take action to help them.Winton set up an organization to facilitate the evacuation of children from Czechoslovakia to Britain. He worked tirelessly, organizing the transportation, finding host families in Britain, and securing the necessary paperwork and visas. Winton's efforts were crucial in the success of the operation, as he had to navigate the complex bureaucracy of multiple governments and organizations.Despite the challenges, Winton was able to arrange for the evacuation of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia to Britain. The children were placed in foster homes and hostels throughout the country, where they were cared for and educated. Winton's efforts saved the lives of these children, who would have almost certainly been killed in the Nazi death camps had they not been evacuated.Winton's heroic actions were largely unknown for many years. It wasn't until 1988, when his wife Grete discovered a scrapbook Winton had kept documenting the children he had saved, that his story began to be widely known. In 2014, Winton was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in recognition of his extraordinary humanitarian efforts.Winton's story is a powerful testament to the impact that one personcan have in the face of great adversity. His actions demonstrate the importance of compassion, courage, and perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Winton's legacy continues to inspire people around the world to take action and make a difference in the lives of others.In the years following the war, Winton remained modest about his achievements, often deflecting praise and attention. He continued to work in the financial sector, but he also dedicated much of his time to various charitable and humanitarian causes. Winton's selfless dedication to helping others, even in the face of great personal risk, is a shining example of the power of the human spirit to overcome the darkest of circumstances.Winton's story has been the subject of numerous books, documentaries, and media coverage, and he has been honored with numerous awards and accolades, including the Czech Republic's highest civilian honor, the Order of the White Lion, and the British Empire's highest civilian honor, the Order of the British Empire. Despite his advanced age, Winton remained active and engaged in various philanthropic and humanitarian efforts until his death in 2015 at the age of 106.The legacy of Nicholas Winton serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact that one person can have on the lives of others. Hisstory inspires us to cultivate empathy, courage, and a commitment to making the world a better place, even in the face of overwhelming challenges. Winton's actions demonstrate that the simple yet profound act of caring for others can have far-reaching and life-changing consequences, and his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.。
疯狂动物城中最喜欢的一个角色英文作文My Favorite Character from ZootopiaZootopia is the best movie ever! It's all about this super cool city where animals of all different species live together. The city is divided up into different neighborhoods that match each animal's natural environment. Like there's the Sahara Square for desert animals, Tundratown for animals that like the cold, and even a tiny area called Little Rodentia just for the shrewdanely tiny critters. How awesome is that?But my absolute favorite character from the whole movie is Nick Wilde, the sly con-artist fox. Nick is just the coolest, smoothest, wittiest dude around. I want to be just like him when I grow up - except for the hustling and cheating people part of course!Nick starts out as sort of the bad guy in the movie. When we first meet him, he's an untrustworthy trickster who makes a living scamming others through elaborate schemes and underhanded sales pitches. He pretends to be so friendly and helpful, but really he's just trying to pull one over on everyone for a quick buck.Nick's first big con is selling these big juicy popsicles to lemmings for way more than they're worth. He calls them"Pawpsicles" and acts like they're the rarest treats around. The lemmings are totally falling for it too, lining up and counting out their cash to pay an outrageous price. Then Officer Judy Hopps, the first bunny cop, catches Nick red-handed and calls him out for being a "con-man" hustler.From that moment on, Nick and Judy just can't stand each other. Judy thinks Nick is a low-life cheat who will never change his ways. And Nick thinks Judy is an uptight meter maid on a relentless power trip. Their banter and bickering is so hilarious and full of witty insults that it keeps cracking me up every time I watch.But despite how much they fight, Nick and Judy are kind of forced to team up to take down this bigger conspiracy of prey animals mysteriously going savage. At first, Nick is just using Judy to make money in another one of his schemes. But eventually he starts to see how sincere and determined she is to make the world a better place and prove herself as a cop.That's when things start to change for Nick. He watches how nobly Judy keeps fighting for justice even when her own corrupt boss turns against her and she faces discrimination as a bunny cop. Seeing Judy's resilience and moral courage makes Nick realize what an ethics-free life of hustling he's been living. Thatinspires him to finally start trying to be an honest, trustworthy mammal for once.By the end, Nick has completely turned over a new leaf. He comes through in the clutch to help Judy crack the big case. He's being funny and loyal and brave. He literally talks down this psycho rampaging beast 10 times his size by reminding it of who it really is underneath. Now that's the kind of cool fox I want to be like - so calm under pressure, fiercely protective of his friends, and with such strong moral fiber.Nick's transformation from self-serving con-man to righteous truth-seeker is just so inspiring to watch. It proves that even the most dishonest mammals can change their stripes (so to speak) if they just have enough courage and determination. That life lesson hits you right in the feels every time.On top of his cool character arc, Nick has some of the funniest lines that I just love quoting around the house until my parents want to stuff my face with blueberries. Like when he hilariously roasts the DMV employees for being so slow: "You guys really need to up your game. I didn't husband myself the hustle to come here and be underwhelmed." Or when he's oozing with slick sarcasm: "You're from the veeiny, kale breadfamily? Because that is the most awful, transcrit, semi-cooactic nonsense I've ever heard."Nick's dry wit and endless puns crack me up so much, but he also has these great heartfelt moments that show his warm and caring side. Like when he sincerely thanks Judy for being the first person to get him to re-evaluate his cynical outlook on life. It just hits you right in the feels, y'know? I'm not crying, you're crying!Overall, Nick Wilde is hands-down my favorite character from any movie ever. He's confident and clever and cracks the best jokes. He shows how it's never too late to turn your life around as long as you have courage and good friends to keep you honest. Plus he's just a totally suave and loveable dude who you can't help rooting for with all your heart. Zootopia simply wouldn't be anywhere near as awesome without the sly, amazing Nick Wilde stealing。
关于尼克狐尼克的英文介绍Nick Fox is a fictional character in the book series "Fox and O'Hare" written by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg. He is a former con artist who now works as a consultant for the FBI, assisting in solving high-level white-collar crimes. Nick is known for his wit, charm, and intelligence, as well as his good looks and slick fashion sense. He frequently collaborates with his partner, FBI agent Kate O'Hare, and the two of them have an undeniable chemistry that adds to the excitement of the stories. Nick's past as a criminal also comes in handy when it comes to understanding the mindset of the criminals they pursue, and he's not afraid to bend a few rules to get the job done. Overall, Nick Fox is a complex and intriguing character that readers of the "Fox and O'Hare" series are sure to love.尼克狐尼克(Nick Fox)是由简特·埃万诺维奇(Janet Evanovich)和李·戈德堡(Lee Goldberg)所著的《狐狸与奥哈尔》系列小说中的虚构角色。
詹妮斯wake作文英语Jeanice's WakeJeanice was a beloved member of our community, known for her kind heart, her infectious laughter, and her unwavering dedication to making the world a better place. Her sudden passing left a void in the lives of all who knew her, and it was with heavy hearts that we gathered to honor her memory and celebrate the legacy she left behind.The day of Jeanice's wake was a somber yet poignant occasion, as friends and family members came together to share stories, shed tears, and find solace in one another's company. The funeral home was adorned with an array of vibrant flowers, a testament to the love and respect that Jeanice had inspired in those around her.As the ceremony began, the room fell silent, save for the gentle sniffles and occasional murmurs of those in attendance. The pastor, a close friend of Jeanice's, stepped forward to deliver a heartfelt eulogy, recounting the many ways in which she had touched the lives of others. He spoke of her unwavering faith, her boundless compassion, and her tireless efforts to make a difference in hercommunity.One by one, Jeanice's closest friends and family members took to the podium, each sharing a unique perspective on the woman they had loved and admired. Some spoke of her infectious laughter and her ability to brighten even the darkest of days, while others reminisced about the countless hours she had spent volunteering at the local soup kitchen or organizing community events.Through their tears and their laughter, a portrait of Jeanice began to emerge – a woman who had lived her life with purpose, who had dedicated herself to making the world a better place, and who had touched the hearts of all who knew her.As the ceremony drew to a close, the attendees were invited to pay their final respects to Jeanice, filing past her casket and placing flowers or personal mementos upon it. The air was thick with the scent of lilies and the sound of muffled sobs, a testament to the profound impact that Jeanice had made on the lives of those around her.In the days and weeks that followed, the community continued to mourn the loss of Jeanice, but they also celebrated her life and the legacy she had left behind. Fundraisers were organized to support the causes she had championed, and volunteers flocked to the localsoup kitchen, determined to carry on her work.Jeanice's wake had been a solemn and bittersweet affair, but it had also been a testament to the power of community and the enduring impact of a life well-lived. As we bid farewell to our dear friend, we knew that her spirit would live on, inspiring us to follow in her footsteps and to continue her mission of making the world a better place.。
每个国家,都有几位会被称为「最会穿搭的男士」,例如美国的Nick Wooster ,以及大家最常听到的 Beams F 西口修平就被称为世界上最会穿搭的男士之一,亚洲穿搭天花板,几乎所有对绅装、大人风感兴趣的男士都会参考他们的衣橱。
Daniel Wellington品牌历史及怎么样二手奢侈品交易机构_您身边的奢侈品博物馆——「态奢名品」为您带来Daniel Wellington 品牌历史及怎么样1Daniel Wellington品牌历史Daniel Wellington品牌创始人是瑞典人Filip Tysander。
如意大利服装设计大师Giorgio Armani 和他的Giorgio Armani品牌,美国服装设计师Calvin Klein和她的Calvin Klein品牌。
而Daniel Wellington创立的背后有这样一段故事。
2006年,Filip Tysander到英国旅游。
在那里,他结识了一位名叫Daniel Wellington的英国绅士,两人一见如故。
当时Daniel Wellington佩戴的一块表带更换成NATO STRAP北约军用尼龙表带的劳力士深深吸引了Filip Tysander。
回国后,Filip Tysander于2009年投资15000美元,成立了以Daniel Wellington命名的腕表公司。
其实“NATO STRAP”表带在Daniel Wellington成立之前,已经在腕表界得到了成功的运用。
但Filip Tysander却不喜欢厚重、阳刚的表头。
于是他设计表壳轻薄.外形简约并配有颜色鲜艳的“NATO STRAP”表带,这便形成了Daniel Wellington自己独有的产品风格!2Daniel Wellington手表怎么样Daniel Wellington品牌创立时投入的资金并不算多,但短短几年间。
为Filip Tysander创造的财富却是巨大的。
Nick Wooster,作为美国著名精品百货店Neiman Marcus、Bergdorf Goodman的男装时装总监,NickWooster不仅是买手界的元老,其经典隽永、腔调十足的个人着装风格,更让他成为街拍界的大神,四大时装周的明星,Nick Wooster向来是街拍摄影师们的最爱。
Nick Wooster桀骜不逊的服装搭配与纽约、伦敦、米兰和巴黎等时尚城市街头人们的风格很一致。
Nick Wooster 已经于2011年离开Marcus和Goodman,现在是Gilt Group的时尚总监。
2011年中和2012年年初参加PROJECT 展会。
健硕的肌肉、布满刺青的双臂和右侧小腿、经过精心修整而微微翘起的胡子……老型男Nick Wooster让人记住的个人标识确实够多,在他出现的许多辑秀场外型人街拍中,都有报友评价称他为秀场外最会穿衣的“爷爷”,并多次呼吁编编来专门做期他的特辑,其实Nick Wooster才51多岁,会打扮的他也不算特别老相,可能是Nick花白的头发施展“障眼法”,欺骗了大家。
来自美国堪萨斯州的Nick Wooster被《GQ》誉为“时尚总监网络大明星”,曾做过男装时尚顾问、巴尼斯纽约精品店(Barneys New York) 时尚买手和波道夫·古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman
Nick Wooster(5张)
) 与内曼·马库斯(Neiman Marcus) 精品百货店男装时尚总监的他,现独立经营着自己的时尚造型公司。
如果你对他还不是很熟悉,今天就通过Nick Wooster最新秀场外街拍合辑,跟海报网编编一起来认识一下他。
单色西服套装配上精心挑选的领带或领结,轻易玩转撞色混搭,喜欢尝试豹纹、军装制服等醒目的时尚元素,Nick Wooster的穿衣打扮纵然大胆,也不会超越绅士的范畴之外,他深厚的穿衣功底和天生的时尚品味会让你瞬间折服。
“我都厌烦了自己,你们还没厌烦我吗?”这是Nick Wooster受邀接受《GQ》杂志访问时说的一段话,幽默的他生活态度上也是保持一贯的轻松,记者问他“最擅长的时尚之外的事情是什么?”他说是抽烟,当谈到时尚观点时,他说道“每个男士都希望听到别人夸奖自己看上去很棒,当他们知道只要做一点点努力,就会让自己形象有大大的改变时,谁不会兴趣盎然呢?。