【CCNP 3-1】Operating a Network Using Multiple IP Routing Protocols
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CCNP新课程(三门)说明:CCNP新课程内容分为面授和自学一.部署思科IP路由(简称路由)-(642-902)Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)概述这是思科官方CCNP 课程的一部分,涵盖了为CCNP证书所需的路由知识。
这个课程取代了原版的BSCI的路由课程课程大纲1. 路由服务的需求分析2. EIGRP的配置和实施3. OSPF的配置和实施4. 路由优化5. 路由路径控制6. BGP和企业网络与ISP网络的连接7. 企业分支机构网络的连接(自学)8. 移动工作者的连接(自学)9. IPV6(自学)二.部署思科IP交换网络(简称交换)-(642-813)Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)概述这是思科官方CCNP 课程的一部分,涵盖了为CCNP证书所需的交换技能。
这个课程取代了原版的BCMSN的交换课程课程大纲1. 园区网络的设计与分析2. VLAN的实施3. 生成树的实施4. VLAN间路由的实施5. 高效率网络的部署和实施6. 园区网络的安全部署7. 园区网络中的语音和视频部署8. 园区网络的无线部署三.故障排除和维护思科IP网络(简称排错)-(642-832)Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)概述这是思科官方CCNP 课程的一部分,涵盖了为CCNP证书所需的排错技能。
目录实验一路由器基本配置 (1)实验二静态路由 (3)实验三缺省路由 (5)实验四静态路由&缺省路由&CDP协议 (7)实验五三层交换机实现VLAN间通信 (9)实验六Vtp (11)实验七生成树STP (13)实验八RIP路由协议1 (17)实验九RIP路由协议2 (19)实验十OSPF单区域1 (21)实验十一OSPF单区域2 (22)实验十二OSPF单区域3 (24)实验十三EIGRP (26)实验十四ACL标准访问控制列表 (29)实验十五扩展ACL -1 (31)实验十六扩展ACL -2 (33)实验十七专家级访问控制列表 (36)实验十八动态NAT (37)实验十九NAT地址转换 (39)实验二十单臂路由 (41)实验二十一PPP chap认证 (43)实验二十二研究应用层和传输层协议 (44)实验二十三检查路由 (45)实验二十四研究ICMP 数据包 (47)实验二十五研究第2 层帧头 (49)实验二十六地址解析协议(ARP) (50)实验二十七中间设备用作终端设备 (52)实验二十八管理设备配置 (54)实验一路由器基本配置一、实验设备一台路由器,一台PC,配置线一条。
4.配置以太网口的IP为202.119.249.2195.设置登陆提示信息6.对串行口进行描述(描述信息为:welcome to lixin lab)7.将上述信息保存到tftp server8.将实验过程配置写在记事本中进行粘贴。
三、实验步骤Router>enableRouter#configure terminalRouter(config)#hostname RA 设置路由器名RA(config)#enable password cisco1 设置密码RA(config)#enable secret cisco2 设置加密密码RA (config)#no ip domain-lookup关闭域名查找(当我们打错命令时,不会去查找DNS,造成延时)RA (config)#line console 0RA (config-line)#logging synchronous命令输入达到同步(信息提示不会打断你的输入)RA (config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0 设置永久不超时RA (config-line)#exitRA(config)#line vty 0 4RA(config-line)#(enable)password cisco3 设置vty密码RA(config-line)#exitRA(config)#service password-encryption 对密码加密RA(config)#int fastEthernet 0/0RA(config-if)#ip address 对以太网口fa0/0配置IP RA(config-if)#no shutdown 开启端口RA(config-if)#exitRA(config)#banner motd & welcome welcome to ccna lab & 设置登陆提示信息RA(config)#int fa0/1RA(config-if)#description this is a fast port 描述端口信息RA(config-if)#exitRA(config)#copy running-config tftp 把信息保存到tftp实验二静态路由一、实验设备两台28系列型号路由器通过串口相连。
BSCI知识总结一般说来在规划网络的时候要考虑到一点,即可扩展性网络设计一般是把它设计为层次化的,一般分为以下三层:Access Layer(访问层):用户接入到网络中的接入点Distribution Layer(分发层):该层是访问层用户访问网络资源的一个汇聚点Core Layer(核心层):负责在各个分割的网络之间进行高速有效的数据传输如下图,就是三层模型的一个图例:网络层次划分:1.按功能,企业的不同部门来划分2.按地理位置来划分但是记得不管你按何种方式来设计你的网络,三层元素要考虑进去:1.核心层:需要大带宽,冗余连接2.访问层:用户接入到网络的接入点.地址的分发(比如DNCP),VLAN的设计,防火墙,ACL等都在这层考虑进去3.分发层:访问层设备的汇聚点看看核心层的两种设计,如下图:这样的一种设计是全互连(fully meshed)的方式,优点是提供冗余连接,但是随着网络的扩展,成本会越来越高为了节约成本,就可以采用如上图的一种星形设计方式(hub-and-spoke),让其他设备都连接到相对独立的中心设备上去.这样做节省了一些开销,但是冗余度上比全互连的方式要差Benefits of Good Network Design先来看看RFC1918定义的私有IP地址范围:A类:到10.255.255.255B类:到172.31.255.255C类:到192.168.255.255在注意设计一个好的网络的IP地址规划的时候要注意以下几点:1.可扩展性(scalability)2.可预测性(predictability)3.灵活性(flexibility)Benefits of an Optimized IP-Addressing Plan层次化地址规划的好处:1.减少了路由表(routing table)的条目(entry)2.可以有效的对地址进行分配可以使用路由汇总(route summarization)来减少路由表的条目,路由汇总使得多个IP地址是集合看上去就像是一个IP地址从而减少在路由器中的条目.这样就可以减轻路由器的CPU和内存的负载,提供更为有效的路由服务,加快了网络收敛(convergence)的速度,简化了排错(troubleshooting)的过程来看下图:这个就是典型的规划不太合理的网络.假设有50个分部,每个分部有200个前缀为/24的子网,由于子网不连续,那么总共路由表的条目将达到10000条以上相比再看看下图:子网连续,可以做路由汇总,所以49个分部对外的路由只有1条,加上子网内部的路由条目200条,总共路由表就可以减少到249条Hierarchical Addressing Using Variable-Length Subnet Masks变长子网掩码(Variable-Length Subnet Masks,VLSM)的出现是打破传统的以类(class)为标准的地址划分方法,是为了缓解IP地址紧缺而产生的先来看看前缀(prefix)的概念:假设给你个地址范围192.168.1.64到192.168.1.79.前3个8位位组(octet)是一样的,我们来看看组后个8位位组,写成2进制,如下:64:0100 000065:0100 000166:0100 0010……………..77:0100 110178:0100 111079:0100 1111注意它们的共通点:前4位是一样的,加上前3个8位位组的24位就等于28位,所以我们就可以认定这个网段的前缀是/28(即255.255.255.240).所以在这个例子里,主机位就只有4位来看下VLSM的应用,如下图:假如这个公司使用的是172.16.0.0/16的地址空间.给公司的分部A分配172.16.12.0/22到172.16.14.255/22的地址块.D需要2个VLAN,然后每个VLAN容纳200个用户.A,B和C 连接3个以太网,分别用1个24口的交换机相连(不考虑级联等因素)先从需要最大用户的入手:要让1个子网容纳200个用户,即主机位应该保留为8位(254台主机,假如主机位是9位的话可以容纳510台主机,但是造成了地址空间的浪费).所以前缀为/24,从172.16.12.0/24开始分配起走.如下图:然后分配A,B和C的地址:A连接一个24口的交换机,即需要24个主机地址,那么主机位应该保留为5位(可以容纳30台主机),即前缀为/27(,因为172.16.12.0/24和172.16.13.0/24已经被D全部占用,所以从172.16.14.0/27开始分配.如下图最后来给A和D,B和D,C和D之间分配IP地址.由于它们之间是点对点连接,所以主机位只保留2位,即前缀是/30就可以了.除掉掉2个VLAN和3个LAN占用了的地址,还剩下下面几个地址块:我们从172.16.14.224/27来进行划分(一般选择最后1个地址块进行划分).如下图:Route Summarization and Classless Interdomain Rouring我们先来看下什么是路由汇总,如下图:4个前缀为/24的连续子网经过D汇总后成为172.16.12.0/22(转换成2进制可以看出前22位是一样的).所以在E的路由表中只有一条条目.再来看下无类域间路由(Classless Interdomain Rouring,CIDR),它是为了缓解IP地址短缺,减小路由表的体积,打破传统的以类划分网络的一种技术,如下图:4个C类地址的子网经过D的路由汇总成一条192.16.12.0/22,注意这个192.16.12.0/22既不是A类也不是B类更不是C类,可以理解成超网(supernetting),即无类的概念Understanding IP Version 6IPv6是IPv4的增强版本,和IPv4相比,有很多优点包括:1.支持更大的地址空间2. IPv6的头部格式比IPv4的头部更为简化,IPv6的头部可以根据需要进行扩展(简单并不代表短,注意不要混淆)3.更高的安全性和能很好的和移动IP相互兼容4.能够平滑过渡IPv4到IPv6移动IP是IETF标准,使得移动设备在不中断现有连接的情况下进行迁移.这一特征是内建在IPv6中的,但是IPv4就不是.IP Sec是IETF开发的标准,用于增强IP网络安全性,这一特性对IPv6是必须的IPv6 Addressing如下图对于两种版本的IP进行比较:可以看出IPv4是32位长,4字节;IPv6是128位长,16字节;IPv4支持的地址最多达到42亿,IPv6支持的地址多达3.4乘以10的38次方.增加IP地址的位长即增加了IP包头部信息的大小IPv6的表示方法:1.X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X(每个X代表16位的16进制数字).不区分大小写2.排头的0可省略,比如09C0就可以写成9C0,0000可以写成03.连续为0的字段可以以::来代替,但是整个地址中::只能出现一次.比如FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1就可以简写成FF01::1来看几个简写的例子:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0可以写成::0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0可以写成::1Multicast UseIPv4中的广播(broadcast)可以导致网络性能的下降甚至广播风暴(broadcast storm).在IPv6中,就不存在广播这一概念了,取而代之的是组播(multicast)和任意播(anycast)组播的接受对象是一组成员,是个群体.任意播是多个设备共享一个地址.分配IPv6单播(unicast)地址给拥有相同功用的一些设备.发送方发送一个以任意播为目标地址的包,当路由器接受到这个包以后,就转发给具有这个地址的离它最近的设备.单播地址用来分配任意播地址.对于那些没有配备任意播的的地址就是单播地址;但是当一个单播地址分配给不止一个接口的时候,单播地址就成了任意播地址Autoconfiguration来看下IPv6的自动配置:当本地链路的路由器发送网络类型信息给所有节点的时候.支持IPv6的主机就把它自己64位的链路层地址附着在64位的前缀自动配置成128位长的地址,保证地址的唯一性.自动配置启用即插即用(Plug and Play)IPv6 RenumberingIPv6的重编号:路由器发送组播数据包,其中数据包中包含2个前缀,一个是拥有比较短的生存期的前缀,还有一个是新的拥有正常时间的前缀.通知网络上的节点用完旧的前缀后换成新的前缀,这样就能进行平滑的前缀过渡IPv4 to IPv6 Transitioning两种转换的方式:1.双栈(dual stack)2.IPv6到IPv4(6to4)的隧道(tunnel)还有一种是利用NAT来翻译46地址来看看双栈配置的例子,如下:Router#sh run(略)!interface Ethernet0ip address address 3ffe:b00:c18:1::3/127!(略)再来看看隧道技术,如下图所示:可以看出隧道技术是在双栈路由器上,将IPv6包封装在IPv4包中,然后经过IPv4网络传递到另外一端的双栈路由器上去,然后再由它解封装要注意的是对采用了隧道技术的网络进行排错的话比较复杂,要记住的是这只是一个过渡方案,不是最终的体系结构对隧道进行配置,需要满足以下2个条件:1.在连接网络的两端采用双栈路由器2.在双栈路由器的接口同时配置IPv4和IPv6的地址如下图所示:Module2 Network Address TranslationConfiguring IP NAT with Access Lists看看NAT的术语,如下:1.IP NAT inside:属于内网部分内的需要翻译成外部地址的接口2.IP NAT outside:属于外网和路由器相连的接口或者是在它的路由表里没有运载的有IP NAT inside地址空间的信息当包在下面的接口之间进行路由的话就需要NAT:1.IP NAT inside接口到IP NAT outside接口2.IP NAT outside接口到IP NAT inside接口当有包要从inside路由到outside的时候,你就需要在NAT表里建立条NAT条目.NAT条目把源IP地址从内部地址翻译为外部地址.当IP NAT outside接口响应这个包的时候,包的目标IP 地址将和IP NAT表里的条目做比较.如果匹配的条目找到了,目标IP地址就被翻译成正确的内部地址,然后放到路由表里保证能够被路由到IP NAT inside接口去;如果没有找到匹配的条目,包将被丢弃地址超载(address overloading)是种在Internet连接上很常见的现象.超载是使用NAT将多个内部地址映射到一个或一些唯一的地址上去.NAT使用TCP和UDP端口来跟踪不同的会话当路由器决定了从IP NAT inside接口到IP NAT outside接口的路径的时候,要建立包括源IP地址和源TCP和UDP端口号的条目.每个设备被分配的有一个唯一的TCP或UDP的端口号来进行区分NAT表包含以下信息:1.协议:IP,TCP或UDP2.inside local IP address:port:等待NAT翻译的内部地址以及端口号3.inside global IP address:port:经过翻译了的地址.这些地址通常是全局的唯一地址4.outside global IP address:port:ISP分配给外网的IP地址5.outside local IP address:port:看上去像是处于内网的外网主机的地址IP NAT和访问列表ACL的结合使用的命令,如下:1.ip nat {inside|outside}:接口命令,标记IP设备接口为内部或者外部,只有标记了内部或外部的接口才需要翻译2.ip nat source list pool :当包被发送到标记为IP NAT inside的接口的时候,这个命令告诉路由器比较源地址和ACL,然后ACL告诉路由器查找地址池(address pool)看是否要进行翻译.ACL许可的地址才能被NAT翻译3.ip nat pool {prefix-length |netmask }:这个命令创建翻译池,参数为起始地址到完结地址和前缀或者是掩码如下图:如图,当一个包的源地址为10.1.2.x,路由器就根据名为sales_pool的地址池进行翻译;如果包的源地址是10.1.3.x的话,路由器就根据名为acct_pool的地址池进行翻译来看一个NAT和扩展ACL结合使用的例子,如下图:ACL102和ACL103用来控制NAT的决策,和仅基于源地址相比,扩展ACL的决策基于源地址和目标地址.如果包的源地址不是10.1.1.0/24的话,包将不会通过NAT进行翻译.如果从10.1.1.0/24而来的包的目标地址为172.16.1.0/24或者是192.168.200.0/24的话.包的地址将被翻译成地址池trust_pool里的地址,即192.168.2.0/24;如果目标地址既不匹配172.16.1.0/24也不匹配192.168.200.0/24的话,源地址就将被翻译成地址池untrust_pool中的地址,即192.168.3.0/24Defining the Route Map Tool for NATroute map是Cisco IOS提供的一项功能,它的好处如下图:当你只使用ACL的时候,如图可以看出,不支持端口号,而且inside与outside的关系是一一对应.而且带来的缺点是很难排错你可以使用NAT的超载技术或者使用一种叫做route map的Cisco IOS工具,如果你结合route map和ACL一起使用,它将生成扩展的翻译条目,如上图.这些条目包含了端口信息,可以使得应用程序能够跟踪这些会话.ACL和route map不同的地方是可以使用set命令对route map进行修改,而ACL就不行在配置模式下输入route-map map-tag [permit | deny] [sequence-number],定义路由策略;接下来输入match {conditions},定义条件;最后使用set {actions}定义对符合条件的语句采取的措施map-tag是route map号,路由器从上到下的处理这些陈述,直到找到第一个匹配的的语句然后应用它.一条单独的match语句可以包含多个条件.每条条件语句中至少要有一条符合条件的语句.sequence-number定义了检查的顺序,比如1个名为hello的router map,其中一个的sequence-number为10;另外一个为20.那么将先检查sequence-number为10的那个.和ACL一样,在末尾有条隐含的deny any语句来看看一个router map配置的例子,如下图:如图黄色部分是增加的route map.在这个例子里,名为what_is_sales_doing的route map通过使用ip nat inside source route-map what_is_sales_doing pool sales_pool命令和sales_pool相互链接.源地址为10.1.2.100的包到达E0口,即IP NAT inside接口.ip nat inside source route-map what_is_sales_doing pool sales_pool命令告诉路由器发送包给名为what_is_sales_doing的route map.这个route map的sequence 10匹配包的源地址10.1.2.100,依靠ACL 2.接下来路由器查询名为sales_pool的NAT池,得到10.1.2.100要翻译的成的新地址当使用route map的时候,路由器在IP NAT表里创建完全的扩展翻译条目,包含源地址和目标地址以及TCP或UDP端口号;当你只使用ACL的时候,路由器创建的只是一条简单的翻译条目,一个应用程序对应一个条目,不包含端口信息Verifying NAT检查NAT表的内容,使用show ip nat translation命令,注意下图,分别是NAT使用了ACL 和NAT使用了route map的输出:Module3 Routing PrinciplesPrinciples of Static Routing我们来复习下配置静态路由的语法,在全局配置模式下使用:ip route prefix mask {next-hop address|interface} [distance] [permanent]看下各个参数的含义:prefix mask:要加进路由表中去的远程网络及其子网掩码next-hop address:下一跳地址interface:到达目标网络的本地路由器的出口distance:管理距离(AD),可选permanent:路由条目永久保存在路由表中,即使路由器的接口down掉了注意,一般只在点对点的连接中使用interface选项,否则应该使用next-hop address选项使用静态路由的好很多,比如可以对网络进行完全的掌控,不会占用额外的路由器CPU和内存资源以及网络带宽.适用于小型网络中如下就是一个静态路由的例子:如图,对于A,只需要在它上面配置ip route s0就可以了,这里采用的就不是next-hop address而是采用本地的出口接口(因为是点到点是连接);当然也可以这样配置成ip route,这里采用的就是next-hop address 同样对于B的配置就可以使用ip route s0或者ip route默认路由(default route):一般使用在stub网络中,stub网络是只有1条出口路径的网络.使用默认路由来发送那些目标网络没有包含在路由表中的数据包或者所有的数据包.语法是把静态路由中的prefix mask写成0.0.0.0和0.0.0.0Principles of Dynamic Routing动态路由允许路由器自动交换路由信息从而了解整个网络的信息.动态路由的好处是:使用中型和大型网络,能够根据网络拓扑的变化自动更改路由表的信息,避免了人工手动更改;但是带来的缺点就是占用路由器额外的CPU和内存资源以及网络带宽来看一个以RIP为例的动态路由的配置,如下:首先在A上使用router rip命令启动RIP协议,接下来只需要使用network命令加上需要交换信息的网络即可,在这里就是:A(config)#router ripA(config-router)#network^ZA#对B的配置,如下:B(config)#router ripB(config-router)#network^ZB#config tB(config)#ip route s1B(config)#^ZB#注意B的配置中的ip route s1,告诉通往Internet采用默认路由Principles of On-Demand RoutingODR是Cisco私有的,主要用在如下的一种星型环境中:有的时候你会觉得假如你使用静态路由,当网络拓扑发生变化以后,就得手动修改路由表;但是你又不想使用动态路由,因为那样占用了你额外的一些硬件资源和网络带宽.在如上图的环境中就可以使用ODR.ODR使用Cisco发现协议(CDP)携带网络信息.ODR的好处是最大可能的减少了网络硬件和资源的负载,同时又减少了手动修改的工作量.但是ODR只使用于hub-and-spoke这样的拓扑结构中.如上图,AC,D和E就是spoke router,或者叫做stub router,B作为中心,叫做hub router.当配置了ODR以后,spoke router使用CDP发送IP前缀信息到hub router,spoke router发送IP前缀信息给所有和它直接相连的网络.ODR报告子网掩那子信息,所以ODR支持VLSM.然后hub router依次发送指向到它自己的默认路由给周边的spoke router严格说来ODR不算是真正的路由协议,因为它交换的信息仅仅局限在IP前缀信息和默认路由上,ODR没有包含度(metric)的信息.ODR使用跳数(hop count)作为度配置ODR只需要在hub router上的全局配置模式下起用router odr命令,不需要在stub router上配置IP路由信息,但是必须在接口上开启CDP功能对ODR的验证,如下:B#show ip route(略)o [160/1] via, 00:00:23, Serial0o [160/1] via, 00:00:03, Serial1o [160/1] via, 00:00:16, Serial2o [160/1] via, 00:00:45, Serial3(略)注意o代表ODR,管理距离为160Classful Routing Protocol Concept基于类的路由协议最大的特点是在路由更新(routing update)中不包含子网掩码的信息.由于不知道子网掩码的信息,当一个基于类的路由器接受或发送,路由器会假设认为网络所使用的子网掩码是包含进路由更新中的,而且这些假设是基于IP的类.在接收到路由更新以后,运行了基于类的路由协议的路由器就会根据以下其中一条来决定网络路径:1.如果路由更新信息包含相同的主网络号和接收更新的接口配置相同的话,路由器就应用接收更新的接口的那个子网掩码2.如果路由更新信息包含相同的主网络号和接收更新的接口配置不相同的话,路由器将应用默认的子网掩码:A类:类:类:当使用基于类的路由协议的时候,所有的网络主网络号必须相同,而且子网必须连续.否则路由器将对子网信息做出错误的判断.运行了基于类的路由协议会在网络的边界(boundary)做自动的路由汇总常见的基于类的路由协议有:IGRP和RIPv1Network Summarization in Classful Routing来看看网络汇总在边界的发生,如下图:B作为网络的分界,从C到A,B将两条条目(和172.16.2.0)的信息汇总成一条(;从A到C,B将两条条目(和10.2.0.0)的信息汇总成一条(在基于类的路由协议里,这样的汇总是自动进行的,不需要手动配置.前提是子网掩码等长,子网连续假如说子网不连续,如下图:如图中的表所示,D给C传送一条汇总路由10.3.0.0;B传送条汇总路由10.2.0.0给C.对于C而言它就会做出错误的判断,它区分不了10.2.0.0和10.3.0.0分别在哪边.所以说做基于类的路由协议的路由汇总,子网必须连续.但是这样一来,会造成地址空间的浪费(和VLSM相比)Examining a Classful Routing Table假设我们使用show ip route命令,产生如下输出:J# show ip route(略)Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 3 subnets,R [120/1] via, 00:00:05, Ethernet0C is directly connected, Ethernet0R [120/2] via, 00:00:05, Ethernet0R [120/2] via, 00:00:16, Ethernet0R [120/3] via, 00:00:16, Ethernet0R* [120/3] via, 00:00:05, Ethernet0(略)如上,可以看出10.1.2.0/24是直接相连,其他的都是通过RIP学习到的.现在我们假设有以下几个目的地的包,它们对于上面的输出会如何进行匹配:根据show ip route的输出可以看出,到达192.168.24.3的包会跟第四条(相匹配,(虽然最后一条也可以,但是匹配原则是匹配掩码最长的那条);接下来,和第五条(匹配;和第二条(相互匹配;和前五条都不匹配,和第六条默认路由(相互匹配;虽然和前三条的第一个8位位组匹配,但是后面3个8位位组不匹配,所以它将被丢弃而不会采用默认路由如果你在全局模式下使用了ip classless命令的话,目的地是10.2.2.2的包就不会被丢弃,就会采用默认路由.ip classless命令在Cisco IOS版本12.0和12.0以后默认打开的,无须手动打开Classless Routing Protocol Concepts基于无类概念的路由协议可以说是第二代路由协议,相比基于类的路由协议,它可以解决地址空间过于浪费的问题.这类协议的例子有RIPv2,OSPF,EIGRP,IS-IS,BGPv4.使用无类的路由协议,拥有相同主网络号的不同子网就可以使用不同的子网掩码(VLSM).假如在路由表中到达目的网络的匹配条目不止一条,将会选择子网掩码长的那条进行匹配.比如假如有两条条目172.16.0.0/16和172.16.5.0/24,如果目的地是172.16.5.99的包将会和172.16.5.0/24进行匹配而不是和172.16.0.0/16进行匹配还有一点是无类的路由协议的自动汇总可以手动关闭,这样的自动汇总会影响不连续的子网的使用而造成错误的汇总路由信息(这点和基于类的路由协议在不连续子网的情况下的自动汇总所带来的问题是一样的)Automatic Network-Boundary Summarization Using RIPv2 and EIGRP基于无类的路由协议一般不会对所有的子网进行宣告(advertise).默认的,比如像EIGRP和RIPv2会像基于类的路由协议那样,在网络的边界进行自动汇总,这样就使得它们能和它们的之前的RIPv1和IGRP很好的兼容但是和之前的RIPv1和IGRP不同的是,你可以手动关闭自动汇总.在配置相关路由的时候只需要输入no auto-summary就可以了.这个命令在配置OSPF和IS-IS的时候是不必输入的,因为默认OSPF和IS-IS不会进行自动汇总如下图:如果在不连续子网启用自动汇总会产生问题,比如上图的A和B都将宣告汇总路由172.16.0.0/16给C,因此C不能明确区分它相连的子网谁是谁.所以,要解决这个问题就必须关闭自动汇总.当然有的时候自动汇总能够带来好处看看RIPv2和OSPF网络对于自动汇总的处理,如下图:注意RIPv2会将172.16.2.0/24和172.16.1.0/24汇总成172.16.0.0/16;而OSPF就不会进行自动汇总,仍然是两条条目:和172.16.2.0/24.但是假如你对RIPv2网络中使用了no auto-summary关闭自动汇总的话,OSPF网络中的C和RIPv2网络中C的路由表中的条目就是一样的了.如下图:在RIPv2中关闭自动汇总,如下:Router(config)#router ripRouter(config-router)#version 2Router(config-router)#no auto-summaryversion 2命令是启用RIPv2版本Characteristics of RIP Version 1RIPv1的特点包括:1.使用跳数(hop count)作为度来决定最佳路径2.允许最大跳数是15跳3.默认是每30秒广播路由更新(实际环境中并不是设定的固定为30秒,而是25秒到30秒之间的随机时间,防止两个路由器发送同时更新产生冲突)4.最多支持6条等价链路的负载均衡,默认是4条5.是基于类的路由协议,不支持VLSM6.不支持验证(authentication)Characteristics and Configuration of RIPv2RIPv2比RIPv1增强的特点包括:1.基于无类概念的路由协议2.支持VLSM3.可以人工设定是否进行路由汇总4.使用多播来代替RIPv1中的广播5.支持明文或MD5加密验证RIPv2使用多播地址224.0.0.9来更新路由信息RIPv2的配置命令步骤如下:1.启动RIP路由协议:Router(config)#router rip2.启动版本2 :Router(config-router)#version 23.设置进行宣告的网络号Router(config-router)#network network-number一默认Cisco IOS会接收版本1和2的更新包, ;但是只发送版本1的包.要设置成只发送和接收一种版本的包,使用version {1|2}命令即可一些其他的命令,如下:Router(config-if)#ip rip send | receive version {1|2} or 1 2在接口模式下设置摸个接口接受和发送不同版本的包或同时接收发送版本1和2的包Router(config-if)#ip summary-address rip network mask如果之前在全局配置模式下使用no auto-summary关闭了自动汇总的话,要在某个接口做人工汇总的话就用上面这个命令来看一个例子,如下图:如图所显示的是一个RIPv1和RIPv2协同工作的网络.A运行RIPv2,C运行RIPv1,B同时运行RIPv1和RIPv2对C的配置,如下:C(config)#router ripC(config-router)#version 2C(config-router)#network network对B配置,如下:B(config)#router ripB(config-router)#version 2B(config-router)#network光配置这些是不够的,还要对B做进一步配置,如下:B(config)#int s3B(config-if)#ip rip send version 1B(config-if)#ip rip receive version 1如上,我们在s3口配置了接收和发送RIPv1的更新,因为RIPv2是作为主要运做的协议,C运行的是RIPv1,所以要让B和C进行正确的信息交换的话,就要在B的s3口配置上述命令对A进行配置,如下:A(config)#router ripA(config-router)#version 2A(config-router)#network auto-summary如上我们关闭了自动汇总,当然这样是不够的,还应该做如下配置进行手动汇总:A(config)#int s2A(config-if)#ip summary-address rip这样做的目的是允许把172.16.1.0/24的信息发送给B,因为默认发送给B的信息是172.16.0.0/16Administrative Distance看看Cisco制定的各个路由协议的管理距离(AD),如下:Floating Status Route因为静态路由的AD比一些动态路由协议的AD高,假如你又想优先采用动态路由,而让静态路由作为备份路由的话,就可以在配置静态路由的时候指定一个AD值,这个AD值要比你采用的动态路由协议要高才行.所以一般当动态路由正常的时候,你在路由表里是看不到这条静态路由的;当动态路由出问题的时候,静态路由开始生效,于是出现在路由表里,这样的静态路由就叫做浮动静态路由(floating static route)来看一个例子,如下:对A的配置如下:A(config)#ip route 100A(config)#router eigrp 100A(config-router)#network如上,我们对静态路由的AD指定为100,EIGRP的AD为90,所以优先采用EIGRP对B的配置和A类似,如下:B(config)#ip route 100B(config)#router eigrp 100B(config-router)#network注意,不能在ISDN上配置EIGRP,因为ISDN一般作为备份连接,如果在ISDN上配置了EIGRP的话,那ISDN连接将永久保持,就失去了作为备份连接的意义了Criteria for Inserting Routes in the IP Routing Table路由器决定最佳路径要参考以下几个标准,如下:1.有效的下一跳IP地址2.最佳的度3.管理距离4.选择前缀匹配最长的路由Protocols, Ports, and Reliability各个路由协议的协议号,端口号和可靠性的比较,如下图:。
CCNP考试知识点简介CCNP(Cisco Certified Network Professional)是思科公司认可的一种专业级IT 技术认证,用于评估和证明网络工程师的技能和知识水平。
1. 网络设计在网络设计方面,CCNP考试重点关注以下几个方面:a. 网络拓扑设计网络拓扑设计是构建网络基础架构的关键步骤。
b. IP地址规划IP地址规划是一个复杂的过程,它涉及到如何划分子网、选择合适的IP地址范围和分配方案等。
c. VLAN设计VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)是一种逻辑上的网络划分技术,可以将一个物理网络分割为多个虚拟网络。
2. 网络安全网络安全是现代网络架构中不可或缺的一部分。
在CCNP考试中,以下几个网络安全知识点需要着重准备:a. 防火墙和访问控制列表(ACL)防火墙和ACL是保护网络免受未经授权访问和攻击的重要工具。
b. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)VPN是一种安全的远程访问技术,可以通过加密和隧道技术实现远程办公和数据传输。
c. 无线网络安全无线网络安全是一个独特的挑战,因为无线信号可以容易地被窃听和干扰。
3. 网络调优和故障排除网络调优和故障排除是维护和优化网络性能的关键步骤。
在CCNP考试中,以下几个知识点需要特别关注:a. 网络性能优化网络性能优化涉及多个方面,包括带宽管理、路由优化和负载均衡等。
ccnp知识点CCNP(Cisco Certified Network Professional)认证是由Cisco公司推出的高级网络工程师认证,是在CCNA(Cisco Certified Network Associate)基础上进一步提高和完善了网络工程师的级别。
在路由和交换领域,需要了解如下知识点:1. 路由协议路由协议用于确保在不同网络间的数据传输正常运行。
2. 交换协议交换协议用于在同一网络中交换数据包。
3. VLANVLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)是一种虚拟网络技术,可以根据物理布局或功能要求,将一个物理网络划分为多个逻辑网络。
4. VTPVTP(Virtual Trunking Protocol)是一种交换机之间进行自动同步VLAN信息的协议。
CCNP路由精华3:在单个区域办配置OSPF 第三章在单个区域办配置OSPFOSPF是一项链路状态型技术,比如路由选择信息协议(RIP)这样的距离矢量型技术相对。
OSPF与RI P、IGRP一样直持等开销路径OSPF信息在IP数据包内,使用协议号89OSPF可以运行在广播型网络或非广播型网络上在广播型多路访问拓朴结构中的OSPF运行Hello协议负责建立和维护邻居关系通过IP多目组广播224.0.0.5,也被称为ALLSPFROUTER (所有SPF路由器)地址,Hello数据包被定期地从参与OSPF的各个接口发送出去。
这个标识在建立邻居关系和直辖市运行在网络中S PF算法拷贝的消息时是很重要的。
*HELLO间隔和DOWN机判断间隔(dead interval)HELLO间隔规定了路由发送HELLO的时间间隔(秒)。
DOWN机判定间隔是路由器在认为相邻路由器失效之前等待接收来自邻居消息的时间,单位为秒,缺省是H ELLO间隔的4倍。
CCNA3 Answers – CCNA Exam – CCNA Exams1. Which security protocol or measure would provide the greatest protection for a wireless LAN?WPA2cloaking SSIDsshared WEP keyMAC address filtering2.Refer to the exhibit. All trunk links are operational and all VLANs are allowed on all trunk links. An ARP request is sent by computer 5. Which device or devices will receive this message?only computer 4computer 3 and RTR-Acomputer 4 and RTR-Acomputer 1, computer 2, computer 4, and RTR-Acomputer 1, computer 2, computer 3, computer 4, and RTR-Aall of the computers and the router3.Refer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B, connected to hub HB1, attempt to transmit a frame at the same time but a collision occurs. Which hosts will receive the collision jamming signal?only hosts A and Bonly hosts A, B, and Conly hosts A, B, C, and Donly hosts A, B, C, and E4.Refer to the exhibit. Router RA receives a packet with a source address of and a destination address of What will the router do with this packet?The router will drop the packet.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.1.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 and interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.5.Refer to the exhibit. Which two settings show the default value of VTP configuration on a Cisco 2960 switch? (Choose two.)revision numberexisting VLANsoperating modedomain namepruning mode6. Which value determines if a switch becomes the central point of reference in the spanning tree topology?lowest bridge IDhighest revision numberlowest numeric IP addresshighest numeric MAC address7. What is the purpose of the Spanning Tree algorithm?It propagates VLAN configurations to other switches.It restricts broadcast packets to a single VLAN.It segments a network into multiple broadcast domains.It prevents loops in a switched network with redundant paths.8. What are two benefits of the IEEE 802.11n standard over the IEEE 802.11G? (Choose two.)requires less equipmentprovides improved rangepermits increased data rateshas a single-input and a single-outputneeds no hardware upgrade for compatibility9.Which configuration changes will increment the configuration revision number on the VTP server?configuring trunk links on the VTP serverconfiguring or changing the VTP passwordconfiguring or changing the VTP domain nameconfiguring or changing the VTP version numberconfiguring or deleting a VLAN or creating a VLAN name10.Refer to the exhibit. A company has acquired a new office in a campus environment. Switches in the existing office and the new office are directly connected by a trunk link. The VLANs and IP addressing are setup as shown in the exhibit. The computers in each office are not able to ping each other. What will fix the problem?Use an access link between S2 and S3.Connect S2 and S3 to a common router.Set the subnet mask in the new office to /24.Configure the new office default gateway to the port assignments in the new office to a different VLAN.11. What is a possible impact of setting too short an aging time in the MAC address table of a switch?overly large address tableunnecessary flooding of packetsexcessive timeouts of static addressesimpaired ability to dynamically learn new addresses12.Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has just added VLAN 50 to Switch1 and Switch2. Hosts A, B, C, and D are correctly configured with IP addresses in the subnet range for VLAN 50. Host A can communicate with host B, but cannot communicate with host C or host D. What is the cause of this problem?There is a native VLAN mismatch.The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.The link between Switch1 and Switch2 is up but not trunked.VLAN 50 is not allowed on the trunk link between Switch1 and Switch2.Refer to the exhibit. Users complain that they do not have connectivity to the web server that is connected to SW1. What should be done to remedy the problem?Allow all VLANs on the trunk link.Configure VLAN 100 as the native VLAN for SW1.Configure the trunk port in trunk mode on SW1.Attach the web server to a router and configure inter-VLAN routing.14. What VLANs are allowed across a trunk when the range of allowed VLANs is set to the default value?only the management VLANall VLANs except the extended range VLANsall VLANs except 1 and 1002-1005all VLANs15.Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN 1. Which IP address should be assigned to this new host? /28192.168.1.22 /28192.168.1.33 /28192.168.1.44 /28192.168.1.55 /2816. Using the command copy tftp:backup.cfg startup-config, an administrator downloaded a saved configuration from a TFTP server to a switch. Why does the administrator not detect any changes in the switch configuration after the download completes?The command should have been copy startup-config tftp:backup.cfg.A backup configuration from a TFTP server cannot be copied directly into the startup-config.The command copy running-config startup-config should be used to save the changes on the switch.Downloading to the startup-config requires the switch to be reloaded in order for the configuration to take effect.17. What two methods can be used to remove MAC address table entries froma switch? (Choose two.)Power cycle the switch to clear all dynamically learned addresses.The clear switching-tables command will remove statically configured entries.The clear mac-address-table command will remove statically and dynamically configured table entries.The erase flash command will clear all statically configured table entries.Statically configured MAC addresses will automatically be removed from the address table 300 minutes after the last activity on a switch port.18. Which type of traffic can still be received on a switch interface that is in STP blocking mode?BPDU framesmulticast framesbroadcast framesLayer 3 packets19. Which method establishes an administrative connection for configuring the Linksys WRT300N wireless access point?Associate with the access point and then open a HyperTerminal session with the access point.Physically connect to the access point and then reboot the computer to launch the configuration software.From a computer in the same IP subnet as the access point, enter the default IP address of the access point in a web browser.Modify the TCP/IP properties of the computer connected to the access point so that it exists on the same network, and then reboot your computer to establish a connection.20.Refer to the exhibit. All edge ports are configured with the spanning-tree portfast command. Host1 is recently connected to port Fa0/1 on switch SW1 . Which statement is true about the status of port Fa0/1?The port will transition into blocking state.The port will transition immediately into forwarding state.The port will transition into blocking state and then immediately into forwarding state.The port will transition into blocking state and immediately transition through the listening and learning states.21.Refer to the exhibit. What is true of the configuration of switch S1?A Cisco proprietary protocol is in use for ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3.Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 have been configured with the switchport mode access command.Untagged frames received on ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 will be placed on VLAN 1.Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 are configured to carry data from multiple VLANs.22.Refer to the exhibit. The configuration steps that are listed in the exhibit have been entered in switch S1 via the console. Subsequent attempts to telnet to the switch are not successful. What is causing the problem?The switch must be configured with SSH version 1.The transport input command must specify Telnet access.The RSA keys must be returned to zero before SSH will permit Telnet access.The ip domain-name command must also be entered in line configuration mode for the vty lines.23.Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?Cat-ACat-BCat-CCat-D24.Refer to the exhibit. VTP has been configured with VTP pruning enabled on all switches. If HostA sends a broadcast frame to SW1, which devices will receive the frame?SW1, SW3, HostFSW1, HostB, HostCSW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, HostFSW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, all hosts25.Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true about the operation of the interfaces? (Choose two.)Incoming traffic with VLAN ID 0 is processed by interface fa0/0.Incoming traffic that has a VLAN ID of 2 is processed by subinterface fa0/0.2.Both subinterfaces remain up with line protocol up, even if fa0/0 line protocol is down.Subinterfaces use unique MAC addresses by adding the 802.1Q VLAN ID to the hardware address.Traffic inbound on this router is processed by different subinterfaces, depending on the VLAN from which the traffic originated.26. The network administrator wants to configure a switch to pass VLAN update information to other switches in the domain but not update its own local VLAN database. Which two steps should the administrator perform to achieve this? (Choose two.)Reset the VTP counters.Configure VTP version 1 on the switch.Configure the VTP mode of the switch to transparent.Verify that the switch has a higher configuration revision number.Configure the switch with the same VTP domain name as other switches in the network.27.Refer to the exhibit. The devices in the network are operational and configured as indicated in the exhibit. However, hosts B and D cannot ping each other. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The link between the switches is up but not trunked.The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.Hosts B and D are configured with IP addresses from different subnets. VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 are not allowed on the trunk between the switches.28.Refer to the exhibit. Users A and B are reporting intermittent connectivity problems. Pre-installation surveys showed strong signal strength from the AP locations to the client locations. Outside electrical interference has been eliminated. What will fix the problem?Relocate the APs closer to each other.Increase the distance between the clients.Change the channel on AP-B to 6 or 11.Place AP-A and AP-B on the same wireless channel.29. Why is it advisable that a network administrator use SSH instead of Telnet when managing switches?SSH uses TCP whereas Telnet does not.SSH encrypts only the username and password when logging in.SSH encrypts all remote management communications whereas Telnet does not.SSH sends a clear text message steam which reduces the bandwidth use for management.30.Refer to the exhibit. The teacher host is connected to port Fa0/7 on switch STW. A student has decided to share access to the Internet by attaching a hub and laptop to STW as shown. What will be the result of the student making this connection?The Fa0/7 port of STW will be shutdown.The student will gain full access to the Internet.Both the teacher and student will be able to receive data but only the teacher will be able to send.The frames from the laptop will be dropped, but the teacher host will maintain connectivity with the network.31. A network administrator configures a switch port with the command switchport mode dynamic auto. What is the resulting behavior of the switch port?The switch port is able to trunk if the remote switch port is set to auto.The switch port is able to trunk if the remote switch port is set to desirable.The switch port will be disabled if it is unable to successfully negotiate trunking.A successful trunk will be established if the remote switch is non-Cisco but the port is configured for trunking.32. Which STP port type can only appear once on a segment, and must be present in order for traffic to flow on that segment?non-root portdisabled portdesignated portnon-designated port33.Refer to the exhibit. What would happen if the network administrator moved the network cable of Host A from interface Fa0/1 to Fa0/3 on switch SW1?Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the router is routing traffic between VLANs.Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, because port Fa0/3 has been manually assigned to VLAN 30.Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the switch provides dynamic VLAN assignment for the port.Host A maintains connectivity to all members of VLAN 10, because it is connected to the same physical network.Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, but because port Fa0/3 was unused, it is now a member of VLAN 1.34.Refer to the exhibit. VLAN 10 has been configured on the VTP server. Users who are assigned to VLAN 10 are connected as shown in the exhibit. On the basis of the outputs that are provided, which group of users will be able to communicate with the users on VLAN 10 on SW1?all the users who are connected only to SW2users on VLAN 10 who are connected only to SW3users on VLAN 10 who are connected only to SW4users on VLAN 10 who are connected to both SW3 and SW435.Refer to the exhibit. Which three options correctly identify information that could be associated with this output?(Choose three.)Interface FastEthernet3/0/0 is subinterfaced.A non-proprietary trunking protocol is in use.The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design.A shutdown command has been applied to interface FastEthernet3/0/0.Interface FastEthernet3/0/0.3 is mapped to the default management VLAN.An IP address should be applied to FastEthernet3/0/0 for correct data routing.36.Refer to the exhibit. The Layer 2 switching design that is shown has been implemented in a campus environment that is using Spanning Tree Protocol. All inter-switch links that are shown are trunks. Whenever an inter-switch link fails, the network takes nearly a minute to completely converge. How can the convergence time be reduced?Increase the capacity of the distribution and core trunk links to 10 Gb/s.Add a trunk link that directly connects D1 and D2.Use Layer 3 switching on the core switch.Implement Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.37.Refer to the exhibit. Each switch is configured to participate in STP for VLANs 1, 10, 20, and 30. Which switch will become the root for VLAN 20?ABCD38.Refer to the exhibit. Switches S2 and S3 are properly connected using an ethernet cable. A network administrator has configured both switches with VTP, but S3 is unable to propagate VLANs to S2. What could be the reason for this?The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches.The VTP domains are different on both switches.VTP pruning is disabled.VTP v2 is disabled.39. In a three-layer hierarchical network design, which distribution layer function delineates broadcast domains?routing between VLANsaggregating traffic flowsproviding redundant linksreducing the network diameter40. Which parameter is used to uniquely identify one wireless network from another?SSIDOFDMWEPDSSS41. What is one disadvantage that 802.11a wireless has compared to 802.11g?Use of the 5GHz band requires much larger antennas.The OFDM modulation technique results in a slower data rate.There are fewer non-overlapping channels available to help reduce RF interference.The use of higher frequencies means that signals are more likely to be obstructed.42. Which three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch? (Choose three.)It is configured in VTP server mode.STP is automatically enabled.The first VTY line is automatically configured to allow remote connections.VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address.All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1.The enable password is configured as cisco.43.Refer to the exhibit. How is port Gi1/1 on SWT-A functioning in the spanning-tree topology?It is sending and receiving data frames.It is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.It is participating in the election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.It is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.44. While configuring a new switch, a network administrator configures the switch as an HTTP server. What benefits does this configuration provide?This allows the switch to host web pages for the network.This allows remote VPN connections to the switch over the Internet.This is required if a web server or web farm is attached to the switch. This allows web-based configuration tools to be used with the switch.45. Which statement describes the use of voice VLANs in Cisco IP telephony? The voice VLAN carries both tagged and untagged traffic.The voice VLAN carries untagged traffic having special QoS markings.The voice VLAN must be configured on the switch port to which the IP phone attaches.Data and voice frames are tagged with same VLAN ID between the IP phone and the switch when a voice VLAN is configured.46.Refer to the exhibit. If switch SW1 is configured with the four VLANs as shown in the exhibit, how many physical interfaces are needed on router R1 to configure inter-VLAN routing using subinterfaces?zeroonetwofour47.Refer to the exhibit. What does the term DYNAMIC indicate in the output that is shown?This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23, the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine the final destination port.Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18.The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.48.Refer to the exhibit. The VTP domain has been configured as shown in the exhibit. The network technician accidentally configured the VTP server as a VTP client. After the technician reloaded the switches, all usersin the VTP domain started to complain that they lost connectivity to the users on the same VLANs that are connected to other switches. What should be done in the future to prevent losing all VLAN configurations in a VTP domain?Configure all switches in VTP transparent mode and copy the VLAN configuration into flash.Configure all switches in the network as VTP clients and copy the VLAN configuration into NVRAM.Create a new domain and configure a second switch as a VTP server to take over in case of a primary VTP server failure.In the same domain, configure a second switch as a VTP server to take over in case of a primary VTP server failure.49.Refer to the exhibit. How does SW1 manage traffic coming from Host A?SW1 drops the traffic because it is untagged.SW1 leaves the traffic untagged and forwards it over the trunk.SW1 tags the traffic with the lowest VLAN ID value and forwards it over the trunk link.SW1 encapsulates the traffic with 802.1Q encapsulation and forwards it over the trunk link.50. An administrator is troubleshooting a PC on the network which is suffering from slow and intermittent connectivity. The PC has a ping success rate to the default gateway of less than half the ping attempts. Other PCs on the switch can consistently ping the default gateway. The switch port is configured for auto duplex and the PC is configured for full duplex. What will commonly cause this problem?The PC is set to full duplex. The switch port fails to autonegotiate the duplex setting and defaults to half duplex, which causes a duplex mismatch.The switch traffic is exceeding available frame buffers. The result is that frames are being dropped.The PC and the default gateway have different bandwidth Ethernet ports.The default gateway is not on the same switch that the PC is.51.Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has segmented the network into two VLANs and configured Router1 for inter-VLAN routing. A test of the network, however, shows that hosts on each VLAN can only access local resources and not resources on the other VLAN. What is the most likely cause of this problem?Switch port Fa0/1 is not trunking.Router interface Fa0/0 is possibly down.No routing protocol is configured on Router1.One of the router subinterfaces is possibly down.52.What impact does the use of the mdix auto configuration command have on an Ethernet interface on a switch?automatically detects duplex settingsautomatically detects interface speedautomatically detects copper cable typeautomatically assigns the first detected MAC address to an interface。
CCNA 3 - Chapter 1Posted by beotron at 9:10 PM1. A network technician is asked to examine an existing switched network. Following this examination, the technician makes recommendations for adding new switches where needed and replacing existing equipment that hampers performance. The technician is given a budget and asked to proceed. Which two pieces of information would be helpful in determining necessary port density for new switches? (Choose two.)• forwarding rate• traffic flow analysis• expected future growth• number of required core connections• number of hubs that are needed in the access layer to increase performance2. Configuring communication between devices on different VLANs requires the use of which layer of the OSI model?• Layer 1• Layer 3• Layer 4• Layer 53. What is the likely impact of moving a conventional company architecture to a completely converged network?• Local analog phon e service can be completely outsourced to cost-effective providers.• The Ethernet VLAN structure is less complex.• A shared infrastructure is created resulting in a single network to manage.• QoS issues are greatly reduced.• There is less bandwidth com petition between voice and video streams.4. Which hierarchical design model layer controls the flow of network traffic using policies and delineates broadcast domains by performing routing functions between virtual LANs (VLANs)?• application• access• d istribution• network• core5. A network administrator is selecting a switch that will operate at the network core. Which three features should the switch support for optimum network performance and reliability? (Choose three.)• port security• security policies• 10 Gigabit Ethernet• quality of service (QoS)• hot-swappable hardware• Power over Ethernet (PoE)6. Which three features are commonly supported at the distribution layer of the Cisco hierarchical network model? (Choose three.)• security poli cies• Power over Ethernet• switch port security• quality of service• Layer 3 functionality• end user access to network7. Which two features are supported at all three levels of the Cisco three-layer hierarchical model? (Choose two.)• Power over Ethe rnet• load balancing across redundant trunk links• redundant components• Quality of Service• link aggregation8. Which two characteristics are associated with enterprise level switches? (Choose two.)• low port density• high forwarding rate• high lat ency level• support link aggregation• predefined number of ports9. Link aggregation should be implemented at which layer of the hierarchical network?• core only• distribution and core• access and distribution• access, distribution, and core10. For organizations that are implementing a voice over IP solution, what functionality should be enabled at all three layers of the hierarchical network?• Power over Ethernet• quality of service• switch port security• inter-VLAN routing11. Which layer of the hierarchical design model provides a means of connecting devices to the network and controlling which devices are allowed to communicate on the network?• application• access• distribution• network• core12. At which heirarchical layer are switches normally not required to process all ports at wire speed? • core layer• distribution layer• access layer• entry layer13. Which layer of the OSI model does an access layer LAN switch use to make a forwarding decision? • Layer 1• Layer 2• Layer 3• Laye r 414. Refer to the exhibit. What characteristic of hierarchical network designs is exhibited by having SW3 connected to both SW1 and Sw2?• scalability• security• redundancy• maintainability15. Which layer of the hierarchical network design model is refered to as the high-speed backbone of the internetwork, where high availability and redundancy are critical?• access layer• core layer• data-link layer• distribution layer• network layer• physical layer16. What statement best describes a modular switch?• a slim-line chassis• allows interconnection of switches on redundant backplane• defined physical characteristics• flexible characteristics17. A technician is attempting to explain Cisco StackWise technology to a client that is setting up thre e stackable switches. Which explanation accurately describes StackWise technology?• StackWise technology allows up to eight ports to be bound together to increase available bandwidth.• StackWise technology allows the switch to deliver power to end device s by using existing Ethernet cabling.• StackWise technology allows the switch capabilities and ports to be expanded by the addition of line cards.• StackWise technology allows up to nine switches to be interconnected via the use of a fully redundant backplane.18. Which hierarchical design characteristic would be recommended at both the core and distribution layers to protect the network in the case of a route failure?• PoE• redundancy• aggregation• access lists19. Which feature supports higher throughput in switched networks by combining multiple switch ports? • convergence• redundant links• link aggregation• network diameter20. Refer to the exhibit. Beginning with HR servers and workstations, a network engineer is designing a new security struct ure for the network. Which set of • • policies adheres to the hierarchical network model design principles?• Implement Layer 3 switching on S1 to reduce the packet processing load on D1 and D2. Install all security processing on S1 to reduce network traffic load.• Configure port security options on S1. Use Layer 3 access control features on D1 and D2 to limit access to the HR servers to just the HR subnet.• Move all HR assets out of the data center and connect them to S1. Use Layer 3 security functions o n S1 to deny all traffic into and out of S1.• Perform all port access and Layer 3 security functions on C1.。
ccnp网络安全CCNP网络安全(Cisco Certified Network Professional Security)是思科公司推出的一项网络安全认证,注重网络安全方面的专业知识和技能。
考生需要通过以下四门考试才能获得CCNP网络安全认证:1. 300-208 SISAS:该考试主要涵盖通过思科安全身份服务引擎(ISE)进行的网络访问控制和身份管理方面的知识。
2. 300-206 SENSS:该考试主要涵盖防火墙、入侵防御系统(IDS)和入侵防御系统(IPS)等网络安全技术以及VPN和加密方面的知识。
3. 300-209 SIMOS:该考试主要涵盖远程安全访问以及虚拟专用网络(VPN)等方面的知识。
4. 300-210 SITCS:该考试主要涵盖网络安全威胁防御、Web安全和方式安全等知识。
ESwitching Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线(版本4.0)1、分层网络设计模型中的哪一层称为互连网络的高速主干层,其中高可用性和冗余性是该层的关键?A.接入层B. 核心层C. 数据链路层D. 分布层E. 网络层F. 物理层2、分层网络设计模型中的哪一层提供了将设备接入网络的途径并控制允许那些设备通过网络进行通信?A. 应用层B. 接入层C. 分布层D. 网络层E. 核心层3、分层设计模型中的哪一层使用策略来控制网络流量的流动并通过在虚拟局域网 (VLAN) 之间执行路由功能来划定广播域的边界?A. 应用层B. 接入层C. 分布层D. 网络层E. 核心层4、从传统的公司网络架构迁移到完全融合网络后,很可能产生什么影响?A. 可将本地模拟电话服务完全外包给收费更低的提供商B. 以太网 VLAN 结构会简化C. 会形成共享的基础架构,因此只需管理一个网络。
D. QoS 问题会大大减轻5、语音数据流和视频数据流争夺带宽的问题会减轻。
应该在分层网络的哪一层或哪几层实现链路聚合?A. 仅核心层B. 分布层和核心层C. 接入层和分布层D. 接入层、分布层和核心层6、下列哪种说法正确描述了模块化交换机?A. 外形纤细B. 允许通过冗余背板进行交换机互连C. 物理特性固定D. 特性灵活多变7、下列哪项功能可在交换网络中通过合并多个交换机端口来支持更高的吞吐量?A. 收敛B. 冗余链路C. 链路聚合D. 网络直径8、在处于不同的 VLAN 中的设备间配置通信需要使用 OSI 模型中的哪个层?A. 第 1 层B. 第 3 层C. 第 4 层D. 第 5 层9、企业级交换机有哪两项特点?(选择两项。
)A. 端口密度低B. 转发速度高C. 延时水平高D. 支持链路聚合E.端口数量预先确定10、Cisco 三层式分层模型中的三层都支持哪两项功能?(选择两项。
)A. 以太网供电B. 在冗余中继链路之间进行负载均衡C. 冗余组件D. 服务质量E. 链路聚合11、网络管理员选择的交换机将在网络核心层工作。
ccnp测试题及答案1. 在CCNP认证中,关于VLAN的以下哪个说法是正确的?A. VLAN是将交换机端口划分为多个广播域B. VLAN是将路由器端口划分为多个广播域C. VLAN是将无线接入点划分为多个广播域D. VLAN是将服务器划分为多个广播域答案:A2. 在Cisco网络设备中,哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. `switchport mode access`B. `switchport mode trunk`C. `vlan database`D. `configure terminal`答案:C3. 以下哪个协议用于在不同VLAN之间路由?A. EIGRPB. OSPFC. RIPD. VTP答案:A4. 在Cisco设备上,如何将接口配置为Trunk模式?A. `switchport mode access`B. `switchport mode trunk`C. `interface vlan 1`D. `interface fastethernet 0/1`答案:B5. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN信息?A. `show vlan`B. `show interfaces`C. `show ip interface brief`D. `show running-config`答案:A6. 在CCNP考试中,关于EIGRP协议的以下哪个说法是错误的?A. EIGRP是一个距离矢量路由协议B. EIGRP使用DUAL算法计算最短路径C. EIGRP支持VLSM和CIDRD. EIGRP仅在Cisco设备上可用答案:D7. 在Cisco设备上,如何配置EIGRP的自动汇总?A. `router eigrp 100`B. `no auto-summary`C. `ip summary-address eigrp 100`D. `metric weights 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1`答案:C8. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. `show ip eigrp neighbors`B. `show ip ospf neighbors`C. `show ip rip neighbors`D. `show ip eigrp interface`答案:A9. 在CCNP考试中,关于OSPF协议的以下哪个说法是正确的?A. OSPF仅在Cisco设备上可用B. OSPF使用RIP算法计算最短路径C. OSPF支持VLSM和CIDRD. OSPF使用广播来发现邻居答案:C10. 在Cisco设备上,如何配置OSPF的Hello和Dead间隔?A. `ip ospf hello-interval 10`B. `ip ospf dead-interval 40`C. `timers 10 40`D. `ospf hello-interval 10 dead-interval 40`答案:C结束语:以上是CCNP测试题及答案,希望对您的学习和准备有所帮助。
CCNP课程内容简介第一门:BSIN(Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks)建立可升级的Cisco网络预备知识:1.OSI 参考模型和分层模型的工作原理2.网络互连基础3.配置及操作Cisco IOS 设备4.TCP/IP 原理,配置可路由协议,如:RIP5.理解距离向量路由协议的原理,配置RIP和IGRP6.决定何时使用静态路由和缺省路由及在Cisco路由器上如何配置查看并解释Cisco路由器上的路由表7.建立WAN串行连接8.在物理端口和子端口上配置Frame Relay PVC9.配置IP的标准和扩展访问列表10.使用各种工具(如 debug show 等命令)检验Cisco 路由器的配置建议通过或学习过ICND(即CCNA)课程目标:1.在采用中央控制地址,以简化分支办公室的IP地址管理的网络中,选择并配置适当的设备2.在要求可扩展路由的网络中,包括链路状态协议(Link State) 和重定向,实现相关技术3.在和ISP的BGP网络有一个或多个入口时正确配置边缘路由器以正确接入BGP网络4.配置适当的访问表以控制对网络和设备的访问,或减轻过载数据流量5.在可扩展的互连网中,配置多种可路由协议和多种路由协议课程概要:主要介绍规划中的技术和技巧,如何在日趋增长的网络中管理访问权限和控制过载数据流量,如何用路由器控制LAN和WAN上的数据流量,以及如何把企业网接入ISP(Internet Service Provider)第一章:课程介绍第二章:路由规则第三章:扩展IP地址第四章:配置单域OSPF第五章:OSPF多域互连第六章:配置EIGRP第七章:配置IS-IS第八章:配置基本的BGP第九章:在扩展的网络中实现BGP第十章:优化路由更新操作第十一章:在网络互连中实现扩展性第二门:BCRAN(Building Cisco Remote Access Networks)建立Cisco远程访问网络预备知识熟悉通用的网络术语和概念,并应具备以下技能或经验:1.基本的Cisco 路由器操作和配置2.TCP/IP原理和配置3.路由协议(RIP,IGRP)4.可路由协议(IP,IPX)5.标准和扩展访问列表6.PPP原理及在串行连接上配置PPP7.Frame Relay 帧中继在ISDN BRI 上配置 Legacy DDR 及其原理8.网络互联基础9.使用各种工具(Debug,Show 等命令检验Cisco路由器的配置课程目标1.通过课程培训,能够连接、配置、故障分析排除在WAN 环境中远端网络的各种因素。
CCNP级别网络工程师面试题1、解决路由环问题的方法有(ABD) A. 水平分割 B. 路由保持法 C. 路由器重启D. 定义路由权的最大值2、下面哪一项正确描述了路由协议(C) A. 允许数据包在主机间传送的一种协议 B. 定义数据包中域的格式和用法的一种方式C. 通过执行一个算法来完成路由选择的一种协议D. 指定MAC地址和IP地址捆绑的方式和时间的一种协议 3、以下哪些内容是路由信息中所不包含的(A) A. 源地址 B. 下一跳 C. 目标网络D. 路由权值4、以下说法那些是正确的(BD)A. 路由优先级与路由权值的计算是一致的B. 路由权的计算可能基于路径某单一特性计算,也可能基于路径多种属性C. 如果几个动态路由协议都找到了到达同一目标网络的最佳路由,这几条路由都会被加入路由表中D. 动态路由协议是按照路由的路由权值来判断路由的好坏,并且每一种路由协议的判断方法都是不一样的 5、IGP的作用范围是(C) A. 区域内 B. 局域网内 C. 自治系统内 D. 自然子网范围内6、距离矢量协议包括(AB) A. RIP B. BGP C. IS-IS D. OSPF7、关于矢量距离算法以下那些说法是错误的(A) A. 矢量距离算法不会产生路由环路问题 B. 矢量距离算法是靠传递路由信息来实现的C. 路由信息的矢量表示法是(目标网络,metric)D. 使用矢量距离算法的协议只从自己的邻居获得信息求职胜经/简历亮出你的精彩简历写作技巧,...面试前准备才是...8、如果一个内部网络对外的出口只有一个,那么最好配置(A) A. 缺省路由 B. 主机路由 C. 动态路由 9、BGP是在(D)之间传播路由的协议 A. 主机 B. 子网C. 区域(area)D. 自治系统(AS)10、在路由器中,如果去往同一目的地有多条路由,则决定最佳路由的因素有(AC) A. 路由的优先级 B. 路由的发布者 C. 路由的metirc值 D. 路由的生存时间 11、在RIP协议中,计算metric值的参数是(D) A. MTU B. 时延 C. 带宽D. 路由跳数12、路由协议存在路由自环问题(A) A. RIP B. BGP C. OSPF D. IS-IS13、下列关于链路状态算法的说法正确的是:(bc ) A. 链路状态是对路由的描述B. 链路状态是对网络拓扑结构的描述C. 链路状态算法本身不会产生自环路由D. OSPF 和RIP都使用链路状态算法14、在OSPF同一区域(区域A)内,下列说法正确的是(d ) A. 每台路由器生成的LSA都是相同的B. 每台路由器根据该最短路径树计算出的路由都是相同的C. 每台路由器根据该LSDB计算出的最短路径树都是相同的 D. 每台路由器的区域A的LSDB(链路状态数据库)都是相同的 15、在一个运行OSPF的自治系统之内:(ad ) A. 骨干区域自身也必须是连通的 B. 非骨干区域自身也必须是连通的C. 必须存在一个骨干区域 ( 区域号为0 )D. 非骨干区域与骨干区域必须直接相连或逻辑上相连16、下列关于OSPF协议的说法正确的是:(abd ) A. OSPF支持基于接口的报文验证B. OSPF支持到同一目的地址的多条等值路由C. OSPF是一个基于链路状态算法的边界网关路由协议D. OSPF发现的路由可以根据不同的类型而有不同的优先级 17、禁止 RIP 协议的路由聚合功能的命令是(c ) A. undo rip B. auto-summanyC. undo auto-summanyD. undo network、下列静态路由配置正确的是(d) A. ip route 16 serial 0 B. ip route 16 C. ip route 1610.0.0.2D. ip route 19、以下不属于动态路由协议的是(d) A. RIP B. ICMP C. IS-ISD. OSPf20、三种路由协议RIP 、OSPF 、BGP和静态路由各自得到了一条到达目标网络,在华为路由器默认情况下,最终选选定(b) 路由作为最优路由 A. RIP B. OSPF C. BGPD. 静态路由 21、IGP 包括如下哪些协议(acd) A. RIP B. BGP C. IS-IS D. OSPF22、路由环问题会引起(abd ) A. 慢收敛 B. 广播风暴 C. 路由器重起D. 路由不一致23、以下哪些路由表项要由网络管理员手动配置(a ) A. 静态路由B. 直接路由C. 动态路由D. 以上说法都不正确24、在运行Windows98的计算机中配置网关,类似于在路由器中配置(a) A. 直接路由 B. 默认路由 C. 动态路由 D. 间接路由25、关于RIP协议,下列说法正确的有:(ac ) A. RIP协议是一种IGP B. RIP协议是一种EGPC. RIP协议是一种距离矢量路由协议D. RIP协议是一种链路状态路由协议。
••试题反馈报告Introduction to Networks (版本 6.00) - ITN 第 3 章考试以下是针对您未获得满分的试题给出的反馈。
分项分数:1 两台计算机可以使用什么方法来确保数据包不会因为过多数据发送过快而被丢弃?正确响应您的响应封装访问方法流量控制响应超时为使两台计算机能够有效通信,必须具有让源和目标设置数据传输和接收时间的机制。
此试题参考以下领域的容:Introduction to Networks• 3.1.1 规则2 哪种类型的通信会向局域网上的所有设备发送消息?正确响应您的响应广播单播组播全播广播通信是一对所有的通信。
此试题参考以下领域的容:Introduction to Networks• 3.1.1 规则3 哪个过程用于将一个消息放入另一消息以从源传输到目的地?正确响应您的响应流量控制封装访问控制解码封装是将一种消息格式放入另一种消息格式的过程。
此试题参考以下领域的容:Introduction to Networks• 3.1.1 规则4 Web 客户端向 Web 服务器发送一个网页请求。
从客户端的角度来讲,用于准备传输请求的协议栈正确顺序是什么?正确您的响应响应HTTP、TCP、IP、以太网HTTP、IP、TCP、以太网以太网、TCP、IP、HTTP以太网、IP、TCP、HTTP1.HTTP 用于控制 Web 服务器和客户端进行交互的方式。
2.TCP 用于管理 Web 服务器与客户端之间的每次会话。
3.IP 负责通过最佳路径传输到目标。
4.以太网从 IP 获取数据包,并将其格式化以供传输。
此试题参考以下领域的容:Introduction to Networks• 3.2.1 协议5 下列有关网络协议的述哪项是正确的?正确响应您的响应只有在远程网络中的设备之间交换消息时才需要使用网络协议。
⼀、认证简述: 新版的 CCNP 课程更新了正在被当前络界所⼴泛使⽤的路由,交换,远程技术内容,取消了已经过时或者从来⽆⼈问津的相关内容,增加了对络安全,语⾳,以及服务运营商络所通⽤技术的⽀持。
使得更新的 CCNP 课程更实⽤,更能拓展⼯作领域。
让 CCNP 持有者不仅仅能够成为数据通讯络的专业⼈⼠,⽽在安全,语⾳等⽅⾯也得到了全⾯的发展。
⼆、(新版)CCNP考试科⽬: 考试号 642-901 BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco InternetWorks) 642-812 BCMSN (Building Converged Cisco Multilayer Switching Networks) 642-825 ISCW (Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks) 642-845 ONT (Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks) 三、CCNP证书样本:(暂⽆) 四、CCNP培训⽬标 CCNP 持有者有安装和配置 100 到 500 个或者更多节点的络和排查故障的能⼒;能够管理核⼼络的运作,以及综合应⽤络边缘的集成语⾳,⽆线以及安全⽅⾯的内容。
五、新版CCNP课程内容: 1、CCNP – BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco InternetWorks) 学习实施 EIGRP 络 学习实施多区域 OSPF 络 描述集成的 IS-IS 络的实施 学习实施 IOS 路由特性 学习实施在服务运营商络中实施 BGP 络 学习构造组播络的构架 学习实施 IPv6 络以及 OSPFv3 的操作 2、CCNP – BCMSN (Building Cisco Multilayer Switching Networks) 学习使⽤ VLAN 在园区中组织部门及⽤户 学习实施802.1Q,ISL;VTP以及EtherChannel 学习在层次化的络中实施⽣成树协议 学习使⽤路由⽅式实现 VLAN 间通讯 学习理解多层交换络中三种不同的转发⽅式 学习使⽤ HSRP 等关冗余协议实现络的备份 描述和配置⽆线客户端的接⼊ 描述在交换型络中实施安全特性 配置实施交换络对语⾳的⽀持 3、CCNP – ISCW (Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks) 学习实施基本的 Cable, xDSL 络接⼊服务 学习实施PPPoE,PPPoA 学习实施基于帧模式的 MPLS 学习实施⼀个场点到场点的 IPSec/VPN 络 ⽐较 IPSec 和 GRE 的异同 描述络攻击的种类和缓解办法 描述如何加强 CISCO 设备的安全性 学习实施基于 IOS 的防⽕墙 学习实施基于 IOS 的⼊侵防御系统( IPS ) 4、CCNP – ONT (Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks) 描述基本的 VoIP 络的实施 学习关于拥塞络的优化思想 学习实施集成的 QoS 服务特性 学习实施 QoS 的⾃动配置 学习优化 WLAN 的管理和安全 六、CCNP认证最新费⽤: 请致电VUE咨询。