So the Rational Decision-Maker will make the rational decision to do something productive, but the Monkey doesn't like that plan, so he actually takes the wheel, Then we're going to go over to the fridge, to see if there's
would come along, and then I would kind of do this. And that would happen every single paper. But then came my 90-page senior thesis, a paper you're supposed to spend a
paper, they might spread the work out a little like this.
本文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿。文档如有不 And I would want to do that like th当at.之Tha处t w,oul请d be联the系pla本n. I人wo或uld网hav站e i删t all除rea。dy to go, but then, actually, the paper
until the deadline,
本文档所提供的信息仅供参考之用,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿。文档如有不 still not having written a word, and当so之I d处id th,e o请nly联thin系g I本cou人ld:或I w网rote站90删pag除es o。ver 72 hours, pulling not one