奔驰221 S 级轿车舒适系统介绍
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S-Class本品综合知识题库(150题)您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________1. 有关奔驰S级说法错误的是 [单选题] *S级从1951年第一代起就以S级命名(正确答案)第六代S级是世界首款配备安全气囊的车型第十一代S级的广告语是:世界,尽在于心S级是一款有着最悠久历史的奔驰豪华旗舰车型答案解析:1972年,W116,第五代S级,正式命名为S级2. 关于全新S级轿车新增的香氛味道,以下描述正确的是 [单选题] *茶香海洋气味竹味(正确答案)茉莉花味答案解析:带车内空气调节组件的都具备3. 关于全新S级轿车的安全气囊,以下描述正确的是 [单选题] *全球首创车顶安全气囊全球首创前排中央安全气囊全球首创后排中央安全气囊全球首创后排正向安全气囊(正确答案)答案解析:后排正向安全气囊的技术为全球S级首创,但目前的车辆均未配备,后期可以会在中国市场推出,但不会全系标配4. 以下关于S级轿车同级别领先的风阻系数说法正确的是 [单选题] *正确答案)0.25. 新一代S级的轴距是 [单选题] *3210mm3216mm(正确答案)3165mm3218mm6. 关于全新S级轿车MBUX智能人机交互系统描述错误的是 [单选题] *全系标配2D导航地图(正确答案)全系标配驾驶辅助信息显示全系标配的读心语音助理可识别后排乘客声音进行有针对性的执行指令在顶配车型里首次应用了裸眼3D数字仪表屏7. 什么是座椅动力系统 [单选题] *多仿型座椅座椅通风加热小幅度改变座椅表面和靠背的角度,使肌肉放松,有利于血液循环(正确答案)座椅弹射8. 全新S级的尾灯这是东方美学中的一种空间感的概念,称之为 [单选题] *“湖光楼影”点阵式LED尾灯“湖光楼影”水平延展双段式LED尾灯(正确答案)“湖光楼影”自适应尾灯“湖光楼影”星辰式尾灯9. 全新S级宣传语为 [单选题] *世界,尽在于心(正确答案)世界,君临天下D世界,王者归来引领天下之势10. 全新S级是第几代车型 [单选题] *第9代第10代第11代(正确答案)第12代11. 全新S级桥车的12.8英寸超高清OLED显示屏分辨率正确的是 [单选题] * 1920×7202400×9001888×1728(正确答案)1624×172812. 全新S级别用“()”的设计哲学打造新豪华主义 [单选题] *性感,魅力科技,工业感性,纯粹(正确答案)未来,奢华13. S级轿车拥有同级别最低的转弯直径是多少 [单选题] *14.3米13.3米11.3米(正确答案)11.9米14. 全新S级轿车的后排VIP座椅靠背的最大调节范围为 [单选题] *41.5°43.1°43.5°(正确答案)45.3°15. S级轿车仪表显示非常酷炫和漂亮,请问该仪表宽度和长度之间的比值最接近[单选题] *0.382(正确答案)0.4140.50.61816. 关于全新S级轿车的动力总成的优势,以下描述错误的是 [单选题] *同级独有ISG电机技术同级独有9速自动变速箱同级独有电子涡轮技术同级独有3.0T排量(正确答案)17. 全新S级车型有几种香氛 [单选题] *6(正确答案)78918. 全新S级轿车车身尺寸 [单选题] *5290*1921*15675267*1890*15505290*1921*1503(正确答案)5267*1890*156019. 奠定国人心目中的“大奔”地位的虎头奔的底盘代号是 [单选题] *W221W140(正确答案)W211W14720. 关于S级轿车引领人机交互发展历史方向描述错误的是 [单选题] *1956年,220s第一款配备自动搜台收音机的汽车1998年,W220歡人数宇化显示屏,关键信息更易读取2013年,W222率先打造自定义显示的双连屏、语音交互及可联网的COMMAND 系统2016年,第一代MBUX将AI人工智能和自然语音识别集成,再次将人机交互提升新高度(正确答案)21. 全新S级轿车的畅心醒神功能,对应五行中不同的元素,其中“土”对应哪种模式 [单选题] *恬淡模式(正确答案)活力模式自在模式悠然模式答案解析:PDF58页22. 关于全新S级轿车MBUX声音识别,全车分布几个收音装置,支持声源定位,让每个座位都拥有专属读心语音助理 [单选题] *234(正确答案)5答案解析:PDF66页23. ABS的运用:奔驰在哪一年第一次应用了ABS技术在S级轿车上,使车辆在制动时可控制方向 [单选题] *1954年,第二代1968年,第四代1978年,第五代(正确答案)1991年,第七代答案解析:PDF6页24. S级第几代车型全球首次进行了安全碰撞测试 [单选题] *第三代(正确答案)第四代第五代第七代25. 立标设计是S级的独有的魅力之一,立标是哪一年诞生的 [单选题] *1921(正确答案)192619511900答案解析:奔驰历史 PDF 7页26. 梅赛德斯-奔驰S级轿车从哪一代车型上,开始配备安全乘客舱设计 [单选题] * 1959,第三代(正确答案)1951,第一代1965,第四代1954,第二代答案解析:PDF 12/86/99页27. 梅赛德斯-奔驰S级轿车从哪一代车型上,开始正式命名为“S级”轿车 [单选题] *1972年,第五代(正确答案)1992年,第七代1951年,第一代1959年,第三代答案解析:PDF 8页,W11628. 梅赛德斯-奔驰S级轿车诞生时间是 [单选题] *1947年1951年(正确答案)1972年1977年答案解析:PDF 12页,W18729. 预防性安全系统是哪一年首次运用在第八代S级车型上 [单选题] *2002(正确答案)200020041998答案解析:PDF 87页30. 自从1939年,奔驰就开始了风洞测试。
当时的220是在170 S的基础上研发的,其搭载了排量2.2升的全新6缸发动机,最大输出功率达到59千瓦/80马力。
‖1952年,瑞士的《汽车评论》(Automobil Revue)也写道:―毫无疑问,220车型令人目不暇接。
此“M”的意义:1 利用自动变速箱锁高档拖住车速,类似手动挡车挂低档下大长坡。
2 自己控制上档时机充分发挥每档最高扭矩,以发挥S的最快加速时间。
3 维修变速箱时使用逐级锁高档,来排除问题法。
4 雪地起步或拖拽被陷车辆,可以手动将档卡在1档发挥最大扭力,拖车行驶时可以卡3档。
强劲的V 型外观、宽大而富有立体感的散热器格栅,坚实的发动机罩由纵向脊纹分割、清晰明确的大灯轮廓、动力十足的前保险杠以及宽阔的进气口,在整体上使新款S级轿车更具表现力,更为刚毅。
特别设计的A柱导雨槽可有效防止雨水从风挡玻璃流至侧车窗;KEY-LESSGO 功能,热感应开门系统;18英寸5幅轻合金轮毂,宽幅高速轮胎;电动折叠可加热的外部后视镜,内置转向指示灯,集成式的环境照明装置,这已成为奔驰的品牌特点。
溃缩区、防抱死制动系统(A B S)、气囊以及电控稳定程式(E S P®)——这些汽车发展史上前所未有的创新技术,被成功地首先应用于S级轿车之上,并且早在其它车型相继采用之前就已深入人心,成为汽车发展史上的里程碑。
S 400 HYBRID 的混合动力概念系统说明6高压蓄电池模块7 DC/DC 转换器模块8 12 伏蓄电池HYBRID车辆的右前视图驱动模式加速模式发电机模式A 过去15 分钟的燃油消耗量B 高压蓄电池在过去15 分钟回收能量的显示电动机的转子与曲轴直接相连,并位于发动机与自动变速箱之间。
发动机右后视图电气插头连接2 UVW 螺纹连接A79 电动机L20 转子位置传感器B 最大综合扭矩(电动机和内燃机)C 最大升压扭矩C 最大升压输出功率5 电气螺纹连接和温度传感器连接器L20 转子位置传感器2 内部变速箱油泵3 辅助电动变速箱油泵(M42)1 控制单元2 电动机3 螺旋压缩机A 冷却液进口B 冷却液出口伏的直流电压,并实现高压车载电气系统与12 伏车载电气系统之间的12 伏电压之间可以双向转换。
转换器模块的设计高电压插头连接(高压蓄电池)转换器控制单元的12 伏插头连接4 电路30 的螺纹连接A 冷却液进口B 冷却液出口12 伏车载电气系统与高压车载电气系统之间会交换蓄电池能量,因此,在点火接通的情12 伏跨接电缆对车辆进行跨接起动。
换言之,如果蓄电池已经放电,则不需要电力电子和DC/DC 转换器冷却电力电子冷却回路的示意图1 膨胀水箱2 低温冷却器3 电力电子模块B10/13 低温回路温度传感器M13/8 循环泵1M13/9 循环泵2A 对低温冷却器供给,冷却液温度非常高B 冷却液温度较高C 冷却液温度适中D 自低温冷却器回流,冷却液温度较低电动制冷剂压缩机)4 高电压插头连接(DC/DC 转换器)5 保护开关A100 高压蓄电池模块A100g1 高压蓄电池N82/2 蓄电池管理系统(BMS)控制单元高压蓄电池冷却5 后排空调系统蒸发器(装配后排空调系统)B10/11 后排空调系统蒸发器温度传感器(装配后排空调系统)B12 制冷剂压力传感器Y19/1 高压蓄电池冷却切断阀Y67 后排空调系统制冷剂切断阀(装配后排空调系统)A 高压,气态B 高压,液态C 低压,液态D 低压,气态B37/1 踏板角度传感器S9/3 混合动力制动灯开关Y113 踏板阻力模拟器阀A7/7b1 RBS 膜片行程传感器A7/7b3 RBS 真空传感器S11 制动液指示开关2 真空出口连接3 电动机4 泵单元1 电气插头连接A91/1 电液动力转向机构t 时间v 车速–曲轴的动能作用在电动机转子上。
奔驰电子感应式主动制动系统(SBC)介绍与相关匹配操作元征软件 奔驰开发工程师 詹伟 奔驰轿车采用了先进的SBC(Sensotronic brake control)感应式主动制动系统,它集ABS、ASR、ETS、ESP及BAS功能于一体,属于主动安全系统,可以称得上是汽车制动技术史上的一次革命。
图1 图21.解除辅助制动系统“SBC”。
GLC 轿跑 SUV01 03 05 07 08 12 13 15 16跃然,生辉怡然,新境车型亮点车型价格配置车漆内饰轮毂车型尺寸目录倾心,动魄全新几何多光束 LED 大灯及闪钻格栅,以凌厉之势掠获心扉;溜背式车尾设计和焕新造型尾灯,简洁流畅,动感张扬;强劲的AMG 车身风格组件,让极尽健硕的运动之姿锋芒难掩;更有运动型悬挂,殊路无惧,纵享全程舒行。
010605车型亮点 GLC 轿跑 SUV 车型亮点 GLC 轿跑SUV4缸汽油发动机双涡流涡轮增压系统拥有活塞冷却管道和冷却效果更佳的排气门,可释放较高的动态潜能,动力更强且油耗更低。
9速自动变速箱(9G-TRONIC )9个前进档以更快速、平顺的换档操作,将效率、舒适性和动态性全面提升。
而且9速自动变速箱(9G-TRONIC )有助于降低油耗。
Nappa 皮饰多功能运动型方向盘Nappa 皮饰多功能运动型方向盘带有镀铬控制面板,底部采用扁平设计,抓握区域采用打孔皮,彰显出色的运动驾驶性能,舒适质感一触即发。
几何多光束LED 大灯(MULTIBEAM LED )自适应几何多光束LED 大灯配备可单独控制的LED 灯泡,能根据交通状况做出反应。
Burmester ® 环绕立体声音响系统高性能扬声器营造出卓群的立体声音响效果,前排和后排乘客还可以分别优化微调,进一步提升听觉体验,静享音乐之美。
1 E-ABC系统的功能介绍奔驰全新S 级车装配有2种类型的悬架系统,一种是带标准配置型的空气悬架系统(AIRMATIC ),装配代码为489;一种是带选装配置型的电动液压悬架系统(E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL ,简称“E-ABC ”),装配代码为490。
AIRMATIC 系统是E-ABC 系统的基础部件,装配E-ABC 系统的车辆同时也包括AIRMATIC 系统。
目前装配E-ABC 系统的在售车辆有GLS 600迈巴赫车型和高配版GLE 车型,2021年初上市的全新S 级车仅装配AIRMATIC 系统,预计在2021年下半年上市的V223长轴距版S 级车和Z223迈巴赫S 级的高配车型上将装配E-ABC 系统 。
全新S 级车E-ABC 系统包含空气悬架和液压悬架结构,每根减震器由独立的48 V 液压电机泵独立控制,结合了空气悬架和液压悬架的优势,因此装配E-ABC 系统的车辆具有更佳的驾驶舒适性、更好的操控灵敏性。
全新S 级车E-ABC 系统与空气悬架系统配套使用,组成全主动式悬架,该系统可以单独调节每个车轮减震器的弹簧力和减震效果,E-ABC 系统除了能控制车身摇晃外,每根减震器均能独立升降,以配合路面扫描功能和主动弯道倾斜控制功能,可提供全新的驾乘体验。
2 E-ABC系统的结构和工作原理2.1 E-ABC 系统与AIRMATIC 系统的区别(1)在悬架结构方面。
与AIRMATIC 系统相比,多出的液压部件有液压电机泵、前轴和后轴减震器下部液压部件、液压管路等。
前轴E-ABC 系统结构如图1所示,后轴E-ABC 系统结构如图2所示。
与AIRMATIC 系统相比,多出的部件有4个液压电机泵、3个车身垂直加速度传感器、1个横向加速度传感器。
E-ABC 系统电控相关部件在车上的安装位置如图3所示。
奔驰全新S 级车电动液压悬架系统结构原理与维修武汉城市职业学院 刘劲松1—空气波纹管;2—减震器;3—液压管路;4—空气悬架控制单元;5—液压电机泵(前轴)。
二、舒适进入的具体操作奔驰C舒适进入的具体操作非常简单,只需要按照以下步骤进行即可:1. 确保遥控器电池电量充足,并将其随身携带。
2. 靠近车门手柄,感应器会自动检测到遥控器信号。
3. 车门锁会收到电子控制单元的指令,自动解锁。
4. 车主可以轻松打开车门,并进入车内。
5. 关闭车门后,车门锁会自动上锁。
三、舒适进入的优点奔驰C舒适进入的优点主要有以下几个方面:1. 方便快捷:无需使用钥匙,只需要手持遥控器靠近车门即可轻松进入车内。
2. 安全可靠:只有持有正确的遥控器才能解锁车门,有效避免了盗窃和非法进入的风险。
3. 舒适体验:进入车内时无需弯腰或伸手去开门,更加方便舒适。
4. 显著特征:奔驰C舒适进入的功能是一项独特的特征,可以帮助车主更好地展示自己的豪华品牌形象。
四、舒适进入的注意事项虽然奔驰C舒适进入功能非常便捷,但在使用时还是需要注意以下几个事项:1. 遥控器电池电量:遥控器电池电量不足时,可能会导致无法正常解锁车门。
2. 车门上锁:车主需要注意关闭车门后是否已经上锁,以确保车辆安全。
3. 遥控器丢失:如果遥控器丢失了,车主需要及时联系相关服务人员进行处理,以确保车辆安全。
Driver Assistance Systems Technology GuidePreface 2Driving systems 3 Overview 3 Blind Spot Assist/Active Blind Spot Assist 4 Lane Keeping Assist/Active Lane Keeping Assist 6 DISTRONIC/DISTRONIC PLUS 8 DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist 12 Night View Assist/Night View Assist PLUS 14 Adaptive Highbeam Assist/Adaptive Highbeam Assist PLUS 17 Cruise control and Speedtronic 19 Downhill Speed Regulation 21 Speed Limit Assist/Traffic Sign Assist 22 ATTENTION ASSIST 24 Parking systems 26 Overview 26 PARKTRONIC/PARKTRONIC with Parking Guidance 27 Active Park Assist 29 Reversing camera 31 360° camera system 34 Driving Safety Systems 36 Overview 36 Brake Assist System (BAS/BAS PLUS) 37 Adaptive Brake Assist 38 Brake Assist System (BAS PLUS) with Intersection Assist 39 PRE-SAFE® brake 41 PRE-SAFE® PLUS 43 COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST/ COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS 45 Annex 47 Information and copyright 47PrefaceDear Reader,Driver assistance systems make driving easier by providingassistance and protection to the driver – and they help tomake the Mercedes-Benz brand even more fascinating thanbefore. Bring this fascination for the brand to life for yourcustomers in your role as a service specialist.This manual provides all of the important information youneed about the driver assistance systems found in Mercedes-Benz cars. It is compact, clearly arranged and contains themost important facts about their operation as well as practi-cal tips for service and diagnosis. It will help you to performin accordance with the motto of "The Best or Nothing" in yourcustomer consultations and when preparing your servicejobs.Global Service & Parts wishes you good luck!Daimler AGRetail Operation (GSP/OR)b NoteThis manual is not subject to the ongoing updateservice. When working on the vehicle, always use themost up-to-date workshop aids (e.g. EPC net, WIS net,DAS, special tools) for the vehicle in question.See the respective sales documentation for country-specific special considerations.DISTRONIC PLUS with SteerDTR+Q266207/212 MOPF, 222AssistNight View Assist NV610216, 221Night View Assist PLUS NV+610166, 212, 218, 216/221 MOPF, 222, 231Adaptive Highbeam Assist IHC608117, 166, 172, 176, 204 MOPF, 207, 212, 216 MOPF,218, 221 MOPF, 231, 246IHC+628207/212 MOPF, 222Adaptive Highbeam AssistPLUSCruise control TPM440169, 203 up to MY 2005, 245 – non-braking cruise control117, 164, 166, 171, 172, 176, 203, 204, 207, 209, 211,212, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 230, 231, 246, 251 –braking cruise controlSpeedtronic LIM440169, 203 up to MY 2005, 245 – non-braking variablespeed limiter117, 171, 172, 176, 203, 204, 207, 211, 212, 216, 218,219, 221, 222, 230, 231, 246, – braking variable speedlimiterDownhill Speed Regulation DSR4301164, 166, X204Speed Limit Assist SLA513117, 166, 172, 176, 204 MOPF, 207, 212, 216 MOPF,218, 221 MOPF, 231, 246As of MY 2012 Speed Limit Assist 1.5207/212 MOPF, 222 Traffic Sign Assist ATTENTION ASSIST AA538117, 166, 172, 176, 204 MOPF (only with code 442), 207,212, 216 MOPF, 218, 221 MOPF (without S400 Hybrid),222, 231, 2461 Included with off-road package (code 430)P54.33-3399-00Instrument cluster display for Blind Spot AssistThe driver is able to abort the course-correcting brake sys-tem intervention by countersteering at a steering angle of > 5° or by depressing the accelerator pedal to change its position by > 10%.Extended functionality on BR 222The readiness indicator is displayed on the instrument cluster and not in the form of a visual indicator consisting of a yellow triangle in the outside mirror. The warning indicator is dis-played in the outside mirror and on the instrument cluster.b Service informationNo calibration is required. When accident repairs are performed, the paint coat thickness on the bumper must be observed and filler repairs may not be carried out in the area of the sensors on the bumper.P54.33-3400-00 Active Blind Spot Assist1 False warnings may be issued near guardrails or concrete sidewalls inroadwork zones.2 The system shuts off automatically in the vicinity of certain radio astronomyfacilities by means of navigation data.A Warning stage 1B Warning stage 2: If the driver sets the turn signal despite the warning, thered triangle flashes and an acoustic warning also sounds in the instrument cluster.C Warning stage 3: Course-correcting, single-sided brake system intervention ifrisk of side collision detected. (Only with Active Blind Spot Assist)1P46.10-3366-00layed warning. Earlier warnings are issued on the outside of bends and on narrow lanes.As of model series 246 and 166, different operating modes can be set on the instrument cluster.or stationary vehicles. If a vehicle is detected close behind in the same lane (tailgating scenario) or the system detects an obstacle in the same lane, e.g. cyclists, the course-correcting brake system intervention may be aborted.b Service informationThe camera has to be re-calibrated if the windshield is replaced, the camera is replaced or the suspension is modified.Special tool Romess Rogg 0840-10, calibration target for Night View Assist.Steering wheel with vibration element 1Vibration motorP54.33-3401-00P54.33-3402-00markings under certain circumstances (e.g. if there is onco-ming traffic in the lane).The system operates in a vehicle speed range of 60 - 200 km/h. As of a speed of > 200 km/h, haptic warnings are issued only.Instrument cluster display 1Systems vehicleInstallation location of multifunction camera 1Multifunction cameraP30.30-2660-00Installation situation of DTR+ radar sensors (code 233)1 Short-range radar sensor 2Long-range radar sensorapplied by the DTR or DTR+ system is not adequate, the dri-ver is warned visually and acoustically. The control response of the DISTRONIC system is determined by the distance to the target object, the vehicle speed and the steering angle.takes into account the fact that overtaking on the right on freeways or similar roads is not permitted above 80 km/h and adjusts the speed to the traffic line in the left-hand lane. In countries with left-hand traffic, the system prevents overta-king in the left-hand lane.P30.30-2661-00P30.30-2662-00P30.30-2663-00ARS 210 sensorSensor LRR 3b Service informationManual calibration must be performed on sensor type ARS 210, see AR30.30-P-1000R.Special tool: Romess Rogg, Order no. 09803A calibration drive must be performed for sensor type ARS 310/315/316, see Xentry Diagnostics.b Service informationSpecial tool for sensor type LRR 3:Beissbarth Order no. 1690380004 or Romess Rogg Order no. 09807-10ARS 310 sensor• Radar sensors control unit (SGR) (code 233 only)Detection range of DISTRONIC PLUS with ARS 310 long-range radar sensor and short-range sensorsShort range with 80° detection angle Medium range with 60° detection angle Long range with 18° detection angle Camera range with 35° detection angleMedium range with 16° detection angleSystem Model series Sensor Code Vehicle speed range Maximum possibledeceleration DISTRONIC209, 211, 219, 220,ARS 21021930 – 180 km/h30 %215, 230ARS 3102190 – 200 km/h30 %164, 251 as ofMY 2011ARS 3102330 – 200 km/h40 % DISTRONIC PLUS166, 172, 204 MOPF,207, 212, 218, 216,221, 231222,ARS 3152330 – 200 km/h50 %207/212 MOPF ARS 3162330 – 200 km/h50 %LRR 32390 – 200 km/h40 %117, 176, 246,463 MOPFP54.33-3403-00Instrument cluster indicator of DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist 1Steer Assist iconwhile the stereo multifunction camera is able to detect the position of the vehicle in front. The distance to the vehicle in front must be between 1.0 - 40.0 m (speed-dependent) and the offset to the vehicle in front can be max. 0.35 m at the start of a control operation.The "Stop & Go Pilot" function operates in the range up to 60 km/h. If the lane marking is not detected or missing, the vehicle is kept in the center of the lane through object guidance.The torque sensor of the electric power steering records the steering torque applied by the driver (hands-off detection) and the signal is evaluated by a control unit. If no steering torque or an insufficient steering torque is measured for ap-prox. 10 s, a visual warning is issued in the first stage. After a further 5 s, an acoustic warning is output in the second stage and the Steer Assist function is deactivated. The DISTRONIC PLUS system still remains active in this case.P30.30-2666-00Components of DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist1 Short range radar2 Long range radar3 Stereo multifunction camera4 Radar sensors control unitthe right-hand high beam. (Only BR 216 MOPF/MY 2012)are highlighted more clearly by colored markings. In darksurroundings, the night view picture is automatically activatedwhen objects are detected. The spotlight function is perfor-med by means of a mechanical flap in the headlamp. ArrayViewing range of Night View AssistViewing range with low beamsViewing range with Night View AssistP54.33-3404-00 Display on instrument cluster in the dark (pedestrian detection)1 Visual highlighting of person detected by system2 Pedestrian detection active symbolP54.33-2595-00P54.33-2596-00B84/2 Night View Assist infrared cameraB 84/11 Night View Assist infrared camera (thermal imaging camera)P82.10-7310-00Depending on the traffic situation, the high beams are activa-ted and deactivated automatically, which provides added con-venience because it is not normally necessary to intervene manually. The multifunction camera detects points of light and evaluates them. If there are vehicles in front or oncoming or if the road lighting is sufficient, the high beams and pos-sibly also the dynamic low beams are dimmed.Various light systems Low beams Dynamic low beamsNo low beams, no high beams (certification: registration not permissible either for low beams or high beams)High beamsAdaptive Highbeam Assist PLUSComponents• 1 x multifunction camera• ILS headlamps, Intelligent Light System, with code 622• LED-ILS headlamps, LED-Intelligent Light System, code 642 (Adaptive Highbeam Assist Plus)Diagnosis• Multifunction camera (MFK)High Beam Assist PLUS with oncoming vehicleHigh Beam Assist PLUS with vehicle in frontP54.33-3405-00P54.33-3406-0030 km/h. The system also shuts off as soon as the ESP per-forms a control intervention or is switched off. On vehicles with manual transmission, the cruise control shuts off auto-matically if the vehicle is in neutral for longer than 6 s or the clutch is operated. This also happens if a gear which is too high is engaged or the engine speed drops too much. The system is also shut off if the transmission is shifted to the "N" position on vehicles with automatic transmission or if DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation) is switched on on cross-country vehicles. An acoustic warning indicates automatic shutoff, while manual shutoff is not confirmed. The cruise control does not shut off if the driver accelerates.As with the cruise control function, manual shutoff is not confirmed while automatic shutoff is indicated by an acoustic warning.Instrument cluster display for cruise controlInstrument cluster display for SpeedtronicP54.33-3407-00b Service informationThe braking cruise control/variable speed limiter is integrated in the ESP. The non-braking cruise control/ variable speed limiter is integrated in the engine con-trol unit.If there is a variation in wheel circumference between the individual wheels of > 4 %, the functions are not available.Instrument cluster display for permanent speed limiter40 km/h and the system shuts off automatically at speedsabove 45 km/h.On model series X204 before MOPF and 164, the speed set-ting can be adjusted within the range of 4 - 18 km/h. Down-hill Speed Regulation can be switched on at vehicle speedsof up to 30 km/h and the system shuts off automatically atspeeds above 35 km/h.B Service informationDownhill Speed Regulation is integrated in the ESP.If there is a variation in wheel circumference betweenthe individual wheels of > 4 %, the function is notavailable.P54.33-2573-00 Instrument cluster displaysigns - as well as no entry signs. If a no entry sign is detectedwhen the vehicle drives onto a freeway or expressway in thewrong direction (wrong-way driver scenario), the no entrysign is displayed on the instrument cluster and on the Audio/COMAND display. In addition, a warning message is shownon the instrument cluster and an acoustic warning is output.b Service informationThe camera has to be re-calibrated if the windshield isreplaced, the camera is replaced or the suspension ismodified.Calibration is performed with special tool RomessRogg 0840-10, calibration target for Night ViewAssist.P54.33-3408-00The driver is prompted to take a break through the output of a visual and acoustic warning message. After a break warning, a new warning is issued after another 15 min at the earliest. The system is reset when the engine is switched off or the driver changes, when the seat belt buckle is released and the door is opened.mand display.No warnings or delayed warnings are issued if Steer Assist (code 266) is active.Instrument cluster display for ATTENTION ASSISTb Service informationMonitoring and evaluation of the steering wheel angle sensor on the steering column tube is performed by the ESP control unit. In the event of faults in the ESP control unit related to the steering wheel angle sensor, the service instructions must be followed pre-cisely (valid for BR 221 MOPF/216 MOPF).EP54.33-3409-00 Schematic illustration of function sequence with display on instrument clusterA Operation of controlsB Driving timeC Current steering wheel behavior compared to startD Time of dayF Current steering wheel angle--- Part of calculation for fatigue probability using algorithms- - EvaluationP54.65-5173-00P54.65-5174-00 Location of short range sensorsDetection range of Park AssistArea not scannedRange of ultrasonic sensorsDetection range of ultrasonic sensorshicle length + 1.3 m. The system detects all spaces betweentwo vehicles and between vehicles and a clearly recognizablecurb. In traffic jams, the system may erroneously indicateparking spaces between vehicles.b Service informationThe volume and the sound can be adjusted using Xen-try Diagnostics. It is also possible to code in an earlieracoustic warning ("extended acoustic warning"). Onvehicles equipped with a trailer hitch, this must alsobe coded in because otherwise it is detected as anobstacle and is not included in distance calculations.In the case of PARKTRONIC with Parking Guidance,the outer left/right front sensors are special sensorswith an extended detection range and separate partnumbers.starts once reverse gear has been engaged and the Active Park Assist system is activated.The function requirement is a vehicle speed of <10 km/h. A warning is issued as of a vehicle speed of 8 km/h.System detects a suitable parking spaceUltrasonic sensors with extended range Semi-automatic parkingUltrasonic sensors with extended rangeP54.33-3410-00BR 117).b Service informationThe volume and the sound can be adjusted using Xen-try Diagnostics. It is also possible to code in an earlier acoustic warning ("extended acoustic warning"). On vehicles equipped with a trailer hitch, this must also be coded in because otherwise it is detected as an obstacle and is not included in distance calculations.The outer left/right front sensors are special sensors with an extended detection range and separate part numbers.Start Park Assist display on instrument clusterP54.33-3411-00P54.33-3412-00a 180-degree field of view as well as object recognition.Display on instrument cluster for maneuvering mode 1 Virtual steering angle (dynamic, yellow guide lines)2 Virtual vehicle width (static, white guide lines)4 "Maneuvering mode active" symbol c Distance line 0.30 m d Distance line 1.0 m eDistance line 4.0 mInstrument cluster display for trailer mode (with code 550 Trailer hitch)3 Virtual steering angle (yellow guide line)5 "Trailer mode active" symbolfDistance line around ball head (red guide line):P54.33-3413-00P54.65-5177-00180° view 6Parktronic indicatorReversing camera on rear-end door handleA/C 207XA/C 207 MOPF XW/S/V 212XW/S/V 212 MOPF XC 216 MOPF X1C 218XC 218 as of MY14XX 218XW/V 221 MOPF X1W/V 222X R 231XW 246X251X251 MOPF X11 Static guide linesP54.33-3414-00P54.33-3415-00View on instrument clusterView on instrument clustera Distance line 0.30 mb Distance line 1.00 mc Distance line 4.00 mP54.33-3416-00360° view on instrument clusterPRE-SAFE® PLUS -253207/212 MOPF, 222COLLISION PREVENTION ASSISTCPA 252/258Code 252: 246, 176, 166 (as of MY 2013)Code 258: 207/212 MOPF, 222, 117COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUSCPA+239117, 176/242/246 as of MY 2014Detection ranges of radar sensors and stereo multifunction camera Detection range of left and right front bumper short-range radar sensorDetection range of COLLISION PREVENTION ASSISTDetection range of long-range radar sensorDetection range of stereo multifunction cameraobjects.b Service informationSee DISTRONIC PLUSb Service informationSee DISTRONIC PLUS or COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST (PLUS)PRE-SAFE ® brake (Collision Mitigation System, CMS) and BAS PLUS in comparison Time until collisionAutonomous brake interventionb Service informationCalibration of stereo multifunction camera using Xen-try Diagnostics with special tool from Romess Rogg 0840-10, Calibration target for Night View Assist.s before impact. At the same time, the PRE-SAFE® occupant protection measures are activated. The partial braking can be interrupted by a steering movement, kickdown and/or braking by the driver. If the driver does not intervene, autono-mous emergency braking is initiated as a third step, approx.0.6 seconds before impact (CMS2). In this case, the system is not able to prevent the impact, it can only significantly re-duce the severity of the impact.As of MY 2012, the functional range of the PRE-SAFE® brake system was extended on BR 166, 207, 212, 216, 218, 221, 231. In addition to a downward extension of the vehicle speed range for warnings and interventions, the system can prevent a collision through autonomous emergency braking in the vehicle speed range up to approx. 30 km/h (CMSstop).b Service informationLimited availability if radar sensor system dirty.b Service informationCalibration of stereo multifunction camera using Xen-try Diagnostics with special tool from Romess Rogg 0840-10, Calibration target for Night View Assist.in the range up to 72 km/h for stationary objects.The system may not be able to detect pedestrians or objects crossing the path of the vehicle if they are concealed at the side by trees, walls, parked vehicles etc. This also appliesto objects which approach at high speed or in cases where the radar sensor system shuts off due to heavy snow or icing. This situation can also occur if the windshield is dirty or fogged within the field of view of the stereo multifunction camera.• Stereo multifunction camera on BR 207/212 MOPF, 222actuation of the brakes or parking brake or by activation ofthe "HOLD function" or by engagement of park position "P".In preparing for the collision, the brake pressure is increasedin order to hold the vehicle in place. This measure reducesthe forward acceleration and minimizes the risk of injury tooccupants in the area of their cervical vertebrae.As the next step, the occupant protection measures are ac-tivated approx. 0.1 s before the calculated impact point bythe reversible emergency tensioning retractor and NECK-PROhead restraint systems.After the impact, the brake pressure is maintained for up toapprox. 2 s to hold the vehicle in place. The advantages ofholding vehicle in place are that it reduces injuries in the areaof the cervical vertebrae and it can help to avoid subsequentcollisions with other road users.b Service informationAfter a rear-end collision has been detected and hastaken place, the PRE-SAFE® PLUS function is no lon-ger available until it is activated using a diagnostictester.Calibration of the radar sensor is not required.Time until collisionMulti-mode radar sensorHazard warning lampsP54.70-2668-00 COLLISION PREVENTION ASSISTA90 COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST controller unitving and stopping objects and for COLLISION PREVENTIONASSIST PLUS they are 7 - 30 km/h for stationary objects.The COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS system can per-form autonomous partial braking at vehicle speed ranges of7 - 200 km/h for moving and stopping objects and 7 - 30km/h for stationary objects.b Service informationCalibration as per DISTRONIC PLUS (code 239) forCOLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS.© 2013 by Daimler AGThis document, including all its parts, is protected by copyright. Any further processing or use requires the previous written consent of Daimler AG, Department GSP/ OR, D-70546 Stuttgart. This applies in particular to reproduction, distribution, alteration, translation, microfilming and storage and/or processing in electronic systems, including databases and online services.Image no. of title image: P54.33-3433-00Order no. of this publication: HLI 000 000 15 12Space for your notes。
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