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一、指南针与方向???方向的表示方式主要有以下三种:???1. 罗盘法?基本分为四个方位,即东(East,简写E),南(South,简写S),西(West,简写W)及北(North,简写N)。
???8方位(左图)、16方位(右图)????2. 象限法?将圆分为四个象限,当表示方位时,如在观测者的北面,则方位角度为由北向西或东起计;如方位在观测者的南面,则方位角度则由南向西或东起计。
??如下图,设中心点为O,则???A点在O点的方向为北45°??西N45°??W??B点在O点的方向为北60°??东N60°??E??C点在O点的方向为南55°??东S55°??E??D点在O点的方向为南50°??西S50°??W????3. 方位角法?方位角从正北(即0度)起顺时针方向量度,其角度表示单位有下列3种,下图则显示各主要方向的不同表示单位。
??????1. 度(Degree)?最普遍采用的方向单位是将圆分为360度(符号°),正北为0;每度细分为60分(符号'),每分则由为60秒(符号")组成。
?例如: 54°32'14"?? 可读作54度32分14秒???2. 苗(Mil)??将圆分为6400份,每份即为1苗(mil,简写M),即是从1公里远望向1米(公尺)长的物件所成的夹角,军队多采用此方式为角度单位。
????3. 基尔(Grade)?将圆分为400份,每份为1基尔(简写g);1基尔再细分为100毫基尔(简写c),为德国及欧州采用。
?? ???二、指南针(Compass,罗盘)基本知识????指南针的种类???一般用于露营及远足的指南针,主要有以下两种类型:???1. 薄身多为长方形,大部份由透明的物料组成,由于其厚度较薄,固方便收藏于衫袋中,其透明的底板及转盘放在地图上操作亦较容易。
用指南针辨别方向的英语Using a compass to determine direction is a fundamental skill that has been essential for navigation since ancient times. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use a compass effectively.Firstly, it's important to understand the basic components of a compass. A compass typically consists of a magnetic needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic North Pole. The needle isusually red at one end and often has an 'N' marking toindicate north.To begin, hold the compass flat in your hand with the direction-of-travel arrow pointing straight ahead. Make sure you are in an open area away from any large metal objects,high voltage power lines, or electronic devices that might interfere with the compass's accuracy.Next, rotate the compass housing until the magneticneedle aligns with the 'N' marking. This will ensure that the compass is oriented correctly with the cardinal directions.Once the needle is aligned, you can now read thedirection you are facing from the compass's bezel or dial, which is often marked with the cardinal points (North, South, East, West) and intermediate directions (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest).For more precise navigation, you can also use a map witha compass. Place the compass on the map so that thedirection-of-travel arrow is aligned with your intended route. Rotate the compass housing until the magnetic needle aligns with the 'N' marking. The compass's bezel will now beoriented with the map, allowing you to follow your route accurately.Remember to take note of magnetic declination, which isthe angle between magnetic north and true north. This canvary depending on your location and may require adjustingyour compass readings to match a map that uses true north.In conclusion, using a compass is a valuable skill for anyone who ventures outdoors. With practice and attention to detail, you can master the art of navigation and confidently find your way in any terrain.。
四年级英语地理词汇单选题50题1. There is a big city in Europe. It's famous for its museums. It's _____.A. BeijingB. New YorkC. LondonD. Sydney答案:C。
选项A“Beijing”是北京,在中国;选项B“New York”是纽约,在美国;选项C“London”是伦敦,在欧洲,以众多博物馆闻名;选项D“Sydney”是悉尼,在澳大利亚。
2. This city is in the USA. It's very modern and has many tall buildings. It's _____.A. Los AngelesB. TokyoC. ParisD. Moscow答案:A。
选项B“Tokyo”是东京,在日本;选项C“Paris”是巴黎,在法国;选项D“Moscow”是莫斯科,在俄罗斯;选项A“Los Angeles”是洛杉矶,在美国,是一个现代化且有很多高楼大厦的城市。
3. The capital city of Australia is _____.A. SydneyB. MelbourneC. CanberraD. Perth答案:C。
4. This city is in Asia. It's the capital of China. It's _____.A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. Hong KongD. Taipei答案:B。
Mr. Taylor checked again: water, food, bandage, medicines, a compass, and a map wrapped in plastic... Bingo! He put all that he prepared for the coming hiking into his backpack.Mr. Taylor was fond of hiking, this time in particular, for it was the first time for him to hike with his two sons, Harry and Joel. Joel liked reading books about explorers and Harry joined the hiking club in his school this term. "It will be an unforgettable experience, definitely." he whispered to himself, unconsciously a smile spreading over his face.Harry and Joel, however, argued for the first three miles of their hiking trip. Harry accused Joel of wearing smelly old shoes. Joel blamed Harry for using all of the bug spray. Harry told Joel he smelled terrible, Joel called Harry a coward."Will the two of you just quiet down and enjoy our hike together? "their father said. "You're missing all of the beautiful scenery! "It was true. Neither Joel nor Harry had taken notice of the bear their father had spied at the start of their trip. They hadn't looked up at the eagle he pointed out overhead. Worst of all, they hadn't paid any attention to the turns and twists along the way while they continued their argument."Joel threw a stick at me!" Harry screamed."That's not true! "Joel shouted back.Mr. Taylor could no longer contain his anger. "And both of you need to stop arguing!" he erupted. As he turned to face them, his left foot caught on a root. He slipped backward and down muddy bank, falling into the river that ran alongside the path.Harry and Joel raced to their father's assistance. They helped him up out of the water, and then dragged his wet backpack up onto land.Fortunately, their wet-through father found himself just slightly injured.注意:续写词数应为150 左右:Paragraph 1:But his glasses came off when he fell in the water.Paragraph 2:"Just calm down." Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way.01—先读后写,串联文本信息,理清因果关系Who(人物)+what(性格):•Mr.Taylor:careful;encourage kids to work together••Harry:like hiking••Joel:liked reading books about explorers•What(事件):Mr. Taylor and his two sons went on hiking,but the two sons arg ued with each other frequently, and it led to the injury of their fat her who tried to stop their quarreling...Emotional changes(情感变化):two sons: excited(准备徒步)-- disacouraged(沿途争吵)--regretful (错过美景)--worried (父亲落水)--...Conflict(冲突):two sons argued all the way and blamed each other;the father fell into water and lost glasses--nobody guided the way Theme(主题):cooperation can overcome difficulties02—关注原文信息,捕捉续文伏笔03—研读段首句,合理情节分析首句内在逻辑,合理规划情节(Para2首句暗示Para1的结尾)Tip:conflict(冲突)---action行动---解决方案solutionPara1:Fortunately, their wet-through father found himself just slightly injured. But his glasses came off when he fell in the water.情节线(plot)Deal with the injury--no one guided the way--blame/argue情感线(emotion)Nervous--discouraged&angry--hopelessPara2:"Just calm down." Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way.情节线(plot):With the help of compass & map--analyze--find the way out--lesson:learn to cooperate情感线(emotion):Excited--delighted/proud04—确定四个衔接句S1:首段开头第二句(一定把段首句的名词或动词用在第二个句中,实现语义连贯)But his glasses came off when he fell in the water.•Sighing deeply, Mr. Taylor quickly took off his wet clothes andsqueezed the water out.••Mr.Taylor was stunned for a moment, wondering what to do next.•S2:首段最后一句(一定要有与第二段段首句中的同词或同义词,实现无缝衔接)"Just calm down. "Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way."•Harry blamed the accident on Joel, glaring at him with burning eyes.••Afterwards, his two sons began arguing with each other again.•S3:尾段开头第二句(和本段首句实现语义连贯)"Just calm down. "Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way."•After He mentioned the map and m compass, the boys approached reluctantly .••Joel wiped Harry's tears away and it hit Harry that they had broughta map wrapped in plastic!•S4:尾段最后一句(一定要呼应原文中体现主题或伏笔的主题词,实现主题升华)From this unforgettable hiking, they realized what matters is co operation.05—语料积累1.Tears mixed with sweat poured down my cheeks, blurring my vision.2.He yelled, glaring at him with burning eyes.3.They were all in a dilemma and felt a kind of sorrow mixed with regret. (消极情绪)4.“...”, sb murmured, with his heart sinking and his palms sweating. (引出对话)5.All of the sudden, a thought entered his mind like an electric shock.(想出主意)6.So excited was he that he jumped in the air.(积极情绪)7.Exhausted and terrified, I felt my arms aching and my lung burning.感悟:1.This unforgettable hiking will be rooted in their minds.2.It dawned me that nothing is more important than cooperation to overcome difficulties.3.What really matters is cooperation.4.There was nothing we could do but work together.06—范文赏析But his glasses came off when he fell in the water. Sighing deeply, Mr. Taylor quickly took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out. Seeing his father wrapping the wound with the bandage, Joel felt that a thought entered his mind like an electric shock. How could they continue hiking if Dad was unable to see clearly? "If only Harry stopped arguing earlier with me!" he murmured, with his heart sinking and his palms sweating. "I hate you!" Harry yelled, glaring at him with burning eyes. Afterwards, his two sons began arguing with each other again.Just calm down. "Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way." Joel wiped Harry's tears away and it hit Harry that they had brought a map wrapped in plastic! Joel's eyes twinkled with merriment and reached the map out instantly. "I love reading books about explorers, so I can definitely use this map to find our way! Joel screamed out, They tried their best to go back home and their anxiety disappeared and then their bravery started to grow. Eventually, they got home successfully. This unforgettable hiking will be rooted in the two brother's minds, because they realized it is not quarrel but cooperation that help them overcome difficulties.。
●在实际地形(terrain)中,一个橘黄色和白色相间的点标旗(Control flag)标志着运动员应该找到的点的位置。
这种路线选择(Route choice)能力以及借助于地图和指北针在森林和公园辨明方向并以最快速度按顺序到达目的地的能力便是定向运动的精髓所在。
●地图——尽管在任何一张地图上都可以定向,但为了定向运动本身,还需制作专门的定向图(Orienteering map)。
●等高线和等高距:地形高度的差距●地图上的颜色(colors)和符号(Symbols):黑色——人造景现(man-made features)(建筑物,道路,小径)和岩石(Boulders)(大石头,悬崖峭壁)棕色——地形:等高线和符号(表示山丘和小坑;高速公路,主干道)蓝色——任何有水的地方(湖泊,溪流,泥沼)。
指南针的运作原理The operation principle of a compass is based on the Earth's magnetic field. 指南针的运作原理是基于地球的磁场。
A compass consists of a small, lightweight magnet that is free to rotate on a pivot. 指南针由一个小型轻量级磁铁组成,它在支点上可以自由旋转。
Due to the Earth's magnetic field, the magnet aligns itself with the magnetic field lines, pointing in the direction of the Earth's magnetic North Pole. 由于地球的磁场,磁铁会自动与磁场线对齐,指向地球的磁北极。
This allows users to determine their direction and navigate by aligning the compass needle with the Earth's magnetic field. 这使得用户可以通过将指南针指针与地球的磁场对齐来确定方向和导航。
The compass is a vital tool for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and navigators, as it provides a reliable and simple means of determining direction. 指南针是户外爱好者、徒步者和导航员的重要工具,因为它提供了一种可靠和简单的确定方向的方法。
In addition to its practical uses, the compass holds cultural significance in many societies and has been used symbolically to represent guidance, exploration, and self-discovery. 除了实际用途之外,指南针在许多社会中具有文化意义,并且已被象征性地用来代表指引、探索和自我发现。
关于一次野外冒险经历的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you about a fun adventure that I had with my friends in the great outdoors. It was super exciting and we had so much fun!Last summer, my friends and I decided to go on a camping trip in the mountains. We packed our tents, sleeping bags, and lots of snacks, and we were ready for an adventure. We hiked through the forest, crossed streams, and climbed up rocky hills. It was tough, but we were determined to reach the top of the mountain.When we finally made it to the top, we were greeted with the most amazing view. We could see for miles and miles, and the sunset was beautiful. We set up our tents and started a campfire. We roasted marshmallows, told spooky stories, and laughed until our bellies hurt.That night, we fell asleep under the stars, listening to the sounds of the forest. It was so peaceful and quiet, and I felt so grateful to be surrounded by nature and good friends.The next morning, we woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the trees. We packed up our campsite and started our hike back down the mountain. It was sad to leave, but we knew that we would always have the memories of our wild adventure.I will never forget that camping trip and how much fun we had. I can't wait to go on another adventure with my friends soon!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story! Bye!篇2Title: My Exciting Adventure in the WildHey guys! Let me tell you about the super cool adventure I had in the wild last weekend. It was like, totally awesome!So, me and my friends decided to go on a camping trip in the forest near our town. We packed our backpacks with all the essentials - snacks, drinks, flashlight, and of course, our trusty compass. We were all set for our big adventure!As soon as we arrived at the forest, we set up our tents and started exploring. We found a super cool stream where we splashed around and caught some shiny fish. We even built a little dam out of rocks and sticks - it was so much fun!But the real adventure began when we decided to go on a hike deeper into the forest. We followed a narrow trail that led us through thick bushes and over fallen trees. It was kinda scary at first, but we kept each other company and sang silly songs to keep our spirits up.Suddenly, we came across a huge cave hidden behind a waterfall. We were so excited and curious, we just had to explore it! We used our flashlight to guide us through the dark tunnels, and we found some really cool rock formations and even a bat hanging from the ceiling. It was so spooky and thrilling at the same time!After our cave exploration, we continued our hike until we reached a breathtaking lookout point at the top of a hill. We could see the whole forest below us, and it was so beautiful! We sat there for a while, enjoying the peacefulness and the amazing view.As the sun started to set, we made our way back to our campsite. We cooked hot dogs over a campfire and sharedstories and laughs late into the night. It was the best adventure ever!I can't wait for our next camping trip in the wild. Who knows what other exciting things we'll discover? Stay tuned for more awesome stories from me, your adventurous friend! Peace out!篇3One day, me and my friends decided to go on a wild adventure in the forest near our house. We were so excited and couldn't wait to see what we would discover.First, we packed some snacks, water, and a map in our backpacks. We were all wearing our hats and sunglasses to protect us from the sun. We were ready to go!As we entered the forest, we could hear the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind. It was so peaceful and quiet. We followed the map and started walking deeper into the forest.Suddenly, we heard a strange noise coming from the bushes. We all stopped and looked at each other, scared. But we decided to be brave and investigate. We slowly walked towards the bushes and to our surprise, we found a family of deer! They were so beautiful and graceful.After spending some time watching the deer, we continued our adventure. We climbed up a hill and from the top, we could see a beautiful river flowing through the forest. We decided to go down and have a closer look.As we got closer to the river, we saw a small waterfall. It was so magical and we couldn't resist jumping into the cool water. We splashed around and had so much fun.When it started to get dark, we knew it was time to head back home. We followed the map and eventually found our way out of the forest. We were tired but happy. It was an amazing adventure and we couldn't wait to go on another one soon.篇4Once upon a time, me and my friends went on a wild adventure in the forest. We packed our bags with snacks, water, and a map. We were so excited to explore the great outdoors!As we entered the forest, we saw so many tall trees and chirping birds. It felt like we were in a magical land. We followed the map and found a hidden trail that led us to a beautiful waterfall. The water was crystal clear and we splashed around in it, feeling so refreshed.After playing in the waterfall, we continued our journey deeper into the forest. We saw all kinds of animals like squirrels, rabbits, and even a deer! It was so cool to see them up close in their natural habitat.As the sun began to set, we realized that we were lost. We were scared at first, but we stayed calm and remembered what we learned about survival skills. We built a shelter out of branches and leaves, started a fire, and roasted marshmallows. It was like a real-life camping adventure!The next morning, we followed the sound of a river and eventually found our way back to the main path. We were tired, but so proud of ourselves for making it through the night in the forest. It was definitely a wild adventure we would never forget.In the end, our wild adventure taught us the importance of staying calm in unexpected situations and working together as a team. It was a trip we would always cherish and remember for years to come.篇5One day, me and my friends went on a wild adventure in the forest. It was super exciting and a little bit scary too!We packed our backpacks with snacks, water, and a map. We also brought a compass, just in case we got lost. We were ready for anything!As we walked into the forest, we saw so many cool things. There were birds chirping, squirrels running around, and colorful flowers everywhere. It felt like we were in a magical land!But then, we heard a loud noise coming from the bushes. We all got really scared and huddled together. But then we saw that it was just a deer running by. Phew, what a relief!We kept walking and soon we found a river. It was so beautiful and clear. We took off our shoes and dipped our feet in the water. It felt so refreshing!After a while, we heard a rustling sound in the trees above us. We looked up and saw a family of monkeys swinging from branch to branch. They were so cute and funny!As the sun started to set, we realized that it was time to head back home. We followed our map and compass and finally made it out of the forest.We were tired but happy. Our wild adventure was so much fun and we couldn't wait to do it again!篇6Once upon a time, me and my friends went on a wild adventure in the forest. It was super exciting and we saw so many cool things!First, we saw a big group of deer running through the trees. They were so graceful and fast! We tried to keep up with them, but they were too quick for us. It was like they were playing a game of tag with us.Then, we found a hidden stream with crystal clear water. We took off our shoes and dipped our feet in the cool water. It felt so refreshing after walking for a long time. We even found some shiny rocks in the stream, which we decided to keep as souvenirs.Next, we stumbled upon a mysterious cave. At first, we were scared to go inside, but we decided to be brave and investigate. It was dark and creepy, but we used our flashlights to explore. We found some bats hanging from the ceiling and some cool rock formations. It was like a real-life adventure movie!After that, we climbed to the top of a hill and saw the most amazing view of the forest. It stretched on for miles and miles, with trees as far as the eye could see. We felt like explorers discovering a new land.Finally, as the sun began to set, we made our way back home. Our wild adventure in the forest was one we would never forget. It taught us to be brave, curious, and to appreciate the beauty of nature. We can't wait to go on our next adventure!。
目录2017年12月大学英语四级真题试题一(完整版) (1)答案 (15)2017年12月大学英语四级真题试题一(完整版)Part I Writing (25 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 2 are based on the new report you have just heard.1.A) Her grandfather.B) Her grandfather.C) Her friend Erika.D) Her little brother.2. A) By taking pictures for passers-by.B) By selling lemonade and pictures.C) By working part time at a hospital.D) By asking for help on social media.Questions 3 to 4 are based on the new report you have just heard.3. A) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel.B) Providing clean energy to five million people.C) Generating electric power for passing vehicles.D) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction.4. A) They are made from cheap materials.B) They are only about half an inch thick.C) They can be laid right on top of existing highways.D) A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the new report you have just heard.5. A) The lack of clues about the species.B) Endless fighting in the region.C) Inadequate funding for research.D) The hazards from the desert.6. A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks.B) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.C) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance.D) To find evidence of the existence of the “lost lions”.7. A) Lions’ tracks.B) Lions walking.C) Some camping facilities.D) Traps set by local hunters.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then markthe corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A) A special gift from the man.B) A call from her dad.C) Her wedding anniversary.D) Her ‘lucky birthday’.9. A) Threw her a surprise party.B) Bought her a good necklace.C) With a traveler’s checkD) With his smart phone10. A) What her husband and the man are up to.B) What has been troubling her husband.C) The trip her husband has planned.D) The gift her husband has bought.11 . A) He wants to find out about the couple’s holiday plan.B) He is eager to learn how the couple’s holiday turns out.C) He will tell the women the secret if her husband agrees.D) He will be glad to be a guide for the couple’s holiday trip.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) They take the rival’s attitude into account.B) They know when to adopt a tough attitude.C) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation.D) They see the importance of making compromises.13. A) They know when to stop.B) They know how to adapt.C) They know when to make compromises.D) They know how to control their emotion.14. A) They are patient.B) They learn quickly.C) They are good at expression.D) They uphold their principles.15. A) Clarify items of negotiation.B) Make clear one's intentions.C) Get to know the other side.D) Formulate one's strategy.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) How space research benefits people on Earth.B) When the International Space Station was built.C) How many space shuttle missions there will be.D) When America's earliest space program started.17. A) They tried to make best use of the latest technology.B) They tried to meet astronauts' specific requirements.C) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space.D) They accurately calculated the speed of the orbiting shuttles.18.A) They are expensive to make.B) They are extremely accurate.C) They were first made in space.D) They were invented in the 1970s.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A) Everything was natural and genuine then.B) People had plenty of land to cultivate then.C) It marked the beginning of something new.D) It was when her ancestors came to America.20. A) They were known to be creative.B) They enjoyed living a living a life of ease.C) They had all kinds of entertainment.D) They believed in working for goals.21. A) Chatting with her ancestors.B) Doing needlework by the fire.C) Furnishing her country house.D) Polishing all the silver work.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A) Sit down and try to calm yourself.B) Call your family or friends for help.C) Use a map to identify your location.D) Try to follow your footprints back.23. A) You may end up entering a wonderland.B) You may get drowned in a sudden flood.C) You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.D) You may find a way out without your knowing it.24. A) Walk uphill.B) Look for food.C) Start a fire.D) Wait patiently.25. A) Check the local weather.B) Find a map and a compass.C) Prepare enough food and drink.D) Inform somebody of your plan.Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices, Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.We all know there exists great void(空白)in the public educational system when it comes to (26)_______ to STEM(Science,Technology,Engineering Mathematics),One educator named Dori Roberts decided to do something to change this system. Dori taught high school engineering for 11 years.She noticed there was a real void in quality stem education at all (27)_______ of the public educational system. she said,“I started Engineering for kids (EFK)after noticing a real lack of math, science and engineeringprograms to (28)_______ my own kids in.”She decided to start an after school program where children (29)_______ in STEM-based competitions.The club grew quickly and when it reached 180 members and the kids in the program won several state (30)_______ . she decided to devote all her time to cultivating and (31)_______ it The global business EFK was born.Dori began operating EFK out of her Virginia home, which she then expanded to (32)_______ recreation centers. Today, the EFK program (33)_______ over 144 branches in 32 states within the United States and in 21 countries. Sales have doubled from $5 million in 2014 to $10 million in 2015,with 25 new branches planned for 2016. the EFK website states, “Our nation is not (34)_______ enough engineers. Our philosophy is to inspire kids at a young age to understand that engineering is a great (35)_______ .”注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
1.实际地形(terrain)中,一个橘黄色和白色相间的点标棋(Control flag)标志着运动员应该找到的点的位置。
这种路线选择(Route choice)能力以及借助于地图和指北针在森林和公园辨明方向并以最快速度按顺序到达目的地的能力便是定向运动的精髓所在。
4.地图----尽管在任何一张地图上都可以定向,但为了定向运动本身,还需制作专门的定向图(Orienteering map)。
6.等高线和等高距:地形高度的差距7.地图上的颜色(colors)和符号(Symbols):黑色----人造景观(man-made features)(建筑物,道路,小径)和岩石(Boulders)(大石头,悬崖峭壁)棕色----地形:等高线和符号(表示山丘和小坑;高速公路,主干道)蓝色----任何有水的地方。
2024届七年级下学期开学摸底考试卷(上海专用)英语(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分)Part 1Grammar and Vocabulary(第一部分语法和词汇)I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(本大题共15 题,每题1 分,共15 分。
每题只有一个正确选项)1.—It’s Sally’s birthday next Monday. Let’s ________ the gift (礼物) for her.—How about a hat for her?A.ask for B.come on C.think about with2.Now students at our school play sports for ________ hour every afternoon.A.a C./D.the3.I have ________ classes in the morning, and the ________ class is art.A.four; fourth B.fourth; four C.four; four D.fourth; fourth4.I put the picture ________ the wall ________ my bed.A.on;on B.on;above;above;on5.—Is there ________ ice cream in the fridge (冰箱)?—Yes. There is still ________ in it.A.some; some B.some; any C.any; some D.any; any6.The dress is very nice, but it’s not ________.A.enough cheap enough C.enough cheaper D.cheaper enough 7.Students should watch ________ TV and exercise ________.A.fewer; more B.less; fewer C.more; less D.less; more8.—This yellow T-shirt ________ nice.—Yes.A.look at B.look C.looks D.see9.—Look at the sign! There is a bike with a red line across it.—It means we ________ ride bicycles here.A.must B.should C.mustn’t D.can’t10.We can have a picnic in the countryside tomorrow ________ it doesn’t rain.A.because B.and D.if11.Would you like ________ a cup of tea with me?A.have have C.has D.had12.Listen! The teachers ________ loudly in their office!A.are talking talking C.talks D.talk13.There ________ a cartoon festival in Shanghai next going to have B.will have C.have going to be14.—________ is your English teacher?—Mr. Hu.A.What B.Why C.When D.Who15._________ beautiful the flowers are! We all like them.A.How B.What C.How a D.What aII. Choose the proper words in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once(选择最恰当的选项填入空格。
2004版译林牛津初中一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分)听力部分(20分)ⅰ.听到句子,挑选出句子中所涵盖的信息(5分后)1. a. tree b. trip c. travel2. a. excited b. exciting c. expensive3. a. b. c.4. a. bell b. bike c. believe5. a. they are taking a plane to lanzhou.b. they are going on a trip to lanzhou by train.c. they will take a plane to lanzhou.ii.听到对话和问题,挑选恰当答案(5分后)6. how far is jack's home from the centre of the city?a. 20 minutes by bus.b. 40 minutes by underground.c. 40 minutes by bus.7. when does the train leave?a. at 5:30.b. at 4:30.c. at 6:30.8. how much is the car?a. 3, yuan.b. 30, yuan.c. yuan.9. where is the man going?a. b. c.10. what does the man like?a. b. c.ⅲ.听长对话和问题,选择正确答案(5分)11. what is the woman doing now?a. making a phone call.b. giving a lesson.c. asking the way.12. what place is the woman going to?a. a school.b. a cinema.c. a shop.13. which bus is the woman going to take?a. no. 4.b. no. 14.c. no. 44.14. where is the bus stop?a. on the right along the road.b. on the left along the road.c. in the middle of the road.15. how long will it take the woman to get there?a. 20 minutes.b. 12 minutes.c. 2 minutes.iv.听到短文填空题(5分后)16. jack wilson is from toronto, .17. jack is a schoolboy.he knows china is a country.18. jack wants to go on a to china.19. there are students in his class.20. jack and his friends often play football on afternoon.二、单项挑选(共15小题;共15分后)21. there is old pencil in pencil box.a. a; theb. an; thec. an; ad. the; a22. there is no bridge the river, so we the river by boat.a. cross; crossb. cross; acrossc. across; crossd. across; across23. --- why are you standing there, anna?--- i can't see the words on the blackboard. two tall boys are sitting me.a. in front ofb. behindc. next tod. beside24. could you help me ?a. with open the windowb. open the windowc. to opening the windowd. opening the window25. --- you're coughing badly. have you gone to see a doctor?--- no, but i .a. am going tob. will notc. am not going tod. haven't26. wu yan wants to buy dress for her mother on mother's day.a. an; theb. /; ac. a; /d. the; a27. turn right the second crossing and the bank is your left.a. in; onb. in; atc. at; ind. at; on28. --- have dinner with my wife and me next weekend?--- yes, i'd like to. thank you.a. would you likeb. do you likec. would you like tod. do you29. there is a bridge the river. many boats go it every day.a. over; throughb. over; belowc. on; throughd. above; under30. --- excuse me, how can i get to the post office?--- .a. never mindb. sorry, i am new herec. that's ok31. --- what does your english teacher ?--- he is tall and thin. he's really handsome.a. lookb. likec. look liked. be like32. help others, you'll feel happier!a. andb. orc. butd. when33. more, and you will improve your spoken english.a. to speakb. speaksc. speakd. speaking34. he forward a class trip?a. is; looking; to haveb. does; look; havingc. is; looking; to havingd. does; looking; to having35. --- i don't care what my teachers think.--- well, you .a. couldb. wouldc. shouldd. might三、完形填空(共10小题;共15分后)my aunt, jenny lee lives in a town in canada. she has a 36 face like the sun. her favorite 37 is hu xinger. now she's in the 38 wonderful friends (《奇妙的朋友》) with five other stars. they live and play with many kinds of 39 in the zoo in guangzhou. these animals are very aunt often tells stories about animals to her son. today she wants to take him to the 40 to see animals. in the morning, jenny gets up early andhelps her son get dressed. they can 41 the subway to the zoo easily. her sonis only five years old, so he doesn't need to pay for the ticket(票). it's 42 . at the zoo, they watch the monkeys 43 the trees. after lunch they enjoydrinking 44 in the park. they like to spend time in the park. in the evening, they have dinner in a 45 and go home. the restaurant is near their house.36. a. long b. round c. short d. tall37. a. actor b. actress c. police d. teacher38. a. movie b. book c. newspaper d. show39. a. persons b. animals c. mountains d. trees40. a. cinema b. bank c. hospital d. zoo41. a. by b. get c. take d. ride42. a. busy b. bad c. free d. young43. a. crossing b. putting c. making d. climbing44. a. juice b. salad c. vegetables d. fruits45. a. restaurant b. school c. bus stop d. hotel四、阅读理解(共16小题;共32分)aat 9:30, my parents and i are driving a car to my grandparents' home. today is the dragon boat festival. everyone wants to be with his or her family this 10:40, at my grandparents' home, my grandfather and grandmother are making zongzi. they are happy to see us visit theat 11:30, we are sitting in the yard(院子). my father and uncle are helping my mother and aunt cook lunch. they are preparing some chicken, fish and fruit. how delicious the food is!at 12:15, we are sitting at the table. before lunch, we say something good to my grandparents. we wish them to live a happy and healthy life. they are so happy to hear 13:10, my mother and aunt are doing the dishes. my father and uncle are watching a basketball game on tv. my grandparents are talking with my cousin and me. we really have fun. it's so good to be with our family.46. what's the writer's grandparents making?a. soup.b. fish.c. zongzi.d. mooncakes.47. when may the writer's uncle get to his grandparents' home?a. at twenty past eleven.b. at a quarter to twelve.c. at half past twelve.d. at twelve o'clock.48. they can't eat .a. fishb. chickenc. zongzid. salad49. who is talking with my cousin and me at 13:10?a. my father.b. my uncle.c. my aunt.d. my grandparents.50. which of the following statements is true?a. the writer goes to his grandparents' home by bus.b. at 10:40, the writer's father is reading in the living rooc. the writer's grandmother is washing the dishes at 13:10.d. the writer has a good time that day.bone of my favourite things to do is hiking in mountains. because nobody likes the idea of getting lost, i always prepare before every trip. but what's the best navigation tool, a global positioning system (gps) or a good old map and compass? five of my friends and i hiked through the mountains on a trail i marked. one team of three carried a gps, and the other team used a map and took the gps team 3 hours and 11 minutes to get through the whole hike, however, it took the map and compass team only 2 hours and 49 minutes. the biggest problem the gps team met was that they lost the satellite signal (卫星信号) in some places. with no map or compass, they had to walk around until they were in a place where the signal was good. the map and compass team was able to spot(认出) different landmarks, compare them to their maps and then use the compass to point them in the right direction.when i head out on my future hikes, i'm bringing a map, a compass and a gps to show me the way.51. the writer prepares before every trip because he doesn't .a. like the old map or compassb. know how to use the gpsc. want to get lost in mountainsd. want to get into the mountains alone52. the two teams .a. had the same navigation toolb. went along the same trailc. had the same problemd. finished the whole hike at the same time53. in the end, the writer found out .a. the map and the compass were too old navigation tools to use any moreb. it wasn't necessary to bring a map and a compass together with a gpsc. the gps had some disadvantages in hiking in mountainsd. he wouldn't use a gps any morecschool trips are one of the things that school children hope for about school. they are one way to show children that they can also learn much outside the classrooa good side of having a school trip is that children can use the learned or the learning things in class in true life. knowledge in science and maths can be used. then students will remember their lessons well. also, students will have first-hand?information on how their school subjects work outside classroo for example, a visit to a museum can not only learn about history but can also learn about science or geography.what's more, always learning in classroom may make some kids lose interest in a subject. this is really true for some difficult subjects. however, kids can learn in new environments during school trips and take on as much information as they want and trips also help kids get to know each other in a more relaxed environment, without thinking about tests or grades.showing students the larger world around them can really help them learn more.54. why can students remember their lessons easily by taking school trips?a. because they can get the first-hand information.b. because they like visiting museums and learning science.c. because they can put what they learned in class into action.d. because they know the good side of a school trip.55. how will students feel when they are in new environment of school trips?a. interesting and active.b. difficult and tired.c. friendly and easy.d. relaxed and fun.56. what's the main point about school trips in the passage?a. they are helpful for kids to show what they learned at school.b. kids should learn more about science outside classrooc. kids should learn more from school trips.d. they are good for improving students' learning.dchristopher columbus is famous because he found something he wasn't looking , columbus sailed across the atlantic ocean in order to reach india. what he found was something far different. he found the new world. how did this come about? it all started in italy.christopher columbus was born in genoa in . his family didn't have a lot of money, and christopher wasn't an only child. he didn't have much of an education until he was much older. instead, he went to sea. he sailed around the mediterranean(地中海) and as far north as england and ireland.during his travels, columbus heard the reports of land to the west of the madeira and azores islands. they were in the atlantic ocean west of portugal. he wanted to know more and got maps and books on geography.marco polo said that japan was only 1, miles east of china. as a result, columbus thought that japan was only 3, miles west of portugal. and 3, miles was a distance that ships could travel in those, columbus decided that he wanted to get to the east by going west. he thought that if he sailed far enough west, he would sail around the world enough to reach the east. based on his calculations(计算), japan was only 3, miles away, after all.57. where did columbus want to go when he sailed across the atlantic ocean in ?a. america.b. india.c. japan.d. china.58. which of the following is true according to the third paragraph?a. there were many people in columbus' family.b. columbus was an only boy of his parents.c. columbus did well in school when he was young.d. columbus once traveled to ireland.59. during his travels, columbus was interested in .a. geographyb. physicsc. chemistryd. history60. we can infer from the passage that .a. columbus had a dream to visit americab. marco polo was a great traveler from portugalc. columbus had the idea that earth was roundd. nobody believed columbus could reach china61. the passage is mainly about .a. columbus's childhoodb. the reports of azores islandsc. how columbus began his saild. what marco polo said in his book。
2023年江苏省无锡市锡东片中考一模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.________ Wuxi you see today is quite ________ different city from the one that it used to be.A.The; /B./; the C.The; a D.A; a2.This spring has come earlier than usual, more than 10 days and even 20 days earlier in provinces ________ Fujian, Jiangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan.A.across B.including C.beyond D.through 3.India’s population is expected to pass China’s for the first time in 2023. The United Nations has reported that India’s population will reach about 1.7 billion by 2050 ________ China will fall in the next few years.A.since B.after C.before D.while4.Gen Zers (people born from 1995 to 2009) are the most active group of people, who________ the past with the future.A.connect C.control D.complete 5.With the local environmental protection, the salt lake in Yuncheng Shanxi has ________ a perfect place for some rare wild birds.A.turned into B.turned out C.turned around D.turned off 6.Although it is more than sixty years since the death of Lei Feng, the “Lei Feng spirit” is still ________, encouraging a new generation (一代人) of Chinese people.A.lively D.alive7.The “Wandering Earth” series and TV drama “Three—Body” once again brought Liu Cixin, a famous science fiction writer, to the _________ of Chinese people.A.notice B.interest C.attention D.attraction 8.—Do Indian people speak English?—Not exactly! They ________ speak Hindi, but their second language is English. A.specially B.simply C.mainly D.most 9.—Great! My favourite athlete Xu Mengtao was chosen as one of the top ten people Touching China in 2022.— Her experience of winning the gold medal at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics after 16years of hard work tells us that _________ is impossible and just do it.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything 10.—Shenzhou XV was successfully sent into space! Do you know _________?—Let’s search on the Internet for it!A.when did Shenzhou XV enter China Space StationB.that Deng Qingming will enter China Space soon will Deng Qingming enter the long Deng Qingming will stay in the space station this time11.—_________ I take a mobile phone with me for our spring outing to Sunac Land?—Unless you’re allowed.A.Should B.May C.Must D.Will 12.This year’s Dangkou Folk Music Festival will be covered live this weekend, attracting ______ tourists.A.a huge army of B.a great deal of C.the number of D.a plenty of 13.The saying “ _________ ” tells us that you won’t be a hero if you can’t get over difficulties and achieve success.A.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.B.No pain, no gain.C.Practice makes perfect.D.A good miss is as good as a mile.14.—Would you like to own a home robot?—_________. I consider the home robot a great help in my daily life.A.What for B.So what C.Why not D.It depends二、完形填空Did you watch the popular TV series Meet yourself during your winter vacation? In the TV series, Xu Hongdou travels to a village in Yunnan province and volunteers at a local café. She gets ____15____ meals in return. Because of this hot hit, ____16____ travel—similar to Xu’s type of work—has caught more attention.In general, the ____17____ of taking such a trip is to take part in a service chance to help others, according to Wise Tour. During the trip, volunteer travelers often provide services like teaching, cooking, animal caring, and cultural activities. In ____18____ for their help,the volunteers may get free accommodation (住宿), meals and laundry (洗衣), activities, or classes.It seems that only modern transport could make these long journeys ____19____ in recent years. However, volunteer travel started from the 1960s, when Alec Dickson and his wife Mora from the UK ____20____ Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), an international volunteer organization.According to Sanlian Lifeweek magazine, volunteer projects in the ____21____ are now attracting more visitors from the city to relax from the fast and stressful life. Yang Yan, a pioneer of a volunteer platform (平台), told the magazine that there has been a rapid____22____ in the number of tourists from the city to volunteer in village areas.People try volunteer travel for several reasons. By working voluntarily while traveling, travelers may make a ____23____ to the world. The volunteers provide services through charities with lower costs for the communities they serve. Another ____24____ of volunteer travel is that it helps tourists from the city to get a taste of country life. In this way, travelers can relax from their busy lives, while country communities also develop by receiving more customers for local tourism B.delicious C.big D.light B.volunteer D.national 17.A.cause B.result C.purpose D.way 18.A.time C.preparation D.answer 19.A.impossible B.hard C.easy D.possible 20.A.set up up C.put up D.pick up 21.A.mountain B.desert C.countryside 22.A.change B.development C.influence D.increase 23.A.decision B.difference C.promise D.plan 24.A.advantage B.disadvantage C.reason D.truth三、阅读单选Jane, a reporter, is collecting information for the local newspaper. She is interested in the following things introduced in a magazine.Smart SchoolbagForget to pack the books you need into your schoolbag in the morning rush?A schoolboy aged 11 has invented a schoolbag. It tells you which books to pack. A small computer and a scanner (扫描装置) are fixed in the bag. As each book is put into the bag, it is checked by the scanner. If any book is missing, a message will be shown on the computer screen to remind you.Weather SweetsCan you eat weather?A university makes that happen. It uses a 3D printer to create sweets based on the weather information of a certain day.The shapes of the sweets are influenced by wind speed. The colors of the sweets are decided by temperature. The sweets act as a weather record of the day when they are made.Sunrise BedIt's hard for you to get up in the morning, isn’t it?To help you get up, a company has created a “tool” —a sunrise bed.It wakes you up gently as a sunrise does. Lights built into the bed turn on and start to get brighter and brighter. When the lights are fully on, soft music will begin to play. It will be louder and louder until you turn it off. The company explains, “The gentle light tells your body that it is morning, so it stops producing a chemical that helps you sleep.”25.The smart schoolbag has been invented by ________.A.a reporter B.a schoolboy C.a university D.a company 26.________ influence(s) the shapes of the weather sweets.A.Colors B.Temperature C.3D printers D.Wind speed 27.Which of the following shows how a sunrise bed wakes you up?A.lights on → music on → lights brighter → music on → music louder → lights on → lights brighterC.lights on → lights brighter → music on → music on → lights on → music louder → lights brighterThe World of OrienteeringImagine you are in a new city. You ask someone how to get to a bookstore. They tell you to go straight, turn left, and you will find it on your left. In fact, you can also find your way with a phone. Now imagine you are in an outdoor game. You only have a map and a compass, and instead of running down a city road, you may need to run around in the woods, climb over rocks and go up and down hills. Welcome to orienteering!In the game of orienteering, players use a map and a compass to find stations. These stations are called controls. A special flag, usually in bright colours, marks each control. Controls are not easy to find. They may be in front of a big rock or behind a tree. In most of the games, you’ll have to find controls in numbered order, but in some games you can change the order.At each control, players mark a card they carry with them and the card will be marked in different ways (See Figure 1). The cards are very important because players must find all the controls to win. If someone misses a control, they won’t have that mark on their cards. They might cross the finish line first, but the next person to finish with a full card will win the game.Culture Note:The first compass was invented by ancient Chinese people. It helps you find your way by always pointing to the North.28.What will players carry in the game?A.A compass, a map and a card.B.A flag, a compass and a card.C.A map, a compass and a flag.D.A phone, a compass and a map. 29.Which of the following is a rule of the game?A.You can’t miss any of the controls to win.B.You have to find controls in numbered order.C.You don’t need to mark the cards.D.You must be the first to pass the finish line to win.30.How many controls has Anna finished in the game?A.9.B.10.C.11.D.12.ChatGPT, a powerful AI (artificial intelligence人工智能) chatbot tool, has swept the world in the past few months. The tool is an AI chatbot system that was created by OpenAI company in America and went public in November 2022. ChatGPT can remember the topic of your conversation, answer your questions and write stories and any other written texts you can think of. It gets its answers from a great deal of information on the Internet.You can ask ChatGPT anything, like explaining physics, asking for birthday party ideas and getting programming (编程) help. Perhaps it’s not smart enough to complete everything humans can do yet, but it can be creative, and its answers can sound completely correct. A few days after its coming, more than 1 million people were trying out ChatGPT. It is reported that ChatGPT reached 100 million users in 2 months, while it took TikTok about 9 months to reach 100 million users and Instagram spend two and a half years reaching it.ChatGPT is free to use at the moment because it is still in its research process (过程). But when too many people flood onto the server (服务器), it is crowded with too many users and can’t deal with your needs. It just means you should try visiting the website at a later time when fewer people are trying to enter it. If you wouldn’t like to wait, there is a good choice for you. Up to February, 2023, OpenAI has another product, ChatGPT Plus, which allows users to join the server quickly even during the rush hour of Network. This service does come at a cost of $20 per month.However, Google has an advantage over ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence robot that can solve your problems, while Google is a search engine, and on it you can search for as much information as possible. ChatGPT has fixed knowledge because of itsprogramming but Google has up-to-date knowledge every day.31.Why does the writer list figures (列数字) in Paragraph 2?A.To show that ChatGPT is very popular.B.To show that ChatGPT is very expensive. C.To show that ChatGPT is very creative.D.To show that ChatGPT is very helpful. 32.What is ChatGPT Plus designed for?A.Guiding users to experience free services.B.Allowing users to visit the website later.C.Helping users write their stories.D.Offering users a chance to visit the website quickly.33.What is the disadvantage of ChatGPT compared with Google?A.It works on fixed numbers.B.It takes more time to search for information.C.It doesn’t have the latest knowledge.D.It may provide wrong answers to questions.There are millions of recipes(菜谱)hidden in the boxes and hearts of grandmother and parents. These family recipes are a special part of our family history. Some of them have been passed down from generation(一代人) to generation.“I realized I couldn’t go home every weekend for my mom’s delicious dishes.” says Shreya, who is about to enter university. Shreya has recently started following her mother around the kitchen, taking notes on how to make her “masala chai” and tasty kachoris.“Those special tastes can immediately unlock a whole flood of emotions, memories and feelings of family, love and comfort.” says she.She adds, “I am looking to the day when my kids will come to know about their grandmothers through the dishes they cooked.”But many of us find it difficult to keep the food connection with their busy life. Even if we have time, not many of us take the effort to collect and record the recipes from our grandmothers and parents. We often get a recipe on the phone and take it down quickly on a piece of paper. We just stick it onto the fridge for a week or two and forget about it as soon as the paper disappears from there.Actually, there are simple ways to keep family recipes. Scrapbooks(剪贴簿) are easily found in the market. You can even add photos to record every detail of your memories aboutthe recipe. With the help of some popular apps like Story Scans, recording family recipes has never been easier. What is needed is to scan(扫描) the recipes and record the story behind each of them. It can become the most meaningful work you have ever done with and for your family.Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring(尊重) our tradition so that future generations can continue to make family ties stronger. Every time you remember your loved ones, recreate one of the dishes from your collection and let the memories from the good old days comfort you. So why not gift your kids a family recipe book when they are starting a new life?34.What does Shreya follow her mother around the kitchen?A.To clean up the kitchen.B.To note down recipes.C.To prepare family dinners.D.To talk about family rules.35.What does the underlined word “gift” in the last paragraph mean? C.give D.lend 36.What can we learn from the passage?A.Ways to record recipes can be easy.B.Most people like writing recipe books.C.Recipes have become popular with kids.D.People often buy recipe books in the market.37.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Family Recipes: Secrets of CookingB.Family Recipes: Are at a CrossroadsC.Family Recipes: Connections to InterestsD.Family Recipes: Are More than Just Recipes四、根据汉语提示填空38.Hanfu is an ________ (古代的) clothing of the Han people who lived in China before the Qing Dynasty.39.Children’s confidence should be developed in the path, theory(理论), system and________ (文化) of socialism(社会主义) with Chinese Characteristics.40.Chinese-made products are ________ (高度地) praised at the FIFA World Cup 2022.41.Soft music is often played at some malls to _______ (创造) a relaxing shopping environment.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空42.Yang Ziqiong made history on March 13, 2023 by becoming the first ________ (Asia) to win the Best Actress Award at the 95th Academy Awards.43.Much is _______ (know) about the new movie called How do you live, but the film based on Yoshino(宫崎骏)’s novel is well worth expecting.44.In my family, a decision will not be made until everyone is in _______ (agree). 45.The cowboy had much difficulty _______(control) all the horses. After all, he was too young.46.I’m sure the development of home robots _________ (satisfy) more people’s needs in the future.47.It’s a long time! I can’t remember when this picture _______ (take) in Xihui Park. 48._________ (save) the people locked inside, the firemen broke down the door. 49.Recently Chinese people ________ (care) about Panda Yaya after the sudden death of its partner Lele at the US zoo in February.50.—Why didn’t you open the door for me, Jim?—I ________ (wash) clothes in the bathroom. I didn’t hear the knock.51.The most famous tradition on the second day of the second month is to have your hair_______ (cut), which means your luck will come.52.—Miss Hua, I haven’t seen you for a long time.—Yes. I ________ (work) as a volunteer nurse in Shanghai for a month and came back yesterday.53.Learning is a life-long journey, for it ________ (bring) us something new every day.六、阅读填表先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。
指南针英文介绍讲解学习(第1页)一、引言:认识指南针(Introduction to Compass)指南针,一种古老的导航工具,自古以来便为人类探索未知世界提供了方向。
二、指南针的历史(History of Compass)1. 起源(Origin)指南针最早起源于中国,大约在公元前4世纪,我国先民们发现了磁铁的性质,并制成了最早的指南针。
2. 传播与发展(Spread and Development)随着时间的推移,指南针逐渐传入阿拉伯地区,后来又传到了欧洲。
三、指南针的工作原理(Working Principle of Compass)1. 地球磁场(Earth's Magnetic Field)指南针之所以能指示方向,是因为地球本身就是一个巨大的磁体。
2. 磁针指向(Magnetic Needle Direction)指南针的磁针一端指向地球的磁北极,另一端指向磁南极。
在英文中,指向磁北极的一端被称为“North Pole”,指向磁南极的一端被称为“South Pole”。
四、指南针的种类(Types of Compass)1. 干扰式指南针(Dry Compass)干扰式指南针是最常见的指南针类型,其特点是磁针悬浮在液体(如油或酒精)中,以减少摩擦。
2. 指南针罗盘(Compass Card)指南针罗盘通常用于航海,其特点是磁针固定在一个可旋转的圆盘上,圆盘上刻有方位刻度。
指南针英文介绍讲解学习(第2页)五、指南针的应用(Applications of Compass)1. 航海导航(Maritime Navigation)在航海领域,指南针是最基本的导航工具之一。
1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Which room will David clean first?A. The bathroom.B. The bedroom.C. The living room.7. Who will clean the kitchen?A. David.B. Grandma.C. Nobody.8. What can be found on the table?A. Some strawberries.B. Some bananas.C. Some apples.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。
9. Where does the woman want to go?A. The art museum.B. The science museum.C. The history museum.10. How long will it take the woman to walk there?A. About 30 minutes.B. About 25 minutes.C. About 15 minutes.11. How will the woman go there?A. By bus.B. By train.C. By subway.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。