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京张智能动车组PIS柜内八芯M12连接器组装制作工艺论述发布时间:2021-07-09T06:11:13.250Z 来源:《中国科技人才》2021年第11期作者:高博窦成良王迪[导读] 随着高速列车的发展,高速动车组具备速度快、换乘便捷、安全、舒适等特点,已成为国民城市间出行首选方式,对于产品质量的要求及标准也越来越高,连接器是标准化动车组经常接触的一种重要部件,任何一处通讯信号的问题,都会影响整列车的安全运行。
中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司吉林长春 130062摘要:为保证京张智能动车组通讯网络信号传输质量的稳定性,进一步提高列车运行的安全系数,本文归纳总结京张智能动车组PIS柜内八芯M12连接器组装制作工艺步骤。
车内PIS 柜是车内的核心站,所以它的质量性能与整列车运行稳定至关重要。
v1.0 可编辑可修改创意之星机器人说明书目录1结构套件简介 ............................................................................ .. (3)结构件概述 ............................................................................ (3)C o n n F L E X连接结构 ............................................................................ (3)不同版本 ............................................................................ . (4)使用零件3D模型 ............................................................................ . (6)2控制器及电源 ............................................................................ .. (7)M u l t i F L E X™2-A V R控制器 ............................................................................ (8)M u l t i F L E X™2-P X A270控制器 ............................................................................ (9)电池和直流电源 ............................................................................ (12)3传感器............................................................................. .. (12)传感器的信号类型及电气规范 ............................................................................ (13)“创意之星”传感器接口 ............................................................................ (14)接近传感器 ............................................................................ .. (16)测距传感器 ............................................................................ . (19)声音传感器 ............................................................................ . (24)碰撞传感器 ............................................................................ . (26)倾覆传感器 ............................................................................ . (26)温度传感器 ............................................................................ . (27)光强传感器 ............................................................................ . (27)灰度传感器 ............................................................................ (28)视觉和语音传感器 ............................................................................ (28)4执行器............................................................................. (29)C D S5516机器人舵机 ............................................................................ .. (29)C D S5401大扭矩R/C舵机 ............................................................................ .. (32)B D M C1203电机驱动模块 ............................................................................ (33)F a u l h a b e r大功率减速电机............................................................................. .. (34)5N o r t h S T A R图形化开发环境 ............................................................................ (35)安装及使用介绍 ............................................................................ . (35)使用流程图开发 ............................................................................ (39)手写代码开发 ............................................................................ . (46)调试与在线监控 ............................................................................ (47)6其它部件............................................................................. (54)U P-D e b u g g e r下载调试器 ............................................................................ .. (54)W i F i无线网卡或以太网线缆............................................................................. (55)Z i g B e e无线模组 ............................................................................ .. (56)1结构套件简介结构件概述“创意之星”是一种模块化机器人组件,其特点是组成机器人的各种零件都是通用、可重组的,各个零件之间有统一的连接方式,零件之间可以自由组合,从而构建出各种各样的机器人构型。
电子技术与软件工程Electronic Technology & Software Engineering网络通信技术Network Communication Technology列车重联实时以太网标准唐柳(中车株洲电力机车研究所有限公司 湖南省株洲市412001 )摘 要:本文针对列车重联控制系统,概述了列车通信网络的发展情况,介绍了 IEC 61375国际标准的组成,分析了基于实时以太网 时初运行技术规范,包括自动组网、列车拓扑、统一资源标识以及智能寻址等规范,为基于实时以太网的列车重联系统开发提供技术参考.关键词:列车通信网络;IEC 61375;以太列车骨干网;以太列车编组网1列车通信网络发展概述列车通信网络(Train Communication Networks, TCN)被誉为列车的“神经系统”,主要包括列车控制、车载设备之间的数据传输以及故障诊断等功能。
我国轨道交通列车的通信网络主要采用多功能车辆总线(Multifunction Vehicle Bus, MVB)和绞式列车总线(Wire Train Bus, WTB)作为通信技术删。
虽然这两种总线有着较 好的实时性和可靠性,但是受其通信带宽的约束,已经不能承载更多的列车相关业务数据传输。
旅客信息服务、视频监控/CCTV 、视频广播、障碍物识别等业务需要在列车中铺设更多的通信网络进行数据传输⑶。
工业实时以太网虽然能满足大带宽、实时性等基本要求,但是无法解决不同国家、不同厂家列车重联运营时的网络自动重联、智能寻址以及互联互通问题[4]o中车株洲电力机车研究所有限公司(以下简称中车株洲所)等公司从2008开始研究轨道交通列车实时以太网技术3叫 通过对网络体系架构、智能组网与重构等关键技术的研究,研制出了完全具有自主知识产权的可规模化应用的产品平台系列。
基于YOLOv5的超市自动取货机器人设计与实现作者:高骏一郑榜贵王颖雪刘楚彤柳雨萌关景华来源:《计算机时代》2023年第11期關键词:YOLOv5;神经网络;目标检测;自动取货;机器人中图分类号:TP391.4;TP242.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2023)11-22-060 引言为客户提供快速、便捷和舒适的购物环境是各大商场和超市所追求的目标。
本文结合YOLOv5 神经网络识别算法,设计了一款超市自动取货机器人,力求在一定程度上减轻物流行业的压力,提升服务工作效率,同时尽量避免因人群聚集而引起的病毒传播。
1 整体设计为使自动取货机器人具有独立决策、并行高效的特点,设计的机器人在树莓派上运行YOLOv5 算法。
机器人底层硬件控制部分采用了树莓派4B,具有4G内存,搭载64 位操作系统Raspberry,给在树莓派上实现YOLOv5 算法的目标检测提供了保障。
在上层主机上配置YOLOv5 环境,下载源码,使用数据集进行训练。
在底层树莓派上配置YOLOv5运行环境,主机通过VNC 软件与树莓派建立远程连接,树莓派控制摄像头进行图像获取,并通过无线传输的方式将图像传输给主机。
如图1 所示。
树莓派利用部署在主机上的YOLOv5 模型进行图像识别并返回识别结果,再控制机械臂进行抓取。
2 软件设计与实现YOLOv5 的检测系统主要分为三个阶段:⑴数据预处理,将输入图像缩放到统一的大小(将分辨率调整到448 ×448,见2.1.3),然后进行数据增强以增加模型的泛化能力。
2.1 YOLOv5 工作原理YOLOv5 是基于卷积神经网络、网格视角和多尺度预测技术的目标检测技术,它能够快速准确地检测目标物体。
YOLO 采用回归方法来解决物体检测问题,使用“端到端”网络,实现了从输入原始图像到输出物体位置和类别的全过程。
USB-1208HS-4AO High-Speed Analog Input and Digital I/ODocument Revision 4 July 2014© Copyright 2014 User's GuideYour new Measurement Computing product comes with a fantastic extra — Management committed to your satisfaction!Thank you for choosing a Measurement Computing product—and congratulations! You own the finest, and you can now enjoy the protection of the most comprehensive warranties and unmatched phone tech support. It’s the embodiment of our mission: To provide data acquisition hardware and software that will save time and save money.Simple installations minimize the time between setting up your system and actually making measurements. We offer quick and simple access to outstanding live FREE technical support to help integrate MCC products into a DAQ system.Limited Lifetime Warranty: Most MCC products are covered by a limited lifetime warranty against defects in materials or workmanship for the life of the product, to the original purchaser, unless otherwise noted. Any products found to be defective in material or workmanship will be repaired, replaced with same or similar device, or refunded at MCC’s discretion. For specific information, please refer to the terms and conditions of sale.Harsh Environment Program: Any Measurement Computing product that is damaged due to misuse, or any reason, may be eligible for replacement with the same or similar device for 50% of the current list price. I/O boards face some harsh environments, some harsher than the boards are designed to withstand. Contact MCC to determine your product’s eligibility for this program.30 Day Money-Back Guarantee: Any Measurement Computing Corporation product may be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund of the price paid for the product being returned. If you are not satisfied, or chose the wrong product by mistake, you do not have to keep it.These warranties are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular application. The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Neither Measurement Computing Corporation, nor its employees shall be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage arising from the use of its products, even if Measurement Computing Corporation has been notified in advance of the possibility of such damages.Trademark and Copyright InformationMeasurement Computing Corporation, InstaCal, Universal Library, and the Measurement Computing logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Measurement Computing Corporation. Refer to the Copyrights & Trademarks section on /legal for more information about Measurement Computing trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.© 2014 Measurement Computing Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Measurement Computing Corporation.Table of ContentsPrefaceAbout this Manual (5)Conventions (5)Where to find more information (5)Chapter 1Introducing the USB-1208HS-4AO (6)Functional block diagram (6)Chapter 2Installing the USB-1208HS-4AO (7)What comes with your shipment? (7)Hardware (7)Software (7)Documentation (7)Unpacking (7)Installing the software (7)Installing the hardware (7)Calibrating the USB-1208HS-4AO (8)Chapter 3Functional Details (9)Analog input acquisition modes (9)Software paced mode (9)Hardware paced mode (9)External components (9)Screw terminals (10)USB connector (11)Activity LED (11)Status LED (11)Signal connections (11)Analog input (11)Analog output (12)External clock I/O (12)Digital I/O (13)Counter input (14)Timer output (14)Trigger input (15)Power output (15)Ground (15)Chapter 4Specifications (16)Analog input (16)Analog output (18)Digital input/output (18)External trigger (19)External clock input/output (19)Counters (20)Timer (20)Memory (20)Power (21)USB specifications (21)USB-1208HS-4AO User's GuideEnvironmental (21)Mechanical (22)Screw terminal connector and pinout (22)Declaration of Conformity (24)Preface About this ManualThis document describes the USB-1208HS-4AO data acquisition device and lists device specifications. ConventionsCaution!Shaded caution statements present information to help you avoid injuring yourself and others, damaging your hardware, or losing your data.bold text Bold text is used for the names of objects on a screen, such as buttons, text boxes, and check boxes.italic text Italic text is used for the names of manuals and help topic titles, and to emphasize a word or phrase. Where to find more informationAdditional information about USB-1208HS-4AO hardware is available on our website at .You can also contact Measurement Computing Corporation by phone, fax, or email with specific questions.▪Knowledgebase: ▪Phone: 508-946-5100 and follow the instructions for reaching Tech Support▪Fax: 508-946-9500 to the attention of Tech Support▪Email: **********************Introducing the USB-1208HS-4AOThe USB-1208HS-4AO is a high-speed analog input and digital I/O data acquisition device providing the following features:▪Eight 13-bit single-ended (SE) or four differential (DIFF) analog inputs▪Four 12-bit analog outputs▪One external clock input and one external output for analog inputs▪One external clock input and one external output for analog outputs▪One digital trigger input▪16 individually configurable digital I/O channels▪Two 32-bit counter inputs▪One 32-bit timer output▪Screw terminals for field wiring connectionsThe device is powered by the +5 volt USB supply from your computer, and requires no external power.The USB-1208HS-4AO is a USB 2.0 high-speed device supported under popular Microsoft® Windows®operating systems. The USB-1208HS-4AO is compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports (although the speed of the module maybe limited when using USB 1.1 ports).Functional block diagramUSB-1208HS-4AO functions are illustrated in Figure 1.Figure 1. USB-1208HS-4AO functional block diagramInstalling the USB-1208HS-4AOWhat comes with your shipment?The following items are shipped with the USB-1208HS-4AO:Hardware▪USB-1208HS-4AO▪USB cableSoftwareMCC DAQ CDDocumentationIn addition to this hardware user's guide, you should also receive the Quick Start Guide. This booklet provides an overview of the MCC DAQ software you received with the device, and includes information about installing the software. Please read this booklet completely before installing any software or hardware. UnpackingAs with any electronic device, take care while handling to avoid damage from static electricity. Beforeremoving the USB-1208HS-4AO from its packaging, ground yourself using a wrist strap or touch either the computer chassis or other grounded object to eliminate any stored static charge. If the device is damaged, notify Measurement Computing Corporation immediately by phone, fax, or email.▪Knowledgebase: ▪Phone: 508-946-5100 and follow the instructions for reaching Tech Support▪Fax: 508-946-9500 to the attention of Tech Support▪Email: **********************For international customers, contact your local distributor. Refer to the International Distributors section on our web site at /International.Installing the softwareRefer to the Quick Start Guide for instructions on installing the software on the MCC DAQ CD. This booklet is available in PDF at /PDFmanuals/DAQ-Software-Quick-Start.pdf.Installing the hardwareTo connect the USB-1208HS-4AO to your system, turn your computer on, and connect the USB cable to a USB port on your computer or to an external USB hub connected to your computer. The USB cable provides power and communication to the USB-1208HS-4AO.When you connect the USB-1208HS-4AO for the first time, a Found New Hardware dialog opens when the operating system detects the device. The Status LED turns on; this indicates that communication is established between the device and the computer. Refer to Figure 2 on page 9 for the location of the Status LED. When the dialog closes, the installation is complete.USB-1208HS-4AO User's Guide Installing the USB-1208HS-4AOCaution!Do not disconnect any device from the USB bus while the computer is communicating with the device, or you may lose data and/or your ability to communicate with the USB-1208HS-4AO..Calibrating the USB-1208HS-4AOThe USB-1208HS-4AO is shipped fully calibrated. Calibration coefficients are stored in EEPROM.Return the device to Measurement Computing Corporation when calibration is required. The normal calibration interval is once per year.Chapter 3 Functional DetailsAnalog input acquisition modesThe USB-1208HS-4AO can acquire analog input data in two basic modes – software paced and hardware paced.Software paced modeYou can acquire one analog sample at a time in software paced mode. You initiate the A/D conversion by calling a software command. The analog value is converted to digital data and returned to the computer. You can repeat this procedure until you have the total number of samples that you want.The throughput sample rate in software paced mode is system-dependent, and can range from 33 S/s to4000 S/s.Hardware paced modeYou can acquire data from up to eight channels in hardware-paced mode. The analog data is continuously acquired, converted to digital values, and written to an onboard FIFO buffer on the device until you stop the scan. The FIFO buffer is serviced in blocks as the data is transferred from the USB-1208HS-4AO FIFO buffer to the memory buffer on your computer.The maximum sampling rate is 1 MS/s aggregate over one-to-eight channels. You can start a continuous scan with either a software command or with an external hardware trigger event.External componentsThe USB-1208HS-4AO has the following external components, as shown in Figure 2.▪Screw terminal banks▪LED indicators▪USB connector1 Screw terminal pins 1 to 28 4 Activity LED2 Screw terminal pins 29 to 56 5 USB connector3 Status LEDFigure 2. External componentsUSB-1208HS-4AO User's Guide Functional DetailsScrew terminalsThe differential mode pinout is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Differential mode pinoutThe single-ended mode pinout is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Single-ended mode pinoutUse 16 AWG to 30 AWG for signal connections.USB connectorThe USB connector provides +5 V power and communication. No external power supply is required.Activity LEDThe Activity LED indicates the communication status of the USB-1208HS-4AO. It blinks when data istransferred, and is off when the device is not communicating. This LED uses up to 10 mA of current and cannot be disabled.Status LEDThe Status LED turns on when the device is detected and installed on the computer.Signal connectionsAnalog inputYou can connect up to eight analog input connections to the screw terminals labeled AIN0 through AIN7.Analog signals are referenced to analog ground (AGND).Single-ended mode requires two wires:▪The wire carrying the signal to be measured connects to AINx.▪The second wire connects to AGND.Differential mode requires two wires plus a ground reference:▪The wire carrying the positive portion of the differential signal to be measured connects to AINx.▪The wire carrying the negative portion of the differential signal to be measured connects to AIN(x+1).▪The analog ground reference wire connects to AGND.The terminal configurations for single-ended and differential modes are shown in the table below.In single-ended mode, the input voltage ranges are ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, 0 to 10 V. In differential mode, the input voltage ranges are ±20 V, ±10 V, and ±5 V. The voltage level on each AINx input is limited to ±14 VFigure 5 depicts a voltage source connected to a USB-1208HS-4AO configured for SE mode.Figure 5. Single-ended measurement connectionFigure 6 depicts a Wheatstone bridge signal source connected to a USB-1208HS-4AO configured for DIFF mode.Figure 6. Differential measurement connectionAnalog outputYou can connect up to four analog output connections to screw terminals AOUT0 to AOUT3. Refer to Figure 4 and Figure 3 on page 10 for the location of these pins.Each channel can be software-paced at rates up to 5,000 updates per second (system-dependent), or hardware-paced at rates up to 1 MS/s.Each analog output on the USB-1208HS-4AO has a fixed ±10 V output range. The outputs default to 0 V at power up.External clock I/OThe USB-1208HS-4AO device provides one external clock input (AICKI) and one external clock output (AICKO) for analog inputs, and one external clock input (AOCKI) and one external clock output (AOCKO) for analog outputs.You can connect an external clock signal to AICKI and/or AOCKI.▪When using an external clock, AICKO outputs the pulse generated from AOCKI , and AOCKO outputs the pulse generated from AOCKI▪When using the internal clock, AICKO outputs the ADC scan clock, and AOCKO outputs the DAC scan clock.Digital I/OYou can connect up to 16 digital I/O lines to screw terminals DIO0 through DIO15. The terminals have 47 kΩresistors that you can configure for pull-up or down using an internal jumper. The default configuration ispull-down.You can use the digital I/O terminals to detect the state of any TTL-level input. Refer to the schematic in Figure 7. If you set the switch to the +5 V input, DIO0 reads TRUE (1). If you move the switch to GND, DIO0 reads FALSE (0).Figure 7. Schematic showing switch detection by digital channel DIO0Pull-up/down configurationEach of the 16 DIO bits on the USB-1208HS-4AO has a 47 kΩ pull-up/pull-down resistor. To configure these bits for either a +5 V pull-up or a 0 V pull-down option, you must open the USB-1208HS-4AO case to access the three-pin jumper labeled W34.The pull-up/pull-down voltage is common to all of the internal 47 kΩ resistors.To open the case and set the W34 jumper, do the following.1.Turn over the USB-1208HS-4AO and rest it on its top on a flat, stable surface.2.Peel off the four rubber feet on the bottom of the module to access the screws.3.Remove the four screws shown in Figure 8 from the bottom of the device.Figure 8. Location of screws connecting bottom and top sections of case4.Holding both the top and bottom sections of the module, turn it back over, rest it on the surface, andcarefully remove the top section of the case.5.Set the jumper to either pull-up or pull-down (see Figure 9 and Figure 10).Figure 9. Location of W34 jumper (default pull-down setting shown)Figure 10. Pull-down and pull-up configurations1.Replace the top section of the case, and then fasten it to the bottom section with the four screws.Counter inputCTR0 and CTR1 provide connections to each 32-bit counter input channel. Each counter can count frequencies of up to 20 MHz.Timer outputUse the TMR terminal to connect to the pulse width modulation (PWM) timer output. You can set the following timer output parameters through software:▪pulse frequency▪duty cycle (pulse width divided by the pulse period)▪number of pulses to generate▪time delay before starting the timer output after it's enabled▪resting state of the output (idle high or idle low)The timer can generate a pulse output with a programmable frequency range of 0.00931 Hz up to 20 MHz.Both the period and time delay ranges are 50 ns to 107.4 seconds.Figure 11. USB-1208HS-4AO PWM timer channelTrigger inputThe TRIG connection is an external digital trigger input. The trigger mode is software selectable for:▪Level-sensitive or edge-sensitive▪Rising or falling edge▪High or low levelThe default setting at power up is edge sensitive, rising edge.RetriggerThe acquisition uses the trigger settings for positive edge/negative edge and level-sensitive/edge-sensitive, but automatically re-arms the trigger after it is activatedPower outputYou can use the two +5V connections to supply power to external devices or circuitry. These terminals can output up to 285 mA. Refer to Figure 4 and Figure 3 on page 10 for the location of this pin.Caution!The +5V terminals are outputs. Do not connect to an external power supply or you may damage the USB-1208HS-4AO and possibly the computer.GroundThe analog ground (AGND) connections provide a common ground for all analog I/O channels. The ground (GND) connections provide a common ground for the digital I/O, timer/counter I/O, timer, clock I/O, and the +5 V terminals.Chapter 4 SpecificationsAll specifications are subject to change without notice.Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified.Specifications in italic text are guaranteed by design.Analog inputTable 1. Analog input specificationsTable 2. Calibrated absolute accuracyTable 3 summarizes the noise performance for the USB-1208HS-4AO. Noise distribution is determined by gathering 50 kS with inputs tied to ground at the user connector. Samples are gathered at the maximum specified sample rate of 1 MS/s.Table 3. Noise performanceTable 4. Input settling time in µs, typicalAnalog outputTable 5. Analog output specificationsDigital input/outputTable 6. Digital I/O specificationsExternal triggerTable 7. External trigger specificationsExternal clock input/outputTable 8. External clock I/O specificationsCountersTable 9. Counter specificationsTimerTable 10. Timer specificationsMemoryTable 11. Memory specificationsPowerTable 12. Power specificationsNote 1: This is the total current consumption for the USB-1208HS-4AO, including +5 V, digital output andanalog output currents (if supported).Note 2: Output voltage range assumes input power is within specified limits.USB specificationsTable 13. USB specificationsEnvironmentalTable 14. Environmental specificationsMechanicalTable 15. Mechanical specificationsScrew terminal connector and pinoutTable 16. Connector specificationsTable 17. Single-ended mode pinoutTable 18. Differential mode pinoutCarl Haapaoja, Director of Quality AssuranceMeasurement Computing Corporation10 Commerce WaySuite 1008 Norton, Massachusetts 02766(508) 946-5100Fax: (508) 946-9500E-mail: ***************。
复兴号动车组智能配置的应用董继东史宏伟发布时间:2023-07-18T01:44:30.452Z 来源:《中国科技信息》2023年9期作者:董继东史宏伟[导读] 本文从车体外观、车内设施、安全监测、旅客信息系统、网络系统等方面,分别介绍新型复兴号动车组智能配置的应用,在旅客舒适度体验、车组运维检修、车组安全可靠运行等方面的提升。
中车唐山机车车辆有限公司河北省唐山市 063000摘要:本文从车体外观、车内设施、安全监测、旅客信息系统、网络系统等方面,分别介绍新型复兴号动车组智能配置的应用,在旅客舒适度体验、车组运维检修、车组安全可靠运行等方面的提升。
智能动车组在智能化、车辆功能、配置等方面进行了提升,增加WIFI 5G天线、VIP座椅采用新式座椅、采用变频空调、监控室屏幕融合、取消展示柜、采用振动温度复合传感器、一级修和二级修内容进行了完善。
提出一种改进YOLOv7的密集行人检测算法,首先在YOLOv7主干网络的ELAN结构上融合CBAM注意力机制,使主干网络更加关注特征的语义信息,以增强遮挡物和小目标的特征提取能力;其次在检测头的卷积中引入CoordConv模块,充分利用此模块的位置信息,有效改善了目标定位不准确的问题,提高模型对空间位置的感受能力和泛化能力;然后将原YOLOv7网络模型中的CIoU损失函数替换为Focal-EIoU损失函数,可以有效缓解正负样本不均衡的问题,在边界框回归过程中,该损失函数更注重于高质量锚框,从而加快网络的收敛速度;最后在模型中用非极大值抑制Soft-NMS 算法替换传统的NMS算法,有效降低了重叠、遮挡目标的漏检率,提升模型的召回率和精度。
在公开密集行人数据集WiderPerson上进行验证本模型,实验结果表明,改进后的检测算法对密集行人目标检测的准确率、召回率及平均精度mAP值相较原基线模型分别提升了2.3%、3.3%与2.6%,FPS值提升了2.3 f/s。