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Chapter 6The Standard Trade Model⏹Chapter OrganizationA Standard Model of a Trading EconomyProduction Possibilities and Relative SupplyRelative Prices and DemandThe Welfare Effect of Changes in the Terms of TradeDetermining Relative PricesEconomic Growth: A Shift of the RS CurveGrowth and the Production Possibility FrontierWorld Relative Supply and the Terms of TradeInternational Effects of GrowthCase Study: Has the Growth of Newly Industrializing Countries Hurt Advanced Nations?Tariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RDRelative Demand and Supply Effects of a TariffEffects of an Export SubsidyImplications of Terms of Trade Effects: Who Gains and Who Loses?International Borrowing and LendingIntertemporal Production Possibilities and TradeThe Real Interest RateIntertemporal Comparative AdvantageSummaryAPPENDIX TO CHAPTER 6: More on Intertemporal Trade⏹Chapter OverviewPrevious chapters have highlighted specific sources of comparative advantage that give rise to international trade. This chapter presents a general model that admits previous models as special cases. This “standard trade model” is the workhorse of international trade theory and can be used to address a wide range of issues. Some of these issues, such as the welfare and distributional effects of economic growth, transfers between nations, and tariffs and subsidies on traded goods, are considered in this chapter.© 2015 Pearson Education LimitedThe standard trade model is based upon four relationships. First, an economy will produce at the point where the production possibilities curve is tangent to the relative price line (called the isovalue line). Second, indifference curves describe the tastes of an economy, and the consumption point for that economy is found at the tangency of the budget line and the highest indifference curve. These two relationships yield the familiar general equilibrium trade diagram for a small economy (one that takes as given the terms of trade), where the consumption point and production point are the tangencies of the isovalue line with the highest indifference curve and the production possibilities frontier, respectively.You may want to work with this standard diagram to demonstrate a number of basic points. First, an autarkic economy must produce what it consumes, which determines the equilibrium price ratio; and second, opening an economy to trade shifts the price ratio line and unambiguously increases welfare. Third, an improvement in the terms of trade (ratio of export prices to import prices) increases welfare in the economy. Fourth, it is straightforward to move from a small country analysis to a two-country analysis by introducing a structure of world relative demand and supply curves, which determine relative prices.These relationships can be used in conjunction with the Rybczynski and the Stolper-Samuelson theorems from the previous chapter to address a range of issues. For example, you can consider whether the dramatic economic growth of China has helped or hurt the United States as a whole and also identify the classes of individuals within the United States who have been hurt by China’s particular growth biases. In teaching these points, it might be interesting and useful to relate them to current events. For example, you can lead a class discussion on the implications for the United States of the provision of forms of technical and economic assistance to the emerging economies around the world or the ways in which a world recession can lead to a fall in demand for U.S. exports.The example provided in the text considers the popular arguments in the media that growth in China hurts the United States. The analysis presented in this chapter demonstrates that the bias of growth is important in determining welfare effects rather than the country in which growth occurs. The existence of biased growth and the possibility of immiserizing growth are discussed. The Relative Supply (RS) and Relative Demand (RD) curves illustrate the effect of biased growth on the terms of trade. The new termsof trade line can be used with the general equilibrium analysis to find the welfare effects of growth. A general principle that emerges is that a country that experiences export-biased growth will have a deterioration in its terms of trade, while a country that experiences import-biased growth has an improvement in its terms of trade. A case study argues that this is really an empirical question, and the evidence suggests that the rapid growth of countries like China has not led to a significant deterioration of the U.S. terms of trade nor has it drastically improved China’s terms of trade.The second area to which the standard trade model is applied is the effects of tariffs and export subsidies on welfare and terms of trade. The analysis proceeds by recognizing that tariffs or subsidies shift both the relative supply and relative demand curves. A tariff on imports improves the terms of trade, expressed in external prices, while a subsidy on exports worsens terms of trade. The size of the effect depends upon the size of the country in the world. Tariffs and subsidies also impose distortionary costs upon the economy. Thus, if a country is large enough, there may be an optimum, nonzero tariff. Export subsidies, however, only impose costs upon an economy. Internationally, tariffs aid import-competing sectors and hurt export sectors, while subsidies have the opposite effect.The chapter then closes with a discussion of international borrowing and lending. The standard trade model is adapted to trade in consumption across time. The relative price of future consumption is defined as 1/(1 r), where r is the real interest rate. Countries with relatively high real interest rates (newly industrializing countries with high investment returns for example) will be biased toward future consumption and will effectively “export” future consumption by borrowing from established developed countries with relatively lower real interest rates.Chapter 6 The Standard Trade Model 29Answers to Textbook Problems1.If the relative price of palm oil increases in relation to the price of lubricants, this would increase theproduction of palm oil, because Indonesia exports palm oil. Similarly, an increase in relative price of lubricants leads to a shift along the indifference curve, towards lubricants and away from palm oil for Indonesia. This is because Palm oil is relatively expensive, hence reducing palm oil consumption in Indonesia.Expensive palm oil increases the relative income of Indonesia. The income effect would induce more for the consumption of palm oil whereas the substitution effect acts to make the economy consume less of palm oil and more of lubricants. However, if the income effect outweighs the substitution effect, then the consumption of palm oil would increase in Indonesia.2.In panel a, the re duction of Norway’s production possibilities away from fish cause the production of fish relative to automobiles to fall. Thus, despite the higher relative price of fish exports, Norway moves down to a lower indifference curve representing a drop in welfare.In panel b, the increase in the relative price of fish shifts causes Norway’s relative production of fish to rise (despite the reduction in fish productivity). Thus, the increase in the relative price of fish exports allows Norway to move to a higher indifference curve and higher welfare.3. The terms of trade of the home country would worsen. This is because a strong biased productiontowards cloth would increase the home country’s supply of cloth and shifts the supply curve to the right. At the same time, the production of wheat would decline relative to the production of cloth. An increased supply of cloth would reduce the price at the domestic and at the international market. The reduction in international price of cloth would worsen the terms of trade of the home country as the home country exports. On the other hand, if the home country’s production grows in favor of wheat, the terms of trade would improve in favor of the home country. This is because wheat is imported by the home country.© 2015 Pearson Education Limited。
国际贸易术语解释通则(2010)目录前言. 1EXW——工厂交货(……指定地点). 5FCA——货交承运人(……指定地点). 7CPT——运费付至(……指定目的港). 10CIP——运费和保险费付至(……指定目的地)13DAT——终点站交货(……指定目的港或目的地)16DAP——目的地交货(……指定目的地). 18DDP——完税后交货(……指定目的地). 20FAS——船边交货(……指定装运港). 22FOB——船上交货(……指定装运港). 24CFR——成本加运费付至(……指定目的港)27CIF——成本,保险加运费付至(……指定目的港)30国际贸易术语解释通则2010全球化经济赋予商业以空前宽广途径通往世界各地市场。
国际商会向Fabio Bortolotti(意大利)的商法和实践委员会的成员表示谢意,向由Charles Debattista(副组长,英国),Christoph Martin Radtke (副组长,法国),Jens Bredow (德国),Johnny Herre (瑞典),David Lwee(英国),Lauri Railas (芬兰),Frank Reynold(美国),Miroslav Subert (捷克)组成的起草小组致谢,并且向对11条规则的表述给予帮助的Asko Raty (芬兰)致谢。
3.单一要素经济单位产品劳动投入(a L):生产率的倒数,用来表示劳动生产率。
本国资源对产出的限制:a LC Q C + a LW Q W≤ L(斜率的绝对值等于横轴商品的机会成本)Q W = L/a LW– (a LC /a LW )Q C,k= - a LC /a LW =奶酪的机会成本相对价格与供给简化模型中,劳动是唯一的生产要素,奶酪和葡萄酒的供给是由劳动力的流向决定的,而劳动力总会流向工资比较高的部门。
单一要素模型中不存在利润,奶酪部门每小时的工资率等于一个工人在1小时内创造的价值P C/a LC,葡萄酒部门每小时的工资率等于P W/a LW。
当P C /P W > a LC /a LW时,奶酪部门的工资率就比较高,该国会专业化生产奶酪;当P C /P W < a LC /a LW时,葡萄酒部门的工资率就比较高,该国会专业化生产葡萄酒;当P C /P W = a LC /a LW 时,该国会生产奶酪和葡萄酒两种产品。
国际贸易课后答案第三章1、答:a、1200=3×Q a+2×Q bb、用香蕉来表示苹果的机会成本是3/2,c、苹果对香蕉的相对价格是3/2Q a4002000 600 Q b2、a、800=5×Q*a+Q*bQ*a1600 800 Q*bb、P a/P b51.50.5 (Q a+Q*b)/(Q b+Q*b)3、a、P a/P b5 RS1.50 (Q a+Q*a)/(Q b+Q*b)b、苹果的均衡相对价格是2c、本国专业化生产苹果,外国专业化生产香蕉,1单位苹果=2单位香蕉进行交换d、贸易所得:本国:专业化生产苹果可得400单位,换成800单位香蕉;而自己生产香蕉只能得到600单位,贸易所得200单位香蕉。
(或者:封闭经济下,外国放弃5单位香蕉才能得到一个苹果,而通过贸易放弃2单位香蕉就可以得到一单位苹果)4.数量的增加了工人在家里变化相对供应表这样的角球点是在(1,3/2)和(1、5)代替(1 / 2,3/2)和(1 / 2,第5章)。
交叉的相对需求的供给曲线是现在相对较低的水平段,在点(2 / 3,3/2)。
第四章2 a. 又因为L=LC+LF=600 且T=TC+TF=60.所以LC=400, TC=20, LF=200 and TF=40.b. 不会c.在生产要素价格不变的情况下,一些劳工将不会被使用,因此生产要素价格将会改变,或者会出现失业。
CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO 运费保险费付至CIP (insert named place of destination) Incoterms 2010运费保险费付至(…指定目的地) GUIDANCE NOTE 序言This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed. “Carriage and Insurance Paid to” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller at an agreed pla ce (if any such place is agreed between the parties) and that the seller must contract for and pay t he costs of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination. The seller als o contracts for insurance cover against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during t he carriage. The buyer should note that under CIP the seller is required to obtain insurance only o n minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have more insurance protection, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own extra insurance arrangements. When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods ove r to the carrier and not when the goods reach the place of destination.该术语适用于所选择的任一运输方式,也可被用于多式联运。
国际贸易术语解释通则(2010)目录前言. 1EXW——工厂交货(……指定地点). 5FCA——货交承运人(……指定地点). 7CPT——运费付至(……指定目的港). 10CIP——运费和保险费付至(……指定目的地) 13DAT——终点站交货(……指定目的港或目的地) 16DAP——目的地交货(……指定目的地). 18DDP——完税后交货(……指定目的地). 20FAS——船边交货(……指定装运港). 22FOB——船上交货(……指定装运港). 24CFR——成本加运费付至(……指定目的港) 27CIF——成本,保险加运费付至(……指定目的港) 30国际贸易术语解释通则2010全球化经济赋予商业以空前宽广途径通往世界各地市场。
国际商会向Fabio Bortolotti(意大利)的商法和实践委员会的成员表示谢意,向由Charles Debattista(副组长,英国),Christoph Martin Radtke (副组长,法国),Jens Bredow (德国),Johnny Herre (瑞典),David Lwee(英国),Lauri Railas (芬兰),Frank Reynold(美国),Miroslav Subert (捷克)组成的起草小组致谢,并且向对11条规则的表述给予帮助的Asko Raty (芬兰)致谢。
2010年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2010)目录1. 2010年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2010)1. 引言2. EXW3. FCA4. CPT5. CIP6. DAT7. DAP8. DDP9. FAS10. FOB11. CFR12. CIF《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》中文版INCOTERMS 2010 •(2011年1月第二版)引言适用于任何单一运输方式或多种运输方式的术语EXW (EX works) 工厂交货FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至CIP (Carriage and lnsurance Paid to) 运费、保险费付至DAT (Delivered At Terminal) 运输终端交货DAP (Delivered At Place) 目的地交货DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货适用于海运和内河水运的术语FAS (Free Along Side) 船边交货FOB (Free On Board) 船上交货CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险加运费EXW(EX Works工厂交货)该术语可适用于任何运输方式,也可适用于多种运输方式。
浙江工业大学2012/2013学年第一学期试卷课程_国际贸易实务_姓名________班级学号____(注:单选题、判断题、简答题、计算题、案例题及附加题的答案均写在答题纸上!)一、单选题(共15分,每题1分)1.在国际贸易中,如买卖双方未明确以何种计重方法计价时,应按何种重量计价?()A 毛重B 净重C 理论重量D 公量E 法定重量F 净净重2.下述哪个贸易术语在国际商会新版的《2011贸易术语通则》不再出现()。
A CPTB CIPC DAPD DDU3.无牌中性包装是指在包装上()A 没有生产国别、地名、厂名和商标牌号。
B 没有生产国别,但有买方的名称和商标牌号。
C 没有生产国别,但有买方指定的商标牌号。
()A 一切险、偷窃提货不着险、锈损险。
B 平安险、一切险、受潮受热险、战争险、罢工险。
D 水渍险、锈损险、破损破碎险。
卖方的正确答复应该是()A 请买方同船公司或保险公司在买方所在地的代理了解。
B 我方与承运人及保险公司了解,商讨具体货损索赔。
C 短少56箱,将由我方补装出运。
D 我方与买方商讨赔偿问题。
请问以下哪些损失属于共同海损?()A 修船期包括船员工资在内的各种费用、A舱茶叶、B舱被焚毁的文具。