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Http状态码⼤全(404、500、505等)(转载)基本涵盖了所有问题HTTP 400 – 请求⽆效HTTP 401.1 – 未授权:登录失败HTTP 401.2 – 未授权:服务器配置问题导致登录失败HTTP 401.3 – ACL 禁⽌访问资源HTTP 401.4 – 未授权:授权被筛选器拒绝HTTP 401.5 – 未授权:ISAPI 或 CGI 授权失败HTTP 403 – 禁⽌访问HTTP 403 – 对 Internet 服务管理器的访问仅限于 LocalhostHTTP 403.1 禁⽌访问:禁⽌可执⾏访问HTTP 403.2 – 禁⽌访问:禁⽌读访问HTTP 403.3 – 禁⽌访问:禁⽌写访问HTTP 403.4 – 禁⽌访问:要求 SSLHTTP 403.5 – 禁⽌访问:要求 SSL 128HTTP 403.6 – 禁⽌访问:IP 地址被拒绝HTTP 403.7 – 禁⽌访问:要求客户证书HTTP 403.8 – 禁⽌访问:禁⽌站点访问HTTP 403.9 – 禁⽌访问:连接的⽤户过多HTTP 403.10 – 禁⽌访问:配置⽆效HTTP 403.11 – 禁⽌访问:密码更改HTTP 403.12 – 禁⽌访问:映射器拒绝访问HTTP 403.13 – 禁⽌访问:客户证书已被吊销HTTP 403.15 – 禁⽌访问:客户访问许可过多HTTP 403.16 – 禁⽌访问:客户证书不可信或者⽆效HTTP 403.17 – 禁⽌访问:客户证书已经到期或者尚未⽣效 HTTP 404.1 -⽆法找到 Web 站点HTTP 404- ⽆法找到⽂件HTTP 405 – 资源被禁⽌HTTP 406 – ⽆法接受HTTP 407 – 要求代理⾝份验证HTTP 410 – 永远不可⽤HTTP 412 – 先决条件失败HTTP 414 – 请求 – URI 太长HTTP 500 – 内部服务器错误HTTP 500.100 – 内部服务器错误 – ASP 错误HTTP 500-11 服务器关闭HTTP 500-12 应⽤程序重新启动HTTP 500-13 – 服务器太忙HTTP 500-14 – 应⽤程序⽆效HTTP 500-15 – 不允许请求 global.asaError 501 – 未实现HTTP 502 – ⽹关错误⽤户试图通过 HTTP 或⽂件传输协议 (FTP) 访问⼀台正在运⾏ Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 的服务器上的内容时,IIS 返回⼀个表⽰该请求的状态的数字代码。
农行网银错误信息代码一览错误代码错误详细描述错误信息0000 交易成功交易成功[0000]0001 账户不存在账户不存在[0001]0002 账户金额不足账户余额不足[0002]0003 账户被全额冻结账户被冻结[0003]0004 账户被部分冻结金额不足账户被部分冻结,余额不足[0004]0005 账户密码错误账户密码错误[0005]0007 对方账户不存在对方账户不存在[0007]0008 交易金额不符合业务系统限制交易金额不符合业务系统限制[0008] 0009 未授权未授权[0009]0010 授权金额不足授权金额不足[0010]0011 权限不足无此权限[0011]0012 账户已销户账户已销户[0012]0013 账户已经临时挂失账户已经临时挂失[0013]0014 账户已经挂失账户已经挂失[0014]0015 对方账户状态错误对方账户状态错误[0015]0016 账户已超过有效期账户已超过有效期[0016]0017 对该账户没有操作权限对该账户没有操作权限[0017]0018 账户钞汇标志不符账户钞汇标志不符[0018]0019 账户币种不符账户币种不符[0019]0020 账户不允许通存通兑账户不允许通存通兑[0020]0021 支款控制方式不符支款控制方式不符[0021]0030 交易金额必须大于0 交易金额必须大于0[0030]0031 交易金额必须等于月存金额交易金额必须等于月存金额[0031] 0040 未找到符合查询条件的记录未找到符合查询条件的记录[0040] 0051 转入账户不存在转入账户不存在[0051]0052 转出账户不存在转出账户不存在[0052]0060 开户证件号码不存在开户证件号码不存在[0060]0061 开户证件类型不存在开户证件类型不存在[0061]0200 凭证不存在凭证不存在[0200]0201 凭证已经挂失凭证已经挂失[0201]0202 凭证已经作废凭证已经作废[0202]0203 凭证与帐户不一致凭证与账户不一致[0203]0204 凭证状态不符凭证状态不符[0204]0206 凭证不能挂失凭证不能挂失[0206]0300 日期格式错误日期格式错误[0300]0301 日期区间错误日期区间错误[0301]0302 日期区间跨度过大日期区间跨度过大[0302]0303 日期区间跨度过小日期区间跨度过小[0303]0304 系统不支持的日期范围系统不支持的日期范围[0304]0410 账户类型不符合业务要求账户类型不符合业务要求[0410]0500 该业务不存在该业务不存在[0500]0501 该业务尚未开通该业务尚未开通[0501]0502 该业务已经撤销该业务已经撤销[0502]0503 该业务已被冻结该业务已被冻结[0503]0504 该业务暂时停办该业务暂时停办[0504]0505 该业务需要申请该业务需要申请[0505]0506 系统目前不支持该业务系统目前不支持该业务[0506]0507 业务参数不足业务参数不足[0507]0508 业务参数类型错误或参数内容不可解释交易失败[0508]0509 业务不支持该币种业务不支持该币种[0509]0520 不能跨行交易不能跨行交易[0520]0521 不允许异地交易不允许异地交易[0521]0550 交易检索号重复,已存在该历史交易交易检索号重复,已存在该历史交易[0550]0998 主机交易未知原因失败交易失败[0998]0999 主机交易没有明确状态信息交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[0999]1000 与接口机通讯故障交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[1000] 1001 接口机与主机间通讯故障交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[1001]1002 更换密钥期间,暂止服务暂止服务,稍后再试[1002]1003 接口机交换核心错误交易失败[1003]1010 接口机处理失败交易失败[1010]1100 报文解压缩失败交易失败[1100]1101 报文解密失败交易失败[1101]1102 报文校验失败交易失败[1102]1103 报文格式错误交易失败[1103]1104 报文打包失败交易失败[1104]1105 报文解包失败交易失败[1105]1106 报文不能通过合法性检验,缺少必选域交易失败[1106]1107 历史交易报文不存在交易失败[1107]1108 向接口程序发送交易失败交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[1108]1109 交易路由配置文件中没有找到路由交易失败[1109]1110 查找路由信息失败交易失败[1110]1111 路由配置文件长度超过系统限制交易失败[1111]1112 读网点信息错误交易失败[1112]1113 分行业务处于未启动状态此业务处于未启动状态[1113]1114 分行业务处于禁止状态此业务处于禁止状态[1114]1115 分行代码和配置文件不一致交易失败[1115]1116 密钥更新时根据交换密钥生成新密钥失败密钥更新时根据交换密钥生成新密钥失败[1116]1117 密钥更新时新密钥存入数据库失败密钥更新时新密钥存入数据库失败[1117]1118 查证时未查询到原始请求报文查证时未查询到原始请求报文[1118] 1119 查证时从交易返回流水表中组装报文错误查证时从交易返回流水表中组装报文错误[1119]1120 查证时更新流水表失败查证时更新流水表失败[1120]1130 请求交易检索号重复,已存在该历史交易请求交易检索号重复,已存在该历史交易[1130]1201 系统进入日终暂停服务系统进入日终暂停服务[1201]1202 系统其他原因暂停服务系统暂停服务[1202]1204 分行响应报文格式错误交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[1204]1301 商户系统故障商户系统故障[1301]1304 分行接口机组装报文失败交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[1304]2002 目的分行暂停营业目的分行暂停服务[2002]2003 总行网关数据库操作失败交易失败[2003]2103 总行请求报文格式错误交易失败[2103]2104 总行请求报文打包失败交易失败[2104]2105 总行网关解包分行响应报文失败交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[2105]2107 查证时,总行端原始请求报文不存在查证历史报文不存在[2107]2108 请求报文发送分行接口机失败交易状态不确定,请查询账户明细,进行确认[2108]2110 取分行路由信息失败交易失败[2110]2183 网关处理明细报文失败明细查询失败[2183]2550 总行网关交易检索号重复交易失败[2550]3001 数据库处理异常数据库处理异常[3001]3002 该记录不存在该记录不存在[3002]3003 记录没有提交记录没有提交[3003]3005 该记录已存在该记录已存在[3005]3100 上载信息错误上载信息错误[3100]3101 尚有低级别复核员未复核该交易尚有低级别复核员未复核该交易[3101] 3102 无客户菜单无客户菜单[3102]3103 起始日期必须不小于结束日期起始日期必须不小于结束日期[3103] 3104 CONTEXT存取错误CONTEXT存取错误[3104]3105 网点所属机构错误网点所属机构错误[3105]3106 分行地区代码错误分行地区代码错误[3106]4000 客户不存在客户不存在[4000]4001 客户状态异常客户状态异常[4001]4002 该客户已经被销户该客户已经被销户[4002]4003 该客户已经被冻结该客户已经被冻结[4003]4004 您使用的证书类型不正确,请检查。
常见的HTTP状态码本内容摘抄⾃《RESTful WebServices》中⽂译本附录B '42种常见的HTTP响应代码'。
原⽂作者:Leonard Ricbardson & Sam Ruby翻译:徐涵、李红军、胡伟1、三⾄七种最基本的响应代码200("OK")⼀切正常。
400("Bad Request")客户端⽅⾯的问题。
500("Internal Server Error")服务期⽅⾯的问题。
301("Moved Permanently")当客户端触发的动作引起了资源URI的变化时发送此响应代码。
404("Not Found") 和410("Gone")当客户端所请求的URI不对应于任何资源时,发送此响应代码。
SOAP Web服务只使⽤响应代码200("OK")和500("Internal Server Error")。
⽆论是你发给SOAP服务器的数据有问题,还是服务器在处理数据的过程中出现问题,或者SOAP服务器出现内部问题,SOAP服务器均发送500("Internal Server Error")。
报关常⽤代码关区代码0100. 北京关区. 0101. 机场货管. 0102. 京监管处. 0103. 京关展览. 0104. 京关保税. 0105. 京涉外处. 0106. 京关关税. 0107. 机场库区. 0109. 机场旅检. 0110. 平⾕海关. 0111. 京五⾥? 0112. 京邮办处. 0113. 京中关村. 0114. 京国际局. 0115. 京东郊站. 0116. 机场货⼆. 0117. 京开发区. 0118. ⼗⼋⾥店. 0119. 旅检征税. 0200. 天津关区. 0201. 天津海关. 0202. 新港海关. 0203. 津开发区. 0204. 东港海关. 0205. 津塘沽办. 0206. 津驻邮办. 0207. 津机场办. 0208. 津保税区. 0209. 蓟县海关. 0210. 武清海关. 0400. ⽯家庄区. 0401. ⽯家庄关. 0402. 秦皇岛关. 0403. 唐⼭海关. 0404. 秦关廊办. 0500. 太原海关. 0600. 满洲⾥关. 0601. 海拉尔关. 0602. 额尔古纳. 0603. 满⼗⼋⾥. 0604. 满⾚峰办. 0605. 满通辽办. 0606. 满哈沙特. 0607. 满室韦. 0608. 满互贸区. 0609. 满铁路. 0700. 呼特关区. 0701. 呼和浩特. 0702. ⼆连海关. 0703. 包头海关. 0800. 沈阳关区. 0801. 沈阳海关. 0802. 锦州海关. 0803. 沈驻邮办. 0804. 沈驻抚顺. 0805. 沈开发区. 0806. 沈驻辽阳. 0807. 沈机场办. 0808. 沈集装箱. 0809. 沈阳东站. 0900. ⼤连海关. 0901. ⼤连码头. 0902. ⼤连机场. 0903. 连开发区. 0904. 连⾹炉礁. 0906. 连保税区. 0907. ⼤连新港. 0908. 连⼤窑湾. 0930. 丹东海关. 0940. 营⼝海关. 0950. 鲅鱼圈关. 0960. ⼤东港关. 0980. 鞍⼭海关. 1500. 长春关区. 1501. 长春海关. 1502. 长开发区. 1503. 长⽩海关. 1504. 临江海关. 1505. 图们海关. 1506. 集安海关. 1507. 珲春海关. 1508. 吉林海关. 1509. 延吉海关. 1900. 哈尔滨区. 1901. 哈尔滨关. 1902. 绥关铁路. 1903. ⿊河海关. 1904. 同江海关. 1905. 佳⽊斯关. 1906. 牡丹江关. 1907. 东宁海关. 1908. 逊克海关. 1909. 齐齐哈尔. 1910. 哈⼤庆办. 1911. 密⼭海关. 1912. 虎林海关. 1913. 富锦海关. 1914. 抚远海关. 1915. 漠河海关. 1916. 萝北海关. 1917. 嘉荫海关. 1918. 饶河海关. 1919. 哈内陆港. 1922. 哈关邮办. 1923. 哈关车办. 1925. 绥关公路. 2200. 上海海关. 2201. 浦江海关. 2202. 吴淞海关. 2203. 沪机场关. 2204. 闵开发区. 2205. 沪车站办. 2206. 沪邮局办. 2207. 沪稽查处. 2208. 宝⼭海关. 2209. 龙吴海关. 2210. 浦东海关. 2211. 卢湾监管. 2212. 奉贤海关. 2213. 莘庄海关. 2214. 漕河泾发. 2215. 虹桥开发. 2216. 沪⾦⼭办. 2217. 嘉定海关. 2218. 外⾼桥关. 2219. 杨浦监管. 2220. ⾦⼭海关. 2221. 松江海关. 2222. 青浦海关. 2223. 南汇海关. 2224. 崇明海关. 2225. 外港海关. 2226. 贸易点. 2227. 普陀区站. 2228. 长宁区站. 2229. 航交办. 2230. 徐汇区站. 2232. 船监管处. 2300. 南京海关. 2301. 连云港关. 2302. 南通海关. 2303. 苏州海关. 2304. ⽆锡海关. 2305. 张家港关. 2306. 常州海关. 2307. 镇江海关. 2308. 新⽣圩关. 2309. 盐城海关. 2310. 扬州海关. 2311. 徐州海关. 2312. 江阴海关. 2313. 张保税区. 2314. 苏⼯业区. 2315. 淮阴海关. 2321. 常溧阳办. 2322. 镇丹阳办. 2324. 苏常熟办. 2325. 苏昆⼭办. 2326. 苏吴江办. 2327. 苏太仓办. 2328. 苏吴县办. 2329. 通启东办. 2330. 扬泰兴办. 2331. 锡宜兴办. 2332. 锡锡⼭办. 2900. 杭州关区. 2901. 杭州海关. 2903. 温州海关. 2904. ⾈⼭海关. 2905. 海门海关. 2906. 绍兴海关. 2907. 湖州海关. 2908. 嘉兴海关. 2909. 杭经开关. 2910. 杭关机办. 2911. 杭关邮办. 2912. 杭关萧办. 2920. ⾦华海关. 2931. 温关邮办. 2932. 温经开关. 2933. 温关机办. 2934. 温关鳌办. 2981. 嘉关乍办. 3100. 宁波关区. 3101. 宁波海关. 3102. 镇海海关. 3103. 甬开发区. 3104. 北仑海关. 3105. 甬保税区. 3107. 甬驻余办. 3108. 甬驻慈办. 3109. 甬机场办. 3300. 合肥海关. 3301. 芜湖海关. 3302. 安庆海关. 3303. 马鞍⼭关. 3304. 黄⼭海关. 3305. 蚌埠海关. 3306. 铜陵海关. 3307. ⾩阳海关. 3500. 福州关区. 3501. 马尾海关. 3502. 福清海关. 3503. 宁德海关. 3504. 三明海关. 3505. 福保税区. 3506. 莆⽥海关. 3507. 福关机办. 3508. 福榕通办. 3509. 福关邮办. 3510. 南平海关. 3511. 武夷⼭关. 3513. 福保税处. 3518. 福监管处. 3519. 福关马港. 3700. 厦门关区. 3701. 厦门海关. 3702. 泉州海关. 3703. 漳州海关. 3704. 东⼭海关. 3705. ⽯狮海关. 3706. 龙岩海关. 3710. 厦特区处. 3711. 厦东渡办. 3712. 厦杏林办. 3713. 厦⾏邮处. 3714. 象屿保税. 3715. 厦机场办. 3716. 厦同安办. 3720. 泉州货征. 3721. 泉紫帽⼭.3730. 漳州货征. 3731. 漳州⾓美. 3732. 漳州⽯码. 3740. 东⼭货征. 3741. 漳浦办. 3742. 诏安监管. 3750. ⽯狮货征. 3760. 龙岩业务. 4000. 南昌关区. 4001. 南昌海关. 4002. 九江海关. 4003. 赣州海关. 4004. 景德镇关. 4005. 吉安海关. 4200. 青岛海关. 4201. 烟台海关. 4202. ⽇照海关. 4203. 龙⼝海关. 4204. 威海海关. 4205. 济南海关. 4206. 维坊海关. 4207. 淄博海关. 4208. 青开发区. 4209. ⽯岛海关. 4210. 青保税区. 4211. 济宁海关. 4212. 泰安海关. 4213. 临沂海关. 4214. 青前湾港. 4215. 青菏泽办. 4216. 东营海关. 4217. 青枣庄办. 4218. 青岛⼤港. 4219. 蓬莱海关. 4220. 青机场关. 4221. 烟机场办. 4222. 莱州海关. 4223. 青邮局办. 4224. 龙长岛办. 4225. 威开发区. 4231. 烟开发区. 4232. ⽇岚⼭办. 4233. 济机场办. 4234. 济洛⼝办. 4235. 济邮局办. 4240. 青保税处. 4600. 郑州关区. 4601. 郑州海关. 4602. 洛阳海关. 4603. 南阳海关. 4604. 郑州机办. 4605. 郑州邮办. 4700. 武汉海关. 4701. 宜昌海关. 4702. 荆州海关. 4703. 襄樊海关. 4704. 黄⽯海关. 4705. 武汉沌⼝. 4706. 宜三峡办. 4710. 武关货管. 4711. 武关江岸. 4712. 武关机场. 4713. 武关邮办. 4900. 长沙关区. 4901. 衡阳海关. 4902. 岳阳海关. 4903. 衡关郴办. 4904. 常德海关. 4905. 长沙海关. 5100. ⼴州海关. 5101. ⼴州新风. 5102. 新风罗冲. 5103. 清远海关. 5104. 清远英德. 5105. 新风⽩云. 5107. 肇庆封开. 5108. 肇庆德庆. 5109. 新风窖⼼. 5110. 南海海关. 5111. 南海官窑. 5112. 南海九江. 5113. 南海北村. 5114. 南海平洲. 5115. 南海盐步. 5116. 南海业务. 5117. 南海车场. 5118. 平洲旅检. 5119. 南海三⼭. 5120. ⼴州内港. 5121. 内港芳村. 5122. 内港洲嘴. 5123. 内港四仓. 5124. 内⽯榴岗. 5125. 从化海关. 5126. 内港⾚航. 5127. 内⼤⼲围. 5130. ⼴州⽯牌. 5131. 花都海关. 5132. 花都码头. 5134. 穗保税处. 5135. 穗稽查处. 5136. 穗统计处. 5137. 穗价格处. 5138. 穗调查局. 5139. 穗监管处. 5140. 穗关税处. 5141. ⼴州机场. 5142. 民航快件. 5143. ⼴州车站. 5144. 穗州头咀. 5145. ⼴州邮办. 5146. 穗交易会. 5147. 穗邮办监. 5148. 穗⼤郎站. 5149. ⼤铲海关. 5150. 顺德海关. 5151. 顺德码头. 5152. 顺德⾷出. 5153. 顺德车场. 5154. 北窖车场. 5155. 顺德旅检. 5156. 顺德乐从. 5157. 顺德陈村. 5158. 顺德勒流. 5159. 北窖码头. 5160. 番禺海关. 5161. 沙湾车场. 5162. 番禺旅检. 5163. 番禺货柜. 5164. 番禺船舶. 5165. 南沙旅检. 5166. 南沙货柜. 5167. 南沙货港. 5170. 肇庆海关. 5171. 肇庆⾼要. 5172. 肇庆车场. 5173. 肇庆保税. 5174. 肇庆旅检. 5175. 肇庆码头. 5176. 肇庆四会. 5177. 肇庆三榕. 5178. 云浮海关. 5179. 罗定海关. 5180. 佛⼭海关. 5181. ⾼明海关. 5182. 佛⼭澜⽯. 5183. 三⽔码头. 5184. 佛⼭窖⼝. 5185. 佛⼭⽯湾. 5186. 佛⼭保税. 5187. 佛⼭车场. 5188. 佛⼭⽕车. 5189. 佛⼭新港. 5190. 韶关海关. 5191. 韶关乐昌. 5192. 三⽔海关. 5193. 三⽔车场. 5195. 审单中⼼. 5199. 穗技术处. 5200. 黄埔关区. 5201. 埔⽼港办. 5202. 埔新港办. 5203. 新塘海关. 5204. 东莞海关. 5205. 太平海关. 5206. 惠州海关. 5207. 凤岗海关. 5208. 埔开发区. 5209. 埔保税区. 5210. 埔红海办. 5211. 河源海关. 5212. 新沙海关. 5213. 埔长安办. 5300. 深圳海关. 5301. 皇岗海关. 5302. 罗湖海关. 5303. 沙头⾓关. 5304. 蛇⼝海关. 5305. 上步业务. 5306. 笋岗海关. 5307. 南头海关. 5308. 沙湾海关. 5309. 布吉海关. 5310. 惠州港关. 5311. 深关车站. 5312. 深监管处. 5313. 深调查局. 5314. 深关邮办. 5315. 惠东办. 5316. ⼤鹏海关. 5317. 深关机场. 5318. 梅林海关. 5319. 同乐海关. 5320. ⽂锦渡关. 5321. 福保税关. 5322. 沙保税关. 5323. 深审单处. 5324. 深审价办. 5325. 深综合处. 5326. 深数统处. 5327. 深监控处. 5328. 深规范处. 5329. 深保税处. 5330. 盐保税关. 5331. 三门岛办. 5700. 拱北关区. 5710. 拱关闸办. 5720. 中⼭海关. 5721. 中⼭港. 5724. 中⽯岐办. 5725. 坦洲货场. 5727. 中⼩揽办. 5730. 拱⾹洲办. 5740. 湾仔海关. 5750. 九洲海关. 5760. 拱⽩⽯办. 5770. ⽃门海关. 5771. ⽃井岸办. 5772. ⽃平沙办. 5780. ⾼栏海关. 5790. 拱监管处. 5792. 拱保税区. 5793. 万⼭海关. 6000. 汕头海关. 6001. 汕关货⼀. 6002. 汕关货⼆. 6003. 汕关⾏邮. 6004. 汕关机场. 6005. 汕关征统. 6006. 汕关保税. 6007. 汕关业务. 6008. 汕保税区. 6009. 汕关邮包. 6011. 榕城海关. 6012. 汕关普宁. 6013. 外砂海关. 6014. ⼴澳海关. 6015. 南澳海关. 6021. 潮州海关. 6022. 饶平海关. 6028. 潮阳海关. 6031. 汕尾海关. 6032. 汕关海城. 6033. 汕关陆丰. 6041. 梅州海关.6042. 梅州兴宁. 6400. 海⼝关区. 6401. 海⼝海关. 6402. 三亚海关. 6403. ⼋所海关. 6404. 洋浦海关. 6405. 海保税区. 6406. 清澜海关. 6700. 湛江关区. 6701. 湛江海关. 6702. 茂名海关. 6703. 徐闻海关. 6704. 湛江南油. 6705. 湛江⽔东. 6706. 湛江吴川. 6707. 湛江廉江. 6708. 湛江⾼州. 6709. 湛江信宜. 6710. 东海岛组. 6800. 江门关区. 6810. 江门海关. 6811. 江门⾼沙. 6812. 江门外海. 6813. 江门旅检. 6817. 江门保税. 6820. 新会海关. 6821. 新今古洲. 6822. 新西河⼝. 6823. 新会车场. 6824. 新会旅检. 6827. 新会稽查. 6830. 台⼭海关. 6831. 台公益港. 6832. 台烽⽕⾓. 6833. 台⼭旅检. 6837. 台⼭稽查. 6840. 三埠海关. 6841. 三埠码头. 6842. 三埠⽔⼝. 6843. 三埠旅检. 6847. 三埠稽查. 6850. 恩平海关. 6851. 恩平车场. 6852. 恩平港. 6857. 恩平稽查. 6860. 鹤⼭海关. 6861. 鹤⼭车场. 6862. 鹤⼭码头. 6863. 鹤⼭旅检. 6867. 鹤⼭稽查. 6870. 阳江海关. 6871. 阳江码头. 6872. 阳江车场. 6873. 阳江港. 6874. 阳江东平. 6875. 阳江闸坡. 6876. 阳江溪头. 6877. 阳江稽查. 6878. 阳江沙扒. 7200. 南宁关区. 7201. 南宁海关. 7202. 北海海关. 7203. 梧州海关. 7204. 桂林海关. 7205. 柳州海关. 7206. 防城海关. 7207. 东兴海关. 7208. 凭祥海关. 7209. 贵港海关. 7210. ⽔⼝海关. 7211. 南靖西办. 7212. 钦州海关. 7213. 桂林机办. 7900. 成都关区. 7901. 成都海关. 7902. 成关机办. 7903. 乐⼭海关. 7904. 攀枝花关. 7905. 绵阳海关. 7906. 成关邮办. 7907. 成都⾃贡. 8000. 重庆海关. 8010. 重庆东站. 8020. 重庆机办. 8030. 重庆邮办. 8050. 南坪开发. 8060. 万县海关. 8300. 贵阳海关. 8301. 贵阳总关. 8600. 昆明关区. 8601. 昆明海关. 8602. 畹町海关. 8603. 瑞丽海关. 8604. 章凤海关. 8605. 盈江海关. 8606. 孟连海关. 8607. 南伞海关. 8608. 孟定海关. 8609. 打洛海关. 8610. 腾冲海关. 8611. 沧源海关. 8612. 勐腊海关. 8613. 河⼝海关. 8614. ⾦⽔河关. 8615. 天保海关. 8616. ⽥蓬海关. 8617. ⼤理海关. 8618. 芒市监管. 8619. 保⼭监管. 8620. 昆明机场. 8621. 昆明邮办. 8800. 拉萨海关. 8801. 聂拉⽊关. 8802. ⽇喀则关. 8803. 狮泉河关. 9000. 西安关区. 9001. 西安海关. 9002. 咸阳机场. 9003. 宝鸡海关. 9400. 乌关区. 9401. 乌鲁⽊齐. 9402. 霍尔果斯. 9403. 吐尔朵特. 9404. 阿拉⼭⼝. 9405. 塔城海关. 9406. 伊宁海关. 9407. 吉⽊乃办. 9408. 喀什海关. 9409. 红其拉甫. 9411. 塔克什肯. 9412. 乌拉斯太. 9413. ⽼爷庙. 9414. 红⼭嘴. 9500. 兰州关区. 9501. 兰州海关. 9502. 青监管组. 9600. 银川海关. 9700. 西宁关区.⽤途代码01 外贸⾃营内销02 特区内销03 其它内销04 企业⾃⽤05 加⼯返销06 借⽤07 收保证⾦08 免费提供09 作价提供10 货样,⼴告品11 其它。
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1、API地址/api?id=[]&com=[]&nu=[]&valicode=[]&show=[0|1|2|3]&muti=[0|1]&o rder=[desc|asc]注:为了防止恶意解释的情况,不能通过IP访问本网站及API,敬请原谅2、输入参数说明3、返回结果说明4、API调用及返回结果示范4.1 API调用示范/api?id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx&com=tiantian&nu=11111&show=0&muti=1&order =desc4.2 Json返回示例{"message":"ok","status":"1","state":"3","data":[{"time":"2012-07-0713:35:14","context":"客户已签收"},{"time":"2012-07-07 09:10:10","context":"离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]"},{"time":"2012-07-0619:46:38","context":"到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]"},{"time":"2012-07-0615:22:32","context":"离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 15:05:00","context":"到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 13:37:52","context":"离开 [北京_同城中转站] 发往 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 12:54:41","context":"到达 [北京_同城中转站]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 11:11:03","context":"离开 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组] 发往[北京_同城中转站]"},{"time":"2012-07-06 10:43:21","context":"到达 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组]"},{"time":"2012-07-05 21:18:53","context":"离开 [福建_厦门支公司] 发往 [北京运转中心_航空]"},{"time":"2012-07-05 20:07:27","context":"已取件,到达 [福建_厦门支公司]"}]}4.3 xml返回示例<xml><message>ok</message><status>1</status><state>3</state><data><time>2012-07-07 13:35:14</time><context>客户已签收</context></data><data><time>2012-07-07 09:10:10</time><context>离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 19:46:38</time><context>到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 15:22:32</time><context>离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 15:05:00</time><context>到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]</context> </data><data><time>2012-07-06 13:37:52</time><context>离开 [北京_同城中转站] 发往 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 12:54:41</time><context>到达 [北京_同城中转站]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 11:11:03</time><context>离开 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组] 发往 [北京_同城中转站]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-06 10:43:21</time><context>到达 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-05 21:18:53</time><context>离开 [福建_厦门支公司] 发往 [北京运转中心_航空]</context></data><data><time>2012-07-05 20:07:27</time><context>已取件,到达 [福建_厦门支公司]</context></data></xml>4.4 html返回示例如下图照片所示,如果没有看到图片,请稍等或刷新本页:4.5 text返回示例时间地点和跟踪进度2012-07-07 13:35:14 客户已签收2012-07-07 09:10:10 离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[] 2012-07-06 19:46:38 到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]2012-07-06 15:22:32 离开 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 派送中,递送员[温],电话[] 2012-07-06 15:05:00 到达 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅]2012-07-06 13:37:52 离开 [北京_同城中转站] 发往 [北京_房山营业所_石景山营业厅] 2012-07-06 12:54:41 到达 [北京_同城中转站]2012-07-06 11:11:03 离开 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组] 发往 [北京_同城中转站]2012-07-06 10:43:21 到达 [北京运转中心_航空_驻站班组]2012-07-05 21:18:53 离开 [福建_厦门支公司] 发往 [北京运转中心_航空]2012-07-05 20:07:27 已取件,到达 [福建_厦门支公司]5、开发案例及插件支持•目前提供ASP、、PHP和Java等四个版本的开发实例,请点快递查询开发示范下载。
1xx:请求收到,继续处理2xx:操作成功收到,分析、接受3xx:完成此请求必须进一步处理4xx:请求包含一个错误语法或不能完成5xx:服务器执行一个完全有效请求失败100——客户必须继续发出请求101——客户要求服务器根据请求转换HTTP协议版本200——交易成功201——提示知道新文件的URL202——接受和处理、但处理未完成203——返回信息不确定或不完整204——请求收到,但返回信息为空205——服务器完成了请求,用户代理必须复位当前已经浏览过的文件206——服务器已经完成了部分用户的GET请求300——请求的资源可在多处得到301——删除请求数据302——在其他地址发现了请求数据303——建议客户访问其他URL或访问方式304——客户端已经执行了GET,但文件未变化305——请求的资源必须从服务器指定的地址得到306——前一版本HTTP中使用的代码,现行版本中不再使用307——申明请求的资源临时性删除400——错误请求,如语法错误401——请求授权失败402——保留有效ChargeTo头响应403——请求不允许404——没有发现文件、查询或URl405——用户在Request-Line字段定义的方法不允许406——根据用户发送的Accept拖,请求资源不可访问407——类似401,用户必须首先在代理服务器上得到授权408——客户端没有在用户指定的饿时间内完成请求409——对当前资源状态,请求不能完成410——服务器上不再有此资源且无进一步的参考地址411——服务器拒绝用户定义的Content-Length属性请求412——一个或多个请求头字段在当前请求中错误413——请求的资源大于服务器允许的大小414——请求的资源URL长于服务器允许的长度415——请求资源不支持请求项目格式416——请求中包含Range请求头字段,在当前请求资源范围内没有range指示值,请求也不包含If-Range请求头字段417——服务器不满足请求Expect头字段指定的期望值,如果是代理服务器,可能是下一级服务器不能满足请求500——服务器产生内部错误501——服务器不支持请求的函数502——服务器暂时不可用,有时是为了防止发生系统过载503——服务器过载或暂停维修504——关口过载,服务器使用另一个关口或服务来响应用户,等待时间设定值较长505——服务器不支持或拒绝支请求头中指定的HTTP版本---英文版:100:Continue101:Switching Protocols102:Processing200:OK201:Created202:Accepted203:Non-Authoriative Information204:No Content205:Reset Content206:Partial Content207:Multi-Status300:Multiple Choices301:Moved Permanently302:Found303:See Other304:Not Modified305:Use Proxy306:(Unused)307:Temporary Redirect400:Bad Request401:Unauthorized402:Payment Granted403:Forbidden404:File Not Found405:Method Not Allowed406:Not Acceptable407:Proxy Authentication Required408:Request Time-out409:Conflict410:Gone411:Length Required412:Precondition Failed413:Request Entity Too Large414:Request-URI Too Large415:Unsupported Media Type416:Requested range not satisfiable417:Expectation Failed422:Unprocessable Entity423:Locked424:Failed Dependency500:Internal Server Error501:Not Implemented502:Bad Gateway503:Service Unavailable504:Gateway Timeout505:HTTP Version Not Supported507:Insufficient Storage200号状态码220.181.32.30 - - [02/Sep/2008:00:01:23 +0800] "GET/article/0572/72570.shtml HTTP/1.1" 200 28361 "-""Baiduspider+(+/search/spider.htm)"服务器日志中的200表示使用GET传递方式网页72570.shtml下载成功。
错误代码:401.2401.2错误是由于服务器配置问题而导致登陆失败,由于服务器端脚本未能正确发送 WWW 身份验证头文件字段。
如果要通过 Active Server Pages 脚本完成此项任务,可以使用"Response"对象的"AddHeader"方法来要求客户端用特定身份验证方法访问资源。
错误代码:401.3401.3错误是由于资源上的 ACL 导致未被授权而无权访问网页或目录。
如果Web 服务器安装了筛选器程序以检查连接到服务器的用户。
错误代码:401.5401.5错误是由于 ISAPI/CGI 应用程序导致授权失败。
如果所要访问的 Web 服务器地址上安装了 ISAPI 或 CGI 程序用于在继续执行之前检验用户证书。
错误代码:403.1403.1错误是由于"执行"访问被禁止而造成的,若试图从目录中执行 CGI、ISAPI 或其他可执行程序,但该目录不允许执行程序时便会出现此种错误。
导致此错误是由于没有可用的默认网页并且没有对目录启用目录浏览,或者要显示的 HTML 网页所驻留的目录仅标记为"可执行"或"脚本"权限。
http 代码表代码指示2xx 成功200 正常;请求已完成。
201 正常;紧接POST 命令。
202 正常;已接受用于处理,但处理尚未完成。
203 正常;部分信息—返回的信息只是一部分。
204 正常;无响应—已接收请求,但不存在要回送的信息。
3xx 重定向301 已移动—请求的数据具有新的位置且更改是永久的。
302 已找到—请求的数据临时具有不同URI。
303 请参阅其它—可在另一URI 下找到对请求的响应,且应使用GET 方法检索此响应。
304 未修改—未按预期修改文档。
305 使用代理—必须通过位置字段中提供的代理来访问请求的资源。
306 未使用—不再使用;保留此代码以便将来使用。
4xx 客户机中出现的错误400 错误请求—请求中有语法问题,或不能满足请求。
401 未授权—未授权客户机访问数据。
402 需要付款—表示计费系统已有效。
403 禁止—即使有授权也不需要访问。
404 找不到—服务器找不到给定的资源;文档不存在。
407 代理认证请求—客户机首先必须使用代理认证自身。
415 介质类型不受支持—服务器拒绝服务请求,因为不支持请求实体的格式。
5xx 服务器中出现的错误500 内部错误—因为意外情况,服务器不能完成请求。
501 未执行—服务器不支持请求的工具。
502 错误网关—服务器接收到来自上游服务器的无效响应。
503 无法获得服务—由于临时过载或维护,服务器无法处理请求。
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTTP 400 - 请求无效HTTP 401.1 - 未授权:登录失败HTTP 401.2 - 未授权:服务器配置问题导致登录失败HTTP 401.3 - ACL 禁止访问资源HTTP 401.4 - 未授权:授权被筛选器拒绝HTTP 401.5 - 未授权:ISAPI 或 CGI 授权失败HTTP 403 - 禁止访问HTTP 403 - 对 Internet 服务管理器 (HTML) 的访问仅限于 LocalhostHTTP 403.1 禁止访问:禁止可执行访问HTTP 403.2 - 禁止访问:禁止读访问HTTP 403.3 - 禁止访问:禁止写访问HTTP 403.4 - 禁止访问:要求 SSLHTTP 403.5 - 禁止访问:要求 SSL 128HTTP 403.6 - 禁止访问:IP 地址被拒绝HTTP 403.7 - 禁止访问:要求客户证书HTTP 403.8 - 禁止访问:禁止站点访问HTTP 403.9 - 禁止访问:连接的用户过多HTTP 403.10 - 禁止访问:配置无效HTTP 403.11 - 禁止访问:密码更改HTTP 403.12 - 禁止访问:映射器拒绝访问HTTP 403.13 - 禁止访问:客户证书已被吊销HTTP 403.15 - 禁止访问:客户访问许可过多HTTP 403.16 - 禁止访问:客户证书不可信或者无效HTTP 403.17 - 禁止访问:客户证书已经到期或者尚未生效HTTP 404.1 - 无法找到 Web 站点HTTP 404 - 无法找到文件HTTP 405 - 资源被禁止HTTP 406 - 无法接受HTTP 407 - 要求代理身份验证HTTP 410 - 永远不可用HTTP 412 - 先决条件失败HTTP 414 - 请求 - URI 太长HTTP 500 - 内部服务器错误HTTP 500.100 - 内部服务器错误 - ASP 错误HTTP 500-11 服务器关闭HTTP 500-12 应用程序重新启动HTTP 500-13 - 服务器太忙HTTP 500-14 - 应用程序无效HTTP 500-15 - 不允许请求 global.asaError 501 - 未实现HTTP 502 - 网关错误。
404、403、405、500常见⽹页错误代码解析昨天S姐的同事上⽹冲浪,被提⽰:404 not found看着她充满求知欲的卡姿兰⼤眼睛,S姐决定本期讲讲上⽹冲浪时,你可能遇到的错误代码解析!No.1 404 ⽆法找到⽂件404是⼤家上⽹冲浪时最常见的错误代码,⼀般出现的原因可能是:①页⾯被删除或不存在②⽹址输⼊有误③没插⽹线或没有联⽹做为⽣活中最常见的404,除了本⾝找不到查询页⾯的含义,还延伸出很多额外的意义。
⽐如:好看的⽪囊千篇⼀律,有趣的灵魂 404 Not Found以及你的⼩仙⼥S姐已404,需要你亲亲抱抱举⾼⾼才能回来!404我们就讲到这⼉,因为除了404,还有整个错误代码的星⾠⼤海等我们探索。
No.2 400 请求出错出现这个代码⼀般是因为鸡同鸭讲、对⽜弹琴,门不当户不对,总之⼀句话:服务器⽆法理解⽤户的请求⼀般出现 400 错误代码的原因是:我们输⼊语法格式有误,服务器⽆法理解咱想表达什么。
No.3 401 未被授权⼀般来说该错误消息表明你⾸先需要登录(输⼊有效的⽤户名和密码)。
No.4 403 禁⽌访问403表⽰服务器理解了本次请求,但拒绝了你的访问,⼤概意思就像:我喜欢⼀个⼈,半夜表⽩敲他门他听懂了我的表⽩,但他表⽰拒绝并且就是不开门!出现的原因主要是:①你没有权限访问此⽹站②你被禁⽌访问此⽹站除⾮你与Web服务器管理员联系,否则遇到403状态很难⾃⾏解决No.5 405 资源被禁⽌405是代表对于请求所标识的资源,不允许使⽤请求⾏中所指定的⽅法。
解决⽅法:①确保为所请求的资源设置了正确的 MIME 类型②联系服务器管理员No.6 408 请求超时408意味着你的请求发送到该⽹站花的时间⽐该⽹站的服务器准备等待的时间要长,即链接超时。
出现的原因可能是:①⽹络状况不佳,速成⽹速慢②⽹络服务器访问量激增No.7 500 服务器错误如果服务器内部出现错误,⽆法完成请求,可能就会提⽰错误代码 500。
Sip 响应状态码对照详解1.SIP应答消息状态码与功能类型状态码状态说明1) 临时应答(1XX)100 Trying正在处理中180 Ringing振铃181 call being forward er 呼叫正在前向182 queue 排队183 session progres s 会话进行2) 会话成功(2XX)200 OK 会话成功3) 重定向(3XX)300 m ultipl e 多重选择301 m oved perm ane ntly 永久移动302 m oved tem pora ily 临时移动305 use proxy 用户代理380 alterna tive service替代服务4) 请求失败(4XX)400 bad request错误请求401unau thoriz ed 未授权402 paym ent require d 付费要求403 forbidd en 禁止404 not found 未发现405 m ethodno allowed方法不允许406 not accepta ble 不可接受407 proxy authent icatio n require d 代理需要认证408 request tim eout请求超时410 gone 离开413 request entitytoo large 请求实体太大414 request-url too long 请求URL太长415 unsuppo rted media type 不支持的媒体类型416 unsuppo rted url schem e不支持的URL计划420 bad extensi on 不良扩展421 extensi on require d 需要扩展423 interva l too brief 间隔太短480 tem pora rily unavail able 临时失效481 call/transac tion does not exist 呼叫/事务不存在482 loop detecte d 发现环路483 too m any hops 跳数太多484 address incom pl ete 地址不完整485 am biguo us 不明朗486 busy here 这里忙487 request term ina ted 请求终止488 not accepta ble here 这里请求不可接受491 request pending未决请求493 undecip herabl e 不可辨识5) 服务器失败(5XX)500 serverinterna l error 服务器内部错误501 not im pleme nted 不可执行502 bad gateway坏网关503 service unavail able 服务无效504 servertim e-out 服务器超时505 version not support ed 版本不支持513 m essage too large 消息太大6) 全局性错误(6XX)600 busy everywh ere 全忙603 decline丢弃604 does not exist anywher e 不存在606 not accepta ble 不可接受2.SIP应答代码(以下是详细内容)应答码是包含了,并且扩展了HT TP/1.1应答码。
http错误代码表摘要本⽂部分内容来源于⽹络,个⼈收集整理,请勿传播所有 HTTP 状态代码及其定义。
2xx 成功1 2 3 4 5 62xx 成功200 正常;请求已完成。
201 正常;紧接 POST 命令。
202 正常;已接受⽤于处理,但处理尚未完成。
203 正常;部分信息 — 返回的信息只是⼀部分。
204 正常;⽆响应 — 已接收请求,但不存在要回送的信息。
3xx 重定向301 && 302301 永久重定向Moved Permanently 被请求的资源已永久移动到新位置,并且将来任何对此资源的引⽤都应该使⽤本响应返回的若⼲个URI之⼀。
302 临时重定向Found 请求的资源现在临时从不同的URI响应请求。
我们访问会跳转到注意: 301请求是可以缓存的,即通过看status code,可以发现后⾯写着from cache。
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INTRODUCTIONAnalog Devices’ AD1845 Parallel-Port, 16-Bit, Sound-Port®, Stereo Codec and Crystal Semiconductor’s CS4231 Parallel Interface, Multimedia Audio Codec are “pin-for-pin” compatible. Many customers have had dif-ficulties using these codecs interchangeably because they have slightly different external interface require-ments and the parts’ documentation recommend differ-ing power supply circuitry . These design details contribute to the challenges of PC OEMs trying to design a compatible “socket” (a PCB layout compatible with both codecs) for these highly popular audio codecs.This application note shows designers how to put a “socket” in their PC motherboard or plug-in card design that is compatible with both parts (with some minor as-sembly differences). In addition to the recommended design (provides the highest performance, but requires the most assembly differences), this note describes cost and performance tradeoffs that are available with “compromise” components (reducing the number of as-sembly differences with compatible external circuitry).Table I lists the assembly differences between an AD1845 and CS4231 system for the recommended codec “socket,” shown in Figure 1.USING A CODEC ON YOUR PCBThis application note was inspired by the difficulties sev-eral Analog Devices customers reported when putting an AD1845 into PC boards laid out using the specifica-tion in the Crystal Semiconductor CS4231 (AD1845 pin-compatible codec) data sheet. Reported problems varied from reduced performance to complete part breakdown.This application note explains the design issues in-volved in designing a codec “socket” that provides the highest performance from both parts. For simplicity, all figures in this application note use AD1845/CS4231aAN-404APPLICATION NOTEONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700Considerations for Mixed Signal Circuit Board Design(How to Design a PCB Layout/Assembly Compatible with the AD1845and CS4231 Codecs)PLCC package pin numbers, but the design principles covered apply as well to other Analog Devices package types.Including a codec in your PC motherboard or plug-in card design (and getting reasonable performance from the part) requires some effort. For the AD1845 and CS4231, a small group of design considerations have a profound influence on the performance of your final design. The design considerations that relate to creating a compatible codec “socket” (a PCB layout compatible with both codecs) for these codecs include the following:•Input Circuit DesignThis section describes input circuit design and assem-bly differences between the two codecs for the highest performance, compatible “socket” (shown in Figure 1).•Power Supply DesignThis section describes compatible codec “socket”power supply design (including the two recom-mended power supply layouts) and explains what makes some codec vendors’ recommended power supply design incompatible with the AD1845.•Layout DesignThis section describes layout principles (component placement priorities and grounding) for the highest performance compatible codec “socket.”•Cost/Performance TradeoffsThis section describes a compatible codec socket that does not require any assembly differences for the two codecs (at the expense of lower performance).The application circuits shown in this note are sugges-tions only. You should choose component values that it the needs of your own design and fall with the specifi-cations of the AD1845 and CS4231 data sheets.SoundPort is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.FERRITE+5VREGULATORFigure 1.Highest Performance AD1845/CS4231 Codec System DiagramTable I.Assembly Differences Between AD1845 And CS4231 For Codec “Socket” (In Figure 1)Component Function For AD1845 Install...For CS4231 Install... Crystal oscillator and capacitors on XTAL2 input Not required16.9334 MHz crystaland 33 pF (2) Antialiasing filter on L_MIC, R_MIC, L_LINE, R_LINE, L_AUX1, 1 kΩ and 1000 pF Not required, (but can R_AUX1, L_AUX2, R_AUX2, and M_IN inputs be left installed)External filtering capacitors for L_FILT and R_FILT inputs 1 µF (2)1000 pF (2)–2––3–Input Circuit DesignFigure 2 shows a portion of the AD1845/CS4231 system and highlights the differences between input circuit de-signs for an optimum performance codec “socket.” This section describes the following input structure differ-ences between the codecs.•Crystal oscillators •Analog input filteringCrystal OscillatorAs shown in Figure 2, the CS4231 requires two crystal inputs, 24.575 MHz (XTAL1) and 16.9344 MHz (XTAL2).The AD1845 defaults to one crystal input (24.576 MHz),but also can use other frequency sources including the 14.31818 MHz PC bus clock. The AD1845 uses its Vari-able Sample Frequency Generator to generate any of 50,000 selectable sample rates from the single crystal input.Figure 2.AD1845/CS4231 Codec Input Structures DiagramInput FilteringAs shown in Figure 2, each of the AD1845’s ADC analog inputs (MIC, LINE, AUX1, AUX2, & M_IN) require an ex-ternal low pass antialiasing filter (1 k Ω and 1000 pF), and the AD1845 uses 1 µF capacitors on the external filter pins to apply a 2.6 Hz high pass filter to the ADC.The CS4231 applies its internal low pass antialiasing fil-tering after the input multiplexer stage and uses the ex-ternal filter pins to attach 1000 pF capacitors for the low pass filtering.Note that for a compatible codec “socket” the external low pass antialiasing filter required for the AD1845 is completely compatible with the CS4231 inputs, but the capacitors on the external filter pins MUST change for best performance. If you are (for example) replacing a CS4231 with an AD1845 in your system, the two 1000 pF capacitors must be replaced with 1 µF caps. If the 1000 pF caps are left in, the AD1845’s high pass filter break point moves from 2.6 Hz to 2.4 kHz seriously re-ducing the audio band frequency performance. This per-formance reduction includes a nonlinear gain vs.frequency response and an overall reduction in gain.The gain loss can be as much as –30 dB at 20 Hz.Optional Input Level ScalerThe two codecs have slightly different input impedances and their data sheets provide differing designs for scal-ing 2 V rms line level inputs. (The AD1845 and CS4231codecs can handle 1 V rms signals.) Figure 3 shows an example voltage divider circuit for use with 2 V rms line level inputs that is compatible with both codecs. For other application related circuits, see the AD1845 and CS4231 Data Sheets.Figure 3.AD1845/CS4231 Codec Input Structures with Voltage Dividers DiagramPower Supply DesignYour power supply distribution strategy must account for the mixed signal (analog & digital) nature of the AD1845 and CS4231 codecs. For power supply design considerations, think of these codecs as having a digital section (digital portions of ADC, DAC, and ISA bus driv-ers) and analog section (analog portions of ADC, DAC,multiplexer, and output mixer stages).This section presents two successful strategies for com-patible power supply design and explains what makes the power supply strategy described by other codec vendors’ documentation incompatible with the AD1845.–4–Recommended Power Supply DesignFigure 4 shows the recommended power supply design.This method regulates the codec’s +5 volt analog supply from the PC’s +12 volt supply and uses the PC’s +5 volt supply directly for the codec’s digital supply. While this method does require more parts, the regulated analog supply provides better noise isolation for the analog side of the chip and yields improved converter perfor-mance. The dynamic range of this design is 1.5dB better than the alternate power supply method shown in Fig-ure 5.FERRITE FERRITE +12V+5VFigure 4. AD1845/CS4231 Codec Recommended Power Supply DiagramAlternative Recommended Power Supply DesignFigure 5 shows an alternative power supply design. This design uses the PC’s +5 volt supply for the codec’s ana-log and digital supplies, isolating the supplies with small inductors (ferrite beads) to minimize stray noise causing currents. The advantages of this supply design are its low part count and cost reduction; each at the ex-pense of a slightly lower dynamic range than the system shown in Figure 4.BENEATH CODECFigure 5.AD1845/CS4231 Codec Alternate Power Supply Diagram–5–Avoid Vendor/Codec Specific Power Supply Design!A third strategy for power supply design, shown in Fig-ure 6, divides the codec into three sections (analog and two digital). The sections are analog, internal digital,and external digital (ISA bus drivers). Unfortunately this power supply design strategy yields a vendor/codec specific system and should be avoided if you want to design a compatible codec socket.The problem with this particular power supply design (recommended in some codec vendors’ documentation)is the assumption that all codec manufacturers assign digital power pins in the same manner. Tables II and III show how the supply pinouts for the AD1845 and CS4231 are (virtually) identical for a two supply design,but differ greatly for a three supply design.FERRITE +12V+5VFigure 6.Vendor/Codec Specific Power Supply Diagram—Not RecommendedTable II shows that in the dual supply design the codecs’power supply pinouts are identical, and Table III shows the difference between the two codecs’ power supply pinouts in a triple supply design. If you use this triple supply design, you are designing a vendor specific system.Suppose, for example, that you designed a triple supply system for the AD1845. In such a system, the +5V regulator’s output is tied to all of the AD1845’s internal digital power pins (15, 45), and all of the ISA driver power pins (1, 7, 19, 54) are tied to the ISA supply. If you needed to install the CS4231 in this system for some rea-son, you would find that the Crystal part will not work because “socket” Pin 19 is connected to the ISA supply and Pin 15 to the regulator to support the AD1845. These two pins are connected together in the CS4231 codec and the triple supply design for the AD1845 uses the Crystal part as a short between the ISA supply and the regulator’s output. If there is any substantial difference between the ISA +5 V and the regulator +5 V, the CS4231will (at worst) burn out or (at best) the system will not achieve optimum performance because the digital noise from the ISA supply is coupled through the codec onto the analog supply.Because triple power supply designs (recommended in some codec vendors’ documentation) tend to treat other vendors’ parts as a short (either through the part’s power pins or substrate), these designs produce vendor/codec specific systems.Note: If you want to design a system that can use any AD1845 compatible codec, do not use a triple power supply design.Table II.AD1845 vs. CS4231 Codec Dual Power Supply PinoutCodec Power Supply Line AD1845 PinoutCS4231 PinoutDigital +5 V1, 7, 15, 19, 45, 541, 7, 15, 1945 and 54–NC)Digital Ground 2, 8, 16, 20, 25, 44,2, 8, 16, 20, 53,53, 6464 (25 and 44–NC)Analog +5 V 35, 3635, 36Analog Ground 34, 3734, 37Table III.AD1845 vs. CS4231 Codec TriplePower Supply PinoutCodec Power AD1845CS4231 Supply Line*Pinout Pinout External Digital1, 7, 19, 541, 7(ISA Bus Driver) +5 V External Digital2, 8, 20, 53,2, 8(ISA Bus Driver) Ground 64Internal Digital +5 V 15, 4515, 19Internal Digital Ground 16, 25, 4416, 20, 53, 64Analog +5 V 35, 3635, 36Analog Ground34, 3734, 37*NOTE: Division of digital power among internal/external digital power pins on Analog Devices codecs is subject to change without notice. Do NOT base power distribution designs on the information in Table III.Layout DesignWhen laying out a PCB for mixed signal devices, like codecs, be aware that a small set of layout geometry issues have a profound effect on component perfor-mance. This section examines the following mixed signal PCB layout issues.•Effects of “long-etch” impedance (impedance associ-ated with trace between chip pin and capacitor) on the performance of bypass capacitors, V REF capaci-tors, and antialiasing circuits.•Effects of ground and supply plane geometry on per-formance of mixed signal components.This section concludes with the following guidelines for AD1845 codec PCB design.• A recommended ground and supply plane geometry.• A priority list for close placement of external components.• A summary of recommendations for mixed signal PCB layout.Effects of “Long-Etch” ImpedanceBypass capacitors on your PCB are suppose to reduce noise by acting as shorts for noise generated by digital components and the digital side of mixed signal compo-nents. For example, a codec generates noise as it oper-ates when its internal digital circuitry turns currents on and off. These current changes show up on the power and ground pins for the associated section of the codec. For each change in power pin current, there is a change in ground pin current. A bypass capacitor placed in close proximity to the part couples stray power currents back into the codec through the nearest ground pin. Without bypass capacitors, these stray currents move over nearby power/ground planes and increase the noise of the PCB.Close placement of bypass and filter capacitors to the codec is crucial for a low noise PCB. The need for close placement of these external components stems from the effects of long etch length between capacitors and codec pins. At the operating frequency of the codec, lengths of etch act as small inductors; the longer the etch—the greater the inductance. Figure 7 shows a representation of a bypassing circuit between a codec power pin and ground as a capacitor in series with an inductor. Note that the value of the inductor in Figure 7 is directly related to the etch length between the capacitor and the power pin.Figure 7.“Long-Etch” Inductance Effect ModelA bypassing circuit is supposed to be a low impedance point for high frequency currents. Because the imped-ance of the bypassing circuit is dependent on the dis-tance between the capacitor and the power pin, the “long-etch” inductance effect can force stray high fre-quency currents on the power pin into the part when the part become the path of least resistance to the ground plane. At typical codec operating frequencies for example, a “bypass” capacitor connected to a power pin with a 20 mm (0.5 in) trace is actually a 3.55 MHz band-pass filter.To avoid “long-etch” effects, use the shortest pos-sible traces for bypass and filter capacitors. Also note that using 3 to 5 mm wide etches for capacitor con-nections reduces inductance effects as well (highly recommended).The AD1845 is available in PLCC or TQFP packages. The small physical dimensions of these packages can make it challenging to place all the required capacitors close to the part. Because some pins have a much greater effect on performance than others, use the information in Table IV to prioritize component placement. Pins with an “A” priority in Table IV should be connected to their as-sociated capacitors with the shortest traces possible. Figure 8 also shows the distribution of codec bypass and filter capacitor locations and placement priorities.Table IV.AD1845 Compatible Codec Capacitor Placement PrioritiesPriority of Close Proximity to Chip Pin Signal Description PLCC Package Pins Placement of Filter and Decoupling Capacitors Voltage Reference (V REF)32AVoltage Reference Filter (V REF_F)33ADigital Supply Voltage, +5 V (V DD)1, 7, 15, 19, 45, 54BChannel Filters (L_FILT and R_FILT)26, 31BAnalog Supply Voltage, +5 V (V CC)35, 36CAnalog Signal Inputs (Filter and Decouple)27, 28, 29, 30, 38,D(L_LINE, R_LINE, L_MIC, R_MIC, L_AUX1,39, 42, 43, 46R_AUX1, L_AUX2, R_AUX2, & M_IN)–6–Effects of Ground and Supply Plane GeometryFigure 8 shows an example ground plane layout for an AD1845 PLCC package. This layout separates the analog and digital ground planes with a 2 to 3 mm gap and con-nects them at one point beneath the codec with a single 3 to 4 mm wide link. The ground planes reduce board noise by “shielding” analog lines from digital interfer-ence. The link between the planes, as close to the codec as possible, prevents any potential difference due to ESD or fault currents. Without the link, these currents could flow through the codec’s substrate degrading per-formance. You should try to avoid running any digital or analog signal traces across the gap between the digital and analog planes.Figure 8.AD1845 Compatible Codec Recommended Ground Plane and Capacitor PlacementDuring PCB development, you may find it useful to pro-vide removable links between the ground planes in sev-eral PCB locations, to permit debugging and testing for ground isolation.Another way to reduce PCB noise, in addition to ground planes, is to include separate digital and analog power supply planes directly over their respective ground planes—no overlapping of supply planes. The supply and ground plane pairs should be separated by approxi-mately 1mm. This recommendation implies that you use a four layer PCB (at least) with the ground and power planes forming a high capacitive “sandwich.”This layout technique yields an extremely effective, low ESR/low ESL power distribution scheme.For a layout that helps reduce noise, locate all digital components over the digital power/ground plane sand-wich and all analog components over the analog power/ ground plane sandwich. Though this technique does not eliminate the need for bypass capacitors at the powerpins (mentioned above), the importance of power/ground planes in reducing overall PCB noise cannot beover emphasized.Digital noise coupled onto the analog portion of the chiphas three possible current return routes. The first returnpath is back through V CC and V DD where the currents arecapacitively coupled to their respective ground planes.The second possible path is through the component’ssubstrate which has an ≈10 Ω characteristic impedance.The final return path is through the external analog anddigital ground plane connection.By keeping the ground plane connection as close to thepart as possible, the ground connection becomes thepath of least resistance and minimizes the amount ofdigital current pushed into the substrate. If the groundconnection is a long distance from the part, returningcurrent tends to use the substrate connection—increasing signal noise in the part.This current path example is simplistic and is only amodel of how a PCB’s layout can help reduce noise. Formore information on how noise coupling really works,see any of the texts listed in the References section.Codec PCB Layout Strategy SummaryThis section summarizes the layout suggestions for anAD1845 compatible codec “socket.” To get the bestperformance from the codec in your system, apply thefollowing principles to your board’s layout:•Locate filter and decoupling capacitors as close as possible to their corresponding codec pins (Table IVand Figure 8 describe the specifics and priorities thisprocess entails for an AD1845/CS4231 “socket”).Close placement of capacitors to the chip pins helpsto avoid noise related to long-trace inductanceeffects.•Use a split (separate analog and digital) ground plane and matching non-overlapping +5 V supply planes.The power and ground planes should be separatedby approximately 1 mm (i.e., four layer PCB). A single3 to4 mm wide link under the codec connects theground planes (see Figure 8). Matching ground andpower planes provide a highly effective low ESR andlow ESL bypass capacitor for the system.•Locate analog and digital components only over their respective ground planes and decouple their powerpins as closely to the chip pin as possible. Route ana-log and digital signal traces only over their respectiveground planes. These steps greatly reduce noise inthe analog section.•Avoid using IC sockets for any analog components.•Enable only a single oscillator on a PC board at a time (if possible). This is not always a problem, but beaware that some system problems can occur as aresult of interference frequencies between multiplecrystal oscillators entering the codec through theanalog or digital supplies or signal/reference pins.–7–Table V.Codec System Design Cost/Performance TradeoffsCost Reduction Design Choice Resulting Performance TradeoffUse .3 µF capacitors on the external filter pins While this method eliminates an assembly difference betweenfor both the AD1845 and ing the codecs, the drawback of using .3 µF capacitors is degradedperformance of both parts. A CS4231 in such a design has reducedhigh frequency performance and an AD1845 has reduced low fre-quency performance.Eliminate external antialiasing filter circuits.While it is possible to use the AD1845 without antialiasing filters (theCS4231 does not need them), the drawback of this design choice isthat codec performance can be dramatically affected if noise iscapacitively coupled into the ADC’s inputs.Reduce the number of bypass capacitors While this method does reduces part count and cost, the placement of through having common sectional power pins of the remaining capacitors becomes more difficult, bypassinguse the same capacitor for bypassing.efficiency is reduced, and the sound card has more noise problems.•Minimize capacitive loading on digital output pins.For digital signals, driving “long” traces, you may have to terminate the trace in its characteristic imped-ance (typically 100 Ω) to prevent over/undershoot and ringing.•Be aware of the effects that inductor/transformer’s external magnetic fields may have on analog cir-cuitry. Use electrostatic and magnetically shielded components as necessary. RF decoupling chokes mounted at right angles minimize mutual inductance.Mount power transformers off the board and orient them with the most intense area of their external fields away from critical analog circuits. Use toroidal power transformers to minimize external fields.•Shield analog I/O lines by running “shield” traces be-tween them and/or running them over an analog ground plane.COST VS. PERFORMANCE DESIGNSometimes lower cost is much more important than high performance. Table V lists methods for cutting sys-tems costs and describes their corresponding perfor-mance reduction.CONCLUSIONPlacing an AD1845/CS4231 compatible codec “socket”on your PC motherboard or plug-in card design is notdifficult. For optimum performance from each part, sucha “socket”—using a PCB layout common to both parts—does entail minor assembly differences between thecodecs (see Table I and Figure 1). Using the guidelinesin the Cost Vs. Performance Design section, you candesign a compatible codec “socket” that does not re-quire any external component differences besides thecodec (with some loss in performance). For more infor-mation on application circuits for the AD1845, see theAD1845 data sheet and the reference documents listed.REFERENCESThe sources listed below contributed information to thisapplications note. They provide recommendations andtechniques for high-speed and mixed-signal design:Mixed Signal Processing Design Seminar, Analog De-vices, Inc., 1991, ISBN-0-916550-08-7.High Speed Design Seminar, Analog Devices, Inc., 1990,ISBN 0-916550-07-9.Applications Reference Manual, Analog Devices, Inc.,1993. Especially refer to collected Application Notes—Section 24—AN-214, AN-280, AN-282, AN-345, AN-346,AN-347, AN-353, AN-362.Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, 2ndEd, Henry W. Ott, Wiley Interscience, 1988.Interfacing Techniques in Digital Design With Emphasison Microprocessors, Ronald L. Krutz, John Wiley, 1988.Audio/Video Reference Manual, Analog Devices, Inc.,1992.Systems Application Guide, Analog Devices, Inc., 1993,ISBN 0-916550-13-3.High-Speed Digital Design, A Handbook of Black Magic,H. W. Johnson, M. Graham, PTR Prentice Hall, 1993.ISBN 0-13-395724-1.PRINTEDINU.S.A.E239–5–8/95–8–。