A H J /eitS/ K /ei/ /dZei/ /bi:/ /si:/ B C D E G P V /kei/ T /di:/ /i:/ /dZi:/ /pi:/ /ef/ /el/ F L M N S X Z /wi:/ /ti:/ /em/ /en/ /ai/ I Y /es/ /eks/ /wai/ Q U W /kju:/ /ze/ /ju:/ R /A:/ / O /dblju:/ EU 注意:元音开读指的是元音音标开读。 / 元音开读的 F, L, M, N, S, X, A, H, E, I, O, R 字母有:
C. read C. fish C. come C. workers
D. could
D. meat D. in D. clean D. swims
( D) 6. A. why
( C) 7. A. food
B. where
B. cool
C. what
C. book
D. who
D. moon
( A) 8. A. also
/ i
Read the red words loudly
At that moment, a dogjumped out of the box and ran to the man. It could not stop! How dangerous!
/ O
Read the red words loudly
C. Dad
( C ) 5. A. like C. luck
D. bad
B. last D. nut
Read and spell the new words /'wO walking n.散步,步行 :kiN adv.的确,确实 /'r really / i:El bowl n.碗,盆 /bE i/ UL/ /ta time n.次,回 im/ tennis n.网球 /'t enis /'vO volleyball n.排球 / vt.欣赏,喜爱 libO: /'in enjoy