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learn, study and w ork to do better n the fut ure, and strive to create a new situati on for school ducation contri bute their 军事理论课课程论文
hank you very much. ----The Constitution Party rules address t he seri es really is a qualifie d party members earlier thi
s year, all party members to t he Ce ntral "series of party rules, a nd a ddre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" lear n education is a n important de cisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secretary General chaire d a Politbur o meeting i n Februar y, were devote d to educati onal programmes and made a n important speech recently personally approve d specific programmes, many important instructi ons. On Apri l 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the municipal party Committee held e ducat ional symposi um, and related matters For specifi c de ployment, we hel d on March 4, Hong sha n distri ct party worki ng Conference al so pr opose d to carry out thi s activity. All together this for um toda y, main purpose i s to study and impleme nt in depth General Se cretary XI Ji npi ng on "two" important instructions for learni ng educati on, st udyi ng and impleme nting the Central and aut onomous region Party Committee and municipal party Committee "two" spiritual e ducation Symposi
um, arrangement s for district -wide learni ng educati on. T he following, I would like to stre ss four poi nts, mainly talk about "lear ning" and "doi ng" issue, and strive to make pe ople re ally figure out why, w hat to learn a nd how t hey learn, what to do, how to do it, eve ntually rea che d little succe ss, is al so lea ding a le sson in party lect ure. After both leaders a nd the cadre s, regardle ss of Branch Se cretary or an ordinary party member, to impleme nt certain boundaries e ducation "g ive a Party lecture" requirement, practi ce speaking, speak m uch fanfare, innovation wa y, down t o Earth, e nsuri ng educati onal success. First, you know, pay special attenti on t o education and to resolutely overcome sluggish thi nking, a nd bore dom "two" study and e ducation, possibly quite a few comrades, sayi ng "education every year, alm ost every year" fool fool, I feel t hat with thi s in mind who may be many. If carrying this i dea in mi nd, w hat does that tell , how the political consciousness i s not str ong a nd not see t he pulse
of the situati on,
no, t he "Rip van Winkl e", lost or confuse d in the end do not k now w hat's goi ng on. To realize "two a" lear ning pra ctice a ctivities a nd e ducation is the e ducation of the party's mass line, "thre e-t hree" spe cial e ducation wa s another important practice in impleme nting the requirements of strictly admini stering the party. Comrade XI Jinping poi nted out: "the depl oyment of ' doing ' educati on, i s to pr omote the i nner -party e ducation from ' criti cal few ' their expansion int o the vast number of party members, extending from the conce ntrated educati on to reg ular educati on. "After 18, Central Committee of the party must handle part y, strictly a dministeri ng the party, a nd has carrie d out the party's mass line educati on pra ctice a nd" thre e-thr ee "spe cial e ducation, but focus on the lea ding cadre s abov e the county level. T he "two" study a nd e ducation, is carried out in t he whole party and all the party members. This is impl emented stri ctly admini stering the party, a n importa nt measure to 军事理论课论文 题目:结合我国周边安全环境,浅谈加强我国国防建
设的意义及措施 课 程 名 称 军事理论教程 考 查 学 期 2014-2015学年第一学期 考 查 方 式 课程论文 姓 名 曹晨 学 号 12 专 业 实验班 任 课 教 师 徐彬
learn, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to create a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their
hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, and addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secretary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters F or specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum today, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the
Central and aut onom ous region Party Committee and muni cipa l party Committee "two" spiritual e ducati on Symposi um, arrangements for district-wide l earni ng education. T he followi ng, I w oul d like to stress four points, mai nly talk about "learni ng" and "doing" issue, a nd strive to make people re ally figure out why, w hat to learn a nd how they learn, w hat to do, how to do it, event ually reached little success, is also leadi ng a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regar dless of Bra nch Se cretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lecture" requirement, practice spe aking, speak much fanfare, i nnovation wa y, down to Eart h, ensuri ng educati onal success. First, you know pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every yea r, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with t his in mi nd w ho may be many.
If carrying this i dea in mi nd, w hat does that tell, how the political consci ousness is not strong a nd not se e the pulse of the situation, no, t he "Rip van Winkl e", lost or conf used i n the e nd do not know what's going on. To realize "two a" learning practi ce activitie s and e ducation is the e ducation of the party's mass line, "three-three" special e ducation was a nother important practice in impl ementing the requirements of strictly administeri ng the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointe d out: "the de ployme nt of ' doi ng ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expa nsion i nto the vast number of party members, extending from the conce ntrated educati on to reg ular educati on. "After 18, Ce ntral Committee of the party must ha ndl e party, strictly administering the party, a nd has carried out the party's mass li ne educati on pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educa tion, but focus on the lea ding cadres a bove t he county level. The "two" st udy and educati on, i s carrie d out i n the whole party and all the party members. This is impl emented stri ctly admini stering the party, a n importa nt measure to0
learn, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to create a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their军事理论课程论文
learn, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to create a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their
hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, and addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secretary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters F or specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum today, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the
Central and aut onom ous region Party Committee and muni cipa l party Committee "two" spiritual e ducati on Symposi um, arrangements for district-wide l earni ng education. T he followi ng, I w oul d like to stress four points, mai nly talk about "learni ng" and "doing" issue, a nd strive to make people re ally figure out why, w hat to learn a nd how they learn, w hat to do, how to do it, event ually reached little success, is also leadi ng a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regar dless of Bra nch Se cretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lecture" requirement, practice spe aking, speak much fanfare, i nnovation wa y, down to Eart h, ensuri ng educati onal success. First, you know pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every yea r, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with t his in mi nd w ho may be many.
If carrying this i dea in mi nd, w hat does that tell, how the political consci ousness is not strong a nd not se e the pulse of the situation, no, t he "Rip van Winkl e", lost or conf used i n the e nd do not know what's going on. To realize "two a" learning practi ce activitie s and e ducation is the e ducation of the party's mass line, "three-three" special e ducation was a nother important practice in impl ementing the requirements of strictly administeri ng the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointe d out: "the de ployme nt of ' doi ng ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expa nsion i nto the vast number of party members, extending from the conce ntrated educati on to reg ular educati on. "After 18, Ce ntral Committee of the party must ha ndl e party, strictly administering the party, a nd has carried out the party's mass li ne educati on pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educa tion, but focus on the lea ding cadres a bove t he county level. The "two" st udy and educati on, i s carrie d out i n the whole party and all the party members. This is impl emented stri ctly admini stering the party, a n importa nt measure to2
learn, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to create a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their军事理论课程论文
learn, study and work to do better in the fut ure, and strive to create a new sit uation for school educati on contri bute their
〔1〕全元在《高等学校军事教程》〔M〕.吉林:吉林大学出版社 2008.
hank you very much. ----T he Constit ution Party rules a ddre ss the series really i s a qua lified party members earlier this yea r, all party members to the Central "serie s of party rules, and addre ss of the party Constituti on, be qualified party members" learn e ducation i s an important decisi on. XI Jinpi ng, Secretary Ge neral chaire d a Polit buro meeti ng in Febr uary, were dev oted to e ducational programmes a nd made a n important speech rece ntly personally approved spe cific pr ogrammes, many importa nt instructions. On A pril 6, 13t h, 15t h, the Central and aut onomous regional party Committee, the muni cipal party Committee hel d educati onal sym posi um, and related matters F or specific deployment, w e hel d on March 4, Hongshan district party w orking Confere nce al so propose d to carry out thi s activity. All together t his forum today, main pur pose is to st udy a nd impleme nt in depth General Secretary XI Jinping on "two" important instr ucti ons for lear ning e ducation, studying a nd impleme nting the Central and aut onom ous region Party Committee and muni cipa l party Committee "two" spiritual e ducati on Symposi um, arrangements for district-wide l earni ng education. T he followi ng, I w oul d like to stress four points, mai nly talk about "learni ng" and "doing" issue, a nd strive to make people re ally figure out why, w hat to learn a nd how they learn, w hat to do, how to do it, event ually reached little success, is also leadi ng a lesson in party le cture. After both leaders and the cadres, regar dless of Bra nch Se cretary or a n ordi nary party membe r, to impl ement certai n boundarie s education "give a Party lecture" requirement, practice spe aking, speak much fanfare, i nnovation wa y, down to Eart h, ensuri ng educati onal success. First, you know pay spe cial attenti on to e ducation a nd t o resol utely overcome sl uggish t hinki ng, and boredom "two" study and educati on, possi bly quite a few comrades, saying "educati on every yea r, almost every year" fool fool, I feel that with t his in mi nd w ho may be many. If carrying this i dea in mi nd, w hat does that tell, how the political consci ousness is not strong a nd not se e the pulse of the situation, no, t he "Rip van Winkl e", lost or conf used i n the e nd do not know what's going on. To realize "two a" learning practi ce activitie s and e ducation is the e ducation of the party's mass line, "three-three" special e ducation was a nother important practice in impl ementing the requirements of strictly administeri ng the party. Comrade XI Jinping pointe d out: "the de ployme nt of ' doi ng ' education, is to promote the inner-party education from ' critical few ' their expa nsion i nto the vast number of party members, extending from the conce ntrated educati on to reg ular educati on. "After 18, Ce ntral Committee of the party must ha ndl e party, strictly administering the party, a nd has carried out the party's mass li ne educati on pra ctice a nd" three-thre e "spe cial educa tion, but focus on the lea ding cadres a bove t he county level. The "two" st udy and educati on, i s carrie d out i n the
whole party and all the party members. This is impl emented stri ctly admini stering the party, a n importa nt measure to4。