11 Multiple regression
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多变量回归分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)是用多个变量(即自变量)预测一个变量(即因变量)的统计分析方法,它可以反映多个自变量对因变量的影响程度。
Chapter 11 Regression with a Binary Dependent Variable1) The binary dependent variable model is an example of aA) regression model, which has as a regressor, among others, a binary variable.B) model that cannot be estimated by OLS.C) limited dependent variable model.D) model where the left-hand variable is measured in base 2.Answer: C2) (Requires Appendix material) The following are examples of limited dependent variables, with the exception ofA) binary dependent variable.B) log-log specification.C) truncated regression model.D) discrete choice model.Answer: B3) In the binary dependent variable model, a predicted value of 0.6 means thatA) the most likely value the dependent variable will take on is 60 percent.B) given the values for the explanatory variables, there is a 60 percent probability that the dependent variable will equal one.C) the model makes little sense, since the dependent variable can only be 0 or 1.D) given the values for the explanatory variables, there is a 40 percent probability that the dependent variable will equal one.Answer: B4) E(Y X1, ..., X k) = Pr(Y= 1 X1,..., X k) means thatA) for a binary variable model, the predicted value from the population regression is the probability that Y=1, given X.B) dividing Y by the X's is the same as the probability of Y being the inverse of the sum of the X's.C) the exponential of Y is the same as the probability of Y happening.D) you are pretty certain that Y takes on a value of 1 given the X's.Answer: A5) The linear probability model isA) the application of the multiple regression model with a continuous left-hand side variable and a binary variable as at least one of the regressors.B) an example of probit estimation.C) another word for logit estimation.D) the application of the linear multiple regression model to a binary dependent variable.Answer: D6) In the linear probability model, the interpretation of the slope coefficient isA) the change in odds associated with a unit change in X, holding other regressors constant.B) not all that meaningful since the dependent variable is either 0 or 1.C) the change in probability that Y=1 associated with a unit change in X, holding others regressors constant.D) the response in the dependent variable to a percentage change in the regressor.Answer: C7) The following tools from multiple regression analysis carry over in a meaningful manner to the linear probability model, with the exception of theA) F-statistic.B) significance test using the t-statistic.C) 95% confidence interval using ± 1.96 times the standard error.D) regression R2.Answer: D8) (Requires material from Section 11.3 – possibly skipped) For the measure of fit in your regression model with a binary dependent variable, you can meaningfully use theA) regression R2.B) size of the regression coefficients.C) pseudo R2.D) standard error of the regression.Answer: C9) The major flaw of the linear probability model is thatA) the actuals can only be 0 and 1, but the predicted are almost always different from that.B) the regression R2 cannot be used as a measure of fit.C) people do not always make clear-cut decisions.D) the predicted values can lie above 1 and below 0.Answer: D10) The probit modelA) is the same as the logit model.B) always gives the same fit for the predicted values as the linear probability model for values between0.1 and 0.9.C) forces the predicted values to lie between 0 and 1.D) should not be used since it is too complicated.Answer: C11) The logit model derives its name fromA) the logarithmic model.B) the probit model.C) the logistic function.D) the tobit model.Answer: C12) In the probit model Pr(Y= 1=Φ(β0+β1X), ΦA) is not defined for Φ(0).B) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.C) is set to 1.96.D) can be computed from the standard normal density function.Answer: B13) In the expression Pr(Y= 1=Φ(β0+β1X),A) (β0+β1X) plays the role of z in the cumulative standard normal distribution function.B) β1 cannot be negative since probabilities have to lie between 0 and 1.C) β0 cannot be negative since probabilities have to lie between 0 and 1.D) min (β0+β1X)> 0 since probabilities have to lie between 0 and 1.Answer: A14) In the probit model Pr(Y= 1X1, X2,..., X k) =Φ(β0+β1X1+βx X2+ ... +βk X k),A) the β's do not have a simple interpretation.B) the slopes tell you the effect of a unit increase in X on the probability of Y.C) β0 cannot be negative since probabilities have to lie between 0 and 1.D) β0 is the probability of observing Y when all X's are 0Answer: A15) In the expression Pr(deny= 1 P/I Ratio, black) =Φ(–2.26 + 2.74P/I ratio+ 0.71black), the effect ofincreasing the P/I ratio from 0.3 to 0.4 for a white personA) is 0.274 percentage points.B) is 6.1 percentage points.C) should not be interpreted without knowledge of the regression R2.D) is 2.74 percentage points.Answer: B16) The maximum likelihood estimation method produces, in general, all of the following desirable properties with the exception ofA) efficiency.B) consistency.C) normally distributed estimators in large samples.D) unbiasedness in small samples.Answer: D17) The logit model can be estimated and yields consistent estimates if you are usingA) OLS estimation.B) maximum likelihood estimation.C) differences in means between those individuals with a dependent variable equal to one and those with a dependent variable equal to zero.D) the linear probability model.Answer: B18) When having a choice of which estimator to use with a binary dependent variable, useA) probit or logit depending on which method is easiest to use in the software package at hand.B) probit for extreme values of X and the linear probability model for values in between.C) OLS (linear probability model) since it is easier to interpret.D) the estimation method which results in estimates closest to your prior expectations.Answer: A19) Nonlinear least squaresA) solves the minimization of the sum of squared predictive mistakes through sophisticated mathematical routines, essentially by trial and error methods.B) should always be used when you have nonlinear equations.C) gives you the same results as maximum likelihood estimation.D) is another name for sophisticated least squares.Answer: A20) (Requires Advanced material) Only one of the following models can be estimated by OLS:A) Y=AKαLβ+u.B) Pr(Y= 1 X) =Φ(β0+β1X)C) Pr(Y= 1 X) =F(β0+β1X) =.D) Y=AKα Lβu.Answer: D21) (Requires Advanced material) Nonlinear least squares estimators in general are notA) consistent.B) normally distributed in large samples.C) efficient.D) used in econometrics.Answer: C22) (Requires Advanced material) Maximum likelihood estimation yields the values of the coefficients thatA) minimize the sum of squared prediction errors.B) maximize the likelihood function.C) come from a probability distribution and hence have to be positive.D) are typically larger than those from OLS estimation.Answer: B23) To measure the fit of the probit model, you should:A) use the regression R2.B) plot the predicted values and see how closely they match the actuals.C) use the log of the likelihood function and compare it to the value of the likelihood function.D) use the fraction correctly predicted or the pseudo R2.Answer: D24) When estimating probit and logit models,A) the t-statistic should still be used for testing a single restriction.B) you cannot have binary variables as explanatory variables as well.C) F-statistics should not be used, since the models are nonlinear.D) it is no longer true that the 2<R2.Answer: A25) The following problems could be analyzed using probit and logit estimation with the exception of whether or notA) a college student decides to study abroad for one semester.B) being a female has an effect on earnings.C) a college student will attend a certain college after being accepted.D) applicants will default on a loan.Answer: B26) In the probit regression, the coefficient β1 indicatesA) the change in the probability of Y= 1 given a unit change in XB) the change in the probability of Y= 1 given a percent change in XC) the change in the z- value associated with a unit change in XD) none of the aboveAnswer: C27) Your textbook plots the estimated regression function produced by the probit regression of deny onP/I ratio. The estimated probit regression function has a stretched "S" shape given that the coefficient on the P/I ratio is positive. Consider a probit regression function with a negative coefficient. The shape wouldA) resemble an inverted "S" shape (for low values of X, the predicted probability of Y would approach1)B) not exist since probabilities cannot be negativeC) remain the "S" shape as with a positive slope coefficientD) would have to be estimated with a logit functionAnswer: A28) Probit coefficients are typically estimated usingA) the OLS methodB) the method of maximum likelihoodC) non-linear least squares (NLLS)D) by transforming the estimates from the linear probability modelAnswer: B29) F-statistics computed using maximum likelihood estimatorsA) cannot be used to test joint hypothesisB) are not meaningful since the entire regression R2 concept is hard to apply in this situationC) do not follow the standard F distributionD) can be used to test joint hypothesisAnswer: D30) When testing joint hypothesis, you can useA) the F- statisticB) the chi-squared statisticC) either the F-statistic or the chi-square statisticD) none of the aboveAnswer: C。
多元线性回归与多项式回归第九章 多元线性回归与多项式回归直线回归研究的是一个依变量与一个自变量之间的回归问题,但是,在畜禽、水产科学领域的许多实际问题中,影响依变量的自变量往往不止一个,而是多个,比如绵羊的产毛量这一变量同时受到绵羊体重、胸围、体长等多个变量的影响,因此需要进行一个依变量与多个自变量间的回归分析,即多元回归分析(multiple regression analysis ),而其中最为简单、常用并且具有基础性质的是多元线性回归分析(multiple linear regression analysis ),许多非线性回归(non-linear regression )和多项式回归(polynomial regression )都可以化为多元线性回归来解决,因而多元线性回归分析有着广泛的应用。
aaa第一节 多元线性回归分析多元线性回归分析的基本任务包括:根据依变量与多个自变量的实际观测值建立依变量对多个自变量的多元线性回归方程;检验、分析各个自变量对依自变量的综合线性影响的显著性;检验、分析各个自变量对依变量的单纯线性影响的显著性,选择仅对依变量有显著线性影响的自变量,建立最优多元线性回归方程;评定各个自变量对依变量影响的相对重要性以及测定最优多元线性回归方程的偏离度等。
一、 多元线性回归方程的建立(一)多元线性回归的数学模型 设依变量y 与自变量1x 、2x 、…、m x 共有n 组实际观测数据:假定依变量y 与自变量x 1、x 2、…、x m 间存在线性关系,其数学模型为:j mj m j j j x x x y εββββ+++++=...22110 (9-1)(j =1,2,…,n )式中,x 1、x 2、…、x m 为可以观测的一般变量(或为可以观测的随机变量);y 为可以观测的随机变量,随x 1、x 2、…、x m 而变,受试验误差影响;j ε为相互独立且都服从),0(2σN 的随机变量。
多元线性回归有两种形式:一种是多元普通最小二乘法(Ordinary Least Squares,OLS),另一种是多元最小平方根法(Root Mean Square)。
多元回归模型简介多元回归模型(Multiple Regression Model)是一种用于分析多个自变量与一个因变量之间关系的统计模型。
多元回归模型的方程多元回归模型可表示为以下方程:Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + … + βk*Xk + ε其中,Y表示因变量,X1、X2、…、Xk表示自变量,β0、β1、β2、…、βk表示回归系数,ε为误差项。
多元回归模型的拟合和评估拟合多元回归模型的常用方法是最小二乘法(Ordinary Least Squares,OLS)。
第十一章 多元线性回归与logistic 回归一、教学大纲要求(一)掌握内容1.多元线性回归分析的概念:多元线性回归、偏回归系数、残差。
3.多元线性回归分析中的假设检验:建立假设、计算检验统计量、确定P 值下结论。
4.logistic 回归模型结构:模型结构、发病概率比数、比数比。
5.logistic 回归参数估计方法。
6.logistic 回归筛选自变量:似然比检验统计量的计算公式;筛选自变量的方法。
(二)熟悉内容 常用统计软件(SPSS 及SAS )多元线性回归分析方法:数据准备、操作步骤与结果输出。
(三)了解内容 标准化偏回归系数的解释意义。
二、教学内容精要(一) 多元线性回归分析的概念将直线回归分析方法加以推广,用回归方程定量地刻画一个应变量Y 与多个自变量X 间的线形依存关系,称为多元线形回归(multiple linear regression ),简称多元回归(multiple regression )基本形式:01122ˆk kY b b X b X b X =+++⋅⋅⋅+ 式中Y ˆ为各自变量取某定值条件下应变量均数的估计值,1X ,2X ,…,k X 为自变量,k 为自变量个数,0b 为回归方程常数项,也称为截距,其意义同直线回归,1b ,2b ,…, k b 称为偏回归系数(partial regression coefficient ),j b 表示在除j X 以外的自变量固定条件下,j X 每改变一个单位后Y 的平均改变量。
(二) 多元线性回归的分析步骤Y ˆ是与一组自变量1X ,2X ,…,kX 相对应的变量Y 的平均估计值。
多元回归方程中的回归系数1b ,2b ,…, k b 可用最小二乘法求得,也就是求出能使估计值Yˆ和实际观察值Y 的残差平方和22)ˆ(∑∑-=Y Y e i 为最小值的一组回归系数1b ,2b ,…, k b 值。
多元逐步回归模型(multiple regression stepwise model)是一种有效地建立多元线性回归模型的方法,它采用逐步搜索的方法来选择有效的解释变量,以构建最优的多元线性回归模型。
多元线性回归(multiple linear regression)Multiple linear regression in data miningContent:Review of 2.1 linear regression2.2 cases of regression processSubset selection in 2.3 linear regressionPerhaps the most popular and predictive mathematical model is the multivariate linear regression model. You're already in the data, modelIn the course of decision making, we studied the multiple linear regression model. In this statement, we will build on the basis of these knowledgeThe test applies multiple linear regression model in data mining. Multiple linear regression models are used for numerical data mining situationsIn. For example, demographic and historical behavior models are used to predict customer use of credit cards, based on usage and their environmentTo forecast the equipment failure time, often in the past through the travel vacation travel expenses forecast record, at the inquiry officeWindow through the history, product sales, information and other staff forecast the needs of workers, through historical information to predict cross sales of product salesAnd to predict the impact of discounts on sales in retail.In this note, we review the process of multiple linear regression. Here we stress the need to divide data into two categories: TrainingThe data set and the validation data set make it possible to validate multiple linear regression models and require a loose assumption: error obeysNormal distribution. After these reviews, we introduce methods for determining subsets of independent variables to improve prediction.An overview of 2.1 linear regressionIn this discussion, we briefly review the multivariate linear models encountered in the course of data, models, and decision making. AA continuous random variable is called a dependent variable, Y, and some independent variables,. Our purpose is to use independent variablesA linear equation that predicts the value of a dependent variable (also known as a response variable). The modulus that is known as the independent variable for the prediction purposeType is:Pxxx, (21)Epsilon, beta, beta, beta, +++++=ppxxxY,... 22110 (1)Wherein, epsilon is a "noise" variable, which is a normal distribution with a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of delta (we don't know its value)Random variable. We don't know the values of these coefficients, P, beta, beta,..., 10. We estimate all of these from the data obtained(p+2) the value of an unknown parameter.These data include the N line observation points, also known as instances, which are represented as instances;. throughThese estimates of the beta coefficients are calculated by minimizing the variance and minimum of the values between the predicted and observed data. Variance sumIs expressed as follows:Ipiiixxxy,...,, 21ni,..., 2,1=Sigma =....Nippiiixxxy1222110) (beta, beta, beta)Let us represent the value of the coefficients by making the upper type minimized. These are our estimates of the unknown values,''2'1'0,...,, P, beta, beta, betaThe estimator is also referred to in the literature as OLS (ordinary least squares). Once we have calculated these estimates,We can use the following formula to compute unbiased estimates:^ ^1^0, -, P, beta, beta 2, Delta 2^, DeltaObservation point factorResiduals and = =...= = SigmaNiippiiixxxypn12221102^()...11, beta, beta, beta DeltaThe values we insert in the linear regression model (1) are based on the values of the known independent variablesPredict the value of dependent variable. The predictor variables are calculated according to the following formula:^ ^1^0,..., P, beta, beta, pxxx,..., 21^YPpxxxY^2^21^1^0^Beta beta beta beta ++++=...In the sense that they are unbiased estimates (the mean is true) and that there is a minimum variance compared with other biased estimates,The predictions based on this formula are the best possiblepredictive values if we make the following assumptions:1. Linear hypothesis: the expected value of dependent variable is a linear equation about the independent variablePppxxxxxxYE beta beta beta beta ++++=...), | (2211021,...2, independence hypothesis: random noise variable I epsilonIndependent in all lines. Here I epsilonThe noise is observed at the first I observation pointMachine variable, i=1,2,... N;3. Unbiased hypothesis: noise stochastic variable I epsilonThe expected value is 0, that is, for i=1,2,... N has 0) (=iE epsilon);4, the same variance hypothesis: for i=1,2,... And n's I epsilonThe standard deviation has the same value as delta;5. Normality hypothesis: noise stochastic variable I epsilonNormal distribution.There is an important and interesting fact for our purpose, that is, even if we give up the hypothesis of normalitySet 5) and allow noise variables to obey arbitrary distributions, and these estimates are still well predicted. We can watch BenQThe prediction of these estimators is the best linear predictor due to their minimum expected variance. In other words, in all linear modelsAnd, as defined in equation (1), the model uses a least squares estimator,^ ^1^0, -, P, beta, betaWe will give the minimum of the mean square. And describe the idea in detail in the next section.Normal distribution assumptions are used to derive confidence intervals for predictions. In data mining applications, we have two different data sets:The training data set and the validation data set, these two data sets contain typical relationships between independent variables and dependent variables. Training dataSets are used to estimate regression coefficients. Validation data sets are used to form retention samples without calculating regression coefficientsEstimated value. This allows us to estimate the errors in our predictions without assuming that the noise variables are normally distributedPoor. We use training data to fit the model and estimate the coefficients. These estimated coefficients are used for all validation data setsExamples make predictions. Compare the actual dependent variable values for each example's prediction and validation data sets. The mean square difference allows usCompare the different models and estimate the accuracy of the model in forecasting.^ ^1^0, -, P, beta, beta2.2 cases of regression processWe use examples from Chaterjee, Hadi, and Price to evaluate the performance of managers in big financial institutionsThe process of multivariate linear regression is shown.The data shown in Table 2.1 are derived from a survey of office staff at a department of a major financial institutionSub. Dependent variable is a measure of the efficiency of a department leading by the agency's managers. All dependent variables and independent variables are25 employees are graded from 1 to 5 in different aspects of the management's work. As a result, for each variableThe minimum is 25 and the maximum is 125. These ratings are a survey of 25 employees in each department and 30 employees in each departmentAnswer。
多元回归分析结果解读一、多元回归分析简介用回归方程定量地刻画一个应变量与多个自变量间的线性依存关系,称为多元回归分析(multiple linear regression),简称多元回归(multiple regression)。
1. 回归分析(Regression Analysis):回归分析是计量经济学中最常用的一种定量方法,用于研究因变量与一个或多个自变量之间的关系。
2. 多元回归(Multiple Regression):多元回归是回归分析的一种扩展形式,用于研究因变量与多个自变量之间的关系。
3. 面板数据(Panel Data):面板数据是指在一段时间内对多个个体或单位进行多次观测的数据。
4. 差分法(Difference-in-Differences):差分法是一种处理定量数据的方法,用于评估某个政策或干预对于因变量的影响。
5. 处理选择偏误(Selection Bias):处理选择偏误是指由于个体自愿参与某个处理或实验,导致样本不代表总体的情况。
6. 仪器变量(Instrumental Variables):仪器变量是一种用于解决内生性问题的方法。
7. 广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments,GMM):广义矩估计是一种估计模型参数的方法,它基于矩条件的经济模型,通过最大化矩条件以估计未知参数。
8. 时间序列分析(Time Series Analysis):时间序列分析是研究一系列时间上连续排列的观测值的经济统计方法。
1. 形容词,表示多个、多种、多次或多方面的。
例如:multiple choices (多项选择)、multiple locations (多个地点)、multiple meanings (多重含义)、multiple times (多次)、multiple factors (多种因素)。
2. 名词,表示多项选择题。
例如:I have to answer multiple in this exam (我必须在这个考试中回答多项选择题)。
3. 副词,表示多次、重复地进行某种行动。
例如:She checked her phone multiple times (她多次查看她的手机)。
4. 动词(to multiply),表示乘、繁殖等意义。
1. multiple answers: 多个答案
2. multiple effects: 多种效应
3. multiple meanings: 多重含义
4. multiple sclerosis: 多发性硬化症
5. multiple choice: 多项选择
6. multiple regression: 多元回归
7. multiple personality disorder: 多重人格障碍
8. multiple intelligences: 多元智能
9. multiple exposure: 多重曝光
10. multiple myeloma: 多发性骨髓瘤。
第十一章 多元线性回归与logistic 回归一、教学大纲要求(一)掌握内容1.多元线性回归分析的概念:多元线性回归、偏回归系数、残差。
3.多元线性回归分析中的假设检验:建立假设、计算检验统计量、确定P 值下结论。
4.logistic 回归模型结构:模型结构、发病概率比数、比数比。
5.logistic 回归参数估计方法。
6.logistic 回归筛选自变量:似然比检验统计量的计算公式;筛选自变量的方法。
(二)熟悉内容 常用统计软件(SPSS 及SAS )多元线性回归分析方法:数据准备、操作步骤与结果输出。
(三)了解内容 标准化偏回归系数的解释意义。
二、教学内容精要(一) 多元线性回归分析的概念将直线回归分析方法加以推广,用回归方程定量地刻画一个应变量Y 与多个自变量X 间的线形依存关系,称为多元线形回归(multiple linear regression ),简称多元回归(multiple regression )基本形式:01122ˆk kY b b X b X b X =+++⋅⋅⋅+ 式中Y ˆ为各自变量取某定值条件下应变量均数的估计值,1X ,2X ,…,k X 为自变量,k 为自变量个数,0b 为回归方程常数项,也称为截距,其意义同直线回归,1b ,2b ,…, k b 称为偏回归系数(partial regression coefficient ),j b 表示在除j X 以外的自变量固定条件下,j X 每改变一个单位后Y 的平均改变量。
(二) 多元线性回归的分析步骤Y ˆ是与一组自变量1X ,2X ,…,kX 相对应的变量Y 的平均估计值。
多元回归方程中的回归系数1b ,2b ,…, k b 可用最小二乘法求得,也就是求出能使估计值Yˆ和实际观察值Y 的残差平方和22)ˆ(∑∑-=Y Y e i 为最小值的一组回归系数1b ,2b ,…, k b 值。
多元线性回归方法及其应用实例多元线性回归方法(Multiple Linear Regression)是一种广泛应用于统计学和机器学习领域的回归分析方法,用于研究自变量与因变量之间的关系。
多元回归模型(multiple regression model):包含多个自变量的回归模型,用于分析一个因变量与多个自变量之间的关系。
因变量(dependent variable):也称为依变量或结果变量,它随着自变量的变化而变化。
自变量(independent variable):在一项研究中被假定作为原因的变量,能够预测其他变量的值,并且在数值或属性上可以改变。
随机变量(random variable):即随机事件的数量表现。
连续变量(continuous variable):在一定区间内可以任意取值的变量,其数值是连续不断的,相邻两个数值可作无限分割,即可取无限个数值,比如身高、体重等。
名义变量(nominal variable):本身的编码不包含任何具有实际意义的数量关系,变量值之间不存在大小、加减或乘除的运算关系。
随机变量(random variable):即随机事件的数量表现。
偏效应(partial effect):在控制其他变量的情况下,或者说在其他条件相同的情况下,各自变量X对因变量Y的净效应(net effect)或独特效应(unique effect)。
MR分析规则与方法MR(Multiple Regression)分析是一种统计方法,用于研究一个或多个自变量对一个因变量的影响程度。
显著性检验是用于检验回归系数是否显著不等于零,常用的方法有T 检验和F检验。
一、多变量mvmr介绍多变量mvmr(Multivariate Multiple Regression)是一种统计分析方法,用于研究多个自变量对一个或多个因变量的影响。
三、多变量mvmr的优势1. 考虑多个变量之间的复杂关系:多变量mvmr可以同时考虑多个自变量之间的相互影响,以及它们与多个因变量之间的关系,更全面地分析变量之间的复杂关联。
2. 提高统计效率:相比于分别进行多次回归分析,多变量mvmr可以通过一次分析得出多个自变量对多个因变量的影响,提高了统计效率。
3. 控制混淆变量:通过多变量mvmr分析,研究者可以更好地控制混淆变量的影响,减少了分析结果的偏差。
以下是在R语言中实现多变量mvmr分析的基本步骤:1. 准备数据:需要准备一个包含自变量和因变量的数据集,确保变量之间的数据类型和数据格式正确。
2. 加载R包:在R语言中,需要先加载相应的包,例如使用“library(car)”或“install.packages("car")”来载入“car”包。
多元线性回归模型(Multiple Linear Regression, MLR)和逻辑回
归模型(Logistic Regression, LR)是两种有效的回归模型,它们在广
MLR用均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error)或者R平方(R-square)来描述模型的质量,而LR用提升比率(Lift)或准确率(Accuracy)
11Multiple regressionThis chapter discusses the case of regression analysis with multiple pre-dictors.There is not really much new here since model specification and output do not differ a lot from what has been described for regression analysis and analysis of variance.The news is mainly the model search aspect,namely among a set of potential descriptive variables to look for a subset that describes the response sufficiently well.The basic model for multiple regression analysis isy=β0+β1x1+···+βk x k+where x1,...x k are explanatory variables(also called predictors)and the parametersβ1,...,βk can be estimated using the method of least squares (see Section6.1).A closed-form expression for the estimates can be derived using matrix calculus,but we do not go into the details of that here. 11.1Plotting multivariate dataAs an example in this chapter,we use a study concerning lung function in patients with cysticfibrosis in Altman(1991,p.338).The data are in the cystfibr data frame in the ISwR package.P.Dalgaard,Introductory Statistics with R,DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-79054-1_11,©Springer Science+Business Media,LLC200818611.Multiple regression age0.00.6205020401002006012020010200.00.6sexheight1101502050weightbmp 6580952040fev1rv 150300450100200frctlc8011010206012020011015065809515030045080110pemaxFigure 11.1.Pairwise plots for cystic fibrosis data.You can obtain pairwise scatterplots between all the variables in the data set.This is done using the function pairs .To get Figure 11.1,you simply write>par(mex=0.5)>pairs(cystfibr,gap=0,bels=0.9)The arguments gap and bels control the visual appearance by removing the space between subplots and decreasing the font size.The mex graphics parameter reduces the interline distance in the margins.A similar plot is obtained by simply saying plot(cystfibr)since the plot function is generic and behaves differently depending on the class of its arguments (see Section 2.3.2).Here the argument is a data frame and a pairs plot is a fairly reasonable thing to get when asking for a plot of an11.2Model specification and output187 entire data frame(although you might equally reasonably have expected a histogram or a barchart of each variable instead).The individual plots do get rather small,probably not suitable for di-rect publication,but such plots are quite an effective way of obtaining an overview of multidimensional issues.For example,the close relations among age,height,and weight appear clearly on the plot.In order to be able to refer directly to the variables in cystfibr,we add it to the search path(a harmless warning about masking of tlc ensues at this point):>attach(cystfibr)Because this data set contains common variable names such as age, height,and weight,it is a good idea to ensure that you do not have identically named variables in the workspace at this point.In particular, such names were used in the introductory session.11.2Model specification and outputSpecification of a multiple regression analysis is done by setting up a model formula with+between the explanatory variables:lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+frc+tlc)which is meant to be read as“pemax is described using a model that is additive in age,sex,and so forth.”(pemax is the maximal expira-tory pressure.See Appendix B for a description of the other variables in cystfibr.)As usual,there is not much output from lm itself,but with the aid of summary you can obtain some more interesting output:>summary(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+frc+tlc))Call:lm(formula=pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+ rv+frc+tlc)Residuals:Min1Q Median3Q Max-37.338-11.532 1.08113.38633.405Coefficients:Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)176.0582225.89120.7790.44818811.Multiple regressionage-2.5420 4.8017-0.5290.604sex-3.736815.4598-0.2420.812height-0.44630.9034-0.4940.628weight 2.9928 2.0080 1.4900.157bmp-1.7449 1.1552-1.5100.152fev1 1.0807 1.0809 1.0000.333rv0.19700.1962 1.0040.331frc-0.30840.4924-0.6260.540tlc0.18860.49970.3770.711Residual standard error:25.47on15degrees of freedomMultiple R-squared:0.6373,Adjusted R-squared:0.4197F-statistic: 2.929on9and15DF,p-value:0.03195The layout should be well known by now.Notice that there is not one single significant t value,but the joint F test is nevertheless significant, so there must be an effect somewhere.The reason is that the t tests only say something about what happens if you remove one variable and leave in all the others.You cannot see whether a variable would be statistically significant in a reduced model;all you can see is that no variable must be included.Note further that there is quite a large difference between the unadjusted and the adjusted R2,which is due to the large number of variables relative to the number of degrees of freedom for the variance.Recall that the for-mer is the change in residual sum of squares relative to an empty model, whereas the latter is the similar change in residual variance:>1-25.5^2/var(pemax)[1]0.4183949The25.5comes from“residual standard error”in the summary output. The ANOVA table for a multiple regression analysis is obtained using anova and gives a rather different picture:>anova(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+frc+tlc))Analysis of Variance TableResponse:pemaxDf Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)age110098.510098.515.56610.001296**sex1955.4955.4 1.47270.243680height1155.0155.00.23890.632089weight1632.3632.30.97470.339170bmp12862.22862.2 4.41190.053010.fev111549.11549.1 2.38780.143120rv1561.9561.90.86620.366757frc1194.6194.60.29990.592007tlc192.492.40.14240.711160Residuals159731.2648.711.2Model specification and output189 ---Signif.codes:0‘***’0.001‘**’0.01‘*’0.05‘.’0.1‘’1 Note that,except for the very last line(“tlc”),there is practically no correspondence between these F tests and the t tests from summary.In particular,the effect of age is now significant.That is because these tests are successive;they correspond to(reading upward from the bottom)a stepwise removal of terms from the model untilfinally only age is left. During the process,bmp came close to the magical5%limit,but in view of the number of tests,this is hardly noteworthy.The probability that one out of eight independent tests gives a p-value of 0.053or below is actually just over35%!The tests in the ANOVA table are not completely independent,but the approximation should be good. The ANOVA table indicates that there is no significant improvement of the model once age is included.It is possible to perform a joint test for whether all the other variables can be removed by adding up the sums of squares contributions and using the sum for an F test;that is,>955.4+155.0+632.3+2862.2+1549.1+561.9+194.6+92.4[1]7002.9>7002.9/8[1]875.3625>875.36/648.7[1] 1.349407>1-pf(1.349407,8,15)[1]0.2935148This corresponds to collapsing the eight lines of the table so that it would look like this:Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F Pr(>F)age110098.510098.515.5660.00130others87002.9875.4 1.3490.29351Residual159731.2648.7(Note that this is“cheat output”,in which we have manually inserted the numbers computed above.)A procedure leading directly to the result is>m1<-lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+frc+tlc)>m2<-lm(pemax~age)>anova(m1,m2)Analysis of Variance TableModel1:pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+ frc+tlcModel2:pemax~age19011.Multiple regressionRes.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)1159731.222316734.2-8-7002.9 1.34930.2936which gives the appropriate F test with no manual computation. Notice,however,that you need to be careful to ensure that the two models are actually nested.R does not check this,although it does verify that the number of response observations is the same to safeguard against the more obvious mistakes.(When there are missing values in the descriptive variables,it’s easy for the smaller model to contain more data points.) From the ANOVA table,we can thus see that it is allowable to remove all variables except age.However,that this particular variable is left in the model is primarily due to the fact that it was mentionedfirst in the model specification,as we see below.11.3Model searchR has the step()function for performing model searches by the Akaike information criterion.Since that is well beyond the scope of this book,we use simple manual variants of backwards elimination.In the following,we go through a practical model reduction for the exam-ple data.Notice that the output has been slightly edited to take up less space.>summary(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+frc+tlc))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)176.0582225.89120.7790.448age-2.5420 4.8017-0.5290.604sex-3.736815.4598-0.2420.812height-0.44630.9034-0.4940.628weight 2.9928 2.0080 1.4900.157bmp-1.7449 1.1552-1.5100.152fev1 1.0807 1.0809 1.0000.333rv0.19700.1962 1.0040.331frc-0.30840.4924-0.6260.540tlc0.18860.49970.3770.711...One advantage of doing model reductions by hand is that you may im-pose some logical structure on the process.In the present case,it may,for instance,be natural to try to remove other lung function indicatorsfirst. >summary(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv+frc))11.3Model search191 ...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)221.8055185.4350 1.1960.2491age-3.1346 4.4144-0.7100.4879sex-4.693314.8363-0.3160.7558height-0.54280.8428-0.6440.5286weight 3.3157 1.7672 1.8760.0790.bmp-1.9403 1.0047-1.9310.0714.fev1 1.0183 1.03920.9800.3417rv0.18570.18870.9840.3396frc-0.26050.4628-0.5630.5813...>summary(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1+rv))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)166.71822154.31294 1.0800.2951age-1.81783 3.66773-0.4960.6265sex0.1023911.899900.0090.9932height-0.409810.79257-0.5170.6118weight 2.87386 1.55120 1.8530.0814.bmp-1.949710.98415-1.9810.0640.fev1 1.415260.74788 1.8920.0756.rv0.095670.097980.9760.3425...>summary(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp+fev1))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)260.6313120.5215 2.1630.0443*age-2.9062 3.4898-0.8330.4159sex-1.211511.8083-0.1030.9194height-0.60670.7655-0.7930.4384weight 3.3463 1.4719 2.2730.0355*bmp-2.30420.9136-2.5220.0213*fev1 1.02740.6329 1.6230.1219...>summary(lm(pemax~age+sex+height+weight+bmp))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)280.4482124.9556 2.2440.0369*age-3.0750 3.6352-0.8460.4081sex-11.528110.3720-1.1110.2802height-0.68530.7962-0.8610.4001weight 3.5546 1.5281 2.3260.0312*bmp-1.96130.9263-2.1170.0476*...As is seen,there was no obstacle to removing the four lung function variables.Next we try to reduce among the variables that describe the patient’s state of physical development or size.Initially,we avoid remov-ing weight and bmp since they appear to be close to the5%significance limit.19211.Multiple regression>summary(lm(pemax~age+height+weight+bmp))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)274.5307125.5745 2.1860.0409*age-3.0832 3.6566-0.8430.4091height-0.69850.8008-0.8720.3934weight 3.6338 1.5354 2.3670.0282*bmp-1.96210.9317-2.1060.0480*...>summary(lm(pemax~height+weight+bmp))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)245.3936119.8927 2.0470.0534.height-0.82640.7808-1.0580.3019weight 2.7717 1.1377 2.4360.0238*bmp-1.48760.7375-2.0170.0566....>summary(lm(pemax~weight+bmp))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)124.829737.4786 3.3310.003033**weight 1.64030.3900 4.2060.000365***bmp-1.00540.5814-1.7290.097797....>summary(lm(pemax~weight))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)63.545612.7016 5.003 4.63e-05***weight 1.18670.3009 3.9440.000646***...Notice that,once age and height were removed,bmp was no longer sig-nificant.In the original reference(Altman,1991),weight,fev1,and bmp all ended up with p-values below5%.However,far from all elimination procedures lead to that result.It is also a good idea to pay close attention to the age,weight,and height variables,which are heavily correlated since we are dealing with children and adolescents.>summary(lm(pemax~age+weight+height))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)64.6555582.409350.7850.441age 1.56755 3.143630.4990.623weight0.869490.85922 1.0120.323height-0.076080.80278-0.0950.925...>summary(lm(pemax~age+height))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)17.860068.24930.2620.79611.4Exercises193age 2.7178 2.93250.9270.364height 0.33970.69000.4920.627...>summary(lm(pemax~age))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)50.40816.657 3.0260.00601**age 4.055 1.088 3.7260.00111**...>summary(lm(pemax~height))...Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept)-33.275740.0445-0.8310.41453height 0.93190.2596 3.5900.00155**...As it turns out,there is really no reason to prefer one of the three variables over the two others.The fact that an elimination method ends up with a model containing only weight is essentially a coincidence.You can easily be misled by model search procedures that end up with one highly sig-nificant variable —it is far from certain that the same variable would be chosen if you were to repeat the analysis on a new,similar data set.What you may reasonably conclude is that there is probably a connection with the patient’s physical development or size,which may be described in terms of age,height,or weight.Which description to use is arbitrary.If you want to choose one over the others,a decision cannot be based on the data,although possibly on theoretical considerations and/or results from previous investigations.11.4Exercises11.1The secher data are best analyzed after log-transforming birth weight as well as the abdominal and biparietal diameters.Fit a prediction equation for birth weight.How much is gained by using both diameters in a prediction equation?The sum of the two regression coefficients is almost exactly 3—can this be given a nice interpretation?11.2The tlc data set contains a variable also called tlc .This is not in general a good idea;explain why.Describe tlc using the other variables in the data set and discuss the validity of the model.11.3The analyses of cystfibr involve sex ,which is a binary variable.How would you interpret the results for this variable?11.4Consider the juul2data set and select the group of those over 25years old.Perform a regression analysis of √igf1on age ,and extend19411.Multiple regressionthe model by including height and weight.Generate the analysis of variance table for the extended model.What is the surprise,and why does it happen?11.5Analyze and interpret the effect of explanatory variables on the milk intake in the kfm data set using a multiple regression model.Notice that sex is a factor here;what does that imply for the analyses?。