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2016 年福建省普通高校专升本招生考试人体解剖学、生理学试卷考生答题注意事项:1、本试卷考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上的相应代码涂黑。
非选择题用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上书写作答,在试卷上作答无效。
第一部分选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共 40 小题,其中 1~ 20 小题为人体解剖学题,21~40 小题为生理学题。
每小题2 分,共 80 分。
未涂、错涂或多涂均无分)1.下列属于计数肋的重要标志是A.肋弓B.肩峰C.颈静脉切迹D.肩胛骨下角2.椎间盘突出症最多见的部位是A.颈部B.胸部C.腰部D.骶部3.下列属于胃的分部是A.胃小弯B.胃大弯C.角切迹D.幽门部4.下列关于麦氏点的描述,正确的是A.麦氏点是阑尾根部的体表投影B.麦氏点是胆囊底的体表投影C.麦氏点是盲肠的体表投影D.麦氏点是回盲瓣的体表投影5.下列关于胰的描述,正确的是A.胰分胰头、胰体两部分B.胰位于第1~2 腰椎体水平C.胰是人体最大的消化腺D.胰管开口于十二指肠小乳头6.开口于蝶筛隐窝的鼻旁窦是A.蝶窦B.筛窦C.额窦D.上颌窦7.对保持呼吸道通畅具有重要意义的喉软骨是A.甲状软骨B.会厌软骨C.环状软骨D.杓状软骨8.临床上肺尖的听诊部位在A.高出锁骨外侧1/3 上方2~3cm B.高出锁骨内侧1/3 上方2~3cmC.低于锁骨外侧1/3 下方2~3cm D.低于锁骨内侧1/3 下方2~3cm9.男性膀胱下方邻接的器官是A.前列腺B.直肠C.精囊D.盲肠10.包绕肾乳头的结构是A.肾小盏B.肾大盏C.肾盂D.输尿管11.下列不属于女性尿道特点的是A.宽B.直C.短D.长12.临床上前尿道是指男性尿道的A.膜部B.海绵体部C.前列腺部D.膜部和前列腺部13.行经内踝前方的静脉是A.小隐静脉B.大隐静脉C.贵要静脉D.头静脉14.不成对的腹主动脉脏支是A.肾动脉B.肾上腺中动脉C.肠系膜上动脉D.胃网膜左动脉15.心位于A.前纵隔内B.后纵隔内 C. 上纵隔内D.中纵隔内16.房水由眼后房流入眼前房经过的结构是A.虹膜角膜角B.巩膜静脉窦C.瞳孔D.黄斑17.听觉感受器位于A.鼓室B.咽鼓管C.骨迷路D.蜗管18.下列属于颈丛分支的神经是A.膈神经B.副神经C.正中神经D.迷走神经19.交感神经的低级中枢位于A.脊髓胸1~腰3 节段的灰质前角B.脊髓胸1~腰3 节段的灰质侧角C.脊髓骶2~骶4 节段的灰质前角D.脊髓骶2~骶4 节段的灰质侧角20.下列属于三叉神经分支的是A.舌神经B.颊神经C.眼神经D.泪腺神经21.机体内环境稳态是指A.细胞外液化学成分保持恒定B.细胞外液理化性质相对恒定C.细胞内液化学成分相对恒定D.细胞内液理化性质保持不变22.葡萄糖在小肠粘膜上皮细胞的吸收机制是A.载体转运B.原发性主动转运C.通道转运D.继发性主动转运23.下列不属于神经-骨骼肌接头处兴奋传递特点的是A.单向传递B.易受环境因素变化的影响C.时间延搁D.神经兴奋后肌肉不一定收缩24. 急性化脓性细菌感染时,白细胞计数百分率增加明显的是A.嗜碱性粒细胞B.中性粒细胞C.嗜酸性粒细胞D.淋巴细胞25.血清与血浆的主要区别在于血清中缺乏A.凝血因子B.Ca2+C.纤维蛋白D.纤维蛋白原26.心室肌细胞动作电位的主要特征是A.4 期膜内电位稳定B.去极化速度快C.复极化2 期缓慢D.有不应期27.心动周期中,心室血液充盈主要是由于A.心房肌收缩的挤压作用B.心室肌舒张的抽吸作用C.血液依赖地心引力而回流D.骨骼肌的挤压作用加速静脉回流28.支配心脏的交感神经节后纤维末梢释放的递质是A.去甲肾上腺索B.乙酰胆碱C.肾上腺素 D. 血管紧张素29.肺泡表面活性物质减少将导致A.肺顺应性增大B.肺弹性阻力减小C. 肺难于扩张D.肺泡内液体表面张力降低30.血液中C02分压升高使呼吸运动加强的最主要途径是A.刺激颈动脉窦和主动脉弓感受器B.直接刺激延髓呼吸中枢C.刺激颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受器D.刺激中枢化学感受器31.胃蛋白酶原转变为胃蛋白酶的激活物是A.HCl B.Na+ C.Cl-D.内因子32.食物通过消化道时停留时间最长的部位是A.胃B.小肠C.结肠 D. 直肠33.人体运动状态下的主要产热器官是A. 肝脏B.心脏C.骨骼肌D.脑34.正常人不同测定部位的体温高低不同,正确的排列顺序是A.直肠温度>腋窝温度>口腔温度B.直肠温度>口腔温度>腋窝温度C.口腔温度>直肠温度>腋窝温度D.腋窝温度>口腔温度>直肠温度35.剧烈运动引起尿量减少的主要机制是A.抗利尿激素分泌增多B.肾小球滤过膜面积减少C.醛固酮分泌增多D.肾血管收缩,肾血流量减少36.肾小管重吸收葡萄糖的部位是A.近端小管B.髓袢细段C.髓袢升支粗段D.远曲小管37.视近物和远物均需眼进行调节的折光异常是A.近视B.斜视C.远视D.散光38.感觉的非特异性投射系统的主要功能是A.引起特定的感觉B.维持大脑皮层的兴奋状态C.协调肌紧张D.使机体进入睡眠状态39.去甲肾上腺素与α 受体结合后引起舒张效应的是A.皮肤粘膜血管B.小肠平滑肌C.胃肠括约肌 D.瞳孔开大肌40.成人甲状腺激素分泌不足可导致A.侏儒症B.肢端肥大疲症C.呆小症D.粘液性水肿第二部分非选择题二、名词解释题(本大题共 10 小题,其中 41 -45 小题为人体解剖学题,46-50 小题为生理学题。
福建省小自考之福建师范大学行政管理专业本科小自考简介一、福建师范大学简介福建师范大学(Fujian Normal University),坐落于中国东南名城——福建省福州市,是福建省属重点综合性大学,入选国家“2011计划”、国家“特色重点学科项目”建设高校、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、教育部“卓越教师培养计划”、教育部来华留学示范基地、福建省重点建设三所高水平大学之一。
2017年专升本招生计划:(计算机科学类分数222 英语单科50)5040福建工程学院 04 计算机科学与技术41 3615040福建工程学院 05 网络工程41 31119000福州大学至诚学院03 计算机科学与技术5016000闽江学院02 软件工程138 22716000厦门理工学院01 软件工程935040泉州师范学院 02 计算机科学与技术45 2234800武夷学院04 计算机科学与技术41 2222016年专升本招生计划:(计算机科学类分数220 英语单科50)福建工程学院数字媒体技术46 358福建工程学院网络工程46 332福建工程学院软件工程46 309福州大学至诚学院计算机科学与技术50 246闽江学院软件工程186 258厦门理工学院软件工程186 302泉州师范学院计算机科学与技术48 231武夷学院计算机科学与技术48 220龙岩学院计算机科学与技术48 2202015年专升本招生计划:(计算机科学类分数220 英语单科45)福建工程学院计算机科学与技术60 390办学地点:铜盘校区福建工程学院网络工程60 337办学地点:铜盘校区福建工程学院软件工程60 293办学地点:铜盘校区阳光学院计算机科学与技术100 220福州大学至诚学院计算机科学与技术80 230闽江学院软件工程190 250厦门工学院软件工程50 230集美大学诚毅学院计算机科学与技术80 251厦门理工学院软件工程200 289办学地点:厦软校区闽南理工学院信息与计算科学50 220泉州师范学院计算机科学与技术120 220办学地点:诗山校区(南安)仰恩大学网络工程70 220武夷学院计算机科学与技术60 221龙岩学院计算机科学与技术100 220宁德师范学院计算机科学与技术45 220。
福建省各中学校长、特级教师和其他教学骨干中60% 毕业于我校。
福建师范大学入学测试机考专升本大学英语模拟题1、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon(2)()A.loseB.looseC.lossD.lost标准答案:B2、—How about taking a walk?—Oh,I think it’s ______ cold for a walk(2)()A.very muchB.too muchC.much tooD.so much标准答案:C3、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line。
(2)() A.oneB.aC.otherD.another标准答案:C4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town。
(2)( )A.forB.atC.upD.down标准答案:D5、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.(2)( )A.whyB.becauseC.forD.that标准答案:D6、This is the university ______.(2)()A.at which do we studyB.we are studyingC.we are studying atD.where we study at标准答案:A7、It was in this house ______ the important meeting in history was held.(2)()A.whereB.thatC.whichD.in which标准答案:B8、She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______。
)第一部分选择题I. Vocabulary and structure (45 points, 1.5 for each)Directions: In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences or dialogues. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.1.Mathematics a very important subject in high school.A.areB.isC.wasD.were2.He rescued the child at the of his life ,which earned him the name of hero.A.riskB.dangerC.hazardD.difficulty3.Please your name and address on the card so that we can send the book to you.A.go overB.write downC.find outD.carry out4.Two were seriously injured in the car accident yesterday,and now they are still in hospital.A.woman driversB.woman driverC.women driversD.women driver5.There was not enough to prove him guilty of the crime.A.evidenceB.attemptC.methodD.invention6.The notice said that the students and their parents should come to school this afternoon.A.eachB.everyC.allD.much7. You work, you will learn.A.Harder; moreB.Hard; muchC.The hard; the much D,The harder; the more8.In the ,you can find some old planes,which are on show for free.A.departmentB.experimentC.museumD.magazine9.I the book several times.I first it during my summer holidays last year.A.have read; am readingB.have read; readC.was reading; readD.am reading; have read10.Most people think that success mainly on hard work.A.keepsB.insistsC.dependsD.spends11.It is necessary that the problem at once.A.solvesB.should solve.C.should be solvedD.will be solved12.As far as the color is ,I do not like the dress.A.saidB.talkedC.mentionedD.concerned13.Since the ground is wet, it last night.A.should have rainedB. has rainedC.must rainD.must have rained14.He likes to help others.Why don’t you go and ask him help?A.aboutB.forC.ofD./15.I expect the girl her promises.A.carryingB.carry outC.carried outD.to carry out16.When the president and delegation left the country, of people were at the airport to .A.thousand; see off themB.thousands;see off themC.thousand;see them offD.thousands;see them off17.Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was.A.did the villagers realizeB.the villagers realizedC.the villagers did realizeD.didn’t the villagers realize18.He an important part in putting out the fire. All of us should thank him.A.playedB.tookC.madeD.had19.Scientific development makes possible for doctors to do operations on computers.A.thatB.itC.thisD.him20.He to lend me his new bicycle but I refused,for I didn’t want to trouble him.A.failedB.offeredC.consideredD.insisted21.They talked about things and persons they had visited in Beijing.A.whoB.whichC.thatD.what22.We the job five parts,and each of us did one partA.divided;intoB.separated;toC.divide;fromD.separated;from23.The war between the two countries and four yearsA.broke out;was lastedB.broke out;lastedC.was broken;lastedD.was broken out;was lasted24.They had a good time last weekend, ?A.do theyB.had theyC.didn’t theyD.hadn’t they25.一We have not yet decided when to get married一Oh,tell me about it as soon as you your decisionA.putB.wait forC.giveD.make26. on the project for 10 years, he still feels it hard to make any achievements.A.He worksB.Having workedC.He having workedD.Working27.It him two years to write the book.A.tookB.costC.spentD.paid28.If we keep English, we will learn English well.A.practicing speakB.practicing speakingC.practicing to speakD.to practice to speak29.After he finished his supper,he his work.A.caught up withB.went on withC.came up withD.kept up with30.Tom had hardly left the classroom it began to rain.A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.afterII. Cloze (30 points, 1.5 for each)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following two passages. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A.B.C and D. You should decide on the ONE that fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.(A)A teacher had been made very angry by some of his boys making a high sound during the school hours. At last he 31 to punish any one who would repeat the wrong act. 32 morning ,a loud sound was heard in the quiet classroom. The students were very much surprised, and the teacher an once 33 around to find out who had made the high sound.When a boy was often in bad act,was told he was wrong, he 34 said he hadn’t done it.Yet his words were not believed,and then he was brought up for punishment.Seeing what was about to take place,Charles,a little boy,got up suddenly from his 35 .“Don’t punish Tom, Sir. I made the high sound. I’m very sorry , but I didn’t mean to whistle.”He held out his hand to be punished. Taking the little boy’s 36 ,the teacher said, “Charles, you have done right . I can’t punish you after you 37 so nobly ,”Even the youngest child in the school felt proud 38 Charles,for every child could see how bravely he had acted .Charles was truly a brave boy. He had done 39 he knew to be right. True courage may also be shown by 40 to do what we know to be wrong,even though some people may laugh at us.31.A. Forced B.was forced C.was forcing D.had forced32.A.Tomorrow B. Early st D. The next33.A.looked B.saw C. hurried D. smelt34.A.actively B.truly C.strongly D.surprisingly35.A.seat B.desk C.table D.room36.A.hair B.arm C.finger D.hand37.A.would act B.will act C.have acted D.have acting38.A.with B.of C.for D.at39.A.what B.which C.who D.while40.A.refuse B.refused C.refuses D.refusing(B)All over the United States, you can see Americans running —men and women,young and old.People run 41 —along the beaches of California, 42 the Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym .Some people run even in their living rooms.Running was not so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people . When people saw a runner , they used to 43 ,“Hey, what’s 44 ?”or they might say to 45 ,“Is he crazy?”At that time ,women almost never ran . If they did , they might be laughed at but today all these have 46 .Men and women of all ages enjoy 47 .Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States 48 these bad habits: eating too much ,smokingcigarettes ,and 49 little exercise . Doctors tell us,“Eat less; don’t smoke and exercise more .”It is a good exercise to run regularly 50 it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.41.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.anywhere42.A.through B.among C.on D.with43.A.speak B.say C.ask D.talk44.A.a hurry B.the hurry for C.hurry D.the hurry to45.A.their B.theirs C.themself D.themselves46.A.changed B.done C.stopped D.finished47.A.to run B.to running C.running D.runse to e from C.go to D.go from49.A.take B.took C.Taking D.taken50.A.because B.but C.nor D.neitherIII. Reading ComprehensionSection A (30 points, 2 for each)Directions:There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best ONE and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Questions 51-55 are based on the following passage:China has the largest population in the world. Though we have made great achievements in economic development, huge population has wiped out the material benefits we have gained. Therefore, it has been quite necessary for China to implement family planning policy. After more than 30 years efforts,we have brought down the growth rate of population . But does it mean that single-child policy is the best policy forever? The answer is negative .The reasons are as follows:Firstly, single-child policy is not effective in the countryside and has the risk of quality . More and more couples in large modern cities quit the idea of raising a child mainly due to the pressure from life .They adopt childless policy which results in negative increase of population in such cities as Shanghai and Beijing. And at the same time ,some people from rural areas try to escape from family planning policy and have more children by using any means, which will lead to the decrease of population quality.Secondly , it has caused other problems concerning the quality of children .Most children nowadays are treasured as the apple in their parents’eye.Parents extend excessive care and love to them . Children under such circumstances are likely to become selfish, arrogant and spoilt .They have poor sense of independence. This is harmful to the development of children`s character and personalityFinally, it increases the burden the burden of young people in taking care of their aging parents .Most young couples have to take care of four old persons , including parents and parents-in-law. Meanwhile , it adds to the seriousness of aging problems. Being rather busy with their work , most of the young people do not have enough time and energy to take care of their old parents.51.Why is it quite necessary for China to implement family planning policy?A.China has made great achievements in economic development.rge population has wiped out the material benefits we have gained.C.Single-child policy is forever the best policy.D.China has brought down the growth rate of population.52.Which of the following statements is NOT the bad effect of single-child policy?A.It is risky for population quality.B.It decreases the growth rate of population.C.It increases the seriousness of the aging problem.D.It is harmful to the development of children`s character and personality.53.What does the underlined word arrogant mean in paragraph 3?A.ModestB.kindC.cautiousD.self-conceited54.Single-child policy adds to the seriousness of aging problem because .A.Most young couples do not have enough time and energy to take care of their old parentsB.Parents always show too much care and love to their childrenC.Most children nowadays are treasured as the apple in their parents’eyeD.More and more couples in large modern cities quit the idea of raising a child55.The best title of the passage is .A.Benefits of Single-Child policyB. History of Single-Child PolicyC. Bad Effects of Single-Child PolicyD. Necessities of Single-Child PolicyQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:Ernest Hemingway (1899—1961),an American novelist and short-story writer , was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 . His adventuresome life and four marriages were widely publicized. In 1925,his first important book, a collection of stories called In Our Time, was published .The following year he published The Sun Also Rises, the novel with which he scored his first solid success. His Position as a master of short fiction was advanced by Man Without Woman,which included the story Hills Like White Elephants, and was confirmed by winner Take Nothing,which included A Clean, Well-lighted Place. At least in the public view , however, the novel A Farewell to Arms, with its powerful fusion(结合)of love story and war story, overshadowed both.Acting again as a correspondent, Hemingway made four trips to Spain. The harvest of his considerable experience in Spain was the novel For Whom the Tolls, the best seller of all his books.After seeing action in World War II, Hemingway returned to his home in Cuba. In 1953 , he received the Pulitzer prize in fiction for his short novel The old Man and the Sea.In1960,Fidel Castro`s revolution drove Hemingway from Cuba . Anxiety-ridden and depressed, he eventually took his own life, behind many manuscripts.56.Ernest Hemingway is a/an novelist and short-story writer.A.AmericanB.BritishC. SpanishD.Cuban57.Which of the following works gave Hemingway his first solid success?A.In Our TimeB. The Sun Also RisesC. Man Without womanD. Hills Like White Elephants58.When did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for literature?A.In 1925B.In 1953C. In 1954D. In 196059.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Hemingway’s adventuresome life and four marriages were widely publicized.B.Hemingway’s first important book , The Sun Also Rises, was published in 1925.C.Hemingway was awarded the Pulitzer for The Old Man and the Sea.D. Hemingway eventually took his own life due to heavy anxiety and depression.60.What is the harvest of Hemingway’s experience in Spain according to the passage?A.Winner Take Nothing.B. A Clean, Well-Lighted PlaceC. A Farewell to Arms.D. For Whom the Bell Tolls.Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:Car servicing is something that every car owner has to experience at least some time of the year. The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and have the servicing done methodically(有条理地)according to your car maker,Consider this:your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage (里程)figures indicate that you need to have it serviced. Certainly, this is the right thing to do but have you wondered what actually goes in to make you pay that servicing bill every 6 months?Servicing your car is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) job that you can learn quickly and easily save some good money.If you have never serviced your car before personally, here’s your resource:Servicing BasicsCar servicing essentially means inspecting the car thoroughly for any damaged components, and replacing some parts regularly that have worn out over time . If you review carefully, it is certainly possible to do all this by yourself .You will need a complete set of tools provided by your car maker when you purchase the vehicle. This will usually consist of all sorts of the spanners(扳手)that you might need.Completely servicing your car will need a few hours but you will end up saving a lot of money.Besides, it’s fun too and a lot of learning.61.What is the passage mainly about?A.Car servicingB. Car purchasing.C. Car making.D. Car driving.62.According to the passage , the best way to service your car is ?A.to have your car serviced by yourselfB.to send your car back to the car makerC.to have your car serviced at the service stationD.to turn to other car owners for help63.Which of the following indicates that your car needs servicing?A.Gas consumption .B. Mileage figuresC. Servicing billsD. Road conditions64.The author suggests servicing your car by yourself for several reasons except that .A.it is a money-saving DIY jobB. it is full of funC. it needs much of your timeD. it is a lot of learning65.Some parts of the car should be replaced regularly because .A.they are easily availableB.they have worn out over timeC.they need to be oiledD.they have become outdated第二部分非选择题Section B Short Answer Questions(15points,3 for each)Directions:Answer each of the following questions with not more than 5 words.Lost Property OfficeOpenings hoursThe office is open every day 08:00-19:00.Contacting the lost property officeTelephone number:0844 8176 2855(UK only).If you calling from outside the UK,please dial 44 020 8364 4755.Phone lines are open every day 09:00-17:00.E-mail:ekh.lost property@Where to find usWe are by the Heathrow Express ticket office near Terminal(航站楼)4. Just follow the signs for “Lost Property”in the underground passageway.We also have an office in Terminal 5 for any items lost here or on a British Airways flight operating from this terminal. Find us near domestic arrivals.Items left on aircrafts, in airline lounges(候机厅)or on airline busesIf anything is left on an aircraft, in an airline lounge or on an airline bus, please contact your airline. However, for Blue One, British Airways, SAS, Swissair, Tap Air Portugal and Virgin Altantic Airways, please contact the Lost Property Office above.66.How long is the Lost Property Office open every day ?The Lost Property Office is open for hours.67.How can a passenger contact the Lost Property Office on the phone if he or she is in UK ?He or she can call the telephone number at .68.Where is the Lost Property Office ?The Lost Property Office is by the Heathrow Express ticket office near .69.Where can a passenger find Lost Property Office in Terminal 5 ?He or she can find it near .70.Whom should a passenger contact if he or she leaves something on Swissair ?He or she can contact the .IV. Writing (30 points)Directions: for this part, you are required to write an English composition of about 100 words on the topic “My Mother”based on the suggestions given below.71.母亲节将至,请以“My Mother”为题写一篇100词左右的短文,从性格、爱好等方面简略描述你的母亲,重点描述一件发生在你和母亲之间难忘感人的事,并简要说明你应如何回报母亲的爱。
(二)职业岗位能力要求1、有良好的职业精神和团队合作精神2、系统掌握企业管理、财务管理的定性、定量分析方法3、具有分析和解决管理问题的基本能力4、熟悉我国企业管理、财务管理的有关方针政策以及国际企业管理、财务管理的惯例与规则5、掌握一定的计算机技能和外语知识(三)资格证书要求1、企业管理方向:市场营销资格证、物流资格证2、财务管理方向:会计证(四)职业技能要求:市场调查、市场预测、市场策划、企业战略等四、课程设置(一)主干课程(教学进程表中用★表示)1、企业管理方向:企业管理、人力资源管理、现代物流管理、企业战略管理、生产运作管理等2、财务管理方向:财务管理、人力资源管理、企业管理、财务分析、计算机财务管理、金融市场等(二)主要实践环节1、企业管理方向:企业管理实习、办公信息化培训2、财务管理方向:会计业务实习、办公信息化培训(三)课堂教学与实践教学学时分配1、企业管理培养方案:总学分:81学分,总课时1430学时,其中课堂授课1273学时,实践257学时2、财务管理培养方案:总学分:81学分,总课时1430学时,其中课堂授课1273学时,实践257学时2011级财务管理专业培养方案一、学制、招生对象学制:2年招生对象:普通高职高专应届毕业生二、人才培养目标拥护党的方针政策,具备较好的数学基础, 掌握财务管理学的基本原理与方法以及金融、财务管理的定性定量分析方法;适应社会发展需要,具有分析问题和解决问题的基本能力,较强的独立获取专业知识的能力, 熟悉我国财务管理的有关方针、政策、法规以及财务管理的惯例与规则,掌握一定的计算机技能和外语知识。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔将答题卡上的相应代码涂黑。
A.PaO2<60mmHg, PaCO2>40mmHg B.PaO2>60mmHg, PaCO2<50mmHgC.PaO2<60mmHg, PaCO2>50mmHg D.PaO2 <60mmHg, PaCO2 >45mmHg6.慢性呼吸衰竭的患者临床上出现最早的症状是()。
福建师范大学专升本学位英语考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you a fun and exciting experience I had at the Fujian Normal University entrance exam for upgrading degrees. It was a big day for me, and I was super nervous but also really excited to see what kind of questions would be on the test.So, when the exam started, I read the first question and it was all about grammar. They asked us to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs they provided. I was a bit nervous at first, but then I remembered all the grammar rules our teacher taught us at school, and I knew I could do it!The next section was reading comprehension, where we had to read a passage and answer questions about it. I was really focused and made sure to read carefully so I could answer the questions correctly. I even underlined key words in the passage to make it easier for me to find the answers.After that, we had a listening section where we had to listen to a recording and answer questions about it. I was a bit worriedbecause I sometimes have trouble understanding English when it's spoken fast, but I tried my best to listen carefully and pick out the answers.Overall, the exam was challenging but also a lot of fun. I felt really proud of myself for doing my best and trying my hardest. I can't wait to find out my results and see if I passed the exam. Wish me luck, guys! Thank you for listening to my story!篇2Hey guys, have you heard about the Fujian Normal University special entrance exam for a bachelor's degree? It's super cool because you can upgrade your education level without taking the regular university entrance exam. Today, I am going to share with you one of the English test questions from the exam. Are you ready? Let's go!Question: "Describe your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it."Wow, this question is totally easy peasy lemon squeezy! My favorite hobby is playing video games. I love it so much because it's super fun and exciting. When I play video games, I can escape into a whole new world and become a hero who saves the day. It's like being a superhero in a virtual world!I also enjoy playing video games because it helps me relax and unwind after a long day at school. It's like taking a mini vacation without leaving my room. Plus, I can connect with my friends online and play together, which is super cool.In conclusion, playing video games is my favorite hobby because it's fun, exciting, and helps me relax. I can't wait to level up my skills and become a pro gamer one day!So, that's how you can answer the Fujian Normal University special entrance exam question in a super fun and easy way. Good luck with your exam, guys! You got this!篇3Hi guys! Today I want to share with you the real questions of the FNU Specialized Degree English Exam. I know it may sound super boring, but trust me, it's important to prepare for it!First question is about reading comprehension. They will give you a passage to read and ask questions about it. Make sure you understand the main idea and details of the text.Second question is about grammar and vocabulary. You need to know the rules of English and have a good vocabulary to answer these questions. Practice makes perfect!The third question is writing. You will have to write an essay on a given topic. Remember to organize your ideas and use proper grammar and punctuation.Last but not least, the fourth question is listening comprehension. Pay attention to the audio and answer the questions accordingly. Don't worry, it's not that hard if you practice.So guys, don't be afraid of the FNU Specialized Degree English Exam. Just study hard, practice a lot and you will do great! Good luck!篇4Title: My Experience of Taking the Fujian Normal University Bachelor's Degree English ExamHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience of taking the Fujian Normal University Bachelor's Degree English Exam. It was really exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, but I had a lot of fun in the end!First, let me tell you about the exam format. There were four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listeningpart was a bit challenging because the speakers talked really fast!I had to listen carefully and answer the questions quickly.The reading section was a little bit easier for me because I love reading English books and articles. I had to read some passages and answer questions about them. It was fun trying to find the answers in the text!The writing section was the most challenging for me. I had to write an essay about a topic they gave us. I was a bit nervous at first, but then I remembered to just relax and write what I knew. I think I did pretty well in the end!Finally, the speaking part was the most fun! I had to talk about a topic with the examiner and answer some questions. I talked about my favorite food and why I liked it. The examiner was really nice and helped me feel comfortable.Overall, I had a great time taking the Fujian Normal University Bachelor's Degree English Exam. It was a bit challenging, but I learned a lot and had fun at the same time. I can't wait to see how I did in the end! Thank you for listening to my story!篇5Hello everyone, I want to share with you the real test questions of the Fujian Normal University Upgrading with a Bachelor's Degree in English exam. The test was super hard! But, don't worry, I will give you some tips on how to prepare for it.First of all, you need to study hard and review all the English grammar rules. Make sure you know your tenses, conjunctions, prepositions, and all that stuff. Also, practice reading comprehension by reading articles, books, and newspapers in English.Secondly, work on your vocabulary. Learn new words every day and practice using them in sentences. This will help you improve your writing skills too.Thirdly, don't forget about listening and speaking. Watch English movies, listen to English songs, and try to speak in English as much as possible. This will help you improve your pronunciation and fluency.Lastly, practice makes perfect. Do as many past exam papers as you can, and try to simulate the exam conditions. This will help you get used to the format and time constraints of the test.So, don't panic, just follow these tips and you will do great on the Fujian Normal University Upgrading with a Bachelor's Degree in English exam. Good luck!篇6Hello everyone, today I want to share with you the Fuzhou Normal University entrance exam for a bachelor's degree. I recently took this exam and I want to tell you all about it.The exam had four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a little tricky because the speakers talked really fast! But I tried my best to pay attention and write down the answers. The reading part was fun because I love to read and answer questions about what I read. I also had to write an essay about my favorite book, which was Harry Potter.The speaking part was a little nerve-wracking because I had to talk in front of a teacher. But I practiced a lot with my mom and dad, so I felt prepared. I talked about my family and my hobbies, like playing soccer and drawing.Overall, the exam was challenging but I had a lot of fun taking it. I learned a lot of new words and grammar rules, and Ifelt proud of myself for completing it. I hope I did well and can get into Fuzhou Normal University. Wish me luck!篇7Title: My Experience in Taking the Entrance Exam for the Bachelor's Degree Program at Fujian Normal UniversityHello everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience in taking the entrance exam for the Bachelor's degree program at Fujian Normal University. It was really exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, but I had a lot of fun too!First off, there were three parts to the exam: listening, reading and writing. The listening part was a bit challenging because some of the questions were really tricky, but I tried my best to focus and answer them correctly. The reading part was easier for me because I love reading and I had practiced a lot before the exam. As for the writing part, I had to write an essay about my future career goals and why I wanted to study at Fujian Normal University. It was a bit hard to organize my thoughts at first, but once I got started, the words just flowed out!During the break, I made some new friends who were also taking the exam. We shared snacks and helped each other review for the next part. It was great to have some support andencouragement from my fellow test-takers. After the exam was over, I felt relieved and proud of myself for completing it.Overall, it was a challenging but rewarding experience. I learned a lot and gained more confidence in my English skills. I hope to pass the exam and study at Fujian Normal University soon. Wish me luck, everyone!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story! Bye!篇8Title: My Experience in the Fujian Normal University Upgrading ExaminationHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience in the Fujian Normal University upgrading examination. It was super fun and exciting!First of all, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a primary school student, and I love learning English. When I heard about the opportunity to take the upgrading examination at Fujian Normal University, I was so excited! I knew it would be a great challenge, but I was ready to give it my best shot.The day of the examination finally arrived, and I was a little nervous. But as soon as I sat down and started working on thequestions, I felt more confident. The questions were not easy, but I had been studying hard and I was determined to do my best.There were different sections in the examination, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. My favorite section was the speaking part, where I had to talk about a topic for a few minutes. I talked about my favorite food, and the examiners seemed to enjoy listening to me.After the examination was over, I felt relieved and proud of myself. I knew I had tried my best, and that was all that mattered. And guess what? I passed the examination and got accepted into the upgrading program at Fujian Normal University!I can't wait to start my new journey at the university and continue learning English. I know it will be a lot of hard work, but I am ready for the challenge. I want to thank my teachers, my parents, and everyone who supported me along the way.So, that's my experience in the Fujian Normal University upgrading examination. It was a great experience, and I am so grateful for the opportunity. Thank you for listening to my story!篇9Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share with you the real test questions of the undergraduate English exam at Fujian Normal University. Let's get started!Question 1: Describe your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it.My favorite hobby is drawing because I love being creative and expressing myself through art. I find it really relaxing to sit down with a pencil and paper and just let my imagination run wild. Drawing allows me to escape from the stresses of daily life and immerse myself in a world of my own making. Plus, I love the feeling of satisfaction when I finish a drawing and see how it turned out!Question 2: Discuss the benefits of learning a second language.Learning a second language has so many benefits! For one, it can open up new opportunities for travel and work. Being able to communicate with people from different cultures in their own language can help you make friends and build connections all around the world. Plus, it's great for your brain! Studies have shown that learning a second language can improve your memory, problem-solving skills, and even delay the onset of dementia in old age.Question 3: Who is your role model and why?My role model is my mom because she is the strongest, most hardworking person I know. She always puts our family first and does everything she can to make sure we have a happy and comfortable life. Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, she never gives up and always stays positive. I admire her resilience, kindness, and determination to succeed in everything she does.I hope you enjoyed reading my answers to the Fujian Normal University undergraduate English exam questions. Remember, it's important to practice your English skills every day and never be afraid to express yourself in your own unique way. Good luck on your exams, everyone!篇10Hello everyone! Today, I want to share with you the questions from the Fujian Normal University's undergraduate English exam. It was super tough, but I did my best!The first question was about reading comprehension. We had to read a passage about global warming and answer some questions about it. It was really interesting to learn about how we can help protect the environment.The second question was a grammar exercise. We had to fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense or form. It was a bit tricky, but I think I got most of them right!The third question was about writing. We had to write a short essay about our favorite hobby and why we enjoy it. I wrote about playing soccer with my friends and how it helps me stay active and have fun.Overall, the exam was challenging but I think I did a good job. I hope I can pass and continue my studies at Fujian Normal University. Wish me luck!That's all for now. Thanks for listening!。
福建专升本对口专业一览表福建省的专升本对口专业一览表如下:1. 机械工程2. 电子信息工程3. 计算机科学与技术4. 通信工程5. 自动化6. 电气工程及其自动化7. 物联网工程8. 软件工程9. 建筑学10. 建筑环境与设备工程11. 城市规划12. 工程管理13. 土木工程14. 水利水电工程15. 交通工程16. 测绘工程17. 材料科学与工程18. 化学工程与工艺19. 环境工程20. 材料成型与控制工程21. 光电信息科学与工程22. 生物医学工程23. 生物工程24. 石油工程25. 能源与动力工程26. 核工程与核技术27. 工程物理28. 化学工程与工业生物工程29. 食品科学与工程30. 农业机械化及其自动化31. 园林32. 农业电气化及自动化33. 农业水利工程34. 农林经济管理35. 园艺36. 林学37. 草业科学38. 动物科学39. 生物技术40. 水产养殖学41. 农学42. 农业资源与环境43. 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动44. 公共事业管理45. 行政管理46. 法学47. 政治学与行政学48. 经济学49. 金融学50. 财务管理51. 国际经济与贸易52. 人力资源管理53. 旅游管理54. 会计学55. 投资学56. 经济与贸易57. 工商管理58. 市场营销59. 工程造价60. 国际商务61. 汉语言文学62. 英语63. 广播电视学64. 新闻学65. 传播学66. 经济法67. 社会工作68. 人文地理与城乡规划69. 法学应用70. 公安学71. 社会学72. 图书馆学73. 档案学74. 教育学75. 心理学76. 数学与应用数学77. 信息与计算科学78. 物理学79. 化学80. 生物科学81. 统计学82. 教育技术学83. 教育管理84. 学前教育85. 特殊教育86. 少儿心理学87. 学科教育88. 学习与发展心理学89. 英语教育90. 对外汉语91. 教育学原理92. 体育教育93. 舞蹈表演94. 武术与民族传统体育95. 中国语言文学96. 数学教育97. 公共事业信息管理98. 卫生事业管理99. 护理学100. 临床医学101. 医学影像学102. 医学检验技术103. 药学104. 信息管理与信息系统105. 社会医学与卫生事业管理106. 临床药学107. 健康服务与管理以上是福建省专升本对口专业的一览表,仅供参考。