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216 One Where Joey Moves Out[See ne: Chan dler and Joey's apartme nt. Chan dler and Joey are sitt ing at thebar, in their bathrobes, eating cereal]JOEY: Man this is weird. You ever realize Captain Crunch's eyebrows are actually on his hat?CHANDLER: That's what's weird? Joey, the man's been captain of a cereal for the last 40 years.[Joey finishes his cereal, licks his spoon, and puts it back in the silverware drawer.] CHANDLER: Waaa-aaah.JOEY: What?CHANDLER: The spo on. You licked an d-a nd you put. You licked and you put. JOEY: Yeah, so.CHANDLER: Well don't you see how gross that is? I mea n that's like you usi ng my toothbrush. [Joey gets a sheepish look] You used my toothbrush?JOEY: Well, that was only 'cause I used the red one to unclog the drain. CHANDLER: Mine is the red one! Oh God. Can ope n, worms everywhere.JOEY: Hey, why can't we use the same toothbrush, but we can use the same so ap? CHANDLER: Because soap is soap. It's self-clea ning.JOEY: Alright, well next time you take a shower, think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash.OPENING TITLES[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Phoebe are sitting at the table, Joey and Chan dler en ter.]CHANDLER: Hey.MONICA and PHOEBE: Hey.JOEY: Hey.PHOEBE: Ooh, look at you fancy lads. What's the occasion?JOEY: Well, you know that guy that's on my show that's in a coma? He's havin' a brun ch.PHOEBE: Ahh.RACHEL: [en ters from her room] OK, ready whe n you are.PHOEBE: Okey-doke.MONICA: I can't believe you guys are actually gett ing tattoos.CHANDLER: Excuse me, you guys are gett ing tattoos?RACHEL: Yes, but you can not tell Ross 'cause I want to surprise him.JOEY: Wow, this is wild. What're you gonna get?PHOEBE: Um, I'm getting a lily for my Mom. 'Cause her name's Lily. CHANDLER: Wow, that's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch?JOEY: So where you gettin' it?PHOEBE: I think on my shoulder. [Ross enters] 216乔伊搬走了老兄,这好畸形哦你知不知道脆脆上尉的眉毛长在帽子上?那叫畸型?乔伊,那家伙当了四十年早餐片的上尉怎样?汤匙,你舔完放回去你舔完放回去所以呢?你看不岀那很呕心吗?那就像你用我的牙刷一样你用我的牙刷?那是因为我用红的那只去通排水孔嘛红色是我的发就不可收拾了为什么牙刷不能共用……肥皂就可以共用?因为肥皂是肥皂,会自我清洁好吧,下一次你洗澡的时候……想想我什么最后洗跟你什么最先洗瞧你们打扮的有什么大事?知道我节目里那个演昏迷不醒的?他要请我吃饭就等你了,好的真不敢相信你们真的要去刺青了你们要去刺青?对,不能告诉罗斯我要给他一个惊喜好狂野哦,你们要刺什么?我要刺一朵百合因为我妈就叫百合真幸运她要是叫大污点怎么办?那你们要刺哪里?我想在我眉上什么?什么在你眉上?重担是刺青,我要去刺青啦刺青?你为什么要那么做?你不觉得那酷吗?不,抱歉,我不觉得怎么会有人花钱去搞个一辈子的伤痕?万一要是刺得不好呢?ROSS: What? What's on your shoulder?PHOEBE: Um, a chip. A tattoo, I'm getting a tattoo.ROSS: A tattoo? Why, why would you want to do that? [to Rachel] Hi.RACHEL: Hi. Well hey, you don't - you don't thi nk they're kind of cool?ROSS: No, sorry I don't. Tell me why would anyone pay some one to scar their body for life? What if it does n't come out right Phoebe? The n it's like, I don't know, havi n' a bad hair cut all the time. Why's every one stari ng at me?MONICA: Ross, come sig n this birthday card for dad. Rich is gonna be here any mi nu te.CHANDLER: Oooh, Rich is goi n' to the party too, huh?MONICA: Well, he's my parents' best friend, he has to be there. JOEY: Oh, is today the day you're gonna tell them about you two?MONICA: Yeah. It's my dad's birthday, I decided to give him a stroke. PHOEBE: No, I think you should tell them.MONICA: No, I don't eve n kn ow how serious he is about me. Un til I do, I'm not telli ng them anything.ROSS: I don't kno w, I don't think mom and dad would mind. Remember whe n you were 9 and Richard was 30, how dad used to say, 'God I hope they get together.'[Scene: The Gellers' house. Moni ca, Ross, and Richard are arrivi ng to Mr.Gellers birthday party.]ROSS: Alright, shall we?MONICA: OK, wait, wait, wait, wait. You know what? Ross, let's - let's switch places. You get in the middle. No un-, ya know, uni ess this looks like we're trying to cover someth ing up.ROSS: Moni ca, Moni ca, you could come in straddli ng him, they still would n't believe it. [ope ns door] We're here.MRS. GELLER: Oh hi kids. Hi darli ng.MONICA: Happy birthday dad.MR. GELLER: Oh tha nk you.ROSS: Hi ma.RICHARD: Happy birthday.MRS. GELLER: Well, you kids thank Dr. Burke for the ride?ROSS: Uh, actually mom, I think Monica thanked him for the both of us.[Sce ne: The Gellers' kitche n. Mon ica, Mrs. Geller and one of Mrs. Geller's friends are prepari ng the cake.]FRIEND: Well, you kids take the train in?MRS. GELLER: No, Richard Burke gave them a ride.FRIEND: Oh. Speaking of whom, I hear he's got some 20-year-old twinkie in the city. [Monica sprays whipped cream all over the place]MONICA: Fin ger cramp. Oh God, sorry. Here, let me get that mom.MRS. GELLER: Sooo, Richard's shopp ing in the junior sect ion.MONICA: Are we still on that?MRS. GELLER: We just know she's got the IQ of a napkin. 那不是变成永远在”我头发剪丑了”吗?大家为什么都瞪着我?罗斯,过来签给爸的生日卡理查随时会到理查也要去参加派对?他是我父母最好的朋友他必须去那你打算今天告诉他们你们的事吗?对,我爸的生日我决定送他中风不,你应该告诉他们我还不知道他对我有多认真在搞清楚之前,我什么也不说我不知道,我想他们不会介意记得你九岁理查三十岁的时,爸常说… …"天啊真希望他们在一起” 好了,进去吧雷你知道吗?罗斯,我们换位置你来站中间不,这看起来像我们想隐瞒什么摩妮卡,就算你骑着他进去他们也不会相信的我们来了孩子们,是孩子们生日快乐,爸爸谢谢生日快乐你们谢过柏大夫载你们来了吗?妈,事实上摩妮卡帮我们两个谢过了你们搭火车来吗?不,柏理查载他们来的谈到他呀……听说他在城里有个二十岁的幼齿手指抽筋,抱歉来,让我来,妈理查在青少年部”购物” 还在讲那个吗?想也知道她的智商一定超低说不定连漂亮都谈不上只是够年轻所以一切都还没下垂你相信这个地方吗?我知道,这个公寓很棒我刚去过浴室两边墙上都有镜子尿尿的时候就好像有一排人在排排尿我的梦想实现了不,说真的我们正在赞美你的公寓,老兄FRIEND: She's probably not even very pretty, just young eno ugh so that everythi ng is still poin ti ng up. [Monica folds her arms over her breasts][Sce ne: Joey's co-star's apartme nt. Chan dler and Joey are at the brun ch.] JOEY: Can you believe this place?CHANDLER: I know, this is a great apartme nt.JOEY: Ah, I was just in the bathroom, and there's mirrors on both sides of you.So whe n you're in there it's like you're pee in' with the Rockettes.CHANDLER: Wow, there's my fan tasy come true. No, seriously.JOEY'S CO-STAR: Hey.JOEY: Hey! We were just say in', great apartme nt man.JOEY'S CO-STAR: Tha nks. You want it?JOEY: Huh?JOEY'S CO-STAR: Yeah, I'm movin' to a bigger place. You should definitely take this one.JOEY: Yeah, can you see me in a place like this?JOEY'S CO-STAR: Why not? You hate park views and high ceilings? C'mon I'll showyou the kitche n.CHANDLER: [being left behind] Oh that's all right fellas, I saw a kitchen this morning - on TV. Stop talk ing. OK.[Scene: Mr. Geller's party. Mr. Geller and a friend are questioning Richard while Ross observes.]MR. GELLER: C'mon, tell us.FRIEND: Yeah, is she really 20.RICHARD: I am not telling you guys anything.MR. GELLER: C'm on Rich, it's my birthday, let me live vicariously.ROSS: Dad, you really don't want to do that.MR. GELLER: Ahh, what's a little mid-life crisis between frie nds? RICHARD: Jack, would you let it go?MR. GELLER: Look, I know what you're goi ng through. When I turned 50 I got the Porsche. You... you got your own little speedster.RICHARD: Guys. Seriously, it is not like that.MR. GELLER: Tell you what, maybe one of these weeke nds you can borrow the car and I cou...ROSS: Dad, I beg you not to finish that senten ce.MR. GELLER: What? rm kidding. You know rd never let him touch the Porsche. [Scene: Tattoo parlor. Phoebe and Rachel are deciding on tattoos.]PHOEBE: OK Rach, which, which lily? This lily or that lily?RACHEL: Well I...PHOEBE: I like this lily. It's more open, ya know, and that's like my mom. She had a more ope n, givi ng spirit. Ooh, Foghor n Leghor n, ooh.TATTOO ARTIST: Alright, blonde girl, you're in room two, not so blonde girl, you're with me.PHOEBE: Here we go. 谢了,你要吗?我要搬去一个更大的你真的应该租下来你看我会住这种地方吗?有何不可呢?你讨厌公园景观跟咼天花板吗?来吧,我带你去看厨房不用了,兄弟我今早在电视上…...看过一个厨房不要再说了来嘛,告诉我们对,她真只有二十?你们休想这我说什么来嘛,理查,今天是我生E让我过一下干瘾嘛爸,你真的不会想那样做跟朋友分享一下你的中年危机嘛杰克,你别说了,好吗?我了解你在做什么我五十时买了部保时捷你有自己的小”加速器” 各位,说真的,不是像那样这样吧或许找个周末我车子借你,你的小… 爸,我求你不要说完那个句子怎么?我在逗他我才不会让他碰我的保时捷阿秋哪一朵百合?这一朵或那一朵?我喜欢这朵开得比较大,就像我妈她有比较开放给子的精神雾号麦杆金发的,你去第二间没那么金的,你跟我来走吧你不进去?怎么了?是因为罗斯的话吗?是啦,或许我真不敢相信你们的关系这样维持吗?罗斯是老板?少来了现在是1922年吗?1922年有什么?只是很久以前嘛当时是女人很多事得听男人的时代然后还有投票权那是件好事,佁你到底要不要刺?我要啊,只是罗斯他…RACHEL: [relucta ntly] Uh-huh.PHOEBE: You're not going?RACHEL: Uh-huh.PHOEBE: What? Is it - is this 'cause of what Ross said?RACHEL: No. Well, yeah, maybe.PHOEBE: I don't believe this. Is this how this relati on ship's gonna work? Ross equals boss. I mean, c'mon what is this, 1922?RACHEL: What's 1922?PHOEBE: Just, you know, long time ago. Well, when men used to tell women what to do - a lot. And then there was suffrage, which is a good thing but is sounds horrible. Do you want to get this tattoo?RACHEL: Yes I do, it's just that Ross is...PHOEBE: OK, hey, HEY. Is your boyfriend the boss of you?RACHEL: No.PHOEBE: OK, who is the boss of you?!!RACHEL: You?PHOEBE: No. You are the boss of you. Now you march your heinie in there and get that heart tattooed on your hip. GO !![Sce ne: Mr. Geller's birthday party. Monica is in the bathroom and Richard comes in.]RICHARD: How ya doi n'?MONICA: rm a twi nkie.RICHARD: Really? rm a hero.MONICA: Oh, this is so hard.RICHARD: Yeah, I kno w. I hate it too. Look, maybe we should just tell them. MONICA: Maybe we should just tell your pare nts first.RICHARD: My parents are dead.MONICA: God, you are so lucky. I mean, 1 mean. . . you know what I mean. RICHARD: I know, I know. Just hang in there, OK. OK, I'll go out first, alright. MONICA: Alright.RICHARD: [walks out of the bathroom and runs into Mrs. Geller who is going to the bathroom] Judy, going to the bathroom , good for you.MRS. GELLER: Thank you Richard, I appreciate the support.[Mon ica jumps in the shower. Right after Mrs. Geller en ters the bathroom, Mr. Geller peeks his head in.]MR. GELLER: Honey. Honey, have you seen my Harmon Kilerbrew bat? Bob does n't believe I have one.MRS. GELLER: I have n o idea. Did you kn ow Richard has a twi nkie in the city? MR. GELLER: I know. He's like a new man .It's like a scene from Coco on.MRS. GELLER: I just n ever would have pictured Richard with a bimbo.MR. GELLER: Apparently, he told Johnny Shapiro that she's quite a girl. In fact, he told Johnny that he thinks he's falling in love with her.MRS. GELLER: Really. 你男友是你的老板吗?那好,谁是你的老板?你?不,你是你的老板你现在给我进去把那颗红心刺上去去你怎么了?我是个幼齿真的?我是英雄这好难哦是呀,我知道,我也讨厌这样听着,或许我们应该说出来或许我们应该先告诉你父母我父母死了你真幸运不,我是说,你懂我意思忍耐一下,好吗?我先出去,好吗?芙蒂,上洗手间呀,有你的谢谢,理查,很感激你的支持蜜糖你有没有看到我的奇哈蒙球棒老鲍不相信我有我不知道你知道理查在城里有个幼齿吗?我知道,他像个全新的男人好像进了”魔茧” 一样我怎么也无法幻想理查和小笨妹在一起显然他告诉沙强尼那个女孩不错事实上,他告诉强尼他想他爱上她了真的?告诉你,我没见他这么快乐过杰克……你有没有想过拿我去换个年轻小妞儿?当然没有你不就等于两个二五佳人?杰克,住手来嘛今天是我生日别说了,好吗?我对那家伙的公寓没兴趣拜托,我看到你检查他房子装饰的样子你想要我干嘛要另外一个房子?我已经有个我爱的房子了MRS. GELLER: So Jack, you ever think about trading me in for a younger model? MR. GELLER: Of course not. With you it's like I've got two 25-year-olds.MRS. GELLER: [they start kissing] Oh Jack stop.MR. GELLER: C'mon, it's my birthday.[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are returning from their brun ch.]JOEY: Can we drop this? I am not interested in the guy's apartment.CHANDLER: Oh please, I saw the way you were check ing out his mould in gs. You want it.JOEY: Why would I want another apartment, huh?「ve already got an apartment that I love.CHANDLER: Well it would n't kill you to say it o nee in a while.JOEY: Alright, you want the truth? I'm thinkin' about it.CHANDLER: What?JOEY: rm sorry. rm 28 years old,「ve n ever lived alone, and rm fin ally at a place where「ve got eno ugh money that I don't n eed a roommate anymore. CHANDLER: Woah, woah, woah. I do n't n eed a roommate either, OK? I can afford to live here by myself. Ya kno w, I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware.JOEY: What're you gettin' so bent out of shape for, huh? It's not like we agreed to livetogether forever. We're not Bert and Ernie.CHANDLER: Look, you kn ow what? If this is the way you feel, then maybe you should take it.JOEY: Well that's how I feel.CHANDLER: Well then maybe you should take it.JOEY: Well then maybe I will.CHANDLER: Fi ne with me.JOEY: Great. Then you'll be able to spend more quality time with your real frien ds, the spo ons.[Scene: Mr. Geller's birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Geller enter looking particularly refreshed. Mon ica follows look ing rather pale.]MR. GELLER: Who's drink can 1 freshe n?MRS. GELLER: Almost time for cake.ROSS: Mon, Mo n, are you OK?MONICA: You remember that video I fou nd of mom and dad?ROSS: Yeah.MONICA: Well, I just caught the live show.ROSS: Eww.[Scene: Mr. Geller's birthday party. Monica and Richard are alone in the kitche n.] MONICA: Hey there.RICHARD: What?MONICA: Nothi ng, 1 just heard somethi ng nice about you. 是嘛,偶尔这样说说又不会死好吧,想听实话吗?我的确在考虑什么?抱歉我今年28 了从没自己住过… …而我终于赚到足够的钱… …可以让我不再需要室友我也不需要室友啊自己住这里我也负担得起我或许一个礼拜得请一次人来舔我的餐具你老兄火气干嘛那么大我们又没说要永远住在一起我们又不是连体婴知道吗?如果你这样觉得… …那或许你应该搬去我是那样觉得那或许你应该搬去那或许我会那好,很好你就有多点时间跟你真正的朋友混… …你的汤匙谁还要加点饮料?快要切蛋糕了摩妮卡?你还好吗?记得我发现爸妈的那卷录影带吗?我刚看了现场秀我刚看了现场秀没什么我刚听到你的好话真的?你儿子现在没女朋友吧?据我所知,没有我是在想…他何不打个电话给摩妮卡?那…是个主意事实上,我已经有男友了是吗?这孩子什么事都不讲罗斯你知道摩妮卡有男友了吗?妈,我周遭有好多好多人有些人有男朋友,有些人没有那是水晶的吗?那个神秘男子是谁?他是个医生真正的医生?不,他是研究肉的他当然是真的医生他很英俊。
第01集:The Pilot(试播)第02集:The One with the Sonogram at the End(Carol要做超声波检查)第03集:The One with the Thumb(大拇指事件)第04集:The One with George Stephanopoulos(偷窥George Stephanopoulos) 第05集:The One with the East German Laundry Detergent(东德洗衣粉)第06集:The One with the Butt(Joey终于出镜了)第07集:The One with the Blackout(停电了)第08集:The One Where Nana Dies Twice(祖母去世2次)第09集:The One Where Underdog Gets Away(感恩节聚餐砸了)第10集:The One with the Monkey(Ross弄了只猴子)第11集:The One with Mrs. Bing(Bing夫人)第12集:The One with the Dozen Lasagnas(Paulo个混蛋)第13集:The One with the Boobies(Rachel意外走光)第14集:The One with the Candy Hearts(Janice又回来了)第15集:The One with the Stoned Guy(木鱼男)第16集:The One with Two Parts, Part One(Joey迷上了Ursala:上)第17集:The One with Two Parts, Part Two(Joey迷上了Ursala:下)第18集:The One with all the Poker(打扑克)第19集:The One Where the Monkey Gets Away(猴子跑了)第20集:The One with the Evil Orthodontist(邪恶牙医)第21集:The One with the Fake Monica(假Monica)第22集:The One with the Ick Factor(Monica的小情人)第23集:The One with the Birth(Carol生小孩)第24集:The One Where Rachel Finds Out(Rachel知道了)第二季: 1995-1996第01集:The One with Ross's New Girlfriend(Ross的新女友)第02集:The One with the Breast Milk(Carol的乳汁)第03集:The One Where Heckles Dies(Heckles先生死了)第04集:The One with Phoebe's Husband(Phoebe的丈夫)第05集:The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant(五个牛排和一个茄子)第06集:The One with the Baby on the Bus(公车丢童记)第07集:The One Where Ross Finds Out(Ross知道了)第08集:The One with the List(幻想名人记)第09集:The One with Phoebe's Dad(Phoebe的父亲)第10集:The One with Russ(双Ross记)第11集:The One with the Lesbian Wedding(女同性恋的婚礼)第12集:The One After the Superbowl, Part One(超级杯:上)第13集:The One After the Superbowl, Part Two(超级杯:下)第14集:The One with the Prom Video(毕业舞会的录像带)第15集:The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know(Ross和Rachel好上了) 第16集:The One Where Joey Moves Out(Joey要独立生活)第17集:The One Where Eddie Moves In(Chandler的新室友)第18集:The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies(Joey祸从口出)第19集:The One Where Eddie Won't Go(Eddie赖着不走)第20集:The One Where Old Yeller Dies(老黄狗的死去)第21集:The One with the Bullies(咖啡馆遭遇流氓)第22集:The One with the Two Parties(两个派对)第23集:The One with the Chicken Pox(水痘)第24集:The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding(Barry和Mindy的婚礼)第三季: 1996-1997第01集:The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy(关于Leia公主的幻想)第02集:The One Where No One's Ready(没人准备好)第03集:The One with the Jam(果酱)第04集:The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel(关于隧道的隐喻)第05集:The One with Frank Jr.(小Frank)第06集:The One with the Flashback(回忆)第07集:The One with the Race Car Bed(赛车床)第08集:The One with the Giant Poking Device(大型戳人设备)第09集:The One with the Football(足球赛)第10集:The One Where Rachel Quits(Rachel辞职)第11集:The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister(Chandler不记得哪个妹妹了)第12集:The One with All the Jealousy(嫉妒)第13集:The One Where Monica and Richard are Just Friends(只是朋友)第14集:The One with Phoebe's Ex-partner(Phoebe的前搭档)第15集:The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break(Ross和Rachel决定分手)第16集:The One the Morning After(第二天早上)第17集:The One Without the Ski Trip(去滑雪的路上)第18集:The One with the Hypnosis Tape(催眠磁带)第19集:The One with the Tiny T-Shirt(小T恤)第20集:The One with the Dollhouse(玩具屋)第21集:The One with a Chick. And a Duck.(小鸡和小鸭)第22集:The One with the Screamer(这个家伙很激动)第23集:The One with Ross's Thing(Ross身上长了个疮)第24集:The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion(终极格斗冠军)第25集:The One at the Beach(在海滩上)第四季: 1997-1998第01集:The One with the Jellyfish(海蜇行凶)第02集:The One with the Cat(Phoebe的妈妈回来了)第03集:The One with the 'Cuffs(玩手铐玩砸了)第04集:The One with the Ballroom Dancing(Joey当陪练)第05集:The One With Joey's New Girlfriend(Joey的新女友)第06集:The One with the Dirty Girl(不爱干净的女孩)第07集:The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line(Chandler越界)第08集:The One with Chandler in a Box(Chandler和大盒子的故事)第09集:The One Where They're Going to Party(Gandalf要来开派对)第10集:The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie(看Ross怎么选女友)第11集:The One with Phoebe's Uterus(Phoebe答应帮助Frank)第12集:The One with the Embryos(交换公寓)第13集:The One with Rachel's Crush(Rachel的春天)第14集:The One with Joey's Dirty Day(Ross的春天)第15集:The One with All the Rugby(Ross充猛男)第16集:The One with the Fake Party(Emily的假派对)第17集:The One with the Free Porn(免费A片)第18集:The One with Rachel's New Dress(Rachel的新打扮)第19集:The One with All the Haste(Rachel和Monica玩阴的)第20集:The One with the Wedding Dresses(婚纱)第21集:The One with the Invitations(请帖)第22集:The One with the Worst Best Man Ever(Joey干不了伴郎)第23集:The One with Ross's Wedding, Part One(Ross的婚礼:上)第24集:The One with Ross's Wedding, Part Two(Ross的婚礼:下)第五季: 1998-1999第01集:The One After Ross Says Rachel(Ross在婚礼上说了Rachel后) 第02集:The One with All the Kissing(地下恋情惹的福)第03集:The One Hundredth(第一百个)第04集:The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS(Phoebe讨厌PBS)第05集:The One with the Kips(Ross的抉择)第06集:The One with the Yeti(野人)第07集:The One Where Ross Moves In(Chandler和Joey的新室友)第08集:The One with All the Thanksgivings(感恩节回忆)第09集:The One with Ross's Sandwich(谁动了Ross的三明治)第10集:The One with the Inappropriate Sister(亲密兄妹)第11集:The One with All the Resolutions(新年新气象)第12集:The One with Chandler's Work Laugh(Chandler的皮笑)第13集:The One with Joey's Bag(Joey的包)第14集:The One Where Everybody Finds Out(终见天日)第15集:The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey(Joey的小蛮女友)第16集:The One with the Cop(警察故事)第17集:The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss(Rachel无意留吻)第18集:The One Where Rachel Smokes(Rachel抽烟)第19集:The One Where Ross Can't Flirt(恐龙男泡妞不行)第20集:The One with the Ride-Along(巡夜记)第21集:The One with the Ball(人可以多么无聊)第22集:The One with Joey's Big Break(Joey的事业转折点)第23集:The One in Vegas, Part One(拉斯维加斯:上)第24集:The One in Vegas, Part Two(拉斯维加斯:下)第六季: 1999-2000第01集:The One After Vegas(拉斯维加斯之后)第02集:The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel(Ross没有解除婚约)第03集:The One with Ross's Denial(Ross的拒绝)第04集:The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance(Joey没有医保了)第05集:The One with Joey's Porsche(Joey的保时捷)第06集:The One on the Last Night(昨夜)第07集:The One Where Phoebe Runs(Phoebe快跑)第08集:The One with Ross's Teeth(Ross的牙)第09集:The One Where Ross Got High(Ross曾High过)第10集:The One with the Routine(新年舞会)第11集:The One with the Apothecary Table(Phoebe有自己的选择)第12集:The One with the Joke(Chandler要捍卫自己Joke王的地位)第13集:The One with Rachel's Sister(Rachel的好妹妹一号)第14集:The One Where Chandler Can't Cry(Chandler不会哭)第15集:The One that Could Have Been, Part 1(一切皆有可能:上)第16集:The One that Could Have Been, Part 2(一切皆有可能:下)第17集:The One with Unagi(寿司大法)第18集:The One Where Ross Dates a Student(老牛吃嫩草)第19集:The One with Joey's Fridge(Joey的冰箱坏了)第20集:The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.(Joey又有新作了)第21集:The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad(拜见岳父大人Ross版) 第22集:The One Where Paul's the Man(爱情机器)第23集:The One with the Ring(买戒指记)第24集:The One with the Proposal, Part 1(求婚记:上)第25集:The One with the Proposal, Part 2(求婚记:下)第七季: 2000-2001第01集:The One with Monica's Thunder(Rachel抢了Monica的风头)第02集:The One with Rachel's Book(Rachel的小说)第03集:The One with Phoebe's Cookies(Phoebe的曲奇配方)第04集:The One with Rachel's Assistant(Rachel的助理)第05集:The One with the Engagement Picture(Chandler实在上不了相)第06集:The One with the Nap Partners(小睡知心)第07集:The One with Ross's Library Book(图书馆有Ross的大作)第08集:The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs(Chandler不喜欢狗) 第09集:The One with All the Candy(糖果女士)第10集:The One with the Holiday Armadillo(光明节犰狳)第11集:The One with All the Cheesecakes(就没吃过这么好吃的蛋糕)第12集:The One Where They're Up All Night(今夜无眠)第13集:The One Where Rosita Dies(爱椅之死)第14集:The One Where They All Turn Thirty(三十而立)第15集:The One with Joey's New Brain(Joey又回来了)第16集:The One with the Truth About London(伦敦真相)第17集:The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress(为了一件便宜的婚纱)第18集:The One with Joey's Award(Joey被提名肥皂奖)第19集:The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin(性感表妹)第20集:The One with Rachel's Big Kiss(Rachel的吻)第21集:The One with the Vows(婚礼誓言)第22集:The One with Chandler's Dad(羞哉吾父)第23集:The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 1(婚礼:上)第24集:The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 2(婚礼:下) 第八季: 2001-2002第01集:The One After "I Do"(婚礼之后)第02集:The One with the Red Sweater(红毛衣)第03集:The One Where Rachel Tells...(Ross知道自己中招了以后)第04集:The One with the Videotape(事情真相)第05集:The One with Rachel's Date(于心不忍)第06集:The One with the Halloween Party(万圣节派对)第07集:The One with the Stain(保姆不好当)第08集:The One with the Stripper(脱衣女郎)第09集:The One with the Rumor(谣言)第10集:The One with Monica's Boots(高跟靴)第11集:The One with Ross's Step Forward(严肃关系)第12集:The One Where Joey Dates Rachel(Joey和Rachel的约会)第13集:The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath(Chandler 沐浴)第14集:The One with the Secret Closet〔超级秘密〕第15集:The One with the Birthing Video〔Monica的色情录像〕第16集:The One Where Joey Tells Rachel〔Joey向Rachel告白〕第17集:The One with the Tea Leaves〔尴尬〕第18集:The One in Massapequa〔结婚纪念会〕第19集:The One with Joey's Interview 〔奶酪蛋糕〕第20集:The One with the Baby Shower 〔婴儿礼物〕第21集:The One with the Cooking Class 〔烹饪课〕第22集:The One Where Rachel is Late〔一战袋鼠〕第23集:The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part One 〔医院〕第24集:The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part Two 〔艾玛〕第九季: 2002-2003第01集:The One Where No One Proposes(Rachel的一厢情愿)第02集:The One Where Emma Cries(初为人母第一坎)第03集:The One with the Pediatrician(Ross不想不想长大)第04集:The One with the Sharks(都是鲨鱼惹得祸)第05集:The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinner(Phoebe的生日晚宴)第06集:The One with the Male Nanny(好保姆不分男女)第07集:The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song(只怪爸妈太爱你)第08集:The One with Rachel's Other Sister(Rachel的妹妹都不简单)第09集:The One with Rachel's Phone Number(Rachel Phoebe去放松) 第10集:The One with Christmas in Tulsa(两地圣诞节)第11集:The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work(Rachel复工记)第12集:The One with Phoebe's Ratsl(Phoebe的宠物老鼠)第13集:The One Where Monica Sings(人人都爱Monica)第14集:The One with the Blind Dates〔其实我们是好心〕第15集:The One with the Mugging〔小Phoebe初会小Ross〕第16集:The One with the Boob Jobl〔风水轮流转,Chandler也借钱〕第17集:The One with the Memorial Service〔还是有人挂念Ross的〕第18集:The One with the Lottery〔买彩票记〕第19集:The One with Rachel's Dream 〔戏里戏外大不同〕第20集:The One with the Soap Opera Party 〔每个人都想有自己的奥斯卡〕第21集:The One with the Fertility Test 〔偏偏遇上Janice〕第22集:The One with the Donor〔如此待客〕第23集:The One in Barbados, Part One (情变Barbados:上)第24集:The One in Barbados, Part Two (情变Barbados:下)第十季: 2003-2004第01集:The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss第02集:The One Where Ross Is Fine第03集:The One with Ross's Tan第04集:The One with the Cake第05集:The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits第06集:The One with Ross's Grant第07集:The One with the Home Study第08集:The One with the Late Thanksgiving第09集:The One with the Birth Mother第10集:The One Where Chandler Gets Caught第11集:The One Where the Stripper Cries第12集:The One with Phoebe's Wedding第13集:The One Where Joey Speaks French第14集:The One with Princess Consuela第15集:The One Where Estelle Dies第16集:The One with Rachel's Going Away Party第17集:The Last One, Part One第18集:The Last One, Part Two。
52en.me提醒:版权归原字幕组所有,仅供学习交流使用,严禁用于商业用途1>Bye-bye.2>I just got reservations at Michelle's...3>and tickets to The Music Man to celebrate...4>our first holiday as a betrothed couple.5>-"Betrothed." -Betrothed couple.6>-Hi. -Hi.7>Phoebe?8>Skull?9>Yeah, it's my mom's.10>Oh, my God!11>No, no, no. It's not my mom.12>It belonged to my mom.13>She used to put it out every Christmas...14>to remind us that even though it's Christmas, people still die.15>And you can put candy in it.16>Licorice?17>Sure.18>-I get Ben for the holidays this year. -That's great!19>-Are you gonna dress up as Santa? -Nope.20>I know Susan does every year.21>I want to take this year to teach him about Hanukkah.22>And maybe I could teach Ben...23>about the Christmas skull and how people die.24>You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe.25>.26>-Did you know he was in there? -No.27>-How long have we been home? -About half an hour.28>Lovely.29>The One With The Holiday Armadillo30>You know what I was thinking? When we get married, will you...31>change your name to "Bing"?32>No.33>Why not?34>Bing's weird.35>Oh, hey, you guys.36>My landlord just called. My apartment's gonna be ready soon.37>I guess I'll be moving out.38>Phoebe, I'm gonna miss you.39>Yes, you will be very sad.40>-I gotta go tell Rachel the good news. -You'll be living together again?41>-Why not? -She's having so much fun with Joey... 52en.me提醒:版权归原字幕组所有,仅供学习交流使用,严禁用于商业用途1>再见2>我在米雪餐厅订好位子了…3>还有《音乐人》的票来庆祝…4>我们成为订婚夫妻后第一个正式的节日5>-“订婚” -订婚夫妻6>-嘿! -嗨!7>菲比?8>骷髅头?9>是啊,是我妈的10>我的天!11>不,不,不,不是我妈12>是属于我妈的13>她以前每次耶诞节都会拿出来…14>要我们记得即使是耶诞节人还是会死的15>可以放糖果在里面16>吃糖?17>好啊18>-今年班和我一起过节 -太好了!19>-你要扮成耶诞老公公吗? -不20>我知道苏珊每年都这么做…21>可是今年我想教他了解光明节22>也许我能教班…23>有关耶诞骷髅头和人怎么死亡24>你可以在今年教班认识菲比25>嘿26>-你知道他在里面吗? -不知道27>-我们回来多久了? -大概半小时28>好极了29>本集播出:佳节犰狳30>你知道我在想什么?我们结婚后,你要不要…31>改挂夫姓“宾”?32>不要33>为什么不?34>“宾”很奇怪35>你们好36>猜猜怎么着,我房东刚通知我我的房子快好了37>我很快就会搬出去了38>菲比,我会想念你的39>是啊,你会很伤心40>-我要告诉瑞秋这个好消息 -你们要再一起住?41>-是啊,为什么不? -她和乔伊住得很开心…42>I assumed she'd still be living with him.43>Why do you think she's having so much fun?44>No reason, except she...45>told me.46>She said she didn't want to live with me?47>No. No, she didn't say that.48>I think you should talk to Monica now.49>Phoebe, I'm sure she wants to live with you.50>You're absolutely sure?51>No, but I'll bet she probably does.52>Oh, probably?53>I don't like that word.54>I know what "probably" really means. Yeah, yeah.55>"Oh, your mom probably won't kill herself."56>I'm sorry, but I'm not hanging my hopes...57>of Rachel and I living together on "probably."58>You gotta take care of yourself in this world.59>History teaches us nothing.60>Bing doesn't seem so weird now, does it?61>You're home.62>Guess what Phoebe got me for Christmas?63>-Drums? -No, drums!64>Could we get two burritos to go, please?65>I'm sorry. But not that sorry, you don't have to live with it.66>We have a reservation under Bing.67>Okay, we'll have a table for you in about 45 minutes.68>45 minutes? We have tickets to The Music Man at 8.69>I'm sorry. Christmas is a very busy time, sir.70>Is this because of the burrito thing?71>-You need to give him money. -Give him money? It was a joke!72>To get a table. Places like this are always shaking you down.73>-Everybody wants a payoff. -All right, calm down, O'Malley.74>-I'll slip him some money. -But you've got to be smooth.75>Hey, I can be smooth.76>We're in a hurry. If you could get us a table...77>a bit quicker, I'd appreciate it.78>-Of course, sir. -Okay.79>-How'd it go? -Had the money in the wrong hand.80>You don't feel...81>-Like you're gonna throw up? -No.82>Well, I do. So let's...83>So, Ben, you...84>You know what holiday is coming up?85>Christmas. 42>我以为她还会继续和他住在一起43>为什么你认为她和乔伊住得很开心?44>没为什么,只是...45>她这么说46>真的?她说她不要和我住?47>没有,她没这么说48>我想你该和摩妮卡说话了49>菲比,别担心我确定她想和你住的50>你确定?你很肯定?51>不,我打赌她大概会52>大概?53>我不喜欢这个字54>我知道“大概”真正的意思是啊,是啊55>“你妈大概不会自杀”56>对不起,我不要把我和瑞秋…57>住在一起的希望寄托在“大概”上面58>人在这世上要自己照顾自己59>历史教训完全没用60>“宾”现在不是那么奇怪了吧?61>太好了,你在家62>猜猜菲比送我什么耶诞礼物63>-鼓? -不,鼓!64>请给我们两个墨西哥卷外带65>抱歉,不过没那么抱歉因为你不用和他在一起生活66>我们用钱德宾的名字订了位子67>好的,大约再45分钟68>45分钟?《音乐人》的票是8点的69>抱歉,耶诞节是最忙的时候70>这是因为墨西哥卷的玩笑吗?71>-要给他钱 -给他钱?那只是个玩笑!72>不,为了我们的位子这种地方都是死要钱的73>-每个人都要小费 -好,镇静下来74>-我会塞钱给他 -可是要不着痕迹75>嘿,我可以不着痕迹76>我们有点赶时间如果可以让我们早一点…77>排到位子,我会很感激78>-当然,先生 -好79>-怎么样? -钱在另一只手里80>你会不会…81>-想吐? -不会82>我会,我们…83>班,你…84>你知道快过节了,对不对?86>Yeah, and you know what other holiday is coming up?87>Christmas Eve.88>Yes, but also...89>Hanukkah!90>See, you're part Jewish and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday.91>Santa has reindeers that can fly.92>Right, but on Hanukkah..93>Hanukkah is a celebration of a miracle.94>Years and years ago there were these people called the Maccabees.95>Okay, that's right. Yes...96>but on Hanukkah, we sing:97>Okay, it's not a contest.98>When is Santa coming?99>How about this year, instead of Santa...100>we have fun celebrating Hanukkah?101>No Santa?102>Was I bad?103>No, no, no, you weren't bad. You've been very good, Ben. 104>-Santa's mad at me. -No, hey, hey, come on.105>Ben, Santa is not mad at you, okay?106>You're his favorite little guy.107>So Santa's coming?108>Yes!109>Santa's coming.110>It's easy. Just keep it casual.111>Shake his hand and give him the money.112>-How do you know so much about this? -I don't know.113>Richard used to do it, didn't he?114>We'd be eating our soup right now.115>Mustached bastard.116>Those people just left. Come on. Quick, give him the money. 117>Excuse me.118>.119>So you like the drums.120>That's great.121>I was worried that they would create maybe...122>an unbearable living situation.123>But, okay, well, apparently not. So, yay!124>Hey, we already learned a song.125>Ready? One, two, three, four.126>Tequila!更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899127>That's fun.128>Here you go. 85>耶诞节86>对,你知道另一个节日也要到了?87>耶诞夜88>对,但…89>光明节也是!90>你是一半犹太人光明节是犹太人的节日91>耶诞老公公有会飞的縻鹿92>对,但在光明节…93>光明节是庆祝一个奇迹94>很多年前,有一群人叫做犸加伯人95>好,对,是的…96>但在光明节,我们唱的是:97>好,这不是比赛98>耶诞老公公什么时候来?99>这样好不好,今年我们不要耶诞老公公…100>我们来庆祝光明节?101>没有耶诞老公公?102>我不乖吗?103>不,不,你没有不乖你今年很乖,班104>-耶诞老公公生我的气 -不是,嘿,嘿105>班,耶诞老公公没有生你的气,好吗?106>你是他最喜欢的小孩107>耶诞老公公会来啰?108>对!109>耶诞老公公会来110>很简单,保持轻松111>说句好话,和他握手,塞钱给他112>-你怎么这么了解? -我不知道113>理查以前常这么做,是不是?114>我们现在可能已经在喝汤了115>可恶的小胡子116>这些人刚走,快,给他钱117>对不起118>我们赶时间,可不可以…?119>你喜欢鼓120>真好121>我本来还担心它们会造成…122>无法忍耐的居住状况123>好吧,看来没有,好!124>菲比,我们学会了一首歌125>准备好了?1,2,3,4更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899126>塔奇拉!127>真好玩129>Thank you, Gunther. Put her there.130>Definitely not easier with coins.131>-Thank you. -Thank you.132>Hey, Phoebe.133>Here. Now I only owe you $49.50.134>Hey, Phoebe...135>if you want to get Joey a gift that disrupts the entire building... 136>why not something more subtle...137>Like a wrecking ball...138>or a vial of small pox to release in the hallway?139>It's not just the drum noise. Every five minutes...140>Joey throws his sticks in the air...141>and I have to hear: "Oh, my eye! Oh, God, my eye!"142>-I mean, it's so annoying. -Yes, thank you.143>You see, this is how normal people are supposed to react to drums.144>You got Joey drums to annoy Rachel...145>so she wouldn't want to live there anymore?146>Maybe on some level.147>You could just not throw the sticks up in the air.148>What is rock 'n' roll about that?149>Hey, Joey, I got you another present.150>Hold it! Before you tell me what it is...151>Okay, what is it?152>It's a...153>tarantula!154>God, Rachel, I'm sorry. What was I thinking...155>giving Joey this big, gross, scary spider...156>in such a poorly constructed cage?157>What are you talking about? I love them.158>I had a tarantula when I was a kid. But it died because my cat ate it.159>And then my cat died.160>But, Joey, isn't this cool?161>Is it on me? I feel like it's on me. I got..162>Oh, isn't that adorable?163>Joey is afraid of the tarantula.164>He's so adorable.165>He's so much fun.166>I'm glad you're having so much fun here.167>Wait a minute.168>What's the matter?169>Our apartment is ready.170>And that makes you angry because...? 128>来了129>谢谢,阿甘,放在这里130>用铜板没有更容易些131>-谢谢 -谢谢132>-菲比 -嘿133>给你,现在我欠你49块半134>菲比…135>如果你要送乔伊毁掉整栋楼的耶诞礼物…136>何不送更微妙一点的…137>像是铁锤…138>或是天花病毒散播在走廊上?139>不只是鼓的声音,每5分钟…140>乔伊把鼓棒丢到空中…141>然后我就会听到:“我的眼睛!我的眼睛!”142>-烦死人了 -谢谢你143>你看,这是正常人对鼓的反应144>菲比,你送乔伊鼓是为了烦瑞秋…145>让她不想继续住在那里?146>可能有一点147>乔伊,你知道你不用丢鼓棒的148>那怎么能算是摇滚乐呢?149>乔伊,送你另一个礼物150>等一下!先不要告诉我是什么…151>是什么?152>是一只…153>毒蜘蛛!154>瑞秋,抱歉,我在想什么…155>送乔伊这么一个恶心的,可怕的蜘蛛…156>还用这么一个松散的笼子?157>你在说什么?我喜欢它158>我小时候就有一只后来我的猫咪吃掉了它159>然后猫咪死了160>乔伊,这不是很酷吗?161>在我身上吗?我觉得它在我身上,我…162>不是很可爱吗?163>乔伊怕蜘蛛164>他好可爱呦165>老天,他很好玩166>乔伊是最棒的很高兴你在这里住得很开心167>等一下168>怎么回事?169>我们的房子好了170>你不高兴因为…?171>因为你比较想和乔伊住在这里171>Because you'd rather live here with Joey.172>-Where did you get that? -Monica and Chandler...173>said you were having so much fun here...174>and apparently no amount of drums or tarantula is gonna change that.175>Did you get all this stuff for Joey...176>to try to drive me out of the apartment?177>You might as well have gotten him a fish.178>You know how fish freak me out.179>Fish.180>But it wouldn't have mattered. We're gonna live together. 181>We're roommates. That's the deal.182>Yes, but I wanted you to want to live with me.183>But if you're having so much fun over here..184>It's so much more fun with you.185>-We did have fun, didn't we? -We did.186>They say, if we want, we could see it tonight.187>-I would love to. -Yay, okay!188>-Good, good, good. -Great. All right. Good.189>And Monica asked me to make the drumming stop.190>Done.191>.192>Hello, sir. You here to return those pants?193>No, these are my pants.194>Okay.195>-How can I help you? -Do you have a Santa outfit left?196>Two days before Christmas? Sorry, man.197>Okay, look. Do you have anything Christmas-y?198>I promised my son, and I really don't want to disappoint him. 199>Come on, you gotta have something.200>I'm the Holiday Armadillo!201>I'm a friend of Santa's...202>and he sent me here to wish you...203>a merry Christmas!204>What happened to Santa, Holiday Armadillo?205>Santa was unavailable...206>so close to Christmas.207>Come in, have a seat.208>You must be exhausted, coming all the way from Texas. 209>-Texas? -That's right, Ben.210>I'm Santa's representative...211>for all the Southern states.212>And Mexico!213>But Santa sent me here... 172>-你为什么这么想? -摩妮卡和钱德…173>说你和乔伊住得很开心…174>而且不管是鼓还是毒蜘蛛都不会改变这点175>菲比,你送乔伊这些东西…176>是要让我不想住在这里?177>你还不如送他一条鱼178>你知道我有多怕鱼179>鱼180>这些都不重要,我们会一起住的181>我们是室友,讲好的182>对,可是我希望你想和我一起住183>可是如果你在这里住得这么开心…184>和你在一起更开心185>-我们住一起时很开心,是不? -对啊,好玩得不得了186>他们说如果要的话,今晚可以去看187>-好啊 -好,好!188>-好,好 -好189>摩妮卡要我停止鼓声190>好了191>(万圣节探险,面具大师)192>你好,要退还那件裤子吗?193>不,这是我的裤子194>是195>-需要什么? -还有没有耶诞老公公衣服?196>耶诞节前两天?抱歉197>好吧,有没有什么比较算是耶诞节的?198>我答应了我儿子,不想让他失望199>你们一定有的200>我是佳节犰狳!201>我是耶诞老公公的朋友…202>他要我来祝你…203>耶诞快乐!204>耶诞老公公怎么了,佳节犰狳?205>耶诞老公公没有空…206>在这么接近耶诞节的时候207>请进,请坐208>你一定累坏了,大老远从德州跑来209>-德州? -对,班210>我是耶诞老公公的…211>西南州代表212>还有墨西哥!213>耶诞老公公要我来这里…214>送礼物给你214>to give you these presents, Ben.215>Maybe the lady will help me with these presents.216>Wow, thanks!217>You're welcome, Ben.218>Merry Christmas.219>And happy Hanukkah!220>Are you for Hanukkah too? Because I'm part Jewish.221>You are? Me too.222>Because armadillos also wandered in the desert?223>You want to wander in the hall?224>Hey, Ben!225>What if the Holiday Armadillo...226>told you all about the Festival of Lights?227>Cool!228>Come on, Ben.229>Years and years ago...230>there were these people called...231>-the Maccabees! -Ho, ho, ho!232>Merry Christmas!233>Santa!234>What are you doing here, Santa?235>Well, I'm here to see my old buddy, Ben.236>What are you doing here...237>Weird Turtle Man?238>I'm the Holiday Armadillo...239>your part-Jewish friend.240>You sent me here to give Ben some presents.241>Remember?242>What?243>Did you bring me any presents, Santa?244>You bet I did, Ben.245>Put her there.246>Well, it would have worked this time if his hands weren't so damn small.247>Ho, ho, ho!248>Ben, come open more gifts.249>The armadillo and I will have a talk in the kitchen.250>There's a sentence I never thought I'd say.251>What are you doing?252>You said you were having trouble finding a Santa costume...更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899253>so I borrowed one from a guy at work.254>Thank you, but you gotta leave.255>-Why? -Because... 215>这位小姐可以帮我拿礼物216>谢谢!217>不客气,班218>耶诞快乐219>光明节快乐!220>你也为光明节而来吗?因为我是一半犹太人221>你是?我也是222>因为犰狳也在沙漠里晃荡?223>你想在走廊晃荡吗?224>班!225>佳节犰狳…226>跟你说光之节的故事好吗?227>酷!228>来,班229>很多年以前…230>有一群人,叫做…231>-犸加伯人! -呵!呵!呵!232>耶诞快乐!233>-耶诞老公公! -嘿!234>你来干什么,耶诞老公公?235>我来看我的老朋友班236>你在这儿干什么…237>怪乌龟人?238>我是佳节犰狳…239>你的半犹太人朋友240>你要我来送礼物给班241>记得吗?242>什么?243>耶诞老公公,你有带礼物给我吗?244>当然有,班245>放在这里246>如果不是他的手太小,会成功的247>呵!呵!呵!248>班,来开礼物249>耶诞老公公,佳节犰狳和我要在厨房谈一谈250>我绝对想不到会说出这句话251>你在干什么?更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899252>你告诉每个人说你找不到耶诞老公公衣服…253>所以我向同事借了一件254>谢谢,你必须离开255>-为什么? -因为…256>我终于让他对光明节有兴趣…257>而你正在破坏256>I'm finally getting him excited about Hanukkah...257>and you're wrecking it.258>But I didn't get to shake my belly like a bowlful of jelly.259>I'm sorry, Chandler, but this is really important to me.260>Fine, I'll give the suit back.261>Hey, you think you can keep it another night?262>Santa, really?263>Yeah, is that okay?264>Did your dad ever dress up like Santa?265>-No. -Then it's okay!266>Okay, Ben. Santa has to go.267>Say goodbye.268>No, why does he have to go?269>Because if Santa and the Holiday...270>Armadillo...271>are ever in the same room for too long...272>the universe will implode!273>Merry Christmas!274>No, why can't the armadillo leave? I want Santa.275>Fine, I give up. Santa..276>Santa can stay!277>Well, I'll stay...278>but only because I want to hear about Hanukkah.279>Ben, will you sit here with Santa...280>and learn about Hanukkah?281>Okay, Santa.282>-Thank you. -You're welcome.283>All right, it's time...284>for the story of Hanukkah.285>Years and years ago...286>there were these people called the Maccabees!287>Merry Christmas!288>Oh, wow, look at this place!289>Oh, this is terrible.290>They've made so many changes...291>I can't even feel my grandmother's presence anymore.292>Oh, new sconces!293>-Oh, my God! -What?294>Remember how you told me your grandmother put up that wall... 295>-to make that into two bedrooms? -Yeah.296>And that the landlord might find out...297>-and then tear it down? -Yeah?298>Do you really not know where I'm going?299>It left. It's one huge room. 258>可是我还没摇我的胜子呢259>抱歉,钱德,这对我很重要260>好,我去还这件衣服261>你可以再多借一晚吗?262>耶诞老公公?真的?263>是啊,可以吗?264>你爸有扮过耶诞老公公吗?265>-没有 -那就可以!266>班,耶诞老公公要走了267>说再见268>不要,他为什么要走?269>因为耶诞老公公和佳节…270>犰狳…271>如果在同一个房子里太久…272>宇宙会爆炸!273>耶诞快乐!274>不要,为什么不是犰狳走呢?我要耶诞老公公275>好,我放弃,耶诞老公公…276>耶诞老公公可以留下来!277>我留下来…278>因为我想听光明节的故事279>班,你要不要和耶诞老公公…280>一起坐下来听光明节的故事?281>好的282>-谢谢 -不客气283>好,来听…284>光明节的故事285>很多年以前…286>有一群人叫犸加伯人!287>耶诞快乐!288>看看这地方!289>真糟糕290>他们改了很多…291>我感受不到我祖母的存在292>新的烛台!293>-我的天! -怎么?294>记得你告诉我你祖母要做一道墙…295>-来隔成两间房? -对296>房东可能会发现…297>-把它拆了? -对?298>你真的不知道我说这些的原因?299>墙没有了,是一间大房间300>哦,不!300>Oh, no!301>Wow!302>See?303>I guess we'll have to put the wall back up.304>-You can't, with the new skylight. -There's a skylight? 305>Wow!306>So should we start looking for a new place?307>You know, I'm sensing...308>that my grandmother would not be comfortable with that. 309>Oh, yeah?310>Starting to feel her again there, are we?311>-A little bit. Yeah. -Yeah.312>Is your grandmother maybe saying that you should live here alone?313>You heard it too? You have the gift.314>Phoebe, it's okay.315>I like living with Joey.316>-Are you sure? -Please. I hate packing...317>it's closer to work.318>And we do have fun.319>Although, I'm really gonna miss living with you.320>-Oh, me too. -I know.321>Did you hear that?322>I'm getting something from your grandmother.323>She said since you get to keep the one-bedroom apartment... 324>you should give Rachel the purple chair.325>No, I do not hear that.326>And the miracle was that that little bit of oil...327>that should have lasted just one day, burned for....328>-Eight whole days. -That's right.329>And that's why we celebrate Hanukkah today. The end. 330>-Awesome. -Yeah.331>My favorite part...332>was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt.333>The armadillo was actually not so thrilled about that part. 334>Okay, Ben, it's time to light...335>the Hanukkah candles!336>.337>Wow! Looks like the Easter Bunny's funeral in here. 338>Come on, come on. We're lighting the candles.339>I understand why Superman is here...340>but why is there a porcupine at the Easter Bunny's funeral? 341>-You get it? -I got it.342>Back in the cage? 301>哇!302>看到了?303>我们必须要把墙弄回来304>-不行,因为新的天窗 -有天窗?305>哇!306>我们该怎么办?要开始找新地方吗?307>我感到…308>我祖母可能不喜欢那样309>是吗?310>又能感觉到她了,是吗?311>-有一点,对 -是312>菲比,你祖母是不是说你应该一个人住这里?313>你也听见了?你有天份314>菲比,没关系315>我喜欢和乔伊住316>-你确定吗? -拜托,我讨厌打包…317>那里离公司比较近318>我们在一起很开心319>虽然我真的会想念和你住在一起320>-我也是 -我知道321>等一下,你有没有听到?322>听,我听到你祖母说话323>她说既然你要一个人住这里…324>你该把那把紫色椅子给瑞秋325>没有,我没有听到326>奇迹在于那一点点的油…327>应该只够烧一天的,却烧了…328>-整整8天 -对329>这就是为什么我们今天庆祝光明节,故事完结330>-好棒 -是啊331>我最喜欢的部份…332>是超人救出全埃及的犹太人333>犰狳不是那么喜欢那部份334>班,该来点…335>光明节蜡烛!336>嘿337>哇!好像是复活节兔子的葬礼338>来,来,我们要点蜡烛339>我了解为什么超人在这里…340>但为什么有豪猪参加复活节兔子的葬礼?341>-你弄好了吗? -弄好了342>它进笼子了没?。
All right! You guys, it's starting to snow.各位,外面开始下雪了And look,Ugly Naked Guy is hanging candy canes.快看啊,丑陋裸男在挂糖果藤Where?哪里?Oh. Well.哇. 不错That's festive.真有节日气氛Guys,there's somebody I'd like you to meet.各位我想介绍一个人给大家认识Wait,wait. What is that?等等…这是怎么回事?-That's Marcel. Wanna say hi? -No,I don't. -他叫马修,想和他打声招呼? -不,我不要-He's cute! Where'd you get him? -My friend Bethel saved him from a lab. - 他好可爱,哪里得到他的? -我朋友贝瑟把它从实验室救出来的That is so cruel.真残忍Why would a parent name their child Bethel?为何有父母会将孩子取名为圣地(贝瑟)?That monkey's got a Ross on his ass.那猴子的屁股上长了个罗斯Is he gonna live with you in your apartment?罗斯,它要和你同住吗?Yeah. It's been kind of quiet since Carol left.对,卡萝离开後家里冷清清的Why not get a roommate?为何不找个室友?You reach a certain age,having a roommate is just kind of pathet人到一定的年纪后与室友同住是有点可悲(pathet)…That's " pathet. " Sanskrit for " really cool way to live.抱歉,是pathet 在梵语中代表很酷的生活方式The One With the Monkey六人行第1季第10集猴子I' m doing new material tonight.各位,我今天将唱全新的曲目I have 1 2 songs about my mother's suicide and one about a snowman.我写了12首关于我妈自杀的歌及一首有关雪人的歌You might wanna open with the snowman.你最好先唱雪人-Hi,Joey. -Hey,buddy.乔伊-老兄-So how'd it go? -I didn't get the job. -如何? -我没得到那份工作How could you not? You were Santa last year.你怎可能会没得到?你是去年的圣诞老人Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager.不知道哪个胖子和店经理有一腿He's not even jolly. It's all political.他根本无法逗人开心,这就是政治-What are you gonna be? -One of his helpers. -那么你扮演什么? -当他的助手It's just such a slap in the face, you know?就像是脸上的一个巴掌,你明白的?(真是耻辱)Do you know what you' re doing for New Year's?你们打算如何过新年?Hey,what? What is wrong with New Year's?什么?新年有什么不对劲吗?You have Paolo. You don't have to face the pressure...你有保罗.无须面对新年带来的压力...of finding lips to kiss when the ball drops!无须急着寻找有嘴唇的生物便于在球落下那一刻有个亲嘴的对象Man,I'm talking loud!哦,我说得太大声了!Paolo's gonna be in Rome this New Year's.保罗新年时会在罗马-I'll be just as pathetic as you. -Yeah,you wish. -所以我将和各位一样可悲-想得美I've got an idea. Dinner.我有个主意,聚餐It's perfect. We'll put it between lunch and breakfast.不错,我们可以把它放在午饭和早饭之间I'm sick of being a victim of this **** Clark holiday.我不想再听到迪克拉克的疲劳轰炸I say this year,we make a pact. Just the six of us. Dinner.我说今年,我们约定.只有我们6个共进晚餐-Sure. -Fine.当然-好得I was hoping for more enthusiasm.我希望大家能更开心点-Phoebe,you' re on. -Oh,good.菲比,该上台了-哦,好的Hi. Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand...各位,回应大家要求... Miss Phoebe Buffay.菲比布费小姐Hi. Thanks. Hi. hi.谢谢.hiI wanna start with a song that means a lot to me.首先的这首歌在这种时节令我感慨万分I made a man with eyes of coal我做了一个人,眼睛是煤炭做的And a smile so bewitching他有谜样的微笑How was I supposed to know我如何能承受That my mom was dead in the kitchen?母亲死在厨房的事实My mother's ashes母亲的骨灰Even her eyelashes甚至是她的睫毛Are resting in a little yellow jar都安放在一个黄色的小骨灰坛And sometimes when it's freezing当有时天寒地冻I feel a little sneezy我感觉有点想打啧涕And now I Excuse me? Excuse me? Yeah,noisy boys.如今我…抱歉,吵闹的男人Is it something you'd like to share with the group?有什么想和大家分享的吗?No. No,that's okay.没.没,没事If it's important enough while I'm playing...如果有事如此重要你们非在我唱歌时谈论...it's important enough for everyone else.那就重要的足以与我们分享That guy's going home with a note.那家伙铁定会带着一本注意事项回家去-I was just saying -Speak up. -我是告诉我朋友…-大声点行吗?Sorry,l抱歉,我I was saying you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. 我告诉我朋友:你是我见过最漂亮的女孩And he said that Daryl Hannah...他说黛瑞汉娜…黛瑞汉娜...was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.是他见过最美的女人I said I liked her in Splash, but not Wall Street.我说我喜欢“美人鱼”中的她但“华尔街”就没那么喜欢了I thought she had a hard quality.她没那种硬派气质While Daryl is beautiful in a conventional way...黛瑞汉娜是传统的美...you are luminous with a kind of delicate grace.而你散发出高雅的气质Then that's when you started yelling.然后你就叫我们了We're gonna take a short break.休息片刻That guy's going home with more than a note.那小伙得到得远不止注意事项了啊(抱得美人归)Come here,Marcel. Sit here.过来,马修,坐这儿I can't believe he hasn't kissed you yet.拜托,没想到他还没亲你By my sixth date with Paolo, he'd already named both my breasts. 我第6次和保罗约会时他就为我的双峰取了名字Did I just share too much?我分享太多了吗?Just a smidge.一点点David's,like,a scientist guy. He's very methodical.大卫是个科学家,做事一丝不苟-I think it's romantic. -Me too! -我认为这很浪漫-我也这么想!Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman?你们看过军官与绅士吗?He's kind of like the guy I went to see that with.他就是我心目中的白马王子Except he's smarter and gentler and sweeter.除了他更聪明,温柔体贴I just wanna be with him all the time.我只想整天和他厮守在一起You know,day and night. And night and day.不管是白天或夜晚,还是夜晚或白天And special occasions.还有特别的日子I see. You're gonna ask him to New Year's.等等,我知道了你邀他共渡新年,对不?-She's gonna break the pact. -No! No,no.她想抛弃我们-不!不,不No. Yeah,could I just?不…对,我可以…-Yeah. I already asked Janice. -What? -好吧,因为我已约了珍妮丝-什么?This was a pact! This was your pact!这是一个约定!这是你们的约定!I couldn't handle the pressure. I snapped!我耐不住寂寞,我毁约了But that was the worst breakup in history!可是珍妮丝…你们的分手不是糟透了?I'm not saying it was a good idea. I snapped!我没说这是个好主意,我毁约了Hi,sorry I'm late.抱歉,我迟到了Too many jokes.太滑稽了Must mock Joey.快取笑乔伊Nice shoes,huh?鞋子正点吧God,you're killing me!我快笑死了Ross,he's playing with my spatulas again!罗斯,它又玩我的铲子-He's not gonna hurt them,right? -Do you always have to bring him? - 它又不会玩坏的-你非得每次都带它来不可吗?I didn't wanna leave him alone. We had our first fight this morning.我不想留下他一个人? 我们早上才吵了一架It has to do with my working late. I said some things that I didn't mean. 一定是我加班惹的祸我说了不该说的话He threw some feces.它就朝我扔一坨屎If you're working late, I can look in on him.如果你必须加班,我可以替你照顾它That would be great!这太好了But make sure it seems like you're there to see him.如果你去照顾它, 要装成一付去找它的样子You're not doing it for me.不能让它知道你是在帮我忙Okay. But if he asks, I'm not going to lie.好,但它如果问起我可就要直话直说了But you can't actually test this theory.但我们仍无法测试这个理论T oday's particle accelerators aren't powerful enough...因为今日粒子加速的速度-...to simulate these conditions. -I have a question then. -仍无法模拟出这样的情况-好,我有个问题-Yeah? -Do you plan on kissing me ever?你打算亲我吗?That's definitely a valid question, and the answer...这是个正当而合理的问题答案是…...would be yes. Yes,I was.答案是…是的.对,我曾想过But I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss...但我要让这非凡的吻…...at a phenomenal moment because it's you.发生在非凡的时刻,因为是你Sure.当然The longer I waited,the more phenomenal the kiss had to be. 但等得越久亲吻就越非凡Now,it's just gotta be one of those things where l...而在此时此地,我想…...sweep everything off the table. …扫去桌上的一切,将你丢在上面And I'm not really a sweeping sort of fella.但我不是会扫去一切,那种猴急的男人David,I think you are a sweeping sort of fella.大卫,我想你是I mean,you're a sweeper trapped inside a physicist's body.你是被困在物理学家体内的猛男-Really? -I'm sure真的? -没错,我确定You should just do it. Just throw me.你应该解放出来,把我丢上去吧-Now? -Yeah,right now. Just....现在? -对,现在Okay. Okay. Okay.好.好.好You know what? This is really expensive.这东西很贵的And this was a gift.这个是人家送的-Now you' re just tidying up. -Okay. -你在清理场地? -好吧,管他的-You want me to throw you? -I can hop. -你想让我丢上去还是自己跳上去? -我自己跳好了T ell me something,what does " no-date pact" mean to you?告诉我,“没有约会的约定”对你们有何意义?It's just that Chandler and Phoebe have somebody.钱德有对象,菲比也有对象I thought I'd ask Fun Bobby.所以我约了搞笑巴比-Your ex-boyfriend? -Yeah. -搞笑巴比?你的前任男友搞笑巴比? -对-You know more than one Fun Bobby? -I happen to know a Fun Bob. - 你还认识其他的搞笑巴比? -我认识搞笑巴伯-Okay. Here we go. -There's no room for milk. -来了-太满了,我没法加牛奶了There. Now there is.好了,这下可以了So on our no-date evening, three of you now have dates.所以在这个没有约会的晚上,三人另有节目-Four. -Five.四人-五人Sorry. Paolo's catching an earlier flight.抱歉,保罗提早搭飞机回来And I met this really hot single mom at the store.而我在商场遇上—个火辣辣的单亲妈妈What's an elf to do?我这个小精灵怎能抗拒?So I'll be the only one alone when the ball drops?这么说球落下那一刻我是唯一一个孤零零的家伙?We'll have a big party, and no one will know who's with who.我们将举行盛大的派对而且没人知道到底知道谁和谁I'll know. This is so not what I needed right now.我知道,而且这不是我现在需要知道的-What's the matter? -Oh,it's Marcel. -你怎么了? -都是马修He's angry with me. I have no idea why. He keeps shutting me out.它生我的气了我不知道为什么它一直不让我进门He's walking around all the time, dragging his hands.它拖着双手不断绕圈子That's weird. I had a blast with him.真是诡异我前几天晚上还跟它相处愉快-Really? -We played,watched TV. -真的? -我们一起玩,看电视That juggling thing is amazing.杂耍那一部份真是太精彩了What juggling thing?什么杂耍?With the socks? I figured you taught him that.拿袜子当球耍,我以为是你教它的No.我没有It wasn't that big a deal. Just socks. And a melon.这也不算什么,只是拿袜子罢了还有一颗香瓜-Phoebe! -Max. Do you know everybody? -菲比-马克斯,认识大家吗?No. Have you seen David?不认识,你看见大卫吗?He hasn't been around.没有,他没在这儿If you see him,tell him to pack. We are going to Minsk. 看见他时告诉他快打包,我们要去明斯克-Minsk? -Minsk. It's in Russia.明斯克? -在苏联I know where Minsk is.我知道明斯克在哪儿We got the grant. Three years,all expenses paid.我们已申请到奖助金全额赞助我们三年And if you're gonna do Minsk, that's the way to go.如果你们去明斯克就是这样去的-So when do you leave? -January 1 st. -你们何时去明斯克-元旦(新年第一天)-Hello? -What? Hey. Hi. -有人吗?-What are you doing here? -Max told me about Minsk. - 你来这儿干什么? -马克斯告诉我明克斯的事了Congratulations! This is so exciting!恭喜了,真叫人兴奋It'd be even more exciting if we were going.能去的话会更叫人兴奋Oh,you're not going? Oh,why?你不去了?为什么?T ell her. " I don't wanna go...告诉她,“我不打算去…”...to work with Lipson, Yamaguchi and Flank. …去和李本斯亚马古基与法朗克共事I wanna stay and make out with my girlfriend! "我要留下来和我的女友培养感情Okay,thank you,Max. Thank you.够了,马克斯,谢谢So you're really not going?你真的不去?I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just....我也不知道,我只是…How can I leave you? I just found you.我怎么能离开你?我才刚刚遇到你Oh,David. But what are you gonna do?大卫.你决定怎么办?I don't know. You decide.我不知道.你决定-Don't do that. -But l' m asking you. -别这样-我是在求你-I can't make a decision. Just -Okay. Stay. -我不能那么做-好吧,留下来-Stay. -Stay. -留下来-留下来Getting so good at that!你进步神速啊!It was Max's stuff.这是麦克斯的东西I love this artichoke thing.我喜欢菊芋Don't tell me what's in it. The diet starts tomorrow. 别告诉我里面是什么我明天才开始节食You remember Janice.记得珍妮丝?Vividly.历历在目-How are you? -I am fantastic. -感觉怎么样? -我现在感觉…Now. …太奇妙了!It's amazing. We've been back together for what... 真的很奇妙.我们又一起回到了…-...Iike 1 0 minutes,and -ls that all? -…就像还有十分钟-就这些?It's like we were never apart.就好像我俩从来没有分开过一样Of course,we were,but Forgive and forget.当然,我们会,原谅并且忘记Well,forget.好的,忘记-Hi. -Hi,l' m Sandy. -Hi -Hi,我是珊蒂Sandy,hi. Come on in.珊蒂,请进-You brought your kids. -Yeah. That's okay,right? -你把孩子都带来了-对,可以吗?-Party! -That thing is not coming in here! -我来了! -这东西不可以进来This is how you greet guests?东西?你都这样招呼客人吗?If I showed up with my new girlfriend, she wouldn't be welcome? 我问你,如果我带着新女友来你也不欢迎她进来?Your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table.你的新女友不会尿在我的咖啡桌上He was more embarrassed about that than anyone.它已经够难为情了,行吗?And for him to have the courage to walk back in here...它已鼓足勇气回到这里...Iike nothing happened就当一切都没发生过一样All right. All right. Just keep him away from me.好,叫它离我远点就是了Thank you. Come on,Marcel.谢谢.来,马修What do you say you and I mingle?咱们去交际一下吧All right,I'll catch up with you later.好吧,待会儿见Oh,my gosh! Rachel,honey,are you okay?天啊,瑞秋,你没事吧?-Where's Paolo? -Rome. Jerk missed his flight. -保罗在哪儿? -罗马.那混蛋没赶上飞机And then your face exploded?然后你的脸就爆炸了?No.不是Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab...我在机场要进入计程车时...when this woman,this blond planet with a pocketbook...一个带着一本书的金发女人...starts yelling. Something about how it was her cab first.开始对我大叫,说是她先拦到的The next thing,she just starts pulling me out by my hair!然后她就开始扯我的头发And I was blowing my attack whistle thingy...我拿出口哨猛吹...and three more cabs show up.结果又来了三辆计程车So as I'm going to get into a cab, she tackles me!我要进入车时,她又展开攻击And I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on my whistle. 结果我撞上了马路牙子嘴唇被口中的哨子弄伤Everybody having fun at the party?大家玩得还愉快吧?-Are people eating my dip? -Yes. -有人吃我的泡菜吗-有的There.那里-That looks okay,right? -You went a bit wide on the lipstick. - 这看起来还行,对不? -你唇膏涂的有点厚了-Oh,I did? -Yeah.是吗? -有点It's hard for me to tell. My eye's closing up.我很难看清楚,我眼睛肿起来了Let me get it for you.我来给你画吧-Ow! -Okay.喔! -好了You know what? It looks fine.你们觉得怎么样?看起来不错Okay,here we go.好吧,我们出去吧Screw Paolo, screw the psycho cab lady.去他的保罗,去他的心理变态计程车女人It's New Year's Eve. Let's have a good time.这是新年前夜,我们过得开心点-Okay,here we go. -Okay.我们走吧-okAll right,there you go. This way.好吧,来,这边走Here you go.这边走When I saw you at the store last week...我上周在商场看见你时...it was the first time I ever mentally undressed an elf.那或许是我第一次想像裸体的小精灵-Wow,that's dirty. -Yeah. -真淫荡-是的Hey,kids.孩子He doesn't have to spend the whole evening with me...我没说他得整晚和我待在一起... but at least check in.但至少也得来问候一声There you are!原来你在这儿You got away from me.你从我身边逃跑了-But you found me. -Here,Ross,take our picture. -但又被你逮到了-罗斯,帮我们照一张Smile. You' re on Janice Camera.笑一个,你在珍妮丝的相机中了Kill me. Kill me now.杀了我吧,现在就杀了我Hi,l' m Rachel. hi,我叫瑞秋So whose friend are you?你是谁的朋友啊?Look at me,spilling everywhere.看看我,洒的到处都是Everybody,it's Fun Bobby!各位,搞笑巴比来了Hey,sorry I'm late. But my grandfather...抱歉,我迟到了.我祖父他...died about two hours ago.他在两小时前过世了But I couldn't get a flight out till tomorrow,so here I am. 明天才有飞机,所以我来了Hey,Fun Bobby! How's it going,man? Whoa! Who died? 搞笑巴比,近来可好?谁死了?It's gonna be an open casket, you know?他棺材将暂时不盖上So at least I'll get to see him again.所以我至少可以再见他最后一面Bobby? Fun Bobby?巴比?搞笑巴比?Let me talk to you for just a sec.我们简单聊聊I recently lost a grandparent myself...我最近奶奶也刚刚去世了…...so I really know exactly how you feel.所以我很能体会你现在的感受But you' re really bringing the party down.但是你确实把聚会的气氛弄得很糟-l' m sorry. -Yeah,yeah,okay. -对不起-好吧There you go. There you go.这就行了.这就行了I' m gonna blow this one up and write " Reunited " in glitter. 我要在上面哈口气,然后写上“破镜重圆”All right,Janice,that's it!珍妮丝,够了Janice. Janice.珍妮丝…珍妮丝…Hey,Janice,when I invited you, I didn't think it meant珍妮丝,我邀你来并不代表我们…Oh,no!哦,不…I' m sorry you misunderstood.抱歉,让你误会了You listen to me! You listen to me!你听我说…你听我说…One of these times,it's just gonna be your last chance with me! 这可能是你我最后一次共处了Will you give me the thing?那东西可以给我吗?-Hi,Max. -Yoko. -马克斯-小野洋子I've decided to go to Minsk without you.我决定自己去明斯克了-Wow. -lt won't be the same... -喔-少了你将不太一样…... but it will still be Minsk. Happy New Year. …但明斯克还是明斯克新年快乐-Are you all right? -Yeah,l' m fine. I' m fine. -你还好吧? -没事,我没事,我没事Come on.来-You' re going to Minsk. -No,l' m not going to Minsk. -你去明克斯吧-不,我不去了You are so going to Minsk.你一定要去明斯克You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just for me.你属于明斯克你不能因为我而留下来If I go,I have to break up with you.如果我走,就代表我必须与你分手-And I can't break up with you. -Yes,you can. -但我不能和你分手. -是的,你可以的Just say," Phoebe,I love you, but my work is my life.只用说,“菲比,我爱你, 但是工作是我的生命”That's what I have to d o. " “这是我必须做的.”And I say,"Your work? How can you say that? "然后我说,“你的工作?你竟说出这种话?”Then you say," I have no choice. Can't you understand that? "接着你说,“我没有选择. 难道你不了解吗?”And I say," No! No! I can't understand that! "我说,“不!不!我不了解!”-Ow. -Sorry.喔-对不起And then you put your arms around me.然后你抱住我…-Then you put your arms around me. -Oh,sorry. -然后你抱住我…-哦,对不起And then you tell me you love me and you'll never forget me.然后你对我说你爱我你永远不会忘记我I'll never forget you.我永远不会忘记你Then you say that you have to go...你又说现在已接近午夜,你必须走了... because you don't wanna start the year with me if you can't finish it. 你不想与我共渡新因为你实在狠不下心离开I' m gonna miss you, you scientist guy.我会想你的,科学家Hi,**** Clark in Times Square.我是迪克拉克在时代广场为你做实况报导We're in a virtual snowstorm of confetti here in Times Square.时代广场这儿的五彩纸片纷纷落下It gets better every....一年比一年进步Here you go,kids.好好睡吧,孩子And then the peacock bit me.然后孔雀就咬了我Please kiss me at midnight!请在午夜吻我-You seen Sandy? -I don't know how to tell you this... -看见珊蒂没? -我不知该如何告诉你... but she's in the bedroom getting it on with Max.她和马克斯在摩妮卡的房里Oh,I did know how to tell you.酷,你看我还是告诉你了-Hey,everybody,the ball is dropping. -What?各位,大球要掉了-什么?The ball is dropping!大球要掉了In 20 seconds,it'll be midnight.再过20秒钟就是午夜And the moment of joy is upon us.兴奋的时刻即将到来Looks like that no-date pact worked out.看起来没有约会的约定奏效了啊Everybody looks so happy. I hate that!大家好像都很开心,我不喜欢Not everybody is happy. Hey,Bobby!不是大家都开心,嘿,巴比four,three,two...4…3…2…...one! Happy New Year! …1!…1!新年快乐I thought I'd throw this out. I' m no math whiz...我这么说好了,我不是数学大师... but I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here. 但我相信这儿有3对男女I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight.今晚我不想亲任何人-I can't kiss anyone. -So,I'm kissing everyone? -我无法亲任何人-我就该亲大家?No,you can't kiss Ross. That's your brother.不,你不能亲罗斯,他是你哥So now everybody's getting kissed but me.太好了,大家都亲,除我之外Somebody kiss me.谁来亲我…Somebody kiss me! It's midnight! Somebody kiss me!谁来亲我…现在是午夜…谁来亲我…All right! All right!好吧,来吧There!这里!I wanted this to work so much.我真的希望这样能够奏效I'm still in there.我还在那里Changing his diapers. Picking his fleas.替它换尿布,替它抓跳蚤But he's just phoning it in.但它却视为理所当然It's hard that something you love so much doesn't love you back. 深爱某人却得不到回报真是令人难过I think that ***** cracked my tooth.我想那个贱人打断了我的牙齿。
《老友记》口语笔记第1季:10集1.blonde planet。
planet,形容体形及运动速度?“金发莽妇,从天而降(不知道从哪儿冒了出来)”2.did anyone eat my dip?这里是rach顾左右而言他,想让大家不要注意她的模样,所以问派对是否热闹,有没人拿走她那份蘸酱。
3.attack whistle thingy是防狼口哨4.phoning it in, 本意是以电话或电话留言的方式传递信息,后来引申为“报告”在后来引申为“应付差使,没有真正投入”的意思。
5.One of these times is just gonna be your last chance with me.“这将可能是你最后一次有机会见我了”或者是“你和我见面的机会也就这几次了”6. That guy's going home with a note!chandler把Phoebe上面教训david的话,说成是一个便条(note)。
一般guys 晚上回家也许会带个女孩, 可david恐怕只能带个便条回家了。
美国小学生犯了错误,老师就会写一个note让学生带回去给家长看,当然不会写什么好事,所以叫send home with a note。
7.he's not even jolly, it's all political.那个人为了做圣诞老人不惜和经理睡,所以joey说那人都不是愉快地做这事,只是为了往上爬8.desperate to find anything with lips just so you can have someone tokiss when the ball drops.那个ball是在纽约时代广场一年一度的欢庆活动中,倒数迎接新年时下降那个ball.它还有自己的名字,叫“The New Year's Eve Ball”balled-up socks 是你收袜子的时候把它们卷起来的意思,那样就不会东一只西一只啦。
客厅里,Ross开始想向Rachel 搭讪。
剧本精讲文本:Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...Ross: A wandering?Monica: Change! Okay, sit down. (Shows Paul in) Two seconds.Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good. (Monica goes to change.)Joey: Hey, Paul!Paul: Yeah?Joey: Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba onmy honeymoon, so nothing!知识点单词&短语show Paul inguide Paul toward the inside of the apartment 带着Paul往房间里走(Paul刚才在门口)这是一种常见的表达方式比如:show them to the table(带领他们走向桌边)pulled out four eyelashes拔出4根睫毛eyelash英 ['aɪlæʃ] 美['aɪ'læʃ]n. 睫毛what’re you up to tonight相当于what are you doing tonight今晚有什么安排吗?今晚你准备做什么?up to you你来决定It’s up to you; I’ll leave it up to youup and coming: beginning to achieve success or popularity 新兴,开始成功/流行be supposed to相当于be expected to 原本应该做某事(被预期会怎样)head for someone or something: to aim for or move towardsomeone or something 朝某人走去,去某地I will be supposed to take another flight from Beijing to NY next week.下个周末,我可能会乘坐飞机离开北京去往纽约。
中央咖啡馆这没什么好说的There's nothing to tell!他不过是我的同事He's just some guy I work with!少来了你们都在约会了C'mon, you're going out with the guy!这个男人一定有什么问题There's gotta be something wrong with him!他是驼背吗戴着假发的驼背So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?等等他吃粉笔吗Wait, does he eat chalk?我只是不想你Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙what I went through with Carl拜托各位放松点这甚至不算是约会Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date.只不过是两个人出去吃个饭It's just two people going out to dinner而且不会上床and not having sex.听起来像是和我约会Sounds like a date to me.于是我回到了高中学校Alright, so I'm back in high school,我站在食堂中间I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria然后发现自己全身赤裸and I realize I am totally naked.噢做过那种梦Oh, yeah. Had that dream.然后我低下头看见那里有一部Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone大哥大there.-那话儿变成了 -没错- Instead of...? - That's right.-这种梦倒从未做过 -没有- 《比利别逞英雄》 70年代反战歌曲还有个问题Y'know, here's the thing.就算我鼓足了勇气想约个女人出来Even if I could get it together enough to- to ask a woman out,...我又能约谁呢who am I gonna ask?不可思议吧Isn't this amazing?我这辈子从没泡过咖啡I mean, I have never made coffee before in my entire life.-真不可思议 -恭喜你了- That is amazing. - Congratulations.既然你现在正进入角色While you're on a roll有没有想做个煎蛋卷之类的东西If you feel like you have to make a Western omelet or something..不过事实上我还不太饿Although actually I'm really not that hungry...-早安 -早安- Morning. - Good morning.-早安 -早安保罗- Morning. - Morning, Paul.-你好保罗 -嗨保罗是吧- Hello, Paul. - Hi, Paul, is it?-谢谢太感谢你了 -不要这样- Thank you. Thank you so much. - Stop.晚点联系We'll talk later.谢谢你Yeah. Thank you.那还不叫真正的约会That wasn't a real date?!那你真正的约会到底要干些什么What the hell do you do on a real date?-闭嘴把桌子抬回去 -好啦- Shut up, and put my table back. - Okayyy!好了孩子们我必须上班去了All right, kids, I gotta get to work.但如果我不输入那些数字If I don't input those numbers...也没什么关系it doesn't make much of a difference...你们大伙儿都有工作So, like, you guys all have jobs?对我们都有工作Yeah, we all have jobs.这样才有钱买东西See, that's how we buy stuff.对我是个演员Yeah, I'm an actor.你演过什么我看过吗Wow! Would I have seen you in anything?难说大部分范围都挺小的I doubt it. Mostly regional work.等下除非你碰巧看过Oh wait, wait, unless you happened to catch the《匹诺曹》的重播Reruns' production of Pinocchio."瞧盖佩多我是真正的小男孩了"'Look, Gippetto, I'm a real live boy.'{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}《匹诺曹》的剧中台词-别这么侮辱人 -你说得对对不起- I will not take this abuse. - You're right, I'm sorry."我曾是个小木偶小木偶""Once I was a wooden boy, a little wooden boy..."今天感觉如何So how you doing today?睡得还好吧跟巴瑞谈过了吗Did you sleep okay? Talk to Barry?我无法停止笑I can't stop smiling.看得出来I can see that.你活像昨晚睡觉时嘴里放了个撑衣架You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.我知道他是那么I know, he's just so, so...还记得你和托尼·德马科吗Do you remember you and Tony DeMarco?记得啊Oh, yeah.就像那样那种感觉Well, it's like that. With feelings.-哇你真是有麻烦了- Wow,are you in trouble!好啦好啦我要站起来去工作Okay. Okay. I am just going to get up, go to work而且一整天都不要想他and not think about him all day.或者只是站起来去工作Or else I'm just gonna get up and go to work.-祝我好运 -为什么- Oh, look, wish me luck! - What for?我要去找那个工作什么的东西I'm gonna go get one of those job things.嘿莫妮卡Hey, Monica!嘿弗兰妮欢迎回来Hey Frannie, welcome back!在佛罗里达过得如何How was Florida?你做爱了对不You had sex, didn't you?-你怎么知道的- How do you do that?那么和谁So? Who?你认识保罗吧You know Paul?保罗那个调酒的Paul the Wine Guy?对我认识保罗Oh yeah, I know Paul.你是说你认识他就像我认识他一样You mean you know Paul like I know Paul?开玩笑吧保罗还欠我一个人情呢Are you kidding? I take credit for Paul.遇到我之前他已有两年无法过性生活Y'know before me, there was no snap in his turtle for two years.显然他是骗你的Of course it was a line!为什么为什么会有人那样做Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that?我想你是想让我们拿出一个I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated比"想和你上床"更为复杂的回答than 'to get you into bed'.问题出在我身上Is it me?难道我身上带着某种味儿Is it like I have some sort of beacon只有狗和有严重情感问题的男人才会发觉吗that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems can hear?好啦过来把你的脚给我All right, c'mere, gimme your feet.我只是以为他是个好男人I just thought he was nice, y'know?我真不相信你不知道那是个谎言I can't believe you didn't know it was a line!-猜猜怎么了 -你找到工作了- Guess what? - You got a job?开玩笑吗我什么都不会Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing!今天十二个面试我都是被嘲笑轰出来的I was laughed out of twelve interviews today.不过你却异常兴奋And yet you're surprisingly upbeat.如果你遇见"约翰&大卫"的皮靴打五折You would be too if you found John and David boots on sale,也会跟我一样的fifty percent off!是呀你多了解我啊Oh, how well you know me...这就是我不需要工作They're my new 'I don't need a job,不需要父母一双好皮靴足矣I don't need my parents, I've got great boots' boots!你怎么付的款How'd you pay for them?用信用卡Uh, credit card.那谁付账单And who pays for that?我爸啊Um... my... father.拜托你不能靠你爸一辈子C'mon, you can't live off your parents your whole life.我知道这就是为什么我要结婚I know that. That's why I was getting married.饶了她吧第一次独立并不轻松Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time.谢谢Thank you.不客气我记得我第一次来纽约时的情景You're welcome. I remember when I first came to this city.当时我十四岁I was fourteen.我妈刚自杀我继父再度入狱My mom had just killed herself and my step-dad was back in prison,我来到这里举目无亲and I got here, and I didn't know anybody.最后我和一个白化病患者住在一起And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like,他给港务局的人清洗车窗玻璃cleaning windshields outside port authority,后来他也自杀了and then he killed himself,然后我成了按摩师and then I found aromatherapy.所以相信我我完全了解你的感受So believe me, I know exactly how you feel.你想要说的话是The word you're looking for is"无论如何""Anyway"...好了准备好了吗All right, you ready?-我不这么想- I don't think so.剪掉剪掉剪掉C'mon, cut. Cut, cut, cut,...欢迎来到现实世界Welcome to the real world!它糟透了但你会喜欢的It sucks. You're gonna love it!好啦你要睡在沙发上吗Well, that's it. You gonna crash on the couch?不我要回家老友记\第一季第一集没人告诉你生活会是这样\So no one told you life was gonna be this way 你滑稽的工作你的差劲\your jobs a joke, you're broke,你半途而废的爱情\your love life's D.O.A.就像开车卡在二档\It's like you're always stuck in second gear,每日每周每月\And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,甚至每年都是如此\or even your year, but大雨倾盆时\I'll be there for you,我会陪伴你\when the rain starts to pour.我会陪伴你\I'll be there for you,像我以前那样\like I've been there before.我会陪伴你\I'll be there for you,因为你也陪伴着我\'cause you're there for me too.(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
There's a somebody I'd like you to meet:想介绍一个人给大家认识reach a certain age:到达一定的年纪原句:I think you reach a certain agedo new material:新的东西(剧中意为新歌)原句:I'm doing all new material tonightslap in the face:一记耳光/耻辱原句:It's just such a slap in the face.back by popular demand:应观众要求原句:Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand, Miss Phoebe Buffay. mean a lot to me:令我感慨万分原句:I wanna start with a song that means a lot to me this time of year. beautiful in a conventional way:传统气质的美delicate grace:优雅气质原句:You are luminous with a kind of a delicate grace.just a smidge:一点点methodical:做事一丝不苟break the pact:违背(剧中意为抛弃)原句:You're gonna break the pact.handle the pressure:承受压力原句:I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped.have fight:吵架原句:We had our first fight this morning.work late:加班原句:I think it has to do with my working late.一定是我加班惹的祸no date pact:六人行原句:What does the phrase 'no date pact' mean to you?”六人行”对你有何意义?make out with sb:与某人培养感情原句:I wanna stay here and make out with my girlfriend! greet guests:招呼客人原句:This is how you greet guests at a party?。
In the ninth episode of the first season of "Friends," titled "The One Where Underdog Gets Away," the main plot revolves around the friends' Thanksgiving plans going awry when they get locked out of Monica's apartment.As the group gathers at Monica's place, they eagerly prepare for a traditional Thanksgiving feast. However, when Monica leaves the apartment briefly, everyone is accidentally locked out, leaving behind the roasted turkey and all the trimmings.Desperate to salvage the holiday, the friends scramble to come up with alternative plans. Joey and Chandler decide to dine at a makeshift Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant, while Phoebe is left volunteering at a soup kitchen. Ross, Monica, and Rachel frantically attempt to break into the apartment, but their efforts are in vain.As the episode progresses, each friend faces their own humorous misadventures while trying to make the best of the unexpected situation. Ultimately, the episode emphasizes the importance of friendship and coming together as the friends reunite and share a simple meal on the apartment's rooftop."The One Where Underdog Gets Away" showcases the resilience and camaraderie of the friends as they navigate unforeseen obstacles, reminding viewers of the value of friendship and the ability to find joy even in the most unconventional circumstances.。
双字幕的制作流程制作双字幕需要经过以下几个步骤:1. 原版字幕提取首先,需要从原版资源中提取出原版字幕。
2. 翻译和调整提取出原版字幕后,需要将其翻译为目标语言并进行调整。
3. 校对和质量控制完成翻译和调整后,需要对字幕进行校对和质量控制。
4. 输出和集成经过校对和质量控制后,字幕可以进行最终的输出和集成。
输出是指将字幕导出成特定的文件格式,如SRT、ASS或SSA 等。
老友记第一季双字幕的特点《老友记》第一季的双字幕具有以下几个特点:1. 准确翻译双字幕的翻译准确传达了原版对白的意思,并符合中文观众的表达习惯。
2. 笑点适配双字幕对于剧中的笑点进行了适配,通过字幕的形式将幽默和搞笑的元素传递给观众。
3. 明确标示剧中歌曲和笑点在双字幕中,会特别标示剧中出现的歌曲和笑点。
大家好Hi, guys!嘿菲比嗨Hey, Pheebs! Hi!嘿对了约会怎么样Hey。
Oh, oh, how'd it go?不是很好他送我到地铁然后说Um, not so good。
He walked me to the subway and said ”我们应该再来一次”’We should do this again!'怎么啦他说要再来一次那不是很好吗What? He said ’we should do it again', that's good, right?不他说我们应该再来一次Uh,no. Loosely translated 'We should do this again’代表你将无法再见到裸体的我means ’You will never see me naked'.什么时候这样子的Since when?一直都是这样这是约会用语Since always。
It’s like dating language。
就像”不是你的问题"代表”就是你”Y'know, like ’It's not you’ means ’It is you'。
"你真的挺好的”代表Or ’You’re such a nice guy' means”我要和穿皮衣的酒鬼约会”'I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics然后再跟你抱怨他们”and complaining about them to you还有还有 "我们该试试别人”代表Or,or, y'know, um, ’I think we should see other people’ means ”哈哈我已和别人约会了”’Ha, ha,I already am’.-大家都懂—对放轻松啦- And everybody knows this? - Yeah。
各位我想介绍一个人给大家认识Guys, there's somebody I'd like you to meet.等等这是怎么回事Wait, wait. What is that?他叫马塞尔想和他打声招呼吗That's Marcel. Wanna say hi?不我不要No, I don't.真是太宝贵了从哪儿弄的Oh, he is precious! Where'd you get him?我朋友贝塞尔从某个实验室里救出来的My friend Bethel saved him from a lab.真残忍That is so cruel.为何有父母会将孩子取名为圣地Why? Why would a parent name their child Bethel?{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}Bethel又有圣地礼拜堂的意思这猴子的屁股上长了个罗斯Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on its ass罗斯他要和你住一起吗住在你家Ross, is he gonna live with you, like, in your apartment?对卡罗尔离开后家里冷清清的Yeah. I mean, it's been kinda quiet since Carol left, so...你为什么不找一个室友Why don't you just get a roommate?不我不要我觉得人到一定年纪后Nah, I dunno... I think you reach a certain age,还与室友同住是有点可悲having a roommate is kinda pathe-抱歉是可佩Sorry, that's, that's 'pathet',在梵语中代表很酷的生活方式which is Sanskrit for 'really cool way to live'.各位我今天将唱全新的曲目So you guys, I'm doing all new material tonight.我这里有12首新歌是关于我妈妈的自杀的I have twelve new songs about my mother's suicide, 还有一首关于雪人的歌and one about a snowman.你最好先唱雪人的那首You might wanna open with the snowman.-乔伊 -老兄- Hi, Joey. - Hey, buddy.-怎么样 -我没得到那份工作- So how'd it go? - I didn't get the job.怎么可能你去年就是圣诞老人啊How could you not get it? You were Santa last year.我不知道某个胖子和店经理上床了I don't know. Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. 他根本无法逗人开心这就是潜规则He's not even jolly. It's all political.那么你扮演什么So what are you gonna be?当他的助手[小精灵]I'm gonna be one of his helpers.这简直是当头一棒你明白吗It's just such a slap in the face, you know?你们几个准备怎么过新年Hey, do you guys know what you're doing for New Year's怎么了新年有什么不对劲吗Gee, what?! What is wrong with New Year's你当然没事你有保罗Nothing for you, you have Paolo.无须面对这种糟糕的节日压力You don't have to face the horrible pressures of this holiday: 在绝望中挣扎着寻找一个嘴唇desperate scramble to find anything with lips好在球掉下来时接吻just so you can have someone to kiss when the ball drops!!哦我说得太大声了Man, I'm talking loud!跟你说一下Well, for your information,保罗新年期间会在罗马Paolo is gonna be in Rome this New Year,-所以我将和各位一样可悲 -想得美- I'll be just as pathetic as you. - Yeah, you wish.我不想再成为迪克·拉克I'm sick of being a victim of{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}新年庆典主持的疲劳轰炸受害人this Dick Clark holiday.要我说今年不约会I say this year, no dates,咱们定个协议就咱六人共进晚餐we make a pact. Just the six of us- dinner.-行啊 -好- Yeah, okay. - Alright.我本来希望大家能更开心点的Y'know, I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm.-菲比该上台了 -哦好的- Phoebe, you' re on. - Oh, good.女士们先生们应大家要求Okay, hi. Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand,有请菲比·布菲小姐... Miss Phoebe Buffay.谢谢大家好Hi. Thanks. Hi.首先我想要唱一首I wanna start with a song对现在的我意义非凡的歌that means a lot to me this time of year. *我用煤当眼球堆了一个雪人**I made a man with eyes of coal**他有迷人的笑容**And a smile so bewitching**可我怎么能忘记**How was I supposed to know**我妈妈在厨房中自杀的情景**That my mom was dead in the kitchen?* *我妈妈的骨灰**My mother's ashes**还有她的眼睫毛**Even her eyelashes**都装在一个小黄坛子里**Are resting in a little yellow jar**在有风的时候**And sometimes when it's freezing**我有点想打喷嚏**I feel a little sneezy**而我现在**And now I...*打扰一下不好意思吵闹的男生Excuse me? Excuse me? Yeah, noisy boys.有什么事情可以和Is it something that you would like to在座的各位分享一下的吗share with the entire group?没没没有No. No, that's- that's okay拜托如果这事情都已经重要到Well, c'mon, if it's important enough非要打断我的表演了to discuss while I'm playing,那么我想也已经足够到可以和大家分享吧then I assume it's important enough for everyone else to hear. 这家伙回家时可要带上注意事项了That guy's going home with a note.没什么我只是对我的Noth- I was- I was just saying to my-大声点行吗Could you speak up please?抱歉我我只是在对我朋友说Sorry, I wa- I was just saying to my friend that我觉得你是我这一生见过的I thought you were the most beautiful woman that最漂亮的女孩I'd ever seen in my- in my life.然后他说你说你觉得And then he said that- you said you thought达丽尔·汉纳Daryl Hannah.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}影星达丽尔·汉纳是他见过最美的女人Daryl Hannah was the most beautiful woman that he'd ever seen in his life. 我说我喜欢《美人鱼》中的她And I said yeah, I liked her in Splash, a lot,但《华尔街》就没那么喜欢了but not so much in- in Wall Street,我觉得她没什么气质I thought she had a hard quality.还有达丽尔·汉纳是流行的美And uh, while Daryl Hannah is beautiful in a conventional way,但你全身都散发着难得的古典美you are luminous with a kind of a delicate grace.然后你就开始喊叫了Then, uh, that-that-that's when you started yelling.好的咱们稍微休息一会吧Okay, we're gonna take a short break.那小伙拿回家的远不止注意事项了啊That guy's going home with more than a note.过来马塞尔坐这儿Come here, Marcel. Sit here.菲比我真不敢相信他还没有吻你Pheebs, I can't believe he hasn't kissed you yet.天哪我和保罗第六次约会时I mean God, by my sixth date with Paolo,他就为我的胸部起好名字了I mean he had already named both my breasts!我分享太多了吗Did I just share too much?一点点Just a smidge.大卫就像科学家做事一丝不苟David's, like, y'know, a scientist guy. He's very methodical. -我认为这很浪漫 -我也这么想- I think it's romantic. - Me too!你们看过《军官与绅士》这部电影吗Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman?他就有点像和我一起去看这部电影的男生Well, he's kinda like the guy I went to see that with.除了他更聪明也更温柔体贴Except, except he-he's smarter, and gentler, and sweeter... 我只想整天和他厮守在一起I just- I just wanna be with him all the time.日日夜夜夜夜日日Day and night, and night and day...还有特别的日子and special occasions...等一下我知道是怎么回事了Wait a minute, wait a minute, I see where this is going,你想和他一起共度新年是不是you're gonna ask him to New Year's, aren't you.你要违反约定You're gonna break the pact.-她要违反约定了 -不不不- She's gonna break the pact. - No, no, no, no, no, no.不对我可以吗No. Yeah, could I just?-可以我已约了珍妮丝 -什么- Yeah. I already asked Janice. - What?拜托咱们有协议的还是你定的C'mon, this was a pact! This was your pact!我反悔了不行吗I snapped, okay?我受不了这种压抑所以我反悔了I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped. 可是珍妮丝Yeah, but Janice?你们分手时不是闹得特别糟糕吗That-that was like the worst breakup in history! 我没说这是个好主意I'm not saying it was a good idea,我只是说我反悔了I'm saying I snapped.抱歉我迟到了Hi. Hi, sorry I'm late.太滑稽了Too many jokes...快嘲笑乔伊must mock Joey!鞋子正点吧Nice shoes, huh?我快笑死了God, you're killing me!罗斯他又玩我的铲子Ross, he's playing with my spatulas again!没事他又不会把它们弄疼Okay, look, he's not gonna hurt them, right?你非得每次都带他来不可吗Do you always have to bring him?我不想把他一个人留在家里好吗I didn't wanna leave him alone. Alright?我们今天早上第一次吵架了We- we had our first fight this morning.我觉得可能和我昨天工作晚归有关I think it has to do with my working late.我无心中说了一些话I said some things that I didn't mean,他就朝我扔大便了and he- he threw some faeces...如果你准备加班Y'know, if you're gonna work late,我可以替你照顾他I could look in on him for you.这太好了Oh, that'd be great!但是如果你去but if you do,请装作是去找他的好吗make sure it seems like you're there to see him, okay, 而不是过去帮我忙的and you're not like doing it as a favour to me.好但他如果问起来我就得直说了Okay, but if he asks, I'm not going to lie.但是我们无法直接实践该理论But, you can't actually test this theory.因为目前的量子加速器还远无法达到because today's particle accelerators are nowhere near powerful enough 能够模仿这种状态的能量to simulate these conditions...好我有个问题Okay, alright, I have a question, then.-嗯 -你准备什么时候吻我- Yeah? - Um, were you planning on kissing me ever?这是个正当而合理的问题Uh, that's definitely a, uh, valid question.而答案是应该是And, uh, the answer would be...是的对我曾想过yes. Yes I was.但我希望这个特殊的吻能够But, see, I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss在一个特殊的时间中发生that happened at this phenomenal moment,因为那个人是你because, well, 'cause it's you.当然Sure.好但是我等的时间越久Right. But, see, the longer I waited,这个吻就会显得越特殊the more phenomenal the kiss had to be.我们现在已经到了一个and now we've reached a place把桌上的东西都挥下去where it's just gotta be one of those things where I just like... 然后把你扔在上面的时刻sweep everything off the table and throw you down on it.而我实际上并不是那种乱挥东西的人And, uh, I'm not really a, uh, sweeping sorta fella.大卫我觉得你是那种可以挥东西的人Oh, David, I, I think you are a sweeping sorta fella.你是被困在物理学家体内的猛男I mean, you're a sweeper...trapped inside a physicist's body -真的 -没错我确定- Really? - Oh, yeah, oh, I'm sure of it.你应该现在挥东西把我丢上去吧You should just do it, just sweep and throw me.-现在吗 -对现在- Now? Now? - Yeah, right now. Just....好好好Okay. Okay. Okay.这东西很贵的You know what? This was just really expensive.这个是人家送的And I'll take- this was a gift.你现在是在收拾东西了Okay, now you're just kinda tidying.好吧管他的Okay, what the hell, what the hell.你想被我丢上去还是自己跳上去You want me to actually throw you or you-you wanna just hop?我自己跳好了I can hop.告诉我So tell me something."不约会协议"对你而言意味着什么What does the phrase 'no date pact' mean to you?对不起I'm sorry, okay.钱德勒约了人菲比也有对象It's just that Chandler has somebody, and Phoebe has somebody... 所以我约了搞笑巴比I thought I'd ask Fun Bobby.搞笑巴比你的前男友搞笑巴比Fun Bobby? Your ex-boyfriend Fun Bobby?对Yeah.你还认识其他的搞笑巴比You know more than one Fun Bobby?我恰好认识一个搞笑鲍比I happen to know a Fun Bob.-来了给 -没法加牛奶了- Okay. Here we go. - There's no room for milk.好了这下可以了There. Now there is.好吧那么在咱们不约会之夜Okay, so on our no-date evening,你们中三个已然有约three of you now have dates.-四个 -五个- Four. - Five.抱歉保罗提早搭飞机回来Sorry. Paolo's catching an earlier flight.而我在商场遇上—个火辣的单亲妈妈Yeah, and I met this really hot single mom at the store. 我这个小精灵怎能抗拒What's an elf to do?好吧那么当大球落下的时候Okay, so I'm gonna be the only one我将是唯一一个独自站在那里的standing there alone when the ball drops?我们都在啊我们会举办一个盛大的聚会Oh, c'mon We'll have, we'll have a big party,没人会知道谁是谁的and no-one'll know who's with who.你知道的我现在需要的并不是这个Hey, y'know, this is so not what I needed right now.-你怎么了 -都是马塞尔- What's the matter? - Oh, it's Marcel.他一直不让我进门He keeps shutting me out, y'know?他一直拖着手在屋里走来走去He's walking around all the time dragging his hands...真奇怪我那天晚上和他玩得很愉快That's so weird, I had such a blast with him the other night. -真的 -对啊- Really? - Yeah,我们一起玩看电视we played, we watched TV.杂耍真是太精彩了That juggling thing is amazing.什么杂耍What, uh... what juggling thing?抛袜子卷成的球啊我以为是你教他的With the balled-up socks? I figured you taught him that. 没有No.也没什么大不了的Y'know, it wasn't that big a deal.只是用袜子卷成球还有香瓜He just balled up socks... and a melon...-菲比 -麦克斯还认识大伙吗- Phoebe! Hi. - Oh, hi Max! Hey, do you know everybody? 不认识你看见大卫了吗No. Have you seen David?没有他没在这儿No, no, he hasn't been around.如果你看到他叫他赶紧收拾行李Well, if you see him, tell him to pack his bags.我们要去明斯克了We are going to Minsk.-明斯克 -明斯克在俄罗斯- Minsk? - Minsk. It's in Russia.我知道明斯克在哪儿I know where Minsk is.我们已申请到奖助金We got the grant.三年提供所有经费Three years, all expenses paid.-你们什么时候动身 -1月1日- So when do you leave? - January 1 st.你来这儿干什么What are you doing here?麦克斯告诉我明斯克的事了Um, well, Max told me about Minsk. So恭喜了这太让人激动了Congratulations! This is so exciting!如果我们真的能去的话我会更激动的It'd be even more exciting if we were going.你们不去了为什么Oh, you're not going? Oh, why?告诉她大卫 "我不打算去明斯克"Tell her, David. 'I don't wanna go to Minsk和李本斯亚马古基与法朗克共事and work with Lifson and Yamaguchi and Flench, nonononononono. 我要留下来和我女朋友在一起I wanna stay and make out with my girlfriend! "够了麦克斯谢谢Okay, thank you, Max. Thank you.你真的不去So you're really not going?我知道不知道该怎么办我只是I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just.... 你来决定You decide.-别这样 -求你了- Oh don't do that. - Please.-我是在求你 -我不能那么做- But I'm asking you. - I can't make a decision.-只要你 -好了留下来- Just - Okay. Stay.-留下来 -留下来- Stay. - Stay.你进步神速啊Getting so good at that!都是麦克斯的东西It was Max's stuff.我喜欢这个朝鲜蓟I love this artichoke thing.别告诉我里面是什么我明天才开始节食Oh, don't tell me what's in it, the diet starts tomorrow. 你记得珍妮丝吧You remember Janice.历历在目Vividly.-嗨 -嗨我是珊蒂- Hi. - Hi, I'm Sandy.珊蒂请进Sandy, hi. Come on in.-你把孩子都带来了 -对可以吗- You brought your kids. - Yeah. That's okay, right?-聚会 -这东西不可以进来- Party! - That thing is not coming in here!东西你都这样招呼客人吗'That thing'? This is how you greet guests at a party?让我问问你Let me ask you something,如果我带着我的新女友来这里if I showed up here with my new girlfriend,你也不欢迎她进来吗she wouldn't be welcome in your home?你的新女友不会尿在我的咖啡桌上I'm guessing your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table. 他已经够难为情了行吗Okay. He was more embarrassed about that than anyone. Okay而他还有勇气装作And for him to have the courage to什么事情都没发生一样再来到这里walk back in here like nothing happened...好啦叫他离我远点就是了All right. All right. Just keep him away from me.谢谢来马塞尔Thank you. Come on, Marcel.咱们去寒暄一下吧whaddya say you and I do a little mingling?好吧待会儿见All right, I'll catch up with you later.天啊瑞秋亲爱的你没事吧Oh, my gosh! Rachel, honey, are you okay?保罗在哪儿Where's Paolo?罗马那个笨蛋错过了飞机Rome. Jerk missed his flight.然后呢你的脸就爆炸了吗And then your face exploded?不是No.我当时在机场准备上出租车Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab...然后一个拿着袖珍书的金发女人when this woman- this blonde planet with a pocketbook-就开始朝我吼好像说车是她先拦下的starts yelling at me. Something about how it was her cab first. 后我记得的事情就是她开始And then the next thing I know开始拽着我的头发把我拖到了车外she just starts- starts pulling me out by my hair!于是我拿出哨子使劲吹So I'm blowing my attack whistle thingy结果又来了三辆出租车and three more cabs show up.当我想上别的车的时候她就开始打我了And as I'm going to get into a cab she tackles me结果我撞上了路沿And I hit my head on the curb哨子把嘴唇弄破了and cut my lip on my whistle.大家玩得还愉快吧Everybody having fun at the party?-有人吃我的蘸酱吗 -有的- Are people eating my dip? - Yes.我上周在商场看见你时Y'know, when I saw you at the store last week,我第一次产生了扒光小精灵衣服的念头it was probably the first time I ever mentally undressed an elf.-真淫荡 -是的- Wow, that's dirty. - Yeah.孩子们Hey, kids.看他啊Look at him.我并不是让他整晚上都陪着我I'm not saying he has to spend the whole evening with me, 但他至少过来转转啊... but at least check in.原来你在这儿There you are!差点让你跑掉You got away from me.但又被你逮到了But you found me.罗斯帮我们照一张Here, Ross, take our picture.笑一个你被照到珍妮丝的相机中了Smile. You' re on Janice Camera.杀了我吧现在就杀了我Kill me. Kill me now.各位搞笑巴比来了Hey everybody, it's Fun Bobby!抱歉我迟到了我祖父他Hey, sorry I'm late. But my grandfather, he... 他在两小时前过世了...died about two hours ago.我买不到明天之前的机票But I-I-I couldn't get a flight out 'til tomorrow, 所以我来了so here I am.搞笑巴比近来可好Hey, Fun Bobby! How's it going, man?谁死了Whoa! Who died?我们打算用开放式棺材It's gonna be an open casket, you know?所以至少我还可以再看他一眼So at least I'll get to see him again.我要把这张放大洗出来Oh, I'm gonna blow this one up,然后写上闪闪发光的"破镜重圆"and I'm gonna write 'Reunited' in glitter.好了珍妮丝够了All right, Janice, that's it!珍妮丝珍妮丝Janice. Janice.嘿珍妮丝我邀你来并不代表我们Hey, Janice, when I invited you, I didn't think it meant that we...哦不哦不Oh, no. Oh, no.抱歉让你误会了I'm sorry you misunderstood.天哪你听我说钱德勒听我说Oh my God. You listen to me, Chandler, you listen to me.这次可能是你最后一次和我在一起了One of these times is just gonna be your last chance with me.哦把那东西给我Oh, will you give me the thing?-麦克斯你好 -洋子- Hi, Max. - Yoko.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}小野洋子造成披头士成员不合我决定自己去明斯克了I've decided to go to Minsk without you.-喔 -少了你将不太一样- Wow. - It won't be the same...但明斯克还是明斯克新年快乐... but it will still be Minsk. Happy New Year.你还好吧Are you all right?没事我没事我没事Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.来Come on.-你去明克斯吧 -不我不会去的- You' re going to Minsk. - No, I'm not going to Minsk.你一定要去明斯克You are so going to Minsk.你属于明斯克你不能因为我而留下来You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just 'cause of me. 我可以的Yes I can.因为如果我去意味着我必须和你分手Because if I go it means I have to break up with you.-而我不能和你分手 -你可以你可以- And I can't break up with you. - Oh yes, yes, yes you can. 你可以说Just say,"菲比我爱你"Phoebe, I love you,但是工作是我的生命but my work is my life.我现在必须这样做"That's what I have to do right now. "然后我说 "你的工作你的工作And I say, "Your work? Your work?你怎么能这样说"How can you say that? "接着你说 "我的心如刀割Then you say, "it's tearing me apart,但我别无选择你就不能理解一下吗"I have no choice. Can't you understand that? "我说 "不不我不了解"And I say, "No! No! I can't understand that! "-疼 -对不起- Ow. - Sorry.然后你抱住我And then you put your arms around me.-然后你抱住我 -哦对不起- Then you put your arms around me. - Oh, sorry.然后你对我说你爱我永远不会忘记我And then you tell me you love me and you'll never forget me. 我永远不会忘记你I'll never forget you.你再说现在已接近午夜你必须走了Then you say that it's almost midnight and you have to go... 因为如果咱俩不能有结果...because you don't wanna start the new year with me你也不愿和我共度新年if you can't finish it.我会想你的科学家I'm gonna miss you, you scientist guy.我是迪克·拉克正在时代广场上直播Hi, this is Dick Clark, live in Times Square. 五彩纸屑如暴风雪般狂舞We're in a virtual snowstorm时代广场热闹非凡of confetti here in Times Square...一年更比一年好It gets better every....好好睡吧孩子Here you go, kids.然后孔雀就咬了我And then the peacock bit me.午夜的时候请和我接吻吧Please kiss me at midnight!看见珊蒂没You seen Sandy?我不知该如何告诉你Ooh. Uh, I don't know how to tell you this... 她正在莫妮卡房里but she's in Monica's bedroom,那个叫麦克斯的科学怪人在一起getting it on with Max.哦我知道该怎么告诉你Ooh, look at that, I did know how to tell you.-各位大球要掉了 -什么- Hey, everybody, the ball is dropping. - What?大球要掉了The ball is dropping!再过20秒钟就到午夜了In 20 seconds, it'll be midnight.这一瞬间的快乐就要靠咱们自己了And the moment of joy is upon us.看来那个不约会的协议确实生效了Looks like that no-date pact worked out.大家好像都很开心我讨厌这样Everybody looks so happy. I hate that!不是所有人都开心嘿巴比Not everybody is happy. Hey, Bobby!四三二four, three, two...一新年快乐...one! Happy New Year!你们知道吗我刚才算了一下Y'know, I uh.. just thought I'd throw this out here.虽然我不是数学高手I'm no math whiz...但是我确实意识到咱们这里有三男三女But I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here. 今晚我不想亲任何人I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight.我无法亲任何人I can't kiss anyone.那我就要每个人都亲So, I'm kissing everyone?不你不能亲罗斯他是你哥No, you can't kiss Ross. That's your brother.太好了大家都有亲亲就我没有Perfect. Perfect. So now everybody's getting kissed but me.不管谁来亲我Alright, somebody kiss me.谁来亲我已经到午夜了谁来亲我Somebody kiss me! It's midnight! Somebody kiss me!好吧好吧All right! All right!亲一个There!我真的希望这样能够奏效I wanted this to work so much.By F-loat 我是说我就在这里I mean I'm still in there,给他换尿布替他抓跳蚤Changing his diapers. Picking his fleas.但他却视为理所当然But he's just phoning it in.深爱某人却得不到回报Just so hard to accept the fact that意识到这个现实真是令人难过something you love so much doesn't love you back.我觉得那个贱人打断了我的牙齿I think that bitch cracked my tooth.。