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AK98™Dialysis Machine操作手册程序版本1.xx订单号:MHCZHCN12626-02/15HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx©2014Gambro Lundia AB。
商标商标Gambro、AK 98、BiCart、CleanCart、Diascan、SoftPac、U 9000、Polyflux、Revaclear 和Evodial 都属于Gambro 集团。
商标Dialox 属于Air Liquide 集团。
商标HASTELLOY 属于Haynes International Inc。
制造商Gambro Lundia ABBox 10101Magistratsvägen 16SE-22010LUNDSweden电话:+4646169000销售代表联系信息(如果有):如对本手册有任何意见或建议,请联系当地销售代表或制造商。
Operators handbook1用前须知 (1)2机器说明 (17)3操作血液透析装置 (39)4血液透析-双针治疗 (57)5血液透析-单针治疗 (85)6单纯超滤 (93)7图形预制功能 (97)8测量血压(选件) (105)9检查清除率(选件) (111)10消毒和清洁 (117)11对AK98™血液透析装置和WRO系统进行消毒 (131)12维护和操作 (135)13技术数据和规格 (141)14当地法规登记号(如果有) (161)Alarm handbook1报警 (1)2关注信息 (55)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx目录1用前须知 (1)1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项 (2)1.1.1关于本操作手册 (2)1.1.2安全定义 (2)1.1.3值和设置 (2)1.1.4按钮 (2)1.1.5关于屏幕 (2)1.1.6符号 (4)1.2使用前的一般警告和注意事项 (6)1.2.1使用前的一般注意事项 (6)1.2.2责任与免责声明 (8)1.2.3漏电和等电位连接 (8)1.2.4治疗地点 (9)1.2.5中心静脉导管 (9)1.2.6外部电气设备连接 (9)1.2.7如何移动AK98血液透析装置 (9)1.2.8安全须知 (9)1.3预期用途 (10)1.3.1预期用途 (10)1.3.2培训 (11)1.3.3消毒和功能检查 (11)1.3.4进水要求 (11)1.3.5中央输送系统的卫生质量 (11)1.3.6配制透析液 (11)1.4附件 (12)1.4.1浓缩液、化学消毒剂、附件和消耗品 (12)1.4.2浓缩液 (12)1.4.3化学消毒剂 (13)1.4.4血液管路 (13)1.4.5附件 (13)1.4.6超滤器(选件) (13)1.4.7透析器 (14)1.4.8血压测量附件 (14)1.5术语 (15)1.5.1术语 (15)2机器说明 (17)2.1血液部分 (18)2.1.1血液部分的部件 (18)2.1.2血液部分部件详细信息 (19)2.2液体部分 (26)2.2.1液体部分的部件 (26)2.2.2液体部分组件详细信息 (27)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx2.3背面的部件 (32)2.3.1背面的部件 (32)2.3.2背面部件详细信息 (33)3操作血液透析装置 (39)3.1操作员位置 (40)3.1.1操作员位置 (40)3.2打开和关闭血液透析装置 (40)3.2.1主开关 (40)3.2.2开/关按钮 (40)3.3指示灯和按钮 (40)3.3.1指示灯 (40)3.3.2操作员面板上的按钮 (41)3.4屏幕 (42)3.4.1屏幕概述 (42)3.4.2静脉和动脉压力控制(1,2) (43)3.4.3机器状态指示灯(3) (43)3.4.4时间(4) (43)3.4.5血液路径(5) (44)3.4.6液体流路(6) (44)3.4.7旁路路径 (44)3.4.8血压区(7,8)(选件) (44)3.4.9清除率区(9,10)(选件) (44)3.4.10治疗浏览(11–15) (44)3.4.11报警选项卡(16) (45)3.4.12信息选项卡(17) (45)3.4.13信息字段(18) (45)3.4.14预冲按钮(19) (45)3.4.15回血按钮(20) (45)3.4.16消毒按钮(21) (46)3.4.17血液按钮(22) (47)3.4.18液体按钮(23) (48)3.4.19液体旁路按钮(24) (50)3.4.20超滤按钮(25) (51)3.4.21治疗历史记录页面(26) (51)3.4.22状态栏(27) (51)3.4.23服务菜单 (51)3.5浓缩液待命模式 (52)3.5.1关于暂停透析液 (52)3.5.2手动暂停透析液的配制 (53)3.5.3恢复透析液的配制 (53)3.5.4自动暂停透析液配制 (53)3.6在电源故障期间操作机器 (53)3.6.1在有备用电池的情况下出现电源故障 (53)3.6.2在没有备用电池的情况下出现电源故障 (53)3.6.3手动为病人回血 (54)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx3.7在治疗过程中更换透析器和血路管 (54)3.8超滤控制 (55)4血液透析-双针治疗 (57)4.1基本功能 (58)4.2开始双针治疗 (58)4.2.1治疗前检查事项 (58)4.2.2开始功能检查 (58)4.2.3设置血液透析装置 (59)4.2.4连接动脉血液管路 (61)4.2.5连接静脉血液管路 (66)4.2.6连接肝素注射器 (71)4.2.7预冲透析循环 (73)预冲说明 (73)手动预冲 (73)辅助预冲 (75)4.2.8预冲选项 (76)额外预冲 (76)再循环 (76)4.2.9设置治疗时间 (77)4.2.10设置超滤量 (77)4.2.11设置肝素值 (78)4.2.12连接病人 (79)4.2.13开始治疗 (81)4.3结束双针治疗 (82)4.3.1结束治疗 (82)4.3.2确认断开病人 (83)4.3.3机器后期处理 (83)5血液透析-单针治疗 (85)5.1基本功能 (86)5.2准备 (86)5.3连接病人 (89)5.4开始治疗 (90)5.5结束单针治疗 (91)6单纯超滤 (93)6.1基本功能 (94)6.2处理单纯超滤 (94)6.2.1启用单纯超滤 (94)6.2.2如何再添加一个单纯超滤量 (94)6.2.3停止单纯超滤 (95)6.3其他信息 (95)6.3.1肝素 (95)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx7图形预制功能 (97)7.1一般信息 (98)7.2钠和碳酸氢盐浓度曲线 (98)7.3超滤率曲线 (98)7.4图形预制功能设置/启用 (101)7.5无预设模型的图形预制功能 (102)7.5.1无预设模型的超滤图形预制功能 (102)7.5.2无预设模型的钠图形预制功能 (103)7.5.3无预设模型的碳酸氢盐图形预制功能 (103)7.6设置和启用带预设模型的图形预制功能 (104)8测量血压(选件) (105)8.1血压监测仪(BPM) (106)8.2血压袖带 (106)8.3直接血压测量 (107)8.4间隔时间血压测量 (108)8.5测量历史记录 (108)8.6设置报警限值 (109)8.7血压测量期间的病人护理 (109)8.7.1所有病人 (109)8.7.2高血压病人 (110)8.7.3心律不齐的病人 (110)9检查清除率(选件) (111)9.1清除率测量(Diascan™)如何工作 (112)9.2清除率测量检查内容 (112)9.3检查K和Kt (112)9.4检查Kt/V (113)9.5测量历史记录 (114)9.6设置Kt/V目标值 (114)9.7设置K或Kt/V过低的报警 (115)9.8影响测量的因素 (115)10消毒和清洁 (117)10.1消毒和清洁–一般信息 (118)10.2启动前的检查事项 (118)10.3加热消毒 (119)10.3.1加热消毒说明 (119)10.3.2清洁和脱钙 (119)10.3.3启动加热消毒 (119)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx10.3.4启动使用CleanCart™清洗棒的加热消毒 (120)10.3.5启动使用液体柠檬酸的加热消毒 (120)10.3.6启动使用液体柠檬酸的短时间加热消毒 (120)10.3.7整合加热消毒 (121)整合加热消毒 (121)安排加热消毒方案 (121)关闭已安排的方案 (122)10.3.8使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (122)使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (122)10.4化学消毒 (122)10.4.1有关化学消毒 (122)10.4.2启动化学消毒 (123)10.4.3启动中央化学消毒 (123)10.4.4对WRO单元执行化学消毒方案 (124)10.4.5消毒剂残留物检测 (124)10.4.6消毒历史记录 (124)10.4.7关于化学消毒剂 (125)10.5冲洗和排水 (125)10.5.1启动冲洗或排水 (125)10.5.2安排冲洗方案 (125)10.5.3关闭特定天的冲洗方案 (126)10.6存放灌有化学消毒剂的机器 (126)10.6.1在血液透析装置中灌注化学消毒剂 (126)10.6.2开始使用灌有化学消毒剂的血液透析装置 (127)10.7参考 (127)10.7.1消毒剂、脱钙剂和清洁剂-特征 (127)10.7.2清洁和消毒安排 (128)10.7.3流量路径 (129)11对AK98™血液透析装置和WRO系统进行消毒 (131)11.1一般说明 (132)11.2使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (132)11.2.1对WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒的说明 (132)11.2.2安排整合加热消毒 (132)11.2.3手动启动整合加热消毒 (132)11.3对WRO单元执行中央化学消毒方案 (133)11.3.1对WRO单元执行中央化学消毒方案的说明 (133)11.3.2启动WRO单元的中央化学消毒 (133)11.4冲洗设置 (134)11.4.1冲洗设置 (134)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx12维护和操作 (135)12.1维护 (136)12.2血泵转子 (136)12.2.1血泵转子的维护 (136)12.2.2清洁血泵转子 (136)12.3清洁漏血探测器 (137)12.4进水管 (137)12.5吸液管 (137)12.6表面和顶部托盘 (138)12.7更换超滤器 (138)12.8存放 (139)12.9服务 (139)12.10丢弃 (139)13技术数据和规格 (141)13.1性能和规格-控制系统 (143)13.1.1预冲 (143)13.1.2血流控制 (143)13.1.3肝素泵 (143)13.1.4血压 (144)13.1.5血压监测仪(BPM) (144)13.1.6透析液准备 (144)13.1.7超滤控制 (145)13.1.8超滤保护 (146)13.1.9图形预制功能 (146)13.1.10Diascan™(选件) (146)13.1.11消毒和清洁-化学消毒 (146)13.1.12消毒和清洁–加热消毒 (147)13.1.13自动加热消毒 (148)13.1.14加热消毒方案(包括WRO300H) (148)13.1.15消毒和清洁-冲洗/排水 (148)13.1.16消毒和清洁-外部清洁 (148)13.1.17供水 (148)13.1.18电源 (149)13.1.19外部设备连接 (150)13.1.20备用电池 (150)13.2性能和规格-监控系统 (150)13.2.1血压监控 (150)13.2.2空气探测 (151)13.2.3因凝血造成的体外血液流失 (151)13.2.4透析液准备 (151)13.2.5超滤控制系统 (151)13.2.6漏血探测 (152)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx13.3报警声压 (152)13.3.1报警声压 (152)13.4物理数据 (152)13.4.1尺寸和重量 (152)13.4.2输液支架 (152)13.5与透析液、浓缩液和水接触的材料 (152)13.5.1聚合物 (152)13.5.2金属 (153)13.5.3其它材料 (153)13.6环境数据 (153)13.6.1中国RoHS声明表 (153)13.6.2操作 (153)13.6.3运输和储存 (154)13.6.4电磁环境 (154)13.6.5预期使用寿命 (157)13.6.6能耗 (157)13.7标准 (158)14当地法规登记号(如果有) (161)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx1用前须知1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项 (2)1.1.1关于本操作手册 (2)1.1.2安全定义 (2)1.1.3值和设置 (2)1.1.4按钮 (2)1.1.5关于屏幕 (2)1.1.6符号 (4)1.2使用前的一般警告和注意事项 (6)1.2.1使用前的一般注意事项 (6)1.2.2责任与免责声明 (8)1.2.3漏电和等电位连接 (8)1.2.4治疗地点 (9)1.2.5中心静脉导管 (9)1.2.6外部电气设备连接 (9)1.2.7如何移动AK98血液透析装置 (9)1.2.8安全须知 (9)1.3预期用途 (10)1.3.1预期用途 (10)1.3.2培训 (11)1.3.3消毒和功能检查 (11)1.3.4进水要求 (11)1.3.5中央输送系统的卫生质量 (11)1.3.6配制透析液 (11)1.4附件 (12)1.4.1浓缩液、化学消毒剂、附件和消耗品 (12)1.4.2浓缩液 (12)1.4.3化学消毒剂 (13)1.4.4血液管路 (13)1.4.5附件 (13)1.4.6超滤器(选件) (13)1.4.7透析器 (14)1.4.8血压测量附件 (14)1.5术语 (15)1.5.1术语 (15)1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项1.1.1关于本操作手册这本操作手册提供了正确使用AK200SAK200ULTRA SAK96AK98NewayPrismaflex血液透析装置所需的说明。
Agilent Connectivity Hardware for PC-to-Instrument ConnectionsData Sheetwith Agilent GPIBInstrument Control ProductsIntroducing Agilent GPIB Instrument Control Products Agilent connectivity products enable:• Easy connection to GPIB instruments based on simple plug-and-play setup and configuration• Use of PC-standard interfaces that are prevalent even on notebook PCs, such as USB and LAN• A wide selection of interfaces to fit your test system application– PCI, PCIe®, USB and LAN• Use of industry-standard I/O libraries which makes integrationof existing instruments and software programs in a singlesystem easy, even if you use multiple instrument vendors.Table of ContentsConnecting is as easy as 1-2-3 (3)Agilent IO Libraries Suite 16.0 (4)Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface Converter (5)Agilent 82350B High-Performance PCI GPIB Interface Card (6)Agilent 82351A High-Performance PCI Express® (PCIe)GPIB Interface Card (7)Agilent E5810A LAN/GPIB Gateway (8)Agilent GPIB Instrument Control Products Summary (9)Related Agilent Literature (10)Contact Agilent.........................................................................Back coverConnecting is as Easy as 1-2-3Establish a connection in less than 15 minutesAgilent IO Libraries Suite eliminates the many working hours it takes to connect and configure PC-controlled test systems, especially if it involves instruments from multiple vendors. In fact, with IO Libraries, connecting your instruments to a PC is as easy as connecting a PC to a printer. Easily mix instruments from different vendorsAgilent IO Libraries Suite eliminates headaches associated with trying to combine hardware and software from different vendors. The software is compatible with GPIB, USB, LAN and RS-232 test instruments that adhere to the supported interface standards, no matter who makes them.When you install the IO Libraries Suite, the software checks for the presence of other I/O software on your computer. If it finds another ven-dor’s VISA libraries, it automatically installs in a side-by-side mode that allows you to use the existing I/O software and the Agilent software together in multi-vendor systems.Work in the environment that’s comfortable to youIn addition, the IO Libraries are compatible with a variety of applica-tion development environments and programming APIs including Agilent or NI VISA, VISA COM, SICL, Agilent 488 (compatible with NI-488.2), and Agilent VEE. There is flexibility to choose the software and hardware of your choice to get your job done. Works with millions of existing instruments from hundreds of vendorsAgilent connectivity products and IO Libraries are trusted and known for their reliability. The IO Libraries ships with more than 150 instruments from Agilent Technologies. If you already own an Agilent connectivity product or instrument, you can download the latest version of Agilent IO Libraries Suite for free.Agilent IO Libraries Suite 16.0PC softwareOperating system• Windows® 7 32-bit and 64-bit (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate,Enterprise)• Windows Vista® SP1 and SP2 32-bit and 64-bit (Home, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate,Enterprise Editions)• Windows XP Pro or Home edition service pack 3 or later, 32-bit onlyPC hardwareProcessor600 MHz class (800 MHz or greater recommended)RAM• Windows XP: 256 MB minimum (1 GB or greater recommended)• Windows Vista or Windows 7: 1 GB minimumHard disk space required 1.5 GBDisplay800 x 600, 256 colorsVB6VISA COM, VISA, SICL, Agilent 488, Excel VBAC/C++, Managed C++VISA COM, VISA, Agilent 488.NET languages (, C#)VISA COM, VISA, Agilent 488LabVIEW VISA, Agilent 488MATLAB VISANote: Agilent IO Libraries Suite supports VEE Pro program development with drivers and/or Direct IO.Connection Expert Automatically scans and configures your instrument IO, helps you get connected quickly and easilyand displays the status of your interfaces and instrumentsInteractive IO Lets you quickly send commands to instruments and read responsesIO Monitor Lets you monitor and debug I/O calls made on any of Agilent’s supported buses using Agilent SICL,VISA, VISA COM, or Agilent IVI instrument drivers (released after September 18, 2010)IO control Provides easy access to the IO Libraries Suite from the Windows system trayviFind32Debug utility uses VISA functions to find resources and lists them in a console windowSee the following URL for more information or for the latest updates: /find/iosuiteAgilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface ConverterFeatures• Fast and easy connection to GPIB instruments • Uses standard USB and IEEE-488 interfaces • Maximum GPIB transfer rate of 1.15 MB/s • Parallel polling capabilityBest for• Easiest GPIB connectivity • Notebook computer GPIB connectionConnect GPIB instruments quickly and easily to your computer’s USB portThe Agilent 82357B USB/GPIBinterface provides a direct connection from the USB port on your desktop and laptop computers to GPIB instru-ments. Once the software is loaded, your computer automatically detects the 82357B when it is connected to the USB port of the computer.The 82357B is a plug-and-play device. It is also hot-pluggable, making it easy to connect and disconnect without having to shut down thecomputer. No external power supplies are necessary.The 82357B USB/GPIB interface implements USB 1.1 (12 Mbits/s) and is compatible with USB 2.0. The 82357B USB/GPIB interface uses a thin, flexible, high-quality USB cable that is USB 2.0-compliant. The USB cable is shielded, and the connector is specified to 1,500 insertions, ensur-ing a durable connection and reliabledata transfer.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROM AccessoriesNoneBoosting performance with simplest connectivityAgilent 82350B High-Performance PCI GPIB Interface CardFeatures• PCI IEEE-488 interface for PCs • Transfer rates up to 900 KB/s • Dual processor support on the latest Windows operating systemBest for• Maximum GPIB throughput for all configurationsHigh performance formanufacturing test applicationsThe 82350B is Agilent’s highest-performance GPIB interface. With a direct PCI computer connection, transaction overhead is minimized for the best overall performance.The 82350B card de-couples GPIB transfers from PCI bus transfers. Buffering provides connectivity and system performance that is superior to direct memory access (DMA). The hardware is software-configurable and compatible with the plug-and-play standard for easy hardware installation. The GPIB interface card plugs into a 5 volt PCI slot in thebackplane of your PC.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROMAccessoriesGPIB cables/adapter (see page 9)This traditional GPIB connection still offers the highest throughputAgilent 82351A High-Performance PCI Express ® (PCIe) GPIB Interface CardFeatures• Compact half-height size (68.9 mm)• High transfer rate of 1.4 MB/s • High flexibility via up-plugging (to x4 or x8 PCIe slots)• 3.3 V signal level for lower power consumptionBest for• Bandwidth-intensive PC applications • Adding GPIB connection for PCIe based PCs or workstationsHigh transfer rate fordemanding test applicationsThe Agilent 82351A PCIe-GPIB interface card is designed forintegration into next generation PCs or workstations. It offers fast data transmission for various demanding test applications that require data to be transferred to memory fast enough without any loss or overwriting. PCIe (PCI Express) is an evolutionary version of PCI that offers a higher transfer rate across a low number of wires. It is also backward-compatible with PCI software, so you don’t need to perform any code re-configuration. The powerful bus architecture of PCIe allows bidirectional data transmis-sion, and the implementation of anew class of test applications.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROMAccessoriesGPIB cables/adapter (see page 9)New standard for high-speed internal devicesAgilent E5810A LAN/GPIB GatewayFeatures• Remote access and control of GPIB instruments via LAN • Easy setup and use via digital display and web browserBest for• Connection to remote GPIB and RS-232 instrumentation • Shared test systemsRemote access and collaboration with GPIB instruments via your LANThe E5810A can use DHCP, if avail-able, to automatically configure nec-essary network parameters, including its IP address. The gateway can be controlled from multiple locations and by multiple users via your LAN, so it is easy to share control of instru-ments from locations worldwide.For easy remote access, enter the IP address from the digital display as the URL in your web browser and gain access to connected GPIB and RS-232 instruments. Then use your browser to send instrument com-mands interactively, and quickly see your measurement results. Use the digital display and LEDs to check the IP address and troubleshoot locally.System useFor system environments, the E5810A gateway can be mounted on a rack. The rack mount kit (Option 100) allows two devices to be placed side-by-side in one rack width. With its built-in power supply, there are noadditional power modules to mount.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROMAccessories• GPIB cables/adapter (see page 9)• Rack Mount Kit (Option 100)Take advantage of LAN technology for your GPIB instruments and test systemsAgilent GPIB Instrument Control Products Summary CablesAgilent also offers a variety of cables that provide easy and reliable connec-tions. Agilent cables are engineered for exceptional reliability and durability, even under the harshestconditions.Cable Length 10833D GPIB cable0.5 meter 10833A GPIB cable 1 meter 10833B GPIB cable 2 m10833C GPIB cable 4 m10833F GPIB cable 6 m10833G GPIB cable8 mAdaptersThe 10834A GPIB-to-GPIB adapter can help when limited rear-panel space and other design consider-ations make cabling difficult. The 10834A adapter extends the first cable by 2.3 cm away from the rear panel to provide clearance for other connectors, switches, and cables.GPIB board82350B PCI/GPIB card• GPIB connection for PCI-based PCs orworkstations• Maximum throughput for allconfigurations up to 900 KB/s82351A PCIe/GPIB card• GPIB connection for PCIe-based PCsor workstations• High throughput applications up to1.4 MB/sUSB converter82357B USB/GPIB card• GPIB connectivity, even for notebookcomputers• Easiest GPIB instrument set-up to PC LAN converter E5810A LAN/GPIBgateway• Connection to remote GPIB andRS-232 instruments• Test-system sharing and collaborationamong multiple usersCable10833x GPIB cables• Connection between GPIBinstruments (daisy-chain)• Connection from GPIB instrument tothe PCI/GPIB or PCIe/GPIB card• Connection from GPIB instrument tothe LAN/GPIB gatewayAdapter10834A GPIB-to-GPIBadapter• 2.3-cm clearance at GPIB instrument’srear panelTypical configurations of PC-to-instrument connectionRelated Agilent LiteratureThis article is the fourth of a series of four application notes with System Developers in mind. It explains with great depth how you can simplify test integration by taking advantage of open connectivity standards. Meet your throughput requirements yet stay within budget.Where to download: /find/gpibAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience. AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA ® for general purpose and semiconductor test. Agilent is a founding member of the AXIe consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Agilent Advantage Services is com-mitted to your success throughout your equipment’s lifetime. We share measurement and service expertise to help you create the products that change our world. To keep you com-petitive, we continually invest in tools and processes that speed up calibra-tion and repair, reduce your cost of ownership, and move us ahead of your development curve./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. 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ALPINE ELECTRONICS MARKETING, INC.1-1-8 Nishi Gotanda,Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo 141-0031, JapanPhone 03-5496-8231ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AMERICA, INC.19145 Gramercy Place, Torrance,California 90501, U.S.A.Phone 1-800-ALPINE-1 (1-800-257-4631)ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC.777 Supertest Road, Toronto,Ontario M3J 2M9, CanadaPhone 1-800-ALPINE-1 (1-800-257-4631)ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.161-165 Princes Highway, Hallam Victoria 3803, Australia Phone 03-8787-1200ALPINE ELECTRONICS GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Str. 1-3, 80807 München, Germany Phone 089-32 42 640ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF U.K. LTD.Alpine House Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry CV4 9TW, U.K.Phone 0870-33 33 763ALPINE ELECTRONICS FRANCE S.A.R.L.(RCS PONTOISE B 338 101 280)98, Rue de la Belle Etoile, Z.I. Paris Nord Il,B.P . 50016, 95945 Roissy Charles de GaulleCedex, France Phone 01-48638989ALPINE ITALIA S.p.A.Viale C. Colombo 8, 20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI), Italy Phone 02-484781ALPINE ELECTRONICS DE ESPAA, S.A.Portal de Gamarra 36, Pabelln, 3201013 Vitoria (Alava)-APDO 133, Spain Phone 945-283588ALPINE ELECTRONICS (BENELUX) GmbH Leuvensesteenweg 510-B6,1930 Zaventem, Belgium Phone 02-725-13 15••用戶手冊請在使用本設備之前先閱讀用戶手冊。
本次易容网为大家推荐比较常用的MLCC国巨 | Yageo品牌的料号CC0402JRNPO9BN121的相关参数
1Datasheet Rev. HC1 Issued 2008/03 Dimensions are in mm unlessotherwise specified and areshown for reference purposesProduct specificationaccording to IEC61810-1.Product data, technical para-processing informationonly to be used togetherwith the'Definitions' at‘Schrack’ section.Specifications subject toEspecially suitable for resistive and inductive loads on NO and NC contactsRoHS compliant (Directive 2002/95/EC) as per product date code 0403Applications: heating control, interface technology, domestic appliances, timers,V REG.-Nr. 5358, Z E214025Contact dataContact configuration 1 CO or 1NO or 1NCContact set single contactType of interruption micro disconnectionRated current8ARated voltage/max. switching voltage AC250/400VACMaximum breaking capacity AC2000VAContact material AgNi0,15, AgSnO2, AgCdOMechanical endurance30x106cyclesRated frequency of operation with/without load 6 / 1200min-1Contact ratingsType Load CyclesRY**1***NO, 8 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 70°C1x105RY**1***NC, 8 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 70°C5x104RY**(0,1,2)***8 A, 30 VDC, UL 5083x104RY**(0,1,2)***0,28 A, 250 VDC, UL 5083x104RY**(0,1,2)***1/2 HP, 240 VDC, UL 508RY**(0,1,2)***1/4 HP, 120 VDC, UL 508RY**(0)***8 A, 415 VAC, resistive, UL 5086x103RY**(0,1,2)***Pilot duty - B300, UL 5086000RY*** ***CO, 8 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 70°C5x103RY**1 ***6(4)A, 250 VAC, 85°C, EN607301x105Coil dataRated coil voltage range DC coil 5...60VDCCoil power DC coil typ. 220mWOperative range2Coil versions,DC-coilCoil Rated Operate Release Coil Rated coilcode voltage voltage voltage resistance powerVDC VDC VDC Ohm mW00553,50,5112+10%22300664,20,6162+10%22200996,30,9320+10%253012128,41,2627+10%2300242416,82,42350+10%2450484833,64,89391+10%2450606042,06,014000+10%257All figures are given for coil without preenergization, at ambient temperature +23°COther coil voltages on requestF0142-FInsulation CO contact NO contact Dielectric strength coil-contact circuit5000V effopen contact circuit1000V effClearance/creepage coil-contact circuit W8 / 8mmMaterial group of insulation parts IIIaTracking index of relay base PTI250, PTI 175* Type of insulation coil-contact circuit reinforcedopen contact circuit functionalRated insulation voltage250V250VPollution degree 3 23Rated voltage system230V 400V230 / 400VOvervoltage category III IIIOther dataRoHS - Directive 2002/95/EC compliant as per product date code 0403 Flammability class according to UL94V-0GWT to IEC 60335-1> 750 °C**Ambient temperature range -40...+70°CAmbient temperature max.85°C at 6AOperate- / release time typ. 7 / 3msBounce time NO / NC contact typ. 2.5 / 4.5ms Vibration resistance (function) NO/NC contact20 / 5gShock resistance (function) NO/NC contact20 / 5gShock resistance (destruction) 100gCategory of protection RTII-flux proof, RTIII- wash tight** Mounting pcbMounting position anyMinimum mounting distance W 0mmSoldering heat resistance flux proof version270°C/10swash tight version260°C/5sRelay weight8gPackaging unit20 / 500pcs AccessoiresFor technical details see datasheet Accessoires RYII* reflow-solderable version** not as reflow-solderable version PCB layout / terminal assignment Bottom view on solder pins1 NO, 1 NC contact 5mmS0254-AAS0254-ABS0254-ACS0254-ADS0254-AFS0254-AEDimensionsPinning 3.2mmPinning 5mmSoldering profile for reflow-solderable version。
RT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.High Efficiency Boost ConverterGeneral DescriptionThe RT4812 allows systems to take advantage of new battery chemistries that can supply significant energy when the battery voltage is lower than the required voltage for system power ICs. By combining built-in power transistors, synchronous rectification, and low supply current; this IC provides a compact solution for systems using advanced Li-Ion battery chemistries. The RT4812 is a boost regulator designed to provide a minimum output voltage from a single-cell Li-Ion battery, even when the battery voltage is below system minimum. In boost mode, output voltage regulation is guaranteed to a maximum load current of 2.1A. Quiescent current in Shutdown Mode is less than 1 A, which maximizes battery life.Ordering InformationRT4812G : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free)Note :Richtek products are :④RoHS compliant and compatible with the current requirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.④Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Features●CMCOT Topology and Small Output Ripple when VIN close VOUT Voltage●Operates from a Single Li-ion Cell : 1.8V to 5.5V ●Adjustable Output Voltage : 1.8V to 5.5V ●PSM Operation ●Up to 96% Efficiency ●Boost Current Limit●Output Over-Voltage Protection●Pin Adjustable Average Output Current Limit Threshold (2 Levels)●Internal Compensation ●Output Discharge ●Output Short Protection ●True Load DisconnectApplications●Single-Cell Li-Ion, LiFePO4 Smart-Phones ●Portable EquipmentMarking Information0L= : Product Code DNN : Date Code0L=DNNSimplified Application CircuitGNDSWVOUTENL1C1VINC2C3FBRT4812R1R2V OUTV ILIMH/LR3RT4812Pin Configuration(TOP VIEW)V I NV O U TP G N DI L I MS WG N DF BE N5346827TSOT-23-8 (FC)Functional Pin DescriptionPin No. Pin Name Pin Function1 VIN Power input. Input capacitor C IN must be placed as close to IC as possible.2 FB Voltage feedback.3 VOUT Boost converter output.4 PGND Power ground.5 GND Analog ground.6 SW Switching node.7 EN Enable input (1 enabled, 0 disabled), must not be floating. 8ILIMAverage output current limit control pin. (H/L)Functional Block DiagramGate DRVAMPPWM CTRLVREFDigital CTRLOSCOTP UVLOOCP+-SW ControlRT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.OperationThe RT4812 combined built-in power transistors, synchronous rectification, and low supply current, it provides a compact solution for system using advanced Li-Ion battery chemistries.In boost mode, output voltage regulation is guaranteed to a maximum load current of 2.1A. Quiescent current in Shutdown mode is less than 1μA, which maximizes battery life. Mode Depiction Condition LINLIN 1 Linear startup 1 V IN > V OUT LIN 2Linear startup 2 V IN > V OUT Soft-Start Boost soft-start V OUT < V OUT(MIN) Boost Boost modeV OUT = V OUT(MIN)LIN StateWhen V IN is rising, it enters the LIN State. There are two parts for the LIN state. It provides maximum current for 1A to charge the C OUT in LIN1, and the other one is for 3A in LIN2. By the way, the EN is pulled high and V IN > UVLO.As the figure shown, if the timeout is over the specification, it will enter the Fault mode.EN = 1, Vin > UVLOLIN 1Soft-StartLIN 2Fault StateBoost modeTimeout < 512μsTimeout > 512μsTimeout > 1024μs Timeout < 1024μsFigure 1. RT4812 State ChartStartup and Shutdown StateWhen V IN is rising and through the LIN state, it will enter the Startup state. If EN is pulled low, any function is turned-off in shutdown mode. Soft-Start StateIt starts to switch in Soft-start state. After the LIN state, output voltage is rising with the internal reference voltage. Fault StateAs the Figure 1 shown, it will enter to the Fault state as below,The timeout of LIN2 is over the 1024μs.It will be the high impedance between the input and output when the fault is triggered. A restart will be start after 20ms. OCPThe converter senses the current signal when the high-side P-MOSFET turns on. As a result, the OCP is cycle-by-cycle current limitation. If the OCP occurs, the converter holds off the next on pulse until inductor current drops below the OCP limit. OTPThe converter has an over-temperature protection. When the junction temperature is higher than the thermal shutdown rising threshold, the system will be latched and the output voltage will no longer beregulated until the junction temperature drops under the falling threshold.Input Voltage POR (Power-On Reset)The RT4812 is implemented POR function. Power-on reset (POR) function is used to reset IC's status todefault. POR function is activated, when VIN is dropped and it should meet POR requirements. POR function may fail if VIN pattern are not meet POR event requirement.POR event requirements are listed below, refer to Figure 2 for the pattern.RT48121. VIN_min < 0.5V2. Width > 20μs3. SR_rising < 1V/μsVINWidthSR_falling SR_risingVIN_minVIN : Input voltageSR_falling : Slew rate for input voltage dropSR_rising : Slew rate for input voltage resumeWidth : Duration of input voltage dropVIN_min : Minimum voltageFigure 2. POR Pattern IllustrationRT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)● VIN, FB, ILIM, EN, SW to GND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.2V to 6V ● VOUT to GND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2V ● Power Dissipation, PD @ TA = 25︒C● TSOT-23-8 (FC) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.78W ●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)TSOT-23-8 (FC), θJA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56︒C/WTSOT-23-8 (FC), θJC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28︒C/W● Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260︒C● Junction Temperature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -65︒C to 150︒C ● Storage Temperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -65︒C to 150︒C ●ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2kVRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)● Input Voltage Range ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8V to 5.5V ● Output Voltage Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8V to 5.5V ● Junction Temperature (T J ) Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -40︒C to 125︒C ●Ambient Temperature (T A ) Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -40︒C to 85︒CElectrical CharacteristicsParameterSymbol Test ConditionsMin Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage V IN V IN < V OUT - 0.2V 1.8 -- 5.5 V Output Voltage V OUT V IN < V OUT - 0.2V 1.8 -- 5.5 V Under-Voltage Lockout Rising Threshold UVLO _RISE 1.5 1.65 1.8 V Under-Voltage Lockout Falling Threshold UVLO _Falling1.3 1.55 1.7 V FB VoltageV FB Force PWM0.495 0.5 0.505 V Regulated DC V OUT Voltage V OUT 1.8 ≤ V IN ≤ V OUT - 0.2V I OUT = 0mA (PSM) -2 -- 4 % Shutdown Current I SHDNEN = 0V-- 0.1 1 μA Quiescent CurrentClose loop, no loadFB = 3V, non-switching current -- 90 -- μA Pre-charge Current Ipre-- 1 -- A Switching Frequencyf SWV OUT - V IN > 1V -- 0.5 -- MHz Average Output Current Limit I LIM I LIM = L 1 -- -- A I LIM = H 2.1 -- -- High-Side Switch Ron V IN = 5V -- 45 -- m Ω Low-Side Switch RonV IN = 5V--30--m ΩRT4812Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit FB Pin Input Leakage I FB-1 -- 1 μA Leakage of SW I SW All switch off -- -- 5 μALine Regulation ∆V OUT, LINE V IN = 2.7V to 4.5V, V OUT = 5V,I OUT = 1500mA-2 -- 2 %Load Regulation ∆V OUT, LOAD CCM, I OUT< 2A, V IN = 3.6V,V OUT = 5V-1.5 -- 1.5 %Output Over VoltageProtectionV OVP 5.8 6 6.2 V EN Input Low Voltage V IL-- -- 0.4 V EN Input High Voltage V IH 1.2 -- -- V EN Sink Current -- 0.1 1 μA Thermal Shutdown T SD-- 160 -- ︒C Thermal ShutdownHysteresis∆T SD -- 30 -- ︒CNote 1. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured at T A= 25︒C on a two-layer Richtek Evaluation Board.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions are recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.RT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Typical Application CircuitGND SWVOUTPGND EN L1C1VINC2C3FBRT4812R1R2V OUT1234567V ILIM822μF1μF100k909k 22μF x 2R3100kRT4812Typical Operating CharacteristicsEfficiency vs. Output Current01020304050607080901000400800120016002000Output Current (mA)E f f i c i e n c y (%)V IN = 4.2V V IN = 3.6VV IN = 2.5V V IN = 1.8V V OUT = 5V, L = 1.5μH (TDK SPM6530),R1 = 45.3k, R2 = 4.99k, C OUT = 22μF x 2Efficiency vs. Output Current01020304050607080901000400800120016002000Output Current (mA)E f f i c i e n c y (%)V OUT = 3.6V, L = 1.5μH (TDK SPM6530), R1 = 45.3k, R2 = 7.3k, C OUT = 22μF x 2V IN = 2.5V V IN = 1.8VEfficiency vs. Outout Current010203040506070809010004008001200160020002400Outout Current (mA)E f f i c i e n c y (%)V IN = 4.2V V IN = 3.7VV IN = 3.3V V IN = 2.5V V IN = 1.8V V OUT = 5V, L = 1.5μH (TDK SPM6530), R1 = 909k,R2 = 100k, C OUT = 22μF x 2Efficiency vs. Output Current010203040506070809010004008001200160020002400Output Current (mA)E f f i c i e n c y (%)V IN = 2.5V V IN = 1.8VV OUT = 3.6V, L = 1.5μH (TDK SPM6530), R1 = 909k,R2 = 146.6k, C OUT = 22μF x 2Load Current vs. Output Voltage0. Voltage (V)L o a d C u r r e n t (A )I LIM = HI LIM = LShutdown Current vs. Temperature0. (°C)S h u t d o w n C u r r e n t (μA )V IN = 5.5V V IN = 3.6VRT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.V BAT = 2.5V, V OUT = 5V, I OUT = 0mAL = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2SW (2V/Div)V OUT_ac (50mV/Div)Output Voltage RippleTime (10μs/Div)SW (2V/Div)L = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2V BAT = 2.5V, V OUT = 5V, I OUT = 1000mAV OUT_ac (20mV/Div)Output Voltage RippleTime (1μs/Div)SW (2V/Div)V OUT_ac (50mV/Div)V BAT = 3.6V, V OUT = 5V, I OUT = 0mAL = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2Output Voltage RippleTime (10μs/Div)SW (2V/Div)V OUT_ac (20mV/Div)Time (1μs/Div)V BAT = 3.6V, V OUT = 5V, I OUT = 1000mAL = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2Output Voltage RippleSW (2V/Div)V OUT_ac (50mV/Div)V BAT = 4.2V, V OUT = 5V, I OUT = 0mAL = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2Output Voltage RippleTime (10μs/Div)SW (2V/Div)V OUT_ac (20mV/Div)V BAT = 4.2V, V OUT = 5V, I OUT = 1000mA,L = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2Output Voltage RippleTime (1μs/Div)RT4812I OUT (1A/Div)V OUT_ac (200mV/Div)Time (500μs/Div)Load Transient ResponseV BAT = 2.5V, V OUT = 5V,I OUT = 1000mA to 2000mA L = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2I OUT (1A/Div)V OUT_ac (200mV/Div)V BAT = 3.7V, V OUT = 5V,I OUT = 1000mA to 2000mA L = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2Time (500μs/Div)Load Transient ResponseI OUT (1A/Div)V OUT_ac (200mV/Diiv)V BAT = 4.2V, V OUT = 5V,I OUT = 1000mA to 2000mA L = 1.5μH, C OUT = 22μF x 2Load Transient ResponseTime (500μs/Div)RT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Application InformationEnableThe device can be enabled or disabled by the EN pin. When the EN pin is higher than the threshold of logic-high, the device starts operating with soft-start. Once the EN pin is set at low, the device will be shut down. In shutdown mode, the converter stops switching, internal control circuitry is turned off, and the load is disconnected from the input. This also means that the output voltage can drop below the input voltage during shutdown. Soft-Start StateAfter the successful completion of the LIN state (V OUT ≥ V IN = 300mV), the regulator begins switching with boost valley-current limited value 3500mA.During Soft-Start state, V OUT is ramped up by Boost internal loop. If V OUT fails to reach target value during the Soft-Start period for more than 2ms, a fault condition is declared. Output Voltage SettingThe output voltage is adjustable by an external resistive divider. The resistive divider must be connected between VOUT, FB and GND. When the output voltage is regulated properly, the typical value of the voltage at the FB pin is 500mV. Output voltage can be calculated by equation as below : OUT FB V R1R21V ⎛⎫=⨯- ⎪⎝⎭Power Save ModePSM is the way to improve efficiency at light load. When the output voltage is lower than a set threshold voltage, the converter will operate in PSM.It raises the output voltage with several pulses until the loop exits PSM. Under-Voltage LockoutThe under-voltage lockout circuit prevents the device from operating incorrectly at low input voltages. It prevents the converter from turning on the power switches under undefined conditions and prevents the battery from deep discharge. VIN voltage must be greater than 1.65V to enable the converter. During operation, if VIN voltage drops below 1.55V, the converter is disabled and waiting internal IC default parameter value ready until the supply exceeds the UVLO rising threshold. The RT4812 automatically restarts if the input voltage recovers to the input voltage UVLO high level. Thermal ShutdownThe device has a built-in temperature sensor which monitors the internal junction temperature. If the temperature exceeds the threshold, the device stops operating. As soon as the IC temperature has decreased below the threshold with a hysteresis, it starts operating again. The built-in hysteresis is designed to avoid unstable operation at IC temperatures near the over temperature threshold. Inductor SelectionThe recommended nominal inductance value is 1.5μHIt is recommended to use inductor with dc saturation current ≥ 5000mAManufacturerSeries Dimensions (in mm)Saturation Current (mA)TDK SPM6530T 7.1 x 6.5 x 3.0 11500 Taiyo YudenNRS5040T5.15 x 5.15 x 4.26400RT4812Input Capacitor SelectionAt least a 22μF and the rate voltage is 16V for DC bias input capacitor is recommended to improve transient behavior of the regulator and EMI behavior of the total power supply circuit for SW. And at least a 1μF ceramic capacitor placed as close as possible to the VIN and GND pins of the IC is recommended. Output Capacitor SelectionAt least 22μF x 2 capacitors is recommended to improve V OUT ripple.Output voltage ripple is inversely proportional toC OUT .Output capacitor is selected according to output ripple which is calculated as : LOADRIPPLE(P P)ON OUT IN ON SW SW OUT INLOAD OUT SW OUT RIPPLE(P P)SW SWIV t C andV t t D t 1V therefore :VI C t 1V V and 1t f --=⨯⎛⎫=⨯=⨯- ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫=⨯-⨯⎪⎝⎭=The maximum V RIPPLE occurs at minimum input voltage and maximum output load.Output Discharge FunctionWith the EN pin set to low, the VOUT pin is internally connected to GND for 10ms by an internal discharge N-MOSFET switch. After the 10ms, IC will be true-shut down.This feature prevents residual charge voltages on capacitor connected to VOUT pins, which may impact proper power up of the system. Valley Current LimitThe RT4812 employs a valley-current limit detection scheme to sense inductor current during the off-time. When the loading current is increased such that the loading is above the valley current limit threshold, the off-time is increased until the current is decreased to valley-current threshold. Next on-time begins after current is decreased to valley-current threshold. On-time is decided by (V OUT - V IN ) / V OUT ratio. The output voltage decreases when further loading current increase. The current limit function is implemented by the scheme, refer to Figure 3. Average Output Current LimitThe RT4812 features the average output current limit to protect the output terminal. When the load current is over the limit, output current will be clamped.Valley Current LimitI IN (DC)∆I LInductor CurrentV D IN I = L L f∆⨯fI IN (DC)Figure 3. Inductor Currents In Current Limit OperationTable 2. List of CapacitorReferenceQty. Part Number Description Package Manufacturer CIN 1 GRM21BR61C226ME44 22μF / 16V / X5R 0805 MuRata COUT2GRM21BR61C226ME4422μF / 16V / X5R0805MuRataRT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. The maximum powerdissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula : P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) - T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125︒C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For TSOT-23-8 (FC) package, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 56︒C/W on a standard two-layer EVB test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25︒C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125︒C - 25︒C) / (56︒C/W) = 1.78W for TSOT-23-8 (FC) packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curve in Figure 4 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )Two-Layer PCBFigure 4. Derating Curve of Maximum PowerDissipationLayout ConsiderationThe PCB layout is an important step to maintain the high performance of the RT4812.Both the high current and the fast switching nodes demand full attention to the PCB layout to save the robustness of the RT4812 through the PCB layout. Improper layout might show the symptoms of poor line or load regulation, ground and output voltage shifts, stability issues, unsatisfying EMI behavior or worsened efficiency. For the best performance of the RT4812, the following PCB layout guidelines must be strictly followed.④Input/Output capacitors must be placed as close as possible to the Input/Output pins.④SW should be connected to Inductor by wide and short trace, keep sensitive components away from this trace.④The feedback divider should be placed as close as possible to the FB pin.RT4812VoutVinGNDC o u tC i nC o u tL Figure 5. PCB Layout GuideRT4812Copyright © 2022 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved.is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Outline DimensionSymbol Dimensions In MillimetersDimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 0.700 1.000 0.028 0.039 A1 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.004 B 1.397 1.803 0.055 0.071 b 0.220 0.380 0.009 0.015 C 2.591 3.000 0.102 0.118 D 2.692 3.099 0.106 0.122 e 0.585 0.715 0.023 0.028 H 0.080 0.254 0.003 0.010 L0.3000.6100.0120.024TSOT-23-8 (FC) Surface Mount PackageRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.。
12 Channels Multi-Function Board with AMPAL-1010 with AMP for SLSCThis document describes the SLSC AL-1010 with AMP for National Instruments SLSC-12001 chassis.OverviewThe AL-1010 is a 12-channel multi-function module to be connected between the Device Under Test (DUT) and the instrumentation part of the test system.The board is recommended for systems requiring high flexibility on the pin configurations.AL-1010 is made for National Instruments (NI) Switch Load Signal Conditioning (SLSC) system. The board is made to interface with NI PXI and/or Compact-RIO instrumentation devices for the purposes of test and validation of Electronic Control Unit (ECU) software and hardware. Custom device for VeriStand is included for Hardware-In-the-Loop applications.For larger applications, Aliaro Configurator is recommended for channel configuration. Contact Aliaro for additional information.C ontents Overview (1)Description (3)Features (3)Detailed description (4)Installation (5)Electromagnetic Compatibility (5)Unpacking the module (5)Hardware Installation (6)Maintenance (7)Safety (7)Before using the AL-1010 (7)System Check (7)Calibration (7)Specification (8)Definition and conditions (8)Environmental Characteristics (8)Physical characteristics (8)Front connectors (J1 & J2) (9)General specification (10)Fault Insertion (10)Signal conditioning (All channels) (10)Digital I/O (10)Analogue Out – Amplifier (10)Functions (11)LabVIEW (11)Veristand (11)Configuration and Accessories (12)RTI Backplane (12)AL-1010 RTI Terminal Block (14)Safety Guidelines (15)Product Certifications and Declarations (15)CE Compliance (15)Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards (15)Environmental Management (16)Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) (16)DescriptionThe AL-1010 provide multiple functions for fault insertion, signal conditioning and digital I/O, including pulsed (PWM) signals. The AL-1010 is fitted in pair through the RTI-backplane AL-1010-RTI.The AL-1010 RTI backplane is needed to reach fully flexibility and enables easy connection to NI PXIe and/or Compact-RIO instrumentation devices. Additional with add-on boards the functionality can be expanded further.Features960V, 10A per channel912 independent and isolated channels in three banks9Two common buses per bank with switches to each channel9Brake up switch for each channel9Programmable level threshold on each channel9Parallel connection possibility for high current signals9LabVIEW driver is available.9Custom Device is available.Detailed descriptionFigure 1, AL-1010 Block diagramThe AL-1010 board provides fault insertion, signal conditioning and digital I/O.Fault insertion functions:- Open circuit (DUT to Load)- Short to + and – (DUT to AUX 1 or AUX2)Signal conditioning functions:- Digital input (from DUT) signal conditioning using adjustable threshold (-28 - +28V) - Analogue signal (to DUT) with amplification (4 channels)- Analogue signal (from DUT)Digital I/O functions:- Read digital status (from DUT) using adjustable threshold- Read PWM signals (from DUT) using adjustable threshold (Frequency and duty cycle) - Generate digital signals (to DUT) using AUX1 (+) and AUX2 (-)- Generate PWM signals (To DUT) using AUX1 (+) and AUX2 (-)InstallationElectromagnetic CompatibilityThis product is intended for use in industrial locations. However, harmful interference may occur in some installations, when the product is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if the product is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimize interference with radio and television reception and prevent unacceptable performance degradation, install, and use this product in strict accordance with the instructions in the product documentation. Furthermore, any modifications to the product not expressly approved by Aliarocould void your authority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.C aution To ensure the specified EMC performance, operate this product only withShielded cables and accessories.Unpacking the moduleCarefully inspect the shipping container and the module for damage.Check for visible damage to the exterior and interior of the damage.If damage appears to have been caused during shipment file a claim with the carrier.Retain the packing material for possible inspection and/or reshipment.If the chassis is damaged, do not install it and contact Aliaro.Hardware InstallationTo set up and use the module you need the following items:Hardwarex SLSC-12001 chassisx SLSC AL-1010 module(s)x SLSC AL-1010 RTIx SLSC AL-1010 RTI CBx Power cablex Power input connectorx Grounding wirex Grounding lugToolsx Screwdriver as needed for your applicationx Wire stripperDocumentationSLSC-12001 Chassis Getting Started Guide and SpecificationsC aution:Do not touch the contacts or remove the I/O boards or cables while the systemis energized.The SLSC chassis and the AL-1010 do not support hot plug-in. The entirechassis must be powered off when a module is inserted or removed.Procedure:1.Power off the main DC power source or disconnect the power source from the chassisbefore installing any modules or RTIs.2.Ensure that the chassis is powered off. The POWER LED should be off. If thePOWER LED is not off, do not proceed until it is off.3.Loosen the screws on the upper rear panel of the chassis.4.Position the RTI backplane at the desired slot and insert the securing screws, but do notfully tighten them.5.Insert a AL-1010 module into the same slot as its corresponding RTI while firmly holdingthe RTI in place until the RTI is firmly connected to the module.6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all required RTIs.7.Fully tighten the screws for all RTIs and the upper rear panel of the chassis. Note Waitinguntil all RTIs and modules are installed to fully tighten the screws ensures properalignment for future connections between modules and RTIs.8.Fully tighten the two module mounting screws on each newly installed module.9.Power on the SLSC chassisMaintenanceSafetyC aution Observe all instructions and cautions in the user documentation. Using themodel in a manner not specified can damage the model and compromise the built-insafety protection. Return damaged models to Aliaro for repair.Before using the AL-1010All input characteristics are DC, ACrms, or a combination unless otherwise specified. Maximum switching voltage (any polarity) 1100Vpeak. Every card provides a fully capable fault insertion with external control during simulations or testing. Relays can be configured with Aliaro Configurator, VeriStand and LabVIEWNote Steady state voltages applied to the AL-1010between any two I/O connector pins in excess of the maximum switching voltage specification may damage the module Note Signal connections through the AL-1010are intended to go through the DUTn pin connections. Signal paths that do not use the DUTn pin connections bypass the internal overcurrent limiting features and may exceed the module's thermal capabilities.System CheckThis chapter requires LabVIEW development and installation of LabVIEW drivers.To identify and control that the cards are inserted and work properly with the right firmware, LabVIEW provides basic VI scripts to check SLSC cards mounted in chassis1.Open LabVIEW and select “Help” in the top menu bar and press “FindExamples…” (This opens a new window with pre-built VI (Virtual Instruments) for different applications).2.Switch to the “Search” tab and enter keyword “SLSC” and double click.3.In the new filtered table (to the right) find and select VI called “Configuration.vi”.This VI can located every card(s) that is online in SLSC chassis.4.To find the newly inserted cards look for the SLSC chassis IP-address (in thetable to the right).Count the showing card(s) in the table and make up that there are as manymounted in the SLSC chassis as there are in the VI table for that specific IPaddress. (Can be 1 up to 11 cards per SLSC chassis)CalibrationRecommended warm-up time30 minCalibration interval Not required, recommended on system levelSpecificationDefinition and conditionsWarranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.The following characteristic specifications describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.x Typical specifications describe the performance met by most models.x Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.Specifications are Typical unless otherwise noted.Specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.The AL-1010 module is mounted in an SLSC chassis with the recommended cooling clearances and using a power supply that meets the specifications provided in the chassis user guide. For the entire temperature range of the chassis.Note These specifications only apply to the product as provided by Aliaro. Modifications to the module may invalidate these. Be certain to verify the performance of modifiedmodules.Caution Observe all instructions and cautions in the user documentation. Using themodel in a manner not specified can damage the model and compromise the built-insafety protection. Return damaged models to Aliaro for repair.Environmental CharacteristicsTemperatur e an d HumidityOperating temperature0 °C to 40 °CStorage temperature range-40 °C to 85 °COperating relative humidity range10% to 90%, noncondensingStorage relative humidity range5% to 95%, noncondensingPhysical characteristicsCategory Condition ValueModule Dimensions Excluding front handle144.32mm x 30.48mm x 281 mm(H x W x D)Front Panel Connector1x female Weidmuller 32 highdensityFront connectors (J1 & J2)See fig 1 for description of the functions.C autionThe pins are not indestructible, ports and pins will tare if not treated with care.PinDUT(J1) LOA D (J2) 1DUT Ch 1Load Ch 12DUT Ch 2Load Ch 23DUT Ch 3Load Ch 34DUT Ch 4Load Ch 45DUT Ch 5Load Ch 56DUT Ch 6Load Ch 67DUT Ch 7Load Ch 78DUT Ch 8Load Ch 89DUT Ch 9Load Ch 910DUT Ch 10Load Ch 1011DUT Ch 11Load Ch 1112DUT Ch 12Load Ch 1213DUT_GND AUX 1C 14ISO_GND AUX 2A 15AUX 1A AUX 2B 16AUX 1B AUX 2C(J1)(J2)General specificationC ategory C ondition V alueNo of channels 12No of banks 3Power supply 24VDC, +/-5%Channel to channel isolation (50Ω/100kHz) 40dBMax. Operating Voltage Any pin + 60VMin. Operating Voltage Any pin - 60VFault InsertionCategory Condition Specified value Typical valueMax. continuously current DUT to LoadDUT to AUX 1 /2All other pins 10 A (40A using parallel channels) 10 A (40A using parallel channels)100 mAMax peak current (<100 ms, 25 °C)DUT to LoadDUT to AUX 1/240A/50ms40A/50ms*Notice Exceeding the maximum pulsed current can damage the module. Signal conditioning (All channels)Category ValueThreashold, range -28- +28VThreashold, resolution 0,1VThreshold, bandwidth 20 kHzDigital I/OCategory ValuePWM frequency range 100-65 000 μs (15 hz -10 kHz) PWM frequency resolution 1 usPWM frequency accuracy +/- 25 ppmPWM duty cycle range 10-90 %PWM duty cycle resolution 1 usAnalogue Out – AmplifierCategory ValueNo of channels 4 (DUT ch 1-4)Power supply(Separate isolated supply)24VDC, +/-5%Current drive 200mA per channelFunctionsLabVIEWContact Aliaro Team for separate LabVIEW drivers.(Equal functions to the custom device in Veristand, see below)VeristandThe custom device provides following functions for the AL-1010 board:Parameter Description Unit RangeLoad Connect/disconnect selected channelto Aux 1 (Off/On) 0; 1Aux1 Connect/disconnect selected channelto Aux 1 (Off/On) 0; 1selectedchannelAux2 Connect/disconnectto Aux 2 (Off/On) 0; 1Threshold Sets the digital threshold of selected-28,0+28,0–(V)channel VoltDI Reads the logic value of the channelbased upon the threshold settings (Off/On) 0; 1Amplifier functions (Ch 1-4)Amp-Enable Enables the amplifier function (Off/On) 0; 1foramplificationtheGain Defineseach channel (Off/On) 0; 1PWM functionsPWM_Aux1 Enables PWM function using Aux1for selected channel (Off/On) 0; 1PWM_Aux2 Enables PWM function using Aux1for selected channel (Off/On) 0; 1PWM_Load Enables PWM function using Aux1for selected channel (Off/On) 0; 1PWM_Period Sets period for selected channel Time [μs] 100-65 000 μsDI-PWM_DutyCycle Sets duty cycle when using PWMfor selected channel % 10-100%Configuration and AccessoriesFor most applications, the AL-1010 needs to be configured with a backplane (AL-1010 RTI) combined with a connection block (AL-1010 RTI CB). The AL-1010 provides 2 expansion slots for add-on boards such as customized functionalities needed for the customer’s project.RTI BackplaneThe AL-1010 RTI is used to connect to two (2) SLSC modules (Left and Right) on the same board.Connector pinoutsJ1:1J1:4J1:2J1:3J1:6J1:5J2J3J4J3 Left board / J4 Right board (ERNI 064004 connector)P in S ignal T e rminal P in S ignal T erm i na l A1 Digital in, channel 1 J4:1 B1 Digital in, channel 7 J6:1A2 Digital in, channel 2 J4:2 B2 TS GND J8:4A3 Digital in, channel 3 J4:3 B3 Digital in, channel 8 J6:2A4 Digital in, channel 4 J4:4 B4 TS GND J8:4A5 Digital in, channel 5 J4:5 B5 Digital in, channel 9 J6:3A6 Digital in, channel 6 J4:6 B6 DUT GND J8:3A7 Analog in, channel 7 J2:1 B7 Digital in, channel 10 J6:4A8 Analog in, channel 8 J2:2 B8 DUT GND J8:3A9 Analog in, channel 9 J2:3 B9 Digital in, channel 11 J6:5A10 Analog in, channel 10 J2:4 B10 DUT Ref J8:1A11 Analog in, channel 11 J2:5 B11 Digital in, channel 12 J6:6A12 Analog in, channel 12 J2:6 B12 DUT Ref J8:1A13 DUT Reference J8:1 B13 Analog out, channel 7 J7:1A14 Analog in, channel 1 J3:1 B14 DUT Ref J8:1A15 Analog in, channel 2 J3:2 B15 Analog out, channel 8 J7:2A16 Analog in, channel 3 J3:3 B16 DUT Ref J8:1A17 Analog in, channel 4 J3:4 B17 Analog out, channel 9 J7:3A18 Analog in, channel 5 J3:5 B18 DUT GND J8:1A19 Analog in, channel 6 J3:6 B19 Analog out, channel 10 J7:4A20 Analog out, channel 1 J5:1 B20 TS GND J8:4A21 Analog out, channel 2 J5:2 B21 Analog out, channel 11 J7:5A22 Analog out, channel 3 J5:3 B22 TS GND J8:4A23 Analog out, channel 4 J5:4 B23 Analog out, channel 12 J7:6A24 Analog out, channel 5 J5:5 B24 NC (Internal use) J8:5A25 Analog out, channel 6 J5:6 B25 NC (Internal use) J8:6AL-1010 RTI Terminal BlockThe AL-1010 RTI Terminal Block is used to connect to two (2) SLSC modules (Left and Right) on the same board.System Overview of AL-1010 RTI and Terminal BlocksAL-1010 Terminal block Kadro-B037 AL1010 RTI TBSafety GuidelinesC autionsEnsure that hazardous voltage wiring is performed only by qualified personnel adhering to local electrical standards.Do not mix hazardous voltage circuits and human-accessible circuits on the same module. When device terminals are hazardous voltage LIVE, you must ensure that devices and circuits connected to the device are properly insulated from human contact.All wiring must be insulated for the highest voltage used.Product Certifications and DeclarationsRefer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information.To obtain product certifications and the DoC for Aliaro products, visit / certification.CE ComplianceThis product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as follows: x2014/35/EU; Low-Voltage Directive (safety)x2014/30/EU; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)x2011/65/EU; Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)Electromagnetic Compatibility StandardsThis product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:x EN 55011-2009 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement CISPR 11:2009x EN 55032:2012 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements CISPR 32:2012x EN 61326-1-2013 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements IEC 61326-1:2012Environmental ManagementAliaro is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. Aliaro recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to Aliaro customers. For additional environmental information, refer to the Minimize Our Environmental Impact web page at /environment.This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which Aliaro complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)EU Customers At the end of the product life cycle, all Aliaro products must be disposed of according to local laws and regulations.For more information about how to recycle Aliaro products in your region, visit/environment/weee。
F0272-A V REG.-Nr. 6106, Z E214025Technical data of approved types on requestContact data RT.3T RTS3LContact configuration 1 NOContact set pre-make contact single contactType of interruption micro disconnectionRated current16ARated voltage / max.switching voltage AC 250/400VACLimiting continuous current 16AMaximum breaking capacity AC 4000VALimiting making capacitymax 20ms (incandescent lamps)165A120Amax 200μs (fluorescent lamps)800A-Contact material W (pre-make cont.)+AgSnO2AgSnO2Mechanical endurance DC> 5x106cycles> 10x106cyclesbistable> 3x106cycles> 5x106cyclestab manually operated> 103cycles-Rated frequency of operation with / without load 6 / 60 min-1Contact ratingsType Load CyclesRTS3T3000W, 230VAC, DF 8,3%, 5min-1, incandescent lamp typ. 12x103RT*3T16A, 250VAC, capacitive load 140μF, 7,5min-1, EN60669-1> 20x103RT*3T TV5, UL508, 40°C25x103RTS3L16A, 250VAC, 85°C> 100x103RTS3L 1.5 hp, 240 VACRTS3L TV8, UL508, 40°C25x103RTS3L10/100A/250VAC, simulated lamp load, acc. to IEC61810-220x103Coil dataCoil data,monostable coil Array Rated coil voltage range 5...110VDCCoil power typ 400 mWOperative range2Coil insulation system according UL1446 class FCoil versions,monostable DC-coilCoil Rated Operate Release Coil Rated coilcode voltage voltage voltage resistance powerVDC VDC VDC c mW0055 3.50.562+10%4030066 4.20.690+10%400012128.4 1.2360+10%4000242416.8 2.41440+10%4000484833.6 4.85520+10%4170606042.0 6.08570+12%42011011077.011.028800+12%420All figures are given for coil without preenergization, at ambient temperature +23°COther coil voltages on requestCoil data,bistable coils 1 coil 2 coilsRated coil voltage range 3...24VDCCoil powertyp 400mW typ 600mWOperative range2Limiting voltage, % of rated coil voltage 120%150%Minimum energization duration 30 msMaximum energization duration1 min at < 10% DFCoil insulation system according UL1446class FCoil versions,bistable 1 coil Coil Rated Operate Reset Coil Rated coil code voltage voltage voltage resistance powerVDC VDC VDC c mWA033 2.1 2.121+10%429A12128.48.4360+10%400A242416.816.81440+10%400Coil versions,bistable 2 coils F033 2.1 2.115+10%600F12128.48.4240+10%600F242416.816.8886+10%650All figures are given for coil without preenergization, at ambient temperature +23°C Other coil voltages on requestCoils - operation Version1 coil2 coilsCoil terminals A1A2A1A3A2 Pull-in +-+-Reset-+-+Contact position not defined at deliveryInsulationDielectric strength coil-contact circuit4000V rms open contact circuit1250V rms Clearance /creepage coil-contact circuit W 10 / 10mmMaterial group of insulation parts W IIIa Tracking index of relay base PTI 250 V Insulation to IEC 60664-1Type of insulation coil-contact circuitreinforced open contact circuitfunctional Rated insulation voltage 250 VPollution degree32Rated voltage system 240V400VOvervoltage categoryIIIOther data RT.3T RTS3LRoHS - Directive 2002/95/EC compliant Flammability class according to UL94V-0Ambient temperature range monostable -40...70°C -40...85°Cbistable: 1 coil -10...70°C -10...85°C bistable: 2 coils -40...70°C -40...85°CVibration resistance (function) monostable 10g 20g Shock resistance (destruction) 100g Category of protection RTII - flux proof Mounting pcb or on socket*)Mounting distance 0mm Resistance to soldering heat 270 °C / 10 s Relay weight with / without test tab 16 / 14g -/14g Packaging unit with / without test tab 100 / 500pcs -/500pcs *)RTT3T or bistable 2 coil version, pcb mounting only; see AccessoriesAccessories RTS3.For details see datasheetAccessories Power Relay RTTerminal assignmentBottom view on solder pinsS0163-CSa)a)Indicated contact position during or after coil energization with reset voltage.b)for 2 coil version onlymonostable versionbistable versionS0163-BFDimensions / PCB layout 16A, pinning 5mm*) With the recommended PCB hole sizes a grid pattern from 2.5mm to 2.54mm can be used.version without test tabversion with test tabS0491-Bb)for 2 coil version onlyS0272-BC。
Pressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors 19 mm SeriesPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE theseMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. DoPressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm Series2 Honeywell • Sensing and ControlPRESSURE SENSOR CHARACTERISTICS – ALL DEVICESEnvironmental specifications Compensated temperature range 0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F] Operating temperature range -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] Storage temperature range -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] Vibration 10 G at 20 Hz to 2000 Hz Shock 100 G for 11 ms Life1 million cycles min. Insulation resistance 100 m Ω at 50 VdcMaximum ratings Voltage version “K” Supply voltage V S = +15 Vdc Voltage version “L”Supply current I S = +2.0 mAPRESSURE RANGE SPECIFICATIONS (19C, 19U)Catalog ListingPressure range Proof pressure (7)Burst pressure (8)19(C,U) 003P G (1…9) (K/L) 0 psig to 3 psig 9 psig 15 psig 19(C,U) 005P G (1…9) (K/L) 0 psig to 5 psig 15 psig 25 psig 19(C,U) 010P G (1…9) (K/L)0 psig to 10 psig 30 psig 50 psig 19(C,U) 015P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L) 0 psi to 15 psi 45 psi 75 psi 19(C,U) 030P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L) 0 psi to 30 psi 90 psi 150 psi 19(C,U) 050P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L) 0 psi to 50 psi 150 psi 250 psi 19(C,U) 100P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L) 0 psi to 100 psi 300 psi 500 psi 19(C,U) 200P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L) 0 psi to 200 psi 600 psi 1000 psi 19(C,U) 300P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L) 0 psi to 300 psi 900 psi 1500 psi 19(C,U) 500P (A,G,V) (1…9) (K/L)0 psi to 500 psi1200 psi 2400 psiNotes:7. The maximum pressure that can be applied without changing the transducer’s performance or accuracy.8.The maximum pressure that can be applied to a transducer without rupture of either the sensing element or transducer case.19C SERIES PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1)Characteristic Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Zero pressure offset -2 0 2 mVFull-scale span (2)98 100 102 mVFull-scale span (3 psi and 5 psi “K” units only) (2)48 50 52 mVPressure non-linearity (3)– ±0.1 ±0.25 %FSSPressure hysteresis (3)– ±0.015 ±0.030 %FSS Repeatability – ±0.010 ±0.030 %FSSTemp. effect on span (4)– ±0.5 ±1.0 %FSSTemp. effect on offset (4)– ±0.5 ±1.0 %FSSTemp. effect on span (0 psi to 3 psi and 0 psi to 5 psi only) (4)– – ±2.0 %FSSTemp. effect on offset (0 psi to 3 psi and 0 psi to 5 psi only) (4)– – ±2.0 %FSS Thermal hysteresis (0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) – ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSLong-term stability of offset and span (5)– ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSResponse time (6)– 0.1 – msCommon mode voltage (voltage version “K”) (9)0.5 1.3 2.0 Vdc Input impedance (current version “L”) 2.0 4.5 8.0 k Ω Input impedance (voltage version “K”) 8.0 25 50 k Ω Output resistance 3.0 4.5 6.0 k ΩPressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm SeriesHoneywell • Sensing and Control 319U SERIES PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1)Characteristic Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Zero pressure offset -7.5 1.0 7.5 mV/VFull-scale span (2)35 40 60 mV/VFull-scale span (3 psi and 5 psi only) (2)20 30 40 mV/VPressure non-linearity (3)– ±0.1 ±0.25 %FSSPressure hysteresis (3)– ±0.015 ±0.030 %FSS Repeatability – ±0.010 ±0.030 %FSSTemp. coefficient of resistance (10)(0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) 2700 3420 4500 ppm/°CTemp. coefficient of offset (10)(0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) – 30 – µV/V/°CTemp. coefficient of span (10)(0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) 360 720 1260 ppm/°C Thermal hysteresis (0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) – ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSLong-term stability of offset and span (5)– ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSResponse time (6)– ±0.1 – ms Input resistance 4.00 4.75 6.0 k Ω Output resistance 4.00 4.75 6.0 k Ω19C VACUUM GAGE COMPENSATED SERIES PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1)Characteristic Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Zero pressure offset (at 0 psig) -2 0 2 mVFull-scale span (2)(0 psig to positive full-scale) 98 100 102 mVPressure non-linearity (3)– ±0.1 ±0.25 %FSSPressure hysteresis (3)– ±0.015 ±0.030 %FSS Repeatability – ±0.010 ±0.030 %FSSTemp. effect on span (4)– ±0.5 ±1.0 %FSSTemp. effect on offset (4)– ±0.5 ±1.0 %FSS Thermal hysteresis (0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) – ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSLong-term stability of offset and span (5)– ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSResponse time (6)– 0.1 – msCommon mode voltage (voltage version “K”) (9)0.5 1.3 2.0 Vdc Input impedance (current version “L”) 1.5 4.5 8.0 k Ω Input impedance (voltage version “K”) 8.0 25 50 k Ω Output resistance 3.0 4.5 6.0 k Ω19U VACUUM GAGE UNCOMPENSATED SERIES PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1)Characteristic Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Zero pressure offset -7.5 1.0 7.5 mV/VFull-scale span (2)(0 psig to positive full-scale) 35 40 60 mV/VPressure non-linearity (3)– ±0.1 ±0.25 %FSSPressure hysteresis (3)– ±0.015 ±0.030 %FSS Repeatability – ±0.010 ±0.030 %FSSTemp. coefficient of resistance (10)(0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) 2700 3420 4500 ppm/°CTemp. coefficient of offset (10)(0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) – 30 – µV/V/°CTemp. coefficient of span (10)(0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) 360 720 1260 ppm/°C Thermal hysteresis (0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]) – ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSLong-term stability of offset and span (5)– ±0.1 ±0.3 %FSSResponse time (6)– ±0.1 – ms Input resistance 4.00 4.75 6.0 k Ω Output resistance 4.00 4.75 6.0 k ΩPressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm Series4 Honeywell • Sensing and ControlNOTES1. Reference conditions (unless otherwise noted): T A = 25 °C [77 °F]; 19C Supply V S = 10 Vdc ±0.01 Vdc orI S = 1.5 mA ±0.0015 mA; 19U Supply V S = 5 Vdc ±0.01 Vdc or I = 1.0 mA ±0.0015 mA2. Full-scale span (FSS) is the algebraic difference between the output voltage at full-scale pressure and the output at zeropressure. FSS is ratiometric to supply voltage.3. Pressure non-linearity is based on best-fit straight line from zero to the full-scale pressure. Pressure hysteresis is themaximum output difference at any point within the operation pressure range for increasing and decreasing pressure. 4. Maximum error band of the offset voltage or span over the compensated temperature range, relative to the 25 °C [77 °F]reading.5. Long-term stability over a six-month period.6. Response time for a 0 psi to FSS pressure step change, 10 % to 90 % rise time.9. Common mode voltage as measured from output to ground. For higher levels of common mode voltage, contact factory. 10. The error band resulting from a maximum deviation of a transducer’s output parameter (offset, span, or resistance) astemperature is varied 25 °C [77 °F] to any other temperature within the specified range (0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]). This parameter is not 100 % tested and is guaranteed by process design and tested on a sample basis only. Temperature coefficient of span is evaluated using a constant current source.PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS, for reference only, mm [in]Package 1 (see note): Cell PackageNote: Non-concentricity effects at the diaphragm weld area may cause runout of up to ±0.006 in between the upper and lower portions of the sensor body. (It is recommended to use a counter bore to mate with this device to allow for this non-concentricity).Package 2: Flush Mount PackagePressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm SeriesHoneywell • Sensing and Control 5Package 3: Flush Mount with FlangePackage 4: Male 1/8-27 NPTPackage 5: Male 1/4-18 NPTPressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm Series6 Honeywell • Sensing and ControlPackage 6: Male 7/16 UNFPackage 7: Male 1/4 BSPPPackage 8: Euro Ring (See note)Note: Non-concentricity effects at the diaphragm weld area may cause runout of up to ±0.006 in between the upper and lower portions of the sensor body. (It is recommended to use a counter bore to mate with this device to allow for this non-concentricity).Pressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm SeriesHoneywell • Sensing and Control 7Package 9: VCR Gland (Female nut)ORDERING INFORMATIONPressure SensorsLow-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors19 mm SeriesSensing and Control/sensing Honeywell11 West Spring Street Freeport, Illinois 61032008132-1-EN IL50 GLO 1004 Printed in USACopyright 2004 Honeywell International Inc. All Rights Reserved.WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faultyworkmanship. Contact your local sales office for warranty information. If warranted goods arereturned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is Buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Specifications may change without notice. Theinformation we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.For application assistance, current specifications, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact a nearby sales office. Or call:1-800-537-6945 USA/Canada 1-815-235-6847 International FAX1-815-235-6545 USA INTERNET/sensing info.sc@。