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单词表abandon abash abate abbreviate abdicate aberrant abet abeyance abhor abide abject abjure ablution abnegate abolish abominate aboveboard abrade abreast abridge abrogate abscission abscond absenteeism absolute absolve absorb abstain abstemious abstract abstruse absurd abundant abuse abusive abut abysmal academic accede accelerate accentuate access accessibleaccessoryacclaimacclimateaccoladeaccommodateaccommodatingaccompanyaccompliceaccomplishaccordaccostaccountabilityaccreteaccrueaccumulateaccurateaccuseacerbicacknowledgeacmeacolyteacornacousticacquaintacquiesceacquiredacquisitiveacquitacquittalacridacrimonyacrobatacrophobiaacuityacumenacuteadageadamantadaptableaddendumaddictadditiveaddressadeptadequateadhereadherentadhesiveadjacentadjournadjunctadjustadmireadmissionadmonishadobeadolescentadoreadornadroitadulateadumbrateadventadventitiousadverseadvertiseadvisableadvocateaegisaerateaerialaestheteaestheticaffableaffectation单词表affectedaffidavitaffiliateaffinityaffirmaffixafflictaffluentaffordableaffrontagendaagglomerateaggrandizeaggravateaggregateaggressionaggressiveaggressoraggrieveagileagitateagnosticagogagonyagrarianagreeableagronomyailairborneairtightalabasteralacrityalbeitalchemyalcovealertaliasalibialienatealignalimentaryalkaliallayallegeallegianceallegoryallergicalleviateallocateallowancealludealluringaloftaloof alphabetical alter alternate altruism aluminium amalgam amalgamate amass amateur ambidextrous ambiguous ambivalent amble ambush ameliorate amenable amend amenity amiable amicable amity amnesia amnesty amorphous amortize amphibian ample amplify amplitude amulet amuse anachronistic anaerobic anagram analgesia analgesic analogy analyze anarchy anathema anatomical ancestor ancestry anchorancillaryanecdoteanemiaanguishangularanhydrousanimateanimosityanimusannalsannexationannihilateannotateannounceannoyannulanomalyanonymityanorexiaantagonizeAntarcticantecedentantediluvianantennaanterioranthem单词表anthologyanthropologistantibioticantibodyanticanticipateantidoteantihistamineantipathyantiqueantisepticantithesisanvilaortaapexaphorismaplombapocalypticapocryphaapocryphalapogeeapologizeapoplecticapostasyapostateapostropheapothecaryappallapparatusapparelapparitionappealappeaseappellationappetiteappetizerappetizingapplaudapplauseapplicableapplicantappointappositeappraiseappreciableappreciateapprehendapprenticeappriseapproachapprobationappropriateapproximateapronaproposaptaptitudeaquaticarabesquearablearbiterarbitraryarbitratearborealarboretumarcanearcharchaeologyarchetypearchipelagoarchitectarchivearcticardentarenaargotariaaridaristocracyarmadaarmisticearmoryaromaarrayarrestarrestingarrhythmicarrogantarrogatearsenalarsonarteryarthritisarticulateartifactartificeartificialartistryartlessascendancyasceticascribe aseptic aspect aspen asperity aspersion asphyxiate aspiration aspire assail assault assay assemble assent assert assertive assess assessment asset assiduous assimilate associate assorted assuage assume assumption assure asterisk asteroid asthma astound astray astringent astrolabe astrology astronomical astute asunder asylum asymmetric athletics atonal atrocious atrophy attachattain单词表attenuateattestatticattorneyattributeattuneauctionaudaciousaudibleaugmentauguraugustauspicesauspiciousaustereauthenticauthoritarianautobiographyautocratautonomyauxiliaryavailableavalancheavariceavengeaveraverseaversionavertaviaryavidavoidavowaweawe-inspiringawkwardawlawningawryaxiomaxisaxlebabblebackdropbackhandedbacteriumbadgebadgerbadinagebailbaitbalebalefulbalkballadballastballerinaballoonballotbalmbalmybanbanalbandbandagebanebanishbanisterbankruptbanquetbanterbarbarbbarbarousbarbecuebardbarebarefacedbargainbargebarkbarnbarometerbaroquebarragebarrenbarricadebarrierbarterbasebaskbastebatchbatheticbatonbattalionbauxitebawdybazaarbeaconbeambearingbeatbedeckbedlambefuddlementbegrudgebeholderbehoovebelaborbelatedbeleaguerbeliebelittlebellicosebelligerencebellwetherbenchbendbenedictionbenefactorbenevolentbenignbenisonbentbequeathbequest berate bereftbeset besiege besmirch bestial bestow betray betroth beverage单词表bewilder bewildering bibliography bibliophile bickerbid bifurcate bigotbile bilingual bilkbillowybin biosphere bipedbitbizarre blade blanch bland blandishment blasphemy blast blatant blazon bleach bleak blemish blightblissblitheblizzardblockadeblockagebloomingblotchblowhardblueblueprintblunderbluntblurblurbblurtblushblusterblusteringboastbodyguardbogbogglebogusboisterousbolsterboltbombastbondagebonnetboomboonboorboostbootlessboreboredombotanyboulderbouquetbourgeoisboutboycottbracebraceletbracingbracketbragbraggadociobraggartbraidbrakebrandishbrashbrassybratbravadobravurabrawlbrazenbreachbreadthbreedbribebricklayerbridlebrinkbriskbristlebrittlebroachbrochurebrokerbromidebroodbrookbrowbeatbruisebruitbruntbrusquebrutalbuckbucketbucolicbudbudgebudgetbuffoonbulbbulgebulkbullybumptiousbunglebuoybuoyantbureaucracyburgeonburialburlesqueburnishbustbuttbuttressbylinebyproductbystanderbyzantinecabalcabinetcachecacophonycadetcadgecajole单词表calamitycalciumcalculatedcalculatingcalculuscaldroncalibratecaliperscalligraphycallouscallowcaloriecalumniate calumny cameo camouflage campaign canary candid candidacy candor cane canine canny canon canonical canopycant cantankerous canto canvas canvass canyon cape capillary capitulate caprice capricious capsule caption captious captivate capture carafe carapace carbohydrate carcinogen cardinal cardiologist caress careworn cargo caricature carnivorous carol carouse carpcarpentercarrioncartographercarvecastcastecastigatecasualcasualtycataclysmcatalystcatastrophecategoricalcatercaterpillarcatharsiscathedralcatholiccaucuscaulkcausalcausticcauterizecavaliercavalrycaveatcaverncavilcavitycavortcedecelebratedcelebritycelestialcellarcellocementcensorcensuscentaurcentigradecentralizationcenturionceramiccerealcerebralceremoniousceremonycertaintycertificationcertitudecessationcessionchafechaffchagrinchalicechameleonchampionchampionshipchancellorchandelierchantchaoschapelcharcharacteristiccharacterizationcharacterizecharadecharismacharitycharlatancharmchartercharychasechasmchastechastisechauvinisticcheckchefcherubicchicanerychidechimerachipchipmunkchiselchivalrouschoicechoirchokecholericchordchoreographychorus单词表chromaticchromosomechronicchrysanthemumchucklechurlcinderciphercircuitcircuitouscirculatecircumferencecircumlocutioncircumscribecircumstantialcircumventcisterncitecivilciviliancivilityclaimclairvoyanceclamclamorclampclandestineclannishclarifyclash clasp classify clause clay cleft clemency clement climax clinch cling clinical clip clipper clique clog cloister closet clot cloture cloudburst clout clown cloying clumsy cluster coagulant coagulate coalesce coalition coarse coarsen coaxcob cobbler cocoon coda coddle code codify coerce coercion coeval cogent cogitatecognizancecognizantcohabitcoherentcohesioncohesivecoincidecolandercold-bloodedcollaboratecollagecollapsecollarcollatecollateralcollectedcollectioncollisioncolloquialcolloquiumcolludecoloncolonizecolonnadecolonycolorationcolossalcolossuscoltishcomacomatosecombatcombustiblecomediennecomelycomiccomitycommacommemoratecommencecommencementcommensuratecommentarycomminglecommissioncommitcommittedcommodiouscommoditycommonplacecommonwealthcommotioncommunalcommunecommunicatecommutecompactcompanioncomparisoncompartmentcompasscompassioncompatiblecompatriotcompelcompellingcompendiumcompensatecompetencecompile单词表complacencycomplaisancecomplaisantcomplementarycompliantcomplicatecomplimentcomponentcomposecomposedcompostcomposurecompoundcomprehendcomprehensiblecomprehensivecompresscompromisecompulsioncompunctionconcatenateconcaveconcealconcedeconceitconceiveconcentrateconceptionconcertoconcessionconciliateconciliatoryconciseconclaveconclusiveconcomitantconcordconcreteconcurconcussioncondemncondensecondescendcondoneconduciveconductconduitconeconfectionconfederacyconferconferenceconfessconfideconfidenceconfidentialconfigurationconfine confirm confiscate conflagration conflate conflict conformist confound confront congeal congenial congest conglomerate congregate congruent congruous conifer conjecture conjoin conjunction conjure connive connoisseur connotation conquer conquest conscience conscientious conscript consensus consent consequence consequential conservative conservatory conserve considerable consign consistent console consolidate consolidation consonant conspicuous conspireconstantconstellationconsternationconstituentconstituteconstitutionconstitutionalconstrainconstraintconstrictconstructconstrueconsulconsummatecontactcontagiouscontaincontainmentcontaminatecontemplatecontemptcontemptiblecontemptuouscontend单词表contentcontentedcontentioncontentiouscontestcontextcontiguouscontinentcontingentcontortcontrabandcontractcontradictcontrastcontravenecontritecontrivecontrivedcontrolcontroversialcontrovertcontumaciousconundrumconvalesceconvalescentconvenienceconventionalconvergeconvergentconversantconverseconvertconvertibleconveyconvictconvictionconvinceconvivialconvivialityconvokeconvolutedconvulseconvulsioncoopcooperatecoordinatecopiouscordcorecornucopiacoronationcorporatecorporealcorpusclecorralcorrespondentcorroboratecorrodecorrosivecorrugatecorruptcosmiccosmopolitancosmopolitanismcosmoscossetcostumecoteriecoterminouscougarcountenancecounteractcounterbalancecounterfeitcountermandcounterpartcounterproductivecoupcourtcovenantcovertcovetcowcowardcowercoycozencrabcrabbedcrackcraftcramcrampcrankycrasscratecratercravatcravencravingcrayoncreasecredencecrediblecredit credulouscreek creep crescendo crest crestfallen cringe cringing criteria criterion critic critical critique croak crochet crockery cronyism crook cross crouch crucial crudity crumb crumble crumple crusade crust crutch crux cryptic cub cubicle cue cuisine culinary culmination culpable cult cultivate cultivated单词表cumbersomecumuluscunningcupiditycuratorcurbcurdlecurmudgeoncurriculumcursorycurtcurtailcushioncustodiancustodycustomarycuticlecutlerycyclicalcyclonecylindercyniccypresscytologydabbledaftdaggerdaguerreotypedaintydallydampdampeddampendandydapperdappleddaredevildartdauntdawdledeadendeadlockdeadpandealingdearthdebacledebarkdebasedebatedebilitatedebouchdebriefdebrisdebunkdebutdecadencedeceitdecencydeceptiondecibeldeciduousdecimatedecipherdeclaimdeclamationdeclinedecodedecomposedecompositiondecoratedecorumdecrepitdecrydedicationdeducedeductdeductivedeeddefacedefaultdefeatistdefectdefendantdefensedeferdeferencedeferentialdefiancedeficiencydeficitdefiledefinitivedeflateddeflectdefoliatordefrauddeftdefusedefydegradationdehydratedeifydeigndejecteddelectabledelegatedeleteriousdeliberatedelicacydelicatedelimitdelineatedelinquencydelinquentdeliriousdeliriumdeltadeludedelugedelusiondelvedemagoguedemanddemeandemisedemographydemolishdemolitiondemonstratedemonstrativedemoralize demote demotic demur demystify den denigrate denizen denomination denote denouement denounce单词表dent denture denude depict deplete deplore deport depose deposition depraved depravity deprecate depreciate depressed depression deprivation deputy deracinate derelict dereliction deride derivation derivative dermatologist derogate descendant descent descrydesecratedesertdesiccatedesignationdesirabledesperatedespicabledespisedespotdestitutiondesultorydetachdetacheddetaindetectiondeterdetergentdeterioratedetestdetonationdetourdetractiondetrimentaldetritusdevastatedeviantdeviatedeviationdeviousdevisedevoiddevoteddevoteedevotionaldevourdevoutdexteritydexterousdiabetesdiabolicaldiagnosediagonaldiagramdialectdiameterdiaphanousdiatribedictatedidacticdiedie-harddiffidentdiffusedigestiondigitdignitydigressdilapidatedilapidateddilatedilatorydilemmadilettantediligencedilutedimdimensiondiminutiondimpledindingydiplomaticdiredirgedisabusedisaffectdisagreeabledisarmdisarraydisasterdisbardisbursediscarddiscerndiscerniblediscerningdischargediscipledisciplinedisclaimdisclosediscographydiscombobulatediscombobulateddiscomfitdiscomposedisconcertdiscorddiscountdiscoursediscreditdiscreetdiscrepancydiscretediscretiondiscretionarydiscriminatediscriminatorydiscursivedisdaindisembodieddisenchantdisengagedisentangle单词表disfiguredisfranchisedisgorgedisgruntledisguisedisgustdisillusiondisinfectdisinfectantdisinterdisinteresteddisjunctiondisjunctivedislocate dislodge dismal dismantle dismay disparage disparate dispassionate dispatch dispel dispensable dispense disperse displace disposable disposal dispose disposed disposition disproof disprove dispute disregard disrepute disrupt disruptive dissect dissemble disseminate dissent dissertation dissident dissimulate dissipate dissociation dissolute dissolve dissonant dissuade distant distend distension distill distinct distinctiondistinctivedistinguisheddistortdistractdistracteddistraughtdistressdistributedistrictdittydiurnaldivadiverdivergediversediversitydivertdivestdivestituredivinedivulgedociledoctrinairedoctrinedocumentdodderdodgedoffdoggeddoggereldogmadogmatismdoldrumsdolefuldolorousdoltdomaindomedomesticatedomiciledominantdominatedonatedonordoodledormantdorsaldosedossierdotedotingdourdousedowndownplaydownpourdown-to-earthdoyendrabdraconiandraftdraftsmanshipdraindrainagedrasticdrawbridgedrawldrearydregsdrenchdrilldriveldrizzledrizzlydrolldronedroopdropletdrossdroughtdrovedrudgerydualdubiousducklingductduelduetdulldummydunedupeduplicitousduplicitydurationduressdutifuldwarfdwellingdwindledynamic单词表dynamodyslexiadyspepticearnestearplugearringearshotearsplittingearthlyearthyeaseleavesdropebbebullienceeccentriceclecticeclecticismecologisteconomicalecstasyecstaticeddyedificeedifyefface effervesce effete efficacy effluvia effrontery effulgent egalitarian egocentric egotist egregious egress elaborate elaboration elatedelbowelegy elementary elephantine elevateeliciteligible eliminate eliteellipsis elliptical elocution elongate eloquence elucidate elude elusive emaciate emanate emancipate embargo embarrass embed embellish embezzlement emblematic embody embolden emboss embraceembroideremendemergencyemigrateeminenceeminentemissaryemitemollientemoteempathyemphaticempiricalempiricismempowerempyrealemulateemulsifyenactenamelenamoredencapsulateenchantenclosureencomiastencomiumencompassencounterencroachencumberencyclopediaendearingendemicendorseendowendureenduringenervateenfeebleenfetterenflameengagedengagingengenderengraveengrossengulfenhanceenjoinenlightenenlighteningenlistenlivenenmeshenmityennuienormityenormousenrageenraptureensconceensembleensignensueensureentailentangleenterpriseenthrallingenticeentiretyentitleentityentranceentreatentreatyentréeentrepreneur单词表entrustentryenumerateenunciateenvironenvisionenzymeepauletephemeralepicepicureepidemicepidermisepigramepilogueepisodicepitaphepithetepitomeepitomizeepochequableequanimityequateequationequatorequilibriumequineequityequivalentequivocateeradicateeraseerasureerecterrerranderraticersatzerstwhileeruditeeruptescalateescapismeschewesophagusesotericespionageespousal espouse espy essential estimable estranged etch etching eternal ethereal ethics ethnic ethnology ethos etiquette etymology eulogistic eulogize eulogy euphemism euphonious euphoria evacuate evade evaluation evanescent evaporate evasion evasive even evenhanded evict evince evocative evoke evolve eweewer exacerbate exact exacting exactitude exaggerate exalt exaltationexasperateexcavateexceedexceptionalexcessexciseexcitabilityexclaimexclamationexcludeexclusiveexcoriateexcreteexculpateexcursionexcursiveexecrableexecrateexecuteexemplaryexemplifyexemptexertexhaleexhaustexhaustiveexhilarateexhilarationexhortexigentexistentialexodusexonerateexorbitantexorciseexoticexpandexpansiveexpediencyexpedientexpeditiousexpelexpendexpenditureexpertise单词表expiateexpirationexpireexplicateexplicitexploitexplosiveexponentexponentiallyexpositionexpositoryexpostulateexposureexpoundexpresslyexpungeexpurgateexquisiteextantextemporaneousextemporizeextendextenuateexterminateexternalizeextinctextinguishextirpationextolextortextractextraneousextrapolateextravaganceextremistextricableextricateextrovertexuberanceexuberantexudeexultfabricfabricatefacadefacetfacetiousfacilefacilitatefacilitiesfactionfactorablefactotumfactualfacultyfadfaddishfadefalconfallaciousfallacyfallibilityfalliblefallowfalsehoodfalterfamiliarityfaminefamishfanaticfangfantasyfarcefarewellfar-reachingfastfastenfastidiousfastnessfatalfathomfatigue fatten fatuity fatuous faucet fault faultfinder favorable fawn faze feasible feat feature feckless fecundity feeble feign feigned feint felicitous fellfelon felony feminist fender feral ferment fern ferret ferrous fertile fertilize fertilizer fervid fervor fester festive fetid fetter fetus feud fiascofiatfickle fictitiousfidgetfigfigmentfigurativefigureheadfigurinefilefilibusterfiligreefilingsfillyfilterfilthfinalefinessefinickyfinitefirearmfireflyfiscalfissurefixateflaccidflagflaggingflaggyflailflakflamboyantflammable单词表flangeflareflaskflatcarflattenflatterflawflaxfledgefledglingfleetingflexibleflightflimsyflinchflintflipflirtflitflockfloodgateflorafloridflounderflourishfloutfluctuatefluffyflukefluorescentflushflusteredflutterfluvialfluxfoiblefoilfoldfolderfoliagefolklorefollyfomentfoodstufffoolprooffoppishforageforagerforbearanceforbidforbiddingfordforebodeforecastforeknowledgeforerunnerforeshadowforesightforestallforestryforfeitforgeforgerforgeryforgoformalityformationformidableformulaforsakeforteforthrightfortifyfortitudefortuitousforumforwardfossefossilizefosterfoulfounderfour-posterfoyerfracasfractionfractiousfracturefragilefragmentfragrancefragrantfrailfranticfraudfraudulentfraughtfrecklefreelancer freight frenetic frenzy frequency frequent frescofretfriable friction friezefrigid frigidity fringe frisky frivolous frond frothy frugal fruition frustrate fulcrum fulfilfull-blown full-bodied full-fledged fulminate fulsome fumble fume fumigate functional functionary fundamental fungi fungicide furnace furor furrow furtive fusillade fusionfussfussy fustyfutilefutilitygadflygadgetgaffegagglegainsaygaitgalaxygallgallantgalleygallongalvanizegamblegambolgangwaygapegarblegarbledgardeniagargantuan单词表gargoylegarishgarmentgarnergarnishgarrulitygarrulousgaseousgashgasificationgaucheriegaudygaugegavelgazegazetteergeargemgenegenealogygeneralitygeneralizegenerategenerationgeneratorgenericgenerositygenesisgeneticgeneticsgenialgenomegenregenteelgentlegentrygenuinegenusgeometriciangermgermanegermicidegerminategerontocracygerontologygerrymandergesturegeysergibegiddygigglegildgimmickgingergingerlygirdergirthgistglacialgladegladiatorglanceglareglazegleanglibglideglimmerglistenglitchgloatgloomgloomyglossglossaryglossyglowglowerglowingglucoseglutglutinousgluttonousgnarledgnawgoadgobblegobletgoldbrickgoodwillgospelgossamergougegourmandgourmetgracegraciousgradationgraduatedgraftgraingrandeur*grandiose*grandstand*granitegrant graphic graphite grasping grate grateful gratification gratify grating gratitude gratuitous gratuity gravegravel gravitational gravity grazegreasegreen greenhouse gregarious gregariousness grief grievance grieve grievousgrillgrim grimacegringrindgripe gripping grislygristlegritgroangroom groove gropegrossgrotto grouch grounded groupgrousegrovegrovelgruelinggrumbleguaranteeguffawguileguilelessguillotineguiltguiltyguisegulliblegulpgumgurugushgushergustgustationgustatorygutterguyguzzlegyratehabitathabituate单词表hackhackneyedhailhalcyonhalehalfheartedhallmarkhallowhallowedhallucinationhalohaltinghammerhamperhandlehangarhangdoghankeringhaphazardharangueharassharbingerharborhardenhardheadedhardyharmonyharnessharpharpsichordharridanharrowharrowingharryharshharshlyhastenhastyhatchhaughtyhaunthauteurhavenhavochawkhazardhazardousheadlongheadstrongheadwayhealhearkenheartenheartrendingheavy-handednesshecklehectichectorhedgehedonistheedhegemonyheinousheirheirloomhelmethemhemispherehemophiliahemorrhagehemostatherbaceousherbicideherbivorousherdhereditaryheresyheretichereticalhermetichermitherpetologistheterodoxheterogeneoushewhexagonhiatushibernatehidehideboundhideoushiehierarchyhieroglyphhieroglyphichighbrowhikehilarioushinderhinge hirsutehiss histology histrionic hithertohivehoardhoaryhoax hodgepodge hoehoisthold holster homage homeostasis homiletics homogeneity homogeneous homogenize hone honorarium hoodwink hoofhoop horizontal hormone horn horrific hortative horticulture hospitable hostile hostility hovelhoverhubhubris hucksterhuehulkhull humane humblehumdrumhumidhumidityhumiliatehumilityhumorhunchhurdlehurlhurricanehusbandhusbandryhushhuskhuskyhybridhydranthydratehymnhyperactivityhyperbolehypertensionhyphen单词表hypnotichypocritehypocriticalhypotenusehypothesishypotheticalhysteriaicicleiconiconoclastideologyidiomidleidolateridylligneousigniteignobleignominiousignominyignorantillegalillegitimateillicitilliterateilluminateilluminatiillusionillusiveillusoryillustrateimbibeimbroglioimbueimitationimitativeimmaculateimmanentimmemorialimmenseimmensityimmerseimminentimmolateimmuneimmunityimmunizeimmureimpimpactimpairimpaleimpalpableimpartimpartialimpasseimpassionedimpassiveimpeachimpeccableimpecuniousimpedeimpedimentimpelimpendingimpenetrableimpenitentimperativeimperialimperiousimpermanentimpermeableimpersonateimpertinenceimperturbableimperviousimpetuousimpetusimpingeimplantimplausibleimplementimplicateimplicationimplicitimplodeimploreimpoliticimponderableimportimportuneimposeimposingimpostorimpostureimpoverishimpregnableimpresarioimpressedimpressionimpressionableimprintimpromptuimprovident。
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】When does the conversation probably take place?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: I’m so hungry, Mom. Is dinner going to be ready soon?W: We just had lunch an hour ago! And you had two full plates of breakfast when you woke up.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the full price of the man’s jacket?A. $15.B. $30.C. $50.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: So, what did you buy?M: A jacket. It was a real bargain. I got it for half price, so I saved 15 dollars.W: That’s very cheap. I bought a similar o ne for 50 dollars last year.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Who is the woman?A. A passenger.B. A health worker.C. A customs officer.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Is the customs examination here?W: That’s right. Your passport and health certificate, please.M: Here you are.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the woman know about?A. Major rivers.B. Famous mountains.C. Capital cities.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Do you know the major rivers and famous mountains in Europe?W: Hm. Ask me about capital cities instead.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Why does the man meet the woman?A. To apply for a job.B. To sell her something.C. To reserve a seat.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: Take a seat, Mr. Black. Could you tell me which position interests you most?M: The sales manager position.W: OK. But do you have any relevant experience?其次节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
新东方GRE考试核心词汇Word List 1 abandon abash abate abbreviate abdicate aberrant abet abeyance abhor abide abject abjure ablution abnegate abolish abominate aboveboard abrade abreast abridge abrogate abscission abscond absenteeism absolute absolve absorb abstain abstemious abstract abstruse absurdabundantabuseabusiveabutabysmalacademicaccedeaccelerateaccentuateaccessaccessibleaccessoryacclaimacclimateaccoladeaccommodateaccommodatingaccompanyaccompliceaccomplishaccordaccostaccountabilityaccreteaccrueaccumulateaccurateaccuseacerbicacknowledgeacmeacolyteacornacousticacquaintacquiesceacquiredacquisitiveacquitacquittalacridacrimonyacrobatacrophobiaacuityacumenacuteadageadamantadaptableaddendumaddictadditiveaddressadeptadequateadhereadherentadhesiveadjacentadjournadjunctadjustadmireadmissionadmonishadobeadolescentadoreadornadroitadulateadumbrateadventadventitiousadverseadvertiseadvisableadvocateaegisaerateaerialaestheteaestheticaffableaffectationWord List 2affectedaffidavitaffiliateaffinityaffirmaffixafflictaffluentaffordableaffrontagendaagglomerateaggrandizeaggravateaggregateaggressionaggressiveaggressoraggrieveagileagitateagnosticagogagonyagrarianagreeableagronomyailairborneairtightalabasteralacrityalbeitalchemyalcovealertaliasalibialienatealignalimentaryalkaliallayallegeallegianceallegoryallergicalleviateallocateallowancealludealluringaloftaloofalphabeticalalteralternatealtruismaluminiumamalgamamalgamateamassamateurambidextrousambiguousambivalentambleambushameliorateamenableamendamenityamiableamicableamityamnesiaamnestyamorphousamortizeamphibianampleamplifyamplitudeamuletamuseanachronisticanaerobicanagramanalgesiaanalgesicanalogyanalyzeanarchyanathemaanatomicalancestorancestryanchorancillaryanecdoteanemiaanguishangularanhydrousanimateanimosityanimusannalsannexationannihilateannotateannounceannoyannulanomalyanonymityanorexiaantagonizeAntarcticantecedentantediluvianantennaanterioranthemWord List 3 anthology anthropologist antibiotic antibody antic anticipate antidote antihistamine antipathy antique antiseptic antithesis anvilaortaapex aphorism aplomb apocalyptic apocrypha apocryphal apogee apologize apoplectic apostasy apostate apostrophe apothecary appall apparatus apparel apparition appeal appeaseappellationappetiteappetizerappetizingapplaudapplauseapplicableapplicantappointappositeappraiseappreciableappreciateapprehendapprenticeappriseapproachapprobationappropriateapproximateapronaproposaptaptitudeaquaticarabesquearablearbiterarbitraryarbitratearborealarboretumarcanearcharchaeologyarchetypearchipelagoarchitectarchivearcticardentarenaargotariaaridaristocracyarmadaarmisticearmoryaromaarrayarrestarrestingarrhythmicarrogantarrogatearsenalarsonarteryarthritisarticulateartifactartificeartificialartistryartlessascendancyasceticascribeasepticaspectaspenasperityaspersionasphyxiateaspirationaspireassailassaultassayassembleassentassertassertiveassessassessmentassetassiduousassimilateassociateassortedassuageassumeassumptionassureasteriskasteroidasthmaastoundastrayastringentastrolabeastrologyastronomicalastuteasunderasylumasymmetricathleticsatonalatrociousatrophyattachattainWord List 4attenuateattestatticattorneyattributeattuneauctionaudaciousaudibleaugmentauguraugustauspicesauspiciousaustereauthenticauthoritarianautobiographyautocratautonomyauxiliaryavailableavalancheavariceavengeaveraverseaversionavertaviaryavidavoidavowaweawe-inspiringawkwardawlawningawryaxiomaxisaxlebabblebackdropbackhandedbacteriumbadgebadgerbadinagebailbaitbalebalefulbalkballadballastballerinaballoonballotbalmbalmybanbanalbandbandagebanebanishbanisterbankruptbanquetbanterbarbarbbarbarousbarbecuebardbarebarefacedbargainbargebarkbarnbarometerbaroquebarragebarrenbarricadebarrierbarterbasebaskbastebatchbatheticbatonbattalionbauxitebawdybazaarbeaconbeambearingbeatbedeckbedlambefuddlementbegrudgebeholderbehoovebelaborbelated beleaguer belie belittle bellicose belligerence bellwether bench bend benediction benefactor benevolent benign benison bent bequeath bequest berate bereft beset besiege besmirch bestial bestow betray betroth beverage Word List 5bewilderbewilderingbibliographybibliophilebickerbidbifurcatebigotbilebilingualbilkbillowybinbiospherebipedbitbizarrebladeblanchblandblandishmentblasphemyblastblatantblazonbleachbleakblemishblightblissblitheblizzardblockadeblockagebloomingblotchblowhardblueblueprintblunderbluntblurblurbblurtblushblusterblusteringboastbodyguardbogbogglebogusboisterousbolsterboltbombastbondagebonnetboomboonboorboostbootlessboreboredombotanyboulderbouquetbourgeoisboutboycottbracebraceletbracingbracketbragbraggadociobraggartbraidbrakebrandishbrashbrassybratbravadobravurabrawlbrazenbreachbreadthbreedbribebricklayerbridlebrinkbriskbristlebrittlebroachbrochurebrokerbromidebroodbrookbrowbeatbruisebruitbruntbrusquebrutalbuckbucketbucolicbudbudgebudgetbuffoonbulbbulgebulkbullybumptiousbunglebuoybuoyantbureaucracyburgeonburialburlesqueburnishbustbuttbuttressbylinebyproductbystanderbyzantinecabalcabinetcachecacophonycadetcadgecajoleWord List 6calamitycalciumcalculatedcalculatingcalculuscaldroncalibratecaliperscalligraphycallouscallowcaloriecalumniatecalumnycameocamouflagecampaigncanarycandidcandidacycandorcanecaninecannycanoncanonicalcanopycantcantankerouscantocanvascanvasscanyoncapecapillarycapitulatecapricecapriciouscapsulecaptioncaptiouscaptivatecapturecarafecarapacecarbohydratecarcinogencardinalcardiologistcaresscareworncargocaricaturecarnivorouscarolcarousecarpcarpentercarrioncartographercarvecastcastecastigatecasualcasualtycataclysmcatalystcatastrophecategoricalcatercaterpillarcatharsiscathedralcatholiccaucuscaulkcausalcausticcauterize cavalier cavalry caveat caverncavilcavity cavortcede celebrated celebrity celestial cellarcello cement censor census centaur centigrade centralization centurion ceramic cereal cerebral ceremonious ceremony certainty certification certitude cessation cession chafechaff chagrinchalicechameleonchampionchampionshipchancellorchandelierchantchaoschapelcharcharacteristiccharacterizationcharacterizecharadecharismacharitycharlatancharmchartercharychasechasmchastechastisechauvinisticcheckchefcherubicchicanerychidechimerachipchipmunkchiselchivalrouschoicechoirchokecholericchordchoreographychorusWord List 7chromaticchromosomechronicchrysanthemumchucklechurlcinderciphercircuitcircuitouscirculatecircumferencecircumlocutioncircumscribecircumstantialcircumventcisterncitecivilciviliancivilityclaimclairvoyanceclamclamorclampclandestineclannishclarifyclashclaspclassifyclauseclaycleftclemencyclementclimaxclinchclingclinicalclipclippercliqueclogcloisterclosetclotcloturecloudburstcloutclowncloyingclumsyclustercoagulantcoagulatecoalescecoalitioncoarsecoarsencoaxcobcobblercocooncodacoddlecodecodifycoercecoercioncoevalcogentcogitatecognizancecognizantcohabitcoherentcohesioncohesivecoincidecolandercold-bloodedcollaboratecollagecollapsecollarcollatecollateralcollectedcollectioncollisioncolloquialcolloquiumcolludecoloncolonizecolonnadecolonycolorationcolossalcolossuscoltishcomacomatosecombatcombustiblecomediennecomelycomiccomitycommacommemoratecommencecommencementcommensuratecommentarycomminglecommissioncommitcommittedcommodiouscommoditycommonplacecommonwealthcommotioncommunalcommunecommunicatecommutecompactcompanioncomparisoncompartmentcompasscompassioncompatiblecompatriotcompelcompellingcompendiumcompensatecompetencecompileWord List 8complacencycomplaisancecomplaisantcomplementarycompliantcomplicatecomplimentcomponentcomposecomposedcompostcomposurecompoundcomprehendcomprehensiblecomprehensivecompresscompromisecompulsioncompunctionconcatenateconcaveconcealconcedeconceitconceiveconcentrateconceptionconcertoconcessionconciliate conciliatory concise conclave conclusive concomitant concord concrete concur concussion condemn condense condescend condone conducive conduct conduit cone confection confederacy confer conference confess confide confidence confidential configuration confine confirm confiscate conflagration conflate conflict conformistconfoundconfrontcongealcongenialcongestconglomeratecongregatecongruentcongruousconiferconjectureconjoinconjunctionconjureconniveconnoisseurconnotationconquerconquestconscienceconscientiousconscriptconsensusconsentconsequenceconsequentialconservativeconservatoryconserveconsiderableconsignconsistentconsoleconsolidateconsolidationconsonantconspicuousconspireconstantconstellationconsternationconstituentconstituteconstitutionconstitutionalconstrainconstraintconstrictconstructconstrueconsulconsummatecontactcontagiouscontaincontainmentcontaminatecontemplatecontemptcontemptiblecontemptuouscontendWord List 9contentcontentedcontentioncontentiouscontestcontextcontiguouscontinentcontingentcontortcontrabandcontractcontradictcontrastcontravenecontritecontrivecontrivedcontrolcontroversialcontrovertcontumaciousconundrumconvalesceconvalescentconvenienceconventionalconvergeconvergentconversantconverseconvertconvertibleconveyconvictconvictionconvinceconvivialconvivialityconvokeconvolutedconvulseconvulsioncoopcooperatecoordinatecopiouscordcorecornucopiacoronationcorporatecorporealcorpusclecorralcorrespondentcorroboratecorrodecorrosivecorrugatecorruptcosmiccosmopolitancosmopolitanismcosmoscossetcostumecoteriecoterminouscougarcountenancecounteractcounterbalancecounterfeitcountermandcounterpartcounterproductivecoupcourtcovenantcovertcovetcowcowardcowercoycozencrabcrabbedcrackcraftcramcrampcrankycrasscratecratercravatcravencravingcrayoncreasecredencecrediblecreditcredulouscreekcreepcrescendocrestcrestfallencringecringingcriteriacriterioncriticcriticalcritiquecroakcrochetcrockerycronyismcrookcrosscrouchcrucialcruditycrumbcrumblecrumplecrusadecrustcrutchcruxcrypticcubcubiclecuecuisineculinaryculminationculpablecultcultivatecultivatedWord List 10cumbersomecumuluscunningcupiditycuratorcurbcurdlecurmudgeoncurriculumcursorycurtcurtail cushion custodian custody customary cuticle cutlery cyclical cyclone cylinder cynic cypress cytology dabbledaftdagger daguerreotype daintydallydamp damped dampen dandy dapper dappled daredevil dartdaunt dawdle deaden deadlock deadpandealingdearthdebacledebarkdebasedebatedebilitatedebouchdebriefdebrisdebunkdebutdecadencedeceitdecencydeceptiondecibeldeciduousdecimatedecipherdeclaimdeclamationdeclinedecodedecomposedecompositiondecoratedecorumdecrepitdecrydedicationdeducedeductdeductivedeeddefacedefaultdefeatistdefectdefendantdefensedeferdeferencedeferentialdefiancedeficiencydeficitdefiledefinitivedeflateddeflectdefoliatordefrauddeftdefusedefydegradationdehydratedeifydeigndejecteddelectabledelegatedeleteriousdeliberatedelicacydelicatedelimitdelineatedelinquencydelinquentdeliriousdeliriumdeltadeludedelugedelusiondelvedemagoguedemanddemeandemisedemographydemolishdemolitiondemonstratedemonstrativedemoralizedemotedemoticdemurdemystifydendenigratedenizendenominationdenotedenouementdenounceWord List 11dentdenturedenudedepictdepletedeploredeportdeposedepositiondepraveddepravitydeprecatedepreciatedepresseddepressiondeprivationdeputyderacinatederelictderelictionderidederivationderivativedermatologistderogatedescendantdescentdescrydesecratedesertdesiccatedesignationdesirabledesperatedespicabledespisedespotdestitutiondesultorydetachdetacheddetaindetectiondeterdetergentdeterioratedetestdetonationdetourdetractiondetrimentaldetritusdevastatedeviantdeviatedeviationdeviousdevisedevoiddevoteddevoteedevotionaldevourdevoutdexteritydexterousdiabetesdiabolicaldiagnosediagonaldiagramdialectdiameterdiaphanousdiatribedictatedidacticdiedie-harddiffidentdiffusedigestiondigitdignitydigressdilapidatedilapidateddilatedilatorydilemmadilettantediligencedilutedimdimensiondiminutiondimpledindingydiplomaticdiredirgedisabusedisaffectdisagreeabledisarmdisarraydisasterdisbardisbursediscarddiscerndiscerniblediscerningdischargediscipledisciplinedisclaimdisclosediscographydiscombobulatediscombobulateddiscomfitdiscomposedisconcert discord discount discourse discredit discreet discrepancy discrete discretion discretionary discriminate discriminatory discursive disdain disembodied disenchant disengage disentangleWord List 12 disfigure disfranchise disgorge disgruntle disguise disgust disillusion disinfect disinfectantdisinterdisinteresteddisjunctiondisjunctivedislocatedislodgedismaldismantledismaydisparagedisparatedispassionatedispatchdispeldispensabledispensedispersedisplacedisposabledisposaldisposedisposeddispositiondisproofdisprovedisputedisregarddisreputedisruptdisruptivedissectdissembledisseminatedissentdissertationdissidentdissimulatedissipatedissociationdissolutedissolvedissonantdissuadedistantdistenddistensiondistilldistinctdistinctiondistinctivedistinguisheddistortdistractdistracteddistraughtdistressdistributedistrictdittydiurnaldivadiverdivergediversediversitydivertdivestdivestituredivinedivulgedociledoctrinairedoctrinedocumentdodderdodgedoffdoggeddoggereldogmadogmatismdoldrumsdolefuldolorousdoltdomaindomedomesticatedomiciledominantdominatedonatedonordoodledormantdorsaldosedossierdotedotingdourdousedowndownplaydownpourdown-to-earthdoyendrabdraconiandraftdraftsmanshipdraindrainagedrasticdrawbridgedrawldrearydregsdrenchdrilldriveldrizzledrizzlydrolldronedroopdropletdrossdroughtdrovedrudgerydualdubiousducklingductduelduetdulldummydunedupeduplicitousduplicitydurationduressdutifuldwarfdwellingdwindledynamicWord List 13dynamodyslexiadyspepticearnestearplugearringearshotearsplittingearthlyearthyeaseleavesdropebbebullienceeccentriceclecticeclecticismecologisteconomicalecstasyecstaticeddyedificeedifyeffaceeffervesceeffeteefficacyeffluviaeffronteryeffulgentegalitarianegocentricegotistegregiousegresselaborateelaborationelatedelbowelegyelementaryelephantineelevateeliciteligibleeliminateeliteellipsisellipticalelocutionelongateeloquenceelucidateeludeelusiveemaciateemanateemancipateembargoembarrassembedembellishembezzlementemblematicembodyemboldenembossembraceembroideremendemergencyemigrateeminence eminent emissary emit emollient emote empathy emphatic empirical empiricism empower empyreal emulate emulsify enact enamel enamored encapsulate enchant enclosure encomiast encomium encompass encounter encroach encumber encyclopedia endearing endemic endorse endow endure enduring enervateenfeebleenfetterenflameengagedengagingengenderengraveengrossengulfenhanceenjoinenlightenenlighteningenlistenlivenenmeshenmityennuienormityenormousenrageenraptureensconceensembleensignensueensureentailentangleenterpriseenthrallingenticeentiretyentitleentityentranceentreatentreatyentréeentrepreneurWord List 14entrustentryenumerateenunciateenvironenvisionenzymeepauletephemeralepicepicureepidemicepidermisepigramepilogueepisodicepitaphepithetepitomeepitomizeepochequableequanimityequateequationequatorequilibriumequineequityequivalentequivocateeradicateeraseerasureerecterrerranderraticersatzerstwhileeruditeeruptescalateescapismeschewesophagusesotericespionageespousalespouseespyessentialestimableestrangedetchetchingeternaletherealethicsethnicethnologyethosetiquetteetymologyeulogisticeulogizeeulogyeuphemismeuphoniouseuphoriaevacuateevadeevaluationevanescentevaporateevasionevasiveevenevenhandedevictevinceevocativeevokeevolveeweewerexacerbateexactexactingexactitudeexaggerateexaltexaltationexasperateexcavateexceedexceptionalexcessexciseexcitabilityexclaimexclamationexcludeexclusiveexcoriateexcreteexculpateexcursionexcursiveexecrableexecrateexecuteexemplaryexemplifyexemptexertexhaleexhaustexhaustiveexhilarateexhilarationexhortexigentexistentialexodusexonerateexorbitantexorciseexoticexpandexpansiveexpediencyexpedientexpeditiousexpelexpendexpenditureexpertiseWord List 15expiateexpirationexpireexplicateexplicitexploitexplosiveexponentexponentiallyexpositionexpositoryexpostulateexposureexpoundexpresslyexpungeexpurgateexquisiteextantextemporaneousextemporizeextendextenuateexterminateexternalizeextinctextinguishextirpationextolextortextractextraneousextrapolateextravaganceextremistextricableextricateextrovert exuberance exuberant exude exult fabric fabricate facade facet facetious facile facilitate facilities faction factorable factotum factual facultyfad faddish fade falcon fallacious fallacy fallibility fallible fallow falsehood falter familiarity famine famish fanatic fangfantasyfarcefarewellfar-reachingfastfastenfastidiousfastnessfatalfathomfatiguefattenfatuityfatuousfaucetfaultfaultfinderfavorablefawnfazefeasiblefeatfeaturefecklessfecundityfeeblefeignfeignedfeintfelicitousfellfelonfelonyfeministfenderferalfermentfernferretferrousfertilefertilizefertilizerfervidfervorfesterfestivefetidfetterfetusfeudfiascofiatficklefictitiousfidgetfigfigmentfigurativefigureheadfigurinefilefilibusterfiligreefilingsfillyfilterfilthfinalefinessefinickyfinitefirearmfireflyfiscalfissurefixateflaccidflagflaggingflaggyflailflakflamboyantflammableWord List 16flangeflareflaskflatcarflattenflatterflawflaxfledgefledglingfleetingflexibleflightflimsyflinchflintflipflirtflitflockfloodgateflorafloridflounderflourishfloutfluctuatefluffyflukefluorescentflushflusteredflutterfluvialfluxfoiblefoilfoldfolderfoliagefolklorefollyfomentfoodstufffoolprooffoppishforageforagerforbearanceforbidforbiddingfordforebodeforecastforeknowledgeforerunnerforeshadowforesightforestallforestryforfeitforgeforgerforgeryforgoformalityformationformidableformulaforsakeforteforthrightfortifyfortitudefortuitousforumforwardfossefossilizefosterfoulfounderfour-posterfoyerfracasfractionfractiousfracturefragilefragmentfragrancefragrantfrailfranticfraudfraudulentfraughtfrecklefreelancerfreightfreneticfrenzyfrequencyfrequentfrescofretfriablefrictionfriezefrigidfrigidityfringefriskyfrivolousfrondfrothyfrugalfruitionfrustratefulcrumfulfilfull-blownfull-bodiedfull-fledgedfulminatefulsomefumblefumefumigatefunctionalfunctionaryfundamentalfungifungicidefurnacefurorfurrowfurtivefusillade fusion fuss fussy fusty futile futility gadfly gadget gaffe gaggle gainsay gait galaxygall gallant galley gallon galvanize gamble gambol gangway gape garble garbled gardenia gargantuan Word List 17gargoylegarishgarmentgarnergarnishgarrulitygarrulousgaseousgashgasificationgaucheriegaudygaugegavelgazegazetteergeargemgenegenealogygeneralitygeneralizegenerategenerationgeneratorgenericgenerositygenesisgeneticgeneticsgenialgenomegenregenteelgentlegentrygenuinegenusgeometriciangermgermanegermicidegerminategerontocracygerontologygerrymandergesturegeysergibegiddygigglegildgimmickgingergingerlygirdergirthgistglacialgladegladiatorglanceglareglazegleanglibglideglimmerglistenglitchgloatgloomgloomyglossglossaryglossyglowglowerglowingglucoseglutglutinousgluttonousgnarledgnawgoadgobblegobletgoldbrickgoodwillgospelgossamergougegourmandgourmetgracegraciousgradationgraduatedgraftgraingrandeur*grandiose*grandstand*granitegrantgraphicgraphitegraspinggrategratefulgratificationgratifygratinggratitudegratuitousgratuitygravegravelgravitationalgravitygrazegreasegreengreenhousegregariousgregariousnessgriefgrievancegrievegrievousgrillgrimgrimacegringrindgripegrippinggrislygristlegritgroangroomgroovegropegrossgrottogrouchgroundedgroupgrousegrovegrovelgruelinggrumbleguaranteeguffawguileguilelessguillotineguiltguiltyguisegulliblegulpgumgurugushgushergustgustationgustatorygutterguyguzzlegyratehabitathabituateWord List 18hackhackneyedhailhalcyonhalehalfheartedhallmarkhallowhallowedhallucinationhalohaltinghammerhamperhandlehangarhangdoghankeringhaphazardharangueharassharbingerharborhardenhardheadedhardyharmonyharnessharpharpsichordharridanharrowharrowingharryharshharshlyhastenhastyhatchhaughtyhaunthauteurhavenhavochawk。
潮流英语笔记大一下知识点一、时尚词汇1. Trendy (时尚的)2. Fashionable (流行的)3. Stylish (时髦的)4. Iconic (标志性的)5. Statement piece (亮眼单品)6. Accessories (配饰)7. Runway (时装秀台)8. Couture (高级定制)二、流行趋势1. Streetwear (街头潮流)街头潮流在当今社会中越来越受欢迎。
2. Athleisure (运动休闲)运动休闲是指结合了舒适的运动服饰和时尚元素的潮流趋势。
3. Vintage (复古)复古风格指的是回归过去的时尚趋势。
4. Minimalism (简约主义)简约主义是一种注重简洁和极简风格的潮流趋势。
三、潮流品牌1. Supreme (街头潮牌)Supreme 是一家以街头潮流为主题的品牌,其标志性的红白字体在全球范围内广为人知。
Supreme 推出的单品通常引发疯狂的购买风潮,成为追求时尚的年轻人的梦寐以求的物品。
2. Gucci (奢侈品牌)Gucci 是一家意大利奢侈品牌,以其高品质和独特设计而闻名。
Gucci 的产品系列涵盖了服装、鞋子、包包等多个领域,成为时尚界的代名词。
3. Off-White (时尚新秀)Off-White 是一家由设计师 Virgil Abloh 创立的品牌,以其独特的设计语言和潮流元素而备受瞩目。
Off-White 的单品经常在社交媒体上引起热议,并受到时尚潮人的喜爱。
医学英语口语:公共场所双语标识1XX大厦 XX Tower/Plaza/Mansion/Building2 贸易中心 Trade Center3 XX商场 XX Store4 百货商场 Department Store5 购物中心 Shopping Center6 大型购物中心 Shopping Mall7 社区购物中心 Community Shopping Center8 市区购物中心 Urban Shopping Center9 城郊购物中心 Suburban Shopping Center10 食品店 Food Store11 食杂店 Grocery Store12 便利店 Convenience Store13 折扣店 Discount Store/ Outlets14 超市 Supermarket15 精选超市 Gourmet Supermarket16 大型超市 Hypermarket17 仓储式会员店 Membership Store/Member's Club18 专业店 Speciality Store19 专卖店 Boutique20 家居建材商店 Home Furnishing Store21 美容美发中心(厅) Beauty Salon22美容美体中心(养生馆,俱乐部)Beauty and Body Care (Health Club)23 水疗生活馆 Spa24 美容院(城) Beauty Salon/ Beauty Center/Beauty Care25 美容沙龙 Beauty Salon26 女子美容坊(生活馆,工作室)Ladies' Beauty Shop (Lounge and Studio)27 女子舍宾 Women Shaping28 美发沙龙 Hair Dressing Salon29 形象设计中心 Image Design Center30 洗浴中心 Bath Center331 脚病治疗中心 Treatment Center for Foot Ailments32 发型工作室 Hair Studio33 餐馆 Restaurant34 美食城 Food Palace35 美食街 Food Street/Food Court36 美食广场 Food Plaza37 中式快餐 Chinese Fast food38 美食天地 Food Court39 风味小吃 Local Delicacies40 食府(风味食府) Restaurant (Local Food)41 小吃店 Snack Bar42 咖啡店/咖啡厅 Coffee Shop/Café43 烤鸭店 Roast Duck Restaurant44 特色餐馆 Speciality Restaurant45 电器城 Home Appliances Store / Home Appliances Center46 音像制品店 Audio-Video Shop47 婚纱摄影室 Wedding Photography Studio48 儿童摄影室 Children Photography Studio49 全家福摄影室 Family Portrait Photography Studio50 数码工作室 Digital Studio51 洗衣工作间 Laundry52 眼镜店 Optical Shop53 药店 Pharmacy54 新华书店 Xinhua Bookstore55 酒吧 Bar56 游戏厅 Video Game Room57 电影院 Movie Theater/Cinema58 摄影室 Photography59 化妆室 Dressing Room60 婚纱影楼 Wedding Photography Gallery61 同仁堂药店 Tongrentang Pharmacy62 步瀛斋鞋店 Buyingzhai Shoes63 盛锡福帽店 Shengxifu Hat464 御食园食品 Yushiyuan Imperial Flavored Food65 年糕杨 Yang's Rice Cakes66 加州兰美食街 Jiazhoulan Food Court67大栅栏—琉璃厂文化商业区Dashilan-Liulichang Culture and CommercialDistrict68 京城茶叶第一街 Beijing No.1 Tea Street69 牛街民族特色街区 Niujie Islamic Culture District70 天桥民俗特色街区 Tianqiao Folk Culture District71 王府井步行街 Wangfujing Pedestrian Street72 西单商业街 Xidan Shopping Street73 大栅栏商业步行街 Dashilan Shopping and Pedestrian Street74 东直门内餐饮街 Dongzhimennei Food Street75 马连道茶叶街 Maliandao Tea Street76 莱太花卉街 Laitai Flowers & Plants Street77 十里河家居建材街 Shilihe Home Improvement Center78 什刹海茶艺酒吧街 Shichahai Teahouses and Bars Street79 高碑店古典家具街 Gaobeidian Classical Furniture Street80 中国黄金第一家 China No.1 Gold Store81 XX精品店 XX Fancy Shop基础设施序号中文名称英文名称1 试衣间 Fitting Room2 洗手间/厕所/卫生间 Toilet3 男洗手间 Gents/Men4 女洗手间 Ladies/Women5 插卡式公用电话 Magnetic Card Telephone6 楼梯(步行梯) Stairs(图形)7 停车场 Parking8 自行车停放处 Bicycle Parking9 火警下压器 Fire Alarm Press10 灭火器箱 Fire Extinguisher11 火警119 Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 11912 无障碍通道 Wheelchair Accessible513 残障顾客专用洗手间 Wheelchair Accessible14 残障顾客专用泊车位 Wheelchair Accessible15 残障顾客专用坡道 Wheelchair Ramp16 自动直梯 Elevator/Lift17 观光梯 Sightseeing Elevator /Sightseeing Lift18 货梯 Cargo Lift19 自动提款机 ATM20 休闲广场 Entertainment Plaza21 消防通道 Fire Engine Access22 消防设施 Fire Extinguisher23 消火栓 Fire Hydrant24 一/二/三/四/五层(楼) F1/F2/F3/F4/F525 地下一层/二层/三层 B1/B2/B326 奥运商品专柜 Beijing 2008 Official Licensed Product Counter27 总服务台 Information & Reception Desk28 问询处 Information29 收款台,收银处 Cashier30 外币兑换处 Foreign Exchange31 开发票处 Invoice Counter32 顾客接待室 Reception33 顾客休息室 Lounge34 值班经理台 Duty Office35 商务中心 Business Center36 加工室 Processing Room37 验光室 Optometry Room38 配镜区 Glasses Prescription39 取镜修理 Pick-Up & Repairs40 精品区 Designer Frames41 学生配镜专柜 Child & Student Frames42 网吧 Internet Café43 饮水处 Drinking Water44 擦鞋机 Automatic Shoe Polisher45 快速通道 Express Lane646 无购物通道 Non-Purchase Exit47 存包处 Bag Check48 取包处 Bag Claim49 衣帽寄存处 Cloakroom50 咨询处 Information51 购物车 Shopping Cart/Shopping Trolley52 购物筐 Shopping Basket53 手机充电处 Cellphone Recharging /Mobile Phone Recharging54 水吧 Water Bar/Drink Bar55 吸烟室,吸烟区 Smoking Room/Smoking Area56 洗衣店 Laundry57 垃圾箱,废物箱 Trash/Litter58 地下一层停车场 B1 Parking59 地下二层停车场 B2 Parking60 地下三层停车场 B3 Parking61 地下四层停车场 B4 Parking62 商场楼层平面图 Shopping Mall Floor Plan63 东,西,南,北 East, West, South, North警示提示信息序号中文名称英文名称1 紧急出口 Emergency Exit2 安全出口 EXIT/Exit3 入口 ENTRANCE/Entrance4 出口 EXIT/Exit5 停车场入口 ENTRANCE/Entrance6 停车场出口 EXIT/Exit7 超市入口 ENTRANCE/Entrance8 超市出口 EXIT/Exit9 小心磕碰 Beware of Collisions10 小心碰头 Mind Your Head/Watch Your Head11 小心玻璃 Caution! Glass12 小心地滑/小心滑倒 Caution! Slippery/Caution! Wet Floor13 小心烫伤 Caution! Hot714 小心脚下/注意台阶 Mind the Step/Watch Your Step15 禁止吸烟/请勿吸烟 No Smoking16 暂停使用 Temporarily Closed17 暂停服务 Temporarily Out of Service18 暂停收款 Temporarily Closed19 正在维修 Under Repair20 办公区 Administrative Area21 顾客止步 Staff Only22 禁止通过 No Admittance23 营业时间 Open Hours/Business Hours24 请勿挤靠 Please don't push or lean on XXX.25 请随手关门 Keep Door Closed/Please close door behind you.26 推(门) PUSH/Push27 拉(门) PULL/Pull28 员工通道 Staff Only29 请扶好站好 Please Use Handrail30请照看好您的物品/请保管好自己财物Take Care of Your Belongings/ Keep an eye on yourbelongings31 老幼乘梯需家人陪同 Seniors and children must be accompanied.32未付款商品请勿带进卫生间Please don't take unpaid-for merchandise into thetoilet.33 请勿推购物车上下电梯 No shopping carts allowed on the escalator.34 请勿带宠物入内 No Pets Allowed35 此梯不能到超市 This elevator doesn't go to the supermarket.36 请照看好您的小孩 Please Attend to Your Children37请您保存好购物凭证Please keep the receipt as proof of purchase and yourguarantee38 票款当面点清 Please check your change before leaving39 通往XXX To XXX40 紧急疏散示意图 Evacuation Chart41 易碎物品轻拿轻放 Fragile!Handle with Care42 小心试穿,避免口红蹭在衣服上Don't Get Lipstick Stain on the Dress43 进入超市请先存包 Please Deposit Your Bags45 请勿带宠物进入超市 No Pets Allowed46 购物车仅限超市购物使用,请不The shopping cart is for store-use only. Please leave 8要将购物车推出商场停车场以外it in the parking lot.47 请您先付款再品尝 Please Pay before Trying48超市商品无质量问题不退换No refunds or exchanges except for defectiveproducts49 请勿将自带食品,饮料带入超市No Outside Food or Beverages Allowed50 遇有火灾请勿用电梯 Don't Use Elevator in Case of Fire51 乘此梯至地下停车场 Elevator to Basement Parking52 由此至上楼(下楼) Upstairs/Downstairs53 由此至地铁站 To Subway Station54 车位已满 Occupied55 伸手出水 Automatic Tap56已付款封袋的商品请勿在超市内拆封Please don't open paid-and-packed merchandise inthe supermarket57 存包的顾客请到正门存包处取包Please Check Out Your Bags58 爱护公共设施 Please Protect Public Facilities59 施工请绕行 Detour. Construction Ahead.60 带来不便敬请谅解 Sorry for the Inconvenience经营服务信息序号中文名称英文名称1 欢迎光临 Welcome2 特价 Sale/On Sale3 特卖场 Special Sales4 名品折扣广场 Outlets5 XX商情 XX Business Information6 产地 Place of Production /Place of Origin7 品名 Product Name8 价格 Price9 单价 Unit Price10 等级 Class/Grade11 规格 Specifications12 手语服务 Sign Language Service13 义务导购服务 Shopping Guide14 退换商品 Returns15 代售电话卡,地图 Phone Cards & Maps916 代售演出文体票 Tickets for Shows & Sporting Events17 代售火车票 Train Tickets18 代售民航机票 Airline Tickets19 广播寻人寻物 Paging Service20 验目配镜/验光服务 Optometry21 代客泊车 Valet Parking22 轮椅租借 Wheelchair Rental23 婴儿车租用 Stroller Rental24 首饰加工 Jewelry Processing25 裁剪熨烫 Tailoring & Ironing26 钟表维修 Watch & Clock Repair27 皮鞋修鞋,皮鞋美容 Shoe Repair & Polish28 微波食品加热 Microwave Heating29 散瞳验光 Mydriasis Test & Optometry30 购物指南(导购图) Shopping Directory31 打折/优惠 Discount40 店庆促销 Anniversary Sale41 节日促销 Holiday Sale44 商品订制 Special Orders45 咖啡研磨 Coffee Grinding46 蛋糕订做 Cake Orders47 定制绣画 Custom-Made Embroidery48 商品保养及维修 Maintenance & Repairs49 厨具清洗 Kitchenware Cleaning50 有偿清洗 Cleaning Service51 服装修改 Clothing Alterations Service52 裤边修改 Hemming53 餐饮服务 Food & Beverages54 摄影及照片冲印 Photo Printing & Studio55 柯达洗印 Kodak Photos56 原照 Original Photo57 加洗 Extra Copies58 彩色放大 Color Enlargements1059 黑白放大 Black and White Enlargements60 艺术摄影 Portrait Studio61色彩搭配及着装款式风格咨询指导服务Styling Consultation Service62 自由退换货 Refundable and Exchangeable63 全市范围免费送货 Free City-Wide Delivery64 网上商城 E-Shop65 电话购物 Telephone Shopping66 商品邮寄及托运 Mailing & Delivery67 代客送礼 Gifts Delivery Service68 礼品包装 Gift Wrapping/Gift Packing69 服务指南 Service Information70 照片冲印 Photographic Processing Service71 导购图 Shopping Directory72 VIP服务中心 VIP Service Center73VIP卡购物获赠,售卖换卡,积分查询,赠礼,使用规则咨询VIP Card Inquiry74 问咨服务 Information75 汇总发票 General Invoice Issuing76 跨楼层支票购物 Cheque purchases on any/every floor.77 代客存衣 Cloakroom78 电话号码薄,信息查询 Yellow Pages79 全面送货 Delivery Service80 餐饮 Food & Beverages (服务)/ Restaurant(行业)81 娱乐 Entertainment82 黄金加工 Gold Processing83 IC卡电话 IC Card Telephone84 售后服务热线 After-Sale Service Hotline85 凉菜 Cold Dishes86 热菜(炒菜) Hot Dishes87 面食 Wheaten Food88 面点 Pastries89 酒水 Alcohol & Beverages90 饮料 Beverages11商品名称序号中文名称英文名称1 服装饰品 Fashion and Accessories2 女士服装 Women's Wear3 儿童服装 Children's Wear4 运动服装/体育服装 Sportswear5 休闲服装 Casual Wear6 皮革毛草 Leatherwear and Furs7 针棉内衣 Knitted and Cotton Underwear8 鞋帽 Shoes and Hats9 女士皮鞋 Women's Leather Shoes10 男士皮鞋 Men's Leather Shoes11 女鞋 Women's Shoes12 男鞋 Men's Shoes13 儿童鞋 Children's Shoes14 旅游运动鞋 Sneakers15 进口高档化妆品 Imported Cosmetics16 精品腕表 Luxury Watches17 化妆品 Cosmetics18 钟表 Clocks and Watches19 运动用品 Sports Equipment20 休闲包 Casual Bags21 旅行箱包 Luggage and Suitcases22 男士服装 Men's Wear23 男式手包 Men's Bags24 时尚内衣 Lingerie25 羊绒 Cashmere26 珠宝钟镜 Jewelry, Clocks and Mirrors27 国际精品皮具 Luxury Leatherware28 烟 Tobacco29 酒 Alcohol/Liquor30 特色食品 Speciality Foods31 高贵女装 Women's Luxury Wear1232 精品女鞋 Women's Luxury Shoes33 女配饰/女士饰品 Women's Accessories34 青春服饰 Teens Clothes & Accessories35 精品男装 Designer Men's Wear36 精品男鞋 Designer Men's Shoes37 男配饰 Men's Accessories38 毛织 Woolens39 内衣 Underwear40 彩妆 Color Make-Up41 居室/家居用品 Household Supplies42 厨卫 Kitchen and Bath43 数码产品 Digital Products44 家用电器/精品小家电 Household Electric Appliances45 运动休闲 Sports and Casual Wear46 儿童服饰及用品 Children's Wear and Products47 体育保健用品 Sports and Healthcare Products48 日用品 Daily Necessities49 纸制品 Paper Products50 卫生巾 Sanitary Napkins51 洗护发用品 Shampoo & Conditioner52 洗涤用品 Detergent53 香皂 Soap54 口腔清洁用品 Oral Hygiene Products55 奶粉 Powdered Milk56 保健食品 Health Food57 罐头 Canned Food58 饼干 Biscuits59 曲奇 Cookies60 休闲食品 Snacks61 巧克力 Chocolates62 干果 Dry Fruits63 水果 Fruits64 蔬菜 Vegetables1365 熟食 Cooked Food66 杂粮 Coarse Cereals67 卫生用品 Hygienic Products68 汽车用品 Automobile Products69 护肤用品 Skin Care Products70 袜子 Socks71 咖啡 Coffee72 婴儿食品 Baby Food73 蜂蜜 Honey74 冲饮 Instant Drinks75 进口调料 Imported Condiments / Imported Seasonings76 调味系列 Condiments & Seasonings77 干菜 Dried Vegetables78 散装食品 Unpacked Foods79 鲜奶 Milk80 啤酒 Beer81 面包 Bread82 方便面 Instant Noodles83 宠物用品 Pet Supplies & Pet Products84 毛巾 Towels85 浴盐 Bath Salt86 半成品 Partially Prepared Products87 通讯器材 Communication Equipment88 手机 Cellphones /Mobile Phones89 手机配件 Cellphone Accessories90 手机维修 Cellphone Repairs91 移动营业厅 China Mobile Service Hall92 移动通信体验中心 China Mobile Interactive Center93 电脑及配套设备 Computers and Accessories94 电脑耗材 Computer Consumables95 软件 Software96 电视机 Television97 摄录像机 Video Camera1498 影碟机 DVD Player99 音响影院 Home Theater100 电话机 Telephone101 金银珠宝 Jewelry102 玉件 Jade products103 工艺品 Arts and Crafts104 摄影器材 Camera Equipment105 图书音像 Books, Audio & Video Products 106 乐器 Musical Instruments107 文化用品/学习用具 Stationery108 户外运动系列 Out-Door Sports Series 109 中西药品 Pharmaceuticals110 保健品 Health Products111 医疗器械 Medical Equipment112 电视购物 TV Shopping113 夕阳红专柜 Senior Products Counter 114 商务休闲 Business Casual115 运动系列 Sports Series116 鞋帽精品 Designer Shoes and Hats117 布鞋拖鞋 Fabric Shoes and Slippers118 箱包皮具 Suitcases & Leatherware119 男裤衬衫 Men's Pants and Shirts120 时尚皮服 Fashion Leatherwear121 羽绒服 Down Jackets122 职业女装 Women's Suits123 皮服/皮衣 Leatherwear124 羊毛服装 Woolens125 女士休闲服装 Women's Casual Wear 126 流行服饰 Fashion127 针棉织品 Knitted and Cotton Goods128 保暖内衣 Thermal Underwear129 女士内衣 Lingerie130 文胸 Bras15131 男士正装/男士西装/绅士正装 Men's Suits132 男士休闲装 Men's Casual Wear133 商务休闲装 Business Casual Wear134 羊绒毛衫 Cashmere and Woolen Sweaters135 布艺 Fabrics and Lace136 寝具毛线 Bedding and Woolens137 衬衫女裤 Women's Pants and Blouses138 中老年女装 Senior Ladies' Wear139 普兰德干洗店 Pride Laundry140 饮水净水器 Water Filter141 加湿净化器 Humidifier142 食品加工机 Food Processor143 冰箱 Fridge / Refrigerator144 空调 Air Conditioner145 洗衣机 Washer / Washing Machine146 热水器 Water Heater147 微波炉 Microwave Oven148 烟机灶具 Kitchen Ventilator and Cooking Stove 149 消毒柜 Sterilizer150 熟食糕点 Cooked Food and Pastries151 名烟名酒 Brand Name Tobacco and Alcohol/Liquor 152 糖果茶叶 Candy and Tea153 干鲜果品 Dry and Fresh Fruits154 食品超市 Food Supermarket155 百货精品 Groceries156 钟表眼镜 Clocks, Watches and Glasses157 亨得利 Hengdeli Clocks & Watches158 鲜肉水产 Meat, Poultry and Seafood159 粮油禽蛋 Grain, Cooking Oil and Eggs160 干鲜蔬菜 Dried and Fresh Vegetables161 副食调料 Subsidiary Food and Seasonings162 速冻食品 Quick-Frozen Food163 腊肉酱菜 Preserved Meat and Pickled Vegetables 16164 干海产品 Dried Seafood165 豆制品 Bean Products166 主食厨房 Wheaten Food167 日用百货 Daily Household Necessities 168 洗涤超市 Cleansing Products Supermarket 169 不锈钢制品 Stainless Steel Products170 玻璃陶瓷 Glassware and Ceramics171 自行车 Bicycle172 五金灯具 Hardware and Lamps173 保险柜 Safe174 名品家俱 Designer Furniture175 体育用品/体育器材 Sports Equipment176 健身器材 Fitness Equipment177 泳装 Swimwear178 垂钓用具 Fishing Equipment179 婴儿用品 Baby Care180 童鞋 Children's Shoes181 童袜 Children's Socks182 儿童玩具 Children's Toys183 办公用品 Office Supplies184 特价服装 Discount Clothes185 箱包 Bags and Suitcases186 皮具 Leatherware187 领带 Tie188 食品 Food Stuffs189 北京特产 Beijing Specialties190 旅游纪念品 Souvenirs191 面包糕点 Bread and Cakes192 方便食品 Instant Food193 水果蔬菜 Fruits and Vegetables194 饮料罐头 Beverages and Canned Food 195 足金戒指 24K Gold Ring196 足金项链 24K Gold Necklace17197 足金耳环 24K Gold Earrings198 足金手链 24K Gold Bracelet199 足金耳钉 24K Gold Ear Studs200 足金项坠 24K Gold Pendant201 足金精品 24K Gold Gifts202 千足金戒指 99.9% Gold Ring203 千足金项链 99.9% Gold Necklace204 千足金耳环 99.9% Gold Earrings205 千足金手链 99.9% Gold Bracelet206 千足金耳钉 99.9% Gold Ear Studs207 千足金项坠 99.9% Gold Pendant208 千足金摆件 99.9% Gold Ornaments209 儿童金饰品 Gold Accessories for Children 210 金银币章 Gold and Silver Coins & Badges 211 PT950戒指 PT950 Ring212 PT950项链 PT950 Necklace213 PT950手链 PT950 Bracelet214 PT950耳环 PT950 Earrings215 PT950项坠 PT950 Pendant216 PT950手镯 PT950 Bracelet217 PT950饰品 PT950 Accessories218 翡翠精品 Exquisite Jade219 翡翠饰品 Jade Accessories220 翡翠缘 Jade Luck221 文化石 Art Stone222 钻石精品 Exquisite Diamond223 钻石戒指 Diamond Ring224 钻石项链 Diamond Necklace225 钻石手链 Diamond Bracelet226 钻石耳钉 Diamond Ear Studs227 钻石项坠 Diamond Pendant228 十二生辰石 Chinese Zodiac Stones229 蓝宝石饰品 Sapphire Accessories18230 红宝石饰品 Ruby Accessories231 珠宝饰品 Jewelry Accessories232 珠宝精品 Exquisite Jewelry233 珍珠饰品 Pearl Accessories234 黄金 Gold235 铂金 Platinum236 钻石 Diamonds237 珠宝 Jewelry238 银饰品 Silver Accessories服务人员名称序号中文名称英文名称1 营业员 Sales Clerk/ Sales Assistant2 收银员 Cashier3 信息员 Messenger4 理货员 Tally Clerk5 导购员 Shopping Guide6 服务员 Waiter / Waitress (餐饮业)7 理发师 Hairdresser8 美容师 Beautician9 美发师 Hair Stylist10 验光师 Optometrist11 摄影师 Photographer12 保洁员 Cleaner13 保安 Security Guard14 管理人员 Management Personnel15 董事长 Chairman of the Board16 董事 Director17 总经理 General Manager18 副总经理 Deputy General Manager19 经理 Manager / Director20 副经理 Assistant Manager/ Deputy Manager21 执行经理 Executive Manager22 部长 Department Head1923 部长助理 Assistant Department Head24 主任 Director25 主办 Main Organizer26 项目经理 Project Manager27 党委书记 Secretary of the Party Committee28 会长 President / Chairman29 主管 Person in Charge30 商场经理 Store Manager31 干事 Staff32 采购部经理 Purchasing Manager33工会主席Chairman of the Labor Union/ Chairman of the TradeUnion部门名称序号中文名称英文名称1 总经理办公室 General Manager's Office2 经理办公室 Manager's Office3 人力资源部 Human Resources Department4 财务管理部 Financial Management Department5 物流管理部 Logistics Management Department6 信息管理部 Information Management Department7 服务部 Service Department8 物业行政部 Property and Administration Department9 安全保卫部 Security Department10 党委办公室 Party Committee Office11 组织宣传部 Publicity Department12 工会 Labor Union/Trade Union13 团委 Youth League Committee14 运营保障部 Business Supporting Department15 会计室 Accountant's Office16 计算机室 Computer Room17 卖场部 Sales Department18 超市连锁采购部 Chain Store Purchasing Department19 珠宝化妆休闲采购部 Jewelry and Cosmetics Purchasing Department2020 女士休闲采购部 Women's Casual Wear Purchasing Department21 女士精品采购部 Women's Choice Goods Purchasing Department22 妇用羊绒采购部 Women's Cashmere Purchasing Department23 男士体育服务部 Service Department for Men's Sports Goods24 男女鞋帽采购部 Shoes and Hats Purchasing Department25童装,家居用品采购部Children's Wear and Household Supplies Purchasing Department26家电,厨具采购部Household Appliances and Kitchenware Purchasing Department27 照相器材采购部 Camera Equipment Purchasing Department28 翠微苑宾馆 Cuiweiyuan Hotel29 营销策划 Marketing Planning30 客户服务中心 Service Center31 团购服务中心 Group-Purchase Service Center原文来自必克英语/topic-4932.html。
描述外貌的英语作文Title: Describing Physical Appearance。
Describing physical appearance is an art that requires attention to detail and the ability to paint a vividpicture with words. Whether it's a person, a place, or an object, capturing its essence through description can bring it to life in the reader's mind. In this essay, we will explore various techniques and vocabulary to effectively describe physical appearance.One of the most fundamental aspects of describing someone's appearance is focusing on their facial features. For instance, you might begin by mentioning the shape of their face whether it's round, oval, square, or heart-shaped. Next, you can delve into specifics such as thecolor and shape of their eyes, the arch of their eyebrows, and the contour of their lips. Are their eyes almond-shaped and piercing blue, or perhaps doe-like and hazel? Doestheir nose have a prominent bridge, or is it petite andbutton-like? These details not only paint a picture but also convey a sense of the individual's unique character.Moving beyond the face, we can explore the person's hair, which often plays a significant role in their overall appearance. You can describe the color, length, and texture of their hair whether it's silky and straight, curly and voluminous, or somewhere in between. Additionally, you might comment on their hairstyle is it neatly styled, tousled and carefree, or pulled back into a tight bun? These details can provide insight into the person's personality and lifestyle.Another important aspect of physical appearance is body type and posture. You can describe whether the person is tall or short, slim or muscular, and how they carry themselves with confidence, slouched shoulders, or a graceful posture. These details contribute to the overall impression of the individual and help to create a more complete picture in the reader's mind.In addition to describing individual features, it'salso important to consider the overall impression that someone's appearance conveys. For example, you might comment on their sense of style are they dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt, or are they more formal in a tailored suit or elegant dress? Paying attention to details such as clothing choices, accessories, and grooming habits can provide further insight into the person's personality, social status, and cultural background.When describing physical appearance, it's essential to choose descriptive language that is vivid and evocative. Instead of simply stating that someone has "brown hair and blue eyes," you might say that they have "a mane of chestnut locks that cascade over their shoulders, framing piercing sapphire eyes that seem to sparkle with mischief." By using sensory language and imagery, you can bring the description to life and engage the reader's imagination.In conclusion, describing physical appearance is a nuanced art that requires careful observation and attention to detail. By focusing on facial features, hair, body type, posture, clothing, and overall impression, you can create avivid and compelling portrait of an individual. Whether you're writing a character sketch, a descriptive essay, or simply trying to convey someone's appearance in conversation, mastering the art of description can enhance your communication skills and deepen your understanding of the world around you.。
Word list1accumulate aesthetic alphabetical annoy apprehend aspen abandon accurate affable alter annul apprentice asperity abash accuse affectation alternate anomaly apprise aspersion abate acerbic Word list2altruism anonymity approach asphyxiate abbreviate acknowledge affected aluminium anorexia approbation aspiration abdicate acme affidavit amalgam antagonize appropriate aspire aberrant acolyte affiliate amalgamate Antarctic approximate assailabet acorn affinity amass antecedent apron assault abeyance acoustic affirm amateur antediluvian apropos assayabhor acquaint affix ambidextrous antenna apt assemble abide acquiesce afflict ambiguous anterior aptitude assent abject acquired affluent ambivalent anthem aquatic assert abjure acquisitive affordable amble Word list3arabesque assertive ablution acquit affront ambush anthology arable assess abnegate acquittal agenda ameliorate anthropologist arbiter assessment abolish acrid agglomerate amenable antibiotic arbitrary asset abominate acrimony aggrandize amend antibody arbitrate assiduous aboveboard acrobat aggravate amenity antic arboreal assimilate abrade acrophobia aggregate amiable anticipate arboretum associate abreast acuity aggression amicable antidote arcane assorted abridge acumen aggressive amity antihistamine arch assuage abrogate acute aggressor amnesia antipathy archaeology assume abscission adage aggrieve amnesty antique archetype assumption abscond adamant agile amorphous antisepic archipelago assure absenteeism adaptable agitate amortize antithesis architect asterisk absolute addendum agnostic amphibian anvil archive asteroid absolve addict agog ample aorta arctic asthma absorb additive agony amplify apex ardent astound abstain address agrarian amplitude aphorism arena astray abstemious adept agreeable amulet aplomb argot astringent abstract adequate agronomy amuse apocalyptic aria astrolabe abstruce adhere ail anachronistic apocrypha arid astrology absurd adherent airborne anaerobic apocryphal aristocracy astronomical abundant adhesive airtight anagram apogee armada astute abuse adjacent alabaster analgesia apologize armistice asunder abusive adjourn alacrity analgesic apoplectic armony asylumabut adjunct albeit analogy apostasy aroma asymmetric abysmal adjust alchemy analyze apostate array athletics academic admire alcove anarchy apostrophe arrest atonal accede admission alert anathema appall arresting atrocious accelerate admonish alias anatomical apparatus arrhythmic atrophy accentuate adobe alibi ancestor apparel arrogant attach access adolescent alienate ancestry apparition arrogate attain accessible adore align anchor appeal arsenal Word list4 accessory adorn alimentary ancillary appease arson attenuate acclaim adroit alkali anecdote appellation artery attest acclimate adulate allay anemia appetite arthritis attic accolate adumbrate allege anguish appetizer articulate attorney accommodate advent allegiance angular appetizing artifact attribute accommodating adventitious allegory anhydrous applaud artifice attune accompany adverse allergic animate applause artificial auction accomplice advertise alleviate animosity applicable artistry audacious accomplish advisable allocate animus applicant artless audible accord advocate allowance annals appoint ascendancy augment accost aegis allude annexation apposite ascetic augur accountabilityaerate alluring annihilate appraise ascribe august accrete aerial aloft annotate appreciable asepic auspices accrue aesthete aloof announce appreciate aspect auspicious第 1 页,共 22 页austere barb besiege boggle brusque cane authentic barbarous besmirch bogus brutal canine authoritarian barbecue bestial boisterous buck canny autobiography bard bestow bolster bucket canon autocrat bare betray bolt bucolic canonical autonomy barefaced betroth bombast bud canopy auxiliary bargain beverage bondage budge cant available barge Word list5bonnet budget cantankerous avalanche bark bewilder boom buffoon canto avarice barn bewildering boon bulb canvas avenge barometer bibliography boor bulge canvass aver baroque bibliophile boost bulk canyon averse barrage bicker bootless bully cape aversion barren bid bore bumptious capillary avert barrricade bifurcate boredom bungle capitulate aviary barrier bigot botany buoy caprice avid barter bile boulder buoyant capricious avoid base bilingual bouquet bureaucracy capsule avow bask bilk bourgeois burgeon caption awe baste billowy bout burial captious awe-inspiring batch bin boycott burlesque captivate awkward bathetic biosphere brace burnish captureawl baton biped bracelet bust carafe awning battalion bit bracing butt carapace awry bauxite bizarre bracket buttress carbohydrate axiom bawdy blade brag byline carcinogen axis bazaar blanch braggadocio byproduct cardinal axle beacon bland braggart bystander cardiologist babble beam blandishment braid byzantine caress backdrop bearing blasphemy brake cabal careworn backhanded beat blast brandish cabinet cargo bacterium bedeck blatant brash cache caricature badge bedlam blazon brassy cacophony carnivorous badger befuddlement bleach brat cadet carol badinage begrudge bleak bravado cadge carousebail beholder blemish bravura cajole carpbait behoove blight brawl Word list6carpenter bale belabor bliss brazen calamity carrion baleful belated blithe breach calcium cartographer balk beleaguer blizzard breadth calculated carve balled belie blockade breed calculating cast ballast belittle blockage bribe calculus caste ballerina bellicose blooming bricklayer caldron castigate balloon belligerence blotch bridle calibrate casual ballot bellwether blowhard brink calipers casualty balm bench blue brisk calligraphy cataclysm balmy bend blueprint bristle callous catalystban benediction blunder brittle callow catastrophe banal benefactor blunt broach calorie categorical band benevolent blur brochure calumniate cater bandage benign blurb broker calumny caterpillar bane benison blurt bromide cameo catharsis banish bent blush brood camouflage cathedral banister bequeath bluster brook campaign catholic bankrupt bequest blustering browbeat canary caucus banquet berate boast bruise candid caulk banter bereft bodyguard bruit candidacy causalbar beset bog brunt candor caustic第 2 页,共 22 页cauterize chauvinistic cling colonnade compost congest cavalier check clinical colony composure conglomerate cavalry chef clip coloration compound congregate caveat cherubic clipper colossal comprehend congruent cavern chicanery clique colossus comprehensible congruouscavil chide clog coltish comprehensive conifercavity chimera cloister coma compress conjecture cavort chip closet comatose compromise conjoincede chipmunk clot combat compulsion conjunction celebrated chisel cloture combustible compunction conjure celebrity chivalrous cloudburst comedienne concatenate connive celestial choice clout comely concave connoisseur cellar choir clown comic conceal connotation cello choke cloying comity concede conquer cement choleric clumsy comma conceit conquest censor chord cluster commemorate conceive conscience census choreography coagulant commence concentrate conscientious centaur chorus coagulate commencement conception conscript centigrade Word list7coalesce commensurate concerto consensus centralization chromatic coalition commentary concession consent centurion chromosome coarse commingle conciliate consequence ceramic chronic coarsen commission conciliatory consequential cereal chrysanthemum coax commit concise conservative cerebral chuckle cob committed conclave conservatory ceremonious churl cobbler commodious conclusive conserve ceremony cinder cocoon commodity concomitant considerable certainty cipher coda commonplace concord consign certification circuit coddle commonwealth concrete consistent certitude circuitous code commotion concur console cessation circulate codify communal concussion consolidate cession circumference coerce commune condemn consolidation chafe circumlocution coercion communicate condense consonant chaff circumscribe coeval commute condescend conspicuous chagrin circumstantial cogent compact condone conspire chalice circumvent cogitate companion conducive constant chameleon cistern cognizance comparison conduct constellation champion cite cognizant compartment conduit consternation championship civil cohabit compass cone constituent chancellor civilian coherent compassion confection constitute chandelier civility cohesion compatible confederacy constitution chant claim cohesive compatriot confer constitutional chaos clairvoyance coincide compel conference constrain chapel clam colander compelling confess constraint char clamor cold-blooded compendium confide constrict characteristic clamp collaborate compensate confidence construct characterization clandestine collage competence confidential construe characterize clannish collapse compile configuration consul charade clarify collar Word list8confine consummate charisma clash collate complacecency confirm contactcharity clasp collateral complaisance confiscate contagious charlatan classify collected complaisant conflagration containcharm clause collection complementary conflate containment charter clay collision compliant conflict contaminate chary cleft colloquial complicate conformist contemplate chase clemency colloquium compliment confound contempt chasm clement collude component confront contemptible chaste climax colon compose congeal contemptuous chastise clinch colonize composed congenial contend第 3 页,共 22 页Word list9corrrode critic daguerreotype deference Word list11 content corrosive critical dainty deferential dent contented corrugate critique dally defiance denture contention corrupt croak damp deficiency denude contentious cosmic crochet damped deficit depict contest cosmopolitan crockery dampen defile deplete context cosmopolitanism cronyism dandy definitive deplore contiguous cosmos crook dapper deflated deport continent cosset cross dappled deflect depose contingent costume crouch daredevil defoliator deposition contort coterie crucial dart defraud depraved contraband coterminous crudity daunt deft depravity contract cougar crumb dawdle defuse deprecate contradict countenance crumble deaden defy depreciate contrast counteract crumple deadlock degradation depressed contravene counterbalance crusade deadpan dehydrate depression contrite counterfeit crust dealing deify deprivation contrive countermand crutch dearth deign deputy contrived counterpart crux debacle dejected deracinate control counterproductive cryptic debark delectable derelict controversial coup cub debase delegate dereliction controvert court cubicle debate deleterious deride contumacious covenant cue debilitate deliberate derivation conundrum covert cuisine debouch delicacy derivative convalesce covet culinary debrief delicate dermatologist convalescent cow culmination debris delimit derogate convenience coward culpable debunk delineate descendant conventional cower cult debut delinquency descent converge coy cultivate decadence delinquent descry convergent cozen cultivated deceit delirious desecrate conversant crab Word list10decency delirium desert converse crabbed cumbersome deception delta desiccate convert crack cumulus decibel delude designation convertible craft cunning deciduous deluge desirable convey cram cupidity decimate delusion desperate convict cramp curator decipher delve despicable conviction cranky curb declaim demagogue despise convince crass curdle declamation demand despot convivial crate curmudgeon decline demean destitution conviviality crater curriculum decode demise desultory convoke cravat cursory decompose demography detach convoluted craven curt decomposition demolish detached convulse craving curtail decorate demolition detain convulsion crayon cushion decorum demonstrate detection coop crease custodian decrepit demonstrative deter cooperate credence custody decry demoralize detergent coordinate credible customary dedication demote deteriorate copious credit cuticle deduce demotic detestcord credulous cutlery deduct demur detonation core creek cyclical deductive demystify detour cornucopia creep cyclone deed den detraction coronation crescendo cylinder deface denigrate detrimental corporate crest cynic default denizen detritus corporeal crestfallen cypress defeatist denomination devastate corpuscle cringe cytology defect denote deviantcorral cringing dabble defendant denouement deviate correspondent criteria daft defense denounce deviation corroborate criterion dagger defer devious第 4 页,共 22 页devise disciple disposed dogma dull elicit devoid discipline disposition dogmatism dummy eligible devoted disclaim disproof doldrums dune eliminate devotee disclose disprove doleful dupe elite devotional discography dispute dolorous duplicitous ellipsis devour discombobulate disregard dolt duplicity elliptical devout discombobulated disrepute domain duration elocution dexterity discomfit disrupt dome duress elongate dexterous discompose disruptive domesticate dutiful eloquence diabetes disconcert dissect domicile dwarf elucidate diabolical discord dissemble dominant dwelling elude diagnose discount disseminate dominate dwindle elusive diagonal discourse dissent donate dynamic emaciate diagram discredit dissertation donor Word list13emanate dialect discreet dissident doodle dynamo emancipate diameter discrepancy dissimulate dormant dyslexia embargo diaphanous discrete dissipate dorsal dyspeptic embarrass diatribe discretion dissociation dose earnest embeddictate discretionary dissolute dossier earplug embellish didactic discriminate dissolve dote earring embezzlement die discriminatory dissonant doting earshot emblematic die-hard discursive dissuade dour earsplitting embody diffident disdain distant douse earthly embolden diffuse disembodied distend down earthy emboss digestion disenchant distension downplay easel embracedigit disengage distill downpour eavesdrop embroider dignity disentangle distinct down-to-earth ebb emend digress Word list12distinction doyen ebullience emergency dilapidate disfigure distinctive drab eccentric emigrate dilapidated disfranchise distinguished draconian eclectic eminence dilate disgorge distort draft eclecticism eminent dilatory disgruntle distract draftsmanship ecologist emissary dilemma disguise distracted drain economical emit dilettante disgust distraught drainage ecstasy emollient diligence disillusion distress drastic ecstatic emotedilute disinfect distribute drawbridge eddy empathydim disinfectant district drawl edifice emphatic dimension disinter ditty dreary edify empirical diminution disinterested diurnal dregs efface empiricism dimple disjunction diva drench effervesce empowerdin disjunctive diver drill effete empyreal dingy dislocate diverge drivel efficacy emulate diplomatic dislodge diverse drizzle effluvia emulsifydire dismal diversity drizzly effrontery enactdirge dismantle divert droll effulgent enamel disabuse dismay divest drone egalitarian enamored disaffect disparage divestiture droop egocentric encapsulate disagreeable disparate divine droplet egotist enchant disarm dispassionate divulge dross egregious enclosure disarray dispatch docile drought egress encomiast disaster dispel doctrinaire drove elaborate encomium disbar dispensable doctrine drudgery elaboration encompass disburse dispense document dual elated encounter discard disperse dodder dubious elbow encroach discern displace dodge duckling elegy encumber discernible disposable doff duct elementary encyclopedia discerning disposal dogged duel elephantine endearing discharge dispose doggerel duet elevate endemic第 5 页,共 22 页endorse epidermis evacuate exotic facile fender endow epigram evade expand facilitate feral endure epilogue evaluation expansive facilities ferment enduring episodic evanescent expediency faction fern enervate epitaph evaporate expedient factorable ferret enfeeble epithet evasion exeditious factotum ferrous enfetter epitome evasive expel factual fertile enflame epitomize even expend faculty fertilize engaged epoch evenhanded expenditure fad fertilizer engaging equable evict expertise faddish fervid engender equanimity evince Word list15fade fervor engrave equate evocative expiate falcon fester engross equation evoke expiration fallacious festive engulf equator evolve expire fallacy fetid enhance equilibrium ewe explicate fallibility fetter enjoin equine ewer explicit fallible fetus enlighten equity exacerbate exploit fallow feud enlightening equivalent exact explosive falsehood fiasco enlist equivocate exacting exponent falter fiat enliven eradicate exactitude exponentially familiarity fickle enmesh erase exaggerate exposition famine fictitious enmity erasure exalt expository famish fidget ennui erect exaltation expostulate fanatic fig enormity err exasperate exposure fang figment enormous errand excavate expound fantasy figurative enrage erratic exceed expressly farce figurehead enrapture ersatz exceptional expunge farewell figurine ensconce erstwhile excess expurgate far-reaching file ensemble erudite excise exquisite fast filibuster ensign erupt excitability extant fasten filigree ensue escalate exclaim extemporaneous fastidious filings ensure escapism exclamation extemporize fastness filly entail eschew exclude extend fatal filter entangle esophagus exclusive extenuate fathom filth enterprise esoteric excoriate exterminate fatigue finale enthralling espionage excrete externalize fatten finesse entice espousal exculpate extinct fatuity finicky entirety espouse excursion extinguish fatuous finite entitle espy excursive extirpation faucet firearm entity essential execrable extol fault firefly entrance estimable execrate extort faultfinder fiscal entreat estranged execute extract favorable fissure entreaty etch exemplary extraneous fawn fixate entree etching exemplify extrapolate faze flaccid entrepreneur eternal exempt extravagance feasible flagWord list14ethereal exert extremist feat flagging entrust ethics exhale extricable feature flaggy entry ethnic exhaust extricate feckless flail enumerate ethnology exhaustive extrovert fecundity flak enunciate ethos exhilarate exuberance feeble flamboyant environ etiquette exhilaration exuberant feign flammable envision etymology exhort exude feigned Word list16 enzyme eulogistic exigent exult feint flange epaulet eulogize existential fabric felicitous flare ephemeral eulogy exodus fabricate fell flaskepic euphemism exonerate facade felon flatcar epicure euphonious exorbitant facet felony flatten epidemic euphoris exorcise facetious feminist flatter第 6 页,共 22 页flaw forgo full-bodied gaze gloomy grievous flax formality full-fledged gazetteer gloss grill fledge formation fulminate gear glossary grim fledgling formidable fulsome gem glossy grimace fleeting formula fumble gene glow grin flexible forsake fume genealogy glower grindflight forte fumigate generality glowing gripeflimsy forthright functional genaralize glucose gripping flinch fortify functionary generate glut grislyflint fortitude fundamental generation glutinous gristleflip fortuitous fungi generator gluttonous gritflirt forum fungicide generic gnarled groanflit forward furnace generosity gnaw groomflock fosse furor genesis goad groove floodgate fossilize furrow genetic gobble gropeflora foster furtive genetics goblet grossflorid foul fusillade genial goldbrick grotto flounder founder fusion genome goodwill grouch flourish four-poster fuss genre gospel grounded flout foyer fussy genteel gossamer group fluctuate fracas fusty gentle gouge grousefluffy fraction futile gentry gourmand grovefluke fractious futility genuine gourmet grovel fluorescent fracture gadfly genus grace grueling flush fragile gadget geometrician gracious grumble flustered fragment gaffe germ gradation guarantee flutter fragrance gaggle germane graduated guffaw fluvial fragrant gainsay germicide graft guileflux frail gait germinate grain guileless foible frantic galaxy gerontocracy grandeur guillotine foil fraud gall gerontology grandiose guiltfold fraudulent gallant gerrymander grandstand guilty folder fraught galley gesture granite guise foliage freckle gallon geyser grant gullible folklore freelancer galvanize gibe graphic gulpfolly freight gamble giddy graphite gumfoment frenetic gambol giddle grasping guru foodstuff frenzy gangway gild grate gush foolproof frequency gape gimmick grateful gusher foppish frequent garble ginger gratification gustforage fresco garbled gingerly gratify gustation forager fret gardenia girder grating gustatory forbearance friable gargantuan girth gratitude gutter forbid friction Word list17gist gratuitous guy forbidding frieze gargoyle glacial gratuity guzzleford frigid garish glade grave gyrate forebode frigidity garment gladiator gravel habitat forecast fringe garner glance gravitational habituate foreknowledge frisky garnish glare gravity Word list18 forerunner frivolous garrulity glaze graze hack foreshadow frond garrulous glean grease hackneyed foresight frothy gaseous glib green hail forestall frugal gash glide greenhouse halcyon forestry fruition gasification glimmer gregarious haleforfeit frustrate gaucherie glisten gregariousness halfhearted forge fulcrum gaudy glitch grief hallmark forger fulfil gauge gloat grievance hallow forgery full-blown gavel gloom grieve hwllowed第 7 页,共 22 页hallucination hemisphere horizontal igneous impertinence halo hemophilia hormone ignite imperturbable halting hemorrhage horn ignoble impervious hammer hemostat horrific ignominious impetuous hamper herbaceous hortative ignominy impetushandle herbicide horticulture ignorant impinge hangar herbivorous hospitable illegal implant hangdog herd hostile illegitimate implausible handkering hereditary hostility illicit implement haphazard heresy hovel illiterate implicate harangue heretic hover illuminate implication harass herretical hub illuminati implicit harbinger hermetic hubris illusion implodeharbor hermit huckster illusive implore harden herpetologist hue illusory impolitic hardheaded heterodox hulk illlstrate imponderable hardy heterogeneous hull imbibe import harmony hew humane imbroglio importune harness hexagon humble imbue(with)imposeharp hiatus humdrum imitation imposing harpsichord hibernate humid imitative impostor harridan hide humidity immaculate imposture harrow hidebound humiliate immanent impoverish harrowing hideous humility immemorial impregnable harry hie humor immense impresario harsh hierarchy hunch immensity impressed harshly hieroglyph hurdle immerse impression hasten hieroglyphic hurl imminent impressionable hasty highbrow hurricane immolate imprinthatch hike husband immune impromptu haughty hilarious husbandry immunity improvident haunt hinder hush immunize improvise hauteur hinge husk immure imprudent haven hirsute husky imp impudent havoc hiss hybrid impact impugnhawk histology hydrant impair impuissance hazard histrionic hydrate impale impulse hazardous hitherto hymn impalpable impunity headlong hive hyperactivity impart inadvertence headstrong hoard hyperbole impartial inalienable headway hoary hypertension impasse inaneheal hoax hyphen impassioned inanimate hearken hodgepodge Word list 19impassive inappreciable hearten hoe hypnotic impeach inaugural heartrending hoist hypocrite impeccable inaugurate heavy-handedness hold hypocritical impecunious inbornheckle holster hypotenuse impede incandescence hectic homage hypothesis impediment incantation hector homeostasis hypothetical impel incarcerate hedge homiletics hysteria impending incarnate hedonist homogeneity icicle impenetrable incendiary heed homogeneous icon impenitent incense hegemony homogenize iconoclast imperative incentive heinous hone ideology imperial inceptionheir honorarium idiom imperious incessant heirloom hoodwink idle impermanent inchhelmet hoof idolater impermeable inchoatehem hoop idyll impersonate incidence第 8 页,共 22 页incinerate indurate initiate integrate inventory incipient industrious initiative integrity inverseincise ineffable injection intellect invertincision ineffectual injunction intellectual invertebrate incisive inelasticity injurious intelligible investigate incite ineluctable inkling intensify inveterate inclement inept innate intent invidious inclusive ineptitude innocence intentional invigorate incogitant inequity innocuous inter invigorating incommensurate inert innovative interaction inviolable incompatible inertia innuendo intercede invoke incompetent inexhaustible inoculate intercept involuntary incongruity inexorable inordinate intercessor invulnerable inconsequential inexplicable inquiry interchangeable iodineWord list 20infant inquisitive interdict iota inconstancy infantry inroad inteference irascible incontrovertible infatuation insatiable interim irate incorporate infection inscribe interjection ireincorrigible infelicitous inscrutable interlock iridescent incorruptible infelicity insecticide interlocking irkincredulity infer insensate interlude irksome increment inferior insentient intermediary ironclad incriminate inferno insider interminable ironic incubate infest insidious intermingle irony incubation infiltrate insignia intermission irradicable incubator infinitesimal insincerity intermittent irreconcilable incubus infinity insinuate intern irredeemable inculcate infirm insipid internecine irreducible inculpate inflame insolent interplay irremediable incumbent inflamed insoluble interpolate irrepressible incur inflate insolvency interpose irrevocable indebted inflict insomnia interregnum irrigate indecipherable influx insouciant interrogate irritable indecisive informed inspection interrogative irritate indefatigable infraction inspiration interrupt isolate indelible infringe inspired intersect issue indemnify infuriate install intersperse isthmus indemnity infuse instantaneous intertwine itinerant indent ingenious instate intervene itinerary indenture ingenue instigate intimate ivoryindicate ingenuity instill intimidate jabberindict ingenuous instinctive intoxicate jadeindifferent ingest institute intractable jaded indigence ingestion institution intransigent jagged indigenous ingrained institutionalized intrepid jambindigent ingrate instructive intricacy jarindignant ingratiate instrumental intricate jargon indignation ingratiating Word list 21intrigue jarring indignity ingredient instrumentalist introspective jaundice indispensability inhabit insular intrude jaunt individual inhabitant insularity intuition jaunty indoctrinate inherit insulate intuitive jazzindolent inhumane insulin inundate jealousy indubitable inimical insurgent inured jeerinduce inimitable insurrection invade jejuneinduct iniquitous intact invective jerkinduction iniquity intangible inveigh jeopardize indulge initial integral inveigle jeopardy第 9 页,共 22 页jesting lance libel lope malevolent mauve jettison lancet liberality lopsided malfeasance mavenjibe landfill liberate loquacious malfunction maverick jigsaw puzzle landlocked libertine lot malicious mawkish jingoism landmark liberty lottery malign maximize jockey landslide libretto lounge malinger mazejocular languid license loutish malleable meager jocund languish licentious low malpractice meanjog languor lien loyal mammoth meanderjolt lank ligneous Word list23mandate measlyjot lap liken lubricant mandatory measured jovial lapse limb lubricate mangle mechanical jubilation larder limber lucid mania mechanics judicial largess limerick lucrative manifest mechanism judicious lark limestone ludicrous manifesto medal juggernaut larva limn lug manifold meddle jumble lash limousine lukewarm manipulate meddlesome Word list22lassitude limp lull manipulative mediate junction lasso limpid lullaby mannered medieval justifiable lasting lineage lumber mansion mediocrity justification latency linen lumberjack mantle meditate justify latent linger lumen manumit medium juvenile lateral linguistics luminary manure medley juxtapose latitude lionize lump manuscript meek kaleidoscope lattice liquefy lunar maple meet kangaroo laud liquid lunatic mar melancholy ken lava liquidate lurch marble meldkennel lave lissome lurid mare mellifluous kernel lavish list lurk margarine melodrama kidnap laxative listless lush margin melonkidney leak literal lust marine membrane killjoy leakage literate lustrous marionette memoirkin lease literati luxuriant marital memorial kindle leaven lithe luxurious maritime menace kinetic lectern litigant luxury marked mendknack ledger litigation lyric maroon mendacious knave leer litter macabre marsh mendicant knead leery loaf macerate marshal mentholknit legacy loathe machination marsupial mentor knotty legend lobby maculated martial mercantile know-how legerdemain lobe madrigal martyr mercenary kudos legion locale maelstrom marvel mercurial labile legislate locomotion magenta mash meretricious labored legitimate locomotive magisterial mask merit labyrinth leisureliness locus magnanimity mason meritedlace leniency lode magnanimous masquerade meritorious lacerate lenient lofty magnate massacre mesa lachrymose lethal log magnificent massive mesh lackadaisical lethargic logistics magnify mast metabolish lackluster lethargy loll magnitude masticate metamorphose laconic levee longevity magpie mate metaphor lactic levelheaded longing maintenance materialize metaphysics lag lever long-winded maize maternal metelair levity loom majestic matrix meteoric laity levy loon maladroit mattress methodical lambaste lexicographer loop malaise mature meticulous lament liability loophole malapropism maudlin metrical lampoon liaison loosen malcontent maul metropolis第 10 页,共 22 页。
询问人长相的英文作文Title: Inquiring about Someone's Appearance。
Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to ask about someone's appearance in English but didn't know how to do it politely? Here, I'll guide you through how to inquire about someone's looks respectfully in English.Firstly, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and tact. You don't want to come across as intrusive or rude. A good way to start is by expressing genuine interest in the person while being mindful of their feelings. You can begin with a casual greeting such as, "Hi, how are you?" or "Hey, it's good to see you!"Once you've established a friendly rapport, you can smoothly transition to the topic of their appearance. Here are some polite and respectful ways to do so:1. Compliment Approach:"You look great today! Did you do somethingdifferent with your hair?""I love your outfit! Where did you get it?"2. Curiosity Approach:"I noticed something unique about your appearance, may I ask about it?""You have a very interesting style, is there a story behind it?"3. Direct Approach:"I hope you don't mind me asking, but could you tell me a bit about your tattoos/piercings?""Your features are quite striking, do you have any cultural background that influences your appearance?"4. Casual Approach:"I'm curious, have you always had that distinctive feature?""Your look is so cool, how do you maintain it?"It's essential to listen actively and respectfully to their response. If they seem hesitant or uncomfortable, gracefully change the subject and reassure them that it's okay if they prefer not to discuss it.Remember, everyone has their own unique preferences and boundaries when it comes to discussing their appearance. Always be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid making assumptions. Approach the conversation with openness, curiosity, and above all, respect for the individual's privacy.In conclusion, asking about someone's appearance in English can be done gracefully and respectfully by starting with a friendly greeting, expressing genuine interest, andusing polite language. By approaching the topic with sensitivity and tact, you can foster positive interactions and deepen your connection with others.。
好奇心是科学突破的秘诀英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Curiosity is the Key to Scientific BreakthroughsHey guys, do you know what makes scientists so awesome? It's their curiosity! Yep, that's right, curiosity is like a superpower that helps scientists make big discoveries and solve all kinds of mysteries.First of all, let me tell you what curiosity is. It's like when you see something cool and you just have to know more about it. Like when you see a bug crawling on the ground and you're like, "Hmm, I wonder what kind of bug that is?" That's curiosity at work!Scientists are super curious about everything. They see something interesting and they want to figure out how it works. That's how they come up with new ideas and inventions. Like, did you know that the light bulb was invented because Thomas Edison was curious about how to make light better?When scientists are curious, they ask lots of questions. They want to know why things happen the way they do. And that's how they come up with experiments to find out the answers. It's like being a detective, trying to solve a really tricky case.Curiosity also helps scientists think outside the box. They're always looking for new ways to do things and make amazing discoveries. Like when Marie Curie discovered radium, she had to be super curious and brave to keep trying, even when things got tough.So, if you want to be like a scientist and make cool discoveries, just remember to stay curious! Ask lots of questions, try new things, and never give up. Who knows, maybe one day you'll solve a big mystery or invent something amazing. Just let your curiosity lead the way!篇2Title: Curiosity is the Key to Scientific BreakthroughsHey everyone! Today, I want to talk about something super cool – curiosity! Curiosity is like a superpower that helps scientists make amazing discoveries and breakthroughs in science.First of all, what is curiosity? Well, it's when you ask questions and want to know more about the world around you. It's like when you see a bug crawling on the ground and you wonder what it's called, or when you see a rainbow in the sky and you want to know how it forms.Curiosity is so important in science because it helps scientists come up with new ideas and experiments. For example, did you know that Isaac Newton was curious about why apples fall from trees? That curiosity led him to discover the law of gravity! And Marie Curie was curious about why some rocks glow in the dark, which led her to discover two new elements – radium and polonium.But it's not just famous scientists who use curiosity to make discoveries. We can all be curious and explore the world around us. So next time you see something that makes you wonder, don't be afraid to ask questions and learn more about it. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next great scientist to make a groundbreaking discovery!In conclusion, curiosity is the key to scientific breakthroughs. So let's all stay curious and keep asking questions. Who knows what amazing discoveries we'll make next! Thanks for listening, see you next time!篇3Title: Curiosity is the Key to Scientific BreakthroughsHey everyone, do you know what makes scientists so smart? It's not just because they study a lot, but also because they have something called curiosity! Curiosity is like a superpower that helps scientists make amazing discoveries and solve big mysteries.So, what is curiosity exactly? Well, it's basically when you really want to know something and you're not afraid to ask questions or explore new things. It's like when you see a bug outside and you want to know what kind of bug it is, so you go look it up in a book or ask someone who knows. That's curiosity in action!Curiosity is what drives scientists to keep asking questions and searching for answers. They look at the world around them and wonder how things work, why things are the way they are, and what makes things happen. And when they are curious enough, they start doing experiments and tests to find out more.For example, did you know that the famous scientist Isaac Newton was curious about why apples fall from trees? He wondered why they always fell downwards instead of floating inthe air. So, he started thinking and observing, and that's how he came up with the theory of gravity! All because of his curiosity.Curiosity is also important for making scientific breakthroughs. Imagine if no one was curious enough to ask questions about diseases, we wouldn't have medicines that cure illnesses. Or if no one wondered about space, we wouldn't have discovered planets and stars in the universe.So, next time you see something interesting or strange, don't be afraid to explore and ask questions. Who knows, maybe you'll discover something new and exciting, just like the scientists do! Remember, curiosity is the key to unlocking the secrets of the world around us. Stay curious and keep exploring, little scientists!篇4Curiosity is the Key to Scientific BreakthroughsHey guys! Today I want to talk to you about something super cool – curiosity! You know, that feeling you get when you want to know more about something or figure out how things work. Well, that feeling is actually the secret to making big discoveries in science!When you’re curious, you start asking questions. Like, why is the sky blue? How do plants grow? What makes the stars twinkle? These questions lead you to do some investigating –maybe you’ll read a book, watch a video, or even do an experiment yourself. And guess what? That’s how scientists make new discoveries too!Let’s take a famous scientist, like Albert Einstein. He was super curious about how the universe worked. He asked questions like, “What if I rode on a beam of light?” And that led him to come up with his famous theory of relativity. Pretty cool, right?Or how about Marie Curie? She was curious about radioactivity and spent years studying it. Her curiosity led her to discover two new elements – polonium and radium. And because of her discoveries, we now have things like X-rays and radiation therapy!So, the next time you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask it. Who knows? Your curiosity might just lead to the next big scientific breakthrough! Remember, curiosity is the key to unlocking all the mysteries of the universe. Stay curious, my friends!篇5Hey everyone! Today, I want to talk about something super cool - curiosity! Have you ever wondered why scientists are able to make amazing discoveries and breakthroughs in the world of science? Well, I'll tell you a little secret - it's all thanks to curiosity!Curiosity is like a superpower that helps scientists ask questions, explore new ideas, and discover things that no one has ever seen before. It's like having a never-ending thirst for knowledge and a burning desire to understand how the world works.When a scientist is curious, they don't just accept things as they are. They want to know more, to dig deeper, to uncover the mysteries of the universe. Curiosity pushes them to think outside the box, to look at things from different angles, and to come up with creative solutions to complex problems.Think about it - if no one had ever been curious about the stars in the sky, we would never have learned about galaxies, black holes, or the vastness of the universe. If no one had been curious about the tiny cells in our bodies, we would never have discovered DNA, vaccines, or how diseases spread.Curiosity is what drives innovation, progress, and change. It's what keeps us curious about the world around us, always asking questions, always seeking answers. So, if you ever feel curious about something, don't be afraid to ask questions, to explore, and to discover. Remember, curiosity is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.篇6Curiosity is the Secret to Scientific BreakthroughsHey everyone! Today I want to talk about something super cool - curiosity! Curiosity is when you really want to know something and you just can't stop thinking about it. It's like when you see a mysterious box and you just HAVE to know what's inside.Curiosity is a super important thing in science. It's what makes scientists ask questions and come up with new ideas. Without curiosity, we wouldn't have all the amazing discoveries and inventions that make our world so awesome.One of the coolest things about curiosity is that it leads to breakthroughs in science. When scientists are curious about something, they do experiments and research to find out more.And sometimes, they discover things that no one ever knew before!For example, did you know that the theory of gravity was discovered because Isaac Newton was curious about why things fall down? And penicillin, which is a super important medicine that helps people get better when they're sick, was discovered because Alexander Fleming was curious about why some bacteria were growing on his petri dishes.So, if you ever feel curious about something, don't ignore it! Follow your curiosity and you might just discover something amazing. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next big scientist who changes the world!篇7Good morning, everyone! Today we are going to talk about something super cool – the secret to scientific breakthroughs: curiosity!Curiosity is like a superpower for scientists. It’s what makes them ask questions, explore new ideas, and discover amazing things. Think about it – if nobody was curious, we would never have learned about gravity, the planets, or how to build cool robots.So, why is curiosity so important? Well, when we are curious, we are always looking for answers. We want to know how things work, why things happen, and what we can learn from them. This constant quest for knowledge pushes us to try new things, experiment, and think outside the box. And that’s how amazing discoveries are made!Just look at the history of science – all the great scientists like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Isaac Newton were incredibly curious. They never stopped asking questions, even when everyone else thought they were crazy. And because of their curiosity, they made groundbreaking discoveries that changed the world.But you don’t have to be a famous scientist to be curious. You can be curious about anything – from the stars in the sky to the bugs in your backyard. All you need is an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a lot of imagination.So, the next time you see something cool or strange, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Who knows – you might just uncover the next big scientific breakthrough! Remember, curiosity is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Keep asking questions, keep exploring, and never stop wondering “why?”That’s all for today, guys. Stay curious and keep dreaming big! Goodbye!篇8Curiosity is the Key to Scientific BreakthroughsHey guys, have you ever wondered how scientists make all those cool discoveries and inventions? Well, let me tell you a little secret – it's all thanks to curiosity! Yup, that's right, being curious is like having a superpower that can help you unlock all the secrets of the universe. Let me explain how.First of all, being curious means asking lots of questions. Scientists are like detectives, always trying to solve mysteries and uncover the truth. They ask questions like "Why does the sky turn orange at sunset?" or "How do plants make food from sunlight?" By asking questions, scientists are able to come up with hypotheses (that's a fancy word for educated guesses) and then test them out to see if they're right.Secondly, curiosity motivates scientists to keep learning and exploring. They're not satisfied with just knowing the basics –they want to delve deeper and deeper into the unknown. That's why they spend hours in the lab, studying cells under amicroscope or mixing chemicals to see how they react. It's all in the name of discovery!And finally, curiosity leads to breakthroughs. When scientists are curious about something, they're more likely to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. Just think about all the amazing inventions we have today – from smartphones to space shuttles – they all started with a curious mind and a willingness to explore new possibilities.So, if you want to be a future scientist or inventor, remember to stay curious! Keep asking questions, keep learning, and keep exploring the world around you. Who knows, maybe one day you'll make a breakthrough that changes the world. The sky's the limit when you have curiosity on your side!篇9Good morning, everyone! Today I want to talk about something super cool - curiosity is the key to scientific breakthroughs!Have you ever wondered how scientists discover new things? It's all thanks to their curiosity. When you're curious, you want to know more about the world around you. You ask questions, youexplore, you experiment. And that's how new discoveries are made!Just think about it - if famous scientists like Isaac Newton or Marie Curie weren't curious about the world, we wouldn't have things like gravity or X-rays today. Their curiosity drove them to ask questions and search for answers. And because of that, they were able to make incredible scientific breakthroughs.Curiosity is like a superpower for scientists. It helps them think outside the box, come up with new ideas, and solve complex problems. Without curiosity, science would be boring and we wouldn't have all the amazing inventions and technologies we have today.So, next time you have a question about something, don't be afraid to ask. Who knows, maybe your curiosity will lead to the next big scientific discovery! Just remember - curiosity is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.Keep asking questions, keep exploring, and who knows - maybe one day you'll be the one making a groundbreaking scientific breakthrough! So, embrace your curiosity and never stop wondering about the world around you. Who knows what amazing things you'll discover! Thank you for listening, and stay curious!篇10Curiosity is the secret to scientific breakthroughsHey everyone! Today I want to talk about something super cool - curiosity! You know, when you're always asking "why" and "how" about things? That's curiosity! And guess what? It's the secret to making big discoveries in science!So, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a scientist named Isaac Newton. He was sitting under an apple tree, minding his own business when suddenly, an apple fell on his head. Instead of just brushing it off, he asked himself "why did the apple fall down and not up?" That curiosity led him to discover the law of gravity! How amazing is that?Curiosity is like a superpower that helps scientists ask questions, do experiments, and find out new things. For example, when Marie Curie was wondering why some rocks were glowing, she found out about radiation and won a Nobel Prize! And when Albert Einstein was curious about how light works, he came up with the theory of relativity!So, if you want to be a great scientist one day, just remember to ask questions, explore new things, and never stop beingcurious. Who knows? You might just make the next big scientific breakthrough! Keep being curious, my friends!。
VISUSCREEN 100/500 and VISUPHOR 500 from ZEISS Easy subjective refraction withacuity charts and digital phoropterConfidently findingthe best correctionZEISS modern vision testing at its bestSkillful determination of best-corrected visualacuity can be time-consuming, requiring operatorexperience and various fine adjustments. It iswell worth the effort when the result is perfectvision correction, a superior viewing experienceand highly satisfied patients – as with the digitalphoropter VISUPHOR® 500 and the acuity chartsystems VISUSCREEN 100 and VISUSCREEN 500from ZEISS. Combining comfort and conveniencewith speed and efficiency, they offer refractionspecialists a sophisticated, modular solution.Made to assist your expertiseSimplicity best describes the handling experienceof the ZEISS subjective refraction system. Its clear,uncluttered user interface puts the control elementsyou need directly at the center of focus. The systemis operated via touch screen, both with an optionalmedical grade panel PC or an iPad. Thanks to itsWLAN capabilities, cables are kept to a minimum,allowing you to completely concentrate on therefraction procedure.• S elect patients from a daily worklist or simplystart the refraction• U pload presets from ZEISS autorefractors andlensmeters or access input from a patientdatabase• C hoose from a wide range of optotypes andpreconfigure your favorite test workflowHighlights at a glanceSilent operationFast and smooth lens exchanges support efficient vision optimization and final prescription in real time.Simple touch screen controlThe clearly structured user interface makes working with the ZEISS VISUSCREEN/VISUPHOR very easy. With the fully integrated GUI, both the phoropter and acuity screen can be controlled as one subjective refraction unit. Even single-handedly, with the optional, medical grade panel PC or an iPad.Smart workflowThe ZEISS VISUPHOR 500 enables preconfigured workflows. Thereby, settings for each test areop t imally adjusted, fully automatically, making standard refraction tests simple and fast. Settings and workflows can also be individually configured in the freestyle mode.Choice of acuity chart systemsThe ZEISS VISUPHOR 500 digital phoropter is an accessory for the ZEISS VISUSCREEN 100/500 LCD acuity chart system. It is available either with red/ green separation or with the renowned Polatest®technology from ZEISS. The acuity chart system features over 20 tests for accurately assessing monocular and binocular vision, and can also be operated as stand-alone device if you prefer to work with a trial lens set or a manual phoropter.Headrest controlPatient contact with the headrest is continuously monitored and displayed on the screen.Key benefits for you• F lexible: Subjective refraction systems from ZEISS are modular and expandable to suit your needs.• S imple: Acuity charts and phoropter allow easy, intuitive operation via touch-screen interface.• E fficient: Preconfigured workflows let you get right to work, saving you time preparing refraction tests.• C onnected: You can upload presets from the autorefractor VISUREF® 100 and the digital lensmeter VISULENS® 500 from ZEISS; or directly connect to selected data management systems such as FORUM®from ZEISS.E N _33_022_0011I I I P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y . C Z -X I /2016 I n t e r n a t i o n a l e d i t i o n : o n l y f o r s a l e i n s e l e c t e d c o u n t r i e s .T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e b r o c h u r e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f a p p r o v a l o f t h e p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e o f f e r i n g i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d d u e t o o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . V I S U P H O R , V I S U R EF , V I S U L E N S , P o l a t e s t a n d F O R U M a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c AG o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e Z E I S S G r o u p i n G e r m a n y a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . i P a d a n d i P a d A i r a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A p p l e I n c ., r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e U .S . a n d o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . i O S i s a t r a d e m a r k o f C i s c o T e c h n o l o g y I n c ., r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e U .S . a n d o t h e r c o u n t r i e s .© C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c A G , 2016. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d.Left eye: 10 ∆ BI (up to 5 ∆ complement)Physical data VISUSCREEN 100/500 VISUPHOR 500Line voltage 100 – 240 V AC ± 10%, 50…60 Hz 100 – 120 / 200 – 240 V AC ± 10%, 50…60 Hz Power consumption 50 VA 145 VADimensions (W x H x D)594 x 594 x 110 mm361 x 280 x 108 mm Weight 16 kg5 kgInterfaces1x USB / WLAN 2x RS232 / Bluetooth System requirementsiPad 3, 4 or Air with iOS 7 or lateriPad 3, 4 or Air with iOS 7 or laterZEISS VISUSCREEN 100/500 − advanced LCD acuity chart systems for fast, accurate monocular andbinocular vision assessmentZEISS VISUPHOR 500 −a digital phoropter that streamlines examination workflows and also con-tributes to the positive professional image of your eye care facility *Only valid for VISUSCREEN 500Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–5207745 Jena Germany//med/contactsCarl Zeiss Vision GmbH Turnstrasse 2773430 Aalen Germany/visionVISUPHOR 500VISUSCREEN 100VISUSCREEN 500。
unique selling points 形容人1.引言1.1 概述概述在当今竞争激烈的社会中,每个人都希望在职场或社交场合中能够脱颖而出。
而要实现这一目标,了解并准确描述自己的unique selling points(独特卖点)就显得尤为重要。
Unique selling points是指个人在某一领域或方面与他人不同的特质或优势。
文章的目的是探讨unique selling points在形容人时的应用,以及它们对个人发展的重要性和启示。
通过深入研究和分析,我们将发现每个人都有自己独特的优势和特质,而了解和展示这些unique selling points 将有助于我们在各个领域中取得突破和成功。
在接下来的几个章节中,我们将先介绍什么是unique selling points,并解释其在人的形容中的应用。
然后,我们将总结unique selling points 在人的形容中的重要性,并探讨其对个人发展的启示。
通过本文的阅读,读者将能够更好地认识自己,找到自己的unique selling points,并有效地利用它们以实现个人发展的目标。
无论是在求职过程中还是在人际关系中,了解和展示自己的unique selling points都将成为我们成功的关键。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
在引言部分,我们将概述本文的主要内容并介绍unique selling points的概念。
在正文部分,我们将详细解释什么是unique selling points,并探讨它在人的形容中的应用。
在结论部分,我们将总结unique selling points在人的形容中的重要性,并提出对个人发展的启示。
此外,我们将在正文部分逐步展开,首先解释unique selling points 的含义和作用,然后深入探讨它在人的形容中的应用。
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美国独角兽研究报告英文Unicorn Research Report on United StatesExecutive Summary:This research report focuses on the analysis of unicorn companies in the United States. Unicorn companies refer to privately held startups that have reached a valuation of $1 billion or more. The United States has emerged as the epicenter of unicorn companies, with numerous successful ventures across various industries. This report provides an overview of the unicorn landscape in the United States, key factors contributing to their success, and potential challenges they face.1. Introduction:The United States has witnessed a surge in unicorn companies over the past decade, driven by its robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, access to capital, technological advancements, and market opportunities. These factors have created a favorable environment for startups to achieve rapid growth and unicorn status.2. Analysis of Unicorn Companies:2.1 Industry Distribution: Unicorn companies in the United States are present in diverse industries. Technology dominates the landscape, with prominent sectors including e-commerce, software development, artificial intelligence, and fintech. Other industries such as healthcare, transportation, and consumer goods have also witnessed the emergence of unicorn companies.2.2 Funding Sources: Unicorn companies in the United States have accessed various sources of funding, including venture capital, private equity, corporate investments, and initial public offerings (IPOs). Silicon Valley and major tech hubs like San Francisco and New York City have been significant contributors to the funding ecosystem.2.3 Top Unicorn Companies: Notable unicorn companies in the United States include Uber, Airbnb, SpaceX, Palantir Technologies, and Robinhood. These companies have disrupted traditional industries, revolutionizing transportation, hospitality, space exploration, data analytics, and finance.3. Factors Contributing to Success:3.1 Innovation and Disruption: Unicorn companies in the United States thrive on innovative business models and disruptive technologies. They introduce new products or services that challenge existing industry norms, attracting customers and investors.3.2 Access to Capital: The availability of venture capital and other funding sources has been instrumental in the growth of unicorn companies. Investors are attracted to the potential returns these companies offer, leading to significant investments and valuations.3.3 Strong Entrepreneurial Culture: The United States has a strong entrepreneurial culture that encourages risk-taking and rewards creativity. This culture fosters an environment conducive to thedevelopment and success of unicorn companies.4. Challenges:4.1 Market Saturated with Competition: The high number of unicorn companies in the United States has led to increased competition within industries. This saturation may lead to market fragmentation and challenges in acquiring and retaining customers.4.2 Regulatory and Legal Hurdles: Unicorn companies often face regulatory and legal challenges as they disrupt traditional business models and industries. Adapting to changing regulations and maintaining compliance can be a burden for high-growth startups.4.3 Sustainability and Profitability: Many unicorn companies prioritize rapid growth and market dominance over profitability. Achieving sustainable profitability becomes a challenge as they navigate expansion, scalability, and operational efficiency.5. Future Outlook:The future outlook for unicorn companies in the United States remains positive. The country's entrepreneurial ecosystem, access to capital, and technological advancements provide a solid foundation for continued growth. However, increased competition and regulatory challenges may shape the landscape and impact the valuations and success rates of unicorn companies.In conclusion, the United States has positioned itself as a global leader in unicorn companies, driven by its supportive ecosystemand access to capital. These companies have disrupted various industries through innovation and have the potential to shape the future of the business world. As the unicorn landscape evolves, it is crucial for these companies to address challenges and prioritize sustainability to ensure long-term success.。
《英语词汇学》简答题:1. What is the importance of basic word stock?The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language, which has five characteristics: all national character, stability, productivity, polysemy, collocability.2. What are neologisms? Give one example to illustrate them.Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings. The examples go as follows:"They misunderestimated me." (George W. Bush, September 26, 2001)"We don't want to get dixie-chicked, or anything like that, out of the gate. We've invested tens of millions of dollars in the movie." (Dreamworks executive, 2003)dixie-chicked, to become the subject of ridicule and economic loss by alienating a constituency.sniglet: a term invented by comedian Rich Hall to characterize a "word that should be in the dictionary, but isn't." A few examples:doork, a person who always pushes on a door marked "pull" or vice versa.lotshock, the act of parking your car, walking away, and then watching it roll past you.pupkus, the moist residue left on a window after a dog presses its nose to it.daffynition: a pun coined by reinterpreting an existing word on the basis that it sounds like another word. Under the name Uxbridge English Dictionary, making up daffynitions is a game on the BBC Radio 4 comedy quiz show I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. A few examples:antelope, to run off with your mother’s sister.testicle, an exploratory tickle.boomerang, what you say to frighten a meringue.pasteurize, too far to see.For more than 20 years, columnist Bob Levey of The Washington Post has been inviting readers to submit new definitions for pre-existing words. Some memorable contributions:circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer (n.), a person who is coughed upon.flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.Frisbeetarianism (n.), the belief that, when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.population (n.), that nice sensation you get when drinking soda.spatula (n.), a fight among vampires.testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.3. Why do we say" English is a heavy borrower?" Please justify it.English is a heavy borrower and has adopted words from all other major languages of the world. It is estimated that English borrowings constitute 80% of the modern English vocabulary. As is stated in Encyclopedia Americana ,"The English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed".eg. kowtou from Chinese, long time no see from haojiubujian (Chinese), the word "dream" originally meant "joy" and "music", its modern meaning was borrowed later from the Norse.4. In the Middle English Period, what made French a dominant language in England?In 1066, in the history of England, there was Norman Conquest. The French-speaking Normans were the ruling class. French was used for all state affairs and for most social and cultural matters. Therefore, those who in power spoke French, those who were literate read and wrote in French; and any young man who sought to earn his living as a scribe learned Latin or French because there was no market for such services in English. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English.5. What happened in the mid-seventeenth century in England?England experienced the Bourgeois Revolution followed by the Industrial Revolution and rose to be a great economic power.6. What are the three main sources of new English words?Three main sources of new words are:the rapid development of modern science and technology;social, economic and political changes;the influence of other cultures and languages7. What are the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes?Affixes attaches to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, thus known as inflectional morphemes. Modern English is an analytic language. Most endings are lost, leaving only a few inflectional affixes, such as plural forms of nouns-s(-es), and the comparative and superlative degree forms of adjectives: -er, -est. Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes.8. What are the differences between root and stem? Explain with examples.A root is the basic form of a word, which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.(What remains of a word after the removal of all affixes.) .e.g. ―internationalists‖ removing inter-, -al-, -ist, -s, leaves the root nation.A stem is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. e.g. ―internationalists‖, nation is a root and a stem as well.A stem may consist of a single root or two roots and a root plus an affix.A stem can be a root or a form bigger than a root.9. How do you distinguish compounds from free phrases?Compounds differ from free phrases in the following three aspects.1) Phonetic features. In compounds the word stress usually occurs on the first element whereas in noun phrases the second element is generally stressed if there is only one stess.2) Semantic features. Compounds are different from free phrases in semantic unity. Every compound should express a single idea just as one word.3) Grammatical features. A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence.10. How do you explain the difference between backformation and suffixation? Give example to illustrate your point.Back-formation is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed affix. It is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. As we know, Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems, and back-formation is therefore the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. For example, -er is a noun suffix, it is added to noun base engine to produce a new word--engineer. however, people make can make verbs by dropping the endings such as -or in editor, and -er in butler. This is how we derive edit and butle. The removed suffixes are not true suffixes but inseparable pars of the words.11. What are the characteristics of associative meaning?Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.It is open-ended and indeterminate. It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, class background, education, etc.12. Tell briefly about Martin Joos' the Five Clocks?It suggests five degrees of formality: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate.13. What is the difference between lexical meaning and grammatical meaning?Unlike lexical meaning, different lexical items, which have different lexical meanings, may have the same grammatical meaning. On the other hand, the same word may have different grammatical meanings. Functional words, though having little lexical meaning, possess strong grammatical meaning whereas content words have both meanings, and lexical meaning in partial. Lexical and grammatical meanings make up the word-meaning. It is known that grammatical meaning surfaces only in use. But lexical meaning is constant in all the content words within or without context as it is related to the notion that the word conveys.14. What is the difference between the process of radiation and concatenation?In radiation,the meanings are independent of one other, but can all be traced back to the central meaning. If we give a graphic description of the meanings of face, it would look very much like a wheel of the bicycle.In concatenation,the meaning reached by the first shift may be shifted a second time, and so on until in the end the original meaning is totally lost.15. How to differentiate homonyms from polysemics?The fundamental difference lies in the fact that the former refers to different words which happen to share the same form and the latter is the one and the same word which has several distinguishable meanings. One important criterion is to see its etymology, the second is semantic relatedness.16. What are the 3 types of antonyms? Illustrate with examples.Antonyms--are words which are opposite in meaning.Types of Antonyms (according to the semantic opposition)1) Contradictory terms – these antonyms are truly represent oppositeness of meaning. They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them. They assertion of one is the denial of the other.e.g. alive—dead, present—absent, male—female, boy—girl, true—false, same—different, imperfect—perfect2) Contrary terms---a scale running between two poles or extremes. The two opposites are gradable and one exists in comparison with the other.E.g. rich—(well-to-do)—poor; old—(middle-aged)—young, open—(ajar)—close, beautiful—(good-looking)—(plain)—ugly,3) Relative terms – consist of relational oppositeness. The pairs of words indicate such a social relationship that one of them can not be used without suggesting the other, the type is also reverse terms. The two words of each pair are interdependent.e.g. parent—child; husband—wife; predecessor—successor, employer—employee17. What are the extra-linguistic factors that cause changes in meaning?They are historical reason, class reason, and psychological reason.18. What are the linguistic factors that cause changes in meaning?Internal factors within the language system, and the influx of borrowing, analogy.19. Discuss the role of context in understanding word meaning.Context is a vital clue in understanding word meaning. Namely, it can eliminate ambiguity, indicate referents, and provide clues for inferring word meaning. First, a word or even a sentence without adequate context can be quite ambiguous. So it is hard to determine the exact meaning especially when the word is polysemic or the sentence structure has a different is interpretation. Second, some referents like pronouns, nouns may refer to anything or anybody, as for a pronoun or a noun, if we know what its exact meaning or referent is, we have to know it from its context. Third, context provides important clues in understanding unknown words, or inexact meanings, The clues can be: definition, explanation, example, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, relevant details, word structure.20. In what way can cultural background affect the meaning of words?The extra-linguistic context may extend to embrace the entire cultural background, which also affect the meaning of words. Take the word landlord for example. In Chinese cultural, landlord is usually understood as referring to someone who owned a lot of land and collected money by renting land without working. It is used to be associated with "exploitation", naturally carrying a negative overtone. In contract, the term in western countries is denotationally different and affectively neutral. The most commonly used meaning of the word is "someone who rents house for money."21. What are the characteristics of English idioms?They are characterized by semantic unity, structural stability, idioms are characterized by terseness, expressiveness and vividness.22. What are phrasal verbs and verb phrases?Phrasal verbs are idioms which are composed of a verb plus a prep and/or a particle. Verb phrases are composed of verbs plus pron/plass+n/a/pron+n/a+n/conj+n/n+v/n+inf,etc./n structure, phrasal verbs and verb phrases are different from each other, but they share one thing: their meaning are all fixed. Therefore they are idioms.23. How to use English idioms appropriately?In using English idioms exactly and rightly, we need to pay attention to the following points:1) Stylistic features of idioms. Idioms are created by people in their different work, thus acquiring a lot of stylistic features. They are colloquialisms, slangs and literary expressions. That is to say, idioms of different stylistic features are used on different occasions, you should not misuse or abuse them.2) Rhetorical features of idioms. We use idioms to achieve vividness of description, for idioms can alliteration, rhyme, reiteration, repetition and juxtaposition of antonyms. Besides, there are also simile, metaphor, metonym, synecdoche, personification and euphemism in idioms.24. Why is the study of the dictionary necessary in lexicology?A dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of English, withinformation as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning, usage, rules of grammar, and in some, their etymology. It is clearly related to lexicology, which deals with the sameproblem: the form, meaning, usage and origins of vocabulary units. So a good knowledge of dictionaries will certainly be of great help to us in the use of dictionaries and ultimately the use of English words.25. What are the four types of dictionaries?(1)Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries:A monolingual dictionary is a dictionary which is written in one language.A bilingual dictionary is one in which two languages are involved.(2) Linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries:A linguistic dictionary is one which aims at defining words and explaining their usage in the language.An encyclopedic dictionary is one in which encyclopedic information is provided along with the general information as in a linguistic dictionary.An encyclopedia is a dictionary, which only provides encyclopedic information concerning each headword.(3) Unabridged, desk and pocket, electronic dictionaries:An unabridged dictionary is an unshortened dictionary with at least 200,000 headwords that can supply a great quantity of basic information about a word.A desk dictionary is a medium-sized one containing words ranging from 50,000 to 150,000.It is the most popular one of all.A pocket dictionary is one which has about 50,000 entries or fewer.An e-dictionary is a small handheld computer with integrated reference materials.(4) Specialized dictionaries: Focus on a particular area of language or knowledge.26. What are the major differences between British and American dictionaries?American dictionaries contain more encyclopedic information in the main body than the British, for example, names of famous people, places of historical interest and the like whereas British dictionaries, especially learner’s dictionaries, include more grammatical information.Generally speaking, one may find British usage in an American dictionary. But as for American usage, users are advised to consult American dictionaries because chances are that such words are excluded from a general British one.27. What factors should be taken into consideration in choosing a dictionary?Four factors should be taken inti account:monolingual or bilingual; general or specialized; American or English; early or latest.28. What are the contents of the dictionary?The contents of the dictionary can be made up of spelling; pronunciation; definition; usage; grammar; usage notes and language notes; etymological information; supplementary matter. Which one is most helpful depends on your interests and needs.29. What are three good general dictionaries?(1) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE) New Edition (1987)This dictionary has 56,000 words and entries, covering both American and British English with special emphasis on new words. It contains 83,000 meanings of words and phrases with 75,000 realistic useful examples and additional 500 new helpful illustrations. Concentrates on three major classes of words: nouns, adjectives and verbs, the dictionary has clear grammar codes (arranged by using its own system of codes and put before the main body). Verbs, for example, are divided into intransitive, transitive and linking verbs. In the usage notes, we can find discrimination between synonyms and near-synonyms, explains difficult grammar and stylistic points, differences between British and American usages, etc. The definitions contain many synonyms and antonyms printed in capital letter.(2) Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (CCELD) (1987)The definitions are all in full sentences. Along with the definitions, there creates an extra column, where one can find part of speech, usage instructions, synonyms, antonyms, superordinates, verb patterns and so on, which is a miniature of a grammar book.(3) A Chinese-English Dictionary (Revised Edition) (CED) (1995)30. How is a linguistic dictionary different from an encyclopedia?Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the language. They usually cover such areas as spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammatical function, usage and etymology, etc.An encyclopedia is not concerned with the language per se but provides encyclopedia information concerning each headword. There, the reader can not find pronunciation or meanings or usages but other information.Encyclopedic dictionary have the characteristics of both linguistic dictionaries and encyclopedia, in such dictionaries you can find the general information as in a linguistic dictionary and limited encyclopedic information as well.。
For more information.Visit Overall Dimensions H 41"-46½" W 26¹⁄8" D 25"Seat Dimensions H 16¾"-21¾" W 19" D 15½"-18½"Back Dimensions H 25½" W 18½"Armrest Pad (Fixed) W 4" D 10"Armrest (Fixed) H 9" W 19" D 11³⁄8"Armrest Pad (Adjustable) W 4" D 10"Armrest (Adjustable) H 7"-11" W 12½"-20½" D 8¼"-13¼"Seat-to-Back Angle 93º-111ºLumbar (Initial) H 8¾"Colors and finishes in this brochure Seating upholstery: Edelman ® All Grain White Leather Mesh: Lustre Mesh Carrier: Titanium Frame/Base finish/Caster: Polished Aluminum. Also shown with optional Edelman All Grain Whiteleather jacket.Seating upholstery: Edelman DreamCow Granite Leather Mesh Carrier:Graphite Mesh: Dusk Frame/Basefinish/Caster: Polished Aluminum Chassis and base available in Polished Aluminum, Graphite, and Silver. Base also available in Black. Four different mesh carrier/mesh color combinations are available. See price list for more details.Acuity Statement of LineHigh-Back Work ChairSee price list for model numbers.Allsteel supports green initiatives in the contract furniture industry as a member of the U.S. Green Building Council.Acuity is an SCS Indoor Advantage ™ Gold certified productand is Cradle to Cradle Certified Silver by MBDC.Our commitment.We ensure that all materials balance performance and environmental respon-sibility. Relevant, durable, high-quality products, backed by Allsteel’s Lifetime Warranty, guarantee years of use and re-use.Allsteel Inc. Muscatine, Iowa Form # A7845 (04/08)Printed in USA ©2008 Allsteel Inc. Allsteel is a registered trademark and Acuity is a trademark. Cradle to Cradle Certified is a certification mark of MBDC. Edelman is a registered trademark ofEdelman Leather, LLC. Indoor Advantageis a trademark of Scientific CertificationSystems. LEED is a registered trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council.Acuity ™Designed with an Italian sensibility and American ingenuity, in collabo-ration with Milan-based Design Continuum Italia.Made with no PVC components.Recycled content is above 45%.Strict water stewardship guidelineshave been followed.Green-E certified wind renewable energy certificates offset 100% of theenergy used to assemble Acuity chairs.We will take back, break down, recycle, and/or reclaim the chairs at the endof their useful life.We follow fair labor practices as wellas a range of other socially responsibleinitiatives and benchmarks.Acuity has been awarded SCS IndoorAdvantage ™ Gold Certification.We take complete responsibility for what we make and how we make it.Designed and manufactured to have minimal impact on both the physical and social environment, Acuity has been Cradle to Cradle Certified CM by MBDC, the company that pioneered the concept.Elegant.Everything inessential has been stripped away,leaving behind only purity of form.Sensual.An embrace across the shoulders, down the back,along the arms, behind the legs.Inviting.Step up, sit down, discover an entirelynew sitting experience.Designed with an Italian sensibility and American ingenuity, in collaboration with Milan-based Design Continuum Italia.Embracing.A shape that reflects the human bodysupports the human body.A mesh back mirrors the spine, providing ergonomic fit tothe shoulders and lumbar simultaneously and continuously.Mechanical dynamics in the materials and structure of thecarrier promote healthy posture by allowing just the rightamount of flex.A customized, hybrid cushion ensures comfortimmediately when you sit and after hours at your desk.A weight-activated mechanism responds to bodyweight and keeps the seat and back moving in relationto one another during recline, providing the idealamount of support.We call it AcuFit.™You’ll call it a new kind of comfort.Intuitive.Organized to accommodate the reachof your eyes and your arms.Eight-way positioning:Type, talk, or slip the armsright out of your way for easyget up and go.Fit-to-body:Move the seat up,down, back, and forth with justthe touch of a fingertip.Fit-to-task:Get into thezone with a simple sliderthat locks, tightens, orloosens the tilt.The transformation of what’spurposeful into what’s beautiful.We began by building a team. Ergonomists. Physical therapists.Researchers. And Bruce Fifield of Milan-based Design ContinuumItalia to lead the design. Then we watched so we could learn. Whatdo people want from their chairs? How do they touch them, sit inthem, swivel, lean back, lean forward, get to work? We examinedwhat they need from their chairs. Ergonomics that work seamlessly,controls that work intuitively, posture maintained invisibly. Wescrutinized every detail. Mesh that breathes, a yoke that flexes,aluminum that recycles, cushioning that soothes, stitching thatwhispers, a leather jacket that speaks with confidence. And wecreated a chair that enhances any environment, any body.Discover new Acuity.Clearly sharp. Clearly comfortable.。