项目设计文件表格 (SSC-CDM PDD) 英文
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CONTENTSA. General description of project activityB. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodologyC. Duration of the project activity / Crediting periodD. Environmental impactsE. Stakeholders’ commentsAnnexesAnnex 1: Contact information on participants in the project activity Annex 2: Information regarding public fundingAnnex 3: Baseline informationAnnex 4: Monitoring planPlease indicate1−The title of the project activity−The current version number of the document−The date of the document was completed.>>The description of the project activity to be presented in this section is a brief summary of the detailed description given in the sections “A.4. Technical description of the project activity” (in particular section “A.4.3. Technology to be employed by the project activity”) and “B.3. Description of the sources and gases included in the project boundary”.Please include in the description(1)The purpose of the project activity with a concise description (a couple of paragraphs) of:(a)The scenario existing prior to the start of the implementation of the project activity;(b)The project scenario, including a summary of the scope of activities/measures that are beingimplemented within the proposed project activity;(c)The baseline scenario, as identified in section “B.4 Description of how the baseline scenariois identified and description of the identified baseline scenario”.If the baseline scenario is the same as the scenario existing prior to the start of implementation of the project activity, there is no need to repeat the description of the scenarios, but only to state that both are the same.(2)explain how the proposed project activity reduces greenhouse gas emissions making reference tothe scenarios, emission source s and gases described in sections “A.4.3. Technology to beemployed by the project activity” and “B.3. Description of the sources and gases included in the project boundary”.(3)The view of the project participants on the contribution of the project activity to sustainabledevelopment (max. one page).1 The hint lines presenting the blue and brown italic fonts were added below most sub-section titles for the purpose of facilitating PDD development and should be deleted when the PDD is completed. The content of the hints is taken from “Part II, B. Specific guidelines for completing the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD)” in “Guidelines for Completing the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD), and the Proposed New Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies (CDM-NM) ”, Version 06 (EB 25, 2006. 07.28) and Version 07 (EB41, 2008.08.02), and is therefore subject to updating over time.(see : http://cdm.unfccc.int/Reference/Guidclarif/pdd/PDD_guid04_v07.pdf).>>Please use the list of categories of project activities and of registered CDM project activities by category available on the UNFCCC CDM web site, please specify the category(ies) of project activities into which this project activity falls. If no suitable category(ies) of project activities can be identified, please suggest a new category(ies) descriptor and its definition, being guided by relevant information on the UNFCCC CDM web site.>>This section should include a description of how environmentally safe and sound technology, and know-how to be used, is transferred to the host Party(ies).It should also further explain the purpose of the project activity, as described in section “A.2. Description of the project activity”, taking the information provided in that section as a basis and including a detailed description of:(a)The scenario existing prior to the start of the implementation of the project activity, with a list ofthe equipment(s) and systems in operation at that time;(b)The scope of activities/measures that are being implemented within the project activity, with alist of the equipment(s) and systems that will be installed and/or modified within the projectactivity;(c)The baseli ne scenario, as identified in section “B.4 Description of how the baseline scenario isidentified and description of the identified baseline scenario”, with an indicative list of theequipment(s) and systems that would have been in place in the absence of the project activity.If the baseline scenario is the same as the scenario existing prior to the start of implementation of the project activity, there is no need to repeat the description of the scenarios, but only to state that bothare the same.The description of the scenarios should include, inter alia:(a) A list and the arrangement of the main manufacturing/production technologies, systems andequipments involved. Include in the description information about the age and average lifetimeof the equipmen ts based on manufacturer‟s specifications and industry standards, and existingand forecast installed capacities, load factors and efficiencies. The monitoring equipments andtheir location in the systems is of particular interest;(b)The emissions sources and the greenhouse gases involved in the project activity, according to themethodology used; and existing and forecast energy and mass flows and balances of the systems and equipments included in the project activity;(c)The types and levels of services (normally in terms of mass or energy flows) provided by thesystems and equipments that are being modified and/or installed under the project activity andtheir relation, if any, to other manufacturing/production equipments and systems outside theproject boundary. The types and levels of services provided by those manufacturing/productionsystems and equipments outside the project boundary may also constitute important parameters of the description. The description should clearly explain how the same types and levels ofservices provided by the project activity would have been provided in the baseline scenario.The baseline scenario can be described with a lower level of detail in case it is not an existing facility, i.e. in case it is derived from a hypothetical facility that would have been built in the absence of the proposed project activity and for which no historical data is available.Finally, avoid adding information, which is not essential to understanding the purpose of the project activity and how it reduces greenhouse gases emissions. Information related to equipments, systems and activities that are auxiliary to the main scope of the project activity and do not interfere directly or indirectly with emissions of greenhouse gases and/or with mass and energy balances in the project activity should not be included.information on sources of public funding for the project activity from Parties included in Annex I, which shall provide an affirmation that such funding does not result in a diversion of official development assistance and is separate from and is not counted towards the financial obligations of those Parties. Note: When the PDD is filled in support of a proposed new methodology (form CDM-NM), it is to be indicated whether public funding from Parties included in Annex I is likely to be involved indicating the Party(ies) to the extent possible.>>Where project participants wish to propose a new baseline methodology, please complete the form for “Proposed New Methodology: Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies (CDM-NM)” in accordance with procedures for submission and consideration of proposed new methodologies (see Part III of these Guidelines).Please refer to the UNFCCC CDM web site for the title and [LS1]the details of approved baseline and monitoring methodologies2. Please indicate2If a new baseline methodology is proposed, please complete the form for “Proposed New Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies”(CDM-NM).−the approved methodology and the version of the methodology that is used (e.g. “Version 02 of AM0001”)−any methodologies or tools which the approved methodology draws upon and their version (e.g.“Version 02 of the tool for demonstration and assessment of additionality” or “Version 04 ofACM0002”)>>Please justify the choice of methodology by showing that the proposed project activity meets each of the applicability conditions of the methodology. Explain documentation has been used and provide the references to the document or include the documentation in Annex 3.calculating project emissions and baseline emissions, using the table below. In cases where the methodology allows project participants to choose whether a source or gas is to be included in the project boundary, explain and, where necessary, justify the choice.In addition to the table, present a flow diagram of the project boundary, physically delineating the project activity, based on the descriptions provided in section “A.4.3. Technology to be employed by the project activity”. Include in the flow diagram all the equipments, systems and flows of mass and energy described in that section. Particularly, represent in the diagram the emissions sources and gasesselected baseline methodology. Where the procedure involves several steps, describe how each step isapplied and transparently document the outcome of each step. Explain and justify key assumptions and rationales. Provide relevant documentation or references. Illustrate in a transparent manner all data used to determine the baseline scenario (variables, parameters, data sources etc.), preferably in a table form.Provide a transparent and detailed description of the identified baseline scenario, including a description of the technology that would be employed and/or the activities that would take place in the absence of the proposed project activity.Please note that this section and Section B.5 are complementary. Some of the steps undertaken here may overlap with the steps undertaken in Section B.5 depending on the procedures used to select the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality. If the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality” is used, the same information need not be replicated in both sections.>>Explanation of how and why this project activity is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario in accordance with the selected baseline methodology. Where the procedure involves several steps, describe how each step is applied and transparently document the outcome of each step. Where the barriers are involved in demonstrating additionality, only select the (most) relevant barriers. Explain and justify key assumptions and rationales. Provide relevant documentation or references. Illustrate in a transparent manner all data used to assess the additionality of the project activity (variables, parameters, data sources etc.), preferably in a table form.If the starting date of the project activity is before the date of validation, provide evidence that the incentive from the CDM was seriously considered in the decision to proceed with the project activity. This evidence shall be based on (preferably official, legal and/or other corporate) documentation that was available at, or prior to, the start of the project activity.In such cases project proponents shall provide an implementation timeline of the proposed CDM project activity. The timeline should include, where applicable, the date when the investment decision was made, the date when construction works started, the date when commissioning started and the date of start-up (e.g. the date when commercial production started). In addition to this implementation timeline project participants shall provide a timeline of events and actions which have been taken to achieve CDM registration, with description of the evidence used to support these actions. These timelines will allow the DOE to assess the serious consideration of the CDM in the project decision making process and project implementation.Please note that this section and Section B.5 are complementary. Some of the steps undertaken here may overlap with the steps undertaken in Section B.5 depending on the procedures used to select the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality. If the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality” is used, the same information need not be replicated in both sections.Explain how the procedures, in the approved methodology to calculate project emissions, baseline emissions, leakage emissions and emission reductions are applied to the proposed project activity. Clearly state which equations will be used in calculating emission reductions.Explain and justify all relevant methodological choices, including:−where the methodology includes different scenarios or cases, explain and justify which scenario or case applies to the project activity (e.g. which scenario in ACM0006 is applicable);−where the methodology provides different options to choose from (e.g. which methodological approach is used to calculate the “operating margin” in ACM0002), explain and justify whichoption is chosen for the project activity;−where the methodology provides for different default values, explain and justify which of the default values have been chosen for the project activity.This section shall include a compilation of information on the data and parameters that are not monitored throughout the crediting period but that are determined only once and thus remains fixed throughout the crediting period AND that are available when validation is undertaken. Data that becomes available only after validation of the project activity (e.g. measurements after the implementation of the project activity) should not need to be included here but in the table in section B.7.1.This may includes data that is measured or sampled, and data that is collected from other sources (e.g. official statistics, expert judgment, proprietary data, IPCC, commercial and scientific literature, etc.). Data that is calculated with equations provided in the methodology or default values specified in the methodology should not be included in the compilation.Provide for each data or parameter the chosen value or, where relevant, the qualitative information, using the table provided below. Particularly:−Provide the actual value applied. Where time series of data is used, where several measurements are undertaken or where surveys have been conducted, provide detailed information in Annex 3.−Explain and justify the choice for the source of data. Provide clear and transparent references or additional documentation in Annex 3.−Where values have been measured, include a description of the measurement methods and procedures (e.g. which standards have been used), indicate the responsible person / entity having undertaken the measurement, the date of measurement(s) and the measurement results. Moredetailed information can be provided in Annex 3.Provide a transparent ex-ante calculation of project emissions, baseline emissions (or, where applicable, direct calculation of emission reductions) and leakage emissions expected during the crediting period, applying all relevant equations provided in the approved methodology. Use estimations for parameters that are not available when validation is undertaken or that are monitored during the crediting period. Document how each equation is applied, in a manner that enables the reader to reproduce the calculation. Where relevant, provide additional background information and or data in Annex 3, including relevant electronic files (i.e. spreadsheets).period, using the table below.>>monitoring methodology and a description of the monitoring plan, including an identification of the data to be monitored and the procedures that will be applied during monitoring.Please note that data monitored and required for verification and issuance are to be kept for two years after the end of the crediting period or the last issuance of CERs for this project activity, whichever occurs later.>>This section shall include specific information on how the data and parameters that need to be monitored would actually be collected during monitoring for the project activity. Data that is determined only once for the crediting period but that becomes available only after validation of the project activity (e.g. measurements after the implementation of the project activity) should be included here.Provide for each parameter the following information, using the table provided below:−The source(s) of data that will be actually used for the proposed project activity (e.g. which exact national statistics). Where several sources may be used, explain and justify which data sources should be preferred.−Where data or parameters are supposed to be measured, specify the measurement methods and procedures, including a specification which accepted industry standards or national orinternational standards will be applied, which measurement equipment is used, how themeasurement is undertaken, which calibration procedures are applied, what is the accuracy of the measurement method, who is the responsible person / entity that should undertake the measurements and what is the measurement interval.− A description of the QA/QC procedures (if any) that should be applied.−Where relevant: any further comment.Provide any relevant further background documentation in Annex 4.>>Please provide a detailed description of the monitoring plan. Describe the operational and management structure that the project operator will implement in order to monitor emission reductions and any leakage effects generated by the project activity. Clearly indicate the responsibilities for and institutional arrangements for data collection and archiving. The monitoring plan should reflect good monitoring practice appropriate to the type of project activity. Provide any relevant further background information in Annex 4.>>Please provide date of completion of the application of the methodology to the project activity study in DD/MM/YYYY.Please provide contact information of the persons(s)/entity(ies) responsible for the application of the baseline and monitoring methodology to the project activity and indicate if the person/entity is also a project participant listed in Annex 1.If the CDM-PDD is being submitted by project participants when proposing a new methodology, note that the Board reiterated (EB 26, Para 27.d) that the …Source‟ section of the approved methodology is to be based on information included in this section of the draft CDM-PDD. Only the information provided in this se ction shall be included in the …Source‟ section of the approved methodology.or construction or real action of a project activity begins/has begun (EB33, Para 76/CDM Glossary of terms/EB41).The CDM-PDD should contain not only the date, but also a description of how this start date has been determined, and a description of the evidence available to support this start date. Further, it should be noted that if this starting date is earlier than the date of publication of the CDM-PDD for global stakeholder consultation by a DOE, Section B.5 above should contain a description of how thebenefits of the CDM were seriously considered prior to the starting date.Please state the expected operational lifetime of the project activity in years and months.>>Please state whether the project activity will use a renewable or a fixed crediting period and complete C.2.1 or C.2.2 accordingly.Note that the crediting period may only start after the date of registration of the proposed activity as a CDM project activity.Each crediting period shall be at most 7 years and may be renewed at most two times, provided that, for each renewal, a designated operational entity determines and informs the executive board that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data where applicable;Project participants should note that the crediting period of a project activity cannot commence prior to the date of registration. The date listed here is therefore an indicative starting date and it will be updated by the secretariat as the date of registration, if the listed date is prior to the date of registration. This update will not affect the specified length of the crediting period nor does this impact the rights ofproject participants to subsequently request a change of the starting date of the crediting period in accordance with the “Procedures for re questing post-registration changes to the start date of the crediting period”(Annex 31, EB 24).Please state the length of the first crediting period in years and months.>>Fixed crediting period shall be at most ten (10) years.Project participants should note that the crediting period of a project activity cannot commence prior to the date of registration. The date listed here is therefore an indicative starting date and it will be updated by the secretariat as the date of registration, if the listed date is prior to the date of registration. This update will not affect the specified length of the crediting period nor does this impact the rights of project participants to subsequently request a change of the starting date of the crediting period in accordance with the “Procedures for requesting post-registration changes to the start date of the crediting period”(Annex 31, EB 24).>>Please describe the process by which comments by local stakeholders have been invited and compiled. An invitation for comments by local stakeholders shall be made in an open and transparent manner, in a way that facilities comments to be received from local stakeholders and allows for a reasonable time for comments to be submitted. In this regard, project participants shall describe a project activity in a manner which allows the local stakeholders to understand the project activity, taking into account confidentiality provisions of the CDM modalities and procedures. The local stakeholder process shall becompleted before submitting the proposed project activity to a DOE for validation.>>>>Annex 1CONTACT INFORMATION ON PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROJECT ACTIVITY Please copy and paste table as needed. Please fill for each organization listed in section A.3 the following mandatory fields: Organization, Name of contact person, Street, City, Postfix/ZIP, Country, Telephone and Fax or e-mail.Annex 2INFORMATION REGARDING PUBLIC FUNDINGPlease provide information from Parties included in Annex I on sources of public funding for the project activity which shall provide an affirmation that such funding does not result in a diversion of official development assistance and is separate from and is not counted towards the financial obligations of those Partie s>>Annex 3BASELINE INFORMATIONPlease provide any further background information used in the application of the baseline methodology. This may include tables with time series data, documentation of measurement results and data sources, etc.>>Annex 4MONITORING PLANPlease provide any further background information used in the application of the monitoring methodology. This may include tables with time series data, additional documentation of measurement equipment, procedures, etc.>>- - - - -。
cdm项目CDM项目简介CDM(Clean Development Mechanism)项目,即清洁发展机制项目,是根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 简称UNFCCC)第12条“清洁发展机制”而设立的。
首先,项目主体需要提交并获取国家认可,然后通过项目设计文件(Project Design Document, 简称PDD)的编制,确保项目的可持续性和减排潜力。
CDM项目的可行性研究与核查CDM(Clean Development Mechanism)项目的可行性研究与核查是项目实施的关键环节之一。
项目计划书英文怎么说呢Project ProposalTable of Contents:1. Introduction2. Project Background3. Objectives4. Scope5. Methodology6. Deliverables7. Timeline8. Budget9. Risks and Mitigation Strategies10. Conclusion1. IntroductionThe introduction section provides an overview of the project and its significance. It presents the problem statement and explains the need for the proposed project.2. Project BackgroundIn this section, the background information related to the project is discussed. It includes previous research, studies, or experiences that have led to the identification of the project.3. ObjectivesThe objectives of the project are outlined in this section. They are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, andtime-bound (SMART) goals that the project aims to achieve. These objectives should align with the project's mission and vision.4. ScopeThe scope of the project defines the boundaries within which the project will operate. It includes the tasks, responsibilities, and limitations associated with the project. This section clarifies what will be included and excludedfrom the project.5. MethodologyThis section describes the approach, techniques, or methods that will be used to accomplish the project objectives. It outlines the research plan, data collection methods, analysis techniques, and any other relevant methodologies.6. DeliverablesThe deliverables section lists the tangible outputs that the project will produce. These could be reports, prototypes, software, or any other expected outcomes. It is important to clearly define the deliverables to manage stakeholders' expectations.7. TimelineThe timeline section presents a detailed schedule or timeline for the project. It includes the start and end dates of each phase or milestone. This helps in tracking the project progress and ensures timely completion.8. BudgetThis section includes the estimated financial resources required to carry out the project. It covers costs associated with personnel, equipment, materials, and any other relevant expenditures. A comprehensive budget allows for effective financial management.9. Risks and Mitigation StrategiesIdentifying potential risks associated with the project is crucial. This section discusses the risks and proposesstrategies to mitigate or minimize these risks. It ensures proactive risk management throughout the project lifecycle.10. ConclusionThe conclusion section summarizes the key points discussed in the project proposal. It reinforces the importance of the project and the expected impact it will have. It serves as a final call-to-action to gain support for the project.Please note that the content of each section should be developed according to specific project requirements, goals, and objectives. Each section should aim for around 300 words, excluding the section titles. Further details and elaboration can be provided upon request.。
项目管理中常用英语(转载学习)工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package工艺设计 process design工艺发表 process release工艺预发表 initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解结构 breakdown structure工作分解结构 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险分析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 planproject plan项目计划.(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan(项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan(项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan(项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how许可证 license专利商;许可方 licensor受许可放;受让方 licensee(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty许可证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering布置 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineeringinstruments engineering仪表.电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收 client acceptance支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款 progress payment按日工程进度付款 schedule payment保留金;扣留款 retention money最终付款 final payment代码;编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费 contingency发表 issue ; releasebill of exchange ; draft汇票.议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户;客户 client设计;工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting开工会议 kick-off meeting报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审核会 review meeting合同;承包 contract合同生效日期 effective date of the contract合同终止 termination of contract合同失效 frustration of contractlump-sum contract[L-S]总价合同(固定)单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract 承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营企业 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]到岸价.船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算 estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别 types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算 equipment estimate分析估算 analysis estimate报价估算 proposal estimate控制估算 control estimate初期控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算 initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算 check estimate首次核定估算 first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算 man-hour estimate证书;证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料 materialequipment设备.散装材料 bulk materials ; commodities材料分类 material class材料统计 material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单 bill of materials [BOM]材料管理 material management材料控制 material control进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule进展;进度;实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划 project master schedule ; master project schedule详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详细网络图 detailed network关键线路法 critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动 critical activity工序;活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve ; S curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curveahead of schedule进度提前进度拖延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freightpayable at destination运费预付 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商;承运商 forwarding agent采购 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting检验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report费用和进展月报告 monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报 (job) monthly progress reportengineering monthly progress report设计进展月报.项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index执行效果报告 performance report劳动生产率报告 productivity report异常报告 exception report材料异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告 procurement status report材料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告 inspection report(项目)完工报告 close-out report报价;投标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会 inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审 bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bidsnegotiation谈判.厂商协调会议;协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交 commitment订货电传;订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同 purchase order签订合同;合同签约 contract award询价;招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书 purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]变更 change用户变更;合同变更 client change ;contract change待定的用户变更 pending client change认可的用户变更 approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更 project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project change notice[PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]change request ; deviation notice [DN]偏差通知单;变更申请单.质量 quality质量方针 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量体系 quality system质量改进 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图 plot plan管道平面设计图 piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图 piping layout drawing**sort out here)z O G {/e a+M 管段图;管道空视图 isometric drawing |.X$h }7v C ^ s7s批准用于详细工程设计图纸 drawing issued Approved for Design [AFD])Y$Q L u d批准用于施工图纸 drawings issued Approved for construction [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ;advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD] vendorcertified ; [CF] drawings final certified ) 纸(供货厂商最终确认图drawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图 schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图 cost trend display chart项目;工程项目 project项目实施费用状态报告 project execution项目实施阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager项目设计经理 project engineering manager项目采购经理 project procurement manager项目施工经理 project construction manager项目工艺经理 project process managerproject controls manager 项目控制经理.项目进度计划工程师 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师 project estimator项目费用控制工程师 project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师 project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师 project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异 deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能 performance跟踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测 trending ; trend projection偏差预测值 projected deviations预测 projection ; forecasting纠正措施 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control赢得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的预算费用.已完工作量的实耗费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异 cost variance [CV]进度差异 schedule variance [SV]费用指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数 cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异 at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用 estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本 cost建设总费用 total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用 material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用 construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用 labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用 labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额 standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值 adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用 cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用 home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用 commissioning activities cost投料试车费用 start-up cost其他费用 other costs利润;预期利润 profit ; expected profit服务酬金 service gains内部费用转换 internal transfer认可的预计费用 anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制 cost control预算(值);项目控制预算 budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run) over-run ; cost over-run值(费用超支);值(预算超支施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 pre-commissioning机械竣工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区 offsite battery limit工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函 bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函 surety bondbank guarantee ; letter of guarantee 信用保证书;银行保证书.安慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税仓库 bonded warehouse信用证 letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证 revocable L/C即期信用证 sight credit ; sight L/C L远期信用证 term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证 confirmed L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C备用信用证 stand-by L/C信用证提款 drawing on L/C]信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资 project financeloan贷款即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税;税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目实施程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure项目采购程序 project procurement procedure项目检验程序 project inspection procedure项目控制程序 project control procedure变更控制程序 change control procedure预算变更程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 datasupporting data设计条件;条件数据返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件 resultant feedback of data意向书 letter of intent。
Page 1Glossary of CDM terms(Version 05)The glossary of CDM terms explains terms used in the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD), and the Proposed New Baseline, Monitoring Methodologies (CDM-NM), CDM Programme of Activities Design Document (CDM-PoA DD) and CDM Programme Activity Design Document (CDM-CPA-DD) for both non-A/R and A/R, small and large scale CDM. The glossary facilitates the completion of these forms by project participants.At its first session, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) adopted the ‘Marrakech Accords’ as well as all draft decisions recommended by the COP since the “Prompt start of the CDM” in 2001. These decision include, inter alia: •Modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism (hereafter referred as “CDM modalities and procedures”, see annex to decision 3/CMP.1);•Simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale clean development mechanism project activities (hereafter referred as “CDM simplified modalities and procedures”, see decision 4/CMP.1); •Modalities and procedures for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM (hereafter referred as “CDM A/R modalities and procedures”, see decision 5/CMP.1)•Modalities and procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM (hereafter referred as “CDM SSC A/R modalities and procedures”, see decision 6/CMP.1).Users are encouraged to use this glossary together with the latest guidance on CDM project activities and CDM programme of activities available on <http://cdm.unfccc.int/index.html>The terms listed in the glossary apply to the different kind of project activities. The following acronyms for types of project activities are:P = CDM project activitiesA/R = Afforestation and reforestation project activitiesSSC = Small-scale project activitiesSSC A/R = Small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activitiesThe acronyms for types of programme of activities (PoA) are as follows:P-PoA = Programme of activitiesA/R-PoA = Afforestation and reforestation programme of activitiesSSC-PoA = Small-scale programme of activitiesSSC A/R-PoA = Small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activitiesThe acronyms for types of CDM programme activity (CPA) are as follows:P-CPA = CDM programme activityA/R-CPA = Afforestation and reforestation CDM programme activitySSC-CPA = Small-scale CDM programme activitySSC A/R CPA = Small-scale afforestation and reforestation CDM programme activityPage 2List of termsAActual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)Additional (SSC A/R)Additionality (SSC)Additionality of a programme of activities (PoA - All types)Afforestation (A/R - SSC A/R)A/R CDM Project activity (A/R)“Appropriate equivalent of 15 megawatts” (SSC)“Appendix A” (SSC - SSC A/R)“Appendix B” (SSC - SSC A/R)“Appendix C” (SSC - SSC A/R)Approval by Parties involved (All types)“Attachment A to Appendix B” (SSC)“Attributable” (All types)Authorization of a private and/or public entity to participate in a CDM project activity (All types)BBaseline (All types)Baseline approach (P - SSC)Baseline approach (A/R - SSC A/R)Baseline approach for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)Baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)Baseline methodology (P - SSC)Baseline methodology (A/R)Baseline and monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)Baseline - approved methodology (P - A/R)Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - approved methodology (SSC)Baseline and monitoring - simplified A/R approved methodology (SSC A/R)Baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)Baseline - new methodology (P - A/R)Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - new methodology (SSC)Baseline and monitoring - new methodology (SSC A/R)Baseline scenario (P – SSC, P-CPA, SSC-CPA)Baseline scenario for A/R CDM project activities or CDM programme activity (A/R, A/R CPA) Baseline scenario for SSC A/R CDM project activities or CDM programme activity (SSC A/R, SSC A/R CPA)Biomass (All types)Biomass residues (All types)Boundary for the programme of activities (PoA - All types)Bundle (SSC)Bundle (SSC A/R)Bundled project activities (SSC)CCarbon pools (A/R - SSC A/R)Categories of small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)CDM Programme Activity (CPA - All types)Certified emission reductions (CERs) (All types)Clean development mechanism (CDM) (All types)Confidential/proprietary information (All types)Conservative (All types)Coordinating/managing entity and participants of PoA (All types)Page 3 Crediting period (CPA - All types)Crediting period (P - SSC)Crediting period for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)Crediting period for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)Crediting period – fixed (also fixed crediting period) (P - SSC)Crediting period – fixed (A/R - SSC A/R)Crediting period – renewable (also renewable crediting period) (P - SSC)Crediting period – renewable (A/R - SSC A/R)DDe-bundled CDM programme activity (SSC-CPA, SSC A/R CPA)De-bundled project activity (SSC - AR SSC)Debundling (SSC - SSC A/R)Designated operational entity (DOE) (All types)Duration of the programme of activities (PoA - All types)EEligibility of land (A/R)Energy consumption (SSC)Energy efficiency (SSC)Energy efficiency improvement project activities (SSC)Environmental Analysis (PoA - All types)Equipment performance (SSC)FFixed Crediting Period (All types)Forest (A/R - SSC A/R)HHost Party (All types)IIssuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) (P - SSC)Issuance of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) or of long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (A/R)Issuance of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) or of long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (SSC A/R)LLeakage (P)Leakage (SSC)Leakage (A/R - SSC A/R)Leakage for A/R project activities (A/R - SSC A/R)Long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (A/R - SSC A/R)MMeasurable and attributable (All types)Modalities of communication of project participants with the Executive Board (All types)Monitoring of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)Monitoring of an A/R CDM project activity (A/R - SSC A/R)Monitoring methodology (P - A/R - SSC)Monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)Page 4 Monitoring methodology - approved (P - A/R)Monitoring methodology for small-scale CDM project activities - approved (SSC)Monitoring methodology - approved (SSC A/R)Monitoring methodology - new (P -A/R)Monitoring methodology for small-scale CDM project activities - new (SSC)Monitoring methodology - new (SSC A/R)Monitoring plan (A/R - SSC A/R)Monitoring plan (PoA - All types)NNet anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)OOperational and management arrangements (PoA - All types)Operational lifetime of a project activity or CDM programme activity (All types, CPA - All types)Other project activities (SSC)Overall monitoring plan (SSC)PParty involved (All types)Portfolio bundling (SSC)Programme of activities (PoA - All types)Project activity (P - SSC)Project activity (A/R)Project activity (SSC A/R)Project activity with more than one component (SSC)Project boundary or boundary of CDM programme activity (P, P-CPA)Project boundary for small-scale CDM project activity or boundary of small-scale CDM programme activity (SSC, SSC-CPA)Project boundary for A/R project activities or boundary of A/R CDM programme activity (A/R - SSCA/R, A/R-CPA, SSC-A/R-CPA)Project participants (All types)Public funding (PoA - All types)RReforestation (A/R - SSC)Registration (All types)Renewable Biomass (All types)Renewable crediting period (All types)Renewable energy project activities (SSC)Retrofit (SSC)Request for distribution of CERs (P - SSC)Request for distribution of lCERs or of tCERs (A/R - SSC A/R)SSame technology / measure (SSC)Small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)Small-scale A/R CDM Project activity (SSC A/R)Stakeholders (All types)Starting date of a CDM programme activity (CPA - All types)Starting date of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)Starting date of an A/R CDM project activity (A/R)Starting date of an SSC A/R CDM project activity (SSC A/R)Page 5 Sub bundle (SSC)TTemporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) (A/R - SSC A/R)Transparent and conservative (P - SSC)Transparent and conservative (A/R - SSC A/R)Types of small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)Type I project activities (SSC)Type II project activities (SSC)Type III project activities (SSC)VValidation (P - A/R)Validation (SSC -SSC A/R)Verification (P - SSC)Verification (A/R -SSC A/R)Definition of terms in alphabetical orderActual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)“Actual net greenhouse gas (GHG) removals by sinks” is the sum of the verifiable changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary, minus the increase in emissions of the GHGs measured in CO2 equivalents by the sources that are increased as a result of the implementation of the afforestation or reforestation (A/R) project activity within the project boundary, attributable to the A/R CDM project activity.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks.Additional (SSC A/R)A small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM is additional if the actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks are increased above the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would have occurred in the absence of the registered small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM.Additionality (SSC)See “Attachment A to Appendix B”.Additionality of a programme of activities (PoA - All types)A PoA is additional if it can be demonstrated that in the absence of the CDM (i) the proposed voluntary measure would not be implemented, or (ii) the mandatory policy/regulation would be systematically not enforced and that noncompliance with those requirements is widespread in the country/region, or (iii) that the PoA will lead to a greater level of enforcement of the existing mandatory policy /regulation. This shall constitute the demonstration of additionality of the PoA as a whole.Afforestation (A/R - SSC A/R)“Afforestation” is the direct human-induced conversion of land that has not been forested for a period of at least 50 years to forested land through planting, seeding and/or the human-induced promotion of natural seed sources.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Afforestation.Page 6 A/R CDM Project activity (A/R)An A/R CDM project activity is an afforestation or reforestation measure, operation or action that aims at achieving net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks. The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures use the term “project activity” as opposed to “project”. An A/R CDM project activity could, therefore, be identical with or a component or aspect of a project undertaken or planned.“Appropriate equivalent of 15 megawatts” (SSC)See “Type I project activities”.“Appendix A” (SSC - SSC A/R)Refers to the Appendix A of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities which provides for a simplified project design document. The latest form for simplified project design document for small-scale CDM project activities is available in the section ‘Project design documents/forms’ of the UNFCCC CDM website: http://cdm.unfccc.int/Reference.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Appendix A.“Appendix B” (SSC - SSC A/R)The Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities corresponds to the indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories. This list is updated and modified by decisions by the Executive Board based on inputs by project participants. The latest version of the list is available on the UNFCCC CDM website under the section on approved small-scale methodologies (please refer to http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies).To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Appendix B.“Appendix C” (SSC - SSC A/R)The Appendix C of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities corresponds to the procedures for determining the occurrence of debundling.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Appendix C.See also “Debundling”.Approval by Parties involved (All types)A written approval constitutes the authorization by a designated national authority (DNA) of specific entity(ies)’ participation as project proponents in the specific CDM project activity. The approval covers the requirements of paragraphs 33 and 40 (a) and (f) of the CDM modalities and procedures.The DNA of a Party involved in a proposed CDM project activity shall issue a statement including the following:•The Party has ratified the Kyoto Protocol.•The approval of voluntary participation in the proposed CDM project activity•In the case of Host Party(ies): statement that the proposed CDM project activity contributes to sustainable development of the host Party(ies).The written approval shall be unconditional with respect to the above.Multilateral funds do not necessarily require written approval from each participant’s DNA. However those not providing a written approval may be giving up some of their rights and privileges in terms of being a Party involved in the project.A written approval from a Party may cover more than one project provided that all projects are clearly listed in the letter.Page 7 The Board agreed that the registration of a CDM project activity can take place without an Annex I Party being involved at the stage of registration. Before an Annex I Party acquires certified emission reductions from such a project activity from an account within the CDM Registry, it shall submit a letter of approval to the Board in order for the CDM Registry administrator to be able to forward CERs from the CDM Registry to the national registry of the Annex I Party.The DOE shall receive documentation of the approval.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SCC A/R - Approval by Parties involved.“Attachment A to Appendix B” (SSC)The attachment A to Appendix B corresponds to list of barriers project participants shall use in order to demonstrate that a small-scale project activity would not have occurred otherwise (i.e. is additional). The latest version of the attachment A to Appendix B can be found on the UNFCCC CDM website under the section on approved small-scale methodologies (please refer tohttp://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/approved).A simplified baseline and monitoring methodology listed in AppendixB to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities may be used for a small-scale CDM project activity if the project participants are able to demonstrate to a designated operational entity that the project activity would otherwise not be implemented due to the existence of one or more of the barriers listed in attachment A of appendix B. Where specified in appendix B for a project category, quantitative evidence that the project activity would otherwise not be implemented may be provided instead of a demonstration based on the barriers listed in attachment A to appendix B.“Attributable” (All types)See “measurable and attributable”.Authorization of a private and/or public entity to participate in a CDM project activity (All types) See “Approval by Parties involved”.Baseline (All types)See “baseline scenario”.Baseline approach (P - SSC)A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The Executive Board agreed that the three approaches identified in sub-paragraphs 48 (a) to (c) of the CDM modalities and procedures be the only ones applicable to CDM project activities. They are:•Existing actual or historical emissions, as applicable; or•Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; or•The average emissions of similar project activities undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances, and whoseperformance is among the top 20 per cent of their category.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Baseline approach.See” baseline approach for A/R CDM project activities”.See “baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities”.Baseline approach for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The Executive Board agreed that the three approaches identified in sub-paragraphs 22 (a) to (d) of the CDM A/R modalities and procedures shall be the only ones applicable to A/R CDM project activities. These are:Page 8 (a) Existing or historical, as applicable, changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the projectboundary;(b) Changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary from a land use thatrepresents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; (c) Changes in carbon stocks in the pools within the project boundary from the most likely land use at thetime the project starts.See “baseline approach”.See “baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities”.Baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The most likely baseline scenario of the small-scale A/R CDM project activity is considered to be the land-use prior to the implementation of the project activity, whichever is the case grasslands or croplands. Project activities implemented on settlements or wetlands are presently not included in SSC-AR-CDM.Baseline methodology (P - SSC)A methodology is an application of an approach as defined in paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures, to an individual project activity, reflecting aspects such as sector and region. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose any methodology. In considering paragraph 48, the Executive Board agreed that, in the two cases below, the following applies:(a) Case of a new methodology: In developing a baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology;(b) Case of an approved methodology: In opting for an approved methodology, project participants have implicitly chosen an approach.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Baseline methodology.Baseline methodology (A/R)A methodology is an application of an approach as defined in paragraph 22 of the CDM A/R modalities and procedures, to an individual A/R CDM project activity, for the determination of the baseline scenario.A baseline methodology should reflect aspects such as environmental conditions and past land uses and land use changes. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose a methodology. In considering paragraph 22, the Executive Board agreed that, the following cases apply:(a) Case of a new methodology: In developing a baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the proposed A/R CDM project activity and then an applicable methodology;(b) Case of an approved methodology: In opting for an approved methodology, project participants have implicitly chosen an approach.Baseline and monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)A methodology is an application of a baseline approach. The most likely baseline scenario of the small-scale A/R CDM project activity is considered to be the land-use prior to the implementation of the project activity, whichever is the case grasslands or croplands. Project activities implemented on settlements or wetlands are presently not included in SSC-A/R-CDM.A "simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities categories" is publicly available on the UNFCCC CDM website (http://unfccc.int/cdm). Project participants may use the methodology for project categories, which fall under the applicability conditions of the methodology.A baseline methodology should reflect aspects such as environmental conditions and past land uses and land use changes.Page 9 Baseline - approved methodology (P - A/R)A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website (http://unfccc.int/cdm) or through a written request sent tocdm-info@unfccc.int or Fax: (49-228) 815-1999.To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Baseline - approved methodology.To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-PoA-and A/R-PoA - Baseline - approved methodologyBaseline for small-scale CDM project activities - approved methodology (SSC)A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is included in an indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories (contained in the AppendixB to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities) and is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website (http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/approved) or it can be obtained through a request sent to cdm-info@unfccc.int or Fax: (49-228) 815-1999.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC-PoA-Baseline - approved methodology. .Baseline and monitoring - simplified A/R approved methodology (SSC A/R)A simplified baseline and monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board for selected small-scale afforestation and reforestation (A/R) CDM project activity categories is publicly available on the UNFCCC CDM website (http://unfccc.int/cdm) or through a written request sent to cdm-info@unfccc.int or Fax: (49-228) 815-1999.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC-AR-PoA-Baseline and monitoring - approved methodology. . Baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)“Baseline net GHG removals by sinks” is the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would have occurred in the absence of the A/R CDM project activity.To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks.Baseline - new methodology (P - A/R)Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner. In developing a new baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated operational entity by forwarding a completed “Proposed New Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies (CDM-NM)” and the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD) with sections A to C, including relevant annexes, completed in order to demonstrate the application of the proposed new methodology to a proposed project activity.The proposed new methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated operational entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated operational entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity (applying the approved methodology) and submit the project design document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project activity may use this methodology. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received.To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Baseline new methodology.Page 10 Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - new methodology (SSC)Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner.In accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, project participants may propose changes to the simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies or propose additional project categories for consideration by the Executive Board. Project participants who wish to submit a new small-scale project activity category or revisions to a methodology shall make a request in writing to be considered by the Executive Board through the Working Group to assist the Executive Board using a downloadable form ‘F-CDM-SSC-Subm’ (please refer to http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/Clarifications). The Board may draw on expertise, as appropriate, in considering new project categories and/or revisions of and amendments to simplified methodologies. Once approved, the Executive Board shall amend the indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies contained in Appendix B.Baseline and monitoring - new methodology (SSC A/R)Project participants may propose a new baseline and monitoring methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner. Project activities that are very specific and have not been addressed by the selected small-scale A/R CDM project activities (as contained Appendix B of as “CDM-SSC-A/R modalities and procedures” of decision 6/CMP.1), project participants in accordance with decision6/CMP.1, may propose new simplified methodologies or amendments to these simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for project activities that would not fall under the applicability conditions of these baseline and monitoring methodology. Such proposed new methodologies would be subject to the consideration of the CDM Executive Board.Where project participants willing to submit a new type of small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM or revisions to a baseline and monitoring methodology shall make a request in writing in form F-CDM- SSC-A/R-Subm, to the Executive Board providing information about the activity and proposals on how a simplified baseline and monitoring methodology would be applied to this type. The Board may draw on expertise, as appropriate, in considering new project types and/or revisions of and amendments to simplified methodologies. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting review the proposed methodology. Once it is approved, the Executive Board shall amend appendix B (of decision 6/CMP.1).Baseline scenario (P - SSC)The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. A baseline shall cover emissions from all gases, sectors and source categories listed in Annex A (of the Kyoto Protocol) within the project boundary. A baseline shall be deemed to reasonably represent the anthropogenic emissions by sources that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity if it is derived using a baseline methodology referred to in paragraphs 37 and 38 of the CDM modalities and procedures.Different scenarios may be elaborated as potential evolutions of the situation existing before the proposed CDM project activity. The continuation of a current activity could be one of them; implementing the proposed project activity may be another; and many others could be envisaged. Baseline methodologies shall require a narrative description of all reasonable baseline scenarios.To elaborate the different scenarios, different elements shall be taken into consideration, including related guidance issued by the Executive Board. For instance, the project participants shall take into account national / sectoral policies and circumstances, ongoing technological improvements, investment barriers, etc. (see Appendix C paragraph b (vii) and paragraphs 45 (e), 46, 48 (b) of decision 3/CMP.1).To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Baseline scenario.。
装施图纸常见缩写表-中英文对照装施图纸常见缩写表-中英文对照 I图纸缩写表AR- Architecture Information Plan 建筑信息图EM- Electrical Mechanical Plan 机电设备图FC- Floor Covering Plan 地坪布置图FF- Fixture/Furning Plan 家具布置图RC- Reflected Ceiling Plan 天顶布置图EL- Elevation 立面图 DT- Detail 节点详图WF- Wall Finish Plan 墙身饰面图IL- Interior Landscaping Plan 室内景观设计图MR- Mockup Room 样板房IR- Interior Rendering 室内效果图PA- Public Area 公共区域空间缩写表客房空间ST-Standard Twin 标准双人房SK-Superior King 标准大床房SS-Superior Suite 标准套房HS-Hospitality Suite 标准残疾人套房DS-Deluxe Suite 豪华套房PS-Presidential Suite 总统套房ES-Executive Suite 行政套房EDS-Executive Deluxe Suite 行政豪华套房餐饮空间PDR-Privant (private ) Dinning Room 包厢 VIP-Very Important Person 贵宾SR-Specialty Restaurant 风味餐厅JC-Japanese Cooking 日本料理KC-Korean Cooking 韩国料理Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅Lobby Lounge 大堂吧Bar 酒吧Coffee Shop 咖啡厅Tea House 茶馆Ball Hall 宴会厅All-day Dinning 全日制餐厅Canteen 员工餐厅Pantry 备餐厅公共空间Concierge 礼宾Entrance 入口Reception Exterior 下客区(雨棚)Lobby 大堂Service Station 服务台Foyer 过厅Elevator Hall 电梯厅Rest Room 卫生间Corridor 走廊Cloister 回廊Lounge 休息厅Billiard 台球室GYM 健身室商务办公空间Business Center 商务中心第 1 页Meeting Room 会议室Multi-function Room 多功能厅商业空间Travel Agency 旅行社Book Store 书店Boutique Store 精品店(专卖店)Flower Shop 花店Retail 零售店办公空间Manager Room 经理办公室室内设计中英对照词汇翻译 Iblow-upart work by othersection planTV feature TVwall detailsselected artworktimber conpartment12mm thk tempered glass top finish 12mmpolished cu bronze table leg timber skirtingstudy desktimber backingsocket outletsingle switch socket outlet AFFLFFLpaint finishwall coveringmild steel L-angle support plan sectiondoor pullwallcoveringpivot hinge up to load 200kg up toelevationelevation @ corridorshower door hingesglass door sealdoor panelheavy-dutytrackvanitydoor framedoor closer concealenddoor viewershaftcorridordoor codeQTY=quantitylocationkitchendescriptioncloser 放大图艺术品有其他单位负责剖面图局部(TV 放大图)墙部细节(墙体大样)艺术品选定(艺术品自购)木格(隔断)厚钢化玻璃台面磨光铜桌脚木踢脚线书桌木材背衬(木衬板)电器插座(outlet 出口通风)单开关插座天花完成面地面完成面涂料完成面墙体完成面(壁纸)软钢L 角支撑(L 型软角钢支撑)平面大样门拉手墙面涂料(壁纸)枢轴合页,可负载200kg 胜任,直达立面图走廊立面图淋浴门合页(铰链状)玻璃门封条(封缝条,缓冲条)门板重型的,耐用的导轨梳妆台(小型卫生间)门框隐蔽式闭门器门镜管井,烟道走廊门编号数量,大量地点厨房描述闭门器第 2 页lockset 锁具stopper 软木塞(缓冲条,密封)hinge 铰链push 推,挤,按pull 拉,拨kick plate 刮板door bottom 门铃item 项目,条款,一条,一则brand 商标,牌子model size 型号尺寸cat no. cat=category 种类,类别refer to specification bookironmongery schedulefoyerstone floorebonished (matt ) timbercard key locking systemplan viewstone walldoor handledoor jambdoor buffervelvet surface wropfood/snackschampagne bottlekettle by othersice bucket12mm thick clear glass panel 12mm coated aluminium A/C air supply grille to match wallcoveringretractable timber bunds8mm thk mirror 8mmstone deckbath tubstone vanityremoveable timber shelvingbronze inlaylevel 8 guestroom plan 8scale 1:100hotelfor presention 03/28/1958keyplanstandaro king roomfurnishfixture & furnishing plan图)project NO. 3333sheet NO. 3333drawnapprovedrevisiondouble double bed roomconnection king roomsuitedesign consultants 参照规范用书五金店详单(报表)门厅石材地面亚光面人造黑檀木门卡系统平面图,俯视图石材墙门拉手(门侧柱)门顶缓冲器天鹅绒表面包装食物/零食香槟酒瓶水壶由其他单位负责冰桶厚清玻板备有饰面的铝制空调送风栏配合墙壁饰面(配合墙面的铝制空调格栅)可拉回的木帘(木制百叶帘)厚镜子石材层面浴缸梳妆台石材可移动的木饰面架板(放毛巾)嵌入式铜板层客房平面图比例1:100酒店提交于***索引平面图标准大床客房布置,陈列 vt固定,陈设平面图,家具布置图(平面布置工程号3333表格号3333制图批准修改,修订双人客房(双人双床客房)连接双人客房套房设计顾问第 3 页hirsch/bedner and associates HBAexecutive suite 行政套房internet station 上网站lounge area 休息室reception 接待处restroom 卫生间reading area 阅读区dining area 用餐区buffet counter 自助吧台 pantry area 配餐厅VIP entry foyer VIP 入口前厅bathroom 浴室,卫生间safe 保险箱luggage 行李bedroom 卧室living room 客厅mini bar 迷你吧台powder room 化妆室panty 配菜,备菜wine display 酒品展示区bar counter 柜台study room 研究室master bedroom 主人房master bahroom 主卫jacuzzi 按摩浴缸room matrix 房间矩阵图(索引,概述)individual plan 独立平面图(分类平面图)typical 典型的bathtub 浴缸presidential suite plan 总统套房平面图executive lounge plan 高级休息区平面图royal suite plan 高贵套房平面图satin bronze frame 缎子铜框(数量+观点+形状+国籍+材料绸子一样的青铜框) upholstered seat 软席upholstered panel fin 布饰面板(布面块软包)concealed light by lighting consultant 隐藏灯饰由照明顾问负责timber finish 木材饰面室内设计中英对照词汇翻译 IIetched glass finish 蚀刻玻璃完成面(绣蚀玻璃)headboard 床头板exhaust 排气timber sliding door 木饰面推拉门ceiling 天花concealed track 隐藏导轨(百叶)onyx veneer pendant 悬挂的玛瑙饰面(pendant 悬挂的,吊下的。
CONTENTSA. General description of the small scale project activityB. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodologyC. Duration of the project activity / crediting periodD. Environmental impactsE. Stakeholders’ commentsAnnexesAnnex 1: Contact information on participants in the proposed small scale project activity Annex 2: Information regarding public fundingAnnex 3: Baseline informationAnnex 4: Monitoring InformationRevision history of this documentPlease indicate 1- The title of the project activity- The current version number of the document- The date when the document was completed.Please include in the description:- the purpose of the project activity;- explain how the proposed project activity reduces greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. what type of technology is being employed, what measures are undertaken as part of the project activity, etc);- the view of the project participants on the contribution of the project activity to sustainable develop-ment (max. one page).1 The hint lines presenting the blue italic fonts are added below titles of most sub-sections for the purpose of facilitating PDD development and should be deleted when the CDM-SSC-PDD is completed. The content of the hints is taken from “Part II, B. Specific guidelines for completing CDM-SSC-PDD”in “Guidelines for completing the simplified project design document (CDM-SSC-PDD), the form for submissions on methodologies for small-scale CDM project activities (F-CDM-SSC-Subm) and the form for submission of bundled small-scale CDM project activities (F-CDM-SSC-BUNDLE) Version 04 in effect on Dec 22, 2006”, and is therefore subject to updating over time. (see:http://cdm.unfccc.int/Reference/Documents/GUID_SSC/English/SSCPDDguide.pdf).Please fill in the field and do not exceed one page.Please specify the type and category of the project activity using the categorization of Appendix B to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, hereafter referred to as Appendix B. Note that Appendix B may be revised over time and that the most recent version will be available on the UNFCCC CDM web site http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies.If none of the approved categories under Appendix B are applicable to the proposed project activity new project categories can be proposed for the consideration of the Executive Board, in accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities using a downloadable form found on the CDM Website2.This section should also include a description of how environmentally safe and sound technology and know how is being applied by the project activity.2 http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/SSCmethodologies/ClarificationsIn case public funding from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention is involved, please provide in Annex 2 information on sources of public funding for the project activity from Parties included in Annex I providing an affirmation that such funding does not result in a diversion of official development assistance and is separate from and is not counted towards the financial obligations of those Parties. Note: When the CDM-SSC-PDD is filled in support of a proposed new simplified methodology, it is to be indicated whether public funding from Parties included in Annex I is likely to be involved indicating the Party(ies) the extent possible.Please refer to Appendix C to the simplified modalities and procedures for the small-scale CDM project activities for guidance on how to determine whether the proposed project activity is not a debundled component of a large scale project activity.Please refer to the UNFCCC CDM web site for the most recent list of the small-scale CDM project activity categories contained in Appendix B. Please indicate the number and the version of the approved methodology that is u sed (e.g. “Version 09 of AMS-I.D.”).In this section justify the choice of project type and category (hereafter referred to as “project category”) for the proposed project activity. Please demonstrate that the project activity qualifies as a small-scale project activity and that it will remain under the limits of small-scale project activity types during every year of the crediting period:For Type I: Demonstrate that the capacity of the proposed project activity will not exceed 15 MW (or an appropriate equivalent),For Type II: Demonstrate that the annual energy savings on account of efficiency improvements will not exceed 60 GWh (or an appropriate equivalent) in any year of the crediting period,For Type III: Demonstrate that the estimated emission reductions of the project activity will not exceed 60 ktCO2e in any year of the crediting period.Define the project boundary of the project activity based on the guidance of the applicable project category.Specify the baseline for the proposed project activity with reference to the chosen project category. Explain and justify the key assumptions and rationale. Illustrate in a transparent manner all data used to determine the baseline emissions (variables, parameters, data sources etc.) preferably in a tabular form.Demonstrate that the proposed project activity is additional as per options provided under attachment A to Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities. National policies and circumstances relevant to the baseline of the proposed project activity shall be summarized here.Explain how the procedures, in the approved project category to calculate project emissions, baseline emissions, leakage emissions and emission reductions are applied to the proposed project activity. Clearly state which equations will be used in calculating emission reductions.Explain and justify all relevant methodological choices, including:∙where the category provides different options to choose from (e.g. “combined margin” under AMS I.D);∙where the category provides for different default values (e.g. values for MCF under AMS III.E)This section shall include a compilation of the data and parameters NOT monitored but determined upfront so as to be available for validation. Data from monitoring (e.g. measurements after the implementation of the project activity) should not be included here but in the table in section B.7.1.This may includes data that is measured, if relevant with sample thereof, and data that is collected from sources such as official statistics, expert judgment, proprietary data, IPCC, commercial and scientific literature.Data that is calculated with equations provided in the approved category or default values specified in the category should not be included in the compilation.Provide for each parameter the chosen value or, where relevant, the qualitative information, using the table provided below. Particularly:–Provide the actual value applied. Where time series of data is used, where several measurements are undertaken or where surveys have been conducted, provide detailed information in Annex 3.–Explain and justify the choice for the source of data. Provide clear and transparent references or additional documentation in Annex 3.–Where values have been measured, include a description of the measurement methods and proce-dures that comply with the guidance provided under general guidance to indicative small scale methodologies found on the UNFCCC CDM website (e.g. which standards have been used), indicate the responsible person / entity having undertaken the measurement, the date of measurement(s) and the measurement results. More detailed information can be provided in Annex 3.Provide a transparent ex-ante calculation of project emissions, baseline emissions (or, where applicable, direct calculation of emission reductions) and leakage emissions expected during the crediting period, applying all relevant equations.Document how each equation is applied, in a manner that enables the reader to reproduce the calcula-tion. Where relevant, provide additional background information and or data in Annex 3, including relevant electronic files (i.e. spreadsheets). If the project activity involves more than one component activity ( e.g. one component activity for methane capture applying AMS III.D together with another component for grid connected electricity generation applying AMS I.D) emission reduction calculations for each of the component shall be provided separately in a transparent manner.Summarize the results of the ex-ante estimation of emission reductions for all years of the crediting period, using the table below. If the project activity involves more than one component, a separate tableshall be included for each of the component or each of the approved project category that is applied. A table showing the aggregate emission reductions of the project activity shall also be included.The following two sections (B.7.1 and B.7.2) shall provide a detailed description of the monitoring plan, including an identification of the data to be monitored and the procedures that will be applied during monitoring.Please note that data monitored and required for verification and issuance are to be kept for a minimum of two years after the end of the crediting period or the last issuance of CERs for this project activity, whichever occurs later.Data that becomes available only after validation of the project activity (e.g. measurements after the implementation of the project activity) should be included here.Provide for each parameter the following information, using the table provided below:∙The source(s) of data that will be actually used for the proposed project activity (e.g. which exact national statistics, actual measurement etc. ).∙Where the parameters are to be measured in accordance with the guidance of the approved project category or the general guidance to the indicative methodologies, specify the measurement methods and procedures including accepted industry standards or national or international standards which will be applied, which measurement equipment is used, how the measurement is undertaken, which calibration procedures are applied, what is the accuracy of the measurement method, who is the responsible person / entity that should undertake the measurements and what is the measurement interval.∙ A description of the QA/QC procedures (if any) that should be applied.∙Where relevant: any further comment.Provide any relevant further background documentation in Annex 4.Please provide a detailed description of the monitoring plan. Describe the operational and management structure that the project operator will implement in order to monitor emission reductions and any leakage effects generated by the project activity. Clearly indicate the responsibilities for and institutional arrangements for data collection and archiving. The monitoring plan should reflect good monitoring practice appropriate to the type of project activity. Provide any relevant further background information in Annex 4.Please provide date of completion of the application of the methodology to the project activity inDD/MM/YYYYPlease provide contact information of the persons(s)/entity(ies) responsible for the application of the baseline and monitoring methodology to the project activity and indicate if the person/entity is also a project participant listed in Annex 1.The starting date of a CDM project activity is the date on which the implementation or construction or real action of a project activity begins.C.2.1 or C.2.2 accordingly.Note that the crediting period may only start after the date of registration of the proposed activity as a CDM project activity. In exceptional cases, (see instructions for section C.1.1. above) the starting date of the crediting period may be prior to the date of registration of the project activity as provided for in paragraphs 12 and 13 of decision 17/CP.7 paragraph 1 (c) of decision 18/CP.9 and through any guidance by the Executive Board, available on the UNFCCC CDM web siteEach crediting period shall be at most 7 years and may be renewed at most two times, provided that, for each renewal, a designated operational entity determines and informs the Executive Board that thePlease state the dates in the following format: (DD/MM/YYYY).Please state the length of the crediting period in years and monthsPlease describe the process by which comments by local stakeholders have been invited and compiled. An invitation for comments by local stakeholders shall be made in an open and transparent manner, in a way that facilities comments to be received from local stakeholders and allows for a reasonable time for comments to be submitted. In this regard, project participants shall describe a project activity in a manner which allows the local stakeholders to understand the project activity, taking into account confidentiality provisions of the CDM modalities and procedures.Please explain how due account have been taken of comments received.Annex 1CONTACT INFORMATION ON PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROJECT ACTIVITYAnnex 2INFORMATION REGARDING PUBLIC FUNDINGPlease provide information from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention on sources of public funding for the project activity which shall provide an affirmation that such funding does not result in a diversion of official development assistance and is separate from and is not counted towards the financial obligations of those PartiesAnnex 3BASELINE INFORMATIONPlease provide any further background information used in the application of the baseline methodology. This may include tables with time series data, documentation of measurement results and data sources, etc.Annex 4MONITORING INFORMATIONPlease provide any further background information used in the application of the monitoring methodology. This may include tables with time series data, additional documentation of measurement equipment, procedures, etc.- - - - -。