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佳木斯一中2020—2021学年度第一学期第二学段高二化学试题(时间:90分钟总分:100分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 Na—23 S—32 Cl—35.5 Ag—108 Pb—207I卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题(共12题,每题2分,每题只有一个..答案符合题意,共24分) 1.《格物粗谈·果品》记载“红柿摘下未熟,毎篮用木瓜三枚放入,得气即发,并无涩味”。
按照现代科技观点,该文中的“气”是指( )A.甲烷B.乙烯C.甲醛D.乙炔2.下列电解质的电离方程式正确的是( )A.NaHCO3的水溶液:NaHCO3=Na++H++CO23-B.AgCl电离方程式:AgCl(s) Ag+(aq)+ Cl-(aq)C.NaHSO4的水溶液:NaHSO4=Na++H++SO24-D.H2S的水溶液:H2S2H++S2-3.化学与科学、技术、社会和环境密切相关。
下列说法正确的是( ) A.生理盐水可用作新冠肺炎的消毒剂B.废旧电池含重金属需深度填埋处理C.泡沫灭火器既适用于一般起火,也适用于电器起火D.在海轮外壳上镶入锌块,可减缓船体的腐蚀速率4.两电极用导线连接插入电解质溶液中(不考虑溶液中溶解的氧气的影响),你认为不能构成原电池的是( )5.将氨水缓缓地滴入盐酸中至中性,下列有关的说法中正确的是( )①盐酸过量②氨水过量③恰好完全反应④c (NH+4) = c(Cl-) ⑤c (NH+4) <c(Cl-)A.①⑤B.③④C.②⑤D.②④6.某烯烃(只含1个双键)与2H加成后的产物是,则该烯烃的结构式可能有()A.1种B.2种C.3种D.4种7.下列各转化关系中,不能由一步反应直接实现的是()A.乙炔→聚氯乙烯 B.丁烷→乙烯 C.乙烷→溴乙烷D.乙烯→乙烷8.有5种物质:①甲烷②环己烯③聚乙烯④1,3-丁二烯⑤天然橡胶,既能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色,又能使溴水因反应而褪色的是()A.①③④B.②④⑤C.②③④D.①②③④9.下列说法正确的是( )A.乙烯的结构简式:CH2CH2B.C2H4与C3H6一定互为同系物C.丙烯的实验式:CH2 D.聚丙烯链节的结构简式:-CH2-CH2-CH2-10.下列问题与盐的水解有关的是( )①NH4Cl与ZnCl2溶液可作焊接金属中的除锈剂②加热FeCl3溶液颜色加深③浓Na2S溶液有臭味④实验室盛放Na2CO3溶液的试剂瓶不能用磨口玻璃塞A.①②③B.②③④C.①④D.①②③④11.在室温下,下列等体积的酸和碱溶液混合后,pH一定大于7的是( )A.pH=3的HNO3与pH=11的KOH溶液 B.pH=3的醋酸与pH=11的NaOH溶液C.pH=3的硫酸与pH=11的NaOH溶液 D.pH=3的盐酸与pH=11的氨水12.有机物是制备镇痛剂的中间体。
高二学年上学期期末考试答案【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A【1题详解】A项,选项内容强加因果,原文第一段“传入日本、韩国等国家,并被广为移植和仿建”和“在中华文化的发展传承过程中发挥了重要作用”没有因果关系。
4. C5. B“永初四年”应为农历庚戌年6.B “邓骘使任尚及从事中郎河内司马钧率诸郡兵与滇零等数万人战于平襄,大败,死者八千余人,羌众遂大盛,朝廷不能制”【参考译文】永元十四年冬季,十月辛卯日,汉和帝下诏立邓贵人为皇后。
n=5 s=0WHILE s<15 s=s + n n=n -1 WEND PRINT n END (第3题)黑龙江省佳市高级中学上学期期末考试含答案高二数学文科考试说明:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
”的否定是( )A .错误!未找到引用源。
B .错误!未找到引用源。
C .错误!未找到引用源。
D .错误!未找到引用源。
2.两个量y 与x 的回归模型中,分别选择了4个不同模型,它们的相关指数2R 如下 ,其中拟合效果最好的模型是 ( )A .模型1的相关指数2R 为0.99 B. 模型2的相关指数2R 为0.88 C. 模型3的相关指数2R 为0.50 D. 模型4的相关指数2R 为0.203.右边程序执行后输出的结果是( ) A.1- B .0 C .1 D .2 4.计算1i1i-+的结果是 ( ) A .i B .i - C .2 D .2-5.函数错误!未找到引用源。
的单调递增区间是 ( )A .(),2-∞B .()0,3C .()1,4D .()2,+∞6.已知双曲线22221x y a b-=的一个焦点与抛物线24y x =的焦点重合,且双曲线的离心率等于5,则该双曲线的方程为( )A.224515x y -= B.22154x y -= C.22154y x -= D.225514x y -=7.已知条件:12p x +>,条件2:56q x x ->,则p ⌝是q ⌝的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件8.已知函数()()3261f x x ax a x =++++有极大值和极小值,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .()1,2- B.()(),36,-∞⋃+∞ C .()3,6- D .()(),12,-∞-⋃+∞9.设12,F F 分别是椭圆22+14x y =的左、右焦点,P 是第一象限内该椭圆上的一点,且12PF PF ⊥,则P 点的横坐标为( )A .1 B.83C .22 D.26310.已知在R 上可导的函数()f x 的图象如图所示,则不等式()()0f x f x ⋅'<的解集为( )A.(2,0)-B.(,2)(1,0)-∞-⋃-C.(,2)(0,)-∞-⋃+∞D.(2,1)(0,)--⋃+∞ 11.设32:()21p f x x x mx =+++ 在(),-∞+∞上单调递增;4:3q m >,则p 是q 的( ) A.充要条件 B.充分不必要条件 C.必要不充分条件 D.以上都不对12.斜率为2的直线l 过双曲线)0,0(1:2222>>=-b a by a x C 的右焦点,且与双曲线的左右两支都相交,则双曲线的离心率e 的取值范围是( )A.)2,(-∞B.)3,1(C.)5,1(D.),5(+∞第Ⅱ卷(共90分)二、填空题(20分,每题5分)13.观察新生婴儿的体重,其频率分布直方图如图所示,则新生婴儿体重在(]2700,3000的14.已知,x y ∈R ,若i 2i x y +=-,则x y -= .15.已知函数()y f x =的图象在点()()1,1M f 处的切线方程是13,2y x =+则()()/11f f +=___16.点P 为抛物线x y 42=上一动点,焦点F ,定点)54,2(A ,则PA PF +的最小值为三、解答题(共70分)17(本题10分)为了解某班学生喜爱打篮球是否与性别有关,对本班50人进行了问卷调查得到了如下的列联表:已知在全部50人中随机抽取1人抽到喜爱打篮球的学生的概率为35. (1)请将上面的列联表补充完整;(2)是否有99.5%的把握认为喜爱打篮球与性别有关?说明你的理由()20P K k ≥0.05 0.025 0.010 0.005 0.0010k3.841 5.024 6.635 7.879 10.82818(本题12分)假设某种设备使用的年限x (年)与所支出的维修费用y (元)有以下统计资料:使用年限x 2345 6 维修费用y2 4 567若由资料知y 对x 呈线性相关关系。
n=5 s=0 WHILE s<15 s=s + n n=n-1 WEND PRINT n END (第3题) 黑龙江省高级中学高二上学期期末考试含答案 高二数学理科考试说明:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
”的否定是( ) A .错误!未找到引用源。
B .错误!未找到引用源。
C .错误!未找到引用源。
D .错误!未找到引用源。
2.右边程序执行后输出的结果是( )A.1- B .0 C .1 D .23.由直线1,2,2x x ==曲线1y x =及轴所围图形的面积为 ( ) A .-2ln 2 B .2ln 2 C .1ln 22D .1544.已知双曲线22221x y a b-=的一个焦点与抛物线24y x =的焦点重合,且双曲线的离心率等于5,则该双曲线的方程为( )A.224515x y -= B.22154x y -= C.22154y x -= D.225514x y -= 5.已知条件:12p x +>,条件2:56q x x ->,则p ⌝是q ⌝的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件6.已知函数()()3261f x x ax a x =++++有极大值和极小值,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .()1,2- B.()(),36,-∞⋃+∞ C .()3,6- D .()(),12,-∞-⋃+∞7.设12,F F 分别是椭圆24x +y 2=1的左、右焦点,P 是第一象限内该椭圆上的一点,且12PF PF ⊥,则P 点的横坐标为( )A .1 B.83C .22 D.2638.设(),f x ()g x 分别是定义在R 上的奇函数和偶函数,当0x <时,()()()()0f x g x f x g x ''+>,且()30g =。
佳木斯一中2020-2021学年度第一学期第一学段考试语文试卷答案1.A A项,考查范围在文章第1段。
2.A B项,涉及文章的论证过程,从文章整体内容看,表述正确。
3.B A项,考查范围在第1段。
4.B “大臣持国”的意思是“大臣把持国政”,中间不能断开,据此排除C、D两项。
2019-2020学年高二下学期期末物理模拟试卷一、单项选择题:本题共8小题1.玻璃杯从同一高度落下,掉在水泥地上比掉在草地上容易碎,这是由于玻璃杯与水泥地面撞击的过程中( )A .玻璃杯的动量较大B .玻璃杯受到的冲量较大C .玻璃杯的动量变化较大D .玻璃杯的动量变化较快2.木块a 和b 用一根轻弹簧连接起来,放在光滑水平面上,a 紧靠在墙壁上,在b 上施加向左的水平力使弹簧压缩,如图所示,当撤去外力后,下列说法中正确的是( )①a 尚未离开墙壁前,a 和b 组成的系统动量守恒②a 尚未离开墙壁前,a 和b 组成的系统动量不守恒③a 离开墙壁后,a 和b 组成的系统动量守恒④a 离开墙壁后,a 和b 组成的系统动量不守恒A .①③B .②④C .②③D .①④3.2009年3月29日,中国女子冰壶队首次夺得世界冠军,如图所示,一冰壶以速度v 垂直进入两个矩形区域做匀减速运动,且刚要离开第二个矩形区域时速度恰好为零,则冰壶依次进入每个矩形区域时的速度之比和穿过每个矩形区域所用的时间之比分别是(设冰壶可看成质点)( )A .v 1∶v 2=2∶1B .v 1∶v 2=1∶2C .12:2t t =D .12:(21):1t t =-4.在一个密闭隔热的房间里,有一电冰箱正在工作,如果打开电冰箱的门,过一段时间后房间的温度会( )A .降低B .不变C .升高D .无法判断5.如图甲所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为10:1,120R =Ω,230R C =Ω为电容器,已知通过1R 的正弦交流电如图乙所示,则( )A.通过1R的电流方向每秒改变50次B.电阻2R的电功率约为6.67瓦C.原线圈输入电压的峰值为2002VD.若将电容器上下极板左右错开一定距离,通过3R的电流增大6.如图所示,线框在匀强磁场中绕OO'轴匀速转动(由上向下看是逆时针方向),当转到图示位置时,磁通量和感应电动势大小的变化情况是()A.磁通量和感应电动势都在变大B.磁通量和感应电动势都在变小C.磁通量在变小,感应电动势在变大D.磁通量在变大,感应电动势在变小7.如图所示,固定容器及可动活塞P都是绝热的,中间有一导热的固定隔板B,B的两边分别盛有气体甲和乙,现将活塞P缓慢地向B移动一段距离,已知气体的温度随其内能的增加而升高,则在移动P的过程中()A.外力对乙做功,甲的内能不变B.外力对甲做功,甲的内能增加C.乙传递热量给甲,乙的内能减少D.甲吸热,乙放热,甲、乙内能都增加8.图为某电场的电场线,关于A、B两点的电场强度,下列判断正确的是()A.大小不等,方向相同B.大小不等,方向不同C.大小相等,方向相同D.大小相等,方向不同二、多项选择题:本题共4小题9.光电管电路连接如图甲所示,分别在不同颜色光的照射下,调节滑动变阻器,记录电压表和电流表的示数;调换电源正负极,调节滑动变阻器,记录电压表和电流表示数。
2020-2021学年佳木斯市第一中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhen the weather is bad or when the flu breaks out, we can let the kids do some fun things at home, which can be beneficial to kids.Reading out loudIf your children are young enough, don't forget to read books to them out loud! Few children dislikehaving a good book read to them, and it's great for the development of their brains. However, if your children are a bit older and have moved onto more advanced books, there is always the choice of listening to an audiobook. This can also be done while they're doing something else.Playing board gamesMaybe your children's table is full of board games, which have been forgotten for a long time. It's a good time to bring them out when playing outside is no longer a choice. Surely, playing board games is a great way to connect with children. In addition, many board games are designed to get children thinking!Having a dance partyConsidering that all you need is a speaker or maybe just a phone, you can have a dance party wherever you are! This is a great way to get kids’ bodies moving when they are inside. Play some of your children's favorite music and let them dance to it. Not only is it good exercise, but it will help your children feel time is flying!Doing jigsaw (拼图) puzzlesFor most people that have children, it's common to have at least one jigsaw puzzle at home. Jigsaw puzzles are great because everyone can do them on their own time. Besides, your whole family will have a sense of achievement when everyone is smiling over the finished product.1. What do reading out loud and playing board games have in common?A. They both develop children's team spirit.B. They both improve children's listening ability.C. They both do good to children's thinking ability.D. They both focus on interaction between children.2. Which of the following combines exercise and music?A. Reading out loud.B. Playing board games.C. Doing jigsaw puzzles.D. Having a dance party.3. What is the purpose of the text?A. To list four interesting children's parties.B. To recommend four children's favorite books.C. To introduce some activities for children inside.D. To show some funny things for children outside.BLas Vegascity inNevadais built in a desert. The city may be known to the outside world for its partying. But officials have found that there are 21 square kilometers of useless grass. The grass is never laid on, played on or even stepped on. The grass is only there to look nice.Now, the city is asking theNevadastate legislature to ban useless grass. It is trying to become the first place inAmericato ban that kind of grass often seen between streets, in housing developments and in office parks.It is estimated that useless grass makes up 40% of all the grass inLas Vegasand it needs a lot of water to survive. Grass needs four times more water than dry climate plants like cactus. By tearing out the grass, the city could reduce yearly water usage by 15%.In 2003, the Southern Nevada Water Authority banned developers from planting grass in front of new homes. It also offered homeowners $ 30 for each square meter of grass they tear out. But fewer people are now using the program. Water usage has increased in southernNevadaby 9% since 2019. And last year,Las Vegaswent a record 240 days without major rainfall. The Colorado River provides much ofNevada's drinking water. The river could lose more water as climate change affects it.Water officials in other dry cities said water usage needs to be reduced. But they fear the reaction to reforms like the ones inLas Vegasif their communities do not accept them. Cynthia Campbell is the water resources adviser for the city ofPhoenixinArizona. “There might come a point when city restrictions get too severe for some residents. They'll say that is the point of no return for them,”Campbellsaid. “For some people, it's a pool. For some people, it's grass.”4. Why doesLas Vegascity try to ban useless grass?A. To protect the local people.B. To beautify the city.C. To reduce water usage.D. To reduce waste.5. What program was carried out inLas Vegasin 2003?A. Allowing planting grass before new houses.B. Encouraging the residents to tear out grass.C. Praising those who signed on the program.D. Awarding those who reduced water usage.6. What is implied inCampbell's words in the last paragraph?A. Many residents won't follow the ban.B. Reaction to the reform will vary personally.C. Other measures should be taken to protect wetter.D. Water officials should take many factors into account.7. What is the best title for the text?s VegasPlans to Ban Useless GrassB. A Method Is Adopted to SaveLas VegasC. Choices between Beauty and PracticeD. Grass Is Important but Useless inLas VegasCIf you could travel back in time, which period of history would you visit? It’s a great question to ask your friends, and time travel is the subject of many science fiction films. Of course, sci-fi is familiar to most of us, butwhat is cli-fi? The simple answer is climate fiction which focuses on the subject of climate change.Many of the cli-fi examples we watch tend to be disaster films. It could be solar flares (太阳耀斑), ice ages devastating (摧毁) the planet, extreme flooding swamping the earth with water, or super-storms that threaten life as we know it. While films and novels of this style are often subject to the typical images of a hero or heroine battling to save the day, what sets it apart from most sci-fi films is that the plots will often draw on apparently reasonable outcomes in the near future.Climate change and the potential threats have long been established. Some believe that the issue of climate change has even led to more fans watching films to learn more about what's happening to the world – seeing it as a form of edutainment. A study conducted by the Yale programme on Climate Change Communication tested the effects that two climate fiction novels can have on its readers and found “significant positive effects” in terms of their attitudes and beliefs towards the climate crisis – for example, understanding global warming will harm them and future generations.Most climate films are not only extremely popular action films, but also cause our fear of what some see as the approaching end of the world. This sounds bad, but according to a study conducted on 310 adults in the US, watching such scary films can help us feel more prepared and less alone in situations such as the pandemic (疫情). So, it looks like cli-fi is hereto stay – and there seem to be some benefits. Whether it’s there to educate, entertain or prepare you for a climate crisis, it might have a role to play.8. Which of the following may be the subject of cli-fi?A. Time travel.B. Global warming.C. Weather forecast.D. Economic climate.9. What can we learn about cli-fi films from paragraph 2?A. They are often about extreme natural disasters.B. They want to show that man can conquer nature.C. They usually have similar plots with sci-fi films.D. They can show the true near future of the world.10. Why is the study conducted by the Yale programme mentioned in paragraph 3?A. To prove that climate change has potential threats.B. To show that people like climate fiction novels.C. To tell that cli-fi novels have positive effects on readers.D. To explain how the climate crisis affect the human being.11. What does the writer mainly want to tell us in the last paragraph?A. Cli-fi films are very popular as action films.B. A study was conducted on 310 adults in theUS.C. The pandemic make people scared and alone.D. Cli-fi films are useful and will be here to stay.DElizabeth Spelke, a cognitive psychologist at Harvard, has spent her career testing the world’s most complex learning system-the mind of a baby. Babies might seem like no match for artificial intelligence (AI). They are terrible at labeling images, hopeless at mining text, and awful at video games. Then again, babies can do things beyond the reach of any AI. By just a few months old, they’ve begun to grasp the foundations of language, such as grammar. They’ve started to understand how to adapt to unfamiliar situations.Yet even experts like Spelke don’t understand precisely how babies or adults learn. Consider one of the mostimpressive examples of AI, Alpha Zero, a programme that plays board games with superhuman skill. After playing thousands of games against itself at a super speed, and learning from winning positions, Alpha Zero independently discovered several famous chess strategies and even invented new ones. It certainly seems like a machineeclipsinghuman cognitive abilities. But Alpha Zero needs to play millions more games than a person during practice to learn a game. Most importantly, it cannot take what it has learned from the game and apply it to another area.To some AI experts, that calls for a new approach. In a November research paper, Francois Chollet, a well-known AI engineer, argued that it’s misguided to measure machine intelligence just according to its skills at specific tasks. “Humans don’t start out with skills; they start out with a broad ability to acquire new skills,” he says. “What a strong human chess player is demonstrating is not only the ability to play chess, but the potential to fulfill any task of a similar difficulty.”12. Compared to an advanced AI programme, a baby might be better at ________.A playing games B. identifying locations C. labeling pictures D. making adjustments13. What does the underlined word “eclipsing” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Imitating.B. Beating.C. Limiting.D. Promoting.14. According to the text, Francois Chollet may agree that ________.A. AI is good at completing certain assignments.B. AI is likely to gain abilities with less training.C. AI lacks the ability of acquiring specific skills.D. AI performs better than humans in cognitive ability.15. Whichwould be the best title for this passage?A. What is exactly intelligence?B. Why is modern AI advanced?C. Where is human intelligence going?D. How do humans face the challenge of AI?第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
佳木斯一中2020—2021第一学年度第二学段高二数学(文科)试卷时间:120分钟一.选择题(本题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.双曲线y 225-x 224=1的焦距为 ( )A.2B. 8C. 10D.142.圆O 1:x 2+y 2-2x =0和圆O 2:x 2+y 2-4y =0的位置关系是 ( )A.相离B.相交C.外切D.内切3.已知m ,n 表示两条不同直线,α表示平面,下列说法正确的是 ( )A .若m α⊥,n α⊂,则m n ⊥B .若//,//,m n αα则//m nC .若m α⊥,m n ⊥,则//n αD .若//m α,m n ⊥,则n α⊥4.设变量x ,y 满足约束条件202011x y x y x y +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎪⎨≥-⎪⎪≥-⎩则目标函数z =-4x +y 的最大值为 ( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D . 65.圆x 2+y 2-2x -2y +1=0上的点到直线x -y =2距离的最大值是 ( )A . 12.2 C .212+ D .222+6.设椭圆C :x 24+y 2=1的左焦点为F ,直线l :y =kx (k ≠0)与椭圆C 交于A ,B 两点,则|AF |+|BF |的值是 ( )A .2B .3.4 D .437.在各棱长均相等的直三棱柱ABC -A 1B 1C 1中,已知M 是棱BB 1的中点,N 是棱AC 的中点,则异面直线A 1M 与BN 所成角的正切值为 ( ) A. 3 B .6D .228.若点O 和点F 分别为椭圆x 24+y 23=1的中心和左焦点,点P 为椭圆上的任意一点,则 OP FP 的最大值为 ( )A .2B .3C .6D .89.已知点0(4,)M y 在抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>上,点M 到抛物线C 的焦点F 的距离为5,设O 为坐标原点,则OFM ∆的面积为 ( ) A .1 B .2 C .2 D .2210.唐代诗人李颀的诗《古从军行》开头两句说“百日登山望烽火,黄昏饮马傍交河”诗中隐含着一个有趣的数学故事“将军饮马”的问题,即将军在观望烽火之后从山脚下某处出发,先到河边饮马后再回到军营,怎样走才能使总路程最短?在平面直角坐标系中,设军营所在位置为坐标原点,若将军从()2,0A 出发,河岸线所在直线方程40x y +-=,则“将军饮马”的最短总路程为 ( ) A .5 B .25 C .4 D .4511.如图,棱长为1的正方体ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1中,P 为线段A 1B 上的动点,则下列结论不正确的是 ( )A .平面D 1A 1P ⊥平面A 1APB .DC 1⊥D 1PC .三棱锥B 1-D 1PC 的体积为定值 D .∠APD 1的取值范围是(0,)2π 12.已知中心在坐标原点的椭圆与双曲线有公共焦点,且左、右焦点分别为1F ,2F .这两条曲线在第一象限的交点为P ,12PF F ∆是以1PF 为底边的等腰三角形.若1||10PF =,记椭圆与双曲线的离心率分别为1e ,2e ,则12e e 的取值范围是 ( ) A .1(,)3+∞ B .1(,)5+∞ C .1(,)9+∞ D .1(,)11+∞ 二.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.抛物线214y x =的准线方程为___________. 14.过椭圆221164x y +=内一点()2,1M 做一条弦,使弦被M 点平分,则此弦所在直线方程是__________________.15.如图为一个几何体的三视图,则该几何体的外接球的表面积为_____16.双曲线C :)0,0(12222>>=-b a by a x 的左,右焦点分别为21,F F ,过1F 的直线与C 的左,右两支分别交于A ,B 两点,点M 在x 轴上,213F A MB =,2:1:1=BM BF ,则双曲线C 的渐近线方程为__________ 三.解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分。
解答过程写在答题卡的相应位置)17.已知圆C :224x y +=.(1)求过点()2,3A 的圆C 的切线方程;(2)求过点13,22B ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭的最短弦所在直线方程.18.已知双曲线C : 22221x y a b -=(a >0,b >0)与椭圆22195x y +=共焦点,且双曲线C 的离心率2. (1)求双曲线的方程;(2)过双曲线右焦点F 2作倾斜角为45°的直线,直线与双曲线交于不同的两点A ,B ,求弦|AB |的长.19. 如图,在四棱锥P -ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,AB ⊥AD ,CD =2AB ,P A ⊥底面ABCD ,E 和F 分别是CD 和PC 的中点,求证:(1)BE ∥平面P AD ;(2)平面BEF ⊥平面PCD .20.已知动圆C过定点1(0,)2F-,且与定直线12y=相切.(1)求动圆圆心C的轨迹E的方程;(2)动圆圆心C的轨迹E与过点(0,1)-的直线l交于A,B两点,O为原点,若OA和OB的斜率之和为1,求直线l的方程21.如图,四棱锥P-ABCD中,底面ABCD是边长为2的菱形,∠BAD=π3,△P AD是等边三角形,F为AD的中点,PD⊥BF.(1)求证:AD⊥PB;(2)若E在线段BC上,且EC=14BC,能否在棱PC上找到一点G,使平面DEG⊥平面ABCD?若存在,求出三棱锥D-CEG的体积;若不存在,请说明理由.22.已知椭圆C:22221(0)x ya ba b+=>>的右焦点为(1,0),且经过点A(0,1).(1)求椭圆C的方程;(2)设O为原点,直线l:y=kx+t(t≠±1)与椭圆C交于两个不同点P,Q,直线AP与x轴交于点M,直线AQ与x轴交于点N.若|OM|·|ON|=2,求证:直线l经过定点.佳木斯一中2020—2021第一学年度第二学段高二数学(文科)参考答案一.选择题DBACA CCCBB DA二.填空题13.1y =- 14.240x y +-=15.12π 16.y =三.解答题17.解:(1)2x =或512260x y -+= (2)350x y +-=18. 解:(1)2213y x -= (2)6AB = 19.解 (1)因为AB ∥CD ,CD =2AB ,E 为CD 的中点, 所以AB ∥DE ,且AB =DE ,所以四边形ABED 为平行四边形.所以BE ∥AD .又因为BE ⊄平面PAD ,AD ⊂平面PAD ,所以BE ∥平面PAD .(2)因为AB ⊥AD ,而且ABED 为平行四边形. 所以BE ⊥CD ,AD ⊥CD ,因为PA ⊥底面ABCD ,CD ⊂平面ABCD ,所以PA ⊥CD ,且PA ∩AD =A ,PA ,AD ⊂平面PAD , 所以CD ⊥平面PAD ,又PD ⊂平面PAD ,所以CD ⊥PD .因为E 和F 分别是CD 和PC 的中点,所以PD ∥EF .所以CD ⊥EF ,又BE ⊥CD 且EF ∩BE =E ,所以CD ⊥平面BEF ,又CD ⊂平面PCD ,所以平面BEF ⊥平面PCD .20.解:(1)动圆圆心C 的轨迹E 的方程为22x y =-. (2)1y x =-21.解:(1)证明:连接PF ,因为△PAD 是等边三角形, 所以PF ⊥AD .因为底面ABCD 是菱形,∠BAD =π3,所以BF ⊥AD . 又PF ∩BF =F ,所以AD ⊥平面BFP ,又PB ⊂平面BFP ,所以AD ⊥PB .(2)能在棱PC 上找到一点G ,使平面DEG ⊥平面ABCD . 由(1)知AD ⊥BF ,因为PD ⊥BF ,AD ∩PD =D ,所以BF ⊥平面PAD .又BF ⊂平面ABCD ,所以平面ABCD ⊥平面PAD , 又平面ABCD ∩平面PAD =AD ,且PF ⊥AD ,所以PF ⊥平面ABCD .连接CF 交DE 于点H ,过H 作HG ∥PF 交PC 于点G , 所以GH ⊥平面ABCD .又GH ⊂平面DEG ,所以平面DEG ⊥平面ABCD .因为AD ∥BC ,所以△DFH ∽△ECH ,所以CH HF =CE DF =12,所以CG GP =CH HF =12, 所以GH =13PF =33, 所以V D CEG =V G CDE =13S △CDE ·GH =13×12DC ·CE ·sin π3·GH =112. 22.解:(1)由题意,得b 2=1,c =1,所以a 2=b 2+c 2=2.所以椭圆C 的方程为x 22+y 2=1. (2)证明:设P (x 1,y 1),Q (x 2,y 2),则直线AP 的方程为y =y 1-1x 1x +1.令y =0,得点M 的横坐标x M =-x 1y 1-1.又y 1=kx 1+t , 从而|OM |=|x M |=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x 1kx 1+t -1. 同理,|ON |=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x 2kx 2+t -1. 由⎩⎨⎧y =kx +t ,x 22+y 2=1得(1+2k 2)x 2+4ktx +2t 2-2=0, 则x 1+x 2=-4kt 1+2k 2,x 1x 2=2t 2-21+2k 2. 所以|OM |·|ON |=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x 1kx 1+t -1·⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x 2kx 2+t -1 =⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x 1x 2k 2x 1x 2+k (t -1)(x 1+x 2)+(t -1)2 =⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪2t 2-21+2k 2k 2·2t 2-21+2k 2+k (t -1)·⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-4kt 1+2k 2+(t -1)2 =2⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪1+t 1-t . 又|OM |·|ON |=2,所以2⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪1+t 1-t =2. 解得t =0,所以直线l 经过定点(0,0).。