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五、其他注意事项1. 选型人员需要了解伺服电机的基本原理和性能指标,避免因为对产品不熟悉而选择错误的型号。
2. 需要对负载特性进行准确的测量和分析,以确保选型的准确性。
3. 在选择伺服电机时,还需要考虑到未来的发展需求,以避免产品在后期无法满足实际需求的情况。
常见的伺服电机类型包括直流伺服电机(DC Servo Motor)、交流伺服电机(AC Servo Motor)、步进电机(Stepper Motor)等。
K O L L M O R G E N | A K o l l m o r g e n C O M PA N Y欢迎来到科尔摩根官方微信科尔摩根3目录u AKM ™ 同步伺服电机4u AKD ™ 伺服驱动器8u AKM ™ 各种选件12u AKM ™ 防水型和食品级防水型电机13u AKM ™ 系统综述14u AKM ™ 图纸和性能数据AKM1x 16AKM2x 20AKM3x24AKM4x 28AKM5x 34AKM6x 40AKM7x 44AKM8x48u L 10 轴承疲劳寿命和轴负载53u 反馈选件56u 抱闸选件60u 伺服电机连接器选件61u 型号命名67u MOTIONEERING ® Online71科尔摩根A K M 同步伺服电机选型指南克服设计、采购和时间障碍科尔摩根明白:帮助原始设备制造商的工程师克服障碍,可以显著提高其工作成效。
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Kollmorgen Housed Direct Drive Rotary (DDR) MotorsSelection Guidewith AKD TM Servo Drive SystemshousedddRmotoR2Removing the Barriers of Design, Sourcing, and Time At Kollmorgen, we know that oem engineers can achieve a lot more when obstacles aren’t in the way. so, we knock them down in three important ways:Integrating Standard and Custom ProductsThe optimal solution is often not clear-cut. Our application expertise allows us to modify standard products or develop totally custom solutions across our whole product portfolio so that designs can take flight.Providing Motion Solutions, Not Just Components As companies reduce their supplier base and have lessengineering manpower, they need a total system supplier with a wide range of integrated solutions. Kollmorgen is in full response mode with complete solutions that combine programming software, engineering services and best-in-class motion components.Global FootprintWith direct sales, engineering support, manufacturing facilities,and distributors across North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia, we’re close to OEMs worldwide. Our proximity helps speed delivery and lend support where and when they’re needed.h o u s e d d i R e C t d R i v e R o t A R y m o t o R s g l o b a l su p p o r t •g l o b a l d e v e l o p m e n t a n d m a n u f a c tu ri n g • f i n a n c i a l s t a b i l i t y • lo c a l ap p l i c a t i o n t e a m s • g l o b al s e r v i c e • Motion is at our core.a p p l i c a t i o nk n o w l ed ge • ex p er i e n c e • e ngi n e e r i n g e x p e rt i s e •housedddRmotoR4h o u s e d d d R m o t o R5w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m The Benefits of Housed DDR Motor• Zero Maintenance with Greater Accuracy and Higher Bandwith• Smoother velocity and reduced, audible noise • Power transmission without backlash• Transmission elements such as couplings, toothed belts, spindles, and other fitted components can be eliminated • No gearboxes, no lubrication required• Wide Range of Sizes and Torque to Cover any Direct Drive Rotary (DDR) Application• Increased performance for the entire system • Flat, compact drive solution• Easily mix / match motors and drives (without serial numbers)• Speeds up to 800 rpm for continuous velocity applications•Simplified, High Torque Density Permanent Magnet Design• Provides more speed and torque vs. variable reluctance motors • Rapid indexing of large inertia loads with peak torque up to 990 lb-ft • Carry heavy loads for indexing with axial loading up to 12,700 lbs • Operate motor with significant offset loads up to 472 lb-ft • Large through bore providing run process fluids, pneumatic, and electrical through center of motor• Reduced audible noise, fewer parts and lower cost of ownership • More compact machine and reduced design timeh o u s e d d d R m o t o R6K o L L m o R G e NHoused DDR MotorApplication Problem Solution BenefitsBelt/pulley• Zero maintenance• No belt adjustment/replacement • No belt compliance• Better servo performance • Clean mechanical assembly • Flat profile • Quiet• Reduced number of parts • Hollow shaftRotary Indexer• Zero maintenance • No gearbox lubrication • No gearbox backlash • Better servo performance • Quiet• Reduced number of parts • Hollow shaftDDRh o u s e d d d R m o t o R7housed ddR motors are multi-pole (16 to 32) hollow shaft motors with their own bearings and high-resolution encoder system. they are coupled directly to the load and enable very precise and repeatable systems. housed ddR motors are maintenance free and run more quietly and with better dynamics than systems that use gears, belts, cams or other mechanical transmission components.Realized Housed DDR Benefits The Direct Drive AdvantageThe following improvements were observed compared to the previous design that used a mechanical indexer:Improved RepeatabilityThe Housed DDR demonstrated a repeatability better than 1 arc-second which was substantially better than the mechanical indexer.No DegradationDirect drive system performance, accuracy and repeatability do not degrade over time as they do with a mechanical indexer. With a mechanical indexer, as parts wear over time, the accuracy and repeatability degrade.Immediate StopThe direct drive system can immediately stop if there is a process error. The mechanical indexer required several cycles to stop which could cause tooling and machine damage.Greatly Reduced Audible NoiseWith the mechanical indexer, the noise was at a level such that two people would have to yell to hear each other. By contrast, if you turned your back to the Housed DDR, you could barely detect that it was running.Easy Profile ChangeMotion parameters such as index angle, speed, acceleration, and dwell are very simple to change with the Housed DDR. The mechanical indexer does not support flexible motion profiles.Better ValueThe Housed DDR is attractively priced compared to the mechanical indexer it replaced. When the other advantages listed above are also considered, the Housed DDR was the obvious choice.DDR Motor Features• Four frame sizes • Robust cross-roller bearing • Dual bearing option • IP67 option• Continuous torque range: 5.8 Nm (4.3 lb-ft) to 339 Nm (250 lb-ft)• Optimized torque output with high-pole count efficient electromagnetic design• Integrated high-resolution sine-encoder • 134,217,728 counts per rev resolution, 27 bits • Feedback accuracy: +/- 26 arc-sec •Repeatability better than 1 arc-secHoused DDR AdvantageConsider how a Housed DDR motor improved a medical manufacturing machine.Product is located at the steel pins on the outside of the machine’s turret as shown. The 115 kg load wheel has an inertia of 20 kg-m 2. There are 96 steel pins for an index angle of 3.5 degrees to move. The move is accomplished in less than 100 ms.d i Re C t d R i v e t e C h N o L o G y8K o L L m o R G e NDirect Drive TechnologyConventional servo systems commonly have a mechanical transmission which can consist of gears, gearheads, belts/pulleys or cams connected between the motor and the load.With direct drive technology, the mechanical transmission is eliminated and the motor is coupled directly to the load.Why Use Direct Drive Technology?Increased Accuracy and RepeatabilityA “precision” planetary gearhead could have a backlash of 1 arc-minute. This can result in the load moving by 1 arc-minute with an absolutely stationary drive motor. Kollmorgen’s standard direct drive rotary (DDR) servomotors have repeatability better than 1 arc-second. Therefore, a direct drive motor can hold a position 60 times better than a conventional motor/gearhead.The increased accuracy of direct drive technology results in a higher quality product out of the machine:• Print registration is more accurate• Cut or feed lengths can be held more precisely• Coordination with other machine axes is more accurate • Indexing location is more exact• Tuning issues due to backlash are eliminatedHigher BandwidthMechanical transmission components impose a limit on how fast a machine can start and stop and also extend the required settling time. These factors limit the possible throughput of a machine.Direct drive technology removes these limitations and allows for much faster start/stop cycles and also provides greatly reduced settling time. This will allow a greater throughput from the machine. Users of direct drive systems have reported up to a 2X increase in throughput.Improved Reliability and Zero MaintenanceGears, belts, and other mechanical transmission parts break. By eliminating these parts and using DDR motors, the reliability of the machine is improved. Gearheads require periodic lubrication and/or replacement in aggressive start/stop applications. Belts require periodic tightening. There are no time-wear components in a direct drive motorand consequently they require zero maintenance.Servomotor and GearheadDirect Drive MotorImproved RepeatabilityIncreased ThroughputGearbox BacklashDDRRepeatability 60 Times BetterArcMinutes1-1d i Re C t d R i v e t e C h N o L o G y9Fewer PartsWith direct drive motors, all you need is the motor and the mounting bolts. This often replaces many parts including brackets, guards, belts, pulleys, tensioners, couplings, and bolts, resulting in:• Fewer parts on the BOM. Less parts to purchase, schedule, inventory and control, and less parts to assemble.• Assembly time of the servo drops from several hours with the mechanical transmission to several minutes with the DDR. • Reduced cost. Although a direct drive motor may carry a small price-premium compared to a motor/gearhead with the same torque, consider that there is an overall cost reduction wheneliminating the parts and labor of all the extra components required in a servo system with mechanical transmission.No Inertia MatchingServo systems with mechanical transmissions require inertia matching that limits the reflected load inertia at five to ten times the motor inertia. If this limitation is not met, the system becomes difficult to control due to instability issues. Inertia matching limitations of mechanical transmission systems often force machine designers to use a larger motor than would otherwise be required just to satisfy the inertia matching requirement.Such sizing conventions are not required with direct drive technology. Since the motor is directly connected to the load, the inertia of the motor and the load become a common inertia. Therefore, no inertia matching is required when using DDR. DDR applications have run with inertia ratios greater than 11,000:1.Reduced Audible NoiseMachines with DDR motors have audible noise levels as low as 20 dB less than the same machine with a mechanical transmission.AKdseRvodRive10A K d s e R v o d R i v e11The Benefits of AKD Servo Drive• Optimized Performance in Seconds• Auto-tuning is one of the best and fastest in the industry • Automatically adjusts all gains, including observers • Immediate and adaptive response to dynamic loads • Precise control of all motor types• Compensation for stiff and compliant transmission and couplings• Greater Throughput and Accuracy• Up to 27-bit-resolution feedback yields unmatched precision and excellent repeatability• Very fast settling times result from a powerful dual processor system that executes industry-leading and patent pending servo algorithms with high resolution• Advanced servo techniques such as high-order observer and bi-quad filters yield industry-leading machine performance • Highest bandwidth torque-and-velocity loops. Fastest digital current loop in the market• Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Faster Commissioning and Troubleshooting• Six-channel real-time software oscilloscope commissions and diagnoses quickly• Multi-function Bode Plot allows users to quickly evaluate performance• Auto-complete of programmable commands saves looking up parameter names• One-click capture and sharing of program plots and parameter settings allow you to send machine performance data instantly • Widest range of programming options in the industry• Flexible and Scalable to Meet Any Application• 3 to 96 Arms continuous current; 9 to 192 Arms peak • Very high power density enables an extremely small package • True plug-and-play with all standard Kollmorgen servomotors and positioners• Supports a variety of single and multi-turn feedback devices— Smart Feedback Device (SFD), EnDat2.2, 01, BiSS, analog Sine/ Cos encoder, incremental encoder, HIPERFACE ®, and resolver • Tightly integrated Ethernet motion buses without the need to add large hardware: EtherCAT ®, SynqNet ®, Modbus/TCP , and CANopen ®• Scalable programmability from base torque-and-velocity through multi-axis masterA K ds eR v o dRi v ethe AKd servo drive delivers cutting-edge technology and performance with one of the most compact footprints in theindustry. these feature-rich drives provide a solution for nearly any application, from basic torque-and-velocity applications, to indexing, to multi-axis programmable motion with embedded Kollmorgen Automation suite™. the versatile AKd sets the standard for power density and performance.AKD Servo DriveA K d s e R v o d R i v e13w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c omNote: For complete AKd model nomenclature, refer to page 34.Modbus/TCPHWCo-Engineering CapabilitiesBecause Kollmorgen offers the highest quality and broadest range of best-in-class motion components, we can supply standard, modified or customized solutions to meet any application need.We have co-engineer solutions to meet your most difficult challenges and advance your competitive position. drawing on a wealth of knowledge and expertise, our engineering support team will work alongside with you to build a solution that differentiates your machine and improves your bottom line.here are just few examples of how Kollmorgen delivers real value to companies likes yours:What You Need Why Motion Matters Kollmorgen Co-Engineering Results30% Increase in Throughput• Low inertia servomotors• High bandwidth servo loops• Simple, accurate, graphical programming tools Using Kollmorgen Automation Suite TM’s graphical camming design tool, Pipe Network TM and low-inertia AKM motors, a major supplier of medical equipment increased throughput by more than 30% while improving accuracy and reducing scrap.50% Increase in Accuracy and Quality• Low cogging servomotors• Advaced observers and bi-quad filters• Fast control loop update rates (.67µs)Using or AKD TM, a next-generation CT scanning manufacturer achieved more than 50% improvement in velocity ripple to produce the most accurate and detailed medical images possible while overcoming an extremely high moment of inertia.25% Increase in Reliability (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)• Innovative Cartridge DDR TM• Eliminating parts on the machine• No additional wearing componentsUsing Kollmorgen’s award-winning CartridgeDDR TM sevomotor technology, we eliminatedmore than 60 parts in a die-cutting machine andincreased the OEE by 25% and throughput by20%.50% Reduction in Waste• Superior motor/drive system bandwidth• DDR technology:– eliminates gearbox– 20X more accurate than geared solution We helped a manufacturer of pharmaceutical packaging machines incorporate Housed DDR motors to increase the throughput by 35% and reduce scrap by more than 50% through more accurate alignment of the capsules.Co-eNGiNeeRiNGCAPABiLities14h o u s e d d d R m o t o R s y s t e m s u m m A R y15w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o mHoused DDR Motor System SummaryMotor Outside / Inside Diameters by Model D(H)06D(H)08xD(H)10xNote 1: Continuous torque with sine encoder feedback. For continuous torque with resolver feedback, see the Performance data table.Motor Outside / Inside Diameters by Model16K o L L m o R G e NNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply tc by 1.06.2. Curves for 230 v applicable to single or three phase input power.Housed DDR D06X Performance Datah o u s e dd d R d h 0 6 xP e R F o R m A N C ed A t ANotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06. Housed DDR DH06X Performance Data17 w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m18K o L L m o R G e NHoused DDR D06X Outline Drawings"O" RING GROOVEh o u s e d d d d R 06x o u t L i N e d R A W i N G sNotes19w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m20K o L L m o R G e NHoused DDR D08X Performance DataNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply tc by 1.06.2. Curves for 230 v applicable to single or three phase input power.h o u s e d d d R d 08x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t ANotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06.Housed DDR DH08X Performance Datah o u s e d d d R d h 08x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t AHoused DDR D08X Outline Drawings"O" RING GROOVEh o u s e d d d R d 08x o u t L i N e d R A W i N G sNoteshousedddRd1xPeRFoRmANCedAtA230 VACNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply tc by 1.06.2. Curves for 230 v applicable to single or three phase input power.Housed DDR D10X Performance DataNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06. Housed DDR DH10X Performance DatahousedddRdh1xPeRFoRmANCedAtA"O" RING GROOVEHoused DDR D10X Outline DrawingshNotes230 VACNotes:1.For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06.Housed DDR D14X Performance Datah o u s e d d d R d 14x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t ANotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06.Housed DDR DH14X Performance Datah o u s e d d d R d h 14x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t AHoused DDR D14X Outline Drawings hNotes31w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o mh o u s e d d d R m o t o R 32K o L L m o R G e NCustom ApplicationsC u s t o m A P P L i C A t i o N sPRECISION DOWEL PIN HOLES 0.250" FORCUSTOMER INDEXING DDR MOTOR, ENCODER OPTION WITHDUAL SHAFT SEALS, IP67DDR WITH PRECISION TOLERANCE COMPONENTSFOR PRECISE POSITIONINGDDR WITH AIR COOLING OPTION TO INCREASECONTINUOS OUTPUT TORQUE33w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m Application Notesis desired or operation during vibration or shock,please contact Customer Support.Moment load ratings are limited by shaft deflection at the resolver;for sine encoder units please contact Customer Support.Standard motor is not designed for repetitive small angle oscillations less than ±13°.Please contact Customer Support for additional options.Motor is not intended to be directly coupled to a load which has it’s own two bearing system.A flexible coupling is advised to prevent premature bearing failure in these applications.Motor may be mounted in any orientation provided the axial (both tension and compression) limits are observed.All applications having moment loads in tension should be reviewed by Customer Support.All bolts for mounting load and base should be used to ensure stiff coupling.of bearingRadial ForceMoment Load = For ce * (D + L)Moment Load = For ce * DAxial ForceApplication Notes:1. Axial load rating dynamic values based on an L 10life rating when motor is mounted on a rigid base and running under normal operation conditions. L 10 life ratings for applications where high rotational accuracy is desired or operation during vibrationorshock,pleasecontactcustomersupportat(540)633-3545,**************************************.2. standard motor is not designed for repetitive small angle oscillations less than ± 13°. Please contact customer support for additional options.3. motor is not intended to be directly coupled to a load which has its own two bearing system.4. motor may be mounted in any orientation provided the axial (both tension and compression) limits are observed. All applications having moment loads in tension should be reviewed by Customer support.5. All bolts for mounting load and base should be used to ensure stiff coupling.A P P L i C A t i o N N o t e sm o d e L N o m e N C L A t u R e34K o L L m o R G e NDH 08 1 M - 1 2 - 1 3 1 0 - xxxdirect drive seriesD = 115/230 VAC windingDH = 400/480 VAC windingmotor Frame size06 = 6.93” O.D. 08 = 8.60” O.D. 10 = 11.19” O.D. 14 = 14.25” O.D.Rotor stack Length1 = Short stack2 = Mid stack3 = Long stackWinding typeA = Std. w/ resolver 1M = Std. w/ sine encoder mounting option1 = Face mount2 = Flange mountdesignated for specialsunit seal0 = Non-sealed unit5 = IP652 - length increase 7 = IP672 - length increase Bearing option1 = Single bearing design2 = Dual bearing design 3Feedback device2 = Resolver (“A” Winding Type)13 = Sine Encoder (“M” Winding Type)shaft option1= Straight thru bore w/ face coupling Connector type2 = Straight3 = 90o , rotatableModel NomenclatureNotes:1. Not available on d14x & dh14x.2. encoder sealed motors have increased length. see outline drawing.3. standard on d143 & dh143 models.ConnectivityAN = Analog command CN = CANopen EC = EtherCAT SQ = SynqNet06 = 120/240 Vac 1Ø/3Ø07 = 480 Vac 3ØextensionNA = Without extensionsAKD – B 003 06 – NA AN- 0000Note: Options shown in bold blue text are considered standard.variants0000 = StandardHoused DDR MotorAKD Servo Drivem o t i o N e e R i N G A P P L i C A t i o N e N G i N e35Features• Group multiple mechanisms within a “project” – organize and combine data for power supply and regeneration sizing• Types of mechanisms for analysis include lead screw, rack and pinion, conveyor, nip rolls, rotary and direct drive linear motor• Motion profile options include simple triangle, 1/3-1/3-1/3 trapezoidal, variable traverse trapezoidal, and more• Search results display shows color highlighted solution set of options for easy evaluation of system specifications and selectionSupported Operating Systems• Microsoft ® Windows 2000, XP , VistaMOTIONEERING 6.0 includes• Electric cylinder sizing and selection with AKM servomotor systems • Rodless actuator with AKM servomotor systems (performance curves included)• Precision table with AKM servomotor systems (performance curves included)• PDF report functionality (includes application, drive, motor, positioner, and system specifications all in one easy-to-read report)MOTIONEERING ®Application Engineto help select and size Kollmorgen components, this Windows ®-based motor-sizing program takes a systems approach to the selection of brushless, dC servomotors, stepper motors and drives. motioNeeRiNG application engine, available at , uses a project concept for the collection and saving of rotary and linear multi-axis load information. this provides the user the flexibility to sum the effects of multiple axes of motion for power supply and shunt regeneration sizing.A wide variety of linear and rotary mechanisms are provided including lead screw, rack and pinion, conveyor, nip rolls, cylinder, rotary, and direct data-entry using unique sizing algorithms and product databases criteria.the searchable database consists of hundreds of systems on product combinations including rotary housed and frameless brushless servomotors, direct drive rotary and linear brushless servomotors, linear positioners (electric cylinders, rodless positioners, and precision tables) and stepper systems.the motioNeeRiNG application engine also provides versatile units-of-measure selection options for mechanism and motion profile data-entry, with the ability to convert data into other available units. online help explains program functionsand the definition of terms and equations used in the program.©2012 Kollmorgen Corporation. All rights reserved. Km_sG_00079_RevB_eNspecifications are subject to change without notice. it is the responsibility of the product user to determine the suitability of this product for a specific application. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Santa BarbaraTijuanaRadfordLausanneMilanMumbaiKluangHong Kong ShanghaiBeijing NagoyaTokyo。
Kollmorgen品牌涵盖了运动控制器、、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、直线电机,力矩电机等多种产品,其中伺服电机和伺服驱动器主要包括以下系列产品:Kollmorgen AKM伺服电机、Kollmorgen PLATINUM DDL直线电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE DDR直驱力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen CARTRIDGE DDR直驱伺服电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE伺服电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE BH/MH系列伺服电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE B/M/EB(防爆)/BE/ME系列伺服电机Kollmorgen GOLDLINE XT系列MTXXX伺服电机、Kollmorgen DBL/DBK同步伺服电机、Kollmorgen Seidel同步伺服电机、Kollmorgen Bautz同步伺服电机、Kollmorgen F/FH无框力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen RBE(H)无框力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen BM(S)无框力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen DDR直驱力矩电机、Kollmorgen 直驱无框力矩电机、Kollmorgen Inland直驱直流力矩电机、Kollmorgen ServoDisc有刷直流伺服电机、Kollmorgen Bautz Servo Linear Actuators、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR CD伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR CD SynqNet伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR200(S200)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR400(S400)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR300(S300)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR600(S600)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR700(S700)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen AKD伺服驱动器。
目录◆ 直接驱动电机概述 4◆ 模块化直接驱动旋转® (DDR) 电机 6◆ 冲床给料设备应用 9◆ 系统概述 10 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 性能数据 12 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 外形图 28 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 安装要求 36 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 模块化DDR ®的连接器引脚分配 38◆ 模块化DDR ®到AKD 系列电缆 39◆ 模块化DDR ®的型号命名 40◆ AKD 系列伺服驱动器 42 AKD ®2G 伺服驱动器 AKD ®伺服驱动器◆ AKD 系列伺服驱动器的型号命名 52◆ 科尔摩根解决方案 55 自动化和运动控制 自助工具科尔摩根模块化直接驱动旋转电机选型指南克服设计、采购和时间障碍科尔摩根深知:如果能帮助原始设备制造商的工程师清除各种障碍,就可以显著提高其工作效率。
我们拥有专业应用知识,可以根据全面的产品组合来修改标准产品或开发完全定制化的解决方案,从而为设计奠定良好的 基础。
AKD 2G 伺服驱动器AKD 2G 是AKD伺服驱动器。
除了功率密度更大外,AKD2G 功能,因此更加简单易用。
AKD2G Servo on a Chip 计算引擎,该引擎可同时对2个轴和最多28个I/O进行控制。
在开发的过程中,我们为AKD2G A K D 2G 伺服驱动器A K D2 G伺服驱动器AKD 2G伺服驱动器AKD2G具有无可比拟的连接性基础型号科尔摩根AKD2G的基础型号拥有上文所述的所有性能,并且经优化可通过科尔摩根的Smart Feedback或HIPERFACE DSL与单连接器电机连接。
SafeMotion监视器 (SMM)扩展I/O型号可选配SMM。
双轴AKD2G 480 Vac(图示带选配的反馈和I/O扩展)双轴AKD2G 240 Vac(图示带选配的SMM、反馈和I/O扩展)Safety overA K D 2G 驱动器的连接器布局图AKD2G 驱动器的连接器布局图全彩 (RGB) 背光器,160 x 128像素可选运动总线:»EtherCAT»FSoE »CANopen 接地同时还安装了屏蔽装置交流电源(输入和输出):120/240 Vac, 240/480 Vac可选的反馈端口(15针 “D-sub”):»双环反馈 »传统反馈• 旋转变压器• A-QUAD-B • EnDAT • BiSS • sin/cos 等»EEO (编码器仿真)模拟输入模拟输出数字输入(灌电流),其中2路为高速型数字输出(拉电流)继电器输出,24V @ 2A 双通道STOI/O 扩展的驱动器提供: (I/O):I/O 扩展:前视图底视图针对单混合电缆接口进行了优化: »电机功率 »制动器 »反馈移动式存储器(标准SD 卡)第二电机» » »24Vdc 逻辑电源输入*SMM = 可选的SafeMotion 监视器**I/O 数表示标准I/O 和扩展I/O 的总和安全地址设置(包含在SMM 选项中)安全选件 »安全制动器 »安全反馈带SMM*和I/O 扩展的驱动器提供:模拟输入模拟输出数字输入(灌电流),其中2路为高速型“开路”数字输出,作为无电势的输出对(灌电流/拉电流5V-24V ),高速型数字输出(拉电流)2 x RS485式可选输入或输出,5V 1 x 继电器输出,24V @ 2A 1 x 单通道或双通道STO2 x 模拟输入2 x 模拟输出8 x 数字输入(灌电流),其中2路为高速型4 x “安全”数字输入(灌电流,)可配置为“常规”输入或2 x “开路”数字输出(灌电流/拉电流5V-24V ),高速型2 x 数字输出(拉电流)4 x “安全”输出(拉电流)2 x RS485式可选输入或输出,5V ,高速型1 x 继电器输出,24V @ 2A 1 x 单通道或双通道STO型号名称A* 当前尚不提供12 A 的双轴驱动器。