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浪潮全产品手册浪潮服务器关键应用主机高性能人工智能英信服务器统一存储天梭M13天梭TS860G3天梭TS860M5TL1000/2000DPS-M1BCP FS5900FS6500/6600FS6800FS9510/9520 NF5180M5NF5280M5NF5270M5NF8480M5大数据云海Insight 云海大数据一体机NF5486M5NF5466M5I9000SR整机柜InCloudRack融合架构整机柜AS5600G2/AS5800G2AS2200G2/AS2600G2AS5300G2/AS5500G2AS5600AS18000NP5570M5ON5263M5OB5161M4OB5162M5存储光纤交换机备份软件业务连续性保护软件磁带库DP1000-M1备份一体机目录NF8260M5i24NF5280M5AGX-2GX4NF5280M5-VNF5468M5SR-AI整机柜F10A FPGAAS1300G2/1500G2/1600G2AS13000HF5000软件定义存储HF系列全闪AS2600G2-F/AS5300G2-F/AS5500G2-F/AS5600G2-F/AS5800G2-F安全可信服务器SSR主机安全增强系统安全应用交付系统运维安全管控系统数据库安全审计系统AIStation天眼AI应用程序特征分析系统深度学习框架CAFFE-MPIi48云操作系统K-DB数据库超融合架构一体机InCloud OpenStack云操作系统I8020刀片服务器 NF5288M5(AGX-2)NF5280M5i24i48TS860M5ClusterEngine集群管理平台基因一体机GeneEngine M2F10A FPGA天眼高性能应用特征监控分析系统K-DB K-RAC集群云海OS·服务器虚拟化系统 V5数据中心管理平台InCloud Manager01关键应用主机天梭M13支持高达48TB内存容量的千核级新一代关键应用主机,拥有单日处理数十亿笔交易的强大计算能力,为客户核心业务量身打造。
CONTENTS 产品目录百度智能云介绍BAIDU AI CLOUD INTRODUCTION 02云基础云服务器BCC百度太行·弹性裸金属服务器 BBC云手机私有网络VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)对象存储容器引擎CCE关系型OLTP数据库RDS内容分发网络CDN边缘计算节点BEC超级链BaaSCLOUD SERVICES04人工智能人脸与人体识别OCR文字识别语音技术EasyDL零门槛AI开发平台BML 全功能AI开发平台虚拟现实技术VRARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE16百度智能云产品家族03BAIDU AI CLOUD PRODUCTS44INDUSTRY INTELLIGENCE APPLICATION行业智能应用企业风险监测及智能图谱数字员工IPA(智能流程自动化)工业视觉智能平台厂区安全巡检智能城管分析系统城市视觉智能工作站 36物联网边云融合物联网平台 IoT Stack 物联网核心套件 IoT Core智慧边缘 BIE时序时空数据库 TSDB时空数据管理平台 SDMP物可视 IoT Visualization度能-物联网能源服务度家-AIOT语音语义平台INTERNET OF THINGS 智能大数据数据湖管理与分析平台EDAP数据可视化 Sugar SMART BIG DATA24智能视频音视频处理MCP视频创作分发平台VideoWorks SMART VIDEO28安全主机安全HOSTEYE应用防火墙WAF流量审计IDS SAFETY3202数据计算M a p R e d u c e 流式计算搜索与分析E l a s t i c s e a r c h 数据仓库P a l o 数据开发数据湖管理与分析E a s y D A P 数据工厂P i n g o 相关解决方案数据仓库数据中台数据可视化日志分析数据应用企业图谱平台客群洞察舆情服务联合建模统计分析云数据可视化数据可视化S u g a r 数据集成日志服务消息服务 f o r K a f k a 智能大数据相关解决方案数据采集与标注人脸通行考勤平台内容审核方案消费者评论分析A I 同传智能招聘知识中台A I 中台人脸口罩O C R 文字识别通用场景文字识别卡证文字识别财务票据文字识别医疗票据文字识别汽车场景文字识别教育场景文字识别其他场景文字识别I O C R 自定义模板文字识别语言与知识语言处理基础技术语言处理应用技术知识理解文本审核智能对话定制平台智能文档分析平台智能创作增强现实3D 肢体关键点S D K 美颜滤镜S D K 短视频S D K 视频技术多模态媒资检索媒体内容分析媒体内容审核A I 硬件与平台G P U 服务器机器人平台度目视频分析盒子度目A I 镜头模组度目人脸应用套件度目人脸抓拍机人脸识别摄像机昆仑A I 加速卡语音技术短语音识别实时语音识别音频文件转写在线语音合成离线语音合成语音自训练平台图像技术图像识别图像审核图像搜索图像增强图像特效车辆分析人脸识别与人体识别人脸识别云服务人脸识别私有化人脸离线识别S D K 人脸实名认证人像特效人体分析数据采集与标注数据采集服务数据标注服务A I 开发平台全功能A I 开发平台B M L 零门槛A I 开发平台E a s y D L 人工智能 网络弹性公网I P 共享宽带私有网络V P C 服务网卡N A T 网关对等连接负载均衡智能云解析D N S 智能流量管理V P N 网关专线接入计算云服务器专属服务器弹性裸金属服务器G P U 云服务器F P G A 云服务器弹性伸缩应用引擎云通信简单消息服务云呼叫中心号码隐私保护服务管理运维云监控云顾问区块链与可信计算超级链B a a S 平台超级链可信计算相关解决方案存储分发解决方案备份归档解决方案智能运维平台专有云专有云A B C S t a c k 专有云存储A B C S t o r a g e 存储对象存储云磁盘文件存储存储网关C D N 与边缘服务内容分发网络C D N 动态加速海外C D N 边缘计算节点容器引擎服务容器实例函数计算云原生云原生微服务应用平台数据库关系型数据库云数据库R D S f o r M y S Q L 版云数据库R D S f o r S Q L S e r v e r 版云数据库R D S f o r P o s t g r e S Q L 版云数据库G a i a D B -X N o S Q L 数据库云数据库S C S f o r R e d i s 版云数据库T a b l e S t o r a g e 云数据库D o c D B f o r M o n g o D B 版时序时空数据库T S D B 消息列队f o r R a b b i t M Q 分析型数据库云数据库F u s i o n D B 数据库服务数据传输服务D T S 数据库专家服务D E S 数据库审计云基础智能视频行业智能应用视频分发加速内容分发网络C D N 音视频直播海外C D N 动态加速边缘计算节点视频平台音视频点播平台边缘视频监控E V S视频存储对象存储视频生产与处理移动直播S D K 短视频S D K 音视频处理智感超清转码视频理解媒体内容分析媒体内容审核直播内容审核多模态媒资检索视频互动实时音视频R T C 3D 肢体关键点S D K 美颜滤镜S D K 相关解决方案智能互联网视频智能媒体相关解决方案智慧城市智慧金融智能制造智能制造工业视觉智能平台度能-智能能源服务厂区安全巡检教育与培训百度智能云A B C 课程百度智能云A B C 人才认证智慧金融企业图谱平台金融智能获客平台度御大数据风控百鉴金融画像平台智能企业风险监测超级链B a a S 平台智慧城市公共安全监控分析系统机器智能行为分析系统城市视觉智能城管分析系统机器智能车辆分析系统城市视觉智能工作站区块链与可信计算超级链B a a S 平台超级链可信计算联合建模智能联络中心智能客服智能外呼相关解决方案智能客服营销云C o u d D S P C o u d S S P C o u d A D X 智能对话营销服务广告点击率评估专有云专有云A B C S t a c k 专有云存储A B C S t o r a g e 智能运维平台域名与网络域名服务云虚拟主机智营销建站主机商务安全主机智能门户域名服务智能云解析D N S 移动域名解析S S L 证书智能流量管理统计分析云短网址服务备案服务商标服务智能办公:文档服务 文本审核 爱速搭·应用搭建平台企业智能应用 开发者服务开发者平台效率云项目管理代码托管持续交付代码扫描函数计算A R 开放平台A P I 网关开发者公举问卷调研服务S D K 中心A P I 中心移动开发移动A P P 推送服务移动A P P 测试服务监控运维云监管云顾问云安全D D o S 防护服务应用防火墙W A F 安全检测服务主机安全流量审计分析业务安全营销活动防刷渠道推广防护账号安全保护相关解决方案等保合规云上安全身份管理身份管理服务物联网安全物联网安全套件密钥管理服务数据库审计S S L 证书数据安全与隐私保护物联网基础服务物联网核心套件物联网私有平台边云融合物联网平台I o T S t a c k 物联网数据管理与分析物联网可视化设计时序时空数据库T S D B 物联网专业平台度家-A I o T 语音语义平台度行-物联网车辆云度能-物联网能源服务物联网边云融合智能边缘云手机相关解决方案智能物联网物联网安全物联网安全套件物联网BAIDU AI CLOUD PRODUCTS 百度智能云产品家族04基于百度多年积累的技术和实践,百度智能云打造了AI-Native云计算架构及产品方案矩阵,为客户提供计算、网络、存储、数据库、CDN、云原生等全栈云计算服务能力,实现全维度能力输出。
USBCAN-8E-U工业级高性能CAN 接口卡修订历史目录1. 产品简介 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2产品外观 (1)1.3功能特点 (2)1.4产品规格 (3)1.4.1电气参数 (3)1.4.2工作温度 (3)1.4.3防护等级 (3)1.5机械安装尺寸 (4)1.6典型应用 (5)2. 设备硬件接口说明 (6)2.1电源接线 (6)2.2终端电阻拨码开关 (6)2.3CAN通讯接口 (7)2.4信号指示灯 (8)2.5系统连接 (9)3. 驱动程序安装 (10)3.1驱动安装 (10)3.2卸载驱动 (14)4. 快速使用指南 (15)4.1CANTest基本操作 (15)4.1.1设备类型选择 (15)4.1.2转发设置 (16)4.1.3滤波设置 (17)4.2发送接收实验 (18)4.2.1搭建测试环境 (18)4.2.2打开设备 (18)4.2.3发送数据 (18)4.2.4实时保存与停止保存 (19)4.2.5总线利用率 (19)4.2.6错误信息显示 (20)5. 设备重启和升级操作指导 (21)5.1.1设备重启 (21)5.1.2设备升级 (21)6. 上位机二次开发指导 (22)6.1前期准备资料 (22)6.2接口函数使用常见问题 (22)6.3接口库函数使用流程 (24)7. 检查和维护 (25)8. 装箱清单 (26)9. 免责说明 (27)1. 产品简介1.1 产品概述USBCAN-8E-U是广州致远电子开发的一款高性能CAN接口卡,其兼容USB2.0总线规范,集成8路CAN-bus接口,CAN通道集成独立的电气隔离保护电路。
TB8规格书Taurus 系列 多媒体播放器V1.6.3V4.0西安诺瓦星云科技股份有限公司TB8规格书目录目录目录 ...................................................................................................................................... i 1 概述 . (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 应用场景 (1)2 产品特点 (3)2.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 处理性能强大 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3 全方位控制方案 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.4 支持同步异步双模式.................................................................................................................................... 3 2.5 支持双WiFi 模式 ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.5.1 WiFi AP 模式 ............................................................................................................................................. 4 2.5.2 WiFi Sta 模式 ............................................................................................................................................ 4 2.5.3 WiFi AP+Sta 模式 . (4)3 硬件结构 (5)3.1 外观图 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1.1 前面板 (5)3.1.2 后面板 ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 尺寸图 (7)4 软件结构 (8)4.1 系统软件 (8)4.2 配置软件 (8)5 产品规格 ........................................................................................................................... 9 6 音视频解码规格 .. (11)6.1 图片 ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.2 音频 ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.3 视频 .. (12)西安诺瓦星云科技股份有限公司1概述1.1 产品简介Taurus 系列产品为诺瓦科技针对LED 全彩显示屏推出的第二代多媒体播放器。
無線主動降噪高清耳機用户手册说明感谢您购买 PSB Speakers M4U 8 头戴式耳机。
借助 45 年以上音频领域的杰出经验和研究成果验,M4U 头戴式耳机提供了无以伦比的音质、全天候舒适度和可折叠携带的便携性,可满足音乐发烧友和专业人士的需要。
PSB 的逼真音质和时尚的人体工学设计让您无论在何处都能忙里偷闲地体验一场个人音乐会。
规格信息工作温度范围: 5°C – 40°C 工作频率范围: 蓝牙 2.4G 最大输出功率: 5.5mW 输入额定值: 5VDC, 1A 电池额定值: 1.2V, 750mAh 电池充电时间: 4 小时 重量: 332g符合 2014/53/EU 欧盟指令的基本要求和其他相关条款。
生产日期:产品序列号第二部分的第一个数字表示生产的年份;“7” 是指 2017 年。
责任方:Lenbrook Industries Limited.633 Granite Court, Pickering, Ontario, Canada,邮编:L1W 3K1.电话:(905) 831-6333,传真:(905) 831-6936Bluetooth® 文字商标和标志是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc 拥有的注册商标,NAD Electronics 对此类商标的任何使用都已得到许可。
N-Mark 是 NFC Forum, Inc. 在美国以及其他国家的商标或注册商标。
OSHA 指导方针关于噪音暴露的限值《职业安全健康管理》(OSHA) 已经针对最大日常暴露和音压级【以分贝 (dB)为单位】发布耳机使用建议。
分贝是随着音量成倍增加的安全信息请阅读本手册以确保尽可能了解您的 PSB 产品和音乐。
本设备符合《联邦通讯委员会规则》(FCC Rules) 第 15 节之规定。
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SUBWOOFERSupporting your digital lifestyle™Important Safety InstructionsCAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE BACK PANEL.NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICEPERSONNEL.DANGEROUS VOLTAGEThe lightning flash with arrowhead, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user of the presence of non-insulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute arisk of electric shock to persons.ATTENTIONThe exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user of the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literatureaccompanying the apparatus.FCC Warnings• Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.• This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.FCC Notice:• This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Industry Canada Notice:• Complies with CAN ICES-3(B) / NMB-3(B)2• Read these instructions.• Keep these instructions.• Heed all warnings.• Follow all instructions.• Do not use this apparatus near water.• Clean only with a dry cloth.• Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.• Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.•Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized orgrounding–type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit in your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.• Protect the power–supply cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the apparatus.•Only use attachments / accessories specified by the manufacturer.• Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.• Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power–supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, the apparatus does not operate normally, or the apparatus has been dropped.• Apparatus shall be connected to a MAINS socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.• An appliance input coupler is used as the disconnect device — the disconnect device shall remain readily operable.• Batteries or battery packs shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.• Maintain minimum distances around the apparatus for sufficient ventilation:• — the ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.• No open–flame sources such as lit candles should be placed on the apparatus.• Use this apparatus in moderate climates.This equipment is Class IIIntroductionThank you for choosing the sub8 powered subwoofer. sub8 was designed to augment the bass performance of your speakers in a stereo setup or in a home theater installation.Adding a subwoofer to your system extends the bass response produced by your existing speakers and improves their midrange clarity. In a home theater application, the subwoofer takes care of reproducing signals from the low frequency effects channel. In a stereo system, the subwoofer helps reduce the low-frequency demands on the main speakers.We recommend you read all instructions carefully before using the sub8 and keep them for future reference. Kanto cannot be liable for damage or injury caused by incorrect setup or use of this product.This powered subwoofer was carefully tested and inspected during production, and before packaging and shipping. After unpacking, please check for any damage. It is rare that a unit is damaged during shipping, but if this happens contact your retailer immediately. You can also contact Kanto directly:34What’s In the Box?Power CordUserManualsx3sub8RCA CableFRONT PANEL1 8” Paper Cone Driver5™61 Volume Knob2 Low-Pass FilterFrequency Control 3 Standby Power 4 Phase Switch 5 Line Level Input 67 53REAR PANELEnsure that the ON/OFF Switch is in the OFF position before connecting any component.To some degree, positioning the subwoofer is less critical because it produces only non-directional low-frequency sounds. However, best results are obtained if the subwoofer is placed either between the left and right speakers or in the vicinity of either the left channel or right channel speaker.As with all speakers, moving the sub8 very close to room boundaries will enhance the bass frequencies but will tend to muddy the sound. Room characteristics and positioning have a profound effect on the performance of the subwoofer, so time and effort devoted to achieving the optimum operating position will be rewarded.In a typical full range application using one subwoofer like the sub8 thru a single wire connection, you can connect to either the Left or Right Line Level Input. Connect your stereo component such as powered speakers with subwoofer output (e.g. YU2, YU4, YU6), power or integrated amplifiers with preamplifier output , or multi-channel home theater receivers with subwoofer output. If your components are equipped with both L/R subwoofer outputs or L/R preamplifier outputs, we recommend connecting the component to the sub8 by using both Left and Right Line Level Input channels.The Low-Pass Filter Control is used to set the upper limit of the frequencies that sub8 will reproduce, typically within the range of 40Hz-120Hz. Refer to your manufacturer’s information for the cut-off frequency of your main speakers.The Phase Switch is normally set to 0°. If the sub8 is positioned significantly farther from the main speakers or if the subwoofer is used in a stereo setup where the amplifier driving the main speakers inverts the phase signal, the 180° setting may be desirable. Listen with the switch in both positions and select the setting that gives the fullest sound. If in doubt, or if there is little difference, leave the switch set to 0°.Follow the instructions on the following page to connect your components to sub8. The examples are not meant to be exhaustive - just examples.ATTENTIONWhen connecting audio cables the ON/OFF Switch must be turned OFF. After connecting all cables, the unit can beturned ON.7™89Audio Troubleshooting GuideFrequently asked questions about Kanto’s sub8 subwoofer.• Ensure audio source is playing audio.• Check that the audio cable connectedto the source is firmly connected. Test another audio cable if available.• Verify that the volume of the subwooferis not at it’s minimum level.2. The green light on the rear of thesubwoofer is illuminated but there’s no audio playing.• Ensure the power cable is connected tothe subwoofer and power outlet.• Ensure that the power outlet is providingpower.• Verify that the power switch on the rearof the subwoofer is in the “On” position.• Check the fuse on the rear panel of thesubwoofer to ensure it’s intact.1. None of the lights on the rear of thesubwoofer are illuminated.• Set the source of the volume to ahigher level and reduce the volume of the subwoofer. Low source volume can negatively affect dynamic range.• Test a different song or source to isolatethe issue.• Adjust crossover to match the rest ofthe system.3. You are experiencing poor audioquality.• Ensure you are using an RCA to RCAsubwoofer cable • Verify if the noise is coming from thesource by removing the source from the subwoofer.• Make sure it is not a power issue bytrying a power outlet that is on a different circuit.• Check that the audio cable connectedto and from the source is firmly seated. Try a different cable or source to isolate the issue.6. You are experiencing buzzing,hissing or distortion.5. There’s no audio coming from anattached subwoofer.• Check that the RCA cable connected toand from the subwoofer is firmly seated. Try a different cable or source to isolate the issue.• Make sure the subwoofer is connectedto a power outlet and is set to “On” or “Auto”.• Increase the volume of the subwoofer.4. Speakers are going into standbywhile listening to audio.• Set the volume of the source to itshighest level. Low source volume can inadvertently trigger standby mode.10Specificationssub8 SUBWOOFERWoofer 8” Paper Cone DriverNominal Impedance 4 OhmSensitivity 2.83V (/1W/1m) 88 dBAmplifier Type Class DPower Output 125 WattsInput Sensitivity 100 mVTotal Harmonic Distortion < 0.3%Frequency Response 35 Hz - 175 HzLow-Pass Filter 40 Hz - 120 HzPhase Switch 0º and 180º Inputs 1 x RCA L/R Line LevelInput Voltage / Frequency AC 100 V - 240 V 50/60 Hz (auto switching)Standby Power Consumption < 0.5 WDimensions W 11”x H 11” x D 11” (280 x 280 x 280 mm)Net Weight 17.2 lb (7.8 kg)Gross Weight20.5 lb (9.3 kg) 11™NOTICE: This appliance is labeled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC concerning waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This label indicates that this product should not be disposed of with household waste. It should bedeposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and recycling.Kanto Audio @kantoaudio kantoaudio+Kanto Living Kanto LivingLimited Warranty to Original PurchaserKanto Living Inc. (Kanto) warrants the equipment it manufactures to be free from defects in material and workmanship for the limited warranty period of 2 years.If equipment fails because of such defects and Kanto is notified within 2 years from the date of shipment with proof of original invoice from an authorized reseller, Kanto will, at its option, provide replacement parts orreplace the equipment, provided that the equipment has not been subjected to mechanical, electrical, or other abuse or modifications. Any replacement parts or replacement units are warranted for 90 days from the day of reshipment to the original purchaser.Customers will be responsible for obtaining a Return Authorization Number and paying shipping costs to return product to a Kanto location or authorized depot. If the equipment is covered under the warranty provisions above, Kanto will replace parts or provide a replacement unit, and be responsible for shipping costs to the customer. Please keep the original packaging to prevent damage to the product during shipping. Insuring your shipment is also recommended.The information in the manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, Kanto assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in the manual. In no event will Kanto be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, all of which are expressly disclaimed.19-A |***********************Toll Free: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999。
ISO - 8U Eight Output Isolated Power Supply With USBUser's ManualIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION – READ FIRSTThis symbol, whenever it appears alerts you to the presenceof uninsulated dangerous voltage inside the enclosure-voltage that may be sufficient to constitute a risk of shock.This symbol, whenever it appears, alerts you to importantoperating and maintenance instructions in theaccompanying literature. Please read the manual.Read Instructions: Retain safety and operating instructions for future reference. Heed all warnings printed here and on the equipment. Follow the operating instructions printed in this user manual.Do not open: There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer any service work to qualified technical personnel only.Environment: Protect from excessive dirt, dust, heat, and vibration when operating and storing. Avoid tobacco ash, drink spillage and smoke, especially that associated with smoke machines.Handling: Protect the controls from damage during transit. Use adequate padding if you need to ship the unit. To avoid injury to yourself or damage to the equipment, take care when lifting, moving or carrying the unit.Servicing: Refer servicing to qualified technical personnel.Installation: Install the unit in accordance with the instructions printed in the user manual.INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing Applied Research and Technology’s ISO-8U. Two high power outputs can provide 250mA. All other outputs are capable of providing up to 100mA. There is one variable voltage output to simulate worn batteries.Each output is individually current limited and short circuit protected. An Output status indicator goes out when there is a fault (i.e., short, current protection or temp overload).A USB type A jack can provide high power charging up to 10Watts. The charging port will remain active as long as the unit is powered by the external supply.The unit comes with a wide variety of cables to connect your pedals including battery clip adapters, large and small diameter power plugs, and “Y” for expanding the number of devices you can connect and even a polarity reversing cable. FEATURES∙Eight Isolated DC Outputs∙One Adjustable Output∙Each Output Has a switchable voltage∙USB Power jack for high-speed charging∙Comes with multiple adaptor cords∙Runs off a Universal power supply∙Tie wrap slots for clean wire routing∙Perfect for powering guitar pedals, and pedal boards1Designed and developed in the USA INSTALLATION and OPERATION2Status LED’sThese LEDs remain lit as long as there are no electrical faults with the cabling or the pedal you are supplying power too. If a particular fault seen at one of the outputs, the LED dim or turn off and the voltage at that output will diminish. The cable connection on the output with the fault will have to be removed and reconnected for the output to be reset.SAG VoltageTo enable this function on voltage output1 the dip switch will need to be set to 4-9v. Then the user can vary the voltage from the pot on the unit face.3APPLICATIONSThe ART ISO-8U is designed so that it can be mounted on a pedal base using Velcro. The front and sides are recessed to protect the cables and controls.The bottom edge of the ISO-8U has slots that allow you to use cable ties to control the routing of the power cables. Once you loosely insert the wire ties through the slots you can run the power cables through the remaining loops. Once all of the cables are in place, you can tighten down the wire ties.45Cable Choices Qty Cable Description6 - 24-inch straight barrel 5.1mm to 5.1mm barrel 2 - 24-inch Rt. Angle 5.1mm to 5.1mm barrel1 - Battery clip to 5.1mm barrel1 - Polarity reversal 5.1mm to 5.1mm barrel1 - “Y” cable (5.1mm) barrel1 - 3.5mm barrel to 5.1mm barrelPowering your PedalsThe first step in using the ART ISO-8U to power your device, would be to make sure that pedal device you want to use can be powered by a dc supply. The range on the ART ISO-8U is 9 or 12vdc or combining to outputs to achieve 18 or 24vdc, remember that there is a max current draw on each output. Then verifying the polarity of the pedal device, you are wanting to power. Generally, 9V battery powered devices will draw less that 100mA.The ART ISO-8U uses the negative center pin configuration.This will determine if you need to use the polarityreversal cable or one of the standard cables. Thiswill allow you to use a pedal that has a positivecenter pin. Before you connect the cable from the unit, make sure you set the dipswitch to the appropriate voltage (9v or 12v).If you have a pedal device that does not have a power jack and is powered by a 9V battery, then you can use the cable that has the battery tab connector.There is a limitation on current loading, as this unit is not meant to run all of the outputs at their maximum current draw.6WARRANTY INFORMATIONLimited WarrantyApplied Research and Technology will provide warranty and service for this unit in accordance with the following warrants: Applied Research and Technology, (A R T) warrants to the original purchaser that this product and the components thereof will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Applied Research and Technology will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective product or component parts upon prepaid delivery to the factory service department or authorized service center, accompanied by proof of purchase date in the form of a valid sales receipt.Online RegistrationWe recommend that you register your product online to insure prompt warranty repair servicing on any repair issues. Please go to . Select “Support”, then "Product Registration". Then input your information here.7ExclusionsThis warranty does not apply in the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs. This warranty is void if the serial number is altered, defaced, or removed.A R T reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured.A R T shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including without limitation damages resulting from loss of use. Some states do not allow limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may have other rights, which vary from state to state.For units purchased outside the United States, an authorized distributor of Applied Research and Technology will provide serviceFill in the following information for your reference:Date of purchase ___________________Purchased from ___________________8SERVICEThe following information is provided in the unlikely event that your unit requires service.1. Be sure that the unit is the cause of the problem. Check tomake sure the unit has power, all cables are connectedcorrectly, and the cables themselves are in workingcondition. You may want to consult with your dealer forassistance in troubleshooting or testing your particular configuration.2. If you believe that the ART unit is at fault, go to.3. Select “Support”, then “Return Authorization Request” torequest a return authorization number.4. If you are returning the unit for service, pack the unit in itsoriginal carton or a reasonable substitute. The originalpackaging may not be suitable as a shipping carton, soconsider putting the packaged unit in another box forshipping. Print the RA number clearly on the outside of theshipping box. Print your return shipping address on theoutside of the box.5. Include, with your unit, a note with the RA number and yourcontact information, including a return shipping address (wecannot ship to a P.O. box) and a daytime phone number,and a description of the problem, preferably attached to thetop of the unit. Also include a copy of your purchase receipt9SPECIFICATIONSInput Connections12v/2.5A UniversalOutput Connections 2.1mm x 5.1mm barrelconnection, negative tipMax output current Out1-6: 100mAOut 7, 8: 250mACables provided6-24-inch 5.1mm to 5.1mm2-24-inch Rt. Angle 5.1mm to5.1mm1-Battery clip to 5.1mm1-Polarity reverse 5.1mm to5.1mm1-“Y" cable (5.1mm)1-3.5mm to 5.1mmUSB Output 10 Watts MaxExternal Power required 85-240VAC-50/60hz-30Wuniversal power supply Dimensions (HxWxD) 1.33-inch x 6.8-inch x 2.8-inch(34 x 172.7 x 71.1 mm) Weight .61lbs / .28kg10E-mail:***********************© 2021 Applied Research & Technology / Yorkville Sound ISO-8U ISO-5004-102。
第二步:了解8dm质量标准的八个步骤1. 制定团队:选择一个跨职能团队来解决质量问题,并确保团队成员具有相应的技能和知识。
2. 问题定义:明确和准确地描述问题,包括问题的性质、范围和影响,以及客户的需求和期望。
3. 短期对策:为了快速解决问题,制定一些临时或紧急措施来减少或消除问题的影响。
4. 根本原因分析:通过采用一些常用的问题分析工具(如5W2H、鱼骨图、流程图等),确定问题的真正根本原因。
5. 长期对策:开发和实施一套长期解决方案,以防止问题再次发生或影响其他产品。
6. 周期性验证:定期验证长期解决方案的有效性,并采取适当的措施来修正和改进。
7. 预防措施:提高整个组织的质量水平,通过培训和教育来预防类似问题的再次发生。
8. 结案和认可:在问题解决后,对团队成员进行认可,并从整个组织范围内分享和应用所学到的经验。
第三步:学习如何应用8dm质量标准应用8dm质量标准需要以下几个关键要素:1. 有效的团队合作:8dm方法强调跨职能团队的合作和协作,因此建立一个高效的团队至关重要。
2. 有效的沟通:团队成员之间和与相关方之间的沟通必须清晰、准确、及时,并确保信息的传递和理解。
3. 数据分析和问题解决技巧:团队成员应掌握常用的问题分析方法和工具,并能够有效地分析数据和找到问题的根本原因。
4. 持续改进和学习:8dm质量标准强调持续改进和学习,团队成员应积极参与质量改进活动,并不断提高自己的专业知识和技能。
6Click on A PPLY to validate the changes of TCP/IP Confi guration (this will restart the OTU-8000).7Connect the OTU-8000 to the LAN and try to connect to it by entering its IP adress inside a Web Browser on a computer present on the LAN.4. O PTICAL CONNECTIONSThe patchcord between the OTDR and the Switch is supplied with the OTU-8000.The patchcords from the Switch to the ODF are not supplied.Once all the patchcords are plugged in, the plexy protector can be installed.5. T ECHNICAL ASSISTANCEIf you need assistance or have questions related to the use of this product, call or e-mail JDSU’s Technical Assistance Center for customer support.RegionPhone NumberAmericas / Telecom Products /Other countries 866 228 3762World Wide: +1 301 353 1550Europe, Africa, and Mid-East +49 (0) 7121 86 1345 (Europe)+33 (0) 1 30 81 50 60 (JDSU France)Asia and the Pacifi c Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand+852 2892 0990 (Hong Kong)+86 10 6833 7477 (Beijing-China)OTU-8000 GETTING STARTED MANUALThe OTU-8000 installation requires going through : -Mechanical installation -Electrical connection -Communication setup -Optical connectionsWORK STATION : -Web BrowserSUPPLYING WIRES :GSM Antenna+SMTP AddressONMS SERVERFemale connectorOPTION CONVERTER AC – DC:With female connectorN E T W Male Ground Connector IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway1. M ECHANICAL I NSTALLATION - I NSTALLING THE OTU -8000 INTO THE RACK1Fix the brackets inside the rack.Fixing brackets on the rack (screws M6 and ring)Left bracket (when you are facing the OTU)Right bracket (when you are facing the OTU)2Click the OTU on the brackets.3Fix the spacers in which the plexy protector will be screwed in.Mark for wrench HS8 1/4’’ (Inch)2. E LECTRICAL C ONNECTIONSThe OTU-8000 works on a DC -48V power supply. It supports a dual feed.1If using only one source, screw the source’s wires inside the 5 points connector as (one the of the options)shown opposite2Wrap the power cables around theferite delivered.3Use the ground connector supplied to connect the OTU to the ground.SWITCH ON/OFF PROCEDURES The OTU-8000 has no ON/OFF button.It is automatically switched ON once the power is plugged in.SWITCH-OFF PROCEDURETo switch the OTU off, the user must follow the procedure below 1. Keep the O FF button pressed for about 3 sec.2. Wait for the LED Standby to be solid green.3. Unplug the Power-Supply connector.T e s tL A NM o d e mS t a n b yP ow e rU n itDef IPOffServerFuse3. C OMMUNICATIONThe OTU-8000’s network information (IP address, sub-mask and gateway) must be confi gured before the OTU-8000 can be reached via the LAN.This is done by:1Plugging a PC (set in DHCP to obtain an IP automatically) to the OTU-8000 usinga crossed Ethernet cable .2Restarting it into a special mode called Def-IP Modeby keeping pushed during few seconds the DEF IPbutton after plugging the power supply.48 V DCDef IP buttonCrossed Cable Once in Def-Ip mode, the LED Server-LAN fl ashes To enter the OTU’s network information : 3Open your Web Browser .4Login as “user install”.5In the confi guration menu go to the Ethernet tab and indicate the OTU Networksettings: -IP Address -IP Sub-Mask -IP Gateway -Domain Name-DNS Server address。
25mg/100g有毒化学物见Ambient Contaminants List-LIS-EMP-001. 产品的氯霉素指标不高于0.3ppb.或按新的FDA规定。
25mg/100g有毒化学物见Ambient Contaminants List-LIS-EMP-001.产品的氯霉素指标不高于0.3ppb.或按新的FDA规定。
9、微生物指标:微生物指标10、包装:a)整个产品应有食品级塑料袋包装并使用“ASIAN GOLD”包装。
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