Structure of bicycle
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专利名称:Structure of bicycle
发明人:伊 藤 嘉 信
摘要:(57)< Abstract > < Topic > Be able to show the trafficability whose efficiency is good the case of the hill climbing,When the basket is laid out in the front part, placing the baggage in the basket, it is cheapBe able to maintain the trafficability which fixed is done, furthermore, when riding in a car, to the pedalIt to be possible to maintain the
upright attitude which can make triggering easyThe ru bicycle is offered. Solutions In the front part of the frame itself, the nosewheel axial support is doneIt supports when the front fork is concatenated to the handle axisAs it has the ru bearing, on the rear section of the frame itself, shiTo provide the sheet supporter containment to, in this the rear wheel axial supportIn the bicycle which concatenates the rear fork which it does, the nosewheelTo be the diameter which is smaller than diameter of the rear wheel, the bearing and the pedalAs for interval of front and back with axis, pedal triggering field handleIn the range which does not interfere to the nosewheel which wobbles to left and right due to manipulation, it is briefIn order to become the ku, it is configurated.
申请人:伊藤 嘉信